Dusiue Uluriis. rp F MA PILL, M. P., PHYSICIAX I • AMi SURGEON —Office at his residence in VCyio.Y, Pa. July 28,185.7. —(im OR. JOHN MINTOSH, Sf T RGEOX DENTIST, HAS RETl T RN T R!>. Office next door IT Merenr's store. and over Alexander's Clothing Store, 1 JKain street,Towanda. Faiir—ry 24. i 5.".;., TAMES M ACFARLAXE, A TTORNBY P J AT EA If". TOWANDA. PA. Occupies the Office, in the I'nien Block, formerly owned by John C. Adams R-q. a -He nil! attend to procuring Bounty T.and Warrants and Pensions. March 22, 1N.7.7. If. J. M vmt.L. P. 0. MORKOW. M 'ADILL k MORROW, ATTORXE YS ANI) COUNSELLORS AT EA <T,—Office over Merenr's Store, Towauda, Pa. Towanda, April 2, 18- B-43-tf I\R E. U. MASON, PHYSICIAN A XT) .1 " st 'RGEON, offers his professional services to the people of Towanda ar.d vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where lie can always he found when not professionally engaged. JOHN C. ADAMS D'A. OYF.BTON. ADAMS a OYKRTOX, a TTORXEYS AT I.All'. Office in the room formerly occupied by George Sanderson, over Burton Kingsbery's store. "Towanda, May 26, 18. PURVEYING.—.TAMES A.PAINE,Snr -1 ' veyor for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the'ahove business in ajl its branches. His office is at Towanda. All letters addressed to him this place will mrot with prompt attention. April 4, 18.74. OAUY 11. WATKINS, ATTORXEYb T COUNSELLOR A T LA IV, will attend prompt ly to all business entrusted to his care. Collections will receive his special attcution. Office a tow doors north of the Ward House. Towanda, May 15,18.76. liKSOLi; TION Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Comnumireallh of Pennsylvania in General ytssem bly met. That the following amendments are proposed to tlie constitution of the commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. FIRST AMENDMENT. There shall lie an additional article to said constitution to be designated as article eleven, as follows: AHTtCI.E XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. SECTION 1. The state may contract debts, to supply casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expen ses not otherwise provided for : but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts of tlie general assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never exceed seven hun dred and fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other pnrpose whatever. SECTION 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress in surrection. defend the state in war. or to r< deem the pre sent outstanding indebtedness of tlie state : hut the mo ney arising from the contracting of such debts, shall he applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to re pay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. SECTION 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec tions one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall he sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce tlie principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; which sink ing fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part there of. and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may lie increased, from time to time, by assigning to it any part of the taxes, or othar revenues of tlie state, not required for the ordinary and current expenses of government .and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of tiie said sinking fund shall lie used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public dopt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of five mil lions of dollars. SECTION 5. The ercdir of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any in dividual, company, corporation, or association ; nor shall the common wealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockhohle, in any company, association, or corporation. SECTION 6. Tlie commonwealth shall not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough,or township; or of any corporation, or association; unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to assist the state in tiie discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. SECTION 7. The legislature shall not authorize any county, city, borough, township, or incorporated district, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association, or corporation; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corpora tion, association, institution, or party. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said constitution, to be designated as article XII, as follows : AUTICt.E xit. OR NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided bv a line cutting off over one-tenth of its population, (cither to form a new comity or otherwise.) without the express assent of such comity, hv a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new coun ty be established, containing less than four hundred square miles. Tiirnn AMENDMENT. From section two of the first article of the constitution, strike out the w .id*, " of the city of Philadelphia, and of e nrh cintnty respectively from section five, same article, strike out (he words, " of Philadelphia and of the si vera) counties from section seven, same article, strike out the words, " neither the city of Philadelphia nor any and insert in lien thereof the words, •' and no and strike out section four, same article, anil in lieu thereof insert the following : '• SECTION 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep resentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be ap portioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxable in habitants iu the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxables, may he allowed a separate representation ; hut no more than three counties shall be joined, and no coun ty shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate representation assigned it, and shall le divided into con venient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative. At the end of geetion seven, same article, insert these words, " the city of Philiuleljihia shall be divided into sin gle senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as marly npial in taralJe population as possible ; but no ward shall be divided in the formation thereof." The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide tlie city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the manner above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged mi til the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-lour. FOURTH AEENDMEN'T. 7"o be section xxvi, Article r. The legislature shuil have the power to alter, revoke,or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may lie injurious to the citizens of tiie commonwealth : in such manner, however, that no in justice shall be done to the corporators. IN SENATE, April 21,18,76. Resolved. That this resolution pass. On tlie first amend ment. yeas 24, nays .7. On the second amendment, yeas ID, nays 6. On tlie third amendment, yeas 28, nays"l.— On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. Extract from the Journal. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ) April 21, 1856. ( Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amend ment. yeas 72, nays 21. On the second ameedment, yeas 03, nays 25. On "the third amendment,yeas ti l, nays 25 ; and on fourth amendment, yeas 09, nays 10. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. BKCROTABY'S OFFICE, I A. G. CURTIN, filed April 24, 1856. J Secy, of the Commonwealth. SECRETARY'S O PRICE, j Jlarrisburg, June 27, 15.76. ) Pennsylvania *s: I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct correct copy of the original " Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitution" as the same re mains on file in this office, ; In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my • L.S. hand anil caused to be affixed the seal of the Kec- 'reury's Office, the day and yw Mjve^written. Stcrelvry of the Commonwealth. IN SENATE, April 21,18.76. Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of tlie Commonwealth, being under consideration, On the question. Will tlie Senate agree to tlie first amendment? Ttii- yeas anil nays were taken agreeably to the provisions ot the Constitution, and were as follows, viz : 7 uis Mesr*. itrowne, Buekalew, Cresswell, Evans, j-ergason, i lenniken, lloge, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, I.'.oibach. Lewis. M'Clintis-k. Price. Sellers, Shiunau, -ti.-'i). I ' U. V..uton, Wil li, When ~ Wil- ! XRi&fcl.aucotis. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Jordan, Mellinger and Pratt—s. S.i the question was determined in the affirmative. On tl>e question. Will tlie Senate agree to the second amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provis ions o! the Constitution and were as follows, viz : YKAS — Messrs. Browne. Buekalew, Cresswell, Evans, Hojre, Ingram, Jamison, Knox, Labauch, Lewis, M'Ciin* toek, Seliers. Khunian, Souther, Stranb, Walton, Welsh, Wherry anil Wilkins—l9. NATS'—Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt, Price and Piatt, Speaker— o. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Consti tution,"and were as follows, viz : YKAS—MESSRS. Browne, Buekalew, Crabb, Cresswell, Rvans, Ferguson, Flennikon, lioge. Ingram, Jamison, J >rdan. Knox. Laid aueit, I.ewis, M Clintoek, Mellinger, Pratt, Price. Sellers, Shuman. Souther, Stranb. Taegart, Walton. Welsh. Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt, Speaker— 2x. NAYS—Mr. Gregg—i. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will tiie Senate agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Consti tution,"and were as folfows, viz : YKAS—Messrs. Browne, Buekalew, Cresswell, Evans, Rlenniken, lloge, Ingram. Jamison, Jordan. Knox, Lau boeh, I.ew is. M'Clintoek. Price, Sellers,Skuman.Souther, Stranb. Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt, Spea ker—T.\. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Mellinger and Pratt—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. Journal of the House of Representatives, April 21, lxsfi. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provis ions of'the Constitution, and on the tirst proposed amend ment, were as follows, viz : YKAS—Messrs. Anderson. Backus, Baldwin, Ball, Beek, (l.yeoming.) Beek, (York.) Benthard, Boyd. Buyer, Bu chanan, Brown, Brush, Oalkwell, Campbell.('artv,Craig, Crawford. Dowdall, Rdinger, Faosold. Foster, Getz, Haines, Hamel. Harper, Heins, Hibhs, Hill, Hillegas.Hip ple, Holeomb, Ilunseeker, Imhrie, Ingham, lnnis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, l.aporte. I.ebo, I.ongaker, I.ovett, M'Cal raont, M'Carthy, M'Comh, Mangle, Menear, Miller. Mont gomery, Moorliead, Nnnneiiiacher, Orr. Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed. Keinhold, Riddle. Roberts, Slienk, Smith, (Allegheny,) Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Wyo ming, Strnuse, Thompson, Vail, Whallon, Wright. (I >au pliin.) Wright. (Luzerne,) Zimmerman and Wright, Spea ker—72. NAYS—Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Dock, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gihboney, Hamilton, Ilan eoek. Housekeeper, Huneker. l.ei-coring, Magee,Mauley, Morris, Mnntma, Patterson, Salisbury, Smitii, (Philadel phia,) Walter, Wintrode and Yearsley—24. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amendment? • The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows, viz:— YKAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, Beek, (Lycoming.) Beek, (York.) Bernhard, Boyd, Brown, Brush. Buchanan, Caldwell. Campbell, Cartv.Craig.Fans old. Foster, Getz, Haines. Hamel, Harper, heins, Hibhs, Hill, llillegas. Hippie, Holeomb, Hunseeker, Rubric, Ing ham. lnnis, Irwin. Johns, Johnson, laiporte, Lebo. Ing aker, Lovett, M'Cuhnnnt, M'Carthy, M'Comh, Maugle, Meuear. Miller. Montgomery, Moorhead, Nnnnemacher, Orr, Pearson, Pureed, Ramsey, Reed, Keinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shcnk, Smith, Allegheny,) Strousc, Yail, Whal lon, Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman, and Wright, Spea ker—(l3. XAVS—Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clever, Fdinger.Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibbnney, Hamilton. Hancock, lluneker, l,eisenring,* Magee, Manley, Morris, Mamma, l'atterson, Phelps, Salisbury, Smith, (Cambria,) Thompson, Walter, Wintroile, Wright, (Dauphin.) anil Yearsley—2s. So the question was determined ill the affirmative. On the question, Will the Ilouse agree to the third amendment? The yeas and nays were taken, anil were as follows, viz:— YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Rackus, Baldwin, Ball, Beck, (Lycoming,) Beck. (York,) Bernhard, Boyd, Buyer. Bu chanan. Brown. Caldwell, Camphell, Carty, Craig, Craw ! >rd, Kdingir, Faiisold, Foster, Fry, Getz, Haines, Hamel, Harper, Heins, llibbs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holconih, Housekeeper, 1111 brie, Ingham, innis, Irwin, Johns, Jidm soii, Laporte, I.ebo, Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont, Mr- Comb, Mangle, Mcnear, Miller, Montgomery, Nunnemach cr, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Purcell, Ramseyllccd, Riddle, Shcnk, Smith. (Aileglieny,) Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Wyoming,) Thompson, Whallon, Wright, (Dauphin,) Wright, (Luzerne.) and Zimmerman—64. NAYS—Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Dock.Dowdall, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, Hamilton, Hancock, lluneker, I.eisenring, M'Carthy. Magee, Manley Moorliead, Morris, l'atterson, Reinhoid, Roberts. Salsbury, Walter, Wiutrode, Yearsley and Wright, Spinier —2s. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows, viz:— YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backus. Bail, Beck. (Lycom ing.) Beck, (York.) Bernhard, Boyil. Buyer. Brown. Bu chanan, Brush, Caldwell. Camphc il, Cartv, Craig, Craw ford. DowilalL Kdinger, Fausold, Foster. Fry. Getz. Ham el, Harper, Heins. Hibbs, Hill. Hillegas, Hippie Holeomb, Housekeeper, Hnnsecker, Inibrie, Innis, Irwin, Johnson, Laporte, l.cho. Longaker, Isavett. M'Calmont. M'Carthy, M'< 'omh. Mangle, Mcnear, Miller, Montgomery, Moorliead, Xunrcmacher. Orr. Pearson, Phelps, Purccll. Bamsey, Reed, Reinhoid, Riddle, Roberts. Shcnk, Smith. (Cambria) Smith. (Wyoming,) Thompson. Yail, Walter, Whallon, Wright, (Luzerne.) Yearsley, Zimmerman and Wright, Speaker —lib. XAVS—Messrs. Barry. Clover, Cobourn, Fulton, Cibho ney, Haines, Hancock," lluneker, Ingham, Leisenring.Ma gee, Manley, .Morris, Patterson, Salisbury anil Wintrode —lh. So the question was determined in the affirmative. SKCUENATIY'S OFFICE, { Ilanisljurg, June 27, lsso. j Prnnrylranirr, : I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the " Yeas" and "Xaya" taken on the Resolution proposing amendmeuts to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, as the same appears on flic Journals of the two Houses ol'the General Assembly of this Corn wealth for the session of 1856. [L. S.] Witne-s my hand and the seal of said office, this twenty-seventh day oi June, one thousand eight hun dred aud li"i'ty-six. A. G. CUBTIX. Secretary of the Commonwealth. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TOIVAXDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMt'RL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental and Moral Science ; REV". JAMES McWILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Belies Lettrcs ; CH ARLES R. COBI'RX, A. M., Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School ; E. ALBERT LUPWIG, A.M., Professor of Modern Lan guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing ; Miss MARY M. FOSTER, Preceptress; MISS KMII.IE A. BUTLER,) . . , . MISS ELLEN C. COLT, ) ASnl ' itant8 ' MISS HELEN M. CARTER, Assistant in Music; Mr. CAXFELI) DAYTON, Steward. tt if The Fall Term commences on WEDNESDAY, August 20,1850, and will continue fourteen weeks. The Winter Term commences Xnvcil>cr26, and contin ues 11 weeks, he-ides 10 days recess at Christmas. EXPENSES I'EK TERM : Payable invariably in advance—Fuel and contingencies all included : Tuition in tlie Fifth class, (primary) per term $1 .. " Fourth, r. .. " Third 7 .. " Second 8 .. " First 10 .. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for fuel and contingents ; tor instrument on which to tike lessons, 500, or tor practice 52.00 No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside within two miles of the Institute shall he admitted to tui tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian. EXTRAS: French, German, Spanish or Italian, each, 5 .. When taken without other branches, 7 Drawing 3 Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 .. Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 do _do per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 .. Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 .. do figures 10 .. Room rent for lodgers 1 75 The Young l.ttditi will find board in the Institute, under the care of the Matron, at per week,...... 1 75 Fne! and light, 25 The male pupils can find board in private fandiies, at per week, from $2 00 to 2 50 Washing, per dozen, 38 Pupils boarding in the Hall, (who will he exclusively Females,) will furnish their own bed,bedding, towels, Ac. and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The hoarding bills for the term must lie paid in advance; or one half thereof at their entrance, ami the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and uoue will he admitted on other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. S. F. COLT, See. C. 1,. WARD, President. July 3, 1856. A. WICKIIAM, Treasurer. Book Binding-. undersigned has the agency of one of the best Binderies in N. Y. City, and is ready to re ceive Books Pamphlets. Magazines, Ac., to be bound in any style desired, in tlie neatest aud most substantial manner and at very low rates—shall l>e forwarding a lot very soon—so send in your volumes. (J D. LI AUT LETT. April 24, 1856. I UST received a new supply of Pure White • I Lead. No. 1 -now white Zinc, Copal. Pemnr. and Harness V nti-di and Japan, by 11. S. MERCER. I xttiscclUi coue. TIOGA POINT AGRICULTURAL WORKS'! I?. At. WELLES A CO. ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PA. Manufacturer, Wholesale and retail dealers in EMERY'S AND WHEtLER'S RAIL ROAD HORSE POWERS, THRESHERS AND SKPERATORS, CO.nill.VKit THJ.SHKUS A" BV.VA'fI WKBS, Portable Saw-Mills, Clover Hollers and Feed Cutters, Emery's Cider Mills, Apple Parers, Clow's and Kclsey's and other Grain Cradles, Scythes, and other Harvesting Tools. Ketelium's and other Mowing and Reaping Machines. Seymour's Grain Drills. Broad east Seed Sowers. Ac. Magir. Corn and Cob Mills, Cultivators, Leather and Rubber Beltings. Manufacturer of Peters' Celebrated FAIT MILLS, Which I am prepared to sell at either WHOLESALE OF> RETAIL, on very favorable terms. These mills are warranted second to none in the United States, for durability, efficiency and simplicity, and will do in the best manner and rapidly, all kinds of chaffing and cleaning all kinds of Grain. Grass Seed, Ac. a*- Warranted to chaff fit for market, from 40 to CO bushels of Wheat per hour. Refrigerators, Provision Safes, etc. Extras furnished for repairing Emery's and Wheeler's maeliines. Descriptive Catalogues. Price Lists and Circulars of all machines sold by us, seut gratis and postage pre-paid, to all applicants. Send us your name and address. Athens, Pa. June 25,1X50. It. M. WELLES A CO. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, DIRECT & TO & FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE. TAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICIAN, of Towanda, respect fully informs the public that he has lately procured from New York the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath, which has proven to be one of the most'important and wonderful discoveries of the age, from its ability to extract minerals from the human system. Some eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the process of extracting minerals from the body, by galvanism; more recently. M. Verges, of New York, an eleetro-gililer, having suffered from the introduction of poisonous minerals into his system in the prosecution of his art. conceived the idea of removing them by the same processes, he succeeded in doing so, and quickly recovered. He then applied the same means to others similarly af fected. with like results. His success exceeded his most sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths remove mineral poisons, buteureil many diseases, some of which were the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments have fully confirmed the sin gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi nerals that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Very often persons are afflicted by diseases which are beyond the comprehension of the most skilful physicians, and which are the effect of poisonous mine rals accumulating in the system for years, taken in the shape of calomel, lead, Ac. Ac. Tiie following are some of the diseases nired bv these baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis, Palsy, Painter's f'holic, Chronic Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer, Neuralia in all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all kinds. He lia also S. B. Smith's newly invented DIRECT AND TO-AND FRO ELECTROMAGNETIC MACHINE, which is a great improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto fore in use. With the aid of the Bath and Machine, we have at command ail the available medical efficiency of Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is verv great, in introducing medicines into the system through the pores of the skin—applying it directly to the parts af fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over that of taking it into the stomach,rendering it particular ly efficacious in all local diseases. 1 am now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the Machines, at my house in the south part of the borough of Towanda, ort will visit patients at a distance, who are unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo derate pricw. 1 am also sole agent for Bradford conntv. fi>r the al>ove Machines. JAMES HARRIS. To wanda. December 22. IX. L I QUOR STORE. O FF.LTO"N would respectfully inform tlie public that he is now ready at hi* old stand, under Ilall .V Russell's, south side of the public sipuirc, to furn ish those wanting PI RE LIQITOHS, with almost every thing in that line. He lias lately made large additions to his stoek. pnrehasintr of the best importers, and in the original package, lie lias on hand, and for sale hi any quantity from a quart upwards : Brandy .—Signette, Cogniac, old Honnessy. and fttard. (win. —Swan. Anieriean. and Selieulani S. huapps. ll~hikt'y Scoteh, Old Uyc, Mononguh'.lu, and Recti fied. IVinr. —Currant, fort, and Brown Bherrv. Fresh Oamphcue and Burning Fluid kept constantly on hand. Also 03 per rent. Alcohol. Cffi ars of the hest brands. Jtips of all sizes; quart flasks, and a large quantity of empty barrels, llingliamton Ale by the gallon or barrel. Those favoring me with tiieir patronage may be certain that all articles will be what they are represented. N. R. The person who borrowed my " Wantage Rod" is requested to return it. Towaiula. January IS. 18.7(5. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE ! 18] GREAT BARGAINS! [56 XVI. 22. Solomon, Proprietor. THIS extensive Ready-made nothing Establishment, situated in Mereur's block. Main street, has just, been filled with a large assortment ol SPRING CLOTHING. The proprietor assures the public that he has the best and cheapest assortment ever offered in Towanda ; and to prove this fact lie respectfully asks the public to call and examine for themselves. Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or any portion thereof, well made of substantial material— Coat, Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Collars, and in fact every thing in the line, will do well to call. He is confident he can satisfy all in price and quality. Mi' Don't forget the place—one door south of Mereur's store, Main-st. Towanda, March 38,1856- BAKERY & RESTAURANT. One Door North of the TYard House. ciMIE subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends A and the public generally that be has opened a BA KERY-AND EATING SALOON, one door north of the Ward House, where he intend to keep constantly on hand a full assortment of everything in the line, such as Bread, Biscnit, Itnsk, Crackers, Jumbles, nil kinds of Cake, Ac. Having secured the services of an experienced baker, and using nonli but the best brands of flour, lie feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Wedding and other parties furnished with whatever re quired. on short notice and at the most reasonable rates. A nice assortment of Candies. Nuts, Fruits, Ac., kept always on hand and sold at the cheapest rates. FRESH OYSTERS received three times per week hv express, and sold wholesale and retail. A*" Hot Coflee served up at ail hours. Don't forget the place, one door north of the Ward House. February 12,1856. H. A. BURBANK. LIGHT NIN G RODS. 1 1 MIL subscriber having had two years' experience in the A Lightning Rod trade, in and about Philadelphia, has now commenced the business in Bradford ami adjoining Counties. He will do business near home, and use noth ing but the best article of ibid and Platina points. ail war ranted such, and erected in the nust perfect and substan tial manner, and as strictly npon scientific principles as any line of te leg rash. Persons wishiugtheir families and property protected from this destroying agent can do so by applying to the subscriber at LeUaysviilc. Leßaysville, May 13, 1850. F. GREGORY. C GROCERIES—Call and see our Brown, J Crushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KINGSBERY. fUIOICE SOUTHERN HOMMONY k nJ SAMP, put np.in 10 lb. sacks, for sale by May 8,1856. E. T. FOX. DRIED ArPLES—a few first rate ones, foifsaic at jUO FOXS'. Spring and Summer Goods. Tracy & Moore, HAA E JUST RECEIVED fr<>m N. York a large and well selected assortment of NEW SPRING tf SUMMER GOODS, which have lieen selected with unnsualcare. and pnr -hns ed at flic lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment in the country, we ask the public to give us a cull, and examine our stock and prices. May 1(5, ls.',i|. Mackerel, and Herring; a good \J ai'tii-le at FOX'S. Xllctcljaubije, &c. r<LOOK A WATCH REPAIRER.—'The V/* undersigned is constantly receiving from New-York l>y Express, new additions to his Stock of \\ niches, < locks, Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Coeds, comprising in part—Cold and Silver'Lcver, I,'Kpine and I'lain Watches, with a full ami complete assortment of Fine Cold Jewelry, Much as Cold chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys, Breast-Pi its, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware,such as Table ami Tea Spoons, Cream spoons, Butter knives. Salt spoons. Spectacles, tee pother with nn extensive assortment of Plated Ware —All of which will l>e sold very low for CASH. Clocks. —A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from 7.5 cents to Fifty Hollars. Watches repaired on -hurt notice, and waukaxtkd to rim well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would lictr leave to say, that he is prepared to execute the most dilticult Jol s, such as can lie done at no other Shop short of New-York city. 1 W. A. CHAMBERMN. To wand a, February 1,1X55. __ T OOKING GLASS PLATES CUT AND JL J fitted for any size, to be had at the Jewelry Store of Feh. 1, 1855, W. A. CHAM BERLIN. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. IVT. Warner's iXeit <s• Splendid Jewelry Store, one door north of Potions Drug Store, HAS just been opened with the largest and JbjL most choice stock of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY ever offered to a discriminating | jgjC—/ 3p public. Indeed. he can safely say that with jySg. j)"H the opening of his new store lias been in augurated a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices : the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. \l. W„ when he reflects how, for the past years .with a far less attractive stock, lie has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage, flatters himself that the immense in crease of floods he now offers, which have been bought so much more advantageously, will enable hint to increase the generous confidence which haft hitherto been vouch safed to liirn. He therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of iiis old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. jTS-THE WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to be distinguished by the skill and despatch which lias heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of being the most reliable ill town. Towanda, September 24. 1X55. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS would respect fully Inform bis friends and the public that he is now receiving at his old stand one door north of Lajiorte, Mason A Co.'s banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Muhotrany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining, Tea and Pembroke Tables, Stands of every kind. Cane. Flag and Wood seat Chairs, high Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards, Looking glasses, Ac. d~('()FFINS, of every size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions when required. The public are invited to examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere,as I will sell rheaperthan any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda, August X, 1x55. THE OX.D STAND STILL IN OPERATION! THE subscriber would announce -yD" the public that lie lias now on 1_- - '' - and will make to order all kinds of CABINET FI'RNITt'RE, || jsJtS^V,J : i-iS'sucli as Sofas. 1 livans. Lounges, 4 en pfca? 3 j?ji,t re, Card, Dining and Breakfast Ta ble. Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and H B' b *nCherry Bureaus, Stands of various >L 3 1?... Vkind-j, Clriifinnd Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will lie made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will lie furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKIXSOX. Towanda, January 1.1X55. HOOTS AND SHOES. John W. Wilcox, HAS loenfed his establishment on Main Street, on door North of the " Ward House." and will eoutinue the ninnrifacture of BOOTS A SHOES, as heretofore. He has jiwt received from New-York a large. assortment of Wonians' Childrens' and Misses' Shoe*, wliieh are offer eil at low prices. The attention of tlie Ladies is particu larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles : Enamelled -Jenny l.ind gaiter Jioots ; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiter ; walking shoes, !ms kins, Ac. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of evcrv description. A large variety of Childrens' fancy gaiters, Loots A shoes of all kinds. For the C.enttemen. almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and lie believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. tin' The strictest attention paid to M.vntfacttkiso, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage he has liitherso received. Towuuda, feb. 1, 1855. Cheap 8001. Shoe and Leather Store. T ]). HUMPHREY is just f) •J • receiving next dnorto ll.S.Mercnr's ■— Yj — M store in Towanda,a large and well selected H. stock of BOOTS, SHOES S FINDINGS, from New York, which with a constant supply of HOME MANIF-UTCRED WORK, SOLE A UPPER LEATHER, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS. MOROCCO, Ac. ' he is desirous to sell at small profits. Feeling grateful for past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of public pa tronage. tt£~ tfbrfr and Repairing done on short no tice. CASH paid for Hides and Skins. Towaiula, June 14.1855. New Boot and Shoe Manufactory. I]UtANK HOFFMAN would respectfully - inform the citizens of Towanda, that he has com menced the BOOTBf SHOE business in the room over J. Culp A Co's. shop, near the comer of Bridge street He is ready at all times to do all work in his line in the best manner—and will make Fine Sewed •find. Pegged Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, in the latest approved style, as well as Coarse Worli. Rep airing done in a superior man ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of this place, assuring them that he will endeavor to merit their favors by using the hest stock, by careful work manship, and by punt tnality. Towanda, June IS, 1555. R. WATROfS 11. M. SKWAKH E. H. COOK. RWATROUS & Co., DEALERS IX • HEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A 3, Water st. Elmira, N. Y. We have recontly made large additions to onr extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel. Nails and spiko. Ropes and Cord age, Paints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and shape, either Mniay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber A leather, Glass at wholesale. Wc arc prepared to supply Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at Man ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. CORTBACTOU'S T< >OLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Rich A Wilder'* Patent Salamander Safes, Fairbanks Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu lar saws. Large sizes up to 00 inch, always on hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by mail. Elmira, April 7, 1556. n-44-l2m MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. BALDWIN a POLLEYS having purchased the marble factory of this village, under the superintendence of Henry Hanford, are happy to announce that the Marble business in Waverly will now be conducted by them. They are constantly receiving Italian and Rutland Marble, for Monuments, Head Stones. Toinb Tables, Stand Tops. Paint Stones.Mullers, Ac. Having secured tlie services of G. H. POWERS, who is well known to be the most perfect Artist in the state, they offers unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to secure any of the above articles, in cheapness, stvio and artistical beauty. Waverly, N. Y., October 13, 1N55. Books and Stationery. THE largest assortment of ROOKS and STATIONERY ever offered in this market—compris ing a very complete stock of School Classical and Miscel laneous Books, and a very full assortment of Stationery, just opening and for sale unusually cheap at April 24.'' 1 S.MS. O D. H\RT! KIT'S. HiK. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public 9ra are. TIIK subscriber. thankful for the liberal patronage of tlx; past year, intends to keep constantly on hand a full a* sortment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which UK wili, dispose of on such terms as will !• sat isfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the CASH am customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer oar recomnu ndatii.ns and are warranted a* represented. C/* Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging only for the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal rise, London Porter & Scotch Alp. ALL 7HE MOS POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, nursing Bottles, Nip. pie Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Hings, Syringes, Catheters, &c. American, English $ Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNSCF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO & SlfUrr !----Choiee brands of Pure Havanna, Princine and B-ara CIGARS ! v Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass. llmiSlh-s, Perfumery, Shaving Soap, Fancy Articles. Ate. &c. Hair Dyes, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream. Tooth Powder. Extracts for the llaudkerehief, Italian Whisks, Port mounais, Purses, Ray, Colonge, Rose aud Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Sanff Boxes, Itulellible Ink, \c. FAMILY GROCERIES: Rlack and Green Teas; Rio and Java Coffee; Molasses, Syrups, Sugnr-s, Spires, ,\-c fee. Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH EMD OF THE WARD HOUSE! Towanda, February 1, lS5j. IF. f. I'onTFJ!. M. I>. & NEW ARRANGEMENT ! tj pattojV &pa i.v t:, JUST OPFXFI), ON THE C: FINER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, No. 4, Pattons' Block, Towanda, Pa. THE subscribers would respectfully inform their friendsjattd the public that they have formed a eo-partner-hip in the 11.ug business, mid arc now'receiving at No. 4, in Fatton's Xew Hvi k I?!o. k, from the citiv— of l'hiUJcl pliia and Xew York, a large and w ell selected stock of American, French and English GHEMIGALSS, D BUGS, MEDICINE, GROCERIES, FAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STIFFS, a iissaffiraanK?® ©u 3 t DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, &c. SUBGICAZ* and a variety of the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, &.C., always on hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR "PATENT MEDICINES. Crushes for the Hat, liair, Teeth, Nails, Boots Paiutiu?, Tarubiiiug, Rliiltw;;diiii?. &x. The Lovers of GOOD CfGA RS and TOBACCO, ici/f find n]n r?r -retrich/of rh ire Hava na, Vara ami Principe. Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobrt o and Sn tf. famphene—Parlirular Attention paid to the Manufacture of IH KMAG FIJ'ID. And a fine assortment of /.AMI'S, of all sizes and descriptions. Bird Cages, Cups, Xrsls ami Seed. All of which is oflhrcd for sj.le at greatly reduced rates. Our stink being large and m.-t'y pr.i bird firm the Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rales, and with Cash, einibl.. us to Hatred-.. ! <•. t'. :U sa tisfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an espe: ial examination of ouri. —..nd i>ri i>. Our Motto is —" THE CASH BYSTKM— QI'ICK SAI.KS—SMALL I'KOFITS." Onr Goods are selected with the utmosth are and warranted to be what thev are reuses.; ; i; 1 ; '1 prove the contrary, we are ti"t only willing but mpiest our customers to return them, and '.he in • - ": en nuM. MS. PAYNE will give his special attention to the preparation of IMIKIWIUI'TIOXS. whi *n will he vs-wW accurately on the shortest notice. " JosKI'H I'ATToX. Towamla, June 2b, 15."..;. FlriN VHP !'• FAVXK. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,: ifcC I 1 est siile of the Public Square, opposite the Court House. BAILEY A NEYIXS :ire just receiving a large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries, Yankee Notions, Toys, Fruit. Confectionary. A which will lie sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exliange for mo>t kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would do well to call and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea, Bio and .lava Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa. Sugar. Molasses, Syrup, Ginger. Pepper. Spice. Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon. Ground Mustard, Pepper Sauce. Soda. Saleratns, Cream Tartar. Sperm and Tallow- Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. Pllt) VISIONS. Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, Com Men!. Feed, Pork, Hams ft Shoulders. Mackerel, (bullish, Shad. I.ikc Trout, Picketed and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Butter, Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Prunes. Citron, Figs, Kng. Currants, Raisins. Lem ons and Oranges, Green andOried Apples, and Peaches, Almonds, Pecan nuts, Pra/.il nuts, Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Filberts. Peanuts, Chestnuts. Hickory nuts, Ac. GKKMAN. FKEXCH and AMERICAN TOYS, FANCY Goons, Ac.—Boys' Sleighs, Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood Tea Setts. Polls, Trumpets, Toy Guns. Accordians, Har monicas. Glass. Paper ami Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and Toilet Cases. Toy Bureaus. Secretaries, Ac. Pearl, Ivcry. Papier Mat-he and Leather Port Monaiws. Wallets, Purses. Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Tobac co and Sunff Boxes, Cigar Cases, T<s>th, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, llair Oil, Ac. FOOLS CAY, Letter. Commercial Note and Bath Post Paper, Envelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ink. Inkstands, Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales, Ac. Ac. TABLE ANI> HAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NEVINS. Towanda, November 26, Ifixi. GOODRICH * CO., OWEGO, 7ST. Y. ARE now in receipt of aud opening the choicest and most desirable stock of staple and Fancy Dry Goods, to which they have ever hail the pleasure of calling the attention of the community. < hir • tock is very large, and selected with great rare and ackliovx lodged good taste, and is particularly adapted to the wants of this and the sur rounding sections. Our at ck of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Pibbons, Embroider ies, Parasols, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting!, Domestics, Shirtings, Linens, Prints, Hosiery avd SAatrfs, ft-r. t \r. and numberless other articles makes our assortment better than any other in this vicinity, all of which will be sold as cheap, and many articles cheaper, than at any otlu-res tablishment, to ali of which we invite the inspection of purchasers, as being in every respect worthy ot their at tention. Those who may favor OR with a call may be assured that no article will be recommended more highly than its me rits will admit of. Owego, May B, HS& G. B. GOODRICH A CO. T>OOTS & SHOES—TIie largest, best and J.cheapest assortment this side of the Empire Git v may befound at je'iu TRACY A MOORE'S. nOIISE RAPPISH, nicely pratoil and put . up in Bottles for table use. Also Pickles, Pepper sauce, Worcestershire sauce. French prepared Must.:rd, common Mustard in 'Tins and b\ the !!• at FUN'S. M AT OF BRADFORD ( OUXTY, FM . actual wtftimriirtrinl ami *itm i: ii,:> ■ gitt • 11}-> ' >f' ' FI/. made um'rr the d-rrrtinn of J. /.. />' I likh.it.- Is \ subeerilicr will puhli.h shortlya XEW ISHCHWUTHB OF BUAOFOKK < OL \TY. The SNRVCI S : •-... I PR- ---V • : All the Public n-vds. Railroads, Stat -ms. Post j Churches, School Houses. Stores. Shops, M l'rivai'- i and Public Houses. Ac., are to be shnnn <FI t! " Mif. '■ , addition to the usual topography River-. Cjvcks.l' ' and Mountains. The nanu-s >t the property h--- '.<•> - j orally, including those in the County wh • snV. n f advance to the Map, are also to be inserted in tlieirn-i't" i tive places. I MAPS (IF THE PRINCIPAL VII.I. \GKS. on .1 I ' scale, will be inserted in the margin. Also va-ws c. Pc ■ lie Imildings and private residences. , No more Maps will be published than subscnliM M", and at only one price. „ ~ The Map will contain some 16 or IS square feet, jy y engraved and delivered t>> SULKI-RlOCß* ha'"!-. ' and mounted. WILLI AM J. BARKER. I'uhl.vicr. North Hei'tor. N. V.. Ml) JS, INK. GEORGE H. WOOF'S Paunorrean k Glass Pidure Pnllrry. TN PATTON'S NEW BLOCK. Corner "f Ma 1 X Bridge sts.. Towanda. Pa., is the pi. . •• t 1 PICTURES, (usually called Viubr t) p.--) r ' superior to all other kinds of pictures. Hav r j tion. they can be seen in any position, and c.c. - - ; in much less time than ltaguenvotyjus. ami cpia.. j in cloudy as clear weather. . . *ii~Miniatnrcs put into lavkrts. Breast p" *■ ' ~ usual. Rooms open at all li or-. Pi, -tares put u : | notice. Towanda. January 22. W ,i; . _ —— RAILROAD HOUSE. TOWANCA, PA. RICSZZS T. CARRIER, Proprietor. : rpHB Proprietor having recentiyl< 1 ■.. ! A familiarly known as tlieOl.H ML\b~-- ■ t | ate in the lower portion of this village, "fi Mai.v* •• pleasure in informing the public that tins lc thoroughly lifted up, painted, papcied. A ed with good furniture, with other imp -:f-'in ' y ;ri the convenience and accommodation ol r'.tu.cns • vellera. ... tLitfr ' And further, the proprietor begs leave '"' l . the experience he has had in the business, , . sell that he is capable of catering t • tL<- an - , will favor him with their patronage. It ■ - tion to please the most fastidious at all h"u:-- . The most accommodating assistants aox-i}* dance. Please call and try us. Towanda, May 26. ln.ifi. __ —— — TIMOTHY SEED—A quantity for; 1 the store of je t "• -- J. D. HUMPHREY IS NOW RECEIVING an excellenta-< ,'y ' f hM lf boy's, ladies', children's and mis-cs '",' • I | ES. Also. Shoe Pegs, Thread. Lining's aud • • j which he invites public attention. nr ~,,tesd" **AII persons having unsettled accnri • \ the auhacriber. are invit, dto 111 tko l' '>i; ; i- ' r,-. 1 1 ; venicnt may call on C. Frisbic. Iv-p ••.- >. ■' • . i 1 'rwell, previous to the l.">th ol Fcbruarx a, x y time delinquents may expect special inx • yj'.j]i;KV- Towanda. Towanda, JanuaryisSA. _ j ' v<> EXCUSE FOR BAD BRKAB^ If you procure of Pi>- 1 South store in the Ward House. ~vni i; THE 1N I \ 1 1 lib I 1 EAsl - ' ' , 1 K<|uallv a]ajttcl !< l.oi\ . H*t IL i - .]<*•'> and other Griddle Cakes, Gingci hr. .ui. an y y ,p Cakes. Batter for Humpling . Pmlilmg • 1 *'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers