Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 14, 1856, Image 3
Legal THEKIFF'S SALE. —By virtue of sundry So! vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of nun Fleas of Bradford County, to me directed, I shall ' t,. public wile at the Court House in the borough e!i| on Momlav SHFTEMBER Ist, at 1 o'clock, "J li" the following described lot piece or parcel of land 1 • j., cister twp. bounded on the north by lands of " w ilob'oiiib, east by lands of Horace Heath, on the 1 , t |ie public highway, west ly lands of James Mc {.lining I <>f an acre more or less, all improved, frame house, one frame stable and a few fruit trees ,k 'Ts"i-one other lot piece or parcel of land situate in !-i Vr twp. hounded north by lands of Edward Mills, east i the public highway, south by lands of John Bowman, In- hauls of Edward Mills, containing 4 an acre more *aLs" ail improved, one framed building occupied as a -tore thereon. „ ■ ; and taken in execution at the suit of A. B. Smith -y y pike. M. S. l'ike and Mary Pike. v 'i| >ti The following described lot pieee or parrel of ~ i Uin the townships of Windham and Rome, and ;' U amW'north bv lands of James Sildey. east by hinds of C" , .th. rland", south by lands of Edward Boardman, :y i, v .luhn Ria-kefellow, containing 58| acres, be the V ,me m"ie " r I 0"'- a, '" ut ;u ' rert improved, one framed a framed barn and some fruit trees thereon, y /..! and taken in execution at the suit of J. M. Peck ileu-M- Bin-bank. the suit of Miles Prince vs. Geo. M. Bnrbank. y .so- The fnliowiitg tlescrilied lot piece or parcel of 1,P,1 itnate ill Canton twp. bounded Jimrth by lands of - j{, l-.-v luPmtl-. east by lands of James Metier,south , v t. m j s uf K. S. Elliott anil Jacob Roberts, west by lands !,;■ j .y.h llula-rts and the public highway lending fromi I ',- v 'nb>n t ' Troy, containing 37 acres, more or less, about u'i re- improved and a byw fruit trees thereon. ;'jrpd ami taken in execution at the suit of Henry Iti -I,V vs. 'L L. Scott. Aiijtt—The following described lot piece or parcel of t iw j situate ill Springlield twp. bounded as follows: Be- i ruing al the northwest comer of lot No. 58 of the allot- - if tip- Bingham lands, conveyed to Jonathan Wood; |e-until 2| J west 102 and 5-10 perches ; thence north ; . ea-t 117 and 3-10 perches ; thence south 2° west 77 | ;j j.|u perehes ; thence along the north line of lot No. I , i.orth - q e-t 52 and 7-lu perches ; thence along i ~. u"itli lilu' of lots No. 53 and 50, north 89° west 116 j ,i -_ !< perches ; thence along tine of lot No. 82, convey- ' ~] m Hrri'i Seott. north 1° east 25 perches : thence north i • west -'c and 5-10 perches: theme along line of lot j 1,7. north 1° east 31 and 3-1(1 perches: tlieiu-e north ; i p , i-t - and I R) perches: thence north ,{° cast 105 i „t,Vs : tlieiue along the south line of lot No. 166, south | ... east c- and 5-1" perches to the beginning, contain- j f 12. and s-lo acres with allowance of 6 per cent, for ",1-. tin-same more or less, it being lot No. 59 ;|ie .illoimeiit aforesaid and jiart of warrant No. 1156, p.,, -it lull am-.- improved, one framed house, one framed m.ii lug barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. \l.Nit One other piece or parcel of land situate in s - twp. Ismnded north by lands of Ira Hrggins, . -t j:nl -uuth by lands of L. ('. Gleason.and west by Wm. Williams and L. ('. (Reason, containing about acres, s, nr !■—. une framed dwelling house, a framed Store us 1 , a framed stable and shed, a framed barn, adve rse and a tew fruit trees thereon. 1 ami taken in execution at the suit of F. F. Fair ui s us- v-. Lucius French. A Lis • - The billowing piece or parcel of land situote in j r aiida twp. boumh d north by lands of Win. A (Justin, . ~t by lands of Jesse Edsall. south by lands of Hiram wet by lands of Joseph lieWitt, containing . , rt s. about do acres improved, one framed liru, one ; _• huu-e and an ajiple oredhard thereon. -• :/*■ 1 and taken in execution at the suit of Q. F. Bul bed vs. JiH-l Ferris. Mz-ii The following desrrilied lot piece or parcel of j lind -ituati- in Dure!! twp. bounded north by lands of i;, i'bii-on. east by land- of George Uhifcoin. south by j highway and west by l.mdsof Dauiel (look.containing i 4-'a.!<-.-the same more or less, about 3D acres improv- j a framed house a log burn, and some fruit trees j -. b. l :m-l t.ikeii in execution at the suit of Tracy A v n \ (Ji m. W. ('rannicr. Aii- 1 -Tin- f4Jnww d-escribed lot piece or parcel of : • i;i(i-in Monroe twp. bounded nurtli liy lands of i ,-ui 11. eu-t !iy laml- of Kelsev Nichols, south If. Lewis, n-cst by lauds of Freeman ftweet .• iiilii'lt. i-Miitaiiiinsj l.'iit acres, be the same more or 1" .11- - iiu|irovcil. one log house, one board tinl a l--w fruit trees thereon, s lei irl i.iken in execution at the suit of Uiraui \V -rr -ii .binii J\ J.oop trading under the tirni of War ■ A i .iij. vs. .lesc it Om eJL ...s" lis fell .lag I d piece or parcel of land -itu- A ■ -.inr a*d M uiroe townships, bounded as follows, ile.'i'iMii.i: A a fallen Ash on the Priestly line, -t 11 -r.-ier of Jereniiiih Illaelvinan's lot : thence in tiw i'rri-tJy line, north lil" west 320 rods to Dennis c ■ n's seat hi a-t corner : thence along said lb Mane i ,isi !• a corner, on Freeman Sweet's south line ; '•> """is "f F. Sweet and J antes H. Lewis, east 2.">0 i |i"st. the northwest cor iter of Jeremiah ISlaek tiii-.i'S- la- land of Jeremiah Blackmail and J notes i. i'aaie, -uirth 2io rods to the place of beginning, coti ir ,inf ssi, acres more or less. - I and taken in exeeution at the suit of John Jlan - :.i t!ie use of .ledsou Rlaekmaii vs. Janus A. Paine. Al.sii-ffc,. tiiJJ,,wiiig described let pie'-* or pareel of -c .if- in t],e i >( ,t oof Tow anda bounded as follows : n_- mm tie- i-a-t line of fourth street, 200 feet t>y sunt it from lis- line between the land- of (>. I), itft'rtl and John F. Means, tln-nee south Ji° west id feet bi nan ou the fence; thence east south 147, fleet: "ill .ii 3 east aft feet to a corner ; theuee 37i° M I"-' to the place of beginning, eoniaining 117 * h fr-t, be the same more or less, all improved, tv-7 dwelling house and a few fruit trees tliereon. >s;"i md taken in execution at the suit of tb D. Hart -• W':,i. Austin. ' - The following lot piece or parcel of land situate ' vttship of kidgbury, bounded north by lands m •--- iif James east hv the highway,south : iuf J. Ik Wilkinson, west hy Alexander .Stevens, - - Ha.ieiaau and ISentley creek, containing about (i •-•n ,r>- or less, all improved, one framed houss, part - I—.-.I md an old saw mill frame thereon. sited ai d taken in execution at the suit of lb Andrew • i 1 'avii! Ilapeman and l-.lijah S. FiiVton. ALm' 'flu- fi.ilowing desi i ilad lot piece or parcel of - -iii.ite in .Monroe township, bounded as follows : '■c iv at a birch, thence by lands of Judson Ulai-k ---• in-71 - ra-4 104 jK-rihcs to a post: thence by ■stills. til til 3 west 4 and 4-10 (icndies to a post : i tin- .-.line, north S2i 3 east 10 aud li-lo perches cu • ilu-ni-e bv the same, south 24° east 40 ! - f ~' i i-!n -unit stump : thence hy the same, south •u ~ |n-rc!ies to a hemlock stump ; thence hy the v -I i -JI - west Ins pen-lies to a post ; thence by ->. Wil. \ tract, II nth I4 3 east 72 perches to the - "-.nulling, eoiitaiuiug 47 acres aud (ill ju-rcbes s' -r:i--. aire,it 4acres unproved, one plank house, *-•' at st liiiii-es, urn saw-iuill, one grist-mill, aud one 1 Idc I une rly used lor a di-tilb-rv. "r./ssi and l.ikcß in execution at the suit of Jed so 11 *muiS. James A. l'aine and Jeremiah Jilaciman ■ev tenants. ' •>'i Die (mllm*ing described'ot piece or pared of iii M iiu'mc twp. bounded 011 the north by land in t,Ms-, -s!,iu of Wm. Kelch, east by lands af - >-H Jnd (Jc-.rm- t'roft, south by lands of Jerome ... -t i.v lands ot K. ('. Kellogg, containing e >ie wl. about 2(1 acres improved, two log • ■ 1 its thereon. . v ' ; taken in execution at the suit of o.l'. Lyon , sard Jului-on. I , a l'" s ainuel Lyon vs. Richard Johnson, j , v ' ' -v.iug lot piece or parid of laud situate '•no twp. bounded north by land of Mark 1 -ad t.y lan<j i,i Akm-<m Taylor, south and west '< containing about one a ere more or less, j • r s j two framed houses, one fraiued barn and - ih--re .ii. -•A ui.ii. h in execution at the suit of H. J. Ma - K. 11and LmRIU (Jibbs. Jin- tolliiwiiig liescrila-d lot piece or parcel of j " !1 -I s k twp. bourided north by lands of ■- ' I£utus White, cast by land of A.J. • .. 111 F--eltine, west by Silas Titus, jr., and eoiitaiuiug 102 acres more or less, ap inijiriA.-d, with a framed house, a hewed ' la few fruit trees thereon. ■ t.c:- a ui execution at the suit of A. J. Heed ' is vs. Horatio A. Green. .5" billowing .l< -< riis d lot pieoe or parcel of J :il ' - aroj. twp. houwlcd north, east and v, , Kinney, south by lands of 11. W. -. acre in">re or le.-s, all improved, IU - s ''- "lie framed barn and a few fruit trees y'|-ving deserilied lot piece or parcel of irot.l twp. liounded north by lands of .y p . , t|j'-' : [d hy lands of Abial Kinney, south by 1 id-, we-t by lands contracted to George . "tamiiig .',ll acres be the same more or less, I .1 ''i'liprmi-d one framed barn and a few fruit ■ , >r ">n. • n in execution at the suit of Dennis J. Nui-c and 1 ( rr i n jjaker. 1 '""''Wing lot piece or parcel of land situate H , "'"inded north by Land of N'athan Stafford, i laud, warrantee name unknown, south .-.a.-I>., ker and John l'a.-smore. west by laud I '-r '"''-nt Gibbs. containing about 4s acres I v, Mr " ;i W a<-res improved, one frame house, ■ v, , '"ic (rained shed and corn house and an or -9 ' lr, ' H s tliereon. 3 h in execution at the suit of John Drake if ' "-"cis A i'wge vs. John Dcuicrcst. * t'" scribed lot pitc or parcel of I ~, m L . r ' l y township and borough bonnded north 1 ' I'l • Aldington, C. M. 1 >eForest. D. K. Iler m H. s l 7. m " ; 'l H. S. Dartt, east by land of Jerre I J" J tt and the public highway, south by I <0 ft:,," I-aitoii and Michael M'Gaughran, west a-e..-\c e pting therefrom two lots here " Knapp to Jerre. Adams, contain- I An".." 1 . ,!! " : ' ! 'Ve exceptions, about 27 acres, all ■ '- : -fu-iC ." unied honsc.a framed horse barn, tw . ■ ;•*>! "('' hard of fruit trees thereon. -1, .r' 1 '" ','" 1 I'ie.-e or parcel of land situate in m "V, c"i. north by lands of Stephen Pierce, Si 'ii.-,h n"I si, '!'''cm pierce and public highway. H h| k'hwav,ea-t by lands of Keth W. ;'L' nt.out one acre more or less, all iinprov i', ng house, one framed liarn, with a I.J • ' and other out buildings and fruit i',!*.e.xi uiion at tin -uit of Franeis S. ' 11 knapp. Ccgal. AL96—The fallowing lot piece or parcel of land situate in Wilmot twp. bounded north by land of Washington Ingham, east, south and west by lands of Matthew 11. Lanning, containing about 150 acres more or less, about 50 acres improved, one log house, log barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M. H. A (J. H. Welles vs. Charles Hinderer. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate in Mieshequiu twp. bounded north by ffoi. Sheeler, east by lands of lilias Thompson, south by the highway, west by lands in possession of Lorin Tyrrell, containing about o. acres more or less, about IS acres improved, one plank house, log stable and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of F. L. Jones vs. D. I). Tompkins. ALSO- The following described lot piece or parcel ot land situate in Sheshequiu twp. houudcd north by lands of Daniel Ackley and Ransom Chandler, east lands of I rederick Hass, south by lands of Nathaniel Chandler, west by lands of Frederick Harte and by lands belonging to the estate ot Jacob Seibiech dee'd., containing about 7 J acres more or less, about 10 acres improved, one log house with a small framed addition, one log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Hey ver vs. Adam Foyst. ALSO—The defendant's interest in the following de scribed lot piece or parcel of land situate in l ister twp. bounded north by lands Truniuii Holeonih, H. S. David son and lands known as the Isaac Cash lot, east by the Susquehanna River, south by lands of Jnmes Gorbline, Charles Holeowb, Norman Hhaw, and H. S. Davidson, west by Lorenzo atkins and otliers, containing about vMj am\s more or less, about 175 acres improved, two framed houses, two framed burns, one framed shed and other out buildings, three orchards and other fruit trees thereon. ALSO-—'The defendant's interest in one other lot piece or parcel ot land situate in Ulster twp. bounded north by lands ol Truman Holcomb, east by the Susquehanna River, , soiitli by lands belonging to the estate of lldmund Lock j wood, dee d., west by Edward Mills, containing s() acres more or less, about 40 acres improved, one framed house | and a framed barn thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Isaac Sliep ard, executor ol Job Shepard, dee'd., vs. S. S. Lockwood i and Abigail Beardsley. A LSl) —The defendant's interest, supposed to be the un divided halt ol the following described lot piece or parcel i ol land situate in the boro'of'Towanda, hounded north by ileury Essenwine's lot, east by Main street, south by lands ot .John F. Means, west by Second street, contain i j"g Ib7 feet front and 204 feet deep be the same more or less, all improved, with a large framed foundry building, | machine shop, Ac., thereon, and a small framed dwelling house built by John Irvine by permission, with light to remove at pleasure. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Samuel Diluting to the use of J. L. Lumernx vs. 11. L. Lauierux. ALSO— I he following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Wysox twin bounded north by lands of Harry Strope and Mary Owen, east by lands of Harry Strope, Samuel Coolbaitgh and Amos York, south by lands of Jacob R. Middlcton. Mary Owen ami Susquehan na river and public highway, west by lauds of Mary Owen, Frank Brown, \.K.A J. E. i'iullet,the i'resbytenan I'ar sonagelot and public highway, containing about 153 acres more or less, about 115 acres improved, one framed house, two board shantees, two framed barns, two wagon houses, one granary, one corn house, one old stable, apple orchard ami other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of V. E. & J. E. l'iollet vs. Samuel Owen. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp. bounded north hy lands be longing to the heirs ol James Parsons, deceased, oust by lands of S. L. Giilett and C. K. Rathbone, south by 1). Landers, J. M. Sucease, 0. E. Rathbone and Toivaiula street, west by i roy street, Harding A Lee, F. 11. Mauley, : <i. \\ . Grifliu, l.\ Stoekwell, J. C. Rose, dee d., estate, S. Owen, Nathan Tuttle, Win. S. Baker, Piatt, T. 11. Morse, coat lining about 26 acres be the same more or less, all improved, one tavern stand and stable, 17 framed houses, one brick house, four framed barns and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in executiou at the suit of Jacob Ste- : vers vs. Henry Kingsbury. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of laud situate in Wysox twp. bounded north by lands of ! bv the Susquehanna river, west oy lands of Job P. Kirby, | containing 40 acres more or less, all improved, with a framed house, a framed barn, granary and fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Uliester ' Pierce ct al adm'rs. of Luke Strickland vs. D'Alauson Overton adm'r. of Edwin Abbott, dee'd. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of 1 land situate in Durell twp. bounded mirth by lands of George Ariiout, east by lands of John Council, ,-uuth by j lands of Hiram and Richard Gilbert, west by Daniel Keife, dec il., containing Sis acres be the same inoreor lcss.ulajut •in acres improved, one frame house, one saw-mill, log j barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Catharine I t umiuins to th*- use of H. J. Mudili vs. Dennis L'rimmius j and Michael Crimniius. ALSO—By virtue of writs of Levari Facias, a certain I one ;uid a half story wood house or building situate in the ! town-hip of Tuscaroni, on the main road leading from Lnei-yvilje to Stevensrille : ami the laiul upon which it is situated is hounded north by lands of Nelson Ross, east by the t Liggett Road, south by lauds of Philander Hurlbitrt j and Ferris Aekla.and west formerly of H. Is. Ingham, containing in front on said main road 2s feet, and in depth j 22 left. ami I Is* Jot aud piece of ground curtilage appur- I tenant to said building, and it is agreed by the com mis- I shinersappointed by t'ne Court for that purpose, that said lot shall contain five rods front and ton rod- in depth, commencing at tin' centre of the public road, two aud a half rods south of a point in said road fronting the centre I of the house ; thence N. 68° west It) rods ; thence N. ."!2° i cast 5 rods : thence south >s° east 10 rods to the road ; 1 thence south 22° west to the place of liegimiiiig. Seized and taken in execution at the .suit ot .Stuart Bos worth vs. Orlando B. Snell. ALSO—AII the following described lot and parcel of 1 land situate in Albany twp. containing S.S acres and 56 pen hes more or less, bounded by line as follows : Begin ning at a lieecli, theuce north 152 perches to a hemlock ; them e we.-t IN; perrl>es to a po>t and .-tones ; thence south 50° east 237 perches to the plae of beginning, be ing part ot warrant surveyed in the name ot Kli/.a Boss, formerly belonging to the"estate of .Matthias Hollenback, detrained •Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George 11. Welles vs. John Mulligan. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda. July 2s, 1850. dn" Notice is hereby given, that an amount eipiai to the costs, will be re-juired to lie paid Upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be otter ed for sale. JOHN A. CODDING. SHERIFF SALE.—lly virtue of a writ of ti. fa- issued out of tlie Court of Common Fleas of Bradford county, to me directed, will tie exposed to pub lic sale, at tin- Court House, in the borough of Towanda. on SATURDAY, August 20, at 1 o'clock, }'. M., the fol lowing lot picoc or parcel of land situate in Orwell town ship twinndml mirth by laiwl Is-buiging to the estate of' Samuel Mslthews,dee,'d. east by the highway, south and west by land I-hinging to the estate of Samuel Matthews, dee'd.. containing about 24 acres more or less, all improv ed, with a grist mill and saw-mill thereon, together with I tlx- water privileges and courses appurtenant thereto. | A LS() The defendant's interest, said to Ire the undivid- I ed one halt of the following lot piece or parcel of land! situate in Orwell twp. bounded north, cast. South and west • by l.ond boJougingto tin-estate of Samuel Matthews, decVl. ! containing about ten acres more or less, about, six acres I impromt, one trained house, framed barn, a Grist mill. j together with the water privileges and courses appurte- ) nant thereto, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James O. | Frost vs. T. G. I Light. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda. August 4. 15.76. REG ISTEirS NOTICES.—Notice is herc i l>y given thiit there h:ive l*<en filed and settled in the ofliee of the llegi-ter of Mills. in and for the eouutyof Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following {'staler, viz : Filial account of Mini P. Blade, administrator of the es tate of If. ]!. Blade, late of Columbia, deceased. Partial account of Wm. B. Watkins, administrator of the estate of I>. S. Watkins. late of ( 'olmnbia, dee'd. Partial account of S. Squires and Wm. Stevens, execu tors of Elial Stevens, late of Ridgbnry, deceased. Final account of Joint V. llallard, administrator of the estate of Isaac Sturges, late of Springfield, deceased. Final aocount of S. S. Bradley, administrator of the es tate of Allen Woodruff, late of Wilmot, deceased. Partial account of K. F. Yonag, executor of Jas. Turn bnll, late of Monroe, deceased. And the same will Is- presented to the Orphans' Court of Bradford county, on Monday, tlto Ist day of September next, for confirmation and allowance. JAMES H. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, July *29, ls.">o. ] PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, the Hon. DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the Pith Ju dicial District , consisting ol the Counties of Bradford, Sus rjnehanna and Sullivan, and Hons. MYRON BAI.I. Aan and IIAUKY ACKLKY, Associate Judges, in and for said county of Bradford, have, issued their precept bearing date the 20th day of July. A.D.IS.'Si, to me directed, for holding a Court of Dyer and Terminer, General yuarter Sessions of the Peace, ( 'onuuoii Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the Ist day of SEPTEMBER next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper per son, at Bi o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those ho are Isiund by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may lie in the jail of said County, or who shall lie hound to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against tliern as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 22d of Julv, in the year'of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and ot the Independence ot the United States, the seventy ninth. JOHN A- CHDDINC. Hheritt. Cegnl. SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of writs of kA Venditioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Fleas ot Bradford County, and to me directed will be exposed to publiewale at the Court House in the boro of Towanda, on THURSDAY. July 10. lftoti, at 1 o clock, P. M. a tract of land called " Georgetown,'-aitua ted on waters ot Towanda creek, Overton township, surveyed to George Edge, beginning at a lieeeh thence by j land ot Daniel Br-.adhead, south 2J)°, west 212 perches to i a maple ; thence by land of Peter Edge, south 61°, east n es to a ; thence by hind of George Temple, . „ I eu ' vt P en 'hes to a post ; thence by laud of Paul Hardy and Samuel Edge, north 01°. west 275 per ches to the beginning. conUiuing 343 acres, 27 perches and allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land culled '• Maple Grove " surveyed to George Temple, situate on the waters of To wanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post - thence hy land of James Sidden, Andrew Hardy and Paul Hardy, north, <il°, west 220 perches to a post ; thence by land ol George Edge, south 20°, west 212 perches to a post; thence by laud of Peter Temple, south fil°,east ii'Mt perches to a beech ; thence by land of Paul Moore, north 29 , east 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of (3 per cent, tor rads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Dunfries,' - situ ate in Orel ton township, surveyed to Paul Moore, begin ning at a post, thence by huuiot George, Peter aud James Siddens, north 01°, west 220 perches to a post; thence In land of George Temple, south 29°, west 212 perches to Ii beech; thence by old surveys, south 61°, east 320 perches to a birch ; thence bv land of Joshua Coilvy, north 29°, east 212 perches to the begiuning, containing 400 acres and allowance of t; jier cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Union ."survey ed to Samuel Edge, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek. lrunklin township, beginning at a hemlock ; thence | by land of Daniel Broad head, south 29° west 424 perches i l " a beech ; thence by land of George Edge, south 61° rches 10 !l ; thence by land of Paul Hardy! , North 29 . east 424 perches to a post; thence bv land of Simon Hardy, north G1 °, west Dai perches to the begiu ; ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of (j per cent for roads, Ac. ALSO A certain tract of land called '' Dt-rry," survey ed to Simon Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda | creek. Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by | land of James Hardy, north 29°. east 424 perches to a post; thence hy hind of Joseph I.adlev, north 01°. west IGo per ches to a hemlock sapling; theme bv land ot Daniel !>r adhead, south 29°, west 424 perches to a hemlock ; thence by land of Samuel Edge, south til°, east lo per ches to the beginning, containing 40)1 acres and allowance : ot 6 per cent, for roads. Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Denmark," sur ; veyed U> James Hardy, sitnntc on the waters of Towanda ' creek. Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by lands of Simon Hardy, south 29°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land ot Paul Hardy, south 111°, east RIO perches to a birch ; thence bv land of Nathan Hardy, | north 29° east 424 perches to a post : thence by land of Joseph Ladloy, north i;i°, west MO perches to the begin ning, containing 4uo acres and allowance of ii per cent. I for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Belmont," snr- I veyed to Nathan Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda , creek, Franklin Township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Samuel Siddens, north 29°, eat 124 perches to a : po-ti thence by land of Fetor Dudley, north Gl°, west ICO perches to a post; thence by lands of James Hardy, south 29°. west 424 perches to a birch ; thence by land of -Andrew Hardy, south 01°, east MO perches to the begin ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Enfield." sur veyed to Joseph Siddens. situate on the waters of the To wanda creek. Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by lands of George llaja, north 29°, east 424 per ches to a post; thence by land of Andrew Sadley, north | ii I °, we.-t 160 perches to a post ; thence by land of Saiitu- j el Siddens, south 29°. west 424 perches toi maple; thence by land of Feter Siddens, south 61°, east 160 perches to | the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance, Ac. I ALSO—A certain tract of land called "ML Fleasant," j surveyed to James Siddens, situate on the waters of To wanda creek. Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence hv land of Feter Siddens. north 29°, east 424 per ches to a maple ; thence by land of Samuel Siddens,north 61°, west 1 60 perches to a post : thence by land of An drew Hardy, south 29°, west 424 perches to a post ; thence by laud ot George Temple aud I'aul Moore, south6l°,east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract or land called " St. I'aul," snr- I veyed to I'aul Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda I creek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Andrew Hardy, north 29°. east 424 perches to a j birch ; thence by laud of James Hardy, north 61°, west ; 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Edge, south 29°. west 421 perches to a post; thence bv land of i George Edge and George Temple, south nl°, east 160 pe- I ches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance j of (J per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain messuage and tract of land called i " Mount Hope," surveyed to Jonathan North, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, in Overton township, be ginning at a post, thence by land of Samuel North, north 23°, cast 124 perches to a post ; thence bv land of James North, 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by laud j of Peter Hampton, south 29°, west 124 perches to a hem lock sapling ; thence by land of Joseph Custntor south I 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 j acres and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A tract of land called •• Germantown." survey- ' •■il in the name ol Stephen ll.dlingswojth. situate oil the waters of Loyal Rock creek, in the township of Overton, j beginning at a post, thence by land of Herman Castator, Joseph Castator and George t'astator, north 6l°,west32u > perches to a post ; thence by land of Henry Hardy, south I 29°, west 212 pen-lies to a post ; thence by old surveys, south 61°, east 320 perches to a post; thcuce by land of ! Anna Harris, north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning, 1 containing 400 acres and allowance of (i per cent, for , roads. A I,SO—A certain tract of land called " Frugality." surveyed in the name of Joseph Ca.-tatur, situate in < iver tou township, beginning at a post. theme by lands of Ilannan I'astator. north 2:i°, east 424 perches to a a post; thence by land of Jonathan Xorth. N". 01° west IliO perches to a hemlock sapling : thence by laiulof tieorgc Casiator, south 2tf°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Stephen 1 fallings worth, south <ll°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per cent. ALSO—A certain tract of laud called " Belfast," sur veyed in the name of Barman Casta tor, situate in Over ton township, beginning at a post, thence by land of John Moore, north 29°, west 424 perches to a chestnut sapling; them e by land of Lemuel North, north til°, west 100 per ches to a post.; thence by land of Joseph Cststator. south 7'.°, west 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of Ste phen llallingsworth and Anna Harris, south 01°, east 100 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of ti per cent, for roads. A I.SO--A certain tract of laud called " Fredericksburg," surveyed ill the name of Frederick Schoots, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek, in .Monroe township, begin ning at a post ; thence by land of (leorge Schoots, north 20°, east 424 perches to a post; tliem-e by land ot l'eter North, north 11°, west ICO perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel North, south 21°, west 424 perches to a chestnut sapling ; thence by land of J. Moore, south 01°, east ICO perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance oft; jier cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Springfield." surveyed in the name of George Sellouts, situate on the waters of th Towanda creek, lu Monroe township, begin ning at a chestnut oak, thence by land of l'eter Schoots, north 2!i°, east 424 |ierelies to a post ; thence by land of l'eter North, north <il°, Hid |iercliesto h post; thence by land of Frederick Schools, smith 2'.i°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Hannah Woodruff,south 61°, east Hit) pcrefres to the beginning, containing 400 acres and -allowance of 6 per cent- for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of laud called " Briston." sur veyed in tbe name ot Samuel Audersou.situate on the wa ters of Towanda creek, in Monroe township, beginning at a post ; thence by laud of l'eter Schools and Robert Hamp ton, south 61°, east 320 jierches to a post : thence by land ot Joseph Anderson, north 23°, east 212 pen hest-u ana-h sapling, thence by vacant land, north 61°, west 320 per ches to a hemlock, thence by land of l'eter North, south 20°, west 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. AI.BO— A certain tract of land called " By ford." survey ed in the name of Joseph Anderson, situate on the waters of the Towanda < reek, in Monroe township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Frederick Castntor and (Icorge Barnes, south (if o , east 320 perches to a post ; thence by land of John Bemnn Jr., north '2'.)°, east '2P2 porches to ii white oak, thence by vacant lands, moth <ll°, west 320 perches an ash sapling : thence hv land of Samuel Ander son, south *29°, west/212 perches to the Iteginning, con taining 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Humility," situ ate on the waters of Towanda creek, Franklin township, Iteginning at a maple, thence by land of James Siddens, south 29°. west 424 perc es to a post ; thence by Paid Moore, south 01°, east Bio [torches to n post; thence by land of George Bidden, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of Joseph Bidden, north 61°, west 1(5(1 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and al lowance of (5 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Milton," situ ate on the waters of Towanda Creek, iu Franklin town ship,beginning at a birch, thence by land of Paul Hardy, south 29°, west 424 perches ; thence by land of (icorge Temple, south 61°, east ItiO perches to a post ; thence by land of James Siddens, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, uorth (51°, west Kill perches to the beginning containing 400 acres and al lowance of G per ce t. for roads. ALSO -A certain tract of land called " Bedford," situ ate on the waters of the Towanda creek. Franklin town ship, beginning at a maple thence by land of Joseph Sid den,north 29°, east 424 perches to a'post; thence bv land of Peter Ladley, north (51°, west 160 per.-hes to a post; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, south 29°, west 424 per ches to a post; thence by land of James Siddens, south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. A LSO A certain tract of land called " Dover." survey ed in the name of Hotiert Hampton, situate on the waters of Towanda creek. Monroe township. ieginning at a ma ple, thence by land of Frederick Castator, north 29°, east 421 perches to a post: thence by laud of Samuel Ander son, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land of Peter Sellouts south 29°, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land of' Mary U'allis, south 61° east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allow iucc 6 per cut for read 1 . Cena!. ALSO—Atwtiw tract of land called " C"le'a Hill," surveyed in Ahe name of Peter Schottx. situate on the wa ters o'f Towifflda greek. Monroe township, beginning t u post ; tbdiice by laud ol lJoljrit Hampton, north 2'J°. east 424 perches to a post : thence by land of Samuel Ander son, north til west 100 to a post; thence by land of George Schotts, south 2ft°, west 124 perches to a chestnut oak. thence by land of Mercy Elba, south 01°, east 100 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres mid allowance af 0 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Camden," sur veyed in the name of Samuel North, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek, Franklin township, beginning ata chestnut sapling thence by lands of Frederick ISchotts, North 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence bv laud of James North, north ill 0 , west I*so perches to* a post; thence by land of Jonathan North, south 22°, west 424 perches to a post: thence by land of Ilarman Castator, south (il°, east 1!0 perches to the beginning, containing 41X1 acres and allowance oft! per cent, for roads. AI. SO—A certain tract of land called " Hagerstown," surveyed in the name of Samuel Hapar, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek, Overton township, begin ning at a post, thence by land of .1, Ridley, north tH°, west lt'>o perches to a jiost : thence by laud of Nathan lfafa, suuth 29°, west 424 perches to a sugar sapling; thence hy land of Jonathan Hampton, south 61°. east KiO perches to a post : thence by land of Peter Hampton, north 29°. east 424 perches to the beginning, containing 4<o acres and allowance of B per cent, for roads. ALSO— A certain tract of land called " Dartmouth," situute iu Overton township, surveyed iu the uaine of Samuel Hardy, beginning at a post, thence by land of Henry Cooley. south 61°, east 320 perches to a beech; thence by land of James Brvson, north 29°, east 212 per ches to a beech ; thence by land of Henry Seeley, north I°. west 320 perches to a pust: thence by land of Samu el Fritz, south 29°, west 212 perches to "the beginning, containing 400 acres with allowance of six |<er ceut. for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of laud called ' Clearfield ."sur veyed in the name of James Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post, thence by land of General Bmadhcad, south 29°, west 318 perches to a post ; thence by land of Jonathan Seeley, south *sl°, east 200 perches to a post ; thence by land of Samuel Fritz and James Betz. north 29°,east318 perches to a beech ; thence by land of Samuel Cooley, north 01°, west 2t>o jierclics to the begiuiiing. Containing 37a acres, and allowance of 6 jier cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO— A certain tract of land called " Felicity." sur veyed in the name of Samuel Temple, situate on the wa ters of Towanda creek, in Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, thence by land of Robert Roberts north 29° east 212 perches to a sugar tree; thenee by vacant land north til west 320 perches to a sugar tree; thence by land of Henry Betz south 29° west 212 perches to a post; thence by laud of Henry Bv.son, south 61° east 320 perch es to the lieginuing. Containing 400 acres, and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Simplicity," surveyed to l'eler Temple, situate on the waters of Tow anda creek,Overton township, beginuiug at a beech, and thence by land of George 'Temple north ul° west 320 per ches to a post, thenee by land of Peter Edge south 29° east 220 perches to a sugar sapling : thence bv land of Samuel Temple south 01° east 320 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by old survey north 29° east 220 perehes to the begin niiig. Containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 |>r ceut. for roads. Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Greenfield." surveyed to George Moore, situate on the waters of Tow anda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post, tlienee by land of Joseph I let/, and Henry Het/, north 29° east ill 8 perches to u heinlnek ; thence by vacant lands north 01° west 2UO perches to a post: thence by the same and land of Iren, S. llroadhead south 29° west 318 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Cooley south iil° east 200 iierrhes to the beginning. Containing 375 acres and al lowance of o percent, tor roads, &c. Al,S< >—A certain tract of land called " Litchfield,"sur veyed to Henry lietz. situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township. beginning at a small lieeeh and thence by land of Joseph Hot/, south 01 ° east 376 porches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Teuiple north 29° east 22n perches to a sugar sapling ; thence by vacant land north (>l° west 275 perches to a hemlock ; thence by land of Oeftrge Moore south 29° west 212 perches to tin beginning. Containing 343 acres, and 27 perches and al lowance of 6 per cent, for roads, Ac. AI HO—A certain tract of land called " Longford," sur veyed to Joseph Betz. situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a beech, thence by land of John Betz south (11° east 275 perches to a post; thence by land of Henry Bryson north 29° east 212 perch es to a post : thence by land of lleury Betz north til J west 275 perches to a small I>eech ; thence by land of George Moore and Samuel Cooley south 29° west 212 perches to the beginning. Containing 343 acres and 27 perches and allowance lor roads, Ac. A LSO—A certain tract of land called " Frugality,"sur veyed to John Betz, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a beech, thence by find ot James Het'/ south iil° east 275 perches to a post: thence by land ot Joseph Heely north 29° east 212 perches to a [Mist ; thence by land of Joseph Betz north <ll° west 275 perches to a birch ; thence by land of Samuel Cooley south 27° west 212 perches to the is-gifilling. Containing 343 acres and 25 perches and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Greenfield," surveyed to .tames Betz, situate on the waters of Towan da creek, Overton township. lieginning at u sogar tree, tlienee liy land of Samuel Fitz, south til ° east 275 perches to a post ; thence by land of Henry SeeleV north 20° east 212 perehe to a post : thence by laud of John Bet/, north <il° west 27 J perches to a beech ; thence by land of James llardy south 2:i° west 212 perches to tin beginning. Con taiuing 2.41! acres and 27 perches and allowance. Al.ijO- A certain tract of calico " Fertility," sur veyed to Henry Seeley, situate in Overton township, be ginning at a hemlock, thence by land of Joseph Seeley, north bl° west 1120 pen lies to a post; thcncc by lands of James llet/. south 2n° we-t 213 perches to apo t; thence by land of Samuel Hardy south (11° east 320 perches to a beech: thence by land of Patrick north 29° east 212 perches to the beginning. Containing Jut) acres and al lowance. ALSO—A tract of land called " Mount Hope," surveyed to Samuel Fritz, situated in Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, thence by land of J. Fritz south 01 0 east 27.7 perehe- to a post; thence by land of Samuel Hardy north 29° east 212 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Itctz north (11° ivr.t 275 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by land of James Hardy and Jonathan Seeley south 20° west 212 jK-rehes to the beginning. Containing 31J acres and 27 pen-hex, and allowance of 8 per cent, for roads,.te. ALSO—A tract of land called " Brutus," situated in Overton township, surveyed to lVter Edge, In-ginning at a maple, thcncc by lands of Daniel Broadliead south 29? west 212 perches to a hemlock ; thence by land of Henry Bet/, south ill 3 east 27". perches to a sugar sapling; thence by land of l'eter Temple north 29° east 212 perches to a post "thence by land of George Edge north 01° west 275 perches to the beginning. Containing 343 acres and 27 perches and allowance. ALSO A tract of land called " Amsterdam," surveyed to Henry Bryson, situate in Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, thence by land of Samuel Temple north |>l° west 320 perches to a post; thence by laud of Joseph lletz. south 29° west 212 pen lies to a post; thence by land of Joseph Seeley south 81° east 320 perches to a beech ; thence by land of James White north 21)° east 212 perch es to the beginning. Containing 400 acres and allowance. ALSO -A certain tract of land called " Felicity," sur veyed to S. Coolcy, situate in Overtoil township, liegin nlng at a beech, thence by land of J. Bet/, and Joseph Bet/, north 20° east 31s perches to a post: thence by laud of George Jtloore north (51° thui-e by land of Samuel Broadliead south 20° west 3IK perches to a post ; thence by land of James Hardy south 81° east 20(1 perches to the la-ginning. Containing 375 acres and allowance. ALSO V tract of land called " Anilierst," surveyed to Joseph Seeh v, situate in Overton township, I*>gi fining at a post theme by land of Henry Brvson north til° west 320 l>erches to a post : tlienee by lands of John Bet/, south 20° west 212 perches to a post -. tlienee by land of Henry Seeley south 81 ° east 320 ]ierrhes to it post; thence by lands of James Barnes north 81° east 212 |H-rches to the la-ginning. Containing 400 acres and allowance of Bja r cent, for roads. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William Johnson vs. Win. H. Winder. Also, at the suit of Simon ('amemn,f'ashicr of the Bank of Middle-town, Pa. vs. William H. Winder. JOHN A. PODDING, Sheriff. Tnwamla, June 3, 1 W>6. ADJOURNED..—The above sales stand adjourned until September Ist.. Js.iti, at the same place and time of da v. J. A. CODDING, Sheriff.* Sheriff's Office. Aug. 1, 1*5(5. A DM IN ISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice J. V. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Ju-eph inpham. deceased, late of Hcrrii k Town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons havinp claims apainst said estate will please present them duly authenticated tor settlement. July 111, 1*56. K. A. INGHAM, Admin'r. \ DMIMSTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice -i 11. is hereby given, that alt persons indebted to the es tate of BAM IK I, STEVENS, deed, late of Pike towu twp, are herchv requested to make payment without de lay; anil all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dnlv authenticated for settlement. * EMEBKXZA STEVEN'S. July 1, 1856. Administratrix. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an -LX application will he made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank to be called the NORTH BRANCH BANK, with hanking privileges of Issue, Discount and Deposit, with a capital of one hun dred thousand dollars, with the right to increase the cap ital stock to two hundred thousand dollars, and to lie lo cated in the borough of Towanda, in the county of Brad ford. July 1, I*s6—6m. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an XX application will be made at the next session of the legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a bank to he called the KEYSTONE BANK, with banking privileges of Issue. Discount and Deposit, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, with the right to increase the capital stock to two hundred thousand dollars, and to tie located in the borough of Athens, in the county of Bradford. Athens. Pa., Julv 1 I*> 6 km. ICcgol. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is bcre -Ld by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of CYPRIAN BARNES, deceased, late of Orwell l'wp., are requested to make payment without delay; and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HUMPHRERV BECK WITH, HENRY GIBBS, Jane 24, 1856. Executors. ECt TOR'S NoT I Civ Notice is Uere- J JI by given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Samuel Hilstou,4ec'd., late oilTowanda bro', have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said estate are iiereby requested to make imineiliale paymei* and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested for settlement. EMELINK HUSTON, June 24. 185*5. Executrix. ADMIN ISTK ATOR S NOTlCE.—Notice is herebv given that all persons indebted to the es tate of SAM'I, C. (JUICK, deceased, late of Asylum township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, will |resent them du ly authenticated for settlement. CORNELIUS Ol'ClK, Jiiiic 10, NH. Administrator. ADM INISTIi A TO ICS .V( )TICE,- Notice is hereby given that all jiersons indebted to the es tate of Luther Rockwell, dee'd.. late of Troy township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all jiersons having claims again.-1 -slid estate will "please present them duly authenticated for settlement. BINGHAM L. ROCKWELL, AMY ROCKWELL, June 10. lKfitL Administrators. A DM INISTKATOR'S NOTICE —Notice X\. is herebv given that all persons indebted to the es tate of LUDWTG RIN EBOLP, dee'd., late of Overton twp. to make immediate payment, and all jiersons having de niaiids against said estate, will jiresent them duly authen ticated for settlement. EDWARD IUNEBOLD, Administrator. Overton. June 18, 185(5. SHERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of a writ kJ) of fi. la. issued out of the court of common jtleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to )inblie sale at the Court* House in the borough of Towan da, at one o'clock P. M.. of Monday, August 11th, 18.5*5. a piece or parcel of land situate in Athens township, and bounded north by lands of Ira Klsbree, Krastus Wolcott and others ; west by lands belonging to the estate or heirs of Mary Caton ; south by Ira Hlsbree and Burnside ; and east by land of Ira Elsbree. Containing aliout 250 acres more or less, abotrt 100 acres improved, one frame house, one frame barn, one corn house, and two apple or chards tliereon. Seized and taken in execution at the snit of James El dridge, now to the use of Francis Tvler vs. James Thomp son- J. A."CODDING, SlieriffT .SlierifFs Office, Towanda, July 8, Is/in. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— G. iV. Shijemm SY. vs. J. 1.. Qttimby. In the court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 12R Feb, Term, 185*5. The undersigned Auditor ajipointed bv said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's real and jiersonalestate. will attend to the duties assigned him at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday the 23d day of August, 195*5, at two o'clock in the after noon, when and where all persons having claims are re quested to present them. or be forever debarred therefrom. Towanda, July 18,1856. P. 1). MORROW, Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTlCE.— Menson Klsbree, ■I * 2d vs. (leorge Dunham. In Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 352 Dec. Term, 1855. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor apjioinfcd hv said Court, to distribute funds raised bv Sheriff's sale of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in the borough of Tow anda, on Thursday, the 21st day of August. 195*5, at two o clock, I*. M., when and where all persons having claims upon said funds must present thorn, else forever be de barred from the same. July 19. IX5*;. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. A DMIVKS. NOTICE—AII persons in -I\. debted to the estate of WM. MYERS, deceased, late of ATHENS township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to jiresent them duly au thentieated for settlement. SARAH MYERS, July 18, Ixs*s. Adinistratrix. A I)M IMSTRATOR S NOTlCE.—Notice Xl. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- i tate'o! Pardon Kenyan, dee'd. late of Windham tp. are re- ' quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claim- ..gainst said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. WILKINSON P. KENYON, Administrators. Windham, July lt">, 135(5. lIST OF JURORS drawn for September, -1 Term, is.>B. HRAMI J' HOKS. Ulster —Caleb Adams, .John Orwell—Cyrus Cook. Elsbrce. Kmitbiield -Lewis Gerould. West Burlington—Thomas Athens boro'—Edward Hcr- Blaikwell. rick. Warren—J 1) Burbank, Ilela A litany—Moses A Ludd. l-'airchihl. Athens Tp.—S \V Hummer, \s\b in—Ji lius Bragg. All Spalding. l.i.E. cry 'I )■ Bait. Springfield—K X Bowo. Wyso.v—Nelson I'. Brown. Wells- -A bleu Swazee, Wyalusing- Samuel W Biles Columbia- X Stevens, Ed- Harry Elliott. ward Voting. Pike—l'honias Brink. Granville—Sylvester Tay- Troy—C S Elliott, Alunzo lor. Morse. 7RAVKKSE .LL'ROHS—FIRST WEEK. Wyahtsing Ferris Ackley, son, David Smiley. Jaliez Elliott. Warren—Samuel Lynn. Bike—Kellogg Barnes. West Burlington—Win. 1". Litchfield Benjamin Ball. M'Kean S. 11. Stiles. Troy boro' Wm. Burger, T. Tuscarora Serrel I*. Mux- J. Dove. field. Monroe—J. Blackman, Mi- Wilmot Wm. \orkonk, ucr Knap]). James Sehoonover. Troy ttvp.— fra I'. Ballard. Wells—John A Roy. Auiasa Greeno, Jacob A. Towanda twp. James San- Lindcrniaii. tee. derrick—T S Cgjnp. 0 Str Athens twp. 1 F Satterlee. veus. Shesbequin—J S Spencer. Burlington L M Randall. Rome— Edwin Taylor. Josephus Campbell. Asylum Francis Vial, llcu- Wysox—Moses Can field, S rv Verbreck. A York. North Towanda—J Wood- Ridghery Peter A Evans-. vtiflf. Towanda twp.—ll C Fox. Canton—Murray Watts. Franklin—Joseph E. John-! SECOND WEEK. Orwell - John Alger, A W Wiudham—H W Dunham. Alger, Joel Cook. derrick—Miner Fairchild. Wyalusing—XcUou B At Shexhequin—John llorton. wood. Harrison Black. Litchfield—Alfred Hicks. Ulster—John Bowman. llidgbery—Jesse Hammond. Towanda twp.—A U Bow- Wells—Wm § lug-alls, O W nmn. Smith. PureH—Miles Bishop. Athens boro—H A Kiff. Springfield R U Brooks. Smith field—W lame. Smith Granville—Luther H Clark. Mitchell. John Phelps. Wni Vroinan. Troy boro'—Alouzo Long. South Creek-—8 II Coleuian, Burlington—C T Merry. Ransome Tanner. Wysox—George X'ichols. Tuscarora- -Geo W Dexter, Canton—David Palmer, C. John A Leppor. Stockwell.lsaac Williams. Asylum—E Dodge, Uriah Pike—A Stevens, 2d. Terry. Columbia—Wm Strait. / lAMBRIA COUNTY SS—Tlte Comiaon- V.) wealth of Pennsylvania to Catharine O'Keefe, Jcre [E. S.] mirth A'Hern and John Flynn, administrators of Daniel O'Keefe dee'd., and to the heirs and legal re)>- reseutatives of said deceased, GUKKTINO :—We command yon and every of you, that you do in your own proper persons appear before our Judges at Kbeushurgat a Court of Common Pleas, there to l>e held on the first Monday of September next (as we have heretofore commanded you) at ten o'clock. A. M. of said day to answer Greenla-rry Taylor in the matter of his petition for the specific per formance of a contract made with Daniel O'Keefe ilec'd., in his lifetime, to sell to the said petitioner a certain lot or piece of ground situate in Gallitzin, Allegheny town ship, and herein fail not. Witness* the Honorable George Taylor, President of our said Court at Ebettshurg, the 9th dav of July, 1*515. M. HUBERTS, Proth'y. X'otice directed to tie given by publication in the " Brad ford Reporter." a newspaper published in Towanda. Brad ford oonnty. Pa., for six weeks before the Ist day of next I term, &c. Per. Cur. JOIIX ROBERTS, Slierifl. K'ienslxirg, July 9, I*so. pAMBRJA COUNTY SS. -Tl.e Common [L. S.J wealth of Pennsylvania to Catharine O'Keefe, Jeremiah A'Hern and John Flynn, administrators of Dan iel i PKeefe dee'd., and to the heirs and legal representa tives of said deceased, GKEKTING :—We command you and every of you (as we have heretofore commanded you) that you do in your own proper person appear before our Judges at Kbensburg at a Court of Common Pleas there to be held on the Ist Monday of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day. to answer James M'Coy in the maltcrof his petition for the sj>erifir performance of a contract made with Daniel O'Keefe dec d., in his lifetime, to sell to James Stotler the assignor of the petitioner, a certain lot or piece of ground situate in Gallitzin, Alleghe ny township. And herein fail not. Witness the Honorable George Taylor, President of our said Court at Ebetisburg, the 9th day of July. ISSB. M. ROBERTS, Proth'y. Notice directed to be given by publication for six weeks in the - Bradford Reporter," a newspaper published in Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa. Per. Cur. JOHN* ROBERTS, Sheriff. ADM INISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Maivina A. Rogers, deceased, late of Canton twp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all person; having claims against said estate will please prci-ent them ditlv authenticated for settlement. SJMOX' B. LATH lit) P. Jtrtv 1. 1 Q .")8. Administrator. fNiftteilatitons. NEW DRUG STORE AT NICHOLS. DI'S. (f. A!. A (. I*. CADV would respect fully announce to their frioiuts and tin- uubli.- that they have justoprnod a new arid extensive DP. IT. STORE at Nit HOLS, X. Their stock is new aiul caretuily selected, and consists uf Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, amoug which arc lead, zinc, chrome green and yellow, indiu red. vermillion, Are. Oils and Varnishes, a variety. Dye-stuffs, including log Wood, camvvond, fustic, endliear, Gran ulated tin, iudigu, Act HKUBHKIS for paint, hair, lut, clotiios, shoe, teeth, Ac. Window gl ass, putty, eaiupliCiie. bsuning fluid, alrdhol; tun net's oil; very pure LfQIIORS fur medicinal purposes ; i'atent Medicines, perfumery. Lilian's Extracts for the handkerchief ; fancy irliclrs, Yatikct* Action*, Brwft, Cigars, Arc. &c. To Physicians our stock offers inducements as being of the liest (puility. eareftiily elected,kiid sold cheap. Give us a call, and see it you can purchase HS cheap elsewhere. A u . P . CAUV . Nichols, June it. f A 1)1 KS' JNdTa J J at the store of jj. y. MKKCUK. THE PACK ET-EOAT GAZELLE, " ' !^^ssssi^^h HAS lieen newly painted and refitted entire, and will commence regular trips lietwecn TOVfANDA AND ATHENS, on MONDAY, the nihilist. Coaches w ill leave WnVerly for the boat every morning after the arrival f the night and morning trains, passen gers reaehitip Towanda in tins, for the staves south. Going North, the packet w ill leave Towanda. at 1 o'- clock. P. M.. enabling passengers to take any of the even ing or night trains. i'OU'KU, A SMITH, June 5, lvotb Proprietors. *S~ Passengers for the Westcsn prhcure through tick ets lor all points, is'lh hy Uailroad and Steamboat, by ap plying to the Cupfuiu oil the bout, or either of the propri etors at the Ward House. \ EDITOR'S NOTICkW/. A. MrcVr 2 V note to the line of Franklin Township r*. Jeremiah Myers. In the Court of Common l'leasof Bradford coun tv. No. lob. May Term. lsoi. The undersigned Auditor, appointed bv the Court to distrilmte the funds raised liy Sheriff's sale of real estate, w ill attend the duties of said appointment, at his ilie borough of Towauda, on Friday August Tl, 1*56, at '- " clock, P. M., when and where all persons having claims upon said funds must present them, or be forever debarred from the same. July H, lsjtj. ]>. I). MORROW, Auditor. PI. UK CIDER IN EG A R—A good arti cle at POX'S. MA GKiNAW TRODT—Some Tory iiuc - ones in half barrels, also Mackerel in half and quar ter hcrrels. at j|s FOX S. C) ANDY—A large stock always on hand / and sold at wholosile at pedlars' prices at FOX'S. /"MLA IN* CI? A DLK.S and Horse Rakes for V3f sale by June fs, lSfitt. fi. s. 51ERCUR. /iultivator teeth and corx \J SIIKLI.KRS, for sale by H. S. MERCI'R. TO THE PUBX.XC. IN consideration of the liberal patronage with which wc have been favored since we commenced business in this place, we tender to the citizens of Towunda and sur rounding country our sincere thank-., and hope by selling at prices SI. RPKISINiiI.V LOW, to make it profitable to all who may favor us with a calk A\ c are re -olvcd to keep pace with the progressive spirit of the age in which we live, by offering for sale Goods of the Xiatest Syles, at prices that actually alarm the proprietors of old-fash ioned Stores : they being schooled in the high-price prin ciple, or rather in the prices of old times- wait not lower their demands ; but. in a very happy manner, warn their customers not to meddle with the ('nods at the New Store, (at the same time exhibiting much concern tor their wel fare.) for they know'that none but damaged Good* can be sold so very low. We do not intend to sell damaged Goods, but if anv prove to be so, or. are not what we represent them to be, return theui and receive the money paid for them. We now offer our EXTIRE SUMMER STOCK AT ST ILL LOWER PRICES Till X EVER. Some of our Dress Goods, onr remaining stock of Bon nets and Bonnet Trimmings we will sell at COST. We have a fine lot of Shawls, Mantillas, Window Dra pery, Sillis, Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edging and In serting, &>., Ac. We use prepared to send for any article in our line that we have not on hand. Our assortment of Ii E AI) Y-M ADE CLOTH I NO, is complete—cannot be surpassed by any other establish incut-in Northern Pen nsy!valiia. Call ami examine onr Goods—seeing is iielievinjr. GHTTEXBERG, ROSEXHAI'M & CO. T<wanda, July 2k, 1 s'fffi. 10 ST.—between this place and the residence J of ISAAC MYEK. Esq.. a GOLD ElIAf KLET. The finder shall he 1 : by-ally rewarded, and receive the thanks of the owner by leaving it at the " Reporter" office. Towanda, July 2U, iß.il>. E STRAYED from the premises of the Sub scriber iu Towanda borough, a foW days siuee, a | BLACK COW, ahout l() years old. without any particular [ marks. Any per.-ou will lie suitably rewarded hy return ing said Cow to the subscriber, or giving information where she mov be found. July 30, lSoli. ADAM ESKXWIXK. IIA To l a & KI JHSELL, HAVK REMOVED TO THEIR NEW BI II.DINO. on the west -iile of Main siro.t, nearly opposite Tracy <v Moore's, where they now oiler for sale a largely increased stock of Hardware, Klovcs. Tinware. &c. * July 24. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. fItHE property known us the " North Rraneh - _ A HOTEL," situated on Main street, iu the /SassjA lioro' of Towanda, is offered for sale on terms lif ajtfejL that will enable a business man to pay for it JkiilflW out of the business of the house. It will"be sold JtiHSaSS at a low tigure. and but a snistil portion of the purchase money will lie required ; tlic lminnce may reuiaixtfor sudi period of time as will suit the purchaser. This Is a rare chance for an active man to iret into business. ALSO—A small DWELLING HOI'SK A LOT. on Uie Northern Lilierties, in said biro", the house is new, well finished, a first-rate cellar under the whole, several young thrifty fruit trees, Ac. Will besoldat a bargain, ou terms that will make it an object to a person desiring u snag homo. For further particulars enquire of t lie subscriber. Towanda. July *2l, lKSii. D. YANDERCOOK. /1 ROCKKR YAG I, ASSAY ARE.^Alurye V J and beaut iful assortment of Crockery and Glassware, fust received by muyl'2 H. S. MERCCR. O PICES, of all kinds, both white anil ground —Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at October 9. FOX'S. FORE HJ X ATTACH ME .\ T.—Bradford County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To the Sheriff of Bradford County. Greeting : We eoni tnand that you attach James Schernierhorn, Cornelia Si liermerliorn, and Theodore Schenuci horu. late of yonr •c unity, by all and singiilarhis goods and ehattles.lands atul tenements, moneys, rights ami credits, in whose hands or possession soever tbc same may be. si that be be and ap pear before our court of Common Pleas, to beholden at the borough of Towanda, in anil for said county, on the lirst Monday of September next, there to answer George Sanderson,"in a pica of trespass ou tbc case upon prouiil ses, damages not exceeding live hundred dollars, and that you summon all persons in whoso hands or possession the said goods,chatties, moneys, riglit.s atul credits or any of thein may l>e attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before said court, at the day and place afore said, to answer what shall be oljected against them, and abide the judgment of the Court therein ; and have yon then and there this writ. [i.. .s.] Witness the honorable David Wilnwt, President of our said court, at the borough of Towanda aforesaid,the lt4h day of June, A. D. 1 SAG. Ai.I.KN M'KF, VX."ProthoitotA! v. CAS H-A N D CREDIT! fTMIE stiliscriber gratefully announces bjs thanks for the L liiieral patronage received during llie past year, and respectfully solicits a continuance of tin- trade, which he will endeavor to merit by keeping bis Sick rimlinuafly replenished by ('ASH ptirrhtvns, with a large and pin e assortment of Goods, which several years rrperiiner has enabled him to " buy at the loirisl rates of the " Impor ters and Manufacturers"—by si 11m- low- by adopting the CASH SYSTKM entirely, and ny making a GENERA/ redno tion of prices. Consequently, tbc credit system will on and after the first day of January. Hjy- AJI per .-sins indebted are requested to make imme diate payment. H. C. PORTER. Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House. December 20, 18,">a. TTARRWARE, IRON. NAILS, Ac. 1.1 A larpe additional stork •! <'nimiinn and Saddlery Hardware, .loiuerV C.imag< T iinmrnys. Iron i AND V.m!. iN* received '>v II I* MlißtTli.