Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 31, 1856, Image 3

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\\" hapienetl in "at the effort to form a
I,a„aii Club" in this borough on Thurs
i v cvciiiag ' a>t > time to hear the conclusion
, i-.i I*'.> i I.ET'S fatifaroimile. We must con-
I'M 1 1 _ -
tint as well as we understood the speak
. ,]j.-j,asitioti to misrepresent, we were aston
: i,,.,1 at the assertions we heard him make.
He -aid
].t That Illinois led off in the State cle<*
tion>. ■
•> iU ] That both the candidates for Oover
, •ja Illinois were for Ruchanan. That he
acl rend i" the Chicago Tribune that Col.
i;;.. r 1l -aid i" I'is speeches that if his defeat
„ 1 increase Hucliatmn's majority in the
i„- would be willing to be defeated.
I ~ coiitot- there was a mere struggle between
jn) ileiiioerats.
;P Tiial there was not a Republican electo
j ,i tVket in #"}' Southern State.
'l'jie f'oloml coatrived to crowd these mis
tatcinetits of facts into the few remarks we
l„ ir ,j Tiiey are false in every particular.
Illinois does not vote for State officers un
t j To il:iv of the {'residential election.
The traliaat (hL Rt.-sn.i., the Republican
, uihiaie for Governor of Illinois, is a warm
. : .,p,:rter <>f I-'HKMOVT and DAYTON.
'['lie Citiciigo Tribune has never published
a vthimr like the statement represented ; nor
i . ( VI. I'lou.KT seen any such assertion in anv
\ Itcpuhliean eleetoral ti-'ket is alreadv
Eninil in Kentucky, one person upoti which
, . ail aioeratie elector in and will rc
t-i'.e a large vote.
(TL. PIOI.I.KT may take which horn of this J
• : in.i he chooses Kit her he was guilty of
a uinl intentional effort to misrepresent,
r lie !us -how n an " iueapacity of accuracy " j
u: ••!: -iioiihl cause his statements tobereceiv- 1
i' xith niuiiv grains of allowance.
I ; i-nuse lmtst l>e a hopeless one indeed,:
• . M;,-II cut rut lit u I and inaccurate statements ;
>' -s-ary to infuse a little contidence into !
were many other statements equallv '
.i t in reasoning and fact, but these, which '
ainio.-t historical, are all that are necessary i
■ • . ~.-{y characterize the whole effort,
{-■ ■ Tl;.- \ \ x f'.ritrvs', father and son, hav-'
_ 1 tln-ir determination to support .Mr. j
w\v it somewhat refreshing to sec how
•ci'iy th<-y have grown in the estimation
S ivery adjuncts. While these gentle- '
• ••.-•••• . -•• - -B-iii in their opposition to Sla- !
; ;.r.pigandism, there were no terms too :
:ir the l',t.-haitiers to apply to them.—
VAN HI REV particularly has been for \
'■i- eight year- I lie theme of denunciation
iri<ni () -cans of hypocritical tears
.••■ I -!n-d over his downfall, and the re- i
•oh he Intd brought upon his name. His
lias !>ceii paraded a- a sad and solemn
veiling to pilitieians, and as the climax of I
b ill ir- ai-ln-ry and ingratitude,
bo* now all i- clianged ! l'resto ! Mr.
!• n lia- become a wise aiid patriotic |
■ -..c1. llis jK>litieal silts which were as;
'. lia-.c 'ec>iiie as white a< snow. The I
i t in which he has been dipped, i- tlie j
x- . limddv pool .if Slavery. The pro-I
y ye-- througlmiit the country, is in un- j
v!. "!e to give place to his la-t letter, :
' Ejie which have been used to berate and i
il'- r !11: a, are now employed in singing j
■M'Rlbcs. |
- '-a-c of the Van Huron's illustrates how ■
:t i-at any time for Ititti who lias liceit '
Ui' r:t iit In- o|>|>ositi>Hi to."Slaters to make
" with that interest. The fanatical
"f to-day, if he will hut swear feal- i
; He I'-uv-T, becomes to-morrow a •
-"•1. siinon jiure Democrat. .Slavers* \
■" i "'''.Pioa try state, it asks no qttes
;L"J,) the jia-f, it only requires pledges j
ll the traitor ran lie useful, j
Vl ! wills open arms and sure rcwartl. i
hk u-> jH.litieal quarantine ground, i
• '• i> trom infected phiees must tar-|
■th _Ti:trd, luit the black-flag is a pass- ,
! i the Democratic party.
■ > •"i srtedand wcuk-backcd friend !
'A - courage. There can he no !
:i o lier-p, hut (hp slavery is !
Ad that power' is alletriance ■
purpo-es. For all who are wil- ;
ihe perpet nation and propajra- i
:i ' " itiitioa lie grants a full and j
x t Ml' u.i.i m, of the N'ew
•> lhtilr-eid, has puhlishcd a very
ami intcre-ting iliagrani, after the |
•'i genealogical tree, of the entire j
• tin' Erie Itoad. It shows at a
'■"upsiiinn of every employee of the
- ■ eit-rv raimlieatiou of resjionsi- ,
: !,t! ..ji'er up to the President.—
'' a enriosity and instructive stu- ;
to Siijierintendent MCai,- 1
■9 !'. v ' ' this very ingenious chart.— j
' 'N]danation of his division of du
"iciliilities in working tlie road,
" n-d, and reflects great ercd- j
■ IKa tie.,! ;t|,ility ftlll ] talents as an ,
' r ' The management of the I
ai:, j s t j tc theme of roiistant
who have occasion trust
property upon the road. The
! "T'T which the passenger feels
I . that the road i.s ahiy and '
Hen. Stringfelldw and
l't' ton i tied a handtiill <>n
■ ■ ' n 11 ' Mis ouriaus to g over
Hi ii-t to vote al 'lie N(i-
A Convention of the Radical Demo
crats of New York was held at Syracuse on
1 hurslny last. The Hon. Jas. S. W'ADSWORTH
I presided, among the delegates were many of
' the most prominent and influential democrats
I of the State, who have always held aloof from
I the Republicans.
The proceedings breathe a spirit of indepen
|d' noe and of devotion to principle. Recogniz
ing the principal question in the pending ran
j vas as Freedom or Slavery ia Kansas, they
: resolve to support the election of FREMONT and
We are once more called upon to re
! b'ord another distressing steamboat disaster,
1 attended with much injury and loss of life.
The steamer Empire State of the Fall River
Line burst her steam chest on Saturday night,
while rounding point Judith, on her way to
j New } oik. Six persons were killed and six
| teen others dreadfully scalded.
i &&*■ Senator HAMLIX, of Maine, accepts the
Republican nomination for (Jovernor of .Maine,
; and will resign his seat in the Senate if the pco
i pie decide against him.
Towanda Market—Wholesale Prices.
| {Corrected weekly by E.T. Fox. Dealer in Provision*ami
* Groceries, No. 1, Brick Uoxv.}
! P'our, (retail price,) jj 1,1,! # 7 -,o 01 800
: J 'UK. do •• .... ij no (Tn ___
: )) ht ' at ' l t-'bu-hel. ... 1.",.)
i Ituekwtieat, •• "Is ce ..
|!!f' •• ::::
IL oin ' " .... 01 > (<c 1
Nye •• _ f,i .;•>+ •
: I*tatoe •• .. . *
m-ans, 44 I ."<>
Pried A pities 44 ... 1 0(1 0 c
| ltc.tter f'11,... ltr„; 17
! ( ,i ""V'-Vi; " r ' 8 111 :
ilauts and >houlders f .. 44 5 (]•>s i
Pruwl Peaches, 44 VI (CL !♦* !
Dried Berries "... VI Oq jsj !
[rfdozen In or, j
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
\Y A YKHEY—Arrive- daily, exept 12.1 P.M. ;
Departs do * 1 " do I
TPXK'X K—Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 12 M. j
Departs do " Ip. M. 1
TROY—Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 7 P. M.
Departs do ' 7 A. M.
SIIESDEQI IX—Arrives Tuesday. Thursday and Satur- !
day, at SP. M. Departs, same days, at OA. M.
t'AXTOX Arrives Monday. Wednesday and Piiday. at i
BP. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, i
at 6 A. M.
MOXTK<>SK—Arrives Monday. Wednesday and Friday,
at , P. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day. at 7 A. M.
DA Pol! 11. \ rrives Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at ;
2 P. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday '
at 12 M. ' * * |
W EU.SBI Ihi Arrives Tuesday. Thtir-day and Saturday !
at J P. M. Departs Monday, Wednesday and Fri- |
day at<! A. M.
EATON \rrives Wednesday and Saturday, at, t' P. M.
Depart* Tile-day and Friday, at M.
Ihe inoMiiii" mails close al S o'ehe'k ol ttic evening pre
vious ; the afternoon mails close at 114 A. M.
July 21, IK)'). 11. C. I'DIiTEU, P. M. j
In Twjn<la Township, on Friday. Istli irt-t.. f'HARLKS
XIILI.I-.H, vii> .1 • iiu Marvin and Elvira Fox, i.n the
1 nth ya-ar of his age.
I has .suddenly has a youth of much promise, anil many
c-timuhle qualities, been snatched away. It is Imt a few
months-ince In- seemed to have as In ight a prospect of
long and happy life as any of his associate-. |{ut the tie- i
crt-c had gone forth, and lie is numbered awing the dead !
I p to the month of February last, he had the appearance i
ot a.- robust Ileal til as is often seen—and had seldom stif- i
fereil any sickness whatever. Being of a social, are! we ■
may say /<n/.yn/ disposition, few could enjoy life more j
richly than he. Hut then, while attending school in the
f 'oliegiate institute of this place, he was seized with a ,
cold, which interfered with his regular attendance at re- j
citation. Hut being ambitious to improve his time, he
|m raveled in study until his constitution suddenly and
entiivly gave way . lie was taken with iutlanimation and ;
congestion of tile lungs. Hi-naturally good constitution i
-trugglvsi long, and life .seemed for months t" hang lie- !
tweeii hope and fear. Hut on Tuesday, the Bth inst.. hi
-vuiptom- l ante greatly aggravated, ami hope entirely
tailed. Hut the event did not take him hv surprise. He
hail troin tin- tir-t colitt mplateil this ie.-uit.aiul h id la-ell
setting lii- house in order. The tirsttiiue his pa-tor qneu
tioned him in regard to the subject he expressed hi- rea
dme-- tor the event, lie had put his trust in Christ and
w.t- not afraid to die. And that faith did not fail him. -
Although he did at time- speak ol his uiiworlhiiiess, and
hi- sinfulness in a manner that indicated that his hope
via- not a- bright a- was desirable, still lie had no season
of that d-ep and distressing anxiety and doiiht which of
ten assails the most experienced child of (lon under such
eircuin-tam es ; and toward- the close, although hi- lmdi-
Iv di-tre-s was very great, his own account of his state
was : '• There is no darkness : no douht; all is peace
■ ('AMI'.XIKETIXG. *J"lie undersigned would
fciL*Sn inform the puhlie generally, that arrangements
are being made by a committee ch.,sen for that purpose,
to hold a Ciinip-Meetingnear Kn-m htown. in a most lieau
tiful grove on land owned by Bartholomew l aporte. Said
meeting t<io|H-ti by a serinoii. at 7 I'. M.. on Tuesday, the
2d ol Sept. in Ist next, and ci<on the toliuwing Tuesday
m-iriiiug. The public generally, and especially all friend
ol camp-m.s-tiiigs from far and near, are earne-tlv invited
to fiirni-h themselves with .loth tents ami a suppfy of pro
vision-. anil come thus prepared to remain with lis during
fhe whale ,f the meeting. Competent aid, both clerical
and lay, front abroad, will Is- expected.
1,. Wool). Chairman
Liberty Corners, duly 1, 1x5(5. Coin, of Arrangement.
1< )ST.— between this place ami tlie resilience
■1 of I- \.\e Mvkh. Ksq., a CUM) IlliAi KI.KT. The
tinder .-.hall he liberally rewarded, and receive the thanks
f the owner by leaving it at the " Reporter" ollice.
Towanda. July 29, Cel.
i/STK A 'i Kl> from tlie premises tf the stib
j s- riher in Towanda borough, a lew ilavs since, a
I'.l.At'K I'OM.about 111 years old. without an v |artieiilar
marks. Any person will be suitably rewarded by return
ing said Cow to the subscriber, or giving information
where she may la- fotinil.
■lnly 30, 1 -V, ADAM BSEXWTNE.
I V consideration id the liberal patronage with which we
) have been favored since wc commenced business in
this place, we tender to the citizens of Towanda and sur
rounding country our sin, ere thanks, and hope bv selling
at prices SCI'PKIHI.NUEY l.ttW, to make it profitable to
all w ho may favor us with a tail.
U'c are re olved to keep pace with the progressive spirit
of the age ill which we live, by ottering lor sale
Goods of the Latest Sylcs,
at prices tlint actually alarm the proprietors of old f.t-h
--iuiicd stoics : they Uing schooled in the high-price prin
ciple. or rather in the prices ot old times will not lower
tin ir demands ; hut. in a very happy manner, warn their
customers not to ntvllie with the (loads at the New Store,
(at the vine time exhibiting much concern lor their wel
fare.) for tin y know that none but damaged (land* can
l.e sold -o very low.
We do not intend to sell damaged floods, but if any
prove to be so. nr. are not what we represent them to lie.
return them and receive the litonev paid lor them. We
now oilir our £STI UK S VMM Kit STOCK AT
Some of our Itress (limits, our remaining stock of lion
nets and I*imint Trimmings we will sell at ft IST.
We have a line lot of Shawls. Mantillas. Window Dra
pery, Silks, Km broideries, Needle-Worked Edging aud in
serting, Ac., Ac.
We a-c prcpaml to send for any article in our line tiial
we have not on hand. Our assortment of
is complete cannot he surpassed by any other establish
ment in Northern Pennsylvania, fall and examine our
Hoods—seeing is believing.
Towaioli. July 2". ls.'s).
nISSOIiI'TiON. The partnership hereto
fore exi-ting under the lirm of CASE A ROI'K
WEI.I .i* this day dissolved hv mutual consent. The
Notes, Judgments, !{ooks and accounts belong exclusive
ly to 11. Case, who will pay all debts of the concern.
\!1 who know themselves indented will make immediate
settlement to save costs. Mr. Case will Is- in fanton and
mav be found at the old -fend until the l-t September. are nut -cltlfd previous to that time
will be placed in the heeds ol an Attorney for collection.
tli. Rockwell will - ontinut the hu-incsa at the old ■
land, when he will 1< h.ippv f ■ wait upon all who nia\ |
• •\or him with a - all. A 11. < \SK.
I "ant II Da 1 -it* • 1 •• ft' ISK WIT I
Legal "Abucrticnicuts.
I ) I I,R ,S NOTICES. Notice .i.sherc-
I* 1 „ l, > tbat U ' L ' rc bavc 'ded and settle, lin
I he oltiee ol the Register ot U ills, in and for the county of
hn'dtord. otadmmistrutioi, upon the tollow'iug
i J' 1 ?'j al l*' S,:ule - administrator of the es
talt ol 1.. U. Sl ide, latent Columbia. deee i-ed
Puitial aeeount of W,n. 1!. Wat kin -, administrator ot
the, estate J). M atkms, late of Coiuinbi.,, dee d.
1 artial account of S. Squire, and Win. Stevens, execu
tors of Elial Stevens, late of Ridgburv. decea-ed
1 account of John V. liull.ud. iUmiuistrator of the
estate ot I-uae Sturges. late of Springlield, deceased.
I- inal aeeount of S. S. Bradley, administrator of the e-
oodrult. late of V. ilmot, deceased.
u i' , v V Unt ,lf l r Y executor ot Jas. Turn
uttll, late i Munrot', deceased.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of Bradford county, on .Monday, the Ist day ot September
next, fir continuation ami uliowaiiee.
P • . . ~, JAMES 11. WEBB, Register.
_£wgtsters Office, Towanda. July 211, R-.,0.
PROCLAMATION'.—Whereas, the lloti.
. . ''®." lEMOT. President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting <>f the Counties of Bradford Sws
ipieh imia and Sullivan, and Hons. Mvnov R X1.1.AK11 and
V. !I: \. A ', K V v ' Aa -'"'iate Judges, in and for said county
ot IJradlord, liave issued their preeejit bearing date the
2iilh day of July A.D.l*.jii, to me dire, tel. for holding a
our of I Iyer and I,amine. (bm.aal Quarter Session.? of
tie eaee, < uiuniuii Pleas and Oriihau's Court, at Towan
da. tor the County ol Bradford, on the first Moudav the
Ist day of SEPI EMBER next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore lierebv given, to the Comma-s and
Justices <d the Peace ami Constables, of the County ot
Brad lord, that they be then and there in their proper per
son, at 10 o", l.„ k in the forenoon of said day, with tlu-ir
records, UKjUi-itions.and other remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be done - and
those who are bound by recognizance or ollu-rwWe to pro
secute against the pri-om r- who are or max be i-i tin- jail
of-aid County, or who shall be bound to appear at the
said court are to be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be just. Jurors are re.pie-ti d to be punctual
in tlieir attendance,agreeably to their notice
Dated at Towanda, the 22.1 of July, in the year 'of our
Eord one thousand eight hundred and tiftc'.-i.x. and of
the Independence of the I'nited States,'the seventy
.'L'l 11 ' 1 - JOHN A. CODDlXG.Sheriff.
I CHMU* I lb ALE. - By virtue of sundry
j K-- writs of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of
, Common Pleas ol Bradford me directed 1 shall
, W e h. public sale at the Court "House ill the borough
of lovvaiida, on Monday SKPTKAIIiKH f-t, at 1 o'clock.
I|. XI., the billowing described lot piece or parcel of land
situate in I l-tertwp. hounded on the north by lands of
C. XL ilolcoinh, ea.-t by lands .il Horace Heath, on the
south by the public highway, west by lands of James Mc
| tarty , containing .jot an acre more or Ic—, all improved,
j one frame house, one frame stable and a lew fruit trees
i thereon.
j ALSO One other lot piece <u- pared of land situate in
, i 1-ter tvvp. hounded north by land-of Edward .Mill-, east
by the public highway, south hv hinds of John Bovvumn,
west by lands ol Edward Mills, eon twining 4 an acre more
I or less, all improved, one framed building occupied as a
grocery store thereon,
i Seized and t tken in execution at the suit of A. B. Smith
| vs. J. XL Pike. XL S. Pike and Mary Pike.
! ALSO —The following described" lot piece or parcel of
| land situate in the townships of Windham and Koine, and
, hounded north by lands of James Sildev. east by land- ot
i X\ m. Sutherland, south by lands of Edward Boardman.
j we-t by John ilockoh Ilow, containing acres, he the
I same more or less, about 'Jo acres improved, one framed
I house, a framed barn and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the .suit of J. M. Peck
vs. < leo. M. Bui-bank.
Also, at the suit of Miles Prince vs. Geo. XL Hiirhank.
ALSO The following described lot piece or parcel of
I laud situate ill Canton tvvp. IsJinded north by lands of
j Mrs. Betsey Hubert -. ea-t by lands of James M ether .south
j by lands ol I-. S. Llliotl and Jacob Hubert.-, west by laiul
i u( Jacob Hubert- ami the public highway leading from
i ( aiitua to Troy, containing 117 acres, more or less, about
1 I s acres improved and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Iletirv lii
| ley vs. Z. L. Scott.
ALSO—ilie billowing described lot piece or parcel of
lam! situate in Springfield tvvp. hounded as fojluvvs: lie
j ginning at the tmrthwe-t cornir of lot No. ,78 of the allot
; ment ol the Bingham lands, conveye-1 to Jonathan Wood;
; sy4 3 ea.-t 117 and .'J-|U perches : thence south 2° west 77
; and Mo pen hos ; thence along the north line of lot No.
o-l. north xnij ' west all and 7-10 perches; thence along
the north line ot lots No. a J and all, north -!i° west 110
; and MO perches ; thence along line of hit No. 82, convey
ed to Orrin Scott, north 1 - ea.-t 2.7 perches ; tlumee north
714 J west Jn and .7-1(1 perches : thence along Hne of lot
No. <L, north 1° ea-t .'ll ami 3-10 percheg : thence north
S'J 4° cast h and 1-10 perches ; thence north J° east 10.7
perches : tlu-nce along the south line of lot No. 10(5. south
B*4 3 cast ;>S and 510 perches to the Is-ginning, contain
ing 1 7 and S-10 acres with allowance of 0 per cent, for
roads, Ac., lie the same more or less, it being lot No. ">y
ot tlie allotment aforesaid and part ot warrant No. 11.7(7.
about 100 acres improved, one framed house, one framed
barn, a log barn and an orchard of fruit tree- thereon.
ALSO One other piece or parcel of land situate in
Springfield tvvp. bounded north by land- of Ira Biggins,
ea.-t and south by land- ol L. C. Gleasun.aud west by Win.
I XV illinuis and L. ('. (lleason. containing about - acres,
more or Ic-s. one framed dwelling house, a framed Store
house, a trained -table and sla-d, a framed bain, a dve
hoiise and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in i xecution at the suit of F. 1". Fair
man's use vs. Lucius French.
AI. O Ihe billowing piece or parcel of land situate in
( olunibia tvvp. hounded north by lands of Win. A Gu.-tin,
east by lands of Jes-ee Kd-all. south by lands of Hiram
XX e-t, ami west by lcml-of Jo-eph DeWitt, containing!
mi .o res, about 30 acres improved, one framed barn, one j
lug hnti-e and an apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in exceutiou at the suit of O. I*. Bal
lard V-. Joel Fern'-.
ALSO— The bdlovviiig described lot piece or parcel of I
laud situate in Durell tvvp. bounded north hv* lauds of I
L ibert ( hllsoii, east by lands of George t'hijsoii, south hv
tin- highway and west "by lamlsor Daniel Cook, containing
4n acres be the same more or less, atiout 30 acie<yimprov
ed, it It a framed house a log barn, and some fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy A
Moore vs. Geo. W. ( 'runnier.
ALSO The following described lot piece or parcel of
laml situate in Monroe twp. Isiundcd north hv lands ot
Freeman Sweet, ea-t by lauds KcHsev Nich -is, south
hv lands ol J. 11. Lewis. west by lands of Freeman Sweet
i.eorge 1-llliott. containing 170 acres, be the same lieue or
h'-s..about Id acres improved, oup log house, one board
shed and a lew fruit trees- thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram XV
XX arner and John lb Loop trading under the lirm of XX'ar
ner A Loop vs. Jesse- It. C'owell.
JOHN A. CuDDING, Sheriff".
[Wanda, July 2 s . ls.'fb
X ATT A (TIM EN T.—Dradford
X Comity , ss. The f uinrnonwealtli of Pennsylvania.
i o the Sheriff ot Bradford County. Hrei'ting : \Ve com
mand that von attach James Sclicrmcrhoj-n, Cornelia
Schormerlu.rn, and Theodore Schernicrhorn. late of vour
c ninty. by all and singular his good-and ■ hat ties.lands and
tenements, moneys, rights and credits, in whose hands or
posse-Moil soever the same may he. s i that he be and ap
pear before our court of Common Pleas, to beholden at
the borough of Towanda. in and for .said county, on the i
Sir-" Monday of September next, there to an-wer Heorge
Sanderson, in a plea of trespass on the ran-upon promi
ses, damages not exceeding five hundred dollars, and that
you summon all persona in whose hands or posaession the
said goods, chatties, moneys, rights mid credits or any of
them may he attached, so that they and every of them he
and appear before said court, at tlie day ami place afore
said. to answer what shall he objected against them, and
abide tin- judgment ol tin- Court therein ; and have von
then and there this writ.
ft., s.] Witness the Honorable David Wilnmt, President
of our said court, at the borough of Towanda aforesaid,the
It th day of June, A. 1).
A1.1.K.N M'KHAN. Pmthnnotary,
+ V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Joseph Ingham, deceased, late of Derrick Town
ship, arc hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; ami all persons having claims against said estate will
please present tliem duly authenticated for settlement.
•Inly 21. l-.'-b. E. A. I.NHIIAM. Admin'r.
A\ now to tJu- use of franklin 'J'oirns/iif> •.. Jrrvminh
M'ltr*. in the Court of Common Pleasof Bradford coun
ty. No. I.V.i, May Term, Is.'-.V
The undersigned Auditor, appointed hv tlie Court to
di-tribute the fnn-is raised by Shei iff"s sale ot real e-tate.
will attend the duties of said appointment, at his office,in
ihe borough of Towanda, on Friday August 22. lK.iii. at
2 o'clock. P. M., wlienand wlicreaflpersonsliaviugclaims
upon said fatids roust, present them, or lie forever debarred
frotn the same.
July Is. Is.,i;. p. i> MOKItOW, Auditor.
J. V i- lieretiv given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of SAMI'KI, STEVENS, dee d, late of pike town
twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all per-mis having claims agaiust said estate will
please present thorn dulv authenticated for settlement.
Jnly 1. IMA Administratrix.
I -hat ' FOX'S.
MACKINAW TROt T Seme very fine
. ones in half barrels, also Mackerel in half and nnar
ler hrrrcD. at jl* FOX S. i
(V\N*PY- A largo stock always on It a rid i
J and S"ld at wholesale at pedlars'prices at FOX'S. |
/T RAIN ( I: A PEES and Horse Ilakt
1 al* l by .l-ino Itf. !!. S. MTiKf'UR. ♦,
' -1i?Ir ! fc r r ",i!f 'c H •• M M\ !•
£cgal 'Abturtiecmcnto.
U'XECITORS NOTlCE.—Notice is hcre
.l X by given. that nil persons Indebted to tin; es
fate of CYPRIAN BARNES, deceased, late of Orwell
Twp., are requested to make payment without tMuv; and
those ha villi: demands aeain-t -aid e-tate w ill pre.seut them
duly authenticated for settlement.
June '24,1556. Executprs.
\ECI TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is licre
-1 A l iy given that letters testamelitarv upon the estate
of Samuel Huston, dee d., lute otTTowaiiila boro', have been
granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment.
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
theiu duly attested for settlement.
Jnne *24. 1 Executrix.
iV is hereby given. that all persons indebted to the es
tate of SAM'!. ('. (JERK, deceased, late of Asylum
township, to make immediate payment, ami all persons
having demands against said estate, w ill present them du
ly authenticated lor settlement.
ctmNELiUrf yrciK,
Jww 10. lfsoti. Adnwnistraior.
I -A\. is hereby nil persons indebted to the es
tate ot I.other Hockwell, deed., late of Troy township,
I are hereby requested to make payment without dclsv: anil
all persons having claims against said estate will plea.-c
preseut them duly authenticated for settlement.
June 10. l-.iti. , Administrators.
, a V i- licreKv civt ii thnt all persons indebted to the es
l tate of I J I)\\ jf lilXKliolji), dec d., lateoi'Overton twp.
! niakc immediate payment. and all persons having dc
-1 mantis against said e late, will present them duly authen
ticated tor settlement.
KIJWARD UIXKIiOLD, Administrator.
I Overton. June l?j.
OIIEIUFK'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
k ot ti. la. issued out of the court of common pleas of
Iliad ford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale ut the Court House in the borough of Towan
da. at one o'clock I\M.. of Monday, August 11th. 1556.
a piece or parcel of land situate in Athens township, and
bounded north by lands of Ira Klsbree, Erastus \Velcott
and others ; west by lands i.elo,aging to the • state or heirs
o! Mary ( aton ; south by* Ira Kl.-bree aud
and east by land ot Ira I-'.lsbree. Containing about 2ji>
acres more or less, about inn acres improved, one frame
house, one frame barn, one corn house, and two apple or
chards thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James El
d ridge, now to the use of Francis Tvlcr vs. James Thump
'■on- _ J. A.VoDDING, Sheriff.
Sherill's Office, Towanda, July si, ISAd.
1 UDITOR'S NOTICE.- C. A*. S/ti t enu n
XX vs. J. /.. ijuimltii. In the court of (Jutumou Pleas of
Bradford Co. \n. l'2ii Feb. Term,;.
The undersigned Auditor appointed bv said Court, to I
di-tribute the fundi raised by Slieritl'.sale of defendant's
real and personal estate, will attend to the duties assigned !
liiiu at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday
the 21>d day oi August, 1 sad, at two o'clock in the after
noon. when and where all persons having claims are re
quested to present them, or be forev t-r debarred therefrom.
Towanda. July Is. Is.Pi. J 3 . D. MORROW. Auditor.
i I RJ TOR S NOTlCE.— Maiisoit Elsbret,
X -X '2d rx. (leiirgr Dunham. In (lourt of Ooninon l'leas
of Bradford County, Xo. :(.V2 Dec. Term, IS;>5.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor j
appointed bv said Court, to distribute funds rai-ed bv
Sheriße sale ot said estate, will attend to the duties of
his appointment. at hi.- office, in the borough of Tow
anda. on Thursday, tin* '21,-t day of August. Is.p;, at two
o clock. I'. M.. when and where all persons having claims
upon said funds must present them, else forever be de
liarred from the same.
July is. Is.*,t*,. P. D. MORROW. Auditor.
1 D.MIN'RS. NOTICE.— All persons" "iiT
XX debted to the estate of W.M. MYERS, deceased,
late of ATHENS town-hip. are hereby notified to make
payment without delay , and all persons having demands
against said estate are requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. SARAH MYERS,
J"l.v 's. Aditiistratrix.
A DM IN ISTR AT()R S N<)TlCE.—Notice
.2 1 is hereby given. Hint all persons indebted to tbees- ;
tale'ol I'anion Keiiyoii. dee'd. late of Windham to. are re
quested to make payment without delay; and all persons
having claims against -aid estate, must present tlieuidutv
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
WM. KKNYON, Administrators.
Windham, July* lb. 1 suti.
| I IST OK JURORS drawn for September,
. -Li Twin, is;,.;.
I l"l-trr I'ald) Adams, Johnj Orwell— Cyras Cook.
FJshree. Smithfield— Lewii Gerould.
West Burlington—Thomas Athens lmro'—Edward Her-
Blackvvill. rick.
| Warren J D liurbank. Bela Albany—Moses A lauW.
| Fairchild. Athens Tp.—S W Fiuuimer,
| Asylum—Julius Bragg. A II Spalding.
Ridgltery li I-' Hurt. Spriugfield~*U \ Howe.
Wysox -Nelson I*. Brown. Wells—A bleu Swa/ce,..
| Wyalusing Samuel W Biles Columbia—X Stevens, Ed
Harry Elliott. ward Voung.
I 'ike -Thomas Brink. Granville—Sy lvester Tay
-1 Troy- (J S Elliott, Alon/.o lor.
j M < Tie.
I Wyalusing Ferris Aekley, son, David Smiley.
Warren Samuel l.yon.
I'ike Kellogg Barnes. West Burlington- \Vm. F.
Litchfield Benjamin Ball. M'Keau S. 11. Stiles.
Troy born' Win. Burger, T. Tuscaroru- Serrel I'. Max
J. Dove. field.
Monroe .1. Blackmail, Mi- Wiliaut - Wm. N^rkonk,
nor Knapp. Jaines Sehoonnver.
Tmy twp. Ira I*. Ballard ; Wells—John A Roy.
Amasa (ircetio, Jacob A. Towanda twp.--Jautes San-
Linderinan. I tee.
Derrick T S Camp, (I Ste j Alliens twp .1 F Sntterlee.
vens. Shcshcqniu -J S Spencer,
Burlington- L M Randall. Rome—Edwin Tavlor.
.losephusCampbell. | Asylum—Francis Vial.llen-
Wy-.x Moses Cautield, > ry Verbreck.
A Aork. j North Towunda - J Wood-
Ridgbery—Peter A Evans. ruff.
Towanda twp. II Fo\. Canton Murray Watts.
Franklin Joseph L. John !
Orwell—John Alger, A W1 Windham- T! VV Dunham.
A Iger, Jo, 1 t 'o ik. Derrick—Miner Fairchild.
Wyalusing- Nelson It At- Shcahequin—John llorton.
wood. Harrison Black. Litchfield—Alfred Hicks.
Ulster—John Bowman. Ridglierv—Jesse Hammond.
Towanda twp—A U Bow Wells--Wm S Ingalli, 0 W
man. Smith,
nurell—Miles Bishop. Athens boro'—H A Kiff.
Springfield Klt Brooks. Smithfiehl W Lane, Smith
Granville Luther 11 Clark, Mitchell, John l'Uelps.
Wm Vromaii. Troy boro'—Alonzo Long.
South Creek SII Coleman. Burlington C T Merry.
ltansome Tanner. ' Wysox—George Nichols.
Tuscaroru— Geo W Dexter.j Canton—David I'aliner, C.
John A Lepper. ; Stockwell, Isaac Williams.
Asylum—E Dudge, Uriahl Pike—A Stevens, 2d.
Terry. | Columbia—Wm Strait.
's-- wealth of Pemisyivauia to Catharine OKeefe, Jere
[L. S.J liiiali A'llern aud John Flyun, administrators
of Daniel *> kcetc dee'd., and to the heirs and legal rep
resentatives of said deceased, GREETING :—We command
you and every ol you, that vou do in your own proper
persons appear before our Judges at KIH nslmrg at a I 'ourt
of Common Fleas, there to be held on the first Monday of
Septemlier next (as we have heretofore commanded you)
at ten o'clock, A. M. of said day to answer Greeiiliern
Taylor in the matter of his petition for the specific per
formance of a contract made witu Daniel O'kcefc dee'd.
in his lifetime, to sell to the said petitioner a certain lot
oi piece of ground situate in Gaiiit/.in, Allegheny town
ship, and herein fail not.
Witness® the Honorable George Tavlor. President of
our said Court at Ebcnsburg, the Hth dav of Julv, lsjfi.
M. ROBERTS, Frothy.
Notice directed to tie given by publication in the " Brad
ford Reporter.'a new-paper published in Towanda,Brad
ford county, l'a.. for six weeks before the 1-t dav of next
term. Ac. Per. Cur. .)>HN HiUBERTS, Sheriff.
Kiiensburg, July 9. isstt.
/lAMRKIA COUNTY SS. The Contnaon
" 1 fL. S.J wealth of Pennsylvania to Catharine O'Keefc,
Jeremiah ATlcrnawi John Flvnn. administrators of Dan
iel O'Kecfe dee'd.. and to the fmus and legal represeuta
t ives of an id deceased. GiiEE'i We com maud you and
every of you (as we have heretofore commanded you) that
you do in your own proper person appear before our
Judges at fchensburg at a Court of Common Pleas there
to be held on the tst Monday of September next, at In
o'clock, A. M. ol said day. to answer James M Coy in the
matter of his petition for the specific performance of a
contract made with Dauid O'Keet'c dee'd.. in hi*lifetime,
to sell to Jaines Stotler tlie a-signor of the petitioner, a
certain lot or piece of ground -ituate in GalliUin. Alleghe
ny township. And herein fail not.
\\ itness the Honorable George Tavlor. President of our
said Court at Ebcnsburg, the Jtb day of July. Is;,ft.
M. JyGBEIi'fS. Proth'y.
Notice directed to lie given by publication fornix week
in the " Bradford Reporter. a newspaper published in
Towanda, Bradford < n. I'a. Per. Cur.
J \ i-i hereby given, that all prr-ons indebted to the cs
late ol Malvina A. linger-, licensed, late of Canton twp. }
tre hereby reipu ted to make payment, without delay:
ind all persons having claims against aid estate will
• lease pir.senl Ok in dnh auibeiitii at< il tor settlement.
Jul. I t..r 'rr It- r
XHiscell.t cong.
I ARis. U. M. & G. I'. CARY would rcspc* t
-1 * tullv announce to their friends and the public thut
they have ju-t openeil a now and extensive PR! <> STORK
at NICHOLS. N. Y. Their stock is new and careluliv
selected, and consists ot
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Faints,
among which are lead, zinc, chrome gueti and vcllovv.
nidia red. v.-rmillioii. Ac. Oil* and \aruishes,
u variety. Dye-stuffs, including logwood,
camwood, fustic, cudbear, gran
ulated tin, indigo, Ac.
BRUSHES for paint, hair, hat.
clothes, shoe, teeth, Ac. Window glass,
putty, eaiiipbeiiv. burning Huid, alcohol; tuu
ner's oil : very pure LKjl ORS for medicinal purposes ;
Pali lit .Medicines, perfumery*, Rubin's
Extracts lot the iiaudkeichiet ;
I iUicy Article*!, Yankee Actions,
Snull, Cigars, Ac. A<*.
To Physirin ns our stock oiler- inducements as (Aiugof
the best quality, earelully* selected, and sold cheap.
t.iive us a cull, and see it you can purchase us cheap
elsewhere. ' o. M. A ti. P. CADY.
Nichols, Juno 12, ISSti.
J A at the .-tore of H. S. MERL'I K.
H AS been newly painted and refitted entire, and will
commence reirciur trips between TOWANDA AND
ATHENS, oil MONDAY, tne tltbiiist.
<'oaclies will leave Waverfy for the boat everv morning
after the arrival of the night and morning trains, passen
gers reaching Towanda in time for the stages south.
lining* North, the packet will leave Towanda, at 1 o'
clock. I'. M., enabling passengers to take any of the even
ing or night trains. POWELL A SMITH,
June 5, 1556. Proprietors.
Passengers for tha West can procure through tick
ets fur all points, both by Railroad and Steamboat, by ap
plying to the Captain on the boat, or either of the propri
etors at the Ward House.
AiiOther Largo Arrival of
HS. MERCER is now receiving the 1 irg••-t, liest a-.
. sorted, and most desirable -tock ci (. md- that has
vt been offered in Towanda. Consi-fing oft vcrv varietv
(Jrv(kery and (il.iss ware, U: its and Shies.
Hats, ( V j,s : St aaw C'uatls, (,'ar/ets, . Mai
lt n^ r s. 11 caden-wo re, (Irceerirs, J', ints
II indoic-Ci(ass. (Ails,lron,
Ste•■/. /'isA, leather, Ac. iV'*.
which will be sold at wholesale or retail it very* low pri
ces. The public arc very le-pectfully requested to exuin
ine the Stock.
Towanda. April 24, WAfi.
an<l beautiful as.-ortmt iit 'if Crocker*.* and Rla-.-wurt*
fust ret t iv-t d by may 12 if. s. MERCER.
. A large additional .stock of Common and Saddlerv
Hardware. Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron, Steel
and Nails, jut received by 11. h. MERC UK.
r |MIK subscriber gratefully announce-' bis thank- for the ;
I. iil>ernl patronage received during the past year, and
respectfully solicits a continuance of the trade, "which lie !
will endeavor merit by keeping his Sleek continually \
replenished b>t CASH purchases, with a and pan
assortment ol Goods, which scceiul years experience has 1
enalded liiin to •• buy at the (wrest rates" of the " linpor- j
tors and Manufacturers"—by selling low— by adopting the I
CASH S VSTKM entirely, and by making a general reduc- j
tiim of prices. I
Consequently. the credit y-tcia will cease on and after '
the lir-t dav ol January, 1556.
Hie All persons indebted are requested to make imme
diate payment. H. POUTER. I
Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House.
December 'id. lsaA.
New Prices and New Goods! i
A T the Corner <if Main and Bridge streets, in Button's j
A New Block, where they will exhibit and offer for sale i
a splendid stock of DRV HOODS : consisting of the latest
styles of Indies' Dress Silks, such as jdain black, watered,
laventiue brocade. ,Vc., changeable, < liiua and plaid silk,
a splendid style of stiiped pongee silk, of all colors and
shades. A splendid stock of Crape, Siik, Stella, and
printed Cashim-re SHAWLS ; a regular assortment of
DRESS GODDS. consisting of challys, dc la inc.-, borages,
lawns,, I fee., from a .at cent calico dress pattern up to ai?
silk dress. In DOMESTICS, our as-ortnnnl is complete;
ue have a large stock of pi ints, giugbams, checks, tick
ings, bleached and unbleaclicd muslins, Ac. ALo a splen
did assortment of EMIiROIDERIES, An-h as French
needlework collars, sleeves, S iss and jaconet llouncings,
needlework edgings ;l nd insertings. linen thread laces,
cotton embroidered lace curtains, jaconets, dotted mulls,
grospart muslins, Ac., too numerous to mention.
We have also an elegant assortment of JSanuets, Itih
bons, Flowers and l>urd*ex. Head-dresses, hair front*,
hair braids, A"c. to which we invite the attention of Coun
try Milliners and the Ladies in particular.
All of the above articles we feel assured we can offer to
the public at astoni-bingly low prices, and are determin
ed not to be undersold by any establishment this side of
New York city. We would invite the citizens of Brad
ford county and elsewhere, to give us a call and examine
our stock, and satisfy themselves about our prices before
purchasing el-ewhere, it is a true saying, " a penny sav
ed is two earned."
To the GENTLEMEN in particular we will sav that in
connexion with the above, we have a regular Tailoring
establishment in the'eity of New-York, and have taken
particular pains to get tip a splendid stock of SPRING
AND SI .MM EU CLOTH IXG. which we offer to you at
prices unsurpassed at any other establishment. Our as
-'•r'uieut in this branch consists of Infant's, Boy's and
Men's Wear; also a general stock of Gentlemen's Furn
ishing (loads, -ucii as Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Stocks,
Socks, Suspenders, Arc, Also, a general assortment of
llats. We are prepared to take measures for nice suits,
and furiii-h them on short notice and warrant them a
good tit aud satisfactory in every respect. In short, all
the goods sold by us will be warranted, and exchanged or
taken back if required. Wc Hatter ourselves that we have
one of the best cutters in the city, and some of the best
workmen employed, and can give sat i start ion t" the public.
Reference of our firm ran lie had from Ronj. Rentier,
Albert i 'haiuberlin. L. Searle.Wm. K. Hatch, R. B. Little,
.lohn E. Dean, Esqrs., Montrose, Pa.
Towanda, April it, Had.
I i the we-t sjifi- of Main stret. nearly opposite Tracy A
Moore's, where they now offer for -ale a largely increased
stock yf Hardware, "doves, Tinware, A'o. " Julv 24.
r |MIE property known a- the " North Braimh
I HOTEL,"'situated on Main street, in the
boro'of Towanda, is otfered for sab'on terms IflJ'sL
that will enable a business man to pay for it jj v a
out of the business of the house. It will be
at a low figure, and but a small portion of the purchase
money yy ill lie required ; Ihe balance mav remain for such
period of time as will suit the purchaser. This is a rare
chance for an active man to get into business.
ALSO- \ small DWELLING HOUSE A' LOT. on the
Northern Liberties, in s.iitl boro'. the house is new. yy # U
iini-bi il. a first-rate celiar under the whole, several voting
thrifty fruit trees. A' *. Will be sold at a bargain, on terms
that will make it an object to a person d'-iring a snug
home. Fur further particulars enquire of the subscriber.
Totnndi.Mf 21. is;,.;. I. VANDFRCOHK.
V<)TH'i; IS HEREBY OIVEN that an
-i- 1 application will be made to the next Legislature of j
Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank to be railed '
the NORTH BRANCH BANK, with banking privileges j
ol l-siie. Discount and Deposit, with a capital ot one hun- ,
dred thousand dollars, with the right to increase the cap. I
itul stock to two hundred thousand dollars, and to he I.- !
cated in the borough of Towaiida, in the county of Brad
ford. Jul vl. lSaft. - ftm. |
"VTOTICE IS HEREBY 01 Yen that an
J. A application will ls made at the next session of the
legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation o| a
bank b be . ailed tin* KEA SftlN K BANK, with hanking
privileges of Issue. Discount and Deposit, with a capita! 1
one hundred thousand dollars, yy ith the right toiie rea- e
the capital stock to two hundred thousand dollars, and to
l.e 10.-atcl in tlie borough of Athens, in the county of
Athens. Fa.. July 1, lS.'fi. -ftra.
nRIfcD 1 EEF- -Also a few verjr fiae
smoked Tongues, at * fox's. !
vj Pit I.S. of all kiifils.l'oth irliito nrnl ground
t Mntta'd t-l • K ami n lute s!. 1< m I g. .und. at
o G.TF-| '. V l>\" ;-
flUrrlinn&i?e, <Vr.
|"S N< j\\ RECLIX IXO an e*nlkiut a-sortiueiit r,f gent's,
i l>oy s. ladies , children s aul |{|ii) |s ,v HOOT
ES. Also, Shoe Pegs. Thread, l.miniM and Findings to
winch !• unites public attention.
*" All persons having unsettb d a- counts or notes due
the subsetiber, hie invited to ui.ike pfiymeul. l bivceoti
venient may eul! on C. Fiiabic, Esq. or f. Humphrey. in
Oiwcll, previous to the loth ol February neAt. niter which
time delinquents in.iv expe< t invitations to vl-tt
low an da. j. o. HIMPHREY.
lovvanda, January 9, 1 4 SS.
A ' If you procure of DR. I!. C. PORTER,
South store in the Ward lb.u-e.
; Equally adapted to I.oaves, Hot Rolls, Hiscuit. Buckwheat
I and other Griddle Cakes, Giug<, ail kinds of .Sweet
I Cakes. Hatter for Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies, Ac. Ac
Prve r; cent*. _ March J!*.
I OSLPII KING.SBKKY lias just returned
*/ trom New York with an immense stock of
"r lie - etuly Unoe, and those wi-hing to get tbeirepring
' totbiiig made up in season can lind the nio-t choice ma
tenuis at his store. Towanda, March , l>Se.
Id. T. FOX
J"S now receiving a fine stock of (IROCF-
I It IKS und PROVISION'S which wilUesoldat'the
very lowest price. He is also anxious to buv for casH
nuv quantity of Butter. Egg-, Laid and good Wheat ~t
the high' .J market price. Will those who want to buy
or who have produce to -ell give him a call
| A NEW STOCK OF TEAS; warranted as
i A it-uiil to give satisfaction, or the money returned,
j A No, Sugar. < "dice. Mola-ses, and in fact niost every
j D'c Grocery line, for -ale cheap ut FOX'S.
| I ARILD JPEACIIKS, a few v.-ry nice ones,
I_l ' ;ilm> Dried Berries at " FOX'S '
/ I.ANDLKS, Doth Sperm and Tallow by ti;a
\J bo.\ or pound, at FGFS.
of dill ere ut qualities, Corn Men I,
Lrau and Chop. Also some very extra Family
Flour warranted ol mtpenor quality for sab- ut FOX'S.
\ | h. v S FORK, Cheese, 1 lams, Lard,Rrooms,
IT I and an Assortment of ft* ten Ware M FOX'S.
)j ) BI.SIIELS good Fotutoes wanted
*" " " immediately at FOX'S.
iTXTRAC'I S for flavoring, for sale cheap
■A ut F<>X'S.
REACHES and Tomatoes, in cans,
warranted perfectly fresti ut FOX'S
ORANGES. Lemons. Nuts, Figs, Raisins,
Rruncs, Dates, Citron, and other fruit in thefr sea*
s " FOX'S.
\\ r HITK FISH, in barrelsJiulf barrels and
t by t!ic pound, ut my 14 FOX'S.
(IF llUMl'i'. J- is just receiving age
• ncral assor ... cOO't'S A SHOES, suitable for
the spring trad
Ai-o. an excellent assortment of f.K \ TTII'R, comprising
1 s(j side- Sole Leather, 9!.' sides I'pper, HOU Calt Skins,
together with a genera! stocd of Kipps, Linings A Find
Towanda. April 3, 1850.
I^I.SII.— Xo. 1 and '1 Mackerel and Codfish,
t _ mayll MKRCCIt'S.
? at M. E. SOLOMON 'S Clothing Store, one door
South of Mercitr's -tord, Towanda. May 20, 1 856.
TV A Shoe-and findings how receiving at
Aug. Tl. IS.MI. HCMPiniEV'S.
LEATHER. — Just receiving an ex
k cellent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which
public attention is respectfully* invited.
Nov. Tl. L'us. ' J. P. IIFMPHREY.
.Mvw'i'l R.M.
B KINGSBURY a SON beg leave to call the att*n
• tion ol their friends and customers, as w ell as all otb
•TS, both Jew and Gentile, w itjhing to buy Good- CHEAP,
to their well-elected sto k of FOREIGS ASD It O
.3/ I'STIC DIl 1' GOODS, consisting of a greatt ariclv
of f.adies Dies* Goods, Sill;*, Shawls, lie /.nines, Chat
lie*. Harcftrs, Chambritus, Davit*. llri/liantes, etc., etc.
Also, a choice selection of Merrimuc, Chocheco, and
other sty h s of fast-colored Prints.
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Xotums,
Jfosimj, Glove*, Dress li iminings, White Goods, Den
im■*, Ticks, Drills, I.inens. ('ambries. Bleached and Jh c-va.
Sheeting. Cotton Yam, lYick, Batts, Ticiue, Carpvt
Warp. A-c., fyc.
In audition to the above articles, there will always bo
found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery am!!
Glass ware. Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Xuils.T'Uh.
Pa'D, Tubs. Mutts, Ac.
The undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public
to an examination of their Spring sto- k. believing thai
good Goods and low prices will insure a speedv sale for
ready pay. R. KINGSRI RV'A SON.
Towatida. April 11, 1856.
Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods.
V.M. \YA UNKR has just received a large
• and Splendid :-sortment of WATCHES. JEWEL
RY A FANCY GOODS, which are offered for sale on tha
lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Mam st. alrove Bridge.
T'uvanda, July s,
fP H E subscriber calls attention of the pub-
L lie to his SPRING STOCK OF GOODS comprising
the usual variety, and which will be sold at the !ow> -A
possible rates for cash. Q. 1). BART LETT.
Townnda, Apri! 21. 1556.l 5 56.
THK only complete stock of Raper nniigijigH
.1. to be found in this region of country, comprising
inanv new and beautiful patterns, for sale low at
April Si, 1856. <). 1. BAUTJ.Kn S
Lawns, Shallis, Bareges, Ac.
HP IIE finest assortiiit'iit in townof Ereiifli and
I American I.awns. Krencli, Scotch and American
Ginghams, ( baliis, Bareges, Brilliants and Prints at
April .10. l*.'>ti. MKIb t K'S.
O TONS Sl'tf A US-—Brown, Refined, Row
e I ib red, Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses Syrup, Bio
and Java Coffee, l'ice. S.deratus. Ginger, Spertn"Candle-,
Bice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
sale cheap at juney FOX'S.
tity r>l good Butter Tubs and Firkins, just n-ceite-l
and l"i sale by inayj.i 11. S. .MKBCI'K.
IIN'SEER, Lamp, Tanners', and Xcatsfoot.
d Oils, Alcohol, Camphiuc and Burning Fluid for s H ; u
by 11. S. MKKCCK.
<>!• LETTERS, rciu&iaiog iu tbe P.
J (I. at TOWANPA. July I, lsj<;.
ItclouU Henry Kennedy Palin:k
Bartcu Win. Kenny Marvan
Dennett Orrin X. Ijuie'liauid
De'zer W. Marmltl Henry
linear .1. IV MVrurken .->aruh
Baldwin Henry f M"<iill H. W.
It istwiek Mad 180n M'Dnnel! Pen;s.
Rovniau P M Meehan Daniel
Bowman elarissa 'i Mns-elnian Jacob
Barrett James 'Newell Albert
Heels l.ouisa A I'vi kbain tiiies
11 ray Anne lVitt hluabetti
Connelly John power Joseph
Cipj. Mrs. C A Roger*
'•<lliiis John K >vi Autrustii*
ConHauirh John M S-ovil! Harries
Cnrreti Almir.i K. ttrfcuolo
Deckel Emily Scott ( at' IwcLuw
Denis Mary Se..u J..}** K
Puudon .It>bii Snook Tuae
hostel I. d 2 Snttltvttiv
*.° V Schlovrl Nikolai
(.roll, .I., l Sailor John
OotlWm. TaylrHJ
IIrrc A S
Haverly United .1 "I'hoinpsoii Mrs Elizabeth
Hughes Thomas Ppdyko Hamilton
Morton Richard Warner Jacob.
Morton I'helic Whituey Almiro
Morrill Isaac Wiartl Noble IV
Hunger ford I.nry K. Vonnc H. 1.
Jones Km Vandyke James
\ ankurtn Jolta 11.
Persons oal'iiic toi any ol tbese letters please mention
they are advertised. It C. PnRTKH P. M
f ( }{ ) HBHS I'OliK I.IMK A CKMKM
L" M f jn.-t ieoi\ed hv U\II IA A\| \'JV<.
r I* I < K'A. Ilii.e, ( t ii -iHtrli Hire flour
J C.trr.ii' o. Macaroni >,•„, p. • j
• !• .... iK. v ~.v