Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 24, 1856, Image 3

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    I,v the collision, liut wheu lie readied
11 \ v '|„. was in a very high state ot excite
' .'md hinted at an intention to destroy his
, Xiiis was subsequently put into exe-
A ' In the course of the afternoon hepro
,ut oU n< c <f arsenic and swallowed it ;
afterward expired, notwithstanding
" x, rtioii of several physicians to save hiui.
",f V was hut twenty-nine years of uge ; he
.. nuarried, and resided with his brother in
!• ttciwooil street, above Tenth. His funeral
v,. place on Sunday afternoon. Thejde
was much respected by a very large cir
" friends, and he enjoyed the confidence of
.vers in the fullest degree. A report
. , i' r illation that he was employed upon
. innleii and Amboy Railroad at the time
tfuriinffton disaster; but this, we arc
!. j* entirely false. He had no connec
-2 whatever with that accident.
! 1,, r ,. is *till much confusion regarding the
i am ] the wounded. This is owing to sev
'il'Xes are so shockingly liiutilatcd that they
' , t i„. recognized. is believed,
c nsitfflfd in the flumes. Many of
..' 'w. umleil were taken in charge by their
(r ,.„(ls ami their immediate circle. From the
.[ reliable accounts we are induced to lielieve
t !ie total number of dead will reach sixty,
, the wounded will sum up to about one
\,c,r \XI> THEN. —" Who and what is Col.
; vxont that we shout his name ? An explo
tiiid hunter- a Napoleon of snow-drifts,
ai: enter of (leg's flesh !" Charleston Mcr
:i .Ilin< 10, ISoti.
1' the shortest and most satisfactory
tiiut can be given to this inquiry, is
. j u the following :
••The marked and brilliant career of Fob
| K is arrested general attention and ad
; ami has been watched with a lively
Lv Ids fellow-citizens of South t'aro
i I 'it i h ••' i>it rlimlarly, is proud of him ;
•■, ;• • iitation which he has at so early an
i . r himself, she claims as some
-" -a, wHeh she too has a share."—Charles
-llt v, September "2-1, 1^47.
Ihuiks was elected Speaker of the
w'.iiiout a vote from the South, yet the
■ - I n.ion does not " slide," and the
, table S-iulhern Members confess they
...■had i maul a Speaker this twenty
1 • IT 1 ) Free State
r . • • without help, and in four years the
iwnntrv will coufe-s that an honest Ati
mail - better for the Nation than
• 1> ugh Faces the North ever sent to
; a-imigtou.
>•- ri< '.AI. I'AKTV.— The advocates of
r.yiTnuau, have no doubt of carrying
S,State. Why 'I Because the plat
. :: whi' ii lie stands is purely a Southern
■ the most sectional of any
• r • •:<•!. It does not advocate a single
• . • \ interest. The l'iiiiaueipiiia
• -'•t '-a th>>, takes the dcclara
' \ id •■ eiuh'iicc lor its chief plank, and
rare of htua'un'y for its object. Hence
> arc enthusiastic for Fremont, and on
••'.eliahf.r- and office-seekers are for f'u
fcsr Wi. o hi anidiStringfolkiw are at Wash
. ; :;•. it' ly urging (lie passage of tin*
. i- •:•• Toondis bill, but jmblkrly jiretewd
• • •*■? it Th y are using their nnpopu
... ' --is way to carry under u cloak auicu
'■ thin they desire.
Towan3a IYl?.rket Wholesale Prices.
•■•' • .*-k!\ lit- K.T. KoX. Dealer in I"rovi*ion*and
Groceries, No. 1. Brick How.]
'..11 price.) O hid. * T 50 Oy 8 HO
.t> . . . tit no or,
f< hn*hel. . 1 -•> or, 1 .'o
•• 5h or.
•' .Vii Or,
It V ;>!• - •• 100 Or
*C IT 11 Or : 17
- 'i| •• h Or. IJj
i-i dozen. 10 iff.
I Arrival and Departure of Wails.
I \tt- il.i :i except Sunday, at 12 j P.M.
I' .trt- <lu 1 do
\rr'.M- l.i 'v except Sundav. at 12 M.
Departs ' do " IP. M.
:r:vc. ,lauy < xrept Sunday, at 7 P. M.
"''•"•Vl l-V \rri\i * T lesdav. Thursday and Sattir
-1' M. Depart- Monday, Wednesday and
' • Monday, \\Vdmday and Friday, at
'• part- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
•'!* •-Monday. Wednesday and Friday.
'• M. in-parts Tuesday, Thursday and Satui
\rriv- - Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at
1 I l ' • ,rt* Tuesday, Thursday and Sitnrday
*■" : • - Tuesday. Thur-day and Saturday
I 1 Imparts Monday, Wldwdiy anil Fir
-- • il.-.i—hn and Saturdav, at OP. M.
I atA. M.
••! I.i- at - o'l'loi k ot the eveiiiujr pr< -
■a in., i- close at 111 A. M.
U. i'. PORTER. P. M.
MKKTIXti. The undersigned would
. ! iii* ; .lit- generally, that arrangements
• ' nniuittif choit-n for that purpose, near Freurlitnw n, in a most lu-ait
' •>1 hv li.utlinloniew Laporte. Said
S ;-i iin in. at 7P. M.. on Tuesday, the
and close on the following Tuesday
?n.i : illy. and especially all friends
far and near, are earnestly invited
• - ,*h rlotli tents and a supply of pro-
I ..'is prepared to remain with us during
ni'-etiCompetent aid, Imth clerical
9 i.. WOOD, CUnm
1. Is'iij, Coin.of Arrangement.
H.. 2Cco sAbucrtisemcnts.
B K '', To their new nrn.nivfj.rm
I ■ "'' 'P' a street, nearly opposite Tracy A"
r -.j ' ' "'v offer for sale a largely increased
|m ' Staves, Tinware, Jfed. My ti
the •• North Ltranch ™ a
on street, in the AwSWlk
'ot nale "ii term i! J J
I ""n'-s man to pay fur it 111
_ the house. It wil! he sold JHeSS
out a small portion of the purchase
! ' ■ the halani'e may remain for audi
I, "nit the purchaser. This is a rare
• " Ki ei t into hnsiness.
, HOFKK ft I.OT, on the
n i i>oro' the house is new. well
' 'liar i. ih r the whole, several young
M ill t*. S ol(l at a bargain, mt terras
' • ' to a person desiring a snug
1 I. V.\MER('OOK
REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu
ral, Mental and Moral Science ;
RE?. J AMES McWILLIAM. A. NL, Professor of Ancient
languages and Belles Lettres ;
CHAIiI.I.S K. COBLRN, A. M., Professor of Mathema
' tics and Master ol Normal School ;
B. ALBERT LLDWIfI, A. M., Professor of Modern Lan
guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing :
M IS> \1 Vin M. FOSTER, Preceptress;
MISS ELLEN C. COLT. i' A^lrttlluU I
MISS HELEN M. CARTER, Assistant in Music ;
i Mr. CANKELD DAYTON, Steward.
*3" Tlie Fall Term eommeuces on WEDNESDAY,
j August 20, 1850, and will continue fourtecu weeks.
I The Winter Term commences November 26, and contin
ues 14 weeks, besides lo days recess at Christmas.
Payable invariably in advance—Fuel und contingencies
ail included :
Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term, . . $4
Fourth, .* i;
Third . 7 |;
Second S
First 10
Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for
fuel and contingents ; for instrument on which to take
lessons, She. or for practice 42.00
No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside
within two miles ol the Institute shall be admitted to tui
tiou therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or
loaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian,
j French, German, Spanish or Italian, each .1
j When taken without other branches 7
1 Drawing 3
! Ornamental needlework and embroidery.each 3
Tuition 011 Piano Forte with u*e of instrument,. 12 ..
do do per quarter of II weeks, 10 ..
Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8
do figures. 10
Room rent for lodgers 1 7-,
The Young Bodies will find board in the Institute,
under the care of the Matron, at per week 1 75
Fuel and light 25
; The male pupils can find board in private families,
; per week from i 2 110 to 2" 50
| Washing, per dozen, 3S
i l'upils boarding in the Hall, (who will he exclusively
. Females.) will furnish their own bed, bedding, towels, Ac.
; and the table silver at their option,
j No pupil taken for less than half a term. The hoarding
j bills lor the term must be paid in advance ; or one half
! thereof ut their entrance, and the remaining half at the
j middle of the term.
' Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to tlie oliser
, vanec of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on
i other terms.
Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge
for thiMac qualifying themselves as teachers for common
, schools.
S. F. COLT, Sec. F. L. WARD, President.
I July 3, 185(5. A. WICKH 01. Treasurer.
I County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
; To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting : Vfe com
j maud that you attach James S< liermcrlioni, Cornelia
Scheruu-rhorn, and Theodore Scherinerhoru. late of your
j c->n'uty. !>v all and singular his goods and chatties.lands and
tenements, moneys, rights and credits, in w hose hands or
| possession soever the same may be. s > that he be and ap
! pear before our court of Common Pleas, to be liolden at
; the borough of Towandu, in and for said county, on the
lirst Monday of September ii< xt, tin-re to answer George
! Sandi rson, in a plea of trespass 011 tlie case upon proitii
ses, damages not exceeding live hundred dollars, and tb .t
you summon ; 11 persons in wlm-e hands orpossessit u the
| said good-',chatties, moneys, rights and credits or any of
I tlu-m may be attached, so that they and every of them be
' and appear before said Court. at the day and place afore
said. to answer w hat shall he objected against them, and
1 abide the judgment of the Cuiirt therein ; nnd have you
! then and there this writ.
[l.. s.] Witness the honorable David Wilniot, President
of our said court, at the borough of Towandaaforesaid,the
Itlii duv of June, A. lb 1
AI.i.EN M'KEANL Prothonotary.
i 1 )3I IN 1 SIR A TOILS N ()T I (,' R.—X otire
1 J. V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tlie es
. tale of Joseph i.ugliam, deceased, late of Derrick Town
ship, arc hereby requested to make payment without de
' lay; ami all persons having claims against said estate will
1 pfeas C . pit-sent tlieiu duly autiientieat< d for settlement.
| July 21,1856. K. A. INGHAM. Admiu'r.
1 IST OF .JUKOK.S dratvu fur StqiteiubtT,
.1 J Term, ls5G.
I.'lster—Caleb Adams, JohtiJ drwell—Cvrns Cook.
Klsbree. i Smithfield—l.rwis Gerotrtd.
! West Burlington—Tlioma.-1 Athens boro' -Edward Her
! Blaekwell. ! rick.
! Warren—J D Burbank, Ik-laj AHausy—Moses A I .add.
Kairchikl. Athens Tp.—S W Plummer,
Asylum—.ltdiiis Bragg. A H Spalding.
Ridgls ay- H !•' Burt. Springfield—ll N RoWe.
Wysox--NVu-on I'. Brown. Wells,
Ws .du.-iiy -Saitn el W Biles Columbia N Stevens, Eil
Ilirrr Elliott. ward I'oung.
Pike-- i'homa.s Blink. Granville Sylvester Tay-
TIMV —(.' S Jalliott, Alouzoi lor.
' Wvalnslng--Ferris Ackley I son, David Sntilev.
•lals z Elliott. 1 Warren— -S.iuuiel I.von.
' l'ike- .lvellogg Barnes. jWe-t Burlington—VVui. F.
, Lttchfr.-ki Benjamin Ball.} M'Keau S. 11. Stiles.
Trov l> TII' Wm. Burger, T.j Tuscarora—Scrrrl P. Max-
J." Dove. i field.
' Monroe—J. Blackmail, Mi- Wilniot Wm. Norkouk,
ner Knapje .lames SchoonoviT.
, Troy twji.— Ira P. Ballard , Wells—Joim A Roy.
j Ama-a Greeno, Jacob A Towanda t p.— JaniOk San-
I.inderman. ! tec.
Herrick T S f'ani]>, O Stc Athens tw]>. —I F Satterlee.
I vnis. • ! Shesheqtim —J S Sja-n"-er.
) Builingtor 1, M lU.nd.ilb' Rome—Edwin Taylor.
Jo-*-p!ms 1 'amptiell. : Asylum—Francis Vial, llcn
t^sox— Moses Caufiebl, S, ry Verbreck.
A Y'ork. ; North Towanda—J Wood
| Ridgbcry Peter A Evans. I ruff,
i Towanda twp.--H (' Fox. Canton—Murray Watts,
j Franklin —Joseph L. John
Orwell John Alger, A W Windham—H W Dunham,
t Alger. Jos'l Herrick -Miner Fairchiid.
' Wya!using--Ne(son R At- Shesheonin—John Horton.
Wood, Harrison Black. I.itchfield—Alfred Hicks.
I'lst'-r John Bowman. Ridgls rv —Jes? Hammond.
Towanda twji A R Bow- Wells—Wm S lngalls, <) W
man. Smith.
Durcll Miles Bishop. Athens boro' 11 A KitT.
; Springfield It 11 Brooks. Smithfield—W lane. Smith
Granville—Luther H Clark, Mitchell. John Phelps.
Wm Vroman. Troy boro'—Alouzo Long,
i South Crcek--S II Coicnaan Burlington—C T Merry.
Ransoiiie Tanner. Wysox- George Nichols.
1 Tuscarora -Geo W Dexter.!Canton—David Palmer.
John A [.upper. 1 Stockwell. Isaac Williams.
1 Asylum—E Dodge, Uriah j Pike—A Stevens, 2d.
i Terry. | Columbia.—Wm Strait.
/ F\MPiIUA COT'NTV SS.-Tlio romnion-
I v_a wealth ot Pennsylvania to Catharine (I'Kcefc, Jcre-
I [L. S.] miah A'llern and Joliu Klynn. administrators
of Daniel O'Keufe due'd., and to the heirs and legal rep
resentatives of said deceased. GREETING :—We command
yott and every o| you, that you do in your own proper
, persons appear la-fore our Judges at Kbensburg at a ('ourt
1 of 1 onitiion l'lcas. their- to be lu-ld on the lirst Monday of
Septemlier next (as we have heretofore commanded you)
j at ten o'clock. A. M. ol said day to answer GreenU-rry
Tavlor in lie-matter of hi-petition for the specific pcr
j forinance of a c-mtract made with Daniel O'Kecfe dee d..
• in his hfctiiiie. to sell to the said petitioner a certain lot
, or piece of ground situate in Gallitzin, Allegheny town
j ship, and herein fail not.
Witness the Honorable George Taylor, President of
our said Court at Ebeusburg, tlie 9th day of July. PAR.
M. ROBERTS. Proth'y.
Notice directed to ire given bv publication in tin- " Brad
ford Reporter," a newspaper published in Towanda. Brad
ford en 11 nt v. I'a.. for six weeks before tlie Ist dav of next
term. Ac. ' Per. Pur. JOHN ROBERTS. SheritT.
Ebeusburg. July 9, 1 -'.'6.
/ tAMBRIA COUXTY SS.- -Tho Conimon-
V [I.. S..J wealth of Pen us} Ivania to Catharine O'Kecfe,
Jeremiah A'lleru and John Flyiin, administratorsot I>an
iel O'Kecfe dee d., and to the heirs and legal representa
tives of said deceased, GREETING :—We command you and
every of you (as wc have heretofore commanded you) that
you do iii your own proper person appear before our
Judges at Ebeusburg at a Court of Common Pleas there
to be held 011 the Ist Monday of September next, at 111
! o'clock, A. M. of said day. to answer James M'Coy in the
! matter of his petition for the specific performance of a
' contract made with Daniel O Keefe dec d., in his lifetime,
j to sell to James Stotler the assignor of the petitioner, a
j certain lot or juta e of ground.situate iu Gallitzin, Allcghe
: uy township. And licrein fail not.
Witness the Honorable George Taylor. President of our
said Court at Ebeusburg, tire 9th day of July, Is.Vi.
M. ROBERTS, Proth'y.
Notice directed to be given bv publication tor six weeks
in the ■' Bradford Reporter," a newspaper published in
1 Towanda, Bradford Co. Pa. Per. Cur.
J\n ' just received t>y BAH.EA A NL\
\I M IN !STIS A TOR'S NOTIC Iv— N* ot ice
. is hereby given, that all person* indebted to the es
tate of Malvina A. Rogers, deceased, late ot ( anton twp.,
arc hereby requested to make payment without de'uv,
and all person* having claims against srsid estate will
please ores, nt them dulv auth-iitieat'd (or settlement.
Julv 1. 1856. Administrator.
| J,e )" dc riplion at IIUMI'IRI.A -
Legal SL&aerticmeutg.
Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth.
Resolved by the Senate anil House of Representatives
oj the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General .Usem
o/v met, fhat the following iuueudnieuts arc proposed to
, thexoustitution of the common wealth, in accordance with
the provisions of the tenth article thereof.
There shall he an additional nrtirie to said constitution
to be designated as article eleven, as follows
SECTION 1. The state may contract debts, to supply
casual deficits or lailures in, or to meet expen
ses not otherwise provided for ; but the aggregate amount
i of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted
• by virtue of one or more aqjs of the general assembly, or
at dlifcrcut periods of time, shall never exceed seven hun
dred and fifty thousand dollars, and the monev arising
from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the
, purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts
so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever.
SECTION 2. In addition to the above limited power the
( *tute may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress in
surrection. defend the state in war, or to r> deem the pre
seut outstanding indebtedness of the state : but the mo
. ney arising from the contracting of such debts, .shall be
r applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to re
pay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever.
SECTION 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec
, tions one and two of this article, uo debt whatever shall
be created by, or on behalf of the state.
SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of the present
debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the
legislature shall, at Its first session, after the adoption of
this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall he
sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and
annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less
j than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ; which sink
ing iuud shall consist of the net unuual income of the
i public works, front time to time owned by the state, or
| the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part there-
I of. and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned
, by the state, together with other funds, or resources, that
' may be designated by law. The -aid sinking fund maybe
increased, from time to time, by assigning to it anv part
of the taxes, or revenues of the state, not required
! tor the ordinary and current expense*? of govern
I | unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of
the said sinking lund shall tie used or applied otherwise
| thj>n in extinguishment of the public dept, until the
t \ amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of fiveiuil
. ; lions of dollars.
I SECTION 5. The credir of the comtnonwealtli shall not
in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, anv in
dividual, company, corporation, or association ; nor shall
t the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or
stockhoidc, in any company, association, or corporation.
I SECTION t>. The commonwealth shall not assume the
debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough,or
1 township ; 01 of any corporation, or association ; unless
: such debt shall have been contracted to enable tlie state
to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend
iLseii iu time ol war, or to assist tlie state in the discharge
} of any portion of its present indebtedness.
SECTION 7. The legislature shall not authorize any
county, city, borough, township, or incorporated district,
j by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become
I a stockholder in any company, association, or corporation;
or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corpora
tion, association, institution, or party.
There shsll lie an additional article to said constitution,
1 to be designated as article XII, as follows :
No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over
one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county
or otherwise.) without the express assent ofs n-h county,
by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new coun
ty be established, containing less than four hundred square
From section two ol tlie fust article of the constitution,
strike out the words, " of the city of Philadelphia, and of
each county respectively from section five, same article,
strike out tlie words, " of Philadelphia and of the several
counties from section seven, same article, strike out
the words, "neither the city of Philadelphia nor any,"
(and insert in lieu thereof tlie words, •' aiul no;" and
strike out section four, same article, and in lieu thereof
insert the following :
"SECTION I. 111 the year one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-fonr, and in every seventh vear thereafter, rep
i rescttt.itivc-s to tlie number of one hundred, shall be ap
! portioned and distributed equally, throughout the state.
! by districts, in proportion to the number of taxable in-
I habitants in the several parts thereof; except that any
! county containing at least three thousand five hundred
I taxable*, may be allowed a separate representation ; but
j no more than three counties shall be joined, and 110 coun
ty shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Anv
city containing a sullh ient number of taxable* to entitle
it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate
representation assigned it. and shall be divided into con
venient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable
population as near as may be, each of which districts shall
elect one representative.
At the end of section seven, same article, insert these
words, '• the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into sin
gle senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly
equal in taxable population as possible ; but no ward shall
be divided in the formation thereof."
Tiie legi.-lature, at it* Ur*t session, after the adoption
of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia
into senatorial and representative districts, in the manner
above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged un
til the apportionment iu the year one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-four.
To be section xxvi. Article 1.
The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke,or
annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred
: by'.'or under, any special, or general law, whenever in
j their opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of the
' commonwealth ; in such manner, however, that no in-
I justice shall be done to tin- corporators.
IN SENATE, April 21, 1 8 56.
Resolved. That this resolution pass. On tlie firO ameud
! rncnt, veas 24. iiti'y* 5. On the second amendment, yeas
j 19. nays L On the third amendment, yeas 28, navs "l.—
I On the fourth amendment, y-:as 23, nays 4.
Extract froin the Journal.
April 21, 1856. 1
Resolved. That this resolution pa*s. On the tir-t amend
ment, veas 72, nays 24. On the second nmeednient, yeas
63. nays 25. On tlie third amendment.yeas (54, nays 25 ;
and 8n fourth amendment, yeas 69, nav* 16.
Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk.
Filed April 24. 1856. I Sec'y. of the Commonwealth.
Harrisburg, June 27. 1856. I
Pennsylvania ss;
i d-1 certify that the above and foregoing is a trne and
correct correct copy ot tin- original " Resolution relative
to an amendment of the Constitution" as the same re
mains on file in this office.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
; L. S. hand and caused to be affixed tlie seal of tlie Sec
.. . retwv's Office, the dav and vear iileive written.
Secret try of the Commonwealth.
IN SENATE, April 21, 1856.
Resolution proposing amendment* to tin- Constitution
1 of the Commonwealth, being under consideration,
| On the question.
Will the Senate agree to the first amendment ?
The vcas and na vs were taken agreeably to the provisions
1 of tlie Constitution, and were as follows, viz.:
J YEAS—Messrs. Browne, Bur kale w, Crusswell, Evans,
| Ferguson, Flenniken. Huge. Ingram, Jamison, Knox,
| Laiibarh. Lewis, M'Clintock, Price. Sellers, Shuman,
I Souther, Straub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wil
j kins and Piatt. Speaker 21 .
NAYS —Messrs. Crabb, Gregg. Jordan, Mellinger and
I So the question was determined in tlie affirmative.
On the question.
Will tlie Senate agree to the second amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provis
ions of'the Constitution and were as follows, viz :
YEAS Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Cresswell, Evans.
Huge, Ingrain, Jamison. Ktiox. Labauch, Lewis, M'Clin
tock. Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Straub, Walton, Welsh,
Wherrv and Wilkins—l9.
Nays-Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt, Price
and Piatt, Speaker— 6.
So tlie question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will tlie Senate agree to the third amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Coiisti
tution, and were as follows, viz :
YEAS—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Crabb, Cresswell,
Evans, Ferguson, Flenniken, Huge. Ingram, Jamison,
: Jordan, Knox, Lauliaiu h. Lewis. M'Clintock. Mellinger.
I'ratt, Price. Sellers, Shiiniaii, Souther. Straub, Taggart,
Walton, Welsh. Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt, Speaker— 2*.
NAYS—Mr. Gregg— I.
So the question was determined in tlie affirmative.
Ou the questiou,
Will die Senate agree to the fourth amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Consti
tution,and were a* follows, viz :
YEAS—Messrs. Browne, Buckalew, Cresswell, Evans,
Flenniken, Hoge. Ingram, Jamison, Jordan, Knox, Eai>
hnch Lewis. M'Clintock. Price, Seller*.Shnman,Souther,
Straiib, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkins and Piatt, Spea
ker--i 3.
N AYS— Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Mellinger and Pratt—4.
So tlie question was determined in the affirmative.
Journal of the llonse of Representatives, April 21, 1856.
The veas and navs were taken agreeably to the provis
ions of the Constitution, and on the first proposed amend
ment, were a* follows, viz :
YEAS—Messrs. Anderson. Backus, Baldwin, Bail, Beck,
(Incoming.) Berk, (York.) Ilernharrt, Boyd, Rover, Bu
chanan. Brown. Brush, Calkvell, Campbell,Cartv.Craig,
Crawford, Dmvdull, Edinger, Fausold. Foster, Getz,
Haine*. Haiuel. Harper. Hi ins. Hibbs. Hill. Hillegas.Hip
ple, Hoieorob, Hunsccki r, Imbric. Ingham. Inni*, Irwin.
\ Johns. Johnson, I.aportc. Lebo, I.ongakrr. Lovi tt, M
I M'l irtby Sttomb Maugle, Mcticar, Miller, Wont
Ucgal wVbocrtiscmentg.
gomerv, Moorhead, Nunneuirclier, Orr, Pearson, Phelps,
Pureell, Kuni-oy. ReeiL Keinhold. Riddle. Roberts, Shenk,
sniitii. (Allegheny.) Smith, (<'ambna) Smith, (Wyo
ming. Struu-ie, Thompson. N ail, WlutUuu, Wright. (Duu
phiii.) Wright, (Luzerne.) Zimmerman and Wright, Spea
Nays—Messrs. Augustine. Barry. Clover, Cobourn,
Dock. Fry, Fulton, Gay lord, Gibbonev, Hamilton, Han
cock, Housekeeper, Huneker, Lelsenring, Magee, Manlev
Morris, Munima. Pattersou, Salisbury, Smith, (Philadel
phia.) Walter, Wiutrode and Yearaley—24.
So the question was determined in* the aflinnative.
On the question.
Will the House agree-'to the second amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken, aud were as follows,
YEAS—Wears. Anderson. Backus, Baldwin, Ball. Beck.
(Lycoming,) Berk, (York,) Beruhard, Boyd, Brown,
Brush. Buchanan, Caldwell. Campbell, Cart v.Craig.Faus
cbl, Foster, Oeft, Haiue-, Hamel, Harper, lleins, Hlbbs,
Hill, Hillegas, Hippie. Holcorab, Hunsecker, Injbrie, Ing
bani. Innis, Irwin, Johns, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo. Long
aker, Lovett. M'Calmont, M'Carthv, M'Comb, Mangle,
Meuear. Miller, Montgomery, MooxJiead, Nunuemaeher,
Orr, Pearson, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed. Reinhold, Riddle,
Roberts, Shenk, Smith. Allegheny,) Strouse, Vail, Whal
lon, Wright, (Luzerne.) Zimmerman, and Wright, Spea
Nays —Messrs. Augu-tlue, Barry, Clover, Edinger,Fry,
Fulton, Guylord.tiibboney. Hamilton. Hancock, Huneker,
Le'iseuring, Magee, Mauley. Morris, Momma, Patterson,
Phelps, Bali-bury, Smith, (Cambria.) Thompson, Walter,
Wintrode, Wright, (Dauphin.) and Yearslev—2s.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question.
Will the House agree to the third amendment?
The veas and nays were taken, and were as follows,
viz :
YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, Beck,
(Lycoming,) Beck, (York ) Bcrnhard, Boyd, Bnyer, Bu
chanan. Brown, Caldwell, Campbell, Cartv, Craig, Craw
ford, Edinger, Fau.-old, Foster, Fry,Getz,"Haines,Hamel,
Harper, Reins, nibbs. Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Hnlcomb,
Housekeeper, liubrie. Ingham, Innis, Irwin, Johns, John
sou, Laporte, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont, Mc-
Comb, Mangle, Mciiear, Miller, Montgomery, Nnuuemach
er, Orr, Pearson, l'iielps, Purcell, Ramsey, Reed, Riddle,
Slienk, Smith. (Allegheny.) Smith, (Cambria.) Smith,
(Wyoming.) Thompson. "Whnllon, Wright, (Dauphin,)
Wright. (Luzerne,) and Zimmerman—64.
__ Nays— Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Doek.Dowdall,
Fulton. Gay lord. Gitiboner . Hamilton, Hancock, Huneker,
Leiscnring, M'Carthy, Magee. Mauley Moorhead. Morris,
Patterson, Iteinhold,Robert-.Salsliury, Walter, Wiutrode,
Yenrsley and Wright, Sjieakri —2s.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
Ou the question.
Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows,
viz :
Ykas—Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Ball, Beck, (Lycom- j
ing,) Beck, (York.) Bcrnhard, Boyd, Bnyer, Brown, Bu- j
chanan. Brush, Caldwell, Campbell, Cartv, Craig, Craw- !
ford, Dowdali, Edinger, Fausold, Foster, Fry.Getz, Ham- i
el. Harper. Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hillegas, HippieHolcomb,
Housekeeper. Hunsecker, Inibrie, Innis, Irwin, Johnson,
Laporte, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont, M'Carthv,
M'Comb, Mangle, Mcnear, Miller, Montgomery.Moorhead,
Nunnemacher. Orr. Pearson, Phelps. Purcelj, Bamsev,
Ki-ed, Reinhold. Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, (Cambria)
Smith, (Wyoming.) Thompson, Vail, Walter, Whallon,
Wright, (Luzerne.) Year-icy, Zimmerman and Wright,
Speaker— 69.
Nays —Messrs. Barry. Clover, Cobourn, Fulton, Clbbo
ney, Haines, Hancock. Huneker, Ingham, Leiseuring,Ma
gee, Manlev, Morris, Patterson, Salisbury and Wintrode
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
Secrenary's Office, I
Harrisbvrg, June 27, 1856. f
Pennsylvania, ss
I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and i
correct copy of the " Yea-" and " Nays" taken on the
Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of i
the Common wealth, as the -ame appears on the Journals
01 the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Com
wealth for the session of 1*56.
[L. S.j Witness my hand and the seal of said office,
this twenty-seventh dav of June, one thousand eight hun
dred and fifty-six. " A. G. C'URTIN,
Secretary of the Commonicealth.
NOTICE—Notice is tare
iJ by given, that ai! persons indebted to the es
tate of CYPRIAN BARNES, deceased, late of Orwell
Tap., are requested to make payment without delay; and ;
tho.-e having demand- against said estate will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
June 24,1856. Executors.
rOU S NOTlCE.—Notice is henT-
A'J by given that letters testamentary upon the c-tate
of Samuel Huston, de<:M.. late otlTowanda boru", have been
granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duiv attested for settlement.
June 24. 1k56. Executrix.
-a x. is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of SAM I, C. QUICK, deceased, late of Asylum
town-hip, to make iramcdiate payment, and ail persons
having demands against -aid estate, will present them du
lv authenticated for settlement
June 10. 1-56. Administrator.
a-V. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Luther Rockwell, dee'd.. late of Troy township,
are hereby-requested to make payment without delay: and
al! person- having claims against said estate will please
present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
June 10, 1*56. Administrators.
f is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of LVPWIG KINLB"I.D, dee'd., late of Overton twp.
to make immediate payment, and all persons having de
mands agaiu.-t said e.-tate, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
EDWARD UINEBOLD, Administrator.
Overtoil, June Is, 1-56.
QIIERIFPS SA LE.—B/ virtno of a writ
4 ' of ii. ta. issued out of the court of common pleas of
Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed, to
public sale at the Court House in the borough of Towan
da. at one o'clock P. M.. of Monday, August lltb. 1*56,
a piece or parcel of land situate in Athens township, aud
bounded north by lands of Ira Elsbree, Erastns Wolcott
and others ; west hv land-liclongingto the estate or heirs
of Mary Caton ; south by Ira Klsbree and Burnside ;
and cast by land of Ira Elshree. Containing about 250
acres more or less, about 100 acres improved, one frame
house, one frame barn, one corn house, hud two apple or
chard- thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James El
dridge, now to the use of Francis Tyler vs. James Thomp
son. J. A. CODDING, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, July *, 1856.
J. Y IS. J. /., XGIIMBY. In the court of Common Pleas of
Bradford Co. No. 126 Feb. Term, 1*56.
The undersigned Auditor appointed hv said Court, to
distribute the fund- raised by Sheriff sale ot defendant's
real and personal'estate, will attend to the duties assigned
him at his office in the borough of Towanda, ou Saturday
the 23d day of August. 1*56, at two o'clock in the after
noon, when and where ai! persons having claims arc re
quested to pre -ent them, or he forever debarred therefrom.
Towanda, July Is. P. D. MOKItriW. Auditor.
V I DITOIt'S NOTlCE.— Hansen JEUsbree,
J. * 'ld r.s. George !lonham. In Court of Common Pleas
of Bradford County, No. 352 Dec. Term, 1*55.
Notice i- hereby the undersigned. Auditor
appointed by said Court. b> distribnte fund- raised by
Sheriff's -ale of said e-tate. will attend to the duties of
his appointment, at his office, in the borough of Tow
andi, on Thur-<l.i.v, the 21-t day of August, 1*56, at two
o'clock, P. M-, when and where all persons having claims
u[mih -aid funds must present them, else forever be de
barred from the same.
July Uf6. t P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
.a X note In the use of Franklin Township ts. Jeremiah In the Court of Common I'ieas of final ford coun
ty. No. 153, May Term, l-'55.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court to
di-tribute the fund- raised by Stieriß 's sale of real estate,
will attend the duties of said appointment, at his office,in
ihe borough of Towanda, on Friday August 22, 1856, at
2 o'clock. P. M.. when and where all persons having claims
upon said funds must present them,or bo forever debarred
from the same.
July 18, 1856. _ P. D. MORROW. Auditor. _
2 V debted to the c.-tatc of WM. MYEIIS. deceased,
late of ATHENS town-hip, arc hereby notified to make
payment without delay, aud all person- having demands
again.-t said estate are requested to present tliein duly au
thcnlic.ated for settlement. SARAH MYERS.
July 18, 1*56. Adinistratrix.
JL\. is hereby given, (hat all persons indebted to the es
tate bi Pardon Keuyon. dee'd. late of Windham tp. are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against -aid e-tate, must present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the snhaeritiers.
WM. KENYON, Administrators.
Windham, July 16, 1856.
J\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of f-AMt EL STKYKNS, dee'd, late of Pike towu
twp, are hereby mpu -ted to make payment without de
lay; and al! persons liavmg claims against said estate w ill
please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. j
Juli 1. t A'lur:ii-Ir-ttri\ I
DRS. (jr. M. & (j. P. CAD Y would respect
fully announce to their friends urid the public that
tiny lime jitai opened Lew aud extensive DRUG STOP.K
at NICHOLS, N. Y. Their stock is new and carefully
selected, and consists of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints,
uinotig which are lead, tine, chrome green ami vellow,
intlia red, Vermillion, Ac. Oil- ami Yariibdies,
u variety. Dye-stuffs, including logwood,
camwood, fustic, cudbear, gran
ulated tin, indigo. Ac.
BRUSHES for paint, hair, hat.
clothes, shoe,teeth, Ac. Window glass,
putty, earn phone, burning fluid, alcohol; tan
ner's oil'; very pure LIQUORS for medicinal purposes ; |
Patent Medicines, perfumery, Lubin's
Extracts for the handkerchief ;
fancy Articles, Yankee .Notions,
Suufl, Cigars, Ac. Ac.
To Physicians our'stock offers inducements as being of
tin- lest qualitv, carefully selected, and sold cheap.
Give us a call, and see*if you can purchase as cheap
elsewhere. ' G. M. A G. P. UADY.
Nichols, June IS, 1856.
1J at the store of H.JB. MKRCUK.
HAS been newly painted and refitted entire, and will
comment e regular trips hctween TOWANDA AND
ATHENS, on MONDAY, the Hthiust.
Coaches will leave Waverly for the boat every morning
after the arrival of the night and morning trains, passen
gers reaching Towanda in time for the stages south.
Going North, the packet will leave Towanda, at 1 o'
clock, P. M., enabling passengers to take any of the even- i
ing or night train-. POWELL A SMITH,
June 5, 1860. Proprietors.
sPiT Passengers for the West can procure through tick
ets for id! points, both by Railroad and Steamboat, bv ap- j
plying to the Captain on the boat, or either of the propri
etors at the Ward House.
Another Large Arrival of
HS. MERCUR Is now receiving the largest, beat
. sorted, and most desirable stock of Good- that has
yet been offered in Towftuda. Consisting of everv variety
Crockery and Glass ware, Boots and Shoes.
Hats, Caps, Staaic Goods, Carpets, Mat
tings. I Vooden-wa re, Groceries, Paints,
11 'indexr- Glass, Oils, IVa Us, Iron,
Steel, Pish, Icuither, c\r .
which will be sold at wholesale or retail at very low pri
ces. The public are very respectfully requested to exam
ine the Stock.
Towanda. April 24, 1856.
YY and beautiful assortment of Crockerv and Glassware,
fust received by may 12 H. S. MERC UP..
A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery
Hardware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron, Steel
and Nails, just received by H. h. MERCI'R.
MOSES T. CARRIER Proprietor.
rpHE Proprietor having recently leased the tavern stand
J. familiarly known as the OLD MEANS STAND, situ
ate in the lower portion of this village, on Main-st., takes
pleasure in informing the public that this hotel has been
thoroughly fitted up, painted, papered, Ac., and furnish
ed with good furniture, with other important changes for
the convenience and accommodation of citizens anil tra
And further, the proprietor begs leave to -ay, that from
the experience lie lias had in the business,he flutters biui
sel: that he is capable of catering to the wants of all who
will favor him with their patronage. It is his determina
tion to please the most fastidious at all hours.
Tin- niot accommodating assistants always in atten
dance. Please call aud try us.
Towanda, May 20. 1856.
IMOTIIY SEEI)—A quantity fur sale at
1 the store of je4 11. S. MER'TR.
riiHK subscriber gratefully announces his thanks for the
A liberal patronage received during the past year, and
respectfully solicit.- a continuance of the trade, which lie
will endeavor to merit by keeping his Stock continually
reptenished by C ASH purchases, with a large and pure
assortment of Goods, which has
enabled him to •• buy at the /incest rates" ot the '• Inipor
ters'and Manufacturers"—by selling low by adopting the
CASH S vstkm entirely, and by making a general reduc
tion of prices.
Consequently, the credit system will cease on and after
the first day of January, 1856.
a®- All persons indebted are requested to make imme
diate payment. 11. C. POUTER.
Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House.
December 20, 1*55.
New Prices and New Goods!
\T thc.Corner of Main anil Bridge streets, in Patten's
New* Block, where they will exhibit and offer for sale
a splendid -tuck of DRY GOODS : eonsi-tingof the latest
style- of Ladies' Dress Silks, such as plait; black, watered,
laventine brocade. Ac., changeable. China and plaid silk,
a splendid style of striped pongee silk, of all colors and
shades. A splendid stock of Crape, Siik, Stella, and
printed Cashmere SHAWLS: a regular assortment of
DRESS GOODS, consisting of eballys, dc laities, borages,
lawns, Ac., from a 50 cent calico dress pattern up to a $7
silk dress, in DOMESTIC'S, our a-sortineut is complete;
we have a large stock of prints, ginghams, check-, tick
ings, bleached aud unbleached muslins,Ae. Al-o a splen
did assortment of EMBROIDERIES, tu h as French
needlework collars sleeves, Swiss and jaconet flounciugs,
needlework edgings and inserting*, linen threud laces,
cotton embroidered lace curtains, jaconets, dotted mulls,
grospart muslins, Ac., too numerous to mention.
We have also an elegant assortment of Bonnets. Rib
bons, Filacers and Borders. Head-dresses, hair fronts,
hair braids. $-c. to which we invito the attention of Coun
try Milliners and the Ladies in particular.
All of the above articles we feci assured we can offer to
the public at astonishingly low prices, and are determin
ed not to be undersold by any establishment this -ide of
New York eitv. We would invite the citizens of Brad
ford county and elsewhere, to give us a call and examine
our -lock, and suti .fy themselves about our price- lictore
purchasing elsewhere. It is a true saying, " a penny sav
ed i- two earned."
To the GENTLEMEN in particular we will say that in
connexion with the above, we have a regular Tailoring
establishment in the city of New-York, and have taken
particular pains to get an a splendid stock of SPRING
AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which we offer to you at
prices unsurpassed at any other establishment. Our as
sortment in this branch consists of Infant's, Roy's and
Men's Wear : also a general stock of Gentlemen's Fum
ishing Gootls, such as Shirt-, Collars, Cravats. Stock-
Socks, Suspenders. Ae. Al-o. a general assortment of
Hat-. We are prepared to take mea-ntes for nice -nits,
and furnish them on short notice and warrant them u
good fit and satisfactory in every respect. In short, all
the goods sold by us will bo warranted, and ex-hanged or
taken back if required. We flatter ourselves that re have
one of the best cutters in the city, and some of the best
workmen employed, and can give satisfaction to the public.
Reference of our firm can be had from Benj. Rentier,
Albert Charuberlin, L. Searle, Wm. K. Hatch, R. 1!. Little,
John F. Itean. E-qr-., Montrose, Pa.
Towanda. April fi, 1856.
' SHELLERS. for sale by H. S. MERCI'IL
A [ A P OF BR APFOTID 00U NT y7 fum
-iT_L actu-d mea'urenumt and snrrep throughout the' Ca
nty, ma<l{ under the direction of J. ll'. BARKER.- The
subscriber will publish shortly a Nkw an n Co avlkvk M ai
or Bradford CufNTY. The survey- .tie now in progress.
All the Public Roads, Railroad.--, Stations, Post Office-,
Churches, School Houses, Stores, Shop.-, Mills, Private
and Public Houses, Ac., are to be shown on the' Map. in
addition to the usual topography of Rivers, Creeks. Ponds
and Mountains. The names of "the property holders gen
erally. including those iu the County who subscribe in
advance to the Map, are also to be inserted in their re-pee
tivc places.
scale, will he inserted in the margin. Also views of pub
lic building- and private residences.
No more Maps will be published than subscribed for.
and at only one price.
The Map will contain somo 16 or in square feet. To be
engraved and delivered t<> subscribers handsome] v colon d
and mounted. WILLIAM J. IL\RKEK, Publisher.
North Hector, N. v., May '.' B. mi.
O TONS SI GARS—-Brown, Befieod, Poir
* * dered, Crushed and Granulated ; M"lsse.S>rup. Rio
and Java Coffir. Kicc, Sojeratus. (ringer. Sperm ' audio-.
Rice, Tobacco- iu fact a general variety ot ' irc-u rir-. f<,r
:uk • heap at junc'J ' 1 OA's.
IHerchntibije, S~r.
rNOM RF' KIV INC, ail cxrrlhmt B""orttnent of gent .
boy's, latiß'sb 's nud mi-ee- BOuTS a 800 i
EB. Also. shoe rcg.-."Thread, Liolugs and Fibduiga, to
which he invito* public attention.
Swivm* having unttled fircnunt* or nolo* due
the subscriber, tire in* ited to make payment. Tho-< <.-u
venient may call on C. Friable, J>q- or I'. Humphrey ■:> preylous to the 10th uf Februaiy next, alter which
time delinquents tuny expect .-peeial invitations to visit
Towanda. J. D. HUMPHREY.
Tovvauda, January i>. Isoo.
A.X • It' you procure of OK. 11. C. PoKTKK,
South stare in the 'A aid lioun .
Equallv adapted to Onve*. Hut Rolls, BIo it, Buckwheat
and other Griddle (. ekes. Gingerbread, all kinds of SW' r t
Cakes, Butter for Dumplings, Puddings. I'ot pies, Ac. Ao-
Price 2. r i rents. March 2'>.
1 OSKI'II KINCf liERY has just feturaiai
*9 from New Y'ork with an Immense stock of
for tiie early trude. andtho.-e wishing to get their spring
clothing made up in season can find tin Must ehoii • uia
terials at his store. Town ml a, Match n. l^b
IS now receiving a fne flock of GROI'K
-lIIES ami PROVISIONS which will be sold at the
very lowest price. lie is also anxious to buy for CAtH
any quantity of Butter, Ege?. I ard tu.d go'd Wheat el
the highest market price. Will those rho want to buy
or wlio have produce to geil please give him a call?
A NEW STOCK OF TEAS, warranted us
-cX. usual to give satisfaction, or the money returned.
Also, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, and in fact met every
tiling irvthe Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S."
DRIED ri-: ACHES, a few very nice one-',
also Dried Berries at " FOX'S
(CANDLES, both Sperm and Tullow by thu
J box or pound, at FOX'S.
of different qualities, Com Meal,
Bran and Chop. Also some very extra Family
Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FOX'S.
MESS PORK Cheese, Hams, Lard, Brooms,
- and axi assortment of Woodett Ware at FOX'S.
DAA ID SHKLS good Potatoes wanted
tJx J\ J iiniuedi at F<d"B.
17<XTRACtS for flavoring, for sale cheap
-Jet F O.VS.
FRESH PEACHES and TonstOMja cans,
warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S.
ORANGES, Lemons Nuts. Figs, Raisins,
Prunes, Dates, Citron, ami other fruit in their eu
son at FOX'S.
Tj/HITE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and
I ' Ly the pound, at invlt FOX'S.
rD. H I Ml'' 1 _. J- if? jyst receiving a gc
• neral as*or' i.OUTSA SHOES, suitable ff r
the spring trad
Also, an excellent assortment of !.E ATHEIS. comprising
180 sides Sole Leather, ho sides Upper, 2"o Call Skins,
together with a general stned of lvipps. Linings & Find
ings. Towanda, April 3,185 V.
ISII.—No. I and - Mackerel and Codfinb,
1 at may it MERCUR'S.
V V at M. E. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door
South of Mercur's stord, Towanda. May 2U, lsoft.
A Shoe" and Findings now receiving at
Aug. '■>•.>. IV.C HUMPHREY'S.
QOLE LEATHER" -J aat receiving an ex-
cedent lot of superioi SOLE LKATHF.It, to which
puhlic attention is respectful! v invited.
N i :\V KI lv.M .
B KINGSBURY'A SUN beg leave to vail the atten
. tion of their friends and customers, as well as all oth
ers, troth Jew and Gentile, wishing to buv Goods CHEAP,
to their well selected stock of FUUKIti.X AND DO
MKSTIC DRY GOODS, consisting of a great variety
of l.ndies Dress (woods. Silks. Skairts, De fstt'iw. Cha ?■
lies, Bareges, Chumlwi ay*, I Alton*t. BriUieuites, etc., etc.
Also, a choice selection of Merrimae, Ch"checo, and
other styles of fust-r< ! >rcd Print-.
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions.
Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Trimming*. White Goods, Leir
ims, licks. Drills, Linens, ('ambries, lilearhed and Brxvn
Sheetings, Cotton Yarn. Wick, Butts. 'Tirir.e. Cai-pei
ll'tirp, <s•<"., q-c.
In addition to the alnvve article-, there will always he
found a full assortment of ..ROCKRIKS, ( rockery and
Glass-ware, Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish.
Pails, Tub.-, Mutts. Ac.
The undersigned feel a pleasure iti inviting the pntJU
to an examination of their Spring stock, believing that
good Goods and low prices will insure a speedv -ale for
ready pay. B. KINGSBURY "A SON.
Towanda. April 11. ISM.
Watches, Jewe ry and Fancy Goods.
V.M. \V ARNER has just received a large
• and splendid assortment of WATCHES, JEWEL
RY A FANCY Gt tOPS. which arc offered for -ale on the
lowest terms. Call at Warner'?, Main ?t. above Bridge.
Towanda, July 8, 1
TUIE subscriber calls atteutiou of the ]>ul>-
I. tie to his SPRING STOCK OF GOODS comprising
the usual variety, and which will be sold at the lowest
possible rates for ea-h. O. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda. April 2k, l s s'*>.
r P II1! only complete stock uf Paper Ilamriiitr^
A to be found in this region of country, comprising
nianv new and heantiful patterns, for -ale low at
AprU 24.185 d. 0. D. B.VRTLETT'S.
Lawns, Shallis, Bareges, <Stc.
i THE finest assortment in town of French and
I American Lawns. French. Scotch nnd American
Ginghams. Challis, Bareges, Brilliants and Prints t
ApriUe. l-.oi. • MERCLTt'S.
Booh Binding.
fPIIE undersigned has the ageuey ot one of
1 the i>e.-t Binderies in X. Y. City, anda ready re
ceive Books Pamphh-ts. Magazines, A-c., to i>e bound in
any style desired, in the neatest an ', uiost snbstßhttn;
manner and at very low rates ——Gal' in- forwarding b>t
very soon -end in vwur volnnv . O D. B VRTkETi,
April 24. 185 S.
I EST meived a ne\\ supply of I'ure AVbito
• Lead. No. 1 -now white Zinc, Copal, Domar, and
Harne-s Varni-h and Jo pan, bv ft. s. MKRCUR.
I ' t.ty of qo "1 Buttei Tul-s and Firkius.ju t received
and for sale by nmv2a 11. F. MKRCUR.
IINSEEI), li.tmp, Taaticis*, anil Noat?fo<>t,
J Oils, Alcohol. Campititii ..u Burning l'l iid for "ale
MAf.'KIN A\Y TliOl'T—Some very fine
- I'ues in half barrels, also Mavkerc! in half and quar
ter hr.Tcls, at JW l-'OX S'.
ANDY—A large steak n I ways on hand
A - and sold at wiiole-ale at pedlars' prices at FOX'"-.
I I RAIN CRADLES and llorse Rake- for
!X I -ale by June IS. lWtk H. S. MERCL'R.
A v application will lie made to the next Legislature of
Penn >ivania loi the iuci'i poration of n Bank to be cjiilcß
the NORTH BR VNf'H BVNK. with banking privihgi •
ot Issue. Discount and Deposit, with a capital of one hun
dred thousand dollut with the right to increase the cap
ital stock to two bandied thousand d-dlar-. and t > be lo
cated in the borough of Towahda, in the conirtv of Brad
ford. .bite I . lIW -
a- V application will be made at the next -cs-ion of the
Icgi.-l iture of Pcnnsv Ivania, for the incorporation of a
bank to he cn!M the KEYSTONE BANK, w ith banking
privilege- of Issue. Discount and Deposit, with a capital
of one hundred thou -and dollar-, with the l ig' mere i-c
llie capital stock to two hundred thousand dollars, and b,
be located in the tmrough of Athens, in the county 4"
Athens, Pa.. -Inly 1. 1 vat. —f.rn.
DRIED FKEF—AIso a few very large line
smoked Tongue- at I'ilV's,
C PICKS, °f all k'tal-. both white and grtiund
Mi t ird Ida k mil -rt t' . n loslr -,,,<1