.farmer's department. Cares for Injured Cattle. WASH FOB Worxus ON CATTLE. —Dissolve one onuce of sulphate of zinc (white copperas) in a quart of soft water, aud wash the wound with this, morning and evening. It is an ex cellent wash for common sores, l>ut for virulent ulcers of long standing, the following is also ' an excellent and more jMiwerfnl wash : Sul-1 pliute of zinc, one ounce ; corrosive sublimate. I one drachm, and muriatic acid (spirit of salt) j four drachms—all dissolved in a pint of soft water, and bottled for use. Apply it with a sponge morning aud evening. ON. FOB Worxns.—Take one pint of neat's foot oil, and half an ounce of the oil of thyme : mix them together and odd, by degrees, six drachms of the oil of vitriol. These ingre dients must, be well stirred in a glass or stone ware vessei until they are perfectlyincorjxirat ed, then bottled up for use. This is an excel lent oil for bruises in the feet of horses and oxen. HOOK OINTMENT. —Take one pound each of tar and tallow, and mix them with half a pound of common turpentine in a stone-ware dish.— Stir them well until they arc thoroughly incor porated together. This forms an excellent, dressing for the sore hoofs of horses and oxen. THE EVE.— An excellent lotion for sore eves in horses and eattle consists of sulphate of zinc 1 drachm ; tim turc of opium, 1 drachm ; in 1 j pint of rain water. It should be applied with ' a clean rag three times daily. HITTER. —WiII salt preserve butter ? No ; that question is easily answered. Salt is ad ded to butter for two reasons—one is to as sist in its preservation, the dairy-woman vain ly thinking that plenty of salt will keep the butter sweet. Another set add salt with dis honest motives, with the idea that all the salt put in the butter is sold at the full price the butter brings. It is a great mistake. Every pound of salt put in butter over what is need- j ed to give it flavor, instead of bringing a cash return to the butter maker, proves a positive ! loss of twenty-live cents a pound, because it i reduces the value of every pound of butter so j oversalted, frequently us much as three cents n |K)und. Gutter is not preserved by salt.— i That is positive. It will keep just as long and just as sweet as olive oil, without salt, if no j other substance is incorporated with it. It is the easeine of milk that spoils the butter, and unless free from that, no art can keep it sweet, j Gutter should be churned at t>"> deg., and im-! mediately afterward reduced to 40 (leg., ailTl j the less it is touched by human hands the bet- ! ter. It must be worked cool, either with or \ without washing, as that is a mooted question j until absolutely free of buttermilk or j (articles ' of sour curd, and then just enough, and no more, salt added to suit the taste of the con sumer. The salt must be pure, and one ounce , to ten pounds of butter will be sufficient. Then pack the butter solidly in any cask of sweet [ wood or stone pot, so as to exclude the air, and just so long as the air is excluded the but ter will remaiu sweet. If it could be kept perfectly excluded, the period that it would ! keep sweet is forever. Your question is au-1 swered. Salt trill not preserve butter. m II ow TO MAKE Goon HI TTER. —A eorres pondent of the Yf* Lapland Farmer furnish-j os that paper with the following rules for mak ing good butter : 1. Milk should never be set for butter in a j dark, damp cellar—as is the case with butter makers in this section—as the cream is there- 1 by moulded before it has had time to rise, which j gives the butter a mouldy taste. 2. The milk is allowed to set too long be- ; fore being skimmed, which gives it a cheesy taste. 1 A. The cream is kept too long, before it is churned, after it is skimmed, gives it the taste of the other two ; and also a sour taste. ; 4. The butter should never be washed in 1 water, because it takes awav that beautiful t aroma so essential to good butter. o. It should never be taken in a person's warm hands, as the heat melts a certain j>or tion of the globules, which gives it an oily taste, and makes it become rancid very soon. i. The milk should be set in good clean tin or earthen pans; in a dry, open, airy and sha dy place, above ground, if possible, although a cellar may be so built and ventilated, as to | answer the purpose. It should never set over twenty-four hours in warm weather ; and for a dairy of three cows or over, the crtuiin should be churned every morning, and nc.ver be kept over forty-eight hours, in warm weather ; in cold weather it may be kept longer. It should always be about the same heat that milk is when drawn from the cow, and churned steadily, and I have never known it to fail of coming readily ; (we use a cylinder churn) it is then taken from the churn with a wooden butter ladle, into a woodeu tray which has been well scalded and cooled in pure cold water ; the salt is then worked in, to suit tlm taste, with the ladle, which is easily done, with u iitt'.e practice, and the butter-milk well work ed out ; it is then set away in a cool place for about twenty-four hours, when it is well worked over again, as long as milk or pickle can be worked out. Hutter made in this way, and put down in stone pots, and kept from the ttir, will keep good for a long time. To PRESERVE GOOSEBERRIES. —Take full grown goosbcrries before thev arc ripe, pick tlicm, and put them iuto wide-mouthed bot tles, cork them gently with new soft corks, and put them in an oven, from which the bread has been drawn, let them stand till they have shrunk nearly a quarter ; then take them out and beat the corks in tight, cut them off level with the bottle, aud rosin them down close.— Keep them in a dry place. GREEN GOOSEBERRY WINE. —To every pound of fruit, one quart of cold water ; let it stand three days. To every gallon of juice, when strained, add three pounds common loaf sugar. To every twenty quarts of liquor, one bottle of brandy. Hang some isinglass in a bag in the cask. When it has stood half a year, plug it, and, if tin.' sweetness is gone off sufficiently, bottle it. The gooseberries should be quite green, though full grown. GERMAN TOAST. —Take a small loaf baker's bread a day old, and cut in slices an inch in thickness, make a custard of four eggs, well beaten, to a quart of milk, adding four table spoonfuls of sugar ; soak the bread in the cus tard uutil it becomes saturated ; then fry the bread in fresh butter till nearly browu. Serve with lemon sauce. K>tt lcopj,, jr unities should be improved. ftnsincss Curbs. HP F. MA DILL, M D., PHYSICIAN A • A SI) Si'RGFOX —Office at his residence in Wyiox. Pa. July US, is.is.—m OR. JOHN M'INTOSH, SL'KCLOX DFXTIST, HAS RETURNED. Office nest door jo Me rent's store, atitl over Alexander's Clothing Store, Mi street, Towanda. February 21. Is*.,;. I AMES MACFARLANE, .1 TTORXEY ') AT LAI t", TOW ANDA. PA. Occupies the Office, in the I'iiion Block, formerly owned hy John l\ Adams Esq. fie* He will attend to procuring Uountv Land Warrants and Pensions. March 22. 1555. H. J. M\nti.t P. p. MORROW. MADI LL A MORROW, .1 TTORNE YS .4 AY* COVXSKLLORS AT LA It',- -Offl. c over Merour's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towanda. April 2. is. n-43-tf DR. E. li. MASON, PHYSICIAN AND St 'RGK(> .V, offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and ricinitv. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he can always be found when not professionally engaged. JOHN ('. ADAMS IF A. OVERTON. 4 DAMS A OVERTON, ATTORNEYS A \ AT LA IT. Office iii the room formerly occupied hv George Sanderson, over Burton Kingsiiery's store. Towanda. May 2t>. Is. CLRVEYIN G—IAM KS A PA IN E. Sur k' vevnr for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to thejalsive business in all its branches. His office is at Towanda. All letters addressed to him [at this place will meet, with prompt attention. April 4, 1554. GEORGE H. WOOF* Dasnrrrean k Glass Picture Gallery, IN PATTOX'S NEW BLOCK, Corner of Main and Bridge sts., Towanda. Pa., is the phiee to get CLASS PICTURES, (usually called Amhmtypes.) They are far superior to all other kinds of pictures. Having no retire tion. they can be seen in any position, and can lie taken in much less time than Daguerreotypes, and equally well in cloudy as clear weather. to'. Miniatures put into Lockets. Breast pins, Ac., as usual. Room.- open at all hours. Pictures put up on short notice. Towanda. January 22. |K.*>l!. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! LYYEMEG'S UNION INSURANCE C'O. r ATHENS. PA. lion. HORACE WILLISTO.X. President: C. F. W'KI.LKS, Jr. Vice President and Treasurer; J. K. UANFIELI), Secretary. Rottrtl of IHrerlors— Hon. Horace Willistou. Francis Tyler. Ceorge A. Perkins. J. T. P. Myer. C. X. Shipman. C. F.Welles. Jr., J. K. Canlield, Athens: Hon. John La porte, Towanda: Cen. Bradley W'nkeinan, laiceyville ; G. M. lioilenlsick, Wilkes-Rarre ; Michael Meylert, lai [K>rte. Pa. P. <•. MOODY, Agent for Bradford County. Address, Wavcrly, X. Y. IBiSE&VAEfI © (DMOTISI 2SJ®q COLLINS &. POWELL \T r OI'LD respectfully inform their friends and the puh \ \ lie that thev have It ).'.lfOl 'Fit their C[,( THiXC A FURNISHING'STORE to Patton's New Brick Block, Xo. S, and will be happy to wait on all who may give them a call. Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy Cassimere Coats, of all colors ; Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants ; Black Satin and Fancy Vests ; Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy ; Marseilles and Linen Coats, all kinds : Linen Pants. Shirt Collars, Cravats and Hose. Hats, of all kinds. Garments of all kinds made up to order, and warranted to lit or no sale. Our stock coin prises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which we are hound to sell cheap er than any other establishment in town or county. VI'TTIXG done to order as usual. Towanda, June ls.">,;. TOWANDA TEmrn SEMHHMY. THIS school, under the charge of the Misses HANSOK, is held in the new buihliug on Second street, west ot the Ward House. The school year will eonsist of four quarters, of eleven weeks each. The summer vacation commencing in July, and ending in Septeml>er. TKRMS. CKR QfARTKR t First Clous- To include the elementary English I t . branchesaind the study of the Latin language, f Scrund Class— To include the more advanced stu- / dies of the English branches, with Mathematics, - $9 00 and the study of Latin and French \ Third Class- To include Mathematics, Mental i and Mora' Philosophy. Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., 512 00 with laitin aud French S Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There will la- no extra charges whatever. yfusie. —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of instru ment. will be giveu hy Miss RKBCCCA I>. 11 AN. SON, at flO per quarter. The Winter Term commences MONDAY. Nov. 20. LKOTCRKS on Rhetoric, Moral and Intellectual Philo sophy, and the higher branches of Knglish Composition, will also l>e delivered once or twice in each week. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men : —Rt. Rev. Ai.ONZO Por rtK, Bishop of the Diocese of Penn'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. MACLEAN, President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. DAVID WII.MOT, (•. F. M ASON, Esq., C. 1.. WARD, Esq., Hon. Grown: SANPKRSON, D. F. BARSTOW , Esq. Col. J. F. MEANS, Towanda. Towmula, Novemticr 9, 15.;.;. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TOM'AN DA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRtTTORS : REV. SAMCKL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu ral. Mental and Moral Science : REV. JAMES M<-W1 LLI AM, A. M., Professor of Ancient languages and Belles la-Hres ; CHARLES R. COBI'RN, A. M., Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School ; E. ALBERT LI'DWBI, A.M., Professor of Modern lan guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing: Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress; Miss 1,. L. STRATTOX, Assistant. MISS O. LOUISA JEXKS, Assistant on Piano and Me lodeon. Mr. CAXFELD DAYTON. Steward. T The Spring Term commences on WEDNESDAY, March 2<>th 185> and will continue fourteen weeks. RxrcNSES re* TFKM : Payable invariably in advance—Fuel and contingencies all included : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term,.... $1 .. •' Fourth,. Third 7 .. " Second S .. " First 10 .. Pupils using scholarships arc charged $1 per term for fuel ami contingents : t>r instrument on which to take lessons, ode, or lor practice $2.00 KXTH AS : French, German. Spanish or Italian, each 5 When taken without other branches, 7 i Drawing ;i Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 .. Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 .. Oil painting in landscu|tos. per term k do figures jo Room rent for lodgers 1 75 The Voting /.urlies will find hoard in the Institute, under the care of the Matron, at per week, 2 .. Arrangements have la-en made lv which the male pupils can find hoard in private families, at per week 2 AO Washing, per dozen, 3S Fuel and light at the actual excuse. Pupils hoarding in the Hall, (who will be exclusively Females.) will furnish their own lied, heddillg,towels, Ac. and the table silver at tlu-ir option. Xo pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for the term must iec. J. p. MONTANVK, Treasurer. March 1. IsAth TONS SUGARS— Grown, Ilofinod. I'otv * ) dried, ('rushed and Granulated ; Molasses, Syrup. Rio | and Java I'offce, Rice, Saleratus, Ginger, Sperm' Candies, i Rice. Tolutren—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for j sale cheap at junc'.l FOX'S. | PICKS, of till kimis, both white and ground 1 k ' —Mustard, Lla< k ""d white, whole and ground, at j OctoU-rFOX'S. Book and Periodical Agency. i \ I LAI Gil LIN, I'ost OJJJre HuUdinp : lh-alcr in all Uiuds ol new and popular BOOKS. Pt: KIODH-AI.S, ( SIKAI* PrtU.K'ATtONS, Mal'S AND CHARTS, PlfTt KKS xSO FU IMK.S, F.iNOV KNVr.I.urtts,CoNViaUATION j ( AUIS, Ac., Ac., will supply all orders tor anything in the j ulmh-c with promptness aud despatch. Towanda, January I*, I*sl. I kRlId) I Ki.l- Alio a f*w ttry liirr* line ' I-I . 11.'! •a! Tofigu< -, at ro.X's. illisff 1a cons. Ti Tj TJ k H , A THF.SS, RR Alt FORI) CO., PA. Wholesale and retail dealer in EMERY'S AND WHEtLER*S HORSE POWERS THIIKsHKHS AND SKPKHATORS, ('•.n/.vc/A Tin:sue:ns k b'/.v.v U'RHs, Portable S;iw--.Mills. Clover Hullcrs and l-'ced Cutters, Emery's Cider Mills, Apple Purer*. Clow s and Kelscy's and idlier drain Cradles, Scythes, and other Harvesting Tools. Ketchum's and other Mow ing and Reaping Machines. Seymour's drain Drills. Broad cast Seed Sowers, Ac. 1 Manufacturer of Peters' Celebrated PAW MILLS, Which 1 am prepared to sell at cither WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, on very favorable terms. These mills are warranted second to none in the I nltcd States, for durability, efficiency and simplicity, and will do in the I lest manner and rapidly, all kinds of chaffing and cleaning all kinds of drain. Crass Seed, Ac. ti" Warranted to chaff tit for market, from 40 to CO bushels of Wheat per hour. Orders solicited. November 1. 1*5.5. H. M. WELLES. Corn Shellers at Wholesale and Retail. I AM prepared to sell as above, on very fa vorable terms, the BEST CORN SHELLERS ever sold in Bradford County. Where two or more Corn Shelh-r* arc wanted in one neighborhood. I will deliver them at a small charge extra. Price of Shellvr, with single balance wheel, !>* •••• do double do * Fanners are invited to examine them. Athens. Pa.. Nov. 1. 1*5.5. R. M. WELLES. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, A\li DIRECT k TO-& FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE. TAMES HAHHIS, Ki.kctbician. of Towanda. respect fully informs the public that hi- has lately procured from New York the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath, which has proven to be one ot the most 'important and wonderful discoveries of the age. from it- ability to extract minerals from the human system. Some eight years ago. a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the process of extracting minerals from the body, by gnU'iini-m ; more recently, M. Verge-, of New York, an electro-giider. having suffered from the introductionnl poisonous minerals into bis system in the prosecution of ili- art. conceived the idea of removing them by the same processes, he succeeded in doing so. and quickly recovered. Me then applied tlie same mean- to others similarly af fected, with like results. His success exceeded his most sanguine expectations, for not only did these Bath-remove mineral poisons, hut cured many disease*, some of which •wen- the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments have fully continued the sin gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi neral- that may he bulged therein, to the great detriment ot health. Very often persons are atilieted by diseases which are beyond the comprehension ot the most skilful physicians, and which are the effect of poisonous mine ral- accumulating in the system tor years, taken in the shape of calomel, haul, Ac. Ac. The following arc some of the diseases cured by those baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis, Pal-v. Painter's i'holic. Chronic I'h-ers, (llandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer. Ncnraiia in all its form-, Salt Hlieuiu ami Humors of all kinds. He ha- al-o S. It. Smith's new! v invented DIRECT AND TO-A N D-FRO ELECTRO MA< 1N KT If MACHINE, which is a great improvement on the Magnetic machine- hereto fore in use. With the aid of the Bath and Machine, we have at command all the available medical efficiency of Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is very great, in introducing medicines into the system through the pores of the -kin—applying it dire, tly to the part- af fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over thatol taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular ly efficacious in all local diseases. I am now prepared to apply these Baths, and al-o the Machines, at my house in the stu*h part of the borough of Towanda, or I will visit patients at a distance, who are unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo derate prices. I am also sole agent for Bradford cimntv. for the above Machines. JAMES HARRIS. To wanda. December 22. I*. DRIED ArrßES— a few lir.st rate uncs, for'-ale at j110 FOXS". L I QUOR STORE. FELTOX wottltl respectfully inform the k '• public that he is now ready at hi- old stand, under Hall A Russell"*, south side of the public -quart*, to furn ish those wanting PERK LHjl'ttßS, with almost every thing in that line, lit- has lately math- large addition- i.. his stock, purchasing of the best importers, anil in Un original package. He lias on hand, and for salt- in any quantity from a quart upwards : Braiiilii. -Signetto, Cogniac. old Hennessy. and Otard. Oin Swan. American, and Schcidam Schnapps. IHiiskey. —Scotch, Old Rye, Monongahcla, and Recti fied. If'ine. —Currant, Port.and Brown Sherry. Fre-h Catnphcnt- and Burning Fluid kept constantly on hand. Also t1.5 per cent. Alcohol. CitiAKs of the best brands. Jugs of all sizes; quart flasks, ami a large quantity ot empty barrels. Ringhamton Ale by the gallon or linrrvL Those favoring mc with their patronage may be certain that all articles will be what they arc repre-ented. X. B. The person who borrowed my " Wantage Rod" is requested to return it. Towanda. January I*. Kill. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE! 18] GREAT BARGAINS! [56 3MC. S. Solomon, Proprietor. THIS extensive Ready-made Clothing Establishment, situated in Mercur's block. Main -trcct. has just liecn filled with a large assortment of SPHlN'tl < LOTHIN'tI. The proprietor assures tlie public that he has the best and cheapest assortment ever ottered in Towanda ; and to prove this fact he respectfully asks the public to tall and examine for themselves. Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or any portion thereof, well made of substantial material— Coat, A'est, Pantaloons, Cravat, Collars, and in fact every thing in the line, will do well to call. He is confident he can satisfy all in price and quality. Don't forget the place one door south of Mcrenr's -tore, Main-si. Towanda, March 2k, l*.sib BAKERY k RESTAURANT. One Door Xorth of the 11 ard House. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened a BA KKRY AXD EATINfJ SALOON, one door north of the Ward House, when: he intend to keep constantly on hand a full assortment of everything in the line, such as Bread. Biscuit Ru-k. Crackers. Jumbles, all kinds ot Cake, Ac. Having secured the services of an experienced linker, and using nonh but the ls-st brands of Hour, lie feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Wedding and other parties famished with whatever re quired, on short notice and at the most reasonable rates. A nice assortment of Candies. Nuts. Fruits, Ac., kept always on hand and sold at the cheapest rates. FRESH OYSTERS received three time- per week by express, and sold wholesale and retail. Ad'llot Coffee served nit at all hours. Don't torget the place, one door north of the Ward House. February 12.1858. H. A. BI'RBANK. JMCap of Bradford County, Pa., From art not measurements a nd surreys under, di rer/ion of Cr. 31. Hopkins, ('iri./ Kngiueer and Snrreifor, Ao. 11 aud DJ, Minor streets, Philadelphia. fTMIK snbscrilier proposes to publish shortly, by suh- X script ion, (provided a sufficient number can is- ob tained) a new and complete Map of the County : the sur veys are now in progress and will he plotted to a large scale - a- to show clearly and distinctly the public roads, churches school houses mills smith shops, cnuuty stores, po-t offices. Hotels, Ac., with the usual topography of mountains, hills, river streams. Ac. The names of pro perty holders generally (carefully including all tlio-i- in the county subscribing in advance for the Map) will also lie inserted opposite their house* in the map. A separate plan of the Borough or Towanda and each of the largest villages, will also la- made to a large scale, if sufficient encouragement be offered. The map will be handsomely engraved and ornamentally finished in the style of the uto.-t approved county maps" in the State ot New-York. \ low- of public buildings anil private residence* en gravid iu the margin. The map to contain aU.ut hi square feet and to 1h- handsomely colored by town-hips mounted on rollers, and delivered to subseriben at is", per copv ROBERT FEARS ALL SMITH, Fuhlislur. No. 17 A 11), Miuor st. I'hila. / ' IU )< EE I Eh— Cull ami st-c our Drown, VI Crushed. Coffee and Fulwized Sugars : Fine Young Hyson A Black Tea-—warranted a superior nrtiele. or the money refunded - for sale e heap by B. K IN't ISBERY. 9"j| DA IDs ft! D.DKK OVERSHOES r,f '"/ all ilt-cri|.t;-t:- at 111 Ml'llßJA S. AlieccUanrons. w. imA&QUBB&m, pLOC'K A* WATCH REPAIRER. —The vO undersigned in constantly receiving from Xew-York by Express. new additions to his Stock of Watches.! 'locks. Jewelry. Silver ware, and Fancy (foods. comprising ill (tart- Cold and Silver l.cver, L'Ephm and I'Uin Watches, with si fall and complete assortment of Fine Hold Jewelry, sin h as Hold chains, Lockets, Unicelcts, Hold Fens. Keys, Breast-Fins, Knr-UinfC*. Finger Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware .such as Table and Tea Simons, ('roam spoons. Butter knives. Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of I'la ted War*—All of which will U- sold very low for CASH. (•locks.—A liirjxt* iissortmi'iit ('lock> junt reccivfu. of all descriptions, ranging in prices from 75 cents t Fifty Dollars. ffw. Watches repaired on short notice, and WAKKANTKH to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. c. would Up: leave to say. that lie i- prepared to execute the most difficult Jnl s. such as can la- done at no other Shop short of New-\ork city. W. A. CHAMBKRLIX. Towanda, February 1. KM. f (HIKING GLASS I'LATHS CUT AND 1 J litted for any size, to he had at the ewclry Store of Feb. 1. 1M. W. A.i'IIAMBKKLN._ JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. M. Warner's \,-tr Sjdendid Je/retry Store, one door north of Patterns Drug Store, HAS just la-en opened with the largest and most choice stock FASHION ABI.K JKWKI.IIY everoflered to a discriminating jjBE—U jf puldic. Indeed, he can safely sav that with J*/h the opening of his new store has U-vn in angtimtcd a new era in tin- Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and cleg-ant assortment he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi- i ble reduction in prices : the rich and tasteful articles hav- I inu been all housiht with ready cash. A. M. W„ w hen ho retleets liow, for the past vears.with a far less attractive stock, lie lias enjoyed so large a share ot public putroii,-iitr, tlatters liiuiscll that the immense in crease of (lot ids he now otters, which have been bought so much more advantageously, will enable him to innease the generous eontideiiee which has hitherto heon vouch safed to him. He therefore solicits a eoiititiminee uf the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see tile fashions. " He-Tin-: WAT< II RKFAIKLNH PKFAHTMKN'T will continue t-i be distinguished by the skill and despatch which lias heretofore enabled it to enjo\ tlu- enviable rep ut.ition of being the most rcliahle in tow n. Towanda. September 'if. 1*5.5. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS wmihl inform his friends and the public that lie is now receiving at his old stand one door north of Laporte. Mason .V t'o.'s Linking lioiise. a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, uf various patterns, Host-wood and Mahogany Side and <'outre Tables, Dining.Te.i and Fembroke Tables. Stands of every kind. fane. Flag and Wood seat ''hairs,high Chairs, Children's Hookers, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Lounges, (lilt and Rose wood Fictnre Frames. Ir->n Hat Stands. ( oruer and -ide do. of walnut and mahogany; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, ("uphoaid-. Looking glasses, Ac. r-CtlFFi\S. of every size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions when required. The public are invited to examine my assortment before pun-basing el-owhere, as I will sell cheaper than any other establishment in Northern Fcnn.-ylvania. Towanda. August *, 1 8.55. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! JW" TIIK subscriber would announce public thiit he has lew on kinds of CABINET FriINITI'RK, if 0H &l 3 *is*si s uch as Sofas. Div.ms. ! .••tinges, I en tre, Card, Dining and Breakfast Ta ble. .Mahogany, Walnut. Maple and 0' li H ( berry Bureaus. Stands of various a— Ja kinds. Chairs ami Bedsteads of every description, which are, and will he made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which they will -ell for cash cheaper than can lie Ismglit in any other Ware room in tin- country. ItKADY-MADK COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will tie furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMUS.M AC KIX SUN. Towanda, January 1. 1 *5.5. BOOTS AND SHOES. John W. Wilcox, HAS located his establishment on Main Street, on door North of the '• Ward House." and will continue the manulacture of BOOTS A SIIOKS. a- heretofore. He has just received from New-York a large assortment of Womaiis' Childrens' and Misses' Siloes, which are offer ed at low prices. The attention of tin Ladies is particu larly directed t>> his assortment, comprising tin- following new styles: Kiiamelled Jenny Lind gaiter boots; do. shoes : black lasting and silk gaiter : walking -hoes, bus kins, Ac. Misse-' gaiter- and -hoes, ot every description. A large varietv ot Children-' fam-v gaiters, i A shoes of all kinds. * * For the i ientlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stork has been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offi-r superior article- at reasonable priees. fe" The strictest attention paid to M\xt cactcki.vo. and lie hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage he has hithcrsn received. Towanda. Feb. 1. I*.>s. Cheap Boot, Shoe and Leather Store. I D. 11 I'M I'll REV is just tn •I. receiving next d WATRors & Co., in:.\u:ns jy 1 • HEAVY A- SHKf.F HARDWARE, No's. 1 A Water st. Klinira, N". Y. We have reeantlv made large additions to our extensive stock. and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which we otter at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials. Iron and steel. Nails and -pika, Hopes and Cord age. Faints. Oil- and (lla-s, Mill saws of every size ami shape, eithev Malay I Sang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths. Isitli of India Ruhlier A leather, (lliiss at wholesale. We are prepare dto supply Merc-hants with Class, Nails, scythes. Forks, Ac., at Man ufacturers priees. Tin. sheet iron, ami Copper work on hand or made to order. t'(RTHACT'>K'S T< H >!_S—Wheelbarrows, Amis' Sho vels, Blasting Fowder, Ac. Agents for Hieh A Wildc-r's Patent .Salamander .Safes, Fairbanks Platform Scales, and Welch A tiriflith - Circu lar saws. lairge sizes up to till inch, always on hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by mail. Klinira, April 7. 1856. n-44-12m MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. BALDWIN" .V PtILLKYS having purchased the marble factory of this village, under the superintendence of Henry Hanford. are happy to announce that the Marble business in Waverly will now I>e conducted by them. They are constantly receiving Italian and Rutland Marble, for Monumeuts, Head Stones. Tomb Tables, Stand Tops. Paint stones. Midlers. Ac. Having secured the -er\ ices of l the very l>est article- usually k<-|t in our line, whit li HI: WII.I. disject- of mi such term- a- will istactory to all wlm tuny patronize him. The purchases are made eutir -ly with ra-h in hand, ami fur the • \-ll ..r customer- w ill receive tin- lieiielit of a good article at a low price. All articles SHAJI answer otu re* oiuiutmlute us AND ARE WARRANTED AS REJIRESENLFD. [LP- Hrtlica! Advice gratnitously given al the Office, fliar-in? t.nly for the Mrdieiuc*. The stock consists of a I'oiHplete arid select a-sortineiit of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine k Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter k Scotch Ale. ALL 7HE MOS POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles, Nip ple Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, 6LC. American i English Sf Chinese Razors and Knives, FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID—NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO 6L SNUFF !—Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Principe and Yara CIGARS ! Paliifx, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, llmStifs, Perfumery, Sliaaing Soap, Paney Articles, &.c. 4cc. Hair Uvos, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving fVeam, Tooth Powder, Kxtracts for the Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port inotinais, Purses, Hav, Culunge, 1t..-,- and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff lb>xes, ludellihle Ink, Ac. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; ltio and .lava Coffee: Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spier s , t Vr & Saluion, Mackerel, Sardines, ITC. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH EiND OF THE WARD HOUSE! Towanda, February 1. IK,V>. 11. C. I'oliTKi:. M. It. NEW ARRANGEMENT! JCST ON THE CCRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, No. % Patton's Block, Towanda, WHOLESALE A.YD RETAIL. rriHK suWrihcrs would u* |tcctftilly tuf.om their friendsjmd tl • public that they have form..! , ■, .1 the P.iig hu.-iness. and are now" receiving at N'o. I. in Patten's New Brick lllnck. from the 'Hie- ,■! I'hilw.i-i -plii-a and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, I'rt-m h and Kngli-.li CHEMICALS,, RRUGS, MEDICINES, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STI FFS. il TL&£i<&2A GO 3 ; DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, &c. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, &e., always on hrnd. London Porlrr and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal pnrposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR. PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes for the Hat, Hair. Teeth, \uils Boots, Paintiiift Varubfiiu?, Hhitevvaslmi?. &e. THE I.NRRRS OF (',()<)!) ('!(! lUS AMI T<) !> A(' (' (), TRRF/ FIML A HIRTIAIIS, IIIRD CAGES. I UP*. Y !> AMI SEN' Ml of which i.- ofl'ereil for sale at erratic l educed rati s. (nr -!•• kL, inyr targe and met , -.m 'ui-cil fmni tf.e Importer and M.mnl'mturcr a? tin- tu-.v -t rate-;, am! ill: < 'a-li. enables us in sell at reduced i •■-. that uitr-t be se ti.-factory to all. We invite tin- atti ntioii of the public to an especial e.vamin. a n is. Our MOTTO IT —" THE CASH SYSTEM—OI'ICK SAI.KS s.MAI.I. PKnHTS" Our Hoods ate selected with the utinostj are and warranted to la- what tin v arc i• : •, any -h"tl*l prml the contrary, we are not onlv willing l>ut request our ciiston er- to ret ;ra th.a i. id ; • -iui i-fiattM. MR. I'AYNIa will jriv. hi--pi ■ ial attention to tlie prcpaiatiou of PItKBOUU'TIONs. w . iw A '••• mm •'cainl accurately on the shortest notice. JOsKl'll I'AITU.Y. Towanda, .iur.e 2t\ Ai!l> I'- I'AN XL GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AC. II est siile of the Public Si/nnre, opposite the Court J louse. I>AII.KV A" XKVIXS arc just rcooiviivjr :i * large addition to their stock of Provisions. Hrm-cries. Yankee Notions. Toys, fruit. Confectionary, Ac., which will In* sold wholesale oi' retail lor cash, or in exhange for most kinds of eouutry produce, at jiriees that cannot fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would do well to call and examine our stock and prices. <;ui)ci:i:iKs. Hlaek and (Ireen Tea, Kio and Java Coffee. Chocolate, Cocoa. Sugar, Molasses. Syrup, Hinger, I'epper, Spice, Cloves, nutmegs. Mace einamon. tiroiuid Mustard. I'epper Sauce. Soda, Saleratns. ('ream Tartar. Sperm and Tallow Candles, ftar Si>ap, Vim-ear. Starch, Ac. I'lM (VISIONS. Flour. Huekwheat Flour, live Flour. Com Meal. Feed. Pork. Hams A Shoulders. Mackerel. Codfish, Shad. Lake Trout, l'iekeled and Smoked Herring.Cheese. Iliec, lteaus. Onions,"Potatoes, llutter. Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac. Fill IT. Prunes. Citron. Figs, ling. Currants, llaisins. Lem ons and Oranges, Hrc-cn ami! Vied Apples, and Peaches. Almonds. Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts. CreiioLle and Madeira Walnuts, Fillierts, Pea nuts, Chestnuts. Hickory nuts.Ac. OKKM AN. FBKNI'II and AMKUIVVN TIMS, FANCV HOODS AT. Hoys" Sleighs. Tin Wagons. China, Pewter .V Woot Tea Setts, Hulls. Trumpets, Toy Hun.-, Aeeordians, Har monicas, Hlass, Paper and Wood lulanl Work Boxes ami Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus. Secretaries, Ac. Pearl, lverv. Papier Mache and Leather Port Monaies Wallets, Purses, Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Contlis, Tobai - eo and Snutf Boxes, Cigar Cases. T,tU. Hair and Clot i Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery. Hair Oil. A . Fooi.s C ve, Letter. Comtnereial Note and Bath Po.-t Paper, Knvelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax. Ink. Inkstands, Water Cups, Kami Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Water scale.-. Ac. Ac. TAIII.K ANUPWKV KAI.T, Salina and lloek Salt, and Cayuga Hround Plaster. HA ILLY A NF.YIN'S. Tmvandu, November ilfi, I GOODRICH it CO., OAVKCJO. N. "Y". 4 UK now in receipt of and opening the choicest and A inost desirable stock of Staple and rainy Dry (lomls, to which they have ever had the pleasure of calling '.lie attention of the community. Our - lock is very large, and selected ith great care and acknou ledgvd good taste.and is particularly adapted to the wants of this and the sur rounding sections. Our st ek of Dress ( roods, Trimminps, liibbnus, J-ltubroiner ics, I'urn sols, Cloths, Cussimeres, I est nips. J)oiesfus, Sh/rt nips, I.t nens, J'nuts. Hosiery mid Shu " Is, \e. Vf. and numberless other articles makes oe.r assortment better than any other in this vicinity, all of which will be sold as cheap, and many articles cheaper, than at any other es tablishment .to ali of which we invite the inspection of purchasers, as lieing in every respect worthy ot their at tention. Those who may favor us with a call may b assured that no article will l- recommended more highly than it- me rits will admit of. Owego. May X lH.jti. O. B. HonPKIcH A CO. 1> ( M ITS A SHOKS—The largest. lu-st ami -heape-t assortment, this sidi ot the KinpireOitc may hefomid at je'.'it TRACY A MOO UK'S. nOIISK K A IMMSII. nieelv aiH; put up in Bntth-s tor table Use. \I-,, pickles, Pepper VI. ■ M '•-••• t.-r-td-e S,|||l , pencil to. p. •Mil. taril. oln 111"i' Mu.-t i|'i IU 1 in - and I-' tin II „i I'n.V's COME ONE! COME ALL! And satisfy yoiir-elve- that M ()N R R.\ x A' t :s co. HAYK the best and most complete a- rtment nf >'K (IOOHS. cnii-istilig ot all grade- lames aiul grnl - woad ("lotlis, mantilla-, vesting and col dvi Ivi • and fancy eassitneres. sattinet. tweed-. Kcatui KY JI-.C- Hanni-ls,"linscvs. All description-Bn— t, - '• j black, watered, changeable and |daid Nik-. 1 rtnrl I no-. Thiliet cloth. Smtch WIM.I plaid-. brown ain! mixed Pebcges, all wool and figured Pelainc.-. pl.ur. > •' -ilk striped Alpaeeas. Scotch and dnun-tiifinglisw children's plaids, Merrimack and other prints, nf ah tat tftii'S, . f An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers nutv-. glovi-s, Yietoria and Bishop lawn, hmkand janel J** I lins. lsmnet anddrc-.- trimming-.-ilk. im ,; rem ; velvet and riblwm Trimmings. Fringe-. Mack ami ' silks, linen thread. Maltese, and all kind- u ' ' : ' cotton edgings, muslin bunds, collar-, under -h co - lui-ettes, curtain drapery, brown, blue and alack tl'"' embroiih-red veils, stocks and gent -collars. A variety of Talmas, gent's and l.ulie- w " Thibet. Inn be and other .Mia wis, India and 7* children's wmdlen sleeves, hoods, niull-. a--"'• Scotch yarn comforters, carpi ting, drugget, h->r-e ets. linen table spreads and diaper-. - < unite:'nun -A ■ IT uU'W .wik.—A large a.-snrtnu at of am !.- > plates.-ledges, mill, cross cut. hand, a; ! "th<-r • -aw-, nails, lih-s, chains, pump ti\tu" -. si| - ' levels, phi nes and saw handles, m !•! 1 "J ' Hon-e Trimmings, of every variety cart: e.'i - ■"" ry Trimmings, such as bra-.-and -I- i ~' v • bolt-, cnaiiu-llcl top-h-atlier and cloth. - ' f p ' . damask and lace trimmings. Bra--. sia .„ hnm>, japanned. dkmtl and brass but kl -. brtts, si t Itreeehiug rings, trace hook chain-, harm-.- .cut atr.. , SnnK i-'iMUNcs. Tile !ai.;e-l a--ortnn tit ill t-nr si-ting of pegs, lasts, men's and liny s boot tires. i j and irons, bristles, threads, ail kinds bem a v " _ j liall. blaekiug. bindings. lining morocco, k'i 1 - r, American calf -kins, row hide, oak and hem!'- k ea"- PAINTS. (Hwt.Aiv Stone and white w ,, „ ! red lead. Paris chrome and verdigris greens. • " w other Paints, sugar lead, lithi-rage, Japan varnt-n,' furniture and saddler's varnish,lin.-ccd. lampaiiu oil,alcohol, eamphene. fluid and putty. „i f ,or , Boors AND Sun,:-. Men's and boy'- , hide Isa it and shoes, women's kid, enanicllc'l. r _' ! calf ami kip l.n e boot-, morocco, patent leather. r '■ rf ,-_ ! oil and kid buskins, variety gaiters and slippers - ■ Is-v's and infant's shoe.-, of all descriptions, k"' l - . , j misses' and children's rubber shoes, and ladies a ■rubber boots. . ~„niprr-i'" A VNK I:k NOTIONS will be found of . i <, ladies' and gent'- jM.rt nionnai-. India r" ! '- ,, t r -/"'njotln-r side and circle contlis. pocket, ivory, shel. sin • I eonihs.gilt. tastiug. velvet coat and ve-t ivurv, glass aud silk buttons ; razor strops, s"-o 1 es. Ac. Ae. , ~ ||jt-. J The usual large supply of fpukerv. , \i, Caps. Bonnets. Fur- Knis-s. Ma-li tub-. I | Sash. <1 lass. Paper Hangings, M ind-ov -::' in - i Iron. Steel, Ae. igiinnduf H't'AKH i-tlie stull'to fnivHood- A ; the experiwewt. Towamla. N--M 1 " . |Spi*iiig and Summer Tracy ®® oorc ' . .- n VVK .11* ST K KOFI VHP FR..TN >A" - a large and well selected a-orttnent .VA. fr SI'RI.Xti A- SIMMI H whirli have F'MI SEHI'TEL with UIP S,I! ' J IID AL thit loarest RNU*. '* • • *an LH*.N!Y IHIY " '' * in tin Nuiitiv, .I-K TIN plH!ic 1 ' , ' (ur IIND / IO!F1SFL >!N\M ! U \ ,• I . |