Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 12, 1856, Image 3
Meeting of Young Men. ft meeting of the " Young Men" of Du .'! t ,iwnsliip, convened pursuant to notice, at \ . White School House, in Frenelitown, on Uui.ltiv evening, -lurre 30th, HORACE P. \| ( ) ( )pY was called to the chair, and E. L. appointed Secretary. : pj lt . object of the meeting having been sta . i bv the chairman, on motion, Edw. Hornet, Y \ Moody ami Wm. Barnes were appoint '.,l committee to draft resolutions. l ' q*| a . committee having retired, ad Col. li. ] o''T.Tb being present, was called for, and re „,j](Jeii i" usua ' earncst an d eloquent manner, ~,, jting ns to united action the present strug „!c tor Freedom, aud against the ruling power j our government q'l,,. committee then came forward and re ,! 0,1 the following preamble and resolutions, Lhieli were unanimously adopted ; q'imt whereas, the time has arrived in the t.ktorv of our country, when it is necessary for !. s c nators" who have the " moral courage" to ,-press their principles upon tile Senate floor, to carry arms to defend themselves; And M ii. rca-, certain outrages have been committed ii lM iit the free people of Kansas, whose cries f'.r aid ft'" l " our Government have been miiiu tired. Therefore, Uewived, That wc disapprove of the policy of tbe present aouiinistratiou, aud of the plat f„rin tidoptud by the Cincinnati Convention, •lud will use all fair and hoiiorabie means iu to the principles therein presented. : j ;,■>< !ml, That we heartily coincide with the principles set forth in the platform adopted by i io IL publican National Convention ; and hail with pleasure the nomination of JOHN C. KUKMONT for President, and WM, TI. I).VY r., y f or Vice President of the United States. iU.-i'aril, That our worthy Kepreseutative, (j. A. onow deserves aud shall receive „nr earnest support for the bold and fearless manner iu which he ha- discharged his duties j:: t'ongrcss. /;, ~ h-e4, That wc approve of the nomina tions made by the Uniou State Convention,and ,-q-,-i illv tliat of our worthy townsman, Col. j; JiAi'n'itTK for Surveyor General. That S. .Si. Laporte, B. K. Boss, i ll Passage, Theodore Clark and \Y. R. daks Ite appointed a committee, whose duty it .-hall be 1" call meetings at such times and ; are- a- i li< v limy deem proper. p, . •/, That tiie proceedings of this meet ■e lie signed by the otlicers und published iu the lop ' an<l .1 r<eux. 11. I'. MOODY, Chairinau. ]■]. 1.. Brew v. Secretary. Buchanan Defining his Position. Mr Buchanan addressed the Keystone Club, residence, at Wheatland, Pa., on the Uth uil.. as follows : If e,ilnnet i < f Ihc Keystone Club —T give you a • -! li. artv and warm welcome to uiy abode. I. eiigratulateyou not upon my nomiuation, bnt a the glorious privilege of being citizens of nr great Republic. Your superiority over the jn*iiji4ef other countries has been fully demon- M i d by the conduct of a vast concourse as uibled during the just week at Cincinnati.— Fpon any similar occasion iu Europe the vol tin- , k!To\]ires>ion of the people would have been •' owned in martial music ami their actions "intruded by au army with banners. Haw unlike the.spectacle at Cincinnati,where .'ate- from the people of the different States j in convention under the protection of the , •v.-ion;.n and laws, aud harmoniously delib vratcd rqcn subjects of vital importance totlie ! "iiiitrv. Gentlemen, two weeks since I should ... made you a longer speech, but now 1 have '■•■a I'iaeed upon a platform of which I most ; .wriily approve, and that can speak for me. j i* '-U ! !i' representative of the great Democrat- j • jwrtv, and not simply James Buchanan, I ! J xjiiare my conduct according t<> the plat . f tliat party, and insert no new ptank retake oue from it. That platform is sufii ■oitly broad aud uatioual for the YVHOLE DK MI"R.VNC PARTY. This glorious party, now] wc than ever, has demonstrated that it is the ':..-• coiKorvativc party of the Constitution and r " the Union. FRKKUOM IX VIRGINIA. —The citizens of Fau iii<T Uwinty, V a., ha*c held a public meeting ' rdn e.\press purpose of uttering denunciations aaiinc Mr. J. C. Underwood, who appeared in ivejtublicau Convention as a delegate from ir.iu i The resolutions which acre adopted on 'vasion are not rituarkable for moderation, i o" (leeiarc i\ a libel to impute to Virginians :iV weakness like that of a love of Free-Soil y 'nnc ami are loud-voiced in praise of the ' : *i :i Hal the demonstration did not end here. A onitiiittee was appointed to wait UJKMI Mr. ! "K'nvuijd, to inform him of the sentiments of 1,1 meeting, and to hint that "it was tlceined Mil advisable" for him to Ira re the Stale as }">-ible. We do not learu that Mr. Uu r*""'i lias let obeyed this peremptory mau -1 Tlicoriler savurs of the tone that Border n.ii, b- employ in Kansas, aud tbe result may ' r iar. Mr 1 uderwood may find it essential ■ sffefy to withdraw to some other locality Aich In* . an exercise the privlege of thinking ■ aiaking a> he pleases. In any event, his - in-tanee to show that persecution for ( inn < sake is not yet done away with.— : ; !yillation of Riiflianism from Kansas to -siiiia ajip ars to aggravate the severity of syniptoias.— Tunet.' . On Saturday last, 28th ult., as Stephens, a well known citizen of the part of f.uzcrne county, was riding in a • with Win. G. Jones, on the road back ' I'ark, aud about two and a half miles j' village, he was shot dead. Jones 1 • ii gnu shot, and turning his head slighl u Stephrix leaning over, and without "• gto look for the murderer he drove rapid- home. A Coroner's Jury assembled ; iri:iy evening, and after a post mortem -"-•'Mti.jii id tliu* body, adjourned. The Jury " '"ion ail Sunday, but nothing was eli -0 l! -v the crime on any individual. # wauda Market-Wholesale Prices. 11 '* lVf . k'y t>v E.T. F<>X. Healer in Provisions anil '■r. ' i-rii-s, Mo. 1. Brick Row.J !rfUl ' I'ri'-e.). fj 1,1,1 *7 AO fit; 800 <K> " 22 00 fell V klialci, . 125 Of. 150 " .... 38 bt, ... 30 fef, " 50 (<b ' Yin,. " .... —bC 62} *.. " .... 37 She. —— 'P'L , " 1 50 'fef. V.>, ■'• • 1 no or, fi It* ... 14 Cff. 17 , •* 6 (if. 10 •-if.,; y""iW' r s . . " Bbe 124 y Hung ' " WW ly "... 12 Ml iHj Eiiiii/.eli. ... 10 0$ —— G f ' ! '* VDLE6 and Hrse Ralccs fbr *E<. 1-. 1- „ H MURC'UR STL*TTERINW AND STAMMERING CURED. Dr. T. DEARDOKN JEWBTT will be at the Ward House,iu this villajfe, until the 24th instant, fur tbe purpose of cur ifrfs persons aflicted with .Stuttering and Stammering, lie has ample testimonials of his ability to do so, from which we select the following letter : HARKISKURO, Pa., Feb. 3, 15,55. Dr. T. D. JEWEW, Elmira, N. I'.: Dear Sir—l take my pen in hand to inform you of the success of your treatment iu the case of my friend Potter. 1 saw bim a day or two since, and though 1 have known Win for year-, 1 was pleased ami surprised to find him speaking us ituciitlv and easily us myself or uny one else. This was the day alter you left this place. * He wished me to express to you li is gratitude, und try to induce you to return, tor several persons afflicted as he had been were unable to see you. Among them are two ladies who are desirous ot becoming acquainted with your panacea tor impediments in speaking. Hriow, Doctor, will you not come und relieve these al tlieted persons, us you were here but a short time ? Will you not visit us again '! Aud 1 will assure you u warm welcome, and plenty of business. Write to me soon and favorably if your engagements will permit, and believe me, Truly yours, jntylO L. A. CARMAN. On Wednesday, 2d inst., in Towauda. by Rev. J. MeWil liain. Mr. BENJAMIN NORTH to Miss MARY JANE AUN OUT, both ol Monroe. ill Franklin, 011 the 21st nit., bv dtuurt Smiley, E-KI., Mr. ORRIN L. WATKIXS, of Granville, to Miss MARY ROCKWELL, ot Franklin. Oil 1* riduy, 4tli iustunt. at Greenwood, by the same. Mr. FREDERICK WHITE to Miss MATILDA TALLADAY tsitli of Monroe. CAMP MEETING.—The undersigned would inform the public generally, that arrangemcuts are being made by a committee chosen for that purpose, to hold a Cump-Meeting near Ffenchtown, in a must beau titul grove on land owned by Bartliolomew Uiporte. Said meeting toopen by a sermon, at 7 P. M.. on Tuesday, the id ol Sejiteiuber next, aud close 011 the tollowing Tuesday morning. The public generally, and especially all friends of camp-meetings from far and near, are earnestly invited to furuish themselves with cloth tents and a supply of pro visions, and come thus prepared to rvmain with us during the whole of the meeting. Competent aid, both clerical and lay, from abroad, will be expected. L. WOOD, Chairman Liberty Corners, July 1, 1556. Com. of Arrangement. Xetu "JV" OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that au * application w ill be made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Bank to be called the Ni>Rl H BUA\( 11 BANK, with banking privileges | of Issue, Discount and Deposit, with a capital of one hun ! died thousand dollars, with the right to increase the cap ital stock to two hundred thousand d'Jlnrs, and to la* lo- I eated in the borough of Towunda, in the county of Brad j lord. July 1. 1856,—6111. I "\TQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an ; -i. Y application will be made at the next session of the 1 legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a ! bank to fie called the" KEYSTONE BANK, with banking j privileges of Issue, Discount and Deposit, with a capital I of one hundred thousand dollars, with the right to increase ' the capital stock to two hundred thousand dollars, and to be located in the borough of Athens, in the county of Bradford. Athens. Pa.. July 1, 1536.—6 m. Stuttering and Stammering Cured ! DR. T. I). JKWHTT has taken rooms at the W ARD HOUSE, where be will remain from the j 3d to the 2 Ith of JULY, and receive persons afflicted with j the above difficulty, and cure them of the same without I pain or surgical tqicration. The following letter will show ; in what high estimation the Doctor is held where he has j been and practised this wonderful art: MKADSVII.LE, Dec. 21, 1855. Dr. T. D. JEWKTT— Dear Sir : I take the opportunity to write to you, and express my gratitude for the great ! change yon have produced iu the speech of my son. 1 would have been willing to pay you double the amount which I did—yes, ten times rather than have him back | where lie was before you saw bim. lie is no more that , stuttering and stammering lad of Judge Fuller's, but lie is 1 now a plain, distinct spoken boy, that's not ashamed to ] -peak to any oue. And I hope you will persevere in your course, aud you will ever have the goodwill of Your humble servant, JnlyS. Hon. GEORGE FULLER. Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. ' \ M. W A RNER has just reeeivuil a large l \ • and splendid assortment of WATCHES. JEWEL RY ,V FANCY GOODS, which are offend for -ale on the lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge. Towanda, July 8,1856. it w \ BBLS. FORK, LIME & UKMENT I" ™ / just received by BAILEY' ft N'EVINS. AI) M IXISTIIAT(HI'S x()TlCE.—N..ti<^ i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Maiviua A. Rogers, deceased, late of Canton twp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delav; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. SIMON B. LATHROP. Jnlv 1. 1856. Administrator. i DMJXISTRATRIX XOTlCK—Xotfce T.\- i- hereby given, that all pcr-on- indebted t*> the es tate of SAMUEL STEY ENS, deed, late of Pike towu twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will I please jiresent litem dnlv authenticated for settlement. * KM LBENZA STEVENS. July 1, 1856. Administratrix. MACKINAW TROUT—Some very fine . ones in half Uirrels,also Mackerel in half and quar ter crt rels, at jl- FOX S. ATTACHMENT. Bradford _l_ County, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To the Sheriff of Bradford County, Greeting : We com mand that you attrch Patrick Maddon, late of your coun ty, by all and -imrular his good- and chatties, lands and tenements, moneys, rights aud credits, in whoso hands or pos-ession soever the same may be. so that lie 1* and ap pear before our court of Common Pleas, to be hidden at the borough of Towauda, in and for said county, on the tir-t Monday of September next, there to answer Whitman Phillips and Elijah Sheddon in a plea of trespass on the ease upon promissory note, Ac., not exceeding three lmu dred dollars, and that you summon all persons in who-e hands or possession the siiid goods, chatties, moneys,right? and credits or any of them may lie attached, so that they and every of them he and appear lelbre -aid court, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what shall he objected against tliein, and abide thejudgmeut of the Court there in ; and have you then and there this writ. [L. s.J Witness the honorable David Wilmot, President of our said court, at the borough of Towunda afurcsaid,the 26th day of May, A. I). 1856. ALLEN M'KEAN, Prothoiiotary. The Sheriff is directed to attach a certain, lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of (iwrtori. Brad ford county aforesaid, and is also direet*d to publish a co py of the writ in this case for six weeks in the Bradford Reporter and also in the Bradford Argus, paper- publish ed in said county. Order made by Judge in vacation. July 7. A. M'KEAN. Prot. SHERIFFS SALE. -By virtue of a writ O of li. la. issued out of the court of common pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to public -ale at the Court House in the borough of Towan da, t one o'clock P. M.. of Monday, Angust 11th, 1856, a piece or parcel of land situate iu Athens township, and bounded north by lands of Ira Elsl rce, Krastiis YYoleqtt and others ; we-'l by hinds lielonging to the estate or heirs of Mary Caton : smith by Ira Klsbrcc and Bnrnsidc ; and east by land of Ira Elubree. Containing about 250 acres niorn or less, about inn acres improved, one frame house, one frame bflrn, one corn house, and two apple or ehard- thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James El dridge, now to the use of Francis fylcr vs. James I lionip- , son. J. A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff"- Office, Towanda, July 8, 1856. JIST OF LETTERS, reraaiuiug in tliu F. J O- at TOWANDA, July 1, 1856. Beloud Henry Kennedy Patrick Barten Win. Kenny Marvan Bennett Orrin N. l-ane Daniel Beizer W. Manold Henry Bogar J. i>. M'Crneken Sarah Baldwin HeiiEyC M'GiUH. W. lb Ist Wick Madison M'Doneli Denis. Bowman D M Meehan Daniel Bowman Clarissa 2 Musselman Jacob Barrett James Newel! Albert Beers Louisa A Beckham Giles Brav Anne Piatt Elizabeth Connelly John Power Joseph Cipp Mrs. FA Rogers Collins John Root Augustus Coolbaugh John M Scovill Harriet Ciirren Almira E. Streoter Orlando Decker Eiuily Scott Catherine Denis Mary Scott John H. Duiidon John Snook Tunis Foster Lot 2 Scott llcniy Fox Wm. Sch ley el Nikolai Gr-dis Joel Sailor John Golf Win. Taylor II J liorre A S Thompson Ellen liaverlv Daniel J Thompson Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes Thomas Updyke Hamilton Morton Richard \\ arnor Jacob. Morton l'helie Whitney Alonzo Horrell Isaac Wuud Nolde P. Ifungerford Isi<*v K. Young B. F. Jones Em " Vandyke James Vankurin John G. Persons calling for an* of these letters please mention ♦hoc h," adMitiMd H C P"RTLi; P M 1 Cegl QVboertiemeuts. RESOIiITTION" Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. R'°iv*tl by the Senate and House of Representative, oj the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly nut, I but tbe following amendments are proposed to the constitution of the commonwealth. in accordance with the provisions ol the tenth article thereof. FIKST AMZNUMKNT. There shall be an additional article to said constitution to be designated as article eleven, as follows AHTICI.K XI. OK PUBLIC I>KITS. . ACTIOS 1. The state may etc tract debts, to supply casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expen ses not otherwise provided lor ; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by y.'rtue of one or more acts of the general assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never exceed sevenhnn (lied aud fitty thousand dollar*. and the money arising from the creation of audi debts, whall le applied to the purpose tor which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, add to no other purpose whatever. SUCTION 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may eoutract debts to repel invasion, suppress in surrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the pre sent outstanding indebtedness of the state : but the mo ney arising from the coutraeting of such debts, shall be uppiied to tiie purpose for which it was raised, or to re pay such debts, and to no oiher purpose whatever. SECTION 3. Except the debts above specified, in seo tuuis one and two of tlua article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. SECTION 1. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted w aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, alter the adoption of the- amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing iutcrest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars : which sink ing fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from Time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part there of, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together with other funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund mavis? increased, troru time to time, by assigning to it any part ol the taxes, or otliar revenues of the state, not required tor the ordinary and current expenses of government .and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public dept, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of five mil lions of dollars. SECTION 5. The credir of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any in- I dividual, company, corporation, or association ; nor shall I the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or i stockholde, in any company, association, or corporation. I .SECTION ti. The commonwealth shall not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough,or township; or of any corporation, or association; unless I such debt shall have becu contracted to enable the state I to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend I itself in time of war, or to assist the state in the discharge ol any portion of its present indebtedness. SECTION 7. The legislature shall not authorize any I county, city, borough, township, or incorporated district, I by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become ■ a stockholder in any company, association, or corporation; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corpora tion, association, institution, or party. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said constitution, to be designated as article XII, as follows : ARTICLE XII. OK NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over one tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherwise.) without the express assent of such county, by a vote ot the electors thereof; nor shall any uew coun ty tic established, containing less than four huudrcd square miles. THIRD AMENDMENT. From section two ot the first article of the constitution, strike out the words, " oj the city of I'hiladtlphia. ami of each county respectively from section five, same article, strike out the words, " of Philadelphia and of the several : counties;" from section seven, same article, strike out i the W'ords, " neither the city of Philadcljihia nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the words, •* and no and strike out section four, same article, and in lieu thereof insert the following: " SECTION 1. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep resentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be ap portioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxable in- ! habitants in the several parts thereof; except that any ' county containing at least three thousand five hundred J taxables, may be allowed a separate representation ; but ; no more than three counties shall la* joined, and no coun ty shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any i city containing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle ! it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate | representation assigned it, and shall lie divided into con venient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative. At the end of section seven, same article, insert these word", " the city of Philadelphia shall he divided into sin gle senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly ei/ual in tacable population as possible j but no icard shall lie divided in the formation thereof." The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the manner above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged un til the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-four. FOURTH AKKNDMKNT. To be section XX VI, Article I. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke.or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by. or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may lie injurious to the citizens of the commonwealth ; in such manner, however, that no in justice shall lie done,to the corporators. IN SENATE. April 21, 1556. Resolved. That this resolution pass. On the first amend ment, yeas 21, nays On the second amendment, veas Pj, nays On the third amendment, yeas 28, nays I. On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. Extract front the Journal. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ) April 21, 1856. ( Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amend ment. yoas 72. nays 21. On the second ameedment. yeas i;;t, nays 25. On tin* third amendment, yeas 04, nays 25 ; and on fourth amendment, yeas titl, navs lit. Extract from the Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, i A. G. CURTIN, Filed April 21, 1850. iSec' the Commonwealth. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, I Harritburg, June 27, 1856. ) Pennsylvania is : 1 do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct correct copy ot the original " Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitution" as the same re mains on tile in this office. ; • • v In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my ; L. S. ;hand and caused to Is* affixed the seal of the Sec- retarv's Office, the day and vear almve written. A'. G. CURTiN, Sxrretvry of the Commonxvealth. IN SENATE, April 21,1856. Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment ? Tin* yeas and navs were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz : YEAS— Messrs. Browne. Ruckalew. Cressweli. Evans, Ferguson, Flennikcn, Hnge, Ingram, Jamison, Knox*, I.aubach, Lewis. M'Clintock, Price. Sellers, Sltiiman, Souther, Struub, Taggart, Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wil kins and Piatt, Speaker -21. X AYS —Messrs. Crabb, Gregg, Jordan, Mellinger and Pratt—s. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will tnc Senate agree to the second amendment ? The veas and nays were taken agreeably to the provis ions of the Constitution and were as follows, viz : YEAS Messrs. Browne. Bnckalew, Cressweli, Evans, Hogo. Ingram. Jamison, Knox, l.abauch, la* wis, M'Clin tock. Sellers, Shnnian, Souther, Strauh, Walton, Welsh, Wherry and Wilkins—l'J. NAVS —Messrs. Crabb, Ferguson, Gregg, Pratt, Price and Piatt, Speaker-— 6. S<> the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will tin* Senate agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the Consti tution, and were as follows, viz : YEAS— Messrs. Browne. Hue kale w, Crabb, Cressweli. Evans, Kerguson, Flennikcn, lloge, Ingram, Jamison, Jordan. Knox, LauUiiieh, Lewis, M'Clintock, Mellinger, Pratt. Price. Sellers. Shtiman. Souther. Str.uib, Taggart, Walton. Welsh, Wlierrv, Wilkins and Piatt, Speaker—V*. X A vs—M r. T ! regg— 1 . So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas ami nays were taken agreeably to the Consti tution. and were as follows, viz : YEAS— Messrs. Browne, Bnckalew. Cressweli, Evans. Flenniken. lfoge, Ingram, Jamison. Jordan. Knox, l-au bach, Lewis. M'Clintock. lhrice, Sellers,Shaman,Souther, Strauh. Walton, Welsh, Wherry, Wilkiusand Piatt, Spea , ker —23. \AYS Messrs. Crabb, Gregg. Mellinger and Pratt—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. Journal of the House of Representatives, April 21,1856. , The yeas and navs were taken agreeably to the provis ions of the Constitution, and on the first proposed amend ment, were as follows, viz : , i YEAS— Messrs. Anderson. Backns. Raldwin, Ball, Beck, (1 vioming.) Beck. (York.) Rernhard. Boyd. Rover, Bu chanan. Brown, Brush. Calkwell, Camnbcll.Cartv,Craig. Crawford, Dnwdall, Edinger, Fausohl, Foster. Gctz, Haines. Hamel, Harper, Hcins, Hihbs, Hill, Hillegas.Hip pie HoJvomb, Hunsecker, Imbrie, Ingham, lnnis, Irwin Johns. Johnw.n, Laporte. Leho, Loujiakcr. Lovett, M'Cal iipmt M 1 arthv, M'Conib, Maugb Me near Miller, Mont- I Legal Hd##rtiißcnto. gomery, Moorbead, Xuiineiiiacher, Orr, Pearson. Phelps, T'urwll. KuMJ-ey, Reed, Kciulmld, Kiddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, (Allegheny,) Smith, (Cumbria,) Smith. (Wyo ming, Strouse, Thompson. Vail, Whallou. Wright, (Dau phin,) Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman and Wright, Spea ker—72. NAYS —Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Dock, Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibbouey, Hamilton, Han cock, Housekeeper, Htineker, Leisenring, Magee, Mauley, Morris, Mumtna, Pattersuir, Salisbury, Smith, (Philadel phia.) Walter, Wintrode and Yearsley—24. So th?question was determined in'the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows, via : YEAS—MESSRS. Anderson, Backus. Baldwin, Ball. Beck, (Lycoming.) Beck, (York,) Bcrnhard, Boyd, Brown, Brush. Buchanan. Caldwell, Campbell, Catty,Craig,Kaus old, Poster, Getz_, Haines, Haiucl, Harper, .Ileins, liibbs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holcomb, Hunseeker, Imbrie, Ing lium . Ihiiis, Irwin, .lolins, Johnson, Laporte. Lebo. Long ukcr, Lovett, M'Calmont, M'Carthy, M'Cumb, Mangle, Menear. Miller, Montgomery, Moorbead, Nunnemaclier. Orr, Pearson, Pnrcell, Ramsey. Reed, Reinhotd, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, Allegheny.) Strouse, Vail, Wbal lon, Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman, and Wright, Spea ker—63. NAYS — Messrs. Augustine. Barry, Clover, Kdinger. Fry, Fulton, Gaylord, Gibboney. Hamilton, Hancock. Huncker. Leisenring, Magee, Manley, Morris, Momma, Patterson, Phelps. Salisbury, Smith, (Cambria,) Thompson, Walter, Wintrnde, Wright, (Dauphin.) and Yeursley—2s. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the nuestiou, V\ ill the House agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken, and were as follows, viz :— \ KAS- -Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Baldwin, Ball, Berk, (Lycoming,) Beck, (York.) Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Bu chanan. Brown, Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig. Craw lord, Kdinger, Fausold, Poster, Pry, Gctz," Haines, Hamel, Harper Heins, Hibbs, Hill, Hillegas, Hippie, Holcomb, Housekeeper, Imbrie, Ingham, iuiiis. in\ in, Johns, John son, Laporte, Leho, Longaker, Lovett, M'Calmont, Me- Comb, Maugle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Xuuueuiaeh er. Orr, Pearson, Phelps, Pureoll, Kamsey, I'eed, Riddle, Shenk, Smith, (Allegheny,) Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Wyoming.) Thompson, Whallou, Wright, (L)auphin,) Wright. (Luzerne.) and Zimmerman —64. NAYS —Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourn, 1 >oek ,DO wdal l , Pulton, Gaylord, Gibboney, Hamilton, Hancock, Huneker, Leisenring, M'Carthy, Magee, Manley Moorbead, Morris, Patterson, Keiuhold. Roberts. Sals bury, Walter, Wintrode, Y earsley and Wright, Speaker —2s. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken, and were us follows, viz:— ) EAS — Messrs. Anderson, Backus, Ball, Beck. (I.ycom "'!?,) Beck, (York.) Bernhard, Boyd, Boyer, Brown, Bu chanan, Brush. Caldwell, Campbell, Carty, Craig, Craw ford, Ilowdall, Kdinger, Fausold, Poster, Pry,Getz, Ham el, Harper, Heins, Hibbs, Ilill, Hillegas, Hippie Holcomb, Housekeeper, Huuseeker, Imbrie, Innis, Irwin, Johnson, Laporte, L.ebo, Longaker, Lovett. M'Calmont, M'Carthy, M Comb, Maugle, Menear, Miller, Montgomery, Moorbead, Xuiiuemacher, Orr, Pearson, Phelps, L'ureell, Bamsey, Reed, Rein bold. Riddle, Rotjerts, Shenk, Smith, (Cumbria) Smith, (Wyoming.) Thompson . Vail, Walter, Whallon, Wright, (Luzerne,) Ycar.-ley, Zimmerman and Wright. Speaker —69. N AYS— Messrs. Barry, Clover, Cobourn, Fulton, Cibbo ney, Haines, Hancock, Huneker, Ingham, Leisenring,Ma gee. Mauley, Morris, Patterson, Salisbury and Wintrode —l6. So the question was determined in the affirmative. SECKENAKY'S OFFICE, ) Harrisburg, June 27, IKSG. ( Pennsylvania, ss : I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the " Yeas" and "Nays" taken on the Resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, AS the same appears on the Journals of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Corn wealth' for tlie session of 1856. [L.S.J Witness my hand atltl the seal of said office, this twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-six. A. O. ( URTI.Y, Secretary of the I 'ommonin alth. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of CYPRIAN BARNES, deceased, late of Orwell Tw|>., are requested to make payment without delay; ami those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HI'MPHRERY BECKWITH, HENRY GIBBS, June 21, 1 *56. Executors. UXECUTOK'S NOTlCE.—Notice isliere ' by given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Samuel Huston, dco'D., late ollTowamla boro', have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to Said estate arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested for settlement. EMELIXE HUSTON, June 24. I*"> 6. Executrix. \ I)M IXISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice -TV is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of SAM'L C. QUICK, deceased, late of Asylum township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, w ill present them du ly authenticated for settlement. CORNELIUS QL'OLK, June 10, 1656, Administrator. AD MIXISTR ATO R'S NOTICE.—Not ice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot Luther Roekwell, dee'd., late of Troy township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay: ami all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. BINGHAM L. ROCKWELL, AMY ROCKWELL. June 10, 1(456. Administrators. A DM IX JSTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice -L\. IS hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate ot 1.1 DWIG R1 N'KBOLD, dee'D., late of Overton twp. to make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. EDWARD RIXEBOLD, Administrator. Overton, June IS, 1856. AIDI TO R'S NOTICE.—/ the matter of the folate of J. J. 11'arford deceased. In the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor appointed by said I 'ourt, to distribute funds in the hands ol the \diuinistrators of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in the borough of TowanUa. on Monday, the 30th day of June, L 856. at one o'clock, I\ NL, when and where all persons having claims upon said funds must prvscut them, or else he for ever debarred front the ,-aine. May 20. 1856. G. If. WATKINS. Auditor. A DMIN'RS. NOTICE.—AII naßßpßg in- IL deUed to the estate of OWEN CAKR. deceased, late of HKItRICK township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. NANCY CAKR, February 26. 1856. Adinistratrix. A EDITOR'S NOTICE - In the Orffmnif TV Court. tin he matter of the estate of Amos Green, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the funds in the hands of the administrators, raised by sale of real estate, tvil! attend to the duties of said appointment at the office of WM. Elwrll, in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 21st day of July, 1856. at 2 O'clm k. P. M., at which iiuie and place all persons having claims upon said nriney must present them, or et-R be forever de barred from the same. 11. It. M'KEAN, June in. 1856. Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.--In pursu ance of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, there will be exposed to public sale on the premises, at 2 o'clock I*. M. of the 19th day of JULY next, the following described tract of laud to w it : A lot of alsiiit 11J acres SITUATE in the township of Ridgbery, bounded on the west by land of Jacob Richardson, north by laud of Perrin Biirnliaiu, east by land of Sandford Richardson, south by land of Jacob Richardson, with about nine acres improved and a small young orchard thereon grow ing. TO TIC sold as the property of James Evans. 2d. a lunatic. I>. 1\ HILDIIETH, Committee. Ridgbery. June 9, 1856. A DMIX ISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice 1 V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot Tims. A. Strong, dee'd. late of Wells tp. are re quested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the snbsertlters. AM ANDA J. STRONG, A. W. AY RES. February'!. 1856. Administrators. MAP or BRADFORD COUNTY, /rem actmd measurriniml anil surrey throughout the Conn ty, made under the direction of J. I f. Ft AFt K A' R . The subscriber will publish shortly a NEW \N COMPLETE MAT OF litis IIFORO CMCNTV. The'survevs are now in progress. All tlie Public Roads. Railroads. Stations, Post Offices. Churches, Schoid Houses, Stores, Shops. Mills. Private and Pnblic Houses, fee., an- to he shown on the Map. in addition to the usual topography o| Rivers, Creeks, I'onds and Mountains. The names of the property holders gen erally, including those in the County who subscribe in advance to the Map, are also to lie inserted in their res|iee tive places. M AI'S OP THE PRINCIPAL VILLAGES, on a large scale, will IK- inserted in the margin. Also views of pub lie buildings and private residences. No more Maps will tie published than subscribed for, and at only one price. The Map will contain some 16 or 18 square ('< et. To be engraved and delivered to sabscribers handsomely colored and MOUNTED. WILLIAM J. BARKER, Publisher. North Hcetor, N. Y . May 2*. 1656. illiscfi.anraas NEW DRUG STORE AT NICHOLS DRS. G. M. & G. P. CADY would respect fully announce to their friends and the public thai they have ju-t opened a new and extensive DRUG STORK at NICHOLS, N. Y. Their stock is new and carefully selected, and consists of Drug's, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, among which are lead, zinc, chrome green and yellow, india red, vermflnon. Ac. Oils and Varnishes, a variety. Dye-stuffs, including logwood, camwood, fustic, cudbear, gran ulated tin, indigo, Ac. BRUSHES for paint, hair, hat, clothes, shoe, teeth, fee. Window glass, putty, caujpheue, burning fluid, alcohol; tan ner's oil: very pure LIQUORS for medicinal purposes ; Patent Medicines, perfumery. Lupin's Extracts for the handkerchief ; Taney Articles, Yankee Notions, Snuff, Cigars, Ac. Ac. To Physicians our stock offers inducements as being of the beat quality, carefully selected, and sold cheap. Give us a call, and see if you can purchase as cheap elsewhere. G. M. & G. P. CADY. Nichols, June 13, 1856. r ARIES' INDIA RUBBER GLOV ES, J -i at the store of 11. S. MEKCUR. THE PACKET BOAT GAZELLE HAS been newly painted and refitted entire, and will commence regular trips between T'oW ANDA AND ATHENS, on MONDAY, the 9thinst. Coaches will leave WaVcrly for the boat every morning after the arrival ol the night and moming trains, messen gers reaching Towauda in time for the stages south. Going North, the packet will leave Towanda, at 1 o'- clock, I'. M., enabling passengers to take any of the even ing or night trains. POWELL A SMITII, June 5, 1856. Proprietors. Passengers for the West can procure through tick ets for all points, both by Railroad and Steamboat, by ap ply ing to the Captain on the boat, or either ol' the propi i etors at the Ward House. I: PER INTEX I ) ENT'S N OTICR—TI.e kT School Directors can be supplied with copies of the School Law at the office of WM. ('. BOG ART, Esq.. of Towanda Borough ; and also, with copies of the Report ot the Superintendent of Common Schools, with the Ap pendix—the latter embracing the Reports of the different County Superintendents. Such school boards of tlie County as have not been sup plied with the " School House Architecture," can procure a copy at the same place by leaving a receipt for the same. This is a valuable work, and only one copy can be supplied to each district. It is intended for the school board, and not for any one individual, and it is expected the book will be carefully preserved. Mr. BOUAKT is the Secretary of the borough board, and lie kindly offers to distribute the above documents for tlie County Superintendent, whose residence is live miles from the County town. June 9,*1856. E. GUYEIt, Co. Sop't. Another Largo Arrival of NEW SPUING GOODS! HS. MKRCUR is now receiving the largest, best n . sorted, und most desirable stock of Goods that has yet been offered in Towanda. Consisting of everv variety of SAPI.F AM) FANCY DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery and (//ass ware, Bouts and Shoes. Hats, Caps, St ante (Jowls, Carpets, Mat tings, 1 1 ooden-icare, Groceries, Paints, II indotv-Cluss, Oils,\aUs,lruti, Steel, Pish, leather, which will IK? sold at wholesale or retail at very low pri ces. Tin- public are very respectfully requested to exam ine the Stock. Towanda, April 21, 1856. / ijFLOCKERY & GLASSAVARE.—A lar-e Y_/ and beautiful assortment of Crockery and Glassware, fust received by may 12 H. S. MKRCUR. I I ARRWARE, IRON, NAILS, Ac I L A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery- Hardware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron, Steel and Nails, just received by " H. h. MERC'UR. RAILROAD HOUSE. TOWANDA, PA. MOSBS T. CARRIER, Proprietor. fTUIE Proprietor having recently leased the tavern stand X familiarly known as the OLD MEANS STAND, situ ate in the lower portion of this village, on Mutn-st., takes pleasure in informing the public that this hotel has been thoroughly fitted up. painted, papered, Ac., and furnish ed with good furniture, with otln-r important changes for the convenience and accommodation of citizens and tra vellers. A nd further, the proprietor begs leave to av. that from the experience lie has had in the business.he Hatters him self that he is capable of catering to the wants of all who will favor hi in with tln-ir patronage. It is his determina tion to please the most fastidious at all hours. The most accommodating assistants always in atten dance. Please call ami try us. Towanda. May 20, 1856. ADM IMSTK ATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Butler Sill, deceased, late of Derrick Town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. April 7. 1850. CHARLES STT.L. Admin'r. rpiMOTIF V SEED—A quantity for sale at A the spire of jet H. S. MKRCUR. CASH AND CREDIT! FJTHK Mibsrrilier gratefully announces his thanks for the X lils-ral patronage received during the past year, and respectfully solicits a con tin nan re of the trade, which he will endeavor to merit by keeping his Stock continually replenished by CASH purchasrs, with a large and pure assortment of GOIHIS. which several years experience has enabled him to " buy at the lowest rates" of the " Impor ters and Manufacturers"—by selling low—by adopting the CASH SYSTEM entirely, and by making a general rediic tion of price*. Consequently, the creijit system will cease on and after the first day of January. 1856. #- All persons indebted are requested to make imme diate payment. 11. C. POR'I'KIL Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House. December 2n. 1855. GUTTINBURG, ROSENBAUM &. CO. HAVE OPENEN A NEW STORE, WITH Now Prices ami New Goods! \T the Corner of Main and Bridge streets, in Pulton's New Block, where they will exhibit and offer for sale a splendid stock of DRY GOODS : consisting of the latest styles of Ladies' Dress Silks, such as plain black, watered, laventine brocade. Ac., changeable, China and plaid silk, a splendid style of striped pongee silk, of all colors and shades. A splendid stock of Crape, Siik, Stella, and printed Cashmere SHAWLS: a regular assortment of DRESS GOODS, consisting of challys. de laines, horages. lawns. Ac., from aSO cent calico dress pattern up to a f7 silk dress. In DOMESTICS, our assortment is complete; we have a large stock of prints, ginghams, checks, tick ings, bleached and unbleached muslins, Ac. Also a splen did assortment ot EMBROIDERIES, such as French needlework collars, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet bouncings, needlework edgings and insertings, linen thread laces, cotton embroidered lace curtains, jaconets, dotted mulls, grospart muslins. Arc., too numerous to mention. We have also an elegant assortment of Honnets, Rib bons, Homers and Hinders, Head-dresses, hair fronts, hair lira ids. fee. to which we invite the attention of I 'oun try Milliners and the Ladies in particular. All of the above articles we feel assured we can offer to the public at astonishingly low prices, and arc deterniiu ed not to lie undersold by any establishment this side of New York city. We would invite the citizens of Brad ford county and elsewhere, to give us a call and examine our stock, and satisfy themselves about our prices before purchasing el-cwlicre. It is a true saying. " a penny sav ed is two earned." To the GENTLEMEN in particular we will say that in connexion with the above, we have a regular Tailoring establishment in the city of New-York, and have taken particular pains to get up a splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which we offer to yon at prices unsurpa.-sed at any otln-r establishment- linr as sortment in this branch consists of Infant's, Boy's and Men's Wear: al-o a general stock of Gentlemen's Fu rn - i'hiug GIHHIS, sm h as Shirts. Collars. Cravats, Stocks, Socks, Sn-pernlcrH, Ac. Also, a general assortment of Hats. We are prepared to take measures for nice suits, ; and furnish them on short notice and warrant them a I good tit and satisfactory in every respect. In short, all the goods sold by us will lie warranted, and exchanged or taken back if required. We flatter ourselves that we have ! one ol the best cutters in tlie city, and sonic of the iK-st ' workmen employed, and can give satisfaction to the public. ) Refi-renee of our lirin can be had from Renj. Bentlev. Alls-rt Chamberlm. L. Senile. Wm. K. Hatch, R. B. Little, ! John K. Dean, Esqrs,. Montrose, Pa. fowuiiihi. Api il 9. Is.ui. PULTTVATOR TEETH ANT) CORN V_' SHLLI LliS, tor - ale 1-y H. S MLKCL'R. | & c. J ■ D . HUMPHREY is N)U IfflCfcn Ing an xe lent-j-sortmcut of gent , JJ boy a, Indies . children* Mul ins-es' A fitful ES. Also, Shoo Peg*, 1 ad, linings unl i unlui/s lo Winch lie invites public attention. *" All iiersons having uiisetth-d account* or notes doe the .subrtenber. are inv ileal lo m )k* payment. 1 hoec con venient may call on G. Frisbie, v-q. or 1". Humphrey, in Orwell, prevtmis to the 15th of February next. after which time delinquents may expert special invitations to visit Towanda. J. D. lit MPIIP.EY. Towanda, Jnhuary 'J, 1 TlffjQ EXCISE FOH BAD BR HA I) ! A-- a If you procurt of I)K. H. C. I'OBTER, Sentli store in the Ward House, THE IN'FAU.IBI.K VICAST ITJWDKR. Equally adapted to Loaves, Hot lb>lls. Biscuit, Huekwlicat ntid-ether Griddle Fakes, GtfigP-bread, till kinds of Sweat • 'tikes. Batter lor Dumplings, 1' tddiugs, I'ot pics. Ac. Ac l'riee rents. March 2'J. M-AV SPRING <KM 11 IS ! lOSHI'II K INGSBEL.Y hits jnst returned •J from New York with an stuck of NEW SPRING GOODS, lor the early trade, and those wishing to get their spring clothing made up in season ran find the most choice ma terials at his store. Towauda, MHIVII K. J'. I-'()X IS now receiving a tine stock of GROCE RIES and PIU4 VISIONS which will lie sold at the very lowest price. He is also anxious to buy for C" \SII any quantity of Butter. Kgp.! .atxi and good Wheat, nt the highest market price. Will those who want to buy or who have product- to sell ple isc give him a cull? AM'iW STOCK. OF TEAS, warranted as u-ual to give anti-faction, or the money returned. Also. Sugar, i'otfee, Molasses, and in fact most everv thiug ju the Grocery line, for si le cheap at FOX'S. DRIEI) PEACHES, n few very nice ones, also Dried Herries at * POX'S / CANDLES, both Sperm ami Tallow by the yj box or pound, nt FOX'S. FLOUR of different qualities, Corn Meal, Bran and < 'hop. Also mine very extra Family Flour warranted ol superior qui lit v for sale at F >XS. MESS P< >R K, Cheese, Hams, Lard, Brooms, and an asaoitment of Wo. den W are at FOX'S. BUSHELS goo J Potatoes wanted Jl "* . ".immediately at K< >X'S. FpXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheat) J nt FOX'S. FRLSII PEACHES and Tomatoes, in cans, warranted perfectly fre-L it FOX'S. ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Bruues, Dates, Citron, ant otiier fruit in their sea son at FOX'S. \,\ H ITE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and 1 * by the pound, at snyll FOX'S. BOOTS dt SHOES 6t LEATHER, J J). HUMPHREY' is just receiving age • m ral assortment of BOOTS A SHOES, suitable for the spring trade. A No. an excellent assortment of LEATHER, comprising I*o sides Sole Leather. !•'.) sides Fpper, '2OO Calf Skins, together with a general stoed ft kippa, Linings A Kmd '"V s . _____ . iowanda, April 3,185 C. N E W G O () D S . George Ifichols IS now receiving n very large and general assortment of MERCHANDIZE, among vvl ieh may lie found a splen did variety of plain and fancy Silks, Tissues. Bareges. Challies. Organdies. Lawns, Muslins, and other DRESS GOODS : crape silk, broeha, Stella, cashmere and printed Shawls, Mantillas. Window ib-y r- Linen and Embroid dered edgings, silk, straw and i'aney Hon note: Broad cloths, C'a-simeres, Veatings, aid all styles of Nt.miner Cloths, Hats, Caps, Boot-, Shoos, C.npetings, Crockery, Glassware. Drugs, Medicines. DvestiilVs.Oils, Faints. Hani ware. Iron, Nails, Class, Wooden ware, Groceries, Ac., all of whit h will be gold on the most reasonable terms for cash or trade. Home, May fi. 1 lightning rods! tTMIK siih-criber having had two years'experience in the J. Lightning Boil trade, in nbil about Philadelphia, has now commenced the business in Bradford ami adjoining • utilities. He will lo hii.-iucss near home, and use noth ing but the hesf arti.-le of Rod Mud I'lalintipoints, all war ranted such, and elected in the ni'.st perfect and substan tial manner, and as strictly upon scientific principles as any line of telegrash. Persons wi.-hing their families ami property protected from this destroying agent call do so by applying to the subscriber at Lekaysville. T.eßavsville, May 13, T*M. ' p. GREGORY. [^ISII.— No. 1 ami Mm kcrel and Codfish, "V nmylt MERGER'S- Y\ r OUL.—CASH PAID FOR WOOI^ * at M. K. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door Sfiuth of Mereiir's stnnL Towandn. May 20. 15,50. i GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Boots -FA. A Shoes and Findings now receiving at Aug- 2'L ls..ih HUMPHREY'S. COLE EITII ER Just receiving' an ex -0 cellent lot of superior Rf LE LE ATHER, to whit h public, attention is respertliillv invited. Nov. 22. 1835. ' J. H. HI MPHREV. NEW SPRING GOODS, AM NEW FIRM. B KINGSBURY A SDN beg leave to call the atten • tion of their friends and customers, as wellasull oth ers, both Jew and Gentile, wis ling to Ituy Goods ('HEAP, to their well st lech tl stock ol FOREIGN AND DO AI EST I(' DRY fit >o/)S. cc nsi-ting of a great variety of /antics < rooilx, .Silk* Shatrl*. Dr l.ahics. Chat lies. liurcjtrs. Cluimbrays, IMCIIS, Brilliantes, etc., etc. Also, a choice selection of Merrimac, C'hocheco, and other styles of lost-colored l'ri its. A large and complete assortment, of Yankee Notion*. Hosiery. Glori t, /tress Triton ings, IVkite Goods, Den ims, Tickx. Drills, f.inens, Cnnhiirx, Rleaehnlanil Hiotm Sheeltogs, Cotton Yarn, 111 •/., Ball*, 'Twine, Carjiti H 'urp, <Yr., In uildition to the above art eles. there will always be found a full assortment, of GROCERIES. Urockery uud Glass-ware, Boots and Shoes, bits and Caps, Nails, Fialt, Pails. Tubs, Matts, Ac. The undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of their Spring stock, U-lieving that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedv sale fo ready pay. A. KINGSBURY A SON- Towanda, April 11, ls.",fi. NEW SPRING GOODS! lAHK subscriber calls attention of the jmb . lie to his SPRING STOCK OP GOODS comprising the usual variety, nnd which will l- sold at the lowest possible rates for cash. O. D. BABTLETT. Towanda, April 24.1*51. Books and stationery. lartfcst assortment of ROOKS and . STATU i VERY everolfcred in this market —compris ing a very complete stuck of School t 'las-ical and Mi.-cc't lancotiH Book.-, and a very full assurtmcnt of Stationery, just opening ami for sale iiiius utllv cheap at April 24. 10. 1). lIAIiTI.ETT'S. Paper-Hiing^ingrs. fp H 1] only complete sleek of Paper Hangings .L to In.- found in this regit n of country, comprising manv new and beautiful pattc us, for sale low at April 21. 1-m;. t). D. BARTLETT'S. Lawns, Shallis, Bareges, Otc. Til E finest assortment in town of French and 1 American Lawns, French. Scotch and American Ginghams, uhallis, llareges, Brilliant- and Prints at April 30, 1 MERGER'S. Book Binding. PPHK nndt-rsimiiod has the agency of one of I. Hie best Biiii'n ric- in X. V. City. and is ready to re reive Rooks Pamphlets. Maga tine*. Ac., to he libund in any style desired, in lln neatest it ml most substantial manner aud at very low rate- -hall be forwarding a lot very soon —so -cm! in your vol nines, o p. BABTLETT. April 24. ls.tib 1 EST received a now supply of Pure White • I Lead. No. 1 snow white Zinc, Copal. Deinar, nnd Harness Varnish and Japan, by U.S. MERGER. I>UTTER TUBS A- FIRKINS.- A qnnn L> titv of good Butter Tub* and Firkins, just received and fprjiilc by nmy'Jfl H. S. MERCI B. lINSEKD, Lamp, Tiutners', and Neat afoot, J Gils Xb'oliol, Gam pit iut and Burning Fluid for -slo h v ' H. S. MKBCUR. (^ANDY' —A large slock alwavs on hand J and sold at wholesale at ivedl trs' tWicya at FOX'S /IIKUCE SOUTHERN IIOMMONV & \.' SAMI*. put up : 'i 10 !'•• .a- U . to| by Mtv - 1- • . F T P(X.