Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 12, 1856, Image 2

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    T-ie Kansas Congressional Committees
This remarkable document, presented to tl e
House of Representatives on Monday, by Mr
Howard, chairman of the Committee, amid n
storm of opposition and excitement on the pan
af tlie Ihichanan-Kansns conspirators, should
receive the careful reading of every friend oi
Constitutional Freedom. '1 iiu Ilcport, though
necessarily voluminous in character, is clear
and simple in its details of facts, bringing to
light the full magnitude of the great frauds
that have been imposed upon that distant peo
ple, leaving the country to draw its own le
gitimate inferences in relation to the extent o!
the causes and motives entering into the his
toiy of the Kansas-Nebraska swiudle. Many
luive affected to believe that the newspaper
reports of Kansas wrongs and outrages have
been designedly exaggerated for partizun pur
poses. We beg that all such will diligently
study the facts detailed in the committee's re
port, the publication of which must obviously
embarrass the prospects of Mr. Buchanan,
while at the same time it will serve to deepen
in the mind of the Republican hosts, a firmer,
and if jiossible, a more unalterable determi
nation to wrest the government from the van
dal horde seeking its subversion. \\ c subjoin
a brief synopsis of the report:
The report shows that, as soon as the bill
to organize the Territory of Kansas was pass
ed, a large number of the citizens of Missouri
went into the territory and held scpiatter meet
ings, passed resolutions denouncing Abolition
ists, and declariug that slavery existed there
in. In the autumn of 18-4, a secret political
society, called the Blue Lodge, was formed,
the plan of operations, oaths, etc., of which
are given by the report. This lodge control
led all the subsequent movements and inva
sions on the part of the Missourians. At the
election on November 20, I8">4, for a delegate
in Congress, there was no fraud except in the
sparsely settled and remote districts, where
Missouri citizens appeared aud voted.
Details in relations to these facts are given
in the report, which says it is reduced to math
ematical precision, that seventeen hundred il
legal and non-resident votes were east by citi
zens of Missouri, and the remainder were elev
en hundred legal votes. Whitfield received a
plurality, and would have been elected without
tiie aid of his Missouri Friends.
During the winter, very great excitement
existed ou account of the invasion ; public
meetings were held, and much bitter feeling
was manifested. In February, 1855, a cen
sus was taken, and the number of legal voters
was ascertained to be two thousand nine hun
dred and five. It was also discovered that,
ou the 30th of March, 1855, several days be
fore the election, active preparations went on
in Missouri, where a complete organization
was effected. Leaders were apjminted : tents
provisions, ammunition and arms distributed,
and forces were divided into companies in Mis
souri ; and on the day of election, at least five
thousand citizeus of Missouri, it is testified,
took up the line of march for Kansas. Com
panies went in every council and representa
tive district in that Territory but one. The
great mass of testimony consists in detailing
the acts and sayings of these companies.
The Investigating Committee had before
them the poll books, census rolls, etc., show
ing who were legal as well as who were illegal
voters, and from accurate and almost absolute
proofs it appears that, of about six tliousand
three hundred votes, five thousand were those
of non-residents. The majority of members of
both houses of the Legislative Assembly, the
committee say, would have been Free States
men had there bceu no invasion of Missou
rians. The governor set aside the result of
the electiou in some of the districts, on account
of informalities. A new election took place
therein on the 22d of May, but this did not
affect the result. Free State men were cho
sen iu these districts, except Leavenworth,
where there was illegal voting -
The Committee took a large mass of testi
mony regarding the proceedings iu the Legis
lative Assembly, which they say are charac
terized by recklessness ami injustice. Tbcy
likcwise speak of the crimes, such as murders
and robberies committed, which were frequent
saying that in uo ease, with the exception of
Mcllea, (a Free State man,) was there any
arrest, indictment, or prosecution for these
The report contains full and complete de
tails of everything connected with the Territo
ry of Kansas, prior to the 19th of March last,
and says it is clearly and distinctly proved that
Samuel J. Jones, the Sheriff, was the cause of
recent disturbances, in which he so prominent
ly figured. Mr. Oliver, of Missouri, one of
the investigating Committee, made a speech in
the fifteenth district, but did not vote, altho'
he went over with one of the companies from
that State into Kansas.
The conclusions of the Committee arc, that
each of the elections in Kansas was carried
bv invasions from Missouri ; that the Legisla
tive Assembly is an illegally constituted body,
and therefore has uo power to pass valid laws.
For these reasons enactments are void. The
election of J. W. Whitfield was not held un
der any valid law, nor was the election of Rce
dcr held in accordance with laws, 'llie Com
mittee suggested no remedy. The report treats
of obstructions thrown in the way of the Com
mittee, and of the general violence that pre
vails in. the Territory. ft is very voluminous,
and is signed by Messrs. Sherman aud How
[The report was ordered to l>o printed, and
Mr (Hiver was allowed several days to make
out combatting evidence.]
JOHN* A. Dix rrox COL. FREMONT. —Tn 184S,
Hon. John A. Dix, in a speech in the Senate of
the United States, in favor of ascertaining and
paying certain claims in California, delivered
March 29, endorsed Col. Fremont as follows :
"In the execution of these objects, the young
and accomplished officer at the head of our
troops, Col. Fremont, exhibitod a combination
of'energy, promptitude, sagacity and prndeuco,
which indicated the highest capacity for civil
and military command; and, iu connection with
what he has done for tlie cause of science, it
has given him a reputation at home and abroad,
of which meu much older and more ex|tcrieuced
than himself might well be proud. That the
country will do justice to his valuable and dis
tinguished services, I entertain not the slightest
jfcjyu; oorge Law has written a letter on the
* abject of the lVesidcney, avowing his prefer
ence for Fremont.
Jfeafoforfc liqmltr.
E. <>■ GOODRICH, Eniton.
— - -■ - -
Sattirbaj fflorninn, 3n!n 12, 1858.
Union State Ticket.
TK'CMS— Or Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
Four week* precious to the expiration of a subsrriptimi,
notice will he given by a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in alt eases be stopped.
CLUBBING —The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
lowing extremely low rales :
copies for $b 00 |IS copies for... .sl2 00
10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r. ... 15 00
, APVKBTISKMEVTS — For a square of ten lines or less, One
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JOB-WORK — Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books,
Blanks, Hand bills, Ball tickets, fr.
MONEY may he sent by mail, at our risk—cnrlosed in an
rnrelope. and properly directed, we witl be responsible
for its safe delivery.
fciy- The enthusiasm aroused by the name
and nomination of FREMONT, throughout the
Free States has alarmed the Buchaaiers, and
the leaders are busy concocting schemes by
which Kansas affairs can be managed so as to
pacify the public, and at the same time make
that Territory a slave state. From the first
inception of the bill to repeal the Missouri
Compromise, when the Slave-holders were
promised that Kansas should become their
prey, Decor, AS and his confederates have been
earnestly and brutally pressing towards that
consummation, mocking the woes of the Free
State men, aud with ruffian vehemence declar
ing to those who resisted the tyrannical enact
ments of the Missouri Legislature "Wc will
subdue you.*'
These desperate schemers are now aware
that they have taken a step too far. The
sufferings of the Kansas emigrants, the sack
ing of towns, the destruction of printing pres
ses, the array of Southern ruffians to enforce
satanic laws, and the thousand brutalities prac
ticed to make Kansas a.slave state, have arous
ed a feeling in the North, and a determina
tion to overthrow the party by whose power
and sanction these outrages were perpetrated.
Not that the work of subjugating Kansas
is to But open violence and border j
ruffianism, if longer indulged in will seriously |
damage the prospect of electing Air. BLCHAN- j
AN. So DOUGLAS aud TOOMBS, and others of
that class, who have of c ourse a teuder regard
for the cause of Freedom, have introduced in
to, and passed through the Senate, a bill in
tended at once to effect all their purposes, the
details of which will be found iu another col
umn. To this new scheme fur the subjuga
tion of Kansas we invite the attention of our
It will be seen that after all the repeated
threats and bravadoes in Congress, the pro
slavery leaders have now apparently receded
from their ground, and in place of open deli
anee and determination to force the unjust laws
of Kansas, have consented to repeal a few of
the more obnoxious. The proposition now
made by DOUGLAS and TOOMBS is adding in
sult to the injuries which have been heaped
upon the heads of the Free State Settlers in
Kansas. It is a virtual admission of all that
has ever beeu asserted as to the fiendish nature
of the enactments of the border rutfian legisla
ture, yet it docs not propose practically to
remedy any portion of the evil If the settlers
of Kansas were entitled to protection, why has
not DOUGLAS iutcrposedjbefure that territory
was overrun bv pro-slavery banditti and the
free-state settlers nearly crushed out ?
The bill proposes that the actual inhabitants
ou the fourth of July last, shall be entitled to
vote. How impudent is such a proposition,
considering the condition of the Territory ou
that day. The work is already accomplished ;
the free-state settlers have been driven from
their settlements, their leaders are under in
dictmcnt and absent or imprisoned ; their pres
ses are destroyed ; ruthless violence has reign
ed triumphant, and as many as conld leave
have fled the Territory. Yet now when all
this has been accomplished, Mr. DOUGLAS pro
poses to remedy the evil, by permitting the
border ruffians legally to sanction what their
violence has already accomplished.
That the design of the whole bill is for the
benefit of slavery may be reasonably inferred
from its originators. The execution of it is
placed iu the hands of the President. Again
are the destinies and fortunes of the settlers of
Kansas to be placed iu the hands of Franklin
Fierce, whose hands are already red With gore
of unoffensive and jieaeeful men—whose am
bitious schemes has carried all the desolation
and suffering that now prevails iu Kansas.—
One single word from the President, at any
stage of the proceedings in Kansas would have
protected the property and person of the in
habitants, and secured peace and order. Shall
he be again invested with new power, who
has -huWti himself recreant to the cause of
justice jaftd Inanity and false to |
If the objaet is to secure peace in Kaftsas,
that cai| be speedily obtained by the fcfeuatc
passing Hie hfliise bill admitting Kansas as a
Free State. We trust that it will be done,
though we have little hope that Slavery will
for one moment intermit its designs on that
The freemen of this County were never
more interested is a political contest than in
the one to be decided at November next, The
great issues at stake are thoroughly under
stood and appreciated. We he.r from every
part of the county the most cheering accounts.
The attempts of the Buchaniers to evade the
true issues will not avail. Intelligent and in
dependent voters, who have always adhered
to the Democratic organization, are daily de
claring that they cannot follow the lead of the
South farther, and are corning out for FRE
MONT AND FREEDOM. The unreserved
and degrading abnegation of self, made by Mr.
Buchanan is rearing up the platform, in place
of himself, has satisfied voters, who were in
credulous before, that by voting for him, they
are merely endorsing the platform, and voting
to perpetuate tire administration of PIERCE.—
We give this timely notice that if any County
in the State intends to " do better " than Brad
ford, she must be up and doing.
FIREMEXS' EXCURSION*.- —The firemen of this
place, Franklin No. 1, numbering about 37
! members, and Naiad No. 2, with about 2o
I members, visited Athens on the Fourth of Jn
j lv last, at the invitation of Protection Fire
! Co. of that plaee, and the citizens. They were
* received at the canal landing by Protection
j Co. and escorted to the Exchange HC.JI for
| breakfast, after which being joined by Nejv
tune Fire Co. of Waverly, a procession was
formed and paraded through the streets, with
their machines, to the grove.
The exercises consisted of some very fine
vocal music by the Athens Glee Club ; read
ing of the Declaration by 11. C. BAIKD ; and
an address by CIIARI.ES A. MINCER, of Owe
go. At the conclusion, a procession was again
formed, aud marched to a sumptuous dinner
provided by 'Messrs. OLMSTED k BIRCHARD.—
After dinner the different companies proceed
ed to the Susquehanna river, where an exhi
bition of the capacities of the machines was
made. Returuiug, a halt was made in front
of the Exchange where repeated cheers were
heartily given for the citizens of Athens and
the Athens, Waverly and Towanda firemen,
after which the Towanda companies maivhcd
to the boat landing, haviug spent a day of uu
alloyed pleasure, and received at the hands of
the Athens people, the kindest attention.
Franklin Fire Co. No. 1, at a meeting held
Monday evening, July 7tli, unanimously ado;-
tcd the following resolutions :
Resolved, That we desire to tender to Pro
tection Fire Co. of Athens, our thanks for the
cordial reception extended to the members of
this Co. at their visit to Athens on the 4th
inst., and to Messrs. Olmsted k Birchard.
Resolved, That the many acts of generous
hospitality conferred upon us on that day,
both by the firemen and citizens of Athens,
will long be remembered with emotions of
pleasure and gratitude, and reciprocated upou
the first opportunity with great satisfaction.
Resolved, That these resolutions lie publish
ed iu the papers of Towanda and Athens.
NEW BANKS. —In our advertising columns
will be found notices for application for char
tering banks in this County. Besides these,
applications arc published for a Bank at this
place to be called the " Northern Bank of
Pennsylvania," with a capital of §IOO,OOO, and
also for the " Bradford County Bank" to be
located at this place, with a capital of §l5O,
000. Making in all four Banks, with an ag
gregate capital of $450,000. We suppose
when they shall all be in operation, money
will be so plenty that it will hardly be worth
picking up in the streets, and every body's
pockets will be lined with " feathers."
CLUP. MEETING.—A regular meeting of the
Young Men's Fremont Club of this place, was
held at the Court House, on Saturday even
ing last. We have seldom seen a larger and
never a more enthusiastic and animated meet
ing in that building. The Court room was
crowded, a large number of ladies being in at
tendance. After a few remarks by E. R. Mv-
KU Esq., an address was delivered by the Hon.
DAVID WII.MOT, at the close of which three
hearty cheers were given for Fremont aud Day
ton, and three for the Speaker.
The following paragraph testifying to
Mr, BUCHANAN'S soundness, we cut from the
Washington Union. It is but one of a thou
sand articles we might extiact from Southern
papers showing that they regard him as emi
nently sound upon the question of extending
Slavery :
The Mobile Register says :
" The whole tenor of this letter is manly,
straightforward, and to the point. His posi
tion is clearly defined—no room for doubt—
no chance for cavil, lie plants himself on the
broad platform as declared by the late con
vention, and to that he means to confine him
self. On the slavery question he is as sound
as the most ultra southern could desire, and if
such a man on such a platform cannot carry
the votes of the whole country against all the
isms of Sain, Beeeher, & Co., then, indeed, is
the republic iu danger."
HI'RSTEB !—An anvil used for firing salutes
at the Bucbatncrs festival, on the Fourth of
July, burst while being discharged, without
douitf material injury. Its only importance is
the omen it gives of the terrible " burst up "
the party will experience in November.
The House, on" Mohduy, was brought to a
direct vote on the question of admitting Kan
sas to the Union under the Topeka Free State
Constitution. 1 By a union of the Fillmore
Know-Nothings with the Border-ltuffiau De
mocracy, the hill was defeated by one majority.
The slaveholders aud dough-faces exulted over
their victory, feeling sure that the last chance
of making Kansas a Free State had been lost.
.Next morning, however, Mr. Barclay (Dem.),
of Pa., who had voted with the majority, mov
ed a re-consideration of the vote, declaring his
iuteutiou to vote for the bill. Houston, of
Alabama, on behalf of the slaveholders, ap
plied the plantation whip to the baek of Mr.
Barclay, but did not succeed in frightening
On Thursday, Mr. Barclay's motion to re
consider the vote by which the bill to admit
Kansas into the Union with the Topeka Con
stitution was rejected, was called up and adojv
ted, and the bill passed, by 99 yeas, to 97 nays.
The bill was then passed finally, aud a inotiou
to reconsider voted down.
Seuator Douglas, alarmed by the storm ga
thering at the North, now proposes to aban.
don his bill, introduced in March last, provid
ing for the admission of Kansas to the Union
after her population shall amount to 92,343.
He has presented a new lull, by which, in ut
ter defiance of the doctrine of " popular sover
eignty," he proposes to override the Territorial
Legislature ; that a new census of the legal
voters of the Territory shall be taken by five
Commissioners, to be apj>ointed by Congress,
selected from the different, sections of the Un
ion and representing fairly all political parties;
that the Commissioners make a fair apportion
ment of delegates to be elected by each C'ouu
ty to form a Constitution and institute a State
Government. When the apportionment shall
be made, the Commissioners are to remain in
session every day, except Sunday, at the place
most convenient for the inhabitants of said
Territory, to hear all complaints, examine wit
nesses, and correct all errors in said list of vo
ters, which list shall be previously printed and
generally circulated through the Territory,and
posted in at least three of the most public
places of each election district ; and so soon
as nil the errors have been thus corrected in
said lists, the Commissioners arc requested to
cause a corrected list of the legal voters to be
printed, and copies furnished to each Judge of
Election, to be put up at the places of voting,
and circulated in every county in the Territo
ry before the day of election—no person to be
allowed to vote whose name docs not appear
011 the list as a legal voter ; the election for
delegates to take place 011 the day of the Pre
sidential election, and the Convention to as
semble 011 the first Monday in December, to
decide, first, whether it be expedient for Kan
sas to come into the Union at that time, and
if so decided, to proceed to form a Constitu
tion and State Government, which shall be of
republican form. Kansas then to be admitted
under such Constitution 011 an eqnal footing
with the original States. The bill provides
further, that no law shall be enforced in the
Territory infringing the liberty of speech, or
of the Press, or the right of the people to bear
arms, &c. It also provides punishment for
illegal voting, or fraud and violence at elec
tions, and authorizes the use of the military for
that 'purpose. The main jioint is, that the per
sons designated by the census as the present
inhabitants of the Territory, shall decide all
points in dispute at a fair election, without
fraud or violence, or any other improper influ
ences. All the white male inhabitants over
21 years of age arc to be allowed to vote, if
they have resided in the Territory three months
previous to the day of election, and no other
test shall be required ; no oath to snppoit the
Fugitive Slave law or any other law, nor any
other condition whatever.
There is an appearand of fairness in this,
but it is outrageously unjust, because a large
proportion of the Free-State settlers have been
driven out of the Territory by persecution and
violence. Douglas and his slaveholding mas
ters no doubt feci sure that they eau make
Kansas a slave State under this arrangement.
The trial of Preston S. Brooks, for the
assault upon Senator Sumner, came up Tues
day, in the Circuit Court, Washington. Sen
ator Sumner was not present, he having de
clined to take any part iu the proceedings.—
A number of witnesses were examined iu re
ference to the assault. Extracts from Mr.
Sumner's speech were read. Mr. Brooks made
a speech, asserting that the law offered no
adequate remedy for the offense committed
against his State, and avowing his determina
tion to assert her rights. Judge Crawford
sentenced the defendant to pay a fine of §3OO,
and Brooks then accompanied his friends to
the House of Representatives.
TOWANDA, July 3, 1856.
To the Editor of the Reporter : —I observe
my name attached to a handbill, calling a Bu
chauan meeting at this place on the 4th. The
use of it was entirely unauthorized, as I am
not in favor of a party whose success would
tend to degrade free labor. It is uot improb
able that I may some day desire to make Kan
sas my home, aud I shall not vote to intro
duce Slavery there, thereby shutting myself
and my children out from the possibility of
settling there. lam for Free Men, Free La
bor, Free Speech and Fremont.
JtyThe Massachusetts American Conven
tion assembled at Springfield on the Ist lust.,
and nominated Fremont and Johnston for the
Presidency and Vice Presidency.
The closing exercises of the sixth term and
second Academic year of the Susquehanna
Collegiate Institute, took place on the 2d inst.,
aud were both pleasant and interesting. Qn
the evening of s tbe first, the members of the
Alpha Epsilon Society entertained a large and
I respectable audience, by performing a
drama intended to represent the melting away
aud final extinction of the aborigines of Ameri
ca. Two or three original orations were also
delivered by members of the Society, who are
also pupils iu the school. The exercises were
creditable to all concerned, and evinced to
those present, the marked improvement iu the
highly important matter of education. The
line singing of the college choir added much to
the interest of the occasion.
On the morning of the second, a numerous
audience listened to an address to the pupils
of the Institute, delivered by the Itcv. .Mr.
LANK, and were delighted with sweet music
from the choir. After the address, &c., the
company repaired to the College buildings,
where a dinner had beeh provided. AH of the
rooms were filled with happy, joyous children
and youth, together with their parents aud
| grand parents.
The exceedingly interesting exercises were
rendered still more attractive by the presence
and music of the Mountain Choir, which con
sists of about a dozen Welch ladies and gen
j tlemen from the townships of Warren and I'ike.
The choir sang a Welch anthem in the church.
The music was set the 117 th Psalm. Of course,
wc could not appreciate the beauty of the words,
i but the music was certainly fine, if wc arc a
judge of good siuging.
At the dinner, this choir, together with the
one composed of the teachers and pupils of the
Institute sang several fine pieces, which were
greeted with much
The whole affair passed off to the entire sat
isfaction of all, with nothing to mar the eu
joyment, or detract from the pleasure of the
occasion. We would here bespeak the favora
ble consideration of the whole community in
behalf of this growing Institution. It is doing
much to diffuse abroad correct sentiments uj>-
OH the subject of education, as well as to im
part to those who attend as scholars, a thor
ough acquaintance with the various depart
ments of science. The next term we under
stand, will commence about the 20th of Au
gust, due notice of which will be given in a
The State Central Committee of the Bueli
auiers has compelled Tiiuothv Ives, the nomi
nee for Surveyor General, to decline, and a
Convention is called at Chambersbnrg on the
tith of August to nominate another candidate.
There are no reasons publicly assigned for this
strange procedure, but it leaked out some
time since that some of Mr. Ives' dealings in
his official capacity as Superintendent of the
Portage road, were not exactly of a character
to recommend him to public favor, aud that
measures were on foot by the State Ceutral
1 Committee to procure from him a declination.
The key to the mystery is contained in the
, following extract from the Westmoreland Ar
gus, a democratic paper.
J "It will be seen that we have removed the
' uamc of Timothy Ives from our columns, as a
candidate for Surveyor General. In justifica
tion of this course, we will, at this time sim
ply remark, that charges of a very grave na
ture have been made against Mr. Ives, in his
official capacity as Superintendent of motive
power on the State works. It appears that
recently, Mr. Banks, Auditor General, discov
ered that about two thousand dollars had been
drawn from the treasury, some two years since
by Mr. Ives, on false or forged estimates.—
On discovering the fraud, Mr. Ives was sent
for, and frankly admitted that the voucher in
question, was fraudulent, tint denied all know
ledge of the base character of the paper, ami
alleged that it was done by his clerk, Thomas
McGuire. McGuire was examined, and ad
mitted the spurious character of the paper,
and in explanation, said that the paper had
been drawn up as a form or mptf. to follow in
making out proper estimates, ami that it had
been sent to the Auditor General's by mistake !
in place of the genuine paper, and thus the
two thousand dollars was wrongfully drawn
from the treasnry. Mr. Ives offered to with
draw the paper, and refund the money,but Mr.
Banks refused to let the paj>er out of his office.
Mr. I ves received the money, and asseverates i
his entire innocence in the matter, lie may
be—we trust lie is. The explanation of Mr.
McGuire may be true, but candor compels us
to say, that if we have been correctly inform
ed as to the facts, no explanation can remove
the brand, either of imbecility, culpable negli
geuce, or ruuk dishonesty. Wc understand
that the State Committee have had several
meetings to investigate the charge."
We take it, what our readers will consider
is the strangest part of the whole transaction
is that the Committee with Jons W. FORNEV
at its head, should all at once have such a
teuder regard for the reputation of its candi
dates. Mr. IVES is no worse to day than when
he was nominated. He is one of the class of
political adventurers who consider the demo
cratic organization as subservient to their per
sonal purjoses, and the Treasury of the Com
monwealth, a fair object of peculation. Ilad
Mr. BI CHAXAN* not been a candidate, we ven
ture to say that the State Central Committee,
and the Bmhanicr press generally, would have
pronounced the statement we have quoted
above, a vile fabrication. But Mr. Buchan
an's elevation demands the sacrifice, and Mr.
Ives becomes a political Jonah.
FIRE. —On the night of the fourth in at.,
about half past eleven o'clock, au alarm of fire
was given, the back building of the Ward
House being on tire. Both engines were iti a
short time playing upon the fire, which was
speedily extinguished, its damage being slight.
The tire originated in the garret, and its cause
is unknown, but supposed to be accidental.
The desperate condition of the Buehani, ■
iu this region, impressed upon the leader tV
necessity for grand effort to stay their down
ward carter, and if possible to arrest the ~
ward march of Free principles. After mm ',"
and anxious consultation, it was decided 'to
make a demonstration on the recurrent,, I
" our National Festival." Hie precious metj
Ties of that glorious day were to be invoked
aid of such a rally as would revive the dr,' ' U
ing spirits of the friends of Hh ha.v w '."''
encourage them to action. The county HV
been flooded with handbills requc-tin.r' t i
favorable to the election of the t WIJ V"T
meet in Tbwanda, on the Fourth dav ~f' |
to " unite it; a plain, old fashioned wlebrafio,'
of the birth-day of our country's freedom h"
an oration at the Court House, and a
dinner on the public S(|uare." As further H"
duccments, it was announced that lion |> T
ly be present, ami the report that the dinm'r
was to IHJ free, somehow had extensive oireuL'
tiou. To make the arrangement look ext,n
sive, a loug list of names was made use 0 f
The herculean labors to induce the fuit!,f u |
to attend, finally ceased, and the Fourth dav
of July was ushered in— not by ringing of bell?
nor by firing of cannon. Nine o'clock
and uo appearance of a delegation from a -i,
gle ton n. Ten o'clock, and thecrvwas "tV ■
don't they couic V Klevcn o'clock and the
lengthening faces of the Committee of Arram-v
ments were gladdened by the arrival of fi,,,
.Monroe delegation, " an army with banner- "
ten itrnumber. Soon the Wysox delcati,,',,
came pouring in, sixteen strong—and an arr ; -
val of fifteen or tweuty from Ulster, completed
the mighty throng.
The great multitude was called together a;
the Court House, and when all in, lank-. Fre
mont men and Buchaniers, the house wa- n„t
full. The meeting was called to order, ami
Mr. BICKAI.EW read a carefully prepared ora
tion, which we believe gave general fate-fac
tion, inasmuch as it dealt only in generalities
carefully avoiding the questions at issue. Mr
J B. lauded the Democratic partv very hHilv
! saying that it had never madelmtvtue ruistaki
| which was in 1820, in passing the Missouri
! Compromise, but thank Liod I that was imw
i rectified.
| Mr. W,\tu> then made :t few remark?- in h„
usual easy and happy maimer, ami after vme
words from .Mr. Ei.wfm., the meeting
ed to the dinner, which had hecn spread in tie'
building on the south side of the public square
The attempt to form a procession, hein-.'a fail
ure, either through numbers or some other
cause, the hungry ones found their war to the
table, without standing on the order of their
going. When seated, it was found that the
table (which was set for three hundred was
not half tilled. So messengers were sent into
the highways to bid guests to the feast, and
tickets auctioneered at half price, somewhat
after the manner of the venders of "ire eold
lemonade" on circus day. " Here's your mVe
warm Buchanan dinner—nnlv twentv-tivecent*!
Step up, gentlemen ! J fore's where you gd
your money back ! O-n-I-y twenlr-fiveeeiib
After considerable delay and many invitation?
to free dinners, the table was nearly filled and
the diuuer progressed. What happened there
at we are not informed.
Take it all in all, this was the greatest fizz!?
ever known in this county. Intended to ra'y
the Buchanicrs, it has covered theui with dis
may and mortification. They see in it an in
dication of that popular sentiment which i'
destined to overthrow the canse of slavery
propagandise, and erect the standard of Free
Labor, Free men, and Fremont ! There
no time during the day, when the Fremont men
did not outnumber the Rwhuniers, and tii"
cheers for Fremont told of the enthusiasm in
spired by his name and the cause.
fisaT* The Border Ruffians continue their
aggressions on the emigrants to Kansas. A
company from Worcester, (Mass. were to
ken prisoners near Lexington, Missouri, f'-
days since and robbed of their arms; and aa '
other large party from Chicago was feriihh
returned autl landed Alton. The electa*
of the intrepid Fremont can alone rectify the??
THE CROPS. —From all wc can learn, tLf
farmers of this Connty have every jirorow
reaping a large reward as the fruit of their I*
bor. The Corn is somewhat backward. ■
ing in many instances been replanted, '"H
is now coining on finely, and prom;?" 1 ?
On Tuesday evening shortly b-'t'
o'clock, the two slips at Reed St. what.. |'
adclphia, sustained by piers, fell with a .
incudous crash. Tlicy contain* d " nt T,,
one hundred persons, men women ami eft '- r "
who assembled there usually in t!io even
the purpose of enjoyiug the rcfre.?hiiig ■
the Delaware. . It is believed that
queuce of this lamentable affair, im i
twenty or thirty lives have been h>?t w ;
five of those who had been prec-ipitacs
the water, were rescued. The caU V( M> ;
accident is attributed to the heavy wr:g : _
massive pair of shears, placed "i"-" 1 '
for the purjtose of raising vessels, ?• ' -
repairs. The wharf is leased by Mcssi-*..-
A Sons.
friends of Mr. Buchanan have St " l ; [T
boast that he will havesix thousand uWji
this country ! And some of ( l ' i( j S j
bump of hope so marvellously dew 1 1 j
credit such presumption here.
thousand majority tor Mr bucliau-i",
be more than three themso mi (
county. Mark this prediction - '
uuaiuttd with public opinion m , ,
will put it at less ; and the pro >a " 1 . J( .
will be much more /-■'