/armor's Department. J.From the Dollar Xcw^iapcr.J Manures. Farm-yard manure is generally made up of the solid and liquid excrement of animals, some in a state of decomposition, and the re mainder fresh and unchanged. There exists J a great difference of opinion as to whether it is most advantageous to use long, or fresh ma nures, rather than that which is completely rotted. The difficulty is capable of adjust ment. If the intention be onlv to benefit the immediately succeeding crop, the manure should be completely rotted ; but long manure, if ploughed in and covered, is more beneficial to f iture crops ; it is ranch preferred for potatoes for rotten manures make them watery and worm-eaten. If the object be to furnish the greatest amount of organic matter to the soil, the soouer the application is made the better. On compact clays the mixture of straw aud corse manure is beneficial, rendering them ]<!red to force or quicken a crop, a well fermented or fine heating manure should be used, as rich compost, bone-dust, or manure of horse and sheep. The straw of wheat, oats, ike., contains a mixture of saline substances, which is exceedingly valuable as immures to almost every crop ; the same is true of their chaff It is more economical generally to rot the straw and chaff in the barn-yard, instead of diss'p itlug all their volatile matter in the air ; when buried dry they decompose slowly, and produce a less sensible effect on the suc ceeding crop. During fcrmeutatiou an una voidable loss of organic and of saline matter takes place It is, therefore, theoretically true of dry as well -a.- of green vegetable mat ter. that it will add most to the soil if plough ed in previous to fermeutation. Vet this is not the only consideration for practical man ; instead of a slow and prolonged action on his crops, he may require an immediate and pow erful one for a siiortcr time, and to obtain this, may be justified in fermenting his straw with the certainty even of a loss. Thus the dispute about the application of long or short manures becomes altogether one of expedien cy ami practical Economy. Chaff partakes of the nature of straw, but decomposes even more slowly when buried dry. It is also difficult to ferment even when mixed with liquid mauure. The main general difference between vegtable mauure of the same kind, cut at the same age, and applied in a green or dry state is this; — the former decomposes more rapidly, and therefore acts more speedily ; the total effect in either case will probably be very near the same. But if the vegetable matter had been cut at a more advanced stage. or been expos ed to the weather while drying, it will no lun ger exhibit the same efficacy. A ton of dry straw cut green will be much richer than if cut ripe and dry ; not only because the green plant contains the materials from which the grain is afterwards formed, but because as the plant ripened it restored to the earth a portion of the saline matters it originally extracted.— After it is cut, every .-.bower that falls on it washes out a portion of the salt contained in its pores.— See Scientific Agriculture by Ro gers : John- urn and Brown's Fit Id Book. A!! those troublesome pests, the rob bers of our fields, should be cut down in their greatest vigor and laid in the lxirn-vp.nl or pig-sty to decay ; they are rich iu fertilizing salts, and whenever and however applied, are valuable as manure. It almost suqiasses our calculation to estimate the damage done to crops by weeds, and the consequent advanta ges of destroying them in their bloom : almost every species produces millions of seeds which are wafted to far distant spots ; they shade and occupy the soil, and by their superior vi gor drain out the sustenance prepared for more delicate plants, and at las? smother them. The remaius of plants with the excrement and carcases of animals, if returned to the earth before decomposition ; must contain all the mineral, organic and gaseous niuters which the animals derive from their food, or the plants from the soil T'e l solid matter* iu .-t ai. pass through the pr-aess of decompc sltion, before they assume their original, gase ous or earthly forms, and become food for plants. The science of manuring consists iu applying to the soil tliose elements which have been taken up by growing crops : the richest manures may be applied to a failing soil, aud if they lack the particular elements which the crop require, a.! which the so:! does no: cou tuia, the field grows barren. Farm-vard ma •mffttbafelj contaias the greatest Mater of elements uee ssarv to fertility, but for their fad dtnlqwul particular i lan's re prnespe c..d manures. Manures operate beneficially in various ways : Fi -t —by serving in some instances as : ►>l,ter plants. Seooed—By caeks cbe aaiael changes in the sod by which other Mb stances are prepared to be taken no as food. Tliird—By neutralizing noxious substauees iu the soil, v% iieh prevent the growth of crops I ourtb— By their bulk and text ore they change the aicchauical jwoperties of sois. Tuk Coax O ro.—The com crop has seve ral formidable enemies to wntead with, and among them is the grub. which sometimes de stroys who. .• fields, and frequently damages the crop seriously. One of the best and most judicious remedies—perhaps the very best ever > ingested—is the application u f alt as soon as the plant makes its sppaarance above ground. Take one put common salt ami 3 ports piaster of gypsum, and apply about a tub teaspoon: u. e• vi each hlit, a;:.i it will be found to be a sure pro: evtioo. The mix ture should not come iu contact wi:h the sprouts, as it may destroy them. Tuis meth od Las been tr ed over a .1 over again bv s. :r.e of the best farmers of Fenr.-yivania, Dela ware and Jersey, and when properly applied. : : ver i_;.;•. to be pertixtly successf-i.— W- hope our farmers, w ho have reason to fear tl.e depredations of :Le grub, this season, will try mixture, leaving a few alternate row-; c-f com w :hout the sal:, aa-4 comniaakate the result to us, feiT* A va-act wind invites dangerous in — ■ - ~*.< . man : . * - ".ic * > vs" ]*r to et. tr, a>.d i va"* ap tneir aix:e Unsiitcs Carbs. ril F. MA DILL, M. D., PU VSIC IAX L • .-1 XI) SURGEON— Office at his residence in U'yiox, Fa. J'dy 3*. IS.">3. —tini DID JOHN MTNTOSH. SURGEON DENTIST, HAS RETURXF.D. Office next door in Me nuir'-store, ind over Alexander's t'lotliinpr Store, Main street. Towaiida. Fcbrnary 21, 1-S.SS. | A .M KS MA OF AULA NE, A TTORNE Y *) AT /. T ll', TOWANM, PA. Ocrnpws theOffloe, HI ;ho I'nion Block. formerly owned hy John C. Adams E>r;- f !le will attend to procuring Bounty land Warrants mil Pensions. March 22, 1555. H..?. MAHIM. P. D. MORROW. M V DILL & MORROW, A TTORNE YS A.XI) COUNSELLORS AT LAW,— Office •ver Mercnr's Store. Tovranda, Fa. Towaiids, April 2. If. n-41-tf DR. K. II MA SO X PI IYSICIA X AND SI RfiEOX, ofjei.- his |>roff.i mal services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence un Fine street, where he can always he found when not professionally enjrajred. KHCf C. ADAMS PA. OVERTOM. \ DAMS k OVERTON, ATTORNEYS g~\_ AT I. A If. Office in the room formerly occupied by t'if.>rpe Sanderson, over Burton Kuigabery'sstore. To wan da. May 2>, IS. CURVEYIXG.—JAMES A.PAINE,Sur- UA veyor for Bradford County, i* prepared to attend to thef&hove business in all its branches. His office i at Towanda. All letters addressed to him 'at this place will meet with prompt attention. April 4,18.54. GEORGE H. WOOP' Pasnrrrenn & Glass Picture Gallery, TX I'ATTON' S XEW BI.CM'K, Corner of Main and Bridge -Vs., T'> wan da. Pa., is the place to pet GLASS PICTURE?. (usually .ailed Ambnitypes.) They are far •inperior to nil other kinds of pictures. Having no tvflec tv n. thev can lac Man in any position, and can he taken in notch Vs.- time than Daguerreotypes, and equally well iti cloudy as clear weather. iiiiatures put into Lockets. Breast pins. Are., as usual. Knouts open at all hours. Pictures put up on short notice. Towanda. January 22. KVL riR3ES! FIRE! FIRE!" UNION INSURANCE CO. L ATItE.XS. PA. 1! n. HORACE Wl I.I.ISTOX. President : C. F. WELLES, Jr. Vice President and Treasurer; J. K. (WXFIKLD, Secretary. Bisurf of" fHrtctors —Hon. Horace Williston. Francis Tyier. George A. Perkins. .1. T. D. Mjrer. C. N". Shipman. (\ F. V.". lies. Jr.. J. K. Canfield. Athens; Hon. John lat portc, Towanda ; Gen. Bradley Wakeman, I-aceyville ; G. M. Hoileuhack. Wilkos lkirre ; Michael Meylert, La parte. Pa. P. O. MOODY, Agent for Bedford Count v. Address, Waver'y, N*. Y. COLLINS 8c POWELL "ITTIULD respectfully inform their friends and the puV \ \ li.- that thev have REMOVED their CLOTHING A FFRXISHIXG"STORK to Villous Xew Brick Block. Xo. and will lwli.tt jyt > w, ton ali who may give tbem a call. Their stock consi-ts ~f B'a k Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy Casssniere Coats, of ali colors ; l'.ia k and Fancy ( 'as- iuere Pants ; Bia k satin and Fancy Ye>ts ; Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy ; Marseille* and Linen Coats, ail kinds ; Linen Parts. Shirt Collars, Cravats and Hose. Hats, of ail kinds Garments of all kinds m tde up to order, and warranted t 1 tit -r no sale, Our stock comprises all kinds of givnls aiiapted to men's wear, which we are bound to sell cheap er than any other it in town or county. CCTTIXG done to order as usual. Towanda. June :>. Itst> TOWANDA TIMALS zwimin. Tills school, nndor the dngt of the Misses KJSSOV, is held in the Hf Building on Second street, wf-t of the It ard H u>e. The vho.l year will consist of four quarters, of eleven we k ea. Flie summer vacation commencing in July, and ending ia ScptcnP- -. TKKMS. TEK QTAKTER : First Cass —To include the elementary English i 4t . l-ra i' lo ind the study of the Ijtin language. i* * Srrortii Cass —To include the more h aimed -tu-j dies of the Eiic!>h Branches. with Mathematics,s;> DC and liie study of I.atin and French 1 7 si, ,/ Class —To include Mathematics, Mental i and M rd Phih'-ophy. Rhetoric. Botany. 4c.. jl2 00 with lattin and French \ F.ich pupil v. iil Bring with her a desk and chair. There will Be no extra charges whatever. Musir. Instruction on the Piano, with nse of instru ment will Be given by Miss Rebecca D. Hanson, at }lO per qßarter. The Winter Term commences MOXDAY. Xov. 2d. I.ECTU RB- on Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual Philo sotihy. piid tiie higher branches ot English Composition, will also be delivered once or twice in each week. They t. or for practice 5'JJ.x) CXTKcs : F-e- v German. Spanish or ltal in. ea h 5 " A •akcL itis tit other branches 7 Bw** 3 <*niament,i needlework and cmiy idery.each 3 Tuiti -n on Piin Forte with n-e of instrument. .. 1J .. d> per quarter .*f 11 weeks 10 . Oil jsa:r.t:rtg in per tena. > .. do figures .. io . Rr x rent f r 1. dger- 1 75 The l"dww< Issdtts W)Bted Board in the Institute. under the ."are ef the Matron, at per week 2 Arrangrr. enU Vve Bisi made By whi h the male pupils can find board ia pnrate familira, at j*r week. 2 50 Washing. ;wr d<-xea 38 Fuel and light at the actual exjecse. _ Pupils Ixeiriiog in the Ha 3. (who wit! v e exclusively Females.) * ill '.rui-h their own Bed. bedding, towels, is. and the talc silver at their option. _Xo pupil taken ft ttwaa half a term. The bills for the ten: rcasS uiid in advance : or one half thertsu" at their cutraacv. ami the reraaini-ig half at the middle of the term. Pa j 's entering the Institute are pier red to th oWr vaace of the Rsgi-iatioos, none will Be admitted . n other term< F.-iwccil cxcreistss are ar-anged withxit extra charge • •' i "ipse qaali'yine themselves as teachers kt coebko V ■ - : iv r of studies and tcxt b.s k- see iv.m- Ur-. f r ihi- h sipß to C. 1- vr aKI, PresideoL S. ".. >lt. sec. J. p. Most ant*. Trtasurer. Manh I. Isi^. •"* TONS >1 it AR>—Rr an. Rcfinexl. I\ w ' ' " ~*nnUted; MKFFCS.SVT3P.K ar 1 J:'vi ■ fjee " ev_ rtl Ginger, spenu C*l ;V. Rt. T -K. —L:t fa.; - b rtu—d var.ctT ctf Groceries. Lht sle cSi32 -I J-VC-. " Ki'X'sv OPICES, of fill kiads,hotfc while and ground b. —M -tar IU. s a : vhite. whvie fiod Bvwuid. at October 5. Fv>\ BtH)k and Periodical Agency. MLALtiHLIN, Pfft OtSix Is' s.iia; ; • -.. alt k 1- : r.vw .cg-i"*: - iltr L" uu. i' R. I'li'aL#. t'ilVAr P. SLK ATteSs. Mies A v D I'HaSTs. P: N sss and Fkawss FAVRV Esv v • -WWA . l.i ,-rvs . s~. v C A Ac. sj wrppiv aB urdrrs for anrthtfig it Us* al .e w "'a '. re:;: tress de-i al. h. DRIED FKKF—AUO a r. v?r-. sm-.-ied Tcmgraes. at * FOX S. I JJliaceUa rons. R M . AV KLi LES, ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PA. Wholesale and retail dealer in EMERY'S AND WHEtLER'S HORSE POWERS THRESHERS Aim SEPETt ATORS, ro.ns/.rA7i tresbers * wijswowebs, Portable Saw-Mills, (.'lover Hullers and Feed Cutters, Emery's Cider Mills, Apple Parers, Clow's and Kelsey's and other Grain Cradles, Scythes, and other Harvesting Tools. Ketehum's and other Mowing and Reaping Machines. Seymour's Grain Prills. Broad east Seed Sowers, Ac. Manufacturer of Peters 1 Celebrated FACT MILLS, Which I am prepared to sell at either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, on very favorable terms. These mills are warranted second to none in the United States, for durability, efficiency and simplicity, and * ill d in the best manner and rapidly, all kinds of chaffing and cleaning all kinds of Grain. Grass S-cd. Ac. Warranted to chaff tit for market, from 40 to 60 bushels of Wheat per hour. Orders solicited. Novenlier I. Msi. U. M. WELLES. Corn Shelters at Wholesale and Retail. I AM prepared to sell as above, on very fa vorable terms, the REST CORN" SHEI.LER3 ever ! sold in Bradford County. Where two or more Corn Sht llcrs are wanted in one : ! neighborhood. 1 will deliver them at a small charge extra, j i Price of Sheller, with single balance wheel, ? s ,M > j do double do 850 j Farmers are invited to examine them. J Athens, Pa.. Nov. 1, 185$. R. M. WEI.LES. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, DIRECT k TO & FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE. JAMES HARRIS, ELKCTKKIAV. of Towanda. respect- , fully informs the public thai he has Litelv procured \ ! front New York the celebrated Elcetro-i'hcmical Bath. ! which has proven to be one of the most important ami ' wonderful discoveries of the age. from its ability to extract minerals from the human system. Some eight years ago. a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the process of extracting minerals fr en the l;'. !a, Uancer. N'enralia in ail its form-, Salt Rheum and Hum . B. 'smith"-newlv invented DIRECT v N"T> TO-AXD-FRO ELECTRO M.VGXKTIU MACHINE w; Mi i i- a great improvement on the Magnetic ma bin.-* hereto fore in Use. With the aid of tiie ilalli and Machine, w< have at ci>mmand all the available medical efficiency of t Electricity. The medical power of the Machine i- very ! great, in introducing medicines into the system through j the pores of the skin—applying it dirt- tiy t- the part- af i f-cted. wiii h givt an increase of mi-ibiuc'i power over j | that : taking i: into the stomach,rendering >: partici iar j iy cfficncieuis in all 1 cal di-.-a-es. !I an now prepared to apply these Ruths, ami M-o the : Machines, at tr.v ho'i-e in the -outh part ■: the lon-ugh j of Towanda. or 1 wiii visit [wtiwU at a distance, who are j I unable by rea-oii of disease to come to this place, at m .- I derate prices. I am also sole agent for Bradford ,'our.tv. f->r the aUive i Machines. JAMES HARRIS. I T > wa".la, TVccmher 2?. W. ! DRIED API'LKS—a few first rate onc-v forjsa'.e at jlld fOXR*. j L I QUOR STORE. ' FEI.TON would respectfully inform the • public that he l bmt ready at hi* ■ - c 1 1 n r . Hall A Russell's, south side of ;i:e pil -.; - to f .rn j ish those wanting PI'UE LltjUoßS. e. ir'i aim everr ' thing ia that line. He ha- lately ir. i, lar -e add 'i-as i 1 j his stock, puis, basing of the !*•-: Impmtm, and in the : original jiackage. He ha- on h.iud, and r .-.tie in an;, quantity from a quart upward- Bramt>i. —Sigr.t tte. C gr igc. • 1.l IhllUW, ar. d OtenL Gi:i. —Swan, tun line, lid gefcrito HTilfa) Scotch, Old Rce, Monotigaliela, aud Recti fied. Hlnr. —Current. Port, and Br->wn Sherry. Fresh Carnpliene and Burning Eluiu kept constantly on ; hand. Also ;j jer rent. Alcohol. I Cleans <>f the lest brands. Jugs of all sizes: quart | flasks, and a large quantity of empty IsarrcL-. Binehamton Ale by the*gall-a • r barrel. Those favoring me wth their patronage may V certain that ail articles wiii be what they are represented. X. R The j r-on who borrowed my " Wantage Rod" is requested to return it. Towanda. January l*. 1*56. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE ! 13 GREAT BARGAINS! :56 M. ZL Solomon, Proprietor. THI> extensive Ready-made Clothing Establishment, situated in Mcreur'- Mack, Main strt•:. j ,-t la-en ! filed with a large assortment >;" SPRING Gl oTHIXG. ! The proprietor assures the public that Ire has the fit and cheapest assortment ever offered in Towanda : and to prove thi- fact he respectfully oaks the public to ci.il and examine for tiiemselves. Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or ; any portion thereof, well made of substantial material— 1 Coat. Vest. Pantaloon*. Cravat. Collar-, and in fact every- ; thing in the line, will do well to call. He is confide** he can satisfy ail in price and quality. Si" D .ri't forget the place—one door south of Mercur's • store. Main-st. Towanda, March 3b. 1x56. j BAKERY "& RESTAURANT. O".v Id r X trth of ikt Ward If-usr. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends ar.d the public general!v that he has opened a BA- | KERY VXP EATING SALMON', one door north of the Ward Hoo.-e. where be intend ker-p c >n-tar.t!y on hand I a fnG a— tin-.ut >f everything ia th-. li. -tich a- R-t jJ. . Biscuit Rusk. Cracker-.* Jumbles, all ki-r-k-t i ke. Ac. H- i:.g -stntrv'. the . --f m rs>t ■. -ed '• akcr. ar.d ss:.: r. nfc W tla? Iw-t brands of Cuur, he fe*U concd-nt of giving satisfaction to all who may favor hun witn tiK.r : patronage. Wod b: g and other parties furnished with whatever re ! qnireri. ua -:. it Mliee and at the most muni la rates. | A nice ais- irtmerit •t CknlM, Nuts. IT nil*. In . li|U i always • . i-id at the < -: to. \ FRE>H OYSTERS r-.eiveil throe t.r.. - week !y . i expres- and s id wholesale ar.d reu.i. C-dfer served up at all h >s. Don't forget the ! f ia. e. -:e door r. rth f the Ward H.- cse. niuij 12. Ixifi. H. A. BCRKAXK. 1 Map of Bradford Connty, Fa., F r im artmal mtkismramts/s and ftrrrvs under, di reefu u cf G. .1/. 11 plans, C'trsi p i-g-i *ttr end Swrrp.*-, Xo. 17 and ll> f AJittor sfrrrts Philadelphia. THK su'rvs. riher pr- se- to publish shortly, by scb s-nplna. < prorict-d a -uffkaegU uamoer can be ob tained * new ana complete Map - f the Cocuty : the sor v'. • "• : ~ g~* and wiii be plotted "to a large ' -.-ai* :* - -w leariy and u_-LiiKtiy tin- j- "1 ; r ads. ; ehur es -ch • sg...ls-tilth iito; * .aty -vre>. '-s-i - ' ii :.-.s. Ac., w.t-ii toe a-aa: t. '- gr . ■ f ■naMH, bills, r.verstneacw. Ac. The aoras- •< "pr— ' 1-erty L ...k-r- geaentiiy (Cirrfuily lacl. Lag ail :i. -* :a the maaif stitocrihtng ia adran.-e fir the Map) will also he insert.-1 opr. site their l -uts :i the ma,-. A sei-ATaW p.su ••( :l>e B•- >-gh j4 T.-r_..U ar.d ea- 'a - s thr ..rtcst v_a.gr--. will - r i.is : , i -calv. if >-± ea. ararea>et.t l ff.rr-i. The map wrll re k.in-i-.Miw'y engraved aad orsamentallr n:::-r..d in the Myfc of the Bust apprvred cuatjy map* sn Use ssu U Ncw-Yort Views of pnUk building* and privaV residences ea- 1 gravrd fvet i.uV- be iir. :-e- y.,. ~ _ v t. l- - '.cd .3 r iii delivrred to s>ii*cribers at s.\ t-er IT. ROBERT PEAR - - ALL SMITH. Pntjt-tier. Xi- IT A r. v st. Fhua. ROUFRIES—CaII an ! spo ocr Bivwb, .J(.V:-bed, U -ffie and Pi-lver-red Sarar* ; F".*e Y - " z Hwii BL xT.ao—warranted a— •e- * ir >. - i ■Bfj nftmdtff—fcrwdt cheap by R EETCSUSY. | 0"U l UAir.S RUBBER OVERSHOES of 1 ' . - : HUMPHREY'S fnisccllancons. ¥7, ©TLMYTBIEimiLOT, CLOCK & WATCH bepatrer—The undersigned t constantly recetvinjr from New-York bv Express, new additions to bis St k of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in part—Gold and Silver I-ever, I.'Epine and Plain Watches, with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, such as Gold chains. 1/s kets, Br.o elets, Gobi Pens, Keys, Breast-i'ins, Ear-Rings. Finger-Rings, etc. etc. a large variety of Silver warc.-nch as Table and Tea Sjsxms, I Cream sjhkuis. Butter knives, Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an exten.-ive as'sortment of Plated Ware—AH of which will le sold very b>w for CASH. CLOCKS. — A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from 7."> cents to Fifty Dollars. Uy . Watches repaired on short notice, and waKRANTEO to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. ('. would i>eg leave to say. that he is prepared to execute the mist difficult Jo! s. such as can lie done at no other Shop short of New-York city. W. A. CHAM BERLIN. Towanda, February 1. IsVL f OOKINCf GLASS PLATES CUT AND A. A fitted for any size, to be hud at the .'ewelrv Store of Feb. i. 1855. W. A. CH AM BERLIN. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. 2kS. Warner's Xeir ij- Spirit 11 id Jnrr/rtf S/ore, one door north of Potions Dm? Store, e—, HAS jut iieen openetl with the largest and | VI most clioii-e stink of FASHIONABLE Q/JEWEI.RY everoffered to a discriminating EC—J Af public. Indeed, he can safely -ay that with MxLr l ' ,e °l ,et, ' n Jt his new store has !>een in rated a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant a—>rtinent ! he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi j ble reduction in prices : the rich and tasteful articles hav j ing leen all lsuight with ready cash. | A. M. W„ when lie reflects how, for the past years .with a f.u le— attractive stix k. he has enjoyed so large a share | of public patronage, flutters himself that the immen-e in . crease of Goods he now offers, which have Us-n bought so j much more advantageously, will enable him to increase the generous confidence which L.is hirherto lieen voucli ! safedtohim. He therefore solicits a cotitinuain eof the favor of bis old custoineis. and inv tes the public gencral ! lv to come and see the fa-hion-. i " *-THE WATCii REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will ' continue to lie distinguished by the skill and bi—fa! h which h.i- heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep • utatiou of being the iU"-t reii.itile iu low a. Towanda. September 24. ho. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS would ! rc-pe f'lllv inform hi- friend- and the i W —>3pui>!:<- that he is now receiving at his old stand one do.tr n-.rth of Liporte. Mason A t'o.'s itaiiking j house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining.Tea and Pembroke Table-. Stands of every kind. ('ane. Flag and W,ai -eat ('hairs, high Chair*. Children's Ko ker*. Be.l-te-.id-, Bureaus. laumges. Gi't and Rose woo.l Pb ture Frames. Ir>n Hat St.i"i\-. Corner tnd -ide do. of w. lnut a .d nuh r.iti v ; Cradles, Ct iba, Wardroljes, - Cup", snls. I.ookine glasses. See. 1 ;•( OKFINS.ot every -i/e and quality, and will at te.ud on a'.. 'Kia-btns when required. Tite puidic are invited to examine niya**nrtment before 1 pnrclw-ing . i- where, a* 1 w!!I--il cheaper than any other ■ estaidi-hment in Northern Pennsylvania, j Tow*n'la, Auga.-t ls.v>. TEE OLD STAND STILL l.\ OPERATION! 1^— 1-~ " 1 "■ THE -nis!-ri'ier would annonn- e the ptO-lie that he ha.- now on hand, anu will Make t-> order all p-; ; rkind- of CABINET P'CP.NITt lIE, jy | - f"n ' *"" f^r " a ("s.ersand Beu M ::n Strett. on do t North of tt> •• Ward Hon-e." and will continue the m.mufa. ten .f BOi its a sn< (ES, a* kenMhm i He has just received from X w-York a Urge a—irtmr nt of Woman.-' Childrens' and .Mms' Shoes, which are uffer e-1 at h.w pake*. The attention mt the lauli.- i- naitil ■ lariy dirt* >! t • hi- a—>rtment. vnipri-ing the ft lluwing new sti,e-: —Enanieiie.) Jenny Lind gaiter V>o.;ts: .10. -b -r* : i-la.-k ia-tiog and .-iit: gaiter : walking -hoes. )ui>- kir.-.,V- . NL—cs' | A U'-ge variety of Chiidretis' fanev garters, in. t- A -boes I of ah kind-. • For the Gentlemen, .o'me-t every -tyle of gaiters and i -h'Tl is st-s k has ts \ □ personally -. It- 1.-I m irfi cart. ; and be Isfiieves he can offer superior arti-.lesat reasonable prices. I * The -tri' te-t atter.tr :i p.i lto M tvrr vi TI grsr.. and be h- re- by doing m.tk well t - uicrit a continuance of the Ifis-nd iwitroaage he has hiiiicr-i received. Towanda. Feb. I. l->5. Cheap Bout. Shoe and Leather Store. T I>. HUMPHREY is jn-t (I • mo - M '- EL. -t.k of BiMtTS. SHOES A FIXF'IXGs. (mm New York, which with a eoc-tant nioplv of HOME MAXCFACTCRED WORK. SO! F A UPPER LEATHER. FREM H AND AMERICAN CALF -KINS. moRI'M OV Ae. he i- -I-- run-1- 1! at siaa'l tr> 'it-. Feeling gmt- fnl for pa-t uvi r-, he to merit a e- ntinuaiice of i .blk ia --| tronag*. ' M'r.ntrt ll'ort aiul Rrpirrin* -lone on short no tice. CASH traid f-r Hides and skius. j Towanda. June 14. 1-Ai. New Boot and Shoe Manufactory. r 1 RANK HOFFMAN wouSil resjxstfullv iuf- rw the citizens of Towar.da. that he has cotn , tn'ri'vl the 800 7 4* SD'.tE --v-ines- in the rovm over J. t'ulp A (Y> -. -hop. near tiiv corner ~f Bridge -treet He s ready at ail time- to do ail work in his ime in the : Best manner—and will make Firte Sewed and Pegged 1 iiort-. - •e< ar. 1 t.alters in the- iate-t approved -trie, as weli as coarse Wurh. Rxraixixc done in a superior mac : ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of tnvs place, aterit tiw ..- : . -* by u-ing the best stock, by carefai work inau-hij.. ar.d by pun ti.j. :r. ■ Towainda. June I*. ISVS. fcwaaw*. h. w. ivvu? r. n. coo*. P W .Villous A Co.. DEALERS IX 11. HEAXY i- SHELF HARDWARE. No's. 1 A J. Ws'er st. Ehnfra. X. Y. • ... ; irge - ! *•-I g. -K-- erte-:-:v st> and - r * * rtm- .:,ev erv de-cripL si >f Hardware, wh Swe offer xi * J T< 'ilL-—itYrri:arrows, Antes* Sho vels. Uli-s:ngppa .trr. Ac. Agei l- for Rich A W . jer's Patent Sihman.Vr .Xafes, I Fairtoi.k - Sralcs. and Welch A Griffith "a Cuts-1 lar saws. - up to 80 :n--h. always on hand aad ssd at Factory Prices. Parti uiar atwntioa paid to mail- ' J frill April T. D.. u-44-llm I MARBLE ESTABLISHMENTJ B\L['WIX A POLL FYS haviar rsirrHase.l t'-e marble ' factory of thi- * —.ge. the sapericten-ieta-e of Hrr ry H v.-' -ri. ar* hai-py to aaasMnc* Umt the Marble ;-:-iaes Waveriy wiUcow hacondncted 6v them r ar* c.xistactly receiring Italian and Rutland Marble, y M a ;stent*. Head >toees. T eob Talde*. Saad Tops. *>;?'• if f - Haring sfremi tlse er iies wf ft.H. IN * Lai> t? wfi takn Se xoKt ; ArL-: ji :iae -sate they -ffcrs enparaib.-ied iaj-. taaent te jcr- -as. wishiae ts. secure aay of the abm* a iiti. •>-•* style and ueoatv. WavertT. >■ W October 13. Ml Fj*aTßA\. — Cixr.c to the eneiorare of t* ; ' J saher.ief. ia Sw.th T-wan da. abor,t the bra of Sew- i 4 *' :-i br. Xl-LE 11ED Ff. . , .. . -''-"V.-" "7"'. I"'", .V",- 1. Ort- ' . COKXELfUsSSoiS. ' \vn\l. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Frnare. THE suWritier. thankful for the lilx-ral patronage of the pa. and are tramtnltd as represented. Mfdical Advice gratoitonsljr giTen at the Office, eharsing tn!y for the Mrdicina The stock eondtts of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine k Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porlcr k Scotch Ale. ALL IHE MOS POPULAR PA TEXT MEMCLXES! The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursinp Bottle* Itfr ple Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Bangs, Svringes, Catheters, &c. American, English § Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAYIPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW k BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO A SNUFF !—Choice brands of Pure Havanna Prim™ and Vara CIGARS ! ' ipe Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glait!), BraSitcs, Pcrruiticrj in- So m Fancy Articles, tc. &c. Ilair Dye?, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps. Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Fx:-.. •- f, r • Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port monnais, Purses, Day, Colonge, P >~e i:;i Waters, Tobacco and Snnfi Duxes, Indel'lible Ink &c FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Sr.> ?•, A Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Arc. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH E.\D OF THE WARD HOUSE! Towanda. February 1, litss. !!. C. Ponyr" v & XEW ARRANGEMEXf! la A JUST OI'UXUI). pEs&l ON THE CORNER OF GRiDGE AND MAIN STREETS, No. 4, Fatton's Sleek, Towanda, Id J WHOLESALE A.YD THE wlntiilitu would mfidftfjr inform their frieti'l*"and the puhlic that thev bate * rr: J a . • . the D.zg fcrniae*,md nwrHUhhgn> Ka.4. in l'ation i:ri-k No x. phia and StV Yolk, a large and wtil mtivi ti u *b>i k tl JUtrini, Pri D El CHEMICALS, DRUGS,MEDICINES, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, Di'E STUFFS. -£ H,? *T. r j s(*/> A,'*.' 7 " " *"> : DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONN.AES.Stc7 SUB.GICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of the most approved Trrsses. Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always en hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pare Lienors, for Mediriaal pnrponh ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDCiNES. Brushes for the Hat, ilair. Teeth, Nails Boots Paiathi?, larniSiisg, llUib washior. if The Lover* of b'OO/) ('IC lA'.S' eui TOIiAC'EO, trill f>da l< -g, n // *to, \~ir owl Pntape Cigars, end the Jin- ' brawls of T>-1 - o ■ > Camphtnf—Particular Attention paid to the Manufacture of BI'RNINC FLI ID. And e fine a <>' lT.: of LAMPS, of all sizes ai.d description*. Bird C-iz**. C< X • -' . v All of whi.-h i- tffidd fiir *a!e *\ greatly reduced rates. Our st'ek ling larro v. Importer and M i:. Ek I n r■: tin iawft rrtrn, aad ■ th Cash, fnhitn as is sell at red • ■ et --, MKlay t.>,— W( rite th ni f Our Mem i:—-THE CASH SYSTEM—QUICK 8UB —9MXX3. ; Our Good# are - what t'.er _r -• -v-' "- ' the contrary, we are t only viflkeMiMwCbvwlMMßtoßlnvfk —.a, ~ MR. PAYXE give his special atteoUun to the prenorat.ja t PKEBeKIITIO.N'- - accurately on the -h--tert nviive. * J# t T Towaiula. June Id. K!w ... !■ ;-a'! ' GROCERIES. PROVISIONS,* iC 11 est suit of thi Public mi re, oppesiie f/ie Court House. BAILEY A NE\ INS arc just receiririir a Urge add:; r. * t:-cr-torkef Pmri-i-.i;-.!,: •-. I Yankee Mint, An, Knit. C.-ofectionary. A\. wW . will be -■. wicde—lie of rrUii for ras-h. or in t-xlun.v f r j rn-e-t kUa "f I <3u,-c. at prices that cannot fail t -.it} r r-. i •ler- r country dealer- would do well to call and e.xuisn*- our sb*?k and prices. GRX*ERIES. j _ Black and Green Tea. Rio and Java Oofiee, Chocolate. Cocoa. s-.Sar. M"!a.-~r-. Pjlßp, Ginger. PtMT, Spin. | Cloves, nntmesrv Ma<-e rhtamon, Gnmnd M'i-turd. IV:. . r ■ Bwee. Soda, Saiersta-. Cream Tartar. -Sperm and Taiiow i Candles. Bar r*ap. Vinegar. Starch. Ac. PROVISIONS FV>ur. B s kwheat FVmr Rve Floor. Com Veal. Feed. I Puck. Ham- A ShnMm. Mackerel. Codfish. Shad. Mn Trout. Pk-keled and Smoked Herring. • "bee-e. Rice. Bean-. Onions' Potatoes. Bitter. I.r>i. Crackers. Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Prune-. Citron. F;g*. £ng. Comet-. Rai-irt-. I/Tn on- and Oranges. Green and Dried Apple-, and Peach*-. Almond-. Pean net.-. Praail nut- GrenoMe and Madeira' ' Walnuts. FiiU-rt-. Pea nut*. C'lmu its. Hickory nut-Jkc. i Gek*-v. Par- H and Aaotrit Tots. Ki\or G. -in-. Ac.—Roy- >,-:gh-. Tin Wag-m*. China, Pewter A Wood Tea Sett-. I* .{-. Trumpet-. T j Guns. Awurfuat. EST monk-*.-. Gits-. Paper and Woid Inlaid W„rk B- x-- and : Toilet Ca-. T,y Barean*. Secretarie-. Ac. Pearl. Ivery Papier \'u , •' ieatb-r p.-rt M-rcaies Wallet-. Purges- Ivory. H..- v j 1 V\\-l p . ket and T- at C nibs. T ha • c and Snuff R xe*. < .cxc ' _-es. To- th. Hair and t. tit Brw-hc- Fancy Mirror-. Perfumery. Hag 08, A ■- Foil- Car. latter (>anxer-I Note and Bsth Po-t Pajwr. bidi pea. Wafcn, ScabcTu, Ink. bkntnnßa, Wafer ■ Vid B- x Pe*fa.ddera. Ics- Wafer- .ie-. Ac. Ac. Taatx tx Pa:st Salt. Salirt *-d P. - \ and iV' s- ' r • • ..i-s r. BAILED a NLVIX- Towinda. N"Tewher X. ISSS. GOODRICH * CO., OAVISOO, Y. Y. A Rf: nAW in r--eii\ of and opening the choicest and ■STL m -t dt—iraMe stock 'A Staple and Fancy Drj Goods, to wfci, h they hare evr ha be nrcoatUr -od m rr* hicki\ t i ; . ■,. in- will admit f. May * !-X G. R GfhtPßfrH A CO. BOOTS A' SHOES—rue Is--: art! cheapot a-eortmr*t this ai-ieof the F>v.:rr fit) ma v lwf-.es as jtT.' TRACY A MOORE s. " HORSE RADDISn, mml*mUdaad rsH ~P i* F —f 7 tar 4 c-c. ' - ; i" . r AUUft. fr,.-hrA rr *?. 1 ,n j rrvauml Vj.-.- n— **sr-' h cut ard I y tie £ ' .- .V . COME ONE! COME ALL! And -ati-fy r. * - !;t.t MOXTAX Vl:s and fancy cas-imrre-. ruttirs-* •- ! !in-cr-. All fi- rff-t !• Ma. k. wafe-red. changeable and ph . - n-. To: et chth. -inw',l : mixed Itelevfe*. all wool ar.d -r- if -:1k strijwd Aij'j- ,-x-. S,-'t ii ar-i - - • children - piaid.-. Kemas k and it- ' i " " t; eties. In t \t< u 1 *u aiMfiiiml 'i * 1 -r *-n ph.ves. Vicfewia ard Bi-h-.r ;w: ; iin-.bimaet anddre-atrfmißing-.- - velvet and ribbon Tnm.Tur. -- Yr . r-- j • silk-. linm thread. Mai;.--e. ar, i - ._:•* ' * cotton edging*. ataSn iond-. c- i •*. " mi-ettc-. curtain draperv. hr,wr - • - etnteoidercd veil-. sU>-k- acd r-ui • A wirietyof Talati-. gent - a: - T ' "" r J Th ; f*t. ht*-he andther *-haw'- i rhEilrta'i woo Hen aleeve-. V- s. : "• --" - * SnMi ram comforter-, carpet ag 4 -- et- linen table spread- and i■. •• ' Hanrwxfct—A large a—trnt-n ' - plates.-feigns, mill.--rvs est. k_ -aw-. aaile. file*, chain-, ncm: " level-. biaaes and saw "aanu. <- T H'wt-e Triatflstng-. -very v ry Tr:m:aiiig-. —.• L -- rr--- .. ; ,3*1.. .>•! :--y >„::.er *.. : -t dam. k sad Iwe trinmings. Br. -- - * hame-. japanned. ♦ll-ered a: red le.-.f. Paris -hromc a ! ivi . . - oi:c* IV.uts. sugar I; a-" • f-.rnuure ac.d -eiddler v*r- -I. ' oil.alcohol, caasphr-• . Brer arta Snots.— Men'- • : hide fe->t- and -Ice*, w ;en - V - ' •' - - - - - G>j"s ami infa t - -fees. all :- - I nisis' and ehSdrea'- rubier -bee- - raider lw*.t-. ■; Vivxa Norwrcs—vSHete-' ' ; ' ladies' ami grot - p.-rt wot • - ■■- . side and eirrle ,-oßil-. p.eket. A •*: ' ' " u - ; . I pemha. gilt, lasting eel-€t • ivory, ria-e and -ilk bou- n- ; ' ; es. Ac. Ac. ! The u-Tiaf Large (r- t'-ry ' riarw. R are.. [' :r- -. ? •-' ' - ' Se*. Ghs*. Papr ttad.-nr- i Irftc. sr^.|.- *". t-H :- *.:.e -v.lt t ' i 1 i I " Spring and Summer Tracy dt Moore, nATKJTOT RECEIVED >■ l H a Urge and we 2 -t-ie"le a-- '*• -V£#r SI'KJXG A SUAf-VA o which lim -a-- *>rted with nt - - . a €i t the h>wt-.t p."--, r -.l- r • - f. lue ~oar.try. "e - ■ • - j 7*OBFish Slack