Towanda market-Wholesale Prices. , 1 wccklv by E. T. FOX. Denier iu Provisionsaud lUnrrccteii , , {ri)k k,, w .J /. nil I,rice.) if Mil. ... $ 8 00 <3l Fli'iir. ( j„ " 22 GO foj j . .. %f bushel,-... 125 150 \V>-" " " 3* Bin kI" .... 30 <%O ' * .. SO ' t - " nl - .... " 7(1 fai 75 K. v, \ " .... 37ilit •" " .... 150 CC IV:"!-" .. 1 00 ® i'||';" M 17 oc is ltiittef- | 00 10 ' in .i shoulder* " m vu ! i:: ' /vu hes "•• • • 12 ST( IRE . \k'l|(U-S. N. V. Their stock is new' and carefully tnl. a" 1 ' c'"isi-ts ot Drills, IVledicincs, Chemicals, Faints, whi.-li are lead. zine. chrome green and yellow, r,-i!. vcriiiillimi. Ac. Oils and Varnishes, a variety. 'pV,.-.MIV. iinlcding logwoml. eumwood, fustic, indigo, ' ; granulated tin, Ac. BRUSHES for paint, hair. „t!ii-. lie I. shoe, teeth, Ac. Window glass, putty, eam , Burning lluid. alcohol; tanner's oil; very pure 1 ; i|- lueili' iiial piirposes ; Patent Medicines, perfu- I \ l.ubin's Extracts for the handkerchief ; I aiicy Ai tit lcs, Yankee Notions, Siiufi'. Cigars. Ac. Ac. X 1 physicians mir -lock offers inducement* as being of •• ,■ U-.t iiiiiditv. carefully selected, and sold clicaji. 1, v,- -s a ail, and see if you can [mrchase as cheap G. M. A G. P. CADY. Nichols. June 13,1666. I Al'ir.S' INDIA RUBBER (1 LOVES, j j • • est >re "i 11. St MEKt'I R* TKS PACHET BOAT GAZELLE, H \< 1,,-cn newly jiaintcil and refitted entire, and will . aiuicai - r cular trijis hetweeu TOWANDA AND \TIIKN*. MONDAY, the 9th iust. i|,.-s will leave Waverly for the boat every morning ari of the night and morning trains, passeie j T-W.utda iu timi for the stages south, i. ;ic North, tin- packet will leave Towanda. at 1 o' I i'. \!.. enabling pa.-seiigers to take any of the even _■ oriiieht train*. POWELL A SMITH, June *, W' ,: - Proprietow. ji-Pa—au'ers for the West can procure through tick r .i! [icints. l'oth by Railroad and Steamboat, by ap- j ~ at" tin-1 .-plain on the boat, or either of the propri- ] tbtf St the Ward Hmise. SUPERINTENDENT'S NA^FfCU—The: i ' S hi*d Direi turs can lieanppliee with copies of the ' - I Liw at the office of WM. C. HOG ART. Es, t .. ..f •la : and also, with copies of the Report ■ - gn-riub uilciit ot Common Schools, with the Ap the latter embracing the Reports of the different i ;,i\ Superintendents. - V .4 1. 'arils of the County a* have not lieen sup- j ■T ! 111• • S' hoo! Ibmse Arciiiteeture,''can procure | y at the same place l>y leaving a receipt for the ; • i-a > aluaWi-work, and only one copy can ! - pliisi to each district. It i- intended for the school •1 i.ot fi.r any one individual, and it is ex|ie< ted f- h will !■ carefully preserved. Mr. Hoi. MCT i- tin- Secretary of the borough h-ard. and 1 Vr- to distribute the above dociinn nts for the | • Si:|m 1 iiitcmleiit, whose residence is live miles from • ie ( "iiuty town. ■ 1*56. E. GUYEK. Co. Sup't. Another Arrival of NEW SPRING GOODS! n*. MElti I'll is now receiving UK> largest, be-t as- ] . sorted, and most desirable stock of Goods that has ! 1 !h r-d in Towanda. Consisting of every variety j V M'l.l. F.I.XCY DRY (m <)()1)S, Hardware, ; U" '■'■// am! Class rare, Hoots am! Shofs. Ih's, I'dfis, S/aair (/orals, Carj-efs, Mat . o s. II ootlfii-)rare,(rt'ori'j'u'!i, /'anils, U iiuloir-C/ass, Oit*,X{iils,Jnni, S/.-eJ If \/i, Irollxr, 1 \-r. t \v. trh-ii a g I- ...hi ut or retail at very low pri- j '-. TI:- juiblic are verv le-iw-ctluily requested to exam- ' is, tin- stock. " I l'"*i"d.i. \pril 24, 1 s.M'v. /MIOCKERS A' GLASS-WARE.—A lartru ' c-l ; -- .iutifiil assortment of Crockery and Glassware, d by may 12 H. S. MERCL'R. Hardware, IRON, NAILS, 1 I A lure idditional stock of Common and Saddb-ry i -ia.ii'c. J-c .-r'- Tools. ( arriage Trimmings. lim.Sliel . d Nails, just received l.y 11. h. MERCUIt. 1 INDEED. Lamp, Tanners' 1 , and Neat*foot, 4 Oils, \h ohol, I'.nitphine and Ruining Fluid for sale H. S- MERCI R. NEW SPRING GOGDS, ANI XKW FIRM. ];v A SON lieg leuv; to call the attcn- ■ .' -ti -■! i.-.c!r friends Olid eti-tomers, as well as all otli '" " "* !l J "W and G--iitilo. wishingto >uv Goods t TIEAP, 'os .! w.-'l *■•>, I,ml stock Of FORK IGX AX/) DD- I AKsTU lili i' 4;on/its, cen-i-tiug of a great variety { hiJin Ihrss liimnis. .Sifts, S/taials, /(c / Mines, Chrii- \ """S'l, ( Itam'iraifs, /.mens, Brilliantes, elr., etc. i i.ll hoii-c si h-iiion of llerriiiMi', Chocht-co, and ' " dyk *of fast-colored Prints. • Legs uiiij , ~iii|.|cl<. assortment of Yankee Xotants, ' 1. Unns. Itrrss 'J'tiinmiiig*, If It tie Hoods, Den la ills. Linens. Cambrics, Wracked and Bromi ' 554,,u,,n j urn, 1 4 irk, /Satis. \Tirinr, Cnr/irt ! j in the atiove articles, there will always lie ! \ill i—i-rtment of (.Rot FRIES. Crockery and I So. i- and Shoes, Hats and Cn|is. Nails, Fish. l '.c Trlm. Malts. Ac. ,'" '"'-"CMJiiol I-* ( a pjcasnre in inviting the public aimiiatiou of their Spring stock, lielleving that -ami low prices will insure a spccdv sale tor '•'. v B. KINGBBUKY'* SON. 1 "aiula. April 11. ls.*,. ■\'E\V SPRING GOODS! I RE -uliscrilM-r calls attention of the ptib- i - >I'I!ING STGCK HE GOODS comprising ! fc ' p and u hj. h Will Is' sold at the lowest t " r ;"'" f-r cash. O. D. BA RTLETT. ' ' t '!4 1*56. m Books and Stationery. j J JE hirgest assortment of BOOKS and • fhi.NKliV ever oflercil in this market—com pri*- :ci'let.■ -tuip nl School t'la-sical and Miscel ' " K 1 a very full assortment of Stationery, -1 !"t -ale unus.nallv clieaji at O. |>. BARTLETT'S. fh,. Paper-Hangings. j idv ( on;jd-t<-;stock yf J'nper Hangings in ilii- region of country, comprising - an.; U-autiful patterns, fur sale low at ' t). D. BARTLETT'S. T lawns ' Shallis, Bareges, Ac. U iissiirtim-iit in town of French and ''''" '(1 Lawns. French. Scotch and American 1 T l . 'h*. Ban-gr-s, Brilliants and Prints at MKRCUR'S. ipo,. Book Binding. J ■ '"iiiersignod has the agency of one of Bind' lies in X. y. City, and is ready to re • 'ur.plilcts. Magazines. Ac., to lie tiound in "1- in Hie neatest ami most substantial ■'! very low rates—slinll lw forwarding a lot '■ml in your volume*. O D. BARTLETT. |\ T . •I t'ceiveii a new snpjilv of Pure White ' ; -now white '/Auc, Copal, Demar. anil . ' ' •! Jaj 11. S. MERCUR. B ;l: TUBS a FIRKINS. -A t|iinu , - -1 Butler Till,* and Firkins, just received a. 11. S. MERCUR. ' 'D -A large stock always on hand ,v h"ii -ale at peillars' prices at FOX'S. I SOUTHERN HO.MMONVI ' . 1" 1 ■!• 'ii Id 10. -a-k.-, for -.ale bv u T rny Ncuj AN AITIIAISEMENT AND CLASSI FICATION of the different persons engaged in the sale of Goods. Wares and Merchaiufiae, in the County of Bradford, for the year I*so, with amount of license thereunto annexed : 4 Inhere told. Xarnes. Class. Lioensr. Albany. ... D. Kellogg A C 0....... y 14 700 Asylum GHA .111 Morrow 14 700 John Horton 14 7 00 Strong A Terry 14 7 00 Horton A* Stone 14 ,7 00 Athens boro' Harris A Page 10 20 00 George A Perkins..... 14 7 o<> George It Perkins 14 7 no C Park A Son 12 12 50 C H llerrlck 14 7 00 Moses Sawyer 14 7 00 Overton A Wheeler 14 7 00 0 Conistock 14 7 oo K Aver ill 14 7 00 0 C Brooks 14 7 00 Joseph Parsons. 1 4 7 00 Athens tp D Gardner... 15 7 oo A Bcidlcman 14 7 oo Burlington 80. J F I sing A Son 13 10 oo Merry, Wilhelm A Co 13 10 00 .1 Spalding A Co 13 10 oo A S A S 11 Morley 13 10 oo Reuben Morley 14 7 00 Canton Hugh.Maloy.. 14 700 Newman A Caldwell 13 lb 00 J Vandyke A Co ; 14 7 00 C E llatlilmne 14 7 00 TuttleA Iteardsh-y 13 10 00 A L Bodine. 14 7 00 Abner Doty 14 7 oo 11 Miller A "Co It 7 (M) Case A Rockwell 13 10 oo W S Baker . 13 lo (Ml Mix A Hooper 14 7 00 Columbia.... A B Austin 14 700 llurell I G A K L Brown 14 7 oo U Moody 14 7 (M) Franklin... ~1 M Martin 14 7 oo MX Friable A Co 14 7 oo Granville I. I) Taylor 14 7 oo E S Bailey 14 7 00 W H Phillips 12 12 50 llerrlck... .Charles Piatt 14 700 l,croy.. . .1) D Parkhurst 14 7 00 I Monroe boro'. ~.SS Hin man It 7 00 : Smith A Lyon 14 7 (Mi i Smith A Cranincr 13 lo oo ' Brown A Rockwell 13 111 oo j Newton A White 13 lo 00 H. S. I'll in my 14 7 00 \ Monroe Tp.... Levi Funis 14 7no V EA .1 E Piollet 14 7 oil 0rwe11....11 Gibbs A Son 14 7 do S X Branson 13 m (MI Potter A Lyon 14 7 00 Potter A Eastabrooks It 7 no Pike. .. .Stevens A Burrows 14 7 00 D Bailey A Son 13 111 no j Baildwin A Bobbins It 7 no I G 11 Little 13 111 00 80-worth A Pierce [4 7 00 Ridgbury.... Decker A Cornell It 7on A II Voorhis It 7 00 I C E Wilson 14 7 no II F lliuk 11 7 (mi II C Evan* 44 7 on | Rome... .George Nichols 14 7 tni J W Woo,ilium I t 7 00 i Fox A Thatcher 14 7 00 ! Standing Stone ..11 W Tracy 14 7 (Hi ; Goorgi- Stevens 14 7 00 ; Sliesheipiiu.. .(' H Ames 14 7 (HI j Kinney A Gore 14 7 00 i Smithfield.... J W Phelps ACo 14 700 j Durfey A Fritcher 12 12 50 1 M Bullock ACo 12 12 50 j Springfield . . C T Murphy 1 4 7 00 I Hiram Spear 14 7 00 | Daily A Hart 13 10 00 Troy Boro'. ...IE oodrich 12 12 50 j 1-' L Ballard 14 7 (10 j Spalding A Ballard It 7 (Ml t E E Ballard 14 7 00 , (I P Ballard 14 7 00 V M A H E Long 12 12 50 Derrick A I'aine 12 12 50 I New berry A Peck 12 12 50 j C K Spencer 14 7 00 j S W A D E Pomeroy. 12 12 50 j S W Paine 13 10 (Ml ' Towanda 80. Hall A Russell 13 10 (Ml MontanyesA Co 11 15 (Ml j Joseph Kingshery 13 10 0i j lit' Porter 14 7 no O D Bartlett 13 lo on , 11 KingsberyA Son 13 lo (Mi W A Chamberlin 14 7 00 A M Warner 14 7 on | Collins A Powell 14 7 on! Tracy A Moore 13 lo 00 M E Solomon 14 7 00 , II S Mercur 11 15 00 Joseph Powell 10 2o 00 Bailey A Nevins 14 7 (Ml l'ntton A Payne It 7 (Ml Gnttculicrg, Roseilhauni A Co II 15 00 J 11 Humphrey 13 10 00 A .1 Record It 7 00 E 'l' Fox 14 7 (mi E A Parsons 11 7 110 Ulster. . Gibson A Gorscline 14 7 nil Newell A Co It 7 0(1 J Mather II 7 (Ml .1 11 \nthony 14 7 . Mercantile Appraiser. /1 CV II WATKINS, ATTORXEY V l T CM'.XSK/./.01l A T LA ll'. will attend prompt !v to all business entrusted to bis care. Collections will receive his special attention. Oflire a tew doors north of the Ward Hmi-c. Towanda. M.iv 15. IMf. nULTIVATOIt TEETH AND CORN V7 SMELLERS, for sale by H. S. MERCUR. Notice to Farmers. TOIIN B. IRVINE, at Laniercnx's Foun *1 dry, south end of the borough, is selling PLOUGHS, wholesale and retail, cheaper than any other man in the country. Amonjr other*. .rc hi** KX*TIMOI Ploughs. Alsn STOVES ami othrr artii le? in hif* lilt#, all of 'v-huh he will ?ell very i-heij fr ' ash. Towanda. May , !S."id. Cegal 'XbucrUQementa. HKRIFF'S SALE—By virtue of writs of k-J Venditioni exponas, issued out of tbe Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Countv. and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, iu the boro' of Towanda, on TWUIWDAV, duly 10, lsso, at 1 o'clock, P. M. a tract of land called " Georgetown,"situa ted on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township, surveyed to George Edge, beginning at a larch thence bv land of Daniel Hroadhead, south 20°, west 212 perches to araaple ; thence by land of Peter Edge, south i;l°. east 2,.> perches to a post ; thence hy land of George Temple, north 2!°, east 212 perches to a post: thence bv land of Paul Hardy and Samuel Edge, north 01°, wust" 275 per ches to the beginning, containing 1143 acres, 27 perches and allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Maple Grove," surveyed to George Temple, situate on the waters of To wanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post : thence by land of James Sidden, Andrew Hardy and Paul Hardy, north, (o°. west 320 perches to a post ; thence by 'laud of George Edge, south 29°. west 212 perches to a post : thence by land of IVter Temple, south 01°, east 320 perches to a beeeli ; thence by land of Paul Moore, north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of t; per cent, for roads. A LSO—A certain tract of land cufied " Dunfrits," situ ate in Overtoil township, surveyed to Paul Moore, liegin tiing at a post, thence bv land of George, Peter ami James Siddcns, north 01°. west 320 perches to a post; thence bv land of George Temple, south 29°, west 212 perches to a beech ; thence by old surveys, south 61°, east32o perches to a birch ; thence by land of Joshua Coiley, north 20°, east 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Union,'" survey ed to Samuel Edge, situate on the waters of tbe Towanda creek. Franklin township, beginning at a hemlock ; thence by land of Daniel Broadliead, south 20° west 424 perches to a beech ; thence by land of George Edge, south t!l°, east lull perches to a [lost ; them e by land of Paul Hardv! North 20°. east 424 perches to a post ; thence bv land of Simon Hardy, north 61°, west 100 perches to the la-gin ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Derrv," survey ed to Simon Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence bv land of James Hardy, north 20°, east 424 perches to a post; them e by land of Joseph Ladley, north til°, west ItiO per ches to a hemlock sapling; thence by land o| Daniel Hroadhead, south 20°, west 424 perches to a hemlock : thence by land of Samuel Edge, south (11°, east 160 per ches to the la-ginning, containing 41M> acres and allowance ot W per ceut. for roads, Ac. ALS —A certain tract of land called " Denmark," sur veyed to James Hardy, situate <>u the waters of Towanda creek. Franklin tow nship, beginning at a post, thence by lands of Simon Hardy, south 2!°, west 421 pcrelics to a post; theui-e by land of Paul Hardv, south 61°, east lot! perches to a birch ; thence by land of Nathan Hardv. north 29° east 424 perches to a post; thence bv land of Joseph I .alley, north 01°, west IGO perches totlie begiu ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO A certain tract of land called " Belmont," sur veyed to Nathan Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda 1 creek, Franklin Township, beginning at a post, thence by land id Samuel Siddens. north 29°, east 424 perches to it post; thence by land of Peter Ladley, north 01°. west llju perches to a post ; thence by lands of James Hardv. . south 2'.i°, west 424 perches to a birch ; thence by land ot Andrew Hardy, south (11°, east 10 perches to the begin tiing, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Enfield." sur veyed to Joseph Siddens, situate on the waters of the To wanda creek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by lands of George lluja, north 29°, east 424 per clu-s to a post : thence by land of Andrew Sadley, north 61°, west IGO perches to a post ; thence by land -if Samu el Siddens, south 2'a 0 . west 424 perches to a maple; thence by laud ot Peter Siddens, south 61°, east Dill perches to the beginning, containing 400 ac res and allowance, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Mt. Pleasant," surveyed to James Siddens-, situate on the waters of To wanda crock, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by land of Peter Kid,lens. north 29°, east 424 per ches to a maple ; thence by laud of Samuel Siddens.uorth ol°, west IGO perches to a post; thence by land of An- i drew Hardy , south 29°, west 424 perches to a post ; them e ! by land of George Temple and Paul Moore, south til°,east j 1 t.b porches to the lieginniug, containing 400 acres ami 1 allowance of u per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract or land called " St. Paul." sur- I veyed to Paul Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda ■ creek, Franklin township, beginning at a [Hist, thence bv ; land of Andrew Hardy, north 29°, east 124 perches to a birch ; thence by land of James Hardy, north 61°, west ; lt'.U perches to a post ; thence by land of Samuel Edge. I south 29°. west 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of j George Edge ami George Temple, south iil°, east 160 per ehes to the beginning, containing 40(1 acres and allowance ' oft! per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain messuage and tract of land called Mount Hope, surveyed to Jonathan North, situate ou : the waters ot Towanda creek, in Overton township, be ginning at a [>ost. thence by land of Samuel North, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by laud of James j North, til°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land i of Peter Hampton, south 29°, west 424 perches to a hem- ; lock sapling ; thence by land of Joseph Uastator south ill 0 , east I lit i perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A trart of land called " Gernmntnwn," survey ed in the name of Stephen Hallingsworth. situate on the waters of Loyal Sock creek, in the township of Overton, beginning at a post, thence by land of Herman Uastator, Joseph Uastator and George Uastator. north ol°,west32o pert-lie* to a post ; thence by land of Henry Hardy, south 29°, wet 212 perches to a post ; thence by old surveys, south iil° f east 32fi perches to a post; thence by land of Anna Harris, north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain traet of land called "Frugality," surveyed in the name of Joseph Uastator, situate in Over ton township, beginning ut a post, thence by lands of llariuan ('astator. north 29°, east 424 perches to a a post; thence by land of Jonathan North, X. ill 0 we-t IGO perches to a hemlock sapling : thence by land of George ( astator, south 29°. wc-t 424 perche- to .1 post ; thence bv land of Stephen Hallingsworth. south r.l°, east lilfl perches to the lieginning, containing 4110 acres and allowance of ti per cent. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Belfast," sur veyed iu the name of Itanium ('astator, situate in Over ton township, beginning at a post, thence by land of John Moore, north 29°. west 421 peri lies to a chestnut sapling; thence by land of Lemuel North, north (I°. west 1(10 per ches to a post : thence by land of Joseph ("astator. south 79°, west 124 [torches to a post ; thence by land of Ste phen Hallingsworth anil Anna Harris, south ti!°. east IGO perches to the la-ginning, containing 4ti(i acres and allowance of ti per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called" Fredericksburg." surveyed ill the name of Frederick Sellouts, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek, ill Monroe township, la-gin ning at a post; thence liv land of George Sehoots. north 29°. east 424 perches to a post ; thence by land ot l'eter North, north lil", west bill perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel North, aouth 21°, west 421 perche* to a chestnut sapling ; thence by laud of J. Moore, south (il°, cast liid perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres am! allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Springfield." surveyed in the name of George Schauta, situate 011 the waters of th Towanda crock, iu Monroe township. In-gin ning at a chestnut oak. thence by land of Deter Sehoots, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of Deter North, north ;l°,wost IliO perche a post; thence by land of Frederick Sellouts, south 29°, west 421 perche* to a |i"-t ; tlunce by laud of Hannah Woodruff,south (>l°. east 1 (id perches to the beginning, containing 4(H) acres and allowance oft! per cent, for roads. ALSO- A certain tract of land called " Bristol!," sur veyed in the name of Samuel Anderson.situate on the wa ters of Towanda creek, in Monroe township, beginning at a post: thence by land of Deter Sehoots and Robert Hamp ton, south r>l°, east 32(1 perches to a post : thence by kind o: Joseph Anderson, north 29°.east 212 perches to an a-h sapling, thence by vacant land, north 61 , west 320 per ches to a hemlock, them e by land of Deter North, south 29°. we-t 212 perches to the beginning, containing -liMl acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads. AlJstl—A certain tract of land called " Byford," survey ed ill the name of Joseph Anderson, situate on the waters ut the Towanda creek, in Monroe township, la-ginning at a jiost, thence by laud of Frederick ('astator and George Barnes, south (if°, east 320 perches to a post : thence by land of John Bcmoli Jr., north 29°, east 212 peri*lie* to a white oak. thence by vacant lands, north (11°, west 320 perches an ash sapling ; thence by land of Samuel Ander son. south 29°, we-t 212 perches to the beginning, con taining 4"() acres and allowance of six per cent, for road-'. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Humility." situ ate on the waters of Towanda creek. Franklin township, brginning at a maple, thence by land of James Siddens, south 29°, west 424 pcrc es to a post; thence by Paul Moore, south ill°. ea-t 160 perches to a post ; thence by land of George Sidden, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Joseph Sidden, north i!l°, we-t ItiO perches to the la-ginning, containing 4(Miacres and al lowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Milton," situ ate on the waters of Towanda ('risk, in Franklin town ship, beginning at a birch, thence by laud of Paul Hardy, south 29°, we-t 424 perches ; thence by land of George Temple, smith (il°. east liiO perches to a post; thence by laud of James Siddcus, north 29°. ea-t 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, north 61°, we-t 160 perches t> the lieginniug containing 4(HI acres and al lowance of 6 per cc t. for rands. ALSO—A ca-itidn tract of land called " Bedford." situ ate on the waters of tin- Towanda creek. Franklin town ship, beginning at a maple thence by land of Joseph Sid den, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Peter Ladley. north 61°. west 160 perches to a po-t ; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, south 29°, went 424 pcr ehes to a post; thence by land of James Siddens, south 61°. east 160 perches to the beginning, containing too acres and allowance of 6 )>er cent, for roads. A I.St A certain trartof land called " ITover," survey ed in the name ot Robert Hampton, situate on the waters of Towanda creek. Monroe township, lieginniug at a ma ple, thence by land of Frederick Castatnr. north 29°, east 124 perches to a post ; thence by land of Samuel Ander son, north 61°. we.-t 160 perches to a post: thence by land of Deter Sehoots south 29®, west 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Mary Wallis, south bl° east 160 l>crcheß to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allow ance ot * per cent for road.-. Legal 'Abocrtumcnto. ALSO -A certain tract of land culled " Cole's Hill," surveyed in the name of Peter Schotts. situate on the wa ters ot Towanda creek, Monroe township, beginning at a post; thence by land of Robert Hampton, north 29°, east' 424 perches to a post : thence by land of Samuel Ander son, north 61°, West 160 jierches to a post; thence by land of George Schotts, south 29°. west 424 perches to a cliestnut oak, tlu-nce by land of Mercy Ellis, south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance af 6 per cent, for roads. + ALSO—A certain tract of land cwtlcd "Camden," sur vcved in the name of Samuel North, situate on the waters of the Towanda creek. Franklin township, beginning at a chestnut sapling thence by lands of Frederick Schotts. North 29°. east 424 perches to a post; thence bv land of James North, north 61°, west 160 perches to* a post; thence by land of Jonathan North, south 2t°, west 424 perches t>> a post : thence by land of Harmaa Ca-stator, south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginiiiug. containing 400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Hugerstown." surveyed in the name of Samuel Hagar. situate on the waters ol the Towanda creek, Overton township, begin ning at a post, thence by land of J. Sadlev. north 61", west 160 perches to a post ; thence by land of Nathan Ihija, south 29°, west 424 perches to a sugar sapling ; thence by land of Jonathan Hampton, south 61°. east 160 perches to a post: thence bv land of IVter Hampton, north 29°, east 421 perches to the beginning, containing 400 ucres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Dartmouth," situate in Overton township, surveyed in the name of Samuel Hardy, beginning at a post, thence bv land of Henry Conley. south 61°, east 320 perches to "a beech; thence by land of James Brvson, north 29°, east 212 per ches to u beech ; thence by" land of Henry Seeley, north 61°, west 320 perches to a post; thence bv land of Samu el Fritz, south 29°, west 212 perches to "the beginning, containing -4*40 acres with allowance of six per cent, for roads. ALSO—A certain tract of land called ' Clearfield,"sur veyed 111 the name or .lame- Hardy, situate on the waters of lowanda creek, Overton township,beginning at 11 post, thence by land of General Broadhead, south 29°, west 318 perches to a post ; thence by laud of Jonathan Seeley, south 61°. east 200 perches to a po-t ; thence by land of Samuel Fritz and James Bet/., mirth 29°, east 318 perches to a beech : thence by land of Samuel Cooley. north 61°, west 260 perches to the beginning. Containing 375 acres and allowance of 6 per cent. f.i roads. Ac. ALSO— A certain tract of land called " Felicity," sur veyed in the name of Samuel Temple, situate on "the wa ters of Towanda creek, in Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, thence by land of Roliert Roberts north 29° east 212 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by vacant land north 61° west 320 perches to a sugar tree; thence bv land ol Henry Betz south 29° west 212 perches to a po-t*; thence by land of Henry Byson, south 61° east 320 perch es to the beginning. Containing 400 acres, and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO certain tract of land called "Simplicity," surveyed to Peter Temple, situate on the waters of Tow anda creek. Overton township, la-ginning at a beech, and tlu-nce by land of George Temple north 61° west 320 per ches to a post, thence by laml of Peter Edge south 29° east 220 perches to a sugar sapling : thence bv land of Samuel Temple south 61° east 320 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by old survey north 29° ea-t 220 perches to the begin "i"g. Containing 4"0 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Greenfield," surveyed to George Moore, situate 011 the water- of Tow anda creek. Overton town-hip, beginning ut a post, thence by land |*rrlies to a hemlock : thence hy land of George Moore south 29° west 212 jierches to the beginning. < 'ontaining 343 acres, and 27 porches and u! lowunce of 6 per cent, for roads, Ac. ALSO A certain tract ot laml called " Longford,sur veyed to Jo-eph Betz. situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton tow nship, Is-ginning at a beech, thence by land of John Betz south 61° east 275 jierches to a |>ost : thence by land of Henry Brvson north 29° east 212 porch es to a | ot: thence by land of Henry Betz. north 61 0 west 275 jierches to a small beech ; thence bv land of George Moore and Samuel Goo ley south 29° west 212 perches to the beginning. Containing 343 acres and 27 jierches and allowance lor roads. Ac. v ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Frugalitv," sur veyed to John Betz, situate on the waters of Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a beeeh, thouccby land of James Betz south 61° east 275 perches to a post; thence by land of Joseph Seely north 29° east 212 perches to a post ; thence by land of Jose|th Betz north 61° west 175 perches to a birch : tlu-nce by laml of Samuel Coolev south 27° west 212 perches to the beginning. Containing 343 acres and 25 perches and ailow*ance of 6 per cent, for roads. Ac. ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Greenfield," surveyed to J.lines Betz, situate on the waters* of To wan da creek, Overton township, Is-ginning at a sugar tree, them e by land f Samuel Fitz, south 61° east 275 perehes to a jiost: thence by land of Henry Seelev north 29° east 212 |ierelie to a jiost ; thence by laud of John Betz north 61 west 275 jierches to a beech"; thence by laud of James Hardy south 29° west 212 |ierclies to the beginning. Con taining 313 acres and 27 jierches and allowance. ALSO—-A certain tract of land called " Fertilitv," sur veyed to Henry Seeley, situate in Overton town-hip. W giuiiing at a hemlock, thence bv land ol Jo-ejih Seelev north 61° west 320 |ierehes to a "jiost ; thence bv lands Id Jame- Betz -ontli 29° w-st 212 perches to a post: thence liy land ot" Samuel Hardy south 61° east 320 perches to a lieech; tlu-nce by land of Patrick north 29°ea-t 212 jierches to the la-ginning. Containing 400 acres and al lowance. A LSO A tract of laml called " Mount Hojie," surveved to Samuel fritz, situated in Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, thence by land of J. Fritz south 61° east 2 7.1 perehc.- to a jiost ; tlu-nce by laml of Samuel Hardv north *29° east *2l*2 jierches to a post ; thence bv land tit >;irn,, °l north 'l° wfst 27*> pcri ho to :i tivo ; thence by laml of James Hard v and Jonathan Seeley south 29° west 2J 2 jierches to the beginning. Containing 343 acres and 27 perches, and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. Ac. ' ALSO—A tract of land called "Brutus," situated in Overton tow n-hip. surveyed to IVter Edge, beginning at .1 maple, thence by lands ot Daniel Bniadhcad south 29° west 212 | icrclu-s to a hemlock ; thence by land of Henrv Bet/, south 61 ea-t 275 jierches to a sugar sapling: thence by land of IVter Teuijdc- north 29° east 212 perches to a jiost ; thence by land of George Edge north 61° west 275 jierches to the beginning. Containing 343 acres and 27 perches ami allowance. ALSO- A tract of laml called " Amsterdam."surveyed to Henry Itryson, situate in Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree, tlu-nce by land of Samuel Temple north 61° w c-t 320 jierches to a jiost; thence by land of Joseph Betz south 29° west 212 jierches to a post ; thence by land of Jo-eph Seeley south 61° east 320 perches to a lieech ; thence by land of James White north 29° ea-t 212 perch es to the beginning. Containing 400aeres and allowance. ALSO—A certain tract of laml called " Felicity," sur veyed to S. Cooley, situate in Overton town-hiji, begin ning at a Im'ccli. theme by land of J. Betz and Joseph Bet/, north 29° ea-t 3|s jurchcstu a post; thencehyland of George Moore north 61° west 200 perches to a "post; thence by land of Samuel Broadhead south 29° west 318 jierches to a jui.-t ; thence by land of James Hardy south til east 2"ti perches to the beginning. Containing 375 acre- ami allowance. AI.--0 A tract of land called " Amherst." surveyed to Jo-eph Seeh-y, situate in Overton township, la-ginning at a jiost thence by land ot Henry Brvson north 61° west 3*20 jierches to a post : thence liy lands of John Betz south 29° west *2l*2 perches to a post; thence hy land of Henry Seeley south 61° east 326 |icrches to a post: thence by lands of James Karnes north 61° east 212 jierches to the beginning. Containing 400 acres aud allowance of 6 per cent, for roads. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William Johnson vs. Win. 11. Winder. At-o. at the suit of Simon Cameron.Cashier of the Bank of Middle town, |'a. vs. William 11. Winder. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda. June 3. 1556. RAILROAD HOUSE. TOWANDA, PA. MOSES T. CARRIER, Proprietor. r |"MIE Proprietor having recently leased the tavern stand X familiarly known as the OLD MEANS STAND, situ ate in the lower portion of this village, on Main-st., takes pleasure in informing the public that this hotel has Won thoroughly fitted iiji, jiaiuted, jiajicred, Ac., and furnish ed with good furniture, with other iui|inrtatit changes for tin- convenience and accommodation of citizens ami tra vellers. Ami further, the proprietor begs leave to say, that from the experience lie has had in the hnsinesa,he flatters him self that lie is capable of catering to the wants of all who will favor him with their jiatronage. It is his determina tion to the most fastidious at all hours. The most accommodating assistants always iu atten dance. Please call and try us. Towanda. May 20, 1856. \ DMINLSTKATOIUS NOTlCE.—Notice J. \ is hereby given, that all |i< r-ons indebted to the es tate ol Thos. A. Strong, dee d, late of Wells t|i. are rc qnested to make payment without delay ; and all |iersonn having claims against said estate, must presenttlit-in duly authenticated for settlement, to the siibscriWrs. AMANDA J. STRONG, A. W. AY RES, February 6,1856. Administrators. A PMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Xotin- J- V is hen by gi\en, that all |M-rsoiis indebted to the es tate of Butler Sill, deceased, late of Merrick Town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and ail jier-ons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated tor settlement. April7. 1856. CHARLES SILL, Admin'r. rpiMOTin SEED—A quantity for sale at A the store of tc4 H. S. MF.UCI'R. Legal A U.MINISTKATOKS NOTICE. Notice -£\- is hereby divert that all persons indebted to the es tate of SAM'L C. (JFICK, late of Asylum township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands agafei-t aid estate, will present tlieni du ly authenticated lor settlement. CORNELIUS yl CIK, June 10.1856. Administrator. A I>MIMSTKA'rOR S NOTlCE.—Notice that all persons indebted to the es tate of laither Rockwell, dec u., late of Troy* township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present thent duly authenticated for settlement. RINGIIAM 1.. ROCKWELL AMY ROCKWELL. W, Wy- , . _ Administrators. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE -Notice A is hereby* given, that all persons indebted to the e* tsite of KlthDhlllt'K HALL, dee'd. late of Canton towu twp, are hereliy requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement, to C. E. Kathbotic, of C'antou. H ARRIETT E. BRADLEY, Feb. 7, 1856. Administratrix with w >ll anuexed. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—/■ tie matter of tin white of J. J. 11 'arford deceased. In the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute funds in the hands of the Administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, ut his office, in the borough of Towanda,on Monday, the 30th day* of June, 1856, at one o'clock. I'. M., when and where all persons having claims upon said funds must present them, or else be for ever debarred from the same. May 20.1856. O. 11. W ATKINS. Auditor. PXECUTOtTS NOTlCE.—Notice is hcre^ MJ by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ALI.BN ST ACKV. deceased, late of Springfield Twp„ are requested to make payment without delay: ami those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARIA STAGEY. THOMAS SMKAD, May 20, 1856. Executors. XECUTOK'S NOTICE.-—Notice is bere- J by giveu that letters testamentary upon tin* estate of John Fox. dee'd., late of Towanda township, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested lor settlement to Miller Kox, Towanda. MILLER KOX, W. W. GOODRICH, April 1. 1856. Executors. A DM INISTIIATOII'S NOTICE.— Notice A V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Robert Tyrrel, deceased, late of Warren township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having elaitus against said estate will please present them duly* authenticated for settlement. ELECTA TYRREL, May 12,1856. Administrator. 1 OMIVIvS. NOTICE.—AII persons in- S 1 debted to the estate of OWEN CAIIR. deceased, late of DERRICK township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them dulv au thenticated for settlement. NANCY CARR. February 26, 1856. Adiutstratrix. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, -Jul, SkepareTs "4 V. Executors vs. Allen llaldtrin. In the court of Com mon l'lcns of Bradford Co. No. is Dec. Term. 1851. The undersigned Auditor appointed hv said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at the office of Adams A: Overton, in the borough of To wanda, !>e void as the property of James Evans. 2d. a lunatic. I). F. HILDKKTII, Committee. Ridgbery*. June !t. 1856. M Al* OF BRADFORD fTTm actual measurement! and sttrreit throughout the t 'ouu tjt, made under the direction of J. ll'. BARKER. -The subscriber will pulilisli shortly a Xkw ami Ciisi-mtk M m* ok Itii Al'i oup Cocnty. The surveys are now in progress. All the Public Roads, Railroads, Stations, l*ost Offices, Churches, School Houses, Stores, Shops, Mills, Private and Public Houses, Ac., are to be shown on the Map, in addition to the usual topography of Rivers.("reeks, Ponds and Mountains. Tin* names of the property holders gen erally, including those in the County who aufisi rilie in advance to the Map, are also to be inserted in their respec tive places. M APS OF THE PRINCIPAL VILLAGES, 011 a large scale, will lie inserted in the margin. Also views of pub lic building- and private residences. No more Maps will be published than subscribed for, and at only one price. The Map w ill contain some 16 or 18 square feet. To be engraved and delivered to subscriW-rs handsontelv colored and mounted. WILLI AM J. BARKER, Publisher. North Hector, X. Y., May 2s, 1556. CASH AND CREDIT! CIMIE subscriber gratefully announces his thanks for the X liberal patronage received during the past year, and re-ne> tfully solicits a continuance of the trade, which he w ill endeavor to merit by keeping his Stock continually rejdcnishetl by V ASH purchases, with a large and jtuce assortment ot Goods, which several years experience has enabled him to " buy at the ttnvest rates" ot the " Impor ters and Manufacturers"—by selling low—by adopting the Ca-ii Systkm entirely, aud by making a general reduc tion of prices. Consequently, Hie credit system will cease on and after the first day of January. 1856. #S* All persons indebted are requested to make imme diate payment. 11. C. PORTER, office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House. 1 tceembei* 20. i 5.55. GUTTINBURG, ROSENBAUM &. CO. HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE, WITH New Prices and New Goods! VT the Corner of Main and Bridge streets, in Ration's New Block, where they will exhibit and otter for sale a splendid -t-n*k of HRY GOODS: consisting ot the latest styles of Ladies' Dress Silks, such as plain black, watered, laventiue brocade, Ac., changeable, < liina and plaid silk. a splendid style of striped pongee silk, of all colors and shades. A splendid stock of Crape. Siik. Stella, and printed Cashmere SHAWLS; a regular assortment of PRESS GOODS, consisting of challys, o had from Bonj. lit ntlcv, AIU-it Chamhcrlin, L. Scarlc. Wm. K. Hatch, 11 B Little, John F. Do a 11, L-qrs., Montrose, Pa. Towanda. April !>. Is**;. flUsuKaticons. J . D. HUMPHREY TS NOW RECEIVING ,iu exceMcnta-sortnmut of rent J boy a, fwitii . children's ami mi-sr ' Horn's \ HtJOT .'• ■">.<*>** life's Thread, Linings Mt „i Kiujj, )( r i winch m- invite* public attention. persons having uusuU!• •) account* or notes due tlit- subscriber, are invited to make payment. Tb<>-,- con venient may call on C. Frisbie, Esq. oV T. Humphrey. in Orwell, previous to tlic l '>th of February next, .ittvi which time delinquents may cxi>ert-{ferial invibaUun* to \ Towanda. J. D. IIL'MI'HIiEV. I'owaitda, January 0, 1K55. \() EXCUSE FOR BAD Bit RAD ! -A- * If yon procure of DR. 11. C. POKTFK, South store in tliv Ward House. THE INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER Equally adapted to l-oaves, Hot Rolls. Biscuit. Buckwheat and otiiei Griddle Fake.-, Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet fakes. Hatter for Dumplings, l'uddings, Pot pies, Ac. Ac- Price 2*i cents. March 23. NKW SPRING GOOD 6! JOSKITI KIXHStiKRY lias just returned '' from New York wltli an immense stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, for the early trade-, and those wishing to get their spring clothing made up in season can lind the most choice ma teriid- at his store. Towanda. March ti, lt£>6. JOSEPH n 'owjcETT IITOI'I.D respectfully annouiwe that he is again Wforo > V the people w itli a large, rich and fa-liionaUc assort incut of FALL A XI) IVI XTE It GOODS, to which the attention of the public i- in* it-il. bring con fident that he can t!er inducements to f ASH pun haseiw which w ill amply pay forati examination of his slock. His stock of I.Aio KS DKKSS Goons is complete, consist ing of corded, watoris], plain, black, changealile ami plaid Silks ; plain and plaid Merinos : all wool Delaines ; plain and lignri-d f aslimen-s: Monslin delaines, Pannettas, challi Delaines. plain ami twilled Persian cloth, Debages, Alpaceas. Ginghams. Prints, Ac, SIIAWI.s —a large and magnificent assortment of Hrocha Long and Square Shawls, plain woolen long uud square do. h.niiKs' Ct.oTtis —All colors, and.trimmings, EMKROIDKIIIKS- The largest and cheapest assortment of Ladies embroidered collars, sleeves. Itands and Hoimcings. edgings and insertities, ever oft. ied for sale in Towonda. Also, real thread, Siuvrua, bobbin and cotton edgings, all widths and prices. Y\ IIITK AND LINKS GOOIC?, of every description, and ot uU qualities. HOL'SK IT uxisniMi Goons—Double and single fold Da masks of various kinds; embroidered and lace curtains, all qualities : window -hades and trimming- ; bleached ami unbleached table linens; napkins, colored table spreads of various kinds, counterpane-, linen sheetings, ro-e blankets, gilt cornices and pins, stair rod-. Ao. Ac. GI.OVKS AND IIOSIKKT Kverj thing in this line lor La dies. misses, children, men and boy-. liuoAiici.oTii-. f A--IMKI:I s ami \'i STlNUS— lllack and colored Cloths of every qaiity and price, plain and fancy fassimercs, fancy velvets, plain and figured grennrdiue, plain and figured silk, black satin and cashmere Vesting*, and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, sutti netts. slits-]) greys. Ac. DO.MKSTICS—Of every description, purchased at terv close figures and oliered low. Flannels of every grade anil color. (AIO-KTINOS—AII qualities, ingrain and stair carpeting-, oil cloths. Rush Mattings, Druggets. Ae. VANKKK .NOTIONS—AImost everything in the line, whole sale and retail. HATS A (bo-s. —An a—oi-tment uiieqiialoil in Northern Pennsylvania of Men-'A Hoys hats and caps, comprising every variety of silk, brow n, jiearl and black fur Hats.— Cloth. Plush and Fur Caps. BOOTS A SUOKS— In this department there is, nor never lias liven in Ibis market anything to eom|M-tc with tliis stock, in quality, quantity and price, which it would be greatly to the iuto-rv-t of every man, w oman and child to examine who wishes to purchase- In addition to the above enumerated articles there will always be found a full assortment nfCroceries, Hardware, ( 'rockery and Glas-ware. Paints. Oils, and Dye Stuff's. Leather and Shoe Findings, Ac.. Ac. 1 o lils old Friend- and < 'ustoiners, the snhseritieer would take this method of expressing liis gratitude for their lil>e ral patronage, hoping .-till to merit and receive it. and to others would extend an invitation to examiut- his stock, being confident he can make it for their interest to do so. Towanda. Oct. 1, Ih.V> JOSEPH POWELL. E. T. FOX IS now receiving a fine stock of GItOCE . HIES and PROVISION'S which will lie sold at the very lowest price. He is al-o anxious to huv for CASH any quantity of Butter. Egg-. Lard and good Wheat, at tiie highe-t market price. \\ ill those who want to buy r_who have produce to sell please give him a call? \ NEW STOCK OF TEAS, warranted as usual to give satisfaction, or the money returned. Also, Sugar. < otfee. Molasses, and in fact most every thing in the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, a few very nice ones, also Dried Berries at FOX'S rjASDLES, both Sperm and Tallow by the \J box or pound, ::t FOX'S. "COLOUR of different qualities, Corn Meal, A. Bnm and Clop. Also some very extra Family Flour warranted of superior quality for -ale at Ft i.VS. MESB FORK, Cheese, Hants, Lard, Brooms, ami an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX'S. I BUSHELS good Potatoes wanted t ™ A * immediately at FOX'S. IP XTRACTS for flavoring-, for sale cheap !i at FOX'S. IpRESH PEACHES and Tomatoes, in cans, warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S. OB ANDES, Lentous, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Unities, Date-, Citron, and other fruit in their sea soti at FOX'S. FISH, in barrels, half barrels and fv by the pound, at my 14 FOX'S. BOOTS 6c SHOES 6c LEATHER.. Tl>. IIVMI'IIIIEY is just receiving a go • nenil assortment of BOOTS A SHOES, suitable for the spring trade. excellent as-ortmcntof LEATHER.comprising ISO sides Sole Leather, 93 sides I'pper, 200 Caif Skins, together with u general stoed of Kip|is, Linings A Find ings. Tuwuuda, April 3,ISMS. 11 Y BOXES more of the genuine CHEMI 1' ' CAE SOAP—also Fancy and common bar soap.for sale cheap by K. T. FOX. DISSOLUTION. —The co-partnership here tofore existing between the undersigned in theium | is-r business, is this day dissolved by mutual con-ent. All persons indebted to the firm are required to settle their accounts immediately with Charles Chaffee, who has as -umwd to pav all debts due from said firm. ANDREW WEBB. Shesliequin, April 10, ls.iO. CHARLES CHAFFEE. N K AV r GO O 1) S . George Nichols rS now receiving a very large and general assortment of 1 MKKf IIAXDIXE. among which may be louud a splen did variety of plain and fancy Silk-. Tis-ue-, Bareges, ("hallies. Organdies. Fawns, Muslins, and other DRESS GOODS ; crape -ilk. bps ha. stella. ca-hmere and printed ShawN, Mantilla-. Window drapery. Linen and Entbroid dcrcd edging-, -ilk. straw and fancy Bonnets; Bioad cloth-. <'assiiucres, Ve-tings. and ail styles of Summer Cloths, lints. Caps. Boots. Shoes. Carpctings, Crockery, < Ila—ware, Drugs, Medicines, Dycstntt'-.t lils. Paints, Hard ware. Iron. Nails, Glass, Wooden ware, Oroceries, Ac., all of which will I*' soid on the most rea-oualdn terms for cash or trade. Rome. May 11, LIGHTNING RODS. '"I'MIF suliscrils-r having had two years* i-xju-riciice in the A Lightning Rml trade, in aitd aliont Philadelphia, has now commenced the bu-im ss in Bradford and adjoining Counties. He will do business near home, ami use noth ing Imt the be-t article of Rod and Platiua points, all war ranted sin h, and crc ti d in the infi-l perfect and substan tial manner, and a- strictly ii|on sclentitic principles us any line of tob-grash. Per-ous \\ i.-hiog their families and property protected from this de-troying agent eau do so by applying to the stilscriber at Leffaysville. Ia Raysville, May 13, iNdti. " F. GREGORY. LHSH.— No. 1 and 2 Mackerel and Codfish, A 111 may It MFRCFR'S. WOOL CASH FAID FOB WOOL, TV at M. E. St )Lt IMOX'H Clothing Store, one I>>or South of Mtrenr'a stoni, Towanda. May 20. lsAti. 4 CENEB AL ASSORTMENT of Boots -* A A ShiM's and Findings now recei\ ing at Aug. Ti, ls'iti. Ml MPHREV'S. SOLE LEATHER. —.In-t m-eivinar an ex cellent lot of superior SOLE. LEATHER, to which public attention is respectfully invited. Nov.'-".M5../.. J. D. HI'MPHRFY. Shawls, Silks and Embroideries. \ beautiful assortment of Broehe, Stella, Silk. Thitn-t and Printed shawls; Black. Striped, and riaid Silks ; Enibroidcretl Collars, t'ndersleew-, Chima/.c-ttr.-. Rands, Edging and tu citings, will he found at tne Store of H ?. MERCtIt. April 3u, I.W.