Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 14, 1856, Image 3

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    Towanda market Wholesale Prices.
; ,.,l tvc -kly by E.T. FOX. Dealer in Provisionsand
Cret erics. No. 1, Brick Row.]
i price.) f'bid $ X 00 (7J
do - ---22 00
' -ft liilshel 1 25 1 50
e'. Vhc: ' " ••• • @
** .... 150 Oft
. .pi.- " .... Ino qtt
tt> .. 17 IS
■' rin 10
. li Shoulders " .... H 00 12A
1 | h lies, . " .... 12 00, 1(1
p- ,i :: ics. " 12 % l- s 4
'7 ■ = ~
4 1' [t i'l'Dlt'S NOTICE.— In the Orphans'
\ ( /. thi he mailtr the estute of Anuu (Irten,
5, r-ign'-d Auditor, appointed to distribnte tlie
hand- ol the administrators, raised by sale of
will attend to the duties n! said appointment
Wm. Flu ell. in the borough ot Towanda,
. 2 1st day ol July, ls-'itr. at 3 o'clock, P. M.i
uel pla.-e all persons having claims upon
-t present them, or else be forever de
.l; fioi 1 the same. H. B. M'KKAN*.
jdfl, |O. I___ _ Audi(i.r.
Another Largo Arrival of
H- MKB I FR is now receiving the largest, best as
t . .1 md most desirable stock of Goods that htfs
• • • -e.i l-.i Towanda. ('.-ti-i.-tiHg of cverv variety
5.1H1 ' ' V/t r ! -V< • y />/! Y HOODS. Harilvm i,
(• ' Old Gtn*s Write, I'lis and S/
H f' • Sinn ir ,/s. ( YlCjW.v, Mal-
II 1' lirii-irarr. (•'rr.reri-v. Points
ii - ■iii- ic-(ifns<. (jils,Xiii/s,lro-n,
Sh i, Pish, lsjt ther t dr. dr.
ii w'l! ho -old at wholesale or retail at very low prt
i . -lie are very respectfully rcijucstcd to e.xam
Rnramb. ilprili*, MS®.
/ I|J( H 'K TI 11> I-A>S-\\ A RE.—A large
* ,■.a aid assortment of ("rockery ami Glassware,
ived by may 12 K. a MKRCCR. j
I! A i:I>\VAKK, IKON, NAILS, Ac.— !
j 1 v r_ ;uiJ tiotial stock ot Common and Saddlery
J.-i- or'- Tad-. Carriage Trimmings. Iron .Steel !
V ...jet received by H. h. MERCI'R.
| INSKIhD, Lamp, Tanners', and Neatsfoot, j
] J Oi 1 -. \:< "'ml. Ca;n]iliinc ami Burning Fluid for sale
i) K.'XGsRrRVA Si i.X beg leave to call the atten- !
I). 1 a -id-ami customers, a- well a- all nth- i
a •-I > -utile, wishing to ImvGood- CD LA i', I
-co !e> Stock of FORKIiiX JX/i /.!>- '
i ■l.slit hKY Goods, consisting of .1 great variety 1
es Dri - (la "I*. Silks, Shawls, /(# j.ain es, C 7m/- j
■ < ha ' runs, l.avas, /tri/fiantex. lie. , tie.
•■ii- -election of Merrimac, CTiocliecb, and
-• !e oi ■ -to . Jored I'rints.
• 0.-i let* a—ortmcnt of Yankee Xotions. 1
Ii • I'.. 7'. /Mings, Ifhlle (lootls, Den- |
I I . I.: .ens. I ■ ii'i, its. Hit tirlifil mill Heoirn
( '■; l<n \lllll, 11 /e',\ Halts. Tie ',nr. ('nrjiil
■ in : e above arti- Jes, there will alw.As lie
r'uieiit. ol (• ROC FRIES, Crmk cry and
: , eel Sic es. am! Caps. Nails.' Fish,
- . M.nts, ,vo.
' - od iei I a pleasure ill inviting the puldic
• tln-ir Spring stock, believing that j
1 w price, will insure a spoodv s : ,|e lnr
•1 i i. Apr ! U, l*sti.
SIOSES T. CARRIER, 2?roprictor.
T •' baving re---iitlvleos, .! tin-tavern stuml
I ' itown a- tin- (>i.d M KA XS ST A XD. - ifti
• ■ . • rti mof thi.- village,, on Main -t.. t.ik. -
- Hlil.g the public that this hotel has been
i p. pointed, papered. Ac., ami funfhdl
ir-iitiire, with other important changes for
'• and accommodation of citizens and tra- !
' ■' the proprietor tiers have to say, that from
' lie ha- had'ih the business. In-flatters hitu
• 1 .Ji- nf catering to tile wants of'all who
in with their patronage. It is hi- detenuina
'he ino-t fastidious at all hours.
' • •omtjvd'itins a -'stunts always in atten
• -e call and try us.
i. May in, I SAC"
!. stihsoriber calls attention of tlie ]>td>-
■ r his SPHINC s'fot'lv OF COOPS comprising
on A-tv. ami which will I*- sold at the 1 wvest
ates for cash. o. ft. BAIITLKTT.
i. April 24. Is;,
Books and Stationery.
THV. largest Ji3sorfitienf of BOOKS ami
I -J ever ottered in this market- eoinpris
■ te stock nl School ('!a>sieal a lid Misoel
•l a very full a>-. irtuient of SL.itioiwry,
i• 1 —i 'i i"i sale unusually cheap at
24. iHAii. O. P. HAL'TLFTT'S.
Tile ;veoni|ilctestock of l'n|wr Hatwiiijp
* in tiii- region of country mprising
■1 la iliti'Ail patterns, for sale low at
'1- A'i. O. IT. II \ IfT1.1! I T'S.
Lawns, £hailis, Bareges, dec.
j 111-, finest assortment in town of French and
'}■ e, Lawns, French. Scotch and American
- .i 1 '-. ( 1 1::. i-, p, re res, Brilliants and Print-at
Book Binding.
Til!-. nipTi'sio-u,.,] lias the agency of one of
in- i —t liiii'ieries in ,V, Y. City, and is ready to re
's Pamphlets, Magazines, Vc., to hi' liouiid in
--ire,l. in the neatest anil most substantial
■I'M at i-rv h w rates—shall lie forwarding a lot
• a - -eiui in vottr volumes, it ]). HAKTJ.KTT.
■n bi, l-.a,.
eeeitiug a fine stock of CiROCE
- I'i.'O VIS!O.YS which will Le sold at the
!' r He ,s also anxious to lmy for CASH
' l.l Both Krr-. Lard and good Wheat, at
inrk• r jcjie. W ill those who want to lmy
w rodn ti, piea-e give him a call V
' STOf'K '>K TKAS, wnrrniitcd a
- itUf,, tion. or tlie money returned.
' Mol.tssc-, and in fact tnost ever}-
'*t en Pee. ft r -ale cheap at FOX'S.
|) I kli I'KAf'lfKS, a few very nice one*,
Belric- at FOX'S
( IN]i| | .< ivrtth Sperm iiml Tallow by the
' liie.i.d. at 0 FOX'S.
pLOL Uof different cinalitics, Corn Meal,
■ '1 cieip. Also some very extra Family
- superior (quality for -ale ut FOX'S.
j| PORK, ("k e.-e, Hams, Lard, Brooms,
: * i a— Tliuciit nf Wooden Ware at FOX'S.
(jIH } W >ll LLS good Potatoes wanted
■n.iiu .Cot. !;,- at FOX'S.
j*' ' ''At fs for flavoring, for sale cheap
'/ FOX'S.
\ V (TIES and Tomatoes,in cans,
r.'i UT fn -li it VnX s.
|J" \ \'t;|. s L n nioiis, Nuts, Ki<r3, Raisins,
■ Citron, and other fruit in their -ea-
\V' v n:i at the I pjier North Bnimh
: Canal,
3JO s,l2ij AND 200 TEAMS.
foieuieu on the line.
•' W. K. M VFFKT, Kng. A Sup't.
I) 11 'i TLBS .V FIRKINS.—A juau
i'• Butter Tut s ami Firkins, just, seeeived
ina\ 2u ||. S. M KIM 'Pit.
. ®'iawls, Silks and Einbi oidcrios.
•\ . JLv-ortuK'ht of Broehe, Stv lla,
Printed Sluiwl-; Black, Striped,
I ciiiruidi i( d Collars, Undersleeve.-,
-' -• K'lgiugsaiul lns rtings, will Le found
M. S. MKIM l it.
'V' ' • • n " u ' .Mijtjily of Pure While
T,V \V"i(. •/ Copal Pentar. and
'apan, in II" S. MhllOllt.
■XX. FICATION of the different persons engaged in tin
sale of Good*. Wares and Merchandize, in the Count}- of
Bradford, for the year 1856, with the amount of licen.-e
thereunto annexed:
Where soli/. Xantes. Class, l.ioense.
Albany. ... I>. Kellogg A Co 14 7 m,
Asylum. . GHA .1 H Morrow 14 7 <,,,
John Morton 14 - )m
Strong & Terry ] 4 7 lm
Morton A Stone 14 7 ~
Athens boro' Harris A Page In 20 mi
George A Perkins 14 *7 <K)
George B Perkins 14 700
C Park & Son p_> ]•_<
OH Merrick 14 7 00
Mose> Sawyer 14 7 (M)
Overton A Wheeler 14 7 00
C Coins tock 14 7
R Averill 14 7 00
CO Brooks 14 7 , M)
Joseph Parsons 14 7 00
Athens tp..... I> Gardner 17, 7 U()
A Beidleman 14 7 ,>>,
Burlington P.m. .J F Long A Son l:t m 00
Merry. Wilhehn A Oo l:t in on
J Spalding A Co 1:1 10 on
ASASHMorIey 1:1 In 00
Reuben Morley 14 7 no
Canton. . .Hugh ( Maloy 14 7
Newman A Caldwell 1:1 lu 00
J Vandyke A Co K 7 0))
O K Ratltßone ; 14 7 0,,
TuttleA Beardsley 13 in un
A L Rmline 14 7 on
Aimer Doty 14 7 (K)
H Milh r A Co U 7 4> "
Case A Rockwell ... l:i 10 no
M 1:1 ltt tS) I
~ , ~ Mis A Hooper II 7
< oiunihm All Austin U 700 I
Durelt ICA KI. Brown 11 7no i
U Moody— 11 7 (H>
Franklin.. , .Jl| Martin 14 7 un
.M X Frisbic A Co 14 7 nil
Granville... I. D Taylor 14 7nn
E S Bailey 11 7 qo
H 11 Phillips pj 12 7,0
Hen irk Charles Pl.itt 11 7 U(J
1.er0y.... D 1) Parkhurst 14 7on
Monroe boro'... ,S s llinman 14 7on
Smith A I,yon 14 7 nn
Smith A Craniner i:t In nn
Brown A Rockwell 13 in (to
Newton A White 1:; in no
"• s - I'hinney 14 7 Ml
1 Monroe Ip Levi Funis 14 7 no
V HA .1 K Piollet It 7 (in
Orwell... .11 Gibbs A Son 14 7 !)() !
S X Bronsou 13 10
Potter A Lyon 14 7 m.
Potter A Lastabrooks 14 7 (in '
j Pike. .. .Stevens A Borrows It 7 no
D Bailey A Son 13 Rj on !
Ratldwin A Bobbins 14 7 nn j
(J H Little 13 in (mi
BosworthA Pierce |4 7 no 1
| Ridgbiiry.... Decker A Cornell 11 7nn i
A H Voorhis 14 7 on j
V F \\ ilsou 14 7 mi j
B F Bin k 11 7 on ;
H C Evans 44 7 (to 1
Rome George Nichols 14 7 no
J W Woodburn 14 7 nn
Fox A Thatcher II 7 nn
Standing Stone... .H. W Tracy 14 7nn
lioorgcStevens It 7 00
Sheshciptin.. 11 Antes 14 7 ihi
Kinney A 1 lore 14 7 no
Smithlield ? W Phelps A Co 14 7 on
Dnrfey A Fritcher 12 12 do
M Buttock A Co 12 12 ,*n j
Springfield ... C T Murphy 11 7 (to!
Hiram Spear 14 7 00 I
Daily A Hart 13 In on ;
Troy Boro" IE oodrk-h... 12 12 5(1
F L Ballard 11 7 ihi j
Sjtahttng A Ballard 14 7 00 !
F, F Ballard II 7 00 j
(' P Ballard 14 7 (Ml
\ MA H F Long ... 12 12 5(1
Ilerrkk A I'aine 12 12 50 i A Peck 12 12 5(1 j
C K Spencer II 7 On I
S \V A D F Ponrcroy . , .12 12 511 j
S W Paine 13 10 On '
Towanda Bo Hall A Russell 1? 11l (Mi i
Moutanycs A Co II 15 no |
J'iseph Kingsbery 13 in of !
H (' Porter II 7 00 i
(I D Bartlett 13 10 on
B Kiugsliery A Soil 13 10 00;
W A Cltitniberlin 11 7 on
A M Warner -. 1! 7 on |
( "Hitis A Powell It 700 !
Traey A Moore 13 10 0(1 |
M lis domon il 7 00 !
ii S Mercur 11 15 On
Ju.-eph Powell 10 2o on !
Bailey A Xevins It 7 nn
Pat ten A Payne „ It 7 00
(iottelitierp. Rosenhaum A Co II 15 (Mi;
J i) Humphrey 13 In no
A J Record It 7 on j
K T Fox It 7 on
17 A Parsons It 7 (In
l ister. . Ciii-on A (Jm-eiiue II 7 un i
Xewell A ('• II 7 un
J Ma Liter 14 7 (in
.1 D \rtlhonv 14 7 on
Warren .. .J P Rogers. 14 7 on
•I A hie II 7 on
Robert Cooper .. 14 7 no 1
C W Tallmadge II " ; 11:,
Windham. .VV H Ibi-scli II 7nn
1! Kuyfcendalt It 7 00 '
H'yalusing.. . Wefts A Bixlty 13 111 on
A Iwwis 14 7 pit
W Taylor 11 7 (Mi
C Avery 14 7 05
George Atwood 14 7 00
Wysov.. . V E A J K Piollet 13 In 00
Jesse A Hen 14 7 On
Wells... .John Roberts It 700 i
John Browm-ll A 14 7 00 i
A List ami. Cla.-vsific.aUou of the Beu' House.-.
ICat JH.LC Houses, Ac., in tlio Comity of Bradford, tor the
year under the acts of A-scinbly of 10th of April,
l-t.i, mill ::i-t of Match, Kin :
1 I Itrrr I.urttted. JS'ttmra. dm*, f.irinxr.
Athens lxro" . ..I 11 Wilson s ai HI
< iinicr A Siit-ll s , on
George Newell 3 A (MI
Canton. . A V Trout 3 A On
Horace Tilt tie* 3 ."> On
A A Uantichl 3 5 On
J C Seiidder 3 A On
Litchfield.. Cornelius Harsh 3 AOO
Monroe Ho. . .James Smith 3 A On
Anthony Mullan s A on
Tow audit Ho. .Miles Carter tib on
il A BUl'lkiuK ,3 On
It C Knialloy .3 A On
J t. Wilson s A On
Troy Itoro* William Morgan s A on
Nelson Fish 3 A On
•Kniithtieid. ... He< be Geronhl 3 Ann
Ulster I M Pike s Ann
Ualelt A dams S A On
ft one John Wliittuker ,3 A 00
A List ami Classification of the jtcrsnns en
gaged ill ti.i sale of Nostrums, I'ate it Medicines. Ac.,
in tin- County of Bradford, for the yelir ISAO, under tlie
net of A.-seiuhiy of April 10, l-f'.l ;
ll'Uerr IAICUIHI. .Xamrx. Chtxx. I.ictnxv.
Athens Ho. ... t leorgc A I'erkins 4 A on
C II Herriek 1 A 00
Burlington Ho. . Merry, Willtclm A Co 4 A on
Canton.... A I. I iodine 1 A 00
Ca-e A Kockwell 4 A On
(Irattville.... \V II Phillips 4 AOO
Lcruy... I) 1) Parkhnrst I A On
Monroe 80... Newton & While 4 A On
Itoine. ...J W Woodliiirn 1 A 00
Standing Stone.... 11 W Tracy 1 A no
Smithfiehl. M Hulloek A Co I 5 On
Springfield. ... Hiram Spear t SOO
Towanda 80.... II C Porter t A On
I'atton .fc Payne 4 Ann
Tnv Bo V, Drake 4 AO)
V M A II F Lotto J 5 0 >
Ulster. Newell ACo ...... i A0 >
A List ami Classification of the different Pis
tilterieS in Bradford County, for tlie year 1-AO, under
the arts of Assemble of April 10th, 1310, and March
."Jlst, Is. 4:
IY'herr Ijocutfd. Snmex. Chtxx. lAfinxc.
Springfield William Brace 10 ? >0 00
Troy Twp... .S ,M lamuard 10 An no
A List ami Classification of Bankers in Brail
ford County, for the year lsAli:
ll'lirrf I/tented. .Xante. Ain't of liuxinrxs. I.iemxe
Towanda Ho . liitjKirte, Mason .A Co. . §IAOO .*4l on
i. r. Notice is hereby riven that an appeal wit! lie lit hi
at the Commissioner's Cilice, in the Imrough ot Towanda,
••a MONIJAV. the IKKh day of JUNK next, at 2 o'clock,
P. M.. at which time mid place any person aggrieved hy
the foregoing Appraisement and Classification can attend
it they think proper. A. It. M<>NT.\NYK.
Towanda, May 20, 135(5. Mercantile Appraiser.
prv 11. NYATKINS, attoi;.Y/:Y A-
I'OU.XSA /.I.OJi .17' /.Air. will attend prompt
1} to all bu-inc-s entrusted to liis care. Collections will
receive lii- spe. i d attention. Office a tew door.- north of
the Ward House. Towanda, May I A. ISAC.
I ) SHRI.I.KUS, forsaleby H. S. MKliiTli.
Notice to Farmers.
TOTIX It. iIIVLWK, at Liuiuriux's Fomi
*f dry, south end of ttie M-lliiiii I'MH <!H>,
wholesale and retail. cheaper than any other mail in ilio
■ onntrv. Anion;- others. aic his Kxcei.-ioi I'ionjdis. \|.-o
Sl'i)V:s and other article in lit- line, allot whi<ot ne
Will -ell itV 'iieti '-T ill i •'.( lid.!, Mai '• 1 '
H LK IFF'S SALE—]5y virtue of writs ol
O Venditioni exponas, issued nut of tbe Court ol
Common Pleas of Bradford Conn! v, and to me directed,
will Is- exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the
boro of Towanda, on THURSDAY. July Hi. Dsii, at 1
0 clock. P. M. a tract of land called " Georgetown,'"situa
ted 011 the waters of Towanda creek. Overton township,
surveyed to. George Edge, beginning at a beech thence b\
land ot Daniel Broadliead. smith 20°. w.-st 212 porch-. s to
ajnaple : thence bv land of l'eter HI ire, south i;l". <>a-t
27.* pel dies to a (tost : thence bv land of George Temple,
north 2:r J . east 212 perches t.• a post : tl.ence liy land of
1 aul Hardy and Haiumri Edge, north (il°. west 27 . per
ches to the beginuiiig. containing 343 acres, 27 perches
and allowance ot six per cent, for ro.ols. Ac.
A LSI I—A certain trad of land called " Maple Grove "'
surveyed to George Temple, situate on the waters of To.
w.uida creek, Overton township, beginning at a post •
thence by land ol James Hidden. \mlrew Hardv and Puni
Hardy, north, 01°. no t 32(1 perdu-- (oh post • (hence bv
html of George Edge, south 2H°, west 212 perches to a
post: thence by land of l'eter Temple, south 61° east.32(l
pelt lies to a bccch ; thciicc liy land ol Paul Moore, north
2'.l°. east 212 p<-relies to the beginning, containing -Inn
acres ami allowance of ti per rent, lor roads.
AI .SO--A certain tract of land called " Dun fries, - ' itti
ate in Overton township, surveyed to Paul Moore, begin
ning at a post. (hence bv land rtf (leorge. l'eter and James
Siddens. north (11°. west 320 perches to a pod ; tliem cbv
land ol George Temple, south 20°, west 212 |rerdtes to a
beech; thence hy old surveys, south iil°, east :!2n perches
to a birch ; 1 hence by laud of Joshua Coiiey, north 2j°,
east 212 perches to the begiuniug. containing 4(H) acre ,
and allowance oft; per cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land railed - I'liion."survey
ed to Samuel Edge, situate tin the waters of the Towanda
creek. Frank'liirb.o n-hip. beginin'ngnt a hemlock ; theme
by land ol Daniel Broadliead, srtutitj!'.! 0 jyost -21 perdu-s
to a lieecli : them e by land of George Edge, south r.l
east 1(1(1 perches to a post : thence by land of Paul llardv!
Xoitli 2!i°. east 424 perches to a post; thence bv land <>f
Simon Hardy, north 01°, west 160 perches to the begin
ning. containing ion acres and allowance of <; per cent
for roads. Ac.
ALSO \ certain tract or land railed •' Dcrrv.'" survey
ed 1.1 Simon Hardv, situate on the waters of Towanda
creek. Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence b\
land of James Hardy, north 2 > J .c.i.-t 124 pcrclio-tn a post
thence hy land of Joseph Ladlty, north Gl°, west 100 per
ches to a hemlock sapling; tficncc bv land of Daniel
Bmarthead. south 2fi°, west 421 perches to a hemlock ;
thence by land of Hamne! Edge, south i;i°, east lfin per
t lies to tlu- beginning, containing 400 act csand allowance
of c jier cent, for roads, Ac.
AI.S A certain tract of land called '■ Tlenmark," sur
veyed to James Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda j
ereek. Franklin township, IK-ginning at a post iheneeby
lands of Simon Hardy, south 2 >°, west 421 perches to -t
post: thence by land of Paul Hardy, south (>l°, cast l'ht
perches to a birch ; thence !>v land of Nathan Hardy,
north 2!!° cast 124 perches to a. jio.-t ; thence hy land of
Joseph l.adtey, north fil°, west luo perches to the begin
ning, containing tot) acres and allowance of C per cent.
for roads. Ac.
AI.SU—A certain tract of land called " Belniont." sur
veyed to Nathan ! lardy. situate on the waters of Towanda
creek, Franklin Township, at a post, them e by
land of Samuel Siddens. north 2i(°. i-ast 421 perehes to a
post ; thence by land of IVte'- Ladle} , north til", west
lull perches to a post : them .- bv luinls of James Hardy,
sou llt 2P-. west 124 perches to a" birch ; thence by land of
Andrew Hardy, south (il J . east ICo perches f,, the begin
ning. containing 4UU acres and allowance of (> per cent,
lbr roads, Ac.
ALSO \ certain tract of latul called " Enfield," sur
veyed to Joseph Siddens. situate on the waters of the To
wanda ereek. Franklin township, beginning at a post,
tin nee hy lands of George Haja, north 2:t°, east 421 per
ches to a post ; thence hy land of Andrew- S.idlov. north
(U west Kid perches to a post ; thence by* land ot Samu
el Sidiieii-. smith 2'i°. west 12 I perehes to a maple: thence
by land of l'eter Siddens, south fil ,-> , east l(itl perches to
the beginning, containing -KM) acres and allowance, Ac.
ALSO A certain tract of land called " Mt. I'lcasant,"
surveyed to James Siddens. situate on the waters of To
wanda creek. Franklin township, bcgiunitig at a post,
thence liy land of l'eter Siddens, jiorth 2h°, east 121 j.-r
--ehes to a maple : thence by land ofSaniuol Siddeiis.nortii
• il°, west Kid perches to a post ; tlience by land of An
drew Hardy, smith 2u°. west 121 perches to a post ; thence
by land ot George Temple and l'aul Moore, southCl°,east
Kid perches to tlu- beginning, containing -kid acres and
allowance of 1; per cent, for roads.
A I a- 1 1- A 1 ei tain tract or i.iml called " St. INinl." sur
veyed to Raul Hanly. sitiuife on the iv.iters of Towanda
ereek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence In
land "f Andrew Hardy, north 2!i°, -. .Ist 424 perches to a
birch: theme bv land of James Hardy, north <il°. west
Did perches to 11 post ; thence bv lauil of Samuel Edge,
south 2o°. west 121 perches to a post : thence by land of
George Edge and George Temple. -011 th i.l°, ea-t Kill per
cites to tin beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance
of fi per cent, 'or road--.
A LSi • A certain messuage and tract of land called
" Mount H ip( surveyed to Jonathan North, situate on
the w:.t< rs of Towanda creek, in Overton township, be
ginning at a post, thence by land of Samuel North, north
2(l°. east 421 perches to a pn-t : thence by land of James
X'ortl . 11°, west Kai porches to a po-t; thence by land
of l'eter Hampton, south 2:t°, west 12f pcrehesfo a hem
lock sapling : thence by land of Joseph C i-tator touth
c.l 0 . east Kin pel -lies to the beginning, containing 4o'i
acres and allowance of o percent, for roads.
AI.S()~A tract ol land 1 iJied " Gcrmaulowu." siirvcv
cd in tl.e 11 imo of Stephen !I;.i';ug-u irtli/.-itnaie eu the
watei-of Loyal Sock creek, in the township of Overton,
beginning at ; post, thence by Laud ol Herman ('nstntnr.
Joseph ( Violator and (>c->ige ( astator, north Wl a , west 358*1
pen lies to a post : thence by land ol llenrv Hardy, south
2'.i°. west 212 perches to a post ; tliencc by old .-nrve}>.
south ol , cast 520 perches to a post ; thence by land of
A una Harris, north 2Si°, cast 212 perches to the beginning.
containing 100 acres und aiiowance of n per cent, for
ALSO— A certain trot of laud called " Frugality,"
surveyed in the name of Joseph ( astator, situate in llver
ton township, ijegiuiiing at a post, thence by lands of
War man (a-tatur, lioitii 2Jf°, east 421 perches to a a po-t :
thence by land ofjiinathan North, X. <;l° west l(i(l perehes
to a lie 111 iiu k sapling ; tlieuee by laud ot George ('astator.
sooth 2U°. west 124 perche.- to a post : them eh} laud of
Stcplieu llailiugsW oi lli, south (it 0 , east ton pcrein sto tin
beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Belfast,sut
veyed in the iiauie of Hariuan Caxtator, sitiuite in Over
ton township. In-ginning at a post, therne hy land of John
M-miv, teuth i>>°. west 424 |ierelies to a ehe-tntit sapling;
thence hy laud ol Leimtel North, north tjP, we-t 100 per
eties t i a jMist r thence hy laud of.lo-eph Ci-t.itor. south
70°. west 121 perelic- to a po.-t ; thence by land of Si
pheii llailiii.g-woith and Anna Harris, south 01 , eusi
Hill porche-'to the beginning, containing 100 acres and
allowance oi u | er cent, for mads.
ALSO A certaiu tract el''latnl called" Fredericksburg."
surveyed in the n.iiiie of Frederick Si liool.-, situate ou Hie
waters of the Towanda creek, in .Monroe township, begin
ning at a post : thence by land of Ceorgr Si hoot-, north
T.t°, ea-t 124 perches to a post ; thence l.y laml ot peter
North, north 01°, west ir.o porches to a post ; thence bv
land of Samuel North, south 21°, west 421 perehe- to n
chestnut -ajiliiig ; laud of J. .Moore, -onth c.l°,
ea-t lfiii perches to the beginning, containing If" acres
and allowance oi t; per cent, for roads.
.VLSIL -A certain tract of land called "Springfield,"
surveyed in the name of George Sellouts, situate on tise
waters of th Towanda creek, in Moume township, begin
uing at a ehe-tunf oak.tiiem e l>y hind of Peler Si ho'd-.
north 23°, east 421 pci.-hes tu p >-t ; thence by land of
Pet' r North, north lil°. we-t Hai perches to a po-t: tlieiiee
by land ol Fre.hiiek Seho.ifs. south 20°. we-t 421 pcrehc
lo a post ; them e bv land of Hannah Woodruff,smith til°.
ea-t l'.o perches to the liegitming, eontamiiig 4titi aere
atul allowance of ti per cent, for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Hriston,'' sur
veyed in the name of Samuel Anderson.situate on the wn
ters of Towanda creek, in Monroe township, beginning at
a post. ; thence by land of Peter S -hoot-and Hubert Hamp
ton. south 'il °, east .Tin perches to a post ; them eby laud
n: Joseph Au lei son. north 2't' > .east 212 perehe-to an ali
sapling, thence hy vacant land, north til°. west 320 per
he- to a hemlock, them e hy land of Peter North, south
2'l°, wc-t 212 perches to the beginning, containing ion
acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of I.aid called "By lord.'" survey
ed in the name of Joseph Anderson, situate on the watei -
of the Towanda creek, in Monroe township, beginning at
a po-t. thence by laud of Frederick Uastator and George
Homes, south til°, east ;.'2u perches to a post.; thence liy
land of John Benton Jr., north 2S°. ea.-t 212 |H'relies to a
white oak, thence hy vacant lands, north ol J , we-t 32"
[lerches ail ash sapling : I hence In land of Samuel Ander
son, south 2'J°, west 212 perches to the hegillliing, voll
t.lining 100 acres and allowance of six per wait, for
ALSO A certain tract of land railed " Humility." situ
ate on the waters of Towanda ereik, Franklin township,
brginuing at a maple, tlienee by land ot James Siddeii.-,
south 23°, west 124 pere c- to a. post ; thence by Paul
Moore, south r.|°. ea-t IGo perches to a po-t ; thence by
land of George Soldi n. inula 2'J°. east 12 4 perches to a
post: thence by land of Joseph Hidden, north ill 0 , we-t
I ito perches to ilie Is'gtnning, containing 400 acres and al
lowance of ii per cent, for roads.
,\|,sO—A certain tract of land called " Milton," situ
ate on the waters ol Towanda Franklin town
ship. beginning at a birch, them e hy land ol Paul Hardy,
-oath 20°, west 121 perehe-: tlienen by land ot George
Temple, south fil°. ca_-t 100 perches to a po-t ; thence liy
land of .lames Siddf lis, north 2'J°, ca-t 121 perches to a
post ; thence by laud of Nathan Hardy, north 01°, we-t
H'JI jii relies to the beginning c .nt,tilling -Pa) acres and al
lowance of 0 per co t. for roads.
ALSO A certain tract of land called " Bedford," situ
ate on the waters of the Towanda erei k. Uianklin town
ship. beginning at a maple thence by land of Joseph Sid
den. north 2'J". l i t 1" I perelu -to a po-t ; them eby land
of Peter J.adley. moth i.lwest inn perches to a post;
t lienco bv land' of N'atluiu Hard v. south 2')". west 121 p< r
elies to a post : thence by laud of .lame- Soldi lis, south
til ', east Hill perches to the beginning, containing too
acres and allow am e ol" G per rent, for roads.
\LS<> A certain tract of laud called " Dover," survey
ed in the name ol BeU i t Hampton, situate on the waters
ol Towanila ert ek, Mourw township, hegiuning at a ma
ple. them e by land ot I'lederick Custatnr. north 25°, east
121 perches to a post; theme hy land ol Samuel Vnder
sop. north til L> , west liitl pen lies to a post; thence by
land otT'eter Sellout-.-until 2'J', west 42l peiches to a
post: thence by land ot Mary Halii.-, south n] ea.-t bin
perches to the beginning, wuitaiuin,.' 4" ) a 're , ami all
o i ,j .j, i ,a? f..
j.cqiU SVbncrtiemcnts.
ALSO \ certain tract of land <-iill. il " Ode's Hill,"
sin vey.d in tin- name of I'eb-r Sehotts. situate <> 1 tin- n
teis ofTowanda creek. Monroetowm-hip. begim ing .it n
post: thence by lun.l of Robot iliiin|iton.north 2tW, .-ist
124 port-lies to a post: thenee by luinl of Samuel Amk -
son, IN rth 01°, - by
land of Heorge Sehotts. south it) 0 , west (24 pereLr- to i
chestnut <>ak, thence l.y land ft H.-rey Ellis, south <>l°,
east ICO perches to the hcaint Jug .containing 4 |K> acres
inil allowance uf tj f.t-r rent, fur roads.
ALSO—A certain trait ul land called "Camden," sur
veyed in the n:ion- oi Saffiwt North, rittiate on the write?s
el the Towanda creek. Flunk l in township, begiwdn-/ a
chestnut sapling thence by hmds of Frederick Sehotts,
North 20°, east 421 pi n lies to a post : thenee hv land of
■lames North, notth Hl' we t lr,U per. lies to" a po-t:
thenee hy land or Jopa hau North, south 20°, wet 124
pen In lo a po-t : Ihi n't by luinl of Ihirnian 4 a slator,
south i:l-\ east Iti.l per. hos to the laey;intriiir. containing
4(10 aeres ami allowance . fil per cent, for roads.
ALSO- \ eertnin li el of land called " H.igorstnwn.*'
snrreyihliu the mime of Simtiel Hagar, situate on the
waters of the Towanda orok. Overton township, begin
ning at :i post, thenee hv land of J. Sa.llev, north i!l°,
west liin per. lies t.. a port : thenee hy land of Nathan
lb. ja. south 2n .west 42, perches to a sugar sapling :
thenee In land oi Jonathan Hampton, south l°. IGO
perehe- t . a post : thenee by <,| Peter Hampton,
north 2n . east 124 perches to tlir beginning, containing
100 acres and allowaiiee of li per cent. tin roods.
AI.SO A certain tract of land called " Dartmouth,"
situate in Overton township, surieyd in the name of
Samuel Hardy, beginning at a pest, thenee by land of
11.-nry < 'ooley. s. iiili CI \ :i?n-peivhes to a la-eeli ;
thenee by laud of James Hrvson. north VJ°, east 212 per
.•lies to a beech : them e by land ol Henry Seelev, north
ill-', west J2(l pen lies P. ;i post; thenee by laud <\t Satnu
il I- ritz. south 2P-N west 212 pereh'-s to the beginning,
eont lining 100 tprus with allowance of six per cent, for
ALSO—A certain tract >.f land called ' Clearfield." anr
veyr.l in the name ol James Hardy, situate on the waters
ot d owamla creek, i tvert.m tow ti-iiip.Wginiiiiig at a post
thence by land of Oeneral Itrotidliead. south 2fi°, west Sis
pel*, lies to a posi; thenee by laud of' Jomithaii Seeley.
south hi . east '2ofl perch.-,s to a : them , l.v land of
Samuel Frit-/ uid James Retz. north 2f.°,east 3l'rt per. he
to a beech : thenee l.v lan I of Samuel l'oo|e\ . north <ll°.
west 2t J! perches to the beginning. Containing 117.. acres,
and allowance of (> per cent, lor roads. Ac.
ALSO - A certain tract ol land culled " l-'elieity." sur
vey. (I hi the name of Samuel Temple, .-ritual.- on the wa
ters of Towanda creek, in Overton township, boginiiiugat
a sugar tree, thenee by land of Rnliert Roberts north 2',i° 2I „ perches to a sugar tree; l.v vacant land
north I'd 0 west :!'2(l perches to a sugar tree ; them e l.y
land ol Henry Itetz south 2!l° west 212-aerobes to a prist;
then.-e hy land of 11.-nry Hyson, south fil° ea-t T.'" perch
es to the beginning. Containing 4tM.t itcres, and allowance
ol u per cent, for roads. Ac.
ALSO- A eel tain tract of laud lulled "Simplicity,"'
.surveyed to IVter Temple, -tuate on the waters of T.'lTV
antla creek, Overton township, beginning at a beech, and
thenee by land oi George Temple north til° west 221) pcr
i lie- to a post, theme by land ol Peter Edge .soutlC2J°
22n perches t . a sn ,n- ■ upling ; thenee hy laud of Samuel
1 eiiiple south 111 ea-t :520 p. n lies to a sugar tree ; theme
by old survey north '2!l° east 220 perches to the begin
ning. I oiitainiiig 100 acres and allowance of ti per cent,
for roads, Ac.
A!-SO—A certain tract of land called " Greenfield, *'
surveyed to George situate on the waters of Tow
aml.i creek, Ov.-rt-ui township, lieginuiug at a post, thenee
by land <d Joseph Ili-tz and Henry Hetz north 20" ea.-tJIs
pert-lies to a hemlock ; thence hv vacant lands north Gl°
we-t .00 pel - lies to a jmst ; thence by the same and land
of (ten. S. Uroadhead 'south 2!i° west 'tis perches to a
post : thenee by laud of Samuel Coulev south 51° east 200
perches to the beginning. Containing 575 acre* and al
lowance of it percent, for roads. Ac.
ALSO--A certain tract of land called " Litchfield," sur
veyed to Hi ury lietz, situate on tile waters or Tow.uwla
creek, Overtoil township, beginning at a -wall beech and
thence by land of Joseph Ja-tz south lil 3 east 17.7 perclie.-
to a post : thence by land of Samuel Temple north 2'J°
east 220 ])orclie- to a sugar sapling ; thence by vacant
land north ul we-t 271 pr. hi -to a hemlock ; tficuee bv
land of Ceorge Mc ire southwe-t 212 perches to the
lieginuing. Containing M'.i acres, anil J7 perches and al
lowance of 0 per cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO A certain tract ofland called " Longford,"sur
veyed to Joseph Ret/, situate on the .voters of Towauda
creek. Overton township. U ginning at a beech, them e In
land of John lietz south lil 0 east 275 ju rein s to a post:
thence by iajul of Henry Hrysou north J'.i° east 212 perch
es to a jiost : thence li\ laud of Ilenry llctz north •it " ue-t
-<■• perches to a small beech ; thence by land of (leorge
Moore and Samuel Cooh-y smith 2!)° we.-t 212 pen lu.s to
the beginning. ( outainiug 545 acres and 27 perches ami
allowance tor roads. Ac.
A I,SO A certain tract of land called " Frugality,"sur
veyed to Joint lMz. -ituate on the waters of Towamla
creek. Overton township, beginning at a beech, Uieucehy
land of Janus Ifetz south ut east 275 perches to a post":
thence by laud of Joseph Seedy north 2U° ea.-t 212 perches
to a post ; thence b\ land of Joseph lietz north ill'- west
pervlies to a birch : thence by land of Samuel L'ooley
south 2< ue.-t 21 2 pi r. Jits to the beginning. Containing
■lls acres and 25 pt-rclies and allowance of it per cent., for
ronds. Are.
Also A certain tract of land callwl " C.ri-eufiehl."
survived to James lietz, situate ou the waters of To wan
da creek, Overton towMship. beginning at a sugar tier-,
thence by land ol Samuel Fit/., south 01° east 275 perches
to a post : thence by land of Henry Seeley. 11014b 2:i° east
212 peri lie to a post ; them e tivle.rul of Jidur. lietz north
lil we st 27.1 pen lies t" a l eech ; theiun- b>'l.uul ol Jaun s
Hardy south 2!° west 212 pcrclics to tlie fiegintling. Con
taining .! 1.1 mTi's and 27 peivhcs and allowance.
A I.Si) —A certain tract of laud called •• Fertilit v." sur
veyed to Henry Sei ley. situate in Overton townsjiip. lie
ginning at a hemlock, thence hv hu d ot Joseph Seeley.
north til 0 west X.'o perches to n"post : thence hv lands ot
.lames lietz south 2:l° west 212 perehi s to a pn.-i : thence
by land of Samuel Hardy south t;l° east .'i'.'tl perches to a
beech: thence by land of i'atrick north 2ti°easlK! 12
pen lu-s to the In-ginning. Coiitaining 400 acres and al
A I .Si 1 A tract of land called " Mount 1 lope." surveved
to Samuel fritz, situated in Overton township, beginning
a sugar tree, thence hv land of J. Fritz south f.l° ea-t
270 perches to a post : thence by land ot Samuel Hardv
north 2#° east 212 perches to a'post : them eby land of
Samuel Hi tz north u|° west 275 perches to a sugnr tree :
thence by laml ot James Hardy and Jonathan Seeley soulli
T.)° went 212 perches to the beginning. Containing 515
acn-s and 27 perches, and allowance of ti per cent, for
roads. Ac.
A I.So A tract of land called •' Brtitn*." situated in
() v. -ft on fowi 'lip. sorvei.d to lvtrr K.lge, at
a 111:1 ] >f.■, til. 11. <• l.y lauds* of Daniel Brpadln ad south a:°
west 212 per. Ins to a In-ml'-ck : tin ti, e l.y land of Henry
11. t/ so., tli 1,1 ca t '27.'. jai'. luia to a sugar saplini;: thence
l.v land >tl\ t< r Temple north 2.° (art "212 perches to a
] "'st ; thence l.y lard of Ceorge K.lge north .>! J w'cs! 277
perches to the beginning. Containing 24.'! acre* and '27
j perches and allowance.
AI.SO—A tract of land called" Amsterdam.'" surveyed
t'. Henry Bryson, situate in Overton towuship, beginning
at a sugar tree, tlience l.y land of Samuel Temple north
pt.l J west 220 perches to a post : thence l.y land ot Joseph
Itetz south 2tt° west '2l '2 perches to a post ; thence by laud
; of' Joseph Seelev south tip east H'2o perches to a 1 leech :
j them e l.y land of James White north 2'J° east 212 perch
es to the beginning. < ontaininir 4ot)acres and allowance.
At-SO A certain Iract ot land ealle.l " Felicity," sur
veyed to s. Cooh v. situate in Overton township, begin
nine lit a liceeli. tin nee ly laud ot" J. Betz an.l Joseph
Betz north ?i east :{1 s perrhesto a post; thence l.y land
o| George Moore north til west '2OO perches to a post:
thence l.y laud of Sainuel Itro.ulhead south 2t° west Ills
perches to a po-t : thence l.y land of Jaun - Manly south
'■l east 20'. [a-re lies t<. the beginuiti.. Containing ;>7.">
j acres and allowance.
A CS<) —A tract of land . ailed " Amherst," surveyed to
Joseph Sc. ley. situate in t Ivcrtnii township, beginning at
i a p .st thence by 1 ind of Henry Brvsou north (il° west 32(1
i jwrches tpa post : thence l.y lauds of John Met/, south
1 20° we t 212 perches to a post t thence l.y land of Henry
; Secle.v smith (11° east 320 perches to a post: theme by
| land- of Janes Barnes north 01° east 212 perches to the
I beginning. Containing 100 acres and allowance ol' ti per
j cent, for roads.
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
' Johnson vs. M ui. 11. Winder.
j Also, at the suit of Simon t 'tune mil, Cashier of the Hank
f Middlctowu, I'a. vs. William IT. Winder.
Towatida, June J, ltat!.
O H KII FF'S SA I.E. rv virtue of sninlry
k.A writs of Venditioni Mxponas, issued out of the
Court of Common Fleas ot Bradford County, and to
' me directed, will he exposed to public sale at the Court
j ill tile boro ot Towatula. till Monti IV, June In. I Sat',,
i at I o'clock. I'. \l. the defendant's intnv.-t in the follow
: ing described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Home
| township, bounded on the moth by lands of IVtef C..|i
' gr-'ve ami IMvhl I'rince : east l.v land- of I.yman Prince
j and Peter CoJegr.iM': south l.y lands of John Martin Hus
• sell, and west i.ylau.lot Martin Prince. CoiitainiiigaJ.nni
i sixteen acre- more or less. at.out live acres improved, one
I framed In.use, a framed barn, a filiated -lied. a saw mill,
j and a few fruit trees "growing upon the said land.
! Seized and taken in execution at the suitot Philip IJjul
i ett vs. Thomas F.artlctt.
JOHN A. COMM.Mi, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office. t
1 Towanda. May 22. lSbtbJt
Notice is hereby given, that an amount ocpinl to the
; easts will lie retptil'e.i to be paid upon each sale when
1 si ruck down to the bidder, and upon failing to coiuplv
1 with tin- regulation, the tract of land will again be oiler
| ed lor side. JOHN A. Coniusit.
1 -2*A is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the es
tte ol Titos. V. Strong, dee'd. late of Wells tp. arc re
ipicsted to make |iyment without ilclny : and nil pel sous
j having claims against ...ittj estate, ntti.-t present them duty
authenticated for settlement. to the sub- crib, r .
Fehrnavy R, Kit. Administrator-.
4 mrtxrsTRATOirsNOTICE.-
J. \ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ot Beth r Sill, deceased. lute of Herii.k Town
>ni|. are hereby requested to make payment, without de
! lay; ami all person having clauns against said efatc will
i phase pit . i:t tin in d.l'v authenticated tor settlement.
| >i ill 7 I -t: cp \R| fs SH I Admin r
Legai Sl&ucriiscmciUs.
-F is hereby given, that all persons indebted to th" v
tatp of FRKPKIiII 'K HALL, dee "d. late ot t'uiitoji toi/u
twp Hiv hereby requested to make payment without, de
lay; and .ill |a-' son having claims against-aid estati will
please present them duly autheuticated for settlement, So
C. K. liathboiie, of Canton.
I-eb. ~ ls,->c. Administratrix with w ill annexed.
V ' DITOErS NOTICE.-- /<( f/tc midttet <■
a \ the r.itnW o) J. J. aectnsni. In the )'<r
plian s Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby gni ;i. thai the undersigued. Auditor
appointed hy said Court. t. distrihute funds in the haiul
ot the Administrators ot -aid e tate. will attend loth,
duties of his appointment, at his otlice, in the borough
of on Monday, the ISUth day of June. Han, at
one o'clock. I'. M , w i en arid where all persons hiving
claims upon - aid funds must present tiiem, ..• else l„ i.u
. ver deherred from the same.
May 30, Iktli. (~ 11. \\ A IKIVS, Auditor.
NOTICE. N.di.-o is I,ore
-1.-J by given, that all persons indebted t-> the es
tate of AI.LLN" ST At. HV, deceased, late ol Springfield
Twp.. are reipiest.-.l to make payment without delay: and
those lms iitg demands against said estate w ill present theui
dulv authenticated lor settlement.
>ray 20, lHdfi. Kx. . ut.irs,
-I-i by given that letters testamentary opfiu the estate
ot John Fox. dee'd.. lateof Towanda township, have la-i u
granted to the suhscrihcia. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby renin--ted to make iuiun (fiat.- piyinvnt.
nil] those hitvhlg any . l-aiiiw upon said estate to present
them duly attested for settlement to Miller Fox. Toll ruda.
April I. lt.'fi. Executors.
-r \ is iu-reby given, that all persons in.lebt. d to the es
tate of Robert Tyrrel. deceased, late of Warren township,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay:
and all pel-sons having claims against said estate will
please present tin in dulv authenticated for settlement.
May 12, ls.',p>. Administrator.
\ DM I.VMS. NO TICK.—AII persons in-
i r \ debted to till" estate of OW'RX CATMI, deceased.
late of HKI'IiICK township, are Iterebj- notified to make
payment \\ ithout delay, ami ail pet-sou* having demands
against .-aid estate an: rc-tpiestcd to pi e-cut tlieni duly au
tlientieated lor settlement. NANCY CAIfIL
February 28, Is.'iti. AdMrfntrixi
J\ Krecutors re. A!t*r Hnlrhciu. To tile court ol't'oiil
llinn Pleas of Bradford t'o. Xo. 4s |ec. Term. H54.
The undersigned Auditor appointed hv -aid Court, to
distribute the funds r*i-ed by Sheriff-ale of defendant's
real estate, ttiil attend to the duties assigned liitn
at the otli. e of Adams ,V Overton, in tin- borough of To
wauda. on Tuesday the Ist day of .inly, l-sAii, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, when and where all ] persons having
claims are requested to present them, or 1 e tort-vhr dt'tiar
red therefrom. i/A. OVELTOX,
Towauda, June 1. 18.5b. Auditor.
J* I actual mrirniremciut nntl survey throughout the Cuyn
ty. mtt'lr untUr Hu threcHtm of J. ll'. It A Tile
-nhseriber will publish shortly a \"ww tsnt'oMrr ktkM tr
ok Hit mikoko Coi'vrv. Tite -urvcys are now in progress.
All the Public Roads, Railroads, Stations, Post (tflioes,
t "linrclies, Scltool Houses. Store-. Shops, Mills, private
and Public ifoii-es. ,Ve., are to he shown on the Map, in
addition to the usual topography of Rivers.Creeks, I'otitis
and Mountains. The names of tin* property holders gen
erally, including those in the County who subscribe in
advance to the Map, are also to he inserted in their respec
tive plaees.
MAPS op T111: PRINCIPAL VII. T.ACRS, on a large
scale, will he inserted ill the margin. Also views of pub
lie building- and private ve-iilenee-.
No more Maps will he published than subscribed for.
and at only one price.
The Map will contain some lit or IS square feet. To lie
enyrav. d'aml deliver) d to suh.-erilier- hantt-nmeiv colored
and mounted. WILLIAM J. KARKRR, Publisher.
.Vorth Hector. X. Y., May '2B. 1-5(1.
r | MiE gratefully announces hi- thanks for the
X liberal patronage received during the pa.-tyear. and
respectfully solicits u eontiiumiice of the trnue, which lie
will endeavor lo merit by keeping his Stock continually
iifilrit ishnl by CASH joii rhasex, with a la rye and ptti <
assortinclit ol Hoods, cecal ye<i> tj/urieoee has
ettabled bun to buy at the luvtat rates" ut tiio " impor
ters ami Manufacturer.-"—by selling low —by adopting the
< asii sivstkm entirely, and by making a general reduc
tion of prices.
Consequently, the credit system will cease on and after
the first day ol January. 1-alj.
a b All persons indebted are requ-t-tcd to make intme
diate payment. 11. C. PoRTKR.
riilice and Drug Stole in South end of the Ward House.
December Jit, 1 *55.
New Prices ;in<l New Goods!
A T the Corner ol Main and Bridge streets, in Pulton's
a V New Hioek. wliere they will exhibit. and offer lor sale
a splendid stork of Iii\ CinipS ; consisting ot the latest
styles of Ladies' I has- Silks, sueli as plain black, watered.
I.ivcntine brocade. An-., changeable, China and plaid silk,
a splendid style of striped pongee silk, of ail colors and
shades. A splendid stork of Crape. Siik, Stella, and
printed Cashmere Sll AWLS : a regular assortment of
I iRKSS (SOOHS. consisting ot c hall vs. do lainos. h, rages,
lawn-. Ac., uoiii a .ill cent calico dress pattern up to a-7
silk dress. In DOMKSTH'S, our assortment is complete;
we have a large stock uf priuts, ginghams, cheeks, tick
ing.-, bleached and unbleached muslins,A v. Al-ouspleii
did assortment of KM HRO! DKRIKS. urh as Kren.-h
iieyiiewnrk collars, sleeve-, Swiss and jaconet flonnefngs,
needlework edgings and inserting-, linen thread lace-,
cotton embroidered lace curtains, jaconet-, dotted mulls,
grospavt muslins, Ac., too numerous to mention.
We have also an elegant assortment of honnctx, Tlib
hous. h'bucri v and Harden, Hinrl-ifrcssc*. hair fronts,
hair braids. See. to which we invite tlm attention of Coun
try Milliners and the Ladies in particular.
All of the above articles we feel assured we can offer to
the public at a-toni-hinglv low prices, and are determin
ed not to be undersold by any establishment this side of
New York city. We would invite the citizens of Brad
ford county and elsewhere, to give us a call and i xamine
our stock, and -ati-fv themselves about our prices before
purchasing elsewhere. It is a true saying, •• a penny sav
ed is two earned."
To the GKNTI.KMKX in particular we will sav that in
connexion witit the above, we have a regular tailoring
establishment in the city ol New-York, and have tal.en
particular pains to get up a. splendid stock of SPUING
AXl> St MM KB CLOTHIXG. which we otter to you at
prices unsurpassed at any otbci i'-slaldishnient. thir as
sortment ill Ihis branch consists of liilanl's, Boy 's and
.Men's Wear; also a general stock of Uenthmin'.s Finn
o/iii.;: (loixlx. such as Shirts. Collars, Cravats, Stocks.
Socks, Suspenders, Ac. Also, a general assortment of
Hat-. We arc prepared to take measures for nice -nits,
and furnish them on short notice and warrant them a
good lit ami satisfactory in every respect. In short, all
t tic goods sold l.y us will l-e warranted, and exchanged or
taken back if required. We flatter oiirsehesthat we have
one ol the lu st cutters in the city, and sonic of the l est
workmen employed..ind can give* satisfaction to the public.
Uvfcrcuce of voir firm can be bad from Ben j. P.ciiflcy .
\lbert t lianibcrlin. 1.. Scarle.Wm. K. Hatch, 11. !!. I.itlle,
John F. Mean, Kirs., Montrose, Pa.
Towanda. April ti, 15.",t1.
I IST OF LETTERS, remaining in the F > .
I J 0-at TOWANDA, May 1".,}.
Atwatar K Af Patterson Adelia
Butler S .1 Parker Joseph
I'.ourkc Martin Peckham A. K.
11l n k Xinitn Piatt Christopher Michael 2 Quiglev lillen
Bailor Kinily A ty.iaid Mary
Plauvelt James llusscll 11 nhen
Bowman 1, D Bobbins Martha
Bnrslcy George Bidgway Drier
Briuniii Margaret Kot k i liow Clias.
Bat tletl J. Jin P Sullivan Mi. It.el
Brady John Shell/ Tteirriettu
Caugley Thomas SUulclt Eugene
Condon James Stm kwcll Joel
Cook James 1! Harrunnn Afrs.
David-suit George L Jlortmi Urvill
Day Ellen Ttortou Km ma
Dickinson S At llcti'. ru Win.
Darling Mary Hegendorh F.
Dickey Mary A 11 ills Aimer
Freeman George Hughe- Thomas
Ford Edward Kenellv Edmund
Foley Daniel Keyes W. It.
Gritlin John >. I.viich Bridget
Gibhs Genus Santee MissC. M.
Garr George J Sting C.
G rl. no John B Smith Mrs. Jane
M.tgill Dennis Simons John
MeX.itl Win 2 Smith J. W.
Me Carta Mary Stoekw ell Chan. B.
Mcibmghin \nn Smith John A.
M.'M icki II Jane \iai.cck Maiv antm
M. < arty John Wvk tfSalh
McGnirc Mary Wnilcs |{. F.
Overtoil Home Wnlcmt Je.-: o
O'P.rieu Jereiniali Yaw Hiram
Palmer S II Zcller Andrew.
Per.-.ins > ailing hu anv ol these letters please nier.tion
they- are adu rtised. 11. C. poßfi'.B F. M.
nil IFD KEFF - Ms., n few v.-rv ?rg
smoked 'fpngue? at FOX'S.
Ulistci fliicous.
I> Ni J LI \ !'\ ('■ an - iP.-iit a -in tmi-rit of cm I' ,
J Icy s kidus , children's mid nn-ti BOOTS A JiOO'J
L>. No, .Shoe l*£g; ■ riircad, Linings ut.d Findings, to
which bt'lnrftes piihhc at'cnti'-n.
lei Ml perori* having mi "ttMl accounts or not. -i due
the arc invited to make payment. Tln-ecui.
vi'iiien*, may cull on, l.'u. or T. Htimplin v, in
Orwell, previous t the l.'.tli "I Ft-bWart next, slier which
time d •|ui.|iie,t3 may <-xpe. t special invitations t-. \i-i
To wan (hi. J. |) 111 MI'HKFT
rowamhi, j.ntuarv 0. 1*5.3.
-I- x If v.iii procure o! DH. 11. t'OflTl-'JI,
South .tore 1-1 tin- Ward House.
I.'quu 11' adapt:il lo l.o.ives. Hot lbiH-, Bhscpil. Bckwhcut
and titer Oriddh < 'ak>-< Ohtgerbn id, aU kind-of Sweet
<'ul.e-. Fitter for Dimifrlimr-. Puddings. I'ot pies. Are. Ac.
I'riyt iciil-. Man It 2'J.
I < >•*!•' J' 11 K I NUKBLBY lia# just returned
*3 lion. New York with an immense stock of
tor the fiirly trade, and those to got tlieii'
clothing nni'le up in -eason , , (1) |j (l d tjn- most choiic ma
terial-. at his store. Tuwamla, March <i, lSah.
josihpi i FowiOX"
Untl l.iv rw.],.s-*ftdy ahiiouijci- that he again liefortj
the pcdplc with a largfc. rich anil fcslii.inable assort
llicllt of
to which tin- atf-adon of th" public is invited, being eoh
lid. lit tlin.t he i,JII i.lh r inducement- to i'.VSjl purcha-ei
which vvf.'l amply pay for an cvatitlnation of stock.
Ills stock oi'l. viui.i UIIKSS iioiips is cPinpfetc, ci.iisist
ing ot ci.riled, watered, plain, black changeable and plaid
Silks ; ami plaid Merinos : all wool Delaines : plain
i and figured ('iisliiiu res : Mouson .h lahu-s, I'arWiettas,
I i-halli DeJain.-s, plain and twdiv-d Persian cloth, IM-Ijngt-s,
I Alparcns, Cingliam.s, Prints, Ac,
j AI.SU.SMUVI.S -a large ami magnificent a--vrtmcnt of
I Bru. ha lam* and Square Shawls. plain woolen long and
j square do.
j I.AWES' C'.wltts All and trimming-'.
; K.duiiiiinuuihs 'I he large.-l and cheapest kssoriment of
| I .lilies euihroideied collars, MCCVCS. hand? and Hniiiictngs,
i edgings and iusei tings, cvci , lined for -ah- hi Tew and.i
Also, real (bread, Sniyvm. bobbin mid cottoii tulchigs. all
1 widths atid prices.
I \\ iinr: am. I.INKS' (iiiinis, of every description, undid
all qualities.
tlpfsK Ki ukisiiisi; (loops I amble and single fold f)a
masks ot various, kinds; l iuhrovlered and lace curtains,
| till qualities ; window shades ate! trimming*; bleached
and unbleached table linens; mipkilis, ci,hired tal.l*
spreads ot various kinds, countehpHiies, iiimi sheetings,
ro-e l.laiikcts, giit coruie. s and pitjs. stnir rods. Ao. Ac.'
<Ji.ovKs ivp HOSIKWY i>erythiny iii this line for La
dies, misses, ekildt*>ll, itieu and IH.JS;
Ihuillu'i.oi us, I'ASSI.ui itKs \.\jl Vi.TiXi.f- Black and
i rnlorbd ("lollis <>t every qality ami price, jdaih and fancy
( 'assijiu-res. fancy Veilcts. piahi .did figure.] grenaidin.-,
plain and ligurl ii silk, 1.1.n k satin and nulirncr? Vesting-,
j aii.l a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, satti
! lK'tts. sheep greys, ,y c.
Do.wiWTica—()l every description, putctiest dat verv
! chtee figures and viiered low. Flannels oft-Very grade and
| color.
t' vitrKTiMJfi AI! qualities. inghdn a tit! staircai pelings,
oil cloths, Uu.-h Mattings, Druggets. Ac.
\ ANKKK Xotiovs .Yliiiosf ci ci \ lhiiig iii the line, w hole
■ sale and retail.
HATS A C.m's. assorthiept nneqimled in Northern
Pennsylvania "1 Mens A Boy- liat.s and caps, comprising
every variety of .ilk, brown, pear! and k fur Hat-,
(.'hilli. Plush and Fur taps.
Hour.- A riuoKs- In tlu.s dcparUncnt there is, nor never
| ha- been hi this market anvthiiig to e..iruit-tb with this
: stock, in quality, qnantity and j.rt'-t-, whi.di if Mould be
greatly to the nitevc-t ut cVeiy man, woman mid child t(
| examine who wishes to pureh i-.' 1
I In addHiott to the above enumerated articles then- wil'
: always he found a t'nil assortment of (Iroci-ries. Hardware.
Crockery ami (ike —wure. Faint-. Uii-. and Mvv Stull's
| Leather and Slice Findings Ac., Ai.
io his old I rieiids and ('tistouu-rs. the snliserilteer wnold
; take this inetlmd of. Kpn-.-siug iiis gratiliuk* tor their line
! ral patronage. Imping stil! to merit and receive it, and to
i other- would extern! an inv itstion to examtne iiis stock.
; being eontidynt lie can make it for their interest to do so
To-.vaiula. (>t-t. 1, 1 _ JO SKIM! i'OWKLL.
AAiNi AL Hj-roirr or THE
Farmer's Union Insurance Company,
Made in pursuance ul the charter, May 1, ishii.
j Whole amount of property at ti*K f 1.1,31.091 00
! Capital, #200,000 00
Surplus, in addition to capital 20,332 7.1
i * #220,332 (it
! Cash on hand and on deposit ? 1,703 f
i Cash in hands ot agents, and cnut-sp
of transmission, 3,424 b'J
Twenty-nine boml- and mortgages,.o7,U2U Oil
Fhrty-ime .-hares Tioga Bridge c... 2.050 Oil
| Twenty-two shares Susq. Bridge Co. 330 00
j Nineteen liomls, security j .-rsonal.. 100.000 isi
j Cash on call, pfotrti.-snry m.fes, etc 7JdO 3!
I Interest accrued and ii.M due. .. . 4JH2 <Hf
| Sale and other personal property... 500 00
(gi-ses ndjnsted and not due #I.OOO
ljusse.- ui adjusted 1,000
Losses claimed and resisted 300
AH other claims small, m>t exceeding.. 300
Premiums ree'd dnrmg the year... #l* 907 "2
; Cwsli fioin all other sources, 3,031 il'.i
j Expenses the year, inchehug commis
sions, -claries, rents', printing, and
i all other t-xpen-T-s f1.542 54
Aiii-Mitit of lii—es paid that occurred
(hiring the year, 2,194
I #7.037 20
Los-es paid during the iTarthatoccrirrecl before. $3,2'.'2 .'.o
| Athens, May 1. I">.' .). K. ( AN'FIKLH. Sec'y.
CAiNiiV —A lnriro stoik always on hanA
) and sold at wholc-nde at ]>edlarv' prices at FOX'S.
j V ' S \ MP. put up in 111 lb. sacks, for sale bv
May 8,18.7(5. * K. T. FOX.
A \ ' IIITK I- JSII, in liartols, half baircls and
j IT by the pound._at myi 4 FOX'&h
I I>. liUMrHIIEY is just receiving agt
*' • neral assortment of BOOTS? A SIRIFF, suitable f.-r
1 the spring trade.
Al.-o, tin excellent assortment of LK.VTH Kit, comprising
ISO sides Sole Leather, ii.i sides Upper, 2nd Fall Fkins,
i together with a genera! stood of Kipps. Linings A' Find
1 Irtgs. Towanda. April 3. ISSfi.
l/ \ BOXFW inoro df tho gctiiiino riIKNII-
I" " ( J Al.S(i\p also Fancy and common soap, for
sale cheap by ' K. T. FOX.
OISSOT.UTION, The co-parfucrship hrre
tol'ore existing- between the undersigned in the In in
tier business, i- this day di-sulvcd by mutual consent. All
, persons indebted to the tlruiaire requited to settle their
I accounts immediately with Charles t'h .flee, who has .<■
snmisl to pay all debts due from said tirin.
A N BL'LU" WI-'ißi:.
Sin -lie.piin, April 10.1530. ( If AItLFS OH A FFFF.
G-eorjro JVichols
IS now receiving a v. ry large and general assortment of
M F.Ki ll.\ Nl'l/.1-L among which may be ton ml a spleu
I did variety of plain and fancy Silks. Tissue-. Ikiregcs.
• Clia'.lk s. Orgniidies. Lawn Muslins, and other PUF.SS
I 11(401'ci: rape ilk. liruchft, -a 11 lii. r;i -liiik re and pi in led
I Shawls. Mantillas. \\"liul\v drapery. Linen and Fml.roid
! dcred (shying . silk straw and iatu-y Bonnets; Broad
; . loth-. ( as-,meres. Ye-tings, ai d all styles of Summer
j ( 'lotlis. Ilats, ( ,p- Bunt-, shoe-, Carp, tings, ( rockery ,
j ( Has.-ware. Drib's. Medicines. Dye-tuff-,'lils,Paints,Hard
| ware. Iron Nails, (llass, •Wooden ware, tiroi crie-, Ac., ail
i -.I with h will bo on the most rrx-onablc terms for
| ca-h or trade. Pome, May (>. 15.",r,.
r 19! I f -ul.-. rib. i lun ing iiad two vcai s' ( xin rii me in the
1 I. Li litning loul Inulo, in and about Philailelptii.t, has
j now - .iiHiin need (In busino-- in 11u.411.h1 anil adinininc
! ('.unities, lie wiil do business near home, ami use Hoth
| ing but the I. -t irtich of Uo.t ami PLipiia points, all war
- ranted -uch. and . recti.! in the indst perfect ami snb-tan
tial in nun r, ici.l a-sti ictly upon scietitilie principles a*
any hue ..{ t. Icgra-li. Person- wishing tln-ir families and
property protect. .1 from tip.- destroying agent can do .->•
i'.v apply.l. t . the subscriber at Ld'tysx die.
I.eliay-\die. May I i. IKiti. I-'. tiKKHOKY.
\o 1 HIM! ? >ftickcrfl titid Uodfish,
. at mayl 4 M Rl.'f'i'R'S.
W'ooi cAsif rAIP ron WOOL,
) f at M. F. SOb"\|(i\ 'S Clolliing Stone. one door
! South ot Mcn ur's -tud. Towiuida. May 2(1. 185fi.
i (l K\LB AIT \ SS< HIT Mi'. NT of 800 l 8
i A shoe- ami Fnidhigs now tiwetving at
Vug. 25. I- <i. UUMPHRFY'S.
UOI.K LK\ r niLli. —.liisi mvivintr an ex
c.-il, ot lot ol -uperior MILK I.KATHLB, tow bull
public attention i i pcctfulD invited.
1 NM- .' 13'• ' ' D HDMPUPLY