The Cincinnati Convention. We gave last week, the permanent organi zation of the Cincinnati Convention. The difliculty with regard to con teste 1 seats was settled, so far as the two sets from Mis souri were concerned, by the formal admission of Ihc anti Le (unites. TUP NCW \ ork Uai'ds and Softs were finally admitted on an equal footing. The ballotings for President were as follows : r.W.I.OTs. r.-en vv\\'. rimer:. WH-M.AS. < ■ I li. 1221 l :'• lid sij '• list li'i ::J i in! lli .'*• •"'! lie" in" ::i sj 1 ~ inrj 5G il 7 1t!. v> h ] 47l *7 •>*> \i l is! s7 .".a 7! In lvnf SMi .Ifi r, li IIT' uaj :i .14 u u> 7 >1 aa .ii li i-.n tt! en II 1..2 V 7.C e:i :>i 1.. W a Us 4 i; Inn _ 121 '• 1 r 2" us _ After the fifteenth ballot, PIKKCK'S name was withdrawn ; and after the sixteenth Dai lot,' also. Jonv C. BRROKKX-RTOOR, of Kentucky, was nominated for Vice President, upon the first ballot. After the transaction of some other busi ness, the Convention adjourned. The Committee on Resolutions made a lengthy report which was adopted by the Con vention, after striking out a resolution relating to a road to-the Pacific. The report first re affirms the Baltimore platform, and then pro ceeds as follows ; Anil whereas, since the foregoing declara tion was uniformly adopted by our predeces sors in National Conventions, an adverse po litical and religions test has been secretly or ganized by a party claiming to be exclusively Americans, and it is proper that the Ameri can democracy should clearly define its rela tions thereto : therefore JicsnlmJ, That the foundation of this Union of States having been laid in its prosperity, expansion and preeminent example in free go vernment, built upon entire freedom in matters of religions concern, and no respect of persons in regard to rank or place of birth, no party can justly be deemed national, constitutional, or in accordance with American principles which bases its exclusive organization upon re ligious opinions and accidental birth-place. That wc reiterate with renewed energy of purpose the well considered declarations of former Conventions upon tho sectional issue of domestic slavery, and concerning the re served rights of the States ; ami that we may more distinctly meet the issue on which a sec tional party, subsisting exclusively on slavery agitation now relics to test the lidclity of the people, Xorth and South, to the constitution and the Union. iuWracJ, 'Hint claiming fellowship with and desiring the cooperation of all who regard the preservation of the Union, under the Consti tution. as tlie paramount issue, and repudiat ing all sectional parties and platforms concern ing domestic slavery, which seek to embroil the States and incite to treason and aimed re sistance to law in the Territories, and whose avowed purposes if eonsumatcd, must end in civil war and disunion, the American Democ racy recognize and adopt the principles con tained in the organic laws establishing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, as em bodying the only sound and safe solution of the slavery question upon which the great na tional idea of the people of this whole country can repose in its determined conservatism of the Union : non-interference bv Congress with slaves in States and Territories : that this was the basis of the Compromises of 1850 confirm ed by both the Democratic and Whig parties in National Conventions, ratified by tin- peo ple in the election of 1852, ami rightly applied to the organization of Territories in 1854 : that by the uniform application of this Demo cratic principle to the organization of Terri tories and the admission of new States, with or without domestic slavery, as they may elect, the equal rights of all the States will lie pre served intact the original compacts of the Con stitution maintained inviolate, find the perpet uation and expansion of the Union insured to its utmost capacity of embracing, in peace and harmony every future American ritate that may be constituted or annexed with a, republi can form of government. RcsiJrrJ, That we recognize the right of the people of all the Territories, including Kan sas and Nebraska, acting through the fairly expressed will of the majority of actual resi dents-—and whenever the number of their in habitants justifies it, to form a constitution with or without domestic slavery, and h<- ad mitted into the Union upon terms of perfect equality with the other States. Rw/rcrf, fin/ith/ That in view of the condi tion of Hiepopnhiirinstitntions of the Old World and the dangerous tendencies of agi- combined with, the attempt to enforce civil and religions disabilities against the rights of acquiring arvl enjoying citizenship in our own land, a high and sacred duty has devolv ed on increased responsibility upon the Demo cratic party of t in's country, as the party of the Union, to uphold and maintain the rights of every State, and thereby the Union of the Stat s, and maintain the advance among us of Constitutional liberty, bv continuing to re sist all monopolies and all exclnsive legislation for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, and by a vigilant and constant ad herence to those principles ami compromises of tlic "Constitution which are broad enough and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Cniou as it was, the Union us it is, and the Union as it should be in the full expansion of the energies and capacity of this great and progressive people. 1. L'csolral, That the questions connected with the foreign policy of the country are in ferior to no domestic question whatever. Tim time has come fur the people of the United States to declare themselves in favor of free seas and a progressive free trade throughout the world, and by solemn manifestations to place their moral influence by the side of their successful example. 2. H>.Wr<.7, Tlmt our geographical and po litical position with reference to other Btatc< of the Continent, no less than the interests of our commerce and the developemcnt of our growing power, requires that we hold to the sacred principles involved in the .Monroe doc trine. Their bearing and import, which ad mit of no misconstruction, should be a] (plied with unbending rigidity. J. HL OICCI, That the "rent highway which nature, as well as the as ent of 4he States most immediately interested in its maintain a nee lias marked for a free communication be tween the Atlantic and I'acific Oceans, eou sti:ut-s one of the most important acfiieve , men's realized ly the pirit of inoderii times and the nuoou'qu* ruble energy of our people-, and that this resulttffeoukl le Secured hy time ' fv and efficient exertion, the eonlrol which We !li ue the right to control ever it. No power v the industry of the people of our wes tern valleys and the Union at large. A SHTARI.E Py.srtek.vric Pr. vrromr —The Xew York Ilcrabl of last Week says, this Cin j cinnati Conference of the nigger drivers, will, of course, give us a high sounding platform, full of windy abstractions and unmeaning rub bish, with which to gull and hoodwink the honest yeomanry of the country ; whereas, if the principles of this nigger drivers' Conven tion were truly expressed, they would be gi ven in some such platform as the following, to wit : ]. /.VWm/, That niggers, pistols, bovvie knives and bludgeons are the fundauieutalprin ciples of the Democracy, as re-constructed un der the Administration of our warlike Frank lin Pierce by our dear friends, the Southern uigger drivers. 2. Jiesolvcd, That the freedom of speech is liable to aliases even in the United States Se nate, abuses which can only he corrected by the application of gutta jx roha to the naked head <>f the unoffending party as lie sits in his i chair ; and that in thus beating an Abolition Senator we are righteously vindicating the trne ; policy of the " unterriticd Democracy." Uwlrtd, Tlmf the killing of a contempti ble Irish waiter holding the position of a nig -1 crer, for neglect of duty or impudence to a De i mown tic eruest coming down to a late break fast, is a proper warning to the whole Irish i race, that they can no longer expect to ride rough shod over the democracy of the Union. 4. lu-si fi rd, As the Constitution, as inter preted by our Soulhern teachers, the nigger drivers, lias already established African sla j verv in all the Territories ofthe United States, that "squatter sovereignty " is a humbug, that General Cass is a lmmbug considerably behind the age, and that nil abolition or free State squatters should be expelled from Kansas, if necessary, by fire and sword, Ac., Am TIN-: DEATH <>l- KKATI.VO. —The AnwrtMn Ceft, an Irish pstjwr, devotes much space to the killing of Keating by Mr. Herbert. De ferring to the vote by which Mr. Herbert was shielded from investigation, the Celt says : Now, in relation to that division on Her bert's case, wc 1 iAvc a duty to perform, and we shall not shrink from discharging it. That duty is to announce, in unmistakable terms, to the adopted citizens of Irish birth through out the country, that tho Democratic party in Congre-s l ave shamefully de.ertcd their duty, deserted their own professions of impartiality between different classes of citizens, and that they have, as plainly as deeds can speak, de clared the murder of a man of Irish birth hy one of their own colleagues to be a trifle whol ly unworthy even of inquiry. Is the Demo cratic party marl, or is it only rotten, that it should so belie itself? With half a dozen ex ceptions, every man of the majority for Roa ring's murderer is a professed " Democrat."— What, then, docs it mean ? Or can it moan anything but one thing—that an Irishman born, however peaeable, or loyal, is only lit to bo used by the Democratic party, and when used, sot up for a target, and shot with impu nity. This is what it moans, at dto this mean ing wc shall hold Ihe entire party. We hold Mr. P ierec, Mr. Douglas, and Mr. Hitchanan responsible for this conduct of th ir confidents and supporters. They wore all in We.slitngton : it was for days the topic of the town ; if their friends have taken stdes against the victim and against common justice, they arc wholly above suspicion. A few days ago the blood of Thomas Keating was on the hands of but one Democrat ; it lias spread since then and it is now upon the souls of the TD, who refused all inquiry. It is on the Democratic party, as a party, and accursed bo he that helps such a party into power, until the blood is lawfully purged away. Pjiii.ADKijpm.i WAKKU UI'.—AN indignation meeting was held at Philadelphia, on Friday l evelling last, to denounce the outrage on Se • nator SI JEKKK. In consequence of the rain a ' large gathering in front of Independence Hull, ; was obliged to go under cover. Couscquent ' ly, two meetings were organized in the large 1 Court rooms of the building, and these being . unable to admit the great number present, a | third meeting was held in the vestibule of the j ball. Addresses were made by UenjuHiin | llrewstel", Judge Kelly, lb Joy Morris, Clias. , Gilpin, and a number of others. A series of : resolutions presented, by ex-Mayor Conrad, I were adopted by acclamation, and with great marks ol approval. The resolutions denounc ed the assault upon Mr. SL.MNKU as revolution i ary and destructive of the freedom of speech. I They also characterize It as an outrage cvine ! ing ou the part of tiie assailant a must cow i urdly and brutal spirit. ted" The Lexington (Ivy.) Observer and i Register, notices the sale of a mule by Samuel P. Humphrey, Lsq., of Woodford, for the cx j traoritiaary price of eight hundred dollars. Jt is seventeen hands one inch high, and is un doubtedly the iiuest animal of the species in I the world. I at) Acn:>F.\~r.— An accident occurred i Friday morning 0:1 the Central Itailrond, near LoclijK>rt, in consequence of two express trains coining in colli ion. The fireman ami engineer ami Mrs. Stephen;- of Albany, were instantly killed, and from fifteen 1.0 twenty badlv in jured. --525-- : ~ A'. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOW A X I)A : GdtnrUan £Horninn, June l't, 183 U. Terms —Of Dollar per annum, invariably in adcanre.- I\mr treeks pri riuu.l to the expiration of a ruiscriptuhi, notice will be girrn by Oil ] 1.1 r npies for. . SI iHO 10 copies f0r. ..... s (jo j2O copies f0r.. .. IS 00 Aiivkrtiskmkvts— For a iputre of ten lines or less. One Dollar for tin ee or lees ii, ertrem*- and twenty-fee rents for each .subsequent insertion. JoR-WVshk— Ececaled with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—iriih every fitrihly for doinn Hool;s. J itanks, HuitdrbUh, Lai! tickets, to be the great battle-ground. Confident, of snoress in everv slave state, the border-ruffian apologists will use the most extraordinary ex ertions to carry the Slate of Pennsylvania for the candidate of the Slaverv-exteiisionists. it will lie necessary for the Friends of Freedom and of Free White Labor to be active to neu tralize the unscrupulous efforts which will be made by the tools of slavery. Among the means which should be employ ed is the wide dissemination of political Truths, demonstrating the aggressions already made by the Nullitiers, and the designs which slavery* now entertains upon the Free Territory and the Free Institutions of the country. Weshall endeavor in this conflict, to do al! that lies in our power to aid the cause of Freedom, identi fied as it is with the prosperity of the country, with the elevation of Labor, and as we firmly believe with al! the glorious promise of the fu ture to our institutions. Wo warn the fiiends t of Freedom in this Congressional J listrict that we shall be beset with the most desperate ef forts on the part of the slavery apologists'— with the most unfair and monstrous perversions of facts and arguments, and with a denial of the true issues involved —and a most unparal leled assumption of unwarranted positions for the candidate of the party which has become a more tool, as it is " the natural ally of sla very." We shall have all manner of dodging, evasion ami shuttling the true issues. We propose to our friends and the friends of the Republican cause, that the circulation of the llcjioflcr be greatly increased, and to do our part towards placing it in the hands of voters, we have concluded to offer the follow ing term? : Wo will send the Nrpi-rf-r for fire aicuf/ex, commencing June 21st m.d ending November 21st, at the fallowing rates : 5 copies (40 cents per copy), $2.00 10 " 37 1-2 " * 3.1 :> These prices will barely pay for the paper upon which the llrporUr is printed, and is cheaper thaw any other county paper in iVnu sylvania is afforded. Names should be forwarded immediately, that we may know how many extra copies to print of the issue of .June 2Lt. JCQ"" It is supposed that iii the event of Mr. BUCHANAN'S election each of his supporters in this county is to receive an appointment. Such is said to he the arrangement. Gentlemen who wish to he Mil listers, Charges, Paymas ters, Governor of Territories, Judges, Custom House officers, Ac., Ac., Ac*., will please has ten to give in their adhesion. &yt" To obtain the votes of Southern dele gates the Pennsylvania delegation at Cincin nati voted unanimously against overland com munications with the Pacific, and/hr lillibus tering resolutions, including the possession of Cuba. And yet it is expected that .Northern freemen will ratify their action by voting for BUCHANAN— -thus imitating their servility to the Slave Power. The House Committee will close its investigation of the Kansas Election Frauds, Ac., on the lOtii iiist. Tiiey will of course be back in Washington on or before the 2">th, wheu the question of Kansas Admission comes up as a special order. Pnring the prevalence of the " heated term," the public will find at BntiiAXK's a very excellent article of lee Cream, together with all the delicacies of the season, served up in a proper maimer. For his untiring exertions to supply the wants, and gratify the palates of tlfr public, r.nm.vxK is deserving of credit anil patronage. The packet-boat " (tazrl!c " having been thoroughly refitted, has resumed her regular daily trips between this place and and Athens. The public will find the Gazelle a very pleas ant and expeditious method of traveling. All aboard, Capt. SMITH. Mn. CRAMPTOX AXD TUT: IMSMISSKH COXSCIA —lt is said that Mr. Cramp ton proceeded to Europe in the steamer which sailed from P.os ton on Wednesday, accompanied by Consuls Barclay, Rowcrnft and Mathews. The To ronto Globe states that "any iilea that war will grow out of his dismissal can only be en tertained to be ridiculed." The Albv-n, the British organ, published in New York, also expresses the opinion that the dismissal of Mr. Cratnpton will not. lend to any unfriendly feel ing between the United States and England. THE NOMINATION OF MR. BUCHANAN. The telegraph has already convoyed to all parts of the land, the 'intelligence that Jamks UcciiAjUN lms received the nomination at Cin cinnati as a candidate for the Presidency. This event, ordinarily oT deep political im portance, becomes donbly interesting now. — .Mr. 15. has been a candidate for the same favor at tiie hands of Conventions previously, but without success, and now, when he has nearly or finite attained his " three score years and ton," by a strange turn in the political affairs of t he country, he has become the candidate of the party. Jfe has thus become public pro perty, and his political life and conduct proper ly subject, to criticism and animadversion. We lake oeen-ion, thus early to sav, that in his private character we believe Mr. Uiciianax commands respect, and wo are willing to ac cord him that reputation which is justly his due. As a politician lie has fanlts which arc prqtninent, and which render him partieularly unfit now for the elevation which he seeks. Mr. ]st ciiana.v hug been called a " safe man, and appeals will be made to the conservative, timid portion of the voters to support him on that ground. Precisely for the reason that he has gained such a character, is he unlit for the Presidency now. That reputation has been the result of weakness and timidity. He has never been distinguished for bold advocacy of measures—for early and zealous support of principles—but it has been a distinguishing characteristic that Mr. Ucchaxax permitted abler and bolder men 1o originate and advo cate measures, whilst he waited until their suc cess was certain before he gave in his adhesion. At the present crisis in our National af fairs, we demand a bold, determined, resolute man at the helm. One who is able to with stand the tremendous pressure exerted by the Slave Power, and who rising above the denun ciations and demands of the uuliiliers, will tru ly " know no East, no West, no North, no South" in the administration of the govern- ment. It will not be pretended that Mr. BU CHANAN it; tiiicii a man, The timidity of his character would not enable him for a moment to stand up wln-n the slavery propagandists should demand now concessions. Deriving his support principally, if not entirely from the Slave Stales, he would be as facile an instru ment in their hands as ever FIIAN-KI.IN FIERCE was. Mr. TIITJTANAN'S course in regard to the Missouri Compromise proves that he is ready to de-base himself to gain the support of the slavery propagandists. In 1847 he addressed a letter to the Fork* County democrats in which he advocated the extension of the Mis souri line, declaring that it saved the country from threatened dissolution in 1820, and would be attended with like happy results at that time. It has received his sanction and support during his public life. If any public man in the nation, was bound in honor and consisten ce to oppose its abrogation, that man was Mr. Been VVAV. Being absent at the time of its repeal, we have no reliable evidence a- to his feelings when the measure was proposed. But we do know, that as he became prominent as a candidate, he took occasion for the purj ose of propitiating the South, to give in hi- adhe sion to tli" infamous violation of national faith, and abjectly and basely succumbed, in viola tion of his former repeated professions. Th" South has already had assurance from Mr. BUCHANAN in his official capacity, of hi williugiit-ss to do her bidding. lie sent M. SAC NUKES, of North Carolina, to Spain, with instructions to offer one hundred millions of dollars for Cuba, during the administration of Mr. POLK, in order that the annexation of that island, with its slaves, might accompany or precede the organization of Oregon and other northwestern territories, under the re strictions of the ordinance of 17ST against slavery. He advocated the Missouri Compromise,but, while the territorial bills of 1849-hlt were un der discussion,, and, at the instance of the South, recommended that it should be run to the Pacific, with the view of preventing the application of the .Tellersonian ordinance to any territory south of that line, all of which it was thus proposed to secure to slavery. Tie advised and co-operated with the prbs ent administration in i!> plans for the purchase or conquest of Cuba, with the view of extend ing slave territory and swelling the slave repre rcsentation in Congress, and in his Ostend Cir cular went so far as to justify the I*uited States in wresting Cuba from Spain by force, without waiting for a pretext for declaring war, on the ground that its possession was necessary to the security of slave property in the United States. He has avowed his willingness to accept the territorial policy of this administration in re ference to slavery, with all its enormities, and will he what he always has been, one of the most pliant and servile instsuments of the South the moment he is elected. He only for bears to say so by the advice of friends, who fear that his only hope of an election is by the votes of curtain northern states, which will not support one whom they suspect of being an altruist on that subject. The nomination of .Mr. BnitAXAX should in spirit every friend of Freedom to renewed ef fort. It is a practical admission of the justice and strength of our cause. Precisely as he was supposed not to be identified with the poli cy of the party and the Administration,,did lie gain strength for the nomination. Whilst de daring that they were ready to fight the hat tie upon the one issue of freedom or Slavery in Kausns > the negro-drivers and their North ern allies at Cincinnati have quailed before tho strength of Northern sentiment in the Free States, nud have not dared to put in uotnina tion a candidate identified with the repeal e.f J tiie Missouri Compromise. The infamy of that j nefarious traniaction is thus acknowledged, the profligacy of the Administration is confessed, ami the Cincinnati Convention have recorded their testimony that the objects of the Repub lican party are patriotic and just. I hit while repudiating the actors in the re pea! of the Missouri Compromise, and the la ter outrages in Kansas, it most not be suppos ed that it was from any sympathy for the cause of Freedom. The Convention was more ultra pro-slavery than any that have preceded it.—- The platform, though ambiguously drawn, is a declaration of the favorite southern doctrine, repudiating squatter sovereignty, and carrying Slavery by virtue of the Constitution wherever we shall acquire or possess territory. The friends of Mr. Ih ctfANAV expect to de ceive the North into hi- - support. Tin- South cares nothing for the position his northern ud voi ates may assume. They know the influence' they wield to control the action of any Presi dent elected under such circumstances. Hav ing first, made the candidates give every assur ance of fidelity to the of Slavery exten sion, they are content to permit his Northern supporters to deceive the public as they please. FRANKLIN PIERCE. The sorrv fitrnre cut by FUAXKUX' PIF.RCE at the Cincinnati Convention contains a moral which we should hope would not be without its effect on politicians who court the favor of the South, were it not that such examples were already plentiful, yet seem to be unheeded-. Four years since the incumbent that now dis graces the Presidential chair, was taken from obscurity and elevated to the position of a candidate for the Presidency. Supported by an united Mctnocracy, lie was triumphantly borne to the White House by the votes of the people of the North and the South, the East and the West. In his inaugural address he i indulged in this promise and hope '• T intcmt tint mv tHlmim-tnrtlnti vital! Iwvc no EM 1 An admini-tniti ia would l: uu i worthy "I o. :iduio' at li-uae, or respect alr -d. sh mill it cetisi. to is* iat!ur.n<-i-d !>y tbo eonvi. tion, tluit no :ipa;i rent udv.iiit t.iu purclta-ed at a price sodi-.iras unit of lino .ii.ii v\ r.' iir alio I '• T r.-i-vcntb li ojic tiuit the -lav. ry ipic-tion at re t. : and that 110 ,c ti. ial <>i a nl 'tiou- < r fan-, ti-al i-.vitmuMit i may t'ire..'.eit the dur i lity <>t our iu.-t;tuiioi -, or oU-t-ioo tin; 11, at ot our iirir-pcritj'. And in his first message to Congress, lie con gratulated the country upon the subsidence of j sectional feeling, upon the universal pcare and good will that prevailed throughout the coun try, and again reiterated his pledge, that du ring Lis administration nothing should be done to disturb the repose of the nation. How have these promises been fullfilled ? We have had " national wrong and dishonor " in the reieal of the Compromise ; we have had sectional excitements renewed and sectional animosites engendered : the slavery question is again opened in its most odious, and danger ous form- by a repeal of a time-honored na tional compact—by an attempt to force slavery upon the settlers in Kansas by the autlwirity of the Administration and the arms of the Go luctit ; i urnii.g towns and murdering inoffen sive and peaceable citizens. The Territory of Kansas, which on the inauguration of PIKRCK was quiet and peaceable, is now t IK- theatre of scenes of arson, robbery and persecutions, re volting to (iviti/.atiou and disgraceful to our country, w'.iiie >ynipathi/.ei'B North ami South are ready to iiglit the torch of civil discord, and take op anus in defence of friends. More than this, frc do:n of speech is attacked at ' Washington within the threshhohl whence were uttered the faithless promises of a corrupt and i foresworn Chief Magistrate. ! For all this Fi: WKI.IX Pirn is responsible ; | but he has been the supple ami willing tool of I Slavery. We will give liiiu credit; fi-r suuteiv j tv in protimlgating the promises and hopes we | have ijuoted. lie has experienced that there is no retreat for those who undertake to bow the will of the slavery propagandists • that, they allow of no partial service from those who undertake to carry out their schemes. There has been no extreme to which lie was apparent ly not willing to go, at the dictation of the South. The influence and patronage of the Government has been prostituted, as in tlie days of POIK and TYLER and FILLMORE, to the one purpose of propagating and strengthening the institution of Slaverv. Vor these services, lie naturally expected tlie support of the South in sccuriug ;i re-itotaiua tion for tlie office he now disgraces. Put the South is aware that such utter subserviency to their purposes so wealcetis a man in the North, that he is without strength at home. They have no compunctions about diseariling their most servile tools, when their usefulness is de stroyed—awl tlie more hmmliatimr fhedebase nient, the more certain the desertion of tlie South, 'litis lesson Fiia.n'kux Pikkcp. lias now learned, as others have learned it before him. We have no doubt that in the bitterness of his disappoint incut, lie would be glad to undo the mischief he has done, to remove from his name the load of obloquy under which it now rests, and regain the prowl position lie occu pied, when he tpok upon himself the .oath of office. l>ut it is now too late, and disappoint ed. despised and repudiated by the masters w ho have ruled him, he w ill retire from office cover ed with tlie execrations and contempt of the country. £-5"" Senator Tuomru., with the view of a restoration of peace in Kansas, has prepared a bill, which will soon bo introduced in Con gress, proposing the annexation of that Terri ton- to Nebraska, the terms of all the officers of Kansas, and all the laws and supposed laws therein, to cease. Jteir Tho proceedings of a large Republican meeting in Pike town-hip are necess :rilv de ferred until next week A riEZiD FIGHT IN KA2VSAS. PRO-SLAVERY MEN DEFEATED ASSAULT ON THE TOWN OF FRANKLIN, forre-poiKleuce of the Trilxine.J LAWKKNCK, TIUII MI.IV, JM,E ]„ Ail open field buttle took place at IV on. the afternoon of Monday, the Jd Kg p lusted nearly three hours. Tic; parties w nearly equal. The JTo-Sluvery men . t roving hand under Captain ][. i' p.qt,. respondent of The Missouri //,>„, j.- , Pro-Slavery men were wounded— tlnv, . tally. The ITo-Slavery men surrendered wok twenty-hye horses and males, arms, auu tion, two.drums, a large quantity of ar; '. •stolen at the sacking of Lawrence. The 1 tilted States troops knew of the b it tie, but did not interfere. The Tree-State settlers clustered pp.... ra, and one hundred got there after the I tie was over. The troops went down next d.iv t > . the Free-State men and rolea.-e the prK.iit Another attack was mad.' on Franklin | where the Missourians had assembled in force' Willi a cannon and ammunition. Oulv one I their companies got there, and tlievw'-r r | about fifteen men. After twenty minutes the | small party retreated. No particulars. I Civil war exists here. The troops ar • here in force, but have done nothing yet hut h.-hi Gov. Shannon to Sharpo's rifles. • Judge Leeoinpte has failed to go to 1.,., compton to examine the prisoners on tk > plea for bail. J • XKW IIAMI-SHIRE.—The Legislature of X Hampshire, met on \\ eduesduv 4th iti.-t T' next day, in joint convention, It M.I ? \I ~ , rejiiihliean, was elected Gowrnor, ru.V - 170 votes, Wells, (dem., 100. I Gov. MKT.'AI.K has sent in hi- 1.1.., j the Legislature. ! About one third of their .. feet uiianiuiity on the suhje t . f Si vei v. r, their constant threats of withdrawal front tie 1 Union and to the compactness nf their ties. He closes as follows: "All the talk. " all the threats, all the movements .h - _ "'or tending to a dissolution, are the jiuluit-..! "stock in trade of Southern politicians. wi; : " here and there a partner at the North.""* Mr. (1 now has report. .1 a bill from the Committee on Territories, providing for ti admission of Kansas with the Topeka C - - tution. It was made the order tor the X>;i. inst., when it will be considered. iilcnljaning, AT. THE PACHEI-BOAT G AZELLE lIT \s be9> !.• v y •:. iU • . 1 re; ti . t IIL • iiiirure:N-F REAR'NR FRAI-I. TU.'T TOWAXI'.V A.N • ! ATHKXS. mi Mu.XUAY, .he il. -t. t'niM'hci wili leave Wfygrly for the hoct every ana I after the :.ri iv.i! >.l the night win! iie.r .i.ig tra >i . ger■> leaeliillg T"\V'.llnl.t ill fi;;e for tot i-' - - ' N i • j eliM'k. I'. M.. euuliiiug jwi:t-i> t.> ;.h ing or nigiit trains. i'OV.'iil.! A sMITII June A|, ls.Aii. i'e.i la: 'Si. Kl ; i-I , a < sengers for Wpr;.!! |Miin!-. is ili hy Railrund ani StonlMt j I ply big to ilio < 'ajttaiu 'n llie iiuat. "t e.'.i •: -t llu | etrs at the n- > • r -' • seleotfcil. ami irt Drugs, Eflicdicines, Chemicals, Paints. .iiuiaiu which are lesul, zinc. ehmin.- .art " aii)' ' * ! imliu red. veriuilliuii. At. t)il .mll K> t- : I elotlies. luit. >lme. teeth, .V. . Witnlu.v L irhcnc, tHvnintr thrift. ah 'h..f: *'.mti.- , l.ii|iinrs for nieili inal JI ir|>M> : Patr-if \I- 'in - l* r " liter v. I.uhin'K Kxtraefn l'nr the limnlkeivli. :: 1 aucy Article*, lankre Sunt}', (.'ijiars. A<. ,Ve. To I'hvsirhms our <-ek -!* -r ' :•'* '* •'* ; tie- byst yiaLity. enretuUy -i . i. n;. - .;.llu-o. ttive ns a rail, and sec if vu o i •" i ets. wher". ' (i. M. A (-• ' i Xi:lio|M. June 13. ISA. m T P K RIN TK NI >V. NT'S Wfh'K T ■ , f S-lmo! I'irs.-tor* can I - s-ch •cil In\ at the dice nf \v VI. i ( '• • ' • B T'i.inla llowugh ; an I hVi . wstl •, ■■ ■ ftenriix —tlie latter em 1 niriii? tin- lle; >r , ~ <•'fla t 'iiint\ Sujiri iuti inli nt.-. mH I Si:, li s.'h'io! ItiKinl- "f tlie f'i• nt - ! witli tin- '• S.-lxii'l Ifcms • A a copy at tlie Xante pi.i. c by leaving * " I Tin,-. B be xwpjtlied ■ B iMianl. and imt for any one imi viiical. and it t* tlie bimk will be can-fully |icm i v> -^B • ■ he kindly oilers to Ui>trilinti-i In - .1 . t'lHlht) Supei iiitcinii nl.w iio~e le-■ . . i- j^B the County town. .. <,-i • .HineHAn". V fJrjTEn H \ UMIMSTKATIH; > NOTH v ■ -J.3L ix Ucrohy given,that ail p.-r~-u*i tatc of l.nther RiM-kw. 11, .lee'.!., it. ■ - are heretiy repiiestial t i make)i icine! ' " '^B all persons Having elainis agiiiu-t said • j^K present tliem duly authentii ate.l a ,. i; AMY not KU K, ' ! :: „iJrJ t ■ •lone It), 1.5.V1. (YIUHANs- OOI'RT svt; I " * anee of an order ot the < on;t • . Brail tbrU County, there w ill be n|' the premises, at 2 o clock I'. M. • , ; v t 1 ntjrt. the fnlfbuinir described 11 < , ! llt i;i ' of alxinf 114 news situate in the tovvn-i I ' lioutiileil on the west by laud ot by land of IVcriu lbiriiham. cis' > IticlmiWxmi. south hy land ot about niin* aerex imprnvol and a .-m-i- BB tliereou grnwiliir. lo lie xohl '*• Evans. o*l, a binatie. P- E. Hill"'' liidifben , June A DMINISTRATOn'S NOTH ' ■ ■ il. is hen-bv given that all pel'- " - (i| tate of SAM I. C. yi'ICK. ,l ", j.U n '^B lownxiiiu. to moke imimsii.ue | ■>> having demands again*! >aid estate, Bf ly autltentieirted for settlement. j; v J l iIU-NKI.U - VI *, June IQ, 1 Sail. ' r AT)IKS' INDIA lin ;lJl ,!v ;,i : fl. 1 J at the -lore SKKD v ■ ' I tin stoic of B