Latest from Kansas. \ (Vjiateh from St. Louis dated the 12th in-t.. • While Reeder was in attendance at the ses ,ho Committee of Investigation at Le M ' on the evening of the Bth, the Dep '' M ughal served on him a writ to appear J'v.Vihe Brand Jury at Lecompton, to an a charge of contempt for having re- V t( ; comply with a summons from the .. . I'.'furv previously served upon him. Mr. refused to obey the writ, and appealed Committee, but they decided that they "'• power in the case. Messrs Howard i Sherman, however, • expressed as thew that Mr. Reeder, was protected by • ukare. Mr. Oliver dissented, and said ' ! (\•"'liiuttee could not stand between him '.''l Marshal. Mr. Reeder said that, al ; his life was in danger in Lecompton, ~ ~1,1 remain on his privilege in attendance '. sittings of the Committee,' and he warn to touch him at their peril. The Marshal left, but was expected to return on j Iv 'itl, with United States dragoons. .1 u,lite I.eeonipt charged the Grand Jury, I M"miay, tlie sth inst., to indict ail the i >officer- and members of the Legislature - ... hi'di treason, but up to the Bth inst. no im I, in lictniciits had been found by the Court, as their proceedings had been made ;I 'pis reported that a, despatch from Leav-j worth has been received, stating that an mod body of men were en route for Law for the purpose of destroying the evi-1 .lence taken by the Committee. The special correspondence of THE TBIIU XF. Kan-as has sent a dispatch, to the effect i (jov. Robinson was arrested by a mob heximrton, Mo., on Friday last, on his way i : 1 lis wife is at St. Louis with dispatches, j ,|.,N the Missourian, who was shot at hiwrtiiec. is recovering. | The examination of witnesses before the ' i'.inmittee commenced on the 24th of April, 1 . *iue reports of the proceedings have come I hand. The lir-t witness examined, one j.../,, Par/so*. confessed, on eross-exainina a, that there exists in Missouri, and has ex .v>fi since the latter part of 1854, a secret • ■r, ;.*tv. known as the " Blue Lodge," " Sons ; the South," " Social Band," "Friends' So- j v." and bv various other names, the object i which i< to extend -Slavery into Kansas.— i h hid h.'Mticlics. as the witness had under ia Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas, j : not other States ; and this society was us- j ,a* a means concentrate a party of men) the Territory at the election of the 3<3th of j .; March. It was abundantly proved by several wit-' that at the election held in the second -tn tof Douglas County, on the 30th of March, the Judges originally appointed were , cane',led to resign by threats of instant death •r.akl'ig which Jones, since known as " Bher d "Jones, was very active ; after which other ,! '.:ti v i*r appointed, who received all the M:—;ui votes that offered. It wn< testified that at various Districts bodies of snen were in and encamped just V'foa- the e'ectieii, and disappeared imraediate . after, and tliat the names on the poll lists ' r ex/ceded in number the inhabitants euu ratcd in the census, while bat a few of the mutes on the census lists could be found ■on the ,el! lists. Doings in Congress. - ■sen:, May B.—The Senate took Rp the • m oi reported from the Committee TTio I'ost-Otliee and Mail Steamer wopriation Gill was reported. The bill -"citing a million and a half acres of land to ' for railroads was granted. \'nv OIUEWS AVD NICAHAOCA. —On the -">■ nit. the citizens of New Orleans held a • wigua" m-cting, and appointed a com to solicit subscription in aid of Walker ' ' Costa Rica. It is said that $3,000 or " were subscribed on the spot. Mr. ; m "'! ■ a speech on tlie occasion, to which I'elta thns refers 1 . Mr. Sonic said that our government had '•"J to recognize the minister sent to it by •~agua, aitliongh it had been aeknowledg • , v our minister. But he pledged himself , viry emphatically) that the Nicaraguan j • 'i'liuiint would be recognized by our own be recognized—it should be recogniz- ! r:: 'l he would declare in advance that rouhl b>' the fact. Mr. Soule also sta tr the liabilities of the Nicaraguan gov •ot w i,, Ss . p[ iaM $4 ( 000,000, which cou- ! : "-l largely of its pro rata of the old '■ mo Central American Confederntion ' it- - a--•!•?> would command $35,000,- \ 'le said that $250,000 in the present 1 '"-''icy would enable the Walker-Kivas , !lt to establish itself firmly, and that . , 'litis advanced would be paid back r fe interest. Upon the first successful •truck bv Walker, Honduras and St. ,p'-'tr would bo ready to join him, and Co s'"• l would do the same, and these once '"totamula would come into alliance, ' '"tial American llepublic would re 1' l! [ l( n the map in renewed lustre—but ' ;l 'omponeut part of the American Un- however, by any chance, Nicaragua '<'ome a part of this republic, the pre •'"•euf il) ( . North is gone, and New ,y ( yb! t tko the trade now directed to ' :ind will be the great emporium 11 ' the United States." FAINTING IN CONGRESS.— In the United States House of Representatives on Thursday, Mr. Giddiugs, of Ohio, earnestly attacked the item for the expenses of the judiciary in Ohio, and was warmly condemning "the application to discharge arrearages contracted for return ing fugitive slaves to Kentucky when he sud denly fainted and fell to the Uoor. The mem bers immediately rushed to tire scene, and con veyed him to a sofa near a hoisted window, amid great excitement. Mr. Giddings soon returned to consciousness, ami was conducted from the hall to his home. He finally return to the Hall, and concluded his remarks on the subject on which he was engaged at the time he faiuted. COLIMBIA LI MBER MARKET. —The Colombia (Pa.) Spy notes large arrivals oflumber there, with a sale of the better kinds at prices about the same as tlwe of last year. The poorer qualities, such as "cullings," rate at $2 per thousand feet less than last Spring. Tlie sales made though cannot be regarded as a crite rion, as the market has not fairly commenced buyers seeming to hesitate and the owners firm. {fey Intelligence has been received of the wreck of the ship Adriana, ('apt. Delano, bound for San Francisco. The vessel was abandoned off Nantucket. Vessel and cargo valued at SIOO,OOO. fife#- A terrible accident 011 Wednesday evening, on the railroad near Davenport. lowa. An express train ran off the track, while go ing at full speed, aud was completely smashed up. Twelve persons were killed aud a great number wounded. fife#- The Chief Engineer of the New York fire department was terribly eowhided Mon day by his brother-in-law, Mr. Leverich. Towanda Market Wholesale Prices. [for roc ted weekly by IJ.T. FOX. Dealer in Provisions and Groceries, No. I. Brick Row.] Ftonr, (retail price,) bbl # s (Hi Of, l'ork, do " .... 22 00 4l —— Wheat, {* bushel 1 2o (et. 1 50 Buckwheat, " .... '.lre (y given, that all persons indebted to tlie es tate of Robert Tyrrel, deceased, late of Warren township, arc hereby requested to make payment without deia.v; and all person- having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. KLECTA TYRREL, May 12. ls. r ,i;. Administrator. AY""ANTED, on the Upper North Brunch V T Pennsylvania Canal, 500 MEN AND 200 TEAMS. Apply to the Foremen on the line. May 13,185ti. W. K. M AFFKT, Eng. A Sup't. (1 UV 11. WAT KINS, ATTORXEY A i' M COI '.XSE f.f.OR A T I.A IT. will attend prompt : Iv to ail business entrusted to liis eare. Collections will receive bis special attention. Office a tew doors north of • the Ward House. Towanda, May 1.5, Is.iU. \\"H ITE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and V f by tlie poiiiid, at lnyit FOX'S. ( MIOCKERV & GLASS-WARE.—A large V, ' and beautiful assortment of Crockery and Glassware, ju.-t rcrcivi dby may! 2 H. 8. MERGUB. HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, a-c.— A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery Hardware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron, Steel j and Nails, just received by H. h. MEIUT'R. tMSII. —No. 1 and 2 Mackerel and Codfish, at mavll MKBCI'R'S. LIGHTNING RODS. subscriber having iiad two years' experience in the .J. Lightning Rod trade, in and about Philadelphia, lias now commenced tlie business in Bradford and adjoining I Counties. He will do business near home, and use noth ing bift The Best article of Rod and Plutiiia points, all war ranted such, and erected in the intist perfect and sulistan tial manner, and as strictly upon seicntitic principles as any line of telegrasli. Persons wishing tlieir families ami property protected from this destroying agent can do so i>v applying to the subscriber at Leßav.-yille. LeKaysviHe, May 13, IS.m;. * F. GREGORY. AAA TAX REPORT OF THE Farmer's Uiiiuii Insurance Company, M:nle in pursuance of the charter, May 1, livC. Whole amount of property at risk, $1,454,(131 00 j Capital $200,000 00 1 Surplus, iu addition to capital, 20.552 73 $220J>52 73 ASSETS. I Cash on band am? on deposit $4,705 47 | Cash in hands ot agents, and course I of transmission,.... 3,424 32 ; Twenty-nttm ?s>nds and mortgages,.37.(l2o no I Forty-oiu- sitares Tioga Bridge Co.. . 2,050 00 j Twenty-two shares Sitsip Bridge Co. 330 00 i Nineteen bonds, security personal,. 100, flbf) 00 j 'asii on eali, promissory notes, etc..7.310 34 I Interest accrued and not due, 4,012 (Ml i Safe and other personal property,. 500 00 • $220,352 73 LIABILITIES. LOSSES adjusted and not due, SI.OOO Losses uiiadju-ted 1,000 Losses claimed and resisted, S(H) AH Other claims smalt, not exceeding,.... 500 INCOME. Premiums ree'd during the year, . f1*,307 32 Cash front all oilier sources, 3,051 33 KXFEXMTI'RES. Expenses tlio vcar, including commis sions, salaries, rents, printing, and all other expenses $4,K42 54 A mount of losses paid that occurred during tlie year, 2,134 6(1 Losses paid during the year that occurred before, $5,232 50 Athens, May L, D 56. J. E. CAN FIELD, Sec'y. /HIOICE SOUTHERN HOMMONV k N ) SAMP, put uii in ll> lb. sacks, for sale by Mat s. IF.SC. ' E. T. FOX. Notice to Farmers. J OHN I>. IRVINE, at LaHicreux's Foun dry, south end of the borough, is selling PF.OUGHB, wholesale and retail, cheaper than any other man in the country. Among others, are his Excelsior Ploughs. Also ST(VEK, and other articles in his line, allot' which he w ill sell very cheap for cash. Towanda. May ('., 15,56. NEW G O O I) S . Georje Nichols IS now receiving a very large and general assortment of MERCHANDIZE, amoug which may !■ found a splen did variety of plain and fancy Silks. Tissues, Bareges, Cliallies, Organdies, l.nwns, Muslins, and other DRESS GOODS : crane silk, brocha, stelia. cashmere and printed Shawls, Mantillas. Window drapery. Linen and Embroid dered edgings, silk, straw and fancy Bonnets Broad cloths, Oassimeres, Vestings. and all styles of Summer Cloths, Hats, l aps. Boots, Shoes, ( arpetings. (Irockerj-, Glassware, Drugs, Medicines, Dyestulis,Oils, Paints, Hard ware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Wooden waro. Groceries, Ac., all of which will (s- soid on the most reasonable terms lor cojh or trade Rome, May 6, I m';. Xcto RIVERS & DEKIOTJS' ESTABLISHMENT, AND CIECIM CIICDS! CompriKliiir mi c>.siiiUns of 100 Men, Women, Cl('ts ll..rsc,s ami l'..iuos, all . ixliiliiti-.l muter tlio MAMMOTH WATER-PROOF PAVILION! New Equippe.), an.l Su|wrt>l)r Kitted out. for the year ls&ti, will |.ert(>rm at Tunkliannock. .Monday, 2tilti; Laceyvillc, Tuesday, -7tli ; TOW AND A, Wednerduy, i!stti ; Canton, Thursday, 2t>th ; Troy , Friday. 3:ith ol May. Doors open at. '1 ami 7 I'. M. performance t<# commence half ail hour afterwards. The Proprietors lice leave to anaoauee to the Putiltc of this vieittity, that tills extensive Kipiestriaii Ustabliali iiient is distiiitfiristied from all other Circu-es, l>y the X arietv and brilliancy of its performances, and its claim to Originality and Classic Klejranee. In tlie Troupe, will TA- found I'oaKHis ANti Auiatn AS TAI.KXT of the high est excellence, and in tlie various representations id veil, will he found New Acts 1 New Changes!! and Novel Effects!!! Anion" many of the Originalities of ihis ( ompanv, will b 4 represented, the Thrilling Dramatic .spectacle, from Byron's Poetic legend of OR. THE WILD HORSE OF TARTARY. C."/ Among die Rqiie.lriAii O.rto, are dm M y\ los ing llrilliitiil An sis. ougagc.i ~l an /-n •uoriiiou* lr tlii yttvr utoljr : wi MADAME CAMILLA, Vjfl or TU- an Ktjutntrifmi'-, er ful ifuU of llofhs iiutusb p. upou h*r At>- bnui Hre ib* .irlight nini woudtrr Ot all brhvfUem. MADAME WOODS, liMftr, m littr fninn t| o 1 known ItiriMigb-Mit hr Uuitnl w Mi rt,.pi Kr in kPXKrnI of lifr Im*mu liful l> ib'.. u,„| S.ngiM Act*, lua.aicd by MR. KICK • iti RuartH. V? La PETITE ANNETTE, j j The Flying BfyuipU, ti|H her lbßutif-I Tl'** Ani4-rini Seen* Rider. v MR. RICHARD RIVERS, TM* GKBAT.Hr MAM RIIXK I> TMS \Voi.Li! w bom* fiiiur :t well km..wii on tbs otb-r Atilo of ibe Ai'mtin* n. through. f* ot ' Sttrtm. wtli |.j*.tr in hts C IUIC \ WtttHforful Prinl<.. A Y., .\at- r,ta. % nimJ ollwr I'riii|i!e s-f rutul do fCf Hlli •I'prar in hiaClaaatral K. 1.0.11 UW. / "W Ac,a. wnh hia huniitnbiv iuml IhiAhiiig I'wir Flight. <£?*%> 'MB. JAMES lIANKIXGS, I, , \ Tha Cclrbrnt.-.i A-r<4t ; !*.., S.i.glc miml Tau Horn, llhler. HKUK. TKKXLER, The Grmt (-nwi C*itrtianiat, ur Mm MONS. BORDRAN. Till- Erratic Globe Performer. MONS. CEKt>M E, Tho Safnjool, of 111. .Mo,j,,n A?.. MR. J. SI.OAS" A Mots. I.AKARUK, Th. Great IVrcLe ami Tra]ate AernhaU. 1 , Rldilst Mneler, nn,l Director of the Cltcle. MR. S. XAHE, E. I-OIIS, ■AGLI I 11. IIANZE, MCCIIACOW, L THE TERRIFIC LADDER PERFORMERS. Clown, DAN GAEDKER Whu will ill th eourM of the perfsuri.nnce j. ojn hie CARPF.T BAG OE CCRTOSITIES b . one thousand eight hun dred and titty-six. 1 hereby give notice that the several Boards of Schotil Directors of Bradford county, are requir ed to meet in their respective Districts, on Saturday, tlie 31st day of Mar. to express by resolution, their opinion as to the proper amount of eonipeusation for the County Superintended} of said county, and after entering the same upon their records, transmit a copy thereof by mail. to tin' undersigned, at this Department, according to the provisions of said art, a copy of which is appended to this notice. Your obedient servant. A. C.tUUTIV, Superintendent of Common Schools. AN ACT TO rKovirir FOB A ME:ETINO OK TIIK SCHOOL niKECtons OF BKAPFORH rot'NTV. SKCTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Hejicesenlatire* of the Coipmomcealth of Pennsylvania in (ieneraJ Assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the same. That the Superintendent of Common Schools is hereby directed to give notice to the School Directors of Bradford county, by circular and by publica tion in two newspapers of that county, that tiie several boards of School Directors of Bradford county, shall meet "in their respective districts, on Saturday, the thirty-lir.-t day of May next, and when assembled, each hoard shall by resolution, express tlie opinion of a majority of their directors present, as to the proper amount of compensa tion f >r the County Superintendent of Bradford county. SUCTION 2. That tlie said several boards of School Di rectors shall cause the resolution to be entered on their records, and a copy forwarded to tlie State Superinten dent, who, on tlie reception of the resolutions from the several hoards of Directors, shall lix such compensation for the County Superintendent of Bradford county, as he may think just and proper in view of the expression thus received front, the U>urd> of School Directors, which eoni peusation shall he in lieu of the amount fixed by the con venlioii of School Directors of Bradford county for that officer, on the twenty-eighth day of July last, and shall commence with the third rear of that office. K!< II AIMSUX 1.. WRIGHT, Speedier of the House of Representatives. M M. >L I'IATT, S]wakrr of the Senate. A ITHOVF.P —The twenty-first day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. J AMKS rm.LocK. GOODRICH * CO., OWJiGO, INT. Y. ARE now in receipt of and opening the choicest and most desirable stock of Maple aud Fancy Dry Good*, to which they have ever had the pleasure of culling the attention of the community. Our ;toek is very large, and selected with great care and acknowledged good taste.and is particularly adapted to the wants of this and the sur rounding sections. Our .it ck of I), 'ess (foods, Trunin lugs, JiLbboils, Embroider ies, Pa r a true saying, " a penny sav ed is two earned." To the GENTLEMEN* in particular we will say that in connexion with the above, we have a regular Tailoring establishment in the cit v of New-York, ami have taken particular pains to get lip a splendid stock of SPRING AND SCMMKH CLOTHING, which we offer to you at prices unsurpassed at any other establishment. Our as sortment in this branch consists of Infant's, Boy's and Men's Wear: also a general stock of Gentlemen's Furn ishing Goods, such as Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Stocks. Socks, Suspenders. Ac. Also, a general assortment of Hats. We are prepared to take measures for nice suits, and furnish them on short notice and warrant them a good lit and satisfactory in every respect. In short, all the goods sold by ns will l,e warranted, and exchanged or taken back if required. We Hatter ourselves that we have one of the best cutter.-in the city, and some of the best workmen empl iced, and can give satisfaction to the public. Reference of our firm can lie had fr-un Ucnj. Bentlcv. Albert ('hanils-rlbi. L. Searle. Win. K. Hatch, It. B. Little, John F. Dean. K*qr*., Montrose, Pa. Towanda. April !>, ls.Mi. NEW SPRING GOODS I iIE subscriber culls attention of the jtub -I. lie tu his SPRING STUCK OK GOODS comprising the usual variety, and which will lie sold at the lowest possible rate* for cash. 0. P. BAItTLETT. Towanda, April "2t. IS.7G. Books and Stationery. rpilE hinrest assortment of BOOKS and JL STATIONERY ever offered in this market—compris ing a very complete stm k of School Classical and Miscel laneous Books, anil a very full assortment of Stationery, just opening and fur sale "unusually elu-ap at April 21. Igg. BART LETT'S. Papcr-2JW ngings. rpilK only complete stock of Taper Hangings A to IK.- found in tlii- region of country, comprising uiaiiv new and l>eautiful patterns, for sale low at April 24, P.P. BART LETTS. Book Binding. THK undersigned lias the agency of one of J the best Binderies in N. Y. City, and is ready to re ceive Books Pamphlet*. Magazines, Ac., to be liouud in any style desired, in the neatest and most substantial manner and at very low rates—shall la- forwarding a lot very soon—si send in your volumes. O P. BAItTLETT. April '2l. 1 Sit;. Shawls, Silks and Embroideries. \ beautiful assortment of Troche, Stelln, Silk, Thibet and Printed Shawls; Black, Striped, and Plaid Silk- : Embroidered Collars, Cnder-lr-eve-, ( 'himazette.*, Bauds, Edgings and Inserting*, will tie found at the Store of 11. S. MERLTR. April ::n, IRK;. Lawns, Sballis, Bareges, dtc. TMTF finest assortment in town of French and I American Lawns, French, Scotch and American Ginghams. Challis, Bareges, Brilliants and Prints at April 30, I6. MERCER'S. NEW SPRING GOODS, AND jV KW_jF IRM. B KINGSBURY A SON beg leave to call the atten . tioii of their friends and customers, as well as all oth ers, both Jew and Geutile. wishing to buy Goods CTIEAI*, to their well selected stock of FORI:IGAs A.\L) DO* MES'VIC DR 1" GOoOS, consisting of a great variety of f.adit t Dresx Goods. Silks, Shards, De j. cities. Chat ties, lie, errs. L'hamhrafs, /.mrns, Brilliantes, etc., etc. Also, a choice selection of Mcrriuiac, Chocheco, and other styles of Prints. \ large and complete assortment of Yankee Xotimm, Hosier!/, Glares, Dress Trimmings. White Goods, Den ims. 'Ticks, Drills. J.iaens, ('ambries. Rleaelietlund Bremen Sheetings, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Halts, Twine, Cat pet ll'arp. A*c. , Ac. JII addition to the aUov- article*, there will always be found a lull assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and Glass-ware. Boots anil Slums. Hat* and Caps. Nails,"Fish, I'ails, Tubs, Matts, Ac. The undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to 1111 examination of their Spring stock, believing that good Goods and low prices will insntv a speedy sale tor ready pay. B. KINGSBURY A SON. Towanda, April 11, tslli. i r r. IS nmv receiving n fine stm-k nf OHOCFN lIIES and PROVISIONS which will be sold at the very lowest priee. He is also anxious to buv foe CASH any quantity of Butter, Eggs, Lard and guial Wheat, at the highest market price. Will'those who want to buv or who have produce to sell please give him a enll'! A NEW STOCK OF TEAS, wnrratitotl ns A A usual t i give satisfaction, or the money returned. Also, Sugar, Coffee, Mol isws, and in fact most every* thing in th- Grocery line, for sale cheap at F'OX'S. DRIKD PEACHES, a few very nice ones, also Pried Berries at KO\"s tVVNDLFS, both Sperm and Tallow by the ) box or pound, at FOX'S. of different qualities, Corn Meal, A Brail and -Chop. Also some very extra Family Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FttX'S. MESS I'OILK, Cbecse, Hums, Lard, Brooms, and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FUN'S. k )/¥\ BCSHELS good Potatoes wanted UU\ ".immediately at lii.X's. LMIKSH PEACH KS and Tomatoes,in cajis, 1_ warranted perfeetly fresh at FUN'S. UOKSE RAItDISH, nicely grated and put up in Bottles for table use. Also Pickles, Pepper sauce, Worcestershire saurc, French prepared Mustard, common Mustard in Cans and by the In. at FOX'S. LAN TRAGI'S for flnvonmr, for tele cheap hi at _ FUN'S. ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Pates, Citron, and other fruit in their sea son at FUN'S. fPAPIOOA, Rico, Corn-starch, Rice flour, j JL Cari-.igcn, Macarona, Ycruiacilla, and Spices ol all kinds at F'OX'S. Book and Periodical Agency. MLAUGHLIX, Post OJjlee Bui/ding : • Dealer in all kinds of new and popular BOOKS, PK IMOIIieALS. On KA P Prm. 10 AT IONS, iLvl-S AMI CnViITS, Plt'Tl KKS AMI FuAMI>-,FANOV F.S VKMiri.S, Cos VKKS ATIOX 0 IKDS, Ac., Ac., will supply all orders for anything ill the above with promptness ami despatch. Towaud.t, -January Is, tsjt. flegttl Qldtjcrtirmcntg. \ DMIXISTR A TOR'S XOTICE. Notice -2.\_ is Jicreby given, tliat ail persons indebted to the es tate ot Thus. A. String, flee'd. Lite of Wells tp. are rt quetrd to make payment without delay ; and all persons having rtaiMiH against said estate, must present tltcinduly autheiitiegU-d for settlement, to the juib^-riheis. AMANDA J. STRUNG, A. IV. AY RES. February 0. IS.,C. Administrators. iI > MIXI ST! tA T RIX XOTICE— Notice is hereby given, tiiat all persons indebted to tin* es tate ot FREDERICK IIA EI., dec',l, late of Cauton towu twp. are hereliy reqiicstcil to make pnrmcnt without de !•*>': and all persons having claim* against said estate wiU please presmit tiiem duly authentieatcd for settlement, to (_'. E. ILithbolie, of Canton. HARRIETT E. RRADEEY. frit 7. Hgfe. with will annexed. A DMIXISTR ATOR'S XOTICE —XotUr il. i* hereby given, that all persons indebted to thee* tate of Jefferson B. Rundell. dee'd., late of Armenia twp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all persons having dainu against said estate Will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. HANNAH RUNDELL, EI.ISHA RUCK WELL. February. *2O, lsjd. Administrators. A DM I X ISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice J.M.. is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of WM. HORNING decnis-d, late of South Creek township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, Will preiteut tlu-m du ly authenticated for settlement. JACOB HURXING, Administrator de bonis mm. Fthraaty 28,1458k A DMIXISTR ATOR'S XOTlCE.—Notice A\ is licrebv gE'en. that all persons indebted to the es tate of C ATH ARINE HORNING. decVL. late of South Creek, are requested to make payment without delay: and those having demands againstsaid estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, Feb. sfti. Is.'iG. JACOB HORNING. Administrator \ DMIN'KS. XOTICE.—-All pcr-nnis in iX debted to the -estate of OWEN CAKR. deceased, late of DERRICK township, sire lic-reby notitied to make payment without delay, and ail persons having demriud.- against said estate are requested to present tlieni duly au thenticated for settlement. NANCY CAIiR, February "2i;. IMjf. Adiui-tratrix. PXEGCTOR-S NOTICE.- Notice is here: iJ by given t4it letters testamentary upon the estate of John Fox. dee'd., lata- of Towanda tiwnsWp, lniYe la-en grants t-i the suhseritiers. Ail persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said e.-tate to present them duly attested for settlement to Miller Fox.Towamla. MILLER tUX. W. W. GOODRICH, April l.Ps.lfi. Executor*. ildrainistr?.tor's Sale. BY Virtue of mi order of the Orphan's Court of Brad ford. county will lie exposed to public s-ilc at the premises, hereinafter described, on the i.Oth day of May next, at 1 o'clock. 1\ M. the following described lots of laud situate in Urweil twp. Beginning at the southeast c mer of John W. Hill's land: thence north (>2°, *ve*t tif tv porche* : tlicuce north 40° east 4'2 and H-lo ; them e south 80j & east .!4 and ."i-l0 pert-lies ; tbemx- north l v 4° we-t lifty-lour perches to the place of beginning, con taining I*2 acres more or less. AI-S0 One other piece of land adjoining the above, ami to be s"bj with it Beginning on the Wysnx creek in lin road and on the line of Horace A. Rus-efl : tlienee south 7u° east perches ; thence north 13J° cast 1 and U-Kl .perches ; tlienee south C.".° west If. and 1-T0 perches; ■ tlu-nce by the road south l!l° wc-t 1' and 4-10 perches to the places of beginning, containing 122 perches, be the same more or b -s- -ail improved. Terms made know nat the sale. A. A. RUSSELL, SAMUEL CASS. Administrators of the estate of Austin Russell, dee'd. April 1(1, ls.">(l. A DMIN ISTKATOR'S NOTICE.- Notice J. V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Butler Sill, deceased, late of Heerick Tow n -hip, are hereby requeste d to make payment without de lay; mid all persons having claims against said estate will please present tlieiu duly authenticated lor setilenient. April 7. ls.ii;. CHARLES SH.L, Admiu'r. SAAM&UA COUNTY, SS._' Tito Otmmom- V--' wealth of Pennsylvania : To Catharine O'Kejfc,. je l-emiah A'Hern and John Flynn, adtiiiiiis'tratovs of Daniel O'Kcife, deceasr-d. and to the He if* and legal representa tives of said deceased, GKKKTINC : We command you and every of you, that you-do in your own proper person* appear la-fore"our Judges at EtVeiis • burg, at a Court of ('uinmou l'lea* tliere to be lield on tig j first Mouilay ul° June next, at ten o'clock, A. M. of said i day, to answer (ueenberry Taylor in the matter of hispe- I tition for the specific jierformance of a contract made with Daniel O'Keife dee'd. in hi* lifetime, to sell to the said pc ! titioner a eertain lot or piece of ground situate in Gallit zin, Allegheny township, in the said County. And liere i in fail not. While*, the Honorable GKOUCK T.vvr.oit, President of j our said Court at Ebensbttrg. Hie '2lst day of March, A.P. I ls.ii!. MiI.TUN ROBERTS, Proth'ry. Notice to be given to the heir* and legal representatives i liy publication of tlie --imt in " The Towanda Democrat *' | for six successive weeks. JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff. April s. hyp, | pAMBRIA COUNTY, SS.—The Commou ' V..' wealth of Pennsylvania: To Catharine O'Keife. Je j rciniab A'ib-rn and John Elyr.u, administrators of Daniel j O'Keife, dee d. and to the heirs and legal represent itive* | of said diseased :. We command you and every of you. ! that you do in your own proper persons appear before our j Judges at Eben.-burg, at n Court of Common Pleas there to in- lie'd on the IliM Mondav of June next, at 111 o'clock A. M. ol s-.itd day. to ahswer James M'Uny in the matter of his ]i<'tition f.>r the speehic performance of a contract made with the said Pwiik-l O'Keife, dee'd. in his lifetime, | to scil to Jonas Stutk-r, tlie assignor of tlie pctiti-aier. a certain lot or pi re of ground situate in GulHtzin. Alleghe ny township, in said County. And herein fail not. Witness the Honorable GKOIUIK TAYI.OK. President of onr said Court at Kbciisburg. the "21st dav of March. A.P. ls.M5. MILTON ROBERTS, Proth'ry. Notice to be given to the heirs und legal representatives by publication of the same in the " T.i Wanda " far six successive weeks. JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff. April 3,1856. riHHAL LIST, for MAY Term, 1856 A liradfoisl County Court. SECOND WEEK, ri..IINTI I KS, IIKKENIIANTS. NATCKE. lienry Crauimond, 0. F. Spalding, Ejectment. same Charles Drake et al. do Crane A Caldwell, Asa P Brown, fare. Chas. W. Hawkins, \Vyi. Campbell, Debt. F. A.Saxton A Co. John Taylor, Trespass, Win. H. Russell, Job Dean, Ejectment. Manson Elsbrge, William A1 gears, Appeal. (!eo B Woleott. John S Williston, do M li Greenmau Henry Kingsbery, Debt. II S Davidson Daniel Parkins,' Case. Welles A Harris'use Valentine Smith, do John Snyder, Edmund Sickler, Appeal. same same, do J. .Southword's use, John Griffin. Case. Lucius lriM* Lewis E Gihbs, Replevin. Chas R Scouton, |N T Dickinson, Case. John M. Read, Clark Camp et al. Ejectment, i Louisa C. Jackson, Horace Williston, jr. Sci. Fa. M. ('lt Brown, E X Keeler, Appeal. Ezra Spalding, John M Martin, Case. Williston A hlwell, David Cash, do Samuel A Tenant, John Powers et al Appeal. Henry G. Taylor, LA. lVrry. do Franklin Andrews Geo. McClelland et al. j Trespass. C. E. Rithbone, William Higby, | Ejectment. J. Bi-nliani's use, Case Briggs, et al. j Appeal. Sarah 1. l-'itch, O 1*, Case. Reuben Wilbcr, Erustus Woleott, ll jectment same same, j do E. S. Tracy, Edmund Lew is, j Appeal. Win. Gibson, E. A C. Rennet, j do E. S. Tracy. D. Campbell et al. I do X. P. Warlord's Ads Amy Bradford, do F. A. Tyler, Francis Tyler, Case. John Snyder, Samuel Uslmrne, do Job Shcpnrd's Exs. Welles A'Harris et al. Debt, Geo P Channel, C Thomas et al. do Tp of Franklin, Jeremiah Myers, Case. Ed Carpenter et al. J Powell et al Ejectment. Wa-hbuni A- Ames, I). T. Vanvechton, Case. Selar Satti-rlee. N Adams et al Trespass. Sanderson A Kiug'y U D Baxter Ejc. tment. John Cole, O W Pudge, Appeal. W in. Kiff, Orson Re-key et a!. Ejectment. John E. Goodrich, Jacob G. Rockwell, Debt. Henry Covert, James Minard Appeal. Webard Sinselihngh, A.J.Miller. do Setii W. Paine, .1. S. IV-ters-ui et al. iDoJ.t. J. Williams 2d, use, <'baric? Williams, jSci. Fa. Bai-tholoniriy White,iJames White, Trespass. M. F. Ransom, Patrick Katie et al. j Ejectment. J. B. M. Hiiunan, |Ss. L.-Fowler et al. | do iGrSubjwi'iKis for the first week to lie made returna ble on Wednesday. Huv 7th, 18.1t;, at 10, A. M- and fur the second week on the following Monday, Mnv 12, at 1<. A. M. ALLEN M. KEAN, Prothonotary. SOOTS &. SHOES make payment. TWe con renieut may call on R. 11. C. POBYER, South stj*''rt,ferfd. HTI kind. of Sweet Cakes. Hatter for Dumpling-, Puddings, Pot pies, Ac. Ao l'rice cents. March 'lll. COME ONE! COME ALL! And satisfy jam delves that Moxta\YEH & CO. IT A ) IPtsf and most complete assortment of NEW IX GOODS. consisting_f .all grades ladies" and gent'* whad ( iollis. mantillas, Vesting and erfored velvets, plain "id laney cu-simc! rs, sattiiret, tvvceds, Kentnckv jeans; flannels, linseys. All descriptions Dre-.s Guods, such as t lilack. watered. changeable and plaid Sifk* Frtnclj mcrl llOS. Tliiliet doth Sotch wed plahls. tmo'lrn and W-k mixed Dolieges, II wool and figured Delaines, plain llu J -ilk stripH Alpaeens, Scotch and domestic ginghams, children's ]rtafd-\ Merrimack and other prints, of all vari eties. An extensive assorttrrent of hosiery, wrappers, mittens; gloves, Victoria and itishop I(ivVii,,book and jaconet nius' litis,lMinuet and dress trimming*, sfltr.niorrt'antique,moss velvety and ribbon 'j.rimitfuigs, lr*qws, black and white silks, iiMi'it Hirer,l. Maltese, aim ;ul Kind- ffoye linen and cotton edgings. muslin hands, ronatn, nn'der sleeves, che misettes, curtain drapery, brown, bine and black dotted embroidered veils, stocks and gent's collars. A variety of Talmas, gent's and ."irfie*" f-rioi Shawls', Thibet, bear he anil other .Miauls, India and Zephyr Msnrfe, children s woollen sleeves, hoods, mulls, u.->orted colored Scotch yarn comforters, carpeting, drugget, horse blank its, linen table spreads and diapers, couiiterpan'es, Ac. HAUI>WAI:E. — A large as-oi tiuciit of anvils, vices, SCREW plates, sieiiges, mill, cross cut, hand, and other kinds of saw- , nni's. tfr's. chains, pump fixtures, squares. plumbs; lei els, ptane-ratH sawhamUce. monldingand bench planes; House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage aud Saddle ry Trimmings, such as brass aud sift rfed bands,axietree--, holts. ciMUiVi jfe'd top-leather and doth. dash feather, cloth damask unit lace trimmings. Brass, silvered grid russet hamus, japanned, silvered and brass buckles, bltts, snaps, bWecWng rings, trace hook chains, harness leather, Ac. SHOE FINBIMIS,—Tire larg-st assortment in town, con sisting of ]-g.-, la.-t-. urea's mid boy - boot trees, crimps, and irons, bristle's, threads, aft kinds bench tools, heel bail, blacking, bindings, lining mote* co..fcip, French and American calf skins, cow hide, oak annfrmlock leather. PAINTS, OILS, Ac.-r-Stoue and white zincs, white and red lead. Paris chrome and verdigris greens. OMo and other Paints, sng. r lead, htiierage, Japan varnish, coueli, furniture and saddler's varni-h,linseed, lamp and tanner's oil. alcohol, cainphcne. tluid and putty. HIMITS AMI SHOES.- STciPft JUTe found of all kinds, comprising iadii - and gent's port m inimis, India rubber, bai k, putt, side and circle combs, pocket, ivory, shell side and oilier l oiiilfs. gilt, lasting, velvet coat aud vest buttons, agate, ivory, glass und siik buttons : razor strops, sou pa, bru.-h --e-. Ac. Ac. The u-ua! larg" supply of f'rockerv, OrocvrTes. Hats, Cnps, Bonnets-, Purs. Rolsi-. Wiesli tu\js, I'aSls, Mcirwinrs, Sash, Class, Paper Il.uig'iigs, Window shades, Umbrellas, I Iron, Steel, Ac. tfS" ("ASH is the stnfT to lmy Goods with. Callandtrv th'' experiment. Towunda, \ov.urtber l>, l"t. MAV SPRLXG GOODS! •I from XeH York with :m fmnfense stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, for th'eVaOy trade, and those wishing to get their spring clothing made up in season can find the most choice ma terials at hi- .-tore. Tmvanda, March (i, IBaC. 3( >S I] in f POWELL" XTTOI'IX) re.-iwi tfully announce that he is again befom \ the jXHtple W illi a large, rich and fashionable assort ment of FALL ANI) WINTER £ GODS, to which the attention of the publfc is invited, being cor. liilent that In- can offer inducements to CASH pnrcha.-ers . vvhicli will amply pay for an examination of his stock. His stock of I, hues IhiEss Coups is complete, tmnsist ing of corded, watered, plain, black, (.hnngeatJe ami plaid Silk- ; plain and plaid Merinos ; all wool Delaines; plain ; and figured Cashmeres; Monstiu delaines. Parmcttav, ! ,'halli Delaines, plain and twilled Persian cloth, iieliages, Alpaccas, Ciingbams, Prints, Ac, SIIAWI.S —a large and magnificent assortment of Brochu laing and Sipiare Shawls, plain woolen long and square do. I. iww' Ct.oTns All colors, and frmimlngs. l:\iiißTiinKKiKs—The largest and i'lwa)iest assortment of i laidies enihrnidered coltars, -lecves, bands and tlounciiigs, I edgings and insertings. ever offered for sale in Towanda. Also, real thread, Smyrna, bobbin and cotton edgings, all ' widths and prices. WHITE "AMI LINEN Goons, of every description, and ot ! al! qualities. Hocse PriiNisrnNi; Coon-- Double and -ingfe fold T)n --; masks of various kinds: embroidered and lace curtains, ail qualities : window shades and trimmings: bleached and unbleached table linens', napkins, colored talde . spreads of various hind-, counterpanes, linen sheetings., rose blankets, g'iit cornices and pins, stair rods. Ao. Ac. ! GI.OVKS AMI HOSlKHV —Everything in this line for lxi i dies, mis: es, children, men and boys. Biio.iuei.iiTiis, CASS-imkkkk AMI VESTINCS —BIack and | colored Cloths of every qnlity and price, plain and fancy | Cassinieres. fancy velvets, plain and figured grenanliiw, ' plain and figured silk, black satin and cashmere Vestings, I ami a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, satti j uetts. sheep greys. Ac. InimesTics —Of every iWscription. purchased at very ! close figures and oticrcd low. 1 'lanncls ofeverv grade anil I color. | CAUCETINT;? —AII qualities, ingrain and stair carpetings, oil cloths, Hush Mattings, Druggets, Ac. YANKEE .\<>Tl'ON'?--Almo-t everything in the line, whole sale and retail. IIAIS vY CAI'S,- An assortment unequnh'd in Northern Pcuusylvania of Mens'A Boys hatsaml caps, comprising every variety of silk, brown, pearl and black fur Hats Cloth, I'Hish and Fur Caps. BOOTS A SHOES In this department there is, nor never has iwon in this rtiarlvet anything to compete with this stock, in quality, quantity and price, which it would he greatly to the interest oi every man, woman and child to j examine who wishes to purchase , In adiiitioii to tiie above enumerated articles there will always be found a full assortment of Groceries. Hardware, ( 'rockery ami (iia>—ware. Paiuts, Oils, and Dj e Stuff's, j Leather and Sboe Findings, Ac., Ac. I'o his old Friaids and Customers, the subscribeer would ! take this method of expressing his gratitude for their libe ra! patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it. and to others would extend mi invitation to examine his stock, being confident he call make it for their interest to do so. Toaanda. Oct. 1. is:,:, . JOSEPH POWELL. Examination of Teachers. TWK COUNTY fiUPEKINTKNDEXT | X will examine Teachers for the Public Schools of IfraiPord comity, in the different di-trii ts, on the days, i and at tiie places designated in the following list of ap | pointments: Kbi, April Saturday lii, Pail Factory S. 11. .Yu Towunda. Monday 21, Centre school house .. .Overton. Tuesday 22, Hibhurd do \llmny. M cdue-day 2J, Hilihouse do . M'ilmot. Thursday 24, Sugar Uun do . ...Asylum Friday 2.V, Frcnchtown do Dnrell. Sttiiii'.ay 2d. Monroe ton do . ..Monroe. Tuesilaj 2:>,lje.lloy eornersdo .... Lcjloy. \Ycd'.ie-day 2(, Canton do . .Canton. .. .May Thursdtty 1, Red school house Yrmrnja. Friday 2, Granville corners Granville. Saturday 3. We-t Burlington corners. Monday f>, Burlington boro' Burlington. Tuesday rt, Smitlitielil eentre. . . ,K. Smithlield. Wednesday 7. Springfield corners.. Springfield. Thursday s, Troy borough.. Troy. Friday, .Morgan Hollow school house, Columbia. Saturday 111, itowlin do ... .Wells. Mo day 12, G'ilett ' do. SouthCreek. Toe-day Iff, CcntreviHe Rhlgliery. Weiluc-ilay 14. Athensfooro' Athens. Thursday Iff, IT-ter school house Ulster. Saturday 17. Ira Yarnev# do .. .Franklin. Friday Hi, Andrew Gregg do .........Towauda. Monday Iff, Wiu.Grilli- Standing Stone. Tuesday 20, Herrickville Ilcrrick. YVednc-day 21. Cmnptown Wvulusing. Friday 2.1. Leßiivsvillc I'ike. Saturda v 21. Bowen Hollow school house V\ arren. Mondav"2ii, Knvkeiiil.iii do Wiudliam. Tucsila v 27. Orwell Hill do Orwell. Wcdnc-drv 2S. Rome village . Roinc, Tliorsdey ifi. Centre school house... Litchfield. Fridoy ;Al. lvwer do Slieshequiir Saturday 11. lMek Church sehold house. ,\Vys< x. 1 NISSOLUTiON. —Thero-pnrtnershij) liorc- X ' toforc existing between the niulursigned in the lum ber business, is tills day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the Mrm are required to settle thefr accounts imnii diatvly with t hailes Ciiaffee, who has as sunird to pav all debts due lYutw said firm. ANDREW WEBB. She licquin. \pril 10. is.b;. CH YIU.i*i>UIIAFFEE.