Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 10, 1856, Image 3

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    Republican Co. Convention.
I„ pursuance of a call of the Republican
County Committee, a Convention of Delegate*
from the election districts of the County as-
I mliled in the Court House in this borough,
a Tuesday evening May 6, 1856. The Con
v. iition was called to order by ALLEN M'KEAX,
].- chairman of the County Committee, and
j{ j v WHENCE SCOTT was chosen Presi
dent. %
On motion, M. H. CASK aud C. F. NICHOLS
W( . re elected Secretaries.
The following persons then appeared and
presented their credentials as Delegates
~ W\LL* Wilcox. M. H. Codding i
Paul quick, John K. Dodge :
.. . IMII ('. F. Nichols. Jacob Money ;
/ ' aabia' Stephen Bullock ;
M. II Case, J. Adams .
Iv • ki'iu K. ('• Champion, Kzra Spalding;
<• uivii'e— lt. Sax ton, Lnmau I'utnaiu ;
1VH11.1.1 Uvrtis Blood good, Stephen Evan* ;
n.V J 1' Vanfleet. G. W. BROWNING ;
f, , R ',H !'• I Kellogg. Hiram Sweet :
V ,I R ,E bur..' GEORGE Traecy. Win. (.orsehne ;
Orwell A iron Chulibuek. Erisbie ;
• ! L!._ P H. Buck. O.W. Stevens;
K,„„ ( J ilol omb, J. G. Towner ;
J* i 'lit'iTv bqiures, Jesse liauimoiul ;
11 V 'gu-tu* Phelps. V. H. Vincent ;
r,;.'itcM • vv Ru>t - H - B - s " lith:
C. : iii'Yrei-k CORTU ilus lfaight. A. AN . Thompson ;
... ■I - ,ie H- W. Tracy, H. M. Noble ;
-j-.i','.' -or. >ra — 11 arr v Aekky ;
L, rough E. <>- Goodrich. B. V. Powell ; .
V •-•'"T wimla W. W. Eastcrbrook*, W. H, Foster;
R ova-, da I'- L.Scott. 11. C". Fox;
-|- R ,V p . Lewi- P. Williams, E. 11. (,a.-e ;
TriiV it TO"- M. Gust in :
I !-ti R I'- D- Clmbbnck. Norman Shaw ;
VVOOX THoiiia* Madill, George T. Granger ;
W\ ilii-ing Franei* Hornet. WM. Cliamberiin jr.;
\v'irrea--T'.!EH A bell. C. G. Wheaton ;
Windham *• "• Babcock, John Warner.
ON motion of E. O. GOODRICH, a committee
of nine was appointed to rejiort resolutions, j
and also the names of persons as IMegutes to
the National and State Conventions.
Whereupon the Chair appointed as said
committee —K. O. Goodrich, J. Holcoiub, j
St urges Squires, Zebulon Frisbie, Augustus
Phelps. ,1. I'. Vanfleet, Harry Ackley, Hiram ,
Sweet, Stephen Bullock.
The Committee having retired, Judge WlL
ji.,r being called for, addressed the Convention. !
At tin- conclusion of his remarks, E. O. Goon-1
mm from the committee, itiade the following
rejiort :
luesdrrd, That wc approve the actiou of
;:ic R. publican Convention held at Pittsburg,
~ii the 22d of February last, to consolidate the
imeats of opposition to the extension of Sla
rv into one political party ; and we adopt
> die basis of our political action the principles
then laid down, to wit
], We demand aud shall attempt to secure
•lie repeal of all laws which allow the intro
iitinn of slavery into territories once conse
. rated to freedom, and will resist by every cou
oitutiomil means tltc existence of slavery in
,;i;v of the territories of tlie United States,
i We will support by every lawful means
:r brelltren in Kansas in their constitutional
. id manly resistance to tlie usurped authority
j t!law less invaders, and will give the full
weight of our jtolitieal power iu favor of tin
mediate admission of Kansas to the Union
a free, sovereign, independent State.
Believing that the present national ad
i.iiii.-tratioii lias shown itself to be weak and
hirlilesv. ai.d that its ontiuuaoce iu power Is
e-nti*i* d vrith the progress of the slave powei
' i national *upreniaey, with tlie exclusion of \
•recdorn from the territory, and with increas- j
u civil discord, it is a leading purpose of our
organization to opjtose and overtfirow it.
[bedred, That xve accept tlie issue forced
•ij .'ii us bv the Slave power, and will resist to
11:1? utmost of our abilities, the effort to make
Slavery National ; believing as we do tliat
Freedom is necessary for the virtue, iutelli
gciice and happiness of our posterity, and for
;-ix' perpetuity and progressed our country and
its institutions.
Hfsilr-fl, That in the attempt now making
to force Slavery upon the settlers of Kansas bv
the General Government, with the aid of tlie
arm- of the country, we recognize a portion of
:r scheme which seeks to make the "peculiar
institution " an offspring of <our Constitution.
licsclml, That our warmest sympathies are
cxti-mled to the noble band in Kansas who are
rioting, with a patriotism ami bravery wor
• iy of the men of the Revolution—the us ho
ly utti'ii i t to plant in that Territory the curse
i f Slavery, in defiance of solemn compacts, of
the will of actual settlers, and of the dictates
of humanity and justice.
llrsdcrd, Tlatt Hon. <1!. A. Gnow, in his
C'liLTif.-ioiird course, has faithfully reflected
the sentiments of liis constituents. By his able
"" ; ! eloquent vindication of the principles of
F lom ; and by his bold and earnest advo
cacy of the rights of the Free Settlers in Xan
- • lie has earned for himself the warmest
'k- .f hi> (MnstitiTcm-y. His selection for
' ! eh vated and resjwnsiljle positiou he now
was due alike to his high Congressional
r, j ntution, and his consistency and devotion
to the cause of human rights.
I ••silted, That we approve of the hcgisla
course of our Representatives, and bear
M;n;onv t 0 their ability and usefulness.
hcsclrfd. That Ulysses Mcrcur be rcconi
tnonucii as Delegate from this Congressional
' '-strict to the Republican National Conven
!!<• h! red, That J. ]J. G. Babcoek,lereCulp,
M ll.t'is-e, Edward Crnndall, be Rcpresen
totue Relegates to the Republican State Coii-
V*utioi, and that we recommend Henry \\ .
1 y as Senatorial Delegate.
r. v /, Tiiat the Delegates lvc einpower
d to substitute.
Ine report of the Committee was adopted,
on motion the Convention adjourned.
f ■' _i*-k i hvin, of the United States Court
"':ie Western District of Pennsylvania, aj>-
j| lrs to have some determined enemies in
".T-ss. who arc laboring hard to procure
pa--:agf- of a law repealing the statute un
r'Viiicii (' oUl g e xi ß ts. The object is to
■' n, l of him on the ground that lie puts the
to an unnecessary expense by keeping
' ourt open six months at a time when
' " 's no justification for it. There is pro-
Hiuic other reason for this hostility.
A mo-t destructive fire broke out in
' !''iia oti Wednesday night, at 12 o'
_ It commenced in Messrs. Jessup A
v i i' M l' L ' r warehouse, in North Street, bc
\ and spread rapidly, before a furious
g-de, to < 'oiutuercc street, and thence
-" to Market street, consuming also all
on the eastern side of tsixtli
North to Market street.
Affairs in Kansas.
ST. LOT IS, Apfil 29. —The St. Louis Demo
crut publishes H letter from Kansas dated the
29th, which says that while sheriff Jones was
sitting in a tent of soldiers, he was shot by a
party outside, and dangerously wounded.—
Jones had made twelve arrests duriug the day,
assisted by a company of dragoons. Much ex
citement prevailed in regard to the affair.—
The perpetrator was unknown. Tlie situation
of Sheriff Jones was very critieai.
The congressional investigating committee
commenced its sessions at Lawrence on the
23rd instant.
ST. LOUIS, May 3, 1860.
The Republican's West port correspondent
has received a letter from Dr. M'Kee, the phy
sician of Sheriff Jones, dated the 29th nit.,
which says that the symptoms of the Sheriff
are favorable, aud that hopes are entertained
of his recovery also, that Col. Sumner ar
rived at Lawrence tlie day before, with his
whole coram a luf, and severely threatened the
people for firing the tent of his lieutenant.
Gov. Robinson charged the act on the Pro-
Slavery party. Col. Sumner denied this, and
said if things were left fo him lie would quick
ly settle tlie matter.
The correspondent of The Democrat writes
that Sheriff Jones removed from Lawrence to
Franklin on the 24th, accompanied by Messrs.
String-fellow and Whitfield, who said they dax
, ed not remain in Lawrence
| Mr. Striugfellow went before the Cominit-
I tee of Investigation and demanded if lie had
j the right to appear himself or by counsel to
introduce testimony, examine witnesses. &c.
Mr. Howard, Chairman, refused the demand
on the ground that the object of the Commit
tee's coming would thereby be defeated, as
the result would not be ail investigation on
their part, but an inqnisitvon by everybody,
i The sanie letter states that the Deputy-
Sheriff of Douglas County is having writs is
-1 sued for the arrest of 100 citizens of Lawrence,
charged with the commission of crime under
the Territorial Jaws.
A standing army will be stationed a£ Law
rence until ail the arrests are made. The pri
soners will be conveyed to Lecompton.
Doujlas' Donation.
In respect to the gift of Douglas to the
Baptist denomination of Chicago, valued at
$50,000, we find in the Chicago Democrat of
Saturday, the following explanation :
This is the old story which Douglas lias set
afloat several times liefore.
Douglas owns a large tract of land ahout
half a mile south of the city limits, arid to in
crease its value, has tried to give away these
ten acres several times before.
Speculators in land know how to do these
things The expenditure required would great
ly enhance the value of what remains of his
Douglas offered it to the Presbyterians, but
they were persuaded they could do better
The value of the land we sec Is set dowu at
$5,000 per acre. We have sixty acres in the
vicinity, cqaUy as well located, for which we
should like to get $'2,000 an acre, which is
about a fair price for laud in that neighbor
But Douglas expects that if splendid build
ings arc erected there, that balance will be
brought up to $5,000 per acre, and thus lie
will make a nice speculation out of his " liber
It is to he called the" Douglas University,"
says his Perhaps so. Nothing would
more Surely kill it before it is alive*!
It is also stated that subscriptions to the
amount of sloo,ooo for the erection of the
buildings have been made. If so, our Bap
tist friends have, in this, done enough for Doug
las., witlhout giving a " crushing" name to the
But we infer from Douglas' want of success
previously in giving away this land under the
conditions he imposed, that it has not now
been accepted ; but that it was thought the
announcement would make a nice item j'ust
before the Cincinnati Convention.
The Florida papers contain an account of an
other engagement between I . S. troops and
about 100 Indians. The hitter were put to
flight, but their loss is unknown. On the part
of the troops the loss was Private John Siniius
Co. L, 2d Art'y, mortally wounded, (survived
about fifteen minutes ; Corporal Joseph Car
s HI, Privates John Muller, John Strobel, Co.
C, 2d Art'y, and Thos. Newton, Co. L, Ist
Art'y, severely wounded, and Privates Silas
M. Watkius and Wm. Abbott, Co. C, 2d
Art'y, slightly wounded. Several received
shots in their clothing and haversacks.
Towanda Market - Wholesale Prices.
(Corrected weekly by i'.T. K(>X. Dealer iri Provisions and
Crciccrrc-s, Xo. !,'thick Row.]
Flour, (re-tail price,). . ..\}bbl... $8 00 (ft.
Pork, do •' 22 00 (i/.
Wheat. \'h p bushel,-... 1 '.'a (it: 1 SO
Ruck wheat " ... US —-
Oat.-*, " :w ®
Cam " • ■ - 5o (>t
Kye, - " • - • 70 fg> 75
Potatoes " ... 117
Beans " .... 1 50 M
Dried Apple- " ... 1 00 ('(, s
P.utter "C W> ... 17 f sC Is
Cheese, " !'• dr. 10
Hams and Shoulders. " 8 f'6 12i
Dried Peaches " .... l'-l (it 1
Dried Berries " .... I'l (it. I*s
Eggs, p-do/aui ~... 10 Or.
iN'cu) lAhiterUscmcuts.
Farmer's l r uion Insurance Company,
Made in pursuance of the charter, May 1, 1850.
Whole amount of property ut risk $1,154,091 fO
Capital, $200,000 00
Surplus, in addition to capital, -(1,552 73
$220,552 73
Ca.-h "u band and on deposit, $1,705 47
Cash in han-ls nl agent-, and course
of transmission, 3,424 92
Twenty-nine Ismd- and mortgages,.9?,ll2o 00
Forty-one shares Tioga Bridge C 0... 2,050 00
Twenty-two shares Susq. Bridge C>. 330 00
Nineteen bonds, aeeurity personal. 100,000 00
Cash on call, promissory notes, etc. .7.910 34
Interest accrued and not due, 4,012 (Ml
Hate and other personal property,. 500 00
Losses adjusted and not duo,. SI,OOO
Losses unadjusted 1,000
Losses claimed and resisted, 500
All other claims small, not exceeding, iOO
Premiums ree'd duriug the year,. $18,907 32
Cash from all other sources, 3.0-1 39
Expenses the year, including commis
sions, salaries, rents, printing, and
all other e\|>euses, $1,812 54
Amount-f losses paid that occurred
during the year, - "M
I,n-s<-<pa id -luring th-- year that occurred beloro. #•>. '' ■>')
Allien Ms- ! hj'i. J L ' AXI'ILLD, s:v V-
STcm fAbocrtiscraaUe.
J Wotice to Farmers.
QHN B. IRVINE, at Foun
dry, south eud of the borough, is selling PLOUGHS,
wholesale and retail, cheaper than any other man in the
country. Among others, are his Excelsior Plough* Also
STOVES, and other article* in his line, all of which he
will sell very cheap forcash. Towanda, May . ix.SG.
N E W G O O 1) S .
deorge nichols
I'V.t'r! r^r ft v V r.h 1,u '. ee ulitJ general assortment of
MhRCuA3>DIZE, among which may he found a splen
did variety ul pluiu aud fancy Silks. Tissues. Barege:*,
fj tajik*, Orgaudie.s, Lawns, Muslios, aud other DHESS
GOODS ; crape silk.JhrocliA, stella, cashmere and printed
Shawls, Mantillas, Window drapery. Linen and Enibroid
dered edgings, silk, straw und i'ancy Bonnets; Broad
cloths, ( asslmercs, \ estings, and all styles of Summer
j Cloths. Hats, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, Carpetings. Crockery,
j Glassware. Drugs, Medicines, Dyestutls.Oils,Paints, Hard
ware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Wooden ware, Groceries, Ac., ail
at which will he soid on the most reasonable terms for
cash or trade. Home, May C, l*s(i.
ARE now iii receipt of and opening the choicest and
most desirable stock of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
to which they have ever had the pleasure of calling the
attention of tlie community. Our >tock is very large, ami
selected with great care and acknowledged good taste, and
is particularly adapted to the wants of this and the sur
rounding sections. Ourwt el< of
I) rcss (ioods. Trimmings, Ribbons, JCmbroider
j ies, /'tirosols, Cloths, Cassimeres, I 'rulings,
Domestics, Shirtings, Linens, I'rints,
Hosiery and Sha ids, J*c. ts-c.
and numberless other articles makes our assortment better
than any other in this vicinity, all of which will be sold
us cheap, find many articles cheaper, than at any othcres
taMishment, to allot' which we invite the inspection of
, purchasers, ns being in every respect worthy of their at
Those who may favor us with a call may be assured that
no article will be recommended more highly than its nie
• rits will admit of.
Owego. May s 183b. G. B. GOODRICH A CO.
I V_ - S AMP, put up in 10 lb. *ieks, for sale bv
j May s, IS-.U. " E'. T. FOX.
IIAKRISBCRG, April 24, 1856.
To the School Directors of Bradford County :
GENTLEMEN Agreeably to tlie directions of an act of
the ( Assembly of this C"mimnwealth, approved
the tivoiity-fir.-t of April, A. D. <ne thousand eight hun
dred and lifty-six, I hereby give notice that the several
Boards of .School Directors of Brad ford county, are requir
ed to meet in their respective Districts, on Saturday, the
31st day of May, 1856, to express by resolution, their
opinion as to the priqier amount of compensation for the
County Superintendent of said county, and after entering
the same upon their records, transmit a copy thereof by
mail, to the undersigned, at this Department, according
to the provisions of said act, a copy of which is appended
to this notice. Your obedient servant.
A. <l. CURTIS',
Superintendent of Common Schools.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in
General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted till the au
thority of the same. That the Superintendent of Common
S hools is liejoby directed to give notice to the School
Directors of Bradford county, by circular and by publica
tion in two newspapers of "that county, that the several
boards of School Directors of Bradford county, shall meet
in their respective di-trkts, on Saturday, the thirty-lint
day of May next, and when assembled, each bogrd -hal
by resolution, express the opinion ot a majority of their
directors present, as to the proper amount of compensa
tion f >r the County Superintendent of Bradford county.
SECTION 2. That tlie said several boards of School* Di
rectors shall cause the resolution to be entered on tliei,
records, and a copy forwarded to the State Supcrinten
dent. who, on the reception of the resolution* from th<
several boards of Directors, shall fix such conipensatior
for the County Superintendent of Bradford county, as he
may think just and proper in view of the expression thu
received from the boards of School Directors, which com
pensation shall be in lieu of the amount fixed by the con
vention of School Directors of Bradford county for tha
officer, on the twenty-eighth day of July last,"and shul
comnreuce with the third vear of that office.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
WM. M. i'I.VTT,
Speaker of the Senate.
ArrnovED—The twenty-first day of April, Anno Dornir.
one thousand eight hundred and tiftv-six.
J IST OF JURORS drawn for May Tern
JLJ and Sessions, I?SG.
Asylum—Gideon Fitch. |Ridgbery—Jas. H Vam>'
Atliens borough—Cornelias: Reuben F 1 Squires, Kin H
Ilunsicker. j Cummings.
Burlington—ll I' Willie] in.'Rome—Alvin Towner, ■' tun
J W Spencer, Win B Shi- Layton.
ner. Smithfield—Xehcmiah Tr.
Columbia—Howard Taylor, cy. Perry Nichols, llira.n
B.iteman Monroe. Farnsworth.
Canton—Klias Rockwell, I) South Creek—Philo Fassett
A Spalding, X B Tuber. Jr.
Leonard Lewis. 1 1'roy twp.—Robert Clifflin
Durell—lsaac Eanis. C M DeForest, Win Alonz<
l.eßoy—Ron lie n R Palmer. Thomas.
Litchfield—Orou Camer. X. Towanda—Stephen Pow
Monroe tp—-Joseph Mingus. ell.
Overton—Jouutban Camp. Warren—Wallace Baker.
Orwell—George C Fiisldc. Windham—Alvuu Cuwles.S
Pike—Joshua Burrows, Jud-j B Shoemaker,
wm Slocuni. | Wyalusing—Jackson Klliot
V"()TI> T. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that tin
-LA following named persons liave applied to the Court
of Quarter Sessions for licences under the present exist
ing laws, to wit :
James Metier, of Canton Borough, for a Tavern.
Andrew K. Spalding *'
Edmund Hill, ot Shvshequin, "
Kdward Whalon of Wvsox, "
Philip P. Sweet, of Ulster, "
William Gi'ison, " "
Moses T. Carrier, Towanda borough, "
C. B. Sweazey, "
X'athan Ol 111 stead. Ulster,
Waller Olmstead and I Athenaboro' •"
1.. M. Rirchard. J A fiens mro
Win. Russell. Troy borougli.
Henry Russell, Windham. "
Fit hal Taylor. Monroe tiorough,
Hiram W. Root, Springfield, "
Jacob Reel, Athens Township,
D. M. Moore, Pike,
X. I). Snyder do. "
T. R. Davis jr. Atliens twp. "
Joseph O. Pine, ltidgbery,
C. O. French do.
John Wallace, do. *'
B. H. 'l'uttfe, SinithSeld,
Alexander Howe, S[>ringliicld,
John Dickcrson, Warren, "
S. F. Wasfihnrn. Slicshcqtiin. "
Horace M. Southwell of Kraukiin, "
Chester G. Chaffee of Rome
Stephen A Mills, of Xorth Towanda, "
1,. D. Bowman, Of South Towanda "
Francis Porter do do
Darius Myers of Ulster. do
Decker v Cornell of ltidgbery, for a license to sell as a
Merchant dealer.
William Morgan, Troy, for an Eating house.
J. H. Wilson. Athcns'boro', "
John K. Goodrich, Truv " to sell liquor as a Merchant
dealer. " A I,LEX M'KKAN, Clerk.
Clerks Odicc, April 7. lSofi.
XVXap of Bradford County, Pa.,
From actual mmsurcnwnlsand surreys under, di
rect tun of (!. M. Hopkins, Civil Engineer
and Surveyor, \o. 17 and 19, Minor streets,
r IMIK subscriber proposes to publish shortly, lv sub-
J. Hcriptimi, (provided a sufficient number can be ob
tained) a new and complete Map ot'tjic County : the sur
veys are now in progress and will be plotted to a large
scale so as to show clearly and distinctly the public roads,
churches school houses mills smith shops, county stores,
pu.-t offices, lintels, Ac- with the usual typography of
mountains, hilts, river streams. Ac. The names or pro
perty holders generally (carefully including all those in
the county subscribing in advance for the Map) will also
Ire inserted opposite their houses in the map.
A separate plan of the Borough of Townnda and each
of the largest villages, will also be made to a large scale,
if sufficient■encouragement be offered. Th" nTap will be
handsomely engraved and ornamentally finished in the
style ot the most approved county maps ill the State of
Views of public buildings and private residences en
graved in the margin. The map to con tain about 1 square
leet and to be Uaiidseracly colored by townships mounted
on rollers, and delivered to subscribers at &' per copy.
BOBElrr I't VIISALL SMITH, Publisher.
No. 17 A In. Minor st. Phila.
("i KOCKRIES—CaM and see our IJruwn,
1 ('rushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars; l'iuc Yonug
ifx son A. Black T.i warranted a superior article r the
in 1 nev rcfand'-d— for rale chcaj by B. K^likFLEl
illmtjanbDc, &*c.
Another Large Arrival of
Tl S- MERCUR Is now receiving the largest, best as
-11 • sorted, and most desirable stock of Goods that has
I! vet been offered in Town odd. Consisting of evei r vurietv
i Crockery and Glass ware, Boots and Shits.
I Huts, Cays, Staaic Goods, Carpets, Mat
tings, \\'v<drn-icare, Groceries, Paints,
VVinttuw-Glors, Oils,Noils,lron,
Steel, Fish, Leather, fpc. 4"<5
1 which will be sold at wholesale or retail at very low pri-
I ces. The public are very respectfully requested to exutu
: hie the Stock,
j Towanda, April 24. Hod.
. 11A VF. URL'S KB A
New Prices and New Hoods!
AT the Comer of Main and Bridge streets, in Ratl in's
New Block, whoie tin v will exhibit and offer for sale
! a splendid stork ..f DRY lii h >h< : consisting of the Infest
| styles of Ladies' Dress S'lks. -ucii as plain black, watered,
laveiitine brocade, Ac., ciiangeablo, China and plaid silk,
a splendid style of striped pongee silk, of all colors and
shades. A splendid stock of Crape. Siik, Stella, and
printed Cashmere SHAWLS; a regular assortment of
DRESS GOODS, consisting of challrK. de la i lies, be rages,
law ns, Ac., from a .10 cent calico pattern up to a f 7
silk dress. In DOMESTICS, our assortment is complete;
we have a large stock of prints, ginghams, checks, tak
ings, bleached and unbleached muslins, Ac. Also a splen
did aKsortinent ot EMBROIDERIES, sucli as French
ueedlework collars, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet fiuiiuciuga,
needlework edgings and in-crtings, linen thread laces,
cotton embroidered lace eurtaina, jaconets, dotted mulls,
groqiart muslins, Ac., too numerous to mention.
We have also an elegant assortment of Bonnet*. Rib
ban*. Floiocrx and Border*, Head-dresses, hair fronts,
hair braids, to which we invite the attention of Coun
try Milliners and the Ladies in particular.
All of the above article- we feel assured we can offer to
the public at astoni-bingly low prices, and are determin
ed not to be ui.d -rsold by any establishment this side of
New York city. We would invite the citizens of Brad
ford county and elsewhere, to give us a call and examine
our stock, and satisfy themselves about our prices before
purchasing elsewhere. It L a true saying, " a penny sav
ed is two earned."
To the GENTLEMEN* in particular we will say that in
connexion with the above, we have a regular Tailoring
establishment in the city ol New-York, and have taken
particular pains to get up a splendid stock of SPRING
AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which we offer to you at
prices unsurpassed at any other establishment. (Jur as
sortment in this branch consists of Infant's, Boy's and
Men's Wear : also a general stock of Gentlemen'x Furn
ishing Goods, such as Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Stocks,
Socks, Suspenders, Ac. Also, a general assortment of
Hats, We are prepared to take measures for nice suits,
and furnish them on short notice and warrant them a
good fit and satisfactory in every respect. In short, all
the goods sold by us will he warranted, and exchanged or
taken hack if requiissl. We flatter ourselves that we have
one of the best cutters in the city, and some of the best
workmen employed, and con give satisfaction to the public.
Reference <if our firm can be had from Benj. Beutley,
AlbertCtmHibei-tiii.D. Searle.Wm. K. Hatch, K. If. Little,
John K. Dean. Ksqrs.. Montrose, Pa.
Jl'ownnda, April y, lajfi.
H E subscriber calls attention of the pub
-i- lie to his SPRING STOCK OF GOODS comprising
the usual variety, and which will be sold at the lowest
possible rates for cash. O. D. BARTLETT.
Towanda, April 24, IS3G.
3300 Us and Stationery.
r PIIE largest assortment of ROOKS and
J- STATIONERY* ever offered iu this market—compris
ng a very eomplete stock of Seh ioI Classical and Yli-cel
laneous Rooks, and a very foil assortment of Stationery,
•ust opening and for vale "unusual! v cheap at
April 2t. 185 S. 'O. D. BARTLETT'S.
only complete stock of l'aper Hangings
. to he found in this region of country, comprising
i.anv new and beautiful patterns, for sale low at
April 24. ls.ffi. O. D. BARTLETT'S.
Sock Binding.
IMIE undersigned has the agency of one of
the best Binderies in N. Y". City, and is ready to re
reive Books Pamphlets. Magazines, Ac., to be bound in
my sty le desired, in the neatest and most substantial
manner and at very low rates—shall be forwarding a lot
very soon—so send in your volumes. 0 I). BAItTLKTT.
April 24.
fcihauls, iLilks and Embroideries.
\ beautiful assortment of Broclio, Stella,
vT Silk, Thibet and Printed Shawls; Black. Striped,
and c ' - Iks ; Embroidered Collars, Uudersletves.
ettes, ' iud.s, Edgings and In.-citings, \> ill he fnm d
at the Store of H. S. MEItCUR.
April au, 185(5.
Lawns, Sballis, Bareges, 6LC.
finest assortment in town of French and
. American Lawns. French. Scotch and American
iinghams, Chullis. Bareges, Brilliants and Prints nt
April 30, K56. MKRi.'L'R'S.
B KINGSBURY A SON beg leave to call the atte-n
--• tion of their Friends and customers, as well as all oth
ers, both Jew and (Jentile. wishiugtn buy Goods CHEAP,
to their well .-elected stock of FOHLHIX .1X1) DO
MI'STIC l)l{ 1" GOODS, consisting of a great variety
of Luliet Dress <iuoili. Silks, Shawls. I)e /.tunes, Chat
lits, Barege*. I.awns, Brilliantrs, etc., etc.
Also, a choice s lection of Merriuiae, Chocheeo, and
itlicr styles of tat-colored Prints.
A large an<3 coirtplete assortment of Yankee Xotions,
Hosiery. Uloers, Dress Trimmings, White Hoods, Den
•ms. Ticks, Drills. I.inens, Cambrics, Bleachedami Urotcn
Sheetings, Cotton Yum, ll'ick, Butts, Twine, Carpet
It'nrj). s|-c., A"c.
In addition to the above articles, there will always lie
louud ati ll assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and
'Has-waic, Boots and Shoes, Huts and Cups, Nails,"Fish,
Pails, Tubs, Matts, Ac.
The undersigned teel a pleasure in inviting the public
to ao examination of their Spriug stock. belwving that
good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale lor
ready pay. H. KINGSBURY A SON.
Towanda, April 11, ISSG.
IS now receiving; a fine stoek of GROCE
RIES and PROVISIONS which will be sold at the
very lowest price. He is also a'nxions to buy for CASH
any quant-itv of Butter. Eggs. Enrd and good Wheat, at
the highest market price. Will those who want to buy
or yvli have produce to .-ell please give him a calif
A NEW STOCK OF TEAS, wui ninted its
J.A. usual to give satisfaction, or the money returned.
Also, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, and in fact most every
thing in the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S."
DRIED REACHES, a few very nice ones,
also Dried Berries at FOX'S
/ Loth Sperm and Taflow by the
V-/' box or pound, at FOX'S.
LOUR of different qualities, Corn Men!,
Bran and Chop. Also some very extra Family
Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FOX'S.
EORK, Cheese. Ilams, Lard, Brooms,
At I and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX'S.
R/ lA BUSHELS good Potatoes wanted
')' '' ' immediately (ft FOX'S.
PEACHES and Tomatoes, in cans,
. warranted )>erfectly fresh ut FOX'S.
T 1 ORSE KADDISH, nicely grated and put
X I up in Bottles fur table use. Also Dickies, l'epper
sance, Worcestershire sauce, French prepared Mustard,
common Mustard in Cans and by the lb. at FOX'S.
for flavoring, for sale cheap
Fj at £ FOX'S.
ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Raisins,
Rruues, Dates, Citron, and other fruit in their sea
son at FOX'S.
TAPIOCA. Rice, Corn starch, Rice flour,
Carragen, Macarona. Vermaeilta, Sagochccse and
Spices of all kinds at FOX'S.
Book ami Periodical Agency.
M LAUGH LIN, Post Office. Budding ;
• Dealer in ull kinds of new and popular Books. I'k
Pnirt Rhs ano Fk ami Fiatv Envelopes, Conversatio
n Ac., Ac., will supply all order.- for anything in the
above with promptness and tic gateh.
1 nauda, J mi. :rv JV o.'i,
l-i hereby glVflii. tlt'it nil per-ou* Indebted to the fe
. tate of Richard titrable. deceased. lute of Rome towimbip.
are hereby requested to make payment without delay;
and all |i> rsons liuv claims against said estate will
plea* present tljcui duly authenticated "pr settlement.
_Vet.riiiir.vl2.lssi*.. Administrator!!.
1 DM I>' jSSfK A TDK'S NOTlCE.—Notice
A.- Is hereby given, that all |nrsou indebted to the es
tate •( Thus. A. Strong, dee d, late of Wells tj. are re
quested to make payment withoutdekv ; and all persona
having ■ hums against said estate, must present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
February S, 18545. Administrators.
I z~Y i" herebv given, that all person- indeldtd to the ea-
Lite i>f FRED ft nil K H Af.t,, dee'd, late of Canton ti.wa
! twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de
! lay; and all persons having claims ngu!p-t said estate w ill
1 plea-e pre-eut tln-jn duly authenticated for -ettlcmeut, to
! 0. E. Rathboue. of Canton.
Feb. 7.!. Administratrix with w'll ailuexed.
z\_ is hereby given, that all [wr.sons indebted to the es
i tate of Jefferson B. Rondel!. dee'd.. late of Armenia tw p.,
I are hereby requested to make paymt lit without delay ; and
all persons having claims against said estate will please
present thc-ur dulv authenticated for settlement.
February. ?fy. 1550. Adntiiiistrtttors.
x\ is herebv given that all persons indebted to the es
-1 tate of WJL ItORXING deceased, late of South Creek
township.,k> make immediate payment, and all persons
; having demands against said estate, will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
JACOB HORNING, Administrator dt bonis rum.
February'2o. isili.
i A\_ is herebv given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of CATHARINE HORNING, dee'd.. late of South
Creek.are requested to make payment without delay; and
those having demands against said estate wiR present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
Feb. '2O, 1856. JACOB HORNING, Administrator
A D.MINTCS. NOTICE.—AII persons in
-I\. debteil to the estate of' OWEN CAItR. deceased,
late of HEII RICK township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persons having demands
against said estate are requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. NANCY CARK,
February 26, Adinistratrix.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice isliere-
J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate
of John Fox. dee'd., late of Towauda township, have been
granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said
; estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them dulv attested for settlement to Miller Fox, Towanda.
April 1. 1 MO. Kxceutors.
Administrator's Sale.
BV Virtu? of an order of the Orphan's Court of Brad
ford county wilt lie exposed to public sale at the
premises, hereinafter described, on the loth day of May
next, at 1 o'clock, P. if. the following described lots of
land situate in Orwell twp. Beginning at the southeast
c rner of John W. Hill's land; thence north <>2°, west lif
!v perches : thence north 10° east 4'-' perches and 8-10 ;
thence south 801° ea-t .14 and 5-10 perches ; thence north
184 s west fifty-four perches to the place of beginning, con
taining 12 acres more or less.
ALSO—One other piece of land adjoining the above,
and to be sold with it—Beginning on the Wysox creek
main road and on the line of Horace A. llnssell ; thence
south 7'J° east perches ; thence north 13}° east 1 and
9-10 perches ; thence south 05° west 1J and 4-10 perches;
thence by the road south 11° west 9 and 4-10 perches to
the places o." beginning, containing 122 perches, be the
same more or less—all improved. Terons made known at
the sale. A. A. RUSSELL,
Administrators of the estate of Austin Bass ell, dee'd.
April 10. ls.-,r,._
2 \ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Butler Sill, deceased, late of Merrick 'town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; aiol all persons having claims against said estate will
plea.-e present them duly authenticated for settlement.
April 7. 1900. CHARLES Slid.. Aduiiu'r.
/1A M HRIA COUNTY, SS.—'The Common-
V wealth of Pennsylvania : To Catharine O'Keife, .le
remiah A'Heru and John Flynn, administrators of Daniel
O'Kcife. deceased, and to the heirs and legal representa
tives of said deceased. ORnrrtw ;
We command you and every of you, that you do in your
own proper persons appear before our Judges at I'bens
burg, at a < ourt of (,'ommon Pleas there to be held on the
first Monday of June next, at tea o'clock, A. M. of said
day. to answer tiro an berry Taylor in the matter of his pe
tition for tlie specific performance of a contract made with
Daniel O'Keih- dte'd. iu his lifetime, to sell to the said pe
titioner a certain lot or piece of ground situate in Oallit
zin, Allegheny township, in the scid County. And here
in fail uot.
Witness the Honorable GKOKOI: T AYLOU. President of
our said Court at Ehenshnrg, the 21st da v of March. \.D.
Notice to lie given to the heirs and legal representatives
by publication of the same in " The Townndn Democrat "
tor six successive weeks. JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff.
April 8, 1856.
AMUR] A COUNTY, SS.—The Common-
V wealth of Pennsylvania: To Catharine O'Keife, Je
remiah A'Hern and John Flyijn. administrator* of Daniel
O'Keife, dee'd. and to the heir.-, and legal representatives
of said defeased : We command yon and every of you,
that you do in your own proper persona appear before our
Judges at Ebenshiirg, at a Court of Common Plea* there
to he held on the lir.-t Monday of June next, at 10 o'clock
A. M. Nt saiil day. to answer James M'Coy in the matter
of his petition for the specific ]>erfomianee of a contract
made with the said Daniel O'Keife, dee'd. in his lifetime,
to sell to Jonas St itler. the assignor of the petitioner, a
certain lot or pi ec of ground situate in (, Alleghe
ny township, in said County. And herein fail not.
Witness the Honorable Georuk Tayi.ok, President of
our said Court at Ebensburg. the -Ist dav of March, A.D.
Ixsts. MILTON ROBERTS, Droth'ry.
Notice to he given to the heirs and legal representatives
by publication of the same in the " Towanda Democrat ''
lor six successive weeks. JOHN ROBERT! S , Sheriff.
April 3, IfeK.
rpniAL LIST, for MAY Term, 18A0—
.1. Bradford County Court.
Henry Crammond, io. P. Spalding, iEjectment.
same ('harles Drake ct al. do
Crane & Caldwell, j Asa D Brown. Case,
(.'has. \V. Hawkins, | Wm. C-ampbell, iDebt.
F. A. Sexton A Co. j John Taylor, I I'rvspa-s.
Wm. H. Russell, {Job Dean, I Ejectment.
Manson Klsbree. |William Algcars, iAppeal.
Geo 11 Wolcott, . John S Wiiliston, | do
M H (!reeuman illeury Kiugsbery, iDeht.
II S David-on Daniel Harkins, Case.
Welles A Harris' uscj Valentine Smith, I do
John Snyder, j Edmund Siekler, \ppeal.
same ! same, do
J. Southward's use, j Joint GriDiu, Case.
Lucius (iiblis jl.ewis K (lihljs. Replevin,
("has R Scnuton, X T Dickinson, Case.
John M. Read, ji lark Camp et al. Ejectment.
Louisa C. Jackson, j Horace WilHitoii, jr. Sci. Fa. M.
C R Brown, K N Kotder, Appeal.
Ezra Spalding, John M Martin, Case.
Williston A Elw'ell, ! David Cash, do
Samuel A Tenant, John Dowers et al j Appeal.
Henry <5. Taylor, ji. A. Perry. j do
Franklin Andrews (Geo. MeClVlland et al. |Trespass.
('. R. Uathlione, William llighy, :Ejectment.
J. Bcnhani's use. (Case Uriggs, et al. J Appeal.
Sarah L Fitch, jO P Italian!, iCasc.
Reuben Wilier, jErastus Wolcott, iEjectment
same j same, j do
M.S. Tracy, Edmund Lewis, Appeal.
Wuj. Gibson, K. A ('. llennet, ) do
K. S. Tracy, _ D. Caiupht 11 et al. ! do
N. D. War ford's Ad.- Amy Bradford, do
F. A. Tyler, Francis Tyler, Case.
John Snyder, Samuel Osborne, do
Job Shepard's E\s. Welles A Hams et al. Debt,
lien D Channel, i< Thomas et al. j do
Tp of Franklin, j Jeremiah Myors, iCil-c.
Ed Carpenter etal. jJ Powell et al Ejectment.
Waslilmrn A Ames. |D. T. Vanvechton, Case.
Selar Satteilee, IN Adams etal | Trespass.
Sanderson A King'y I' I) Baxter i Ejectment.
John Cole, * 0 W Dodge, ; Appeal.
Win. Kiff. Orson Rickey et al. Ejectment. 1
John E. Uoodrioh, Jacob G. Rockwell, Debt.
Henry Covert, James Minard Appeal.
Richard Sinsebatigh, A. J. Miller, do
Seth W. Paine, J. S. Peterson et al. Debt.
J. Williams 2d. use. Charles William*, Sci. Fa.
Birtholomew White,plumes White, Trespass.
M. F. Ransom, (Patrick Kane ct at. Ejectment
J. B. M. Hinnian, |S. L. Fowler et al. do
A* Subpoenas for the first week to be made returna
ble on Wednesday. May 71b, 18M, at 10, \.M., and for
the second week ou tbe folio *-..ig Monday , Ma\ 12, at
1", A. M. ALLEN McKEAN, Prothouotary.
Towanda Female Seminary.
r P H K NEXT QUARTER of the Tnwnndn.
J- I'rmaU. StinitMry uudir tbe charge <>f Misses H AN
vONS w ill commence ou Monday. \pri!
Towanda tpril '> tLsy,
f8 HCEiVIKG HI. excellent assortment of gent'a,
JL boy a, ladies', children's and misses' BOOTS A BOOT
ES. Also, Shoe Pegs, Thread, Linings and Findings, to
wkjch he un ites publO u*ntion.
&TAll |Xf sons having auttttN accounts or notes due
! the subscriber, are li.vto make payment. Timet* con
venient may call on Frisbie, f. q. or T. Humphrey, In
Orwell, previous to the 15th of February next, after which
1 time delinquents niav expect special invitations to visit
j TOwanda. J. D. HUMPHREY.
Towanda, January 3, 1665.
WS. E. Solcmon, Proprietor.
'■piUS extensive Ready-made Clothing Establishment.
I situated in Mcrcur's block, Main stn et. ban Just beta
, tilled with a large aasurtnieut of SPRING CLOTHING.
The proprietor assure* the public that be has the beat
and elu-atje-1 assortment ever ode-red in Towanda ; and to
prove this fa. th* respectfully a?ks the public to call and
examine for tin m.-elves.
Persons wishing g><>d bargains and an elegant suit, or
any portion thereof, well made of substantial mate rial
Coat. Vest, Pantaloons, < ruwit, Collars. and in tact every
thing iu the line, will do well to call. Hu is confident lie
can sntwfynli in price and quality.
tir' Don't forget tl.e place—one door south of Mercur's
store, Main-st. Towanda, March 28, ltJOd.
BAKERY &lils'l'At'llANT.
Out lhr \orth of I fit ll'cird llovfc.
cpTIK sub scrilwr would respectfully inform his friends
1 and tin* pnblieTreiiefntly that lie has opened a BA
KERY AND EATING SALOON", one door north of the
Vk.ird House, where he intend t'i keep constantly on bin d
a firll n.-sortinciit of every thing iu the line, stich as Bread,
Biscuit, Husk, Crackers. Jumbles, all kinds of Cake, Ac.
Having secured the services of an experienced baker, and
nsinsr noidi but the Lost brands of flour, he feels confident
of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with tlicir
! patronage.
Wedding and other parties furnished with whatever re
quired. on short notice and at the most reasonable rates.
A nice assortment of Candies. N'uls. Fruits, Ac., kept
! always on hand and sold at the cheapest rates.
FT'.ESH OYSTERS received three times per week by
! express. an.l sold wholesale and retail.
rfiPllot Coffee served up at all hours. Don't forget tk
pla. e, one door north of the Ward House.
February 111. 18SC H. A. BURBAN'K.
A. i If you procure of DR. H. C. I'ORTER,
I Ssuth store in the Ward House,
Equally adapted to Loaves. Hot Roils, Biscuit, Buckwheat
I and other Griddle Lakes. Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet
1 Cukes. Batter for Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies, Ac. Ac
i Price 2> cents. March 2!>.
And satisfy yourselves that
HAVE till* best and most complete assortment of N'EW
< iOODS, consisting of all grades ladies'and gent's
j woad Cloths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain
| and fancy cassimeres. sattinet. tweeds, Kentucky jeans,
i tlaniiels, linsi vs. All descriptions Dre.-s Goods, such as
i black, watered, changeable and plaid Silks. French meri
i nos, Tliibet cloth. Scotch wool plaids. I.rown and black
! mixed Debegos, all wool and figured Delaines, plain and
j silk striped Alpaccas, Scotch and domestic ginghams,
I children's plaids, .Merrimack and other prints, of all vari-
I cties.
Au extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, mittens,
I gloves. Victoria and Bishop lawn, book and jaconet mus
lins, bonnet uiid dress trimmings, silk, moire antique, moss
' velvet and ribbon Trimmings, Fringes, black and white
I silks, linen thread, Maltese, and all kinds wove linen and
I cotton edgings, ninslin bands, collars, tmd<T sleeves, clio
!, curtain drapery, brown, blue find black dotted
I embroidered veil-, stock" ami gent's collars,
i A variety of Talmas, rent's and Indies' wool Shawls,
Tliibtt, broche and other Aha* is, India and Zephyr scurfs,
j children's woollen sleeves, hoods, muffs, assorted colored
I Scotch yarn comforter*, carpeting, drrigget. horse blank
ets. linen table spreads and diapers, counterpanes, Ac.
TTAttfltrAJir.—A huge assortment of anvils, vices, screw
plates, sledges, mill, cross cut, bund, and other kinds of
aws, nails, files, chains, pump fixtures, square plumbs,
level-,, planes and saw handles, moulding and bench planes.
House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Saddle
ry Trimmings, such :is brass and silvered band-, axletrees,
bolts, enamelled top-leather and cloth, dash leather, cloth
damask ami lace trimmings. Brass, silvered and i usctt
| hames, japanned, silvered and brass buckles, bitts, snaps,
breeching ring-, trace hook chains, harness leather, Ac.
SHOE FINPINOS. —The largest assortment in t*,wu. con
i sLsting of pegs, lasts, men's and boy's boot trees, crimps,
' and iron*, bristles, threads, all kinds bench tools, heel
ball, blacking, binding*, lining morocco, kip, French and
< American calf skins, cow bide, oak and hemlock leather,
I P tiNTs, OILS, Arc.—{Stone and white zincs, white and
red lead. Paris chrome and verdigris greens. Ohio and
other Paints, sugar lead, litherage, Japan varnish, coacli,
: furniture and saddler's vami.-li,linseed, lamp and tanner's
j oil. alcohol, e-.mipliene. fluid and puttv.
ROUTS AM) SHOES. —Men's and boy's calf, kip and cow
: hide boots and shoes, women's kid. enamelled, inrneco.
! calf and kip lace boots, morocco, patent leather, enamell
ed and kid buskins, variety gaiters and -lippcrs. misses',
boy's and infant's shoes, or all descriptions, gent's, ladic-"
mi—cs' ami children's rublx-r shoes, and ladies" high top
| rubber boots.
j YANKEE NOTIONS-- n ill be found of all kinds, comprising
ladies' ami geut's port inounals. India rubber, back, puff,
side and circle combs, pocket, ivory, shell side and other
combs, gilt, lasting, velvet c-iat and vest buttons, agate,
ivory, glas and silk buttons : razor strops, soaps, brush
es, Ac. Ac.
The usual large supply of Crockery, Groceries, Hut*.
Cans, Bonnets, Furs. Robes. Wash tubs. Pails. Measures,
, Sa.-li, Cla*s, Paper Hangings, Window shades, Umbrellas,
' Iron, Steel. Ac.
K£~ CASH i* the stuff to buy Goods with. Call and try
i the experiment. Towanda. November 9, IS.
rOSEPH KIXCISBERY luts just returned
from New York with an immense stock of
j for the early trade, and those wishing to get tlieir spring
j clothing made up in season can liuU t!a* most choice rna
: terials at his store. Towanila, March >, ISoO.
DISSOLUTION. —THE co-partuersiiip here
tofore existing between the undersigned in tht Ituis
! her business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All
| persons indebted to the linn are required to settle their
; accounts immediately with Charles ("haßee. who has as
i sullied to pay all debts due from said tiriu.
AN*mtr:\v WKRR.
, Sheshcquin, April 10, ISSS. OHAUI.K&CIIAFFEK.
Examination of Teachers.
I. will examine Teachers for the Public Schools of
| Bradford county, in the dilfcrclit districts, on the days.
I and at the places designated in the followiug list of ap
' pointments:—
i Is,',it, April Saturday Id. Tail Factory S. H. XoTowanda.
Monday 21. Centre school house . .Overton.
j Tuesday 22, lindiard do .. . Allianv.
tV,'due-day 23, Hillhonse do . Wilmot.
... Thursday 24, Sugar lluti do .. .Asylum
j Friday 2,">, Frcuohtowu do .... Oureli.
I Satan la v 2'i, Monroeton do ...Monroe.
| Tuesday 2!),Lcßoy cornersdo l.elloy.
Wednesday 30. Canton do .. .Canton.
May Thursday 1. lied school house Armenia.
j Friday 2. Granville corners Granville.
Saturday A. West Burlington corners.
Monday 5, Burlington boro' Burlington.
Tuesday (i. Smithneld centre. ... K. Smithtirld.
I Wednesday 7. Springlichl corners Springfield.
j ...... Thursday t>, Troy borough Troy.
Friday ft. Morgan ll'dlow school house, Columbia.
I Saturday 10. Hnwlin do .Wells.
Mo day 12,Gillett do South Creek.
I Tuesday 13, Centrevillc Bidgbery-
Wednesday It, Athens Imro' Vtheus,
Thursday 15. l ister school house I'lstcr.
Saturday 17, Ira Yurncy do .. .Franklin.
j .. Friday lit, Andrew Gregg "do Towanda.
i Monday 19, Win.Griflls' . ... Standing Stoiie.
Tuesday 'in. Herrickville llerrick.
Wedny-diy 21. Cainptown Wyalusing.
Thursday 22. Greene schotil house.. Tuseamta.
Friday 23. Leflaysvilie I'ike.
Saturdjy 27. Boweu Hollow school hou.-e Warren.
i Moh'day 2<>, Kuykendnll do Windham.
Tuesday 27, Orwell Hill do Orw ell.
| Wedne.-cluy 25, Homo village Koine,
.. Thursday 2'>, Centre school house.. l.itchfleld.
Friday .Kb 1 , * (ver do . . Slioshet|uin*
• Saturday ill, Brick ( 'hurch school house , Wysojs.
1/1 RON ES more of the genuine OHEMI
!*• CAE SOAP—also Fancy and common bar soap, for
I ale •Ha .ip by H. X. FOX.
CyiDFISII, Mackerel, und Herring, a good
/ article at FOX'S.
DRIED KEEP—AIso a few very large fine
smoked Tongue.-, at Fo.N'S.
CI ANDY—A large stock always on hand
/ and - Id at wholesale at iiedhtr-' price- at FOX'S.
I I). 11l MPIIRE\ is receiving a gc
• I • ucral assortment uf H.OO.Xs A. iRQES, suitable for
tin* spring trade.
Also, an excel lent assortment, of l,K.\THEll,comprisinc
ISO sides Sole Leather, h.t sidus linper, 200 Calf Skin-,
tagrfhrr with a moe --it -• . ,| of htpps. L'niogs \ Find'
1 lugs. Ton-undo, April I 156.