iUerdjanbiie, &~c. JOSEPH POWELL | * ; \XTOULD respectfully announce that he is again before \ V tlie people with a large, rich and fashionable xssoit tnent of FALL AND IT' /XT PR GGODS, j to which the attention of the public is inv ted. iieing con- i Intent that lie ran offer inducements to C \SH purchasers 1 which will ample pay foran examination of his stock. [ His stock of LADIES DRESS towns is c mplcte. consist- . ing of corded, watered, plain, hlac k. than .'tabic and plaid J Silks : plain atul plaid Merinos ; nil wool Delaines : plain j ami figured Cashmeres: Monslin delaines, l*armettas. ehalli Delaines, plain and twilled Persian cloth, Debages. I \ipaccas, Giugliams. Prints, , to. ALSO. SHAWLS —a l.irge and magnificent assortment of : Brocha l.ong and Square Shawls, plain woolen long and ' square do. LADIES' CLOTHS —All colors, and trimmings. 10MC.RIIIOKKIKS- The largest and cheapest assortment of 1 Indies embroidered collars, sleeves, bands and tiouncings. j eilgings ami inserting*. ver offered for -ale in Towanda. Also, real tliread. Smyrna, bobbin and cotton edgings, all widths and prices. WHITE AMI LINEN Coons, of every description, andot ail qualities. HorsE PruNtsHivt! Coons—Double anil single fold Da masks of various kinds ; embroidered and lace curtains, all qualities ; window shades and trimmings; bleached and unbleached table linens; napkins, colored table spreads of various kinds, counterpanes, linen sheetings, rise bl.inhets. gilt cornices and pins, stair puis. Ao. Ac. CLOVES AND HOSlEßY —Everything in this line for La dies, misses, childrejj, men and boys. BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMEKKS AND VESTIVAS— Black and colored Cloths of cvorv qalitv and price, plain and fanny Cassimerrs, fanev velvets, pfain and figured greuardine, plain and figured silk, black satin ami cashmere. Vesting-, and ft large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, satti netts, slieep greys, Ac. DOMESTICS —Of every description, purchased at very close figures and oficred low. Flannels of every grade and color. CARPETING*— AII qualities, ingrain and stair carpetings, oil cloths, Hush Mattings, Druggets. Ac. YANKEE NOTIONS —Almost everything in the line, whole sale and retail. HATS A CAPS An assortment unequaled iu Northern.-' Pennsylvania of Meus'A Boys hats and caps, comprising every variety of silk, brown,"pearl and black fur Hats.— Cloth, Plush and Fur Caps. BOOTS A SHOES —In this department there is, nor never has been in this market anything to compete with this stock, in quality, quantity and price, which it would i>e greatly to tlie interest of every man, woman and child to examine who wishes to purchase- In addition to the above enumerated articles there will always lie found a full assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Glass-ware. Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs. Leather and Shoe Findings, Ac., Ac. To his old Friends and Customers, tlie subseribeer would take tbis method of expressing his gratitude for their libc rnl patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it, and to others would extend an invitation to examine his stock, being confident he can make it for their interest to do so. Towanda. Oct. 1,1855 ■ JOSEPH POWELL. 11. S. ME lie UK, ust received his FALL STOCK OF MERCHANDIZE, fIOXSTSTIXG of DRY GOODS, of every kind.GROCE / HIES, a large assortment of HARDWARE, including }fu>nrss and Carriage Trimmings , and Joiner's Toots of every description : Boots, Shoes. Leather and Shoe find ings' Hats. Caps, and Umbrellas ; Paper Hangings and Window Shades; Carpets and Drugget: Oils Paints and Dye stuffs; Crockery and Glassware: Iron. Steel and Nails ; Window glass and Sash ; Camphine. Burning Flu id and Varnishes of every kind : Pails. Tubs. Mats. Ac., Ac., wliicb will be sold as usual, very cheap for Cash. Towanta. October 1,18 . COME ONE! COME ALL! And satisfy yourselves that TANYES CO. H AVE the best and most complete assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of all grades ladies'and gent's woad Cloths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain and fancy eassimeres. sattinet. tweeds, Kentucky jeans, flannels, linseys. Ail descriptions Dress Goods, such as black, watered, changeable and pi :td Silks, French meri nos, Thibet cloth. Scotch wool plaids, brown and black mixed D heges. a'.l wool and figured Delaines, plain and silk striped Alp., cas, Scotch and domestic ginghams, children's plaids, Merrimack and other prints, of all vari eties. An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, mittens, f doves, Victorir and Bishop lawn, book and jaconet nine ins. bonnet and dress trimmings.-ilk. moire antique, moss velvet and ribbon Trimmings. Fringes, black and white silks, linen thread, Maltese, and all kind- wove linen and cotton edgings, muslin bands, collars, under sleeves, che misettes, curtain drapery, brown, blue and black dotted embroidered veils, stocks and gent's collars. A variety of Talmas, gent's and ladies' wool Shawls, Thibet, broclie and other Aliawls, India and Zephyr scarfs, children's woollen sleeves, hoods, muffs, assorted colored Rcotch yarn comforters, carpeting, drugget, horse blank et-. linen table spreads ..nd diapers, counterpanes. Ac. H ARDWAKK. —A large assortment qf anvi's, vices, screw plates, sledges, mill, cross cut, hand, and other kinds of saws, nails, files, chains, pump fixtures, squares, plumbs, levels, planes and saw handles, moulding and bench planes, House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Saddle ry Trimmings, such as brass and. silvered bands, axletrees, bolts, enamelled top-leather and cloth, dash leather, cloth damask and lace trimmings. Brass, silvered and russet hames, japanned, silvered and brass buckles, bitts, snaps, breeching rings, trace hook chains, harness leather, Ac. SHOE FINDINGS The largest assortment in town, con sisting of pegs, lasts, men's and boy's boot trees, crimps, and irons, bristles, threads, all kinds bench tools, heel hall, blacking, bindings, lining morocco, kip, French and American calf skins, cow hide, oak and hemlock leather. PAINTS, OILS, Ac.—Stone and white zincs, white and red lead, Paris chrome and verdigris greens. Ohio and other Paints, sugar lead, litlierage, Japan varnish, coach, furniture and saddler's vartii-h. linseed, lamp and tanner's oil. alcohol, eamphtne. fluid and putty. Boors ASH SHOES Men's and bov s calf, kip and cow hide boots and shoes, women's kid, enamelled, morocco, calf and kip lace hoots, morocco, patent leather, enamell ed and kid buskins, variety gaiters and slippers, misses', hoy's and infant's shoes, of all descriptions, gent's, ladies' mis-es' and children's rubber shoes, and ladies'high top rubber boots. YANKEE NOTIONS— wiII be found of all kinds,comprising Ladies' and gent's port monnais. India rubber, back, puff, side and circle combs, pocket, ivory, shelf Side and other coinhs, gilt, lasting, velvet coat and vest buttons, agate, tvorv, glass and silk buttons ; razor strops, soaps, brush es. Ac. Ac. The usual large supply of Crockcrv, Groceries, Hats. Caps, Bonnets, Furs, Robes, Wash tubs. Fails. Measures, Sash, Glass, Paper Hangings, Window shades, Umbrellas, Iron, Steel. Ac. aw-CASH is the stuff to buy Goods with. Callandtry the experiment. Towanda, November 9,18. 15. T. FOX HAS just received a full supply of FAM ILY GROCERIES, which he will sell cheap for Ca<h. Thankful for the very lilieral patronage extended to him during the past season, he would most respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Cash paid for most kinds of Grain. Butter, Cheese, and Parmer s Produce generally. October 11,18. BUSH. RYE wanted immediately a—* ft ™ / for which the highest market price in cash will be paid. Get. 12. E. T. FOX. TURKS ISLAND SALT, bothlumpsand ground, at Oet9 FOX'S. NEw GO(77>irr 7. Harvey Phinny, Jr. ISiust receiving a general assortment of FALL A WIN TER GOODS, consisting of the usual variety of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots J- Shoes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, Jr., Jr. all of which will be sold as usual for Cash, or exchanged for Produce cheaper than can lie had at any other store in Twanda. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for cash will do well to call and examine his stock and prices, cor ner of Bridge and Main streets. WCash paid for Butter. Pork and Grain. Oct 2b L IQUOR STORE. C FELTON would respectfully inform the public that he is now ready at his old stand, under Hail A Russell's, south side of the public square, to furn ish those wanting PURE LIQUORS, with almost every thing in that line. He has lately made large additions to his stock, purchasing of the best importers, and in the original package. He has on hand, and for sale in any quantity from a quart upwards Brandy Signette, Cogniae, old Ht finessv, and Otard. Gin. —Swan. American, and Scheidam ."cbnapps. IYhitkey Scotch, Old Rye, Monongaiicla, and Recti fied. I fine.—Currant. Port, and Brown Sherry. Fresh Camphene and Burning Fluid kept constantly on hand. Also 95 per cent. Alcohol. CIGARS of the best brands. Jugs of all siees ; quart flasks, and a large quantity of empty barrels. Ringhamton Ale by toe gallon or liarrel. Tlr'-e favoring me with their patronage may lie certain that all articles will be what they are represented. N. It. The person who borrowed my " Wantage Rod" is requested to return it. Towanda, January 18,1856. \{ M W \ SHEEP PELTS - WANTED, at . HALL A RUSSELL'S, for which the high est price will be paid 111 CASH. Also all kinds Of GB Vl.v wanted for Goods, or on ac eo int. tor will, n the highest market price will be paid. lo'/auda, Xooember 22, 18. fJnsuicoe TP. MA DILL, M. D. f PHYSICIAN • A VJ) SUROKON —Office at his residence in Wviox. l'a. July' 2*. I*ss.—Cm DR. JOIIX M'IXTOSH, SURGEON DENTIST, HAS RETURNED. Office next door to Mcrcursstore, and over Alexander's Clothing Store, Main street. Towanda. February '24, 1855. Tames m acfarlane, attorney e) AT LA IV, TOWANDA, PA. Occupies the Office, in the Union Block, formerly owned by John C. Adams Esq. Mr He will attend to procuring Bounty I-and Warrants ami Pensions. March '22,1855. 1!. .1. MADILI P. D. MORROW. MA DILL A MORROW, A TTORXE YS . AMU COUNSELLORS AT LAH,— Office over Mercur's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towanda, April 2, 1 8 • n-43-tf I\ R E. H MASO \7 PHYSICIA XA ND J ' SI 'RGEON. offers bis professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence I on Pine street, where lie can always he found when not professionally engaged. | JOHN U. ADAMS D'A. OVERTON. Adams a ovkrton, attorneys AT LA IV. Office in the room formerly occupied I bv George Sanderson, over Burton Kiligsbery's store. Towanda, May 26,1 b cn! V EVIX (}. —JA MES A. PA INE, Sur veyor for Bradford Comity, is prepared to attend to tbefabove business iu all its branches. His office is at Towanda. All letters addressed to him fit this place will meet with prompt attention. April 4. 1-54. GEORGE H. WOOD'S Dagurrrcan & Glass Picture Gallery, IN PATTON'S NEW BLOCK, Corner of Main and Bridge sts., Towanda. Pa., is the place to cot GLASS I PICTURES, (usually called Ambrotypes.) They are far "superior to all other'kinds of pictures. Having no reflec tion. thev can lie seen in any position, and can be taken iu much less time than Daguerreotypes, and equally well iu cloudy as clear weather. g-Minintures put into Lockets, Breast pins, Ac., as usual. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures put up on short notice. Towanda, January 22, 1856. FXRE! FIRE! FIRE!" Farmers union insurance co. ATHENS. PA. Hon. HORACE WILLISTON. President ; C. K. WELLES, Jr. Vice Prcsidentand Treasurer; J. E. CAXFIKLD, Secretary. Hoard of Directors— Hon. Horace Williston. Francis Tyler. George A. Perkins, J. T. !>. Myer, C. N. Shipman, C~. F. Welles, Jr., J. E. Canlield, Athens; Hon. John La porte. Towanda: Gen. Bradley Wakeman. Laeeyville : G. M. Iloilenback, Wilkes-Barre ; Michael Meylert, La porte. Pa. P. O. MOODY, Agent for Bradford County. Address, Waverly, X. Y. ____ ©a 1 COLLINS 8c POWELL "\TTOULD respectfully inform their friends and the puh- VY lie that thev have REMOVED their CLOTHING A FURNISHING STORE to Patton's New Brick Block, No. 3, and will be happy to wait on all who may give them a call, Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy Cassiinere Coats, of all colors ; Black and Fancy Cassiinere Pants; Black Satin and Fancy Vests ; Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy : Marseilles and Linen Coats, all kinds ; Linen Pants, Sliirt Collars, Cravats and Hose. Hats, of all kinds. Garments of all kinds made up to order, and warranted to fit or no sale. Our stock comprises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which we are bound to sell cheap er than any other establishment, in town or county. CUTTING done to order as usual. Towanda, June 0,185.5. TOWANDA TEMMJB piiil 11 IRIS school, under the charge of the Misses 11 ANSON, _L is hold in the new building on Second street, west of the Ward House. Tlie school year will eon-ist of four quarters, of eleven weeks each. The summer vacation commencing in July, end ending in September. TERMS, PER QPALFTER : First Class- To include the elementary English ) J, -Q branches .and the study of the Latin language, f Serond Class —To include the more advanced sin- i dies of the English branches, with Mathematics, - {9 00 and the study of Latin and French i Third Class —To include Mathematics, Mental 1 ami Moral Philosophy. Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., $l2 00 with Latin and French, \ Each pupil will tiring with her a desk and chair. There will be no extra charges whatever. Music Instruction on the Piano, with use of instru ment, will be given by Miss REBECCA D. HANSON, at $lO per quarter. The Winter Term commences MONDAY. Nov. 20. LECTURES on Rhetoric, Moral and Intellectual Philo sophy, and the higher branches of English Composition, will also lie delivered once or twice in each week. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men lit. Rev. ALONZO POTTER. Bishop of the Diocese of Penn'a. Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. MACLEAN, President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. DAVIII WILMOT, (1. F. MASON. Esq.. C. L. WARD, Esq.. Hon. GEORGE SANDERSON, D. F. BARSTOW , Esq. Col. J. F. MEANS, Towanda. Towmida, November 9, 1855. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL F. C'OI.T, Principal, Professor of Natu ral. Mental ami Moral Science ; REV. JAMES M. WILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Relies Lett res ; CHARLES R. CoP.URN, A. M., Professor of Mathema* ties and Master of Normal School ; " E. ALBERT LI'DWIG, A.M.. Professor of Modern Lan guages. Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing : Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress ; Miss 1,. L. STRATTOX. Assistant. MISS O. LOUISA JENKS, Assistant on Piano and Me lodeon. Mr. CANFELD DAYTON, Steward. Si" The Spring Term commences on WEDNESDAY, March 26th 1856 and will continue fourteen weeks. EX TENSES TER TERM : Payable invariably in advance—Fuel and contingencies all included : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term, $t " Fourth, 6 .. " Third 7 " Second 8 .. " First 10 Pupils using scholarships are charged fl per term for fuel and contingents ; for instrument on which to take lessoas, 50c, or for practice $2.00 EXTRAS : French, German, Spanish or Italian, each, 5 .. When taken without other branches, 7 Drawing 3 Ornamental needlework and embroidery, each 3 Tuition on Fiano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 do do per quarter of 11 weeks, 10 .. Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 .. do figures 10 .. Room rent for lodgers 1 75 The Young Ladies will find board in the Institute, under the care of the Matron, at per week 2 .. Arrangements have been made by which the male pupils can find board in private families, at per week, 2 50 Washing, per dozen, 38 Fuel anil light at the actual expense. Pupils boarding in the Hall, (who will he exclusively Females,) will furnish their own bed, bedding, towels, Ac. and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for the. term must lie paid in advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. For classification of studies and text-books, see circu lars, for which apply to C. L. WARD, President. S. F. COLT, Sec. J. D. MONTANYE, Treasurer. March 1, 1856. O TONS SUGARS—Brown. Refined, Pow * " dered, Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses, Syrup, Rio and Java Coffee, Rice, Saleratus, Ginger, Sperm Candles, Rice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, far sale cheap at june 9 FOX'S. NEW AVINTER GOODs! Tracy 6t Moore, HAVE JUST RECEIVED from X. York a large and well selected assortment of A<EW WINTER GOODS, which have been selected with unusual care, and purchas ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment in the country, wc ask the public to give us a call, and examine our stock and prices. Dec. 1, 1855. SPICES, of all kinds, both white and ground -Mm urd, black and white, whole and ground, at October 9. FOX'ti XilisceUa cons. K AT. \\ i'; i. i.Ks, ATHKHS, BRAHFOItI* CO.. PA. Wholesale and retail dealer in EMERY'S AND WHEtL&VS HORSE POWERS THRESHERS AND SEPERATORS, ( O.n /.Vf.7l TMiSHKHS tc lE/.V.VO WKKS, Portable Saw-Mills, Clover Hullers and Feed Cutters, Emery's Cider Mills, Apple Parers._ Clow's and Kelsev's and other Grain Cradles, Scythes, and other Harvesting Tools. Ketchum's and other Mowing and Reaping Maehines. Seymour's Grain Drills, Broad cast Seed Sowers, Ac. Manufacturer of Peters' Celebrated FAN MILLS, Which I nm prepared to sell at either WHOLES A I.E OR RETAIL, on very favorable terms. These mills are warranted second to none in the United States, for durability, efficiency and simplicity, and will do in tiic best manner and rapidly, all kinds of chaffing and cleaning all kinds of Grain, Grass Seed, Ac. Be' Warranted to chaff tit for market, from 40 to 60 bushels of Wheat per hour. Orders solicited. November 1,1855. R- M. WELLES. Corn Shellers at Wholesale and Detail. I AM prepared to sell as above, on very fa vorable terms, the BEST CORN SHELLERS ever sold iu Bradford County. Where two or more Corn Shellers arc wanted in one neighborhood, I will deliver them at a small charge extra. Price of Shelter, with single balance wheel, f* 00 do double do 8 50 Farmers are invited to examine them. Athens, i'a.. Nov. I, 1855. R. M- YVELLES. CHARLES SICKENS' WODZS! The best and most popular in the world —Ten different editions—No Library can be complete without a set of these works Reprinted from the latest Lon don edition, and published by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chest nut street, PHILADELPHIA. " PETERSON'S" is the only complete and uniform edi tion of I"harles Dickens' works published in America : th y are reprinted from the original London edition, and are now tlie only edition published in this country. No libra ry, either public or private, can be complete wirhout hav ing in it a complete set of this, the greatest of all living authors. Every family should possess a set of one of the editions. The cheap edition is complete iu Twelve Vols., paper cover, either or all of which can be had separately. Price fifty cents each. Rleak House Price 50 cents. David Coppertield do " Nicholas Nickleby do " Pickwick Papers do 44 Domlwy and Son do " Martin Chuzzlewit do 44 Barnaby Rudge do 44 Old Curiosity Shop do 44 Sketches by 44 Boz do 44 Oliver Twist do 44 Christmas Stories and Pictures from Italy. < on taining a Christmas Carol. The Chimes, Crick et on the Hearth, Battle of Life, Haunted Man, The Ghost's Bargain, Ac do 44 Dickens' New Stories. Containing the Seven Poor Travellers, Nine Stories by the Christmas Fire. Hard Times, Lizzie Leigh, The Miner's Daughters. Fortune Wildrcd.Ac do 44 A complete set of the above will i>e sold or sent to any one to any place free of postage, for Five Dollars. COMPLETE LIBRARY EDITION. In five very large octavo volumes, with a portrait on steel, of Charles Dickens, containing the same reading matter as the Illustrated edition, and comprising over four thousand very large double columned pages, handsomely priuted and bound ia various styles, Vol. 1 contains Pickwick Papers and Old Curiosity Shop. •' 3 44 Oliver Twist, Sketches by 44 Boz," and Barnaby Rudge. 44 3 44 Nicholas Nicklebv and Martin Chuzzlewit. • 4 5 44 David Coppertield. Doinbcy and Son, and Christmas Stories. 44 5 44 Bleak House and Dickens' New Stories. Price of a complete set: Bound in black cloth, lull gilt" back, Price, $7 50 44 in scarlet doth, extra 8 50 44 in library sheep 9.. 44 in half Turkey morocco, 11 .. 44 half calf, antique, 15 ILLUSTRATED EDITION IN 12 VOLUMES. This edition is printed on very thick and fine white paper and is profusely illustrated by all the original illustra tions by Cruikshank. Alfred 'Crowqnill. Phiz, Ac., from the original London edition, copper, steel and wood.— Each volume contains a novel complete, and may be had in complete sets, beautifully bound in cloth, for Eigh teen Dollars a set, or any volume will he sold separately as follows: Bleak House Price $1 50 Pickwick Papers do Old Curiosity Shop do Oliver Twist do Sketches by 44 Boz" do Barnaby Rudge do Nicholas Nickleby do Martin Chuzzlewit do David Coppertield do Dombey and Son do Christmji Stories, (seven different ones) do Stories do Price of full and complete set of Illustrated Edition : Bound in Twelve vols, in black cloth, gilt back,.. $lB .. • 4 Library sheep,... 24 44 44 " Half Turkey morocco,... 27 44 44 44 Half calf, antique 36 .. k *5" AII subsequent works by Charles Dickens will be issued in uniform stvle with the above. Copies of any one. or any set, of either edition of the above works, will he sent to any person, to any part of the United States, free of postage, on their remitting the price of the edition they may wish to the publisher. Published and lor sale by T. B. PETERSON, X'o. 102 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. To whom all orders must come addressed. tWßooksellers, News Agents, aud all others, will be supplied at very low rates. 4t44 THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL DIRECT & TO & FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE. TAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICIAN, of Towanda, respect fully informs the public that he has lately procured from Xew York the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath, which has proven to be one of the most "important and wonderful discoveries of the age, from its ability to extract minerals from the human system. Some eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the process of extracting minerals from the bodv, hy galvanism ; more recently, M. Verges, of Xew York, an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of poisonous minerals into his system in the prosecution of his art, conceived the idea of removing them hy the same processes, he succeeded in doing so, and quickly recovered. He then applied the same means to others "similarly af fected, with like results. His success exceeded his most sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths remove mineral poisons, hut cured many diseases, some of which were the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments have fully confirmed-the sin gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi nerals that may lie lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Very often persons are afflicted by diseases which arc oeyond the comprehension of the most skilful physicians, and which are the etl'ect of poisonous mine rals accumulating in the system for years, taken in the shape of calomel, lead, Ac. Ac. The following arc some of the diseases cured by these baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis, Palsy, Painter's Cholir, Chronic Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer! Neuralia in all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all kinds. He has also S. B. Smith's newly invented DIRECT AND TO-AND FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC M ACHINE which is a great improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto fore in use. With the aid of the Bath and Machine, we have at command all the available medical efficiency of Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is vcrv great, in introducing medicines into the system through the pores of the skin—applying it directly to the parts "af fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular ly efficacious in all local diseases. 1 am now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the Machines, at my house in the south part of the borough of Towanda, or 1 will visit patients at a distance, who are unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo derate prices. I ain also sole agent for Bradford county, for the above Machines. JAMES HARRIS. To wan da. December 22,18. DRIED APPLES—a few first rate ones, forfsale at jllO FOXS'. GREAT REDUCTION I v PRICES ! FOR the purpose of clearing out our entire 8T STOVES, before moving into our new store, we will sell for cash at prices full 15 per cent less than our usual rates. Persons in want of a Stove will do well to call soon. January I, 1856. HALL A RUSSELL. 9~vA PAIRS RUBBEROVERSHOESTf descriptions at HUMPHREY'S. Hlisccllancons. w. jx, pu,OCK A- "WATCH REPAIRER. —The undersigned Ik constantly receiving from New-York by Express. new additions to his Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv. Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Kpine ai d Plain Watches, with a full .in J complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, such as Gold chains. Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys. Breast-Pins. Ear-Kings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware,such as Table and Tea Spoons, Cream spoons. Butter knives. Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which will he sold very low tor CASH. CLOCKS— A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from 75 cents to Fifty Dollars. #, Watches repaired on short notice, and WAKKASTKD to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would beg leave to say, that he is prepared to execute the most difficult J*>l a, such as can be done at no other Shop short of New-York city. ,v U. A. CHAMBKRLIN. Towanda, February 1, 1*55. T OOKIXG GLASS PLATES CUT AXJ) 1 J fitted for any size, to be had at the .'ewelry Store ot Feb. 1, 1855. W. A. CHAM BERLIN. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. XVI. Warner's :Vctf (J- Splendid Jewelry Store, me door north of Pultons Drug Store, HASjnst Ig-en opened with the largest and _ most choice stock of FASHIONABLE JEWELRY' everoffered to a discriminating jKC_j J1 public. Indeed, he can safely say that with itefs the opening of his new store has been iu ii,igurated a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment he gives tin- most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. >l. W., when he reflects how, for the past years.with a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage, flatters himself that the immense in crease of Goods he now otters, which have been bought so much more advantageously, will enable hiin to increase thp generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to iiim. He therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. " t-T!IK WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to l>e distinguished by the skill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of being the most reliable in town. Towanda. September '24, 1855. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he is now receiving at his old stand one door north of laiporte. Mason A Co.'s banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahopany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining.Teaand Pembroke Tables. Stands of every kind, Fane, Elag and Wood seat ( hairs, high Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards. Looking glasses, Ac. iw-COFFIXS.nf every size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions when required. The public are invited to examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 will sell cheaper than any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda. August 8, 1855. TH2 OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! . | [ wwii"' n? bap-*. THE subscril>er would announce the public that lie has now on | hand, and will make to order all HBfleflßegroßkinrls of CABINET FURNITURE, B^ s !OMRiktl]such as Sofas, Divans. Lounges. I Yn- Ittii ftTllMaplJ tre. Card, Dining anil Breakfast Ta hie. Mahogany, Walnut. Maple and ■ J"™™' ll L" Ltherry Bureaus, Stands of various i iL -J3 IL.. Y trim! Chairs and Bedsteads of every | description, which are, and will lie made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will tic furnished on ' Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSOX. j Towanda, January 1.1855. | BOOTS AND SHOES. John W. Wilcox, HAS located his establishment on Main Street, on door North of the " Ward House." and will continne the manufacture of ROOTS A SHOES, as heretofore. He has just received from New-Y'ork a large assortment : of Wonians" Childrens' and Misses' Shoes, which are offer | ed at low prices. The attention of the I.adies is particu- I larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles:—Enamelled Jenny I.ind gaiter boots; do. shoes black lasting and silk gaiter ; walking shoes, bus kins, Ac. Mioses' gaiters and shoes, of every description. A large variety of Childrens' fancy gaiters, boots A shoes of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. The strictest attention paid to M AN'i'FAOTrRfXG, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage he has hitherso received. Towanda. Feb. 1, 1855. Chrap Boot, Shoe and Leather Store. T I>. HUMPHREY is just if) *} • receiving next door to H.S. Mercnr's j.-, store in Towanda, a large and well selected EL stock of BOOTS. SHOES .V FINDINGS, troni New York, which with a constant supply of HOME MAXUFACTURED WORK, SOLE A UPPER LEATHER. FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, Ac. he is desirous to sell at small profits. Feeling grateful for past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of public pa tronage. $" -Venture Work and Repairing done on short no tice. CASH paid for Hides and Skins. Towanda, June 14, is.",a. New Boot and Shoe Manufactory. FlflNK HOFFMAN would respectfully JL inform the citizens of Towanda, that he has com menced the ROOT 4* SNOT business in the room over J. Culp A (Vs. shop, near the corner of Bridge street He is ready at all times to do all work in his line in the . host manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, in the latest approved style, as well as Coarse Worh. REPAIRING done in a superior man ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of this place, assuring them that he will endeavor to merit their favors by using the best stock, by careful work manship, and by punctuality. Towanda, June Is, 1855. R. WATROCS n. M. SEW Alt!! v.. H. COOK. RWATKOUB & Co, DEALERS IX • HEAVY <5- SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A 3. Water st. Elmira, N. Y. \\ e have recant Iy made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and-steel. Nails and spika, Ropes and Cord age, Paints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and shape, either .Unlay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, hoth of ludia Rubber A leather. Glass at wholesale. We are prepared to supply Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes. Forks, Ac., at Man ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. CORTUACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Rich A Wilder's Patent Salamander .Safes, Fairbank's Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu lar saws. Large sizes up to 60 inch, always on hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by mail. Elmira. April 7. 1856. n-44-12m MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. BALDWIN' A POLLEYS hnving purchased the marble ! factory of this village, under the superintendence of Henry Hanford, nre happy to announce that the Marble business in Waverly will now be conducted by them. They arc constantly receiving Italian and Rutland Marble, for Monuments, Head Stones, Tomb Tables, Stand Tops, Paint Stones,Mullen, Ac. Having secured the services of G.H. POWERS, who is well kuown to lie the most perfect Artist in the state, they offers unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to secure any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and artistical beaut}'. Waverly. N. Y.. Oc tober IS, 1*55. E STRAY.—Came to the enclosure of the subscriber, in South Towanda, almut the first of Sep. tember, a two year old BRIXRLE HEIFER, with heavy horns, and no particular marks. The owner is requested to prove prnjo-Tty, pay charge* and lake her awav Octebtr 1855. CORNELIUS MOURE. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Square. THE sulmcribcr. thankful for the lila-ral patronage of the past year, intends to keep constantly on hand a full m sorttnent of the very l.est articles usually kept in our line, which uk win. dispose of on -ucli terms a- will, at _ isfactory to nil who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the CASH r „ lr customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer our recommendations, and art varranted as represented. 05*=- Medical Advice gratuiloosly given al the Office, charging .nly for the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, Loudon Porter & Seoleli Ale. ALL 'I JIE MOS POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles, Nip. pic Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, &c. American, English $ Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO 6l SNUTF !—-Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Princice and ITara CIGARS ! h Paint*, Oils, Yarnlsbe*, Window Glass, IliuSlics, Perfumery. Shaving §OD Fancy Articles, &c. &c. ' Hair Dyes, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts fur the Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port monnais, Purses, Bay, Colonge, Rose and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indellible Ink, Ac. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Svrups, Sugars, Spices, St c &c. Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Are. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! Towanda, February 1,1&.V5. 11. C. PORTER. M. D. A PATTOiYS NEW DRUG STORE §g I Jl7 ST OPENED, pkol ON THE CCRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS. c No. 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, fc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE snhscri'er would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has fitted up N'o. 4. in Putton'. N'ew lfrick Block, for a Dltl'tV STORK, and that he is now receiving from the cities of Philadelphia and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS. DIE STUFFS, A H4UE©'-fi ©I? IFAarara' A2s2CJCj'i3l DR:SSINB COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MO'.NAES, &c. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, <&c., always on hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale. and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes for the Hat, Hair, Tci-th, Nails, Boots, Painting, Varnishing, Whitewashing, it. The I.overs of (!C)C)1) ('[(!. 1 U S and TOR A CCO, tcill find a large variety of eh ice Hard eia, Yarn and l'rincipt Cigars, and the fines! brands of Tobacco and SnvJT. CAM PHI NE AND BURNING FLUID, And a fine assortment of /.AMI'S, of all sizes and descrijitions. Ilird Unices. Cups. Nests rind Sad- All <f which i- offered for sale on the most satisfactory terms. Our-tuck being large and m-i-tly pur<-l:a-c-dfriutki Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us t . sell ; ,t reduced pre s. must si tisfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examinat on of our stork -.tods and pri Our Motto is— "THE CASH SYSTEM— QI'ICK SALES—SMALL PIiOKiTS." ; flur Goods are selected with the utinost'care and warranted to be what they are represented: if ar.v should pnwt the contrary, we arc not only willing but request nr customers to retina them, and the nn aey h:efmul- !. Ktf Having secure.' the services of 1P. HUSTON, who will keep his office at this >t m and .re BJtficil ; advice gratuitously to those purchasing medicines. JOSKI'H (J. i'ATTON HARDWARE AM) IRON STORK." HALL fr RUSSELL, F'^'iT" 0 -frf'--ai Wholesale and Retail Dealers in sS=yHARDWARE AND STOVES, Tin, Japanned and Britannia Ware, Tpf House Trimmings, Caniage Trimmings, Harness d. Saddlery v Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS, of all hinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, Ac. Ac. ! Would inform their friends, that these are only a part of the general heads under which may he classed tbeirxten ; sivr assortment, and to which they are constantly receiving additional supplies, direct from the importers and ! torturers, which enables them to offer such inducements in their large stock and low prices as will defy conq-ctit: -■ from any quarter. We would ask the particular atteution of 2mg<HSliiH2<D3 IFAiBESIgISSa to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the greatest care, we are confident will eT ' 3 the most fastidious. ft e' Don't forget the place—South side of the Public Sqnare. Old Iron, Copper and brass, and all kinds of Country Produce, takcu in exchange for Goods. . Towanda, May 27,18i4. HALL A Rl^E l - 1 - GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AC. If est side of the Public Square, opposite the Court House. BAILEY" & NEYIXS are just receiving a large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries, } Yankee Notions, Tnvs, Fruit, Confectionary, Ac., which ; will be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or "in exhange for most kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would do well to call and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. Rlack and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar. Molasses, Syrup. Ginger, Pepper, Spice, Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon. Ground Mustard. Pepper Sauce, Soda, Kaleratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. PROVISIONS. Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal. Feed, Pork, Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codfish. Shad, Lake Trout, Piokeled and Smoked Herring,Cheese,Rice, Beans, Onions,' Potatoes, Butter. Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Prunes. Citron. Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins. Lem ons and Oranges, Green and Dried Apples, and Peaches Almonds, I'ecan nuts, Brazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira' Walnuts, nuts, Chestnuts, Hickory nut-,Ac. GERMAN, FRENCH and AMERICAN TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Ac—Boys' Sleighs. Tin Wagons. China, Pewter A Wood Tea Setts. Dolls, Trumpets, Toy Guns, Accordians, Har monicas, Glass, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes aud Toilet Cases, Toy Bureans, Secretaries, AT. Pearl, lvery. Papier Mache and Leather Port Monaies Wallets, Purses, Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Tobac co arid SnnfT Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth. Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac. FOOLS CAP, Letter. Commercial Note and Bath Post Paper, Envelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ink, Inkstands, Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales, Ac. Ac. TABLE AND DAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NEVINS. Towanda, November 26, 1K33. BOOTS k SHOES—The lamest, best and < heape-t a-'ortmcnt this ido of the Empire f it v ma v bcfound at je'i'j 'I R VCY >V MQOltfclj. ' I TAKE NOTICE RR. C. L. KELLINO. MECH \XI< - ' announces to all afflicted with Tumors, Wen*- I cer. Warts, MTW, Lnu, Moles ..r Mark-. t . ! King's Evil, and alfdiseases that have been ,<■ jed Caustic or Knife that he can remove them "| ( tirely new method, without cutting, burning or F is no matter on what part of the body they are- ' r j move them with perfect safety ami in a remari time, if curable. No money required. except '"t"""'"jj. until a cure is (verfected. Chronic and other mentioned above, treated with positive success, it v Full particulars can he obtained by addressing LING, M. r.. Meclianicshnrg, Cumberland vp j! Persons attiicted. residing at a distance, he ha>>■■■- ■ • been in the habit of prescrbing by letter, and wm satisfaction. tin* He would sav however to those desiring am l ' • a • way, that to secure attention the.v should end""- the general symptoms of their cases, a fecoj ' warrant him iu spending his time for their U-nriy The doctor may he consulted at his office at a when not professionally absent. . ,-autics CAUTION Strangers coming to see the ed as some have been deceived. I>r- K. > t' ie jjj'j.— this State, who can perforin cures by the n-w , ' , The Dr's. office is directly opposite the t ni"n t ( - 0 m- Meehanicaburg is S miles from Harrishurc <• ■ ]■,. berland V. K. It. and accessible from all part- , ion. The I*r. will visit cases within a reasons <■" when desired. CASH-AND CREDIT THE subscriber gratefully announces h;> ''""' i afi joJ lilteral patronage received during the pa* . y respectfully solicits a continuance of thctrac • will endeavor to merit by keeping hi- ■ > ' l" ' yW replenished by CASH purchases, with a !•" ~' nfnC t ba? assortment of Goods, which several year* <. r Py enabled him to " buy at the loirest rates oi ' ters and Manufacturers" —by selling 1""'—■ ri j,e CASH SYSTEM entirely, and by making a g turn of prices. Consequently, the credit system will cease the first day of January. fßafi. jj,. itiißJf hi- All persons indebted arc requested to ,j ; j-yK diate payment. , I' h '• -d Ih' cK Office and Drug Store in "-"nth vr,; December 2", iv..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers