Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 19, 1856, Image 3

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    Ccgiil 3.i>Dcrlisctncnts.
\uril VN'S COURT SALE.— By virtue
I I ior nf the Orphan*' Court of Bradlord coun
-1 vi'l] b" to public Hale on Friday. April 4th
'- , o'clock P M., a certain lot. piece or parcel
i ituate in Asvlum <U)d Wilmot township bound
""in bv Patrick Madia' land, on the cast by the same.
e j noriu o hy Etiwar( ] Overton's lands, and west by
on the soui ftnd Henry p olld . containing one
i A o re- more or less, abotit fifty acres thereof im
i e foe house and a framed barn thereon erected
l ,r ; ,v ."oropcrtv of Isaac Rosenerante, deceased.
• T '•> tTYRI'S SHUMW.VY, Administrator.
'V povrMENT.— I The above sale is postponed until Fri
'o , ~l •>•-, 1-56. at the same pl£e and time of day.
day. ( VIUJS SHLMWAV, Administrator.
\ t„ reliv given, that all persons indebted to the es-
r Uutl< "r Sill, deceased, late of Herrfck town-
T' ,rr hercbv requested to make payment without de
.V. i -ill uersons having claims against said estate will
l ; ,v; an" • i.• du iy authenticated for settlement.
"'T'-il r 1 CHARLES SILL, Admiu'r. ;
I I ... .pn GOUNTY.—In pursuance of an Act of the
li \-emb!v. passed the 13tlr of March. 1815, and
, ... ~| \v-cmbly. wiil be exposed to public sale, at
nimi—i">ner's oßice. in Towanda Boro . on the 2d
voiVli \Y in JUNE. the Tracts of Unseated Lands iu the following list, unless the taxes due upon
are I,aiU bCf " ri 'r h C. KELLOGG .Treasurer. |
towamla. April 1. 1356. '
v," So. Warrantee Taxes. Acres: orOwimr. I
ins) 550 Charles Carroll, 110 73
-no same, 5 85
126 pt. Avery Christopher 7 74
100 " Bower Philip, 6 15
3-7 •' Cortright Cornelius, 17 27 i
4 :1 Cortright John, 20 53
330 Cary Nathan, 14 14
40, Ik venport Cornelius, 24 04 1
331 pt. Devenport Daniel, 14 23 !
433 Hollcnback John, 27 t>s |
110 pt. Kidd John, 7 13
300 pt. Sterling Samuel, Jr., 13 30
200 pt. Thomas Kdward, 12 30 I
01 Anderson Joseph, 6 85 |
107 pt. Baron John, jr 8 .. j
300 pt. Carey Nathan, 15 .. )
1074 pt. Chandler Elizabeth, 8 00 j
3ul Chandler George. 15 08 j
78 pt. Castator Frederick 5 85 {
401 Gore Elizabeth. 30 09 |
310 Haines Catharine, 15 70 ;
-4 pt. Pierce Abel, 0 30
93 pt. Rush Moses. 7 ..
122 pt. Rush Elizabeth, 9 15
-0 pt. Scott Charles, C ..
2uo pt. Thomas Edward, 15 . .
490 Young David, SO .
r.rn mnuton.
U94 Ss Carroll Charles, 277 j
ipi3 195 same, 014 !
;i-C 190 same, 315 j
j ,,3 in Wilson James, 3 52
ijsj 100 same, 315
75 pt. Atti- Frederick, 3 SO
1311 pt. Arnout Henry, 4 08
*73 pt. Croak Jacob, 9 28 .
40 Friend John, 130 j
33 pt. Green Jobn. 1 06 J
265 pt. Hand Edward, 9 ..
75 pt. Morgan John, 3 95 |
HO4 Shcfner Casper jr., 20 78 j
345 pt. Shaw Robert, 12 47 j
75 pt. Singer John, .3 80
300 Slough Matthias, 11 20
100 Singer Abram, 340 I
40 pt. Shaw Robert, ! 57 i
193 Barker William, HlO j
57 Cooley Henry, 4 04 •
?G pt. Erwin George, 17 01 |
4"" Edge Samuel, 28 20 !
171 Edge George. 12 08 i
131 pt> Fullerton Richard, 9 21
214? Gratz William, 15 13 j
300 pt. Hardy James, 14 10 '
100 Hardy Andrew, 2- 20 j
do Hardv Pinion, 2s 20 1
do Hard'v Natlmn, 28 20 |
do Hardy Paul. ?8 30 j
do l.adley Joseph, 2s 20 j
500 pt. l.adley Andrew, 21 15 j
4'js Stuart Walter, 30 17 j
265 Stuart Deborah-, 18 57 '
t9O Siddons Samuel , 28 20
d" SiddonsJoseph, 28 30
325 Siddons James, 22 89 •
175 Siddons Peter. 12 16 ,
*'2-4 Tvveut Andrew, 23 17 j
50 Wilson James, 3 53
IP2 190 same, 13 10 !
lt-2 1-0 same. 12 69 i
(iIIAN V11.1.E.
11-2 405 Wilson James, 788 j
!"3 73 Gray Patrick, 141!
35 Khinehart George, 69 '
120 lick Fred-rick, 2 31 1
12.1 pt. Atti- Frederick, 7 95
4074 Anti- lleurv. 25 09 !
i 42 pt. Raker .1 dm. 8 12
4:1 . Raker Wm. M. 26 36 ,
200 Raker Win.. ]2 30
'-7 Douglass Andr.w, 23 7s '
40- Heurv Jo-eph, 25 09 .
413 J i " j Peter. 2.5 57!
35'-' j Morgan J dm. 20 43)
4"7j M>rgn Jacob, 25 09 i
(37 Pennington llenj., 26 90'
4-5 Patton John. 29 85
222 Reed Collinson, 13 5 j
435 Slioetnaker James, 26 81 1
41.3 Simons Jo-eph, 25 42 |
12 ' pt. Singer John, 7 95 !
425 Wilson Win. 26 30 j
117 M'i-tar Win., 26 90 j
I"! Witzell .tolin. ! 1 02 1
L'O Anderson Samuel, VI ,
3" Anderson Joseph, Is 5.5 I
• i Bcnncr Jacob, 21 67
3) Rcnncr Jacob jr,. 23 3s
447J Rriggs Richard. 26 24
•22 Castator Frederick, 19 32
172 Ellis Marcy. 10 33
'7 Gray William. 5 80
tun Hampton Rolu-rt, 24 . .
150 Ifopliitt- Roliert, 9. . •
3-4 pt. Hamilton Thomas, 23 04 j
152 M'Adams Ephraiui 27 13 j
4(H) North James. 24 I
2"0 pt. North Samuel, 12 . . j
400 Shotts Peter. 24 I
d 1 Shotts Frederick, 24 ..
do "imtt- George, 24 ..
7-1) Wallace Mary, lt 80 j
Son Woodruff Hannah, 6 j
341 Ret? Heurv, 2.5 24 !
141 Retz Joseph, 25 24
"43 Retz John, 25 24 ,
143 Jiotz James, 25 24
4'") Hvsnn Henry, 29 40
3,". Cooley Samuel, 27 52
4"0 Castator Harmon, 29 40
d" Castator Joseph, 29 40
d' ' ouley Jo-hum, 2 • 40
'•'<! pt. Erwin George, 17 72
34-1 Edge Peter, 2.5 24
I'D) pt. Ellis Marvv, 7 35
pt. Edge George, 12 66
■ Fritz Samuel, 25 24
4uo Haga Hamtnl 2 ) 40
H irdy Samuel, 29 40
'"5 Hardy Jauips, 27 il
'""d Harris Ann. 28 ffj
I'd) Hilling-worth Stephen, 29 40
Hardy Henry, 29 40
; '_'9 La'Uev .\nrlrewr, 735
3 i Moore George, 27 53
100 Moore Paul, 29 40
3i'3 Moore John, 28 91
200 North Samuel, 14 70
4'K) N'"rth Jonathan, - 29 40
-"9 Palmer Thomas, 14 70
4'*) Temple Samuel, 29 40
''9 Temple Peter. 2!) 40
d° Temple George, 29 40
d*> So--ley Peter. 29 40
Seeley Joseph, 29 40 I
Se-lev Henry, 29 40 j
o ; _' Siddons James, 553 '
Siddons Peter, 16 51 |
Go pt. Woodruff Hannah, 13 23
■ 4 pt. George Corliran, 2 62
'-'9 pt. loader Samuel 39
Raron James, 81 j
- v Kentley Samuel. -51
[ ™ Carrol Charles, 11 70
. 7;' 1 ! same. 4 88
same, 3 30
Ice Carroll Charles, 1 95
ii>l . ''l same, s7B
In , same, 359
pt- King John, 2 26 [
5 , S<! Til CRFTK.
v • l! Johnston A Mifflin, 18 81
" s Pt- same.. 2 49
, Primm George, *• 2 93
Porter Henry, 1 45
. W A (IKES'.
j f 1 ''cobs C issander, 82;
* Jai'oh- Peter, 8 27
' 1 J-' oh Paul. 827
227 pt. Jacobs Henry, 4 42
160 pt. Bradley Phincas, 11 28
250 pt. Bennett Rufua, 17 C 3
350 Baldwin Jaines, 24 C 8
395 Downing Reubin 27 87
26 pt. Leakey John, 1 97
, 401 Morris Israel, 28 29
** 80 pt. Morris Benjamin, 5 04
395 Spalding Simeon, 27 87
400 Sterling James, 28 20
200 Sterling Samuel, Jr. 14 10
100 pt. Shcpard David, 7 05
394 Williams Rufus, 27 7.8
400 Wagner Adam, 28 20
ALSO—In pursuance of the provisions of the act of the
act of the General A-seiybly, passed the 29th day of April
1844, section 41, at the same tijne and place"will"lie expos
ed to public sale the tracts or parcels of laud or real es
tate described in the following list, unless the taxes due
upon the same are paid before that time :
3~> SVI gl>. |
Year. To whom Assessed. 7- l- ir I -j =
f - a. P-"' - 5.1 P- I "
1552. Albany Corn. Maloney, 150 100 4 96 $1 34
1854.. John Martiri," 113 113 1 63
1852 . Asylum.. Pierce Lemon 95 95 1 14
N& J C Benjamin 236 256 286 458
" Ralph Peters' heirs 60 50 80
1854 .. " Michael Croat, 50 50 46
" J W McKnown, 40 10 30 68
1853. Athens boro'. Thos T Huston, .house and lot 4 32
" Guy Tozer. .one lot 2 20
1854.. " Thus T Huslou house and lot 308
" AO Hart .house a lot. shop a lot 497
1853. .Athens tp. . Belden .4 house and lot SO
" Tmonias Cooper 60 60 pt. imp 352
" Owen Hagan 69 69 6*2 22
I " Powers 100 100 6 94 274
[ " Ab Itosecrans. 4 bouse and lot 160
1854.. " Mrs E Benjamin, house and lot 140
! " Rcldin.. house and lot 70
" Owen llagan 69 69 193
" Abram Itosecrans. .house and lot 140
" Henry Tozcr 50 pt. imp. 175
" Jamc- Knickerbocker 30 30 63
" Geo Hallock 83 33 3 30 161
1853. .Armenia. .11. Coolbaugh 200200 200 176
1854.. •' same 200200 200 154
" CI- Ward 200200 200 154
1852. . Burlington. Moses Bonnet 50 50 5 45 131
1851.. " Matthias Armstrong 60 50 50 1 26
1852. " Simeon P Henaon 73 50 2 48 131
1854 .Columbia. Joseph Credtford 109 54 55 805
1853 . Canton Jus Locke's est. 400 400 20 380 352
1848..Dure). .Susan McAffee 190 190 2 52
1849 . •• same 190 190 2 28
1852.. " same 200200 1 00
1653.. " same 190 190 2 49
" Mrs C Butler 150 150 2 64
" Edward Castellow 50 15 35 173
...... " Daniel Kecfe 50 50 88
" Vanderpool John 50 50 1 28
" Edmund Whalen 70 70 1 23
1851. .Franklin Jaine-A Paine 200 150 150 105
1853. . " Joseph Kassett 75 50 50 40
" Hiram Woodburn 100 100 100 80
1852. .Granville.. Henry Hawly IG4 170 170 4 00
1853. " H Townsend P>4 164 164 2 69
Herrick. . Dechastellux CL C 200200 255
" Owen Dougherty 105 105 1 39
laroy. Lvtnan Railev 22 I 18 87
" Oif Nelson 144 4 140 3 ;o
1854. Monroe Jared Hart J house and lot 1 05
Overtoil ('Maloney 100 100 5 95 164
" James A Paine 150 150 105
" Hiram Woodburu 100 100 70
1553. l'ike. JasS Stevens 30 30 3 31
1851.. Rome.. Daniel Hill 50 40 40 54
" Chester Wedge 50 60 12 48 156
" David Eiklor - 50 60 1 j 65 1 77
" Samuel Cooley 50 25 25 32
1652 .Rome Daniel Hill. 40 40 62
" Nathan Hill, 92 18 74 228
1853. . " William Unan, 62 20 42 50
" Eli Rolls, To 20 50 278
......Sheslieqnin. . Aaron Shceler, 72 4 66 1 79
South Creek A. Fuller, jr 50 46 3 43 100
" J. Mandeville,jr. 50 40 10 30 128
" Henry Turk, CO 57 3 52 123
1854. " D. A." Fuller, 50 50 50 77
" J. Mandeville, jr 50 50 60 1 07
...... " Cy.Strowbridge 100 100 3 95 462
'• ( has. White, 45 45 10 35 294
" Amos Fenton, 550 H 40
'• Marv A Yeoman- 1 1662 1662 12 33
Abiii IJ. Fuller, 50 46 3 43 126
" Geo Dunham, 600 131*0 ' 20 75
" Adams A KirbyllSO 1150 t6 06
1852. .Standing Stone. .J Cronan, 45 11 34 102
" Levi Baldwin 15 15 15 27
" Jesse Carman, 50 50 15 35 152
- I W Castor, 60 3 57 1 17
" Knierv Gibbs, 44 44 44 70
" 1* I) Havens, 43 45 36 7 502
John Wood, 45 45 15 30 229
1853 " I W Custard, 59 59 5 54 115
" Emery Gibbs, 44 47 47 75
" 1' D Havens. 43 40 40 5 CO
... " Harvev Tuttb', 50 50 15 35 200
" J.I A- DM Dull, 100 100 KM) 160
1654. *' I W Castor, 59 5 54 100
1850 Smithfield J T Hall. 160 160 30 120 370
1852 " R L Morton, 50 7 43 134
" Wm Rolfe, 50 2 48 120
1853. " Solomon (tatcs 75 75 75 1 81
" John O Sterns, 192 192 192 361
1854 " Amos Hose, 100 15 85 277
" John •) Sterns. 192 192 4 03
1853. Tuscarora John Phinney, 20 10 10 45
.ToOranda bo. Joshua Johnson house and lot 82
1654. . •• John M'lntosh. .house and lot 3 84
.... " Patrick Burke lot 2 00
Towanda south. .B. Wilcox est. 77 49
1853 .Ulster James Lenox. 50 50 20 30 240
1851 . Warren. Thos G Dunn. 50 50 6 44 1 39
1853. " Henry Blanchard 160 100 100 189
" George l'rinee. 160 100 12 88 218
1854 " Heurv Blanchard 100 100 100 1 40
1852 Wv-ox J L Guise!in- 100 100 10 90 .! 04
1853. Wilmot. Richard Biles 50 5 45 87
. " Carney David 113 113 149
" John Kimball 113 60 60 80
" Edwd Overton 99 99 1 32
Abiat Woodward 113 113 150
" David Whipple 85 100 5 95 152
1654 " John Mulligan HS 10 78 1 35
1851 .Wyalu-ing Derrick Cobb 75 70 15 55 184
E. C. KELLOGG, Trcas. Brad. Co.
Trcasnrer's Office, Towanda. April 1. 1856.
N'OTICE. —Notice i hereliv <iven that 011
the 6th (lay of Eebruary. 1856. a petition signed by
J. M. Bishop. F. W. Brown. John Allen and sundrv other
citizens of Wy.-ox towu-hip, Bradford county aruf it- vi
cinity, was presented fo the Court of Common Pleas of
said county, praying to lie incorporated under the name
of •• The Wyso* Brick Meeting House," agreeably to a
constitution annexed to said ]>etition : WKeretipon the
same having been perused and examined by the Cwnrt and
the objects, articles and conditions therein set forth and
contained appearing to Is" lawful am! not injurious to the
community, the court directed said writing to la- filed in
the office of the Pruthonotary of said cyirt, and that no
tice Is* inserted in the Bradford Reporter for at lea-t throe
week- before next Term—that application has been made
to said court to grant said charter of incorporation ; and
if no sufficient reason i- shown to the contrary, the said
court will on the first day of May Term next, decree said
petitioners to Is- a corporation 11s prmod for in said peti
tion. ALLEN M'KEAX, Pruth'rv.
Towanda, March 17. 1656.
HKCJ ISTKIi'S NOTIUKS.—Notice is here
by given that there lisve la-en filed and settled in
the office of the Register of Will-, in and for the county of
Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following
estates, viz :
Final account of S. S. Bradley, administrator of the es
tate of Michael Vincent, iate 01 Purell.doc'd.
Final account of Olive Slialer. administratrix of the
estate of George Slialer. late of Burlington, dee'd.
Partial account of Daniel Strong, executor of the estate
of John Strong, late of Weils, dee'd.
Final account of John Elliott and -I. F. t'hnmbcrlin. ad
ministrator of the estate of Wm. Morrow, late of Wyalu
sing, dee'd-
Final account of John A. Codding and Betsey Barnes,
executors of tie* estate of Rhesus Barnes, hit* - <>t l'ike. de
Final account of Nelson Barnes, administrator of the es
tate of Amos Green, late of Orwell, dee'd.
Final account of John Flynn and Catharine ko-iek. for
merly Catharine O'Keefe, administrator of Pan"! O'Kccfe
late of Rome, deceased.
And the same will he presented to the Orphans' Court
of Bradford county, on Monday, the sth day of May next,
for confirmation and allowance.
JAMES H. WEBB. Register.
Register's Office. Towanda. March 26. 1656.
ance of an order of the Orphaus' Court of Bradford
conntv. will lie exposed to public sale on the premises, sit
1 o'clock, P. M.. 011 WEDNESDAY, the 30tb day of April
next, the following described lot, piece or parcel of land
situate in the township "f South Creek, in said county,
containing 95 acres or thereabouts, bounded on the north
by land- of Philo Kassett and James Dewey; east bv land
of F. B. Brown, and smith by land of Augustus Hillman :
with alxiut sixty acres improved, with an orchard thereon
growing and a framed house and barn thereon erected—
hjaid lot of land belonging to the estate of William Decker
late of said township, deceased, and is the same lot- on
which he resided at the time ot his death. Attendance
will he given and terms of sale made known by the sub
scriber or by some person for him. C'AL\ IN W EST,
Ridghury", March 18, 1856. Executor.
Vr TUTOR'S XOTICE. —Jj/carjy S, Mcn ur
now to the use of J. M- I'cck and 11. M. Moore vs.
Richard Horton and Curtis Smith. In the court of Com
mon Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 299, May Term, 1854.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by -aid Court , to
distribute the funds rai-ed bv Sheriff sale of defendant s
real estate, will attend to" the duties assigned him
at hi* office in tbc I<roup:h T<*waiula, on rtiff<lhv the
15th day of April, 1856, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
when and where all persons hiving claim- are rcpif-t
ed to present the;n, or be fovet er del .tri ed tb< refrotn.
March 15. is >6. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor.
Cegol S\btcrtiaeintnl3.
vJIILRIH' S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
I—s writs of Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas ot Bradford County, and to
me dire jted, will he exposed to public sale at the Court
House in the boro'of Towanda, on Monday, May 5. 1856.
, 9 , C( j. ? following described lot piece or par
cel of land situate in Litchfield tvvp., bounded on the ndrth
by landl ot Stephen Evans,' east by land of Wm. Cotton and
bcclev Goble south by land of Orson Career. „d west by
other lauds ot defendant, Allen Baldw in, containing about
fifty-two acres more or ieaa.
T '. A H^T~. O, " ; ", tt : uir '" l P iet ' or parrel of laud situate iu
Litchfield township, bounded ou the north bv lands of
1 honiOK Munu, we.-t by lands of It. B. Kceler. south' bv
kinds ot Jacob Campbell or Joseph Parks, east bv lands of
i 1 *bout thirty acres more or less.
r ,r.°" C U | i" 1 , piect ; or l ,arcel of la,,d Mituatc ill
Litchfield tw p., Uunded north by the public highway ami
Und of Cyrud Ajornll east bv laud of Stephen Kvans and
other lauds of defendant, Allen Baldwin, south by land of
Orson Carner, and West by lauds of Thomas Munn. con
taining about eighty acres more or less, about fifteen aere
lmproyed and one framed barn thereon.
1 lot I jietP or parcel of land situate 1n
Litehheld twp., bounded on the north, east and south bv
other lands of Allen Baldwin, and west by lands of Thom
as Munn, containing one acre more or less, all Improved,
one log house with a framed addition and one saw mill
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Isaac Shen
ard executor of Job Shepard, deceased vs. Allen Baldwin
te ' Evans. Also, the same plaintiff vs. xifi-u
| Baldwin.
j ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
Inland situate in W v-ox twp., bounded as follows to wit •
(Beginning at the N. YV. corner of Alviu Whitney's lot.
thencenortU eajt 11X2<> adrv hemlock; thence
, south 51° east 64 perches to the N. W. corner of a small
I lot deeded to L. S. Case ; thence south 18° we-t 31 per
! dies to the south-west corner of said Case's lot ; them e
j south 51 east 15 perches to t lie south-east corner of Case's
lot ; thence north IS° ofuu t 31 perches to the north ea-t
| corner of said Case's lot ; thence south 51° east 97 per
j dies to a post; thence south 1° West 167 perches to the
, north cast corner of Valentine Woodburn's lot • thence
north 51° west 216 perches to tlie beginning, containing
■ 121 acres more or less, about 50 acres improved one log
I house one framed house, a framed barn and a few fruit
j trees thereon.
| Seized and taken in execution nt the suit or Burton
j Kingsbury vs. T. \\. A W. E. Woodburn.
j ALSO Ihe following described lot piece or parcel of
j land situate in Ditrell tvp.. bounded north by lands in
I possession of John Johnson, east by lands of Samuel Y'an
derpool and the Benjamin Ada farm (originally ) nowoe
, cupied by S. S. Bradley, south bv land- of Means A Storr-.
j west by the Wm. Morrison tract, now owned bv David
Cash, containing about four hundred and thirty acres,
more or less, about fifty acres improved, four plank and
framed houses and one framed barn thereon.
ALSO--A duster ot Glands lying In the Susquehanna
river, know ii as the <ortJoii 4 V Ada Inlands, containinsr
about forty acres more or less, parti v improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the -nit of Joseph Wil
kius now to the use of A. it. Smith vs Israel Smith.
Also, at the suit of R. B. Griffin et. al. to the use of A.
: It. Smith vs. Israel Smith.
ALSO—'The follow ing described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in the town-iiips of Ridglierv and South Creek,
, bounded on the north by lands of Peter Dean, on the ea-t
by land- of Joel ('linton, Joseph Patter-on and Martha A.
Hill, eu the south by lauds of Itarkley Clark, and on the
west by land- of Hiram Mason, containing eightv-two
acres more or less, about nine acres improved, two log
houses thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. R. Ingcr
sall et. al.Ac. vs James Griggee.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Wysox twp. tioiinded as follows, to wit
Beginning at the N. W. corner of a lot of land deeded bv
C. L. De Chastelleux to Charles Newell, thence X. 39° K.
95 perches to a post ; thence X. 51° W. 80 perches to a
post, on the warrant line ; thence south 1° west 126 per
ches to the Itoginning. containing twentv-two acres and
one hundred nineteen perches more or less, about fifteen
acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Burton
I King-bury vs. J. 1,. Woodburn.
Al.SO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Troy twp, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning
! in the centre of the highway at the south east corner of a
lot deeded January 24th, 1-54, bv Nathaniel Monlton to
Barnard Hamenway ; thence bv "the cent re of said road
north 27°, west 144 jiefehes ; thence still by the centre of
-aid road, nortli 14°, east 2.5 and 3-lfi perches ; thence
south 874°. east s:<j perches to the fence on the west side
of the Wdli.itn-port A Elniira Railroad ; thence south 24°
west 20 A 7-10 perches to a post: thence south 3°, east
16 A 9-10 perches to a post; thence north 87J°, west
•J A 6-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing
thirteen m res and fifteen perches more or iess,ail improv
ed. one board shantee and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Nathaniel
Monlton vs. Barnard Hamenway.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
, land situate in Smitlifiehl twp. Ismnded on the north and
west by the public highway, on the east and south bv
lands of Daniel Andrus, containing one half an acre be
the Nunc more or l.-s, all improved, one frame house,one
! frame barn thereon.
AlJ4<)—One other lot piece or parcel of laud situate in
said tow nshlp of Smith field and bounded on the north and
east by lands of Daniel Andrus, and south and west bv
I the public highway, containing one acre more or less, ail
improved, a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of N'ewburv
and Peek vs. James B. Wood.
ALSO- —Hie following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Springfield twp. liounded north by the
! highw ay and land of Gardner Bennett, cast by lam!- of
James Philips, south by lands of Atnnsa Faulkner, and
west by lands of Thomas Pine and Gardner Bennett, con
, tabling thirty-five acres more or less, alsmt eight acre
improved, a framed house, a small framed barn, a cooper
shop and a tew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John V.
Tu-hlcr to use of Abiram Pierce vs. Samuel Faulkner.
ALSO The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Albany twp. bounded on the north by land
i of Amasa Scribbins, on the east by lands of Hall,
on the soutli by lands, owners name unknown, and on the
we-t by lands of John Brimmer, containing one hundred
and twenty-six acres and seventeen |>ereltcs more or less,
, about ten acres thereof improved, one log house thereon.
I Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Christian
Heverly vs. John Read.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Monroe twp. bounded on the north by land
of Guy C. aud James W. Ira inc. on the ea-t by lands of
John Bnstfd and Siuiou Pool, on the South by land- of
l Ezra K' llogg, on the west by lands of Jerome S. Sal--
j bury, containing about seventy-six acres ire the same more
j or Ic—. about ten acres improved, with one log house, one
log stable and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of O. P. Lyon
. vs. Wm. Kelch.
i ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
! land situate in Lcßov twp. bounded north hy land- of
itu-sell Haxton and John l.ooniie. West hy lands of John
, Haxton, south by lands of Kthsri Pepper. Latham Andrus
j and Uriah Clark. East by land of Pearl Haxton, eontain-
I ing alrout thirty-nine acres more or les, about twenty-five
| aens improved, one framed or plank house, one framed
. barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Francis B.
i Temton vs. Edward K. Sabin.
I- ALSO- The defendant's interest in the following lot,
jiiece or parcel of laud situate in Leßoy township bound
ed on the north and east by lands of John tlammond.
south bv the Towanda Creek, and west by lands belong
ing to the estate of Steley Holcomb, dee'd.. containing
j about twenty acres more or less, all improved, three log
| houses, two framed barns, one saw mill, blacksmith shop,
! and a few fruit trees thereon.
AIJ-o—One other lot, pie -e or parcel of land situate in
: Lel'oy twp.bounded on the north bylandsof YY iii.liunyon.
east by lands of Y". Brine, south by lands of Jesse YY'arble
' ton, west by lands ot P. Shoemaker, Philander Hurley,
| Seth Haxton, and by lands now or formerly owned by
' Mark Porter, containing about fifty acres more or less,
about twelve acres improved, one log house, log barn aud
| fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Xedebiah
I Smith 2d, to the ore of E. Pomeroy vs. Ellis Hoaglaud.
j ALSO—The f 11'w ing de-eribed lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Ulster twp.. Ismnded north by land- of S.
' Mvers, east by the public highway, south bv land of J.
5 Hall, west by land of P. F. YY'clis and S. Huff, containing
I one acre, be the same more or less, one frame ham and a
) few fruit trees thereon.
| Seized and taken in execution at the suit of YVelle- and
: Harris now to the use of M. YY". Hamilton vs. G.J. YY'alker.
ALSO—The following described Jot piece or parcel of
land situate in R"mr twp. and bounded on the north by
' land- of ('. P. Worthing, on the cast by the road leading
' from Rome Springs to Morley Hill, on the south by lands
I of L. T. Lent, on the west by lands of S. YY". Elliott, eon
j taining one hundred and seventy-five acres, be the same
, more or le-s, about seventy acres improved, one framed
| house, one framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees
! thereon,
Al-SO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
i land situate in Itoiue twp. bounded north by ('. ('. Worth
| ing. bv lands of YY'ni. Elliott and P. Murpliy, south by
land- of ii. Dolison. wi st by the road leading from Rome
j Springs to Morley Hill, containing eighty acres more or
less, about thirty acres improved and an orchard of fruit
! tree- thereon.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
! land situate in Rome twp. hounded north and west by the
public highway, south by other lands of Jud-on llol
j comb, tiie defendant.east by lands <>f John Passniore.con
taining eighty feet front and two hundred and fourteen
i feet back?he the same more or ie-s, all improved, one
framed house, one framed storage house and hall and one
large framed baru and shed ana one framed store house
thereon. ...... . r
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate iu Rome twp. bounded north by lot conveyed
i to Jndsou llol'-omb. the defendant, by Lewis Ooff, east hy
lands of John Puss more, south by lands of P. Forhes. we-t
by the public highway, containing fifty feet front and two
I hundred and five feet'deep, be the name more or less, all
improved, one framed dwelling house and a few fruit trees
' ALSO The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Rome twp. bounded north by lands of Lmii
: ea YY'attb—. east bv lauds of YV. E. Maynard, south by tlie
public bighwav, vve-t by lands of YY'm. Berry, containing
iofl feet by 90 feet, be tlie same more or less,all improved,
one framed barn thereon.
the following described >ot ptcce o r pan el of
1 laud situate in Rome t-vp. bvufldkd north Uybndc o! Lew
fcegal xVinu'rUscmciUe.
is Barnes and Martini Warner. eaat by lands of Louisa
Wattles, Polly ( runnier and Martha Warner, south by the
public highway, west by lands ol Martha Warner, contain
ing 111 acres, be the same more or less, all improved, one
framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO--The following described lot piece or- parcel of
, laud.situate in Rome twp.. bounded north and east bv
lands of Morris Cranmer, south by the public highway
west by the Baptist meeting house lot and land* of Win.
( laggett aud others, containing two acres, be the saim
more or lea.*, all Improved, one framed house, one framed
granary and one framed barn thereon.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land Hituste in Rome twp. bdhnded north by the Towner
Hill rond. east by lands olJudsnn Holcouib, the defendant,
south and west by land* of John Paasmorc, containing 50
feet front and Mb FEET deep. IK- the anwe inorc or less, all
improved, one (Famed bouse thereon.
Al.SO—The following described lot piece or parrel of
land in Rome twp.bounded north by the Towner llill road,
east bv otber lands of Judson Hfdcomb, drfeiidnnt. south
by lauds of John Passraoic, west by other lauds of Judson
Holcouib, defendant, containing 60 feet frout aud 160
hack, be the same more or less, one framed house, one
framed burn thereon.
Al.Sb—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land sitmite in Rome twp. bounded north by the Towner
Hill road, east by other lands of Jnd*ou Holeoiuh, the
defendant, south by lands of John Pa**roorc, we*t bv oth
er land* of Judson Holeoinb, defendant, containing 50
feet front and MO fi-ct deep, l.e the same more or h-sip all
improved, one blacksmith shop thereon.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land .situate in Rome twp. hounded north bv the Towner
Hill read, cast by lands of Mrs. Amanda Hke, south by
lands of johu Pass more, we-t by other lands of Judson
Tfolcomb, the defendant, containing 50 feet front nnd 150
feet back, lie the same more or less, all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of a. Hutchin
son A Co. v-. Judson Holeonib.
Also at the suit of Murtcy, Benedict A Co. vs. Judson
Also, at the suit of Lee, Murphev A Co. vs. Juilson
110 l ,-omb.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Rome twp., bounded north by lands of Ger
shwin lowner and James \1 ("abc, south by other lands of
James N. Ingalls, the defendant, west by "lands of Jauies
B. Demoney, containing eight acres more or less, all im
proved, one old irriet mill, one framed dwelling, one
framed shop and a few fruit trees thereon.
Al.SO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Rome twp., bounded north bv other lauds
of J.unes X. Ingnll*, defendant, east by lands of James
M'Calie, south by lands in possession of Nelson Lent, west
by lands in possession of Clark Baxter arid James B. De
money, containing five acres and 46 perches he the same
more or le s, about live acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James M'-
Calie vs. James X. Ingalls.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parrel of
land situate in Granville twp. bouuded north by land of
Htreeter. east by Hurry, Kn-tus and Philander Saxton,
south by lauds belonging to the estate of Henry Saxton,
dee'd., west by land formerly owned by D. L. Saxton, and
lately sold to E. and C. Williams, containing about fifty
acre.* be the same more or less, about 25 acres improved,
with one log house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. W. A D.
I-'. Pomcrey vs. Henry Ayers.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Ilidgbery twp. bounded north bv unseated lands,
east by a lot known us the Ellen Batv lot, south by land
of David Gardner, west by laud of John Miihlaugh, con
taining about fifty acre*, more or less, ten or fifteen acres
improved, one board shantee, log stable and a tew fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. G. Cor
nell now to the use of Samuel Ravnor vs. Theodoras lair
ALSO— The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Burlington twp. bounded north by John
E. Means and Michael Hurana. on the east by lands of
John h. Means, on tin- south by the State road and lauds
of Samuel Strope, and on the west by lands of Milton
Bailey, containing one hundred acres, be the same more or
less, about seventy acres thereof improved, with one frame
house, one frame barn and a small orchard of fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jeremiah
11. Decker to the use of (. L. \Y ard vs. Jonathan Thomp
ALSO The defendant's interest, supposed to be the
undivided one half of the following described lot piece or
parcel of laud situate in Monroe twp. hounded north, by
lands of Sevellon L. Fowler, cast and south by the public
highway, west by land* formerly belonging to Joseph
Griggs, containing about 4 acres more or less, all improv
ed and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in
Albany twp. bounded north by Rosette A Bieking, east
by lands of ( . M. Hakes, south by lands of Joseph Memir
di and the public highway, west by lands of Dr. Gillett,
containing about twenty acres, all improved.
Seized and taken iri execution at the suit of John Han
son to the use of E. W. Baird vs. Rollju Wilcox.
AIJSO—' The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield twp. bounded as follows : Be
ginning at a white pine corner of Ruth Shepnrd : thence
north Bfi°, west by lands oi John Campbell and Thomas
Evans. 142 jiei-ehes to a post ; thence south I°. west by
lands of George Sort In Up, 8,1 4-10 perches to a post";
thence south Bit°, east 142 perches to a post; thence north
I°, east 85 4-Hl perches to the place of beginning, con
taining 74 acres be the smne more or less, about forty
acres improved, ith a log house, the body* of a log barn,
a slmntee and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David Bar
ber vs. Johu Campbell and Abraham Campbell terrc
ALSO By virtue of a writ of l-ev.iri Fa.? piece or par
cel of land in South Creek township, distinguished as
part and parcel of a lot No. 568,1, and bounded and descri
bed as follows : Is-gintiiug at a norway pine standing at
the north ea.-t crner of lot no. 5686. "and on the line be
tween the state of New York and Pennsylvania, them e
south 46.1 per lies to the south east corner of said last men
tioned lot ; thence from a lurch tiee standing at said cor
ner ca-t. :'.7;i perches to a lwech tree standing at the south
east corner of lot no. 56*5 ; thence north 116 perches to a
hemlock ; tln-nee north 26° west 125 perches to a maple;
thence north 4o" west f |s-rclies to a norway pine ; thence
north 2<Y wot '.(5 perches to a norway pine ; thence north
10° west HI jH-relie* to a norway pine standing on the
lieforemeiitiuned line between thestate of New York and
Pennsylvania ; them e along said boundary line north 87°
nest 1634 perches to the place of beginning. Containing
6.11 acres of land be the same more or less,about two hun
dred fifty acres improved, three framed houses, four log
houses, one steam saw mill, one black smithshop, three
framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of .hired Ar
nold. to the use of R. A E. Covell, vs.Wright Dunham and
Ira Elsbree and Geo. Dunham, terre tenant.
ALSO The following described piece or lot of land
situate in-Rome twp., la-ginning at a corner of land of
Barnabus Clark in tiie warrantee line; thence south I°,
west 74 and i'-lfi of a perch to a post in a line of land sur
veyed and now in possession oi Wm. Pepper; thence
south 76". west 117 and 4 10 perches to a beech, another
corner of Pepper ; thence north 1° east 3* A 2 )0 perches
bv unsold lands to a post ; thence south 76°. west 7'. per
ches to a post ; thence north 59und 4-10 perches to a post;
thence -until su 5 , cast 7 and 9-10 perches to a lu inloek ;
thence mirth 10°. east 2l perches to a post, a corner of
liarnalms < 'lark ; tin-nee along said Clark's line southB9°
east l:7 perches to the beginning, containing 100 acres
and C 1 perches, strict measure, more or less, bi-ing'a part
of a larger tract of land ami know n by parcel No. 83 and
Warrant No lll—about 1(H) acres improved, two framed
houses, two trained turns and two apple orchard* thereon.
Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of
Overton vs. John Parks and Wm. It. Parks terre tenant.
Sheriffs Office. i_
Towanda. March 27, 1*56. f
m~ Notice i* hereby given, that an amount equal to the
costs w ill la- required to he. paid upon each sale w hen
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again la- tiller
ed for sale, JOHN A. Conoixo.
NOTICE.—Notice is liere
-1.4 by given that letters testamentary upon the c-tate
of John Fox. dee'd., late of Towanda township, have been
granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them dull attested for settlement to Miller Fox. Towanda.
April 1, 1656. Executors.
(MU)CKRIES —Call and see our Urown,
JTCruslied. Coßeo and Pulverized Sugars; Fine Young
llvson A Black Teas, warranted a superior article, or the
money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KiXGSBKRY.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Commis
sioners'office until 12 o'clock of Thursday Mays,
1856, for building a bridge arms* Sugar Creek, near the
Pail Factory. The plan of said Bridge can lie scon at the
Commissioners' Olliee.
Bv order of the Commissioners.
K. M-FARRAR. Clerk.
Towanda, April 8, 1856.
X i:w SPRIXG GOOl >S !
I OSKI'H KINLSHEKY lias just returned
• I from New York with an immense stock of
: for the early* trade, and those wishing to get their spring
I clothing made up in season can find the most choice ma
terial* at his store. Towanda, March 6, 18.16.
j KNOWING—A Book, dearly explaining how to do
righp.y almost everything that can lie iwcesary 1n the
Kit .len, tbe Parlor, and Dressing Room : and disclosing
al.- ne most valrmbtr information, receipts, aud instriic
tion in the useful and domestic arts ; to which is added,
'* Employment for All ; or a Hundred Ways to Make mo
ney. Price, 25 cents.
For salt* by M. LAUGRI.IX, Towanda—copies scut by
mail on receipt of price.
Mirth 20, 1856,
legui 'Abocrlicmciua.
Jr\. is hereby given, that all persona indebted to the ea
tate of Richard Strublc, deceived, late of Rome township,
arc hereby requested to make pavjaent without delay;
and all persona having- claims against said estate wll!
pk'ase present then iu'lv authenticated for Hctllewent.
Fe'.rinrv 1? 18,1$. Ad mi 111-t raters.
J. V is hereby given, that all persons indebted ti> tie es
tate of Tlins. A. Strong, dee'd. late of Wells tp. are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and atl persons
hav ing claims again-d said eatate, must pre-cut them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber*.
February 6, load. Administrators.
"XUDITOU'S NOTICE —Jn the Or V h,<#*'-
_eJL Court, hi the matter of the estate of Joseph Uric
ham. The underrigneil Auditor, appointed to distribute
the funds in the hands of the administrators, mill attend
to said appointment at the house of C. O. French, in ltidg
bery, on Saturday April 5, iB6O, lit 1 o'clock, P. M., at
which time and place all persons having claims upon said
money must present them, or el*e be forever debarred
from the same. THOMAS SMKAI), Auditor.
February itO, 1856.
Is hereby given, * Witt all persons indebted to the es
tate of FREDERICK HALL, acr'd, late of Canton town
twp, are hereby requested to make psyftient' without de
lay; and ail persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement, to
C. E. Rathboue, of Cantou.
Feb. 7, 1856. Administratrix with will annexed.
A UDITQR'S NOTICE.- Jn the matter cf
J.X. the estate of ."Minor ft. It T'/cox. deceased. In the
Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed by said" Court, to distribute funds in the bauds
of the Administrators of said e**tate, raised by the sale of
real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment,
at his office, in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday,
the F.'tii day of April. 1856, at two o'clock. P. M„ when
and where all persons having claims upon said funds must
present them, or else be forever debarred from the same.
March I*. 1855. P. 1). MORROW. Auditor.
il. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Jefferson It. Ruudell. dee'd., late of Armenia twp..
are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and
all persons having claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
February, 20, 1866. Administrators.
XJL is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of WM. HORNING deceased, late of South Creek
township, to make immediate payment, and all persons
having demands against said estate, will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
JACOB HORNING, Administrator de bonis rum.
February '26, 18.16.
A \ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of CATHARINE HORNING, dee'd., late of South
Creek, are requested to make payment without delay; and
those having demands against said estate w ill present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 26. 15.16. JACOB HORNING. Administrator
4 DMIN'RS. NOTICE.—AH persons in
l\ debted to the estate of OWEN C'ARR. deceased,
lute of HEIIIIICK tow nship, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persons having demands
against said estate are requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. NANCY CAIIR,
February 26, 18.16. Adinistratrix.
"PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, the Hon.
L DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, Sus
quehanna and Sullivan,and Hons. MYRON BW.I.AKT> and
MAURY ACKI.KV, Associate Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept liearing date the
20tli,day of March, A .D.1856, to me directed. for holding a
Court of Oyer and Terminer. < leneral Quarter Sessions of
the Peace. Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Townn- !
da. for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the
sth day of MAY next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and |
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of
Bradford, that tliey be then and there in their proper per
son, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their i
records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do those 1
things which to their office appertains to be done ; and |
those who arc houud by recognizance or otherwise to pro
secute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail
of raid County, or who shall be bonnd to appear at the
said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against
them us shall IK- just. Jurors are requested to be punctual
in their attendance, agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 22d of March, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and of
the Independence of the United States, the seventy
ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff."
rpRIAL LIST, for MAY Term, 1856
Bradford County Court.
Horace Williston, jr., Edward Ovcrtou, .Trespass.
David Barber. j.lohti Snyder, . Appeal.
Pennington A Hoffu Alvin Seward, Ejectment.
David Barber, | Stephen R. (.'handler, >ci. Fa.
O.M.Nelson. j< buries Drake, Appeal.
Welles A Harris, j I'. A" A.Arnold, .Issue.
Jacob Reel, 'Francis 11. Arnold, j Appeal.
Jno. Towlinson AO-ißciij. B. Hade's Adm's. Debt.
Van Dusen .V Jaggei j John G Russell ct al j do
William E. Gore, ,'Collins M. Segar, jSci. Fa.Bail.
David Barber. jJosiah 1 lender-hot, jSoi. Fa.
B. Coolbaugli's adui.iil. S. Salsliurv, i Appeal.
Andrew C. Craig, John Flood. (Debt.
Luther Dan. Asaliel Loomis, ICase.
Jtidsun Holcouib, C N Shipraan j I'rover.
Erastus Lovett. .Joseph Seely. j Ejectment.
Hiram 11. Kinyon, ID. Monroe et al. do
Rogers Fowler, U. Schroder, ( Appeal,
("ninth of Penn'a, D Hapeman et al j Debt.
John M. Pike, Henry Merrill. j Appeal.
Stephen Pierce, David Corby et al. j Ejectment.
Henry Crammond, jO. F. Spalding. Ejectment.
ratne ] Charles Drake ct al. do
Crane A Caldwell, Asa I> Brown, 'Case.
Chas. W. Hawkins, |Wm. Campbell, Debt.
F. A. Saxton 4 Co. [John Taylor, trespass.
Win. fl. Russell, j Job Dean. Ejectment.
Manson Elsbree, ; William Algears, Appeal.
iico B Wolcott, .John 8 Williston, , do
M H Greenmau Henry Kingsbcry, jDebt.
H S Pavidon ! Daniel Harkins. ICase.
Welles Si Harris' use! Valentine Smith, ' do
John Snyder, \Edmund Sickler. I Appeal.
same | same, j do
J. -South word's use, {John Griffin, jCnso.
Lucius Gibbs | Lewis E Gibbs, j Replevin.
Chas it Scoutou, N T Dickinson, Case.
John M. Bead, jt'lark Camp et al. Ejectment.
Louisa ('. Jackson, j Horace Williston, jr. Sci. Fa. M.
C R Brown. IIC N Kinder, Appeal.
Ezra Spalding, [Johu M Martin, [Case.
Williston AEI well, 'David Cash. j do
Samuel A Tenant, jJohn Powers et al I Appeal.
Henry G. Taylor, | L A. I'erry, j do
Franklin Andrews Geo. McClelland et al. [Trespass.
('. K. Rathboue. iWilliam Higby. jEjectment.
J. Beuhani's use, jCasc Biiggs, et al. Appeal.
Sarah L Fitch, O I' Ballaad, [i.*ase.
Reuben Wilbcr, j Erastus Wolcott, Ejectment
same j same, | do
- K. S. Tracy, Edmund Lewis, ' Appeal.
Wm. tlibson, jE.A C. Bonnet, j do
E. S. Tracy, lib Campbell et al. ! do
N. D. Warlord's Ads Amy Bradford, j do
F.A.Tyler, j Francis Tyler, ['"a-e.
John Snyder, Samuel Osborne, 1 do
Job Sbepsrd's Exs. j Welles A' Harris et al. 'Debt.
Geo P Channel, iC Thomas et al. . do
Tp of Franklin, Jeremiah Myers, ICase.
Kd Carpenter et al. |J Powell ct al 1 Ejectment.
Washburn A Ames, jl). T. Vanvccliton, j('ase.
Sclar Satterli-e, N" Adams et al (Tre-pass.
Sanderson A King'y E D Baxter IKjcctment.
John Cole, OW Dodge, | Appeal.
Wm. Kiff, Orson Bit-key et al. jEjectinent.
John E.Goodrich, Jacob G. Rockwell, IDebt.
HennCovert, James Minard j Appeal.
Richard Sinselmngh. A. J. Miller, tlo
Seth W. Paine, J. S. Peterson et al. HVht.
J. Williams 2d. use. Charles Williams, K, i. Fa.
Bartholomew White.pinnies White. j Trespass.
M. F. Ran-on i, Patrick Kane et al. ! Ejectment.
J. B. M. Hinman, |S. L. Fowler et al. , do
BVSubpo-nas for the fir-t week to l>c made returna
ble on Wednesday, Mav 7th, 18.16, at IP, A. M., and for
the second week on tfio following Monday, Mav 12 at
Bb A. M. ALLEN McKEAN. Profbtmniary.
011 LRI FK'S S A Llv Isy virliio of n writ
kJj of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pier.* of Bradford countv, ami to me directed,
will lie exposed to public sale at tlif- Court House, in the
Imii-O' of Towanda. on MONDAY, April 1 Ith. 1856. at 1
o'clock P. M.. the following lot., piece or parcel of land
situate in Athens Born". Isiunded on the moth bv lands of
F. S. Ifoyt. on the east by Main street, on the south by
Sbimnau A Weilca. containing 60 feet, front and 80 feet
liaek, be tbe same more or less, all improved, one building
occupied as a dwelling house and wagon shop and shed
attached, and one blacksmith shop thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit, of George A.
Perkins vs. James Smith.
Office, Towanda, March 17, 1856.
OOPS Imnght nt my Store will berlclivor-
T ed to anv part of the Rerctigb FiH f OF fHAHi if
June 2 Iri'ii. L T. F( X
£ gal
C IILKIFF'S SALE—By virtue of u certtuii
writ ™ >1 **••. iwed out of the G'-tirt -f
V,^'F? U Pleaaof iiradfoid County, and to me dirritcd
will bcMpored to public mk -it tlx- Court House m th
b ? r /'u° f D f x, W^' da .'x U BAlt:kt,AV - Hay i. I*6o. t i
o clock. P. 11. the toltowicg described lot piece or uarc*l
o: land situate in Giweil twp bounded wth by Unffj ot
Zebulcin Frwhit. ct't i-nd.-oi.tb bv ! u.da i f Albert Cot}--
|iu, weft by lands ot A. G- Matthew-., containing r,n ncrea
more or le-a, about Juacies imjuoved. w lib a trained home,
a'framed burn,a sax will,anapple orcbtud at.d otlu r
tree' thereon.
be.zt.l and taken in at the cult of Clwuncty
Friabie v. Thomas Blsndirg.
Al>o—TLe following described lot piece or pugcl of
laud situate hi Wysox twp. bounded :w> follow..; Begin
ning at the south west corner of Alexander Wickiztr a
lot, tlienee south St' J , east lot 3-10 perches to the north
weet corner ot N. Ibuk'a lot i thence south 1° went 129
perches to ibe t-outbuc-t corner of su,d Talk's lot; their u
north Sii° went 21>4 3-10 perches to u white j..;ne for a cor
ner ; tliencc n< rth l 3 cat i 29 per. ties, to the place of be
ginning, containing 4 acres and 17 perches mote or lean,
about '2O acres improved, a log house,* log barn and truit
trees thereon.
Koircd and taken in c xwnti"D at the- suit of L. C. Lnj
| n.oteleav.jc now to the use of burton Kingsbury vu.
George !.enox.
Al.So—All that certain lot piece or parcel of land ly
ing and being in tlie tiruii-hips of beriiiigtoli and Tnwei;-
da and bounded as follows : iteginning at a poplar. south'
west conn i ol lot No. 274, on uanant ldtKo.4l3o,thence
west on the south line ol -aid warrant, 202 perches to it
white maple for a cormr ; theme north 7Vc 2*lo perches to
ti post; tncuce east 202 perches to, the West line-id said
lot No. 2i I ; (hence south 7i' 210 perches to tlx- beginning,
containing one hundred ceres, strict measuie, it being t*-'
ken from the south end of lots No. 270 and 270 on said
warrant No. 4130. about 7i> acres thereof improved, with
.one frame hou.w, one Inline barn atnl a small orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seir-d ami taken ir. < xecution at the suit of Robert B.
Davidson administrator of Wm. Davidson, who survived
Timothy Paxson, now to the use i (J- L. Ward vs. F-liaha
Foster, with notice to Jonathan Thompson terre tenant.
ALSO.-The defendants interest in that "certain piece,
parcel or lot of laud situate and lying in the town o."
South Creek, known and distinguished as pait and parcel
of lot No. 5r.i5, bounded and described as follow.-,:—Bo
ginning nt a Norway pine standing at the norttierist cor
ner of lot No. 5686, and on tlie line the Statea < f
New York and Pennsylvania : thence south 409 perches
to the southe-ift corner of said last mentioned iot ; thence
from u bitch tre standing at said 373 perches
to a beech tree standing nt the boutlicasl corner of lot
N't. 5685 ; tlienee north llti perehestoaheinh" k ; thtli- o
north 26 a . West i 25 perches to a maple ; thence north
IU C . west 4'J perches to a Norway pine ; thence north 2o°
west 95 perches to a Norway pine ; thence north 40°,
west 1 11 perches to a Norway pine standing on the Is.-
t.ire mentioned boundary line between the States of New
Y-rk ar.d Pennsylvania ; thence along said boundary ime
north 87°, west IC3I perches to the place of beginning,
containing 831 acres tnore or leas, about 230 acres improv
ed, three framed houses, four log houses, one steam saw
mill, one blacksmith shop 3 framed barns and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon—(excepting therefrom a certain
piece or parcel of land conveyed by deed from Jared Ar
nold to G. A A. 11. Kinsman, containing 200 acres and 7
perches, more or less, and bounded as follows : Beginning
at a Norway pine on the state line, and being the north
west corner of said lot 5635, and running thence along the
State line 166 l-lo rods to a stake and stones, the north
west corner of George Dunham's bind ; thence s-uth I°,
west along said Dunham's land. 192 7-10 rods to a corner,
yet to be made ; thence nearly west, on a lhie parallel
with the Statu line. 166 1-10 rods to a corner, yet to be
made ; thence uorth I°. east lob 7-10 perches io the be
ginning) leaving 030 acres and 133 perches more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Man sua
Illibrec 2d vs. George Dunham.
Totvanda, March 31.1856.
ORPHAN'S COURTSALK.-- By virtue of
an order ol tlx*Orphan's Court of Bradford county, I
will expose to public sale upon the premises, on MON
DAY. the 2sth day of APIIfL next, ut one o'clock, I'. >l.
a certaiu tract piece or parcel of land situate in Columbia
twp., bounded and described as follows, viz : Commencing
at a post and stones on the n -rth side of the Conuty road,
being a corner of 11. Bixby's lot ; thonci- south one" and a
half perches to the centre of said road ; thence al-mgeaid
south 734* 1 " est 14 3-100 perches to a corner; Lhcuce north
s°, west 5 perches and J of a perch to a corner : thence
south 79°. west 9 perches and 23-lOu of a p* r h to a cor
ner, on IV. G. Bradford's eastern bound*}' line ; thence by
said \V. G. Bradford, ix-rth 2°. east twenty-four and 64-loi)
perches to a post : thence by 11. Bixby, outh B4°. cast
22 perches and 1-10 of a perch to a post and stones, a cor
ner of said Bixby ; thence further by said Bixby, south I°,
west 21 perrhes 8-100 of a perch to the place of"beginning,
containing about three acres of land be the same more or
Late the estate of Lemuel Mosher. ilec'd.
HANNAH MOSHER, administratrix.
April 2, 1830.
"V^ OTICE.—Notice is heroLv given tliut on
J. a the 19th day of February, 1856, A.J. Noble, J. Y.
Hinniau, Stephen Felton, C. S. Bushel 1, U". A. Chamber
lin and others, citizens of Towanda borough, presented
their petition to the Court of Common Fleas of the Coun
ty of Bradford, praying t-> lie incorporated under the namo
and style of " The Odd Fell -ws' Rail Association of the
Borough of Towanda," agreeably to a constitution annex
ed to said petition : Whereupon the same having been pe
rused aud examined bv the Court, and the objects, article*
and conditions therein set forth and appearing
to be lawful and not injurious to the community, the
Court thereupon directed said writing to be filed in thu
office of tlie I'rothonotarv of said Court, and that ti<>tire
Is inserted in one newspaper in said county, at least three
week' before next 'ferny that an application lias been
made to -aid - oart to grant said charter of incorporation :
and if no sufficient reason i- shown to the contrary, thu
said court will on the lir-t day of May u-rtn decree
; said petitioners, to be a corporation as prayed for in said
| petition. ALLEN M'KEAN", Froth'ry.
t Towai.da, March 31, 1 -.V,.
of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun
ty, wii! be exposed to public ie on the premises, nt 1
o'clock. M.. on TUESDAY, tin- Btb day of April, A.
D. 1356. the following village lot find buildings thereon,
with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situiite,
lving and I ing in tin- lm rough of Troy, and bounded on
the South bv Klmira strict, on the west and noitli by larul
of Alonz.o Long, anil on the east by lands of Steplien
Fierce, Esq., containing about £ of an acre be same more
or less.
Attendance given, and terms made known on dav of
sale. lb \Y. C. lIEBRIC'k.
Guardian of E. Herrick Thomas, and Laura Adelaide
Thomas, minor children and heirs at law of Allen E. Tho
mas. lati- of Troy borough, deceased.
Tr'y Boronoii. Mar< h 9, W. 6.
1.3 NOW RECEIVING an excellent assortment of pent'*,
boy's, ladies', • hildren's an-1 misses' 110UT3 A BOOT
ES. Also. Shoe l'egs, Thread, Linings and Findings, to
which he invites fmblic attention.
■" All persons having unsettled accounts or notes duo
I the subscriber, arc invited to make payment. Those con
-1 lenient may call on ('. Frisbie. Esq. or T. Humphrey, in
i itrwell, prei ions to tin- 15th of February m-xt, after which
[ time delinquents may expert special invitations to v .-it
Towanda. " J. D. 11l MI'HRFY.
I Towanda. January 9, 1855.
XME. E. Sole men, Proprietor.
riHIIS extensive Ready-made < lothing Establishment.
L situated in M rcur's block. Main -tr*et, has just lon
ti'.lcii with a large ass/irtment ofSl'lilNG • LOTHING.
The proprietor ass-ires the public that b* has the ts-st
and cheapest assortment ever offered in Towanda : and t
prove this fact hti respectfully a.-ks the public to • all and
examine for themselves.
Persons-wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or
nny portion thereof, well made of substantial material
Ciiat. Vest, Fautaloms. fnvat. f'ollnrs. and in fm't every
thing in the line, will do well to call. He is confident lio
can siitisiy all in price and quality.
" Don't forget the place -one door south of Mcrcur's
store, Main-st. Towanda, March 28,1856.
One Door XnrlJi of the Ward I[ousc.
r |"MIK subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends
I and the public generally that be has opened a R\-
KElit AND EATING SALOON, one door north of the
Ward House, where be intend to keep constantly on hand
a full assortment of everything in the line, an eh a** Bread.
Biscuit. Rie-k. Cracker*. .l*nnilcs, all kinds of Uake. Ac.
Having secured tin* services of an experienced baker, and
nsing nonli but the l*est brands of fiour. he feels confident
of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their
Wedding and other parlies furnished wilb whatever re
quired. on short notice ami at the most reasonable rate-.
A nice assortment of Candies. N'nfs. Emits. Ac., kept
always on band and sold at the cheape-t rates.
FKI'B-H OYSTERS received three times per week by
expr*".-. and sold wholesale and retail.
\ fiiTHot < nffpe served mi nt all hour. Don't forget tiia
place, ope door north of thu Ward House.
February 12. is.*;. 11 A. Bl RBANK.
1 If you procure of DR. 11. ( . TOKTER.
' South 'tore in the \Vurd Honac.
i Equally adapted to Loaves. Hot FeiUs. Biscuit, Burkwbcat
! and other Griddle Cakes, Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet
Uike.s, Batter tor Dumplings, Puddings. Pot pies, ,Vc. A -
; Trice 25 cent*. March 29.
I CTOVK FOR S A T,E.—Oni* Storm Urutl
I lO COOKING STOt'F. with Fnrnitnnv.conipleta; nr
i ;ne/.,id-hand IVoefl o(-.l("*g Stove ; 0!l PC'*o6(l-hjlld Fll
i W Fit-* e. 3-* d one '.roc f-*r bumtinr Coal.
• Jjr -7, 'F'ffi PATLEY A KF,HNS