Crgal 'Aiitcrtiscments. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of ~ order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, 1 „iii exuosc to public sale upon the premises, on MON fi V X 2-th dav of APRIL next, at oi# o'clock, P. M. tain tract piece or parcel of land situate in Columbia I' 1 hounded and described as follows, viz : Commencing ' -i,( t unl stones on the north side oi the County road, ! lt 1 1 "corner of H. Bixby's lot ; thence south one and a , w'-rdic- to the centre of said road ; thence along said we-t 14 8-100 perches to a corner; thencenorth "" t •, i>ir lies and j of a perch to a corner ; tlicnce ; > 3 , west 9 perches and 23-100 of a perch to a cor !'\V. <5. Bradford's eastern bounday line : thence by "V'i \v (L Bradford, north 2°, east twenty-lour and 64-100 '.- In - to a post ; thence by 11. Bixby, south 864°, cast ' , , ~,'vlh - and 4-10 of a perch to a post and stones, a cor ' .' .t, ijd Bixbv ; thence further by said Bixby, south I°, '' . : l ncrches'B-100 of aperch to the" place of beginning, t.Juiug about three acres of land be the same more or ' T, ,■ tin estate of Lemuel Mosher, dee'd. HANNAH MOSHER, administratrix. April 2. 1856. TUEASUHSR'S SALE /\F UNSEATED LANDS IN BRAD \ ) FtiKD COUNTY. —In pursuance of an Act of the nel'.rl A-emblv. passed the 13th of March, 1815, and 'l , r lets of Assembly, wiil be exposed to public sale, at 'omuiissioiier's office, in Towanda Buro\ on the 2d v'oNl' VY in 3'NIC. 185(1. the Tracts of Unseated laind a'.. rilii'd in the following list, unless the taxes due upon the same are paid before that time. E. C. KELLOGG, Treasurer. Tnwanda. April 1, 1556. No. | Warrantee I _ Warnt | Acres: I or Owner. I ATFIKSS. U9O 530 Charles Carroll, $lO 73 1512 310 same, 585 ASVI.CMJ*. 126 pt. Avery Christopher 7 74 100 " Bower Philip, C 15 2-7 •' Curt right Cornelius, 17 27 431 < 'ortright John, 26 53 230 Cary Nathan, 14 14 101 Ih venport Cornelius, 24 04 231 pt. Devenport Daniel, 14 23 433 Hollenback John, 27 05 110 pt. Kind John, 7 13 2(to pt. Sterling .Samuel, Jr., 12 30 200 pt. Thomas Edward, 12 30 ALBANY. 01 Anderson Joseph, 6 S5 107 pt. Barim John, jr 8 .. 200 pt. Carey Nathan, 15 . . ]n7! pt. Chandler Elizabeth, 8 00 2ul~ ('htuidlcr George, 15 08 78 pt. Castator Frederick 5 85 401 Gore Elizabeth, 30 00 210 Haines Catharine, 15 70 st pt. Pierce Abel, 0 30 93 pt. Rush Moses, 7 .. 122 pt. Ru-h Elizabeth, 0 15 -0 pt. Scott Charles, C .. 200 pt. Thomas Edward, 15 .. 400 Youug David. 30 .. lU/KLINUTON. -k Carroll Charles, 2 77 ll'ij 105 same, ti 14 H-. mo same, 3 15 1 |s,t 111 Wilson James, 352 14>2 100 same, 3 15 PANTOS. 73 pt. Attis Frederick, 3 80 120 pt. Arnout Henry, 4 0s 273 pt. Croak Jacob, 3 28 40 Friend John, 1 30 33 pt. Green John. 1 00 2G5 pt. Hand Edward, 3 . 75 ' t. Morgan John, 3 05 tin] Casper jr., 20 78 245 pt. Shaw Robert, 12 17 75 pt. Singer John. 3 80 300 Slough Matthias, 11 20 100 Singer Abraro, 3 40 40 pt. Siiaw Robert. 1 57 I U WKI.IS". 133 Barker William, 14 10 57 Cooley licury, 4 04 "41 pt. Erwiu George, 17 01 4no Edg< Bam el. 28 20 171 Edge George, 12 08 131 pt. Fullerton Richard, 0 21 214 i Gratz William, 15 13 20b pt. Hardy James, 11 10 400 Hardy Andrew, 28 20 do Hardy Simon, 28 20 d > Hardy Nathan, 28 20 ilo Hardy Paul, 2s 20 d > Ladley Joseph. 2s 20 300 pt. Ladley Andrew, 21 15 42s Stuart Walter, 30 17 2- 8 Stuart Deborah, Is 57 (oi) Siddons Samuel, 28 20 do Siddons Joseph, 28 20 325 Siddons James, 22 so 175 Siddons Peter. 12 1G 3'_'sj Tyvout Andrew. 23 17 50 Wilson James, 3 53 H*2 I'.'O same, 13 40 14-2 1-0 same. I- GO Granville. 11-2 10G Wilson James. 7 88 HLKRICK. 173 73 Gray Patrick, i 41 ltliiueh.ilt George, 69; I.ITCUKIKI n. 120 Rei k Frederick, 2 34 j I.KUoy. 1 —pt. Attis Frederick, 7 05 , 4075 Amis Henry, 25 (10 1 |>t. Baker John, 812 ■ 1 in Baker Win. M. 26 3G 200 Baker Wiii.. 12 30 i 3-7 Douglas. Andrew, 23 78 I 408 Henrv Joseph, 25 00 1 113 I Joy J Peter, 25 57 1 312} M> l ean John. 20 43 4e7 j Morgan .be oh. 25 ot* 137 Pennington Benj., 20 00 1-1 I' ittmi John, 20 85 322 Reed ( olliiison. 13 V 5 4'('i Shoemaker James, 2G 81 413 Simons Joseph, 25 42 I2J pt. Singer John, . 7 05 425 Wilson Win. 2G 30 4 .7 Wistar Win., 20 00 1-l Witzell John, II 02 MONRO It. I to Anderson Samuel, 24 . "1)3 Anderson Joseph, 18 55 3GI Beniier Jacob. 21 G7 .". in Beuncr Jacob jr., 23 38 1 '-7A B'iggs Rieharil, 2G 24 322 Castator Frederick, 19 32 172 Ellis Marry, 10 33 07 Gray William, 5 80 40d Hampton Robert, 24 151) llopkius Robert, 'J . . 384 pt. Hamilton Thomas, 23 04 452 M'AUani- Ephraiiu 27 13 tun North James, 24 . . 200 pt. North Samuel, 12 . . 100 Shotts Peter. 24 . . Siddons James, 5 53 225 s Idons I'eter. 16 51 j 180 pt. Woodruff Hannah, 13 23 j PIKE. l 't pt. George Cochrall, 2 C 2 | '2O pt. Reeder Samuel 39 j ROME. 42 B-iron James, 84 2o Bentlev Samuel, 54 KIIMI HER Y. JO. f,oo Carrol Charles, 1170 2*'o same, 4 88 1 I'G same, 3 30 SMITUFIEI.D. llj- . Carroll Charles, 19a ii.T f'° same, 878 V, same, 3 59 110 pt. King John, 2 2G ! 3,',, SOITH CREEK. •L. Johnston & Miffiiu, 18 81 I'-'' PL same, 2 49 , TL'SCARORA. ly' Primm George, 293 Porter Henry, 1 45 WAR HEN. '-(j Jacobs Cassander, 827 '•'j Jacobs Peter, 827 t'-ij Jacobs paui, 827 £enal aliiMrliwmrnte. 227 pt Jacobs Henry, 4 42 w 11. MOT. IGO pt. Bradley Phincas, 11 28 250 pt. Bennett Rttfus, 17 63 350 Baldwin James, 24 68 395 Downing Reubln 27 87 28 pt. Leakey John, 1 97 401 Morris Israel, 2s 29 80 pt. Morris Benjamin, 5 64 395 Spalding Simeon, 27 87 400 Sterling James, 28 20 200 Sterling Samuel, Jr. 14 10 100 pt. Shepard David, 7 05 394 Williams Rufus, 27 78 ALSO—In pursuance of the provisions of the act of the act of the General Assembly, passed the 29th day of April 1844, section 41, at the same time and place will be expos ed to public sale the tracts or parcels of land or real es tate described in the following list, unless the taxes due upon the same arc paid before that time : I 3>vl S> ff l Q I •> Year. To whom Assessed, jg 5 j "-3 • "3 2 1852.. Albany. .Corn. Maloney, 150 100 4 96 $1 34 1854.. "* John Martin," 113 113 163 1852 .Asylum. Pierce Lemon 95 95 1 14 1854.. " Michael Croak, 50 50 46 1853. .Athens boro'. .Tlios T Ilu-ton. .house and lot 4 32 1854.. " Thos T Huston, house and lot 308 1853.. Athens tp.. Belden. ..j house and lot 80 1854.. " Mrs E Benjamin, .house and lot 140 1853. .Armenia. .B. Coolbaugh 200200 200 176 ' 1854.. " same 200200 200 154 j " C L Ward 200200 200 154 ; 1652. .Burlington. Moses Bennet 50 50 5 45 131 [1851.. " Matthias Armstrong 50 50 50 126 j 1852.. " Simeon PHe 11 son 73 50 2 48 131 j 1854. .Columbia Joseph Crediford 109 54 55 805 1-53. .Canton. .Jas Locke's est. 400 40(1 20 380 352 1 1-48 .Durel. Susan McAffee 190 190 2 52 i 1849. " same 190 190 228 | 1852.. " same 200200 160 : 1853.. " same 190 190 2 49 ! " Mrs C Butler 150 150 2 64 [ ...... " Daniel Keefe 50 60 88 I " Yaiulerpool John 60 50 1 2s ■ 1851.. Franklin .James A Paine 200 150 150 105 1 1853.. *' Joseph Fassett 75 50 60 40 I " Hiram Woodbnrn 100 100 100 SO 1852. .Granville. . Henry Hawly 164 170 170 400 [1853.. " 11 Town-end ' 164 164 164 289 . Herrick. . Dcehastollux Cl. C 200 20(1 255 | " Owen Dougherty 105 105 1 39 | Lerov Lyman Bailey 22' 4 18 87 " Oil Nel-on 14 4 4 140 3 60 1854 Monroe..Jared Hart. .4 house and hit 1 05 Overton. .C Maloney 100 100 5 95 164 *' Hirarn Woodlmm 100 100 70 1853. .Pike. .Jas S Stevens 30 30 3 31 1851.. Rome.. Daniel Hill 50 40 40 54 1652. .Rome.. Daniel Hill, 4n 40 62 1853.. " William Onan, 62 20 42 50 ... " Eli Rolls, 70 20 50 278 Sheshequin . Aaron Sheeler, 72 4 68 1 79 South Creek. .A. Fuller, jr 50 46 3 43 109 H54 . " I>. A. Fuller. 50 50 50 77 1852. .Standing Stone JCronau, 45 11 34 102 '• I\V Castor, 60 3 57 1 17 1853.. " I W Custard, 59 59 5 54 115 ... ... " Euierv (iihbs, 44 47 47 75 . . " Harvev Tuttle, 50 50 15 35 200 " JJA DM Dull, 100 100 100 160 1854. " I W Castor, 59 5 54 100 1-50 .SmiiliMeld. .J T Hall, 160 160 30 120 370 1852. . " RL M >rton, 50 7 43 134 1853.. " Solomon Gates 75 75 7.5 1 81 18.54 . " Amos Rose, 100 15 k5 277 1853. Tuscarora. .John Phintiev, 20 10 10 45 .Towanda ho Joshua Johnson house and lot 82 18.51 . John M'liitosh house and lot 3 t>4 •' Patrick Burke, .lot 2 00 ... Towanda south.. B. Wilcox e-t. 77 49 1853 . Lister. James Lenox, 50 50 20 30 240 1851 Warren. Thus G Dunn. 50 50 6 44 139 1853 . " llenry Blinchard 160 100 100 189 1854 . '• Henry Biuuchard 10U 100 100 140 1852. .Wysox J L Gorseline 100 100 10 90 JO4 1853 Wilmot Richard Biles 50 5 45 87 ... " Edwd Overton 99 93 132 ...... " AI dal Woodward 113 113 150 " David Whipple 85 1.00 5 95 152 1854.. " John Mulligan 68 10 78 135 18.51.. Wvalusing.. Derrick Cobb 75 70 15 5.5 184 E. C. KELLOGG, Trea*. Brad. Co. Treasurer's Office. Towanda, April 1, 1856. "VTOTICE.—Notice is hereby friven that 011 A. s the 6th day of February. 1856. a petition signed by J. M. Bishop. F. W. Brown, John Allen and si#di*y other citizens of Wysox township, Bradford county and it- vi cinity, was pre-'nted to the Court of Common i'leas of -aid county, praying to lie incorporated under the name of "The Wysox Brick Meeting House,'' agreeably to a constitution annexed to said petition : Whereupon the same Inning been perused and examined by the Court and the objects, articles and conditions therein set forth and contained appearing to tie law ful and not injurious to the community, the court directed -aid writing to tie tiled in the office of the Prothonntary of -aid court, and that no tice be inserted in the Bradford Reporter for at least three weeks before next Tertn—-that application has been made to -aid eoiirt to grant said charter of incorporation ; and if no sufficient reason i- shown to the contrary, the said - court will on the first day of May Term next, decree said petitioners to be a corporation as prayed fur in -aid peti tion. ALLEN M KEAN, Proth'rv. Towanda, March 17. 1856. REG ISTKU'S NOTICES.—Notice is here -1 by given that there have lieen filed and settled in 1 the office of the Register of Wills, in anil for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates, viz : Final account of S. S. Bradley, administrator of the es tate of Michael Vincent, late of Durel!. dee'd. Final account of Olive Shaler, administratrix of the . estate of George Shaler. late of Burlington, dee d. Partial account of Daniel Strong, executor of the estate of John Strong, late of Wells, ih c'd. Final account of John Elliott and J. F. Ghanihi iiin, ad ministrator of the estate of Wm. Morrow, late of Wyalu siug, dee'd. Final account of John A. Codding and Betsey Barnes, executors of the estate of Rhesus Barnes, late of Pike, de ceased. Final account of Nelson Barnes, administrator of the es tate of Amos Green, late of Orwell, dee'd. Final account of John Flyi.nand Catharine Kn-ick. for merly Catharine O'Ki efe, administrator of Dan'l O'Keefe late of Rome, deceased. And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Bradford county, oa Monday, the sth day ol May next, for confirmation and allowance. JAMES H. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, March 26, 18.56. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—In pursu ance of au order of the Orphans' Court of Ilnui.' ird ; county, will be exposed to public sale ou the premises, a' j 1 o'clock, I'. M., on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of April j next, the following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the township of South Creek, in said county, ■ containing 95 ai-jps or therealsiuts, bounded on the north by laud- of Philo Fx-sett and James Dewey; ca.-t by land of F. B. Brown, and south by land of Augustus Hillwan ; with about -ixty acres improved, with an orchard thereon growing and a framed house and barn thereon erected.— | Said lot of land lielonging to the estate of William Decker late of said township, deceased, and is the same lot on which he resided at the time of his death. Attendance will lie given and terms of sale made known by the sub scriber or by some person for him. CALVIN WEST, Ridglmry, March 18, 1856. Executor. EDITOR'S NOTICE. — Henry S. \l>>rair il now tu the use of J. M. Peek and H. M. Moore vs. Richard Horton and Curtis Smith. In the court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 299, May Term, 1854. ; The under-igned Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's, real estate, will attend to the duties assigned him ; at his office in the liorough of Towanda, ou Tuesday the 15th day of April, 1856, at one o'clock in the afternoon, ; wheu and where all persons having claims are request- ; ed to prucscut them, or be forever debarred therefrom. j March 15,1856. HENRY BOOTH, Auditor. j £egal SHEIUi F'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writ* of Venditioni Exponas, issued oot of the | Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Countr. and to I me directed, will be exposed to public sale at "the Court | House, in the boro' of Towanda,on Morulav. May 5, 18.16. ! 1 o clock, P. M. the following described lot piece or par j eel of land situate in Litchfield twp., bounded on the north , by land of Stephen Evans, east by land of Win. Cotton and I Seeley Goble, south by land of Orson Caruer. and west by other lands of defendant, Allen Baldwin, containing about fifty-two acres more or leas. . . A H?9T O " e otlier lot P' ecc or parcel of land situate in Litchfield township, bounded on the north bv lands of Thomas Munn. west by lands of B. B. Heeler, south bv lands ot Jacob Campbell or Joseph Parks, east by lundsof Cullen, containing about thirty acres more or less, i ■rr ue ot " t,r piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield twp., bounded north by the public highwav and land or Cyrus Merrill, east by land or .Stephen Evans and other lauds of defendant, Allen Baldwin, south bv land of Orson Carner, and West hv lands of Thomas Munn, con taining about eighty acres more pr less, about fifteen acres improved and one framed barn thereon. i •; V i'^~r.° nc °, ther l ot P iecc or Parcel of land situate in Litchfield twp., bounded on the north, cost and south by other lands oi Allen Baldwin, and west by lands of Thom as Munn, containing one acre more or less, all improved one log house with a framed additiou and one saw nilli thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Isaac Shep ard, executor of Job Shepard. deceased vs. Allen Baldwin , and Stephen Evans. Also, the same plaintiff vs. Allen | Baldwin. ! . -\ L ?P~T T l ,e [''"owing described lot piece or parcel of I - s ," a ' 111 Wysox twp., bounded as wit : I Beginning at the X. W. corner of Alvin Whitney's lot, i theuce north 3y° east 132 perches to a dry hemlock;"thence , south 51° east 64 perches to the X. W. corner of a *nnU ! lot deeded to L. S. Case ; thence south 18° west 31 per j chcs to the south-west corner of said Case's lot: thence ■ south 61" east 16 perches to the south-east corner of Case's lot : thonco north Is 0 oast 31 perches to the north oast corner of said Cases lot ; thence south 51°* east 37 per elies to a post; thence south 1° West 167 perches to the . north east corner of Valentine Woodhurn's lot; theme I north 51° west 216 perches to the beginning, containing 124 acres more or less, about 60 acres improved one log house one framed house, a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Burton Kingsbury vs. T. \V. A W. K. Woodburn. A LSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of ; lttnd situate in Durcll twp.. bounded north by lands in I possession ol John Johnson, east by lands of Samuel Van ! derpoo! and the Benjamin Ada farm (originally.) now oc cupied by 8. S. Bradley, south by lands of MeausA Stores, I west by the Win. Morrison tract, now owned by David Ca more ur less, all iniprov ; ed, one board shantee and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Nathaniel Moulton vs. Barnard Hitmen way. A LSO 1 lie following described lot, pieee or parcel of lanu situate in Sruithfield twp. Isiutided on the north and I west by the public highway, on the east and south by lands of Daniel Andrus, containing one half an acre be the saine more or less, all improved, one frame house, one frame barn thereon. ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in said township of Smithtield and bounded on the north and east by lands of Daniel Andrus, and south and west by tiie public highway, containing one acre more or less, aii improved, a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Newbury and Peck vs. James 15. Wood. ALSO —rhe following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Springfield twp. bounded north bv the highway and laud of Gardner Bennett, cast by lands of James Philips, south by lands of Amasa Faulkner, and west by lands of Thomas Pine and Gardner Bennett, con taining thirty-live acres more or less, about eight acres improved, a framed house, a small framed barn, a cooper shop and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John V. Tusliler to use of Abiram Pierce vs. Samuel Faulkner. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp. bounded on the north bvlaud of Amasa Scribbins, on the east by lands of ' Hall, j on the south by lands, owners name unknown, and on the west by lands of John Brimmer, containing one hundred and twenty six acres ami seventeen perches more or less, about ten a-res thereof improved, one log house thereon. \ Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Christian j Hcverly vs. John Bead. AI .si)— The following described lot, pieee or parcel of 1 land situate in Monroe twp. bounded on the north by land ' of Guy C. and James W. Irvine, on the east by lands of j John Bristol and Simon Pool, on the South by lauds of Ezra C. Kellogg, on the west by lands of Jerome S. Sals- ; bury, containing about -eventy-six acres W the same more j or less, about ten acre* improved, with one log house, one log stabje and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit yf O. P. I.yon j vs. Win. Kelch. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of ! land situate in Leßov twp. bounded north by lands of ] Busell Haxtou and John I.oomis, West bv lands of John I Ilaxton, south by lands of Ethan Pepper/Latham Andrus i and Uriah Clark. East bv laud of Pearl Ilaxton, contain- i ing about thirty-nine acres more or less, about twrntv-flvc i news improved, one framed or plank house, one framed! barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Franc's 15. ' Temton vs. Edwaid K. Sabin. ALSO—The defendant's interest in the following lot, i piece or parcel of land situate in Leßoy township bound- ' ed on the north and east by lauds of John Hammond. ' south bv the 'l'owanda Creek, and west by lands belong ing to the estate of Seeley Holcomh. dee'd., containing alsmt twenty acres more or less, all improved, three log houses, two framed barns, one saw mill, blacksmith shop, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot. pieee or parrel of land situate in Leßoy twp. bounded on the north by lands of Win. Baiivon. east bv lands ol V. Bruce, .-south by lands of Jes-e Wai ble ton. west by lands of P. Shoemaker, Philander llosley. Seth Ilaxton. and hv lands now or formerly owned by j Mark Porter, containing about fifty acres more or less. [ about twelve acres improved, one log house, Jog barn and ! fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Xedebiah ; Smith 2d. to the n-e of E. I'omerov vs. F.ilis Hoagland. ALSO The f 11' wing described lot piece or parcel of land situate iu Ulster twp.. bounded north by lands of S. Myers, east by the public highw ay, south by land of J. Hall, west by land off. F. Wells and S. Huff, containing one acre, be the same more or less, one frame barn and a i few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles and j Harris now to the use ol ,\|. W. Hamilton vs. (J. J. Walker. | Al-Sl) —The following described lot piece or parcel of, land situate in Rome twp. and bounded on the north by i lands of C. C. Worthing, on the east by the road leading I from Home Springs to Morley llill, on the south by lands j of L. T. Lent, on the west by lands of S. W. Elliott, eon- . tabling one hundred and seventy-five acres, be the same ' more or less, about seventy acres improved, one framed , house, one framed ham and an orchard of fruit trees J thereon. ALSO- The following described lot piece or parcel of j land situate in Rome twp. bounded north by C. C. Worth- | ing. east by lauds of Wiu. Elliott and I'. Jlu'rpuy,south by lands of 11. Dobscx, west by the road leading from Rome Springs to Morley U.h, containing eighty acres more or ' less, about thirty acres improved and an orchard of fruit j trees thereot.. ALSO—The following described fit piece or parcel of i land situate in Rome twp. bounded north and west by the | public highway, south by other lands of Judson 110 - j comb, tiie- defendant, east by lands of John I'assmore.con- j mining eighty feet front and two hundred and fourteen feet back, be the same more or less, all improved, one j framed house, one framed storage house and hall and one large framed barn and shed and one framed store house : thereon. ' ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp. bounded nortli by lot couveyed ! to Jndsou Holcomb, tbc defendant, V'y l/.-wis Guff, east by j lands of John Passmorc, south by landsof I'. Forbes, west , by the public highway, containing fifty feet front and two ; hundred and five feet "deep, lie the same more or less, all j improved, one framed dwelling house and a few fruit trees ! thereon. j A LSI) The following described lot piecc or parcel of | land situate in Rome twp. bounded north by lundsof I/mi- ; sa Wattles, east by lands of W. E. Maynard, south by the public highway, west by lauds of Wm. Berry, containing 100 feet by 'JO feet, be the same more or less,all improved, one framed barn thereon. ALSO The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Rome t* p- boundtd north by landa of Lew- £cgal 1. Barnes and Martha Warned, east b lands of Louisa Watties, Polly Uranmer and Martha Warner, sooth by the public highway, went by landsof Martha Warner,contain ing 114 acres, be the same more or leas, all improved, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Home twp.. bounded north and east by lands of Morris Cranmer, south by the public highway, west by the Baptist meeting house lot and lands of Win. Clftggett and others, containing two acres, be the same more or less, nil improved, one framed house, one fraiLcu granary and one framed barn thereon. ALSO—The following described lot piere or parcel of land situate in Rome twp. bounded north by the Towner Hill road east by lands of Judson Holcomb,"the defendant, south and west by lands of John Pass more, containing 50 ! feet front and 150 feet deep, bertbe same more or less, all [ improved, one framed house thereon. ALSO —The following descril ed lot piece or parcel of land in Rome twp.bounded north by the Towner Hill road, east by other lands of Judson Holcomb, defendant, soutli by lands of John Pussmore, west by other landsof Judson tfokomb, defendant, containing 50 feet front and 150 back, be the same more or less, one framed house, one framed barn thereon. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp. bounded north by the Towner Hill road, east by other lands of Judson Holcomb, the defendant, south by lands of John Passmore, west by oth er lauds of Judson Holcomb, defendant, containing 50 feet front and 150 feet deep, be the same more or less, all improved, one blacksmith shop thereon. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp. bounded north bv the Towner Hill road, east by lands of Mrs. Amanda Rice, south In lands of John Passmore, west by other lands of Judson Holcomb, the defendant, containing 50 feet front and 150 feet back, be the same more or less, ull improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. Hutchin son A Co- vs. Judson Holcomb. Also at the suit of Murfey, Benedict A Co. vs. Judson Holcomb. Also, at the suit of Lee, Murphcy A Co. vs. Judson Holcomh. ALSO—-The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Route twp., hounded north by landsof Ger sliam Towner and Jamc- M'C.ibe, south by other lands of James N. Ingails. the defendant, wrest by lands of James B. Demoney, containing eight acres more or less, ali im proved. one old gri.>t mili. one framed dwelling house,one framed "hop ami a few fruit Lees thereon. A I.SO—The following described lot, piecc or parcel ot land -.ituate in Rome twp., bounded north by other lands of James X. Ingalls, defendant, east hv lands of James M'Cabc, south by lands in possession of S'eisou Lent, west by lands in possession of Clark Baxter and James B. De money, containing five acres and 46 perches he the same more or los, ahuut live acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James M'-; Cabe vs. James N. Ingalls. ALSO—The fallowing described lot piece or parcel of' land sitnate in Granville twp. bounded north by laud of i Streeter, east by Harry, Erastns and Philander Saxton, south by lands belonging to the estate of Henry Saxton, I dee'd., west by land formerly owned by I). L. Saxton, and lately sold to E. and C. Williams, containing about fifty acres be tiie same more or iess. about 25 acres improved, with one log house and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of'S. W. A D. F. Pomerov vs. Henry Avers. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Ridgbery twp. lionnded north by unseated lands, east by a lot known as the Ellen Baty lot, soutli by land of David Gardner, west by land of John Middaugb, con taining about fifty acres, in "re or less, ten or fifteen acres improved, one bom l shantee, log stable and a few fruit trees thereon. eized sail taken in execution at the suit of A. G. Cor nell now to the use of Samuel Rayuor vs. Theodoras Har rison. ALSO—The Inllov.iiig „• -eribed lot piece or parcel of land situate ill liuHiiigfon twp. bounded north by John i' • Means and Michael Harans. on the cast by landsof John b. Means, on the south by the State road and lands of Samuel Strop*, md on the west by lands of Milton Bailey, containing one hundred acres, be the same more or less, about seventy acres thereof improved, with one frame house, one frame barn and a small orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jeremiah H. Decker to the usuof C. L. Ward vs. Jonathan Thomp son. ALSO—The defendant's interest, supposed to be the undivided one half of L e following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Monroe twp. bounded north In lands of Sevellon L. Fowler, east and south by the public highway, west by lands fo.-nerly belonging to Joseph Griggs, containing about 4 acres more or less, all improv ed and fruit trees thereon. ALSO- One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp. bounded north by Rn-ctte A Bicking, east by lands ot C. M. Hakes, south by lands of Joseph Mellar il! and the public highway, west by lands of Dr. Gillett, containing about twenty acres, all improved. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of John Han son to the use of E. W. Baird vs. Roliin Wilcox. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield twp. bounded as follows : Be ginning at a white pine corner of Ruth Shepard ; thence north Bfl°. west by lands of John Campbell and Thomas Evans, 142 perches to a post; thence south I°, west by landsof George Xorthrup, 85 4-10 perches to a post: theuce south 6p 5 , east 112 perches to a post; thence north I°, east 85 4-10 perches to the place ot beginning, con taining 74 acres be the same more or less, about forty acres improved, with a log house, the body of a log barn, a shantee and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken iu execution at the suit of David Bar ber vs. John Campbell and Abraham Campbell terre tenant. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levari Fa. apiece or par cel of land in South Creek township, distinguished as part and parcel of a lot No. ,".665. and bounded and descri lM.d as follows : beginning at a norway pine standing at tiie north east corner of l it no. 5686, and on the liue be tween the state of New York and Pennsylvania, thence south 40! l pin lies to tiie south east corner of said last men tioned lot ; thi-uee from a birch tree standing at said cor ner east 373 perches to a Leeeli tree standing at the south east corner of lot no. 566.5 ; them e north 116 perches to a hemlock ; thence north 26° west 125 perches to a maple ; them e nortli to° west 4'.' perches to a norway pine ; them e north 20° west !t.l perches to a norway pine ; thence north 40° west 1(1 perches to a norway pine standing on the beforenientioned line between the state of New York and Pennsylvania : thence along said boundary line nortli 87° west 1624 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 631 acres"of land lie the same more or less,about twoliun ilred fifty acres improved, three framed houses, four log houses, one steam saw mill, one black sinithshow, three framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jured Ar nold. to the u-e of R. A E. Covell. vs. Wright Dunham and Ira Elsbrce and Geo. Dunham, terre tenant. ALSO—The billowing described piece or lot of land situate in Rome twp., beginning at a corner of land of Uarnabus Clark in the warrantee liue ; thence south I°, west 74 and !t-lt) of a perch to a post in a line of land sur veyed ami now in possession ot Win. Pepper; thence south 76°. west 137 and 4-10 perches to a beech, a—i-her corner of Pepjier : them e north 1° east 36 A 2-10 perches I v unsold lands to a post: thence south 76°, west 73 per ches to api -t: thence north 5!) and 4-10 perches to a post; thence south so°, east 7 and 9-10 perches to a hemlock ; thence north ln°, east 21 perches to a post, a corner of Karnahtis Clark : thence along said Clark's line south 89° east 197 |w relies to the beginning, containing 109 acres "ltd 63 perches, strict measure, more or less, beingja part of a larger tract of land and known by parcel No. S3 and Warrant No. 114—about 100 acres improved, two framed houses, two framed Kirns and two apple orchards thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Edward Overton vs. John Parks ;l |id Wm. 15. Parks terre tenant. ALSO—The defendants interest iu that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate and lying in the town of South Creek, known ami distinguished as part and parcel of lot No. 56s,bounded and described as follows .- Be ginning at a Norway pine ,-t.iiuliiig at the northeast col lier of lot No. 5686, ami on the line between the States of New York and Pennsylvania ; thence south a-re'ii-s to the soutlu a-t corner of said last mentioned lot ; .ux from a birch tree siamliue at said corner.east 373 perches to a beech tree standing at the southeast w.h of lot No. 5685 ; thence north 116 perches to a hemlock ; thence north 26°, West 125 perches to a maple ; tlienre north 4U°. west to perches to a Norway pine ; thence north 20° west 95 perches to a Norway pine ; thence north 4ii°, wi till pet'lies to a Norway pine standing on the lie ton- mentioned hoiamlarv line between the States of New York ami Pennsylvania : thence along said boundary line noith 67°. west 1034 perches to the place of beginning, containing 631 acres mure or less, about 250 acres iinprnv - ed. three framed houses, four log houses, one steam saw mill, one blacksmith shop 3 framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon—(excepting therefrom a certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by deed from Jarcil Ar nold to G. A A. E. Kilisiuau, containing 200 acres and 7 perches, more or less, and bounded as follows : 15 •ginning at a Norway pine on the stale liue. and being tiie north west corner of said lot 5665, ami running theuce along the State line 166 1-ltl rods to ji stake and stones, the north west corner of George Dunham's land ; thence south I°, west along said DunhamV land, 192 710 rods to a corner, yet to lie made : thence nearly west, oil a line parallel with the Stat > line, 166 l-lo rods to a corner, yet to la made ; thence north I"\ east 100 7-10 perches to the be ginning) leaving 630 acres and 153 perches more or less. Seized and taken iu cxe. .tiou at the suit of Mansou Elsbree 2d vs. George Dunoain. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff"s Office, i Towamlii. March 27, 1856. f *jr- Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the costs will be required to he paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and.unon failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again lie offer ed for sale, JOHN A. CODDINU. rX ECU TO R'S NOT IC E.—Notice is lirnT JJ by given that 1 -re testamentary upon the esiate of John Fox. dee'd., late of Towauda township, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons indebted to said estate are hereiiy requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them dulv attested for settlement to Miller Fox, Towauda. MILLER FOX. W. W. GOODRICH, April 1.1856. Executors. /"GROCERIES* —Call uud see our Brown, vJTCrushi'd, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young Hyson A Black Teas—-warrauti-d a superior article, or tlie money refunded -for aie cheap by B. KINGfcBERY. £cgal | A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice x\. Is hereby given, that oil persons indebted to the es tate of Richard Struble, deceased, late of Rome township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulr authenticated for seUleuwnt. LUCY STRL'BI.E, DAVID STRUBLE. February 12, 15.16. Administrators. A DM'INISTRATOR'S NOTICE—Notk< JL 11. IS hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol Thos. A. Strong, dee'd. lntc of Wells tn. are re , quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claim- against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement , to the subscribers. AMANDA J. STRONG, A. W. AY RES, February 6, 1856. _ Administrators. A EDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the Orvhami .a. Y. Court. Jn the matter of the estate of Josejih Brig hum. The undersigned Auditor, appointed td distribute the funds in the hands of the administrators, will attend to said appointment at the house of C. o..French, in Ridg hery, on Saturday April 5, 1850, at 1 o clock, P. M.. at which time and place all persons having claims upon said ntoner must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. THOMAS SMEAD, Jkeditor. February 20. 18,1(5. ADMIN LSTRATIlIX NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that ull persons indebted to the es tate of FREDERICK HALL, decM. late of Canton towu twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present tlieui duly authenticated for .settlement, to C. E. Rathboue, of Camou. HARRIETT K. BRADLEY, Feb. 7.1656. Administratrix with will anuexed. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Minor 11. H'ilcpr, deceased. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford Comity. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. x\ editor appointed by said Court, to distribute fund :i the imndi of the Administrators of said estate, raised by the sale of real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, iu the borough of Towanda.on Saturday, the 12th day of April. 1856, at two o'clock. P. ?' when and where all persons having claims upon said f .■ ds must present th'un, or else be forever debarred from the same. March 14. 16.15. P. D. MORROW. Auditor. A BMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice il is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Jefferson 15. Itundeii. dee'd.. late of Armenia twp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will "please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. HANNAH RUNPELL, ELISHA ROCKWELL. Febnary, 20, 1856. Administrators. A DM IX ISTRATOR'S NOTiC'U— Notre? X*.. is horeoy given that all uersons indebted to ilic es tate of WM. MORNING deceased, late of Sooth Creek township, to make immedit.te payment, and all ; ersona having demands e gainst said estate, v- ill present tucm du ly autuent'.cati 1 f< -settlement. JACOB HORNING, Administrator d< bonis .ion. February 2C 1556. \ D MINI ST R A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice J.\. is hereby give:., that all persons indebted to t e es tate ot CATHARINE HORNING, DEE'd.. ir.te of south Creek.are request; ';o make payment without delay; and thoi'. having demands against said estato will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. Feb. 26,1656. JACOB HORNING. Administrator 1 DMIN'RS. NOTICE.—AII persous in- I\- debted to the estate of OWEN CARR. deceased. lateofHKRHK K township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. NA.'CY CARR*. February 26, 1656. Adinistratrix. PROCLAMATION.- the HoiT. JT DAVID WILMOT, Presideut Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, Sus quehanna and Sullivan, and Hons. Mvnos BALLARD and H AKKV ACKLKV. Associate Judges, in and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 20th,day of March, A.D. 1856, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan du. for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the sth day of MAY next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroqers and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of Bradford, that they la- then and there in their proper per son. fit 10 o'clock in tbc forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions.and other remembrances, to do tlmsc things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are hound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may he in the jail of .said County, or who shall be bound to appear at the said court, are to he then and there to prosecute against them as shall lie just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 22d of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and of the Independence of the United Plates."the seventy ninth. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff." rpRIAL LIST, for MAY Term, 1P66 .1. Bradford Conutv Court. HKST WEEK. PL-AINTIPFS. ' DEFENDANTS. | NATTRE. Horace Williston, jr. Edward Overton, 'Trespass. David Barber. John Snyder. j \ppeal. Pennington A Iloffii! Alviti Se'ward, Ejectment. David Barber, [Stephen K. Chandler, sci. Fa. O.M.Nelson, [Charles Drake, iAppeal. Welles A Harris, ■ I>. A A.Arnold, [lssue. Jacob Reel, 'Francis H. Arnold, (Appeal. Jno. Towlinson ACo'Bcnj. B. Slade's Adtn's. Debt. Van Da si si A Jaggtr John G Russell et al do William K. Gore, Collins M. Scgar, Sei. Fa.Bail. David Barber, jJosiah Heudcrshot, Sei. Fa. IS. Coolbaugh's adm., 11. S. Salsbury, Vppeal. Andrew C. Craig, John Flood, Debt. Luther Dan, jAsabel T.oomis, Case. Judson Holcomb, C N Shipman I Trover. Erastus Lovett, [Joseph Seeiy, jKjeetnient. Hiram H. Kinyon, jD. Monroe et al. , do Rogers Fowler, t). Schrader, 'Appeal. Cmnth of Penn'a, ! D llapentan ct al [Debt. John M. Pike, [Henry Merrill. [ Appeal. Stephen Pierce, David Corby ct si. ; Eject men t. SECOND WELk. PLAINTIFFS. j DEFENDANTS. j NATFRE. Henry C r.imtuond, O. F. Spalding, i Ejectment. same Charles Drake et al. j do Crane A Caldwell, {A-si D Brown. [Case. Chas. W. Hawkins, >Wm. Campbell, [Debt. F. A. Sax ton ,*Co. iJohn Taylor, ; trespass. Wm. 11. Russell, iJobDean. 'Ejectment. Malison F.l-bive, jWilli.iui Algeara, ■ Apjssl. Geo 15 Wcdeott, !.lolm S WilUston, j do M. H Green man Henry Kingsbery, [Debt. H S Davidson Daniel llarkins, [Case. Welles A Harris' use! Valentine Smith, do John Snyder, [Edmund Sickler, [Appeal. same same, j do J. Aoutiiword's use. [John Griffin. Case. Lucius Gibbs Lewi* K (iibbs, Keplcvia. ( has R Scouton, N T Dickinson. jCa-c. • John M. Read, Clark Camp et al. (Ejectment. Louisa U. Jackson, Horace Williston, jr. Sci. Fa. M. (' R Brown, EN Keeler, Appeal. Ezra Spalding. John M Martin, [Case. Williston A EI well, I David Cash, 1 do Samuel A Tenant, [John Powers et al !.( . ,al. Henry G. Taylor, [j, A. Perry. i '' do V ranklin Andlvvrs [Geo. Met lelland et al. ,Tre pass. ('•. E. Isa.tlii.fuic, | William liigiiy, ;Ejectment. J. Benhain'ii use, jt'a.-e Briggs, et al. iAppeal. Sarah L Fitch, {O P, {('use. Reuben Wilber, j Erastus Wolcott, Ejectment same i sairc, | do E.S.Tracy, Edmund 1 "wis, [Appeal. ■ Wm. Gibson, E. A O. Bennet, ( do E. S. Tracy, D. Campbell et al. I do X. J). Warlord's Adsl Amy Bradford, ] do F. A. Tyler, [Francis Tyler, (Cafe. John Snyder. jSamuel Osborne, I do Job Shepard's Exs. ] Welle" A Harris et al. Debt. Geo 1' t 'tunnel, iC Thomas et al. j do Tp of Franklin. jJereniiah Mycr.-, 'Case. Ed Carpenter et al. ;.! i'owtlletal [lijectmeut. Washburn A Ames, P. 1. Vanvechton, jC .se. Selar Satterlec, 'N A dams et al Trespass. Sanderson A Kiug'i | ! ' 1) Baxter ] hie. tnicat. John Cole, " O W Dodge, j tppeal. Y\n:. Kiff. Orson Rickey et al. jLjcctmeuu John E Goodrich, Jacob G. Rockwell, '.VI t. Henry Covert, James M'nurd \p, t al. Richard Sinsebangh, A. J. Miller, j do Set'i W. Piine, S. Peterson ct al. Deht. J. Willi.mis 2d, use Charles Williams, !sci. Fa. Barfholoniew Whi eaJamos White, ! r:\-spass. M. F.Ransom. I Patrick Kane ct al. ! Ejectment. J. B. M. Ilinman, |S. L. Fowler et a!. | do Rir Subpa'uas for the first week to be made refera ble on Wednesday, Mav 7th. 1556, at 10, A. M.. and for the second week on tfie following Monday M* nv r p lU' A. M. ALLEN McKEAN. PrMhonbtaTv. , 'S SALK.—Rv virtue of a writ of Vend. Exponas, is„ t . l T out of the Court of C ommon Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed, w ill IK- exposed to pilUiC sale at the Court House, in the lsvro of Towanda. on MONDAY, April 11th. 1 o clock I . YL, tfie following lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in Athens Boro". bounded on the north hv landsof F. S. Uoj t on Uie easthy Main street, on the "south hv Shtnman A Welles, containing 5o feet from and so feet back, be the saute more or Jess, all improved, one building occupied as a dwelliugTiortse tuid w agon shop and shed attached, and one blacksmith shop thereon. Heized and taken iu execution at the suit of George A. Perkins vs. Jaiurs .Smith. CL , JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Towauda, March 17, 1856. (_J_OOI)S lxiugbt at my Store will bedeliver- T ed to any part of the Borough, FBEF OF CHARGE. June I 186s. P- T. FOX. £'9 1 7ibocrtiofm cnts. VJIIEIIIFF'S SALE—By virtue of a certain fi c n facias, Issli j c:t of the Cooi' ue, a framed bam,a saw inilJ.aju apple orchard autSoibtr fro t trees thereon. •Seized and taken in execution at tie suit of CLauaccy Friable vs. Thorna* Bhndh g. ALPIj--The following desi rlbcd lot piece or par tl of 1 land situate in Wysox twp. bounded as lo!ltw.: Begb.- ; ning at the south west coiiifr of Alexander Wickiztr'a it,t! nee south M>°, east lot 310 per. ) <_•; to- tie noitk west corner ot X. Puik's lot; theme s o:th 1° m.b! 12'J pcrche-. to the south wort coon of aid Park's lot; thenro north t'iit.lining eg ucree ami 17 pir' he.- Ui .re or lew , about 2o ac res ini| roved, a log house, a log burn and fiu.l trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution nt the suit of C. 1.. C. Do (Jl;.a=te!mu.\ now to the use of Boston Kingsbury vs. George Lenox. ALSO - All that certain I d piece or parcel of hiud ly ing and being in Hie township* ui BurLngtuii ntd TOWHI.- da and bounded as follows • Beginning at a poplar, -otitic tfe-t corner of lot X'o. 274, on .arrant lot No. 4430,thenco wi -.t flu the south liue of said warrant, 262* perches to * whit - map'C for a coiner ; then, e i.oiili 73 2 10 perches to a post : thencd eat 202 perches to I. . west luu? of said lot No. 274 ; tinners -out)} 7it 2 10 (.mcheg to the Is.-ginnui,,, containing ' n- thindted acres, -ti ict measure, it being ta ken from the an,.r|t i. ; n of I'ta Xo. 275 ami 27ti on mi d warrant So. 443 d, ul,out 70 acres tlu-ieof improved, with one frame .'vuse, one fiamo nam and a small orchard of fruit trees theicon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert B. David on admin.-'rator of Wni. Davidson, who survived Timothy Paxse n, now to the use ot (.'. 1., h.uu vs. Eli-ha Foster, with uuthc to Jonathan Thompson terre tenant. JOHN" A. CODDING, Sheiitf. Towanda, March 31. lsOti. flsiT OF JUKOKS drawn for Mny Term J and sje-sjons, lS5t. ciui.d jcrgrs, Albany -fjyrlaon Hlblmrd. l-tamling .Stone—John HulT Canton—Thomas Stanley. I SmiVhfit-ld--John L Doty. Columbia— Helou Uudd. Towanda boro"—Win. C." Co- Franklin—Southwick Pren •! gart. tice. iTr >y boro'—Geo X Xewbury, GmnviUiv—Setli K. Porter, j iScth W i'e.uc. SI. Gi-tin. Litchliele Henry Mono. |Troy twp.—Ad.n Calkins, LeHoy—J M Smiley, i Timothy (a, e. Over Loo—Jacob Sticve. (Windham —Price Doaue. Plke-r-Edwai i | vViu-reir—Oliver Corbin, Ca- ItidiTlw. Cli.tries Baldwin.l leo Abel. Sylvaniabcrough--Abrahaiu|'A'iimot—David S Slillcr, Beouton. iWyoox—John Martin. TK.VVORBV JTROICS—F IR-L WEEK. Albany —lt Bin Wilcox. I son, Cornelius flaight Fa/noil—'rail .Wilson, A Stajflvrnfa boro'- IYt-r ilon- Thoinas, W.u Yaudcrlip. I roe. P.ujiiucLou—-Ch irlca T <.'o- Sbeaberpiin—&amuel Gritliu, vcrde 1,-, Jacob Morlcy. i Benjamin Smith. West B-irlingt, c—BeiijaminlSmitld'e'd- H-t u-p Brighuci lloss. iSpringfiedu— Henry 11 Smith. F.&uki. i—J J Hatmnond. iN'orth Towanda—*U*m. Dit- Granvii'.e—Dennis i'eiry. '! irirh. Herrick—Jeremiah Audv: jTowauda Bor<>'—John i'.ci .son, J. hn Dui-aud. j dkniaa, I.yuian I gets. I.cßoy--James* Crofut, J PiTroy twp.—K H (' ;s< Yanlleet. i Ulster—Aibert Newell. MOD roe—Benjamin Northrop! Wvsox—Jesse Smith, A. C Orwell—Alphonzo Loj-d. j Hinniao. Pike—O M Stevens," Amos Wilniot—George Eberly. Baldwin. IWarren —J S Allen, Cyrua Itidgbery—Thaddeuo David 1 Wheaton. son. j Wyalusing—John Chamber- Srutb Creek—Alex. Thomp- lin. SECOND WEES. .\syluuj—Gideon Fitch. 'ltidgbery—Jas. H Vanned, Athens borough—Cornalin- Reuben FS-juiies, KingH Hiinsieker. 1 Cummings. Burlington- II P Wilhelm.'l.'ome—Alvin Towner, Jatnea J W lipi-ucer, Wui B Shi-j Lavten. iter. .-smith field—NehemhUi Tra- Columhia—Howard Taylor, cy, Perry Xiehels, Hirum Bate man Monroe. j KarnsvvJrth. Canton—Klias Itoi kwt-11. IbSouth Creek— Thilo Fusaeit, A Spalding, X 15 Taber., Jr. Leonard L.i-n is. Troy twp.—Robert Cl.a Win. Durell—lsaac Kimis. j CSI DeForest. V'm Ai uzo Leßoy—Reuben It Palmer. , Thomas. Litchfield—Orson Cauu-r. IX. Towanda—Stephen Pow- MOD roe tp.—Joseph Miugun.j ell. Overtou—Jonathan Lamp. '.Warren—Wallace Baker. Orwill George F Fri-bie. 'Windham— Alv.m L' wies, c I'ike - J.-vbii.i Burrows. Jad- B Shoemaker. son Slocuin. , Wyalu.-iog—Jaeksor Elliott —Notice is liereliy given tlint on s the H'tb day of February, lssti. A. .1. Noble. J. Y. Hiuman. Stephen Fvlton, U. Si ltu-sell, W. A. Chamher lin and others, citizens of Towanda borough, presented their petition to the Court of Common Pleas of the Coun ty 'f Bradford, praying t" be incorporated under tin- nan e and style of '• The (bid Fellows' Hall Assoeiation of the Borough of Towanda. agreeably to a const itution annex ed to said petition : Whereupon the saute having liceii pe ru.-ed and examined by ihe b'ouit. and the obju t-. articles and eondilions therein .->• t forth and contained appi arioi; to be lawlul and not injurious to the l oiuuiuuity, the Court thereupon directed said writing to be tiled u tin office of the Prothouotaiy •i said Court, and that i: lice lie insi-rt. d m one new-paper in -aul county, ai lea t three week- hetoro luxt Term, that an applhotioi, has 1 ,-en made to -aid court to grant -aid charteroi ii, -i>r|u,ration : and if no -utlicicni reason i- -hown to the tout-, it v, the said court will on the first day of May term next, decrco -aid petitioner-, to lie a corporation a- prayed f..) of February next, after wl h time delinquents may expect special invitation- t . v -it Towanda. J. D. HUMPHREY, f'ovanda. .Tanuary 0. 1-55. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE ! 18] GREAT BARGAINS! [56 2MT. 22. Soicmon, Proprietor. rpms extensive R-'ady-uiaile Uiu. ing E-tablishim . t. I -ituated in Mer'-iir'-block. Main ■ i. b.i-jo-t been filled with a large acsofttnf nt ot SPkiXG CLOTHING. The jirnprietor a.-suiv tla in^ha-the hfst and cheapo ' a--ortnicnt ■ ve. oiVereii in Towanda : ai dto prove ihi- f-t he rc-prot va- k- the publi to -.all .--ud examine for them-elves. Person- wi-hing good bargains and an rhcant _nit. or a portion thereof wll m-.dr f materia! Goat Ve*t, P lot do >u-, c. ,< .t. i 'oil n-. ami ip ti t evetv t'liiiv i:i tii" line, (t ill do well to ■• ill. He P conllilvnt fin c..n - iti.fy -di in ; ice and < ( nn!it- . &f - Don't forget the place--one door south of Mereur'a .-lore, .Mam-st. Tuwauda, Mtiwli 1-ioi'.. BAKERY A lIESfAURAN'T. Chie Dcor North of the Wan! Ifrn'se. UPIIK subsi-rib'i v\ juld re-pi tful'.. inform hi f. • nd< S and tV- lml'lie '.ere 1-itlly that hi- ha-opii.q aBA KER i AND K.VTiNG S.\i.(lC'.V. one iloor north of il •• Ward Ho'i-c, wnrre lie intend to keep eon-tai.'ly on hand a full a—ji tjiient of everything in the line, ah a- lire.. 1. Biscuit A-.i-k Cnieker.-. Jniii'des. all kinds ot Cake. A< . Huv 'jg - u 1 the service- of au e.xpei i'-m-ed isiki r. uinl t'aiitg ne.;ili bid tlie 'ic-t brands of Hour, he fit l- confident ff giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Wedding and ether parties furnished with whatever r< • quired, on short notice and at the most reasonable rates. A liiee assortment of Candies. Nuts. Fruit-. Ac., kept alway- on hand and -old at the eheape-t rates. FRI ".SII OYSTERS received three times per week by express. and sold wholesale and retail. Hot Coffee sirvedup at all hours. Don't forget tho place, one door north of the Ward House. February 12,1*56. H. A. li( KB.VNh. "Vfo EXCUSE FOR BAD BREAD! 11 If you procure of DR. 11. C. PORTER, South -tore in the Ward House. THE INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER. Equally adapted to Loaves, Hut Roll-. Bi- uit, BiukwheuC and other Griddle Cakes. Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet Fakes, Batter for Dampliugs. Ihiddiug.-, Pot pie- A,-. A Price 35 cent.-. March 22. E FOR SALE.—One Stone Coal COOEIXG STOVE, with Furniture ciuniih-te ; on* second-hand Wood (.Yx.king Stove ; one secoid-ltand Par lor Pto*-e, ami ,-nc (irate for burning CoJ. Jau- 2. ISifi. BAILF.Y A N'EVJNeS.