Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 12, 1856, Image 1

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SamrtaJ fttoriiinn. Sptil 12. ISSU.
Stlttto poctrrr.
3 tlawu, 1 rn thine.
; natch the merry hours
golden wreaths of flowers,
I',.', on every hough are singing,
t ), e air with music ringing,
U the sunbeams flash and quiver
~ the eddies of the river.
, . they change! the songs are done ;
r ds flit sadly o'er the sun',
v, with mournful step and slow,
i j siv childhood's home I go—
Home uo longer mine.
I! id! I'm thine,
F., r aw.iy. a sunny vision,
V..IJS nic to fields ely -inn.
1, clouds an drooping low
.1 r -i)t hues they shine and glow,
W! . a the summer rain i-s o'er,
v ,ie arc brighter than before.
~i. *t u vain ! sad hearts be still;
- remains one sparkling rill ;
-• ■-> and drink, thou weary heart,
ai.d 1 in peace will part-
Life no longer mine.
Clasp me. !"ve! 1 m thine,
p ;ch all other light depart
-in-this sunshine of the heart,
v • w i:i!e sheltered at thy aide,
1 at lest, what'er betide.
i- ir tis vain! the shadows flow
, -my heart—thou, too, must go!
• e farewell. Life's dream is done !
v c the shi dow, thine the sun :
afar from grief and pain,
L the light we meet again—
so forever mine.
Take nic, death! I'm thine,
t" i thro :gh t'uy solemn portal
■ - i h the light immortal,
tt the amaranths unfading,
; ir. of heavenly bloom are shading,
i within thy darkened porch,
tv.ta f . dim, inverted torch,
7: a j -t chant soft, holy psalms ;
- ; w wait, with folding palms,
Trie's last t riuniph won,
-halt find thy labors done—
Take no. Death, I'm thine.
JU is rll In it t c s .
Turkey Foot, the Indian,
• lligcnt reader of pioneer history Beed
• ■: -I that after the signal defeat of the
- in 1794. by Gen. Wayne, nearly all
- ■: into treaty stipulations with
! 1' ted Stat' and that a state of peace
, a - tlx' result of these treaties—the
f'.t'.itiif Greenville, and the succeeding
•oglif about by Governor II unison—
t !.•'> time of, or to a period very recent
: to, the battle of Tippecanoe tlielorig-
Miuoi] peace the frontiers had then
f withstanding the fact that the tribes
■ finselves to keep the peace, there were
r- of fractions Indians of the baser sort,
' up a k inl of independence, and start
i their own hook, set at defiance the
•- of our gov.-l ament and the councils
- of then own tribes. Of this number
ti'■ ni"-! distinguished for infamy and
■ i- Turkey Foot, a Potawatamic,who
i a out him a band of desperadoes
■if whom he was the leader or chief,
• ; ' in preyed upon the property and
' ii' ami red men.
•-t am ounts we have of this ban
. ' represent hiin as a bad Indian. lie
: ni .nine cause to have had a natural
fr ou to steal, and an equal disinclination
!; A ; IhiKo. it was almost a necessary
- ff.erx-" he should become a thief or
f<>r even among the savages a man
:i -fir do something for a livelihood.—
Knot, how ever, w as too much like some
■!' rn aristocrats of civilized society to
J m-' if by stooping to the performance
"Aug that had the appearance of useful
'v.':-. in his laziness be turned free
• Ihi known in thfgwmncction, that
- "lie majority of and near
"K had to the treaties
. } t there was guite a respectable
•vi'O entertained Vengeful feelings and
" imposition towards their pale-faced
ami that the moral or immoral in
r their portion of the tribes was made
| *'"l protect the lawless operations
-renegade-;, at least to such an extent
" Indians did not feel disposed to end
. Lining the lives of the perpetrators of
A iter committing numerous deeds
i ' j rapine, and injustice against both
indignation of his own tribe was ex
} highly against hiin, so that it be
jj ; ■ !"r him to avoid them when in
Numbers to punish him for his vil
- tune, Governor Harrison, whose
were at Vincennes, found it ne
• ' -""d out an agent among some of
•; saffi-ctcd of the tribes, many of
. c '-xc!ttl continually by Tecumseh
r 'l'het, and British emissaries, who
cains to plant the seeds of discord,
j v, | r in the hearts of the savages,
j, .. " l ''' s agent was to disabuse the
b.dians a; to some reports put in
f ■ l| }'iie eiieni es ol the United States
, "riu to a state of outbreak and war.
' i a " 01 this mission, whose
Ifcjp '" k ' b founi great difficulty in dis
l:!!n,'s °f the suspicious Indians as
tSv, ' :|! rinenis made to them by the
already named; and the
L ; j"' u v fellow had preceded him.false
ks(..'''" lM -'f as the agent of our
I•, '' w 10 had declared to the savages,
k L" fjj. fi a(i{ j settled policy of the
0 r O!jbfme to encroach ujyw
them and their possessions, uutil both should
be swallowed up.
This was false as to the intention of our go
vernment at that time, though the representa
tion, in some degree, has since become a fact
of history, owing, perhaps, to the unlocked for
and unprecedented tide of emigration, which
has ceaselessly rolled its waves westward. But
after much earnest labor, Mr. Parker began
to succeed so well in his work that those in
terested iu the continuance of the stute of ex
cited feeling he was allaying and moulding to
his purpose, became alarmed lest he should fi
nally prove entirely successful in his efforts,and
restore tranquillity where they desired fomen
tation and strife—the preparation for an open
To prevent the consummation of this object,
the parties interested appear to have held a
kind of secret council among themselves, and
the result of their deliberations was that Park
er was to be put to death. But how ? Tecuui
seh was not yet prepared to bring ou a state
of open hostilities, as his grand schemes for
universal confederacy of all the tribes w ere not
yet completed. M'Kee, the British agent,
took, it on himself to see that the bloody
deed was done, and thus the matter was set
To succeed in killing Parker, and yet not com
mit the Indians, M'Kee had only to call in the
aid of Turkey Foot, whose services he engaged
by a promise of reward—he was to kill Parker,
and receive pap for the work of murder, and at
the hands of tills agent of a civilized and Chris
tianized country !
The bargain was struck ; and in pursuance
of his part of the contract, Turkey Foot took
four of his men and started on the trail of his
intended victim, who all unconscious of the
threatening danger that hung over him, went
peaceably 011 in his work of reconciliation. He
had reached the limits of his mission, and was
on his return tour, when the murderous assas
sin came on his track. Down the Mississippi
lie went, and down they followed after hitn.—
They neared him every hour, yet he knew not
that they were scenting his track as the wolf
does his prey ! Thev w ere near—so near that
the place and time for the perpetration of the
crime were fixed, and the winged hours were
fleetly wafting the short iutcrval into the eter
nity of the past ! The time arrives—the steal
thy murderers approach their victim—a mo
ment, and the work of death is done. But Mr.
Parker is not the person slain. He had, from
some cause, hastened his movements, thus sav
ing his life by a few hours, and two French
men met the fate that was intended by the
murderers for him.
Gov. Harrison was speedily informed of this
cold-blooded atrocity, and demanded of the
I'otowatamies that Turkey Foot and his ac
complices should be given up ; and their great
chief, the Sun, declared his desire to have hiin
punished, anil his willingness to endeavor to
secure liim. In consequence of this turn of
affairs, the desperadoes now became the fugi
tives, ami were pursued by the Indians who
had volunteered to carry out the wi lies of
Harrison and the Sun. Turkey Foot expected
a reward from M'Kee for the two scalps of the
Frenchmen, and was making his way to his
place of residence, when thG new complication
of affairs made it necessary for him to change
his course, and he fled across the Mississippi
into Missouri, where he remained for a length
of time, nut daring to show himself where he
was known.
So soon, however, as the excitement died
i away, aud other topics began to engross the
' attention of those who sought his life, he re
l turned and recommenced his life of crime and
j villainy. It will not comport with the limits
1 of this brief sketch, for ns to even name the
i enormities he committed, their name being le
' gion ; but so numerous were they, and withal,
;of such an outrageous character, that Gover
; nor Harrison at last demanded of his tribe that
: they should deliver him up under pain of the
i displeasure of the United States. The chief
| promised that he should be taken either dead
' or alive ; but the government would not hear
| to iiis death, and demanded that he be brought
i in alive, that he might be punished according
j to the laws ef the country, in accordance with
a provision in the treaty of Greenville. The
J chief then promised to bring him iu as tlieGo
i vernor desired, and with a body of his follow
! ers. set out to hunt him up. They met him un
• expectedly, as he was crossing a -mall prairie,
; he not being aware of their intentions, and the
j chief addressed him in a friendly manner, as
j he approached, and took him by the hand, de
termined at the same time to hold him fast uu
; til he was surrounded and secured.
But no sooner did Turkey Foot perceive the
intention of the chief, than with great dexteri
ty and presence of mind he brought his rifle,
which was upon his left shoulder, around in
such a manner as to present the muzzle direct
at the chief, and thus the two stood. It was
a moment of great suspense ! Another second,
and one of the two might lie in eternity ; but
the chief had no weapon of defence ready, and
his life seemed to be the certain sacrifice. An
other instant, and the sharp crack of a rille
broke out shrill upon the quiet morning air,
and Turkey Foot lay in the agonies of death !
A young Indian had perceived the perilous sit
uation of his chief, and shot the miscreant dead
on the spot ere he had time to discharge his
own piece. His scalp was taken to Governor
Harrison, to whom au account of his death was
rendered, and the circumstances were consid
ered an excuse for not complying with the re
quest to have him brought alive.
Thus perished one of the most infamous of
men, a vile murderer and wretch, w hose enor
mities were shocking in the extreme, as he
spared neither age, sex, nor condition, but com
mitted barbarities upon all—male and female,
white and red.
The editor of the Woonsockct Patriot
makes merry over the mistake of an old Shang
hai hen of his, that has been "setting" tor five
weeks upon two round stoues and a piece of
brick ! " Her anxiety," quoth he, "is no
greater than ours to know what she will hatch.
If it proves a brickyard, that hen is not for
A Night of Horror.
Potter County, Pa., is to a great extent a
howling wilderness ; yet the land is good, and
efforts are making to have it cleared and set
tled. Mr. Arvine Clark, an experienced wood
man, is an agent for parties who wish to take
up lauds in the wilderness and bring them into
market ; and in the course of his explorations
he meets occasionally with rare adventures, of
which the following is regarded by him as the
most frightful that has ever befallen him du
ring his long career in the backwoods. The
story was related to the writer by Mr. C. him
self, and may be relied upon as being cor
rect :
On the 4th of November last, Mr. C. was
exploring the route for a new road to the set
tlement through a wild and gloomy wilderness.
As the shades of evening drew on, he commenc
ed to retrace his steps, as he supposed,through
lands of Wm. Silver, Esq., of Philadelphia ;
but he was disappointed and his way. He
became alarmed, and, as the dusky shades of
night settled around, he found himself in a
dense forest, at least eight miles from tiie set
tlement. Becoming very tired from rapid walk
ing, he sat down upon a log to rest and con
template for a moment his situation. His at
tention was suddenly arrested by a rustling in
the bushes close by, and on looking cautiously
around beheld a huge bear coming toward him.
To draw up his trusty ritie and to shoot the
beast was the work of a moment. Bruin gave
a fierce and awful roar, which awoke the echoes
of a gloomy solitude and then was still. Fear
ing that the beast was only wounded, Clark
hastily reloaded his gun with only two balls,
the last iu his pouch, and discharged theru in
to the body of the monster, when he cautious
ly approached and found that lie was dead.—
He describes the roar of the beast, as he re
ceived his death-wound, as terrific and calcu
lated to make the stoutest heart quail with
A dark and gloomy night was settling down
on him—he had no bullets for his gun—was in
tiie wilderness without food and shelter, sur
rounded by wild animals. He had no matches
to kindle a fire—his situation was desperate,
and, to add to his further discomfort, it com
menced raining. What was to be done ? To
remain there without fire was exceedingly dan
gerous. With these reflections lie continued
to grope his way through laurel, hoping to find
a path that might lead to a hunter's habitation,
but iu vain. The night was dark as Egypt,
and the howling of a pack of wolves greeted
his ear. Being an old man he soon became ex
hnused, and found that he would have to re
main for the night.
Coming to au aged hemlock he seated him
self at its root for the night. Could he but
obtain a lire, he would be comparatively safe.
The effort was made by collecting some dry
materials, and, loading liis gun with powder,
he fired the charge into a dry cotton handker
chief. It was a failure ! As the gun was dis
charged, another bear, apparently within twen
ty feet of him, gave a hideous and awful roar
that made Clark's hair stand on end. Bruin
was terribly frightened by the discharge of the
gun. and hastily scampered, much to the relief
of Clark, who now began to fully realize the
danger of his position.
Here he remained, not daring to fall asleep
About two o'clock in the morning, to add to
the horrors of his situation, the yell of a pan
ther was heard. The beast approached—came
nearer every few minutes—uttered a screech
that froze the blood in his veins ! As a last
resort to defend himself from the attack of the
savage animal, lie reloaded his gun, putting in
some three-cent pieces and some steel pens (fur
he had nothing else) which he hoped might do
some execution. The animal came so near
that the glare of his eyes in the darkness re
sembled two balls of lire ! Clark every mo
ment expected to receive the fatal spring
There he remained without daring to move,
with the fiery eyes of the panther fixed upon
hini ! In this dreadful situation, expecting
every moment, to be torn iu pieces, he remain
ed till break of day, when he was relieved from
danger, and the animal disappeared. Hungry
and weary and excited, he left for the settle
ment, where he arrived about noon and rela
ted his thrilling adventure. A party proceed
ed to the place where the bear was shot, and
brought in his carcass, which proved to be a
very large one. It was dressed and forward
ed to New-York. It was several days before
Clark recovered from the fatigue, the fear and
the excitement of that night, which will never
be removed from his mind.— Poaghkcepsie (-Y.
V) Eagle.
I WONDER. —When a young man is clerk in
a store anil dresses like a prince, smokes "foin
cigu's," drinks " noiec brandy," attends theatres,
balls, aud the like, I wonder if he does all up
on the avails of his clerkship '!
When a young lady sits in the parlor all day
with her lily white lingers covered with rings,
I wonder if her mother don't wash the dishes
and do the work in the kitchen ?
When a deacon of the church sells strong
butter, recommending it as excellent aud sweet,
I wonder if he don't rely on the merits of Chri-t
for salvation ?
When u man goes three times a day to get
a dram, I wonder if he will not by and by go
four times ?
When a young man is dependent upon his
daily toil for his income, and marries a lady
who does not know how to make a loaf of
bread, or mend a garment, I wonder if he is
not lacking somewhere, say towards the top,
for instance 1
When a man receives a periodical or news
paper weekly, and takes great delight in read
ing them, but neglects to pay for them, I won
der if he has a soul or a gizzard ?
Ignorance and cruelty are as closely
connected as Damon and Pythias. Whoever
saw a dog-figbter who did not spell philosophy
with an F ?
If you meau to be happy when old, be
temperate when young.
I dearly lub tbe singia' bird,
And little buzzln' bee ;
But dearer far than all the world,
L> thy sweet voice to mc.
O, very deep U daddy's well,
And deeper is the sea.
But deepest in iny biutzum la
The luv I bare for thee.
Then smile on me, dear Angyllne,
To make my heart feel light;
Chain the big dog and I will como
A eourtin', Saturday nite.
Influence of a Newspaper.— A school
■ teacher, who has been engaged a long time iu
j in his profession, and witnessed the influence
of a good newspaper upon the minds of a fami
ly of children, writes to the editor of the Og
densburg Sentinel, as follows :
" I have found it to be an universal fact,
without exception, that those scholars, of both
sexes, aud ull ages, whe have had access to
newspapers at home, when compared to those
who have not, are—
1. Better readers, excelling in pronouncia
tion and emphasis, and consequently read more
2. They are better spellers, and define words
with ease and accuracy.
3. They obtain a practical knowledge of
geography, and in almost half the time it re
quires others, as the newspaper has made them
familiar with the location of the important
places, nations, their governments and doings
on the globe.
4. They are better grammarians, for having
become so familiar with every variety of style
iu the newspaper, from the common place ad
vertisement to the finished aud classical ora
tion of the statesman, they more readily com
prehend the meaning of the text, and conse
quently analyze its construction with accuracy.
5. They write better compositions, usiug bet
ter language, containing more clearly and cor
rectly expressed ideas.
6. Those young men who have for years
been readers of the newspapers, are always ta
king the lead in the debating society, exhibit
ing a more extensive knowledge upon a great
er variety of subjects, and expressing their
views with greater fluency aud clearness iu their
use of language.
thoroughfare of every large city is boiling over
with character ; they loom up iu the maze of
pedestrians at every step, and are known,some
by their hair, others by their dress, and a ma
jority by their folly. Brown and Smith, two
gentlemen known to every one who walks the
street, were out a few days since, when they
were met bv an overdressed individual, who
appeared as if he though he was somebody, and
wanted everybody to know it.
"Do you know that chap ?" said Brown.
" Yes, I know hini; that is, I kuow of hini,"
said Smith.
" Well, who in the name of common sense
is he ?"
" Why, he is a sculptor."
" Such a looking chap as that a sculptor !
Surely you must be mistaken."
" He may not be the kind of one you mean;
but I know that lie chiseled a tailor out of a
suit of clothes last week.
Bow.—The following instance of daring sport
is related in the Albany Transcript:
The feat in shooting performed by Tell, the
Swiss patriot, in shooting an apple off the head
of his son, has been told over and over again,
and was a wonderful piece of execution, close
calculation and great daring. Something sim
ilar was attempted and successfully performed
iu the village of I'itlstown, Rensselaer Coun
ty New York, about, a week since. The eir
cumstance was related to us as follows : There
had been a turkey shoot at which several
" crack shots" had assisted ; after the shoot
was over the crowd adjourned to the tavern ;
and the whole party, somewhat elated, com
menced talking about William Tell, when
Horace 11. Wadsworth, remarked that he was
as good a shot as ever Tell was, and said he,
*' find me a man, and I ! I1 prove it," whereup
on Alonzo Gregitn stepped forward and said,
" I'm Lite man for you to practice upon."—
" Very well," said Wadsworth, "get an apple
and I'll try it." Search was made lor an ap
ple, but not finding one readily a potato was
substituted, and the crowd adjourned from the
bar-room to the yard adjoining the barn.—
" Measure off twenty paces," said Wadsworth.
The distance was paced. (Jrogan took his
place, with cap off, aud potato on his head
when Wadsworth deliberately raised his rifle,
drew a fine shot on the potato, and discharged
his piece at arms length! No one expected
that he would do it, and for a moment c onster
nation was depicted on the countenance of all
the by-stunders, until Grogau, putting his hand
on his head, said in an agonizing tone, " Am
1 dead ? Is there any blood ?" It was found
that Grogan was not dead, but that the pota
to had been cut in twain and that no blood
had been drawn, though a ridge about the size
of a person's finger had been raised on the top
of his head by the force of the ball. Grogau,
who did not think that Wadsworth would lire,
was seriously, alarmed for a few minutes after
ward, as he believed his skull was split. He
says that if any smart shot wants to practice
shooting potatoes off a person's head, they
must find sdnic one besides him to be their
Jffey A young lady, recently married to a
farmer, one day visited the cow houses, when
she thus interrogated the milk-maid : " By-the
bye, Mary, which of these cows is it that gives
the buttermilk ?" M-trv fainted.
A mau's own good breeding Is his best se
curity against otliur people's ill mauncrs.
Boy- Those who blow the coals of others
strife, may chance to Lave the sparks fly iu
their own faces.
A Battle with Alligators.
[From " Sporting Adventures in the Phillippiue Islands.]
One sultry afternoon, as Don Arturo, his
pretty wife, and myself were seated at a win
dow in the Spaniard's country residence, con
versing ou various topics, occasionally sipping
a glass of wine, and partaking of some of the
rich fruits, which were placed in uu old fash
ioned silver tray at our elbows.
" I will tell you what we will do to arense
ourselves," cried the Spaniard, suddenly remov
ing his cigar, and glancing up and down the
liver Pasig, which quietly flowed along within
a stone's throw of the house. " What say you
to shooting alligators, my friend ? That will
be amusement worthy of men who have pass
ed through the trying scenes of the earth
quake with unshaken nerves. What say you,
shall we go ?"
" On one condition—that we invite my friend
Alku to be of the party."
" Invite him b> all means," cried Don Artu
ro, with warmth. " I will write him a note
requesting him to ride ofer to night, and start
with us iu the morning."
I readily consented to this plan, and spent
an agreeable afternoon in listening to stories
of his adventures. Before dark Allen arrived
at the Spaniard's house, aud we all made all
preparations for an early start on the next
day. At an early hour we retired to rest, af
ter despatching a servant to hire two boats
for the transportation of ourselves and pro
visions to a small lake up the river.
We rose at daybreak, partook of a hearty
breakfast, swallowed a few cups of coffee that
was strong enough to bear an egg, and then
walked to the river banks where the boats
were awaiting us. One of the boats was Ail
ed with our tent, blankets and provisions,
while the other, which was handsomely deco
rated, was reserved for ourselves. Four Me
tis, or half breeds, were detailed for each boat,
to row or use their long poles, as the state of
the river's current permitted.
" The Aligador," said Don Arturo, as we
shot into the stream, lighting a fresh cigar,
and reclining his head upon a bundle of pil
lows, "is a peculiar animal, and it requires
some skill as a marksman to kill with a rifle
shot. This is the season for the females to
lay thtir eggs, so that we shall have plenty
of chances to hit them before they take to the
water—although I am bound to confess that
they are now more ferocious than at any other
time of the year."
It was near eleven o'clock before Don Artu
ro gave orders to the natives to pull for the
land. We stopped under the shade of some
large cocoa trees, unloaded the boats, and then
bidding three of the men to follow, to carry
our ammunition, started for the lake, about a
mile distaut. The sheet of water was not
very large, covering an extent of about fifty
acres ; but 1 think that it was the most beau
tiful spot I ever saw. The foliage of the trees
was rank with the richness of the soil ; while
nil along the borders of the lake, bright color
ed flowers and dense creeping vines were spread
from branch to branch, until even the sun could
not penetrate with a single ray. Hundreds of
birds, with plumage of the most gaudy descrip
tion, were fluttering from tree to tree, too tame
to be frightened at our approach ; while mon
keys, with impudent gestures, and bold,•defiant
chattering, gathered in gioups, and wondered
whv we should thus invade their domain.
Upon arriving at the lake, we found a large
raft, built of bamboo, which had been left by
j some sportsmen, a 'e\v days before, tied to a
tree. Upon this we determined to embark,
and try our fortune upon the water. The i;a
tives w ere sent back to the boats for paddles,
while we proceeded to load our rifles. As
I soon as they returned, we shoved off, and work
! Ed our way slowly along the shore.
" As I ain the most, experienced alligator
| hunter," Don Arturo said, " I shall claim the
' privilege of the first shot ; and if- "
"There is a chance then," Charley said, in
terrupting the Spaniard, and pointing to what
I supposed to be a large log upon the surface
I of the water.
" By Saint Antonio, but you are right !"
i the Don said, dropping upon his knees for the
: purpose of steadying his aim, and trembling
with nervous impatience.
" Well !" cried Charley, after a moment's
pause, " are you not going to fire T\
"In a minute, amigo. Now I think I've
j got him on the line."
He discharged his rifle, and the ball flew
harmlessly oyer the alligator, and struck the
j water about thirty yards beyond him.
I " Did I kill him inquired the Spaniard,
j springing to his feet.
" I should rather think not," Allen answer
ed, with a laugh ; " what dill you aim fit ?"
" The alligator."
" Then the alligator appears to be very much
obliged to you ; for see, he is swimming this
| way, and seems determined to make us a call."
i " Pull for the shore !"shouted the Spaniard,
I dropping upon his rifle, and gra-ping a puddle,
j Charley quietly winked to ine, raised his ri-
I fle, and the next instant its sharp report re
verberated over the lake, and started more
j than a thousand monkeys into an unearthly
I chattering. I watched for the ball to strike,
; and saw the monster raise his head with a stid
j den jerk, and then lash the water into a white
! foam with his tail. In another instant he had
j disappeared beneath its surface.
" You have killed him, Charles," \ cried.
| " Not so," Allen said; "the bull strmk
I hitu in the month and to-morrow he will ba as
: well at ever."
He had scarcely finished speaking when a
i cry from Don Arturo startled us. We turn
ed towards him, and saw that he had forsaken
' his paddle, and was pointing with a trembling
hand towards half-a-dozen black objects which
| were slowly swimming towards us, and were
i not more than thirty yards
"By all ehe saints in the cahnder, but wc
are in for it," Allen said, throwing a charge
j of powder into his rifle, and running dowu a
i ball with haste.
" What is the matter ?"' 1 enquired.
" Don't ask questions, but fire at tbe near
est one Hit liiui iu the *veif cnu <-au "
VOL. XVI. —XO. 44.
I did not wait for farther instructions, but
took, deliberate aim* and had the satisfaction
of seeing the rnoster leap high out of the wa
ter, and then sink from view.
" \\ ell done," Charles cried : " load again
as soon as possible. We must fight our way
to the shore, for every inch of ground will bo
I glanced towards the Don a9 I loaded, and
saw that he was seated ou the raft, his' ride
lying by his side, and his eyes fixed upon the
approaching ailigators with a strong expres
sion of fear upon his face. The rowers also
had ceased their labor, and were nearly ua
pallid as their master. Charley shouted out
something speaking to the natives in their oWn
language, which they understand much better
than they do .Spanish. They at once obeyed
his order, grasping their oars with energy ;
and dashing them into tiie water, they urged
the light raft along at a rapid rate.
It nppeared as though each discharge of
our rifles brought fresh alligators to the sur
face, for I saw no iess than a dozen with their
heads out of the water, watching our move
ments with great interest, and gradually draw
ing nearer, as if they wished to revenge them
selves for the injnrv inflicted upou their com
panions. Presently one much larger than the
others darted towards the raft ; and when
within a few feet suddenly disappeared from
" Mind your footing," shouted Charley,
sinking upon his knees, ; "the brute will try
to capsize us."
I had hardly time to follow his example
when the raft was struck a violent blow, and
shook as though every bamboo in it would
break. I clung to the lashings for support,
and vainly shouted to the natives to do the
same. They either did not understand Char
ley's warning or were too anxious to reach
the shore to pay any attention to it, for they
still paddled on—when suddenly one of them
lost his balance, and with a wild yell, fell head
long into the water.
In an instant every alligator disappeared
be noath the surface, and ouly a few bubbles
which slowly rose, told of the struggle that
was going ou beneath.
" Now for the paddles !" shouted Allen,
springing to his feet and grasping one, while
lie motioned to me to take the other.
" But the native ?" I gasped.
" Is dead before this time, and they are
quarreling over his bones below. They have
tasted blood ; and if we do not reach the shore
before he is eaten there will be another victim.
Pull for your life, if you value it."
I dashed the paddle into the water, and we
urged the raft rapidly towards the landing,
which was only about fifty feet distant.
" Look," cried Charley, glancing over his
shoulder, " but don't spare your strength."
I followed the direction of his eyes, and saw
more than fifty black snouts raised above the
surface of the lake, and after a short survey
"The devils know where we are," Allen ex
claimed, without ceasing his toil; '"bet we
shall disappoint them this time."
" I vow a gold candlestick to Saint "
At this instant the raft struck the shore,
and the Spaniard, without waiting to complete
the vow, sprang to the land, and was quickly
followed by the natives and ourselves. We
had barely secured a foothold before half a
dozen slimy monsters rose beside the raft,
and even rested their heads upon it, to be cer
tain that it was vacated. I was too thankful
at our escape to molest them ; but not so with
Allen. He took deliberate aim at the lar
gest, and fired.
In an instant vvc were covered with mud
and water, which the alligator in his death
struggle hurled upon us : and then all was
calm, and the monster's dead body floated be
sY.e the raft. .\s if by magic every black
snout had disappeared, and the waters of the
lake were unruffled. The death of the na
tive was hardly alluded to by the Spaniard,
for they value not the lives of metis in Ma
KWING PAKTY.—A correspondent of the Spring
field Rrpublimn —aiul a lively writer he is—
relates the followin particulars of a sad acci
dent which occurred ar a recent mammoth
sleigh-riding party in that vicinity.
"There was a mammoth sleigh ride project
ed, and tlie sister was invited. But her skirts
had not the amplitude she desired, to enable
her to shine ; so, the afternoon before the rido
was to occur, she went to the shops and pur
chased the material for a new whalebone skirt.
Sitting down to her task immediately, she
worked until midnight to finish the article.
The lady was exultant, Uied it on before she
went to bed, and finally, committed herself to
her di euus with tired hands and aching 1 eyes.
The next day as the sleigh made its appear
ance at the door, she eaiue out radiant and ex
pansive u a full blown poncy. While tho
party were away, they got high—not intoxica
ted or anything ot that kind, but hilarious and
happy. On the return of the party, the bro
ther instead of helping his .-aster out of the
sleigh in the usual manner, grasped her in his
arms, in the exiibcreuee of his strength and
animal spirits, and carried her into the house
in spite of all her entreaties, rn 1 remonstran
ces. "Oh John ! Oh, John, don't you ought
to be ashamed ! Now Ido think, there now
i oV exclaimed. as she strnggi 'd in the ra
jid passage to the house. As John rushed in
to the hall, the mother, who was a trillc deaf,
made her appearance, and holding up both
hands exclaimed, " What is the matter with
Emily ?" John brushed past the old lady, and
deposited the girl in a chair, where she sat
perfectly r-tupefied with vexation. "Arc you
hurt, Emily V said the old lady anxiously.—
" Speak, dear ! what is the mutter " Acs,"
replied the girl, bursting into hysterical tears,
" I'm crushed —I'm —I'm killed. lies b b
rokeu every bono in my—my —sk sk skirt—
boo !—boo ! !"'
Bgr- What is the difference between a batch
er and a gav young lady ? The former kills
to dre" wbi] e the latter dresses to kill.