FARMER'S §RPARTMCUT. Wliy Dees not Fanning ray ? Tt is a common remark that " farming does not pay,'' that " r.o money is made by farming," and some say that all a farmer con do is to live ; i. e., " by hard work and rigid economy, lie can manage io stay." Now it dees appear strange that a b'l.-incrs so extensively practis ed as fanning—so essential to human progress and improvement —a business that employs nearly seven-eighths of all the capital invested in stocks, should not pay. It is evident to every reflecting ihlnd that if farming does not pay it is because those engaged in it are not as well educated and fitted lor their vocation as arc mechanics, artisan? and commercial men. One prominent reason why farming does not pay is that many of those who engage in it have no special preparation for it. In all other vocations, whether mechanical, commer rial, educational, railroading, keeping books, or whatever el?'* it may be. a special prepara tion is considered not only as heing necessary, but indispensable. Yet any one who is unfit for anything else, aye, and everything else, will do for a farmer. Here is one cause why farm ing does not pay. Another is found in tradi tional farming. Too many farmers do as their predecessors did, without duly considering whether there be a better way. Such do not know the advantages of the rotation of crops Another reason why farming does not pay is that those who engage in it seem to think that *25 bushels of corn, 10 bushels of rye, *2O bushels of oats, 150 bushels of potatoes, one ton of hay, <tc., per acre, is a fair yield. It is readily granted that such farming will not pay so long as a skillful fatoning will produce 100 bushels of corn, 30 bushels of rye, 80 bushels of oats, 500 bushels potatoes, 3 tons of hay, Ac., per acre. These latter are no fanciful estimates, for more has actually been produc ed per acre by fanners in the Eastern States, even of each of these several products. These facts show the importance of good tillage, and who does not know that such will pay ? If any doubt, let them try it before they query whether farming will pay, and af ter trying it they will no longer heard saying that they can only "manage to stay" on the " old Homestead." Good, skillful, economi cal farming will pay ; it. has. always paid ; and there is no doubt that it always will pay.— Ktingims?, however, is not economy as toe ma ny seem to believe. Many farmers pride themselves on getting along with very little help, with the purchas ing of little or no manure, aivd call this good management,—mismanagement it should be called—whereas it should be the purpose of every farmer to see how ranch labor can be profitably employed, what amount of special fertilizers can be so used as to return a divi- dend on the money thus invested. Farming when thus conducted does pay, and will al ways pay. In order to make fanning 1 profitable, a spe cial education is as necessary as for any other business. Xot that every farmer should be a good chemist, or skilled in any or all of the sciences. This is as iinpossbilo as it should be deemed impracticable and unnecess iry. K now ledgc ami skill in husbandry are best acquired on the farm, as developed by experience, by the experience of our best fanners. Much may also be acquired by careful observation and conversation with such as arc engaged in making successful experiments, such as are ad vancing the art of productive tillage. When you hear a husbandman saying that " farming docs nat pay," you should general ly regard it as being equivalent to a confes sion of the want of skill or of industry in his chosen avocation. Labor and capital, when rightly used, will pay in agriculture as in the oilier industrial arts. Forget not that special preparation and skill are as essential in this as in every other business. Away with the absurd notion that a man that is good for noth ing else will do for a farmer Then shall wo have more successful farmers and hear less about unprofitable farming.— Cor. Mass, rioumzn. SALERATCS. —One LADY fends you a roeeipt for corn cakes, where a table-spoonful of sale ratus is used—another tries it and pronounces it Now if this is the experience of your contributors and readers, I fear they are un- consciously doing an injury to their families. When it is used in very small quantities to neutralize an acid, a little may not be injur ious, but housekeepers often use it injudicious ly, without understanding the amount neces sary to produce that effect, and the result is not only unpalatable food, but a substance is formed which is injurious to health. Physi cians in New Brunswick say that mothers kill half their children by using it so liberally in bread and cake. When a merchant there sells a barrel of flour, lie always sells a bucket of saleratus, and a family of five or six persons will use from ten to twenty pounds a year.— Corn cake, biscuit, and sweet cake saturated with it ought to be banished from our tables, and good bread, light biscuit and simple fruit substituted. The effect of a reform here would be to lessen labor ia preparing meals, while it would expel a slow poison. Will not house keepers think of this .' " A word to the wise is sufficient.'' FROZEN* POTATOES. —An exchange says : We arc assured by one who has tried the ex periment, that potatoes, though frozen ever so hard, if put into boiling hot water, without previous washing iacold, arc as sweet and pala table as though the frost had not touched them. Inasmuch as frozen potatoes are over-plenty just now, many people will have an opportu nity of trying the experiment. To TAKE FROST OUT n? FRUIT. —Put your cans iu a tub, and pour water from a well, spring or cistern over them until covered.— Let them remain in the water say tenor twelve hours when all the frost will lie removed.— Frost may be extracted from apples and po tatoes by submitting them to the same process. CHATTED HANTS.—A salve made of bees wax and sweet oil v is as good as anything ; a piece of wax of the size of a hickory nut. melt with an ouuee of oil ; apply after a thorough cleansing in soap suds, just before going to beiM — FOR A CCT WITH A KNIFE. —Bind the wonnd while the blood is flowing, with brown sugar, thoroughly wet in spirits of camphor ; do not remove it till the third or fourth day. kaT* Never grow a bad variety of anything if you can help it L takes the same room auA v.Mnta tue * .me A' f eut ua aj coci ore finsuic&s GTarite. • ! rrt ~F. MA PILL. M. P., PHYSICIAN i I. • J.SD SURGEON— Office at lip ro-idence in Wyiox, Pa. July 2S, lfU>s. —rm T kTL JOllN' MTNTOSH, SJ'IWEOX ) J ' ],ENT/ST, HAS RETURNED. Office next cioor I t-i tferrur'* Rtorr. and over Alexander'* Clothing Store, j JI hi n *tr?et. Town nr..i_ February 24. I*s."'. 1 Tames m a cfahlyxe, A TTORXE. Y J*' AT LA if-', TOWA.NT>A, PA. Occupies the Office, in i the Union Block, formerly owned by Jono C. Adams lb q. \ n.J"He will atu-ud to procuring Bounty Land Warranto : am! Pension?. . Jtarch 22,1555. H. J. Minn r... .< p. P. MOKKOW. \; A Pll .L a- MORROW, A TTO RXE YS j i'J AND COUNSELLORS AT LAIV, -Office 1 over Merrur> Store, Towanda, Pa. / Towanda. April 2.1555. n-i5-tf i VyrTETLI. VrASONV/V/ YSTCTAX AXD .1 " SURGEON, oflew hi* r.rnfcssienn' ccrvicos to the pr ''oof Towanda and vicinit >*. Office at hi* residence i r-:i bii.e rtrect. where be can arrays be found when not ' proVf-i snali v engaged. I JOHN C. APAMS PA. OVERTON. i \ DAMS & OVERTON, ATTORNEYS ' J. V A T I.A If*. Offi'-e in tbe room formerly occupied jby BumVnwi. ever Barton Kingsbery's store. ' "Towand'i, May 28. 185 S. OUR V E VIN O.—IA MESA PA 1 NR. Sur lA veyor for Bradford, County. is prepared to attend to t'ic'above Im-ir.oss in all its branches. His office i- at Towanda. All letters addressed to him t at this place will meet with prompt attentmn. April f, i 51. GEORGE H. WGOD'S jDagnorrcnn & Glass Picture Gallery, rx PATTOX'S Xi:v>" BLOCK. Corner of Main and Bridge ft*., Towanda. Pa., is the place to .vt GLASS j PICTURES, (usually culled Atnbr They are far superior to all other kinds of pictun *. Having no reflcc -1 t'.on. tlmr can be seen in any position, and can be taken . iu much less time than Daguerreotypes, and equally well | in cloudy as clear we ather. WMuni dure? put into Lockets. Breast pins, Ac., as ! usual. Rocms open at all b.onrs. Pictures put up on short ! notice. Towanda, January 22. IftSG. ~ FIRS] FIRS ! FIRE ! . T?ARMEIES UNION INSURANCE CO. 1 iu ATHENS. PA. Hon. HORACE WII.LISTOX, President: C. F. WELLES, dr. Vice President and Treasurer ; j J.E. CAXFIELD, Secretary. ' Hoard of THmetnr* —Hon. Horace Williston. Francis ' T.ler. George A. Perkins. .1. T. P. Mycr, t ■ X. Msipman. J C~. i'. Welles, .Jr.. E. Canfield, Athens ; Hoj. John La i porte, Towanda : lien. Bradley Wakeman, Laceyville : IG. M. Hoilenback, Wilkes-liarre; Michael Meylort. Ii --! pnrte. Pa. j P. O. MOODY, Agent for Bradford County. Address. ; Waverly. X. Y. i ifliar 'wAa ©3 1 ©MMifisrSi COLLINS 8b POWELL A TOT*ED respectfnl'v inform their friend* and tbe pnh- V \ lie that they have REMOVED their CLOTHING A FURNISHING STORE to Patton's New Brick Block. No. ii, and will be happy to wait on ail who may give them a call. Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats : Fancy Cassimcre Coats, of all colore ; Black and Fancy Cassiraere Pant* ; Black Satin and Fancy Vest* : Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy ; Marseilles and Linen Coats, all kinds : I.inen Pants. Shirt Collars, Cravats and Iloee. Ilats, of all kinds. Garments of all kinds made up to order, rind warranted , to tit or no saie. Our stock comprises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which we are bound to sell cheap : er than any other establishment in towu or county. CUTTING done to order as usual. | Towanda, June 0.1855. TOWANDA lIFEMMJB1 IFEMMJB SEMIMIRY. r_ S school, under the charge of the Misses HANSON, I is hold in the new building on Second street, west ! of the Ward House. The school year will consist of fonr quarters, of eleven wrek each. The summer vacation commencing in July : ami endnig in September. TUT!MS. FER QVARTEB T ; First Class —To include the elementary English ) .. brsncbes.nnd the study of the Igitin language, f | Second Class- -To include the more advanced stu-1 I dies of the English branches, with Mathematics'- $9 00 ! and the study of Latin and French, \ Third Class—fr, include Mathematics, Mental) I and Moral Philosophy. Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., sl2 00 j v. ith Latin and French, \ I Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There ; will he no extra charges whatever. Music. —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of instru- I ment, will be given by Miss REBECCA P. HANSON*, at $lO . per quarter. The Winter Term commences MONDAY. Nov. 2fi. LECTURES on Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual I'hil*>- ; sonby. and the higher branches of English Composition, j will also be delivered once or twice in each week, j They lieg leave to refer to the following named gentle- I men Rt. Rev. ALOXZO POTTER. Bishop of tbe Diocese of j Penn'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. MACLEAN, President of the ' College of New Jersej*, Princeton. Hon. DAVID WILMOT, G. F. MASON, F.-q., C. L. ! F.'q., Hon. GEORGE SANDEKSON, D. F. BAESTOW . Esq. J Col. J. F. MEANS, Towanda. Towruda. November 9. ISSL LIQUOR STORE, FKLTON" would respectfully inform the O* public that lie is now ready at his old star.d. under Jl'il! <V KnsseilV, pout . side oi'tlie public s.p 1 ire. to fum i*h those wanting PURE LIQUORS, with almost every - IV -,g in that line, lie ha~ lately made large additions to his stock, purchasing of the he-.t. importers, anrl in the original package. He has on hand, and for sale in any q:i:intity from a quart upwards : Jl'-avu'ii Signette, Cogniac. old lien none v. and Otard. (VI'TI Swin. American and S< hi (iam Schnapps. If7i. 'icy. —Scotch, Old iiye, Jlonongahela, and Recti fied. li'inr. —Currant, Port, and Brown Sherry. Fresh Cainpbenc and Burning Fluid kept constantly on hand. Also per cent. Alcohol. CioAßSofthe best brands. Jugs of all sizes; quart flasks, and a large quantity of empty barrels. Binghatnton Ale by the'gallon or"barrel. These favoring m<- with their patronage may he certain all articles will be what they are represented. X. B. The person who borrow ed my " Wantage Rod ' is requested to return it. Towanda, January It. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, DIRECT & TO-&FRQ ELECTRO' MAGNETIC MACHINE. TAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICIAN, of Towanda, respect • I fully informs tiie public lie has lately procured from New Vork the cele'cated Electro-Chemical Bath, which has proven to he one of the most 'important and wonderful discoveries of the age. from its ab.iity to extract minerals from the human system. borne eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the process of extra ting minerals from the body, by galvanism ; more recently. M. Verges, of New York an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of noi.sonotis minerals into his system in the prosecution of nis art, conceived the i.ic.i of'removing them by the same, he succeeded in doing so. and quickly recovered. He then applied the same means to others similarly af fected. with like results. His success exceeded his uioct sanguine expectat ions, for not only did these Baths remove mineral poisons, hut cured many diseases, some of which wore the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments have fully confirmed the sir gulsr power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi nerals that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Very often persons are afflicted by diseases which are beyond the comprehension of the most skilful physicians, and which are the effect of poisonous mine nils accumulating in the system lor years, taken in the shape of calomel, lead. Ac. A-c. The following are some of the diseases cured by these baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis. Palsy, Painter's i'holic, f'hronic Fleers, (jlandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer, Ncuralia iu all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all kinds. He has also P. B. Smith'snrwlv invented DIRECT AND TO-AND FRO ELECTRO M AON KIT (' MACHINE, which is a great improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto fore in use. With the aid of the Bath and Machine, we have at command all the available medical efficiency of Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is verv great, in introducing medicines into the system through the pores of the skin—applying it directly to the parts Hf fectod, which gives an increase of medicinal power over that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular ly efficacious in all local diseases. 1 am now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the Machines, at mv house in the south part of the borough of Towanda, or 1 will visit patients at a distance, who are fa; able by reason of disease to come to this place, at nio mlerato prices. I am also sole agent for Bradford county, for the above Machines. JAMES HARRIS, i Towanda, December 22, ISV>. DRIED APPLES—a few first rate ones, forfsale at jUO FOXS*. XA/WA SHEEP PELTS WANTED, at 'V.'v v HALL & FiUSSLLL'B, for Whicli the high eat price will be paid in CAKiI. Also, all kinds of (.RAIN wanted for Good*, or on ac co-itt, for which the h'gupft market price will b* pvd. i _. v. .C . K :i. ' LCO r >, filcbicci. HKLMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARA TIONS. lirlmhaitV* Highly Concentrated Fluid FT! rati Dvrhu, for Plata aw of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret P:. : raws, Strictttree. ard all of tin* tissual Organs, whether in Male or Female, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no mutter of liow long standing. , If yon have contracted the terrible disease, w men wnea onee*seated in the system, will surely go down fr iu one generation to anotlu r, undermining the cen.-tihition, and sapping the very vital Uuids of lu'e, do not trust yourself in the hands of Quack*, who"start up everyday ij a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods ton well calculated to deceive the young and those not ac quainted with their tricks. Yoti cannot he too careful in the selection of a remedy in there rase*. The fluid extract Buciiu has heen pronounced by cm. nent Pbvsicinn? TIfB GREATEST REMEDY EVER KNOWN". Tt is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its ts-tc, ard very innocent iu its action, and yet so thorough that it annihi lates every particle of the rank and poisononr vir:ia of this disease; and, uuiike otlur remedies, it does not dry up tfih disease in the blor-d. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self-abuse, a roost terrible riif<.;c, which ha.- brought thousands of the Im man r.v c to untimely graves, thus 1 lasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the hud the glorious ambition oi mnnv a noble vontb, can be cured by this INFALLIBLE REMEDY- And a* a nicdlritn wbicb nutft benefit everybody from the simp'v dell-ntr to the confined and despairing invalid. no equal i? to he found, acting both is a cure and preventive TIEM ROTTES HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Ccrnpo und Fluid Fit rati Sa rsapa ril'a. For purifying the Flood, removing all diseases ar ing from ex i s.of Mercury, exposure and impri deuce in life, rltnuic constitutional disease, arising from an im pure state of the blocd. and the only tellable and cm •t --ual remedy known for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs. Pains and Swellings of the Tetter, Pimples on the face aril ail S -aly Eruptions of the Skin. Tiiis article";.? now pre crihed by some of the rr.est di* tingtiishcd Physicians in the Country, and bis proved more efficient in pruoti -e thin any preparation of Barsa parilia yt t oficrcil to the public. Several cases of secon dary Sypbilic, Mercurial aud Scrofulou.- diseases have en tirely recovered in the in curable wards of our public insti tutions, which bad for many years resisted every mode of treatment that could be devised. rn-es furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most Inveterate diseases .liter the gland* were destroyed and the bones already affected. NOTlCE. —Letter- from responsible Physician? and Pro fessors of several Medical colleges, and certificates of cures from patients will be found accompanying both prepara tions. Prices, Fluid Extract Fuchu. Si bottle, orG bottles for t'i " " Sarsaparilia, " •' equal in P! rcngth to one gallon Svrup of Farsapai ii'a. Prepared anil sold by 11. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, 2G3 Chestnut st., near tb? Girard House, Philadelphia. To be had of Ir. 11. C. PORTER, Towtuda, Pa. aud of Druggist* and dealers everywhere. er All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent will receive immediate attention. lyJ TAEB KO^lCil. RE. C. L. KELLING.MECHANICSHI'RG, PA. announces to all afflicted with Tumors, Wens. Can cer, Wart?, Polypus. Lupus. Moles or Marks. Scrofula or King's Evil, and ell ilbci=e that have been usually treat ed Caustic or Knife that he can remove them by an en tirely new method, without cutting, burning or pain. It is no matter on w hat part of the body they are, he eati re move them with perfect safety and in a remarkable short time, if curable. No money required, except for medicines until a cure is perfected. Chronic and other di i en?es not mentioned above, treated with positive success, if curable. Full particulars can be obtained by addressingC. 1.. KEL LINO. M. P.. Meehaniesburg, Cumberland Co.. Pa. lb rsons afflicted, residing at a distance, he has. for years lieen in the habit of presrrbing by letter, and with general safi'faction. He would say however to those desiring advice, in this way. that to serr.rc attention they should enclose, with the* genera! symptom? of their cases, a fee of one dollar,to warrant him ia spending hi? time for their benefit. The doctor may be consulted .at his office at all time.?, when not professionally absent. CAPTlON.—Strangers coming to see the Dr. are caution ed a.- some have been deceived. Dr. K. is the only cue in this State, who can oerforiu cures by the new method— The Dr's. office is directly opposite the Union Church. Meehaniesburg is S miles from Harri-bnrg on the Cum berland V. Id R. and accessible from all part? of the Un ion. The Dr. wiii visit case.? within a reasonable distance when desired. ~\'i ! WELLES, ATHENS, BRADFORD CO.. J'A. Wholesale and retail dealer in EMERY'S AND WHEtLER'S HORSE POWERS THRESHERS AND SEFFK \TORS. ROJNARRX'KII TBF.SIIIZ::S A- I: v.v.vo U'llNS, Portable Saw-Milis, Clover Hollers and Ftcd Cutters, Emery's Cider Mill?, Apple I'arer-. Clow's and Kel.?oy> and other Grain Cradle.?, Scythes, aud other TI irve.-.ting Tor's. Ketch :m'.? and other Mowing and Reaping Machines. Soj mom's Grain Drill. . Rroad cast Seed Sowers, Ac. Manufacturer of Peters' Celebrated rtlZjulrSl, Which I .tin prepared to --<ll at cither WIIOLEbALE OR RETAIL, mi very favorable term?. These m-'Il? are warranted second ton"nr in the United State.?, t >r liurability. efficiency and simplicity, ar.d w ill do in the best manner ar.d rapidly, all kinds of chaffing and cleaning all kind' of Grain, Grass Seed, Ac. IS* Warranted to chaff fit for market, from TO to GO bushels of V. heat per hour. Orders solicited. November 1, 1T,5. K. M. WELLES. Corn Sbellcrs at Wholesale and Hetaii. I AM prepared to sell as above, OU very fa vorable terms, the REST CORN* RIIELLERS ever sold in Bradford County. Where two or more Com Shelter? are wanted in one 1 will deliver them-it a small charge extra. Price of Shellcr, with single balance wheel, 00 do double do 8 50 Farmers are invited to examine them. Athena, P*., NOT. I,R. *. TTELLES. GEOCISaiSS, PROVISIONS, OIC U est side of the Public Square, opposite the Court Ifovsc. {"> AILF.Y A NEYINS are just rocoivinff a J large addition tfitlu ir stock of Provision?, Groceries, Yankee Notion*. Tovs. Fruit. Confectionary, A?., which w ill be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or In exhar,go for most kinds of country produce, at prices that eannot fail to -nit purchasers. Consumer* or country dealers would do well to call and exam;- <• our stock an;! prices. GROCERIES. Clark and Croon Tea. Rio and .Tavo C< flee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Rugar. M -'asse?, Syrup, Ginger, Pepper. Spire. Cloves, nutmeg?. Mace citta'mon. Ground Mustard. Pepper S.i :ce. Soda. S.deratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm aud Tallow Cundlrs, Bar Soap, Vinegar. Starch, Ac. PROVISION'S. Flour. Buckwheat Flour. Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Feed, Pork. Hants A Shoulder?. Mackerel, Codfish. Shad. Lake Trout, picketed aud Smoked Herring. Cheese. Rice, Beans, Onion?. Potatoes, Butter, Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRUIT. Prune*. Citron. Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Lem on? and Oranges, Green and Dried Apples, and Pearly?, Almond?, Pe.-en nuts. Prazil nuts. Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Filberts, Peanut.?, Chestnut?. Hickory nut?,&e. GERMAN. FKENCII and AMUI'.ICAN TOYS. FANCY GOODS, Ac—Bus' Sleigh?, Tin Wagons. China. Pewter A Wood Tea Sett*. Doll?, Trumpet*. 'i\>v Guns. Aceordiane. Har monica?. Gias*. Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and Toilet Cases. Toy Bureaus, Secretaries. Ac. Pearl, Ivrry, Papier Macho and Leather Port Monaies Wallets, Purses, Ivory. Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs. Tobac co and Snuff' Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth. Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery. Hair Oil, Ac. Foots CAP, Letter. Commercial Note and Bath Post Pajcr. Envelopes, Wafers. Sealing Wax. ink, inkstands. Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales, Ac. Ac. TABLE AND DAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A KEVIN'S. Towanda, November 26,18!>5. New Fall and Winter Goods. Burton Kingsbcry, r) F.SPECTFULLY informs the public that he is open l ing for public Inspection, one of the largest stocks of GOODS ever brought juto this market, consisting of Dry Foods, (Groceries, Hardware, Crcckcry, Boots and Shoes, Hails, Class, t l-c. Embracing an assortment suited to the wants or the pub lic, aud which having been purchased for Cash, will be sold for Ready Pay at prices which defy competition. X"3"We-t side of Main street. Towandn. October 4,1855 I>AILS. Brooms, TUIT, Mcerorcp,scrabbin^ x t ?he tUrificg P-i.rc*. A ■ a: i 1 ( Xlll6£CUflllCotl6. 1 v Ci LOCK k WATCO HKPAIBEB.—Tiic ' undcrsignril is <-onstnntly receiving frotn New-York I v Kxiwess. row additions to liis Stock of Watches. Clocks, ffewlry. Silver ware, and Fancy Good*, comprising in part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Epinc ami Plain Watches, with a ruff and complete as-nrtmcut of Fine fidd Jewelry, -r.clj e- Gold chains, fatrkrl?. Bracelet?, Gyld Pens, Keys. Brenrt-Piu.?. Fair. Rings. Flneer-Rings. etc. r;c. Also, a large variety of f'fivci ware.?-. 'h'n '1 able and Tea Bnoons, Cream spoons. Butter ki: v . F-i't spo "■?, Fpeetaclea, to gether with an extensive assortment of plated Ware—.All of which wfill be *ld very low for CASH. CLOCKS.- A lirge a - < r'mi nt Clocks jur-t received, of :: 11 ih-.-crijitious, ranging in prices from 75 cents to FiAy Dollars. Watches r'-paiveil on short notice, and WARKANTLP to run well. A!-o. all kinds Clock? r.-paircil. W. A. C. wc. id 1-e r leave to say. tint lie is prepared to execute the ino?t difficult .I-fi u, such a? can be done at no other Shop slio.-t of New-York city. W. A. CTIAifBERLIN'. Towanda, February 1. IV<5. 1 OOKING GLASS FLATUS CUT AND id fitted for anv size, to be had at the', ewelrv Store of Feb. 1. MAS. ' W. A. CHAM BERLIN''. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! £%.. h£. Warner's Mir A" Splendid Jeu elry Store, one door north cf Pod tens Drvg Store, "HAP just been opened with the largest r.r.d ivl most rh"icc stick of FASHIONABLE if, *' u O\ JE WEEPY ever offered to a di? "rim'nnt'nq XL-J '45 public. Indeed.b.eean saftiy-ay that with I the opening of hi? new ftor> h:•*.-• I ecu in- ! itub d a nev. era in the Je\-r!r\ line. ; inammcb a; along with the clioieear.d eley.-ni e • rttrert | he gives the tnoet reliable assorr.nee of an almo.-.t incr< di- , Mo ri •!•.< ti n in j ricts : the rich and tartci I article? h:v- ; ing been ali bought with ready cas-b. A. M. W., when lie reliect* how, for the past y.-ars.-.villi ! a far |.-.<s attic, rive stock, lie has enjoyed -0 Urge a share 1 of public patronage, flatter.? himscli tua! the iniiacn-'e in- ! eriai-e of Good- he now offer?, which have bc< 11 bought so J much more advantapemgly, will enable him to ii rci-c the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to hif. He therefore solicit? a rontir. ;ance of the favor of hi? old customers, and lavitea the public general ly to come ar d see the fashion.?. ' *SrTHE WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to be distinguished by the Kkili and despatch which ha? heretofore enabled it io enjoy the enviable rep utation of being the most reliable in town. Towanda,September 24. 1555. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE *'ULSTER IV ELLS would ■ respectfully inform his friend.? and the! - s*® public that he i? n r '\< receiving at hi.* old . stiffd one door north of l.ap irtc. Mjson k Co.'s banking I bouse, a largo and extensive assortim lit of • Sofu?, Mahogany Chair?, of various pattern?, ] Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining.T- i.and PeinhrVe Tt fie*. Stands of every kind. Cane. I lag and Wood seat Chairs, high Chair*, Children'* Ro-'k< rs, Bedstead?, Bui-em?. Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frame*. Iron Hat Stands, Corner ard ?idc d >. of walnut aud mahogany; Cradit-s, Crih?, Wardrobes, Cupboard? Looking glasses, Ac. irr-Gi 'i i INS. of every size and quality, and will at tend on ali occasion* when required.' The public are invited to examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere, a- I wiilseli < he? per than any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda. AT: OUT 8, 1855. 0Z.3 STAUD STILL IN OPERATION! ffTylw-li'i uirjeiT*-?. "LHE snhseriber would announce i - - -'. ta the i't 'lie that he has now 011 : rr f'rrffl.. ami will make to order nil r '7 . " , ijkinil? < f CABINET FURNITURE, j L -' 4 :; ■*;!' j >l4 such as Sofas.Divan*.T/mrgp?. C<n hUjt' :-Y'; 'ii% tre, C.ird, Dining and Breakfast Tu- j !-"• ? >,-■■?'---- y- I'le. Mahogany. Walnut. Maple and d W H Cherry Bureaus, Stands of v arious *- SJ —kind*, Chairsand Bedstead* of every j description, which are, and will he made of the l*'-t ma- ! terial mid workmuuiikc manner, and which they will scil j for e.i-h cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware- : room in the country. READY-MADK COFFIN'S, on hand on the most rca som.ble terms. A good HEARSE will tie furnished on ' Funerrl occasions. JAMLB MACKIN'SON. Towanda, January 1. 1855. BOOTS AXJ) SIIOETT| • T chn VJ. Wile on, 1 T.\? located hi? e-' thli -'imeut q;i M 11 Ffreet. o*l door ! IAN u'tb o; the A ard Horwe, and iii continue the I tnaniifacture of BOOTS A SHOES, a? heretofore. lie has j i*< rec?uvei from N'pw-Vo-k a large assortment i of W'oui.tus' Childn ns' and Mi-e?' Shop .-.which are offer ed *t low prices, i'he attention of the Ladie? is particu larly dire- ted t-i hi? a--• r'nn ut, comprising the following I wv style*:—Enamelled Jenny I.ind (titer hoots: do. shoes ; black 1 u-tlag ar.d ?iik gaiter : walking *lioe?, bus is,n?. Ac. Iliflß** nitn :.i d iboeo, of every description. A lug. variety of Cutldrciis' fancy gaiter.?, boots A shoe? F r the 'lo'rg':', almoft cvrv *ty!p of gijtr-* and ! thee.. 1 -t "ck ha? h< t n pf.i uiallv sUoU-cd v ,th care, j and he ' elievi - he can offer aoferior a'rtich-.? at rtntonebla I l' 1 "' ' r..s' The sir. te?t atvr.tion paid to MANTFACTTEIXO, i and I r hopes by d ung w k we:' to merit a continuance ; o! the .-ral patronage bt bx? ldtherso received. TowandU, Feb. 1.1855. rheep Hoot, Shuc and Leather Store, j I D. HUMPHREY is jii c t p"| •' rw e'ving next doer to U.S. Meregr's r , .-'.ore in Towanda, a large and well selected "H 1 stock of BOOTS. SHO!> A FINDINGS, from New A'erk. which with a constant supply of IJOME MANUFACTURED WORK, SOI.E'A UPPER LEATHER. FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, MOROCCO. Ac. lie Is desirous tosrll at small profits. Feeling grateful for i part favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of public pa tronage. SSF Alcntv.rt I Fori: nil Repairing done on short no tice. CASH paid for Hides and Skins. Towanda. June 14. 1 New Root mil Shoe Mnnnfactory. HOFFMAN would respectfully l i:.: riii the citizen?<T Towandn, that be baa com menced the hijO'l' < 5" SflOl' business in the room over J. Culp A Cos- shop, rear the corner of Bridge street lie is ready at a'l time- to do all work in his line in the l est manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged B ■ t , Shoes and Caiu rs, in the Intent approved style, as well as L oarte Worli. lIXFAiKiSu done ;n a superior man ner. He w;M re peetfully solicit tbe patronage of the citi zen" of this place, assuring them that lie will endeavor to merit their favors by u-ia 5 the beet stock, by careful work tranship. and by pnn< tuality. To wan da, June 18, 1855. It- WATROIW U. 11. SEtVAKD..., F. U. COOK. \a WATROUS A Co., DEALERS IN 1 t • HEAVY 4- SHEEF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A 3. tVater st. Elrnira, X. V. We have recontly made large additions to onr extensive stork, and have now on hand a eomplete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which' we oiler at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building .Ma terial.-, Iron and stoi, Nails and spiko, Hopes and Cord age, Paints. Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and shape, either Mulav Gang or Circular. Machine Belling, of all widths, both of India Rubber Jfc leather, Glass at wholesale. We are prepared to supply Merchant" with Gin"", Nails, scythes. Forks. Ac., at Man ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. COUfRTuR S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames* Sho vels, Blasting Powder. <Ve. Agents tor Rich A Wiider's Patent .Salamander Safes, Fairuank's Platform Scales, and Welch <V Griffith's Circu lar saws. Large sizes up to CO inch, always on. hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders bv mail. Elinira. April 7. n-11-l?m MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. BALDWIN A- POLLF.YS having purchased the marble factory of this village, under the superintendence of llenry Hanford, are happy to announce that the Marble business in Waverly will now be conducted by them. They are constantly receiving Italian and Rutland Marble, for Monuments, Head Stone", Tomb Tables, Stand Tops. Paint Stone"Alullers, AT. Having secured tbe services of G. H. POWERS, who is well known to be the most perfect Artist in the state, they otters unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to secure any of tbe above articles, in cheapness, style and urtistieai beauty. Waverly, N. Y., October 13, 1655. T^STRAY. —("time to the enclosure of the XJ subscriber, In South Towand*. about the first of Sep tember, a two year old BUIXDLH HEIFER, with heavy horns, arid no particular mark". The owner is requested to prove propcrtv. pay charge? and take her away CctvtrrH S MOORE. mFORTE ICS OFFICE &DR ( G STORF SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE J ' Fronting - the Public Square. mtj*rr" cr, tLtntful for tLc liberal patmnrgc of the past year. intend.. t•> l;ee„ ron . , _l Mrtmrot of the my host aftTcTr* ukuaujf kept in ottjg line, win h iiu n ;ll dbp--.ii of on 3 L Il n *' * ihfartory to nil who may patronize Lim. The purchases art made entin Iv wit!, rroli in ! ..'LV'V.' A'V' A \F' will rerr ire the ber.rf.t of a good article at a low price. All arti:h a tha'i 'an"r or '' * e ' ! and ere varrmtrd at represented. our tt>- Wedical Advice sralnilonslj riven al Ihe Office, rlmrgin? ♦.nly for the Ulcdiciars The stock cm-its of ft fomnletc and e!e*t n- sort me t of DRUGS, EV3EDICINES, AND GROCERIES Pure Vvinc & Liquors, for Mi'diciual use, Lonilnn Porter rli ,i| f ALL 7HE 3108 POPULAR The meet approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, rTursine Lottie* -w pie Shells, Brenst Pumps, Teeth K.ings, Syringes, Catheters, die F " American > English $ Chinese Razors and Knim FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS CF LAMPS! Superior TCTACCO & &IITJFT ! Choice brands of Pure Savacna • and ITara CIGARS ! —-cna, Principe Paints, Oils, VaruisLcs, It itidow Gl:. BruSlirw, Perfumery * Fancy Articles. &.C. &c! 7 .* Soap. Ilair Dyes, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Sharing Croam, Tooth PotveLr. Extracts f r ' Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port raonnnis. Purses, Buy, CoIOIIL-o. Rose and ? Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indellible Ink, ic FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Rio aiul Java Coffee; Molasses, Syrups, S> lees t<- Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. ' ° REMEMBER TfiE STORE —SOUTH END OF THE WAili) iioUr'E! Towanda, February 1,1555. • TI c p or:T[;r J; . ' A PATOIS'S HEW PRUGIm KdrJ J laT OPE ESI IMD, on the corner of bridge and main streets. 2XTo. 4, Tattcn's Block, Tovcanda, ii J WHOLESALE AJSTD RETAIL. r sub-briber would respectfully inform his friend" and the public that be ha* :.:tcd l; n \n * ' n v 1 liri k Block, for a DRUG .STOKE, arrd that be is ow receiving from the cities of 1•:V: A : hi -\W x, ■ a large and well fleeted stock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STI FFS. ,£Y 7! £ T (TVTs I? ' a'W " ■ ■ DRESSING COM3 3, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, he. iiC >. .UZh, TT-.'lZl*. TS, and E. variety cf the ir.Cft Abdominal Suppcrteis, Ac., always en hand. London Purler and ScolcSi Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. IlrusliPS for t!: Ilai, Fair. Tecih, Nails Boots, Paintiuj, Varnishing, Wiiiifvc.shin:, if. The Levers cf CJOOT) EHTA li S and TOIiA (TOO, >n!l find o LIT /re v irc'v cf c-cict ILITI rid, and Prindft Cig.irs, and the finest brands cf Tobacco and SnulT. CAM PI 11 NE -AM) IHiiMXG FLTII). And c fnt f'ortnrnl of LAMPS, cf a'l Hirer n-ui detrrlplimu. Bird Cages. C'tp', X'U and Site All of which i.-* nC'ereil L.r "ale on the m<v-t satlsfactorv term?, Oor eto;k 1 < -..l • - v • rehswifewit Importer and Maantectarer at the 1 .we-t rate. and with enabie? u to <ell :>t reduc^l: that nwt it * thdactory to aii. \\ e invite the attention of the publi to an especial -t 1. •• good- arc Our M> tto is —" THE CASH 81 STEM—QUICK PaI.FS -SMALL PRO! is" Our Good? are w-leetrd with the ntino"feare and to be what ; v.: r. me- :• ••• !"'••• t..e ' >utr: ry. wo o," "ot •, y \vi ;ng 1. .t renin ; ar ct stonier" to return tr. and i l l.* m •. >! C i.ere'iwi r-T HftViag M ared the of OR. FIFSTOX, who will keep his < eat HTO . . * •• . gntnitottaijr toUtoM narckising medtcimw. G PATTOS HARDWARE AX I) IROX STORE. HALL & RUSSELL, ■ tUffl 0 Of— holesale and Retail Dealers in gggaHAttDWAfiE AND STOVE Tin, Japanned and Britannia Ware, KBasl?£2f.. p4 House Tiimmiags, Caniagre Trimmings, Harness & Saddler! r * Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMFLBffiIS LEJiD PIP/'J Jl A79 of all kinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, Xr. Are. Would inform their friend*, that these are only ti part if the ge-tml heads under which tnav he rli-~ed t'-'"' rv sive assortment, ami to which they are constantly receiving additional supplies, d -e. t from the nap rtcr-ruD .ac tut tT.-, whi. h tin m to oiler sich indui cments in their liir"*c stock at id low price-, as will defr ceHtpct-t from any quarter. We wwild ::-fc th.e particular attention of AT,r,r-,v;" to on cxam'-rotim of our stock, which having been selected with the greatest care, we arc confident will <aui r " the mo-t fx-tidipu*. /ts* Don't I'oreet the place— South slue of the rahlic Square. Old Iron. Copper and 'Brass, and all kinds of Country Produ.'e, taken in exchange for Cor-is Towando. Mo v' 27, ISSI. ' c ~ H ALL 1 ni'—^ W(> AIA X'SF RIK XD! Time IVloncy, and Labcr Saved OA USING THE GERMAN CHEMI -1-' cal Erasire Soap. Made lront a tierm.m process, and. as believed, lint known to any other manufacturer in the United State*. The proprii't if- having tested th ; s artiele in various ways during the past six now offer it to the public as possessing the following advan tages over other washing soaps : Ist. It may be used equally well with hard or soft wa ter. 2.d It requires hut half the quantity required of other soap t" :u- oinplisb the same object. 3d. t'lothes need no boiling and hut little rubbing, (most nrlieles none,) thus avoiding their wear upon a wash board. •Ith. It requires Irs? than one half the time and labor to do the washing ot a family, that it requires with the best family soap; does not injure the inline and tends to set the colors. Mb. For cleaning Paints, and removing Grease, Tar, ar.d Printer's Ink, tt io unsurpassed. Ctli. One pound tail! go as far, for any use. ax 3 pounds of common rosin tor,p, or 2 pounds of best family xoap Machinists. Printers and Painters will tinii it an invalua ble article for washing hand"— xs it docs not chap, but softens the skin. It is warranted to give perfect satisfaction or the money will be refunded. For sale wholc-alc and retail bv F. T. FOX. Xqv. 17, lS&o. P RES 11 GROUND FLOUR, from New -t Wheat—Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed and Bran, at August 28, 1855. FOX'S. f * 00I)S bought at my Store will he delivor- VX ed to anv part of the Borough, FREE OK CIIA ROE. June 20 lssß. E. T. FOX. A GENERAL ASgORJtts.'KNT of Boots An_ fc Shoe* and Finding* at. _ An?. 22. USO. HUMPTTBEY'S. O PICES, of nil kiuclp, both white and ground k.' Mnetard, black and white, whole and rround a.t October 9. riv- / 10NNERS U. S. TVI'K FOTNPRV v Xos. 20,11. and 33 Bci knim:-' A' TO I'RIX THUS WD I l ' Ki .'SHM- , . Tlie undersigned beg to inform the trade tha' d.- recently issued their .Vrir V" X' " nfn 'XX rouy ready for delivery to their old patrons.a , all who patronize their Foundry. In it.will lie found a new series of l'.u'O* If'-"' Pica, surpassing if possible, their celr rTO'" Scotch cut faces. ...mjiri* Tht Fancy Time department exhibit* n nn- n variety of bountiful steles. seiceted fr in r mii I and England. " . The Scripts and Bordering arc n-w fr tne. ed t > the printing puhlic, and arc the jif hliut..'" j best European and American Artist-. r, r Ns" ; An entire New Series of t, rman Face®. _y, 1 Paper and Job Printing, of a very superiors., 11 i nearly completed and for sale. y The Metal from which our type made f'-jf jjk peculiarly adapted to the St'.vii.r Usauk o ! Pi inting. t ,. ,-m j They beg to return thanks 1" r p i-t fives - at'' • a continuance. Their well known libera! in.' l ' ..y 1 business f. r the past thirty ye i- 1 "U'-lv & j new patrons of their disp u J ' l ur .rdf themselves to he surpassed lor fair dealing-*' are by letter or otherw tse. , w y' ; X. B. Proprietors of news- tp.-r- - '"G; Ac'" | the above, provided they will trade out bv -' ".gjs i am uint of their respective bills in m iter, u-' ■ j factum, and forward ns one copy oi the pa; 11 ;nl the advertisenieut. SKVDER HOUSE, Waverly. *'J I AMKSUAim'AKEllrc^aTtf"^; 1 ; i *J tile travelling public that he has taken 1 F l known stand, siluati d near the Ranf" : •• | AVXian-'"X ' elts a nttare of m-toro. The II""-'-s'V .ndi't*', I rood ions, and he is determined that XiareilG jto the wants and comfortsot guest->uan ehtire satisfaction. A-'—— j] '* % >l W ) BBL& SALT ' I " f sale by May lb TEA. *A ' 9%1 ) PAIRS* RUBBER OVERy|:. ( .<'U I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers