Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 15, 1856, Image 3

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Tin' rrjrular, olil-linc, pro-slit very Democra
t ('niiveiition wliieh met at llarrisburfr, on
ttii inst.. nominated Gkokgk Scott, of Co
! .inbiii county for CaiiarCommisjiioiier; Jacob
I ~f Montgomery, for Auditor General ;
Hiv Ives, of Potter, for Surveyor General.
Tii,iiirs in Canada. — There are usually eight
r ,..intents of British troops stationed in the
( intlas: when the war broke out all but
.i, a c were sent to the Crimea. They are 110
c-r needed there, and they are accordingly
~ 1 ,aek. or a portion of them, to Canada.—•
<j is the explanation which is given by tlie
\,w York Post of the order for the removal
.■ j,s. as mentioned in the London Times.
>ttntlay morning last, was one of the
-t of the season, and Monday morning
.[ 7 o'clock the thermometer sank to 19 de
- below 7.<T<>. Think of that, for the 10th
n o f March. The sleighing in this vicinity
v, t excellent, and winter shows little pros
of giving way for the approach of Spring.
Report of the Bradford County Agricul
tural Society.
The Kxreutivc Committee of the Bradford
, Agricultural Society, in pursuance of
• (cir (iulv, make the following report of tlfl j
„ r r,(lings of lite Society for the year 185. r > :
jhe publication of tiie Annual Report in
, ~ii;p!i!et form is atteniled with with consider-,
;,|c c\|K'tise : and althougli very desirable as
itninl for future reference, yet it was deem '
, -able bv the committee to omit litis
1,,f publishing t lie present report as a mat
ter of economy, in view of important outlays I
funds, w hicli, it is believed, should be i
iiitinediately for the jvennatient interests !
ii!' the Society. To t his determination they!
v.e also led in view of tho full published lie-!
...,rt of the awards of preniiums immediately
H'ter the Annual Fair in October.
T ;, ennunittee arc gratilied in being able to i
r :• tl • very unexjteetcd success of the So-!
t \ - tbirtl annual exhibition, held at the bo-1
igh of Towanda, 011 the lltli and lzlth of j
II t r it was supposed thut the New-York I
■-'Ki l'a'r held at Ehuira the week preced- j
at which a large nunilicr of our citizens j
• .;;n (Ai-ry portion of the county attended,!
.hi liuturaliy clYcct tic Society's exhibition
T in hi litis was evidently the case to j
■ xt .'itt : 'iiit nevertheless, the exhibition j
of tlie departments was highly success
■ il. 'i ureal credit to the producers of
Tr. • '•uininittce would gladly bring to the i
the society and tlie public, a large!
;• 1 . a: t b - on exhibition of highly uteri- '
0 >•; trader : but to do this without do- 1
. ::g itijusticc to others, it will bereadi-j
wotild retjtiire much greater .-pace than ;
a in,a at command ; and thev must !
■ t tin i . elves with simply referring in ge
■ oriii- to several of the most noticeable j
it.- i,:- of the exhibition, without stopping
. ,u:vi,,;i.i]ize.
T N ilcpartment was much more liberally'
gfil than was anticipated—the numbers
. large! than at any previous fair of the I
s it; '1 he fpjality of the Horses 111>osi the '
- r nf all eVadi's, excited general praise. 1
i",: ■- ' vident improvement in the exnibi
' y nig hor e>. A large number of cat
mvci-'Ou tit" tomid, embracing several dif-:
•t grades, front full bloods to tiie crosses
'.. itit' ve lirceds <>f tlie country. Among i
■ were several fine and meritoriousanituals, •
1 \\ eh tic eiuiitnittee think would com-!
favorably with any in tlie State of like 1
A line display •>! M orktng ('tittle, some j
tern ot extraordinary merit, added largely
tlie interest ol th.s department. The dis
iy oi >,i< ■ p was tut,.'li larger than hereto- i
. tun.' _ ne evid,uiee of ati increased inter- i
b'es iniporiaiH branch of Agriculture in '
1 ; .'A Swine and Poultry were not a.- ;
.-■■iy represented as heretofore, but those on ;
ti- i/tioii were of high merit.
Fit:i.D crops.
1 : uiittec regret to say that the show j
' tiaent was exceedingly meagre in
While the great difficulty experienced
, ! triii gathering their crops during the
.' irvtst. caused by the unusual wet wea
•" n:;y have hud it.- intlueiiee in producing
'aaig want of interest, yet it is quite
' 1 lint there is a misapprehcusiou of the
- pi:' !'.-!tfd by the Society, by which exhi
are to be govi-rned in competing for pre
- Tin committee are at a 10.-s to ae
' 'or tliis. The rules were pulilished at
iy. and as it was thought, so framed !
" t..e 1 •.!-( possible iapistiee to com- ! '
" r * bi the opaiioa of tlie committee, I
' hr no fairer way than to require strict | J
: " "i laud cultivated and crop pro- ! :
od this certified to by two disinterest- j
It is liclievcd lliat this is the on 1
1 ; which accurate results can lie as- J
It was thought that the early pc- j
• ill at which the fair is held, would \
> tunny whose crops could not be gather
■'••pared for measuring, from competing j
'■ iutiK to obviate this diflicnlty, no- ,
. puHislted with the rules, that the
- ,N "i fu lil crops vvouhl meet at the bo-
I ia on the first Monday of I>c
r aff the purpose of adjudging such nj
. suf :■ unpetitors as were made up to
, :in ". I'wo applications were made abont
' a ' T, ' r the time appointed in the notice.
" f "Mtrse the committee were not author
'''.ve it is suggested "that such ac
: taken upon this subject a.- will Itere
• prove satisfactory.
* K(,F.r.\fU.KS AND FRUIT.
ni-play ~f vegctaltles and fruit was very
' '1 It tic. exceeding in variety and quali- 1
'"l'liic t exhibition. The rapid advance- 1
'rut culture jn our county is oxcecd
s. "Ppan nt and gratifying :• nor is this eul- j
to the improvement of the coin
of the country. Many specimens
"" r< (kheate ehuraeter and difficult pro
'' Wire presented, of rare merit, and do- |
e to the producers.
' otnjvetition in this department was
h.r "•[." r ° r nior( ' spirited than at former
... " c l'G<imeris of Butter and Cheese,
. '''• wre worthy of ihe high praise 1
received from the Judges and oth
' 1 rxitiiiiiied them. The high estimate j
iuittcr from Bradford County is
•' i'.ra Markets, gives competition 1
iii this (iojmrtiiHMit an interest which hy nc
means should be suffered to Hug.
1 here were beautiful specimens of Flour of
different kinds presented with a very spirited
contest for premiums. A large variety of
dried Fruits were on exhibition of superior
quality. Meats of different kinds ; Honey and
Sugar ; Field and Harden Seeds, Fruit Trees,
all of meritorious character.
The display in these departments were not
so large and various as at formor exhibitions.
A large number of the articles were of superi
or merit—many of them deserving sperinl no
tice. Among these were a fine display of fann
ing utensils, Fanning Mills, Cider Mills Straw
Cutters, Corn Shellers, Stoves, and a variety
of other implements,exhibited hy It. M. WKU.KS
Esq., of Athens. Plows, by E. T. YOING and
A. M. Mix. Wagon, hy 1). E. Hi NTI.EV, of
Mouroeton. Cart, Gra'iu Cradle. Ox Yoke,
by G. C . Iln.u A line display of Mechanical
Manufactures—stoves by H.u.i. A Ri SSKIX.
Harnesses by It. L. M'GEORGE, of Alliens;
Window Sash, by L. M. HEWITT; Sole Lea
ther by ; Sole and Up|er Leather bv
A. A. BISHOP; Carriages by G. H. DQAKE,
and I) Magnek ; Sleighs by N. N. A .1. s!
REYXOI.DS ; Road wagon by A. P. STEPHENS
( ooking Stove by J. ]>. IKVINK ; Horse shoes
by G. 1. GRANGER ; Butter Firkins and Meet
Barrels, M Pratt ; Rifle iiiuj Shot Gun,com
bined, by J. \ . Gciger ; Drawing Knives, bv
I) E. llr.vri.HV ; Shingles by J. If. A JL S
PHIX.VEY ; Oar blades bv J. L. Ot IMISY of
in this place, the committee would also no
tice a beautiful Piano, from the establishment
ul Light, Newton A Bradbury, New-York, and
xliibited by E. IfosKonn, of Owego, X. Y.
i hey cannot better eqpress their impression of
Liiis superb Instrument, than is given in an ex
tract from the Report of the Judging Comuiit
e : 11"' instrument exhibited is so liuisiied
n and outside, that it leaves but little to de
sire. Ihe case in itself is a masterpiece of
■legance and taste. The tones have the rare
■xttfiision of 7 1-3 octaves, and what is still
note rare, they are all, high and low ones, dis
tinct, full and clear."
The committee cannot let this important
iraiich of Mechanics pass without a notice.—
The competition was spirited, and the speci
nens presented worth great praise. Those of
dorse slioeitnr presented by Ross A HEATH, Mr.
[HUNGER, Wit. B. DODGE," Mr. M'El.KOY—and
)f o.\ shoeing by 1,. AMES, were of great uvrit,
ind untitle these gentlemen to the credit of
■ujierior workmen.
D'I.MESrtC MANI' E A ( - T LUE S .
'1 his department, embracing more particul
arly articles of ladies production, presented an
ixcecdingly rich and beautiful display. Here
ivas seen articles of almost every conceivable
ariety uuibraecd within the range of the usc
ul and ornamental. I'lie committee cannot
leny themselves the pleasure <>f awarding to
.lie ladies of Bradford County the credit which
s richly due to them for much of the success
.iiat has attended the Society's annual exhibi
tions ; —and it is with feelings of no ordinary
•rifle and satisfaction that reference is again
nude to the beautiful and utishrpassed produc
tions which has been annually contributed bv
them to adorn and give interest to our Fairs.
The show grounds were densely thronged
.hroughout the fair. A heavy rain which fell
in the afternoon of the first day, caused con
siderable inconvenience to exhibitors. The
mnual address delivered by C. L. WARD. Esq.,
rvas listened to with fixed attention bv a very
argc and deeply interested assemblage of peo*-
'1 lie committee would here tender to the la
lies ol Lowaiida, their heartfelt aekuowledgc
ueuts for the exceedingly beautiful and tate
ui arrangement of the Court rooms for the
jurposes of the exhibition.
Officers elect for the year ;
For I'resident —M. 11. LAN XING.
I /re Presidents- —D. F. Pomery. Troy ; ITon.
H. Aekley, Tuscarora ; Guy To/. r. Athens ;
James 1 lodge. Pike ; Irad Wilson, Canton.
Corresponding and 11 (cotding Secretary—
\\ in. C. iiogart, Esq., Towatnla.
Treasurer —Wm. Elwcll, Towatnla.
Jitilingers —E. W. Hale, Towanda twp ;
Stephen Powell North Towanda ; P. H. Buck,
Pike ; Paul Fnnnan, Springfield : G. F. R"d
ington, Troy ; M. S. Wauier, Ulster : E. P.
Shaw, Shesheqiiiii ; I. C. Ridgwav, Franklin;
J. W. Pay.-on, Orwell
In Franklin, M m h H, 3, liv llurr Rhlgwav. I'.'sq., XTr.
C. H. SMITH, nt (Mertou, t"> Miss Kl.iZ.Vii'il CRANK,
of Burlington.
At hi- father's residence, in in. of consumption. Feb.
27. li. STKI'HKX TFRXKR. M I. mi -on of .li.lm and
Lydia Turner, aged 2.1 veers, t months, la days.
The deceased was a young man of gm d moral eliarae
or. and sti-.niy and industrious lmhits. A few daysbefore
li- dea'li in liei'aine sensible that he could not re over.—
He therefore turned his attention to the work of preparn
ion for deatli, and it i- hoped that lie foiincl peace in i.r-
Yving. ami was tlm- prepared for the solemn realities rf
list future into which lie was removed, from the -trengfli
mil pi'omi eof the morning of life. This lIO|K- is an aliid sourer of consolation to the liereaved family. Cot.
fliESr it i- propo-ed to led ! u Teacher's Institute oi
•tie week - du ation before tlie opening nf tiie Simmer
s-honis. T ac'ier- feeling an interest in the couse of rd
i -at ion. the r o vn improvement .and the elevation of their
[irotessioti. re re-peetfiil'y invited to attend. The County
s ipfriiite.mii nt will proenre tiie services of aide and expe
rienced Teacher- for the occ isii n. so tliat Teachers at
tending lii-ed lie to very little exj-iise. a-ide from lioard.
which can l.e oit'ained upon re isonablo term*.
Teacher's Institutes have been held in many counties of
the State within the pa-t year, with the m >-t IrfMieflcial
results. To one county two hnndn d dollars wi r % appro
priated to defray 111 • ex >cn*e of h ddi tg an Institute one
week. In adjoining States In-titutes are rcgul irly held
and are coii-idered very efficient means tor advancing the
interests of the can-p of education hy Common S -lmoK
We liope tlic teachers of Bradford will not lie far behind
in this nt itt< r. Those who will attend arc de-ircd to for
ward their names to (he s line-ribcr lie ore the 2'ith i ist..
or as soon as pos i! 1". N'oti e will lie given of tie time
and place of hold ng the institute, when a sufficient num
ber signify their desire to attend. _
ii\ order o' the Board of Oireetor*.
O. .t. CHCBBI'CK, Secretary.
Orwell. M-frcfi 1-t, 1
Barclay Railroad A Coal Company.
N'OTICK IS HKHKBY C.tVKN to the suhseriUrs in To- I
wanda horo'and its vicinity to the Stock of the "It Ail
ed.AY KAILItO.M> A Cf>Al. CO." that the remaining
instalments ofteu per cent each (being f •"> per share) on
said stock, are required to he paid t > K. OVKKTON. FC-q..
the President, or to J. Macforlane. lCsq. the Attorney of
-aid Coinp.on at Towanda, at the times following, to wit:
4tli in.-talment payable August 27th, 1W55.
sth " September 27th
nth *' " October 2!lth "
7th •• " November 2nth
kth " " Ih-eember 2sth "
*it,h " " January Hist
10th " *' March 31st
Payments mav alo b- m.tde at the oliice of I,aportr,
Mason A* Co., at Towanda.
July 20, ]s.A.i. fiEO. R- OAT, Treasurer.
-3 ' tity of We-t Branch and Orwell Clover Seed and Tim
nth v •i d : cl - . a ona Hit vot MI'SH FORK , liv the Idi 1 .
IV norv J.i. |S |C,. HAII.KY A KI'A'.'NS. |
' | Ncto
| The best midmost popular in the world Tin diffcre:
~ edition—No Library can he complete without a set
ol the.-e w-ork-—Reprinted from the late-t Lou
don edition, and published by
I i. U. I'hl ERSON, No. 102 Chestnut street
1 is ti "-' 0,11 - v 'omplete and uniform ed
turn ol C harles Dicker works published in Vineri. :th
arc reprinted from the original London edition, and :n
now the only edition published in this cuutrv. Xo libra
ry, either public or private, can be complete w irhout hav
lag in it u complete set of this, the greatest of all livili
authors. Every family should possess a set of one of th
editions. Ihe cheap edition is complete in Twelve Vols
paper cover, either or all of which can be had separately
Price firtv cents each.
::::: ::: :::::: Pria Z™
Nicholas Niekleby ; -, 0 •<
Pickwick Papers r )( j „
Doinbey and Sou fto •<
Martiu Chuzziewit 50 ••
Barnabv Ruclge ;,n ••
Old Curiosity Shop 'n ••
Sketches bv •• lk,z ~
Oliver Twist iO "
Christmas St tries hih) Pictures from Italy. Con
taining a ( hristmas Carol. The Chimes, Crick
et on tile Hearth, Battle of Life. Haunted Man
The Ghost's Bargain, Ac . 60 "
Dickens New Stories. Containing the Seven
Poor Travellers, Nine Stories hv the Christmas
fire. Hard Times, Lizzie Leigh, The Miner's
Daughters, Fortune Wildnd.&e 50 "
A complete set ot the above will be sold or sent to any out
t > any place free of postage, tor Five Dollars.
illi five very large octavo volumes, with a portrait on
steel, ot Charles Dickens, containing the same readin"
matter as the Illustrated edition, and comprising over four
thousand very large double columned pages, handsomely
printed and bound it* various styles*,
I Vol. 1 contains Pickwick Papers and Old Curiosity Shop,
i ' 1 ' Oliver Twist, Sketches hv •' Boz," and
Hariiaby Uud^o.
„ ■? " Nicholas Niekleby and Martin Chuzziew it.
•' " David Copperik-Id. Doinbey and Son, and
{ r Christmas Stories.
o Bleak House and Dickens' New Stories.
1 Price of a complete set:
j Hound in black cloth, lull gilt back, Price, $7 50
iu scarlet cloth, extra, ti 50
in library sheep... ! 00
I " in half Turkey morocco 11 on
halt calf, antique, 15 pq
This edition is printed on very thick and tine white paper
and is profusely illustrated bv all the original illustra
tions by Cruikshank. Alfred Cmwquill. Phiz, Ac., from
the original Loudon edition, copper, steel and wood.—
Each \oluiuc contains a novel complete, and mav lie had
in complete sets, beautifully hound in cloth, for Eigh
teen Dollars a set, or an v volume will be sold separately
as follows: J
iih' k - H ."?, se Price $1 50
Pickwick Papers 1 jq
Old Curiosity Shop 1 50
<River Twist 1 in
Sketches by " Boz" 1 V„
Barnaby Budge 1
Nicholas Niekleby i m
Martin Chuzziewit 1 5n
David Copperficld 1 jy
Doinbey and Son I V ()
Christmas Stories, (seven different ones) I 50
Dickens* New Stories 1 50
Price of full and complete set of Illustrated Edition •
I! mud 111 I welve vols, in I,lack cloth, gilt back. sls ltd
Library sheep, .24 00
" Half Turkey morocco, . 27 00
Half calf, antique SO 00
#0- All subsequent works bv Charles Dickens will be
issued iu uniform style with the above.
Copies of anyone, or any set, of either edition of the
above works, will lie sent to any person, to any part of the
L inted States, free of po-tngc. on their remitting the price
o! the edition they may wish to the publisher.
Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON,
A"• 102 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
10 wh nil a!! orders must come addressed,
it<r Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will be
supplied at very low rates. 4t44
A HI IORS NO 1 [OK.— In the mutter of
j. V the estate of A/ nor It. Wilcox, deceased. 11l the
Orphan s Court of Bradford County.
Notice i- hi re by given, the undersigned. Auditor
appointed by said Court, ti distribute funds in the hands
o! the Administrators of .said estate, raised by the sale of
real estate, will attend to the duties of.bis appointment,
at Ins o.lice. iu the borough of Towanda, on Saturdav,
the 12th day of April. ISM;, a t tw 1 o'clock. P. M., when
and where all person- having cl aims upon said funds must
present them, or else be forever debarred front the same.
March It, IkoS. I'. P. MORROW, Auditor.
Susquehanna Collegiate Institute.
'THIE next term of tliis Institute will com-
I. menee on Wednesday the 26th of March.
r IST OF LETTERS remaining in Towanda
I J Post ollicc, February 15, l v '",ii.
Acres Jehiel l.arkin Mrs.
Brown Thomas Moeelcy Charles C. 4
B.irnum Wm. B. McNuttv Michael
Bennett .lolin M. Mver Martha 2
Bishop .1. M. Malum J. P.
Brounson Mrs. E. McCallhrtv Mary
Barner Elizabeth I'orter Benedict
Brown Phehc I'o-en Hcbert
Blenn Catharine I'res ton Varpiret A. 2
Bonrke Patrick (Juimby Aiuos
Cnlkin Sahina Qniglev 1 lien
Connor William 2 Roberts M.
Curren Michael 2 Rockwell Aterrit
Cummins William RiccJo-eph
Cooley M irtha Bnndell StiUvvrll
Cummins Stephen . Robert son William
Cole H. S. Rogers Martin
Chaffee Charles Stock well Fanny
I 'amplwll 11. Swart wood Mavlon
Cole I'. D. Saleala rv Lentzon
Corun James Smith Win.
Exavier Francis Smith E. Alvarctta
French Win. Spain John
Filierty James Seott John
Flynu Ellen Slikel Andrew
II ranger Bhoileriek Spencer Wm. 11.
(looderich John E. Stephens Setli
Herman Francis Spalding J. Cash
Hutchinson Hstclla Spalding Ezra
Hartley Homer Tli out as Margaret
Hooker 11. X. Truinbie Daniel
Hortou Charles A William A'osliurg Win. F.
I shell 1.. H. Vanes* Eliza
Johnson John A anVcehtcn Josephus Daniel Vaitdemark Eliza
Kenny l.ovisz White Charles
Keefe Julia Walsh Ahby
Kilmer Catharine A. Weeoff Sarah
I ah' k wood Matilda Whipple Hannah
Luce Stephen Wood Jonathan
I asp Carnet Yakle Georsre
Ai'lVrs >ns calling for these letters jdease mention
they arc advertised.
A I I)[TOR'S NOTICE.— In the firphnn
0 \ Court. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Jh'iif
ham. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute
the funds iu the hand- of the administrators, will altcrid
to said appointment at the hou-e of C. O. l'idg
haiy, on Saturday April ... Hs(>, at 1 o'clock. P. M., at
which time and place all persons li n ing claims upon -aid
money must present them, or el-e l>e forever debarred
from the same. THOMAS SMEAD, Auditor.
February .10. lk.'ui.
1 * i- hereby given, that all per-on-indebted to the es
tate of Jefferson !!. Riimh 11, dee'd., late of Armenia tvvp..
are hereby requested to make payment without delay: and
all persons hav ng claims against said estate will please
present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
February, 20. 15.",6. Administrators.
Tracy 6l Moore,
nA VE .lI'ST RECEIVED from N. York
- a large and well selected assortment of
which have ljecn selected with unusual care, and purchas
ed at the lowest possible rates. Feelingcnntident that we
can sell Hoods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment
in the country, we ask the public to give us .1 call, and
examine our stock and prices. Dec. 1. 15",5.
V is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of WM. HORNING deceased. late of South Creek
township, to make immediate payment, and all persons
having demands again-t said estate, will present them du
lv authenticated for settlement.
J ACOB HORNING, Administrator de bonis pent.
February 26, l^-Vi.
I'V is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the e
tate of CATHARINE HORNING, dee'd., late of South
Creek,arc requested to make payment without delay ; and
1 those having demands against said estate will present tliciu
duly authenticated for .-cttlcnie.nt.
Feb. 26, IS.)<5. JACOB HORNING, Administrator .
\DMIN'RS. NOTICE. —AH persons in
. del,ted to the estate of OWEN CARR, deceased,
late of HERKICK township, are hereby notified to make
pavmcnt without delay, and all persons having demands
against raid estate an requested t > pn -rnt them duly au
tin nti.-atcd for .ettlnncnt. N A Nb Y C \ Hit.
I Fct-ruary 26, 1-j'. Ad'ui. tratrix.
Xllior c'lancons.
1 One Door „Yurth of the Ward House.
' rTMIE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends
1- uml I In- public generally that hi- has opened a BA
KERY AND EATING S ALoOX. otic door north of the
' , Waul House, where he intend to keep constant! \ on hand
a full assortment of < vcri thing in the line such n Hreml,
j. Biscuit, Rusk. Crackers. Jumbles, all kinds id Cake. Are.
k Having secured the services of an experienced linker, and
0 using noli It hut the hest brands of thmr, he feels confident
. of giving satisfaction to all w lio may fat or kiin with their
. patronage.
/ 1 Wedding and other parties furnished with whatever re
t. quired, on short iiotiet- and at tlic most reasonable rates.
A uice assortment of Candies, Nuts, Emits, Ac., kept
always on hand and sold at the cheapest rates.
FRESH OYSTERS received three times per week by
I express, and sold wholesale and retail.
cßiTllot Coffee served up at all hours. Don't forget the
; place, one door north of the Ward House.
February 12. I Soli. H. BL'RBAN K.
/ 1 R()<T.RIKS—CuII and see our llrown,
VA ('rushed. Coflfhe mill Pulverized Sugars; Fine Young
i Hy-oii A Black Teas- -warranted a superior article, or the
j money refunded- for sale cheap bv if. KIN'GSBERY.
"Get the Best."
| f T —At hat more essentia! to everv family, counting
room, student, and indeed neri one wlio would know the
right use id language the meaning, orthography. ami
prououneiatiou of words, than a good English Dictionary':
—ol daily neee-sit i and |u iiiiani lit value.
is now the recognized standard, " constantlycited and re
lied on in our Courts of justice, in our legislative bodies,
and in public discussions, as entirely conclusive," says
Hon. Juiix C. Si'KNCKK.
fun I make cl better Investment ?
I or copiousness, exactitude of definition and adapted
in-ss to tin present state oi science and literature,the most
valuable winks of the kind that I have ever seen in our
language."— President IVupland.
Published by G.& C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass.--
sold by all hook-ellers in Towanda and elsewhere.
18* Also Webster's School Dictionaries Fcb9
-1A CIATIOX.—Tin- regular quartet I v lueeting w ill be
j held in LEItAYSVII.I.K. on Friday, loth inst.. at 11 A.M.
1 An address will lie delivered In-fore the Association iiv
I*. D. MOIIKOW, Esq., and an Essay will be read by Miss
S. Bknham.
The best method of teaching Geography— the impor
tance of composition as a branch of instruction in
Common Schools, and the bet method id'teaching it—the
i stuhlishiug of Graded schools in rural districts—how
Teachers may he awakened to a sense of the importance
and responsibilities ot their office—these subjects and oth
ers prominently connected with the subject of Education,
will lie considered at the en-uing meeting of the Associa
tion. Feb. . .I AS. MoWII.I,IAM, Secretary.
Q HERIFFS SALE— By virtae of a certain
writ of | levari facias, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale at tin- Court House, in the
boro" of Towanda, on Tuesday, March is, IBsti, at I
0 clock, I'. M. the following described JI piece or par
cel of land ]in* South Greek township, distinguished its
part and parcel of a lot No. 5U.55. and hounded and descri
bed as follows : begiiniiiig at a norwny pine standing at
the north east corner of jot no. feis'i. and on the line be
tween the state of New York and Pennsylvania, thence
south 4'i'.i perches to the south cast corner of said last men
tioned lot ; thence from a birch tree standing at said cor
ner east ItTd perelu-s to a beech tree standing at the south
east corner of lot no. sti-t5; thence north 110 perches to a
hemlock : thence north VH "* west 125 perches to a maple ;
thence north 40° west 4* pert-lies to a norway pine ; thence
north 2<)" > west 95 pert-lies ton norway pine ; thence north
40° west 141 perches to a norway pine standing on the
beforementioned line between the state of New York and
Pennsylvania : thence along said boundary line north S7°
west InoA perches to the place of beginning, ('outlining
bill acres of laud be the same more or less.about two hun
dred fifty acres Improved, three framed houses, four log
houses, one steam saw mill, one black smithshop, three
framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of .fared Ar
nold. to the use of R. A E. Govell, vs. Wright Dunham and
Ira Klsbrce and Geo. Dunham, terre tenant.
JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff - .
Sheriff's Office,
Towanda. Feb. 7. 1*5(5. j
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
eo-ts will Is* required to lie paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again lie otter
ed tor sale. Jons A. CODIHNO.
Towanda Female Seminary.
rPIIK NEXT (.JTARTER of the Toicnnda
I Fcmtile Seminary under the charge of Misses II AN
SON'S will commence on Monday, February 11.
Towanda. January 30. IS5(>.
IS NOW RECEIVING an excellent assort mont of gent's,
hoy's, ladies', children's and misses' Hoi • 1 S A ttOi id
ES. Also, Shoe Pegs, Thread. Linings and Findings, to
which he invites public attention.
fli'All persons hawing unsettled accounts or n <tesdue
the subscriber. a: e invited to make paylucnt. Those con
venient may call on ('. Friable, E-q. or T. Humphrey, in
Orwell. previous to the 15th of February next, after which
time de linquents may expect special invitations to visit
Towanda. " J. It. HI'MPHKEY.
Towanda, .Tanuarv 9. 1855.
2SC ik 290 Chestnut st
lb-tweeii Tenth and Eleventh, opposite the Academy of
Fine Arts, and Parkinson's Garden and Saloons,
WM. S CAMI'BELL, Pro] trietur.
G. W. MCLI.IX. S.iperintciidciit. .lan. 9 dm.
CT(>\ I* FOR SALE.—One Stone Coal
; kA COOKING STOVE, with Furniture complete : one
second-hand Wood Cooking Stove ; one second-hand Par
lor Stove, and one Grate for burning Goal.
Kit AT MONROKTON, offers his professional -er
j vii i s to tin public, and hopes by careful attention to me
1 it a -hare oi' patronage.
He would furtlu-r ad J tint a number of years experience
in the I . S. Military Hospitals enables liim to speak with
confidence of the treatment of < lironic difficulties. Rickets,
White Swellings. Broino, ele. Goitre, and all varieties of
S -rofi i i treated with entire success.
He may be found, when not professionally engaged, at
his rt-sidence. Mechanic's street, a few rods west of the
iloti 1. ready at all tiiue.s to attend rich or poor, night i r
day. Monrocton. Nov. L ls.>
COLE LEATHER.- .fust receiving an ex
it ,ell.-nt lot of superior SOLE LEATHER', to which
piihlie attention is respertfully invited.
Nov. 22.1*55. " J. D. HUMPHREY.
I\. tire i-hereby given that ;ni application will he made
to Jamc Pollock. Governor of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, for flu- paid n of AI.MON SMITH. con
victed ot the Fi hruary Term for 1*55.0f tlie Court of (Quar
ter Sessions of Bradford County, of larceny, and now con-'
lined in the Eastern State Penitentiary. Feb. 9, 1*5(5.
(I ANGLES —liv the box or single pound,
Jut * sepl ' FOX'H.
\ EDITOR'S NOT].■!•:.— Willi tiu Kiffrs.
1 \ llnsnfll llidhul:. In Bradford Com. Pleas, No.
It it. May term. ls.'>.">.
The undersigni il, Auditor appointed by the said ('ourt,
t distribute funds raised hv the Sheriff's sale of defen
dant's real e-tale. w di attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at his office in the l>rnugh of Atlo-ns. on Mondav,
th<- ;tlst day of Marcli in.-t.. at one o'ei uk, P.M., at wliieh
time aid place ail pel sons iner'.ested in said funds arc re
-1 quested to pre cut their claims, or else lie forever debarred
from the same. 11. C. BAIRD,
March 1. Wet. Auditor.
TOSEPII KINGSRKRY lias just returned
*f from New York with an immense stock of
for the early trade, and those wishing to get their spring
clothing made up in season can find the most choice ma
terials at his store. Towanda, March ti, 1*5(5.
Clover and Timothy Seed.
I EST RE< El V EI >. ;>0 bushels TIMOTHY
*t SEED (a prime article); also 50 bushels of the Large
CLOVER SEED, (from Darling's ( lover mill in Orwell),
and two loads of the West Br.mrh Clover Seed. 1 have
also 100 bushels of good SPRING U HEAT. for seed, of
my own raising. All of which is for sale at the Woodsklc
Farm, near Towanda.
February o. Is. K, w. lI\LE.
Administrator's Sale.
I)Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
J of Bradford county, will he exposed to public sale
mi F rid Ay Apiil lib, LBst>, on the premises at 1 o'clock,
P. M. a certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Asy
lum and Wilniot townships, hounded on the north by Pat
' rick Bladi.s'land, on the c.-ut l>y same, on the south by
Edward Overtoil's land-, and west hv lands of John Rates
and Hiram Pond, containing one hundred acres, more or
loss, being the same, piece ot land that the family of ROM .
rrance n->w occupy—one hewed log house and" a frame
barn there n erects d m-d ahogt tiftva-TC.- thereof imr-rov
eU. ORI s^iujiwAY, Administrator.
Pel.. F 6.
4 1) MI \ ISTR ATO K'S NOTICE.—N.ti.••■
■1 \ i- hereby icivcii. that all persons indented t<> the es
tate of liii haul St ruble. deecacd. late f Rome tow n - It i] •,
' hereby requested to make payment without dcliiv;
utul all person,. having claims against said i*Utc will
plea-.c present thcui dull authenticated for settlement.
Febmjty 12. IR.VJ. Adunni-trntors.
*■ * 'f hereby giveu. that all persons indebted to 12.• <•-
t.itf <f rii'iiuus MiliK, (IC'cc.jM'd. Lite* of Canton Town
ship, are hereby requc t• t to make payment without de-
I ty; ami all person- tiax in;r claim* against said e late v. ill
please pie -ent them duly authenticated fot -a ttleinrut.
Feb. It, 1% JOKhPH t;. \ AVDVKK. Aduiiu'r.
LTXKLTTOKS NOTICE. Notitc isl.cre-
I J l.v given that It-tiers U"-t.imentar\ upon tin- , t a t c
oi John A. Ayres, dee'd.. late of Wells twp., have been
granted to the subseril.s-r. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and tlm.-c hnv iug anv cl aims upon said c-tnte to present
them dulv attested lor settlement to the subs. ril er.
A. \V. AY RES.
February 0, i Executors.
tate e>l Titos. A. Mi*oiiir, dee'il. late of Wells tp. are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having elainis again-t said estate, must present them duly
Hiitlientioatt d for (ttlcmcirt, to the subscribers.
February 0. 1556. Administrators.
of nit order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun
ty. will lie exposed u> public-sale on the premises, at 1
o'clock. I*. M., inn TFESDAY, the 12th day of March
next, the following described messuage, lot, piece er par
cel of land situate in the township of South Creek, con
taining 'JS acres, or thereabouts, hounded as follow s, viz :
* In the north by lands of I'hilo Fassett and James Dewey,
east by land of P. 1!. Brown and on the south by lands of
Augustus llillmuii. wilh about do acres improve. <l, with an
orchard thereon growiug, and a framed house and barn
thereon erected. Said lit ol land belonging to the estate
of Wni. Decker, late ot -aid tow nship. dec-'d, and is the
same lot on which lie resided at the time of his death. At
tendance will he given and terms of sale made known by
the subscriber. CALVIN" WEST.
Uidgbury. Peli. 2. 1858. Executor.
SALE.— By virtue of an
* Orphan's Court of Bradford countp. I will expose to
public sale at the ma isicm house upon the premises, on
SATPBDAY, the l-th day of MARCH next, nt one o'clo, k
P. M.. the equal undivided one-half part of all that tract of
laud situate in Prankliu township, Brad fold county, boun
ded on tin- north by lauds of Bratou Baldwin. Kress Var
ney. and Daniel Webber; on the east by lands of John
Webber and J. Cranmer ; on the south by Towanda creek,
and on tlu- west by lands of Samuel Shepard and Braton
Baldwin. Containing about one hundred and thirty acres
with about sixty-live acres improved, and a framed dwel
ling house, two framed barns, and an apple orchard there
on. To IK- sold as t,he property of Sarah Pie -co. wife of
W. C. Pierce, and Harriet Crandall, minor children of Mer
rick Crandali. deceased. IKAD Wll-SOX,
Feb. 7, ISSfi. (Jiiardian.
VI DITOR'S NOTICE— In the matter <f
distributing proceeds of Sheriff '.i sale if the perso
nal property of Judtion Hokum'), in the Common Pleas
of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor
appointed by tiie Court to distribute moneys in the Sher
till's hands, raised by sale of said defendant's personal e
tate, w ill attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough ol Towanda.on Wednesday, the 12th
day of March A 18.16, at two o'clock. P. M.. and all per
sons leaving claims upon said money must pre cnt them
at that time and place, or else be forever debarred front
the same.
February 4. iHW. WM. Ki.WKLL. Auditor.
-a 4 i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of FREDERICK HALL, dee'il, late of Cauton tovvu
tw-p, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate wilt
please pre-ent them duly authenticated for settlement, to
C. K. B ithboue. of Canton.
Feb. 7. lS.'ifi. Administratrix with w ill annexed.
NOTICE. The Commissioner.-; of Bradford
County have fixed upon the follow ing days and pla
ces. respectively, for holding the Appeals for 1 soil, viz :
Towanda borough, at the Commissioner's Office, Monday,
February 25.
I ister at the house of P. P. Sweet, Tuesday. 2fith :
Athens township and borough, at the hou.-e of W. Olm
sted, Wedne-ilay, 27th :
Ridgheny at the house of C. O. French, Thursday. 28th ;
South Creek at the house of Elton Dunning. Friday,2Jth :
Well- at the house of R. 1!. Beckwilh. S-iturd-'V.March 1-t;
Sylvania borough and Columbia at the house of 1.. F.
Ooetehius. Monday, 3d :
Troy- township and borough, at the house of Win. S. Ro'o
; bins, on Tin--day. 4th :
Springfield, the h i isi of 11. W. Root. Wednesday,sth :
Smitbliebl at tie- house of 1. A. Kiug*lev, Thursday, fith -.
East Burlington. Burlington, and Burlington biro'at the
house of D. D. Meltee, Friday. 7th :
; North and S mth Towanda at the Commissioner's Office.
I Saturday, stli :
Franklin at tin- house of S. Smiley, Tuesday, lltli :
Li-Roy at tlu house of 11. Holcomb, W'edne-day-. 12th :
; Canton at the house of \. E. Spalding. Thursday, Fith ;
Armetiia at the house of I. S. Becker. Friday. !4th ;
| i iruin ilb at the h-iuse oi Fran kI in Taylor. Sat unlay. 15th :
Ibireil at the house of Simeon Decker. Monday. 17th ;
| Asylum at the house of I'rbih Terry. Tuesday. l-th ;
| Wiiinot at the h mse of J. !.. Jones, Wednesd iv, lath ;
| Albany at the house of S. Willeox. Thursday, 2nth :
ilverton at the house of W. Wulliuan. Friday. 21 t :
Monroe tovvmmip ami borough at the hou.-c of Ethel Tay
! lor. Saturday. 22d ;
Rome at the house of H. Hieks. Monday. 24th :
Sheshequiu at the house of 11. Kinney, Tin -illy, 25th :
j Litchfield at the house of C. Uloodgooil. \\ ediu -day . 2111 I ;
Windham at the liouse of Harry Russell, Thursday , 27th :
Warren at the liou-e ol It. Cooper, Friday. 2-th :
Orwell at the h uis, of C. (J. Uridley. Saturday. 2 th ;
Pike at the house of Seymour Cantichl. Monday. Jl-t :
Herriek at tlie Duraud Sehoolhouso, Tuesday. April Ist :
Tuseatora at the house of Harry Aekley. Wednesday 2 2d :
Wyalusing at the house of J. It. Black, Thursday, lid :
Standing Stone at the tavern near Henry W. Tracy's, Fi i
day.4th ;
Wysox at the house of J. M. Rend. Saturday, sth :
The Assessors will IK- punctual in delivering tin- notices
to the taxubles. and in making their returns on the day
designated in tlwir warrants, at wliii li time and place tin-
Board of Revision will attend and In ar all such - think
themselves aggrieved by said assessment, and make such
deduction and alterations as ta tin in -hall seem just.
Bv order of the Commissioners,
Jan". 2 5. E. 51. FARRAH. Clerk.
Book ami Periodical Agency.
Mlaug IILIX, r> <t nfp ce ihii'ifin? .•
• Dealer in aii kinds of new and popular BOOK-. PK-
ItIOIIIC.VI.S. Cllt At" Pt r.I.H ATION-S, Mal-S ami i HAItTS,
CAH us, Ac., Ac., will supjdy all order- for any tiling in tin
above with promptness ami despatch.
Towanda. January IK, ls.'it.
II till', subscriber gratefully announce- hi- thank- forth.
I. liberal patronage received during the pa.-t year, ami
respectfully solicits a continuance of tin- trade, which he
will endeavor to merit by keeping his Stoel; continually
replenished s>f t'ASH purehas's, with a large and pu if
assert men tot Hoods, which several years experience hits
enabled him to •• buy at the. lowest rates" ot the " Impor
ters and Manufacturers"—by selling low—by adopting the
(,' ASII SVSTKVI entirely, and by making a general reduc
tion of prices.
Consequently, tlic credit system will cease on and after
the lirst day of January, 1 K5;.
I. J - All persons indebted arc reqite-ted to tnake ininte
iliaU* payment. H. C. PORTER.
Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House.
December 3D, I&SS.
Extraordinary News !
To men that have and ought to luive Corn to Sell!
\ 1.1. PERSONS indebted to the subserilier, either by
note or on the lsioks of the late firm of T. Ilumphn y
I A- Co., or the former firm of l-'risbie A Rronson.ure duly
! notified in season that all aceounts not settled pri v i ms to
1 the lii -t day of February . ls.-q;. will then go into the mill
• s inictiiues nsi d for grinding out equity and justice, and
go t rough too. as fast u < the Constable can go round.
I r.. lid- and foes take heed, and come to the is--cue !
December 10, 1K55. T. lIt'.MPIIRF.Y.
L"! II ESI I TEAS, Lot It Green mid !>l:u-k
-1 from .'l7i cents to $1 ofi- every pound warranted to
suit or the money returned in all cues, at FOX'S.
Cash paid for Hides.
'JMIE liiplipst price jaid in CASH, for Hides
1 aad f-kirts, by JOHN W. WTL'OX.
June 2(1. 1*55.
'I TONB SUGARS—Brown, Uefiiiwl, I'nw
* ) dens!. Crushed andCJrannlated : Molasses, Syrup. Rio
and J iva Coffee. Rice. Saleratus. Ginger, Spertn Candle-.
Rice. Tobacco- in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
; sale cheap at jnnc'J FOX'S.
DISSOLI TION. - The co-pui'i in-.sltip ln-re
toforr rxi-ting under the firm of I OXG A MERRY
v. thi< dissolved bv mutual consent. All tierson? indebted
to the said firm of Long A Merry w iii please take neti -e
that unleiv-their i-cn-gii.- are setflcd immedittelv-. thev
V-tp, 1- left for cellrcti, n. PH'I.vNDIK 1\G
( . i. Mi Hill
1 fvirFogl . T'o JiA nv- | • TOY.,
iHertl)iiasi]f, ,*Cr
.TOSRI*H I< >A\" II: I. I~
YY 111 Hi ie-pn tfclly aniKAim e that iit i# again Lcfure
> V the | Tuple. Willi a Luge. ri-.liui.Ufa*hi<*:itl ussuii
I t.i w liirlt the alti utiou of the public i- invite). being con
i (blent that i.t tan idler iiukticin, nt* tut; vsil ptirchaacr*
I which will amply put f"r.,u < A.iinitisliull hi* -took.
Hi- >kof I. \ i>;:;.s Di:t>s Coons is complete, consist
ing of cm did. ivatcitd, plain. hlj< k. 1 It- :■ i* 3 plaid
Silo- ; j lut: ;• r.l plaid Merinos : all wool Pcl-jine-, ; plaiti
anil fie und ii-luntirs: Hou.-lin delaines, Patuiettas,
tlialil lclaiiios. plain ami twilled Persian cloth, Di bales'
Aloacoas, Gingham*, Prints. Ac.
Ai <>. *-n viv: ■ large and magnificent n—ortm ut of
I'rm ha Long and Square shawls. plain woolen a:.a
sijiurc il".
I.adii s Cloth* All coliif . end tt iinmiiiv.i.
J->:r.i<oii>ki:i!>~ The hlrge-l and .-lie:.j e-t assortment nf
I. -itii - i mbruidi-n it collar- -li • wf. band- and liouncings,
edging- .1 ml iiiM iiiug-, over Oflernl for suit in I'owanda.
Al-o. i, al thioail, Smyrna, hohhiti and cotton edging*,*ll
idths and jirii e- - .
WttiTi wi I.INKN Cono-, of every ilcscrijitioii, andot
all qualities.
Hoi st: Fi itMsnivii Goons- Double and -iridicflJ Da
luu-k- u| Miii .u- kind* ; iinl.roiiii red and lace curtain*,
all • 1 110litii-1- ; u.ndo* shades and trimmings; hloarln U .
anil unbleached talje linens; napkins, colon d taUu
spri :ds of various kimls, ciitmtcrpanrs, linen slicitings,
rose tilankits. gilt cornice* and pins, stair rods. An. Ar.
lii.nvti AMI HM HKV K\ entiling in thl-iinv for iai
dii-. lilisM S, children. tnt-ii andUiy-.
colored ( loth- of every qslil v and price, plain and fancy
(,'as-iliieres.faiM v velvet-, plain tuiyl figured greuHrdine.
plain aad figured -ilk. hlaek satin and cashmere Vestilig-j
and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeuns, saltl
netts. -in op greys. Ac.
lloMKsrics- of i very description, purchased at very
cloe liguri s and olitud low. flannels ofev try grade and
C.v itrirrtNO- - All qualities, ingrain and stair carpeting*,
oil cloths. Rush Matting*. 1 Irnggets. Ac.
V A.n a on XOTJ un:;--Almost everything in the line, * hole
sale and retail.
11 VTS A fees.—An assortment uncqunled in Northern
Pennsylvania of Men-'A I toys hats and caps, coiui-rising
every variety of silk, browu, pearl and black fur fluU.- -
(.'loth, l'lush and Fur Caps.
Honrs .V Snot-- In this department there is. nor never
has heon in tlii- maiket any tiling to compote with this
stock. In quality , quantity and price, which it would he
greatly to the int< rest of every man, w oman und child to
examine who wishes to pun tiare-
In addition to the above enumerated articles there will
alwuvs he found a full assortment of tiroeeries. Hardware,
Crockery and Clans-ware. Paints. Oils, and Dye Stuff*,
leather and Shoe Findings, Ac., Ac.
To hi i old Friend . and Customers, the subscriboer would
take this method of expressing his gratitude for their libe
ral patronage, hoping still to merit "and receive it, and to
others would extend an invitation to examine his stock,
being confident lie ran make it for their lntere.-t to do so.
_ Towanda. Oct. 1. I*'s . JOSH PI I POWELL.
ust received his
f tONSiSTING of DRY GOODS. of every kind. G ROCK
* KIMS. a large assio tractit of ll.\ IIDW'ARE, including
Harness and Carriage Trimmings, and Joiner's Toots of
every description : Hoots. Shoos, Li-sthcr and Shoe find
i"_g-- Hats. Caps, and I'mbrellas ; Paper Hangings and
M imlow Shades; Carpets and 1 trngget : Oils Paints and
Pye stuffs ; Crockery and Glassware: Iron, Steel and
Nail.; Window glass and Sash ; Camphine, Burning Flu
id a nil Varnishes of every kind ; Pails. Tubs. Mats. Ac.,
Ac., which will be sold as usual, very cheap for Cash.
TnwiUita. October 1. I.S;V..
And -atisfy your-elves that
H w T1 the best and most complete assortment of NEW
GOODS, consisting ol all grades ladies'and gent's
vv'oad Cloth-, mantilla-, vesting and colored velvets, plain
and fancy cjLs-iinercs. saltinet. tweeds. Kentucky* jeans,
flannels, liu-cvs. All description- Divss Goods.-uch as
black, watered. cl:aiigenl>le and plaid Silks, French meri
no-. Thibet cloth. Scotch wool plaids, brown and blark
mi\ a! Debeges. nil wool and tigured Delaines, plain and
-ilk -trijied Alpnccas. Scotch and domestic ginghams,
children's plaids, Men iiuack and othei prints, of all vari
An cxteii.-ive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, mittens,
gloves. Victoria and Hi-hop lawn, book and jaconet iuu
1 in-, bonnet fled die-- ti-imir.iiigs.-ilk. moire antique, ntoss
velvet and ribisin Trimmiiig-. Fringes, black and vvhito
-ilk-, linen thread. Maltese, and all kinds wove linen and
itton edgings, niu-lin bands, collars, under -leeves. che
mise ttc<, curtain dnipery. brown, blue and black dotted
embroidered veils, stock- and gi nt's collars.
A variety of Talma-, gen t"s and ladie-' woo! Sliawis,
Thiliet. broche and other .' bawls. India and Zephyr scurfs,
children's woollen sleeves, hoods, inctt's. assorted colored
Scotch y.nii comforters, carpeting, drugget, horse blank
ets. linen til le spn .ij- and diaper-, counli rpanes. Ac.
It ve.iiw \ RK. — A large assm tinent nf anvil-, vices, screw
plate-, sledges, mill, cross cut. hand, und ether kind- of
- ivy-, nail-, tile-, chains, pump fixtures, squares, plumbs,
levels, plane-and -aw handles, moulding and liencb planes,
Hon—t - TrimuiiiiL's. of every v iricty, carriage alid Sndillc
rv "frininiiiigs. such us braseiuid-ilvered bands,axlctreea,
I. dts. enam< lit d t ip-lcuther and el >th, dash leather, cloth
dama-k and lace trimming-. I trass, silvered and russet
hame-. japanned, -il\t n-J and bras.- buckle.-, bitt-. snaps,
br hin-r ri'Ufs. trace hook chain-, liartic-- leather. Ac.
SHOK FINHINCS. The large-t assortment in town, con
-i-tiog of pea-. 1 i-t-". niCiv'- and boy's boot trtes. crimp-,
and irons, bristles, thread-, all kind- bench tools, llecl
ball. lila< king'. 'endings, lining moroeco. kip. French and
\ merican i a1; -kin-, cow hide, oak and in in lock leather.
pv iv r- (ii.s. ,v. . stone and white zinc-, white and
red lead. Pari- clironn- ami verdigris gn-ens, Ohio and
••Iher Pain:-, saga; !•. d. litlici-asre. Japan varnish, coach,
liii'iiituic ami -ad'bc*'- •.ui iish.Unseo!. lamp and tanner's
oil. ale,dud, , ampliciie, ilnitl ami putty.
HOOT- am' Siloes. -Aj,c,*. a ml boy s calf, kip and ROW
hide boots and shoes, women's kid, enamelled, morocco,
•• ill'and kip he <■ boots, morocco, patent leatht r, enamell
• i and kid buskin*, variety gaiters and dippers, misses',
!,y sum) infant'- -hoes, of all descriptions, gent'-. Indict"
m—( - and children's rubUr shoes, and ladies' high top
rubl-er lusits.
) vn aKi NOTION -—will be found of all kinds, comprising
ladic-' and gent's port ntounais, India rubber, back. puff,
side and circle coinlis. pocket, ivory, shell side and other
combs, gilt, lasting velvet coat and vest buttons, ngatc.
ivory, glass and -ilk buttons ; razor strops, soaps, brush
es. Ac. Ac.
The usual large supply of Crockery, Groceries, Hat-.
Cap-. Dime:-. Furs, Wash tub>. Fails, Measures.
Sa-h. Gia-s. Paper Hanging.-, Window shades, I'mbretJas,
Iron. Stcei. Sec,
MS" C ASH is tiie .-tufl'to buy Goods witii. Call and try
tiie expe;inmiit. Towanda, November D, InJA.
v:. R l\ FOX
nAS jn-t roci'ivoil p. full pupplv of KA^f
-ILA tIKOf'KHIFS. which he will iell cheap fr
< a-h. Tlmnknil for the very liberal polronagc extended
to him during tin- | -t -ca-on.he would nm-lre-pcctl'ully
a-k a eor.tinuauce of the -ame.
Cash fiaid for mo-t kinds of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and
Farmer'- Produce generally. October 10. l^.do.
it u t Ill'Sll. IIVK wanted iminodiately
jmm\ " " t for which the highest market price in ca-b
will is' paid. Oct. 12, K., T. FOX.
r |" , I'KKS IS!,AND SALT, both lumps and
1. proutHl. at Ot't.) TO \ s.
N i: O o I) s .
J. 2£arvcy Phinny, Jr.
}S iu-t receiving a general assortment of FALL A WIN
TER GOODS, consi-ting of the usual variety of
Dry Ciocfl.c, (t'r<xt'ric*, //urt/irnrr. C' it,
(ilissirnrr, Doe,/* A SD c.-- ) /'/tin's,
Oi/s, (i/ass, Dyes, r\r., fyc.
all of which will he sold a- usual for Cash, or exchanged
for Produce cheaper tli in can be had at anyother store in
Towanda. I'er-ons wishing to purcha-c Goods for cash
will do well to call ami examine his stock and prices, cor
ner of Bridge and Main street-.
K k Cash naid fur Butter. Pmk and Grain. Oct 20
|)0()K AliKNl'V.— The snhscrihers have
I ) e-tahli-hed a Book Agency in Philadelphia, and will
furnish any hook or publication at the retail price, free of
po.-tage. Any persons, by forwarding the subscription
price of any of the *'! Magazine-, such as Harper's, flo
dev's. Putnam's, Graham's. I'rank Leslie's Fashions, A'*.,
will receive the magazines fnr one year and a copy of a
splendid lithograph portrait of either Washington! Jai k
- nor f'lav ; or. if -übscrilving to a >2 and a? 1 magazine
they vv ill re. CUT a copv of cithtr of the three jiortrait-.
If subscribing to stl vvuvthof Magazines, all three portraits
will he sent gratis. Music funii.-hed to those who may
wi-h it.
Envt lopes of every description and riz.c in large or small
quantities fuvni-heil. l-cal Pres-e.-, Aivscnt to order.
Every description of Engraving on Ivi.udexecuted with
neatness aii'l di-patch. \ tew- of Baldlngs, N'ewsjvapv r
Headings, View- of Machinery. Boot, illustrations. Lodge
Certificate-. Business ('aids, Ac. AH orders sent by mail
promptly attended to. Person- wishing views of tbeir
iuiMiliar ■* • tivrnivftl *:in send A liiitcut-Trutypt! or
of the buildings bv mail or express.
Persons! at a de-tame having -alcalde articles would
find it to their advantage t" address the subscribers, as
~V n-otild ad as agents for the ssle of tin same.
60 .South Third Street. Philadelphia. Pa
■T n. RVBAir. T. MAY TirflfT.
|>OOTS \' SHOKS Tiie iapypst liest an<]
I# cbe jpi• t a ortmeni (lev-idof th T mrir ' itv mc
iefoitid a', jej'.' Pfl A 1 V A Ni*P|. e