Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 23, 1856, Image 3

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    Republican Committees of Vigilance.
. COMMITTEE of Bradford, have ap-
jStf-- pointed the following persons as
, „,rMUeM of Vigilance for thdr respective districts, for
<SS&Sr**~. M - H. Codding, John Sterigere,
Ann a "nTi—XViYeS Ripley. David S'. Becker, Alb Bumham,
v.riuni— G- f- Horton, J. H. Morrow, Geo. W. Ingham,
W. Park, Jote Griffin, David Gard
Tough—fe 9 C. Harris, C. Himsiker, L. 8. Keeler,
Y^ T < J - w - Spen*. M Alex-
Phelps jr., Perry B. Pratt, 8. H.
('.rtumbia Jntaen Bullock, Dommer Lllley, Andrew Ger
n^,' I ls C Newman, M. H. Case, 9. Owens. W.Lnwrencp;
: ll 'I_u 1 _ u Bull, D. L. Staatcs. U. Moody, Edw'd Hornet;
!" nliiin-Nelson-Gahert. Thomas Smiley, J. M. Martin,
,■. y Fairchild ;
Mville—Luman Putnam. William Bunyon, Benjamin Harrison Ross; .
' k Park. E. Carr, A. R. Brown, Abel Bolles ;
I j'trhfleld—Mi'l° Merrill, Cyrus Blood good, Stephen Evans,
, 'foss, S. Bailey. Charles I jtinb, John Cole ;
ilnn'roc township—Freeman Sweet, Daniel Decker, Chas.
r Hollon Rowland Rockwell ;
Uonrne borough—F.. B. Coolbaugh, S. 8. Hinman, Antho
nv Mullan. J. L. Rockwell ; : v.,
irvvel! I s - N* Branson, John V\. Pay son, Henrv Gibbs,
1 1; Mathews ;
i-w George Hottenstine ;
,, v Crandal, R. B. Bailey, E..S. Skeel, G. W. Brink.;
' p Forbes. 0. Young, J. G. Towner,F.W.Maynard;
0 n'imrv' G.C Miner. H.Owen,W.Stevens,J-D-Raminohd
Shrill('i'iin—G. H. P. Kinney, Charles Chaffee, C. W.
B-il'is V- J- Gole :
r.l.''field -C.H.Campbell, Ambrose G.Brown, Amos
'Sp [..sac F. Bullock ;
s-r;thlivid- K. McVannon, Orpheus K. Bird, Clinton
F Wood E. G. Durfey :
south Creek—W. Y. (Mines, Ira Crane, J. F. Gillet, Linus
standing Prime—William Griffis, Henry Noble, William
Ilev George A. Stephens ;
Svba'nia Borough—Peter Monroe, N. H. McCullom, L. X.
i inkliam, James H. Nash :
' . , r.i Hdw'd c. Wells, A. J. Cogswell, Henry Mont
iM.merv, Davis Gray :
T ovaa 1 i borough—Jere Culp, Frank Overton, Wallis
Hull l'crcival Powell:
T .vunda— HiramC. Fox, Samuel C. Means, J. H. Decker,
I p Bowman:
y„rth Towanda— George Mills, A. D. Kingsbery, Ezra
Ihitt. Samuel Stratton ;
T- v tiormgh E. B. Parsons, George P. Newberry, Dan'l
Bobbin*. P.l*. !)art :
]-., v township— Ah'iizo Thomas, Ezra I.oomis, Amnsa
i.rceno. J. M. Smith ;
H-trr >■ Hovey, D. J- Chubbuck, J. L. Gorselinc,
V Havens:
\W.- x -Mo-e* Canfield—M.J.Coolbaugh, I. P. Spalding,
ib rgc Stropc;
v,, iu-ing ('. K. Ingham, Francis Hornet. F.lisha Lewis,
il.irrv 1 lark ;
, r' !:—Mile* Prince, Jacob Rogers, James Cooper, Mi
nutdj Chaffee;
-I.mrnzoj Griunell, John Brownell, Newell laKin
ud, John Bra Mcd :
vimlhani I'iatt Vandyke, James M. Peck, James Olm
i. William S. Ilabcoek ;
Jonathan Buttles, J. H. Turrell, J. L. Jones,
Hiram Stone.
Hi-The Committees of Vigilance will call primary
T,stiii"* at such times as the County Committee may
u.reafter designate. ALLEN McKEAN,
.'.laaarv 22. ls6. Chairman.
REV. MR. M'HITCOMB, (Universalist) will
[£&> "1' 'k. in the Court House, 011 the afternoon and
got the fourth Sabbath inst—lst from John v. 28
. ; .J i'r mi 1-t IVter iv. 18. Inquirers and the pub
jn l i *i'-, iallv sinners, arc invited to attend. Services
•ii. at 2 o'clock, and at 6j o'clock. P. M.
- \:i w'n 1 love Our Lord Jesus ChrLt, in sincerity.
: ttui'.v invited to aid us in hymning the praises L>ve! Februarys, 1856.
;■ -tarv Ifith. ii; Cambridge. 111., by Rev. Wm. W. Smith,
V-. ! \N" MOORE, of Amiover. and Miss MARTHA 11.
ii.G.ia.V !>S. formerly of Towanda.
Xi*u) gVJmcrtiscnicntG.
Susquehanna Jolleg-iate Institute.
TIIK next term of this Institute will eoui-
I rrveteip on Wednesday the 26th of March.
I IST OK LETTERS remainiug in Towanda
! J I't Office, February 15, 1856.
l :o Jeliiti Lai kin Mrs.
br ovii Thomas Moscley Charles C. I
:ii Wm. B. McNulty Michael
1 -.'.'tt M. Mvcr Martha 2
p.I. M. MahanJ. P.
r.rovns'.n Mrs. E. McCaffertv Mary
Riraer Elizabeth Porter Benedict
(Iruwn I'hehe Pose 11 Hebert
Renn Catharine Preston Margaret A. 2
sirkc Patrick Quimhy Amos
Jkin Sahina Quiglcv Ellen
.iiior William 2 Robert* M.
:en Michael 2 Rockwell Mcrrit
ur.mins William Rice Joseph
>ley Martha Ruodell Stiilwcl!
iimins Stephen R Uvrtson William
le H. S. Rogers Martin
ttfee Charles Stoekwell Fannv
•impliell H. Swartwood May!on
A- P. I). Sale *bery Lentzou
■run J.ime* Smith Wm.
'• uvier Francis Smith E. Alvaretta
' ii Wm. Spain John
rty James Scott John
yon Ellen Slikel Andrew
lie: RbodcricJc Spcnrer Wm. 11.
lerii li John K. Stephens Seth
1' •n.iu Francis Spalding J.Cwsh
1 : I. :ii*nii E*tel!a Snalding Ezra
■ 'Jy II iin-r Tlroinas Margaret
er H. X. Tnimble Daniel
a I Juries A William Vosburg Win. F.
• L. 11. Vaness Eliza
"lisoti John VanVechten Joseph s
b-:,r.01v Daniel Vandcmark Eliza
y'lmy 1/n |.a White Charles j
• r c Julia Walsh Ahhy
.ac F.itlurino A. Wccoff Sarah
Isokw.iiiu M itilda Whipple Hannah
"deplum Wood Jonathan
-t Garnet Yakle George
tVl'cr- in* calling for these letters please mention ;
'-•'rare achorli.scd-
H. C. PORTER, P. M. |
(rDITOII'S NOTICE.—fit the Orphans' 1 !
* " ,e mutter of the estate of Joseph Bri/f- J
'•-v Tlie undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute
i ind* in the hand* of the administrators, will attend j
■ \ ,ointment at the houe of C. O. French, in Itidg- !
8-itiirdy April 5, 1*56, at. 1 o'clock, P. M-, at I
1 ar.d place all persons having claims upon said ;
, -l ist pre-ent them, or cl-c Is- forever debarred j
smio. THOMAS SMEAI), Auditor. |
'tary 31), 1856.
Clover and Timothy Seed.
G.Kh (a prime article); also 50 bushel* of the Large
SI.KD. (from Darling's Clover mill in Orwell),
i l-.jf the West Branch Clover Seed. 1 have
■-lid* of good SPRING WHEAT, for seed, of
;at*ing. Alt of which is for sale at the Woodsidc
'pt. i-ar T nranda. !
! ... E. W. HALE.
\ I*MI NISTR ATO It's' NOTlCE.—Notice
- i.'-n-by given, that all person* indebted to the es- |
, \ ' ! " 111 Rundell, dee'd., lute of Armenia twp., I
■ ri'ijue-ted 11 make payment without delay; and ;
f having claims against said estate will please !
: ' "- 1 'hini duly authenticated for settlement.
20 1856. Administrators.
[';OVKR fi TIMOTHY SEKD.—A quan-.
' ' ,v "f Lirge and Small Clover and Timothv SEED. !
fel. 12 J. POWELL.
r : ; uv Hi: k TIMOTHY SKKH. —A mmth
4,.,. ' ,fw 'e-t Branch and Orwell Clover Seed and Ti
m. " " also quantity of MESS PORK, bv the bhl.
13.1856. " BAILEY fc KEVINS.
Tracy dc Moore,
j[ AV K.H'ST RKCEIVKD from X. York
* argc an ,( seleeU-d assortment of
. ..y VA/r M ister HOOPS,
tt-jT"''' selected with unusual care, and purchas
tj' ,' -"'-f possible rates. Feeling confident we
I f"r Ready Pay, as low as any estaldishmeiit
ii'. ' mtr > •we ask t lie public to give una cull, and
W stock and prices. Dee. 1.155.
[j^'lilGM LETTING.—SeaIed proposals;
tl :f' v, d .it the office of the Towauda 'Bridge
. , ' "ktn 1, „■',-lurA, p. yj. „f t| lc 21*t dav of Febru
... r.-l,ui).Rug two spans of ihe Bridge. Also
• v, ; , " n '' "rk to raise the same five feet
• Oi.aliens wilt !• exhibited nn^ and afleF
{ miscellaneous.
One Door North of the Ward House.
r TAHE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends
; X and the public generally that he has opened a BA
KERY AND EATING SALOON, one door north of the
I Ward House, where he intend to keep constantly on hand
a full assortment of everything to the line, such as Bread,
I Biscuit, Rusk, Crackers, Jumbles, all kinds of Cake, Ac.
| Having secured the services t>f an experienced baker, and
using nonh but the best ftoug, he feels confident
! of giving satisfaction to all who may favor hiin with their
I patronage. ■
Wedding aud other parties furnished with whatever re
j quired, oh short notice and at the njost seasonable rates.
A.nice assortment of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Ac., kept
I always 00 baud and soli at the cheapest rate's.
FEBSH OYSTERS received three iimes per week by
express, and sold wholesale and retail.
-Hot Coffee agreed up at ail .hours. Don't forget the
place, one door north of the Ward House.
February 12. 1856. H. A. BURBANK.
Y^ROCEHIES —Call and see our Brown,
VX Crushed, Coffee and Pulverixed Sugars ; Fine' Young
| Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the
I money refunded—for gale cheap by B. KINGSBERY.
"Oet tbe Best."
' * —What more essential to every family; counting
room, student, and indeed every one woo would know the
I right' Use of htagnage—the meaning, orthography, and
1 pron'.unciation of word*, than a good English Dictionary?
I —of daily necessity and permanent value.
is now the recognized standard, " constantly cited and re
lied oh to otir Court*of justice. In otrr leglslattre tiodies, ■
and in public discussions, as entirely conclusive," ay
' Hon. Jons C. SPKVCER.
Can I make a better Investment t
" For copiousness, exactitude of definition and adapted
| ness to the present state of science and literature .the raott
' valuable work* of the kind that I have ever seen in our
1 language.''— President I Vaviand.
Published by G. St C. MEI'RI AM, Springfield, Mass.—
; sold by all booksellers to Towanda and elsewhere.
Air Also Webster's- School Dictionaries • • Feb9
CIATION.—The regular qnarterlv meeting will be
! held in LERAYSVILLE, on Friday, 15tk inst., st II A.M.
An address will be delivered before the Association by
P. D. MORHOW, Esq., aud an Essay will be read by Miss
The be*t method of teaching Geography—the impor
tance of English composition as a branch of Instruction In '
1 Common Schools, and the l>estmethod of teaching it--tbe '
establishing of Graded sch"ols in rural districts—how ■'
I Teachers inav lie awakened to a sense of the importance j
and responsibilities of their office—these subjects and th- ,
ers prominently connected with the subject of Education,!
will be considered at the ensuing meeting of the Aasoria
! tion. Feb. 9. J AS. McWILLLVM, Secretary.
SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Exponas, Issued out of the Court of
: Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed,
will lie excised to public sale at the Court House, to the
boro'of Towanda. on TUESDAY, March 4th, 1856. at 1
o'clock P. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land
situate in Monroe twp. beginning at an old <>ak stump on
the line between Timothy Alden and Abner C. Rockwell
deo'd, on the bank of sonth- hrauch of Towanda creek ;
thence south 77 j° east 5 perches to the centre of the turn
pike road ; thence along the centre of said road 30 2-10
to a post; thence south 37° west 30 perches to a post on
tee lino ts-tween Timothy Alden aud S. W. Alden : thence
along said line north 79°* west 32 perches to a -tone in the
Towanda creek : thenae down the said cr ek. running the
several courses thereof to its junction with the aforesaid
south branch of the Towanda creek ; thence up the said
south branch to the place of beginning. Containing about
fifteen acres more or less, all improved, with one framed
hou-c and a few fruit tree* thereon.
Seized and takeu in execution at the suit of John Han
son, to the use of Brown A Rockwell vs. W. T. Bradford.
ALSO—A pice or parcel of laud situate in Albany twp.,
bounded north, south and east bv lands of Aninah Ladd,
and west by the Berwick turnpike. Containing about 3$
acres, more or le*s, all improved, one plank house, pne
store house, one steam mill, with machinery for manufac
turing oars.shovel handles. Ac. and for sawing, grinding,
Ac., and a framed barn and a few fruit tree* thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chauncey
N. Shipmau vs. Ichabod L. Quimhy.
ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Athens bo
rough, bounded north by lands of Edward Herrick", east
by land of George Freehonc, south by Canal street, and
west hv land of Russell White. Containing fifty feet front
and eighty-four feet back, he the same more or less, all
improved, one framed dwelling bouse and shoe shop at
tached thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A
Harris vs. John Hcndri- kson.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Feb. 7185 C.
SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of a certain
writ of | levari facias, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed,
will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, to tbe
boro' of Towanda, on Tuesday, March 18. 1855, at 1
o'clock. P. M. the following described a piece or par
cel of land ]inj South Creek township, distinguished as
part and parcel of a lot No. 5685, and bounded and descri
bed as follows : beginning at a norway pine standing at
the north east corner of lot 110. 56*6, and on the line be
tween the state of New York and Pennsylvania, thence
south 469 jierches to the south east corner of said last men
tioned lot : thence from a birch tree standing at said cor
ner east 373 perches to a beech tree standing at the south
east corner of lot 110. 5685 ; thence north 116 perches to a
hemlock ; thence north 26° west 125 perches to a maple ;
thence north 40° west 49 perches to a norway pine ; thence
north 20® west 95 perches to a norway pine ; thence north
10° west 141 perches to a norway pine standing on the
beforeim-ntioned line between the state of New York and
Pennsylvania ; thence along said boundary line north 87°
west lUOi perches to the place of beginning. Containing
831 acres of land be tbe same more or less, about two hun
dred fifty acres improved, three framed bouses, four log
houses, one steam saw mill, |one black smitlishop, three
framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jnfed Ar
nold. to the use of R. A E. Covell, vs. Wright Dunham and
Ira Elsbree and Geo. Dunham, terre tenant.
Sheriff's Office, )
Towanda, Feb. 7, 1856. j
Notice i* hereby given, that an amount equal to the
cost* will tie required to be paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, aud upon failiug to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will agaiu be offer
ed for sale, Jons A. Cwwwa.
Towanda Female Seminary.
THE NEXT QUARTER of the Tovanda
Female Seminary under the charge of Misses HAN
SONS will commence on Monday, February 11.
Towanda, January 30. 1856.
IS NOW RECEIVING an excellent assortment of gent's,
boy's, ladies', children's and misses' BO GTS A BOOT
ES. Also, Shoe Pegs, Thread. Lining* and Findings, to
which he invites public attention.
JTVAII person* having unsettled accounts or tjotcs due
the subscriber, are invited to make payment. Those con
venient may call on ('. Frishie, Esq. or T. Humphrey, in
Orwell, previous to the 15th of February next, after which
time delinquents may expect special invitations to visit
Towanda. J- D. HUMPHREY.
Towanda. January 9, 1855. •_
sr. LA WREN c 1: nor EI„
288 di 290 Chestnut st
Between Tenth and Eleventh, opposite the Academy of
Fine Arts, and Parkinson's Garden and Saloons,
WM. S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor.
G. IV. MI'LLIN, Superintendent. Jan. 9—3 m.
OTOVE FOR SALE.—One Stone Coal
O COOKING STOVE, vtith Furniture complete ; one
second-hand tVood Cooking Stove : oDe second-hand Par
lor Stove, and one Grate for burning Cool-
Jan. 2.1856. BAILEY A AEN INS.
T splendid assortment of Sentimental and Comic Va
!c itines, from 6j. 12$, 25 to 50 cent* each. Valentine*
sent by mail free of postage, on receipt ofprice.
Jan. 19. P*t Office Building. Towanda.
EI) AT MONROETOX, offers his profesnional ser
vices to the public, and hope# by careful attention to me
rita share of patronage.
He would further add tnat a nntnlier of years experience
to the U. S. Military Hospital* enable* him to sjieak with
confidence of the treatment of Chronic difficulties, Rickets,
White Swelling*. Bromocele, Goitre, and all varieties of
Scrofula treated with entire success.
He may !>e found, when not professionally engaged, at
liiti residence, Mechanic'* street, a few rods of the
Hotel, ready at all times to attend rich or poor, night or
jj aV - " - Monroeton. Nov. 1. 1855.m3
COLE LEATHER-Just receiving an c.\-
O cellent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which
public attention is respectfully invited. p „
Nov. 22, 1855. J- P- BLMrHjUMi-
l\. tier i# hereby givcu that an anplicatiou will
to James Pol lock, Governor of , inVSMITHcon
Pennsylvania, for the pardon of ALMON SMITH, con
victed at the February Term for the f
ter Sesdons of Bradford County, ol larceny, and now-1 on-,
fiord in the Eastern State f -h 1!6.
f* t vDr i'S 1V tlte V fx or insrlc
( a, , T 1 lo\*
~ _ - —■ - -+•- '•
Annual, Report,
Of thifcooeipts and Expenditures of Bradford Co. for 1856, from Jan. 1, to Dee. 31.
Auditors, for auditing public accounts 1108 00 Brought forward.. 10,173 W
Assessors,.. 1 yfr:. 1101 56 Office books and Stationer?...,.: 181 75
Bridge Contract*,.. , 3179 93 Prisoner's support in county Jail 642 11
Bridge and Road Vtbws .. 41 50 PrlaoneT'l support in K. S. Penitentiary 225 89
Bradford County Agricultural Society,. 100 00 Prisoner's support In State Lnnatic Hospital, 154 63
Crier of Court 78 50 Public Printhig, ... ~. 244 On
Constables making returns and attending court, 620 98 Registering marriages, birth* and death. 24 56
Costs in efvll suits, ........... 19 00 Repairs on public buildings 33 09
Costs hi Commonwealth suits 1839 02 Sheriff conveying prisoners to E. 8. Penitentiary 625 00
Counsel to Commissioners, U. Mereur 60 00 Sheriff summoning juror*,: 96 00
Clerk of Sessions, Ac., A. McKean, 303 66 Tnwnship'Hiie views,.. 16 60
Election Expenses,.... C 72 16 WHd cat certiffitatca,. 10 50
Fuel and lighta for public offices and Jail 162 84 D- B. Cotton, Commissioner in 1864 4 50
Incidental expenses, 97 82 I. A. Park, " 1866 124 00
Inaurance on public buildings,,... 161,60 S. Smiley, " 150 00
Justices Inquisitions, 39 69 Geo. H. Bull, " 178 00
Jurors, Grand,... 526 82 P. H. Buck, " 62 00
Jurors, Traverse, 189(1 76 E. M. Farrar, Clerk to Commissioners, in 1866,. 600 00
Carried forward, 10, ITS 62 13,546 IS
Account with the sacra I Collectors of County Taxes for Bradford County.
n „ ... Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
Boroughs Collector • Names. ler (jhargvd. Collected. Kxon'td. per cent. due.
Standing Stone Isaac W. Westbroek,... 1845 >lB 38 86 00 sl2 38
Albany William# Lee, 1846 106 83 .... 100 83
Athens twp..'. . ..V. John H. Murray 1852 119 26 118 26
Durffil,. .r. :. Ransalcer Ross,...'. 9 68 9 68
Herrick John E. Keeler 29 58 .... .. .. 29 5a
Rome Nathan Mayuard, 27 20 445 270 20 05
Wilmot,.. Allen AVoocfruff, 36 43 .... .. 36 43
Albany John Mathews,.: 1853 21 62 21 62
Durell., Thomas A. Jennings, 75 45 20 00 15 42 19 80 20 23
Lorof, Chaapei 39 13 39 13
tfijtcr . Charles B. Kitchen 64 95 .... .. .. 54 95
Wilmot, Edward Shepard, 50 32 .. 50 32
Athens boro',. John Snell jr 1854 49 16 . - 32 54 16 62
Albany, D. F. Miller 69 97 36 00 .. 34 97
Asylum C. Strong, 40 39 18 70 461 17 08 ....
Durell John Stevens, 175 82 130 00 .. 39 82
Franklin DavidSmilev, 23 42 14 70 1 56 7 10 ....
Herrick..... Richard Hillis, 147 86 60 00 ; ..I .. 97 86
Lerov, J. P. Vanfleet 55 28 36 27 458 14 43 ....
Overton, James Heverlev 20 09 Is 00 2 00
Pike, M.C.Ellsworth', 166 43 124 66 79 40 98
Rome. ..... Joseph Allen, 38 32 38 32 ..
Ridgberry, Charles French, 256 86 104 00 .. •• 152 86
SmithSeld, Thomas J. Wheeler, 86 44 45 10 904 32 24
Springfield Hiram Spear, 207 36 200 00 1 83 6 63
South Creek, Ira Crane, 53 31 10 61 |22 15 11 56
Standing Stone,. John Tay10r,..... 68 86 682 14 41 38 03
Tusearora, Oliver Marner 61 85 41 87 6 41 13 57 ....
Towanda North Chester Bennett, 59 20 45 00 .. 14 20 |
Towanda South,., . Jamos Magill, 24 70 10 85 146.12 40 •••;.
Troy borough,.. Asa B.Moore, 14 07 .. •• 14 07;
Ulster H. D. Rogers,., 195 25 47 00 .. __ ■■ 148 25 '
Wyso.x Henry I'assmore 71 69 40 31 e3O 2o 08 1
Windham, A. Dunham, jr lib 78 82 88 383 -3 Oi | I
Wyalusing,... E.Whitney 178 20 .. •• 178 20
Wilmot,.'. David A brums, 33 24 „ " " •• 33 24
Athens Borough lohn Snell jr 266 93 220 00 .. . 46 93
Athens Township Xathan Edminstcr, l*ftl 28 666 00 ... . 306 28
Albany, ... Sylvester Chapman, v..'.. 157 41 *'7 00 .. 90 41
Asylum SIC. Strong 263 17 190 00 .. 73 17
Armenia L. W. Gardner 49 57 43 47 3 B'i 2-8 ....
Burlington, Jeretnsah Travis,jr 418 10 324 00 .. 161 10
Burlington Borough,... AsahelSmith, .' 48 48 46 00 . 2 42
Canton..... John Gray 407 70 3SO 10 <6O -0 00
Columbia,.. PelegPeckham, 421 IC 395 so 447 -0 83
Durell William Brannd, 246 65 I#s 92 60 73
Franklin, F. F. Fairehihl, 127 72 95 00 .. .. 32 72
Granville C.D.Ross,... 245 57 192 00 .. 53 57
Herrick Richard Hillis 157 33 66 00 102 33
Litchfield,. B. D.Cooper, 268 93 -48 50 20 43
Leltoy,... Nathan" Kilbour, 227 75 }"■> 00 52 75
Monroe Township, riamuelCote, 379 94 24 92 .. 82 52
Orwell, A. W. Algier 357 45 7 <7 .. .. 99 08
Overton,.., James Heyerlcy, 64 73 -2 00 .. .. 42 73
Pike,'. ". i Stephen Brink 600 99 223 00 .. 383 99
Ridglierrv Jesse Hammond, 282 08 212 00 ,40 04
Rome, S.C.Mann, 296 10 21. 0 499 14 66 59 01
Sheshequin, John Brink, 510 79 415 61 .. .. 91 18 1
Smithfield, T.J.Wheeler 307 45 421 40 .. 86 05
Springfield Frederick White 3<3 16 316 07 948 18 21 ....
Standing Stone Jonathan Wood, 235 68 -02 00 .. "I 33 68 |
South Creek, Ira Crane 179 32 IJO 00 .■ ■ ! 29 32 ■
Svlvania Borough, Peter Monroe, 52 29 19 33 30 - 00 . .... J
Tuscarora, Demon Ackley 196 11 95 00 j 100 11
Towanda borough, V.J.Noble, 1112 21 10.9 53 ; 82 68 j
Towanda Township,,... James Magill, 194 49 135 it 08 i 5
Towanda North, W. W. F.asterbrook 163 75 97 o0 60 25
Troy Township, Johnson Willians 491 56 ! '-9o 00 300 24 5.) 179 01
Troy Borough, Asa B. Moore, 192 38 j 181 <1 111 956 ,
Ulster I>. O. Chubbuck,. 2*4 82 j 193 00 91 82
Wvsox J.B.Hines 400 90 I 200 00 ! 140 90
Wyalusing,...* Hiram Elliott,.. 30V 90 j 295 00 - - 1 <1 90 j
Wells .... James Mitchell,. 336 61 1 30 10 13 35 16 16
Warren H. Whittaker,. 409 74 : 385 18 429 20 27
Windham .- J.W.Warner, 337 33 ,248 05 .. 89 21
Wilmot J. I- Jones, j 12148 j 42 09 .. „ 79 39
! 15.641 90 i 10.830 36 173 57 418 98 4219 07
Dr. Prccepter Forbes, Trtasnrtr of Bradford Co., in account icit/t said County, Cr.
To amount of Duplicates prior to 1855 *2,781 29 By amount returned on dupl. prior to 1855,. *1,247 36
for " 12.857 69 " of " 2,971 71 j
To amount of iniesellaneous recti vats 138 81 By exonerations allowed collectors li 3 57 1
To amount of Abatement allowed County on By amount of per centaga allowed collectors,. 418 98
pavment of State tax 21163 By amount of County orders redeemed in 1855 13,538 93
To ainovnt in Treasury, Jan. 1, 1855, 8,393 99 By 2 per cent, commission on the sauic 270 77
By 1$ per cent, commission on $10,965 17 .... 164 47
*18,785 79 :
! Amount in Treasury, Jan. 1, 1866, 6.5,86 62
124.372 41 *24,372 41 1
Dr. Preceptor Forbes, Treasurer of Brad. Co., in acc't inth the CowCih of Penn'a, Cr.
To amount of duplicates prior to 1*55, *4,409 39 By amount returned on dup. prior to 1855, *1,876 17 ,
•• of " 12,467 91 " of " . . 2,827 00 !
By amount of exonerations allowed collectors, 231 64
By amount of per rentage allowed coliectors, 356 33 j
I By commission on $11,585 16, st 1 per cent 115 85 !
' By order from Auditor General to pay J. Keel, 16 00 j
By uneurrent money in treasury, Jan. 1, 1856, 14 30 1
IBy State Treasurer's receipt, June 25, 1865,. . 9,473 68 ;
*14.911 97
By amount due the Commonwealth, 1,965 33 I
*16,877 30 ' *16,877 30
Dr. County Orders in account tcith Bradford County, Cr. j
Orders issued in 1855... $13,546 15 I By orders returned in 1855, *13,538 93
Orders outstanding Jan. 1, 1855, 173 31 j By orders outstanding Jan. 1,1826 180 55 j
*13.719 46 ! *13,719 46
. . . BRADFORD COUNTY, 88.—We, the undersigned, Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify,
L. S. the above to be a true and correct statement of the Rcceivals and Expenditures of Bradford County, from the
—. — Ist day of January to the 31st of l>ecembr, 1855, inclusive.
Given under our hands and seals, at Towanda, this 23d day of January, 1356.
G. 11. BULL, '• Commissioners.
Attest—E. M. FARRAR. Clerk. ' P. 11. BUCK.
"Yf OTICE. —The Commissioners of Bradford
1A County have fixed.upon the following days and pla
ces, respectively, for holding the Appeal* for 1856, viz :
Towanda borough, at the Commissioner's Office, Monday,
February 25.
Ulster at the house of P. P. Sweet, Tuesday, 26th ;
Athens township and borough, at the house of W. Oim
sted, Wednesday, 27th;
Ridgberry at the house of C. O. French, Thursday, 28th ;
South Creek at the house of Kben Dunning. Friday,29th ;
Well* at the house of R. R. Heck with. Saturday .March 1-t;
Svlvania borough and Columbia at the house of L. F.
"Goctchius. Monday, 3d ; '
Troy townfchip and borough, at the houMt of WJU. S. D>b
bins, on Tuesdav, 4th ;
Springfield, at the'house of H. W. Root . Wednesday, sth ;
Smithfield at the Rouse of I. A. King-Icy. Thursday, 6th;
East Burlingbin, Burlington, and Burlington boro at the
house of •!). D. McGcc, Friday, 7th ;
North and South Towanda at the Commissioner's Office,
Saturday, Bth ;
Franklin at the house of S. Smiley, Tuesday. 11th ;
Leßnv at the house of H. Holeomb, 11 ednesdav, 12th ;
Canton at tlx- house of A. IYSpalding. Thursday. 13th ;
Armenia at the house of I. S. Hocker, I* riday, 14th ;
Granville at the boose of Franklin Taylor, Saturday .l.>th ;
Durell at the houe of Simeon Decker, Monday, 17th ;
Asylum at the house of Uriah Terry. Tuesday, I*th ;
Wilmot at the house of J. L. Jones. Wednesday, 19th ;
Albany st the house of S. 11 illeox, Thursday, 20th ;
Overton at the house of 11. IV altman, Friday, 2lst;
MOUHK' tuwnsnip and tiorongh at the house of Ethel Tay
lor, Saturday, 22d ; '
Rome at the house of H. Hicks, Monday, - Ith ;
Sheshequin at the house of H. Kinney Tuesday. 2,.th ;
Libdifield at the house of C. Bloodgood. l^nesday. 24tli;
Windham nt the house of Harry ltusael , Thursilay, ;
Warren at the house ot R. Cooper, Friday, 28tn ;
Orwell at the house of C. O. Gridlcy, Saturday, 39th ;
Viice at the house of Seymour Cjmfield, Monday, 31*1,
Herrfclr at the Itorand tlchbolhouse, Tueday, April 1-d ;
Tuscarora at tbe house of Harry Ackjey. M ednesday. 2l;
Wyalusing at the house of J. FL Black, Thursday. 3d ;
Standing Stone at the tavern naar Henry W. Tracy s, F n
Wvsox at the house of J. M. Reed, Saturday■ oth ;
The Assessors will be punctual in delivering,the notice*
to tbe toxnbles, and to making their return* on the day
detenated in their warrants, at which tinie and plate the
& ofl iston will attend and hear all such as think
themselves aggrieved by *M assesMwat. and make auch
deduction anTslterat ion* a* to tbcm shall seem just.
OUUU H ALL A RUSSELL'S, for which tbe high
' toods'of GR V is'wantcd for (hmdsy ior on ac
rn ,nt. for which the higbr.-t IUSTV- t pn.C will 1" paid
Tenant*, N.octmbtr 2- D
TAMES HARRIS, Et.KCTHIciAN, of Towanda, respect
fully informs the public that he ha* lately procured
from New York the celebrated Fllectro-Ohemical Hath,
which has proven to he one of the iqostimportant and
wonderful discoveries of the age. from its ability to extract
minerals fruiu tlie human system.
Some eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco
vered the process of extracting minerals from the lx.dv,
by galvanism ; more recently, M. Verges, of New York,
an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of
poisonous mineral- into his system in the prosecution of
his art, conceived the idea of'removing them by the same
process,.*., be succeeded in doing so, and quickly recovered.
He then applied the same mean* to others similarly af
fected. with like results. His exceeded his most
sanguine expectation*, for not only did these Bath* remove
mineral poisons, butenred nmnv diseases, some of which
were the re-utt of mineral*, and some were not.
More recent cxi>eriiiietit* liave fully contirm.-i the sin
gular power of tin* Batli to draw from the system all mi
neral* that may lie lodged therein, to the
of health. Very often person* are afflicted TIV diseases
which are lievond the comprehension of the most skilful
physicians, and which are the effect of poisonous mine
ral* accumulating in the system for years, taken in the
shape of calomel, lead; See. Ac. ;
The following are sonie of the diseases cured by these
hath*: Rheumatism, Paralysis, Palsy, Painter's Cholie,
Chronic I'kens. Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer.
Neuralia in all it* forms, Salt Rheuin and Humors of all
He ha* also S. B. Smith's ncwlv invented DIRECT AND
i* a great improvement on the M.ignetic machines heretic
fore in use. With tto- aid of the Bath and Machine, we
have at command all the available medical efficicqcy of
Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is verv
great, in 'introducing medicine* into the system through
the pore.* of the skin—applying it directly to the parts af
fected, whieh give* an increase of medicinal power over
that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular
ly efficacious in all local diseases.
" I am now prepared to apitly these Baths, and also the
Machine*, at my house in the south part of the tsirough
of Towanda, or I will visit patient* at a distance, who see
unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo
derate prices.
I am also sole agent for Bradford county, for the
Machines. J AMFIK H ABRI9.
Towanda. December 22, 1855.
Book and Periodical Agencv.
MLAUHININ, Post Office Budding:
• Dealer in all kind* of new and popular BOOKS, PE-
CAUDS, Ac... Ac., will supply all order* for anything in the
above w iiii promptness and de-p itch
To- Ju l* 'v H. !*- -1
Ccgal &&ocrtiemeutg.
ECU TOR'S NOTICE, —AII persons in
rJ dcbted to the estate of M A RY C'ARMEB. deceased,
late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and ail persons having demand*
again*t said estate art requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. WILLIAM CALM Lit,
Octoiier 20. 1855. Executor.
_L 186 C—Bradford County Court.
;C. Hunsiker Jobu Eiglmey, jr. '. issue.
J Cash ft Warner, J. Woodruff, garnishee. At. Ex.
David Bartjer, John Snyder, Appeal.
Pennington ft Hoffn Alvtn Seward, Ejectment.
David Barber, Stephen R. Chandler, Set. Fa.
Jacob Reel, Francis H. Arnold, Appeal.
Jno. Towlhiaon ftCo Benj. B. Slade'a Adra'a. Debt.
Van Dusen ft Jagger John G Russell et al d<>
William E. Gore, Collins M. Segnr, Sci. Fa.Bail.
David Barber. Josiah Hcndershot, Sci. Fa.
B. Coolbaugh's adm. H. S- Salsbury, Appeal.
David Hapeman, Thomas Hart, do
Andrew C. Craig, John Flood, Debt.
Luther Dan, Uahel Loomis, Case.
Judson Holcomb, C X Shipman Trover.
Rrastus Lovett, Joseph Beely, Ejectment.
E. W. Raird, John M. Fox, do
W. B. Dunham et al. Ilczekiah Darling, Appeal,
lairk Bird. Lorenzo X. Tinkham, do
James A. Paine, John Hanson, Case.
Rogers Fowler, 0- Rehrader, Appeal.
Comth of Penn'a, D Hapeman et al Debt.
John M. Pike, Henry Merrill, Appeal.
Stephen Hopkins, Wm. H. Fritcher, do
Margaret Roberts, John Roger*, Ejectment.
John Rogers, Abby Ann Swain, do
Stephen Pierce, David Corbv et al. * do
Henry Cr.unmoud, Russell Spalding, do
same do et ul. do
same 0. F. Spalding, do
same Charles Drake et al. do
Crane ft Caldwell, Asa D Brown, . Case.
Cha*. W. Hawkins, Wm. Campbell, jJDebt.
F. A. Saxton ftCo. John Taylor, Trespass.
Wm. H. Russell, Job Dean. Ejectment.
Manson Elsbree, William A1 gears. Appeal.*
Edward Grains, Wm. S. Dobbins, Debt.
Geo B Wolcott, John S Williston, Appeal.
Bt. Kingsbere's use.'Zebulon Essclstlue, jSci. Fa. M.
Lyman Reynolds use William Rogers, Issue,
same " same do
same same do
M II Oreenraan Henry Kingsbcry, Debt.
11 S Davidson Daniel Harkina, * Case.
rLAiNTiTFS. 1 defendants. Case.
Welles ft Harris' use Valentine Smith, Appeal.
Charles Vial), S. B.Overton. do
John Snyder, Edmund Sickler, do
same same, do
H. F. Burt, Kenower Wormly, Case.
J. .Southword's use, John Griffin. Replevin.
I.ucius Gibbs Lewis K Gibbs, Case.
Chas R Scouton, X T Dickinson, Ejectment.
John M. Read, Jas Wood and ter. ten. do
same Clark Camp et al. Sci. Fa. M.
Louisa C. Jackson, Horace WifiUton, jr. Appeal.
C R Brown, E N Koeler, Case.
Ezra Spalding, John M Martin, do
Wiliiston ft Elwell, David Cash, Appeal.
Samuel A Tenant, John Powers et ul Trespass.
Franklin Andrews Geo. McClelland et al. Replevin.
Mary Caton's trust's Ira Wolcott et al. do
same Andrew Burn side, Debt.
John M. Pike, John Kemp, -S.-i.Fa. bail.
John Ingham. K. Lewis, bail, ftc. Ejectment.
C. K. Rathbune, William Iligby, Appeal.
J. Henham's use, Case Briggs, et al. Sci. Fa.
J. X. Weston's exrs. Win. Brace, garnishes, Case.
Sarah E Kitcli, O P Ballard, Trespass.
John Darkness, \ Cummins et al Ejectment.
Reuben Wilber, Erastas Wolcott, do
same same, Appeal.
E.S.Tracy, Edmund la-wis. Case.
Johu Snyder, Santuel Osborne, do
Geo P Channel, C Thomas et al. Sci. Fa.
J O Frost's use, Arba White, Case.
Tp of Franklin, Jeremiah Myers, do
I Dougherty et ux Robert Ridgway, Kj< tiueut.
Ed Carpenter et al. J Powell et al " Debt.
J Tozer's exs Julius Tozer jr. Case,
Selar Satterlee, N' Adams et al Trespass.
Sanderson ft King'y I 7 D Baxter Kjeetment.
Howaril Spalding, " W ft E R R Case.
John Cole, 0 W Dudge. Appeal.
Henry Covert, James Minard do
Philo Fasset. ITimothy Brocks way do
for the second week to be m ide returna
ble on Monday, February 11, 1856, at 10, A. M., and for
the third week on the following Monday, Feb 18, at 10
A. M. ALLEN McKKAN, Prothonotary.
- is hereby given, that all persons iudelited to the es
tate of Richard Struble, deceased. late of ltnme townsliip,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay;
and nil persons having claims against said estate will
please present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
February 12, 1656. Administrators.
il is lierebv given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Thomas Miles, deceased. late of Canton Town
ship, ure hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated tor settlement.
Feb. 12, lMop. JOSEPH (>. VANDYKE. Admin'r.
is herebv given that all persons in del it oil to the es
tate of Hftßal.'EHlNCHMAN,deceased, late of Ridghnry
township, to make immediate imyment. and all persons
having demands against said estate, will present them du
lv authentieated for settlement.
'Jan. 19. iiOBBPH HIN'CHMAX, Admin'r.
XjL is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es
tate of URIAH LUCAS, deceased, late of Wells town
ship, are requested to make paymeut without delay : and
those having demands against saM estate will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
HENRY S. LUCAS. Administrator
January 23. with the will annexed.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is horc-
J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate
of John A. Ay res. dee'd., late of Wells twp.. have been
granted to the suliscriber. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them dulv attested for settlement to the subscriber.
February 6. MM. _J_ Executors.
1V i hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ol Thus. A. Strong, dee'd. late of Weils tp. are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against said estate, rnnst present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
February 6. MM. Administrators.
of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford t oun
tv, will he exposed to public sale on the premises, at 1
o clock, I*. M., Jon TUESDAY, the 12th day of March
next, the following described messuage, lot. piece or par
cel of land situate in the township of South Urcek, con
taining '.to acres, or thereatmuts, bounded as follows, viz :
On the north by lands of Fhilo Fassett and James Dewey,
east by land of F. 11. llrowu and on the south by,lands ot
Augustus Hillman, with about 60acres improved, with an
orchard thereon growing, and a framed house ami ham
thereon erected. Said lot of land belonging to the estate
of Wm. Decker, late of said township, dee'd and is the
same lot on which he resided at tiie time of his death. At
tendance will be given and terms of sale made known b\
the subscriber. . CAL\ IN WEST.
Ridgbury, Feb. 2.1856, Executor.
( UARDIAN'S SALE.—By virtue of an
Vl Orphan's Court of Bradford eouutp. I will expose to
public sale at 'the mansion house upon the premises, on
SATURDAY, the Bth day of M ARCH next, at one o'clock
I'. M.. the equal undivided one half part of all that tract of
land situate in' Franklin township. Bradford county, lxuin
ded on the north by lands of Braton Itahlw in. Kress \ ar
nev, and Daniel Webber \ on the east by lands of John
Weblier and J. Cranmer : on the south by T owanda creek,
and oh the west by lands of Samuel Shepard ami Braton
Baldwin. Containing about one hundred and thirty acres
with about sixty-live acres improved, and a framed dwel
ling house, two framed Isirns, and an apple orchard there
on. To le sold as the property of Sarah Fierce, wife of
W. C. Fierce, and Harriet Crandall, minor eliildr. n of Mer
rick Crandatl, deceased. IRAD 1\ ll.soX,
Feb. 7,l**lW>. Guardian.
4 UDI TOR S NOTICE —J* the nwtter of
j\. diitribulivg proceed* of Sheriff"* wit of (he prrto
no! property of Judnon Holeomb. 11l the Common Fleas
of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor the Court to distribute moneys in the Slier
tift's hands, raised bv sale of said defendant s personal es
tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough ot Towanda.on Wednesday, the 12th
day of March,Bl&>6, at two o'clock, F. M-. and all* per
sons having claims upon said money must pre ent them
at that time and place, or else be forever debarred front
the same.
February I. IMC. WM. KI.WKLI., Auditor.
a Jl is hercbv giveq. that all persons indebted to the es
tate of FREDERICK HALL, dee'd. late of Canton towu
twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay;- and all persons having claims against said estate will
please preseut them duly authenticated for settlement, to
C. E. Rafhboue. of Canton.
Feb T. U '.c Adnbui. tr.tiri\ wih n >ll ttiurxed
fHcrrl)cm?>ife, £~c.
.losroi'i i i'owEi.r7
Tk T ObLD respect fuilj, Hquouiiu tlc.t lu. is again l.ef'-ra
> V the people with a larjjc, rich and(kahiouubl* u>.oi i
uicnt of
FALL A XI) TJ7.Y77.7d GdODS,
to which the attention of the public Li invited, being con
firfent that he can offer inducement-' to ('ASH prrritneera
which will amply pay for nit examination of his stock.
His stock of Lablts Dnss GOODS I* complete, cousUt
ing of coWIe-d, watered, plain, black, changeable and plaid
Silk* ; plnin and plaid Merinos ; all wool Delaines ; plain
and figured Cashmeres; Monslin delaine*, Parmettw,
challi Delaines, plain nd twilled Persian cloth, Debt gas,
Alpaceas, Gingham*, Prints, Ac,
ALSO. Shawls —a large und magnificent assortment of
Brochu Long and Square Siiawb, plain woolen long and
square do.
LAMES' Cloth" — All colore, and trimmings.
Kmukomikkh-s—The largest and cheapest assortment uf
Indies embroidered COIIHTS, sleeves, bands and fionnciriM,
edgings and inserting*. ever offered for sale In Towanda.
Also, real thread. Smyrna, bobbin and cotton edgings, ait
widths and prices.
White AND LINES Coons, of every description, and t
all qualities. , Ft RMSmno Goons—Double and siuglc.fold Da
masks of various kinds; embroidered and lace curtains,
all qualities; window shades and trimming*; bleached
and uubleaclied table linens; napkins, colored tablu
spreads of various kinds, counterpanes, linen sheetings,
rose blanket*, gilt cornices and pms, stair rod*. Ao. Ac.
GLOVE.* asp HOSlEET—Everything la this line lor La
dies, misses, children, men apd )•>>*.
colored (floths of every qalltv and price, plain and fancy
(.'us-inn res, fancy velvets, plain and figured grenardiiia,
]ilain and figured silk, black satin and cashmere Vesting*,
and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky Jc.ins, satti
uetts, sheep greys, <Vc.
DOMESTICS—Of every description, purchased at very
close figures and ofiercii low. Flannels ofevery grade and
C AKPETJNOS—AII qualities. Ingrain and stair carpeting*,
oil cloths, Kush Mattings, Druggets. Ac.
YANKEE NOTIONS—AImost everythinglu the line, w hoi
sale aiid retail.
HATS A LAPS.— An assortment unequaled in Northern
Pennsylvania of Menu-' A Hoys lints and cap-, comprising
every variety of ailk. brown,"pearl and black fur HaU.—
Cloth, Plush and Fur Cap-'.
Buo-f.s A' SHOES—In this department there is, nor never
has been in. this market anything to compete with this
stock, in quality, quantity und price, which it would La
greatly to the interest of every man, woman and child to
examine who wishes to purchase
ln addition to the above enumerated articles there will
always be found a full assortment of I trocerlcs, Hardware,
Crockery and Giaeo-Ware. Paints', OiLs, and Dye StoffV
Leather and Shoe Fiuding*, Ac., Ac.
To hi* old Friends and Customers, the subscribeer would
tuke this method of expressing hi* gratitude for their libe
ral putronage, hoping still to merit and receive it, and to
others would extend an invitation to examine his stock,
being confident he can make it for their interest to do so,
Tuwaoda. Oct-1, 1*55 . JOSEPH I'D WELL.
11. S. MERC UK,
ust received his
C* INSISTING of DRY GOODS, or every kind.GROCE
/ HIES, a large assortment of HARDWARE. including
Harness and Carriage Trimmings, and Joiner's Tools of
every description ; Root*. Shoes, Leather and Shoe find
ing*. Hat*. Caps, and Fmbrelbo- ; Paper Hanging* and
W iudow Shade* ; Carpet* and Drugget : Oils Paints and
Dye stuff* ; Crockery and Glassware- ; Iron, Steel and
Nails ; Vt indow glass and Sash ; Camphiue, Burning Flu
id ami Varnishes of every kind : Pail*. Tuba, Mats. Ac.,
Ac., which will be sold as usual, very cheap for Cash.
Towanta, October 1,1*55.
And satisfy yourselves that
:vro:s T i ;s & co.
H A \ K the best and most complete assortment of NEW
GOODS. con.*i*{£iig of all grades ladies'and gent's
wood Cloths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain
and fancy cas.-imeres. sattiuet. tweeds, Kentucky jeans,
flannel*, liirscy*. All description.- Dress Goods, such a*
black, watered, changeable and plaid *ilk->, French meri
nos. Thibet cloth. Scotch wool plaid*, brown and black
mixed Debegcs, all wool and figured Delaines, plain aud
silk striped Alpaccas. Scotch and domestic ginghams,
children's plaids, Merrimack and other prints, of all vari
ctie.*. ■
An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, irtltfena,
glove*. Victoria ami Bishop lawn, book and jaconet mus
lin*. bonnet and dres* trimmings,silk, moire antique,moss
velvet and ribUm Trimming*. Fringes, black and white
*ilk*. linen thread, Maltese, and all kind-* wove linen and
cotton edgings, muslin band*, collar*, under sleeves, che
misette*. curtain drapery, brown, hlue and black dotted
embroidered veil*, stock.- aud gent's collars.
A variety of Talmas, gent's and lddie*' wool Shawl*.
Thibet, broehe and other .'.bawls, India and Zephyr scarf*,
children's woollen sleeves, hoods, muffs, assorted colored
Scotch yarn i o nfurteia, carpeting, drugget, horse blank
ets, Knell table spreads and diapers, counterpanes, Ac.
H AisnwAßE.—A large assortment of anvils, vice*, screw
plat e*. sledges, mill, cross cut. hand, and other kinds of
•siws. nail*, files, chain-, pump fixture*, fcqnaros. plumbs,
levels, planes and saw handles, mouhliiigand bench plane*.
House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Saddle
ry Trimming*. KIICII US brass and silvered Imnds.axletrees.
bolt*, enamelled top-leather and cloth, dash leather, cloth
damask and lace trimmings. Brass, silvered and russet
hatne*. japanned, silvered and hrus* buckle*, hitts, snaps,
breeching ring*, trace hook chains, harness leatlier. Ac.
SHOE FINDINGS. —Tiic largest assortment in town, con
si-ting of pegs, lasts, nick's and boy's boot trees, crimps,
and iron*, bristle*, thread.*, all kind* bench tools, heel
I*ll. blacking, bindings, lining morocco, kip. French and
American calf skins, cow hide, oak and hemlock leather.
PAINTS, OILS, Ar.—Stone and white zincs, white and
reil lead. Paris chrome and verdigris greens, Ohio and
other Paint*, sugar lead, litherage. Japan varnish, coach,
furniture and saddler's varnish,linseed, lamp anil tanner's
oil, alcohol, campheue, fluid and putty.
BOOTS AND SHOES.- -Men'* and boy * calf, kip and cow
hide boots and shoes, women's kid, enamelled, morocco,
calf and kip lace boots, morocco, patent leather, cuanicU
ed att'd kid buskin*, variety gnifers and slipper*, misses',
boy's and infant's shoes, of all descriptions, gent's, ladies'
misses' and children's rubber shoes, and ladies' high top
rubber boot*.
YANKEE NOTIONS—wiII be found of nil kinds, comprising
ladies' and gent's port monnais, India rublier, back. puff,
side and circle combs, pocket, ivory, shell side and other
combs, gilt, ht*ting. velvet coat and vest buttons, ngatc,
ivory, glass aud silk buttons ; razor strops, soaps, brush
es. Ac. Ac.
The usual large supply of Crockery. Groceries. Hat*.
Caps, Bonnets. Fur*. Unites. - Wash tubs. Pails, Measures,
Sash, Gia**. Paper Haughty-, Window- shades, I'lubretlas,
Iron. Steel, Ac. ]
49" CASH t-the *tuff to buy-Good* with. C*H andtry
the experiment. Towanda, November y, IR.V>.
If AS ju*t receivnl n full supply of FAM-
I ILY GROCKItI KS, wltieh he will sell cheap for
Cash. Thankft 1 for the very liberal patronage extended
to him during the pa -t season,he would most respectfully
a-k a contiuuance of the same.
Ca*lt paid for-most kind* of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and
Farmers Produce generally. October in, lx.V>.
vVUW\ BUSH. KVK wanted immediately
r\/ for which the highest market price in cash
will be paid. Oct. 12. K. T. FOX.
rprRKS I!SJa AN I) SALT, both lumps and
I. ground, at OctJ FoX'S._
N E \V G 0 0 1) S .
J. Harvey Phinny, Jr.
I> jn.t receiving.a general a-sortim-nt of FALL A WIN
TER GOODS, coii-isting of the usual variety of
J)j-,/ (,'</< <h. Groceries, Ifnrdicirr, Crorlrri),
(llnsstrarc, Hoots A S fires. /V? tiffs,
Oits, ftfnss. Vi/rs. S~r.. far.
all of which will 1* -old u* usual for < 'ash. or exchanged
for Produce cheaper titan can he had at any other store in
Towanda. Person* wishing to purchase Goods for cash
will do well to call and examine hi* stock and price*, cor
ner of Bridge and Main street*.
ae'Ca-lt paid for Butter. Pork and Grain. Oct 20
I>OOK AfJKVCY. Tito stihserihers have
y established a Bonk Agency in Philadelphia. and will
furnish anv hook or publication at the retail price, free of
postage. Any person*, bv forwarding the subscription
price of ait v of the *:< Magnzities. *itch a* Harper's. Go
(lev'*. Putnam's. Grahatn's. Frank Leslie's Fashions. Ac.,
will receive -the magaziitis for one tear and a cop> of a
splendid lithograph portrait of either Washington. Jack
son or CL-tv : or. if subscribing to a *2 and a #1 magazine
thev will receive a r-opv of-eitlu-rof the three portrait*.
if -wh.-cribitqc to $0 werthor Magazines, all three portrait*
will be sent gratis. Mn.-ic fnfni*heil to those who may
wish it. ' * ; . , it
Envelopes of every dcsci ipt iott and size in large or-man
I quantities furnished. Seal Prc*se.-. Ac. sent to order,
i Fverv description of Engraving on \\ ootl executed with
' neatness and di.*]mt tt-- Views ..f Butlditigr. News,caper
I Headings. View- of Machinery. !>""k I!lu-t,-atlons T.odge
I . ertilicatc- I'ci-inc*sCard*. Ac. M order* scut hv mart
! promptly attended- to. Pcr-ons wishing view* of their
laiilding- engnive*! can f-etid a I offucrrotypc or skdrh
oHlm hu.ld.n?- by mail or express.
Person* at a distance hiving stilcahle article* would
find it to their advantage to add re.-- the subscribers. *
wc would act a* agents for the - rtc of the same.
60 SoiitU Thiril Strut, Pbiladclphu. Pa.
J. it. m*. _ T M\V riFßfr.
dir-Mic ( a-BOrttm-lil thlo-ldeof ipo F-ni-ia ijl* m , \-
be f- ml at i"2'l I'tM.A A M.-iMM -