TIN: SCHOOL MASTER OF OUR REPUBLIC.— When our republic rose, Noah Webster bc ,..„ne its school-master. There had never been ji'.rreat nation with a universal language with out dialects. The Yorkshireman cannot now t .,ik with a man from Cornwall. The peas lUlt of the Liguarian Appeuincs, drives his oats home at evening, over hills that look down on six provinces, none of whose dialects he can speak. Here, five thousand miles change not the sound of a word. Around every fire side and from every tribune, in every field of j.,hor and every factory of toil, is heard the .ante tongue. We owe It to Webster. He ha< done for us mere than Alfred did for Eng ird or Cadamus for Greece. His books have educated three generations. Tliey are forever multiplying his innumerable army of thinkers, w |io will transmit his name from age to age. at the Metropolis Republican Committees of Vigilance. I .■-a THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY .jfigy&gjPfedl,. COMMITTEE of Bradford, have ap * ~ pointed the following persons ax Committee* of Vigilance for theft respective districts, for Uhany-WelD Wilcox, M. H. Codding, John Sterigcre, \rnwrfia—Alfred Ripley, David S. Becker, Albaßurnham, Horton. J. H. Morrow, Geo. W. Ingham, \tWi^'township— S. W. Park, John Griffin, David Gard- j , ' Emstus Wolcott; Athens borough—X. C. Harris, C. Hupsiker, I. S. Kceler, j n B Cotton; u ,riii)2tou—Roswell Luther, J. W. Spencer, D. M. Alex ander James NRhol*; I Burlington West—Plynn Phelps jr., Perry R. Pratt, S. H. -tiles. J. B. McKean : Kurlisi 'ton borough—Philander Long, Chester King-ley, Charles Lewis, X. T. DiokerSon : Columbia—James Iluilock, Dummer I.illey, Andrew Ger net, Isaac Strait * Cuiton—S. Newman. M. H.Case, S. Owens. W .Lawrence; Purfl—tt. Bull. I). L. Stantes, U. Moody. Edw'd Hornet; yranklin Nelson Gilbert, Thomas Smiley, J. M. Martin, j Fcstns F. Fairchild : [ Granville lutuiuu l'utnam, William Ilunyon, Benjamin : Saltan, Harrison Ross: i Herrick- 1. A. Park. E. Carr, A. It Brown, Abel Bolles ; ; Lit.htield— Mil" Merrill,Cyrus Blood good, Stephen Evans, ; Heman Moore: l*-Uov A- D- Foss, S. Bailey. Charles Lamb, John Cole ; ; Moi'rne township—Freeman Sweet, Daniel Decker, Chas. j V;. llollon. Rowland Rockwell ; .roc borough—E. B. Cnolbaugh, S. S. Hiuman, Antlio nv Mull in. J. L. Rockwell ; iirwcli --S. N Branson, John W. l'ayson, Henry Gibbs, ' I. G. Mathews; Overt >n -James M. H iverley, William Waltman, Orange j ( use. George Hottenstine : l'ike -K. Craudal, It 1!. Bailey, E. S. Skeel. G. W. Brink ; j jl'one— P. Fori>os, O. Voting. J. ft. T->wner.F.W.\Livnard; | v ,\, m r yjo'per. H. Owen, W. Steven ,J.D.Hammond 1 - ic'lie uiin -0. H. P. Kinney, Charles Chaffee, O. W. j ll.His. A. J.Cole; Snriiigfield— C. H. Campbell, Amtwose G.Brown, Amos j Knapp. Isaac F. Bullock ; ■ I Smithlield—G. K. McVannon, Orpheus K. Bird, Clinton ' {•;. Wood. K. G. Durfey; j s .iitli Creek— W. Y. Glines, Ira Crane, J. F. Gillet, Linus j Williams; S:inilingSeams—William Griffis, Henry Xoble, William j King-lev.George A.Stephens; sylvania Borough—Peter Monroe, X. 11. McCullom, L. X. j Tiukham, James 11. Xash ; j T,. r re. -Edw'd C. Wells. A. J. Cogswell, Henry Mont- ; gomerv, Davis Gray : I , r ,iii.li borough —Jere Culp, Frank Overton, Wallts I Bull. Pereival Powell ; To-.ir,da HiramC. Fox, Samuel C.Means, J. H. Decker, L. P. Bowman; N -tli Towand.i—Ucorge Mills, A. D. Kingsbery, Ezra Kuttv. Samuel Strattim: Tr v le'iruugh- E. It Parsons, George I'. Newberry, Dan'l . Bobbin-. I>. S. I'art; froy t iwu. X. II ive.is: ' 1 tVrsoj Moses Canfield -M. J. Coolbaugh, I. P. Spalding, George St rope: rfv.iiu.itig -C. K. Ingham, Francis Hornet, Elisha Lewis, ' Harry i lark : | Marreti—Miles Prince, Jacob Rogers. James Cooper, Mi- j HTri.i Chaffee ; Pi* l.orenzojGrinnell, John Brownell, Xewell I-eott srd. John ilraotol ; Windham— I'latt Vandyke, James M. Peck, James Olm- | -ted. William S. Babuock ; W ::w.t Jonathan Buttles, J. H. Turrell. J. L. Jones, : lltrain St .nr. -' Tin- Committees of Vigilance will call primary , ••(■tings at sweh times as the County Committee may iv -.-liter designate. ALLEN' McKEAX. Jammrv 22. 1856. Chairman. ! KKV. MR. WHITCOMB, (I'nivcrsalist) will QJv speak, in the Court House, oil the afternoon and • ii-uinguf tin-fourth Sabbath inst Ist from John v. 28 ind i.); 2d from Ist Peter iv. It. Inquirer* and the pub ;unl e-pecially sinners, are invited to attend. Services to commence at 2 o'clock, and at t> j o'clock, P. M. s. All win lore Our lord Je-us Christ, iu sincerity, an- respectfully invited to aid us in hymning the praises ■' liiolc-miug Love 1 Februarys, I*.*> 6. !:i this place, on tVedncsdav evening, I.lth instant. ly the Rev. Julius Foster. J AMffS M. WAKI), of St. Louis, Mo. t-> \fiss LOUISA, daughter of Edward Overton, Esq., of this place. 1 Xctc 1 PMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice l is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tof Richard Strulde, deceased, late of Uome township, a'r hereby requested to make payment without delay; •CM ail persons having claims against said estate will jiliuM- pre* ut them duly authenticated for settlement. I.T'CY STRUBLK. DAVID STRUBLK, Kfi.r.iari 12. 1 5.16. Ailiniuistratora. \ Ii.MIMSTIIATOU'S NOTlCE.—Notice A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es of Thoui.n Mills, deceased. Late of Canton Town ■ up. an- hereby requested to make payment withont de and all persons having claims against said estate will i'-sist pre-eut them duly authenticated for settlement. I-i l.' K..,, JOSEPH G. VANDYKE, Admin'r. ( 1 1sOVKK TIMOTHY qnan ' tv -J large and Small Clover and Timothv SEED, received by feh 12 J. POW ELL. ('LOVER & TIMOTHY SEEI>.—A quan of West Branch and Orwell < 'lover Seed and Tim >thy -..,.,1; ;,| M, a quantity of MESS PORK, bv the hbl. C'r:.irv i )s.-,,i. ' BAM.EY A KEVINS. liAKKUY U 11ESTAU RANT. One Door Xorth of the Ward House. Pilh mWriV r would respectfully inform his friends * "it!, public generally that lie has opened a DA* \NI> EATING SALOON, one door north of the 1!mu„. where lie intend to keep constantly on hand is-sirtment of everything in the line, such as Bread, ' ' Risk. CvacVers, Jumbles, all kinds of Cake, Ac. ! - in* d the services of an experienced linker, and "■ -ili but tlie liest brands of Hour, he feels confident - satisfaction to all who may favor him with their "Ming and other parties furnished with whatever re -1 '• "ii -hurt notice and at the most reasonable rates. " us-ortmcut of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Ac., kept - •••."" bmil and sold at the cheapest rates. r '-r.sH 11YSI EltS received three times jier week by : . ari 1 „.;,i wholesale and retiil. " ■' l offee served up at all hours. Don't forget the '- ' • "ue d'K.r north of the Ward House. r - 12, is 11. A. DURBAN K. MAY WINTER GOODS. Tracy dt Moore, J[ -WE JUST RECEIVED from N. York a large and well selected assortment of XXIV WINTER GOODS. '."'are lieen selected with unusual care, and pnrclias e w, -'*t possible rates. Feeling confident that we tlu ' ' ,I( ' s R Jr Ready Pay, as low as any establishment y e "ountry, we a>k the public to give us a call, and rstoekand prices. Dec. 1, IMS. LETTING.—SeaIed proposals v.i !,e received at the office of the Towanda Bridge i- 17 > " ltil '.'"clock, I'. M. of the 21st day of Febru ' i , rebuilding two spans of the Bridge. Also ii. , ' """"Hrv stone work to raise tlie same five feet C "Id Bridge level. ' ' "I'Citi' ations will lie exhibited on and after ;.dsy„f Fehniary. M. MEItCUR, Sec'y. • -• • January 21. 1*56. \ 'V,''KXTINKS ! VALENTINES !—A '■> l V l ' ' 1 , a ' N| rfiiient of Sentimental and Comic Ya* *". ''L "O cents each. Valentines an free of postage, on receipt of price. h, ~ M. LAUiiHLIS, Post Office Building, Towaoda. -Call and see our Drown, i'. /' f "'W-eand Pulverized Sugar* ; Fine Young ■' ' "a- warranted a superior article, or the -r-ale , hnip by B. KINGSBURY; ftliscdlaiKons. Clover and Timothy Seed. TUST RECEIVED, 50 bushel* TIMOTHY MEED (aprime article!; also 50 bushels of the Large CLOVER SEED, (from Darling's Clover mill in Orwell) and two loads of the Wert Branch Clover Seed. I have also 100 bushels of good SPRING WHEAT, for seed of my own raising. All of which is for aaleat the Woodside Farm, near Towanda. _ : . / February 9, 1856. E. W. HALE W EBST-ER'S QUARTO DICTIONARY T T T* to- every family, counting room, student and indeed every one who would know the righttt.se of language—the meaning, orthography, and pronunciation of word*, than agood EnglishDictumarv' —of daily necessity and-pernmnent value. WEIfeTKR-S UNABRIDGED is now the reeognized standard, " constantly elted and re lied on in our Courts of justice. In our legislative bodies and tn public discussions, as entirety conclusive," says Hon. JOUN C. SPEXCKB. Can / make a Hitter Investment ? " For copiousness, exactitude Of definition and adapttd ness to the present shite of science and literature,the most valuable works of the kind that I have ever seen in our language.''— President IVauland. Published by G. & C. MEURIAM, Springfield. Mass.— sold by all booksellers in TOwanda and elsewhere. W" Also Webster's School Dictionaries Feb9 I>RADFORD CO. TEACHER'S ASSO f- 9 CIATION—The regular quarterly meeting will be held m LERAYSVILLE, on Friday, 15th inst., at 11 A.M. An address will be delivered before the Association by P. D. MORKOW, E*q., and an Essav will be read by Miss S. BEN !I AM. The best method of teaching Geography—the impor tance of English composition as a branch of instruction tn j Common Schools, and the best method of teaching it—the establishing of Graded schools in rural districts—how Teachers may be awakened to a sense of the importance i and responsibilities of their office—these subjects and oth ers prominently connected with the subject of Education, will be considered at the ensuing meeting of the Associa tion. Feb. 9. JAS. McWILUAM. Secretary. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tlie Court House, in the boro'of Towanda. on TUESD AY, March 4th, 1856. at 1 j o'clock P. M„ the following lot. piece or parcel of land I situate in Monroe twp. beginning at an old oak stump on the line between Timothy Alden and Abner C'. Rockwell dec'-fl, on the bank of south branch of Townnda creek ; thence south east 6 perches to the centre of the turn pike road ; thence along the. centre of said road 30 2-10 ito a post; theuce south 37° west 30 perches to a post on tee line between Timothy A Men and S. W. Alden : thence along said line north 79° west . 2 perches to a -tone in the Towanda creek : thenae down the said cr ek, running the several courses thereof to its junction with the aforesaid ; south branch of the Towanda creek ; thence up the said south branch to the place of beginning. Containing about fifteen acres more or less, all improved, with ouc framed house and a few fruit trees thereon. Sci2ed and taken in execution at the suit of John Han son, to the use of Brown A Rockwell vs. \\. T. Bradford. AI.SO—A pice or parcel of land situate in Albany twp., bounded north, south and east bv lands of Armiah I .add, and west by the Berwick turnpike. Containing about 3i acres, more or less, all improved, one plank house, one store house, one steam mill, with machinery for manufac turing oara, shovel handles, Ac. and for sawing, grinding, Ac., and a framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chauncey X. Shipnun vs. Ichabod L. Quimby. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Athens bo rough, bounded north by lands of Edward Herrick. east by land of George Freebone, south by Canal street, and west by land of Russell White. Containing fifty feet front and eighty-four feet b.u-k. be the same more or less, *ll improved, one framed dwelliug house and shoe shop at tached thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A Harris vs. John Hendrickson. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of levari facias, a piece or parcel of land in South Creek township, distinguished as part and parcel of a lot Xo. 5685, and bounded and descri bed as follows : beginning at a norway pine standing at the north east corner of lot no. 5686. and on the line be tween the state ef New York and Pennsylvania, thenre south 469 perches to the south east corner of said last men tioned lot; thence from a birch tree standing at said cor ner east 373 perches to a beech tree standing at the south east corner of lot no. 5685 : thence north 116 perches to a hemlock : thence north 26° west 125 perches to a maple ; thenre north 40° west 19 perches to a norway pine ; thence north 20° west 95 perches to a norwav pine ; thence north 40° west 141 perches to a norway pine standing on the before-mentioned line between the state of New York and Pennsylvania ; thence along said boundary line north *7° west 100$ perches to the place of beginning. Containing 831 acres of land be the same more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jared Ar nold. to the use of R. A E. Coveli, vs. Wright Dunham and Ira Elsbrce and Geo. Dunham, terre tenant. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, I Towanda, Feb. 7.185 C. f 99" Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and ution failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again lie offer ed for rale. JOHN A. Uouniso. | Towanda Female Seminary. THE NEXT QUARTER of the Towanda Female Seminary under the charge of Misses HAN SON'S will commence on Monday, February 11. Towanda. January 30. 1856. J. D. HUMPHREY IS NOW RECEIVING an excellent assortment of gent's, boy's, ladies', children's and misses' BOOTS A BOOT ES. Also, Shoe I'egs, Thread. Linings and Findings, to which he invites public attention. All persons having unsettled accounts or notes due the subscriber, are invited to make payment. Those con venient inay call on C. Frisbic. Esq. or T. Humphrey, in Orwell, previous to the l.ith of February next, after which time delinquents may expect special invitations to visit Towanda. J. D. HUMPHREY. Towanda, January 9, 1*55. T IST OF JURORS drawn for February _I-J Term and Sessions, 1*56. srcono wkek. Burlington horo'—J E Vos- KheMieqiiin—Jer Kilmer ; burg. J V Daniels ; South ('reek -Gyrus Berk, Burlington tp—J J Haight ; D.iu H Gillett; Columbia—Je.-o>e Ed.-si 11 : Towanda Isiro'—Henry Has- Canton—A Hamilton Tho- sett, Walli* Bull; mas. Ezra Spalding. Jacob Troy tp—Ezra Loomis, S N Rockwell; Spalding ; Durell -Win Frisbie ; Tuscarora—Davis (Tray : Granville—Wives. Kendall; Hylvania bo—Sanil Soper ; 1/Rnv-J O Landon, Chris- Sinithfleld—M F Ransom ; topher Hartman ; Ulster—Ralph Russet; Monroe Im—Geo Tracy ; Towanda tp—E W Hale ; Pike—jL'has K Brown. Oliver Wvsox Gabriel King, IP Northrop, N B Briggs ; Spalding ; Springfield—L I. Beach. II Wells—C H Leonard : Potter. Hiram Spear, (,' H Wladhan —Charles Walker; Campbell; [Warren —H Ohamplin. THIRD WEEK. Athens tp—Edmund Hill; Ridgbe.rry—John Larritton, Albany—John Brown ; P IV Burnham ; Armenia- Robert Mason; Rome —F C Cranmer ; Asylum— Samuel Bacon ; Smithfield--Win H Pierce ; Burlington w—J O Blakslee Tuscardt*—Henry Montgo- Burlington Ihj —Abm Morley mery. J J Lewis ; Canton—F Hall. E Newman Towanda tp—S Dimmiek ; Allen Tavlor, jr; Towanda nortli—K Kutty : Columbia--W (i Bradford. Towanda boro'—Geo B Fox, Joseph tiladding ; J 1) Montanye. L H Scott; Franklin—Ezra Champion ;[Ulster —James McC'arty; Litchfield—J D Cortright : i Windham— B Elshree ; Orwell— H Gibtis, George WiWvsox—A C Whitney, Alva Hardy; C'ooley; Overton—- O cellent lot of superior SOLE T FATHER, to which iiubbc attention is rc-peetfnlly til' 'ted. Nov. 22. 1"5 i. J. D. HUJirilliLY. Annual Report, Of the Receipts and Expenditures ef Bradford Co. fr 1865, from Jan. 1, to Deo. f|* szpzarßKvmiUßS. Auditors, for auditing .public account*, SIOB 00 Brought forward, T.* 10,173 01 Assessors . 119156 Office books and Stationery,. 18175 Bridge Contracts .. . * 3179 93 Prisoner's support in county jail G4211 Bridge and Road Views 41 50 Prisoner's support in E. 8. Penitentiary,..... '. 22a 89 Bradford County Agricultural Society,. .!*!.... 100 00 Prisoner's support in State Lunatic Hospital,.. 154 63 Crier of Conrt , ... 73 50 Public Printiug, .......... 244 00 Constables making returns and attending court, 520 98 Registering marriages, births and death,.. 24 56 Costs in civil suits,.,.. 19 00 Repairs on public buildings, 33 09 Costs in Commonwealth suits,. 1039 02 Sheriff conveying prisoners to E-9. Penitentiary 625 00 Counsel to Commissioners, U-Mercer, 50 00 Sheriff snmmoning jurors,. v., 96 00 Clerk of Sessions, Ac., A. McKean, 303 55 Township line views '. ... 1G 50 Election Expenses 672 16 Wild cat certificates, 10 50 Fuel andt lights for public offices and jail 162 84 D. B. Cotton, Commissioner In 1854 4 50 Incidental expenses 97 82 LA. Park, " 1865, 124 00 Insurance on public buildings, 15150 S. Smiley, " 150 00 Justices inquisitions, 39 69 Geo. H. Bull, " 178 00 Jurors, Grand,.... • 525 82 P. H. Buck, " C 2 00 Jurors, Traverse,.. 1896 76 E. M. Farrar, Clerk to Commissioners, la 1855,, 600 00 Carried forward . 10,173 02 13,546 15 Account tcith the several Collectors of County Tares for Bradford County. Townships f Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Boroughs Collector s Names. ier (jharged. Collected. Exou'td. per cent. (hie. Standing Stone, Isaac W, Wextbrook ;. 1845 $lB 38 6 00 sl2 38 Albany Williams Lee, D 4' 106 83 . .... •• •• 10C 83 Athens twp John 11. Murray, 1852 118 26 .... .7 .. 118 26 Durell,.. Ransalecr Ross, , 9 68 9 68 .. .. .... Herrick, John E. Keeler,.... 29 58 .. 29 58 Rome Xathan Mayuard 27 20 445 270 20 05 j Wilmot V. Allen Woodruff, 36 43 .... .. .. 36 43 Albany, John Mathews 1853 21 62 .... 21 62 j Durell, Thomas A. Jennings, 75 45 20 00 15 42 19 80 20 23 j Leroy, Ledyard Chaapel 39 13 .... .. .. 39 13 ; Ulster Charles B. Kitchen 64 95 ...v .. •• 64 95 Wilmot, Edward Sliepard, 60 32 .... .. •• 60 32 ; Athens boro', John bnclljr 1854 49 16 ..•■ 32 64 16 62 .... Albany, I). K. Miller 69 97 35 00 .. .. 34 97 Asylum, S. C. Strong, 40 3'J 13 70 461 17 08 Durell John Stevens, 175 h2 136 00 .. 39 82 1 Franklin, David Sinilev, 23 42 11 "0 1 56 7 16 Herrick, Richard llillia 117 86 60 00 .. .. 97 86 Leroy, J. 1. Vanflett 65 28 36 27 468 14 43 Overton James Iltverley, 20 09 Is 00 2 00 .. j Pike M.C.Ellsworth, 16C 43 124 60 73 40 98 .... Rome, Joseph Allen 38 32 38 32 .. .. j Eidgberry Charles French, 256 86 104 00 .. .. 152 86 : Smithtiel'd Tlxoinas J. Wheeler, 86 44 45 16 904 32 24 Springfield, Hiram Spear, 207 36 200 00 1 83 .. 6 53 South Creek Ira Crane 53 31 13 01 22 15 11 55 .... i Standing Stone,.. John Taylor 68 66 •••• 582 14 41 38 63 i Tuscarora Oliver Warner 61 85 41 87 6 41 13 57 Towanda North, Chester Bennett 59 20 45 00 .. 14 20 Towanda South, James Magill, 24 70 10 85 146 12 40 .... Troy borough Asa B.Moore, 14 07 ... .. .. 14 07 Ulster H. D. Rogers, 195 25 47 00 j .. .. 149 25 Wysox, Henry Paxsmore 71 69 40 31 fl 30 2o 08 Windham A. Dunham, jr 108 78 92 88 383 23 07 .... 1 Wyalusing, E. Whitney, 178 20 •••• .. •• 1(8 20 ; Wilmot, David Abrams 33 24 •••• .. •• 33 24 J Athens 80r0ugh,....... John Sneli jr 266 93 220 00 .. . 46 93 : Athens Township, Xathan Edminster, 1021 28 655 00 .. . 366 26 Albanv, Sylvester Chapman, 157 41 6i 00 .. .. 90 41 Asylum, S, C. Strong, 263 17 06 __ 73 17 Armenia, L. W. Gardner 49 67 43 47 3 82 2 .8 .... Burlington, Jeremsah Travis,Jr 448 10 324 00 .. •• 164 10 Burliugton Borough tsahelSmith,. 48 49 46 06 2 42 .... Canton, John Gray 407 76 3f>o 10 766 -0 00 .... Columbia, Peleg PecKliam, 421 16 86 447 20 83 .... I'urell William Uraunil 246 66 lß>* J* .. •• 60 73 Franklin F. F. Fairchild, 127 72 9-> 00 .. .. 32 72 Granville, C. D. Ross, 245 57 191 60 .. .. 53 57 Herrick Richard llillis, 157 33 bo 00 .. .. 102 33 ; Litchfield, B. D. Cooper, 268 93 248 oO .. .. 20 43 ; I.eltoy Xatliau Kilbour,... 227 75 00 .. •• 52 75 Monroe Township Samuel Cole 379 94 24 92 .. .. 82 52 i Orwell, A. W. Algier 357 45 25• (7 .. .. 99 68 j Overton, James Ileverley 64 73 j 22 00 .. .. 42 73 i pike Stephen Brink 606 99 2.3 00 .. .. 383 99 | Ridgberrv Jesse Hammond, 252 08 - 1 '- 00 n ,40 04 ; Route, S.C.Mann, 296 16 217 50 (99 14 66 59 01, Sheshequin, John Brink, 316 79 Lju 61 Smithfield T.J. Wheeler 507 45 4.1 40 •; 86 05 j Springfield - Frederick White 373 16 340 07 948 18 .1 .... j Standing Stone Jonathan Wood, 235 68 , 202 00 .. .. 33 68 South Creek, 'lra Crane,.... 179 32 150 00 .. 29 32 j Sylvania 80r0ugh,.!... PeteT Monroe 52 29 49 33 36 260 .... Tuscarora, Demon Ackley, 195 11 95 00 .. .. 100 11 , Towanda borough A.J.Xoble, 1112 21 1029 3 .. 82 68 Towanda Township, ... iJanies Magill,. .T 194 49 13a <4 68 75 Towanda North IW. W. Kaxterbrook 163"75 97 50 .. 66 25 Troy Township, Johnson Willians, 491 56 285 00 300 24 5a 179 01 Trov Borough, Asa B. Moore, 192 38 Ulster D. O. Chubbuek •• 2*4 82 IJ3 00 .. 91 82 ; Wysox fJ. B. HiMS, 400 90 260 00 .. .. 140 90 W valusing,. Hiram Elliott, 36'• 90 255 00 .. .. 71 90 j Wells James Mitchell, 336 61 • 307 10 13 35 16 16 , Warren, 11. Whittaker 469 74 386 18 429 20 27 , .... i Windham, J.W.Warner, 337 33 248 05 .. 89 24, Wilmot J.L.Jones, 121 48 42 09 .. 79 39 j 15,641 90 10.830 36 173 67 418 98 (219 07 i Dr. I'recepter Forbes, Treasurer of Bradford Co., in account with said County, Cr. To amount of Duplicate* prior to 1855 $2,784 29 By amount returned on dupl. prior to 1855,.. $1,247 36 for " 12,857 9 " of " .. 2,97171 To amount or mirsellaneou.s receivals, 13s 81 By exonerations allowed collectors 173 57 To amount of Abatement allowed County on By amount of per centugo allowed collectors,. 418 98 pavment of State tax, 211 63 Uv amount of County-(rders redeemed in 1855 13,538 93 To amovnt in Treasury, Jan. 1, 1855, 8,3-83 99 By 2 per cent. roaiiuAiuiion the same 270 77 By 1 j per cent, commission ou $10,965 17.... 104 47 118,7*5 79 Amount in Treasury. Jan. 1, 1556, 55,86 62 $24,372 41 ' $24,372 41 Dr. Preceptor Forbes, Treasurer of Brad. Co., in acct with the Conf'th of Penn'a, Cr. To amount of duplicate* prior to 1X55,. $4,409 39 15v amount returned ou dup. prior to 1855,... $1,876 17 of •' ...... 12,467 91 " of " ... 2,827 00 By amount of exonerations allowed collectors, 231 6 4 By amount of per rentage allowed collectors, 356 33 By oouuuission on 111,585 16, at 1 per cent.. 115 85 By order from Auditor General to pay J. Reel, 16 00 By uncurrciit money in treasury, Jan. 1. 1856, 14 30 By State Treasurer's receipt, June 25, 1855,.. 9,473 68 $14,911 97 By amount due the Commonwealth 1,965 33 $16,877 30 • $16,877 30 Dr. County Orders in account with Bradford County, Cr. Orders issued in 1855 $13,546 15 By orders returned in 1855 $13,538 93 Orders outstanding Jan. 1, 1855, 773 31 By orders outstanding Jan. 1,1826, ISO 55 $13,719 46 $13,719 ( C .„ BRADFORD COUNTY, SS.—We, the undersigned, Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify. L. S. the above to be a true and correct statement of the Receivals and Expenditures of Bradford County, from the —,it day of January to the 31st of December, 1855, inclusive. Given under our hands and seals, at Towanda, this 23d day of January, 1856. fk BMILF.Y, ) G. H. BULL, Commissioucra. Attest—E. M. KABBAH, Clerk. P. H. BUCK. \ _ _ _ Nem CAt)tJcrtiscm<:nt. \rOTICE. —The Commissioners of Bradford JLI County have fixed upon the following day* and pla ces, respectively, for holding the Appeals for 1856, viz : Towanda borough, at the Commissioner's Office, Monday, February 25. Ulster at the house of P. P. Sweet, Tuesday, 26th ; Athens township and liorough, at the house of W. Olm sted, Wednesday, 27th : Bidgborry at the house of C.O. French. Thursday, 28th ; Smith Creek at the house of Kbcn Dunning. Friday,29th ; Wells at the house of R. R. Beck with. Saturday .March Ist; Svlvan ia borough aud Columbia at tlie house of L. F. "(ioetchius, Monday, 3 th ; Litchfield at the house of C. Bloodgood, Wednesday, 24th; Windham at the house of Harry Russell. Thursday, 27th ; Warren at the house of R. Cooper. Friday, 28th ; Orwell at the house of G. G. Gridlry. Saturday, 29th ; Pike at the house of Seymour Canfleld, Monday, 31st; Derrick at the Durand Sohooßmuse, Tuesday, April Ist; Tuseorora at the house of Harry Ackley, Wednesday, 2d ; Wvalusing at the house of J. H. Black, Thursday, 3d ; Standing Stone at the tavern near Henry W. Tracy a, Fri day, 4th; Wysox at the house of J. M. Reed. Saturday. sth ; The Assessors will be pnnctual in delivering the notices to the taxable*, and in making their returns on the day designated i their warrants, at which time and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear all such as think themselves aggrieved by said assessment, and make such deduction and alterations ha to them shall seem just. Bv order of the Commissioners, Jan. 23. E. M. FARRAR, Clerk. lA/tf k SHEEP PELTS WANTED, at HALL A RCSHELL'ri, for which the high est price w ill lie paid in C AbU. ilso all kirnls of GR UN wjntcl for Oods, or o" ac count, for which th" hiyhcM msrkcl price v ill be paid. Towanda, Noocntber 22, 1*5 j. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, AND DIRECT & TO & FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE, I AMES HARRIS, KLKCTRICIAN, of Towanda. respect fully informs the public that he has lately procured from New York the celebrated Electro-' hemiral liatlt, which has proven to be one of the most 'important and wonderful discoveries of the age. from its ability to extract j minerals from the human system. Some eight years ago. a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the process of extracting minerals from tin- h-.Jy, by galvanism : more recently. M. Verges, of New York, an elrctro-giicier, having suffered from the introduction of poisonous minerals into his system iu the prosecution of i his art, conceived the idea nf'rcmoving them by the same processes, he succeeded in doing so, and qnickly recovered. He then applied the same means to others similarly af fected, with like results. His success exceeded his ino-t sanguine expectations, for not only did these Maths remove mineral poisons, but cured many diseases, some of which were the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments have fully continued the sin gular power of this Il.ith to draw from the system all mi nerals that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Very often persons are attlicted by diseases which are beyond the comprehension of the most skilful physicians, and which are the effect of poisonous mine rals accumulating in the system tor years, taken in the shape of calomel, lead, Ac. e. The following are some of the diseases cured by these I baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis, Palsy, Painter's Cholic, Chronic Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer, Neuralia in all Its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all I kinds. He has also fv-R. Rmith'snewlv invented IHRECT AND I TO-AXD FRO ELBCTItO M AGNETIC MACHINE, which | is a great improvement on the Maguetic machines hereto fore in use. With the aid of the Rath and Machine, we have at command all the available medical efficiency of Electricity. The medical power of the Machine i verv great, in introducing medicines iuto the system through ! the |ore.s of the skin—applying it directly to the parts af- I fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular i ly efficacious in all local disex-es. I am now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the : Machines, at inv house iu the south part of the ls>rongli of Towanda, or 1 will visit patitnta at a distance, who are unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo derate prices. I lam also sole agent for Mradford county, for the above Machines. JAIfES HARRIS. Towanda, December 11, 1855. Book and Periodical Agency. M LAUGHLIN, Post Office BuMing : • Healer in all kinds of new and popular BOOKS, PE KTOPICAI.S, CHEAT PI-BLK ATIOXS, Main *NJ CHAHTS, . Picrvurs ANUFKAMES, FANCY ESVJIWM-E^.COSV ERS.VTION Ac., ,Vc., will supply all grders for anything in the aboi w.lb prompters- and -l^rst-.h, Touatria. January 19,I 9 , I>1. ■ gfprSWWWWIHWWI. TpXKCUTOITft NOTICE.—AH persons w ! Hi deUed to the estate of MARY CARMKK. deceased, ! Lit* of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to make : payment without delay, and all persons having demaud# ! against said estate are"requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. WILLIAM CAR Mi-111, Litchfield. Octolier 20. 1855. Executor. TRIAL LrST, for "FEBRUARY Term ISSG-—Bradford County Court. arc®no wuti. defendants. natcbe. i C. Hunsiker Jolia Eighney, Jr. Lsue. Cash A Warner, J. Woodruff, garnishee, At. £x. i David Barber, fob a Snyder, Appeal. Pennington A HoffuiAJvin Seward, Ejectment, i David Barber, $ Stephen R. Ciiandler, Sci. Fa. Jacob Reel, Fraucia H. Arnold, Appeal, i Jno. Towlinson ACo Bcnj. It. Slade's Adm's. Debt. ; Van Dusen * Jagger John G RoiweH et al do Will Run E. Gore, Coiiins M. Srgar, Sci. Fa.Bail. ' David Barber, fosiah Heudershot, Sri. Fa. B. Coolbaugh a adm IL S. Sulsbury, Appeal. David Haneman, Thomas Hart, do Ah drew C. Craig, John Flood, Debt. Lather Dnn, Isabel Lootnis, Case. Jndson Holromb, Clf Shipnian Trover. Erastus Lovctt, Joseph Seely, Ejectment. R. W. Baird, John M. Fox, do W. B. Puuliam et al. Hezekiah Darling, Appeal. Lark Bird. Lorenzo N. Tinkham, do Jiunes A. Paine, John Hanson, Case. Rogers Fowler, O- Schroder, Appeal. Coiuth of Penn'a, I) Hapenian et al Debt. John M. Pike, Henry Merrill, Appeal. Stephen Hopkins, Win. H. Kritcher, do Margaret Roberta, John Rogers, Ejectment.- John Rogers, Abby Attn Swain, do Stephen Pierce. David Corby et al. do Henry Crarainond, Russell Spalding, do same do et al. do same O. P. Spalding, do- - same Charles Drake et al. do Crane & Caldwell, Asa D Brown. (Case. Cha.l. \V. Hawkins, Wm. Campbell, Debt. F. A. Saxton ACo. John Taylor, ! Trespass. Wm. H. Russell, Job Dean, j Ejectment. M.ioson Elsbree, iWifflam Algcera, 'Appeal. Edward Craus, Win. S. Dobbins, Debt. Geo B Woleutt, (John S Williston, I Appeal, lit. Kingsbcre's irsc.jZebulon EsscUtine, -Sci. Fa. M. Lyman Reynolds u.,< William Rogers, Iss.ue. same " same do same same do M H Grcenman Henry Kingsbery, Debt. II S Davidson Daniel Ilarkius," Case. THIRD WEEK. ri.Al STIFFS. miFKNUANTfI. Case. Welles A Harris'use Valentine Smith, Appeal. Charles Viall, S. B. Overton, do John Snyder, Edmund Sickler, do same same, do H. F. Burt, IKenower Worrnly, Case. J. .S'outhword'g use. John Griffin. Replevin. Lucius Gibbs Lewis E tlilibs, Case. Chan R Scouton, N T Dickinson, Ejeetment. John M. Read, Jas Wood and ter. ten. do same Clark Camp et al. Sci. Fa. M. Ixmisa C. Jackson, Horace Williston, jr. Appeal. C II Brown, E X Keeler, 'Case. Ezra Spalding. John M Martin. do Williston A Elwell, David Cash, \ppcal.* Samuel A Tenant, John Powers et al Trespe.v*. i Krauklin Andrews Geo. McClelland et al. Replevin. Mary Caton's trustV !r:i Wolcott et al. do same Andrew Burnside, Debt. John M. Pike, John Kemp, S i.Fa. hall. John Ingham, R. la?wis, ball, 4c. Ejectment. C. K. Rathhone, William Higby, Appeal. J. Beuham's use. Case Briggs, et al. Sci. Fa. J. S, Weston's exrs. Win. Brace, garnishee, Case. Sarah L Fitch, () P Balla-id. Trespass. John Darkness, A Cummins et al Ejectment. Reuben Wilber, Erastus Wolcott, do same i same, • Appeal. E.S.Tracy, j Edmund Lewis, Case. John Snyder, j Samuel Osborne, do Geo P Channel, jC Thomas et al. Sci. Fa. j J O Frost's use, [Arba White, Case. Tp of Franklin, ! Jeremiah Myers, do I Dougherty et ux [Robert Ridgway, Ejectment. ! Ed Carpenter et al. IJ Powell et al * Debt. J Tozer's exs jJnlius Tozer jr. Case. Selar Satterlee. IV Adams et al Trespass. Sanderson 4 King'y IIJ I) Baxter Ejectment. ' Howard Spalding, |W AE R R Case. John Cole, jo W Dodge. tppeal. j Henry Covert, James Minanl I do Philo Fasset, (Timothy Brockaway I do •ySubpienas fur the second week to is- made rcturna- j hie on Monday, February 11, l*ot;, at 10, \. M., and for the third week on the following Monday, Feb. 18. at 10 j A- M. ALLEN" McKRAN', Prothonotary. A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ; -Fx. is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es- ' tatcof HORACE HIN'C HMAX,deceased,late of Ridgbnry township, to make immediate payiueut, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them du- Iv authenticated for settlement. Jan. lib JOSEPH HIXCHMAX. Admin'r. A I>M INISTR ATOII'S NOTlCE.—Notice Fl is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate of URIAH I.I'C.AS, deceased, late of Weils town ship, ate requested to make payment without delay: an.l those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HENRY 8. LUCAS, Administrator January 23. with the will annexed. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persona indebted to the es tate of Deborah Gregory. dee'd.. late of Pike twp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons huvinging claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. RALPH GREGORY, Pike. January 11, 1856. Adininistiator. NOTICE.—Notice is liere f by given tliat letters testamentary upon the estate of John A- Ay its, dee'd., late of Wells twp., have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to sai.l estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any said estate to present them duly attested tor settlement to the subscriber. CATHARINE AYRES, A. W. AYIiES, February il, 1856. Executors. A I*M IX ESTIMATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice IX. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot Thos. A. Strong, dee'd. late of Wells tp. are re quested to make payment without delay ; anil all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the aubscrilwrs. AMANDA J. STRONG, A. W. AYRES. February f>. ISSG. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE— By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Conn tv, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, at 1 o'clock, P. M.Jon TUESDAY, the 12th day of March next, the following described messuage, lot. piece or par cel of land situate iu the township of South Creek, con taining 95 acres, or thereabouts, bounded as follows, viz : On the noi-th by lands of Philo Fassett and James Dewey, east by land of F. R. Brown and on the south by hinds of Augustus llillman. with about 60acres improved, w '.th en orchard thereon growing, and a framed house and horn thereon erected. Said lot of land belonging to tbo e-tate of W in. Decker, late ol subi township, dee'd. and is the same lot on whieh he resided at the time of his death. At tendance will lie given and terms of sale made known by the subscriber. CALVIN WEST. KMgbury, Feb. '2. 1856. Exifrtwi VUARDiAN'S SALE. -By virtue of an V A < irphan's Court of Bradford countp, 1 will expose to public sale at the mansion bouse upon the premi o-. on SATURDAY, the nth day of MAR( H next, at one o'clock P. M.. the equal undivided one li ilf part of all that tract< f land situate iu Franklin township, Bradford county, boun ded on the north by lands of Bra ton Baldwin. Kress Var ney. and Daniel Webber ; on the east by-lands of John Webber and J. ('runnier : on the soul li by Towanda creek, and on the west by lands of Sao mil Sliepard and Braton j Baldwin. Containing about one hundred and thirty acres with about sixty-five acres improved, and a framed dwel ling house, two framed barns, ami an apple orchard then.- on. To he sold a J the pnpertvnf Sarah Pierce, wife of W. C. Pierce, and Harriet Crundall. minor ebildri 11 of Mer rick Cr.indali, deceased. lit Al> WILSON, Feb. 7. tHK. (iu-.rdian. V EDITOR'S NOTICE fn ihc matter < t distributing proceed* of Sheriff's sate of thr prr*o nat property of Jwlton JJolcofib. In the Common Pleas of L'rudf...! C...tiity. Notice is hereby given, that flic undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute moneys in the Slier tilYs hands, mised bv sale of said defendant's personal es tate, .will attend Jo tlie duties or his appointment at his office iu the borough C'. E. Ratl.bouc, of Cautou. HARRIETT E. BRADLEY. Feb. 7, 1856. Administratrix with will au exid- A ri'LICATION FOR PARDON.—No- V. tice is hereby given that an application will I* made to James Folloek. Governor of trie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the pardon of AT.MONSMITH. COD victcd at the February Term for 1655,0f the Court of Quar ter Sessions of Bradford County, of larceny, and now con fined iu the Eastern State Penitentiary. Feb. 9, lsoe. t 1 WPR.FO - bv TLIO tfo.A or _IN~LO I'-OIIVI ) m H*pl f Q-N * -j OHEPH i > i Miiiwuft that het* rtfttin tefoie J* t " tf'lH 11 *"'* *rkhiUMllihluuite UWt- FM:T/AND WR.XTKK GOODS, to' which the atW-ution f the public * Umg qon fident Unit.he can (Jtir fndvcenituts to CASTI whicl wfW bid ply pay f*k an < ximtinotlott ofWs taek llU stock of L.VWES Dress f'VOW u ctajcombst. in* of cordi d, watered, plain, black, cha'WuUe end jjUitj Silks : plaiti and plaid M< rhios-: *H wocl Dvlttlrcs ; jltft-. and figured Oshmero*: Mmirlin delaine*. TaruieltM, chnlli Delaines, plain and twilled Persian cloth, Dvbcguw, Aipaccax, Gingham*, Print*, Sc. Also. Sflvwt* -a large and magnificent r.<+ment of Brocha i-ong and Square Shawl#, piahi lvttg and square do. LABIA' CLOTH* —All color*, and trimming*. • . EMDROIRKKIE*— TIe largest and cheapest assortment of Ladies euibroiikTcd collar*, shaves, end flouncing#, edgings and ibseitings. r vtr offered for -ele in Towandi. Also, real thread, Smyrna, bobbin and cotton edgings, all widths ami price*. WHITE AND LINEN GyQJ3, of every description, and *i . ell qntfJttW Ilm-SF. KiuMsniNo Goons—Double and singlrfolil l>- mask- of various kinds ; embroidered aud La. c etrkdu. , all qualities; window shades and triuiniitig-; UeacpoJ and unbleached table Ibicnh; nwf kins. uiia of Mens' A ltovs hats and caps, coinprising evcrv variety of silk, brown ."pearl and black ftir Hat. - Cloth. I'lusfi and Fur Caps. Boors A Shoes—ln this department there is, c.c.r never has Lorn in this market nnytlilng to compete with tins stock, in quality, quantity iind price, which it would lo greatly to the interest of "every emu, woman and child to examine who wishes to piuclm-.c* In addition to Ht>- aljove emnneritril articles there will always be found a full assortment "of Oroeerit-a, Hardware, (.'rockery aud Glass-ware. Faints. Oil-, turd I've Slufi't. l.esthcr and Shoe Finding*, fee., Ac. To his old Friend- and Customer*, the anherrtbeor would take this method of ixprv sing his gratitude tor the ;r libe ral patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it, ami to others-would extend an invitation to examine l ie dtock, being confident he can make it for their intcre-d t > do .-jo! Tuwanda. Oct. 1. loan . JOSEPH POWELL. hTs. ¥e rc ur~ uat received his FALL STuCK OF MERCHANDIZE, CONSISTING of DRY GOODS, of every kind. GROCE RIES, a large assortment of HARDW ARE, including Hanit't aud Curciugt J'ri mining*, Midi Joiner's 'J'ao/i oi every description ; Boots. Shoes, Leather n:rd Shop tied ings. Huts. Caps, and I'mhrellaa : P,i|ier Ihuiging- end Wiudow Shades ; Carpets and Drugget ; Oils Paints and Dye .stalls ; Crockery arid Cilsu-swarc ; Jin, ,->tc( I ami Nails: W indowglass nnil Sash : G.amjdiitiP. Bnrtiing Ki-.- id and V arnlslies oft-very kind : I'ails. Tubs, Mats, Ac., Ac., which will fa- sold as usual, very cheap for L'.tsh. Tow.int.i. October 1. 1*55. COME ONE! COME~ ALL ! And fwti-fv yourselves tint AtOMT.\SN VJ kS & CO. HAVE tlu; lx-t and most eonijilete assortment of NLW GOODS, consisting of all grades ladies'and gent's woad ( lot lis, mailtiilxs, vesting ami eeloretl velvets, plain and fancy eassiiiitrcs. sattinet, tweeds, Keutucky jeaiu. flannels, linseys. All descriptions Dress Goods, such us black, watered, changeable and jdald .Silks, Fkencli meri nos. Thibet eb.th. Scotch wool plaids, brown and blark mixed De-leges, all wool and figured Ihilailies, plain and silk striped Alpaecas, Scotch ami domestic ging!,anis. children's plaid*. Merri naek and other prints, of all vari eties. An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, niltlcua, gloves. Victoria and Blsliop lawn, lgiok nnd Jioon't mus lins. bomiet and dress triutmitl**, silk.tnoire atuiqur, moss velvet and ribbon Trimmings, Fringus, black end white silks, linen thread. Maltese, and all kind- wove Hi.en and cotton edgings, muslin Iwnds, . oilers, under -Icevcs. die misctfes. curtain diajs-n . brown. Uw and black dotted emhroidi red veils, stock- and gent'- collars. A variety of Talmas, gents and ladies' wool SliawD, Thibet, broclie and other Ahawls, India aniZcphvr scarfs, children's woollen sleeve-, hoods, mufi's, a.-smteel colmed lAcoteli yam comfortois, c.irpiting. drugget leu e blank ets, linen table spread* and diaper . . iiniterpai es. f;~. li AKDW \Hp.—A large Uc-sortmenl n r.... i! -. \i. es, seiew plates, sledges, mill, cross cut, har.d. a:.-! otlier kind* of saws, nails, hle, eliaiu, putnp fixtures, squares, plumb*, levels, pi iie-s and saw handles, moulding and bench plane, House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Saddle ry Trimmings, sin ha- bmusgiida:lvcrcd hAiuli,/i*'etrre-, bolts, enamelled top-leather and cloth, dash leather, cloth damask and Lice trimming*. Bra.-*, silvered nndrus*t Imme-. japanned, silvered and bins- hn.-kh s. liitts, snap*, breeching i;ings, trace hook chain.-, haru. *s leather, Ac. SHOE FIXWNOS — Th- largest assorluunt in t vn, e sistin* ot per*, lasts, mcr'* andbov'* lv*ot tree*, crimp* and iron*, brist'i'-. t!treads, all kinds bench tool*, heel hall, blacking, bindings, lining moroieo. kij>, French an i American calf .-kins, cow hide, oak and hemlock leather. 1' VINTS. Oh.*, ,Ve—Stone and white zincs, white and red .lead. Fans chrome ami v> idigri.- giri-n.-, Ohio and other Paints, sugar lead. Htherage, .J.ijian \arui-h. coach, furniture and addlcr's varnish, Unseen, lamp and tanner's oil, alcohol, eauiphene, fluid aud jxittv. Bmn.- ami SijoK.-. Men's and hoy's er.lf, kip and cow hide boot- and sir .-es. women'* kid.'en inKPa d. morocco, calf anil kip lace boots, morocco, patent leather, enamell ed and kid buskin--, variety gaiters and dippers, mi.-.-fa', hoy's and infant'- -Ices, of all J.-s.-ripth Us. gent's, bid's.-' misses' and children's rulfia-r -hoe-.'ai d ladies' high top rubber boots. A ANKIX NOTIONS —wiII In found of all kind .comprisinr; ladies' and gent's port rn canals. India rubl er. back, pnC, side and circle eomlrs. pm ket, ivory, shell shir and other combs, gilt, lasting, velvet coot and vest buttons, agate, ivory, pin** and silk buttons ; razor strops, soap-, brush es. Ac. Ac. The usual large supply of Crockery, Groceries, Hats, Gaps, Bonnets, Fur-. Rone.-. Wa-U tub-. Pail-. Measure-., Sash. Glass, paper Hangirtgs. Window "shades. Umbrellas. Iron, Steel, Ac. *rUASH H the stuff to buy Goods with. Call and Uy the experiment. To-wand*. Nevctnber I**l*. 3-:. T. FOX nAS jn?t rofcivetl a t'nH *upph* of FAM II.V GROCERIES, which he will .-eil cheap for ('ash. Thankful for the very liberal nalr--in.ige i xtc-nd- I to him during the past se.iou,he would mo-t respeelft.dly ask a rirtitinuam e of tl:e same. i a-li paid for most kinds of Grain, Butter, Cheese, aud Farmer s Produce generally. October to. !*." ■. || |j I IJI-tfir. KYfi w.Mitetl immed ttcly •' " ™ / for which the highest market price in r. sh will Is paid. Oet.lt. E. T. fOV. r IM'IIKS ISLAND SALT, both Uunpsntil M_ 1 1 \ *• N E We O 0 1)8. J. Harvey Phinny, Jr. rs jiit receiving :i geueml n**ortment of F \T.T. t AVIV TKIt GritlDS, consisting of the usual variety of Drv (ioarh. Groceries, iinnftcrrc. ('rcAcm, Glassn-nrr, Hits A Shns. Paints, Gils. Gins*. Db'rs, Ac., Ac. ail of which will be sr.ld as usual for Pa.-li, or. x.-iiaiiged for Protiuse cheaper tii iu can 1 c had .-.t auyotlu . store in Towanda. Pei-*o-.n wi-hiiig t > purch i c froo-h fivf c.vh will do well to call and examine his ntov'k and prices, cor uer of Brnlge and Main -tr. el-. gjpCash paid Pr P-' tti r. r itK nt fi4iltt* Get BOOK AOKXOY.-—The l^seril tors have established a 80.-k Agency iu l'hliao-lp'.n.i, and w ill furnish any book or pul licati nat the n -EI pl'i - r , Hi eof postage. Any persons, by frnvjifding the snleCTb't'cn price of any of the ft Alaga/.ir.e.-. snclt as Harper's, 1.0-! ! dey's, Putnam's. Gr.ii.am's, Frank l.eslic's l*a-hin-,ts, Ac., will receive the m igit/'nc* f.-y fvfie year and a copy nf a splendid lithograph port nut of l;be>r Wa-hhagtoi.fs.;. son or Clay ; or, ifsuh-erihiug to a >2 ami a fl niagf / ii fl tliev will receive a eopv of either of t lee three pnrtriit ll'Mibserihing to w rtii< . Magazines. ail thr-e poi irn ts w>ll lie scut gratis. Mu-.ic furnl-hcd to tl->. o who rn;:y i wi-h it. En-, elope- of every description and size i.i largo- orsma 1 ; quantitiesfumi-heil. Seal I're-es. &*'■ scot t i order. | Every doeiiption of En- raving o:i Wo (jcvecut-.d with i neatoe-- aod di-p it -h. View* of Ihtilding*. Newspaper j Headings, View.- of Machinery, Book Jlln-trution*.'-''. Persons at a distance having saleable rrticlc* would | find it to their advantage to address the subscribers, as wc would acl a-- agents for the -ale of the ante. MYR \m a ptEirrr. Ml floutli Third Street, ri/iladelphia. Pa. .1. N. RVEVM. j. MIY rtr:.. V. ' [>OOTS A SHOl'.ts—Tlie lrp( t. bpft aj-'l 1.1 t 'c't -* ' . *r'T>-- .-.--jj E;-ee r v - Ibe found ?t r ~o lfl > A