Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 19, 1856, Image 3

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    jftets of tiie Gallon the Jersey Coast.
p e late storm has caused a large amount
.. i;li . ls /e to the shipping. The New-York
are filled with accounts of vessels ship
k,.,l loss of life and valuable cargoes.
. f 0 'lowing disasters occurred on the Jer
■' 1,0 x.; Branch, Monday, Jan. 14.
•r:following vessels are ashore on the Jer
viz:'a brig on the south side of
•. ioiet : a schooner about two miles north
V-'i,,- inlet, named Kiuboy, Capt. A. P. Col
! Jamaica, with a cargo of fruit, cof
' I crew all saved ; one bark ashore
1 .7 - nth of Wreck Pond, named I). S.
"■,.]! Capt. E. (J. lleiiimau, in ballast from
' I'-i'iiViro—crew saved ; also, the pilot-boat
to the south of Wreck Pond. One
r ashore at Deal, named S. P. Lord—
iv: i : cargo, w heat and corn from South
, ; one brig on Sandy Hook, off the
and-', with a cargo of hides; one ship
' v'indv Hook; one brig neur the Hook,
at the time of writing the above. No
-Miction as to tiie crews of the vessels on
"V.. Clipi cr-ship Stingray, from Canton, i
at Fire Island, went to pieces in the j
Saturday night. Her cargo is all
" wa along the beach. No person on board j
•Y f time. The Underwriters' steam pumps, 1
Y were on board, went down with her.
■fschooner which went ashore near Fire I
. i; u d,t in company with the ship Stin- j
juoves to be the New-York pilot boat ,
Y'jv < 'olliu.s. No. 11. Five of her crew were j
" . three saved. The following are the I
of those who were saved : James R. j
y •■uiiy. pilot; William Roach, pilot ; Ja'mes j
s vui. apprentice. Those lost were Rob- ;
11 .Mitchell, aged 52 years, and four boys,
i.limr the cook, names not known, on ac- j
: of the frequent changes among the crows
ef those boats.
Convention of Old Soldiers.
•j" ~ convention of the soldiers of the war 1
.r ki-2 mot at Washington on the Bth instant,
anniversarv of the battle of New Orleans. '
! i.wards of two hundred delegates were in at- 1
■ -vp. representing Virginia, Delaware, i
- vaiiin. Man laud. District of Columbia.
K -kv. Wisconsin, Vermont, Mississippi
x • \. w York.
After forming in procession, headed with a
• irv escort. they proceeded to the Presi- ;
House, where they ranged themselves
tiiP east room to be received by the Presi
who was addressed on behalf of the con
• •; l)v their president, Mr. Sutherland.
Tie President responded in a fervent and
sitriotic address, which elicited repeated cheers.
'[ n Convention of the Old Soldiers met
sequent!v at the Odd Fellows' Hall on 7th
• <'.•! J. 15. Sutherland presiding. A i
. .. of resolutions wore passed, one of which
vires that if the construction given by the
-la! organ of the government whose duty;
• to aiijudioate upon tiie laws passed for
onr relief, and for the benefit of the widows,] children of our deceased brother soldiers,
U deciac l correct, Congress ought to afford
T • C-invention was addressed by O. W.
I'iik Curtis, after which resolutions were I
4dq ted, as follows :
P laring their love for the Union, and
: eg"g themselves honestly to perform the;
. giU the Uonstitulion imposes ; —stating ;
'.. it tl.v convention considers the government
under the most solemn pledge to carry out the ■
:•!•• cities of the Coutiueutal Congress regard- !
i'g the provision inarle for the officers of the '
Revolutionary army ; —That the Convention
. ;ita.:s earnestly the pre-sent Congress to sup- .
tiie omissions of former ones by providing
' the declining years of the soldiers and
• Vrs of the war of 1812, as was done for
io of the Revolutionary war. That pen- 1
• cis for wounds or injuries should commence
• m the time of tlm disability, and the arrears
' pension should be paid to the widow or stir- '■
g children. That the bounty land act of
.-55 slmold be amended to embrace the ckil
■n of any person who if living would be en
• id to land ur.Jer that act as well as his
... or children : and p irsons who enlisted for ;
years, and servo! until they were di - liarg
r tlAoi'iod, ought to receive ICO additional i
That the pensions of the present law '
: ;! -o 1;-* c*ct >•: I d to those eonfined in \
. i pri- >:is daring the late war. And in- '
■ ii' has many lulls in the war offi-e were |
• y i !>y fire, it is unjust to refuse purole |
[' <•' aa.i require record evidence of service.
1 it it was due to the memory of President
*IM<S Ma HMHI that an appropriate statue be j
•" ' ito I.iin at Washington,
inat tiie uienibers of the convention will j
p oa their arms for thirty days in re- 1
tto ti.e uf'tnory of those who have died ;
tic last convention met.
f- ..owing was also unanimously adopt-;
£ ] '
./red, Tiiat the limitation of fourteen
• -ii the existing law ought to be repealed, |
: that the sol lier duly enrolled, for a time j
■ 'T short, sliouhl be entitled to one lain-i
■ 1 and sixty acres of land.
A '•oaiuiittee of seven was appointed to •
s the resolutions before Congress.
'"-L'" Sutherland was declared permanent
of the convention.
1 - national convention of these old soldiers
'"••ftnow a pinnanent organization, a coin-,
was appointed to draft a constitution i
r; '- future goveriinicnf.
Y' -v to Rr.vrtr. —"We learn from Mr. j
'rt \\ int■■p< Mail Contractor on the Ring
"j'i and Fricndsville route, that a man
■'••"•'John Addison, residing on the Clioco- ,
' "<-k about 12 miles front this village, was
j' : > •!, ,ith last Tuesday night within fifty
'■'"l his own house. H appears that he
" •> At Kimball's tavern in the evening
• carted t<> go home (a milejabout nine
•"*• Not reaching home that night, in
nting search was made for Him, and he
- ''iiikl as above. There was still some
in his body when found ; but he did
Y'" ; " r He was a farmer and aged about
Hi leaves a wife.— lSing/tamton Rcpub-
AIAINK. LEOT-t.VTI HE met and organiz-
"|Aiuru*ta, on the 2d iust. A fusion of
■' no'-rats and Straight Whigs was form
j" j !i > elected alt the officers in both houses.
'Senate Lorr M. MORRILL, Democrat,
" •' osen President ; WILLIAM (*. CLAKK,
Whig, Secretary. In the House,
LITTLE, StraigliU Whig, was elected
F R - AN 'I DAVU> DCNN, Democrat, Clerk
• f >u of the two elements appears to be
i • U is autagonirtical to the 1 i'juor
I FROM KANSAS. —The St. Louis Jhmocriit
has u letter from Leavenworth, dated the 28th
ult., which says that the office of the Territo
rial Register, an administration paper in Kan
sas, had been mobbed, the type thrown into
the river, and a lot of paper burned. The
mob was composed principally of Missourians.
The Free State party had nominated CHAS.
ROBINSON for Governor ; N. Y. ROBERTS for
! Lieut. Governor, nod M. J. DELAHAY for Cou
i press. The elect ion is to be held on the third
Tuesday in January,
j A letter from a staff officer of the Free
j State forces, at Lawrence, Kansas, claims a
bloodless triumph over Gov. SHANNON in the
j recent treaty, they having yielded no princi
ple at issue, and says that Gov. SHANNON and
; Sheriff JONES talk of resigning if the people
j of Missouri will not keep quiet, and mind their
own business.
I to id VIY J"'-!" --?
8 8 1 n?>I!
r4 -z-_ i-x- ft x
JAN 1 1 2 3 4 5' ... ...' 1 2 31 J 5
)' |'•, 7: 8!/ 10*11 13| (> 7* N 9 10;11 12
lianas 10-i- is m :13a ic iff# u
j •'• 1 'll 22 23 21 25 26 , 2' "21 22 2 < >I 25 -'6
iWSS 29.31131 1 2T2SI3S .Hi 31
IKB. ...' 1 2 ACO. ... ; ...l I I 2
| 3 1 ;V 6 7 P 9 i 3 4] 5 C 7 .<
I ji TP .-. ifi i,m i 2 is H '.A in
|l7 I >' 192B 21 223j KIN 1ya21'22 23
sua. :.. r;.. 1 s' r'c. ...'
3 4 .1 1, , stcr. ... 12 3-tSi.
I ' I !•' Mil 12 13-14 15 7 s- 9 10 II 13 13
. 1 16 17 IS .3 29.21 22,: ! i !.' 16 17 IS I!) .11
i li> r>i..."... & s'S>!i!-r.. r .'.
ACK 1 2 3 4 .V OCT. 1 2 3 4
| 0* 7 A 910 II 12 I ' 5 tl 7 S 'J 10 I
i 1314 IS'U 17-14 I'Jij 12 13 1117.16 .7 11-
12" 2! 22 23 24 2520" l.t 2- 21 22 2 I 28 .
; .27 2.3 2* 20 S 262933.31 ...
MAT l 2 s Nor l
| [ I 1 5 6 7, 8 f ll.' , 21 31 4 5 6 7 S
111 12-13114-I', 10 17 V U> 11 12 13 '4 15
i |1 132321'22,2321 15.17,!3 192i!'21 22
r25 26 27 2S 29 no 31 23.21 25 26 27 2. 29
1 '...- 3<kJ..
Jcxr. i: 2 4 6-67 DEC. .. I 2 3 4 ,v 6
S 9 i-Ml 12 13 11 ; 3 9W II 12 13
:!5 !3 17 !- 19.-1 2; 1, [ - | ( ; | 7 j.. K- 2"
22 2.12*552(1 27 2l : 2' 22 274 332n 27
At her residence in Athens, on the 31.-t December, HAN
NAH, wife of tiie late Hon. Horace Williuton ; beloved
and lamented.
New 'Abucrtiscmcuts.
Sy the Allied Powers !
a complete picture of the Great Drama
Ui War from tiie concentration of tiie allied licet in
the Mark sea, to the storming of Sebastopol.
Will he exhibited td this place, in the Court House, on
SA TURD A Y EVENING, January 19.
This great picture was painted by STRONG, one of the
best American artists, from drawings taken on the spot,
upon over 3WO feet of canvass, at an exoeitee of thousands I
ol do Bars.
The Scene commences at Varna, a seaport of Bulgaria,
on the western cpast of the Black sea. and continues on
the coa j t to Selxctopol, giving mauv views of cities, vil
lages, harbors, fleets, bombardment of Odessa by twelve
steamships of war, armies, i'ortifieationi, battles, villages
on lire. Ac., making one of the most complete, interesting j
and beautiful Panoramas ever exhibited in this country.
The exhibition will be enlivened by the firing of guns, j
the bursting ot and lightning, red lire, &e.
A lecture and description of the Painting i:i full will be !
There is one view of rt St'-r;n at Boa, and two fire scenes, ;
cither of which is worth the price of admission. The
gaand view of the .Storming of Sebastopol and retreat of ;
the itus-ians, tills the beholder with awe.
Miss BRADLEY will give Phrenological Examinations at |
the close of the Panorama.
Ho' Price of admission will be put low. to enable all to ;
see tiie painting. Single admission 15 cents —Gentlemau s
and lady 25 etuis—Guildreu under 12 v ars of a-e 10 cts. !
Doors open 6i, I'anorama commence moving at 7 o'clock.
(Tergymcn wlil be admitted free by leaving their names j
at i lie door. Particular care, taken to secure seats for.
Ladies. j
Of the Uradfcrd County ITuric Associa
■p lwn , will be held at the Borough of Towanda.coin- !
mencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 29. 1855, to con- 1
tinne four days, and to close with a GRIND CONCERT |
—the whoh to 1.-e under the direction of Professor W.u. B. ;
BKAWBI'rv. of New York city.
The Ses-ions of the Convention will he devoted to in
structions, with lectures arid practical exercises, in the I
various branches of Vocal Music, by Professor BI'ADBU- j
BY, th- wb-dc offering a rare opportunity for improve- ;
inenl end enjoj ment to all.
BOOK." with s> lections from oilier works, will 11 used,
-i-irevc liavi ;g the a'o ve named lbedt- will bring them.
Every eK-nt will be made to render this imeiing < f the
C-civeiition of great benefit anil ph-.isure t> tho c e who
attend. ArraiKCineuts w ill be made to provide inemi<er
from a d -tnuce. with comfortable accommodations, at !
reasonable n tes.
a .ir ADMISSION, to the wii ue course. Gentlemen, $1 00;
Ladies, 50 cts. Towanda, January 10, 1856.
J. \. is hereby given, that all pen-ons indebted to the es
tate of Deb rail C. Gregory, d-.-e'd., late of Pike twp., arc
hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all
persons hav -tging ,-laims against -aid estate will please
present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
l'ikc. January 11.1856. Administrator.
Book and Periodical Agency.
\| LA UGH LIN. Post Ofilrr Building:
j-'J i'Ci.k-r in all kir,u" of new and popular BOOKS, I'E
CAR os, Ac., &c., w ill supply all orders for anything in the
above with promptness and despatch.
Towanda, January 18, 1854.
SFF'LTOX tvoultl rospoctfiilly inform the
• public tl a' be is n-nv ready at his Id .--tuiid. under
II ill ,v Russi ii', s futh ?i le of th" pnUlc squarr, to furn
ish those wanting PUKE LIQUORS, with almost overy
tlrng iu that li-.e. He has lately made addition- to
hi" stock, purchasing of tiie Lest importers, in the
origbia! package* lie has 011 hand, and for sale in any
quantity from a quart upwards :
liiamiy.- si lovite. Cfgniac,old Henncaty, and Gtard.
Gin.- Swan, American, and Scheidttn H-.ui iapps.
iVhishry. —Scotch, Old Rve, ?I mongaiiela, and Recti
Hlne. - -Currant, Port, and Brown Sherry.
Fresh Cantphene and UurningFluid kc.-t constantly on
hand. Als■> 95 per cent. Alcohol.
("lOAUS of the h( 4? brands. Jugs of all sizes 5 quart
flasks, and .1 large quantity of empty barrels.
Binghamton Ale by tlu-'gall m or barrel.
Tho-e favoring nic with their patronage may be certain \
that all articles will be what they are represented. j
N. B. The person v.ho borrowed my " Wantage Rod" is
requested to return it.
Toivand.t. January 18,1856.
1> O()K AGENCY. —Tiie Rtibsrrihers-have
.) established a Book Agency in Philadelphia, and will
furni-h any book or publication at tiie retail price, free, of
po-tavc. Aiiv bv forwarding the subscription
price 'of any of 'the s.'l Magazine-, such n Harper's, Go
dev's, Pntiiam's, Graham's, Frank Leslie's Fashions. >ve.,
will receive the maga/.ints for one year and a cipy ot a
splendid lithograph portrait of either Washington. Jack
son or ( lav ; or, if subscribing to a #2 nod a ?t magazine j
they will receive a eopv of either of the three portrait.-. j
If sub cribing to 86 worth of MniMzioeH. all three portrait*
Avill be scut gratis. Music furnished to those who may
wish it. . , „
Envelopes of every description and size in large or small
qua'iititios furnished*. Seal Presses, .vc. "ent to order.
Everv description of Engraving 011 Wood executed with
neatness and dispatch. Views of Buildings, Newspaper
11,-:idiit'-s. Views of Machinery. Book Illustrations, Lodge
Gertilb-ate?. Business Curds, <Ve. All orders sent by mail
promnti v attended 1,. Persons wishing views of their
building's engraved can send a or sketch
of the buildings l,y mail or expres-.
Persons at a distance having saleable articles would
i find it to their advantage to address the subscribers, as
wc would act as agents for 11 'Yy r\ M PI EIB'E.
50 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
J. 11. RYRAM. I , r '*\ X nt * C% '
, acriber offers for sale the valuable comer lot on
which he resides, in Smithfield. near the East Smithficld
Post Office. The lot contains a little oAtr halt an acre.
It has 011 it a good and commodious house, a
lir.-t rate bam. nearly new. a good wagon shop nd con ;
, ve dent lumber shed, together with a good stock of I,P I
lumber. The whole eau be bought twenty-lit €( per ctnt.
cbe.ipir than auy other property in Nortbcnt I rimsvi-..-
1 } - ".thfi.-bi V' ■■ *>, H''-'.
S TATEMENT of the amount, description and value of REAL AND PERSONAL PRO
f I'ol.l \ . IfrHtk-a. Ocrupntioiis, and ProteH-ioas-JJUice-i and Posts of J'rolits. i lva.iurc Curriajros, Mom v lute
rent., .\ots, Jutlgiuentft. Mortgager;, &c. f Gold vt-r VV.itrhcH, Silvor la\ r nod tlv., pjid Silver Watcher, valued
at oV(>r iXc. as ri tiiie< dby the several As*ewrs { i Bradftud rouuty. Or 1 :
c ! I If r-g# s?i?l 11 fStj 7? I j
T .. i p C !?*.?• 7 "* I C—i2. fe ** *
$ Townships I I t £."l "ll- •S's
£ P , 1 I n -3%*. x E S? •23 aS JP
g- l>oroujfhs. j ? 3 J S-ia? itsa : 1 "<iSj "6 ff
? I • 2. -. z. ?• -5' V . H A -
* X -tr I * X L-. ~ C r ?ii ■ X ■' ®
" : a : ?§3 !3?S?S : * F3- : 2.^
' : I I • LF R J**!?? • 5 !ST SI S-1
22J V Shells Doroagh y0d.182 ;iC.7s3 .... 13,000 I J - i3O A3O .. 2
401 Athens Township 266,145 31,040 -. ..12 100 2
"7 AH,any, 5.506 .... 200 .' 1 1
-11 Asylum, 62,956 10,020 ... .... 300 343 1
64 Armenia, 13.671 2,097 .... .
49 Burlington Borough,... 12,060 2,720 2 200 40
17S Burlington West 63,372 8,101 300
257 Burlington 92.258 11,005 550 463 ]
433 Canton 132,761 21,132 5
256 Columbia 1147702 16.131 .... 1r,6 .... 135
*212 [ Oil veil. 63.327 10.174 .... 300 2 'i
100 Franklin 41,043 8,25* .... 350
259 (Imiiville, 86,708 11,193 .... 833 .... I ioO !! 2 i 1
216 Iter rick 40,5i3 9.520 .... i 330 j 335 i I 2
20,3 Leltov fi0.003 8.562 .... I 86e . 45 " I •>
237 Litchfield 72.970 12.393 ... 1,825 | 100
59 Monroe Borough 11,405 3,395 ... 400 i hi
191 Monroe Township 88,934 10,150 940
2x3 Orwell 93.509 14,070 .... 660 !!
31 [Overton, 16,976 3,888 .... 1 N
3: ' 4 Bike 184.774 21,109 4,332 . j 120 2 4
276 Rome 77.262 10,067 .... 60
311 Ridgberry 95,85.8 17.503 ... 3 439 i i; 6
323 Sheshequin 141,978 14.811 .... 700 : 495 " 4
417 .Smith lirl,l, 148,103 20,839 .... 7,136 '
394 Springfield 106,799 16.858 j I "64
IV7 South Creek 65.413 7.197 .... 1,296 i i 50
169 | Standing Stone 62.695 9,372 . 4 479 I 300 1 "
53 Sylvar.ia Borough, 13,199 2.169 VoO 390
175 Tuscarora 66.698 11,245 1,199 [
222 Towanda borough, 171,360 24,210 3,000 19!159 2350 15 in
107 Towanda Township 59.034 7,913 6,300 4uoi)
90 Towanda North 63,953 6,406 1 000 . 2
293 i'roy Township 137,491 14.K14 i 1475 235 1
Troy Borough 68.162 6,359 .... 4 700 50 is
214 Lister 86,217 11.909 2 275 250 75 7
Wells 82,513 15,268 .... 775 ... " "
237 V\ ysox 113.593 13.377 .... 14 963 3
315 Wyal using, 102,757 14.643 .... lj;70 2i6 2 2 1
355 Warren, 123,880 14.566 .... I,'JOO 2
227 Windlmm, 75,945 15,177 1,600 "" 270 "
161 Wilmot, 34,622 5,220 j !.*!!( 80 !! " "f j
5,635 #3,563,524 $501,456 | 33,550 $103,742 $6,335 1,35,922 23 79 12 j
„ RRADFORP COUNTY, SS.—Wc, the undersigned, Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify i
L. S. the above to be a true and correct statement of the returns made bv the several Assessors of Bradford Count v 1
rrr J I - vcar ? nd a,so s lve ,10t!cc tliat will meet at the Commissioner's Office, on MONDAY the
21 -t day of January, 19,->6, for the purpose of revising and equalizing said assessment.
Given under our hands and seals, at Towanda, this 31st of December, 1655.
*. e xr r. /-o , H. BULL, • Comraisgioncrs.
Attest— h. M. F AKBAR. Clerk. ]> j; BUCK. 1
2vcui sViiDcrtißcmcuts.
Grand Division, Sens of Temperance, Fa.
XjL at L.ERAYSVILLE, Bradford County. Pa., in Sons
of Temperance Hall, commencing JANUARY 23, 1850, at
10 o'clock, A. M. j
There will he a public demonstration of the Order, and ,
addresses delivered by the Grand Officers, on the exeuing ;
of the 23d at Leßnysville. Also addresses by the Grand ■
Officers, at Towanda, January 24th, at 2, P. M., and at. ,
Monroeton, 7 o'clock, P. M.; at Eiist Sinithfield, January
25th, afternoon end evening.
Representatives are requested to be punctual in their
attendance at Leßaysviile.
January 9, 1556. WM. NICHOLSON, G. S. j
IS NOW RECEIVING an excellent assortment of gent's,
boy "s, ladies', children's and misses' BOOTS A BOOT
ES. Also. Shoe Pegs, Thread, Linings and Findings, to -
which he invites pubiic attention.
*3" All persons having unsettled accounts or notes due
the subscriber, are invited to make payment. Those con-;
venicnt may call on C. Frisbie. Esq. or T. Humphrey, iu
Orwell, previous to the 15th of February next, after which
time delinquents may expect special invitations to visit
Towanda. J. D. HUMPHREY.
Towanda, January 9. 1855.
fTU) CREDITORS.—Notice is hereby given
_L that I have applied to the honorable the Judges of
the Court of Common l'leas of the county of Bradford for
the benefit of the Insolvent laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, and they have appointed MONDAY, the
Ith day of FEBRUARY next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the
hearing of me and my creditors, at the Court Bourse, in
the bormigh of Towanda, when and where you may attend
if you think projier. Jan. 9. O. R. HEMINGWAY.
DISSOLUTION. —The co-partnership here
tofore existing under the firm of LONG & MERRY,
is this dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted
to the said firm ot Long A- Merry will please take notice
that unless their accounts arc settled immediately, they
will be left tor collection. PHILANDER LONG,
Burlington. Dec. 20, 1855. JOHN F. LONG.
388 & 290 Chestnut st.
Between Tenth and Eleventh, opposite the Academy of
Fine Arts, and Parkinson's Garden and Saloons,
WM S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor.
G. W. MI*!.I.IN. Superintendent. Jan. 9.—3 m.
0 TIE RIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
UJ writr of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common l'leas of Bradford county, and to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the
boro' of Towanda. on MONDAY February 4th. 1856. at 1
o'clock P. M-, the following lot, piece or parcel of land
situate iu Durell twp. bounded on the north by lands of
George Aruout, on the east by lands of John Conned, on
the south by lands of Hiram and Richard Gilbert, and on
the west by* Daniel Keeff'e, dee'd., containing 98 acres, bo
tiie same more or less, about 3D acres improved, oue frame
liou-e, one saw mill, log barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Sv'i/.cu an<: taken in execution at the suit of Catharine
Cummins vs. Michael Ciinimhis and Dennis Crimniias.
ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land
situate in the townships of Burlington and Franklin b cand
id and described as follows : On the North by lands of
( handier Ward, on the east or easterly by lands of Isaac
Crane and John Lantz, and by a small creek, usually
known as goose creek, being the boundary line between
John M. Martin and thus described lot; on the south, or
southeasterly by lauds of J. M.Martin,or said goosccreek,
and 1 mds of Horace Willey, on the west by lands of John
M'Daniek- and the public highway, containing one hun
dred acres he the same more or less, about fifty acres im
proved, one Irum ••! House, old log biru. framed barn and
an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown and
Rockwell to the use of the township of Franklin vs. Jere
miah Myers. Also at the suit of Harriet A.Mercur to the
use of Franklin township vs. Jcrenii ih Myers.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel ot land situate
in Sheshequin twp. bounded on the north by Wm. Young,
east bv lands of Win. and Sarah Young, south by lands of
Reuben Young, and west by land of i'ulvin Smith, con
taining about ninety acres "more or less, about fifty-five
acres improved, two log houses, two 1 127 barns and an ap
ple orchard.aod other fruit trees thereon.
.Seized and taken in execution at the suit of IL S. A!!.
A. Mercur, now to the use of J. M. Peck and M. M. Moore
vs. Richard Morton and Curtis Smith.
ALSO—'The following described Ft, piece or parcel of
larid situate in Wilmot twp. bounded north by lands of
Anihro.-e Vaiiderpool.east by lauds of Nelson \ anderpo >l,
south bv lands of Lewis Johnson and Sam el Vamicrpno!,
and we t bv lauds of Ambrose Vanderpool, containing
about fifty acres more or less, about twelve acres improv
ed with a iog house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ainborec
Vanderpool vs. Charles Johnson."
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield twp. bounded on the north by
Joshua Merrill and James Thompson, on the east by Ol
son Rickey, on the south by lands belonging to the estate
iff Wm. Park, dee'd., now in the possession of Ids widow,
Maria, and on the west by Thomas Strait and Clement
Dibble, containing one hundred acres more or less, about
seventy acres improved, one frame house, one frame barn
and shed attached, one log house and a few fruit tiees
thereon. ....
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land situate 111
Litchfield twp. bounded as follows: Commencing at a
done for a corner, running north on the Head lock hue 39
rods to a it me corner, thence west along the line of! has.
Morris'estate. 20 rods to n stake, thence south along
Muihewson's line. 39 rods to a stump for a corner, thence
east twenty rod* along the Park line to a stone for a cor
ner. containing about four acres more or less, about two
acres improved, one log house and framed baru thereon.
Seized and taken in cxccuti 11 at tlie suit ol M in. Kill
vs. Russell Hadlock. '
M SO—The defendants interest, supposed to be the un
divided one halt'of the following dc-eribed lot niece or
Isi reel of land situate iu Monroe twp. bounded on the north
!,V I UHH of Sevellon L. Fowler, east and south by the pub
lic hi "h way, and on the west formerly belonging to Joseph
Grcggs, containing about four acres more or less, all 1111-
provtd.'aml rruit trees t ereon. .
ALSO—One other lot piece or narrcl of land situate 111
Üb-niy twp. bounded on the north by Rossett k Kicking,
east bv lands "f C. M-llakes, 011 the south by lands ..1
Joseph Menardi and the public highway, and on the weit
by lauds of Dr. Gillctt, containing twenty acres, all lrn
'".Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jnhu Han
son io the use of L. V . Bairtl \s. Roilin Wilcox.
ALSO-The following described lot piece or parcei (at
land situate iu Columbia twp. hounded ou the north bv
lands of JAMES Wolf, OD the east by lands of Josipb 11.
DeWiit on the south by lauds ot the Bingham estate, and
on the west by land* ot Thomas and Wm.Gustiu.contain
ing about one hundred acres, be the tame more or .c*.,
„ jig f'-tv a r. (mrre' Ed and s: " ill lo 1- -•'
p.., j,j , a ! j.- -n"d . ii'iwfe hauiy 1 7"i *n.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Franklin
H. Parsons vs. Pierce Sherman.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Standing Stone twp. bounded north bv
lands of John Keem and Jacob Schoonover, east by lands
of John Swacklianimcr, south by lards of Win. Wright,
and west by lauds of Theophelus Schoonover ' and Isaac
Voxburg, containing one hundred and seventy acres wore
or less, about eighty acres improved, with three log bouses,
one log barti and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of The Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania at the instance of the C'ountv
of Bradford ys Samuel A. Tenant and Simon Stevens.
ALSO—The fell-wing iot piece or parcel of land situate
in Orwell twp bounded west by the K. tract, north bv
lands of Edwin Taylor, east by lands of Harry L. Park, on
the south by the Ridge Road, containing about seventy
three acres more or less, about fifteen acres improved.
AI .SO—One other lot niece or parcel of land situate in
Orwell twp. bounded on the west, north and east by lands
of Silas Alii.s, and south by public road, containing about
one acre more or less, ail improved, with a framed Black
smith shop and a lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jacob
Wickizer to the use of Edward Overton vs. E. U. and Si
las A His.
ALSO— I The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Derrick twp. bounded 011 the north by lands
of A. R. Brown, east by lands of N. B. Wetmore, south by
lands of George Perkins, and west by lands of Nelson
Marsh, containing about $ of an acre more or less, all im
proved. with a framed dwelling house, a blacksmith shop
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. H. La
tham to the use of Timothy Hurley vs. V. I). Rosengrant.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
laud situate in Smithlield twp. bounded on the north by
lands of Henry Quick, on the east by lands of John Wat
kins, on the south by the public highway, on the west by
lands of Anthony t.'hihls. containing about twenty-three
acres, about eighteen acres improved, one framed" house,
one frapied born and a lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles and
Harris vs. ISiilings Pierce.
ALSO—The ('"Bowing described lot piece or parcel of
land situate iu West Burlington bounded on the north In
lands of John Bourne. 011 the west by lands of H. 11. Brown
and on the south by lands ot John Bloom, and formerly
of Ira A. Weed, and on the east by lauds of Silas Betts,
containing two hundred acres be the same more or less,
about fifteen acres improved, one saw mill, one plank
house, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. Rockwell
A Co. vs. Ilirani A. Weed and Brink Smith.
ALSO—The foilouing lot piece or parcel of land.situate
in Overton twp. bounded and described as follows :—Be
ginning at a maple the southwest corner of Cahill and
Vouglit, thence N. 60° W. 160 rods to a maple, the S. W.
comer of a 1 t in the warrantee name of Robert Roberts ;
thence north 50° east 212 rods to the S. E. corner of lands
claimed by j. ( 'ash ; thence S. 60° K. 160 rods by Crush's
line to the N. W. corner of J. Camp's lot; thence by Camp
and Cahill and Nought's land, south 30° W. 21 i rods to
the place of beginning, containing 212 acres more or less
about eight acres improved, two log houses, oue log shed,
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Han
son to the u-o of Jtidson Blackmail vs. James A. Paine.
AIJBH—The following lot piece or parcvl of land situate
in Smithlield twp. hounded north land of by Harrison Car
lisle. west by lands of Samuel Nilcs, south by lands of
Billings Fierce and John ('hantberiain, and on the east by
lands of Lewis Wallace and John Chamberlain,containing
about 63 acres more or less, about 55 acres improved, one
framed house, framed barn, one saw mill and an old saw
mill frame and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles and
Harris to the use of M. W. Hamilton vs. Henrv Quick.
JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. .
Sheriff's Office. i
Towanda, Jan. 1, 1855. j
B'i' Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
costs will he required to lie paid upon eacli sale when
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again be otter
ed for sale, JOHN A. CODHING.
| IST OF JUIJORS drawn for February
JU Term and Sessions, 1856.
Asylum—WiU'lll Terry, I) C Pike—Homer Welles ;
Miller ; Rome—Asa Fuller ;
Burlington tp—Orra Burns. Springfield—Paul Furman ;
Ruswell Luther ; Smithfield-—Einor K Wood,
Burling inn W'-^t— l' l'help-; W S Pierce, GKM'Vannon
Canton—E M'Clcllaiid, Eli Sheshequin—Alfred Gore ;
Rockwell ; Troy tp—ll 1) Freeman, 11
Franklin—Horace Willey ; Spalding, jr ;
Granville—Solomon Bovier : Ulster—James Vandyke :
Merrick - AUI Holies; jWv.tlusiug—Andrew 1 ce, A
Litchfield—Henry Ki-yser, 81 F Eastman.
Athens tp - L Rowl indsim ; 'Standing Stone—Byron Ste-
Albany—R Stevens, WE< e.j vons, Geo Vanness, J utiles
Asyium-llurvey Birney ; ' Gordon;
Burlington We t -Win M.--Springfield—A S Bailey, No
r Myron Ballard ; | man C'ooley ;
C'olunitaa—D S Alexander Sniitlitiehl —A Huntingdon ;
i'nilip Slade. Jas It.Block: sheshequin—E P sliaw ;
Canton—Win Lawrence ; Troy lioro'—l A Piene :
Granville—lames (tee ; 'l'roy twp— Stephen Wilbcr.
Hirrick—J Cit lines, J.ime- JM Smith;
Brown, W M Bowkcr ; Towiinda Bn—P Powell ;
Litchfield--Jaiucs Merrill ; Towanda tp— il Scoville :
Ecrov—Hiram Stone ; Wilmot— Nathan Castor, I)
Overton—Eli Heveriey ; j Abraniß, Jas Strong ;
Pike Chaudh-r W Brink ; j Veils—James Brasted ;
Ridgbury -O A Barnhani; I fuscarora—Saml Lake;
sKuosn WKKK.
Burlington h ro'- J E Vo>-j Miesheqnin—-Tor Kilmer;
lmrg. J V Daniels ; (South Creek—Cyrus B-rk.
I>iulintrt">ll tj>—•! •! M.iisbt ILin 1! (lillctt;
r dnniMa— les-sp l-M-all ; I'nvauda bora'—Henry Bas-
C.niton—A Hamilton i'lio sett. Wallis Bull;
mas, Ezra Spalding. JacoL Troy tp—Ezra 1 mom is. S N
Rockwell; ' Spalding ;
Diuell—Win Frisbie ; fusi arora—Davis Gray:
Granville - -Sy lvec Kendall : Sylvanin 1>- Saml Super ;
Leßoy -J <• London. Chris- Smithficld—M F Ransom ;
toplier Hartman ; Ulster- Ralph llusscl:
Monroe ho—Geo Tracy : Towanda tp E W Hale ;
Pike (.'has K Brown, oiivei Aysnx Gabriel King, 1 F
Nrthrp, N B Brigs* ; i Spalding:
Springfield— L L Beach. HjWells- (' II Leonard :
'Potter. Hiram Spear, (' iljWindham—< baric* Walker;
i Campbell; j Warren— II Cbaniplin.
•rniKn WEEK.
Atbcus tp—fldntnnd Hill; j Ridgberry—John Larrtson,
Albanv—John Brown ; j P\V Burn bam ;
Armenia--Robert Ma.on ; ißome—F C Cmniner;
\*v!:un- Samuel Bacon ; Sinithfield- Win II Pierce :
Burlington w—J G Blakslet I'lisrarora- lln.ry Montgn-
Burlington ho—Ahm Morley mery, J J Lewis;
Canton- F Hall, E Newman Rwanda tp—S Dimmick ;
Alien Taylor, jr; ! l'owanda north—E IftiWy ;
' (folumhia- W G Bradford j Towanda born'—Geo E Fox.
I Joseph Gladding ; ! JI) Montanye, L H Scott;
Franklin Ezra Champion ;jUlster James MeCarty ;
; Litchfield JD ( ortriglit ; IWindliam BENbree;
, Orwell II Gibbs. George W AVvsox A C Whitney, Alva
1 Hardy; ' ! Cooley;
i O'-crton G S Bevlc. Da^'tlitVffine.t ' hirlos Dcvcg ;
H4verly R R'nfjwlt. teii- GabrielSw#y,er,
fit* is- ■■■.* ■ •".uc ;
CTOVE FOH S A Stone Coul
k-J COOKING SjTOVli. with Furniture complete ; one
second band \\ od Cooking Stove ; one M-couu-haiid Par
lor Stove, and one Grate for ben ing Coal.
Jar. 2 i-sSfi. B.IILF.Y &. XEVINS.^
T JS'l OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
1J Office at TOWANDA, December 31, 1-.55.
Adams Caleb Hurley John
Bnll J B Irvine Win
Beardslee Surah Keefe Patrick
Blake Thomas Lathrop J. C.
| Bowman Culhariue I.tueh Patrick
Benjamin Jolm Lewis Mary
Brown John J Monhar Daniel
BeaiiMee Kate Monie Charles.
Bennett John M Moore Win.
Cumming Mies S E Murphy Mary.
Crosby 1- A H 2 Patterson Marin da
Campbell John F Beckham Ptdeg
CoverJale Cliai lor T Piatt Christopher
Cummin, Sarah H Pieree Chester
Cooley Cordelia M Pollard Thomas
Chubbuek Anna 11 Ouin Francis
Cooley Martha C Roche Const and
Crofut i.eva Rogers Jesse
Clark Benj. heirs of Rogers Win.
Drake F B Randal John
Duun Thom&3 Spain John
Donahoe Bernard Slyter Wm A.
DrLlainc Richard Smith Jamas Jr.
Dreifuss Simon Smith Wm
Decker Wm II Saator John
Decker Wm Smith Jane A.
Duloeher Simon Stock well Clarissa
Flint George W Stevens Homer 11.
Fasse tt George W Shores Freeman
Grady Mrs Tucker Henry
Gard George Varigorder Rebecca
Goodwin Geo W 2 Welch Susan 3
ilorton Biilmp Warner Mrs. M..
Heath R 2 Weed Angvsta A
11 arret Rose Wilkinson Leonora
Ilairle Wm Fred Walen John
ilorton James Woodruff Margaret
Howard J iuvis O 2 Wicoff Sarah
Persona calling for any of these letters, please mention
they are advertised. 11. C. PORTER, P. M,
& NICHOLS is this day dissolved bv mutual con
sent. The business will he conducted bv \V. H. Phillips,
who is authorized to settle the affairs of the late firm.
Granville, Dec. 18. 15.',5. A. T. NICHOLS.
the purpose of clearing out our entire
- STOCK OF STOVES, before moving into our new
store, we will sell for cash at prices full 15 per cent, less
thau our usual rates. Persons in want of a Stove will do
well to call soon.
January 1. 1356. HALL A RUSSELL.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of |
vcad.ex. issued ont of the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford county, to me directed, I shall expose to public
sale ut the Court House, in the boro" of Towanda, on
Saturday, tlie 2d day of February, I*so, et 1 o'clock, P.
•M. the following described lot, piece or parcel of laud sit
uate in Wyitlusing twp., bounded on the'north by lands of
Michael l- ce, east by lands of Ilosa Carr, south bv binds of
Amos S. Coleman, and west by lands of llirain Washburn.
Containing fifty acres, more or less, with about thirtv
acres iMprr-ved. one log house therein.
Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of E. W. Raird
vs. Anthony i'arwell.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Jan. 2,185b.
THRESH LEMONS—a quantity just roceiv
■l- ed at dec 22 * FOX'S. I
RES II CANDY, by the quantity, at tnu- j
nufaeter's prices, dec 22 FOX'S. 1
1 KINGSBERY lias just received from
• * • New York and Philadelphia a large supply of NEW
BOOKS, including some very nice ANNUALS for 1350. !
Also a great variety of Book's suitable for Christinas and |
New Year Gifts, A c. Towanda. Dec. 20, i 355.
THE SUBSCRIBER is desirous of renting
bis Farm situated in the township of Wysox. ;
about three miles from Towanda, and one mile j
from the Canal at Piollet's. There are about
r-fiLra SEVENTY ACRES under improvement, with i
a large new house and first rate ban), Ac. Said farm is I
well adapted to the raising of all kuids of grain, besides ;
being a good farm for keeping a dairy. The subscriber
will leave on the farm a horse team, wagon, plows, har- !
rows, and all kinds of implements necessary lor working i
said farm, together with about eight cows. * A sober, ho- j
nest, industrious loan, with a wife who understands butter
making, can do well on this farm. None other need ap- j
ply. Possession given on the first day of April next. For
further particulars enquire of the subscrilicr on the premi
Wysox, December 22, 1855.
JAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICIAN, of Towanda, respect- i
fully informs the public that he has lately procured !
from New Yoik the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath, i
which ha- proven to be one of the most 'important and |
wonderful discoveries of the age, from it-- ability to extract 1
minerals from the human system.
Some eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco- j
vered the process of extracting minerals from the bod v, '
by galvanism ; more recently, .\L Verges, of New York, j
an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of I
poisonous minerals into his -ystem in the prosecution of j
his art. conceived the idea of'removing them by the same
processes, he succeeded in doing so, and quickly recovered.
He then applied the same means to others similarly af
fected. with like results. Ills success exceeded his most
sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths remove
mineral poisons, but cured many diseases, some of which
were the result of minerals, and some were not.
More recent experiments have fully confirmed the sin
gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi
nerals that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment
of health. Very often persons are afflicted by diseases
which are beyond the comprehension of the most skilful
physician:-, and which are the effect of poisonous mine
rals accumulating in the System for years, taken in the
shape of calomel, lead, Ac. Ac.
The following are some of the diseases cared by these
baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis, Pal.-y, Painter's t'bolic.
Chronic Ulcers. Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer.
Neurolia in all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all
lie has also S. 11. Smith's newlv invented DIRECT IND i
is a great improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto
fore in use. With the aid of the Bath and Machine, we
have at command all the available medical efficiency of
Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is very
great, in introducing medicines into the system through
the pores of the skin—applying it directly t > the parts af
fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over
that ot taking it into the stomach,rendering it particular
ly efficacious in all local diseases.
1 am now prepared to apply these Baths, and HISO the
Machines, at my house in the south part of the borough
of Towanda, or 1 will visit patients at a distance, who arc
unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo
derate prices.
I an: also sole agent for Bradford count v, for the atiove '
.Machines. JAMES HARRIS. j
Towanda. December 22, 1
rpilE subscriber gratefully announces his thanks for the
.1. liberal patronage received during the past year, and
rospr tfully solicit) a continuance of the trade, which he
will endeavor to merit by keeping his Stork cor.t.nouliy
replenished fry CASH pnrrh't *e-i, * ith a large anrl pure
assortment of Goods, which several years experience has
enabled hint to " hny at the Imrrr.t rates" of the " Impor
ters nod Manufacturers"- by selling low by adopting the
UA' irKvsTKM entirely, and by making a genera/reduc
tion of price*.
) 'on-cqiioiitly. the credit system will cease on and after
the first day ot January, lSst>.
a a* All persona indebted arc requested to make imme
diate payment. H. ('. PORTER.
Office and Drug Store in end of the Ward House.
December 2ft, 1855. j
m oivTm.Y axAtFAzmsis
k A rneut in advance, than can oe obtained in other way
frte of p -stage large list* are now being formed for
Harper's, Harper's St >ry Bock,
Batu mi's, Rind's Lit ing Age.
Graham's, G'dey's Lady's B .ok.
National (Methodist.) National (l'etcr.-on's).
Now i-tlie time to subscribe, as the volumes nearly all
conmu-iiec with the. first of January. Remember the unm
lN-rs<P:Hvc.' , d at rav store tho first of each month, free ot
po t.igc. Pec. 25. O. D. BAR'TRFTT.
Extraordinary News !
To men the: have and ought to have Corn to Sell
4 LL PERSON'S indebted to the subscriber, cither by
1\ note or on the books of the late firm 'T. F
,'v < 0., or the former firm of Fri-bic . Rc-i.
| notified in season that all acennnt net sett!< d ; to
■ the first day of February, ISSR will then : • i:do the mill
sometimes used for grinding out equity and justice, auil
• go through tin, as fast us the Constable can go round.
Friends and foes take heed, and conic to the rescue!
December 10.1655. T. HUMPHREY..
THRESH TEAS, both Green and Black —
JL from 37j cents to ;l no—every pound warranted to
suit or the money returned in all cases, at FOX'S.
Cash paid fcr Hides.
TIIK highest price raid m r.sir, for Hides
L sri l-o-) Vr * JOIII." W. 'VILCOX.
T., • - - A I V.'.
tcgal "A&yerticmcnta.
f ,Ki. treij . v V''"; 1 ' Uu>i nll !*"•■"!' indebted to th es
ter* of homae Ingham, dee'd, late of Asvlurn township,
j are hereby requested to payment "w.thout dtdavj
, and all persons Lc.vmg claims against tsaid estate will
please prevent thetn duly authenticated for sett'ement
! Oct. IC. 1355. JOSEPH W. I.NQHAM; Adiu'r.
j L r l Oil'S X 0 i ICE.—AII porsotis in*
XA debtcd to the estate of II.VRY CAIUIER. decciucd
| late of Litchfield teivvnsbip. are hereby notified to nmke
; payment without delay, and all ijcrsons having demands
ngain-t scid e-tatc ate requested to present them duly au
thetitieated for settlement. WILLIAM CARMER, •
Lit. Illicit!. October 20, 1655. Ljtcculof,
T> hG ISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is hcre
-1 I by given that there have been filed and settled in
tie office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of
Bradford, account* of administration upon the following
estate*, viz :
Final account of H. If. Peek.execntor of Htzekiah l'eck
late "f tstuithfield. deceased.
Final r.econnt of George P. Rurnham, administrator ot
ritrvey Ward, late of Burlington, deceased.
!• inal account of 11. !!. and C. Bowel), adminLstrutora
of Jacob J. Be wen. late of Warren. deceased.
Partial account of .1. Phelps and E. K. French, cacecu o Ebenezer French, late of Rinitbfield. deceased.
Final account ofC.M. Brown, administrator of William
Finer, late of Monroe, deceased.
rinul account of Ausoa and Ellas Gustin, administra
tors of _Tbos. J'l. Gustin, late of Columbia, deceased.
Final account of Charles fitockwdl. surviving adminis
trator of Sterling Holconib, late of Leroy, deceased.
Partial account of Ransom Cr*r.dll,"administrator of
| Tanner Crandoll. late of Springfield, deceased.
Final account of J. M. Phillips, administrator of C. P.
Phillip", late of Burlington, dc cased.
Final account of T. M. Bcacli, administrator of Jamo4
' Nicliol*. late i f Sniithfield, deceased.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans Court
of Bradford county, on Monday, the till day of February
next, for confirms allowance.
JAM MS H. WMBB. Register.
Register's Office. Towanda. IP-comber 2t>. I s 36.
PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, the lion.
A DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, Sus
quehanna and Sullivan, and Hons. Mvr:cs BALLARD and
HARRY ACS LEY. Associate Judges, In and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept hearing date the
2 ;tli Bay of Dec., A.D.1555, to nic directed, for holding a
Court ot Oyer and Icrntiuer, General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan
da, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, tho
4th day of February Lext. to continue three weeks.
Notice is therefore hcrebv given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County f
Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper'per
on, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be done ; and
those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro
secute- against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail
ol said County, or who shall be bonnd to appear at the
said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall be.just. Jurors are requested to he punctual
in their attendance, agreeably to their notice.
Dated at "1 owanda, the 22d of December, in the vcar of oar
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-lire, and of
the Independence of the United States, "the seventy
ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE —C. F. Wilson vs.
-£\- J. S. Peterson. No. 75, L'cc. T. 1c54 ; in the Com
mon Fleas of Bradfeird County.
Notice is hereby given, that tlic undersigned. Auditor
appointed by the Court to distribute moneys in the Sher
tifi s hands, rai-ed by sale of said defendant's pei-<onal es
tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 21U
day of January, lkiti, r.t two o'clock, P. M., s'ml all j-ez
n ins having <fauni upon raid Ir.or.ey must pre,cut them
r.t that tn.-e and nlacc, or tie be forever debarred from
Do- It. 1 - P. MORROW, Auditor.
\ I DI'IOR'S NOTICE.— F. Champion, to
A*- the lisc oj J. IK Moniuuje. vs. Hansom Pai/ne. In
The Court of Com. ph-:v of Bradford cotiutv. No. $lO Sep
tember Term. 1-55. Also. Silas Payne. to the use of J.
If. If codburn, vs. Abraham Payne and Hansom Payne.
No. 322, Mav Term, 1354.
N dice is "hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor
appointed by said Court, to distribute money in the Sher
lIPs hands, raised by the sale of said defendant's real es
tate, will attend to "the duties of his appointment at his
office i:i the borough of Towanda, on Tuesday, the 22d
day of January, 1850, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which time
and place all persons having claims upon said money must
present them, or else be forever debarred from the "same.
Dc-. It, 1555. P. D. MORROW. Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— C~]\ T 7to7pman
-IX. vs. O. S. Cosier tf C. L. IV'uite. —ln Bradford Coin.
Pleas, No. 313. September Term, l.soo.
The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the said Court,
to distribute funds ra;-ed by the Shcrifi's sale of defen
dant's real estate, will attend 1> the duties of his appoint
ment, at the i■(lice of Win. Dwell, Esq., la the borough of
Towanda, 011 Saturday, the 2oth day of January, leoti, at
one o'clock, P. M., at which time and place all persons in
terested in -aid fund.-are requested to present the is claims
or else be forever debarred from the same.
Dec. IZ, 1855. IL B. M K.EAN, Auditor.
-a. A. to the use of A. A'. Smith, vs. G. H. Leu-is h H. C.
C'oo/jjugA—lu Bradford Common I Teas, No. 225, Decem
ber Term, 1563.
The undersigned, r.n Auditor appointed by said Court,
to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale of real estate in
this cause, w iii attend to the duties of his appointment at
his olli-.e in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday, the
"Ist day of January. 1 Soft, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
at which time and place all persons interested in said funds
are requested ti prs-eut their claims, or else be forever
debarred from the same.
Doc. 10,1355. G. H. WATKINS. Auditor. _
A 1 DITOR'S NOTICE. — Guy Tracey vs.
-A. A vs. Lather H. Chiius. iu the court of Comnrou Pleaa
Bind ford Co. No. 2t)S, September Term, 1853.
The undersigned Auditor appointed bv aid Court, to
distribute the fund- raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's
roil estate, will attend to the I duties assigned" hiin
at his office in the borough of Towanda. on Wednesday,
the 30th day of January, Hstt, at one o'clock in the after
noon, when and where all persons having claims are re
quested to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom.
Pec. 10.1865. G. H. WAYKBRB, Auditor.
iA. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Ran-'im P. Adams, dec d., late of RidglterwTown
sliip, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; aud all persons having claims against said estate will
please present tbcm duly authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 12. 1855. SAMUEL J. ADAMS. Admin'r.
A I DITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
■I *- the (stale of Minor H. li'ilcox, deceased. In tiio
Orphan's Court of Bradford County-
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor
appointed l y said Court, to distribute funds in the hands
of the Adm in ist rati rs of said estate, raised by the sale of
real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment,
at his office, iu the borough of Towanda, on Wednesday,
tiie 25rd day of January, ls5H, at one o'clock. P. M..when
and where all h wson- lim ing claims upon said funds must
present them, or else be forever debarred front the same.
Dec. 14. Isis. P. D. XOBBQW, Auditor.
TN THE MATTER of the partition of the
i Real Edale of Tanner Cran 'all, late of Springfield
t-Tirmehip, deer ired.
Notice is hereby given to all persona interested in the
partition of the real estate ol Tanner Crandall, late of the
township of Spri'igiield, to come into court ou MONDAY
the 4tb day of February next, to accept or refuse the laud
at the valuation made by the inquest, (which was held by
the tsherifi". upon the pri nii-c-. on the 25th day of April,
1855.) according to the right of priority of choice.
Dec. 21. 1h.5.5. J.VMFS 11, WEBB. Clerk of O. C.
V OTICE.—Tito atintiiil raeetiittr of stock
.s y holders of the BARt I,AY BAIL ROAD >t COAL
t I'MPANH. will be held at their office in Philadelphia.
(North no I corner of 4th and Walnut sts.) on MONDAY
tlie Hth day of January. Is."lb at 12 o'clock. M., at which an clc tior will be held for a President and twelvo
Directors t > serve the ensuing vcar.
Dec. 20, t GfiO. R. OAT. Sccrctarr.-'
r FLUID for aal< y 8. 1-KI.TON.
i AST CALL !—All imlebted to tho sul)-
I J srril or. as late Register and Recorder and Clerk of
the Orphans' Court, are requested to make payment by or
before February Court. All accounts unpaid after that
time will be rdtcid in proper hands for collection.
Jan. 1.165(1 H. L- SCOP*.
I *J At the Post Office,
j The Hunter's Fca t, by Capt. Maync llcid ;
i Ue ffi. . 1 • l-.y Mrs. Moocie ;
K 'e Wesim. -r I • Will and T'. D<-,
• • 1 '. .1 tae of a New York Surgeon ;
My B ii dage and My Freedom, nv Fred Dougiusai
The Widow Bedoit t'a|ers;
Inside View of Slawrj :
\rckyy M -ore, or the Vi hiic Slave ;
Ten Ycir. among the Ma'.! Bags;
i Id I M! V. by M IV Laagdnn :
i * St;u bv ucui-y Ward Bccchcr ;
Doesticfcs, Barmun. Ac. Ac. January 1.
i TOgT RECEIVED, anotlter lot of that
i *f nice T'KIFD BEEF, al.-o first rate CHEESE, at
j J"'y i ; - FOS'S.
1 * —V-' tr.k hoi or sinule rwufid.
\ ' a V " rtel JOTh.