lUerUjantiue, JOSEPH IPOAVIUT.Ia "IX7UULD respectfully announce he U again before V\ the people with a large, rich and fashionable assort ment of /VI LI. A XI) WINTER GOODS, tu which the attention <>f the public i* invited. Ising con fident Unit he ran offer inducements to CASH purchasers wliiih will atnplv |MIV tor an examination of lii.-> stock. jli> >T'H k of LAKH'S 1 (annus is complete, consist hue of Corded, watered, plain, black. cluuigcaUc and plaid Silks ; pLiin iuid plaid Merinos : all wool Delaine- ; plain and figured Cashmeres; Mmjsliti delaines. Partnetta*. c!i illi Delaines. plain and twilled Persian cloth, Debagej, A1 paresis, Ginghams. Prints, Ac, At.-o, Siemens—a large and magnificent assortment ol Uroeiin 1 ,ong anil Square Shawls, plain woolen long #ud square do. I,mins' CI.OTHS—AII colors, and trimmings. KM HIM 1 OKK in*—The LARGEST and cheapest assortment of Indies embroidered collars, sleeti,bands and flouncing*, 4 tlgi i'/s and Insertin"'. ever ofTered for <-! in i owrthda. \ - ■ 1 thread. S i ran, 1. dihin uud cnttdn edgings, all vi itiis and orices. or: is:> LINEN GOODS, of erery description, and of all qwHties. Horse I'rHNisFTtN'G (loons—Double and single fold Da m tsks of various kinds : embroidered and lace curtains, all ijualities ; window shades and trimmings; bleached and unbleached table linens: napkins, colored table spreads of various kinds, rounterpanes. linen sheetings, rose blankets, gilt rornlres and pins, stair rods, Ao. Ac. GI.OVKS ASP HostßßY—Everything in this line for La dies, misses, children, men and Itovs. IliutAiioi.oTiis, CASSIMKRKS AND VKSTTWS—BIack and colored Cloths of every qalitv and price, plain and fanny Cassimerca, fancy velvets, plain and figured grenardine, plain and figured silk, black satin and cashmere Vesting-, and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, sattl netts, sheep greys, Ac. ltotiKSTtcs—Of every description, purchased at very close figures and oliered low. k launels of every grade and color. ('HUTTINGS —All (pialities,ingrain and stair carpetings, oil cloths. Bosk Mattings, Drnggcts, Ac. YANKKB NOTIONS—AImost the line, whole sale and retail. HATS A C APS.—An assortment uncqualcd in Northern Pennsylvania of Mens'A Boys hats and caps, comprising every variety of silk, brown,"pearl and black fur Hats.— Cloth, Plush and Fur (laps. BOOTS A SIIOKS—In this department there is, nor never has been In this market anything to compete with this stock, in quality, quantity and price, which it would tie greatly to the interest of every man, woman and child to examine who wishes to purchase- In addition to the aliove enumerated articles there will always be found a full assortment of Groceries. Hardware. Crockery and (Mass-ware. Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuff's. Leather'and Shoe Findings, Ae., Ac. To bis old Friends and Customers, the snliserilieer would take this method of expressing his gratitude for their libe ral patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it. and to other* would extend an invitation to examine his stock, being confident he can make it for their interest to do so. Towanda. Oct. 1,1855. JOSEPH POWELL. H. S. MERC UK. received his FALL STOCK OF MERCHANDIZE, CIONSISTING of DRY GOODS, of every kind.GUOCK .' RIES, a large assortment of HAI'DW ARE, including Harness and Carriage Trimmings, and Joiner'* Tools of every description ; Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe find ings, Hats. Caps, nnd Umbrellas ; Paper Hangings and Window Shades : Carpets and l>rngget: Oils l'aints and Dye stuffs; Crockery and Glassware: Iron, Steel and Nails: Window glass" and Sash ; Camphine, Burning Flu id and Varnishes of every kind : Pails, Tubs, Mats, Ac., Ae., which will he sold as usual, very cheap for Cash. Towanta. Octnher 1,1855. COME ONE! COME ALL! And satisfy yourselves that YOINTTATSTYItIS & CO. HAVE the best and most complete assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of all grade- ladies' and gent's wond Cloths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain and fancy cassiineres, sattinet, tweeds, Kentucky jeans, flannels, linscys. All descriptions Dress Goods, such as black, watered, changeable and plaid Silk.-, French meri nos, Thibet cloth, Scotch wool plaids, brown and black mixed Drheges, all wool and figured Delaines, plain and | silk striped Alpaccas, Scotch and domestic ginghams, j children's plaids, Merrimack and other prints, of all vari- , erics. An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, mittens, gloves, Victoria and Bishop lawn, book and jaconet nius- | tins, bonnet and dress trimmings, silk, moire antique, rnon velvet and ribbon Trimmings, Fringes, black and white silks, linen thread. Maltese, and all kinils wove linen and I cotton edgings, muslin bands, collars, under sleeves, eke- ! misettes, curtain drapery, brown, Mac and black dotted embroidered veils, stocks and gcut's collars. A variety of Talmas, gent's and ladies' wool Shawls, ■ Thibet, brnche and other bawls,lndia and Zephyr scarfs, j children's woollen sleeves, hoods, muffs, assorted colored Scotch yarn comforters, carpeting, drugget, horse hlank cts. linen table spreads and diapers, counterpanes, Ac. HARDWARE.—A large assortment of anvils, vices, screw piates, sledges, mill, cross cut, hand, and other kinds of j saws, nails, tiles, chains, pump fixtures, squares, plumbs, levels, planes and saw handles, moulding and l>eneh phi nes, House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Saddle ry Trimmings, such as brass and silvered bands, axletrees, I bolts, enamelled top-ieatlier and cloth, dash leather, cloth damask and lace trimmings. Bra.-s, silvered and rnsset liames. japanned, silvered and brass buckles, Wtts, snaps, breeching rings, trace book chains, harm -s leather. Ac. j sbiiMi FINDINGS—The large-t assortment in town, con sisting of pegs, lasts, men's and boy's boot trees, crimps. 1 and irons, bristles, threads, all kinds bench tools, heel hall. blaeking. bindings, lininar tnorocro. kip. French and American calf skins, cow hide, oak and hemlock leather. '■ FAINTS, OILS, AC.—Stone and white zincs, white and 1 red lead. Paris chrome aud Verdigris greens, Ohio and other Paints, sugar lead, litheraee, Japan Varnish, coach, | furniture and saddler's varnish, linseed, lamp and tanner's oil, alcohol, camphene, fluid and pnttv. BOOTS AND BOOKS,—Men's and bov's enlf. kip and cow hide boot* and shoes, women's kid. enamelled, morocco. • alf anil kip lace boots, morocco, patent lesthi r, enamcll ■ J and kid buskins, varied miter- rend 'brers, mi se>'. ! tsiy'.s and infant's sb..cs. of all de n bilbo - 'it's, led'' s' ! 111 e. and ci Uoi.'n rubber shot . and id V high top I rubber wait-!. A ANKKK NOTIONS—wiII lie found of all kinds, comprising ladies' and gent's port uionuai.-, India rubber, l>ack, puff, side aud circle combs, pocket, ivory, shell side and other coiu'w, gilt. lasting, velvet coat and ve-t buttons, agate. 1 Ivory, glass and silk buttons ; razor strops, aoaps, brush es, Ac. Ac. The usual large supply of Crockery, Groceries, Hats, Tops, Bonnets, Kurs, liobes, Wash tubs. Pails. Measures, Sash. Glass, Paper Hangings, Window shades. Umbrellas, iron. Steel. Ac. • n~ CASH is the stuff to buy Goods with. Gall and try the experiment. Towanda, November 9,1855. DR. NIOTtSJd, HAVING PERMANENTLY LOCAT ED AT MONROETON. offers his professional ser v ices to the public, niul hopes by careful attention to me rit a share of patronage. He would further add tnat a number of years experience In the U. S. Military Hospitals enables him to speak with ronrtdenceof the treatment of Chronic difficulties. Rickets, White Swellings, Broiuocele. Goitre, and all varieties of Scrofula treated witli entire success. He may be found, when not professionally engaged, at his residence. Mechanic's street, a few rods west of the Hotel, ready at all times to attend rich or poor, night or Monroeton, Nov. 1, 1855.ni3 K. T. FOX HAS jast received a full supply of FAM ILY GROCERIES, which he will sell cheap for Cash. Thauklul for the very liberal patronage extended to him during the past season, he would most respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Cash paid for most kinds of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and Fanner a Produce generally. October 10, 1855. '>ooo RYE wanted immediately * / vfxj for which the highest market price in cash will be paid. Oct. 12. E. T. FOX. ISLAND SALT, both lumps and . ground, at Octfl FOX'S. NEW (ioor>s7~ J, Harvey Phinny, Jr. IS lust receiving a general assortment of FALL A WIN TER GOODS, consisting of the usual variety of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Hoots Sf Shoes, J'aints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, § c , tj-r. all of which will 1* sold as usual for Cash, or exchanged for Produce cheaper than ean be had at uuy other store in To wan da. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for cash will do well to on 11 and examine his stock aud price*, cor ner of Bridge and Main streets. jgS~< 'ash paid for Butter. Pork ami Grain. Oct 20 New Fall and Winter Goods. Barton Kingsbery, RESPECTFULLY iufonas the public that he is open ing fur public inspection, one of the largest stocks of GOODS ever brought into this market, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hoots and Shoes, Sails, Glass, ifr. Embracing an assortment suited to the wants of the pub .i V u . , lVi "k' If*'ti puirliased for Cash, will U> .m for Kca'.v Pay ;tt ~riw . vvhri-tr defy competition. s vvc-vside <it Main street. lewan<i.i G' tobirt 1 kinsmcss .QTurtls. r P F. MAIHLL, M. P., PH Y SIC IAN 1 • ASU SUHU/iOAf— Offlce at his residence in Wyinx. l'a. Ju l>' 1855.—dm |UI. JOTIX M'IXTOSn, SVRGEON 1 " XT/ST, HAS RETURNED. Office next door to Mcrcni s store, mid over Alexander's Clothing Stole, Main -trcct, Towanda. February 21,1855. I AMKS MACFARLANK, ATTORNEY el .1/.. iW, TOWANDA, PA. Occupies tle Ollicc, 111 the Union Block, formerly owned by John C. Adams Esq. 1: e l lc u ill attend to procuring Bounty Lattd Warrants and Pensions. March 22, 1855. 11. J. M vnn.T P. D. MORROW. MA 1H LL & MORROW, A TTOIiNE YS ■l-X/> CO UA' UK hi. OH S AT LAU\— Oflice over Mercur's ritore, Towanda, l'a. Towanda, April 2,1855. n-4.1-tf DU. K.TT.MASON; PHYSICIANAXD SCIMEON, offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Oflice at his residence on Pirn- street, where he ean always be found when not professionally engaged. JOHN C. A DAMS P'A. OVERTON. i PA MS k OYERTOX, ATTORNEYS J.l. AT /.AH'. Office in the room formerly occupied by George Sanderson, over Burton Kingsbury's store. Towanda, May 26, 1855. CURY HYING.—J A M F.S A. PAINE, Sur k •' vovor for Bradford Gounty, is prepared to attend to tln-Jabiive business in all its branches. His office is at Towanda. AH letters addre-scd to hini .at this place will meet with prompt attention. April 4, 1654. GEORGE H. WOOD'S DA GUERRE AX ROOMS RKMOYED to Fatten'H NEW BIIIUK BLOCK, comer of Bridge Olid M iu street, where he has fitted up rooms expressly for the business, with a large sky-fight and side-light com bined. With thc-o arraugcinents he will be able to take Pictures with any shade desired. Grouping ilonc in the best possible maimer. Daguerreotypes taken equally as well 111 cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. "Miniatures neatly put into Lockets, Breast piugs, and linger rings, Ac. instructions given in the art on reasonable terms. Towanda, May 1, 1855. FIRS! FIRS! FIRS! FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE CO. ATHEXIS, PA. Hon. HORACE WILLISTON, President; C. F. WELLES. Jr. Vice President and Treasurer; J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Board of Directors —Hon. Horace Williston. Francis Tyler. George A. Perkins, J. T. D. Myer, C. N. Sliipman. (.'. F. Welles, Jr., J. E. Canficld, Athens; Hon. John La porte, Towanda : Gen. Bradley Wakeman, fancyvillc ; G. M. Hoileuback, Wilkes-Barre; Michael Meylert. La porte. Pa. I'. O. MOODY, Agent for Bradford County. Address, Waverly, N. Y. m mamsnss® e COLLINS 8L POWELL TXTOULD resppctfully inform their friends and the pub- V V lie that they have HE MOVED tiieir CLOTHIX< '■ A FURNISH ING STORE to Putton's New Brick Work, No. :i, anil will be happy to wait on all who may give them a call, Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy Cas-itnere o*ts, of all colors ; Black and Fancy Cassiiuere Pants ; Black Satin and Fancy Vests ; Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy ; Marseilles and Linen Coats, all kinds ; Linen Pants, Shirt Collars, Cravats aud Hose. Huts, of all kinds. Garments of all kinds made np to order, and warranted to lit or no sale. Our stork comprises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which we are bound to sell cheap er than any other establishment in town or county. CUTTING done to order as usual. Towanda, June 9,1655. TOWANDA iMMJE mmmißYo THIS school, under the charge of the Misses H ANSON, is held in the new building on Second street, west of the Ward House. The school year will consist of fonr quarters, of eleven weeks each. "The summer vacation commencing in July, and ending in September. TKRSIS, CKR QCAUTEK First Class—To include the elementary English ) ~ f .. branches,and the study of the Latin language, f Second Class —To include the more advanced stn-) dies of the English branches, with Mathematics ?'J 00 find the study of Latin and French, \ Third Class To include Mathematics, Mental j anil Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac. A sl2 00 with Latin and French, { ) Each pupil wil! bring with her n desk and chair. There will be no extra charges whatever. A/imm:.—lnstruction on the Piano, with use of instru ment, will be giveu by Miss RmiKe'UA D. HANSON, at $lO per quarter. The Winter Term commences MONDAY, Nov. 26. LECTURES oi Rhetoric, Mural and intellectual Philo sophy, and the higher branches of English Composition, will also be delivered once or tw ice in each week. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men lit. Rev. Ai.ONZO PoTTtK, Bishop of the Diocese of Petin'a. Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. MACAKAN, Fresideutof the College of New Jersey, Princeton. lion. DAVID Wii.Mor, G. F. MASON, Hsu., C. I- WAHD, Esq., Hon. GKOSI.i: SAM.HSUN,. D. F. BaVstow, Esq. Col. J. F. MKANS, Towanda. low uuila, November 9, 1655. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TO IVAND A, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS ! UFA*. SAMUEL K. COLT. Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental anil Moral Science ; REV. .IAMBS- McWILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Language* and Belles la-tlres ; t'HAKLES R. COBI KN. A. M.. Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School ; K. ALBERT LUDM IG, A.M., Professor of Modem Lan guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing ; Usher; HRNJ AMIV KG LIN, Penmanship and Register; Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress; MILS. EVELINE HOYT, Preceptress and Matron ; MISS O. LOUISA JENKS, Assistant on Piano and Me lodeon. *S"The Fall Term commences on WEDNESDAY, AU GUST 22,1855, and will continue fourteen weeks. KXTOWKX VKH TKKM : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term, f4 00 " Fourth ." 5 no " Thinl B no " Second 7 00 " First 9 00 FXTBAS : French. German. Spanish or Italian, each 5 no When taken without other branches, 7 no Drawing 3 On Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 nn Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrnincnt,... 12 no do do per quarter of 11 weeks, 10 no Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 On do fignres 10 00 Room rent for lodgers 1 7.-, Contingent fund for each pupil 33 The Young /.uilies will find hoard in the Institute, under the care of the Matron, at per week, 1 75 Arrangements have been made by which the male pupils can find board in private families, at per week, 2 00 Washing, per dozen, 3# Fuel and light at the actual expense. Pupils boarding in the Hall, (who will be exclusively Females.) wilTlurnisli their own lied,bedding, towels, Ac. aud the table- silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The billH for the term must be paid in advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, and the- remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. For classification of studies and text-bonks, see circu lars, for which apply to C. !,. WARD, President. 8. F. OUT, Sec. j24 J. D. MOST AX YE, Treasurer. AGENTS WANTED. MAKE MONEY WHEN YOU CAN The Subscribers destre to procure the undivided time of an Agent in every eonnty of the United States Efficient and capable men may make several dollars per day, without risk or hombuggcry of any kind. Full par ticulars of the nature of the business will be given by ad dressing the subscriber, and forwarding One Post Office Stamp to pre-pay return postage. FURRY A- CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. im PRATT HAS REMOVED to the residence of Mrs. J. W. Menem, on Second street, directly above and opposite the Methodist church. XSrOffice In the north room. f He would also inform those indebted to him, Uia all accounts of more than one year's standing, muni be settled, by payment or otherwise. June 9,1855. ]>AINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Puttv Ac . Ac., by TRACY A MOORE. /IASH | ui'm l for WHEAT, EUTTER, PtJ , " TA "10l> Erg-, Poultiv. A•• at FOX'S. Ulcbicul. KELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARA TIONS. HetmhohC* Highly Cemeentrnled Fhiid F.riraet Burhv, fur Disease# of Hit' Bladder and Kidnevif, Secret Disease!-, Strictures, Weakness, total #ll Diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether in Male or Female, from whatever cause they may have originated, tuul no matter of how lung standing. If you have contracted the terrible disease, which when once seated in the system, will surely go down from one generation to another, undermining the constitution, and Mapping the very vita! fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day in a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring fal-ehoods too well caleulated to deceive the young and those not ac quainted with their tricks. You cannot lie too careful in the selection of a remedy in these eases. The fluid extract Ruchu has been pronounced hy emi nent Physicians THE G UK A TEST RKMKDY EVER KNOWN. It is a medicine perfectly pleasant ill its taste, and very innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it annihi lates every particle of the rank and poisopous virus of this disease- and, unlike other remedies, it does not dry up the disease in the tdood. Constitutional Debility, brought hy self-abuse, a most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the hu man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bod the glorious ambition of many a noble vouth, can be cured by this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. And as a medicine \\ hich must lienelit everybody from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found, acting both as a cure and preventive HEMROLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilia. For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an im pure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effect ual remedy known for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs. I'ains and Swellings of the Rones, Tetter, I'implex on the face and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. This article is now prescribed by some of the most dis tinguished Physicians in the Country, and has proved more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsa parilia yet offered to the public. Several eases of secon dary Syphilic, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have en tirely recovered in the incurable wards of our public insti tutions, which had for many years re-isted every mode of treatment that could lie devised. These cases furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed and the bones already affected. NOTlCK.—Letters from responsible Physicians anil Pro fessors of several Medical colleges, and certificates of cures from patients will he found accompanying both prepara tions. Prices, Fluid Extract Ruchu, il bottle, or 6 bottles for fa. " " Sarsaparilia, " " equal in strength to one gallon Svrop of Sarsaparilia. Prepared and sold by 11. T. HELM ROLL, Chemist, 2(13 Chestnut st., near tli ( House, Philadelphia. To he had of Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towauda, Pa. and of Druggists and dealers everywhere. a'All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent will receive immediate attention. 1 \-:t TAKE NOTICE. RI. C. L. KKLLING, MECHAXROSBF RO, PA. announces to all afflicted with Tumors, Wens, Can cer, Warts. Polypus, Lnpus. Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil, and all diseases that have been usually treat ed Caustic or Knife that he can remove them by an en tirely new method, without cutting, burning or pain. It is mi matter on what part of the body they are, he can re move them with perfect safety and in a remarkable short time, if curable. No money required, except for medicines until a cure is perfected. Chronic and other diseases not mentioned above, treated with positive sneeess, if curable. Full particulars can lie obtained hy addressing (L- KEE LING, M. 1).. Meehaiiieslnirg, Cumberland Co.. Pa. Per-onsafflicted, residing at a distance, he has, for vcars been in the habit of prescrbing by letter, and with general satisfurtion. He would say however to those desiring advice, in this way, that to secure attention they should enclose, with the general synipt' >ms of their cases. a fee of <me dollar, to warrant him in spending his time for their lieuetit. The doctor may be consulted at his office at all times, when not professionally absent. CACTlON. —Strangers coming to see the Dr. are caution cd as some have been deceived. Dr. K. is the onlv one in this State, who can perform cures hy the new method The Dr's. ottiee is directly opposite the Union Church. Mechanirsliurg is x miles from Hanisburg on the Cum lierland V. If. if. and accessible from all parts of the Un ion. The Dr. will visit cases within a reasonable distance when desired. Cosmopolitan Art Association. SECOND YEAR. 4 RR WOFMEXTS for the Second Annual Collection XX of this new and popular institution for the diffusion of Literature and art. have been made on the most exten sive scale. Among the works already engaged, is the fur famed "GENOA CRUCIFIX."* which originally cost Toil Thousand Dollars. In forming tile new collection, the diffusion of works of AMERICAN ART, and the encouragement of American ge nius have not been overlooked. f oimnissious have been issued to many of the most distinguished American artists who will contribute some of Their finest productions Anmng them are three Marble Rusts, executed by the greatest living Sculptor Ilium POWKUS : GEORGE WASHINGTON—The Father of his Country, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—The Philosopher, " DANIEL Y\ LUSTER—The Statesman. A special agent has visited Europe and made careful and judicious selections of foreign works of Art, imtiiin Bronze and Marble ; Statuary and Choice Paintings. The whole forming a large and valuable collection of Paintings and Statuary to be distributed FREE among the members of the Association for tlic Second Year. TERMS OK MKBIH UMIIP. —The payment of Three Dol lars constitute- any one a member of this \ ssoctntinn ,nnd entitles him to either <d' tin- Magazines for one year, and also a Ikkct in the distribution ot the Statuary and Paint ings. The Literature issued to subscribers consists of the fol lowing Monthly Magazines : Harper's, Putnam's. Kuick erbockcr. Rla> kwood's, Household Words, Graham's and Goiley's Lady's Rook. Persons taking five memlierships are entitled to any five of the Magazines for one year, and to sir ticket* in the dis tribution. The net proceedsiL rived from the saleof mem lierships, ore devoted to the purchase of works of art for I the ensuing year. THE InvANTAUWi SECCKKD hy twcoining a nienilier of this Association arc— -Ist. All persons receive {he full ra.'nc of their suhxrrip lion at the start, in the shape of sterling .Magazine Litera ture. 2d. Each member is contributing towards purchasing choice works of Art. which are to lie distributed among themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the Ar tists of the country, distributing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persona in remitting funds for membership, will please give their post office address in full, stating the month they wish the magazine to commence,and have the letter registered to prevent loss ; on its receipt a certificate of inemhershiL, together with the Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Those who purchase Magazines at the bookstores, will observe that by joining this Association, they receive the Magazine and the free ticlxt in the annual distribution all at the same price tliey now pay for the magazine alone. For memberships, address C. L. DERBY, Actuary.C. A. A., At either of the Principal Offices—" C'iiit kerbocker Ma gazine office, Broadway, New York ;or Western Office, Kid Water street, Sandusky. Ohio. Air' Subscriptions received by W. 11. 11. GORE, Hono rary Secretary for Towanda, Pn. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. roSEPIT KINGSBERY still coutinncs the ** BOOK &ST A riO.\KItY business, where pu rchaseiri may find all Oie latest School and Miscellaneous Hanks at reduced prices. Tlie following School Books are embrac ed in the catalogue, viz : Bullion s Creek and Latin Reader and Grammar. do. Caesar, do. Sal lust, do. Lessons. Donegan's Greek and English lexicon. Speuccr's Latin Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil. OleudorfTs, Lehretlion's, Barhauld's, Fausdick's and liCvizack's French Works. Barker s, Connstocks, Flielps', Smiley'e and Olmsted's Philosophy. Day's, Thompson's and Davie's Works. Cutter's. Coat's and Oomstoek's Phvscologv. Sannder's, Porter's, Bentley's and Cobb's Works. Bancrtlt t> History, Parley's, Worcester's, Gurnsey's Bottas, ,Ve. Ac. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, do University edition, do. do Common School, do. Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's, Johnson's, do. Corn stock s works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do. Brown's, Kirkham's, Smith's and Morse's Geography hi'u c- ' a " U Ull the Vttrious I>riuiuI 7 Geography's now Spelling books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in great variety. Als "—J>ry (iooda , (inocwie , Crockery, Hoot* Shoe*, Hala and ( ap*. $-r., fyc. New and desirable styles of Goods will be received monthly, and sold at the lowest CASH PRICES J K Towunda, April. 21, 1555. PATIib, 15rooms, i übs, Mettkurcs, .srriibbiiit* Arushes, blacking Brushes, Ac. at F<>X'S. O TOXb SUGARb—lirown. Befitted I'mv rj dered, Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses, Syrup Hio and Java Co**, Hice, Saleratus. Ginger Sp.-nn' Candles Ui.-e, Tobacco—in tact A general variety of Groceries tor sale cheap at junei) FOX'S. I> OOTS A SHOES—The largest, best and 19 cheapest assortment thi-side of the Empire Crtv may [He lound . t TRACY ,v \)omHi "x Xiliscdluueons. W. (M.OCK A WATCH REPAIRER. —The V undersigned is constantly receiving from New-York by Express, new additions ty bis Stock of Watchea. < 'locks, Jewelry. Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising ill part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Kpine and Plain Watches, with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, such as Gold chains. Lockets. Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys, Itreast-l'ins, Ear-Hings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware,such as Table "and Tea Spoons, < ream spoons, Butter knives, Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which will be sold very low for GASH. ('LOCKS.- ; A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from 75 cents to Fifty Dollars. Watches repaired on short notice, and WARRANTED to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. TV. A. ('. would beg leave to say. that he is prepared to execute the most difficult Jobs, such as can be done at no other Simp short of New-York citv. YV. A. CHAMBEIiLIN. Towanda, February 1,1X5.7. T OOKING GLASS PLATES OUT AM) JLi fitted for any size, to he had at the Jewelry Store of ■ Feb. 1. is ~7. YV. A. CHAMBEIiLIN. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY; A. I VI. Warner's \cw <s• Splendid Jeirelry Store, erne door north of Potions Drug Store, r>-j II AS just been opened with the largest and most choice stock of FASHIONABLE rr/*/' JEYY'EI.RY' ever offered to a discriminating jfesjt—l A} public. Indeed, lie can safely say that with i yAfyi *' IC npening of his new store lias been in uugurated a new era iu the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment lie gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready ea-Jj. A. M. YY'., when he reflects how, for the past years,with a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage, flatters himself tfiat the immense in crease of Goods he now offers, which have been booghtso much more advantageously, will enable him to increase the generous confidence winch has hitherto been vouch safed to liira. lie therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. " ftfTHE YY'ATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to l>o distinguished by the skill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of being the most reliable in town. Towauda, September 21,18.7.7. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE gjgjggg&> CHESTER WELLS would inform bis friends and the public that he is now receiving at bis old stand one door north of Laporte. Mason A (Va banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Sufux, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining.Tea and Pembroke Tables. Stands of every kind. Cane, Flag and YY'ooil seat Chairs, high ( hairs. Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany; Cradles, Cribs, YY'ardrobes, Cupboards, Looking glasses, Ac. *•>-('< >FI INS of every size and quality, mid will at tend on alt occasions when required. The public are invited to examine mv assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 will sell cheaper than an v other establishment 111 Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda. August X, 1855. THE OXiD STAND STILL lit OPERATION! ,THE subscriber would announce if- L -—-T —--yaLi the public that he has now on - —lTliaml, and will make to order all rTfi kinils of CABINET FURNITURE, jlgi ifd Ijsueli as Sofas, Divans,Lounges, Cen t|Bi Ualiaaißlitre, Card. Dining and Rreakfjist Ta j?Fi j-'-gfif'* ble. Mahogany, YValuut, Maple and L ] Ij R Cherry Bureaus, Stands of various ■ —™ -—StaJ kinds, Chairs and liedsteuds of every description, which are, and will he made of the lest ma terial and workmanlike manner, aud which they w ill sell for cash cheaper than can be bought in any otter YY'are room in the country. RI.A D\ -MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will Me furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSOX. Towanda, January 1.1,75. ROOTS AND SHOES". John W. Wilcox, HAS located his establishment 011 Main Street, on door North of .the " Y\rd IIOHMV and will continue the manufacture of BOOTS A SHOES, as heretofore. He has just received from New-York u large assortment of YY'omans' fffiihlrens' and Mi*seg Slrtip,. wmctl are offer ed it low pri< es. The attention of the Ladies is particu larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles : Enamelled Jenny Li IHI gaiter limit# : do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiter j walking alioes, Ims kitis, Ac. Misst - gaiters and shoes, of evrrv description. A I ill- re variety ot ( hiblrens fauev gaiters, limits A shoes of all kinds. For the iJentlwtwm, almost every style of'piitrrs and slue". I !ii<* si )i'lv has been personally spirted with care, and lie lielicvcs he can olTor su]Krior articles at reasonable prices. ®" rM strictest Attention paid to M ivrrACTrKiNO. and he li p#-s by doing work well to merit a continuance of the lilv ral patronage he luts hitherto received. Towanda. Feb. 1. 1855. Cheap Boot, Shoe and Leather Store. I D HUMPJIRKY h just tn "I o receiving next door to H.S.Mcrour's —- More in Towanda.a large and well selected rU stock of BOOTS. SHOES A FINDINGS, Imm New York, which with a constant supply of HOME M A Xl' FACTL'UED WO UK, Sol.K A UPPER LEATHER, FRENCH AX!) AMERICAN CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, Ac. he is desirous to sell at small pl ants. Feeling Kmtefi 1 1 for past favors, lie hopes to merit a continuance of public pa tronage. /te" Measure l \ ork ind Repairing done on short no tice. CASH paid for Hides aud Skins. Towanda, Juue 14, lh>ss. New Boot and Shoe Manufactory. HOFFMAN would respectfully X inform the citizens of Towanda, that he lias com menced the 7>007'4 - SHUfJ business in the room over .1. Culp A Co's. shop, near the corner of Bridge street. He is ready at all times to do all work in his line in the best manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots, Shoes and Caiters. in the latest approved style, v well as Coarse Work. RKCJUKI.M; done in a superior man ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of this place, assuring them that lie will endeavor to merit their favors by using the best stock, by careful work manship, aud by punctuality. Towanda, June 18,1855. inwiTiinrs n. M. SKWAKD : R.. ir. COOK 0 WATROUS k Co., DEALERS AY Jr* UE AK Y *>' SHELF HARDWARE, Xo's. 1 A 3, W ntcr st. Elmira, X. V. We have recently made hirge additions to onr extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which we otter at the lowest cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel, Nails and spiko, Ro|>e.s and Cord age, Paints, Oils and Class, Mill saws of every size aud shape, either Malay Gang or Circular. Maehiue Belting, of all widths, both of India Jlubber A leather, Class at wholesale. We are prepared to sunnlv Merchants with Class, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at Man ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. CUUIUAC L'OR 8 TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Rich A Wihler's Patent Salamander Safes •' "irwmk s J latfonu Scales, aud Welch A Griffith's Circu lar saws. I-'iige sizes up to fiO inch, always on hand anil sold at 1 actor} Prices. 1 articular attcutiuu liaid to order* bv mail. * _Elmira, 'April 7, lSsfi. _ n-44-12in MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. B V,M^v N oAi POT -n EYS hu y in? P urr hased the marble ton of this village, under the superintendence of neiiry Hanford, are happy to announce that the Marble business in \V averlv will now be conducted by them. Thev are con.stantly receiving- J Italian and Rntland Marble, for Monuments. Head Stones, Tomh Tables, Stand Tons ■* } u •o MM " , r' Ac ' H:ivlD P the service Jof ." , ' * ™ wl, ° is well known to be the most perfect Artist in the state, tliey otters unparalleled inducements to fwrsons wishing to secure any r the above articles in cheapness, style and artistical lieanty. Waverly, X. Y., October 15, 1855. IjV PR A > . —Came to the enclosure of the I J subscriber, in Smith Townmla. about the lir*t of Sen tember. a two year old BUIXDLK HEIFER, with henvv horn-, am! no particular marks. The owner is none-ted in prove property, pay charge and take her awnv ' *'■ ' v • < OItXEi.II - MOORE. DR. DRUGSTORE SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE ' Pronting the Pnblic qnare THE subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage of the past year, intends to keep const-inti sortmont of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which HI-; WILL 4i*p**e of oiinuch J° n 1 M isfaetory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are made entirely with <ah in hand andTr h*" ri .'V® customers will receive the bepeiit of a good article at a low price. All article* that I answer ..... O,ll and are warranted at represented. Ur (T7=- Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging tnly far the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter & Scotrh Ale. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES! The most approved Trasses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles Sin pie Shells, Breast Fnmps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, Ac. ' American, English 8f Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO A SNUiT ! —Choice brands of Pure Havanna rnifi... and Tara CIGARS ! ' * nnc, P® Paint.s, Oils, Varnishes, Window eiatta, Brushes, Perfumery, Shavinr Fancy Article*, &c. &c. p ' Hair Dyes, Tlnir Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port nionnais, Purses, Bay, Cokmge, Rose and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, ludeilible Ink ike FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas; Rio and .Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices Arc Arc Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Ac. REMEMBER TOE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE' T'nranda. F.-I.nqry 1,1855. 11. Pf.RTKK, K. ft' J> PATTON'S NEW DRUG~STORE Hal JUST OPENED, ON CORNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, |p| No. Patton's Block, Towanda, H_J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpilE uihscriber would respectfully inform hi* friend* and the public thai he has fitted in, v., t i„ p,ou,v v.. a CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, il ©IF S' DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, SLC. ~ SLHG-ICAL INSXRTTOKENTS, and a variety of the most approvedTntsto, Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MED.CINES. Brushes for the Hat, Hair. Teeth. Nails, Bools, Paintiu£, Varnishing, Whitewashing, te. The Lover* of COO.D CJO All, S and TOIiACCO, %ciUJwd a large variety of choice liars lUl, Vara ami Principe Cig<irs, and the finest brands of Tela ceo and Snuff. CAM I'll I NK AM) BURNING FLUID, And a fine assortment of LAMPS, of a!l sizes and descriptions. Bird Cases. Cups, Nests and Seal. All of whFh is offered f:• -c!e if, in ■-t satLTiiet ,rv terms. Our stock being large and uio.-iiv purchased faatht lin porter and Mann.irturer ut the lowest rates, ami with f'a*h. enables ns to sell at r, Tme.l -M i|,,, be tldfmetury to all. We ION lU> the aUei,ii.u of the public t-.;ui especial examination of our stoei ..| LINHF ami prim Oiu- Motto *-•• THE CASH SYSTEM- (JiiCK BALKS—SMALL PKOFTiU* !he r . (^rr^v rS, ' , ' lt, ,I Wi ' i i warranted to 1* what they are represented: if turMiltm thejLoutrarv we iU , i, t only NwiLnu hut reouust our customers to return theui, ami the money shall Lie nfimiW. r Having reeiirod the services ot I>!t. HUSTON, who will ke, p hi- offlec at fir- -tor,- \,n,l a ill give infdd advicQ gratuitously totlio-* iaivha>iug iiiethciinv. .b )SKI'H (J PVTTHY HARDWARE AND IRON STOUIT HALL * RUSSELL, J n t'l 1 r? holesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE AND STOVES, Tiu, Japanned and Britannia Ware, H °nse Trimmings, Carriage Trimmings, Harness dt Saddlery . Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AAD P UMPS, of all kinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, Ac. kc. °? ly ,f . I>art ° f - thf heads under which may he .lasard their rttn fu tiirers whieli enables them t "nV' U 1 "J'rtantlN receiving additional supplies, direct troni the iinjM.rters and roaaa s&arssarjf* l *" ! ' "•* -• >* - ** ScTnortTshl!UH? r °" r SWk ' Whirh haTlng bceu selectc ' l witb P*test care, we are confident w ill satisfy rrrt tar Don't forget the place—South side of the Public Square V'™;;;:.'irn'i'iJ™""' - •" ki,,J * * <■•* r^- "- r™ uii m . s . EU "WOMAISTS FRIEND! Time, Money, and Labor Saved T>Y USING THE GERMAN CHEMI- I ; call Erosive Soap. Made from a German process, and. as believed, not known to any other manufacturer in the L uited States. The proprietors having tested this article in various ways during the past six months, now otiei it tu the public us the following udvuti tages over other washing snaps : Ist. ft may be used equally w ell with hard or soft wa ter. 2.d It requires but half the quantity required of other soap to accomplish the suiuc object. 3d. Clothes need no boiling and Vmt little rubbing, (most arm ies none,) thus avoiding their wear upon a wash Iwiard. 1 4th. It requires less than one half the time and labor to do the washmg of a family, that it require* with the liest family soap ; does not Injure the fabric and tends to set the colors. s , tl '; y '' r '"leaning Paints, and -removing Grease, Tar, and 1 rinter s Ink, it io unsurpassed. <>tll. One pound irilt go a* far, for any use, a* .3 pounds of common rosin soap, or 2 pminds of best family soap— Machinists, 1 rinters and Painters will find it au invalua ble article for washing hands—as it does not chap, but softens the skin. \om be rtfZ!ded d *° *""" V*'f tct satisfaction or the money For sale wholesale and retail by E. T FOX Nov. 17, 1x33. THRESH GROUND FLOUR, from Now w heat—Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed and Bran at _ August a*. IAS. FOX'S. rj.OODS lionerht at my Btoro will be deliver " A ed to any part of the Borough, FREE OF f'H \ 11GE June 20 1838. E. T. FOX. 1 GENER AL ASSORTMENT of Roots -T\- \ Shoes and Findings now receiving at - Au *" !^ fi " HI MPHREVS. I( l-i**, of nl! kinds. Uotlj \\ hite alii] ground k * Mustard, black and white, whn] f and ground, at i. tola t . F'GV-v poxn Kirs u.s. type founpry i Nos. 29, 31, ami 33 Bookman st. Xriv York. TO PRINTERS .IXII prWJSHKKS. The beg to inrorui the trade tht the* ™ recently issued their Xrtr ifuarta Sperimrn. and tW ™ now ready for delivery to their old patmn. us *di * all who iwtronixe their .Foundry. , „ j In it will l>e found a new series of Fare* fr"" 1 " . j Ilea, surpassing if possible, tlieir celebrated ■ Seotob cut faces. The Fancy Time department exhibits an lin *" r ?**r, I variety of beautiful styles, selected from France, •* rl,w ' | and England. & Hie Scripts and Bordering are now for the first I ed to the printing public, and are the productiM" 1 > best European and American Artist". An cutiro New Scries of German Faces, iotn > rtr ' Paper and Job Printing, of a very superior etyle. '•> nearly completed and mr sale. The Metal from which our type is made, will t" peculiarly adapted to the Sevkkk Usauk of Matin* Printing. They hegto return thanks for past favors, and a continuance. Their well known liberal ,na " nrr V, ,gs business fur the past thirty years, is a Jf ||i,n, ""T lil ,|K new patrons of their disposition and ability themselves to lie surpassed for fair dealing. ' are by letter or otherwise. .._ X. B. Proprietors ~f newspapers an" risioo'™ the above, provided they will trade out three amount of their respeetfve hills in material- < _ " tactnre, and forward us one copy of the paper '" a j the advertisement. . SITTB&a HOUSE, Waverly, * j TAMES WTTITTAKKRrcsiw-tfiillv^S ' '' the travelling public that he has taken the" . j known stand, sitnateil near the Railroad Pel" ' js# j cits a sluu-c of custom. The lb m-e is conyei ,# I modious, and he is determined that no !'.u"- an' | to the wants and comforts of guests shall jsii, entire satisfaction. Maren SALT, jnst wl/l/sale by May Ifi J TH\' V A . PATHS RriMIKROVKI^;:!' * all dc irirlioii" at
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers