Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 12, 1856, Image 3

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    Mr Pratt presented tweuty-oue, Mr. Ing
ram ten, and Mr. Walton bne petition for the
repeal of the restraining liquor law of last ses
The following bills were read :
Hv Mr. Browne —To allow bills of excep
tions and writs of error in criminal cases.
Mr. Crabb, bill for the repeal of the com
pensation act of last session.
A resolution was adopted requesting the
Committee on Inland Navigation, to inquire
into the expediency of rejiorting a bill to pro
tect the transputers on the Public Improve
ments of the State.
Hui'sH. —The opinion of the Attorney Gen
eral, relative to the right of the State of New
York to divert the water of the Chenuing Ri
ver. was read, and 1000 copies ordered to be
Mr. Morris offered a resolution, calling on
the Attorney General for information as to
what foreign insurance companies doing busi
ness in this State, have failed te render the re
turns prescribed by law. Laid over for one
dftv. j| -v
Five thousand diagrams of the House were
ordered to be printed for the use of members.
The following, among a number of other
bills, were read in place :
To repeal the act regulating the publie print
To abolish the office of County Superinten
dent of Common Schools.
To incorporate the Tioga County Bank.
Mr. Morris, anoint resolution relative to the
protection of American citizens in the rights of
conscience and religious worship in foreign
A resolution was adopted—yeas 63, nays
pj—authorizing the Speaker to invite the cler
gy of Hurrisburg or any other miuister to open
the sessiou of the House with prayer.
Adjourned till Monday afternoon at three
SENATE —The Speaker taid before the Sen
ate a number of annual reports of corporations.
Mr. Crabb presented a bill to extend the
charter of the Philadelphia Bank.
The nomination of Superintendent of the
State Printing was confirmed by the Senate.
Adjourned till Monday afternoon.
lbu sK. —The House is not in session, hav
ing yesterday adjourned till Monday.
an extra from the Charleston Courier, we
have the following " official information" re
tired from the headquarters of the United
B:ates troops in Florida :
FORT BROOKE, FI A., Dec 13, 1855
An exploring party under cohiuiand of Lt.
George L. Ilartsuflf, 2il artillery, consisting of
.me sergeant, OTIC corporal and seven privates,
were suddenly attacked by a party of Semi
nole Indians at daylight on the 50th instant,
ill'on t lfi miles S. K. from Fort Simon Drum—
that party being al>out 40 miles S. E. from
Fort Myers.
The party left Fort Myers on the morning
of the ith inet. and up to the time of the at
tack were engaged in making a re-examina
t'onuf that portion of the Big Cypress Swamp
examined by the troops last winter. Three
men of the command arrived at Fort Myers on
the night of the 21st. It is supposd that
l.ieiif lhrtsufT and the remainder of his party
hare liccn killed.
Most of the public animals with the expedi
tion, some 18 in nuuil>cr, were also shot down.
Lieut Jfartsuff when last seeu had one arm
broken, and is supposed to have been wounded
i i liis side. Private Hauua, of company G,
-'! Artillery, one of the party, who escaped,
Irought the al>ove information to Fort Myers.
Hauua was wounded in the abdomen, not
seriously, it is thought; he left another of the
pnrty, private baker, also wounded, about 18
miles from K>rt .M vers.
Baker gare out at that point and could come
no farther. The Indians making the attack
were some 2.*> or JO in number. Two coin
jiaoks of tlie 2d Artillery were to leave Fort
Myers on the morning of the 22d ult., in search
of Lieut. llartsuff and the missing members of
hie party. Other movements of the troops in
the direction of the battle ground, were order
-l umMiately on the receipt of the inforiua
' fin concerning the attack.
The alsive information embraces everything
know n, officially, concerning the attack
On Wednesday, after the emigrant
train from the Fast on the Pennsylvania ltaih
ruad had changed cars at Altoona, the con
'inctor, on looking into a car which had been
'tit behind, was horrified to find the dead bo
'H: of two children, aged respectively about
! J and fire years. The matter was telegraph*
1 and it was ascertained that the pa
rnt< of the children were poor German emi
-Tamv who left them unburied from necessity,
fte citizens of Altoona had the unfortunate
ars decently buried. The youngest is stip
' >'d to have died from exposure while teeth
aud the other from fever.— Pittsburgh
Krrp.EHi\-c,j.y CO,)i.. —A conductor on a
*-Liiglaiul road was seat for by tbe Presi
or Superintendent of tbe road one day,
: l rattier summarily informed tbat after that
the company would not require his ser
'*<*• He asked who was to be his successor,
name was given him. He then asked
'•'J fie was to be removed. After pressing l
■ question some time, and failing to obtain
3 explanation, a little light dawn
'3 K)n him, and he addressed his superior
yT nearly as follows : "You are about
JJiakinof a roa t mistake, Sir, a great mistake.
< "<! know, Sir, I have a nice house, a fast
,' Nr '- a splendid gold watch, aud an elegant
'•"noiid ring. That fellow yon have chosen
, ' f "* my ptnrr has pot to pet all these things."
" a i<i the argument was conclusive, and
| '"JudiH-tor was allowed to retain his j>osi-
- . " —There is a law in Pennsylvania
■2" ri S u irps the banks in tbat State, east of
to keep their notes at par in
a nd those west of the mountains,
~ ; * st irg. Judge Pearson, of Harrisburg,
a fc", decided that under the law
. J ' 3 hank are at jtar whenever they tiro
]v v , t0 and siler for ordinary purposes.
ruse "at par," lift holds does not mean
' l' a P er must lo received iu the eusUMti
the city banks, or by the brokers,
arc tquivalent to gold and silver
° r, 'itiary l)usiiicw transactious, they are
' "'.uthe true iutent and uieauittg of
CHILD BITTEN BY A CAT.— The Isockport Jour
nal relates the following distressing case : A
little girl aged three years, living on Monroe
street, died ou Weducsday evening from the
effects of a bite by a rabid cat. She was bit
ten some weeks since, over the eye, the wounds
exhibiting the prints of the teeth. The cat
had been bitten by a dog, which was ascertain
ed to be rabid, and the parents, being alarmed,
submitted the case to Dr. Moore of Gosport.
No decided symptoms of the horrible disease,
however, were manifested until Saturday last,
the 15th, when drowsiness and nervous excita
bility at the approach of fluids were exhibited
by the child. On Sunday the poor sufferer
grew wild and frantic, and during the day was
thrown into violent spasms. The convulsions
which shook the frame of the patient were re
doubled with frightful intensity at the approach
of fluids, every nerve repelling its vicinity with
spasmodic horror. The disease, ou Monday,
exhibited still more definite symptoms of mad
ness, a flashing of the eye and frothing of the
mouth accompanying the convulsions. Drs.
Leonard and Gould were called, and adminis
tered cblorororm which temporarily produced
a quieting effect ; but relief was beyond the
skill of man. The awful suffering's of the
child were protracted until Wednesday even
ing, when it was relieved by death.
ess is yet in jail, and is confined in the same
cell with Abigail Sables and Thankful S. Her
sey. They spend most of their time in the cell
in prayer, and seem to regard the whole pro
ceedings thus far as a " persecution" instead
of a " prosecution." The prophetess says she
has a revelation from God every night ! There
is much interest taken in these deluded wo
men by our citizens, who visit the jail in large
numbers to see them. We were wrong in
stating Thursday morning that Israel Wood
ing had been released from jail. He still re
mains in jail, but is merely detained as a wit
ness. It is quite improbable that Sly and
Mrs. Hersey may have their trial before the
Superior Court, now in session.— JVetc Haven
( Conn.) Journal.
lIoRRini.E BRUTALITY. —The Cincinnati (Ohio)
Commercial, of the 28th ultimo, states that
two young men of " respectable wealthy fami
lies" were on a drunken spree at the Parker
House, iu Mays vide, Ky. t on the night of
Thanksgiving iu that State, and being iu want
of liquor, poured some camphene over the hair
and whiskers of a colored waiter, whom they
fotmd asleep, and then set tire to it. The
poor fellow lived for two weeks in extreme
tortnre and then died, hut no steps have as
yet been tuken to have a legal investigation,
as the young gentlemen have agreed to pay Mr.
Ball, the owner, for the loss of his servant sl,
SAVAUE ATTACK. —On the evening of the
20th alt., Judge HYATT, of Nichols, was in
Owego and at the store of ROBERT CAMERON,
he was met by BARNEY CRIAFFE, who drives a
wagon iu this village. BARNEY, it is said, was
iutoxicated. His wagon had l>een broken a
few days ago by a teamster of Judge HYATT'*,
who accidentally ran his wagon into it. Bar
ney attacked the Jndge about the injury to
bis wagon, aud, being drunk, the Jndge did
not pay much attention to him. This enrag
ed him, and he suddenly drew a stake from his
wagon and struck the Jndge above the car,
cutting a horrid gash in his head. The extent
and danger of the injury is not yet fully known.
Barney (led across the bridge, threatening
that if a constable was sent after him he would
serve him in the same manner.— (Jtcrgo Times.
VANIA RAILROAD. —We have already stated
tlmt by a collision on the Ohio and Pennsyl
vania railroad, a few days ago, four persons
were killed, and six wounded ! Of the latter,
llenry Mansfield, of St. Louis, ami Geo. W.
Lee, of Allegheny city, Pa., had both hgs bro
ken ; W. 11. Tyler, of New Bedford, one leg
and an arm broken ; M. Robb, of Trumbull
county, Ohio, one arm and leg broken ; Win.
Water, one leg broken ; ,J. Painter, of Canton,
Ohio, leg broken ; John Veatman, Postmaster
at Hartford, Ohio, leg broken ; Hugh Moore,
of Youngstown, Ohio, leg broken, and others
severely injured.
Stamps. —lt should be particularly remember
ed that the jostage OH all letters intended for
any place iu the L nited States must now be
be pre-paid by stamps or stamped envelopes, as
uo money will hereafter be received at the
window of the post-office in payment of pos
tage. This is the law of Congress, which
took effect ou the Ist instant. Letters to
foreign countries can be sent as usual, and the
postage on newspapers and the mode of pay
ment remain unchanged.
resident of Bath, was killed at Corning, Sat
urday night last. He was attempting to eon
pie the cars ou the Buffalo, Corning and New
York Road, when he was so injured between
the couplings, that he died immediately.
In this tmrough. on the 15th ult., bv Rev. Juliu* Foster,
By the same, on the Ist iust., EDM IN YY EST 111 IW LAND
to Mis CLARISSA JULIA BABSKTT, all of this place.
In Philadelphia, on the 26th nit., by lh-v. Wesley Kenney,
J. H.STALFORD. of Wyaiusing. to Miss MARY A.
DIEHL, of tbe former plai-e.
In Albany, on the 25 th ult., by M. H. f'odding. Esq.. Mr.
lIOKATIA J. LADD, of Albany, to Miss CATHARINE
HAVERLEY', or Overton.
At tbe same time and place, Mr. LOWELL L. HOWELL
to Miss ELIZA LADD, both of Albany.
In Wysox, on the 29th alt., by Rev. T. Dntcher, Mr. NOR
MAN WHITE, of Y.ilatie, Dutchess Co., N. Y. to Miss
On Thursday. 27th ultimo, of congestion of the lungs,
CHARLES IL, only son of I. L. Mid E. A. La Morcux,
aged 3 months and 13 days.
" One angel more In Heaven."
In Towanda tp.. on the 23d ult., SARAII, wife of Harry
Scoville, in the 40th year of ber age.
In Tammiiia, on the 20th inst., of congestion of the lungs
and pleura. Mrs. LODOISKA M., wile of Milton Bailey,
Esq., In the 38th year of her age.
November 17th. KtTTIE LIZZIE, daughter of YVm. B.and
Ailra E. Uradbary, aged 5 year* 17 days.
Wfcj.Tgn NOTICE—A lecture on American Slavery
will he delivered by Rev. MAKAAI.L FRISK, of
New-York, at the Court House, on Tuesday evening next,
at 7 o'clock.
ARITHMETIC, approved by the Book Committee
of the Teacher's Association of Bradford County, for sale
by the dozen or singly, by JOS. KING. Bt RY •
nRIED APPLLTS— a few FII.A rale one?,
QTATEMENT of the amount, description and value of REAL AND PERSONAL PRO
kJ PERTY, Rradeii, Occupation*, and Froressionii. Office* and Post* of Profit*. Pleasure Carriage*. Money at Inte
rest, Notes, Judgment*, Mortgage*, Ac., Gold Lever Watcliea, Silver Lever and Gold do., and Silver YVatche*, Valued
at over 120, Ac. Ac., a* retureed by the several Assessor* of Bradford County, for I*.'> :
t \ f of mf ml 4J! isfsf
H Townships 2? g -££ -Jji 0 "Jo* j* *®
f ■ 1 ii] ?jft Hi* it I? fEJff
233 Athena Borough *105,182 $16,783 .... *3,000 1250 $430 .. 2
401 Athena Township 260,145 31.040 12,400 2
227 Albany, 4* ,492 8,506 .... 200 1 1
211 Asylum 02,056 10,020 300 313 1
84 Armenia 13,671 2,097
49 Burlington Borough,... 12,080 2,720 2,200 40
178 Burlington West 68,372 8,161 .... 300
257 Burlington 92,258 11,005 550 468
433 Canton, 132,761 21.132 5
256 Columbia, 114.752 10,134 .... 150 185
212 Dorell,. 63,327 10,174 .... 300 2 1
155 Franklin 41,049 8,258 350
259 Granville 80.708 11,193 833 .... 100 .. 2 1
216 Herrick, 49,543 9,520 .... .330 335 2
208 Lelioy 60.003 8,562 .... 868 .... 45 .. .. 2
237 Litchfield 72,970 12,393 1,825 100 .. 1
59 Monroe Borough 11.465 3,395 400 4
191 Monroe Township 88,934 10,150 940
2*3 Orwell, 93,509 14.070 .... 660
91 Overton
5* PU* 1*4.774 21,109 .... 4,332 .... 120 2 4
276 Rome 77,262 10,067 60 ..
314 HMgharry 95,858 17,598 .... 3,439 .... 170
% 329 Shr*hquiu,.,.. 141.978 14,811 .... 700 .... 495 4
447 Smithfleld 148,163 20,839 7,136 .
394 SpringDelA, 106,799 10,858 204
IS7 South Creek 65,418 7,497 .... 1,296 ... 50 !' 1
169 Standing Stone 62,695 9,372 4,479 . . 300 .. 1 2
53 Sylvania Borough 13,199 2,169 800 300
175 Yusrsroni, 66,698 11,245 1,199
222 Towanda borough 171,360 24,210 3,000 19,159 2350 is i 9
107 Towanda Township 59,034 7,913 6.300 4900
90 Towanda North 63,953 6,406 1 000 .. 2
293 Troy Towuship, 137,491 14,834 1.475 235 i
133 Troy Borough, 58.162 6,359 4,700 ... 60 18
214 Ulster 86,217 11.909 2,275 250 75 7
243 Well* 82,513 15,268 .... 775
237 Wy*ox 113,593 13,377 14,963 " "j "
315 Wyalusing, 102,757 14,643 1,670 210 2 2 1
355 Warren ..... 123,880 14,566 1.900 .... . 2
227 Windham 75,945 15,177 1,800 270
161 Wilmot 34,622 6,220 I 80 .! " i
9535 1 $3,563,524 *501.455 j *.'1,550 *103,742 *6,335 i,15,922 23 79 12
-—' — BRADFORD COUNTY, SS.—We, the under*igned. Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify
L. S. the above to be a true and correct statement of the return* made bv the several Assessors of Bradford County
- for the year 1856, and we also give notice that we will meet at tin" Commissioner's Office, on MONDAY, the
21*t day of January, 1856. for the purpose of revising and equalizing said assessment.
Given under our hand* and seals, at Towanda, this 31st of December, 1555.
G. 11. BULL, - Commissioners.
Attest E. M. FAUKAR. Clerk. P. H. BL'CK. )
Grand Division, Sons of Temperance, Pa.
-cV. at LEKAYSVILLE, Bradford County, Ha., in Sous
of Temperance Hail, commencing JANUARY 'IS, laid,at
10 o'clock, A. M.
There will be a public demonstration of the Order, and
addresses delivered by the Grand Officers, on the exening
of the 23d at Leitnysville. Also addresses by the Grand
Officers, at Towanda, January 24th, at 2, I*. M., and at
Monroetou, T o'clock, P. M.; at East Smithtichl. January
25th, afternoon end evening.
Representatives are requested to be punctual in their
attendance at I.c Marseille.
January 9, 185 C. IYM. XIC'HOI.SON, G. S.
18 NOW RECEIVING an excellent assortment of gent's,
boy's, ladies', children's aud misses' BOOTS & BOOT
ES. Also, Shoe Pegs, Thread, Linings aud Findings, to
which he invites public attention.
tfiT Ail persons having unsettled accounts or notes due
the subscriber, are invited to make payment. Those con
venient may call on C. Krisbie, K>q. or T. Humphrey, in
Orwell, previous to the 15th of February next, after which
time delinquents may expect special invitations to visit
Towanda. J. D. HUMPHREY.
Towanda, January 9, 1555.
CREDITORS. —Notice is hereby given
J. that I have applied to the honorable the Judges of
the Court of Common Picas of the county of Bradford for
the benefit of the Insolvent laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, and they have appointed MONICAY, the
4th day of FEBRUARY next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the
hearing of me and my creditors, at the Court Houree, in
the borough of Towanda, when and where yon nwv attend
if yon think proper. Jan. 9. O. R. HEMINGWAY.
DI SSOLUTION .—The co-partnership here
tofore existing under the firm of LONG A MERRY,
is this dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted
to the said firm of Ising A Merry will please take notice
that unicas tlieir accounts are settled immediately, they
will be left for collection. PHILANDER 1.65(1,
Burlington, Dec. 20, 1855. JOHN K. LONG.
288 6l 290 Chestnut st
Between Tenth aud Eleventh, opposite the Armlemy of
Fine Arte, and Parkinson's Garden and Saloons,
WM. S. CAMPBELL, Proprietor.
G. W. MCLLIN, Superintendent. Jan. 9.—3 m.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to uie directed,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, iu the
boro' of Towauda. on MONDAY* February 4th, 1850. at 1
o'clock P. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land
situate in Durell twp. bounded on the north by lands of
tie rgi- Arnout. on the east by lands of John Connell, on
the south by lands of Hiram and Richard Gilbert, and on
the west by Daniel Kecfle, dee'd., containing 98 acres, lie
the same uiore or les, about 30 acres improved,one frame
house, one saw mill, log barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken in execution at tbe suit of Catharine
Cunnnins vs. Michael Crimmins and Dennis Crimmius.
AUSO—The following described piece or parcel of land
situate in the town-hips of Burlington and Franklin bouud
eil and descrilied as follows : On the North by lands of
Chandler Ward, on the east or easterly bv lands of Isaac
Crane and John Lantz, and by a small creek, usually
known as goose freek, iieing the boundary line between
John M. Martin and this described lot; on the south, or
southeasterly by lands of J. M.Martin, or said goose creek,
aud lands of Horace Willev, on the wot by lands of John
M'Daniels and the public highway, containing one hun
dred acres be the same in, re or less, about fifty acres im
proved, one framed House, old log barn, framed barn and
an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Srized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown and
Rockwell to the use of the township of Franklin vs. Jere
miah M vers. Al<o at the suit of Harriet A. Mercnr to the
use of Franklin township vs. Jereuiiah Myers.
J| VI .SO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land ituatc
in Sbcshequin twp. hounded on the north by Wui. Y'oung,
east by lands of YVm. and Sarah Young, south by lands of
Reuben Y'oung, and west by land of Calvin Smith, con-
Vning about ninety acres more or less, about fifty-five
ecres improved, two log houses, two log barns and an ap
ple orchard and other fruit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken in execution lit the suit of IT. S. A H.
A. Mercnr, now to the use of J. M. Peck aud H. M. Moore
vs. Richard Horton and Curtis Smith.
ALSO- The following deserilicd lot, piece or parcel of
l.tnd situate in YVilmot twp. bounded north by lands of
Ambrose Vanderpool,cast by lands of Nelson \ anderpool,
south by lands of Lewi* Johnson and Saiu el Vanderpool,
and west by lands of Ambrose Vanderpool, containing
about fifty acres more or less, about twelve acres improv
ed with a" log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Amborsc
Vanderpool vs. Charles Johnson.
ALSO 'The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of
land situate In Litchfield two. bounded on the north by
Joshua Merrill and James Thompson, on the east by Or
son Rickey, on the south by lands belonging to the estate
of Win. l'irk, dee'd., now in the possession of his widow,
Maria, and' on the west by Thomas Strait and Clement
Dibble, containing one hundred acres more or less, about
seventy aeres improved, one frame house, one frame bam
and shed attached, one log house and a few fruit trees
thereon. , , , . . ,
ALSO— One .other piece or parcel of land situate in
Litchfield twp! bounded as follows : Commencing at a
stone for a corner, running north on the Headloek fine 3d
rods to a stone corner, thence west along the line of Thus.
Morris' estate, 20 rods to a stake, thence south along
Mathewson's line, 39 rods to a stump for a corner, thence
cast twenty rods along the Park line to a stone for a cor
ner containing about four aeres more or less, about two
acres improved, one log house and framed barn thereon.
Seized ami taken in executi u at the suit of vv ra. Kiff
vs. Russell lladlock. ,
ALSO The defendant's interest, supposed to be the un
divided one-half of the following descrilied lot piece r
narcel of land situate in Monroe twp. bounded ou the north
bv lands of Sevellon L. Fowler, east and south by the pub
lie highway, and on the west formerly belonging to Joseph
Gregg*, containing about four acres more or less, all un
proved .'and fruit trees t ereon.
S<)_ One "ther lot piece or parcel of land situate in
Alhanv twp. bounded on tbe north by R>Msctt V Bil king.
cast bv lauds of C. M. Hakes, on the south by lands of
Joseph Mciwrdi and the public highway, and on the west
by lauds of Dr. Gillutt, containing tweuty acres, ail irn
'"srized and taken in exceutiou at tbe suit of John Han
son to the use of E- W. Baird vs. Rollin YVUcx.
VJ st) The following described !t piece or parcel or
land situate in Columbia twp. bounded on the north by
lands of James Wolf, on the cast by lands of Joseph It
DeWitt on he south by lands of the Bingham estate.and
on the west by lands of Thomas and YViu.Gustiu.rouUin
ing about the -aiuc IIPTC or less,
with b mt forty .teres improved and a .-mall loam IwutC,
1 uLIt Jtivl hirfel* ha' '; t' e •'
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Fraukiin
H. Parsons vs. l'ierte Sherman.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
laud situate iu Standing Stone twp. bounded north bv
lands ot John Kcem and Jacob Schoonover, east bv lands
of John Swaekhatntnrr. south by lands of Wm. \Vright,
and west by lands of Tbeophelus Schoonover and Isaac
Vosburg, containing one hundred and seventy acres more
or less, about eighty acres improved, with three log houses,
one log baru and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized aiul taken iu execution at the suit of The Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania at the instance of the County
of Bradford vs Samuel A. Tenant and Simon .Stevens.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate
in Orwell twp bounded west by the K. tract, north by
lands of Edwin Taylor, east by lands of Harry L. Park,on
the south by the Ridge Road, containing about seventy
three acres more or le*s, about fifteen acres improved.
AI -SO—One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in
Orwell twp. boundrd on the west, north and east by lands
of Silas Alii*, and south by public road, containing about
one acre more or less, all improved, with a framed Black
smith shop and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution, at the suit of Jacob
Wickizer to the use of Edward Overton vs. E. K. and Si
las Alii*.
AlJsO-—The following described lot piece or parrel of
land situate in Hen-irk twp. bounded on the north by lands
of A. IL Brown, east by lands of N. B. Wetmorc, south bv
lands of George Perkins, and west by hinds of Nelsoii
Marsh, containing about j of an acre more or less, all im
proved, with a framed dwelling house, a blacksmith shop
and a few fruit trees thereou.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. H. La
tham to the use of Timothy Hurley vs. V. I>. Rosengrant.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in SmithtL. Id twp. bounded on the north by
lands of Henry Quick, on the east by lauds of John Wat
kins, on the south by the public highway, on the wc*t by
lands of Anthony Chi Ids, containing about twenty-three
acres, about eighteen acres improved, one framed "house,
one framed barn and a tew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles and
Harris vs. Billings Pierce.
ALSO- The following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in West Burlington bounded on the north bv
lands of John Boarue. on the west by lands of H. H. Brown
and on the south by lands of John Bloom, and formerly
of Ira A. Weed, and on the east by lands of Silas Betts,
containing two hundred acres be the same more or leas,
about fifteen acres iniprnvut, one saw mill, one plank
house, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. Rockwell
A Co. vs. Hiram A. Weed and Brink Smith.
AI-SO The following lot piece or parcel of land situate
in Overton twp. Itoiinded and described as follows :—Be
ginning at a maple the southwest corner of Cahill and
Vimgkt, them e X. i° \V. Dirt rods to a maple, the S. W.
corner of a I t in the warrantee name of Itobert Roberta ;
thence north 30° east 212 rods to the S. K. corner of lands
claimed by D. < ash ; thence S. 60° E. ICO rods by Cash's
line to the X. \\ . corner of J. ( 'amp's lot; thence by Camp
and Cahill and Vonjrbt's land, south 30° W. 212 rods to
the place of beginning, containing 212 ueres more or less,
about eight acres improved, two log houses, one h>g shed,
and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Han
son to the use of Judson Hlarkman vs. James A. Paine.
ALSO —Tlie following lot piece or parcel of land situate
in Smithlicld twp.lxnitided north laud of by Harrison Car
lisle, west by lauds of Samuel Xiles, south by lands of
Hillings Pierce and John Chamberlain, and on the east by
lands of Wallace and John Chamberlain, containing
alsjut G3 acres more or less, about 65 acres improved, one
framed house, framed barn, one siiw mill and an old saw
mil! frame and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles and
Harris to tbc use ol M. W. Hamilton vs. Henrv (Juick.
JOHN A. CUDDINIi, Sheriff.
Sheriß's Office, 1
Towanda, Jan. !, 1&53. )
&J> - Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
casts will t* required to be paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again be otter
ed for sale, JOHN A. OODOINO.
LIST OF JURORS drawn for February
Term aud Sessions, IHSG.
Asylum—Will'm Terry, D CjPike—Homer Welles;
Miller ; Rome—Asa Fuller ;
Burlington tp—Orra Burns Springfield- Paul Furman ;
Roswoll Luther : Smithlicld—Emor F Wo< si,
Burlington west— P Phelps ; WS Pierce, GKM'Vsnnon
Canton—E M'Clell.uid. Eli Sheshequin—Alfred Gore ;
Rockwell ; Troy tp—H D Freeman, H
Franklin—Horace Willcy ; Spnlding. jr ;
Granville—Sdotnon Bovicr; Ulster—James Vandyke;
Merrick—Ahel Holies ; Wyalusing—Andrew Fee, A
lAtrliHeld—Henry Keysr.S F Eastman.
Evans ;
Athens tp -1. Row laud.son : Standing Stone—Byron Ste-
Albany—R Stevens, \V ls*e; veils, Geo Yanness, James
Asylum —Harvey Birney : Gordon :
Burlington We-t—Wm Me- Springik-ld—A S Bailey,Nr-
Kean. Myron Ballard ; man Cooley ;
Columbia—l> S Alexander. Smithtield —A Huntingdon ;
Philip Slade, Jas Bullock: Sheshequin E P shaw ;
Canton—Wm fjawrenee ; Troy Boro'—l A Pierre ;
Granville. James Gee ; Troy twp—Stephen Wilbcr,
llerrirk—.l (' Barnes. Jame- J M Smith ;
Brown. >V M Bowker : Towanda Bo P Powell ;
Litchfield—James Merrill; Towanda tp— H Scoville ;
lawny -lliram Stone ; Wilmot—Nathan Castor, I>
Overton—Eli Heverley; Ahrams, Jas Strong;
Pike—('handler W Brink ; Wells—James Brasted ;
Hidgbury —O A Burnham ; Tnsearora—Saml Lake ;
Burlington horo'—J E VIM-Sheshequin—Jcr Kilmer;
burg, J V Daniels; South Creek—Cyrus Berk.
Burlington tp J J Haight ; Dan I! Gillctt
Columbia - Jesse Udsall : Towanda Giro'—Henry Bas-
Cauton—A Hamilton Tho-j sett, Wallis Hull;
mas. Ezra Spalding, Jacob Trey tp—Ezra Looinis, S N
Rockwell; Spalding;
Durell—Wm Friabie; Tuscarora—Davis Gray:
Granville—Sylvt-s. Kendall ; Sylvania bo- -Saml Super ;
Iwllny—J G Landon, Chris- Smithtield—M F Ransom ;
topher llartman ; Ulster- Ralph Russcl;
Monroe Im—Geo Tracy ; Towanda tp—E W Hale ;
Pike—Chan 11 Brown.OHvemVyaox-Gabriel King, IP
Northrop, Xll Briggs ; j Spalding;
Springfield- L t. Beach. H Wefts—C H f.ennard;
Potter, Hiram Spear, C Hi Wjndhaui —Charles Walker :
Campbell; 'Warren H Champlin.
Athens tp Edmund Hill; Ridgberry—.lohu I.arrison.
Albany—John Brown : P W Burnham ;
Armenia Robert M.ison ; Rome—F C Cranmcr ;
Asylum Samuel Bacon ; Smithtield—Wm H Pierce ;
Burlington w Jr. Rlakslee Tnsearora Henry Montgo-
Burlington bo Ahm Morlev mery, J J Lewis;
Canton- K Hall. E Newiuaii. Towanda tp—-S Dimmirk ;
Allen Taylor, jr; Towanda north—E Rutty ;
Colombia AV G Bradford. Towanda Waro'—'Geo E Fok,
Joseph Gladding ; J D Montanye. I. H Scott;
Franklin Ezra Champion : Ulster -James McCarty ;
Litchfield Jl> Cortright; Windham -BFJsbree;"
Orwell H Gibbs, George w!Wysox A C Whitney, Alva
Hardy ; Cooler ;
Overton GS B >vir. Daniel i Warren- i Juries Prwrng :
ila\■ tic v. R 111. tin/it; WU> -Gal.r it.l Swaizer.
v-r.t u • !•-' e
Nero QMtocrUscinents.
COOKING STOVE, with Furniture complete; one
second-hand Wood Cooking Stove ; oue second-hand I'ar
j lor Stove, and oue Grate lor burning Coal.
Jan. 2. Hs<;. BAILEY & XLVINS.
| T IST OF LETTERS renmining in the Post
| JLJ Office at TO WANDA, December 31.1866.
i Adams Caleb Hurley John
i Hull J B Irvine Wm
I Beard Nice Sarah Keefe Patrick
Blake Thomas Lathrop J. 0.
1 Bowman Catharine Idnch Patrick
' Benjamin John Lewis Mary
Brown John J Monhar Daniel
! Beard-dee Kate Mouie Charles.
| Bcnuett John M Moore Wm.
! Curauiing Miss S E Murphy Mary.
Crosby L V H 2 Patterson Mariuda
[ Campbell John F Peekhara Peleg
Coverdale Charles T Piatt Christopher
Cummiugs Surah H Pierce Chester
Cooley Cordelia M Pollard Thomas
Chubbuck Anna II Quiu Francis
Cooley Martha C Roche Constaud
Crofut Levi Rogers Jesse
Clark Ik-nJ. heirs of Rogers Wm.
Drake F B Randal John
Dunn Thomas Spain John
Donahoe Bernard Slyter Wm A.
Drislaine Richard Smith James Jr.
Dreifuss Siroou Smith Wit
Decker Wm H Sastor John
Decker Wm Smith Jane A.
Duloeher Simon Stockweil Clarissa
Kiiut George W Stevens Homer IL
Fasaett George W Shores Freeman
Grady Mrs Tucker Henry
Gard George Vangorder Rebecca
( toodwin Geo W 2 Welch Susan 8
llorton Bishop Warner Mrs. M.
Heath B 2 Weed Angvsta A
llarret Rose Wilkinson Leonora
Halrle Wm Fred Walen John
Horton James Woodruff Margaret
Howard Jarvis 0 2 Wieoff Sarah
Person# calling for any of these letters, please mention
they are advertised. H. C. PORTER. P. M.
A NICHOLS is this day dissolved by mutual con
scut. The business will be conducted bv W. H. Phillips,
who is authorized to settle the aflhirs of the late linn.
Granville. Dec. 18. 1835. A. T. NICHOLS.
FOR the purpose of clearing out our entire
ST 'CK OF STOVES, before moviug into our new
store, we will sell lor cash at prices full 15 per cent, ICSH
than our usual rates. Persona in want of a Stove will do
well to call soon.
January 1. 1*6(1. HALL A RUSSELL.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—Uy rirtueof a writ of
vend.ex. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford county, to rae directed, I shall expose to public
sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on
Saturday, the 2d d;:y of February, 1856, at 1 o'clock, P.
M. the following described lot, piece or parcel ofland sit
uate in Wyalusing two., bounded on the north by Isnds of
Michael Fee, east by lands of Rosa Curr. south bv lauds of
Amos S. Culenutn. and we-t by lands of Hiram Wasjiburn.
Containing fifty acres, more or less, with about thirty
acres improved, one log house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E.W. Baird
vs. Anthony Farwell.
JOHN" A. CODDING, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Jan. 2,1856.
FRESH LEMONS—a quantity just receiv
ed at dec 22 FOX'S.
IpRESII CANDY, by the quantity, at niu
nufacter's prices, dec 22 " FOX'S.
JKING6BERY has just received from
• New York and Philadelphia a large supply of NEW
BOOKS, including some very nice ANNUALS for 1®56.
Also a great variety of Books suitable for Christmas and
New Tear Gifts, Ac. Towanda. Dec. 20, 1855.
rtfYrHflk. THE SUBSCRIBER is desirous of renting
jSSqw his Farm situated Iu the township of Wysox,
wdsSgg about three miles from Towanda, and one mile
TWr from the Canal at PioUet's. There are about
SEVENTY ACRES under improvement, with
a large uew house and first rate barn. Ac. Said farm is
well adapted to the raising of all kinds of grain, besides
being a good farm for keeping a dairy. The subscriber
will leave on the farm a horse team, wagon, plows, har
rows, and all kinds of implements necessary for working
said farm, tngetln r with about eight cows. A sober ho-l
nest, industrious man, with a wife who under.,laud*.nuer
making, can do well on this farm. None other need ap
ply. Possession given on the first day of April next. For
further jiurticulars enquire of the sub-Vriber on the premi
Wysox, December 22,1855.
TAMES HARRIS. Et.WTRK-iAX, of Towanda, respect
fully informs the public that be has lately procured
from New York the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath,
which has proven to be one of the most Jimportaut and
wonderful discoveries of the age. from its ability to extract
minerals from the human system.
Some eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco
vered the process of extracting minerals from the body,
by galvanism ; more recently, M. Verges, of New York,
an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introdnetion of
poisonous minerals into his system in the prosecution of
his art, conceived the idea of removing them by the same
processes, he succeeded in doiug so, and quickly recovered.
He then applied the same means to others similarly af
fected, with like results. His success exceeded his nio;t
sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths remove
mineral pofsons, but cured many diseases, some of which
were the result of minerals, and some were not.
More recent experiments have fully confirmed the sin
gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi
nerals that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment
of health. Very often persons are atilkted by diseases
which are beyond the comprehension of the most skilful
physicians, and which are the effect of poisonous mine
rals accumulating in the system tor years, taken in the
shape of calomel, lead. Ac. Ac.
The following are some of the diseases cured by these
baths : Rheumatism, Paralysis, Palsy, Painter's Choiic.
Chronic Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer,
Xeuralia in all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all
He has also S. B. Smith's newly invented DIRECT AND
is a great improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto
fore in nee. With the' aid of the Bath and Machine, we
have at command all the available medical eflfiricney of
Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is verv
great, in introducing medicines into the system through
the pores of the skiu—applyiug it directly to the part- af
fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over
that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular
ly efficacious in all local diseases.
F am now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the
Machines, at my house in the south part of the borough
of Towanda, or 1 will visit patients at a distance, who are
unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo
derate price*.
lam also sole agent for Bradford countv, for the al>ote
Machines. J A MES 11A KUIS.
Towanda, December 22, 1556.
THE subscriber gratefully announces his thanks for the
lilieral patronage received during the past year. and
respect fully solicits a continuance of the trade, which he
will endeavor to merit hy keeping his Stork continually
rrplrnishrd hy C ASH purchase*, with a Targe and pure
assortment of Goods, which terrral years rxptrienrr lias
enabled hint to •• buy at the lowest rates" of the " Impor
ters and Manufacturers"—by selling low—by adoptlngthc
< 'ASH SYSTEM entirely, and by making a general reduc
tion of prires.
< on.-equently, the credit system will cease on and after
the tirst day of January, IftMf.
ft?* All "persons indebted are requested to make imme
diate payment. H. C. PORTER.
Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House.
December 20, IS.VS.
k. tnent in advance, than f>e obtained in other way
free of postage—large HG; are now being formed for
Harper , Harper's Story Book,
Putnam's, Li tt el's Living Age.
Graham , Coder's Lady's Book,
National (Methodist.) National (Peterson's).
Now is the time to suWrllif, as the volumes nearly all
eomtnr.nee with the tir.-t of January. Remember the num
bers delivered at my store the tirst of each month, free of
postage. Dec. 2.-,. O. P. BARTT.ETT.
Extraordinary If ews!
7'o mm that have and ought to have Corn to Sell I
ALL PERSONS indebted to the subscriber, either by
_ note, or ou the books of the late firm of T. Humphrev
A Co.. or the former firm of Krishie A Kronson, are duly
notified in season that all amount* not settled previous to
the first day of February, IM.Afi, will then go into the mill
sometimes used for grinding out equity and jus tire, and
go through 100. as Cast as the Constable can go ronui.—
Kriend and foes take heed, and come to the rescue!
_ December 10. 1855. T. HUMPHREY.
FRESH TEAS, both Greuu aud Black—
from 37$ cents to f 1 00—every pound warranted to
suit or the money returned in all ea'ses, at FOX'S.
Cash paid for Bides.
r PHE hiphest price paid in CASH, for Hides
I and skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX
Jane 20, ! k >
Ccgal 'Xiocrnemcula.
•*". that *ll persons indebted ty the es
tate of Thomas lugbum.dec'd, Ute of Asvlura townAh
are hereby roqueted to make payment "without delay -
and nil persons having claims against an id e-tate 111
please present tlieut duly aulbtfiticMud for ■
Oct. 16, 1855. JOaF.rU W.ISHHAM. Adui'r.
T?XKCUTOirS NOTICE —A t cr^ujTn-
JLJ debted to the estate of MARY CARMKK, deceased,
late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to tnak*
payment without delay, and all persona having demands
against said estate are requested to rift-sent them duly au
thenticated for settlement. WILLJAJI CAHMtR.
Litchfield. October ?(, 1855. Evecutor.
by given that there have been tiled and settled in
the office of the Register of Wlils, In uud for the county of
UradfortL accounts of administration upou the following
estates, viz s
Final account of 11. M. Peck, executor of ilozekiah Peck
late of Smithficld. deceased.
Final account of George P. nuruhara, administrator at
Harvey \\ ard. late of Burlington, dci eased.
final account of 11. It. ami N T . C. Iloireu, uouilulstraloaa
of Jacob J. bo wen. late of Warren, deceased.
Partial account <ji A. Phelps and E. K. French, execu
tors of Kbenezer French, lute of Bmitlilield, deceased.
I* inal account ot C, 11- llrown, administrutor of iVilhtfi
Filter, late of Monroe, deceased.
Fiuul account ut Auson arid Ellas llustln, admlnlstiw
tors of Thus. H. Hustiii, late or Columbia, dti-Miaed.
Final account ol Charles KtockweU, aurviviug aduilnU
trator of Bterliag Hobxmib, late of Lervy, deceitsed.
Partial account of KiUisom train lull administrator of
Tanner ('moduli, late ol Bp run; lie Id. dee eased.
Final account of J. 11. Phillips, aduiiiiktrutor of C. P.
Phillips, late of Burlington, dcea-od.
Final account of T. M. Beach, administrator of Jams*
Nichols, late of Sinithlield, deteased.
And the same will he un seated to the Orphan a Court
of Bradford county, on M >nday, the 4th day of Pebnuuy
next, for continue.tioa and allowance.
_ Agister'# Office, Towarvda, December 255, ls-ii.
PKOCI j A M ATJ OX—wTiereas, tl<? lIoiT
DA\ ll> WIL.MOT. President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, .Sua
uuehamiaand Sullivan, and Hons. Mvhon Ballsho and
H akkv Acxi.kv, Associate Judges, in and tor said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept hewing date the
'1 ith day of lb c.. A.D.1855,-to me directed, lor holding a
Court ol Oyer uud Terminer, General Quarter Sessi mis of
the Peace, Common Pleaa and Orphan's Court, at Towau
da, for the County of, ou the first Monday, the
Ith day of February next, to continue three weeks. *
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners aud
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of
Bradtord, that they tc then and there iu llteir proper per
son, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions.iuml other remembrance*, to do those
things which to their office appertains to 1* done ; and
those who arc bound by recognizance or otherwise to prv
secutr Against tlie prisoners who are oriuav be in the jail
ot said County, or who shall be bound to appear at the
-aid court, are to be tlu-a and thure to proaoyutc against
them as sliall !.■ Just. Jurors are reque-tcikto be punctual
in thfclr attendance, agreeably to tlu ir notice.
Dated at T>'wunda, the 22d of l)ecember, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and of
the independence of the i.'nlted statist, 'the seTtUty
ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE —l\ F~Wils^nvs.
-X"l_ J. S. Peterson. No, 75, Dec, T. 1=54 ; in the Com
mon Picas of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed by the Court to distribute moneys la the Hber
tifl's hands, raised by sale of said defendant's personal es
tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hU
office in tlie borough of Tuwauda, 011 Monday, the 21l
day of Jauuary, laSO. at two o'clock, P. M-, and all par
sons having claim-upon said money must pre-eat them
ut that time and place, or else be forever debarred froiu
tilt same.
Dec.lf. 1855, p. D. MORROW, Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— E. Champion, to
a I fit utt 0/ J. J). Aluntnnye. ri. Hansom Pat/nt. Iu
the Court of Coin. Pleas of Bradford county. No. 210 Se|-
tember Tertn. 1855. Also. Silas Payne, to the ust of J,
IP. TVuodbum. rs. Abraham Payne and Ransom Pavnt.
No. 322. Mav Term. 1254.
Notice is fierebv given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed by said" Conrt, to distribute money In the Sher
iff's hands, rai.-ed by the sale of said defendant's real es
tate. will attend to the duties of his appointment at bis
office in the borough of Towanda, 011 Tuesday, the 22d
day of January, lSsf>, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which tiuia
and place all persons havhrg claims upon said money must
present them, or el-c be forever debarred from the same.
Dec. 14. 1855. P. T). MORROW, Auditor.
2\. i-s. O. S. -'"'aj.-tr.',- C.L. tP'.lte. —ln Bradford Coat
Pleas, No. 313, j, .liber Term, .--55.
The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the said Court,
to distribute funds rai.-ed by the Sheriff s sale of defen
dant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment, at the office of Wiu. El well. K-q., iu the borough of
Towanda, on Saturday, the 26th day of January, 1856, at
one o'clock, I*. M., at which time aud place all persons in
terested in said funds are requested t>< present the is claims
or else be forever debarred from the sunie.
Dee. 12.1855. 11. B. M'KL AN, Audits*.
A EDITOR S NOTICE.— D. Entity $ St
aA. to the tut of si, S. .Smith, vs. <i. 11. Leu-i* 4" H.
Cootbuugli —ln Bmdfurd Cuiumoti Pleas, No. 225, Decem
ber Term. 1853.
The undersigned, an Auditor ap|x>inted by said Court,
to distribute fiiuds raised by SheriU s sale of real estate in
this cause, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
his office in the b. rough of Towanda. on Thursday, tho
31st day of January. 1*56. at one o'clock iu the afternoon,
at which time aud place all w-rsons interested in said Icjjda
are requested to present their claims, or else be forever
debarred front the same.
Pec. 10. 1&&. G. It. WATKINS. Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— (,'uy Tn.cey vs.
-a.' a. ri. l.uther H Chiltis. In the conrt of Cominou l'leaa
Bradford Co. No. 208, September Term, 1853.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to
distribute the funds raised by Sheriff mie of defendant's
real estate, wili attend to the* duties assigned - him
at his office in tlie borough of Towanda, on Wednesday,
the 30th day of January. 1860, at one o'clock in the after
noon, when and when- all persons having claims are re
quested to present them, or lie forever debarred therefrom.
Dee. 10, 1*55. G. H. WATKINS. Audit r.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
atc of Ransom P. Adams, dec d„ late of Uidglierv Town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment withont de
lay; and all jiersons having el lims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlemeiit.
Dec. 12. 1 v'si. SAMI'EL J. ADAMS, Admin'r.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter n^
a- V. tht estate of Alinor ft. 1 1 'ileos. deceased. In til*
Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the" undersigned, AuJitoe
appointed bvsaiil Court, to distribute fund- in the -y. is
of the Administrators of -aid estate, raised by the sale of
real estate, will attend to the duties of his .iiip.>satiiietii,
at his office, in the borough of Towanda, on vVedne-d*y v
the 23 rd day of January. IKSC, at <u.e o'clock. P. M.,whea
and where all Ucrauus having claims iqaiu said lands mint
present them, or else be forever debarred from the saute.
Dec. 14. 185.1. I'. D. MORROW. Auditor^
IN THE MATTER of tie pa/til inn of Ik*
V. Heal Kstate oj Tanner Ctmt till, late of Spi-issgfielii
township, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in ihv
partition ot the real estate of Tanner Crand.tll, late if th*
township of Springfield, to come into court on MONDAY
the Ith lay of February next, to accept or refuse tlie land
it the valuation made by the inquest, (which wan held by
the Sheriff', upon the premises, on the 25th day of April,
15.V1.) according to the right of priority of choice.
Dec. 24, 1855. JAMES H. WEBB", Clerk of o.<\
V"OTK'E.—The annual tneetincr of stock
i_\ holders of the BARCLAY RAII, ROAD A COAL
(' their office in Philadelphln.
(North west corner of 4th and Walnut *ts.) on MONDAY
the 14th day of January, 1850, at 12 o'clock, M., At which
time an election will tn< held for a President uud twrlvo
Directors to serve the ensuing vear.
Dec. ?o. 1855. GK<>. R. O AT. Secretary l .
* |, ' u '. il) f,,r " 3lr 'y K. PEL IPX.
I AST CALL !—All indebted to the sult
-1 J scrilier. as late Register and Recorder and Clerk of
(lie Orphans' Conrt, are requested to make payment by or
10-fore February Court. All accounts unpaid" after that
tiine will be pi u-cd in proper bands for CsdK-etinu.
Jan. 1,1856 H. L. SC-OTT.
*9 At the Post Office.
The Hunter's Feast, by Capt. Mayor Rcid ;
Ccoffrcv Moncton. hv Mrs. Moocie ;
Kate Weston, or To Will ami To Do ;
Scenes in the Practice of a New i ork Sqrgeon :
My Bomhge uud My Freedom, by Fred Douglaaa ;
The Widow ReiMt I'.qe-rs ;
Inside View of Slavery ;
Arcbey Moore, or the White Slave ;
Ten Years among the Mail Bags ;
fda May. by Mary Langdou ;
Star Papers, by Henry Ward Heerher;
Doestieks, Bornuiu. fee. Ac. .I.oinsry E
T EST RECEIVED, another lot of that
'/ nice DRIED BEEF, also first rate CHEESE, at
Julr 12. |B.V>. FihX>.
( 1 ANDLES—Iv tlie box or sir\'*Je pomtfl,
J at ' f. el "* ill.Yf