j ,1,1,. to no jiostage by law, or to very low of postage compared with that charged Ic tcrs; and to the great cost of mail scr ', on railroads and by ocean steamers. The V.'.lr, r fn recommend to your care not only ['Material, but also its moral interests, includ , iiieatinn, more especially iu those jwts the (iislriet outside of the cities ot V\ asb "i.rtiin and < Georgetown. The conunissioners appointed to revise and tlte laws of the district, have made j/nrotrress in the pcrformnnee of their task p. insure its completion within the timepre . !„.,i bv the act of Congress. Information has recently been received, that -1, peace of the settlements in the Territories ; Orcon and Washington is disturbed by '■' utilities 0:1 tiie part of the Indians, with in ,HIS of extensive combinations of a hots • t character among the tribes in that quarter, *nor- serious in their possible effect by rea .o:l uf the umletenniued fureigu interests ex i-ting in those Territories, to which your at • ntioii lias already been especially invited.— K'.-icnt measures have been taken, which, it i.i'licved, will restore quiet, and afford pro ttrtion to our citizens, la the Territory of Kansas, there have been prejudicial to good ordhr, fait as yet none iivcoeenrrwl under circumstances to justify interposition of the federal executive.— Tint could only be in case of obstruction to f.,|,.r;tl law, or of organized resistance (o *ter- P trial law, assuming the character of insur .! tii, whi.h, if it should occur, it would be x intv jtromplly to overcome and suppress, i fherish tlie hope, however, that the OeCur anv siicii untoward event will be prc „..,i i,\ tin: sound st!USC of the people of . T rritorv. wiio, bv its organic law, posses right t" determine their own domestic (-Tuitions, arc cutU-lcd, wliUu deporting them maeefullv, to the free eXi-rcisc of that z'it, and mu-t lie juotccted iu the eujoyiucnt , f i:. wit limit interference ou the jwirt of the ■ Ml> of any of the States. The Southern boundary line of this T rri xan* has never been surveyed and established. . • raiT'iiy extending settlemcuts in that re •!:, and the fact that the main route between i 1 lojwiiidence, in the State of Missouri, and V.'W Mexico, is contiguous to this Hue, ."-tthe jirobability that embarrassing qnes t; MS of jurisdiction may consequently aries. F r tlie-e and otln-r considerations, I commend tnc Mil licet to yotir early attention. I'IVSTiriTIoNAI. TIIKOBV OK TIIE (.oVKUNMK.VT I ha\c thns passed in review the general >iiitc of the Union, including snch particular crras of tiie federal government, whether ' domestic or foreign relation, as it appeared '0 MM' desirable and useful to bring to the es ail notice of Congress. Unlike the great states of Europe and Asia, and many of those America, these United States are wasting •ir strength neither in foreign war nor - ii* dissatisfaction exists, is attributable to the mcrfections of human nature, ist>. to a great extent, of exaggeration of vitaid<* evils, or oxer zeal in social improvo- T im re iiiiiiginatiou tif grievance, liav . : ha* remote couucctlon with any of the •' .'.- mil !unctions or duties of the fede -I,iin'iit. To whatever extent these fii-lions i-xhi'dt a tendency menacing to the validity of the constitution, or the integrity • tic Union, and no farther, they dcuiaud ci'ii-;denition of the Executive, and require to I* 1 presented by him to Congress. l'''!"re tin- Thirteen Colonics became a con- Ulif;ainn of independent States, they were ia"<-il only by coumiuuity of transatlantic ''-iii. liy geographical jMisitiou, and by the >i tic of common dependence on (ireflt "•''.am. When that tie was sundered, they '•••raiiv assumed the powers and rights of ab ■■ ' government. The municipal and etitiitinns of each, its laws of projter ■ f ]H-rsonal relation—-even in political -'•'r/.atioti—were snch only as each one Mv-talii-h. wholly without interference * y Oilier. In the language of tlie Dc !i of Independence, each State had iiov, lT to levy war,conclude peace, con .manees, c-tublish commerce, and to do :,, T nets and things which independent -iay of right do." The several colonics " ! in climate, in soil, iu natural produc 'Uigioii, in systems of education, in - •: ion. and in tin- forms of political athuinis -11 • ami they continued to differ iu these ~ -dieu they voluntarily allied thetn- States to carry 011 the war of the a 7 ■ ution. ■ ■ "t of that war was to disenthrall to. Colonies from foreign rule, which w, l to he oppressive, and to separate from the mother country ; result was the foundation of a 1 r'l'iiliiir of the free white men of the ( ''constituted, as they were, in distinct „ . ' |riH*ully iuilc|Kndtnt State govern- A-fur the subject raees, whether 111-1 '' tan, the wise and brave statesmen " l .v Is'injr enquired in no extravagant ' ■ change, left them as they • ai- pn-M rved themselves and their ' the anarchy and the ever recur-, h have ]ire\ ailed in orfiV-r European colonies of America, r the cotilederatcd States found it con the conditions of their ue&o .. y - u ang to the general govermnent . insoine respects,, to the people instead of confining it to action us such, they proceed to frame "lititution, adhering steadily to hoiight. which was, to delegate ''u.- w;;-' necessary a lid proper to the execution ot mccitic purjtoscs, of the independent powers of the individual States. For objects yf common defence aud security, they entrusted to the general government cor tain carefully defined junctions, leaving all others as the undelegated'Tights of the sepa rate independent sovereignties. Such is the constitutiouai theory of our gov ernment, the practical observance of which has carried us, and us alone, among modern repub lics, through nearly three generations of time, without the cost of one drop of blood shed in civil war. With freedom and concert of action it luwi enabled us to contend successfully on tlie buttle field against foreign foes, has elevated the feeble colonies into powerfull States, and lias raised our industrial productions, and our commerce which transports them, to the level of the richest and the greatest nations of Eu rope. And tliu admirable adaption of our po litical institutions to their objects, combining local self-government with aggregate strength, has established the practicability of a govern ment like ours to cover a continent with confede rate States. j The Congress of the United States is, in : effect, that congress of sovereignties which ; good men in the Old World have sought for j but could never attain, and which imparts to I America an exemption from the mutable league | for common action, from the wars, the mutual 1 invasions, and vague aspirations after the bal ance of power, which convulse from time to time the governments of Europe. Our eo -1 operative action rests in tlie conditions of per- I ujaecut confederation prescribed by tlie eon- I stitution. Our balance of power is in the j separate reserved rights of the States, and 1 their equal representation in the Senate, i That independent sovereignty iu every ontx of the States, with its reserved rights of local self-government assured to each by their co equal power in the Senate, was the fuiidame j tal comfit ou of Ute coa.-t'ti ton. Without it 1 the Union would never have existed. "Hbw j ever desirous the larger States might be to re-organize tlie goxeiimiewt so as to give to 1 their population its proportionate weight in , tiie common counsels, they kucw it was fiopos jsiltle, unlcas they conceded to the smaller ones authority to exercise at least a negative in ' Alienee, on all Uie measures of the governinent, whether legkshitive or executive, through their ! equal representatives in the Senate. Indeed, the larger States themselves could not have ' failed to perceive that thy same power was equally necessary to them, for the security of their own domestic interests against the ag | gregute Torey of tlte general government, iii ; a word the original States went into this per ; inuneut league- ou the premises, of exerting t their conmiyu strength £oi - thodefenee t o{ the | whole, ami of all all jts iiafts ';#but of . Utterly exehiding all eSj ability of ivef]trocal ajhrtts- | slon. Eaeii solemnly bound itself ;to all the others, neither to undertake, uor permit, any ehtroachTnent upon, or iiiterinctMlhJg witll, htnother's reserved rights. Where it wasai'X'meii.expedient, particular rights of the States ; -wnA- expressly guaran teed by tlie constitution ; but, iu all things beside, these rights were guurded by the limi tation of tlie JKUVCIS grafited, and by express reservation of allportion of the States as- suine to imjosc their institutions on the others, or refuse to fulfil their obligations to them— we are uo longer united friendly States, but distracted, hostile oucs, with little capacity left of common advantage, but abundant mesas of reciprocal injury and mischief. Practically, it is immaterial whether aggres sive interference Iwtween the States, or de liberate refusal on the part of any one of them to comply with constitutional obligations, arise from erroneous conviction or blind prejudice, whether it be perpetrated by direction or in direction. In either case, it is full of threat and of danger to the durability of the Union. coxsin'TXlONA;. JU.UATIO.VS OK SUAVKKY. Placed in the office of Chief Magistrate as the executive agent of the whojo country, bound to take cure that the laws be faithfully executed, and specially enjoined by the eou- I stituHou to give information to Congress,! on the state of the Union, it would be palpable neglect of duty on my part to pass over a sule , jeet like this, which, beyond all things at the present time, vitally concerns individual and | public security It has IKCH Hitler of pfbtfel regret to see conspicuous fur their services iu.found ing'-the repUMw, and "WptaHy shftfingWs ad vantages, (lisrt\tnij4JWS|t constitutional obli gations to it. -AjfycHigfi conscious of their inability to heal rfd&aitted *nd paljrabic social evils of their own tPhffih arc completely within thelU/ufttfifitiob, they engine in lit olfciisive and hopeless undertaking of reform ing the domestic institutions of oilier States wholly lieyorid their control and authority. In the vain pursuit of ends, by them entirely unattainable, and which they may not legally attempt to compass, they peril the very exis tence of the constitution, and nil the count less benefits, which it has conferred. While the people of the Southern States confine their attention to their own affairs, not presuming officiously to intermeddle with the social insti tutions of the Northern States, too many of the inhabitants of the latter are permanently organized in associations to inflict injury 011 the former, by wrongful acts, which would be cause of war us betweeu foreign powers, ami only fail to be such in our system, because perpetrated under cover of the Union. H is impossible to present this subjeet as truth and the oecasi.tn require, wit, I unit- noticing the reiterated hnK groundless aileg.ipon that the bxtutli lut* persistently as serted claims and olitaiiMwt advantages in the practical ad ministration <ain on the we t side of that river, as the entire diplomatic history of the transaction serves to demonstrate. .Uojvovcr.it was an acquisition demand ed by the vrtumcreihl interests and security of the whole UllioU. > In the meantime, the people of the United Stides had grown up to a proper consciousness of their strength. and in a brief contest with France, and in-the second serious war with Great Britain, they had shaken off all that re mained of limine reverence for Europe, and emerged from the atmosphere of those transatlantic influences which surrounded the infant republic, and had liegtui to turn their attention to the full and systematic development of the internal resources of tlte Union. Among the evanescent controversies of that period, the most conspicuous was the question of regulation by Con gress of the social condition of the future Slates to be founded in the Territory of Louisiana. The ordinance for the government of the territory north west of the river Ohio had contained -a provision, which prollibited the u-e of servile labor therein, subject to the condition of the extradition of fugitives from service due in any other part of the United States. Sultsequeutly to the adoption of the Constitution, this provision ev.isei! to remain as a law, for its operation was an lj as to liesajxT ib-.Vhr the constitution. Uirt tlte recollection of the fact excited the zeal of social qiropagaudisiiv in some sections < of the confederation, and when a second state, that of Mis-onri, came to be formed in the territory of f/mbi&ua. proposition was made to extend tothe latter territory the restriction originally applied to the country situated be tween the rivers Ohio and Mississippi. Most questionable as was this proposition in all Hs con stitutional relations, nevertheless it received the sanetion of Congress, with some slight modifications of line, to save tlie existing riebts of the intended new state, it wa re lnctantlv ac pilesced in by Southern States, as a sacrifice ' to tlie canse of pence and of the Union, not only of the rights stipulated by tlie treaty of lyOui-iaira. liut of the principle of equality among the States guaranteed by the c -tnrtit tlon. It wa recei-ed by the Northern States with angry ami resentful condemnation and complaint,lss-ansc it did not concede all which they had exactingly demand ed. Having passed through the forms of legislation, it | t-wik its place in the statute book. standing open to repeal. j like any other other act. of doubtful constitutionality, sub- I ject to l>e pronounced null and void by the courts of law, ! and possessing no possible efficacy to control the rights of tlie States, which might thereafter be organized out of any [mrt of the original territory of Loui-iana. Tn all tiii", ii' any aggrcseiott* there were, any innova tion upon pre-existing rights, to which portion of the Un bar are f hoy justly rhurghrtile ? This Controversy passed away with tiio occasion, noth ing surviving it save the dormant letter of the statute. But. long afterward, when, hy the proposed accession of tlw repnlilic of Texas, the United States w ere to take their next step in territorial greatness, a similar contin gency occurred, and became t lie occasion for systematized attempts to intervene in tlw domestic affaire of one sec tion of the I'uion, in defiance of their rights as State*,and of the stipulations of the constitution These attempts assumed a practical direction in tiie sliape of |erscvoting endeavors hy some of the Representatives in lioth Houses of Congress to deprive the Southern States of the suppos ed l>eneftt of the provisions of the act authorizing the or ganization of the State of .Missouri. But the good sense of the people and the vital force of the constitution triumphed over sectional prejudice and the political errors of tiie day, and the State of Texas re turned to the Union as she was. with social institutions which her people had chosen for themselves, and with ex press agreement, hy the rc-aunexing act. that she should he susceptible of division into a plurality of States. Whatever ad vantage the interests of the Southern states as such, gained hy this, were far inferior in results, as tliey unfolded in the progress of time, to those which sprang from previous concessions made hy tiie South. To every thoughtful friend of the Union- to tlw true lovers of their country—to all who longed and labored tor the full success of this great experiment of renuMiean institutions—if was cause of gratnlatioii that such an p portunity had occurred to illustrate our advancing power 1 on this continent, and to furnish to the world additional assurance of tlw strength and stability of the const it utiun. I Who woidd wish to sec Florida still a Knropean .••Uhiy? Who would rejoice t • hail Texas as a lone star, instead of I one in tiie galaxy of States J Who does not appreciate the incalculable benefits of the acquisition of Louisiana? And yet narrow views and sectional purposes would inev itably have excluded them all from the Union j But another struggle on the same point ensued when | our victorious armies returned from .Mexico, and it devol ved on t'ongrc-s to provide for the territories acquired l>y j the treaty of (luadftlupe Hiilnkm. The great relations of the subject had uow become distinct and clear to the per. .■option of the public mind, which upproctttari tlw evils of I sectional controversy U|si tlw question t the admission |of new states. In that crisis intense solicitude pervaded the uation. But the patriotic tmpwlses of the popular heart, guided by the admonitory advice of the Father of his tountry. rooe sn|wrior to ail the difliculties-of tlw in corporation of a new empire into the Union, in tiw coun cils of Congress there was manifested extreme antagonism of opinion ami action hetwe. ii some representatives, who sought bv tiie abusive and uuconstitntional employment of the legislative powers of the government to interfere in the condition of tlw inchoate States, and to impose tfwir own social theories npon the latter : and other repnwnta. tives, who repelled"the of the general gov eminent in this respect, anil maintained the self-constitut in realitv it was thecmloavor. by almse of igistutir pow- I er, to force the ideas of internal policy, entertained iie|*r tienlnr rtt itos. upon allied independent States. Once more tli , ocstit nti-m and the Union triumphed signally. The new Territories were organized without restrictions an the disputed [mint gu.l wet>v|iie Uft f U> jg.hp- in that particular f'.r flic'm-elvcs ; and the sense ~f -constitutional faith proved vigorous enough in Congress not only to ac complish this primary hnrdlv less inuiortant -mo of so aniendiugdhe pp.visions Of the statute for the extradition of fugitives from service, i as to pfaee+hnt pnhlic dirty tinder tiie sun-guard of the general government, ttd thus relieve it front olwtach i raised up the legislation ofsoime of the States. Vain lUiclatiiaUon rgaarding the provision* of law for tlw c xtnwiitioiim fugitives fivm Service, with ofeasinpal episode* of frantic effort to obstruct their execution by riot and murder, continued, for a brief time, to agitate certain-localities. Bnt the tftic principle, of leaving each State iind Territory to regulate its own laws of lalsir ac vordin" tu its own sense ..! right and expediency, had ae- J quired fa t hold of the jatJllk Judgment. to such a degree. I that, by common oottseut, it was observed iu the urgaui- I ! z*t W n/oJ the Jturritory W* r hmgUuv . u .. , wWm.'mm* recently, ft became 'rHpfikfte to orgijiifc the Territories of Nuiupska and Kair-as, it was the fiabi ral and legitimate, if not the inevitable, eotiseqtmnee ot previous events ami legislation, that the same great and i sound principle, which bad already teen applied to I'thli and New Mexico. snonM be' applied to them ; that they fthould stand exempt from the restrictions proposed in the act restive to the State ot Missouri. These restrictions were, in the estimation of many , thoughtful men, mill from the Iteglnning, unauthorized by the constitution, contrary to the treaty stipulations fur the ' cession of Louisiana, and InconsWlgnt with the eqoalHyof j the States. They had Incn stripped of all moral authority, hy per si-tent' efforts to jirucnre their indirect repeal through contradictory enactments. Thev had been practically ab j rocateil by the legislation attending the organization of I Utah. New Mexico and Washington. Tf any vitality rc | maiiied in them, il would hate beeu taken away,ineffect, i by the new territorial acts, fn the form originally propos- I cd to tlie Senate at the first session of the last Congress, j It was manly and Ingenuous, as well as patriotic and just, to do this directly am! plainly, and thus relieve the statute liook of an act. which might "be of possible future injury, but of no possible future benefit ; and the measure of its repeal was the final consummation and complete recogni tion of the principle, that no portion of the United States shall undertake, through assumption of the powers of the general government, to dictate the social Institutions of any other portion. The scope and effis-t of the language of reiieal were not left In doubt. It was declared. In terms, to be " the true intent and meaning of this act not to legislate slavery in to any Territory or State, nor to exclude it therefrom. Ikit to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and re gulate their domestic institutions in tlieir own way, sub ject only to the constitution of (lie United States." The measure could not lie withstood upon its merit* ahmc. It was attacked with violence, on the false or de lusive pretext that it constituted a breach of faith. Never was objection more utterly destitute of substantial justifi cation. When, ls'fore, was it imagined by sensible men. that a regulative or declarative statute, whether enacted ten or forty years ago, is irrC|H':ilable —that an act of Con gress is above the constitution ? If, indeed, tliere were in the facts any cause to impute lad faith.it would attach to those only, who have never ceased, front the time of the enactment of the restrictive provision to the present day, to denounce ami to condemn it ; who have constantly re fused to complete it by needful supplementary legislation who have spared no exertion to deprive it of 'moral force, who have themselves again and again attempted its repeal hy the enactment of incompatible provisions ; and who,by the inevitable reactionary effect of their own violence on ♦be subject, awakened the country to ]>erveption of the true constitutional principle, of leaving the matter involv ed to the discretion of the people of the respective exist ing or incipient States. It is not pretended that this principle,or any other, pre cludes the possibility of evils in practice, disturbed as jo --litii-.ri action is liable to l>c by human passions. No form of government is exempt from inconveniences ; but in this ease they are the result of the abuse, and not of the legiti mate exercise, of the powers reserved or conferred in the organization of a Territory. They are not to lie charged to the great principle of popular sovereignty ; on the con trary, they disappear before the intelligence and patriot ism of th'e people, exertingthrongh the lmllot box their peaceful ami silent but irresistible power. If the friends of tliy oiiistitutipn are to have another struggle, its enemies could not (ireseirt a. more acceptable i.jsy, than that of a State, whose constitution clearly em braces " a republican form of government," luring exclnd ed from tlte Union .lieeansv its domestic institutions may not in all respects comport with the ideas of what is wise and expedient entertained in some other State. Fresh from groundless imputations of breach of faith against others, mint will commence the agitation of this new ques tion with indubitable violation of an express compact lio tweeu the independent sovereign powers of the United States and of tlte rcpnblic of Texas, as well as of the old er and equally solemn compacts, which assure the equali ty of all Hie States, But. deplorable as would lie such a violation of compact in itself, and iu ail its direct consequences, that is the vc rv least of the evils- involved. When sectional agitators shaft Imve succeeded in forcing on this issue, can their pretension* fail to be met by counter pretensions? Will not different States lie com;idled respectively to meet ex tremes with extremes ? And if either extreme carry its point, what is that so far forth but dissolution of the Un ion ? If a new State, formed from the territory of the United States, be absolutely excluded from admission therein, that fact of itself constitutes the disruption of un ion between it and the other States. But the process of dissolution could not stop there, Would not u sectional decision, producing such result by a majority of votes, cither Northern or Southern, of necessity drive out the op pressed and aggrieved minority, and place in presence of each other two irreoom ikably hostile Confederations? It is necessary to speak thus plainly of projects, the off spring of tiiat sectional agitation now prevailing in some of fhe States, which are as impracticable as they are nn consUUitioiißl, mid Which, if persevered in, must and will end calamitously. It is either disunion and civil war. or it is mere angry, idle, aimless disturbance of public peace and tcanquiitty. Disunion for what? If the passionate rage of fanaticism and partisan spirit, did not force the fact n|inn our attention, it would lie difficult to believe that iuiy consUlerabte portion of the people of this enlightened country could have so surrendered themselves to a fanati cal devotion to the sup|Mwed interests of the relatively few Africans in the United States, as totally to abandon and disregard tin- interests of the twenty-five millions ot Ame ricans—to trample under foot the injunctions of moral and c.oiisti tut bund obligations—and to engage in plans of vin dictive hostility against those who are associated with tie iu iu the enjoy meat of the common heritage of our na tional institutions. Nor is it hostility against their follow-ritizcns of one section nt the Union aliie. The interests, the duly, the honor, the peace, ;unl the prosjierity of the people *of all sections-arc equally involved and inqierilled in this ques tion. And are patriotic men. in any part of the Union, prepared, on such issue, thus madly tip invite all the con sequences of the forfeiture of their constitutional engage ments? It is impossible* The storm of phrcuzy and tac tion must inevitably dash itself in vain against the unsha ken roek of the constitution. I shall never doubt it. 1 know that the Uuion is stronger a thousand tiuies tlian all the wild and chimerical schemes of social change, which are generated, one alter another, in the mimls of visiona ry-sophist- and interested imitators. I rely confidently on the (sitrioti.-iu ot the people, on the dignity and self-res pect of the States, on the wisdom of Congress, and above all, on the continued gracious favor of Almighty God, to maintain, again-t all enemies, whether at home or abroad, the sanctity of the constitution and the integrity of the Union. FRANKLIN PIERCE. W.vsiti.\c# ton*, December 31,1355. Towanda Market -Wholesale Prices. [Corrected weekly ly E. T. FOX, Dealer in l'ro visions and Groceries, Nq. 1. Brick Row, who will pay Cash, at the prices fixed, r..r the articles In this list:] Flour, (retail price,) bid $lO AO ® Fork, do " .... 21 00 24 00 Wheat # bushel 1 .10 % 1 00 Buckwheat, " .... 3-S 50 Oats, " .... M (ft Corn, •' 76 <3 1 50 Rye,.. " 81 (qj Potatoes, " .... 37jf(fi 44 Bean-, " .... j 25 fgj Dried Apples " 1 00 fifi Butter y lb 17 00 20 Clieese, '• f> 10 Hams and Shoulders " .... 0 f5 12$ Dried Reaches, ;... " 12 fie 1< Dried 1 terries. " 12 (>£ ISJ Eggs, dozen,.... fqj 15 Time Table,Waverly Station, N Y. &E.R.R Taking ofleet, November 10, 18,55. norsn fast. I noi Nii wi;st. N. York Express. 11 5s A.M | Buffalo Express, 433 t'.M Niuht Express, 11 U I'.M 1 Nigh*-Express, 3 ,52 A.M rita hiHiiU Kx|u t25 A M Emigrant, 3 lis I' M Mail, 7 45 l'.MiMailj 0 30 A M Rochester Ace. in no AMI Rochester Ace. 920 P.M Stock Express, 2 45 A M' Freight No. I. 1 15 P.M T A U Pi S will Itcrnafter the Ward Hons*-, until fnrilier —v • -r* . notice, a- follows : FOR W.\ VKifLY- -Lcnw at 2 o'clock. F. M., arriving iu time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the arrival of the morning train-, from tlie ea-t and west. FOR TUNKH AN NOCK I,cave immediately upon the arrival of flu- Waveriey stage, ahout 2. P.M. Arrive at Towanda, in time to connect with the -t.ige for Warerlv. Dc . 7. 1 5.1,5, SMITH A POWELL, Proprietors'. Nrra OUiPcrliscnK-nts. IT'RKSH C.\ MTTLKNE AND lirflNlNMr j J: FLUIH for -ale hv S. FBMTON. I AST CALL !—AH indebted to tire kl>- J (kkrilie*. ns Jiite Revister ami Recorder and Clerk of the 1 Irphans' Court, are ri-niested to make payment hy or lg'fore Fetiruary Ponrt. AM ae<*onts unpaid after that tine' wHile placed in proper hands 6ir ewJieotioti. I Jun.d.lKVi 11. L. st'OTT. WPW liOOKS JVZT i?Krp:fvi*T p.y m. lauohlu, At the I'ost OfTice. The Huiiter's Fea-t. liy ('apt. Mayiic Ileid ; Geoffrey Moiictoii. l>v tio. Mpre,or tlie White Slave ; _ , /, , 1 Ten A eafs among the Midi Bajys ; ; li)a May. by Tfark tiitfmlon; ' Star Fapcr-.hy fb nVy Ward Beec'her: Doe-tick.-, Bar num. A-c. Ac. .rannnry i. • T TfT HEOKT VK!>, WilotKer lot \if il| a ( ' r| iu. e DIHFIi BJ'JEF, also hi t rate GHEEM:. at I Julv 12 I-> 55. FOX'S New Aducrtisfuumts. QTOVE FUJI SALE—Out- Stone Cool O LOOKING STOYK, with Furniture complete. *<• second-hand Wattl Looking Stove ; ow secuua-UaudPar- Ipr Stove, and one (irate for burning Oucri. t. 1 h BAIIJCY A KEVINS^ LIST OF LETTERS renwiiiiiipriiititu Post Office dt TUWANDA, Decembers!, ISM. A dams Caleb Hurley John Bull J B Irvine Win Beardske Sarah Keefc Patrick Blake Thorns** Lathrop J. (!. Bowman Catharine I4neh Pat.ru k ljertjanihr John I - v Mary Brown John J M-mhar Daniel lleavleo Kate Mouie diaries, Bennett John M Moore Wu. Cnmining Mis* S K Murphy Mary. Crosby I. V H 2 Patterson .Marindu CampJiell John F Peckham Peleg Coveril.ile ('harlcs T Flatt Christopher Uuluniiugs Sarah if Fierce Chester Cooley Cordelia M Pollard Thomas Cbnlifmek Anna if (Join Francis Con lev M arttra C ltoche Constaad Crofut la-vi I toners Jesse Clark Benj. heirs of Roger* Wm. Drake F B Randal John Dunn Thomas Spain John Donahue Bernard Siyter Wm A. Drisluine Richard Smith James Jr. Dreifuss Hiniou Smith Wm Decker Win II Sastor John Decker Wm Smith Jane A. Duloeher Simon Stock well Clarissa Flint George W Kteveus Homer H. Fassett Georxe W Shores Freeman (■raily Mrs Tucker Henry (■aid n each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again lie offer ed for sale, Jons A. Camvu. JARESH LEMONS—ft quantity 'just receiv ; cdat dec 22 ' POX'S. IjMiESII CANDY, by the quantity, nt ma nufac tor's prices, dec' 22 FOX'S. NEW BOOKS! IKIN(LSJEJ\Y bftfi ju.st received from • New York and Philadelphia a large supply of NEW BOOKS, including some very nice ANNUA LS for 1856. Also a great variety of Books suitable for Christmas and New Year (lilts, Ac. Towanda, Pee. 20. 18.1a. FARM TO RENT. Til K SUBSCRIBER is desirous of renting ggggjgo his Farm situated in the township of Wysox, raSaaslw alsiut three miles from To wanda. am] one mile from tin* Canal at I'ioltet's. There are about SEVKXTY ACRES under improvement, with a l;irf-'e new house and first rate Imrn.Ae. Said farm is well adapted to tlie raising of all kinds of grain, besides l>eing a k"ssl r a nn for keeping a dairy. The snhseribM will leave on the farm a horse team, wagon, plows, luir rows, and all kinds of implements necessary for working said farm, together with nlmut eight rows. " A sols*r. ho nest. Industrious man. with a wife who understands butter making, can do well on this farm. None other need ap ply. Possession given <>u the tirst day of April next. For further particulars empiiieof the .subscrilier on the premi ses. WILLIAM SCOTT. Wysox, Defends* 22, le.Vi. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, AND DIRECT &. TO &. FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE. JAMBS HARRIS. Kikltkici an, of Towanda. respect fully in forms tin* public tiuit he has lately procured from New York the celebrated Electro-t heuii. al Rath, which lias proven to LW MM of the most {important and wonderful discoveries'of the aire, from its ability t<>extract ni in era is from the human system. Some eight years ago. a physician of t'im iituaii disco vered the process of extracting minerals from the bo.i . , hy galvanism ; more recently, M. V, igos, of Nev. York, ail electro-gibler. buying snffi red from the introdm tftn of poisonous minerals into his sy.-tem in the prosecution of his art, conceived the idea ot removing tiiern hy the same processes, he succeeded in doing so, and quickly recovered. lie then applied the same means to others similarly af fected, with like results. His success exceeded his most sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths remove mineral poisons, irtit cured many diseases, some of which were the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments hare fully continued the sin gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi nerals that may he lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Very often persons are nffihted by dise:ii> which are fieynnd the comprehension of the most skilful physicians, and which are the effect of |H>isonrms mine rals accumnlating In the system lor years, taken in the shape of calomel, lead, Ac. Ac. The following arc some of the diseases enrod by these baths: Rheumatism, Paralysis, Palsy, Painter's Uholic, Chronic Uhora, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer, Neuralia in all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all kinds. lie lias also S.B. Smith's newly invented DIRECT AND TO AND FRO ELECTROMAGNETIC MACHINE, which is a great improvement on the Magnetic nun hines hereto fore in use. With the aid of the Bath and M.vchine, we have at command all the available medical efficiency of Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is very great, in introducing medicines into the system through the pores of the skill—applying it directly to the parts af fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular ly efficacious in all loci I diseases. I am now prepared tu apply these Baths, and also the Machines, at my house iu the south part of the borough of Towanda, or 'i will visit patients at a distance, who are unable by reason of disease to conic to this place, at mo derate prices. I am also sole agent for Bradford count v. for the aliove Machines. JAMES HARRIS. Towanda, December 22, 155.7. CA S H—A N D C R EDIT ! f I'M IK suliseriU'.r gratet'iilly announces iiis thanks for the L lilieral patronage received during the past year, and resneett'iiHy solicit- a continuance <>t the trade, which lie will endeavor to merit by keeping his Stork continually rtpJcninhnl by CASHptii tkiunt, with a large and four assortment oi Goods, winch tirmil year* tx}irr tenet' lias enabled hiin to " buy at the Imertl rates"' of the " impor ters rind Manufacturers"—by sidling low—by adopting the Cash Systkm entirely, and hy making a general retlur tion of price*. Consequently, the credit system will cease on ami utter the first day of January, Dili. All persons indelited are requested to make isnmr diate payment. H. C. PORTER. Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House, lb-comber 20, IMSS. IVTOrfTHIiY MAGAZINES AT TOWKU JUTKS, for k J inent'iH advanced than can is- ohfaiiicdln otln r way free of postage-—large lists are now being formed tor Harper's, Harper's Story Book, Putnam's, Littel's Living Age. Graham's, Goiter's Lady's Rook, National fMethodist.) National (Peterson's). Now js the time to subscribe, as the volumes nearly all commenci- with thefirst of January. Renn-mis r the num ber,- delivered at my store the first of each month, tree of postage, Dee. 25. t). D. RARTLKTT. Extraordinary BTcvs ! To nun Unit have, and ongilt to have Corn to S'rtJ A LI. Ff'.l'SONS indebted to the suhseritier, eitlscr iby r\ note nr on tlie tmok* of the late firm of T. Humphrey A Co.. or the former firm of Frisfde A- Rronson, are fluty notified in season that all accounts not settled previous to the first day of February. 1.16, will then go into the mill sometimes used for grinding out equity and justice, and go through too, as fast the Con-titl'de can go ronnd.— r'riepds and foes take hoed, and come to the resouel, Ite.eud.Cr 1(1, 15",.), T. lII'UPHRRI*. TI'.VH, Wtii (Irot-u :nn\ Black - r f i .'in '.71 tents to *1 b" every pound wart anted Jtu uit . i •he lie la v n turned in ail u*. at J ON S Legal 'AJtocriirmcutg. AILMINISTUATOU'S NOTlCE!—Notice* toJw*#o K'VV'b Ui.it 41! pursou* indebted to tli* e* tat* f Thomas In ghiwt, ebs 1, lt ot .Wean townahip, are hereby requested to make payment witliemt Jt.bv; J all (arson* having i-lahiw against said estA will ((least present them duly authenticated fur aclvMNfet Oct. IC. ISM. JOBEPH W. IV<;(| yM.*\HP r . pXEgWTOire NOTICE.- All ixr*^s"in rJ d.;lrfcd to the estate of MA KY CA KM Ell, deceased, late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to isa-V payment without del ay, and all |>e**o!is having demauds again-l •..?} c-i.;' -..a ;* queried to prereat them dulv au • fltentiea*. ns of the Peace."Common Pleas and Orphan's Conrt. at Towan da, for the Comity of Bradford, on the fir-t Monday, the 4th day of February next, to continue three weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constable*, of the County of Bradford, that they lie then and there in their proper per son, at 10 o'clock m the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to dei tlrnso thing* which to their office appertains to be dtme ; and those who are liound by recogmxance of other wise- to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of saiel County, or who shall be bating to ajipear at the said court, are to lie then and there to prosecute against tlieni as shall liejust. Jurors are requested to las punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 22d of Detayulier, in tiie year of our Lord. one thousand eight huittre-d and fifty-live, and of file Independence of the United States, the sereuty rihttii. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. A EDITOR'S 1 NOTICE —C. F. Wffu^s. I V. J. S. Prtrrtem. No. 75, Dee, T. 1 *sf ;in the Com mon Pleas of Bradford County. Notice is, hcruhv given, that the undersigned, Auditor appointed hy the Court to distribute moneys in the Rber tifl s hands."raised hy sale of said ilefeniiaht'a personal es tat*, will attend to.tin- cue lies of lit* aupoiutiaunt at hh office in the Ism nigh uf towanda, on Monday, tlie 21t day of January, l*-*>fi. at two o'clock. P. M., and all per sons having claims upon said money must pre-cnt tbeiu at that time and place, or else he fcivver debarred from the snnif. Dee*. 11. IS.M. I'. D. MORROW. Auditor. \VI) I T<) I: \S NOTJ r fc- E. Chn i^b.n, U, ± \ ,'/ii of J. I). ITurifutiye. t'-. Random Payne. 11l the Court of Com. Vlen* >f Bi idfon' eoeiuty. No. 310 Sep tember Term. I*.V. Also, Situs Payne, U> li t u*e vj J. If. Ifoodlnuii. c.v. Abraham Peyne mid Paipit. No. ?,TH. Mav Te-rm. 13.*>4. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor a(ipointeel by said Court,to distribute inouev in the Sher iff's hands, raised by the sale of sabl ilefotnlant's real es tate, will ait end to the duties of lit* appointment at hie office tn Die borough of Towanda, ou Tuesday, the 22d day of January, 1 >•.'><>, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at wuichtuno anil place all persons having claims upon said money must present them, or else lie forever debarred from the same. Dec. 14, 1*55. I'. D. MOUKOW, Auditor. AUDITORS NOTICE.— C. N< SHIFTMAN r*. O. S. Cuxttr fy V. I- I i'hite. —ltt Bradford Gotu. Pleas, Ku, 313, Seittciulur Term, 1*55. The undersigned, \iidltnr appointed hv the sr. id Court, to distribute funds raised lv the Shet id 's sale of defen dant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint ruent.ut the office hf Wni. EI well, Esq., in the borough of Towanda. on Saturday, the 'ifith day of January. 185i. at one oMork, I*. M., at which time and place ail persons in terested in said funds are requested to pre suit tfiels claims or else !• forever debarred from the same. Itee. M, 1*55. If. it M KHAN. Auditor. Z 1 UAIIDIAN'S SALE —Hy virtue of an \T order of tlie Orphan's Court of Bradford County .will lie exposed to public sale, on SA i U lit) At, the sth day of JANUARY next, at one o'clock, I*. M.,at the house upon the preiui-es hereinafter described in Windham fnwpship The our umiihJni rnuApart of all that lot, piece or pan-cl of laud Situate in Windham township, aforesaid, in Bradford enmity, bounded on the north by lands of - - Neul; on the east by lands of ('harics Walker end Ste phen Sherman : on tho south by lands of Richard iiiil y, and on the ivcfl by lands <>S Benjaiiiir Clnpr and lle/.eki ah Ibviding -n.'iii. - hundred r.m! n acre*, more or ie--. iluit sixtv thereat impmVec. nod w ifh a framed iiousc, framed ban and an ajpie a cloud thereof. ■Said interest sold a- the pro, . >f Francis Xeal, a mi lior. Tertnr : made known on the day of sale. EDVVAED NKAI-, Oiuurdicn DT-C. 10, ISSJ. of Francis Seal. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— I), Bailey 4- So* a~W. In the u*e of -I. S. Smith, vs. 11. 11. 4" H- C- Cootbaugh —ln Bradford Commqji lteas, No. 223, Deeein t>er Term. 1*52. Tiic undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale of real estate in this cause, will attend to the duties of his amiointnient at his office iu the borough of Towanda, on Tnnrsday, tho 31st day of January, 1*56, at one o'clock iu the afternoon, at which time and place all |>ersons interested in safdfhnd* are requested to present their claims, or else be forever debarred from the same. Dec. 10,1X53. (1. H. WATKIXB. AodiUir. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— GHV Tram, r.. vt. Luther H. Child*. In the court of Cummnn Plena Bradford Co. No. 20*, September Term, 1*53. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the 2 duties assigned liilll at his office in the borough of Towanda. on Wednesday, the 30th day of January. 1*36. at one o'clock in the after noon. when and where all persons having claims are re quested to present tliem, or Is- forever deliarred therefrom. Dee. 10. 1*53. (i. If. WATKTNS, Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of nn order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Conn tv, will lie exposed to put die sale on the premises, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. on FRIDAY, the llth day of JANUARY next, tlie following described messuage, lot, piece or par cel of land situate in the township of Troy. Bradford t'o., and istnnded a* follows, viz : On the east by lands of Jes se Beech ; on the south by Sugar Creek : on the west by lands of Roliert Clafliu ; on the north by lands of James P. Pratt and K. l.oomis. Containing about ninety acre*, more or less. It being all that certain farm upon which Beriali Pratt resided at the time ol bis decease. Attendance given and terms made known on the day of sale. C. li. i'AMPUKUL. JOHN SALISBURY, Dec. 11, 1*55. Administrators iif I'.eriah Pratt, dee d ADM IN I.STRATOiv'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liereby given, that a§ jicrsou,* indebted to the es tate of Ransom I'. Adams, dev'd.. late of Ridgberv Town ship, are hereby requested to make iiyluent withont lay; and all persons having claims against said estate wtli please present them dulj' authenticated for settlement. Dee. 12. I*.'.'.. S'AMI'KII J. ADAMS, AdmtnV.. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi ihf WNMR of J.X. Use e*tuh nf Motor R. ll tlcox, S tceasttl.. fel the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. Notice is liereby given, that the' undersigned, Andft>r appointed by said" t'oiirt. to distribute iun4- m tlw hands ot the Adiaini-trators of -aid ' state, by the sale ot real estate, will attend to the ibitlrs nr hS appointment, at his ofli e.in the borough of Thteanlt. on Wednesday, tlie 23rd day of January, l*sii, at una o'clock, P. M-,wlun and when- .111 hereon* having elabtip nppn said fluids inn. t present them. or ehwbe lorecer fMionvu fmmthe same. Dee. U. 1*55. R D. MOHIMOV, Anditoi. TN THE MATTER of ME partition of th 1 Rent FMate of 7>/u?W CY< mda'l. I ait of Spring fart,! township. JsiraW, N'oti. e is herein gfven to all persons Infere-t' d in the partition of the veal estate ul Tanner C'raadali, lute ot tho tnwnship of Spiingtii Id. to rome intoeonrt on MONDAA tlie 4tb day of F-.-!*iuiry m-xfc 1" Wopt 'I refuse trie laud at the valuation made by the iaom-t, kwhkh was held by the sth, riff, upon the proml-e*, on the ?Mh day of April, lx.U.) aeedrdftig to ike righi of pr ; "lity of choice. Due. 21. 1-xa.l, J 11. V- KBU, t'leikof 0. t'. NTDTWK.—ITlvt' 1 Tlvt' mimml niwitiiur ol stock hokiorsof tlie BARCLAY HAIL H U> A* M. COMPA.NII, will he held at theif office m I'hil.blelphi.i. (NoVtli west coiner of Jth ami Wafnut sts > on MONTI \ V the tub day of January, |R5t. at 12 o'elo -k. Hi . at which Ineo ;m tln'tioii will I v hW loi a IVc.-j'Uiit .unttwelv Dfrtx tois to ,*! vt thy et. ulng var. D, 2o l i,i u* :' OVT Sc.tctarv 5