/armtr's tlcparlmnit. The Farm in December. SHELTER FOR STHK.—We shall barely eall attention to this subject now, with the purpose of soon noticing it more particularly. Cold arts as n stimulent to the system, anil that is |r<>l*bly why we require animal diet in the winter more than in the summer ; flesh sopjliv ing the waste oreasioued by the cold more readily than vegetables. If, then, tlie animal is cold, it requires more food, and of a more nutritious nature, to keep up the natural tem peruture of the liody, than when comfortably sheltered. It will, therefore, be found cheap er to jwotect the animal from the eold than to supply an extra amount of food. CARROTS WK HORSES.—The stable keepers are beginning to find that these vegetables form a cheap and nutritious food to mix with grain for their horses. It is letter to give a working horse a peek of carrot and four quarts of oats or corn meal a day thau to give him six quarts of meal. FKF.MW. STOCK.—Owing to the excessive drought last summer, there is a great scarcity of hay and fodder, so that it becomes impor tant that not only shall nothing be wasted, but that the ntmost economy shall be practis ed in feeding out what we have. We there fore recommend the cutting of all coarse fod der, t,hay, straw, cornstalks aud shucks,! and mixing with it a little meal of some kind, corn, oat, barlev or oat meal, or shorts, now, at the opening of w iuter, and thus commence w it li feeding out less hay than would other wise be required. Secure to the cattle warmth, clean and loose skins by the frequent use of the card, and TOU will lie able to take each animal through the winter in good conditon, with some ten or fifteen pounds less hay than they have been accustomed to consume. Whore wood is cheap great advantage may be derived from cookiug most of the food fed out. Hay steamed with the grain, would un doubtedly answer the desired purpose, with a considerable less quantity thau if fed in an un cooked state. All kinds of feed given to the st-ire svr'uic should be cooked. YOCNO ANIMALS must receive careful altei tion. If stinted in food and exposed to the elements, they will scarcely ever assume those full. plump, and handsome proportions so de sirable, do what you will afterwards. POI'ITKV AND Kc.os.—Fowls like the wann southern asjteet, where they can huddle to gether in the sun during the middle of the day. Provide them Mich a place, ami plenty of food, such as com, barley, wheat, cob-meal, mixed with scalding water or hot potatoes, with oc casional feeds of the flesh of young calves, plucks of sheep, and constant access to pure water, gravel, old mortar, oyster or clamshells and loncs, all broken finely, and they will Ueld eggs in abundance through the cold w eat her. PRESERVING WINTER Arrt.Ks.— Keep them in a moist cellar and at a temperature above tne freezing poin*. but a.- near it as jwssible. These are some of the suggestions and duties appropriate to December. anil close out re marks of this character for the year.—A". E. Earmtr. I rrmsr. or CATTl.K. —Whether it is profita ble to feed roots of any kind to stock, cither for fattening or wintering is not a question. Jt is a question how to feed thou profitably ; and it is a fact that farmers thiuk that turnip feeding, or in faet, any kind of roots, unprofita ble, ho are in the habit of tossing a few whole roots over the fence seinioccasionallv, or wbo even go to the trouble of cutting up a jwck at a time with a jaek-kuife, to be fed on the ground or in tiro suow iu homeopathic do ses. It is a faet. too. that it has been found unprofitable to feed cattle upon the plan of stuflfiug theiu with all they can be made to sw allow, by depriving them of a fair supply of other food. Roots are profitable upou the principle that variety of food is necessary to promote health. l"ion that principle they should be fed to all cattle iu winter quarters ujhvi dry fix*!. How roots should be fed. is then the im portant question ? They should be cut fine, or mtlier in slices or sharing*, and thoroughly mixed with chaff ed hay or straw mixed with uieal, so that the dry food would l>e moistened by the juiee of the roots. In this way root feeding is profita ble. As to tle qnautity. we would recom mend about a bnshel, (or a bushel and a half jer day to a large fatteuiug bullock.) three times a day. and to smaller animals iu propor tion, and never without cutting and mixing with other food. Wc would even cut the smallest sued jiotatues, and to pigs they never sluHtid be fed raw. Carrots are often "fed to horses whole, fix them to bite into mouthfuls and swallow unmixed with hay or grain, leav ing that to be eaten afterwards. It is not the best way. x- Ex n: vi C.wr- -a—Th lining reii|K- I '.v • tried twice, ai d tine n.: i r is cracae - -> s><\ ; u.ive no doubt that it would have Icon worth more than s2d to me if 1 had known it twenty years ago.— Most farmers have a surplus of stale fat and dirty grease, which can be made into good candies at a trifling expense. I kept both tallow ami lani candles through the last summer, the lard candles siauding the heat he-t, and Homing quite as well, and giv ing as g*od a fight as the tallow o U e>. Di rections for making gixxl candies fnxii lard : h<r 12 ihs. of lard, take I lb. of saltpetre and 1 lb. of alum ; mix them and pulvcrixe them : dissolve the saltjwtre aud alum in a gill of boil ing water : pour the com]x>und into the lard l<efire it i- qnite all melted ; stir the whole until it boils, skim off what rises : let it sim mer until the water is all boiled oat. or till it erases to throw off steam : poor off the lard as sooa as it is don>. ami clean the boiler wiiie it is hot. If the candies are to he run. VOQ may commence immediately ; if to be di|- ped. let the lard eoul firU to a cake, and theu treat it as yoa would tallow.—(.Vs. _Y. 1 (tmr. •a*"- An axe, costing two kl!ars. with which a laborer may cut fifty cords of wood a month, is a cheaper tool thau ooe co-ling but cue dollar, with which be can cut only forty cords. *** A cheap plow at five dollars. costing iiHiof hxhhi three dollars for repair*. and i hre" more in lost time to teams and men, and by |uUiug back cr|*. U a dearer oue thau a a p!-w at tru dollar-, requiring no |*e{taifv 11 eo-ts no uiorv !o ra.-e a hundred ari - ndrr apple- than the -arne uuanti apoie- Dtuuicss Carte. TV. MA PILL, M I>., I'JIYSICIAX • ASD SURGE CLV-Oflkt at hi* residence in Wyiox. Pa. July 2S, DR. JOHN M'JXTOSH, SURGEON I)ESTIST. HAS RETURNED. OflW next d.w t< Mercttr'- store. and over Alexander".- Clothing Store, Main street, Twanda. February 24, 18A5. 1 AM ES M A (FAR LA XE , A TTORNEY EL AT LA 11', TUWASDA, PA. Otxmpie* the Office, in the Union Block. formerly owned by John C. Adams K*q. a*'He will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrant* and Pensions. March 22,1865. H. J. MADILL P. P. Monnow. MA DILL A MORROW, A TTORNE YS AND COUXSELLORS AT LA IF,—Office over Mercur* Store, Towanda, Pa. Towanda. April 2. 1545. n-43-tf DR. E IL MASON, niYsiciAxaxd SURGEOS. oders hi* professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he <-an always be found when not professionally engaged. JOHN O. APA MS IV V. OVERTO.V. A DAMS k OVERTOX; attorneys YJL A T LA W". Office in the room formerly occupied by George Sanderson, over Burton Kingsbrry'* -tore. Towanda, May 26.15. W. SURVEYING. —JAMES A. FAlXE,Sur veyor for Bradford County, i* prepared to attend to thefibove business in all its' branches. His office it at Towanda. All letters addressed to him ,at this place will meet with prompt attention. April 4, 1864. GEORGE H. WOOD'S DAUL ERREAX ROOMS REMOVED to Patton's NEW BRICK BLOCK, corner of Bridge and Mata street, where he has fitted np room- exprwmy for the business, with a large -ky-light and side-light com bined. With the-e arrangement* he will be able to take Pictures with any a'udc desired. Grouping done in the lie<t possible maimer. Daguerreotype* taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. "Miniatures neatlv put into IsH'kct*. Breast pings .'and finger rings, Ac. Instructions given in the art on reasonable terms. Towanda. May 1, tSoa. rZß.fi ! FIRE ! FIBS ! FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE CO. A A THESS, PA. Hon. HORACE WILLISTON. President: ('. F. WELLES. Jr. Vice President and Treasurer ; J. E. CANFIKI.P. Secretary. Board of Director s —Hon. rforace Williston. Francis Tyler. George A. Perkins, J. T- D. Myer, C. X. Shipman. C! F. Welles, Jr.. J. E. Canfield, Athena : Hon. John La portc, Towanda ; Gen. Bradley Wakt-man. Lacewille ; G. M. Hoilenback, Wilkes-Barre ; Michael Meylert, lot porte. Pa. P. O. MOODY, Agent for Bradford County. Address. Wjverly, X. Y. COLLINS &. POWELL IT '"OVLP respectfully inform their friends and the pnb \ \ lie that tnev hat eRE MOVED their CLOTHfXG A FURNISHING STORE to Patton's New Brick Block. No. .t, and will be happy to wait on all who may give a call. Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy Cassimere CoaL-. of all colors ; Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants ; Black Satin and Fancy Vest- ; Marseille* Vests. While and Fancy ; Marseilles and Linen Coats, ail kinds ; Linen Pauts, Shirt Collars, Cravat* and Hose. Hats, of all kinds. Garments of all kind- made up to order, and warranted to fit or no sale. Our stock comprises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which wc are bound to sell cheap er than v other establi-hment in town or county. CUTT'IXG Jone to order as usual. Towanda. Jnue 1855. TOWANDA TMI/NB SEMQMBY. r I I HIS •u hool. under the charge of the Mi--es IIASSOS. X i-held in the new buiKlmg 0!t Second atrevt. west of the Ward House. The school year w ill oonsi-t of fonr quarter- of eb-vett weeks each. The summer vacation commencing iu July, and ending in September. TERM*. TKR qriitTt.R: First Class- T< iacii.de the elementary Engii-h < t . . branches .and the-tudv of the laitin lansmsiro. > Second Class —To include the more advanced -tu- j die- of the English branchc- with Mathematics. - fh 00 and the study of Latin and Freuch 1 Third Class-- To include Mathematics. Mental) and Moral Phibvsophy. Rhetoric. Botany, Ac., • sl2 00 with lot tin and French, 1 Each pupil will brine with her a desk and chair. There will be no extra charges whatever. Instruction on the Piano, with use of in-tro ment. will be giveu by Mi. REBECCA D. HANSON, at -10 per quarter. The Winter Term commences MONDAY. Nov. 26. LECTURES on Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual Philo sophy. and the higher brauches of English Composition, will also be delivered once or twice in each week. They beg leave to refer to the following named gee tic men : —Ut. Rev. Autvm I'OTTKK Bishop of the Diocese of Penn'a. Philadelphia : Rev. Dr. M ACLEAN . President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. DAVID WH.*OT. G. F. M vso.v. Esq.. C. L. W vr.r>, Esq.. Hon. GEORGE SANDERSON, I. p. BAKSTOW, Esq. Col. J. F. ME IN-. Towanda. Towtud*. Xuvemlier 9. Dij. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE WBTITUTE, TOIt'AXDA, BRADFORD CO.. PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL F. I'OI.T. Principal. Professor of Natu ral. Mental and Mora! Science : REV. J AMES McWII.U VM. A. M.. rrofr-sor of Ancient languages and Belle- la-ttre- ; CHARLL- R. ' ORt RN. A. M.. ol Malheiita- tics and M.i-trr of Nnul School : E. ALBERT l.lTlW'lll, A. M., Professor of Modern Lan guage-. Instructor -n the Ihann ami in Prawiug ; -lier ; BENJAMIN EtlLlN, Penmanship and Regi-ter: Mrs. MARTH V A. P.VYTOX. Precept*-* : MfpJ FVKUNE HOYT Pre- P tr— and Matron : MISS O. I.OL'ISA JENKS, AviSaat on llano ami Mr ludeon. •orThe Fall Term commence- on IVFPNESPA Y. Al*. •7UST T3,ISVj. and will continue fourteen weeks. MtMccsKS era tkb* : Tuition in the Fifth claws. (primary) per term. $ OP Fourths 5 on Third on Second 7 no Kirstt 9 ni) rtnt-: : >a h ' .erra*- Spani-b ,w ItaliaD each. o 00 •> fcen taken without other branches ~ no I'rawing ... 3no j Ornamental needlework and embroidery. ea. h 3 ivt Tuition on Piano Fort with use of instrument. 17 no do do }*r',uarter of 11 w eek-. .. 10 on Oil painting Lu landscape-. [* r term . . *OO do figure- Ift no Room rent f>r ldger-. j 75 ! t 'ontineect fund for each pupil . . jg The VcHutg will tit 1 board in the Institute, under the care of the Matrou. at per week. 1 73 Arrangements have levn made by which the male pupils can find board is private families, at per ***k ; Oft j hashing per door*. 3j. : Fuel and light al the actual exjense. Pupils Hoarding rc the Hall, (who will be excteixclv ! Females.) win furnish thetr own bed. bedding towels, A '. and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for ie*s than half a term. The bills for the terra mnt be paid in advance : or one half thereof at their entrance. and the remaining half at the middle of the ; term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the ol*r . vance of the Reguiatio<rs. and none will be admitted 00 • other terms. E-specfcil exer> isen are areanjed without extra charge tor sin* qualifying thent-wii es as teacher- for common , school*. b.w cU*-)(ication of -todies and text-hooks, see circn laiw. fee which apply to P. 1.. W ARp. Pre-ident. S- F. fotT. Sec.j?l J p. MovravTr. Treasurer. AOBOTS WANTED. \ T AKK MONEY WHEN YOU CAN -* 1 The i-uwcribers desire to procure the undivided time t aa Agent in every county of the United States. Eftkwot and capable men may make several dollars per day. without rv-k or huuibuggerv of anv kind. Full par ticular- of the nature of the business will be given by ad drawing the snh-eriher. and forwarding (Me Post Oftc* Stamp is pre-pav return p>y*tage. FUREY A CO.. Philadelphia Pa. DR PRATT HAS UEMOY ED to the rrsid*nc* of Mrs. J. W. Mem rm. on Second -treet, directly above and opp- —lie the Mcth sL-a . Uurr a. WOSce in the Girth room. M~ He would also inform those indebted to him. tha ad account- of trnte than ®e tenr'a standing, fieri 1 b eft tied, by payment or •-therwi-e. June S. ISii. I)AINT>. OiN. A Arniches. Glass, l'uttv. Ac. A-- ty TK Y A MOORL. PASH raid fot WHEAT BUTTER pS tV. TATOES bp. Phultre • - mtx JBcduoL HELM HOLD'S GENUINE PRKFARA TIONS. HelmbohT s Hi fkit/ ( y rm rent rated FTuid Extract ttackv, for Disease* of thr Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Di-eaaes, Stricture*, fflir> ri and all IHMM of tbc Sexual Organ*, whether in Mai* or Female. from whatever ranee they may have originated, and no mutter of how long standing. If yon have contracted the terrible dieeaae. which when once seated in the system, will anrely g down from one generation to another, undermining the wmctttntlon, and sapping the very vital fluids of life, do not trust yourself in tn* hand* of Quack*, who start up every day in a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods too well calculiited to deceive the yonng and those not ac aiiainted with their trick*. You cannot be too careful in tne selection of a remedy in these cases. The fluid extract Buchu has been pronounced by emi nent Physicians Tllfc GREATEST REMEDY EVER KNOWN'. It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste, and very innocent in it* action, and'yet so thorough that it annihi lates every particle of the rank and poisonous virus of this disease ; and, unlike other remedies, it does nut dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the hu man race to untimely grave*, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and hlightiug in the bud the glorious ambition of main a noble vouth, can he cured by this fXFAL! J&I.E REMEDY. And a* a medicine which must 1-enefit everybody from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found, acting both as a cure and preventive HKMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED ('tmpouud Fluid Extract SarsaparUla. For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudeuce In life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an im pure state of the 14od. and the only reliable and effect ual remedy known for the cure of Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Ulceration* of the Throat and Legs. Pains and Swellings of the Bones. Tetter, Pimp lea on the face and all S- aly Eruptions of the Skin. This article is now pre-cribed by some of the most dis tinguished Physicians in the Country, and ha* proved more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsa parilla yet offered to the public. Several cases of secon dare Syphilic, Mercurial and Scrofulous disea.se> have en , tirely recovered in the incurable ward* of our public insti i tutions, which had for many year- resisted every uiode of | treatment that could be devised. These case* furnish i striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine j in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed and the boues already affected. NOTlCE. — Letters from responsible Physicians and Pro i fesaor* of several Medical college*, and certificates of cares ■ from patients will be found accompanying both piepara ! lions. 1 Vices. Fluid Extract Bucliu f 1 bottle. or 6 bottle* for $5. I " " Sar.-aparilla, " " ! equal in strength to one gallon f*vrnp of SarsapariiU. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELM BOLD. Che mist. 263 j Chestnut st.. near ths Girard House. Philadelphia. To he had of Dr. H. 0. PORTER, Towauda. Pa. and of | Druggist." and dealers everywhere. a*-Al| letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent will receive immediate attention. Iy3 TASZ NOTICE. RR. C L. KELLING.M ECHANICSBL'KG, P.V. announces to all afflicted with Tumors. Wen*. Caa j cer. Warts. Polypus. l.upu*. Mole* or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil, and all diseases that have been usually treat ed Caustic or Knife that he can remove tbem by" an en- J tirely new method, without cutting, burning or pain. It !is no matter on nhat part of the body they arc. he can re ; move them with perfect safety and in a remarkable -hurt | time, if curable. No money required, except for medicines j until a cure is perfected. Uhronic and other diseases ut ! mentioned al>ove. treated with positive succi-*. if curable. 1 Full particular* can tie obtained by addressing C. L. HEL PING. M. D.. Mechanic.-bnrg. Cumlierland Co., Pa. ' Persons afflicted, residing at a di>tance. he has. for y ear* been in the habit of prescrtung by letter, and with general tatiefactum. i He would say however to those desiring ad\ ice. in this way , that to secure attention tbey should enclose, with the general symptom* of their case*. a fee of one da/far. to warrant him in *peoding hi* time for their benefit. The doctor may be consulted at his office at all time-, when not professionally absent. C ACTlO*.— Strauger* coming to *ee the TV. are caution ed as some have been deceived. IV K. i> the only one in this State, who can perform cures by the new method The Dr's. office is dfrectiv opposite the Union Church. Mechanicsbtirg is S miles from Harribnrg on the Cum berland V. R. R. and accessible from all part* of the Un ion. The Ir. will visit cases within a reasonable distance ; when dc.-ircd- Cosmopolitan Art Association. SECOND YEAR. ARRANGEMENTS for tlie Second Annual Collection of this new and ;opular institution for the diffusion j of Literature and art. have lieen made on the i i<**t cxten ! sivc scale. Among the work- alreadv engaged, is the far | famed •• GENO A CRUCIFIX." " which originally cost Ten Thousand Itdlar*. IB forming the new collection, the diffusion of works of | AWEXIC IN AUT. and the encouragement of American gc i nits* have not U-en overlooked. Commi—ion- have been J issued to many of the rv>-t di-tinrnished Ameri' an artist* ! who will contribute some of their finest productions i Among tiiem are three Marble Busts, executed by tbc greatest living Sculptor—HlKAX POWKK- : j GEORGE WASHINGTON— The Fatlerof hi* Coaotrv, BENJ AMIN" FRANKLIN—'The Philosopher. DANIEL WEBSTER—The Statesman. A -pec.a! agent ha- visited Euripe and made careful 1 and judicious -election* of foreign work- of Art. both in I Bronze and Marble : Statuary and Choice Painting-. I The whole forming a large and valuable collection of ; Painting- and Statuary to be distributed FREE among I the members of the Association for the Second Year. Tmxs or MrawKsmr—The payment of Three Dol ' lar- constitutes any one a member wf thi- Association and j entitles hint tn either of the Magazine* for one year, and j also a ticket tn the distribution of the statuary and Paint ings. The Literature issued to -aWrihrr- con-i-t* of the fol low ing M'Uithiv Magazine- : Harper'- Putnam's. Kaick erbneker. Bias-kwood's. Household Words, Graham's and Godey's ladt'i Bonk. Person- taking five memberships are entitle.! to any five ; of the Magazine* for one y ear. and to u_r hckrtM in the dis i tribution. The net proceed* derived from the -ale of mroi | hersbip*. ore devoted to the purchase of works of art fur • the eu-ning year. THE AnvaxT ACITS -nraza by* becoming a member of j this Association are— -Ist. All persons receive the fail raine of their enhecrip tiim at tkt ttari. in the shajw of sterling Magazine l.itera -1 tore. 2d. Each member i- contributing toward- pur basing j -hoice work* of Art which ire to >e di-trihntrd j themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the Ar | fists of the country, distributing thousands t dollars j through its agency. Per-ons in remitting funds for membership, will pleaae , give their poet office addrets m foil, stating the month they wi-h the magazine to commence. an.i have the letter registered to prevent loss ; on it- receipt a certificate of member-hiL. together with the Magazine desired. will be 1 forwarded to any pert of the country. Those who purena*e Magazines at the V>onh-torcs, will observe lh*t bv joining this Avsocavli-ui. they rere.re the Magazine tutd the free ticket in the amiwai disti itmtian all at the same price they now pay for the magazine alone. For werv'wrshio-. address L- L. DERBY. Actuary C. A. A.. At either of the Principal Office-—" Cnickerbncker Ma gazine " office. 34* Broadway, New Y -rk ; or Western l>Bh e. 166 Water street. S*ndu-kv. Ohio. • fC'sutesripti in- received hy W. H. H. GORE. Hoao ! rary Secretary for T 'wanda Pa. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JOSEPH KINGSBERY stillcouutmesthe *3 }PiiK. A STATIoXFJtY bosdoe*-. where purchaser* may find all the L*te-t School and Miscellaneous fV>k- at reduced price*. The following Srbooi ik*-k* are embrac ed in the catalogue. rii : Buliv-n ilteck and Latin Reader and Grammar. d•• l e-ir do. saßo.-t. do. lew-it*. Ihmegan'* Greek and Rngii-h Lrticvn. Spen- cr- Ijtiii le-wos- ; t'ooper- Virwil. Oleod-wC-. Lebretfooa'*. Barbauid* Faadck s and Levixack's French Work*. Parker's, Comstock*. Phelps . Smik-v * and Obxtsted- PhiloMtph*. Pay*. fhompwrve * and f*\ >e'* W„rk*. Gutter - (''Wt * and • ofu-b- k - Phr*e4ngy. Snnnder'-. Porter'*. Brntley's and 0U"* Works. Rvenaft * History, Parley'*. Worcester's, G arose v**, Bottas. Ac. Ar. Wehrder'* t'nahridsred rK.-tiooarv. d I'niverstty editioa. ckv. do Com men School. <tn. W r,-e*ter - l ooprr'*, Hurper's. Johnsrwr *. do ' ora -tnck - i-k* : Lincoln'* Rctanr Sweet'. IJomtKai Thompson'* -one* of Arithmetic, priinarv to H ; rh SckW. ' Adam-' Pav-e's. Smith's asd Cnhh'*. do. Ikcwc -. Kirkham *. -niitli - ami M'we - iiromtdv aud Atla- : and all the varvsj- P—marv now in use. * SpeU-ng b-vota of .jj ktn 1,. and mi*celUr>e-w- im (treat nntir. Al Goad*. Grorrra*. Croektr* Root* * SXou. HaU and taps. for., foe. Xrw and dcirwhle atylen of (>md* will be received ; moathly. and sold at the k-we* Gain Paicc- J. K. Towanda. April. SI. JAii. BrvwKns, TnLs, MeAsurps, **rubbing Aroehc*. Marking Bra- be*. Ac. at POX'S. '} TONS SI GARS—Brown, llefiunl. Pow tfored. i ntahed and<.r*olaied : M-.U-w- Strop. Km and data t'ogre. Rkw. Sairrata*. Ginger 'pernt Cacdie*. Rs-e. T'dmrco—tn fart a emrrai varirt\ f ilrxnc. for sale cheap at jmg FWMt I>OOTS A SHOES—TW u->t abu ! M.J yjwlmi ifc} *i|nfPjsf rTiti'wuir I ii IK \L: a ; fUisfrilanrons. pLOCK & WATCH REPAIRER.-The \J undersigned is constantly receiving from New-York by Expre-s, new additions to his Stock of Watches, Chxk*. Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Good*, comprising in part- Gold and Silver Lever, L'Epinc and Plain Watohe*, with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, wuch a* Gold cbains, lawket*, Bracelets. Gold Pen-, Keya, Brea-t-Pins, Ear-Kings, FiDger Rings, etc. etc. Also, a Urge variety of Silver a* Table and Tea Spoon*. Cream spoon*. Butter knives. Salt spoon*. Spectacle-, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware- All of which will be sold very low for CASH. CLOCKS. —A large assortment Owlu just received, of all descriptions, ranging in pricea from 76 cents to Fifty Dollar*. Watt-he* repaired on short notice, and WAX*ANTED to run well. Also, all kind- Clock- repaired. W. A. C. would lieg leave to *ay. that he i* prepared to execute the most difficult Jul a, *uch as can be done at no other Shop short of New-York city. tf. A. CHAM BERLIN* Towanda. Febntary i, IDM. LOOKING GLASS FLATUS CUT AND fitted for any size, to be had at the Jewelry Store oi Feh. 1. IRS6. W. A-CHAMBfcRLIN. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! Jk. ML Warner's Xetc Sf Splmdid Jewelry Store, one door north of Patterns Drug Store, H AS just been opened with the largest and _ JQ must choice dock of FASHIONABLE Qp" 1 )k JEWELRY ever offered to a discriminating ■J j f public. Indeed. he can safely say that with jfhd I the openiog of hi* new store has been ia rated a new era in the Jewelry line, ina-much a* along with the choice and elegant assortment he give* the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in price* ; the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. M. W.. when lie reflects how, fr the past years,with a far less attrs tive stock, he ltas enjoyed *o large a share ot public patronage, flatters himself that the immense in crease of Good* lie no* offer*, which have been bought so much nv>re advantageously, will enable him to increase the generous confidence wliich ha* hitherto been vouch safed to him. He therefore solicit- a continuance of the favor of hi old customer*, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. ' WTHE WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to lie distinguished by the skill and de-|att:h which h.c- heretofore enalded it in enjoy the envialilc rep utation of U-ing the most reliable in town. Towanda, September 2L 1^.15. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CIIKSTER WELLS would SWgjgjijßyilD ' I" II illy inform hi* friend* and the tliat lie i- now receiving at hi* hi stand one door north o( iajHule. Ma—m A Co. a banking house, a large and extensive assortnicnt of Sof*s, Maho-wnr Cliairs, of various ]atterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining Tea and Pembroke Table*. Stand* of every kind. Cane. Flag and Wood seat Chairs, high ( hairs. Children's Rocker*, Bedstead*, Bureaus. Lounge-, Gilt and Ro-e --*<•(] Pi ture Frames, Iron Hat Stand*. Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany ; Cradles. Ciibe, Wardrobe*, Cupboard*. Licking glasses. Ac. -COFFINS. of every size and quality, and will at tend on a!! occasion* when required. Tbc public are invited to examine my assortment iiefore purchasing el—where ,a* I will sell cheaper than any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda August S. i-.'.i. sas OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION! x THE sulwwriiier would aunounce the puldie that he ha* now on and will nuke to order ail ri-f '"fSHMdAIl kir> ' i " of fABIXCT FURNITURE, |{1S!IBI {■ " urb Sttfa*,Divan*,lsmnge*. fVn |B|ilifHfflliu| tre. Card, Dining aud Breakfast Ta 1-le. Mahogany. Walnut. Maple and tif H | yClierry Bureaus, Mauds of varioua R- M lw , fkitid-. Chairs and Bed >'cad* of every description, which are. and will be made of the best ma terial and workmanlike manner, and which thev will sell for oa-h cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware room in the country. READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea sonable term*. A good HEARSE a ill tie furnished on Funeral occasion*. JAMES MACKIXSOX. Towanda, January 1. 155.5. BOOT'S AND SHOES". John W. Wilcox, HAS located hi- establishment on Main Street, on door North of the " W arj H'o-c." and will continue the manufacture of B>OTS A SHOES, a- heretofore. He ha* just rei eivrsi from New-York a large assortment of Woman* < 'hildrens' and Mc—e* Sltoe.. * hich are offer ed at low prh-e*. The attention of the laidies is particu larly dirci ti-d to hi- a— .rtment. comprising the following new style*: -Enamelled Jenny lind gaiter boot-: do. -hoc* : black lasting and silk gaiter : walking shoes, bus kin-. Ac. Mi*—-*' gaiter- and -hoes, of everv description. A large variety of Children*' fancy gaiters, boot- A shoe* of all kind*. For the Gentlemen, alnv<-t every style of gaiter* and -h'*. Thi* *t * k ha* been personally -elected with care, and he iwlievc* he can offer superior articles at reasonable price*. Zt' The strictest attention paid tt> MavrrxcrviUMj. and he hopes by doing work well tt> merit a enatiaaance <f the lib* ral patronage he has hitherto received. Towanda. Feb. !. 1 Cheap Bout. Shoe and Leather Store. I D. HUMPHREY M just • re- erring next door to U.S. Mereur'a *m-Vj *tt>re in Towanda, a large and *eH -eie- tcd -. stock "f B-MATS -HOiN A FINDINGS, 'r-m New York, which wRh a constant snpplv of HOME MANUFACTURED WORK. HOLE * UPPER LEATHER. FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS. MOROCCO,Ac. he i* desirni- to seit at -mali prvfit*. Feeling grateful fbr past favor- he hope* to merit a continuance of pubiic pa tronage. <*- Mature t fork and Repa ring done on abort no tice. CASH paid for Hides and Skins. Towanda. Juoe 14.1KV5. New Boot aid Shoe Mam far tor j HOFFMAN woaki rpspertfully inform the citizen* of Towanda. that he b com menced the SOOT 4* SHOE business -n the room over J. Clip A -hop. near the conaer of Bridge street- He i- ready at all times to do all work in his line in the bet manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged Boot*. Sb.** and Gaiter*, in the latest approved *tyie, a* well a- Coarse W orh. Rzpziajyo d-mc in a superior mac uer. H? wiM respectfully solicit IV natroaage of the citi zens of fhif plar?. aseurine them that he mil endeavor U merit their Uv %r> bj using the best stock, b$ careful work manship. and by pun' toality. To*aiula. Jane lv 1 K. w infTv H.*. -nrur. r. h cooa. HWATROIS * Co., DEALERS /.V • HF.AVY fo SHELF HARDWARE, XVs. 1 A 3. Water <. KJmfra. X. Y. W have reraaity large additions to mr extensive ! and have now on band a complete assortment of rv err dex ription VHardware, which we ofler at the loweet ea-h prices; eon-forng of Mechanic'* To|, Building Ma teria!' Iron ard rtH. Xait* and piV->. Rop>- and Cord are, FaiiiU. Oil mxi tila. Mill naws of t\tn taze an i -hapc. either Malay Gang <r Girmlar. Ma Uiue Kekine. "f ail width'. t>M*h of India Rot .her A leather, I. Into at w Ik.ll ink- Wear* prepared to mppl v Merchant* with Gla*. Xail*. scythes, Fork*. Ac., aiMaa afirtKw prices. Tin. -hert lom. and Copper work oo hand or rua.k to order. CORTRACTOR > T'K)l^—W heel harrow-*, toe.' Sho vel-. FHaMing Powder. Ac. A rent- for Rich A Wilder'* Patent .Salamander Saf.-- Fairhank'. Platform Scale*, and Welch A < .n.ffith t inru- Ur saws. Large -itw up to inch, a hear* or. hand and -old at Factors Pnce*. Particular attention pa-d to orders he mail. riTn J ra *AprH T. lki*. n-14-15tn MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. BVI.PWJX ,v Pi LLEYn having purchased the marble hrtnn of this village, coder the *uperintendew* of Hear* Haaford. are happy v> aanoaac* that the Marble bn*ia*a H W* vert* win sow be eondneted bj tbem. The* are eoa*taat}y recemag I tali an and AntUnd SCArfcte. for Moonmict* Head Stones. Tomb Table*. Stand Top* Paiat htone- Mailarv. Ac. Having aarared the nrrvkasof t.. H. PvWLRS. who L well knows to he the most perfe-'. Arti-t ut the state, they ujer> uparalleied inducement* to ..n wishing to secure any of the above article*, in cheaper*.- tyic tad arti-iiral h'eaaiv. Waverse, X. Y. "cloher 13. lhd.3. U>niA\.—Cauie to the erx-losuiT of the I J -jf- r". - It -vvutb Towar.da. about the a.--t ot t. wWf at*-, x ear .do RKiXULE HKIFF.R. ihb*u —vt*. ar.s , . (M-twattr mark-. The owner hi resented •r - fti , - o<: tate hr .*)< rIXKLII t M-'• >IL? '!^SSHj^BH^^^SjWBEiyP^^FSI^KBBHM|HMBf DR. PORTER'S OFFICE & DRUG STORE. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fmliar tiw fnkUc ffurt THE subscriber. thaakfrl for the libera] patronage of the past /ear, intend* to keep coastaati. . . •ortment of the eery hert artirlae Q (rally kept in oar line, which HC WILL dispose of on uch WR^ILILIN [** M '.•taetory to all who may patronize him. The purchase* are made entirely with cask is hand -aA t~*tH nlcu v customer* will recehre the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles tkall answer "ear recomni a and art scarranted at represented. ■■(■mttm Medics! Advirc ?rstsUam!y ghret it tke Office, cbargiig city (or tie Xcdiciita. The stock ccm>Bts of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES Pare Wine k Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter k Scotch Air. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES] The most approved Trasses and Abdominal Supporters, Waning Bottles, Sir pie Shells, Breast Tamps, Teeth Bingo, Syringes, Catheters, &. * American, English Sf Chinese Razors and Knivet FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID—NEW & BEAUTRJL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO A SWUJPT!—Choice brands of Fore Savanna, Friaem* and Tar a CXO-ABS ! ' " Paints, Oils, tarnishes, Window Glass, BruStees, Perfumery Shat iur %*** Fancy Articles, Ac. fcc. * Hair IHes, Hair Re>torer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, EstracU for Handkerchief, Italian Whisk*, Port nioiinais, Purses, Bay, Colonge, Hose Wic lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indellible Ink ike FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Tea# ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugar*, Spices &<• y. Salmou, Mackerel, Sardines, Arc. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE: Towsnda, February 1, I&SS. H C i>i iRTFR X * & PATTON'S NEW DRUG STORE. I fi[_7j JUST OPENED, Mm*) ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS |f Wo. 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, Pa. H - WHOLESALE RETAIL THE sulnM-riber would rewwctfally inform hi* frk n<i* and the puiJic that he ha* fitted up NV 4, ,a puu, , >„ Brick Bio. k. for a DRT*< STORK, and that he a now receiving from the citie* of Philadelphia Sen Tin a large and well selected stock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS. A. E.A2L&3 i-Ssss^l£i?i23S^2 , DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES. kc BX7B.QZCAX* INSTRUBCSZTTS. and n variety of the most approvedVrmtet Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on band London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liqnors, for Medicinal parpm ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brashes for the Uit, Hair. Terth, Kails Boots, Painlhis, VaraNnar, w hiiewashiit U Tht Lorers of Lr (J(JI) ( ICrAJiS and FCfH A (' t O. trill And a larpe rart/iy of effort lilt: p.a. Yarn and Prinripe Cigars, aad tht fintst brands r.f Toborro and Sam/ 1 CAMPHKNE AM) BURNING FLUID. I And a fin* assortment of LAMPS, of all sisrs and descriptions. Bird Cages Cups. .Xesis MSm ■ All of whi'-h i* offered for *a!- "n the rao-t satisfactory terms. <>ur rtock tieinz larz* and m j'-.rhw:*: * I Im{orter and Manufacturer at the 1 west rates, and with ( ash. enables us to •*•!] t r-rdu- i pn'r*-. th: rat •< I tis£*cUry to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stork of 1 k pm H Ostr Motto is—- THE CASH SYSTEM—Qi'ICK SAI.ES—BS4AI.L PRftFITS." | (Fur G.svls tre selected with the ctuio-iT are and warranted to Tw what tbrv are rrprt?(T.'y J '> * ■ *o* B the contrary, we an- not only filing but request our cMotnen to return tbe'tn. and the rn-ncv .ha" -e re'anrc I •*" Having *-,-nred the service* of DR. HUSTON, who will keep his office at thi- store, as■: w,B advice pratait<i!_v to th o<. puivha*ing medicines. JiC*Ui'H <. PATD'N § 11 All I)\VA RE A XI) IRON STO HE I HALL * RUSSELL, I | lf> y "MaL Wholesale and Retail Dealers to § AND STOVES! gggmma Tin* Japanned and Brilannia Ware, 1 M Hfiwe Trimmings, Can iage Trimmings, Harness A iI Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, | BLAasMmrs TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS ano AGRICULTURAL nwrl LEAD PIPE AXDPUMPS, of all kinds and sizes. 8 IRON. STEEL. LEATHER BELTING, kc A | W.-mid inform tlwir friende. that these are only a pnrt of the reweral head* under which ma* ** ' asw< v"** I siTe a**ortraeot and to which tbe> are -onrtantlv receiving additaanal (applies direct fmtc the •- c. ■ fnctnrer*. which enable* them to <Ot such inducemenu in their large at wk and tow price* *• w£*fr tmeff- ■ from any quarter. We would vk the particnlar attention of I LSTZ I to an examination of our ftock, which having been nelected with the create*'. care we are cool**' the m*t faettdioas. S: •V Don't forget the place—.Socth wle of the Fuhiic Sqo*ee. B OW Ira. (-oppee aml Brase.aa.iaU kind* of Cooatry Produ - uk-n in tx. haa for Gxdv r K Towanda. May Zl, IKii. 5 pi'!. .1 T*" B WOMAN'H FKIEXD! Time Money, and Labor Saved BY USING THE GERMAN CHEMI - Eit ><ap. Vtdf fjvts a lie-man process, and as believed. not kwvwo to any ether amnwfertarer to the I'tilled The proprietors having tested thi article in various no dnrirr ibe past tit month-, now offer it to the pobtk- as pomeming the following ad' an lage over other washing snap* : Ist. It may be wsrd equally well with hard or soft wa ter. 2d It roqwirov hot hall the qoaetitr rwqwvred of other soap to accomplish the same object. 3d. Clothes need an hoSing aid bat little robbing, (most irlwles none ) tho> avoiding their wear anon a wash hoard. 4th. It re-jqire* less than •* half the hme and foifor to do the wa-hM* of a httniv. that it reowtres with the best family soap : does not Injur the Woe and tends to am the rotors. s *l rar Paint-, and removing Urease Tar. and rrvwter • I alt rt io aa mrp—d. dtS. ' W puf off go ma /or. fmr wan mar. ma 1 pmmmda a/ rammam casta aaait. er ? pamaada af kaat fmmulm im Varhin.-t- Printer- and Painter, vifl ftnd tt an wtvaboa bto arts-ie far trashing iiand.—as it dues not chap hot s-Aea- the -kin. Kr saie wholesale and retail br E. T. POX. N'-v. 17. 1*33- FRESH GROUND FLOUR, from New w henf- -Bye Flaw. Cora Meal. Feed and Bran al Aagvat . lths. FtiXS. fIOODS bought at mr Store trill bedeh'rer •.* prt at (he Boroagh FREE OF CHARC.E. Jon. M lKto. B.T. Eo.T. 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT atfßooU -* *- h Shoes and Findings nor lecairsw at Amr. g.Wi HrjcpwrnTf!. ES. i.: a huxls. botii nhitf tAti ffrouihi t Vc-t -•. isd wtnw sjeit l"t at 1 OX - /CONNER'S V S TYTF PH'M' 5 *' No*. ;o. 31. an i 33 H-ekmar •*- N** T "* TO rRIVTERS A.\T> . „ TV nttdemene-l beg to lnf- m. the trei recently toned their .Yew tfmnir Spanmra now ready for delivery to tbe-r VI patm* *" al! who patrnotxe their Feamdrv , 1a it will be fownd a new series ' F** '■* _ Pica. sarvaming it posoitie tbrir re* **■'■* Sc-tch en? far**. The Fury 7W deport men I e*h -t" variety at bcaatifwi *. ier, vetoctcv fr. n> * and England. - The Scripts and Bordering are w fc,r '•** ~ * ed to the printing pobiic. and ar- the prstfv-tm* best Kwropeaa aad tmer -an Artiste. Am entire N'ew S>riej of i-ennaa I k " , f Paper and Jb Pnnung. of a very soperrf nearly enmpleted and lr sale. so" The Metal from which oor type " *• peenharly adapted to the Set rat I s* ■ •**' TVy heg to retwra thank- for p•' **l". a eowttawMce. Thetr well ~ 3 t* 1 bMtooas tor the imst thirtr vtnrv. f r now p>terms of their disptoit: ad v mW -<' thearwires te> he -crpa—s-d for tor jealtaf are hy Veter or otherwise. „ f X. B. Proprietor- of sew snaps'* are -- ' the abore ys "v-ided thev vrin trvde " 41 * . e -* r tmwat of their re-nertiTe Mils to facto re and forward as woe -.op.' of the jop" the advertiwment. - ' . IMI BOVIS. Warer* JAMES TVHITTAKF.Rrt^^^f the nrweemnr pnbhc that be hw !> ' known stand, situated -ear the !U * 4 - <s . .- cits a share of caseuco- TV lkm t*" modtown. and he *■ dttorwwe j tkwt *r to the wwnto and comforts<* rwe-w**^. - entire sothdhctaon. 9fW k BBI>. SALT. J-L7TTi'" a-* "sale by 1" 1* IXI >( h>-yi|r\!RS RUBBERr
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