Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 22, 1855, Image 3

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    ; \„ti-Xebraska and Auti-Aduiinistration
"" hlaU-alls to order followed, and in great
ftiiifudon the House adjourned.
\! WASHBIRME (Illinois,) as the mendiers
, . -H, ;l rating, said : There will be a meet
night of all the members opposed to the
SATURDAY, Dec. 15.
•flic Senate were not in session to-day.
U >i <k.— After the reading of the journal
f V( .sterday —
Sir Hickman offered a resolution providing
i t if the House did not elect a Speaker on
m , x t Pallet, all but the two highest candi-
V! s diould be dropped, and that he of those
! who revived the highest vote on the next
-cnliiisr ballot, should be declared the
v -ikor
'' \ >j,irited debate 011 this resolution instant
jv -roso.
M, Hickman (its author) defended it on
• , .Tround of the necessity for organizing the
House as speedily as jmssilde.
Mr .MeMullen opposed it earnestly.
Mr H .Marshall opfiosed it on the ground
• ,it it proscribed the only national party, and
vit tiie organization of the House certainly
ji, sectional hands.
Mr Letcher offered a substitute ; the sub
.• nice of which is, that all the members should
.. .j.'ti and return to their constituents, being
. .p utly uuable to transact the public busi
.? in the present condition of their minds
Mr (riddings proposed, instead, that if the
nils of Mr. Letcher's proposition would only
r fire from the hall for live minutes, the rest
ulilnoon organize the Ixxly.
Mr English addressed the House with great
niestness, opposing Mr. Hickman's proposi
• i ami proclaimed his intention of standing
i'v the policy 011 which the Democracy of the
li„iK' had acted throughout the contest He
r ,frrrod to the fact that the American party
, • the House had shown their unfitness to
,'uveru America" by the manner iu which
• v had buugled tlie work of organizing the
'• iv. lie was quite severe ou.the sbort-com
the American party, as demonstrated
their way of conducting affairs here so far.
' Mr. 1 tiiim declared that though it was well
K;.ettu hv his constituents that he differed
>Mr from the American party on some points,
wis for helping them organize the House.
He thought, however, that Americans should
America, and if they could not lie did not
know who could.
Mr. Wheeler next took the floor, and de
ft iikd lib course in this election at length;
ursriug that he was 110 man's and no party's
.„w and that when he voted against the Ne
ku-kn hill, he did not bond himself to a sec
• ual party, lie defied all those who were
1 -stving to shake a lash over his head, and
1 ■ laimeil his intention of being governed in
. election only by what he believed honestly
• !• iii> duty to his country and his consti-
M- Smith of Ten'n., commented on the
s" I'II of Mr Campbell, of Ohio, made some
r,. since, wherein that gentleman had cle
ared that he had withdrawn his name from
i.-t uf candidates for Speaker, because lie
ild no longer continue in that position with
■iy liojtp of success, without compromising
• liminr or falsifying his Congressional rec
1. He was sure no proposition had gone
frm the Democratic party or any member of
•11 that gentleman, inducing him to make
iiiat declaration. He wanted him to say from
which of the parties or factious of the House
>tn:h propositions had come to him. He was
untcnt with the state of things existlug, if
• re.-ponsiblemajority were; aud wouldstead
\iite as he had done, in this election, until
March 4.1857, if necessary.
.Mr. Campbell of Ohio, addressed the House
1 few remarks, in which he expressed his
-approval of the existing state of things,
i urged the obligatiou resting on the House
' die country, to organize speedily. Under
1 sent circumstances he did not feel it incu
nt 011 him to submit to a cross-fire of ques
• as 11s to his own course, Ac.
Mr. Kcade urged the necessity for an im
r liate organization ; and, as a compromise,
proposed that the South should let the North
>sc a Speaker from among the Southern
' •mhci's ; or that the North would consent
• i t any Northern man whom the South
'ild select for the position. [Great laugh
mar the hall.] -
M K then moved to ndjourn ; not agreed
The resolution of Mr. Hickman, and Mr.
L cier'. amendment proposed thereto being
' laid uit the table—
!'::e House proceeded to the 00th and 61st
•o.ot, Loth of which resulted as follows :
: bnk>, 105 | .Fuller, 40
1L liauLon, 74 j Scattering, 6
\"e (Vie? having been effected the House
. -lrtu d.
. >% - -• *
MONDAY, Dec. 17.
—Mr .lames gave notice that he
ild introduce a hill for the modification of
| I'uote presented a petition from ('apt.
■ wii; I,f Brooklyn, setting forth liis services
SI • ill' ring- in behalf of the country, and
I fining of the action of the Naval lletit
! ' r Fonte said it was not his purpose to
ij -itricturep 0:1 its action, still less impugn
! ives, Put it was not to be disguised or
I 01, nor had it escaped public observation :
I ;'>mo instances at least, it had sadly mis
j - ! Hrevious mistakes had been made
l| rr "ss wrong inflicted on many meritorious
■! In what manner or what, measure of
i i l oiigress should extend to the aggriev
"'did not eonsider it his province to indi
;■ " ut regarded it as a proper subject of
|| ' s! ' cral ion for the Committee on Naval Af
'll a , a * s0 referred, wheu the Senate ad
|| Mr. Dunn. (IndianaA rising to a
"ij wpkumtion, read extracts from Wash
.j| - "'t ''orrpspondence of the N. Y". Tribune
■ 1-Jth inst., signed "H. (j.,"commenting
I h '; l>un:i's; course in the election for
I notwithstanding the attack, he
■ Hot turn his country at the expense of
I, ] /*."" mil,l hness and honor, though Horace
flc,. or the Devil, or both combined, bid
■ Mr°p ' Applause and lauerlrterL
■ , 'J ,: <nks ruse amid loud cries of "Fair
flu. him!" "No objection,'' Are.,
fl. . fl " that lie was not accouutablc for
fl .. . ' W "rk press said of him, never
*ll their support. lie relied on
| i, a '"e. and liegged Mr. Dunn not to
II 77' ;i ' v poiisiltfe for compliments or censure
■ M- 'or / OIK*.
1 " m 'h-tiuetly stated that he did not
■ ' '' > l' r IN '<• F ill Haiiks "p ffir
grounds published in those journals in May,
1854, relating to the course of -Mr. !>., pend
ing the Nebraska bill, but he was willing to
surrender that opposition, the moment all Auti-
Neliraskaites come together.
Mr. Banks resumed, repeating that he was
indejKmdent of the New York Press in all re
spects ; and further, in reply, insisted that he
ucver yielded a particle on the Nebraska bill.
He hud since met the people face to face, and
at the last election they gave him seven thou
sand majority—the largest known in the po
litical history of Massachusetts [Applause].
He had acted as lie thought right regarding
the Nebraska bill, and the people had sustained
Mr. McMullco offered, as a compromise prop
osition, which he said was the product of his
own humble imagination [LaughterJ, but he
begged gentlemen to consider that he did not,
in submitting it, design to build up for himself
the reputation of being popular at home. The
resolution was read, to the effect that, after
the organization was effected no business should
be transacted except tlie passage of the neces
sary appropriation bills, the Members then to
resign and go home. A blank was left in the
resolution, to be filled with the name of some
gentlemen to net as Speaker until the aforesaid
purposes are accomplished.
Mr. Dunn suggested a modification of the
resolution, providing for the repeal of so much
of the Kansas-Nebraska Act as destroys the
Missouri Compromise. [Laughter.]
Mr. Houston—That is only a slight modifi
cation. [Merriment.]
Mr. MeMullen could not think the gentle
man from Indiana made the suggestion in good
faith. Oil the ndoption of his resolution all
could return to the people on that very issue.
Mr. Grow—referring to a remark of Mr.
MeMullen that he (MeMullen) would take
Mr. Richardson as a national man, on a na
tional platform—said that only seventeen
Northern members had voted for him, with the
Southern members ; so he supposed these
seventeen Northern men made the National
Mr. MeMullen—How many Southern men
vote for your candidate ?
Mr. Grow—Don't kuow.
Mr. MeMullen—None.
Mr. ( Joodc—Have you seventeen from the
North who will vote for a Southern man, or
that number from the South who will vote for
a Northern man ? You have shown that
your nationalism consists of sectionalism.
Grow stated that members in opposition to
the seventeen from the North who support Mr.
Richardson represent 3,000,000 living north of
Mason and Dixon's line, while the seventeen
who vote with those represent only 700,000
living south of it. Which, then, has the best
claim to nationality ?
Fuller—We are iu the situation of a sick
man needing physic [laughter]. However
nauseas it may be, in an emergency no man
can refuse to. take it, but I imagine nojman
can be so foolish as to have it forced down his
McMullen's resolution was tabled, after
which the House voted three times for Speak
er, all of which resnlted as follows :
Ranks, 105 j Richardson, 73
Fuller, 88 j Scattering, 7
Mr. Thorington then offered a resolution for
the election of a Speaker by plurality, pend
ing which the House adjourned.
A propositiou has bseu submitted in the
Virginia legislature to inquire into the expe
diency of so amending the f'ode as to admit
testimony of negroes against white persons
charged with the abduction or attempt to ab
duct slaves from the Commonwealth, when
said persons so charged shall be citizens of
such States as admit negroes' testimony in ca
ses iu which white persons may be parties.
fta?" The population of New Y'ork State is
ascertained to be 3,466,418. The City,
VIRGINIA T" .S. SENATOR — ltirhmonrJ, J)rc 8.
The Legislature of Virginia, tc-day, re-elected
the Hon. James M. Ma-ou next, over Sum
ucrs, (Ameriean)bv 58 majority on joint vote
io a I
tr O * f. r -
H f s s c }, rt —s. .• <
JAI. ... ~ i"iTi i 5 ji'i.r ... ' i i a .'•
7 .K •> IU II 12. 7 * {Mil II 12
11.'; ;i 15 i,; 17 i-13 ' I.*, II Islfi 17 -19
aa-JI 22.252125 25 2i-'1.22 25 21 io
2TS®* , sl 27 2jt2 , .V3l
I'cn I 2 A 1:0 ' 1 I 2
I I 3 4 ft 6 7 -- 9 1 SIJitM
fill n':2 15 II 15 11 ' lit 11 12 1314 15 us
h: 1- l .'25 21 J. 23 17 IS IV 2P> 21 22 23
ft I 25 2ft 27 21 2ft t .•
MAR. 1 . 1 31 '
I 2 3 4 5 7 - SEPT. ... U 2 3 4 ft 4
9 liMl 121314 tft| 7 S 3 I" II 13 13
1 1117 13 192i2i 22 II 15 IS 17 14192*1
1 'v3 21 25 2- 27 2' 21 21 22 25 21 25 K27
. 3o 51 ...
APR I 5 3 4 ft Of'T. I 2 3 4
' 1 r 7' s ? imi n 3 1; 7 ft *.> in 11
IS 14 I ft IS-17 1p49,i 12 13 il lit* 17 M
\> 21 22 A3 21 23 Jb | ISA 21 22 2, 21 25
SJi2J3 2.727 M 5.31.U 1 ...
MAT s, I 2 .4 Nor 1
I 4 3 ft 7 ft 9 1" 2 3 4 5 K 7 -
II 12 13 1 I 15 17 ; 9 !■' II 12 1.3 14 !ft
II- l;t 2n 21 22 23 21 I I- 17 14 IV J' 2'. 3.
[ 25 2'.27 2S 23 3U 31 i 23 21 23 2<i 27 2" T>
! .Ti\j: I 2 3 4 ft 1. 7 Dr.-. 1 2 3 4 S 1}
I'l II 12 13 14 7 ft 910 li 12 13
15 17 }■ 1.l 2! 1 ! l.Vlft 17 I" I'* 2il
I 1 25s
Towanda Market Wholesale Prices.
[Corrci W wof kiv Iy E.T. FOX. Dealer iti Pmvisi'.nsftnil
Gro' t-ries, No. 1. liyii-k Row. win will pay Cadi, at the
pril l's fixt <l, for ti>* artii len in this lL"t :] ,
Flour, (retail, paicc,) t' hl -10 - ,n
I'.irk, do " ....- o Si 00
Wheat. ... V Bushel,. •■ • 1 -0 Wr, 'I 00
Bneliftvlieat " ■ H 50
Oats, " W. r.s
Corn, " W ** 1 ;, °
Rve " •••• 0r - ~~
Potatoes " 44
Beans. " •• • • ' *"
Dried Applw, " 1 00
Better,. . V ff- ■ ■ 17 T?
Cheese, " ... j*
nml Shoulder*, " f <\- J-j
I>rii d IVacljcn "•••• J;' ] (>
|>rlrd Borne* " . II (rr > J* I
f>do*fw (<£ *•
In Wvsox on Satnnhiy. 15th instant, I>v Chester Pieree.
111 this bnrotiirli. on Monday last, hv Rev. Father DnogU
MJOB NEW YEAR'S BALL.—A New A'ear's Ball
,vi!l be given at Ohnsted's New Hull. In 1 Mer,
ofrpßH) \Y I'VE DECEMBER **. R-W. Canhniu s Band
i- uncaged for the iiei asion. and c vcythin" will Is- done
1., make it pleasant. The pnt.lie are re-peetfi.l'y invited.
Rill 9- 50. OLMSTED. Proprietor.
m M \SCINH' The rejmhir meetings of CNtnN
v\ 14>!4,K No. I"C Y. M.. are held every Wed
Yfnr-dav. on or pre.edinjr the full nroi.n. at 4. P.
\M.; and on eaeli .-eeoinl W ednestlay therealUr,
at Masonie Hall, oxt rJ. Khur-t.ery'ft store ,ifuHew-
Angus! Kth. at . P- M.lOetoher ,• •' 1 •
*i2d, " Vovviiihrr. 71h. b#
Sciiiuodar 5Ui J. " N'u\enil"T - 'g! ■ •' , t>
ftfti-fitrfni er IMth ft C Deeeinlier •!. (
Oit.ii. r 2d f. " ilteccoibcr... uttJi,
Ml tirethnn in standing are im il'd to atUnd.
H. P.. ft. I Nl<IN CH \PTER. No. 101. hold- ils n>
m.iUny- ai the —me phiee. Thnrftdayen or before Ihe lull
i-Artp tor hr 1 i <1 iy.
1 v; MV-y -c rcLrr
Time Table,Waverly Station, N Y.&E.R.R.
Takiup effect, November 10, lf>ss.
*Orai> KAST. IIP I Ml Wi'.ST.
X. York Express, 11 59 A.M Buffalo Kx|irc, 433 P.\f
N'ifrbt Kxpri'ss, 11 31 P-Al Night Express, 3 .">2 A.M
l in. iuiiati Exp. 4 2." A M Emitrrant, 3OS P.M
Mail, 7 45 P.M Mail, 9 30 A.M
Rochester Ace. lo 00 A.M Rochester Are. 920 P.M
Stock Express, 245 A.M Freight No. 1. 115 P.M
rs STAGES will hereafter
'jpafl lea ye the Ward House, until further
FOR* \\ A YERl.Y—ls*ave at 2 o'clock, P. M.. arriving
in time to take the trains, east and west, laave after the
arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west.
FOR Tt'NKII ANNOCK—laiave immediately upon the
arrival of the Waverley stage, about 2, P. M. " Arrive at
Tmvanda. in time to connect with the stage for Waverly.
IX-c. 7, 1555. JSMITH .V POWELL, Proprietors.
fPjpSf m Rev. WM. M. DeLONG will preach at the
fliV Court House on Sunday 30th inst., at 104 o'clock,
A. M. and 04 P. M.
iNem lAbpertiscmv*nts,
FRESH LEMONS—a quantity just reeeiv
edjit dec 22 " FOX'S.
FRESH CANDY, ly the quantity, at ma
nufacter's prices, * dec 22 FOX'S.
JKINGSBERY has just, received from
• New York and Philadelphia a large supply of
BOOKS, including some very nice ANNUALS for IHs*>.
Also a great variety of Books suitable for Christinas and
New Year Lifts. &e. Towanda, Dec. 20, 1555.
~V[OTICE— As it has heretofore been the
1 * custom to close our stores and places of business on
Christmas and New Year's day, the undersigned aIT dis
posed to do so this year, but inasmuch as some have re
fused, we wish to give notice to our customers that our
several places of business will be open on those days, and
invite all who may visit this place to call upon us as usual.
Muutanyea A; Co. Joseph Powell,
E. T. Fox, Joseph Kingsbery,
W. A. ChamberHn, Miles Carter,
J. G. Patton, Bailey A Kevins,
J. W. Prentice, A. M. Warner,
Towanda, Dec. 22, LSoo. J. H. Phinney, Jr.
THE SUBSCRIBER is desirous of renting
his Farm situated in the township of Wysox,
about three miles from Towanda, and one mile
from the Canal ut Pioliet's. There are about
SEVENTY ACRES under improvement, with
a large new house and first rate burn, Ac. Said farm is
well adapted to the raising of all kinds of grain, besides
being a good farm for keeping a dairy. The subscriber
will leave on the farm a horse team, wagon, plows, har
rows, and all kinds of implements necessary for working
said farm, together with about eight cows. A sober, ho
nest, industrious man, with a wife who ttnderstandsbutter
making, can do well on this farm. None other need ap
ply. Possession ghen on the first day of April next. For
further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premi
Wysox, December 22,1855.
JAMES HARRIS, EI.KCTRICIAN, of Towanda, respect
fully informs the public that he has lately procured
from New York the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath,
which has proven to be one of the most important and
wonderful discoveries of the age, from its ability to ex
tract minerals from the hitman system.
Some eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco
vered the process of extracting minerals from the body,
by galvanism ; more recently, M. Verges, of New York,
an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of
poisonous minerals iuto his system in the prosecution of
his art, conceived the idea of removing them by the same
processes, he succeeded in doing so, and quickly recovered.
He then applied the same means to others similarly af
fected, with like results. His success exceeded his most
sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths re
move mineral pofSons, hnt cured many diseases, some of
which were tlie result of minerals, and some were not.
More recent experiments have folly confirmed the singu
lar power of this Bath to draw from the system all mine
rals that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment of
health. Very often persons are afflicted by diseases which
are beyond the comprehension of the mist skillful physi
cians, "and which are the etlect of poisonous minerals ac
cumulating in the system for years, taken in the shape of
calomel, lead, Ac.
The following are some of the diseases Jcnred by these
baths : Rheumatism, Paralysis, Palsy, Painter's C'holic,
Chronic Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer,
Xcnralia in all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all
He has also S. B. Smith's newly invented DIRECT AND
is a great improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto
fore in use. With the aid of the Bath and Machine, we
have ait command all the available medical efficiency of
Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is very
great, in "introducing medicines into the system through
the pores of the skiu—applying it directly to the parts af
fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over
that o! taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular
ly efficacious in all local diseases.
I now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the Ma
chines, at my honse in the south part of the borough of
Towanda, or" I will visit patients at a distance, who nre
unable by reason of disease to come to this {dace, at mod
erate prices.
1 ani also sole agent for Bradford county, for the above
Towanda, Dcrenilier 22,1955.
rpiiK subscriber gratefully announces his thanks for the
1. liberal patronage received during the past year, and
respectfully solicits a continuance of the trade, which he
will endeavor to merit by keeping his Stock continually
replenished by CASH purchases, with a large and pure
assortment of Goods, which sercral years experience has
enabled him to " buy at the loirrst rates" of the " Impor
ters and Manufacturers"—by selling low—by adopting the
CASH SVSTFM entirely, ami by making a general reduc
tion of pri'-es.
Consequently, the credit system will cease on and after
the first day of January, 1 s.Pi.
#it* All persons indebted arc requested 1o make imme
diate payment. M. C. POUTKII.
Office and Drug Store in South end of the Ward House,
fteccnilier 2D, ls.>.>.
ment in advance, than can tie obtained in other way
free of postage—large lists are now being formed for
Harper's, Harper's Story Hook,
Putnam's, Littel's Living Age,
Graham's. Godcy's Lady's IJook,
National (Methodist,) National (Peterson's).
Now is the time to subscribe, as the volumes nearly all
commence with the first of January. Remember'the num
bers delivered at my store the first of each mouth, free of
postage. Pec. J.i. O. 1). BAUTLET r.
VHUTOR S NOTICE.- tiny Tracejf rs.
vs. I.utleer H. Childs. In the court of ('amnion Picas
Bradford Co. No. '2os, September Term, lßnit.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to
distriluite the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant s
personal property, will attend to the duties assigned him
at his office in the borough of Tuwanda. on Wednesday,
the 30th day of January, ls.ifi, at one o'clock in the after
noon, when and where" all persons having claims are re
onested to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom.
Dee. 10, IMS. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor.
Extraordinary News!
To mm thai have and ought to have Corn to Sell!
Al.t. PKBSOXS indebted to the siihsejriber, either by
note or on the books of the late lirni of 1". Humphrey
A* Co., or the former linn of Srisbic A Kron.-on, are duly
notified in season that all accounts not settled previous to
the first day of February. ISJO. will then go iuto the mill
sometimes mwd for grinding out equity and justice, and
go through too. as last as the (.'unstable ran go rmind.-
Friends and foes take heed, and come to the rescue!
lie! ember 10,Jf...... T. Ht'MPHP.KV. __
of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Couu
tv will be exposed to public sale on the premises, at 2
o'clock. P. M.. on FRIDAY, the Uth day of JANUARY
next, the following described messuage, lot, piece or par
ed of land situate in the township of Troy. Bradford Co..
nd IK Minded follows, viz : Oil the east by lands of Jes
se Beech ; on the south by Sugar Creek : on the west by
lands of Robert Clatfin ; on the north by lands of James
P Pratt ami Iv Loomis. Containing about ninety acre's,
more or less. It being all that certain farm upon which
Beritth Pratt re-ided at the time of his decease.
Uteudauce given and terms made known on the day of
Dec. 11, IsfcL Administrators oi Bcriafi Pr.ttt, dee d
\I >M INI ST 11A TO RS N (IT ICEN otiec
j\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Raifsoin P. Adams. Uedd.. late of llidglten Town
ship arc licrebv requested to make payment without de
lay- and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present tlunu duly authenticated for settlement.
J>ec. 12. ittiaif SAMUEL .L ADAMS, Admin'r.
VtnlTOR'S NOTICE, — JII the matter of
the estate of Maun It. Wilcox, deceased. In the
Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that tbc undersigned, Auditor
appointed bv -aid Court, to distribute funds in the hands
of the \dmmistrators nl said estate, raised by the sale ot
real estate, will attend to live duties ot bis appointment,
at hi- office, in the borough ot loivaodo, oil Mrdnr-duy ,
Ihe 23rd da v of January. IW, at one o clock. P. M..whcn
and where all ln r.son.s having claims upon said fund must
re -.mi them or cl c be lore „cr debarred from the -amp.
1 p j, jv-,, P D MORKOTV. Auditor
Xctu QVbocrtiscmcnts.
BOOK AQENCY. —The subscribers have
i-vtablislicd a Book Agency in Philadelphia. and will
furnish any l>oc>k or publication at-the retail price, free of
postage. Any persons, by forwarding the subscription
price of any of the $3 Magazines, such as Harper's, Go
dev's, Putnam's, <irahara's, Frank Leslie's Fashions, Ac.,
will receive the magazines for one year and a copy of u
splendid lithograph portiait of either Washington. Jack
son or Clay ; or. if subscribing to a 12 and a $1 magazine
they will receive a copy of either of the three portraits.—
If subscribing to *6 worth of Magazines, all three portraits
will be scut gratis. Music furnished to those who may
wish it.
Envelopes of every description and size in large or small
quantities furnished. Seal Presses, Ac. sent to order.
Every description of Engraving on Wood executed with
neatness and dispatch. Views of Buildings. Newspaper
Heudiugs, Views of Machinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge
Certificates, Business Cards, Ac. All orders sent by mail
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their
buildings engraved can send a Daguerrotype or sketch
of the buildings by mail or express.
Persons at a distance having saleable articles would
find it to their advantage to address the subscriiters, as
we would act as ageuts for the sale of the same.
50 South Third Street, Philadelphia, I'a.
scriber offers for sale the valuable corner lot on
which he resides, in Smithfield, near the East Smithfield
Post Office. The lot contains a little over half an acre
It has on it a good and commodious dwelling house, a
first rate barn, nearly new. a good wagon shop and con
venient lumber shed", together with a good stock of wagon
lumber. The whole can tie bought twenty-five per cent,
cheaper than any other property in Northern Pennsylva
Eat Smithfield. Dec. 5. 1655.
H est side of the J'nb/ic Square, apposite the
Court House.
BAILEY & NEYIXS urc just receiving a
large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries,
Yankee Notions, Toys, Fruit, Confectionary, Ac., which
will be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhange fur
most kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail
to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would
do well to call and examine our stock and prices.
Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee. Chocolate,
Cocoa, Sugar. Molasses. Syrup, Ginger. Pepper, Spice,,
(.'loves, nutmegs. Mace cinamoji. Ground Mustard, Pepper .
Sauce, Soda, Salerntne, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow !
Caudles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac.
Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal. Feed. \
Pork, Hams A Shoulders. Mackerel, Codfish, Shad. Lake I
Trout, Pickcled and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans,
Onions,* Potatoes, Butter. Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac.
Prunes, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, lem
ons and Oranges, Green andfh ied Apples, and Peaches.
Almonds, Pecan nuts, I'razil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira
Walnuts, Filberts, Pea nuts, Chestnuts, Ilickorv nnts,Ac.
German. French and American Toys, Fancy Goons,
Ac.—Boys' Sleighs, Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood
Tea Setts, Dolls, Trumpets. Toy Guns, Accordians, Har
monicas. Glass, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and
Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus, Secretaries, Ac, Pearl. Ivery,
Papier Marhe and Leather Port Monaies Wallets, Purses,
Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs. Tobac
co and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth, Ilair and Cloth
Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac.
Fools Cap, Letter, Commercial Note and Bath Post
Paper, Envelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ink, Inkstands,
Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales,
Ac. Ac.
Table and D.ury Salt, Salina and Rock Salt, and
Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NEVINS.
Towanda. November 26,1655.
A BACON, formerly of Chelmsford. England, landed in
New York, in April, 1853 —a miller by occupation. Any
information of said Bacon, directed to"W. PATNFR, Cau
ton, Bradford County, I'a.. will be'thankfully received.
Canton. November 26,1855. W. PATXKR.
"VJ"OTIOE. —Merchants and Dealers in Pat
-11 cut Medicines. Keepers of Fating Houses, Ac., are
hereby notified that their Licenses must be forthwith paid
—and unless they settle up all balances and dues thereon
by the 10th day of December next, suits will be commenc
ed immediately thereafter for the collection of the same,
without respect of persons. Take Heed
Nov. 2s, 16.55. PRECEPTOR F<>RBES. Treas'r.
Tracy dt Moore,
a large and well selected assortment of
which have Itceu selected with nnnual care, and purchas
ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we
can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment
in the country, we ask "the public to give*its a call, and
examine our stock and prices. Dec. 1. 1655.
e)\ f\ JVJ H.VLL A RUSSELL'S, for which the high
est price will be paid in CASH.
Also, all kinds of GRAIN wanted for Goods, or on ac
count. for which the highest market price will belaid.
Towanda. Xoocmber 22, 1855.
SOLE LEATHER. —Just receiving an ex
cellent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which
public attention is respectfully invited.
Not. 22,1855. J. P. HUMPHREY.
And satisfy yourselves that
HAVE the lie.-t and mo-t complete assortment of NEW
GOODS, consisting of all grades ladies'and gent's
wood Cloths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain
and fancy cassiineres. sattiuet. tweeds, Kentucky jeans,
flannels, liuseys. AH descriptions Dress Goods, such as
black, watered, changeable and plaid Silks, French meri
nos, Thibet cloth. Scotch wool plaids, brown and black
mixed Ib-beges. all wool and figured Delaines, plain and
silk striped Alpaccas. Scotch and domestic ginghams,
children's plaids, Merrimack and other prints, of all vari
An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, mittens,
gloves, Victoria and Bishop lawn, book and jaoouet mus
lins, bonnet and dress Ik, moire antique, moss
velvet and ribbon Trimmings. Fringes, black and white
silks, ljnen thread. Maltese, and all kinds wove linen and
cotton edgings, muslin hands, collars, under sleeves, che
misettes, curtain drapery, brown, blue and black dotted
embroidered veils, stocks and gent's collars.
A variety of Talmas, gout's and ladies' wool Shawls.
Thiliet. broche and other '-bawls. India and/ephvr scarfs,
children's wool Mi sleeves, hoods, muff's, assorted colored
Scotch yarn comforters, carpeting, drugget, horse blank
ets. linen table spreads and diapers, counterpanes, Ac.
Hartiw \ur. —A large assortment of anvils. \ ires, screw
plates, sledges, mill, cross cut, hand, and other kind.- lit
saws, nails, lilcs, chains, pump fixtures, squares, plumbs,
levels, planes and saw handles, moulding and bench planes.
House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Kaddlc
rv Trimmings, such as brass and silvered hands, axletrces,
liolt-, enamelled top-leather and elotli. dash leather, rloth
damask and lace trimmings. Brass, silvered and russet
h.imes. japanned, silvered and brass buckles, bitts, snaps,
breeching rings, tra e hook < hains, hanio— leather, Ac.
Sum: Finhinom. - The largest assortment in town, con
sisting of pegs, lasts, me.-."- and I toy's boot trees, crimps,
and irons, bristles, threads, nil kinds bench tools, -heel
ltnll, blacking, binding.-, lining morocco. kip, Freneli and
American call' skins, cow bide, <Kik and hemlock leather.
Paints, Oils, Ac Stone aud white zincs, white and
red lead. Far is chrome and verdigris greens, Ohio mid
other Faints, sugar lead, lit lie,-a go. Japan varnish, coach,
furniture aud saddlci V varnish, linseed, lamp and tanner's
oil. alcohol. raiiipUenc. Huid and putty.
Boots avii Shors. Men's and boy s calf, kip and cow
hide hoots and shoes, women's kid, enamelled, morocco,
call ami kip lace boots, morocco, patent leather, enamell
ed kid buskins, variety gaiters and -tippers, misses .
I toy's and infant'- -lioes. of all descriptions, gent's.ladies'
misses' ami children's rubber shoes, and ladies' high top
rubber boots.
V axkkk Notions--wiil he found of all kinds,comprising
ladies' and gent's port moimais, India rubber, lawk, puff,
side and circle combs, po. ket. ivory, shell side and other
combs, gilt, lasting, velvet coat and vest buttons, agate,
ivorv, glass and silk buttons ; razor strops, soaps, brush
es. Ac. Ac.
The usual large supply of Crockery, Groceries, Hats.
Caps, Bonnets. Furs, B dies, Wash tub*. Fails, Measures.
Sash. Glass, Paper Hangings, Window shades, Umbrellas,
Iron, Steel, Ac.
80-c \SH is tlie stuff to buy Goods with. (Mil and try
the experiment. 'fowMida, November !t, 18.55.
1 I ED AT AIONROKTON. offhfs his professional ser
vice- to the public, and hopes by careful attention to me
rit a share of patronage.
He would further add tnat a number of years experience
in the I". S. Military Hospitals enables him to speak with
confidence of the treatment of Chronic difficulties. Rickets,
White Swellings, Bromoeele, Goitre, and ail varieties of
Scrofula treated with pniire success.
He. may tie found, when not professionally engaged. at
his reside nee. Mechanic's street, a few rods West of tin
Hotel, ready at all times to attend rich or poor, night r
day. .Monroeton. Nov. 1,18.V5.mJ
i VI A RITHMJ/J H', approved by the Book Commiltac
of the T< v hers t .-*'• 'at-on of Tlra<tt"rd t'oiintv. for .tie
! |>v tbt or ,ing|y by .Iff- K'NGlißf BY.
a. A. is hereby given, that all persons iudebled to the es
tate of Thomas Ingluui, dee'd. late of Asylum township,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay;
and ull persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 16, 1655. JOSEPH W. INGHAM. Adui'r.
1J debted to the eslate or MARY CARMF.R. deceased,
late of Litchfield town-hip. are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persons having demands
against said estate are requested to present them dulv au
thenticated for-settlement. WILLIAM CAKMIaI,
Litchfield, October '2O, 1855. Executor!
A. 1l is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of KLIStfA .1! F< ITTER, deceased, late of Springfield
township, to make immediate payment, and all persons
having demand- agniu-t said estate, will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
MINEKYA POTTER, Administratrix.
Nov. 15, 1555.
l'\ is lierebv given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of JAMKft H. HORNING, deed, late of South Creek
twp, are hereby requested to make pnvment without de
lay: and all jier-ons having elaims against said estate will
please pre-eut tlieui dulv authenticated for settlement.
November 3,1855. Administratrix.
SPECIAL C'OURTw—Notice is hereby giv
k en that a Special Court of Contmon Pleas will he held
at the Court House, in Towanda, in and for the County of
Bradford, commencing on MONDAY, the 26th day of
JANUARY next, at 10 o'clock, A.M.. and to continue for
one week, at which Hon. Robert G. White will preside,
for the trial of the following causes, to w it:
Stephen Powell vs. 11. W. Tracy, garnishee of Wni. Keel
er, sci. IT.
Lyman Mat-on vs. Ira''Jennings, et a!., Ejectment.
C. L. C. DeCliastellaux vs.Lyman Matson, do
Newton Humphrey vs. William Humphry, dc
('. L. C. DcChastefieaux vs. Ira Jennings: et 01. do
S. V. Shipnmn vs. David Wilmot, Appeal.
Subpoenas made returnable January 28th, 1856, at 10
o'clock, A.M. ALLEN" M'KE AN, Prot.
Pinthonotarv's Office. Towanda. Nov. 20,1855.
rX ECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liere-
IA by given that letters testamentary upon the e-tate
of Caleb C. True, dee'd., late of Warren ttvp., have been
granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
aud those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duly attested tor .settlement to the subscriber.
October 30. 1535,
1 \ is hereby given, that all persons indelited to the es
tate of Isaac" Boseucranta, deceased, late of Asylum
twp., are requested to make payment without delay ;* and
those having demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
CYRUS SHUMWAY, Administrator.
June 14. 1855.
is hereby given, that all perso unindebted to the es
tate of Wni. HORNING dee'd.. late of South Creek tp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all
persons liaviiigiiig claims against said estate will please
present them duly mitlienticated for settlement.
CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix.
June 18. 1655.
J'\. is hereby given, that all persons indelited to the es
tate ot RICHARD VAIIGUSON, dee'd. late of Durell tp. are
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against said estate, must present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber at liis resi
Durell, Nov. 15, 1855. Administratrix.
J. S. Peterson. No. 75, Dec. T. 154 ; in the Com
mon Pleas of Bradford Couuty.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed by the Court to distribute moneys in the fiher
tilt's hands, rai-ed bv sale of said defendant's personal es
tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough oi Towanda, on Monday, the 21st
day of January, 1656, at two o'clock, P. M-, and all per
sons having claims upon said money must pre- eut them
at that time and place, or else be forever debarred from
the same.
Dee. 14.1555. _P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— K. Champuai,to
the use of J. I). Montanye, vs. Ransom f'atmr. In
the Court of Com. Picas of Bradlord county. No. 210 Seje
tember Term, 1855. Also, Silas Payne. to the use of J.
If. tl'ooelbnen. rs. Abraham Payne and Ransom Payne.
No. 322. Mav Term, 1354.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor
appointed by said Court, to distribute money in the Sher
iff's hands, raised by the sale of said defendant's real es
tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi
office in the borongh of Towanda, on Tuesday, the 22d
day of January, 1850, at 2 o'clock, V, M-, at which time
and place all persons having claims upon said money must
present them, or else be forever debarred from the same.
Dec. 14. 185,5. P. 1). MORROW, Auditor.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— C. X. Shtjmtnn
j\ r*. (>. N. Caster C.L. IFhitt. —in Bradford Cain.
lMcas, No. 313. September Term, 1.555.
The undersigned, Auditor appointed l.y the said Court,
to distribute fundi* raised by the Sherill s sale of defen
dant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint the oltiee of VVm. HI well, Esq.. in the borough <.f
To wan da, on Saturday, the 2(ith day of January, lHafi. at
one o'clock, I*. M. f at "which time and place all persons in
terested in said funds are requested to present tueis claim.-
or else be forever debarred from the saiue.
Dec. 12, 1855. H. B. M'KEAX, Auditor,
/ l UARI)IAN'S SALE. —By virtue of an
\_W order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County.will
be exposed to public sale, on SA 11 ItDAA . the ,th day "i
JANUARY next, at one o'clock, P. M.,nt the Inmse upon
the premises hereinafter described in Windham township
The one undirideel fourth part of all that lot, piece oi
pan el of land situate in Windham township, aforesaid
in Bradford county, hounded on the north by lands of .
N'eal: on the east by lands of Charles Walker and Ste
phen Sherman : on the south by lauds t Richard Bixby.
and on the west by lands of Benjamin Clapp and Hezeki
ah Darling. Containing one hundred and seven acres,
more or less, about sixty thereof improved, and with a
framed house, framed barn, and an apple orchard thereon.
Said interest sold as the property of Francis Xoal, a mi
nor. Terms made known on the dnv of sale.
EDWARD XE-VL. Cuardian
IHo. 10, 1855. of Francis Neat.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.-/)- Bo Hey A Son
a V to the use of A. S. Smith, r*. (i. 11. / .eiri.x §- //. C.
CiHilhaugh —ln Bradford Common l'leas, No. 225, Deeem
ber Term, 185:1.
Tlie undersigned, an Auditor appointed by aid Court,
to distribute funds Raised by Sheriff's sale of real estate in
this cause, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
his office in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday, tlie
31st day of January, 185b. at. otic o'clock in the afternoon,
at which time and placeall persons interested in said funds
are requested to present their claims, or else be forever
debarred from the same.
Dec. in. 1x55. <l. 11. WATKIXS, Auditor.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
Joseph Kingsbery,
Towanda. October 3, 1x55.
DRIER APPLES—n few first rate ones,
tor sale at jllO FON S
" I Crushed. Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young
Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or tho
money refunded—for sale cheap by 15. KIXGSBKRY.
I I OUSE TRIMMINGS —every description
1 L by je2:> TRACY A MOORE.
Cash paid for Hides.
fPHE hijjliest price pttid in CASH, for Hides
I and Skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX.
June 20.1855.
j7 d.h u mphr e y
IS NOW RECEIVING an excellent assortment of gctit's.
hoy's, ladies', ehihlrert's and misses' ROOTS A BOOT
ES. "Also. Shoe Pegs, Thread. Linings and Findings.
I'owanda. November 22, 155.",.
Another Voice from Wysox !
\S the vulsk Tiber has determined to close the Carriage
Manufacturing htisinc-s at M. crsbtirg. he wouhki>fter
for sale ;tf extremely low prices, a number of Carriages,
pleasure and Lumher Kluigh*. among which, one two horse
carriage, built In The latest style, of good materia), with
leather top, and wKh dnnp to buck seat : it lieing the
Carriage an which the premium was awarded to the *ul>-
scrilier at our late County Fair., Also, one. ono or two
horse carriage, bidlt in Philadelphia style, with door in
the side, leather top. with both pole and thills It being
a trifle heavier titan • common one horse carriage- -with
two scuts, (one moveable). Said carriages are well trim
med with good broadcloth. Also a large quantity of ma
terial for manufacturing egrriages. Ac., together with nil
the tools, fixtures, forsjs. Ac., Ac., and a lot of bent stuff
for fancy cutters. All of of which will he sold cheap for
Cash or'approvod credit. I>. MAG NEK.
Myersburjt. October IS, IWS. ______
IRON, Round, Square, Tin*. Band A Scroll,
. all qualities and sizes. TRACY A MOORE-
BAKED CRACKER-. received
everr week at mnell lOX P.
ftterrl)anbne, &*c.
W° l LD rc T fctf " !, y nnnonnre that hp Is again befura
V V the people with a large, rich ami fashionable ai-.ort
rnent of
to which the attention of the public is iovilatl, being con
fident that he can offer inducements to ('ASH purehavu*
which will amply pay forau examination of his stock.
His stock of LADIES GOOD.- Is complete. constat
ing of corded, watered, plain. black, changeable and plaid
Silks ; plain nnd )daid Merinos : all wool Delaines ; plain
and figured Cashmeres; Mousbu delaines, Parmottas,
challi Delaines, plain and twilled Persian cloth, Dotages,
Alpaecas, Ginghams, Prints, Ac,
A LSO. SHAWLS —a large and magnificent assortment of
Rroeha Long and Square Shawls, plain woolen long and
si put re do.
LAWKS' CLOTHS— AII colors, and trimmings.
EMHKOIOXUIKS —The largest mid usMortniuiit of
Ladles embroidered collars, sleeves,bands and fiouackiga,
edgings and Inserting*, ever ofl'ered for sale in Towanda.
Also, real thread, Smyrna, bobbin and cotton edgings, all
widths and prices.
1\ IIITL AN o LINEN Goons, of every description, and f
all qualities.
llocsE !• LKNJSIIIXO GOODS —Double and single fold Da
masks of various kinds ; embroidered and lace curtains,
all qualities ; window shades and trimmings ; bleached
and unbleached table linens; napkins, colored tubla
spreads of various kinds, counterpanes, linen sheetings,
rose blankets, gilt cornitea and pins, stair rods. Ao. Ac.
GLOVES ARD HOSlEß?— Everything In this lino for IN
dies. misses, children, men and boys.
colored Cloths of every qality and price, plain and fauey
Casalmeros, fancy velvets, plain and figured grenurdina.
plain and figured silk, black satin and cashmere
and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, talU
netts, sheep greys, Ac.
DOMESTICS- Of every description, purchased at very
close figures and olierej low. Flannels of every grade and
CARPETINOS— Ail qualities, ingrain and stair Cttrpetlnga,
oil cloths. Rush Mattiugs. Druggets, Ac.
YAHEKK NOTIONS —AImost every the line, whola
sale and retail.
HATS A CAPS —AiI assortment unequaled in Northern
Pennsylvania of Mens' A Boy hats and caps, comprising
every- variety of silk, brown, peuri and black fur flats—
Cloth, Plush and Fur Cups.
BOOTS A SNOKS —In this department there 1-, NSF never
lins been in this market anything to compete *.'h this
stock, in quioi.v. quantity and price, whim it would is
greatly to the interest of every man, woman and child to
examine who wishes to purchase-
In addition to the above enumerated articles tliero will
always lie found a full assortment of Groceries. Hardware,
Crockery and Glass-ware. Faints, Oils, and Dye Stuff"s.
Leather and Shoe Findings, Ac., Ac.
To his old Friends and Customers, the subscribeer would
take this method of expressing his gratitude for their libe
ra! patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it, and to
others would extend an invitation to cxamiuc liis stock,
being confident he can make it fur their interest to do so.
_ Towanda. Oct. 1, lobj. JOSEPH POWELL
II. S. 51 LI!I'.I K.
ust received his
RIES. a large assortment of HARDWARE, including
Harness and Carriage Trimmings, and Joiner's Tools of
every description ( Boots. Shoes, Leather and Shoe find
ings, Hats, Caps, and Umbrellas : Paper Hangings and
Window Shades ; Carpets and Drugget: Oils Faints and
Dye stuffs : Crockery and Glassware : Iron. Steel and
Nails : Window glass and Sash ; Catuphine, Burning Flu
id and Varnishes of every kind : Fails. Tubs, Mats, Ao,,
Ac., which will be sold as usual, very cheap lor Cash.
Towaiita, October 1,1855.
Til. T. FOX
HAS just received a full supply of FAM
ILY GROCERIES, which he will sell cheap for
Cash. Thankful for the very liberal palrunage extended
to hint during the past season, he would most re-pectfully
ask a continuance of the same.
Cash paid for most kinds of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and
Furiner s Produce generally. October lb, I<-55.
K U I BUSH, RYE wanted immediately
*■' A A ' for which the highest market price In ctedi
will lie paid. Oct. 12. E. T. FOX.
TURKS ISLAND SALT, both lumps and
ground, at Oct9 FOX'S.
J. Harvey Phinny, Jr.
IS just receiving a general assortment of FALL A WIN
TER GOODS, consisting of the usual variety of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Ha rd tea re. Crockery,
Glassie are. Hoots 4* Shoes, Paints,
Oils, Glass, Dyes, frc., &-c.
all of which will be sold as usual for Cash, or exchanged
for Produce cheaper than can be had at auy other store lu
Towanda. Persons wDhing to purchase Good- for cash
will do well to call and examine his stock and prices, cor
ner of Bridge and Main streets.
HWCash paid for Butter, Pork and Grain. Oct 20
Wholesale and retail dealer in
Portable Saw-Mills, < 'lover Hullers and Feed Cutters.
Knierv's Cider Mills, Apple l'arers,
Clow's and Kelsoy's and other drain Cradles, Scythes,
and other Harvesting Tools.
Kctclium's and other Mowing and Reaping Machines.
Seymour's Grain Drills, lJroad cast Seed powers, Ac.
Manufacturer of
Peters' Celebrated FAN 3MIZLLS,
Which 1 am prepared to ■sell at either WHttLKaALB ttR
UKTAIL. on very fiivoraMe terms.
These mills an- warranted second to none in the United
States, thr durability, efficiency and simplicity, and will
do in the best manner anil rapidly, nil kinds of chaffing
and cleaning all kinds of Grain. Grass Heed, Ac
&• Warranted to chaff fit for market, (ruin 40 to CO
bushels nf Wheat per hour. Orders solicited.
November 1,155". R. M. WKLT.FS.
Corn Shelters at Wholesale and Retail.
lAM prepared to sell as above, on very fa
. vornhle terms, the I'AST CORN SIIFI.LKICS ever
sold in Kradfurrt County.
Where two or more "Corn Shcllers are wanted in one
neighborhood, I will deliver them at a small charge extra,
l'riee of Shelter, with single balance wheel. 00
do dohble do 8 30
Farmers are invited to examine them.
Athens, Da.. Nov. 1. lr>s. R. M. WFtXF< ;
7srny*rU(r, Bradford County, Pa.
TARINCID.VL- i- L. OVERFIKI.D, A. Tt.; Preceptress.
I MISS U. N. ITORTON ; Assistant do., MISS M. F.
IIARXF.S. Tlie second term of the above institution will
commence on WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER oth. Ctrou
lars with complete detail-, may be obtained from the l*rin
eijpal. or front either of the following
Ukfkrem'Ks Rev. George I.andon. Herrickville ; Rev.
.I.C. Warren. S. DoWitt. M. D.. Lelhiy-villr ; I>. lMjicey
M. D., Camptown : Rev. L. l'eek, l.ime Hill. 12
THE citizens of Tmvanda who have had children at
tending the Public school during the |>ast six months
have requested the t continue his lahorsat Hie
same place during the pre-ent winter.
Tie- T'ovitnda Borough School will therefore mien as a
SF.I.KCT SCHOOL, on Wednesday. Doeemlicr 12th inst.
Reading. Writing, Ortlibgvaphv. Ceographv and I
Mental Arithmetic. t *
Arithmetic. English Grammar. Composition and >
Declamation. A. _ *
Algebra, Natural Philoaopliy. Higher Arithme i | j
tic. Ac. , . I ~
For fuel, there will Ims charged extra. •>
Hill- will lie made out at the middle of thf quarter.
None w ill he admitted for less than half the term.
To wanda. Dee. 3. IsVi. " • K HITS FA ■
DISSOM'TIOX. —The partnership hereto
fore existing between the subscribers, doing business
in the name of T. HI Hf'HTITA A ( O. at Orwell, Fcnu'a,
Hooper"' l Valley and Sraithborn, N, V., is this day dissolv
ed bv mutual consent. All debts due the'firm mu*t,t>e
-.•ttled with T. Humphrey, lie having purchased theentira
interest of his aee< lates. and Tieing alone authorized to
sign in liquidation- Alt debts due by thejiirm should al-o
te T. Humphrev. he having agreed to pay tfco
-.., me. T. HUHPHKEV.
Onrel! Qct. 1 ts,'.. A. PfWTFJR.