Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 15, 1855, Image 3

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    When Shannon's despatch was first rewired
Wiisliinu'toii its authenticity was doubted
the President and his cabinet, but when
.L tut that the thing was not a hoax ap
(,,l to be satisfactorily established, the
V'l . <il'it telegraphed Shannon to employ nil
-y 'authority at his command to suppross the
.'aitliresik, and when a full and formal state
(,f the facts in the case should reach
\\Vliiiiu r ton, the government would act as the
•\i<cu-y of the case should seem to demand.
' X f ; js regarded by the President as a ques
ts requiring, i" every aspect, very delicate
tl, anient, particularly as the County Sheriff,
„,|,l not the United States Marshal, appears
i have been the executive officer. In this
the case a summons by him to the
troops at Fort Leavenworth
ild hardly meet with a favorable response,
Mich troops are entirely beyond his jurisdic
tion and not subject to the posse amitatus call.
If the President finally concludes, in accor
with the requirements of Gov. Shannon,
1,',, must first issue his proclamation of warn
unless there be indeed open, positive re
lieliion. So the imminent danger of grave
consequences at present is not seemingly im
nJimr, as far as the armed interference of the
government is concerned.
The Bloodshed and Burnings in Kansas.
Kansas is in a flame with an intestine war—
the people of the territory 011 one side and Go
v,.r,;"r Shannon with his Missouri auxiliaries
the other. Blood has flowed, and dwellings
have been fired ; mau flies from man as from
the savage beasts of that wild region, or seeks
t ] K . life of his brother as lie would that of the
wolf or the bear. Nor is this a contest in
which the rest of the country is neutral ; it is
•i civil war, to which we are all more or less
'.arfies. The battle ground is Kansas, but tho
!,;!>< of the combatants fill the entire circuit
of the United States. This is the first time
that civil dissensions, arising from a cause of
~narre] common to the whole country, have pro
ceeded to open and armed violence. The Shays
war in Massachusetts was a local dispute iu
which the rest of the country took no part ;
the whiskey insurrection in Pennsylvania was
local alo ; the dispute between the federal go
vernment and South Carolina, notwithstanding
the warlike words that were .uttered, was a
Uoodless on!'. But now the great quarrel bc
tween the slaveholders of the South and the
c itizens of the other slates, respecting the ex
tension of slavery, is put to the arbitrament of
•> iu a part of the country from which
:iie interference of the federal laws has been
irnfcsx'dly withdrawn, to allow free scope for
tit- contest. Whether the controversy be well
OT ill managed, 011 the part of those who have
Mil'Uiitted it to this fearful test, it is still our
ownccausae —a cause in which every citizen of
the United States has an interest.
The cloud from which this shower of blood
i. falling has long boon gathering. Sagacious
i. i servers have been looking with anxiety for
an armed collision between the friends and enc
tii:> - of da very in Kansas, almost from the first
mot moment that the country began tobeoc
t-ijiied Iw emigrants front the states. When
tiic invading party from Missouri imposed a
-iiurimts legislature upou the residents, and
ji law- of an intolerably tyrannical nature,
i* '.iviiiiie certain that these laws would be
r.'-.-ted, and. if necessary, resisted even to
MKMI. The residents saw themselves aban
doned by the federal government in these suc
cessive inroads of the slaveholders from Mis
souri : and accordingly sent, to the eastern
states for arms, and adopted a voluntary mar
tial organization, liver siucc Gov. liceder was
removed, and Shannon was sent out by Mr.
Pa re in his place, to enforce the spurious code
promulgated at the Shawnee Mission, the
"iiiitry has been literally without a govern
I It is said that (lor. Shannon lias called np
j " the President for a detachment of United
I States soldiery to put down the insurrection of
the people of Kansas against what he calls the
iws.if the territory. 1\ hat becomes of "squat
ter sovereignty" if this is done? We were
tol.i by the advocates of this sovereignty that
the peojde of Kansas were to establish their
own institutions in their own way. This they
;c doing : they arc settling, in the mode thev
think proper, the question of the extension of
-niM-ry, and what right has Gov. Shannon to
I j.r.'vent them ? \\ hen the jicojile of a state
against it< local government, the federal
I .1 1' , -tration has no power to meddle in the
I matt.:-; the -tate government must put down
' a' rebellion by such means as it can command.
, If wr admit the doctrine of popular sovereign
-1 ty in the territories, we must apply to them the
I suite rule of practice. The local authorities
must deal alone with those who rise up in re
■ Stance again-t them.
Evidently Governor Shannon does not under-
I stand, or declines to jiractice, the doctrine
wiiu'li |,j< political associates profess. He
•.1 he removed instantlv for daring to in-
I '-"ere with the ''(principle of the Nebraska
• a principle from which the aduiinistration
again and again declared that it will folcr
*Mm ds-ent. If there is any soundness in
"• " trine of popular .sovereignty in the tcr
-1 " o-. Gov. Shannon's conduct is inexcusable.
°n tit" oflier hand, he lias taken the right
"• in appealing to the power of the federal
I • rnmeiit, popular sovereignty is a disgruce-
I . ' are now reaping w hat was sown when
I ; • kof blood is -lied in this strife, which
fy ••*•> nut ding to flic garments of those who
1 ' Iv'U't. tl that fatal measure ; not a victim falls
1 side, for whose death they are not
'■-werauic. It was to open a path to jierson
-I|:yia*!i that the territory of Kansas has
.lie! vered over to anarchy, and made the
I . "f nmuslanghter and burnings. First,
■ 'b iluroil by the apparent success and
■ rity of the compromise of 1850, was
I pmjwise the breach of faith which
t<i tie <e horrors, and then Mr. Fierce,
I . ' hrid struggle with his doubts, anxious
•" with liim the glorv of the achievement
Jl' lic Platitude of the slaveholders, followed
I '' I'"'- supporter. No occasion of state
I oriV '' ll state convenience called
suggested this measure ; it was the
■ : i; "''otiiiess of legislation, released from
. "J| moral restraint, which struck that
I f ' of pence, the prohibition of slavery
h-.v. -ti rn territories, from our statute-
I ' ~r !•' the Nebraska bill, the ad
x 1 10n a "d its friends prepared the torch
•' r' '' ,!lve since kindled the fires in Kansas,
I weaiw.ns by which ourconntry-
I si;;' .'" not to feel an intense syiu
■ ' i.Mhi.-.- wl„, ||., ve taken the attitude
~ V' 1 ," 1 determined resistance to the de
-1 l ir(, tcndcd legislature which sat at
inMission. Kverv liberal sentiment
' Irceiloin, the hatred of oppres
sion, the detestation of fraud, the abhorrence
of wrong cloaked under the guise of law—eve-'
ry feeling of the human heart, which does not
counsel cowardly submission and the purchase
of present safety at the price of future evils,
takes part with the rcsideuts of Kansas. They
may may commit imprudent acts—they may
be rash ; there may be fauatical persons
among thein, who will do what we cannot,
justify ; but their cause is a great and righ
teous cause, and we must stand by it to the
The House of Representatives now assem
bled at Washington, will, undoubtedly, deny a
scat to Whitfield, the pretended delegate from
Kansas, elected under the ordinances of the
spurious legislature, and will seud him back to
his constituents. Iu doing this, they will re
cognise as just and laudable, the resistance
with which the residents of Kansas have met
the usurpation of the intrndcrs from Missouri.
—Evening Post.
RCCKMAN, enamored of the glories that encircle
the editorial " we," satisfied that *' the wants
of our flourishing town" demanded "another
paper," set tip The BuUtnce, at Mansfield, Tio
ga Co. Pa. For a while he went on swim
mingly, with lots of subscribers and unparal
leled success. What was the surprise of his
" numerous patrons" under all the "snckum
stances," to read the following humorous but
honest Valedictory, which came upon them
" like a clap of thunder iu a clear sky !"
'• With this No. of the Balance, our connection
as Editor and Publisher ceases. Our course
has been very brilliant, but very short. Since
the 11th of July, we have been editor, proprie
tor and devil of the Balance, to say nothing
of the untold honors heaped upon us by the
Administration as Post Master. We may now
settle down with two prefixes to our name—
ex-Post Master, ex-Editor. We sujqmse we're
politically dead, because we didn't trust to the
" old line." Our star, however, arose in bril
liancy, we had been weighed in the Balance'
and our side of the scales bad couie dowu with
a thump ; we now kick the beam. We com
menced with nothing, and retire four hundred
dollars worse oIT. Our aspirations have been
knocked into " pi," and our love for the human
family materially injured ; but we retire with
the best feelings to the whole biped race, poli
ticians in particular."
learn that 011 Sabbath morning quite early
Mrs. Spelman, residing on Palmer Hill, left
her three children asleep while she went a short
distance to one of the neighliors 011 some er
rand. The oldest child was nine years old and
the youngest an infant only oue year. Mrs.
Spelman lacked the house when she left. From
some unknown cause the house took fire during
her absence, and the three children perished
in the flames. Tltc distracted mother returned
and found her little brood, that she but a few
moments before had left in quiet slumber, had
taken wings of fire and llowu to the spirit land.
The mother's grief may be imagined but cannot
be described.— Ave senile liepubtica n.
Skiff" A friend who recently happened on the
same car with Horace Greeley, tells the follow
ing : Mr. Greeley was trying to read a news
paper by the " dim religious light" of a car
lamp. In order to see he raised the wick ; but
hardly had he done so, before the lamp-trim
mer came along and turned it down. The mo
ment his back was turned, Greeley raised it
up again. The knight of the" Dark Lantern"
presently came along again and partly shut off
the light bv which the philosopher was read
ing. Greeley remonstrated. The official
thrust his lantern into his face, surveyed him
with a contemptuous air a moment, and coolly
replied; " Old fellow, you talk too much."—
Buff. Pep.
I*. S. PATENT OFFICE. —The following pa
tents were issued to Pennsylvaniaiis for the
week ending Dec. 4th To Matthias Keller
of Philadelphia, Pa., for improvement in cut
ting the fronts and backs of violins ; Isaac
Rehn, of Philadelphia, Pa., for improved pho
tographic bath ; John Tremper, of Philadel
phia, Pa., for improved means of connection
between regulator valve and governor's stem ;
John H. Gatiss, of Franklinville, l'n., assignee
to Abraham Edwards, of Towanda, Pa., for
.mprovement iu water wheels.
IteV The ('hiengo Deiimernt of Tuesday says
that a woman arrived in that place a few days
previous with the dead body of her husband,
which she was taking cast for burial. On the
route she fell in with a young man, and on the
arrival of the cars at Chicago, they went off
together, leaving the dead IHKIV of the hus
band in the depot, where it lias remained ever
Evening Post says a very careful counting of
noses iu the next Congress gives a majority of
sixteen in favor of Governor Reeder as the rep
resentative from the territory of Kansas in
that body, and against the admission of Whit
field, who brings the certificate of Gov. Shan
non. This ineludes no vote of any Southern
State, nor does it include the vote of Yalk,
Kellev or Havens, of N. York, who will
probably vote against the admission of either
ffctj) 1 ' A friend in Kentucky writes ns that
the slave-trade is already initiated between
that State and Kansas. An cx-Know-Noth
injr orator and Methodist preacher took a
gang of slaves to Leavenworth City a few
weeks since, and they will be followed by an
other gang about the Ist of January, feo our
correspondent was informed by a brother
church member of said prwacher, without note
of surprise or wonder. — Tribune.
FROM WASHINGTON.— Washington, Dec. B.
Francis P. Blair has written a letter to the
Republican Association, in response to no in
vitation to preside over that organization, tak
ing sirong grounds against the extension of
slavery, and urging the Republicans to unite
firmly in an effort to secure freedom to Kansas.
Concord, X. 11. Dcr. B.—John W. Rand, the
noted bank robber, broke jail again last night,
by sawing off the bars of his cell window.
The large dog kept at the jail was found joi
soned iu the yard.
BOATS BI HXKD. — St. I/mis, Dec. 8. 1 Itrce
steamboats, lying at our lA'VCC, were destroy
ed last night by a fire, originating by accident.
The loss is estimated at $70,000. Fortunate
ly, there were no loA.
Towanda Market—Wholesale Prices, j
[Corrected weekly by E.T. FOX. Dealer in Provisions and
Groceries. No. i, Britk How. who will pay Cusli, at the
prices lixed, for the articles in this list
Flour, (retail price.) tpt bbl $lO 50 @
Pork, do •• 21 00 H 24 00
Wheat y bushel 1 50 (itf 2 00
Ituckwheat, " 3S (tfl 50
Oats • .... 36 (m
Porn, - 7.-, (£ 1 r,o
Hye " .... 81 Oc
Potatoes, .... 37\hi 44
• 1 -25" (re
Dried Apples, " .... j 00
Butter .y ft. 17 di 20
Cheese, " .... (fc lo
Hams and Shoulders, 44 .... 9 12J
Dried Peaches 44 .... 12 H 10
Dried Berries, 44 .... 12 ft® ls|
KKgs \> dozen (<& 15
Big* NEW YEAR'S BAI.L—A New Year's Ball
will be given at Olmsted's New Hall, in Ulster,
on FRIDAY EVE. DKCKMIIKR 2S, 1865. Can ham's LSand
is engaged for the occasion, and everything wilt lie done
to make it pleasant. The public are respectfully invited.
Bill, $2 50. N. OLMSTED, Proprietor.
A MASONIC—The regular meetings of UNION
NO. I OH, A. Y. M., are licld every Wed-
XyT netwlay, on or preceding the full moon, at 3, P.
/ ▼ \M.; and on each second Wednesday thereafter,
at Masonic Hall, over J. Kingsberv's store, as follows :
August Ktb, at H, P. M. October 24th, at 3 P. M.
August 22d, 3, 44 November 7th, f,A '•
September, ,sth 8, 44 Novenda-r... list, 3 44
September, loth 3, 44 December sth, 6£ 44
October ....2d 8, " |December....l9th, 3 44
All brethren in good standing arc Invited to attend.
H. R. A. UNION CHAPTER, No. IRI, holds its regular
meetings at the same place, Thursday on or before the full
moon. Meeting far August on the 23d day.
E. H. MASON, Secretary.
Time Table,Waverly Station, N Y. & EU R,
Taking effect, November 19, 1855.
X. York Express, 11 58 A.M Buffalo Express, 433 P.M
Night Exnress, 11 31 P.M Night Express, 352 A.M
Cincinnati Exp. 425 A M Emigrant, 3 <>s P.M
Mail, 7 45 P.M Mail, 9 30 A.M
Rochester Ace. 10 00 A.M Rochester Arc. 920 P.M
Stock Express, 245 A.M Freight No. 1. 115 P.M
STAGES will hereafter
Ward House, until further
FOR WAVKRLY—Ia-ave at 2 o'clock, P. M., arriving
in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the
arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west.
FOR TUNKH ANNOCK—Leave immediately upon the
arrival of the Waverley stage, about 2, P. M. " Arrive ul
Towanda, iu time to connect with the stage for Waverly.
Dec. 7, 1855. SMITH A POWKL'L, Proprietors.
k3 Mient in advance, than can be obtained in other way
free of postage—large lists are now being formed for
Harper's, Harper's Story Book,
Putnam's, Littel's Living Age,
Graham's, Godey's Lady's Book,
National (Methodist,) National (Peter-fin's).
Now is the time to subscribe, as the volumes nearly all
commence with the first of January. Remember the num
ber* delivered at my store the first of each month, free of
postage. Dec. *5. (. D. BART LETT.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Guy Tracey vs.
vs. I.ulher H. Childs. In the court of Common Pleas
Bradford Co. No. 20s, Septeui(-r Term, 1K5.1.
The undersigned Auditor appoiuttsl by said Court, to
distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's
petsonul property, will attend to the duties assigned him
at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Wednesday,
.the 30th day of January, 185(5, at one o'clock in the after
noon, when and where all persons having claims are re
<juested to present them, or lie forever debarred therefrom.
Dec. tO, 1555. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor.
to the use of A. S. Smith, vs. (1. H. /.cicix 4" H. C.
Coolliau^h —In Bradford Common Pleas, No. 225, Decem
ber Term, 1853.
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said Court,
to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale of real estate iu
this cauic, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
his office in the borough of Towanda. on Thursday, the
3lst day of January, 18511, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
at which time and place all persons interested in said funds
are requested to present their claims, or else be forever
debarred from the same.
Due. IV, 1855. G. 11. WATKINS, Auditor.
vs. O. S. Caster 4* C. /,. Bradford Com.
Pleas. No. 313, Septemts-r Term, 1855.
The undersigned. Auditor appointed by the said Court,
to distribute funds raised by the Sheriff's sale of defen
dant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment,at the office of Win. El well, Esq., in the borough of
Towanda, on Saturday, the 20th day of January. 1850, at
one o'clock, P. M., at which time and place all persons in
terested ill said funds are requested to present theis claims
or else lie forever debarred from the same.
Dec. 12, 1855. H. B. M'KKAN. Auditor.
(GUARDIAN'S SALE—By virtue of an
YT order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County,will
be exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the sth day of
JANI'.ARY next, at one o'clock, P. the house upon
the premises hereinafter described in Windham township
—Tlie one undivided fourth part of all that lot, piece or
parcel of land situate in Windham township, aforesaid,
in Bradford county, bounded on the north by lands of
Neal; on the east by lands of Charles Walker and Ste
phen Sherman ; on the south by lands of Richard Bixbv,
and on the west by lands of Benjamin Clapp and Hezelii
ah Darling. Containing one hundred and seven acres,
more or less, aliont sixty thereof improved, and with a
; framed house, framed barn, and an apple orchard thereon.
Said interest sold as the property of Francis Neal, a mi
nor. Terms made known on the day of sale.
EDWARD NEAL. iitiardian
Dt <-. 10, 1855. of Francis \eul.
Extraordinary News !
To men that have and onght to have Corn to Sell
ALL PERSONS indebted to the subscrilier, either by
note or on the books of the late firm of T. Humphrey
A Co., or the former firm of Frisbie A Rp'nson, are duly
notified in season that all accounts not settled previous to
the first day of February. 1856. will then go into the mill
sometimes u-ed for grinding out equity and justice, and
go through too. a fast as the Constable can go round.—
Friends and foes take heed, and come to the rescue!
December 10.1855. %_ HUMPHREY.
of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun
ty, will la- exposed to public sale on the premises, at 2
o'clock, P. M-.on FRIDAY, the 11 ill dav of JANUARY
next, tlie following descrilied messuage, lot, piece or par
rel of land situate in the township of Troy, Bradford Co.,
and I>outided as follows, viz : On tlie east by lands of Jes
se Beerh : on the south by Sugar Creek ; on the west by
lands of Rols-rt Clafliti ; on the north by lands of James
P. Pratt and K. I.oomls. Containing about ninety acres,
more or less. It being all that certain farm upon which
Beriah Pratt resided at the time of his- decease.
Attendance given and terms made known on the day of
sale. C. 11. CAMPBELL.
Dec. 11.1855. Administrators ot Beriah Prat t , dee'd
.ZM. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Ransom P. Adams, dec d.. late of Kiilgltcry Town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without'de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 12, 1855. SAMUEL J. ADAMS. Adniin'r.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mailer of
the estate of Minor It. I I'd cox, deceased. In the
Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed by said Court, to distribute funds in the hands
of the Administrators of said estate, raised by the sale of
real estate, will attend t<> the duties of his appointment,
at his office, iu the borough of Towanda, on Wednesday,
the li'itli day of January, 1856, at one o'clock. P. M .wln n
and where all hcrsous having claims upon said funds must
present them, or else be forever debarred from the same.
Dec. 11, 1 555. P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
\ UDITOR'S NOTICE —C. F. H'i/so,, ,-s.
j\. J. S. Peterson. No. 75, Dee. T. 1854 ; in the Com
mon Pleas of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed by the < -ourt to distribute moneys in the Slier
iff s hands, raised by the sale of said defendant's real es
tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office iu the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 14th
dav of January, 1856, at two o'clock, P. M., and all per
sons having claims it|on said money innst pre enf them
at that time and place, or else lie tor ever debarred from
thf* Kiinio.
Ifac. 14, 1855. P. lb MORROW. Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— E. Champion, to
the use of J. It. Montamjr, rs. Ransom Pa/fiie. In
the Court of Com. Plea.- of Bradford county. No. 210 Sep
tember Term, 1855. Also, Silas Pnifne, to the use of J.
IP. H'oodbum. vs. Abraham Payne and Ransom Payne.
No May Term, 1354.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed by said distribute money in the Sher
iff- hands, raised by the sale of said defendant's real es
tate will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
offi. !• in the borough of Towanda. on Tuesday, the 15th
day "f January. 1856. at 2 o'clock. P. M.. at which time
anil place all persons having claims upon said money inu.-t
nre-ent them, or else be forever debarred from the same.
Dec 11 1-55. P- P. MORROW, Auditor.
Xcu> SVbucrliscnienlo.
1)OOK AGENCY.—The siilwcrUiors have
) established a Book Agency in Philadelphia, and will
furnish any book or pnblirutioii at the retail price, free of
postage. Any persons, by forwarding the subscription
price of any of the $3 Magazines, such as Harper's, Go
dev's, Putnam's, Graham's, Frank Leslie's Fashions. Ac.,
will receive the magazines for one year and a copy of a
splendid lithograph portrait of either Washington. Jack
son or Clay; or, if subscribing to a f'2 and asl magazine
they will receive a copy of either of the three portraits.—
If sidiscribing to $0 worth of Magazines, all three portraits
will Is.- sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may
wish it.
Envelopes of every description and size in large or small
quantities furnished. Seal Presses. Ac. sent to order.
Every description of Engraving on Wood executed with
neatness and dispatch. Views of Buildings, N'ewspa|ier
Headings, Views of Machinery, Book Illustrations, Lodge
Certificates, Business Cards, Ac. All orders sent by mail
promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of their
building's engraved can send a Daguerrotype or sketch
of the buildings by mail or express.
Persons at a distance having saleable articles would
find it to their advantage to address the subscribers, as
we would act ;vs agents for the sale of the same.
SO South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
scriber offers for sale the valuable corner lot on
which he resides, in Smilhficld. near the East Smithtield
Post Office. The lot contains a little over half an acre.—
It has on it a good and commodious dwelling house, a
first rate barn, nearly new, a good wagon shop and con
venient lumber shed, together with a good stock of wagon
l imber. The whole can Is? Imught twenty-five per cent,
cheaper than any other property in Northern Pennsylva
Eat Smithfield, Dec. 5, 15.1.1.
llest side of the Public Square, opposite the
Court House.
BAILEY A NKVINS are just receiving a
large addition to their stock of Provisions, I Jroceries,
Yankee Notions, Toys. Fruit, Confectionary, Ac., which
will is- sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhange for
most kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail
to suit purchrfsers. Consumers or conntry dealers would
do well to call and examine our stock and prices.
Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate,
Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Ginger, Pepper, Spice,
Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon, Ground Mustard, Pepper
Sauce. Soda. Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm uud Tallow
Candles, Bur Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac.
Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Feed,
Pork, Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codfish, Shad. Luke
Trout. Pickeled and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans,
Onions, Potatoes, Butter. Lord. Crackers, Ac. Ac.
Prunes. Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Lem
ons and Oranges, Green andllried Apples, and Peaches,
Almonds, Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira
Walnuts, Filberts, i'ea nuts, Chestnuts. Hickory nuts, Ac.
Ac.—Boys' Sleighs, Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood
Tea Setts, Dolls, Trumpets. Toy Huns, Aecordfauis, Har
monicas, Glass, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and
Toilet Cases. Toy Bureaus. Secretaries. Ac, Pearl, Ivery,
Papier Mache and Leather Port Monaies Wallets, Purses,
Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs. Tobac
co and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth, Hair and Cloth
Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac.
Foots CAT, Letter, Commercial Note and Bath Post
Paper, Envelopes. Wafers, Sealing Wax, Ink, Inkstands,
Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales,
Ac. Ac.
TABLK AND DAIRY SAI.T, Salina and Rock Salt, and
Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NEViNS.
towanda. November 2fi, 1855.
1 B ACON, formerly of Chelmsford, England, landed in
New York, in April, ! -">3—-a miller by qernpation. Any
inforniatioii of said Bacon, directed to \V. PATNKU, Can
ton, Bradford County, Pa., will be thankfully received.
Canton, November 2s. Ho"). W. PATNER.
"VTOTICE. —Merchants ami Dealers in Pat-
J. x nt Medicines, Keepers of Eating Houses, Ac., are
hereby notified that their Licenses must Is- forthwith paid
—and unless they settle up all balances and dues thereon
by the loth d.ii of December next,suits will IK- commenc
ed immediately thereafter for the collection of the same,
without respect of persons. Take Heed
Nov. 38, 1&35. PRECEPTOR FORBES, Treas'r.
Tracy 6l Moore,
a large and well selected assortment of
which have been selected with unusual care, and purchas
ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident thatwc
can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment
in the country, we ask the public to give us a call, and
examine our stork slid prices. Dee. 1, 1 *55.
e )l 'I " * HALL A RUSSELL'S, for which the high
est price will Is- paid in CASH.
Also, all kinds of GR VIN wanted for Goods, or on ac
count, for which the highest market price will be paid.
Towanda, Nooember 22. 15.1.1.
SOLE LEzITHKR. —Just receiving an ex-
eel lent It of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which
public attention is respectfully invited.
Nov. 22,1855. J. D. HUMPHREY.
And satisfy yourselves that
HAVE the l>est and most complete assortment of NEW
GDI)DS. consisting of all grades ladies'and gent's
woad Cloths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain
and fancy eassimeres. sattinet, tweeds, Kentucky jeans,
fiaimels.'linseys. All descriptions Dress Goods, such as
black, watered, changeable and plaid Silks, French meri
nos, Thibet cloth. S< otcli wool plaids, brown and black
mixed Dclicges, all wool and figured Delaines, plain and
silk striped Alpaecas, Scotch and domestic ginghams,
children s plaids, Merrimack and other prints, of all vari
An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, mittens,
gloves, Victoria and Bishop lawn, book and jaconet mus
lins. I mil net and dress trimmings, silk, moire antique, moss
velvet and ribbon Trimmings, Fringes, black and white
silks, linen thread, Maltese. and all kinds wove linen and
eetton edgings, muslin baud-, collars, under sleeves, che
misettes, curtain drapery, brown, blue and black dotted
embroidered veils, stocks and gent's collars.
A variety of Talmas, gent's and holies' wool Shawls,
Thibet, broche and other .* bawls. lndin*ad Zephyr scarfs,
children's woollen sleeves, hoods, muff's, assorted colored
Scotch yarn comforters, carpeting, drugget, horse blank
ets. linen table spreads and diapers, counterpanes, Ac.
H AKDW UU: A large assortment of anvils, vhsgs, screw
plates, sledges, mill, cross cut. hand, and other kinds of
saws, nails, files, chains, pump fixtures, squares, pluiilba,
levels, planes and saw handles, moulding and bench phwies.
House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Saddle
ry Trimmings, such a- brass and silvered bands, axletrces.
1 mllls, enamelled top-leather and cloth, da-h leather, cloth
damask and hue trimmings. Brass, silvered and russet
huines, japanned, silvered and brass buckles, bitts, snaps,
breeching rings, trace hook chains, harness leather, Ac.
HIIOK KIMONOS —The largest assortment in town, con
sisting of pegs, last-, men's and boy's boot trees, crimps,
and irons, bristles, thread-, all kinds bench tools, heel
hall, blacking, bindings, lining morocco, kip. French and
American calf -kins, cow hide, oak and hemlock leather.
I'AINTS, On.s, Ac.—Stone and white zincs, white and
red lead, Paris chrome and verdigris greens, Ohio and
other Paints, sugar lead. litherage. Japan varnish, coach,
furniture and saddler's varnish,linseed, lamp and tanner s
oil. alcohol, eamplienc, fluid and putty.
BOOTS \ND SIIOKS.—Men's and boy s calf, kip and cow
bide Is lots and shoes, women's kid. enamelled, morocco,
calf and kip lace hoots, morocco, patent leather, enamell
ed and kid buskins, variety gaiters and slippers, misses',
boy's and infant's shoes, of all descriptions, gent s.ladies
misses' and children's rubber shoes, and ladies high top
mhher boots.
Y ANKKK NOTIONS— wiII he found of all kinds, comprising
ladies' and gent's port monnais, India rubber. Kick. puff',
side and circle combs, pocket, ivory, shell side and other
combs, gilt, lasting, velvet coat and vest buttons, agate,
ivorv. glass and silk buttons ; razor strops, soaps, brush-
Tlie u-iial large supply of Crockery, Groceries, Hats,
Caps, Bonne's. Furs, Robes, W'a-li tubs, Pails. Measures,
Sash. Glass, Paper Hangings. Window shades, Umbrellas,
Iron. Steel, Ac.
ROT (ASH is the stuff to buy Goods with. Call nnd try
the experiment. Towanda, Novoiiilier ;i, 15,5.
ED AT MONROETON. offers his professional ser
vices to the public, mid hopes by careful attention to me
rit a share of patronage.
He would further add tnat a number of years experience
in the U. S. Military Hospital- enables him to speak with
confidence of the treatment of ('hronie difficulties, Rickets,
White Swellings, liroinoeele, Goitre, and all varieties of
Scrofula treated with entire success.
He may lie found, when not professionally engaged, at
his residence. Mechanic's strict, a few rods west of the
Hotel, ready at all times to attend rich or poor, night or
day. Monrocton, Nov. 1, 1 S3 Via 3
vJT ARITHMETIC, approved hv the Book Committee
of the Teacher's Association ol Bradford County. forfait
hv the or singly, by JOS KINGBJiURY.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Thomas ingliain, dee d, late of Asylum township,
are hereby requested to make paymeut without delay;
and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. in. 1855. JOSEPH W. INGHAM, Adiu'r. _
ll*XK<TT<>irs NOTICE.- All persons in
-1 debted to the estate of MARY CARMEH. deceased,
late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, aud all |M-rsoiis having demands
against said estate are requested to pre-cnt them duly am
thenticated for settlement. WILLIAM CARMER,
Litchfield. October 20. 185.1. Executor.
is hereby given that all |iersons indebted to the es
tate of KLISIIA .11 POTTER, deceased,late of Springfield
township, to make immediate payment, ami nil persons
having demands against said estate, will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
MINERVA POTTER, Administratrix.
Nov. 15, 1.1.15.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of JAMES H. HORNING, dee'd, late of South Creek
twp, are hereby requested to make paymeut without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present Uiem duly authenticated for settlement.
November 9,18.1.1. Administratrix.
COURT.—Notice is hereby giv
-0 en that a Special'<urt of Common Pleas will he held
at the Court House, in Towanda. in and for the County of
Bradford, commencing on MONDAY, the ifstli day of
JANUARY next, at Iff o'clock, A.M.. and to continue for
one week, at which Hon. Robert G. White will preside,
for tlie trial of the following causes, to wit:
Stephen Powell vs. H. W. Tracy, garnishee of Wni. Keel
er. sci. fa.
Lyman Matson vs. Ira Jennings, etai., Eject incut.
C. 1,. ('. PoChasteHattx Vs. Lyman Matson, do
Newton yiunr||jin-v vs. William Huni|bry, dc
C. L. C. DeCha'-'tcflcaux vs. Ira Jennings, et al. do
S. V. Shipman vs. David Wilmot, Appeal.
Subpoenas made returnable January 28th, 1856, at 10
o'clock. A.M. ALLEN M'KEAN, Prot.
Prothonotary's Office, Towanda. Nov. 20, 1855.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is l.ere-
JLJ by given that letters testamentary u|H>n the estate
of Caleb C. True, dee'd., late of Warren twp., have been
granted to the subscriber. All persona iudebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having anv ehtims upon said estate to present
them duly attested tor settlement to the subscriber.
October 30, 185.1.
jl A is hereby given, that ail |iersons indebted to the es
tate of Isaac Roscucrauts. deeea-cd, late of Asylum
twp., are requested to make payment without delay : and
those having demands against -aid estate will present thciu
duly authenticated for settlement.
CYRUS SUUMWAY, Administrator.
June 14. 18.1.1.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Win. HORNING dee'd.. late of South Creek tp.. are
hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all
persons lin ringing claims against said estate will jdease
present them dnlv authenticated for settlement.
CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix.
June 18, 185.1.
J. \ i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of RICH A lti) V A IB lUSON.dee'd. late of 1 >nreli tp. are
quested to make payment without delay ; and ail persons
having claims against said estate, must present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscrilier at his resi
Durell, Nov. 13,1855. Administratrix.
LIST OF JURORS, drawn fur December
Term and Sessions, 1855.
Athens twp.—Sidney Hay- Springfield —Ira Woodworth.
den. Era-tus Wolcott, G. Shcshequin—Geo. W. Black-
Hicks. John Willi-ton. Towanda boro"—J. I). Good-
Asylum—G. E. Horton. enough, Willys Brown-on.
Burlington—Lewis Shiner, Towanda tp. South—Francis
Leroy Haight. Gregg.
Canton—Myron Annibal. Troy tp.—Eh uzer l'omeroy,
Dnrell—Francis Cole,Lyman Reuben Case.
Dodge. " Tusearora—John Blark, Hi-
Frauklin—Brayton A. Bald- ram Taylor.
win Windham—l. G. Bloodgood,
Granville—C. W. Churchill. Squire Lonmi*.
Monroe— M. A. Rockwell. I Warren—Allen Cary,Harvey
Pike—John Black, Chandler Canfleld.
Bixby, David Ford. Wvalusing—Hiram Elliott,
Ridgbery—John Wallace. B. Aeklev, jr.
Smithfield—T. M. Beach. Wilmot—Charles White.
1855—Bradford County, Court.
John Eighmev, Win. Sawyer, Appeal.
Ezra Cauticbf. Thomas Pine. Ac. Attach. Ex.
W. P. Newbery et al A. K. l'omeroy, Debt.
James A. Paine, John Hanson, Case.
Rogers Fowler, if. Sehrader, Appeal.
Elius Minier. John Snyder, do
Stephen Hopkins. Win. H. Fritchrr, do
Margaret Roberts, John Rogers, Ejectment.
John Rogers, Abby Ann Swain. do
Stephen Pierce, David Corby et al. do
Henry Crainmond, Russell Spaiding, do
same do et ul. do
same 0. F. Spalding, do
same (Charles Drake et al. do
Chas. W. Hawkins, , Win. Campbell, Debt.
F. A.Saxton A Co. John Taylor, Trespass.
Win. H. Russell, Job Dean, Ejectment.
Man-on Elsbree, William Algears, Appeal.
Edward Crans, Win. K. Dobbins, Debt.
Bt. Kings be re's use. Zebulon Esselstinc, Sci. Fa. M.
Ewd Spalding, Edward Young, rresjwss.
Davis C. Pierce, Joseph Kdminster, Sci. Fa. M.
Welles A Harris, Valentine Smith, Case.
Charles Viall, S.B.Overton. Appeal.
John Snyder, Edmund Sickler, do
same same. do
H. F. Burt. Kenower Wormly, do
J. Mouth word's use, John Griffin, Case.
O.P.Ballard, Orran Randall, Appeal.
John M. Read, Clark Camp et al. Ejectment.
Louisa C. Jackson. Horace Wiiliston, jr. Sci. Fa. M.
Horace Williston etl David Cash, Case.
Franklin Andrews Geo. McClelland et al. Trespass.
Marv Caton's trust's Ira Wolcott et al. Replevin.
"same Andrew Burnside, do
Jolm M. Pike, John Kemp, Debt.
John Inpliam, F. Lewis, hail, Ac. Sci.Fa. bail.
Richard M. Kelly, Horaee Williston, jr. Case.
C. K. ltathhone," William Higbv, Ejectment.
J. Ben ham's use, Case Briggs, et al. \ppeal.
J. N. Weston's exr-. Wm. Brace, garnishee, Sci. Fa.
Reuben Wilber, Erastns Wolcott, Ejectment.
same same, do
E. S. Tracy, Edmund Lewis, Appeal.
gfij-Subprnns for the first week to ]>e made returnable
on Wednesday." Decern 1 .or 5. 18.1.1, at Iff, A. M.. and for
the second week on the following Monday, Dec Iff, at Iff
A. M. ALLEN McKEAN. Pmthonotary.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
Joseph Kingsbcry,
Towanda, October 3, 18.15.
DRIED AITLES—a few first rate ones,
for -ale at jHO FOX'S'
/ 1 ROCERIES —Call and see oar Brown,
* A Crushed. Coffee and Pulverized Sugars; Fine Young
Hyson A Black Teas- warranted a superior article, or the
money refunded for sale cheap by B. KINGSBURY.
1 | OUSE TRIMMINGS—every drgcriptloa
I I by je29 TRACY A MOORK.
Cash paid for Hides.
highest price paid in CASH, for Hides
and Skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX.
June ?ff. 18.1.1.
IS NOW RECEIVING an excellent assortment of gent's,
hoy's, ladies', children's and misses' BOOTS A BOOT
ES. Also, Shoe Pegs, Thread. Linings and Findings.
Towanda. November 22. 185.1.
Another Voice from Wysox !
AS the subscrilier has determined to close the Carriage
Manufacturing laisine-s at Myer-hurg, he wouldotier
for sale at extremely low price-, a number of Carriages,
pleasure and Lumber Sleighs, among which, one two hor-o
carriage, built in the late-t style, of good material, with
leather top. and with doors to back seat: it living the
Carriage on which the premium was awarded to the sub
scrilwf at our late County Fair. Also, one, one or two
horse carriage, built in Philadelphia style, with door in
the side, leather top, with l>oth pole and thills; it ls*ing
a trilie heavier than ib'ommon one lior-e carriage- -with
two seats, (one moveable). Said carriages are well trim
med with good broadcloth. Also a large quantity of ma
terial for manufacturing carriages, Ac., together with all
the tools, fixtures, forms, Ac., Ac., and a lot of bent stuff
for fancy cutters. All of of which will be sold cheap for
Cash or approved credit. 1). MAGNER.
Myersliiirg, October 18, 18.15.
IRON, Round, Square, Tire, Band A Scroll,
all qualities and sizes. TR \CY A MOORE.
evervweek. at juntil 1 OX S
• M ik,>MStkaa A *■*•*■ i MOM' slaki, m s4A A•***o"
JOSEPH J'ow i :i,c
"tTTOI I.D respectfully a rowan re that he is aen in before
' * "'8 people u ith a large. rv h and At- !c assort
ment of
t'i which the attention of the publie is invin •). bring on
fiilentthnt he ran oiler inducements In C ASM pnrrha-rf*
which will amply pay focan < xaminnOon f his stink.
Hi* stock of I.AOIKS Dussw Goons is ci mpiete cumivt
ing <>f corded, watered. plain, black. clinHgvalde end plaid
Silks : plain anil plaid Merinos ; nil wo<d Itelainc- ; pbuai
and tignred Cashmeres: Mou-lin delaines. I'nrwettas,
challi De brines. plain and twilled Persian cloth. Debnges,
Alpaccax, Gineti am-, d'rints. ,Vc,
ALSO. SHAWLS—a large and raag?:iffrent assortment of
Rrocha Long and Sijnare Shawls, plain woolen long and
square do.
I.A inks' CI.OTH.S- -All colors, ami trimmings.
EMHKOIUKKIK.* —The Largest and ebeufn-t assortment of
Isolies embroidered collars, sleeves, bands and tloiineinirs,
edgings and inserting*, ever offered for sale inTowatrdv.
Also, real thread, Smyrna, bobbin ar.d cotton edgings, ail
widths and prices.
WHIT:: AND Ihnkn Goons, of every description, and of
nil qualities.
HllL'sk FVUNISHING (Ioons— DOUBLE and single fold Da
masks of various kinds: emhroidered and lacecwrtirftu,
all qualities ; window shades and trimmings ; bleached
and unbleached table linens; napkins, colored table
spreads of various kinds, counterpanes. linen sheetings,
rose blankets, gilt cornices and pins, amir rods. An. Ac.
Clove* AMI HOST cur—Everything in this lino tor In
dies, misses, children, men and'boys.
colored Cloths of eVery qalitv and price, plaiu mxi faney
Cassimerew, fancy velvets, plain and figured givitardina,
plain and figured silk, black satin and cashmere Vesting",
and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jearts, satti
netts, sheep grey*. Ac.
DOMESTICS —Of every desorijrtinn, purchased at vury
close figures and otiered low. Flannels of every grade auu
CAKPBTINOS —AII qualities, ingrain and .stair carpeting*,
oil cloths, Rush Mattings. Druggets, Ac.
YANKEE NOTIONS —AImost everything in the lino, whole
sale and retail. * " -
HATS A CATS. — An assortment ; uneqiinled in Northern
Pennsylvania of Mens'A Hoys hat-and caps, comprtsltig
everv variety of silk, brown,"pearl and black fur Hut*
Cloth, Plush ihhl Fur Caps.
BOOTS A Shoes —ln this department there Is. nor never
has lieen in this market anything to compete with this
stock, in quality, quantify and price, which it won Id he
greatly to the interest of every man. woman and child to
examine who wishes to pim
ln addition to the above enumerated articles there will
alwavs Is- found a full assortment of Groceries. Hardware,
Crockery and Glass-ware-. Puints. Oils, and Dye Stuff's.
Is-ather and Shoe Findings. Ae.. Ac.
| To his old Frieuds*and Customers, the subscribe*! 1 would
! take this method of expressing his gratitude for their file
nil patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it. and to
j others would extend an invitation to examine his stock,
being confident lie can make it for their interest to do so.
Towanda. Oct. 1. is.lo. ■. JOSEPH POWELL.
11. S. MERCUR,
ust received his
' RIES, a large assortment of lIAKDW'ARK, including
Humr*t and Carriage Trimmiugx, and Joiner's Toot* 01
every description ; Hoots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe find
'ngs. Hats, Caps, and I' : Paper Hangings and
Window Sliadqs ; Carpets and Drugget: Oils Paints and
Dye stuffs ; Crockery and Glassware; Iron, Steel and
Xails ; \\ iiidowglass ami Sa.-h ; Cainphine. Burning Flu
id and Varnishes of every kind : Pails, Tubs. Mats. Ao.,
Ae., which will be sold as usual, very cheap for Ca h.
Towanta, October 1, Is.'.j,
HAS just received a full supply of FAM
ILY GROCERIES, which he will sell cheap for
Cash. Thankful for the very libera! palroiiage extended
to him during the past season, he would most respectfully
ask a continuance of the same. "
Cash paid for most kinds of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and
Farmer s Produce generally. October lb, 1*55.
k )| Wj! 1 BUSH. BYK wanted immediately
TV ) for which the highest market price in c;uh
will be paid. Oct. 12. E. T. FOX.
ground, at OttS FOX'S.
J. Harvey Phinny, Jr.
IS just receiving a general assortment of FALL A WIN
TER GOODS, consisting of the usual variety of
Dry f/oods, Groceries, Hard tea re. Crockery,
Classic a re, Boots 4* Shoes, Paints,
Oils, Glass, Dyes, <s•<:., i\c.
all of which will lie sold as usual for Cash, or exrhaneod
for Produce cheaper than can l.e had at auv other store iu
Towanda. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for cash
will do well to call and examine his sto< k and prices, cor
ner of Bridge and Main streets.
paid for Ratter. Park and Grain. Oct 20
Wholesale ami retail dealer in
Portable Saw-Mills, Clover Hollers and Fetxl Cutters,
Emerv's Cider Mills. Apple Parers,
(Tow's and Kelsey's and other Gravn Cradles, Soythcs,
and otlier Harvesting Tools.
Ketehum's and other Mowing and Reaping MachiTine.
Seymour's Grain Drills, Broad east Seed Sowers, Ac.
Manufacturer of
Peters' Celebrated PAN XtfXXiZiS,
Which 1 am prepared to sell at either WHOLESALE OR
RETAIL, mi very favorable ti rms.
These mills are warranted second to none in the United
States, for durability, efficiency and simplicity, ami wi 1
d'i in the best manner and rapidly, all kinds of chaffing
and cleaning all kinds of Grain. Grass Heed, Ac.
g* Warranted to chaff lit for market, from t<> to fa)
bushels of Wheat per hour. Orders solicited.
Xovember 1, 1 R. M. WFI.LES.
Corn Shelters at Wholesale and Retail.
I AM prepared to sell as above, on very fa
. vorahle terms, the REST COKX SfIELEERS ever
sold in Bradford County.
W here two or more Corn Sliellcrs are wanted iu one
neiuhborhiMid. I will deliver them at a-mall charge extra.
Price of Shelter, with single balance wheel, 00
do double do S 50,
Farmers are invited to examine them.
Athens, I'a., Nov. 1, 1K55. 1!. M. WELLES.
lrcrai/scUle, Bradford County. Pa.
PHXC'IPAL— J- L. OVEBFIEI.D, A. B.; Preceptress,
MISS R. X. UOKTOX ; A -i-tant do.. MISS M. E.
R \RNKS. The second term of the above institution will
commence on WKDNESDAN , DECEMBER .ith. Circu
lars with complete details, may lie obtained from the Prin
cipal, or from either of the following
RKKKRKNCKS —Rev. George lainuou. Ilerrii kville : Rev.
J.C. Warren, S. DeW'itt.M. 1 1 .. Leßay-vil'e: D. P. laicey
M. D., Camptown : Rev. Peck, Lime Hill. 12
cptllE citizens of Towanda who have had children nt-
L tending the Public school during the past six m >iiths
have requested the suhscritier toe uitinue his labors at the
same place during the pr; cut winter.
The Towanda IS<irongh Schu-1 will the: ofore open as a
SELECT SCHOOL, on Wedne-day. Decetulicr 12th in-t.
Reading. Writing, Orthography, Geography and |
Mental Arithmetic.
Arithmetic. Knglish (irammar. Comjiositivn and I 50
Declamation. Ae. t
Algebra. Natural Philosophv, Higher Arithmc- [ t j
tic. Ac. I
For fuel, there will be charged extra,
Rills will tie made out at the middle of the quarter.
None will be admitted for less than half the term.
Towamhi, Dec. :t, Is.Vh _ G. W. WHITNEY.
DISSOLUTION. —The partmM-ship hereto
fore existiogtietweenthe sutisi-ritiers.d dtiglmsiness
in the name of T. HUMPHREY A CO. at Orwell. Penn'a,
Hooper's Valley and Smitlilioro, X. Y.. is this day di-so|\ -
ed by mutual consent. All debts due the firm must ho
settled with T- Humphrey, lie havingpuichascd theeutiio
intenwt of his as eciatcs. and l>eiug ah'UC anth--r : 'c.| 1.1
sign in liquidation Ml debts fine by tlu-tiinn should also
Is- presented to T. lluniphrev lie haling agreed to pa 1 the
same. ' Hl'MPHlilA
' V RHfOWV >:i
Orwell ib-t I.V-.i.i s liMfn?