Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 24, 1855, Image 3
Fibe in- Alexandria. — Fall "?tl Buildir.g Walls.—Fearful loss of V'\ \ correspondent of the Washington • 'writ 'ii" from Alexandria, A a., on Satur p.ornibff, ffivcs the particulars of a fearful rt in that city, caused hy a fire in the w ; • oust of James T. Dowell, 011 King 'l'.' p ritig the progress of the fire the . v . a '|! ,f the building fell and buried uu- T.- iV-- ruins a number of firemen. •,.'1 . . hit named persons have been ta r from the ruins : ■'"'j v Itoieh, much injured, since died ; V rt'.i. Tavlor, dead ; George Plain, dead; \,,j,ich, Jr., dead ; Carson Green,, of f„V- . Wise & Green, dead ; W. S. Evans, .I;! Hies Keane, dead ; F. A. Marbury, j.Rv'; ; : 11 red : David Williams, slightly in .l ■' (' J. Wise, slightly wounded ; Win. I ! i rt, wounded ;K. H. Stone, bruised ; p . m' (colored,) thigh broken and seri ' ~'*v hunii'd ; since died. Others yet remain I •, ...j,. uth the ruins, and little hopes are cute'rtaiiied of extricating them alive. bv Weight. —At Pittsburg, several , . !•;. l.i cn arrested and fined, for viola ■"",r ,i : -,;inance in relation to the weight of 1 "sti. Served right. Towanda Market—Wholesale Price 3. ,fr, —./•[.•(' to ■ lelv Lv F.T. FOX, Dealer in Provisions ami I . . \r. 1. 1 >ri■ kI! '.v, who will piy Cash, at the ■ • V- ! ' r the articles in this list:] • | ni' 1 ,bbl $lO 00 fit ( '.•••■' " 21 00 (ii 24 00 . bushel,. ... 1 ->0 (ii 1 7.-, Varfwheat.'.. " 3s & 50 tmts " 3! 01 81 Of. 31 Of. 37* .... 1 27 'X " fete,::.. •* ... 100 r, 4 ; .. 1b.... 17 ( >C 20 •' 6 (•% 10 ' . " .... <j Oe. 12* [ Peaches " .... 12 lie 10 j .*...... 'Zen taj 12 .. ,\f. p.• : t-i ;>, t. :;i t. liy Rev. G. 11. Blake-lee, Mr. i.-' i, yp. HOLS t- >l' M. L. FROST, both of Pome. s M >\;- The regular meetings of UNION f\ :/ :h , . No. ; A. V. M., are held every Wed -i!iy,<'U or preceding the full innon, at 3, P. \ t i .t . . se 'iid \WJne. duv thcroaitcr. .. .J i'ia'l ivor J. Kingfficry's 3to*e, aafollows : sth, at 8, P. M.lOctobeg 21ih, at 3 P. M. ... '•>, " November... 7th, <>* " Mntembcr sth s . " [November... 21st, 3 ... ■, ,| ; th " De ember 6th, C) " ,*• .2d 8, 41 | December. ... 19th, 3 44 i brethren J Standing are invited to attend. .. A. FX 'X ' lIAi'TKU, Xo. 101, holds its regular place, Thursday on or before the full m ja. Meeting for August ..r the" 23d day. E. 11. MASON, Secretary. Xcro Zlbucrtisrtncnts. PELTS WANTED, at •)' hhlj; y; l . IP'--ELL'S, for w hich the high est® will beprnd in CASH. <{ ;I:A IN wanted far Goods, or on ac . ; liiirl:• -t marker price will be paid. cG)I,K LEATHER. — Just receiving an ex tri >r SOLE LEATHER, to which pus a - .ti' ' ii is rc-n 11"-1Hv invited, v 22.1855. ' J. P. HUMPHREY. J. D . HUMPHREY is WiW i:!i Y.tYiN an ex relleat assortment of gent'?, . nddrc i - and misae- BOOTS fc BOGT- A i\ ;s 1 -a L Linings and Findings. v,'PECi \I. I 'M"KT.—Notice is hereby giv i tq it i- .1 <' .art of Common Picas will be I>vW rt H ■ ••• .in Towdnda, in and for the County of i:'!.! cc. ..uncD'-iug au MUX I 1 \V, the 'd-'th day "f "AilV i;-. \t. at I" o'clock, A.M., and to c intinuc for • . week, at wh'n Ull R •'■•. rt G. white will preside, . r tile : klthe f-.11 awing ea ise?, to wit: .-•• . I'. vc'.i vs. H. W. Tra jy, garni-bee of Win. Keel : M it- .ii v-. Ira deaniugs. et id., Ejo'tmeni. • i .I'-i u - 4 clia , .ix v-. Lyaiiui Mat->on, do A'i.v >:i Ilainphn t v-. V iium H'iniuhrv. d: i. LC. I).-' hasteUea x vs. Ira Jennings, et al. d ! made rct-arnabl Janaart 2-th. 185'',. at 10 k. A.M. ALLEN* M'tvi.A N , Prat. Pi th • ary's OTv o. T .w.rida. S -v. 2a. 1 65. V\ ( )M AN 5 B FBI EN 1)! tTirac nnd Jjitbor Saved I>Y rsixo THE GERMAN fIIE.MI ! 9 ~d Era ir< Soap. Made from a Germstn process, tnd, as belt veil, not kimwn to any other manufacturer art 4 le invar n ways daring t!ie pa t -:x months, now '' rit t' the p ibl; a-' p is-cssintr the lullowiug advan -1-t. It may i,o used ( ;ua!;y well with hard or soft wa . i !■ repiii - but h. If tie' ynntity required of other mi] !i*ii theaatne object, tin- ! no ! ii. :.' and but little nibbing, -t:u. m ,1 tiius avoiding their wear upon a i--s ihau one half tlie time and labor to . r . jm.!y, that it requires wth the best t Injure the fabric and tends to set t! • !'■•: ' tiLtig Paint", and removing Grease, 'far, s2 l'n3t< Ink. io uasurtiassrd. '•'•• <'; j 1 1../ go a* far, for anyuit, as 3 pounds ' "j? '•) - on\), or 2 jMmnds of best family soap.— hi i'r - and Painters w ill lind it an invalua - art. m .or wa oiug hands—as it does not chap, but . <! to Rive perfect satisfaction or the money fr: <* rtj annerl. 1 r- ik win. -ale and retail by E. T. FOX. \ DIN ISTRATRIX NOTlCE.— Notice is * * ■ nt!; it rd! persons indebted to the e?- i-.i.i-ii a .11 !'■ ilTMll, deceased,late of Springiield md.- iianietliute payment, aud ail person- I •• .1 .-iiiu-t - lid estate, will present them du t'Jt': nt:■ ated b-r-i-ttleme nt. M!.\'l.i;\'A POTTER, Administratrix. N v. 15. I.'i.V,. M. WELLES, ATllltxs, nit Alt FORI) CO., PA. Vl !. r '!f-:tle and retail dealer in AND WHEtLER'S HORSE POWERS f f'iLF-HFRS AND SEPKRATORS, •i ni.vr:/) tk ft she r & s U-/.V.VO n 'f: its, ••••'' '!-. t'lover lliiUers aud Feed Cutters, ' ' . M.ils, Applt Parers, -■ . "■ slid other Grain Cradles, Scythes, "i'l otiif r Mowing and Reaping Machines, ■.•-■'-r Grain Drills, Broad cast Seed Sowera, &.c. H Manufacturer of /eters' Celebrated FAN MILLS, •-, '! r.-jiurt- lt , sell at either WHOLESALE OP. T Vt rv Lvorable terms. warranted se'ond to none in the United Lv, efliuienev aud simjilicity, and will -' V ,l n '." ner and rapidly, all kind* of chaffing t 'lf ' ' bin-Is of Grain, Grass Seed, Ac. - 4 i 7i i ' '"halT lit for market, from 10 to CO \ he:it per hour. Orders sol kited. "•-s'-i-r 1, l K. M. \VRLLES. 0 a Shellcrs at Wholesale and Retail. j prepared 1o sell ns above, on very fa ■■ . the BEST CORN SUELLEIIS ever County. -.;• . ■'* mye i ,rn Shellers arc wanted in one ;■ ;. t *" deliver tiieni nt a small charge extra. ■ • •ilicr, with single balance wheel, fs 00 Anvr.. I double do S 60 ■ •'Ah", ii f ! |*. ; iud to examine them. i ' Nov. 1.i?55. R. 31. WELLES. Nero iAiDcrtiscments. p REEXLEAFS COMMON SCHOOL " T ARiTUMETIC, approved by the Book Committee of the Tea' hers Association of Bradford County, for sale by the dozen or singly, by JOS- KIXGSBLRY. COME ONE! OOME ALL! And satisfy yourselves that MONTTANYES CO. HAVE the best and most complete assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting of all grades ladie-'and gent's ! woad Chths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain j and fancy ea-ssimeres, sattiuet, tweeds, Kentucky jeans, tlaauels, lin-evs. AH descriptions Dress Goods, such as j black, watered, changeable and plaid Silks, French meri ' uos. Thibet ■!■ ■ th. Scotch wool plaids, brown and black ■ mixed Debt-go*, all wool and figured Delaines, plain and bilk striped A1 parens, Scotch and domestic ginghams, I children - plaids, Merrimack aud other prints, of all vari ctie.-, ! An extensive assortment of hosiery, wrappers, mittens, gloves, Victoria and Bishop lawn, book and jaconet tnus ! litis, honiif t dress trimmings, silk, moire antique, mosi velvet and ribbon Trimmings. Fringes, black aud white silks, linen thread, Maltese, and at! kinds wove liuen and cotton edgings, muslin bands, Collars, under sleeves, che misette-, curtain drapery, brown, blue and black dotted embroidered veils, stocks and gent's collars. A variety of Talmas, gtitl's aud ladies' wool Shawls, Thibet, brochc and other Shawls, India and Zephyr scarfs, children's woollen sleeves, hoods, muffs, assorted colored Scot, h yarn comforters, carpeting, drugget, horse blank i ct-. .liuen table spreads and diapers, counterpanes, ite. lIAKbWAUE.—A large assortment of anvils, vices, screw plates, sledges, mill, cross cut. hand, aud other kinds of saws, n ;ils. files, chains, pump fixtures, squares, plumbs, levels, planes and saw handles, moulding aud bench planes, | House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage and Saddle j ry Trimmings, such as brass and silvered bands, uxletrees, I units, enamelled top-leatlicr and cloth, dash leather, cloth i damask and lace trimmings. Brass, silvered and russet homes, japanned, silvered and brass buckles, bitts, snaps, breeching lings, trace hook chain.-, harness leather, &e. Suok Finding?.—The largest assortnieut in town, con sisting of pegs, lasts, men's and boy's boot trees, crimps, and irms. bristles, threads, all kinds bench tools, ' eel I ball, blacking, bindings, lining morocco, kip. French and American calf skins, cow bide, oak and hemlock le. tber. I'.vints, Oii.s, Ac.—Stone an i te zincs, white and | red lead. Paris chrome aud verdigris give;-, Ohio and other Paints, sugar lead, litherage, Japan varnish, coach, furniture and saddler's varnish.linseed, lamp aud tanner's | oil, alcohol, eampbene, tluid aud putty. Roots and Shoes.—Men's and boy s calf, kip and cow j hide boots and shoes, women's kid, enamelled, morocco, ! calf and kip lace boots, ntorocco, patent leather, cnaniell- j i cd and kid buskins, variety gaiters and slippers, misses',' bay's and infant s shoes, of all descriptions, gent's, l.ulies' . : nns-es' and children's rubber shoes, and ladies' high top j rubber boots. Yankee Notions— will be found of nil kinds.comprising j ladies' and gent's port monnais, India rubber, back, puff, j side aud circle combs, pocket, ivory, shell side and other . combs, gilt, lasting, velvet c.iat and vest buttons, agate, ivory, glass and silk buttons ; razor strops, soaps, brush es. Ac. Ac. The usual large supply of Crockery, Groceries, Hats, Cap-, Bonnets, Furs, Kibes. Ws-h tub". Pails, Measures, S h. Glass, Paper Hangings, Window shades, Umbrellas, | Iron, Steel. Ac." A" 4 CASH is the stuff to buy Goods with. Call and try ' the experiment. Towanda, November 9,1855. DR. MDRSE, HAVING PERMANENTLY LOCAT ed AT MONROETON, offers his professional ser vo i -, t . the public, and hopes by careful attention to me rit a share !' patronage. He tv uld further add tnat a number of years experience in the I'. S. Military Hospitals enables him to speak with coutidem-e of the treatmentx>T Chronic difficulties. 1 tickets, While Swellings, Broraocele, Goitre, and all varieties of j -Scrofula treated with entire success. lie may be found, when not professionally engaged, at ! his residence. Mechanic's street, a few rods west of the Hotel, ready at all times l>> attend rich or poor, night or day. Monroeton, Nov. 1,1855.m3 \ T KW MILCH COW WANTED—En quire at tliisOffice. November 1, 1855. / GROCERIES—CuII and see our Brown, 'J Crushed. Office and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young Hvmui A Black Tea.-—warranted a superior article, or the money refunded—for sale cheap by I>. KIXGSBEKY. I ! OUSE TRIMMINGS —every description I I by jfc'2'J TRACY A MOORE. i Cash paid for Hides. r pilE highest price paid in CASH, for Hides I and skins, by ' JOHN W. WILCOX. June 20, 1*55. OTIEIIIFF'S SALE. — By virtue of a writ iJy in the nature of a Venditioni Exponas, issued out of tl ' t' urt of C.mtnon Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on Monday, Dec. 3, 1b.5.5, at 1 o'clock. P. M. the following property in the borough of Monroe. Beginning at u stone in tlie centre of the state road aft' ■ Berwick turnpike; thence south west 5 7-lU perches uj a atone in the centre of the road, the cor ner of a lot late of Nelson 1). War ford ; thence along the 1 iu-■ of said 1 t north 7-2° west 8 perches ; thence by the sani" north :'j°cast II perches ; thence by the same north 7- west 12 3-lo perches; thence bv the sane and H. S. Phiir." v's line south !.J° west 12 1-10 rods to the line of J. B.'h laud ; tlicnce by the same north 7U4° west i 3-lo rods ; thence by the same north 4° cast 3 rods ; thence by the same north 74i° west 7tJ 2-10 rods to the iir.e of land of A. L. Cranmer and J. B. Smith ; tlicnce by tin line of said Crnnrac-r and Smith north east 7S 3-10 to a comer of lands formerly id'.J. P. Smith ; thence •ng same lands <onth 5 s P east 79 7-10 rods ; thence Jnns -anie south 571° east 27 perches to the line of Or ni'ge Schradcr's ! >t : thence by same south 31*° west : • I-: th ace by line of lots of Orange Schrader. Jacob M.miil, Brown A Rockwell, A brum F<>.\,uiid JosiahPeck :: 1 ■nth !.,'• east 19 2-10 rods to tlie south east comer of JoaiaJi Peckham'a lot; thence by said Peckham'e line m>rth t.V- east li r< ds to tbeccutreof the turnpike; thenec Jong the eeutre of the turnpike south 45° east 33 3-lU n,ds to the place of beginning. Containing forty-two icp s ami thirteen perches, about twenty acres improved, v, .th fruit tree", and a large hotel and two barns thereon erected, .-sold to recover the purchase money from Bauiel Blackman. Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Wirt War ford. by hi? jgu trdians. Kzra J ' Kellogg, Jo-eph B. Smith and James L. Rockweil, administrators of J.J. War ford, deceased, vs. Ethel Taylor, torre tenant of Daniel Black man. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Towanda. Nov. 9, 1855. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice f \- i- hercliy given, that all person* indebted to the es tate of JAMFS li. HORNING, dee'd, late of South Creek twp, are hereby reqeested to make payment without de lay: and a!l jar -on - having claims against said estate will ] please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. 1 HARRIETT A. WHITMORF. November 9,1855. Administratrix. | HANDLES —by the box or single pound, v_y at so pi I'OX'S. IRON, Round, Square, Tire, Band <fe Scroll, . Ml quidit'es and size-. TRAC'Y A MOORE. I IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post J J Office at TOWANDA November 15, 1555. Agney Mary Lynch Michael AHiway Sarah Leahv Jobn A'Heafn James Lei ii* Isaiah B. Boyle Mary M'Parland Pete Barrit Richard M'Xamarra ilichael Brown Doct. Moore Cornelius Biles Wm. S. Mahoney John B jwen J. A. Murphy John It, k Mrs. C. E. Magl.athlin 11. B. Brcnen Andrew Mrgau Daniel Bennett Stephen Manning George B iltmans M try Newman Henry Cam Catherine O'l.eary Arthur Cnngley Thos. O'Donohoe Mary Cham pi in Hester Patterson Hamilton Carrol! Timothy Pierce W. Cone! John Roberts Milton 2 Cole Henrv S. Ruv Jacob Cronen Patrick Biddell Thomas R. Cuosack Catherine Roberson Wm. Clancy Michael Rice Calep B. Darling Miuue E. Stevens P. Daley Rschtrd Sullivan Timothy Frtel Daniel . Stewart Kmeliuc Frilbie W. S. Sands P. H. Foster Franklin L. Scovil Sarah French Lucius Seovill Jenkins Kitten John Simmon Julius J. Fo.-ter S. B. B<>uthworth lchabod Gofl' George SV. Stanley H. B, <3 teen B. W. Strickland Susan Goff Wells G. .Stone Aaron Hall Wm. Taylor Elind Hearn* Michael Tacke L. L. I lioiton A maxilla 2 Williams Hinckley 2 | Jay L. T. or Ilanibal Well* John J. •; Joiic* Henry IVehb Wm. M. Jennings Nathaniel Wetmorc H. A. ! IstLevi 11. Ward Abraham C. Kerrin James. Walsh Abby i Kev or Phillip Yaw Hiram i Lynch Bridget Zellerbach Anthony. "Persons . ailing for anv of the.-e letter-*, pie i<e mention 1 they are advertised. H- C. PORi KR. P. M. 4 DM INISTB ATRIX NOTlCE—Notice i is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es t tate of RICHARD VARGUSGN,dee'd. late of Dnrell tp. are quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons ; naving claim* against said estate, must jireo-ut tbeni duly : authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber at his rcsl : dence. SARAH VARGUSON, Dnrell, Nov. 15, 1855. Administratrix. DRFED APPLES—a few first rate opes, for eale at j!10 I OX3. Lena! 'AbocrUacmfnts. SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of u certain k3 writ of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on Monday, November 19, 1855, at 1 o'clock, P. M.tbe following lot, piece or parcel of bind sit uate in Litchfield twp.. and bounded 011 the north by land of John Rogers, cast by land of Edward Barton and James Campbell, South by land of John Layton and Henry Kev ser. and west by lands Wm. Spencer, Emly Drake, atid John Fdsall. containing IGO acres more or less, about 125 acres improved, with a framed house, a log house, a fram ed barn and shed and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield twp., hounded north by lands of Jonathan Hunt, east bv lands of Jonathan Hunt "and John 1). Kortright, south by lands of John D. Kortright, and west by laud of John Rogers and Johnson Rogers, containing 53 acres more or less, about 17 acres improved with a log house, a log stable and a sawmill thereou. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Barstow A Kirbv vs. James Lurcock. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 24,1855. SV Notice is hereby given, that an amount eqnal to the costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of laud will again be offer ed for sale, John A. Coddixg. OHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of YJ ti. fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, 1 shall expose to public sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on Saturday the Ist day of Decmber, 1855, at 1 o'clock, P. M. the following described lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Athens twp., bounded 011 the north bv lands of Giles Hoyt, east by lands of T. C. Roberts and fra Klsbree, south bv Franklin Murray, and west by lauds of Josephus Yanveeliton, containing about 40 acres, more or less,about 15 acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. C. Har ris vs. 1). T. Vanvechton. J. A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda. October 31, 1855. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry 1-3 writs of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed, will l.e exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on MONDAY December 3d, 1855, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens twp.. bounded on the north by laud of Elliott Sherman, east by laud of Lyman Ames, south by land of Peter Crutn, and 011 the west by land of Erastus Wolcott, containing about 33 acres more or less, about 2 acres improved, one log bouse thereon. ALSO—A lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens twp.. bounded ou the north by lands of Erastus Wol.-ott and Pi leg Sanford. east by Erastus Wolcott and Jacob Kirkendall, south by land of Sclinus Califf, and on the west by lands belonging to the estate of l'lumley Gillett dee'd., containing about 50 acres more or less. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Athens twp., bounded on the north by lands bel-iugiugto the estate of Pluniley Gillett. dee'd., east by lands ol' Se linas Califf, South by the Athens and Suiithfield township liue, aud west by land of l.yinau Ames and James Green, containing about 58 acres more or less, about 25 acres im proved, ami a few fruit trees thereon. Seized und taken iu execution at the suit of Welles k Harris vs. David J. Gillett. Also at the suit of Lucius Truman vs. David J. Gillett, ALSO—The defendants interest, supposed to be the undivided half of the following described lot, piece or par cel of land situate in the boro' of Towanda, bounded north by Henry E-senwinc's lot, east by Main street, south by lands of John K. Means, and west by Second street, con taining one hundred aud seven feet front aud two hun dred and ninety-four feet deep, be the same more or less, all improved, with a large framed Foundry building aud Machine Shop, Ac., Ac., thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the boro' of Towanda, bounded as follows : Beginning on the east line of Third street, on a line between lands of John F. Means and O. D. Bartlett, thence easterly 147 feet to the rear of J. M'lntosh's lot, thence three and half de grees, west 50 feet to a corner, thence north sC.j degrees, west 147 feet to the east line of Third street, thence north 31 degrees, east 50 feet to the place of beginning, contain ing 147 by 50 feet of land, be the same more or le.->s, all improved, with a two story framed dwelling house aud one small out building thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph Powell vs. 11. L. Laincraux. Al-o Samuel Banting to the use of Joseph Powell vs. H. L. Lameraux. Also at the suit of Joseph Powell vs. H. L. Laniereux. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Suiithfield twp., bounded north by land of L. S. Gates, east by lands of E. I>. Brigham, south by the road lending from Athens to Smith field, aud west by lands of L. S. Gates, containing ** acres more or less, about 4 acres im proved, one saw-rail!, a board shanty aud a framed barn thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Sniithficld twp.. bounded and described as follows : Re ginning at a hemlock sapling on the south line of lot No. 1490. for the northwest corner of lot No. 5, Bingham lands sold to F. Quick, thence along said line east 115 and 7-10 perches to a hemlock for the northeast corner of said Quick's lot, thence on the west side of Nelson Keoler's lot 107 and 1-10 rods to a stake, thence west 42 and 9-10 per ches to a hemlock, thence south 1 and 1-4 degrees, west 100 rods to the place of beginning, containing 75 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Guy Tracy vs. Luther H. Child. Also at the suit of Dorvilla I-'rd to the use of Franklin Melville vs. Luther H. Child. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wilm it twp., bounded on the north by lands of Samuel Haggcrty, west by lands of Alvah Heath, south by lauds of Edward and Erastus Shepard. east by Daniel Welles and Thomas Stevens, containing about *0 acres more or less, about 20 acres improved, one log house, log barn, log shed and orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Hor ton vs. David Bennett. A LSO—The defendants interest in the following lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in Suiithfield t wp., bounded 011 the e i-t aud south by the highway, on the north and west by lands of Robert Tracy, containing about 8 acres more or less all improved, with one framed house, framed barn, blacksmith shop and fruit trees thereon—(Alvin Arnold's lot.) ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Smitlifield twp., bounded north by Montetia Set-ley. cast by land of Joint Watkins, south by the highway, ami we.-t by land of Hannah Arnold, containing about fifty acres more or less, about thirty acres improved, "ne framed house and orchard of fruit trees thereon. (David Arnold's lot.) Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A Harris to the use of Jesse Spalding vs. David Arnold and Alvin Arnold. ALSO—The defendants interest in the following de scribed lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Wyalusing township, bounded north by lands ol Flias Vaughn, ea.-t by lands of John X Hartley and Sanford B. Overton, south by the public road, aud west by lands of Sanford 15. Over toil, containing thirty acres more or less, all improved, with a small framed house, framed baru aud some fruit trees trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy A Moore vs. Henry Donley. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land "Ha ute in Springfield twp., bounded 011 the north by the t.'oun ty road or public highway,east by lands of James Philips, South and west by lands of Thomas Pyue and Elam Ben nett, containing about 50 acres more or less, about twelve acres improved, one framed house, framed cooper shop, framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Mc- Kcan to the use of Akiraiu Pierce vs. Samuel Faulkner. ALSO—The defendants interest in the following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ite iu I a-1 toy twp., bounded on tlie North and east by lands of John Hammond, south by the Towanda creek, and west by lands belonging to tin estate of Set-ley Holcoinb di-i-'d.,e<iiitaiiiing about 20 acres more or less, all improved, three log houses, two framed barns, one saw-mill, blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees thereon. AI .SO—One other lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in LcKoy tap., bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Bit li ve vn, east by lands of V. Bruce, south by land of Jesse \Varbleton, and west by lands of I'. .Shoemaker, Philander llosley. Seth Haxton, and by lands now or formerly own ed by Mark l'orter, containing about 50 acres more or leas, about twelve acres improved, one log house, log burn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N'edebiah Smith 2d, to the use of E. Pomeroy vs. Ellis Hogelaml. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Durell twp., bounded on the north and east by land belonging to the estate of Sarah Butler, dee'd., on the south liv lauds of John Benjamin, and on the west by land of Philo Mingus,containing seventy-six acres more or less, about forty-live acres improved, one plank house, log barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. S. Brad ley, assignee of O. D. Chamberlin vs. Samuel C'hilson. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Durell two., hounded on the north by lauds now in possession of John Johnson, east by lands of Samuel \ an derpool and the Benjamin Aeklev farm originally, now occupied by 8. S. Bradley, sontu by lands of Moans A Storrs. and west by the Wm. Morrison tract, now owned by David Cash, containing about 450 acres more or less, about 50 acres improved, four plauk and framed houses, and one framed barn thereon. ALSO One other piece or parcel of land situate in Du rell twp., bounded on the north by lands of Emma Jane Smith, on the east by the Susquehanna river, on the south by O. A. Holden, and on the west by the Sarah Morrison tract, containing about 160 acres more or les-uabout 70 acres improved, one double saw-mill, one Grist-mill, seven dwel ling houses, three frame barns, two blacksmith shops and two orchards thereon. . 4l _ , ALSO—A cluster of Islands lying in the Susquehanna river, opposite the said mills and known as the Gordon and Acfcley Islands, containing about forty acres more or less, partly improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sanders & Crook to the use of William Peters vs. Israel Smith. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of laml situate in Wilinot twp., bounded on the north by kinds of Nelson Vanderpool and J. G. Browu, east by land of Patrick M'Guyre and Samuel Haggerty. south by land of A Uesth ana west by land of Nelson Vanderpool,con taining one. hundred acres more or less, ahont fifty acres improved, with two leg house*, one plank hor.e. one log Legal burn with sheds attached. a steam saw-uiijl and a plank wagon shed, uid an or !'<tld of fruit trees thereou. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land situate in Wilmot twp., bounded north by land of Patrick M'Gayre. east by land of Daniel Welles, south by lands of Edwani and Erastus Sbafiard, and v est by land of A. Heath, con taining 50 acres more or less, ten acres improved! Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. X. Shlp mau vs. J. 8. Castor and L. White. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin twp„ bounded north by the Tow anda Creek, east by land of Charles Stevens," south by lands (owners name unknown,) and west bv lauds of Win. Williams, containing 130 acres, more or less, about 40 acres improved, with framed house, a log barn and some fruit trees there on—also, a framed house used for a barn. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. Cham pion now to the use of a. D. Montanye vs. Ransom Payne. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Wyalnsiug twp., bounded north by Philip C. Angle, cast by land of John Jl'Allister and John Terry, south by lands of Richard M'Phersou and Charles Hornet, and west by lands of Xolson Jennings and Patrick Boyl. containing 73A acres be the same more or less, about 40 acres improved with a log house, a framed barn, a corn house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Holly vs. E. D. Holmes. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Burlington twp., (now West Burlington) bounded on the north by lands of Ezra Godard, eu-t by lands of R. H. Ward. South by the highway leading from Burlington lioro' to Troy, and on the west by lands ol H. K. Stevens, containing about one acre more or less, all impwved, one framed house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Nancy Woodin to trie use of Win. 11. Peek vs. Harrison Adams. ALSO—The billowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens boro bounded north by laud of E. H. Perkins, east by the Susquehanna river, south by laud of Edward Drake,and we-t by Main street, containing one acre more or less, ail improved with a framed house and barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. C. Har ris to the use of H. W. Patri. k vs. Johu Miers. ALSO—The undivided one Halt of the following lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Litchfield twp., bounded ••n the north and , a.-t by laud-, belonging to the estate of Reuhin Park, dee'd., south and west by laud in possession of Hiram 1! gors, containing ..1/ >ut two acres and lib per ches, more or less, all improved, with a saw-mill, one two story framed building lately occupied as a store and dwel ling ii "i-e, two li.uued or plank dwelling hou-es, and board shanty used 1 r a hat shop, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of 11. W. Pat rick vs. Orson Rickey. A LSl)—The following 1 it. piece or parcel of land situ ate iu Wy ox twp., botiiuil d on the noth bv lands of Ly man. Tr,mi' II and R- urand Whitney, ea-t by land of Squire Benjamin, so -1 1 1 by lands of Joshua Lamphcreand Joseph t-uukhu and west by lauds ol Joseph C'onklin and l'oitieroy Gor-lme jr.. eont lining about of'jj acres inore or less, 44 acres improved, with one log house, trained barn and an orchard of fruit tree, thereon. Seized and taken iu exen.lion at the suit of Slyer and Allen to the use of ( Wiper, Stoner & Smith, now to u.-e ol 11. W . Tracy, and now to the use of Charles Bennett vs. Win. cart. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu Pike two., bounded north by lands of J.S. Roberts, ea-t by 1 mils of IKtriuan Briggs and J. Burrows, south bv lands of George Lewis, and west by lauds of Henry L. Steven... eunt.aiuing 10b acres more or less, with 80 acres improved, a framed house, a framed barn, a fram ed horse barn, and other out buildings, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of I). Bailee and Son to the use of A. S. Smith vs. G. 11. Lewis and it. C. Conlbaugh. ALSO The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate iu Sheshequin twp., bounded north by lands of Golf, ea .t by lands ot John Horton, south by binds of s.imuel Vansiee. and west by lands of Abigail Swain, containing sixty-four acres more or less, about 40 acres improved, with a framed house, a framed barn and a log shop and -ome fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Silas Payne now to tiie use of J. W. Woodburu vs. Abraham Payne and Hansom Payne. ALSO—The following lot piece or parrel of land situate in Shesliequiu twp., bounded north by lauds of John Mc- Koau, east by lands of Richard Johnson, south by lands of Roswcll Goodell. and west by lands of George Rogers, containing at. ut 25 a i. s more or less, about 15 acres im proved, three I g houses, one log shed and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Storrs A Jones to the u-.c o; E. J. i unplx ll v-. Philander M iris. Also,at the suit ol St"r: s A Junes to the use, of E. J. Campbell vs. Hezekiah Morris. Also, at the suit oi Alien A Stores to the use of E. J. Campbell v-. Hezekiah Morris and Philander Morris. Al.SU—The follow ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Herriek tw 0., bounded north by lands of A. it. Brown, east by lands of X. B. Wet more, south by lands of George Perkins and west by lands of Nelson Marsh containing about :> of an ;o re, m■•re or less, all improved, with a framed house, a blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees tliereon. Seized and taken in ex ution at the suit of Charles Piatt, now to the u.-o ol George C. Atwood vs. Voluey D.' Itosengrant. ALSO—-The defendants interest in the following de scribed h>t. pie. e or parcel of land .situate in Litchfield twp. and bounded north by lands of Huston Munn, east by lauds of Barton Campbell, south by Henry J. Miller, and we>t by Ji-s.-e Brown, containing four ai res, more or less all improved, v. Ah a plank house tliereon. Seized and taken iu exe ution at the suit of William Sin-ebaugh \ . 11. A A. Siiis.c•! augh. ALSO - T!u- following lot. piece or par el of land situate in Warren township, bounded north by lands of Curtis Bee man : east and south by lands of Calvin Buflingtou ; and C. F. Case ; and west by the public road. Contain ing two and a half a res, more or less, ail improved, with a new framed dwelling house and a framed flax-mill there on. with all i i defendant's interest, rights and privileges in mill race, il.mi, pond, ix ALSO- One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the township aforesaid, hounded north by lands of Hora tio Bo wen Jai k-.nn Whittaket ; east i y lands ot Hen ry Whiyarfß i j.x: south by land of Benjamin Bowen; and west by Job Tibia t- and Perry Bowen. Containing one hundred and four am s, more or less, with fifty acres im proved. and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and ! ikcu in execution at the suit of R. C. Buf lingtou and Ci!e- X. lb-Wolf, executors of Benjamin Buf tington, deceased, v-. David Manchester and Thomas B. Coruall. Al.SU—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate iu Burlington township, bounded north by lauds of Horace B. Pratt and C. E. Welles : east by lands of Daniel Perry: south by lands of John Pratt : and west by lands ol Jesse B. McLean. Containing about forty-two and a half acres, more or about thirty acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in i xr out ion at the suit of William S. Dobbins vs. Peter J. Yroman. ALSO—The following 1 it, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Overton town., hip, bounded on the north by lands of Patrick Callahan ; cast by lands of James Shccdy and John Flynn : south by lands of Patrick Leady ; and west by Richard Bedford and Patrick Cusack. Containing about eighty-live acres, forty acres thereof improved, with a log house and log burn thereon, with a large tipple or chard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thos. Leahy to tin use ot I". Mercur. \ ;>. Patrick Cusack and Catharine Cusack. JOIIX A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, (_ Towauda, Oct 37, 1855. \ Hi)' Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the costs, will l.e required t > be paid upon each sale when struck d >wn to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be otter nl for sale. J. A. Connive. o court SALE. I* Y virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court * of Bradford County, will be sold at public sale on the 2Uth day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. at the house occupied by the widow of Ainos Green, dee'd,. in Orwell town hip. the interest late of said Amos Green, dee'd., in all that fit, piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell aforesaid, and described as follow s :—Bounded on the North by lands of Elijah Walker, on the ea-t by lands of Abraham French and Cook, on the south by Wni. Knapp. and on the went by lands set i ll' to Dolly Green, containing 32 acres, abort 11 thereof improved. Terms made known on day of sale. NELSON BARNES, October 30, 1-55. Adm'r. of Amos Green, dee'd. tEXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Noticeishere 'J by given that letters t stamentary upon the e.- tate of Caleb C-True, dee'd., late "f Warren twp.. have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims.upon said estate to present them dnlv attested tor settlement to the subscriber. \\ 11. LI AM GItEEX, Executor. October 30. 1855. DM INI ST K A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of IRA GRISWOLD, dee'd., late of Ridgbery Town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claim, against said estate will please present them duly authenticated forscttlenieut. BENJ. IIALSTED, Administrator. Ridgbery, June 18, 1-55. A ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice 1 V is hereby given, that ul! persons indebted to tlie es tate of Isaac. 1! iseucrants, deceased, late of Asylum twp., are requested tf> maki- payment without delay ; and those having demand-against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS SiiUMWAY, Administrator. June 14, 1855. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice xjL is hereliy given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ofWm. HORNING dee'd., late of South Creek tp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons haeiuging claims against said estate will please present them dulv aiuhenticaied for settlement. CATu \RINL HORNING, Administratrix. .Tunc l e , 1855, Legal 'AiJocrliemcntg. V CDI TOR'S NOTICE. — 11. W. Patrick -55 A_ eg. Orson Rickey. In the Court of Cotnniou PLui of Bradford Co. X'>. 160. September Term, 1855. The- undersigned Auditor appointed bv said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sherill sale of defendant'! personal property, will attend to the duties assigned him at the office of Patrick A McAlpln, in the borough of Ath ena, ou Wednesday, the 14th day of November, at 10, A. M. when and where all persons having claims are request ed to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. Oct, 1. 1855, D'A. OVERTON, Auditor. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Thomas Ingham, dee'd, late of Asylum township, are hereby requested to muke payment without delay; and all persons havifig claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. Oct. 16, i*ss. JOSEPH W. LVGHAM. Adm'r. IjpXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AII persona in 1J dented to the e.-tate of MARY CARMI'.R. deceased, late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. WILLIAM CARMKR, Litchfield. October 20. 1855. Executor. "VTOTICE TO ASSESSORS. —Thejseveral AX Assessors for 185 C, will make lheir returns iu the following order, viz : Assessors for Litchfield, Windham,Warrcn, Sheshequin. Rome and Orwell, on Monday, Nov. 20. For I'ike, WvaTusiug, Tuscarora, Standing Stoae, Wy sox and Herriek, Tuesday, November 27. For Atken tp., Athens boro', Ulster, Wells, South Creek, Ridgberry ami Springfield, Wednesday, November 28. For Smithlield, Troy township, Troy boro', Columbia, Sylvauia boro', Armenia and Canton, Thursday, Nov. 2fi. For Lc-Roy, Granville, Franklin, Overton, Albany, Wii mot, Asvluni and Dureli, Friday, November 3d. For .ifonrue tp., Monroe boro , Burlington, Burlington West. Burliiigtoa boro', Towanda tp., To war. da borough, and Towauda North, Saturday, December 1. #"s~The Asses-djfc will be careful in footing the assess ments aud carrying each person's valuation into the right hand column, and also in making their returns on the day designated ?u their warrants. By order of the Commissioners, Oct. 15. K. M. FARRAR. Clerk. " T'ZSn AND PHILOSOPHY." DR. JOHN M'INTOSH, Would inform the inhabitants of Bradford county that he respectfully solicits GOO subscribers for his local wuik entitled " FISH AND PHILOSOPHY, or Sketches made During a Short S >journ in Northern Pennsylvania." The book will consist of from 250 to 300 pages, 12rn0., and will be bound in embo.-sed mii-.lia. The price will be SI.OO. As the work was not written to vindicate any particular theory, or to advance any particular inte rest. it is difficult to say what it aims at—further than to help while away a leisure hour or two, in what the Au thor hopes, not unprofitable reading. The pages are chiefly devoted to descriptions of local scenery ; incidents while Trouting on the Schrader branch; literary criticisms aud reminiscences ; conversations, de velopments of local character, poetry und philosophical reflections. As the publication of the book is not a question of bread, the author ouu use the liberty of speaking plain. — ' Iu the first place, then, he cannot afford to publish the book uuauied—nor would lie if he could ; for the simple reason, he is unwilling to shoulder the responsibility of committing a—possibly—poor book to the world. He there.ore seeks to make a corporate concern of it. aud thus share with the subscribers the odium of tail (ire, should it fail. It is a purely gratuitous matter, gentle men, sign, or not sign. Iu the second place, the author i- unwilling to have his stock of books added to, by too many hundred copies of a work that failed to redeem the price of its publication ; neither docs he desire the horror of witnessing the awful spectacle of an auto-da-fe, of what cost him so much pains aud time to create ; —for he cer t tinlv would commit to the flames what remained unsold of the edition, should they remain too long ou his hands. He is determined to pay the publisher ou the receipt of the edition, should it be printed, asking no favors; and if GOO subscribers can be bad. he will do so. He can afford, however, to wait, should the 000 refuse to coine to the rescue. The MS will not diminish in value. It will ro maiu as it has done, cherished by the owner, as was cher ished and loved the poor man's one little ewe lamb, that j was unto him as a d auglier." The author will ask no one tj undertake to publish it on the strength of its merits : perhaps from pride, perhaps from a prophetic apprehen sion of it.-, lack of merit. Time—perhaps—will determine if he did well to be influenced by the latter consideration. The autiior will further say, that should the desired uuni bcr of subscriptions tie obtained, he will feel tempted to promise an embellished frontispiece.enclosing a medallion likeness or the principal character, Dr. I'lum. And should a second edition follow, he—the author—will exert alljthe influence he can command to secure for the original sufc -eri tiers a lock of that distinguished individual's hair; as thank Heaven, he is appreciative, aud, judging from his antecedents, the author has no doubt that Plum would ' gladly wear a wig for a whole year, to have the pleasure of furnishing to his friends so interesting a souvenir. j Tlie publication of the book, then, i dependent on the receipt of GOO subscribers, aud one month will be allowed : for names to be given in. If, at the expiration of that time I only one person has subscribed, or any other number be twfc-u that and Goo—unless very closely approximating it —the book will not of cour-e be expected to see the light. But, if the entire number be obtained, those who have signed, will, iu three months from the closing of the sub sciipiiiiu lists, be supplied with a copy, or copies, as they may have ordered. Subscription list- will be opened on Monday next,at all the -tore.-, and at the P. O. in the borough ; and at C. 11. Hkkuick's. at Athens. At Burlington, there will be ont at Messrs. Long & Mxkby's store, and at Ulster Mr. John Mar ii kic , and at Monroe, Mr. Sevmock Puixsey, will act as agents. Others may lie authorized. Towanda, October 13, 1855. MA XL PACKET-BOAT GAZELLE. TOWANDA AND WAVERLEY. THE undersigned have placed upon the line between Towauda aud tVaverley, a new Packet, built express ly for the travel between tlie above and the intermediate points. The "GAZELLE*' is neatly-fitted up,and may be relied upon as always being "on time." The hours of arrival and departure will be arranged in conformity with tlie time tables on the N. Y. and Erie Railroad. At present, leave Towanda tor Waverley, at 1 j o'clock. P. M., precisely. Leave Waverley, at 71 o'clock, A. M., or immediately after the arrival of the mail train from the East. POWELL A SMITH, Proprietors. Towanda, September 1, 1865. SOUTHERN MILITARY AOAI)E-#GX ku my LOTTERY.—Bv At TiiQKiTV ok thk state op ai.auaua. Conducted on the Havana Plan.—-fli ANOTHER GLORIOUS OPPORTUNITY! Tiie improved scheme in Class W. having been received with such a decidedly favorable demonstration, the Ma nager Likes great pleasure in presenting another beau titully brilliant scheme, offeriug a far more profitable investment than any stock or securities now in market. CLASS X.—To be drawn Dec. loth, 1855, at the city of M intgoinery.when prizes amounting to $30,000 w ill lie dis tributed according to the following unparalleled schedule. Remember One Thotisanei Prizes —Capital I'rize 10,000. CLASS X. 1 Prize of SIO,OOO is 110.000 2 do 2,000 are 4,0( 0 S do s<to are 1,500 11 do 250 are 2,750 10 do 110 are 1,100 17 do 75 are 1.275 43 do 50 are 2.150 83 do 25 are 2,075 300 do 10 are 2.000 530 do 5 are 3.150 1000 Prizes amounting to $30,000 Only Ten Thousand Numbers! Tickets ss—Halvess2 50 —Quarters $1 25. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN. Agent and Manager. Sign of the Bronze Llou. Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 7, 1855. MUSIC. MR. O. BECKER, Tcachrr of Vo •<%£. / cal and Instrumental Music, recently from S'„ Lo uis. Missouri, has the honor to announce to the people of Towanda and vicinity, that lie wishes to engage hini-elt' as Teacher of Vocal Music, Pian ..forte, Guitar. Violin, l-'lute, Violincello. and Thorough-basso, and feels confident that, being educated for the profession, he will give entire satisfaction. Lessons, given in classes, or pri vately. Teaching in families preferred. For particulars apply at the Ward Howe. Oct. 9. TEAS, both Cireen and Black— L from 37$ cents to $1 00—every pound warranted to suit or the money returned in all cases, at FOX'S. Barclay Railroad dc Coal Company. N'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscribers in To wanda boro'and its vicinity to the Stock of the "BAR CLAY RAILROAD A COAL CO," that the remaining instalments ot ten per cent each (being So per share) on said stock, an? required to be paid to K. Ovrrtpn, Esq., the President, or to J. Macfarlane, Esq, the Attorney of said Company ot Towanda, at the times following, to'wit: 4th instalment payable Augiwt 27th, 1855, sth " " September >7th •• Gth " " October 10th " 7th " " November toth " Bth " " December 2*th " fth " " January Slst 1856. 10th " " March 3d " Paymeuts msv also tie made at the office of Laporte, Mason A Co., at Towanda. July ;o. 1655. GEO. F. OAT. Treasmrtr. filcrchani)i;e, & r c. J OSEPH"POWELL TV"' ED respectfully announce Uiat La i.i ag'ain l-cfpi o V V the people with a large, rich and fasLioxiuUc attorn ment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which the attention of the pat.lie if? Invited, bcli J COB fldunt that he can offer inducement* to CASH puruhawgra which will amply pay for an examiujtioii of Li. stock. Hi* stock of LADIES DKLS- GOODS is complete. eoui*t tuif of corded, watered, plain, black, changeable rud puhl Silks ; plain and plaid Merinos ; uil wool Delaines ; plain and figured Cashmeres; Mousiin delaines. Fsruieftap, chaili Delaines, plain and twilled For.ian cloth, Debage*, Alpacens, Ginghams, Prints, Ac, ALSO. SHAWLS —U largo and magnificent assortment of Brocha Long and Squurt Shawls, plain woolen long and square do. LADIES' CLOTHS —All colors, and trimmings. EMBROIDERIES—The largest and cheapest assortment of Ludie. embroidered collars, sleeves, bands and fi unciugs, edgings and inserting!*, ever otiered for -ale iu lowanca. Also, real thread, Smyrna, boLLlu and coltoa edgings, uU widths and prices. Warm ANL> LINEN GOODS, of every description, and of all qualities. HOUSE F I'P.NIKHINO GOODS—Double and single fold Da masks of various kind* : embroidered and lure curtains, all qualities; window shades and trimming-; bleached and unbleached tuhie linens; napkins, colored table spreads ot various kinds, counterpanes, linen rose blankets, gilt cornices and pins, stair rods, Ao. Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY-—Everything IN this lino tor La dies, misses, children, men and beys. BBOADCLOTUS. CASSTMEKCS AND VESTIVGS— BIack and colored Cloths of every qality and price, plain and fancy Cassimeres, fancy velvets, pfoin and figured grenardiy*. plain and figured silk, black satin and cashmere Vcstingg, and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, satU netts, sheep greys, Ac. DOMESTICS—Of every description, purchased at very close figures and olrered low. Flannels of every grade and color. CARPETINGS—AII qualities, ingrain and stair carpcting-R, oil cloths, Bush Mattings, Druggets, Ac. YANKEE NOTIONS—AImost everything,in the line, wLcl sale and retail. If ATS A CAPS.—An assortment unequalcd in Northern Pennsylvania of Mens'A B<ys hats and cap-, comprising everv variety of silk, brown,"pearl and black fur flats. Cloth, Plush* and Fur Caps. BOOTS A SHOES—In this depertmcr.t there Is, nor never has been in this market anything to compote with thia stock, in quality, quantity and price, v. hien it would be greatly to the interest of every man, woman and child to examine who wishes to purchase- In addition to the above enumerated articles thcro will always be found a full assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Crockery and Gla—-ware. Paints, Oil-, and Dye Stuff's. Leather and Shoe Findings, Ac., Ac. To his old Friend, and Customers, the subscribeer would take this meth id of expre-sing his gratitude fortheir libe ral patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it, ar.d to others would extend an invitation to examine Lis stock, being confident he can make it for their intere-t to do so. Towanda. Oct. 1, 1855. JOSEPH POWELL. H. S. MERCUS Has Just received his FALL STOCK OF MERCHANDIZE, /" CONSISTING of DRY GOODS, of everv kind, GRQCE- V RIMS, a large assortment of HARDWARE, including Harness and Carriage Trimmings, and Joiner's Touts cf every description ; Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe find ings. Hats. Caps, and Umbrellas ; Paper Hangings and Window Shades ; Carpets and Drugget: Oils Paint- and Dye stuffs; Crockery and Glassware; Iron, Steel and Nails ; Window glass and Sa.-h ; Camphine, Burning Flu id and Varnishes of every kind : Pails, Tubs, Mats, Ac., Ac., which will be sold as usual, very cheap for Cash. Towanta, October 1, 1855. E. T. FOX HAS just received a fail supply of FAM ILY GROCERIES, which he will sell cheap for Cash. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to him during the past season, he would most respectfully ask u continuance of the same. Cash paid for most kind- of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and Farmer s Produce generally. October 10, XSS6. 9(¥Vi BUSH. RYE wanted immediately " " for which the highest market price In caah will be paid. Oct. 12. t. T. FOX. O PICES, of all kinds, both white and ground hZs —Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at October f. FOX'S. rpURKS ISLAND SALT, both lamps and Jl grout.d, at OctS FOX S. XEW GOODS. J. Harvey Phinrty, Sr. IS Just receiving a general assortment of F ALL A WIN TER GOODS, consisting of the usual variety of Dry Cecils, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, Glassware, Boots <$- Shots, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, s•<:., cVc. all of which will be sold a? usual fur Cash, or exchanged for Produce cheaper than can be had at any other store in Towanda. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for cash will do well to call and examine his stuck and prices, cor ner of Bridge and Main streets. e~< a-h paid fur Butter, Pork and Grain. Oct 20 Another Voice from Wyscx ! A S the subscriber has determined to close the Carriage ; \ Manufacturing business at Myersburg, lit would offer fur -ale at extremely low prices, a number of Carriages, pleasure and Lumber Sleighs, am njr with h, one two liorso carriage, built in the latest st\l", of good material, with leather top, and with doors to back seat ; it being ll. Carriage on which the premium was awarded to the sub scriber at our late County Fair. Also, one, one or two Itorsc carriage, built in Philadelphia style, with door in the side, leather top, with both pole and thills;—it being a trifle heavier than a common one horse carriage—with two scats, (one moveable). Sit id carriages are well trim med with g'tod broadcloth. Also a large quantity of ma teriid for manufacturing carriages, Ac., together with all the tool-, fixtures, forms, Ac.. Ac., and a lot of bent stuff for fancy cutters. All of of which will be sold cheap for Cash-or approved credit. D. MAGNEIi. Myersburg, October 18, 1-55. V.—Left the premises of the subscri- J ber, in Wysox township, on the 14th of September, a two year old BRINDLE HEIKEII, with rather straight horns, and in good condition. Whoever will give me in formation of the said heifer at my residence, opposite tha Towanda Eddy, or at the office of the Bradford Reporter, -hall be suitably rewarded. Wysox, October 2. 1855. RICHARD PICKERING. New Fall and Winter Goods. Joseph XEingsbery, IS NOW RECEIVING HIS PALI. STOCK OF GOODS. Also, HOOKS, STATIONARY, $-C. Towanda, October 3, 1H55. DISSOLUTION*. —The partnership hereto fore existing between the suoscriberE. doing business iu the name of T. HUMPHREY A CO. at Orwell, Peun'a, Hooper's Valley and Sniithboro, N. Y., i.- this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. All debts due the firm must l>e settled with T. Humphrey, lie having purchased the entire iuterest of hi- associates, and living alone authorized to -ign in liquid it ion- All debts dm by theiiirm should also lie presented to X. Humphrey, lie havingagreed to pay thu same. " T. HUMPHREY. N. BROWNSON, Orwell, Oct. 1, 18.55. A. POTTER. New Fall and Winter Goods. Burton Kingrsbctry, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that lie is open ing for piibile inspection, one of the largest .-tocks of GOODS ever brought into this market, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, Binds and Shoes, Nails, Glass, iVc. Embracing an assortment suited to the wants of the pub lic. and which having been purchased for Cash, will ba sold for Ready Pay at price.- which defy competition. en' West side of Main street. Towanda, October 4. 1555. NEW FALL GOODS. Tracy &. JVZoorc, HAVE JUST RECEIVED from NT. York a large and well selected assortment of NAir FALL GOODS, which have been selected with unusual care. and pnrchaa ed at the lowest po-sifile rates. Feeling confident that ws can sell Goods for Ready Pay. an low as any establishment iu the country, we a-k the public to giva us a cull, and examine our stock and prices. Font. 12. 1855. I l*K APPLES —-any quantity wanted at k August 22. FOX'S. TEST RECEIVED, another lot of that *J nice DRIED HEW. *l*o first rate CHEESE. at July 12. 1855. rOT'S. ESTR AY. CAME to the enclosure of the subscriber iu Ucrrick. about the Ist of July, one two year "Id RED HEIFER, and a yearling RED HEIFER. Neither having any particular marks. The owner is re<incsted to take thorn away, pay charges. Ac. WM. 11. 11- JENKINS. Hc-rrick. Sept. 13.1-A3.