Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 17, 1855, Image 3

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    To wanda Market-Wholesale Prices.
i. l wceklv bv E. T. FOX, Dealer in Provisions and
[ r ': rrr :, , ;i:!/vc i, Brick Row, who will pay Ca-sh, at the
c'- fixed, for the article* in tins list:]
', t ill urice J bbl ejn ftO O
Flour, (retail pneej- f 2 1 t <SS 24 Ofl
I'.-.rk. 1
Wheat. .. - 38 50
l!ncknhcat. „ 31
Out- 75 <ih
font. .... 81 (ft
•• 31 © 37^
I'.'tut - ... O .... 125©
i ; " " .... io@
[iri"l Appi • 17® 20
ii tns anil ShVnililei*. " .... © 12J
P.Vi.cs 14 .... 12© 16
i' r " ■ '" " 12 © in!
I-' ;. . . "pdozen © 12
a M \SDNIC.—The regular meetings of I'.YION
A\ I oiKJE, No. 108, A. Y. M., an- held evriy Wed
on or preceding tlie full moon, at 3, P. '
■ ami on each second Wednesday thereafter,
u • II ill, over J. Kingslierv's store, as follows: I
' I." -th, at 8, P. M. October 24th, at 3P. M.
' ~ J -_>-_' d, 3, " Novemlier... .7th,
v 7 ' , "ill 8, " November.... 21st, 3 "
l-uli 3, " December sth, 64 "
.... ' •_>,[ s, " Decern tier ... ItflK, 3 "
' \'l brethren in good standing arc invited to attend.
II j: UNION <"H A PTJITI. No. l<il, hold* jtsYegular
1;,'„ at Vie same plage. Thm -day on or liefqrt; tin full
JV Meeting for August on Hie 2Ad dsv.
° li. 11. MAStjN f Secretary.
. ' ~ . y
Ncui 'Abocrtiocmcnts.
Time Money, and liabor Saved
I) Kr.u-ivc Soap. Made frmn a German process,
, Vieiicvcd. not known to any other manufacturer
I'niti'd State-. The [inqirietors having tested this
in various ways during the past six months, now
•',.r l to the public as possessing the following advan- 1
L'over other washing soap* :
[.-t It may be used equally well with hard or soft wn
' Vl It requires but half the quantity required of other
a , .-rtmplisb the same object,
M ('liith'-s need no boiling ;uul but little rubbing,
-.-IVles none,) thus avoiding their wear upon a
|i'aires ]es- than one half the time and labor to |
: 'the wa-hing •>! a family, that it requires with the best |
f nr'lv ; dues not Injure the fabric aud tends to set
'siTFOT cleaning Paints, and removing Grease, Tar,
V,l Printer's Ink. it io unsnriuissed.
(Ah. (hiep'innii triU g as far, for any use. as 3 pounds
~frmmun rrrin (top. or 2 pounds of best family soap—
Mi liinists. Printers and Painters will find it an invalua
t,!c artieV* fw waidwflg hand*—as it does not chap, but
/va- tlx- -kin.
I! it lrnrninted to gice perfect Sitiqfaction or the money
..J! in refunded.
F. r -ale wholesale and retail by E. T. FOX.
X<s. 17.1 "G.V.
A is lii -.liv giveu that all person- indebted to tin- cs
t ieefEl.Wl \ Jl PlFlTF.R.deceased,late ofSjiringticld
;,.n>lii[(. to make irauu-diate payment, and ail [teraons
:..ivi!ig demands again-t said estate, will present them du
autti-uticaSwd for -s-tth-meiit.
MINERVA I'oTTER, Administratrix.
X<w. li, 1555. i
. \ -is re! . given, that all persons indebted to tlie es
titeotUK'll \ni V ARGFSON .(V-c'd.lale of Dure!! tp. are j
. did to make jiayment without delay : and all pia-snns 3
L-.iag claim- agaiiist -aid estate, must pn'sent tin iu duly '
at jcuti-atisl for .-etth iucut. to the snbi-jTix.)- at his resj-
Imp H. Nov. 15, Js.'io. Aduiiuhtratrix.
I IST OF TIFTTERS remalnmtr In the Post
la office at ToWANDA Nuvcmber 15, |
Vctiey Mara- Lynch Micliaci
\ s : jali laeahy John
VII. in Umct Lerri- Itsu.ilt lk .
[; . > M .rv V Par la iid JVte
iiiimt fiiriianl M 'Naiuorra Michael
!!r urn l>. t. Moore Cornelius
f .s Wm. s. Malioncy John
|; ion J. A. MuriJiy John
lb-el Mr-. C. F_ Mag Latldin 11. B.
iirtis a Andrew Morgan Daniel
itennctt Stephen Manning George
1 dman- Mary Newman Henry
< an Catherine < l'Lcarv Arthur
i rigi.-v Tlios. O'Dmiohoe Mary
<" inu.iin He-ter Patterson Hamilton
( .irp.ll Timothy Pierce W.
( lie! John Rolierts Milton 2
(li-Henrys. Ray Jacob j
1 .an Patrick Riddell Thomas It.
( k Catherine Robersotl Win.
i ay M iiael Rice < alcp li.
Ihrling Minne E. Ftevens P.
Iblci !;=. hard Sullivan Timothy
Krtei li.mie! Stewart Emeline
Frilbie W. S. Sand- P. 11.
lost, r Franklin !►. Scovil Sarah
French T.ucius Scovil I Jenkins
Kitten John Simmon Julius J.
Fo-terS. B. South worth lcliuboil
'Aft George \V. Stanley H. B.
• ■ t'-.-Ti I!. W. Strickland Susan
i...1f Wells G. Stone Aaron
11(11 Wm. Taylor Kliiid
ilearns Michael Tai-ke L. L.
liorton Amazilla 2 Williams Hinckley 2
'it 1- T. or Hani'oal Wells John J.
lies Henry Webb Wm. M.
lining- Nathaniel Wctmore If. A.
Wd Levi If. Ward Abraham C.
Kerrin James. Walsh
Key-cr Pliillip s'aw Hiram
Lynch Bridget Zellcrbacli Antlionv.
I'er-ons calling for any of these letters, please m"ntion
they arc advertised. JL <'. PORTER, P. M.
Wholesale and retail dealer in
tojißi.vKit T nr. SUM; its n w/.v.v o u 'r:ns, \
!, rt-i'ile S iw-Mi!!s, Glover Hollers and Food Cutters,
rv -<" !.-i M ils, Apple Parent,
'•( -.eel Kd-cv's and other <>rain Cradles, Scvtlies,
R trve-tiiig Tools,
k'. a .;n < and other Mowing and Reaping Machines,
syinours (irain Drills, Rroad cast Seed Sowers, Ac.
Manufacturer of
Peters' Celebrated FAN MILLS,
I 'X'V ■ i,n l ,r "parcd to soil at either WHOLESALE Gil
-'■* H.. or, lory favorable terms.
mills arc w.irraiitci! second to none in the l T ni!ed
g r durability, efficiency and simplicity, and will
. z f:c V-t manner and rapidly, all kinds of chaffing
' ""''ling all kinds of Grain, Grass Seed, Ac.
unnted to chafl' lit for market, front 40 to CO
- '\\ per hour. Order* solicited.
N " 1. 1*55. R. M. WELLES.
c °rn Shelicrs at Wholesale and Retail.
J prepared to sell as above, on very fa
; 1 t.-rats, the BEST CORN SMELLERS crer
Bradford County.'
;.","" rp 1 I*"°r 1 *"°r more Corn Sliellers are wanted in one
" l" "' r ''' will deliver tlieni at a small charge extra.
' f i>! SlieUer, with single lialance wheel, <Bl
j- double do 8 50
• s m*r- are invited to examine them.
' "• N"i. I. J8,55. R. M. 4VELI.ES.
I l ' u ' eiielosure of the subscriber in
"b"ut the Ist of July, one two year old RED
" yearling RED HEIFER. Neither having
- I' marks. The owner is rr-ijiic-tcd to take
1i..", ; 1 "' '"barges, WM. H. H. JENKINS.
.— r. k . 13. |K.ya.
\\ "MIEAS my wife MINERVA and I have J
S**-r n 0 , U " ''' :l, ' r, "'< into a mutual agreement to part, and
- 1 r '* ' a, "<'y deal. Tliis is tiiercfore V> forbid all
!*. v <i'i.l.'if 'H"- " r 'resting bcr ou inj account, w- I will
ue (il her contracting after this date.
September 3. 1x55.
<)K| H ) LHS SOLE LEATHER list rc- j
A J l-HSOXS indpbted o Mont any es A i
' u i '" w< l " ra " "idjtnakc payment,otlierw i*e,
tti.rc ~, thtrn to scud a call that will l>e
" evivc ' March 1, 1853.
Xcto "
V-T ARITHMETIC, approved by the Book Committee
of the leaclitiftt Assoc%|ipii of Bndfoff Comity, for sale
by the dozen or (jingly - by JOS. KINGSBURY.
Anil satisfy yourselves that
H AVE the best ami most complete assortment of N KW
GO< >DS. i-oasisting of nil grades lailies : awl gent's
woad Cloths, mantillas, vesting and colored velvets, plain
and fancy eiwirneres, sattinet, tweeds, Kentucky jeans,
tlanuels, I i use vs. All descriptions Dress Goods, sue h as
black, wnti-red. changeable and plaid Silks, French meri
nos, Thib t cloth, Scotph wool plaids, brown and black
mixed DeU-ge.% ail wool and figured Delaines, plain and
► ilk striped Alpnfeas. Scotch and domestic, ginghams,
children's plaids, Merrimack and other print*, f all vari
A'll extensive assortment of hosiery, wrapper*, mittens,
gloves, Victoria and Bishop lawn, book and jaconet mus
lins, bonnet and dress trimmings, silk, moireartt&pie. moss
velvet and ribb >ll Trimmings, Fringes, black and white
sjiks, liueu thread. Mrrttese. and all kinds wove linen ami
cotton edgings, mnsHß bands, collars, under sleeves, che
misettes, cut tain drapery, brown, blue and black dotted
embroidered veils, stocks and" gent's collars.
A variety of Talmas, gent's ami ladies' wool Shawls,
Tlifi*t. biticjie and other Shawls, India and Zephyr scarfo,
children's wjmHen sleeves, bonds, muffs, assorted colored
Scutch yarn comforter*, carpeting, drugget, horse blank
ets. lineu table spreads and diapers, counterpanes, Ac.
II ari>W\\kk—-A laAre assort rtient of anvils, vices, screw
[dates, sledges, mill, cross cut, hand, and other kinds of
-saws, nails. (He*, chains, pump fixtures, squares,plumbs,
levels, pi mesandsaw handles, niouldingand Ih-II<II planes.
House Trimmings, of every variety, carriage ami Saddle
ry Trimmings, such as brass and silvered bands, axletrcds,
bolts, enamelled top-leather and cloth, dash leatiier, cloth
damask and bice trimmings. Brass, silvered and russet
liames, japaiHied, silvered and brass buckles, bitts, snaps,
j breeching rings, trace hook chains, harness leather, Ac.
Snots Eibrnsus.—The largest assortment in town, con
sisting of jiegs. lasts, men's and I toy's Ijoot trees, crimps,
and irons, bristles, threads, all kinds bench tools, heel
ball, blacking, binding-, lining uinrowjo. kip, FreuUi and
American calf skins, cow hide, oak and hemlock leather.
PCPSTS, Ores, Ac—Stone and white zincs," white and
red lead. Paris chrome and verdigris greens, Ohio and
other Paints, sugar lead, lithernge, Japan varnish, qoach,
furniture and saddler's varnish, linseed, lamp and tanner's
oil, alcohol, eaniphenc, it aid and putty.
BOOTS AVD SHOKS.-- Men's and boy s calf; kip and cow
hide boots ami shoes, women's kid, enamelled, morocco,
' calf ami kip lace boot-, morocco, patent leather, enamell- ,
cd and kid buskins, variety gaiters and slippers, misses', j
boy s and Infant's shoes, of all descriptions, gent's, ladies' i
misses' and chhdreu's rubber shoe*, and ladies' high top
rubber boots. j
Y AXKKK NOTIONS —wiII lx- found of all kinds, comprising
ladies' and gent's port montmi*, India rubber, iiac.k, puff,*
side aud circle combs, pocket, ivory, shell side and other
combs, gilt, lasting, velvet coat and vest buttons, agate,
ivory. glass and silk buttons ; razor strojiß, soaps, brush
es. Ac. Ac.
The usual large supply of Crockery, Groceries. Hats,
Caps, Bonnets, Furs, Robes, Wash tubs. Pails, Measures,
Sush. Class, Paper Hangings, Window shades, Umbrellas,
Iron, Steel, Ac.
I?a" C ASH is the stuff to buy Goods with. Call and try
the experiment. Towamla, November 9, 1x.55.
nn. :vrcmwK,
Ki> AT M<JXU<IKT<IX, offers his professional ser
vices to the public, and hopes by careful attention to me
rit a share of patronage.
He would further add tnat a number of years experience
in tlx- C. S. Military Hospitals enables liiin to speak with
confidence of the treatment of Chronic difficulties. Rickets,
White Swellings, Broinocele, Goitre, and all varieties of
Scrofula treated with entire success.
He may be found, when not ppifessijpnallv engaged, at
his .-idence. Mechanic's street, a few rods wot of the
JloieJ. ready at all times to attend rich or poor, night or
day. Monroeton, Nov. I, ls.Vi.m3
V i:\Y MILCH sit W.\ NTED—Ed-
C 1 (pure at tbi- < Hllce. November 1, ls.V>.
ROCEKIJES —Cull ami set- our Brown,
A < 'rushed, Cofl'ee and Pulverizi d Sugars : Fine Young
Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the
money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KIXGSHKBV.
I I OUSE TRIMMINGS—fverv description
1L by j*2:l TRACY A MOORE.
Cash paid for Hides.
TnE I. urlicxt price paid in CASIT, for Hides
and Skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX.
June 20, 1
SHERIFF'S SALE.— BY virtue of n. writ
k 3 in tlie nature of a Venditioni Exponas, issued out of
tlie- Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, snd to
me directed, will lie exposed to public sale at the Cnnrt
Hon*-, in the lioro' of Towanda.on Monday, l)ce. 3, 15.",5.
at 1 o'clock. P. M. the following property in the Ixirough
o; V nee, IV. .-inning at a stone in the centre of the state
road at IV lkrwick turnpike; theme south '.ij° west 5
• JO perches to a stone ill tin-111re of Uie road, the cor
ner of a lot late of Nelson I). Warford : thence along the
line of ,-siid lot north west 8 perdu?.-* ; thence by the
same north '.ij°east 11 |ierehr* ; thence by the same north
7.;° wi -t 12 .110 [M iches ; tbenee by the same and 11. S.
Pliinnev s line smith 91° w-st 12 |-1< rods to the line of
J. 11. Hiiiman's land ; tliencc bythe same north Tfij 0 west
45 3-lo ro<)s ; thence by the same north j° east 3 rods ;
thence !jy the same north west 76 2-10 r>ds to the
line of land of A. 1_ Cranmer and J. It. Smith ; Uieiice by
the line of said Cranim r and Smith north east 7s 3-lU
r.xls to a corner of lands formerly of J. P. Smith ; thence
along same lands south 59j° east 70 7-10 rods ; thence
along' same south 574° east 37 perches to tlie line of Or
ange Schroder's lot: thence by same south 314° west 34
rods; thence by line of b>ts of Orange Sclinufer, Jacob
Magill, Brown A" Rockwell, Abeam FoX.and Josiah Peck
liam south 4 ">° east lit 2-10 rods to the south east eorner
of Josiah Peckliam's lot : thence by said Peck ham's line
north 4."i° cast 11 rod-to the centre of the turnpike: thence
along the centre of the turnpike south 4.".° east 33 3-10
mils to the place of lieginuing. Containing fortv-two
acres am] thirteen perches, about twenty acres improved,
with fruit trees, and a large hotel and two loirns thereon
ere- ted. Sold to recover the purchase motiev from Daniel
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wirt War
ford. by his guardians, Kzra .<' Kellogg, Joseph B. Smith
and James 1,. Rockwell, administrators of J.J. Warford,
deceased, vs. Kthcl Taylor, tern- tenant of Daniel Black
man. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Towamla. Nov. Si, 1555.
J. JL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of JAM ICS 11. HORNING, dec 'd, late of South Creek
twp, are hereby requested to make [layment withont de
lay: and all person- having claims against said estate will
please present tlieiu duly uiitlienticated for settlement.
November 9,1855. Admiuistratrix.
(HANDLES— by the box or single pound,
J at sepl FOX'S.
IRON, Rounil, Square, Tiro, Rand k Scroll,
. all qualities and sizes. TRACY A MOORE.
IjMiOrE —SO bbls., first quality, for sale at
the lowest CASH figure. TRACY A MOORE.
every week, at j Illicit FOX'S.
A Wheat—Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed and Bran, at
August 2S, 1-55. FOX'S.
OOLE LEATHER—One Ton, a jtrime ar
tide, fur sale cheap, by TRACY A MOORE.
J."JL A - Shoes and Findings now receiving at
Aug. 22, I*so. HUMPHREY'S.
MACKEREL —whole, half andqnarterbbla
by ji-29 TRACY A MOORK._
DRIED A RULES--a few first rate one*.
tor -ale at JIIO FOX'S.
i\ just opening at MONTANYES A CO.
March 1, 1x55.
Their assortment of SADDLERY and other HARDWARE
Is complete. Also, a good siqqiiy of
Towamla, November 1, 1555.
M ACKINAW TROUT. -D hhis. no. i,
just, received at TRACY A MOORE'S.
TATOES, Eggs. Ponltrv, ,Vc„ at FOX'S.
OODS bought tit my Store will be ileliver-
X cd bt any |iart of the Borough, FREE OF CHARGE.
June 20 1858. E. T. FOX.
II AS REMOVED to the resilience of Mrs.
L J. W. MKKCCR, on Second street, directly above and
opposite the Methodist church.
* j-< Ifficu in the north risun.
KtT He would also inform thn.* Indebted to him, tha
all accounts of more than one year's standing, must be
settled, by payment or otherwi.-c- Juno 9, PM.
Ccnit! CAlwmisfinfltts.
j ,
SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of a certain
O writ of Vend. ExponM, issued out of th Court of
Common Plena of Bradford Gupnty, and to me directed,
will lie exiKmed to pubhc sale at the Court House, in the
lioro' of TowandH. on Monday, Novemlier 19,1855, at 1
o'clock. P. M.the following lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Litchfield twp., and bounded on tlie north by land
of John Itogers, east by land of Edward Barton and .lames
Campbell, Smith by land of Jolui and Henry Key
er, aud west by lands Wuu Spencer, Einly Drake, and
John Edsull, containing 160 acres more or less, about 12.5
acres improved, with a framed house, a log house,a fram
ed barn aud sited and an orciiard of fruit trees thereou.
ALSO—Oac other lot, piece or jiarcel of land situate in
Litchfield twp., bounded north by lands of Jouatliau Hunt,
east by land* of Jonathan Hunt and John 1). Kortright,
south by lands of John D. Kortriglit, and west by land of
Jvlm Roger* and Johnson Roger*, containing 53 acre*
more or less, about 17 acre* Improved with a log house, a
log stable and a sawmill thereon.
Kirby vs. James Lurcock.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Sept. 24,1855.
e" Notice L* hereby given, tliat an ainonnt equal to the
costs will be required to be paid ii|*n each sale when
strm k down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer
ed for sale, JOHN A. Conpixn.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virlueof awritof
li. fa. issned nut of the Court of < lonnitou Plea* of
Bradlord county, to ntc directed, I shall expose to pubiic
*ale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on
Saturday the Ist day of Deember, 1855, at 1 o'clock, P.
M. the following described lot, piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Athens twp., bmtiided on the north by land* of
Gile* Iloyt, east by lands of T. C. Roliert* and Ira Klsbree,
south bv Franklin Murray, and west by hinds of Josephqs
Vanreciiton, containing about acre*, more or loss,about
15 acre* improved.
Seized and takeu in execution at the suit of N. C. Har
ris vs. D. T. Yanvechton. J. A. CODDING, Sheriff.
Towanda, October 31,1855.
SHERIFF'S SALE. —By virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Exftona*. issued out of the Court of
Common Pica* of Bradford county, and to me directed,
will be ex|tOKed to public sale at the Court House, iu the
boro' of Towanda, on MONDAY December 3d, 1x55, at 1
o'clock P. M., the following lot. piece or puree) of laud
situate in Athens twp., bounded on the north by land of
Elliott Sherman, east by land of Lyman Ames, south by
land of Peter Cmm, and on the west by land of Erastiis
IVolrott, containing aliout 33 acres more or less, alxiut 2
acres improved, one log house thereon.
ALSO—A lot, piece or parcel of land Nitnate in At hen*
twp.. bounded on tlie north by lands of Krastii* WolcoU
and Peleg Banford, east by Krastua Wolcott and Jacob
Kirkendall, south by land of Helinu* Califf, and on the
west by lands belonging to the estate of Phimley Giliett
dee'd.. containing about 50 acre* more or less.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Athens twp., iiounded on tlie north by lands belonging to
the estate of Pluiiiley Giliett, dee'd., east by lands of Se
linas Califf, South by the Athens and Kmitlifield township
line, and west by land of Lyman Ames and James Green,
containing about 58 acre* more or less, about 25 acres im
proved. and a few fruit tree* thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welle* A
Harris v*. David J. Giliett.
Also at the suit of Lucius Truman vs. David J. Giliett,
ALSO—Tlie defendant* interest, supposed to he the
undivided half of the following described lot, piece or par
cel of land situate in the boro' of Towanda, bounded north
by Henry Ksneuwine's lot, cast by Main street, south by
land* of John F. Means, and west by Second street, con
taining one hundred and seven feet front and two hun
dred and ninety-tour feet deep, be the same more or less,
all improved, with a large framed Foundry building and
Machine Shop, Ac., Ac., thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
the boro' of Towanda, bounded a* follows: Beginning on
the ea-t line of Third street, on a line between lands of
John F. Mean* and O. I). Bartlett, thence easterly 147 feet
to the rear of J. M'lntosh's lot. thence three and half de
gree*, we-t 50 feet to a corner, thence north 804 degrees,
west 147 feet to the east line of Third street, thence north
3j degrees, east 50 feet to tlie place of beginning, contain
ing 147 by 50 feet of land, Is- the same more or less, all
improved, with a two story framed dwelling house and
one small out building thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
Powell vs. H. L. Ijwneranx.
Also Samuel Bunting to the use of Joseph Powell vs.
H. L. Isimeraux.
Also at tlie suit of Joseph Powell vs. H. 1.. Lameretix.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Smitlifield twp., bounded north by land of L. S. Gates,
east by lands of E. ]>. Brigham, south by the road leading
from Athens to Siuithtield, and west by lands of L. S.
< rates, containing x 4 acres more or lens, about 4 acres im
proved, one saw-mill, a board shanty and a framed barn
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Smithficld twp., bounded and described as follows: Be
ginning at a hemlock sapling on tlie south line of lot No.
14181, for the northwest corner of lot No. 5, Bingham lands
*old to F. Quick, thence along said line east 115 and 7-10
pert he* to a hemlock for the northeast corner of said
Quick's lot, thence on the west side of Nelson Keeler's lot
107 mid 1-10 rods to a stake, thence west 42 and 0-10 per
che* to a hemlock, thence south 1 and 1-4 degrees, west
160 rod* to the place o!' beginning, containing 75 acres,
more or less, about 20 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Guy Tracy
vs. Luther 11. Child.
Also at the suit of Dorvilla Ford to the use of Franklin
Melville vs. Luther 11. Child.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Wilmot twp., bounded on tlie north by lauds of Samuel
Haggerty, west by lands of Alvali Heath, south by lands
of Edward and Erastus Shcpard, east by Daniel Welles
and Thomas Stevens, containing about so acres more or
less, alxiut 20 acres improved, one log house, log barn,
log slied and orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Hor
tnn vs. David Bennett.
AlJsO—The defendants interest in the following int.
piece or parcel of land situate in Siuithtield twp., hounded
on the east and south by the highway, on the north and
west by lands of Roliert Tracy, containing alsiut s acres
more or less all imuroved, with one framed house,framed
bam. blacksmith shop and fruit trees thereon—(Alvin
Arnold's lot.)
AIJXO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Smithlield twp., bounded north by Montetia Seeley, east
by laud of John Watkins,south by the highway, aud west
by land of Hannah Arnold, containing about fifty acres j
more or less, about thirty acres improved, one framed I
house and orchard of fruit tree*thereon. (David Arnold's :
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A ;
Harris to the use of Jesse Spalding vs. David Arnold and
Alvin Arnold.
ALSO—The defendant* interest in the following de
scribed lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wvalu-ing
township, bounded north by land* of Klin* Vaughn, east
by lands of John A. Bartley and Sanford B. Overton, south
by the public road, and west by lands of Sanforil li. Over
ton, containing thirty acres more or less, ail improved,
with a small framed house, framed barn and some fruit
trees trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy A
Moore vs. Henry Donley.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Springfield two., bounded on the north by the Coun
ty road or public highway, east It}-land* of James Philips,
South and west by land* of Thomas l'yne and Khun Ben
nett, containing about 50 acres more or less, alsiutjwelve
acre* improved, one framed house, framed cooper shop,
framed Imm and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Mc-
Kean to the use of Ahi ram 1 fierce v.*. Samuel Faulkner.
Al-SO—Tlie defendants interest in tlie following lot,
piece or parcel of land situate in la-Roy twp., bounded on
the North and east by lauds of John Hammond, south by
the Towanda creek, and west by lands lieloiigiug to tin
estate of Seeley Ilo'comb dee'd.,containing about 20 acres
more or less, all improved, three log houses, tan framed
bams, one saw-inill, blacksmith shop and a few fruit trees
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situatetn
Leßoy twp., liounded on the north by lands of Win. Bun
yon, east by lands of V. Bruce, south by land of Jesse
Warbleton, and west by lands of I*. Shoemaker, Philander
Hosley. Setli Haxton, and by land* now or formerly own
ed by Mark Porter, containing about 50 acre* more or less,
alkout twelve acres improved, one log house, log barn and
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Xedebiali
Smith 2d, to the use of E. Pomcroy vs. Ellis Hugclatul.
ALSO—Tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Durell twp., bounded on the north anil east by l and
belonging to the estate of Sarah Butler, dee'd., on tin
smith by land* of John Benjamin, and on tlie west by land
of Pliilo Mingns, containing seventy-six acres more or less,
alxiut forty-five acres improved, one plank house, log barn
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. S. Brad
ley, assignee of O. D. Gharnberiin vs. Samuel Chilson.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or pared of land situ
ate in Ihtrell two., iKiutided on the north by lands now in
[tossession of John Johnson, east by land* of Samuel Yan
derpool and the Itenjamin Ackley farm originally, now
occupied by S. S. Bradley, south by lands of Means A
Ktorrs, and west by the Win. Morrison tract, now owned
by David Gash, containing about 430 acre* more or less,
alxiut 5(1 acre* improved, four plank and framed houses,
and one framed barn thereon.
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land sitnate in Du- I
roll twp., Ixuinded on the north by lands of Emma Jane
Smith, on the east by the Susquehanna river, on the south
bv O. A. Holdcn, and on the west by the Sarah Morrison
tract, containing about 160 acre* more or suit 70 acres
improved, one double saw-mill,one Grist-mill,seven dwel
ling house*, three frame barns, two blacksmith shops and
two orchards thereon.
Al.K<>—A cluster of Islands lying in the Susquehanna ,
river, opposite the said mill* and known as the Gordon
and Ackley Island*, containing about forty acres more or j
less, partly improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Sanders A ,
Crook to the use of William Peters vs. Israel Smith.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of |
land situate in Wilmot twp., bounded on the north by
lands of Nelson Vanderpool and J. G. Brown, ea-t by land
of Patrick M'Guvre and Samuel Haggerty, south by land
of A. Heath, and' west by land of Nelson Vanderpool, con- ■
taining one hundred acres more or less, about rtitv acre* j
improved, with two log houses, one plank house, one log ®
lmrn with shed* attaehed. a steam saw-mill and a plank
wagon shed, anil an orchard of Jhiit trees ttwrcon.
ALSO—One other niece or parcel of land situat# la
WUiuut twp., lioumlud north by laud of Patrick M'GnL*,
east by land of Daniel Welles, south by lands of Edward
ami Erastus Shepanl, and west by land of A. Heath, eon
taming .70 acres more or less, ten acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. N. Ship
man vs.'.Ti S. Castor and C. White.
AlJßo—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Franklin twp., bounded north by theTnw
anda Creek, east by laird of Charles Stevens, south by
lands (mvfiers name unknown.) and west by landsof Win.
Williams, containing 13(1 acres, more or less, about 40
acres improved, with framed house, a log barn and some
fruit trees there on—also, a framed honseused for a liarn.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. Cham
pion now to the use of J. D. Moutanre vs. Ransom Payne.
ALSO.—The following described fot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Wyalusing twp., bounded north by Philip
C. Angle, east by laud of John M'Allisterand John Terry,
south by lands of Richard M'Pherson and Charles Hornet,
and west by lands of Nelson Jennings and Patrick Boyd,
acres be the same more or less, abont 4(1
acres improved with a log house, a framed liarn, a corn
house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized arid taken in execution at the suit of John Holly
vs. E. D. Holmes.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Burlington twp., (now West Burlington) bounded
on the north by lands of Ezra Godard, east by lands of R.
H. Ward, Sontli by the highway leading from Burlington
Isiro' to Troy, and on the west by lands of H. K. Stevens.,
containing about one acre more or less, all Improved, one
framed house, framed barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Nancy
Wooilin to the use of Win. H. Peck vs. Harrison Adams.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Athens boro' bounded north by land of E.
H. Perkins, east by the Susquehanna river, south bv land
of Edward Drake,and we>t by Main.street, containing one
acre more or less, all improved with a framed house and
Irani thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N. C. Har
ris to the use of H. W. Patrick vs. John Miers.
Al>SO—The undivided one half of the following lot.
piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield two., bounded
on the north and east by lands Ixdonging to the estate of
Reuhiti Park, dee'd., south and west by land in possession
of Hiram Rogers, containing about two acres and 156 per
ches, more or less, all improved, with a saw-mill, one two
story framed building lately is-cupicd as a store and dwel
ling house, two framed or plank dwelling houses, and
board shanty used for a hat shop, and a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Pat
rick vs. Orson Rickey.
ALSO— The following lot, piece or parrel of land situ
ate in Wysox twp.. bounded on the noth by lands of Ly
man Trumbull and Bertrand Whitney, east liv land of
Squire Benjamin, south by lauds of Joshua laimphercand
Joseph Conkliii arid west by lauds of Joseph Conkliii ami
Pomeroy (iorsline jr.. containing about 59j acres more or
less, 41 acres improved, witli one log house, framed barn
and an orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Myer and
Allen to the use of Cooper, Stoner At Smith, now to use
of H. W. Tracy, and now to the use of (Jhuries Bennett vs.
Win. Carl.
ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Pike twp.. Imunded north by lands of J.S.
Roberts, east by lands of Harmon Briggs and J. Burrows,
south by lands of George Lewis, and west by lands of
Henry L. Stevens, containing 1(M acres more or less, with
811 acres improved, a framed bouse, a framed barn, a fram
ed horse barn, and other out buildings, an apple orchard
and other fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I). Bailey
and Son to the use of A. S. Smith vs. G. 11. Lewis and H.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Sheshequin twp., bounded north by lands
of Golf, east by lands of John Horton, south by
lands of Samuel Vansice, and west by lands of Abigail
Swain, containing sixty-four acres more or less, about 40
acres improved, with a framed house, a framed liarn and
a log shop and some fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Silas Payne
now to the use of J. W. Woodburn vs. Abraham l'aync
and Ransom Pavne.
A LS( I—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate
in Sheshequin twp., bounded north by lands of John Mc-
Ke-,in, ea-t by lands of Riehard Johnson, south by lands
of Roswell Goodell, and west by lands of George Rogers,
containing about 25 acres more or less, about 15 acres im
proved, three log houses, one log shed and a few fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Storrs A
Jones to the use of E. J. Campbell vs. Philander Morris.
Also, at the suit of Storrs & Jones to the use. of E. J.
Campliell vs. Hezekiah Morris.
Also, at the suit of Allen A Storrs to the use of E. J.
Campbell vs. Hezekiah Morris and Philander Morris.
ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or parrel of
land situate in Herrick twp., bounded north by lands of
A. it. Brown, east by lauds of X. B. Wetmore, south by
lands of George Perkins and west by lands of Nelson Marsh
containing alsiut J of an acre, more or less, all improved,
with a framed house, a blacksmith shop and a few fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the unit of Charles
l'latt, now to the use of George C. Atwood vs. Volney D.
ALSO-—The defendants interest in the following de
scribed lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Litchfield
twp. and bounded north by lands of Huston Miitin, east
by lands of Burton Campbell, south by Henry J. Miller,
and west by Jesse Brown, containing four acres, more or
less all improved, with a plank house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William
Siiisebaugh vs. H. A A. Sinseliaugh.
ALSO—Tlie following lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Warren township, Imunded north by land* of Curtis
Bceman : east and south by lands of Calvin Huffingtou ;
and C. F. Case ; and west by the public road. Contain
ing two and a half acres, more or less, all improved, with
a new framed dwelling lornse and a framed flax-mill there
on, with all of defendant's interest, rights and privileges
in mill race, dam. pond, Ac.
A LSI I One other lot, piece or par-el of land situate in
the township aforesaid, bounded north by lands of Hora
tio Rou en and Jackson Whittaker ; east by lands of Hen
ry Wliittaker jr.: south by lands of Benjamin Bowen; and
west by Job Tibbets and Perry Bowen. Containing one
hundred and four acres, more or less, with fifty acres im
proved. and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R. C. Buf
tiiigton and Giles X'. DeWolf, executors of Benjamin ltiif
tington, deceased, vs. David Manchester and Thomas B.
ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Burlington township, bounded north by lands of
Horace 15. Pratt and C. F. Welles : east by lands of Daniel
Perry; south by landsof John Pratt; and west by lauds
of Jesse It. McKean. Containing about forty-two and a
halt' acres, more or less, aliout thirty acres improved, one
framed house, one framed barn and an orchard of fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William S.
Dobbins vs. IVter J. Woman.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Overton township, bounded on the north by lands
of Patrick Callahan ; east by lands of James Sheeily and
John Flytin : south by lands of Patrick Leady ; nnj west
by Richard Bedford and Patrick Cusack. Containing
about eighty-live acres, forty acres thereof improved, with
a log house and log barn thereon, with a large dpple or
chard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tlios. Leahy
to the use of U. Mercur, vs. Patrick Cusack and Catharine
JOHN* A. CODDING, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, I
Towamla, Oct 27, 18,75. (
Kh' Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the
costs, will lie required to la- paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again lie otter
ed for sale. J. A. ConiXMi.
I) Y virtue of an order of tlie Orphan' Court
J of Bradford County, will lie sold at public sale on
tlie 29th day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the
house occupied by the widow of Amos Green, dee'd., in
Orwell township, tlie interest late of said Amos Green,
dee'd.. in -all that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Orwell aforesaid, and descrilied as follows :—Rounded on
tin- North by lands of Elijah Walker, on th east by lands
of Abraham French and Cook, on the south by Win.
Knnpp. and "ii the west by lands set off to Dolly Green,
containing 22 acres, about 11 thereof improved.
Terms made known on day of sale.
October 30, 18.75. Adm'r. of Amos Green,dee'd.
{EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is liere-
J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate
of Caleb C. True, dee'd., late of Warren twp., have lieen
granted to the subscrilier. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duly attested tor settlement to the subscrilier.
October 30, 15.7.7.
J. Y is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of IRA GRiSWOLD, dee'd.. late of Ridgliery Town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having elaims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated forsettlemeiit.
BENJ. HALSTED, Administrator.
Ridgliery, June 18, 185.7.
i\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Daac Rosenerants, deceased, late of Asylum
twp.. are requested to make payment without delay : and
those having demands against said estate will present thein
duly authenticated fur settlement.
CYRUS SHUMWAY, Administrator.
June 14, 18.75.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Win. HORNING dee'd., late of South Creek tp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all
persons havingitig claims against said e*tate will please
present them dnlv authenticated fur settlement.
CATftAKIXU HORNING, Administratrix.
June H, 185,7.
brain -<lWtTlil.lHlll9.
■ * ~p ?!fj -
AUDITORS NOTICE.— h. w. piri<*
vs. Orstn Rickey. |n the Court of Common pieai of
Bradford Co. kd<. September Term, 185.7. ,
The undersigned Auditor appointed bv said Court, to
distribute tlw tlduls raised ly Sheriff sale of iVWHltnt s
persuml property, will att. i.d to the duties unsigned him
at the office of Patrick A McAlpiu.iu the borough of Ath
ens, on Wednesday, the 14th day of November, at 10, A.
M. when and where all i>ersoiis having claims are request
ed to present tlu-in, or he forever debarred therefrom.
Oct, hi, 1*55. D'A. OVERTON. Auditor.
-fx. Is hereby Riven, that all persona Indebted to the es
tate of Thomas Ingham, dee'd, late of Asylum township,
are berel.y requested to make payment without delay:
ami all person,-, having claiins against said estate will
please present them dutv authenticated for settlement
Pot. 16,1fe>5. JOSEPH W. 1 N't: I! AM. Adm'r.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AH person?" in-
J delited to the estate of MARY CARM Filt. deceased,
late of I.itolilVoid township, are hereby notified Ao make
payment without delay, and all persons having demands
against said estate are requested to present them dnlv au
thenticated for'settlement WILLIAM CAHMhR,
Litchfield, Octotier '2O, 1855. Executor.
it Assessors for 1850, will make lheir returns in the
following order, viz : /
| Assessors for Litchfield, Windham,Warren, Sheshequin,
Koine and Orwell, on Monday, Nov. 2(5.
Kor I'ike, Wyalusing. Tuscnrora, Standing Stone. Wy
so.\ and Herrick, Tuesday, November 27.
For Atheti tp., Athens born', Ulster, Well*, South Creek,
Itidgicrry nnd Springfield, Wednesday, Novemla-r 28.
For Hmitlifleld. Troy township, Troy boro', Columbia.
Sj'lvanht boro', Armenia and Canton, Thursday, Nov. 29.
For 1-cßoy, Granville, Franklin, Overton, Afbany, Wil
ntot, Asviuin and Durell, Friday, Novenilier 3(1.
For Monroe tp.. Monroe boro', Burlington, Burlington
West, Burlington- boro", Towamla tp., Jowaiula borough,
ami Towaitda North, Saturday. Deeemlier 1.
*a"The Assessors will be careful iu footing tlie assess
ments and carrying each person's valuation into the right
hand column, and also in making their returns on the day
designated in their warrants.
By order of the Commissioners,
Oct. 15. K. M. FARRAR, Clerk.
Would infurm the inhabitants of Bradford county
that he respectfully solicits til HI subscribers for his local
work entitled " FISH AND PHILOSOPHY, or Sketches
made During a Short Sqjourn in Northern Pennsylvania."
The Isrnk will consist of from 2.70 to 300 pages, l'Jtno.,
and will lie bound in embossed muslin. The price will lie
f 1,00. As the work was not written to vindii-ate
any particular theory, or to advance any particular inte
rest, it is difficult hi say what it aims at—further than to
help while away a leisure hour or two, in what the Au
thor hopes, nut unprovable reading.
The pages are chiclW devoted to descriptions of local
scenery ; Incidents while 'fronting on the Sclirader branch;
literary criticisms and reminiscences ; conversations, de
velopments of local character, poetry and philosophical
As the publication of the book is not a question of
bread, the author can use the lilierty of speaking plain.—
111 the first place, then, he cannot afford to publish the
book unaided—nor would he if he could ; for the simple
reason, lie is mi willing to -Wilder the rvsponaUrility of
committing a—possibly—pi air book to the world. He
theretore seeks to make a corporate concern of it, and
thus share with the subscribers the odium of failure,
should it fail. It is a purely gratuitous matter, gentle
men, sign, or not sign. In the second place, the author
is unwilling t|i have his stock of Issiks added to, by too
many hundred copies of a work that failed to redeem the
price of its publication ; neither does he desire the horror
of witnessing the awful spectacle of an auto-da-fe, of what
cost him so much pains and time to create ; —for he cer
tainly would commit to the (lames what remained unsold
of the edition, should they remain too long on his hands.
He is determined to pay the publisher on the receipt of
the edition, should it lie printed, asking no favors ; and if
til 10 subscribers can Ik- had, he will do so. lie can afford,
however, to wait, should the 000 refuse to come to the
rescue. The MS will not diminish iu value. It w ill ra
maiu as it has done, cherished by the owner, as was cher
ished and loved '• the jxior man's one little ewe lamh,that
wits unto him as a daugher." The author will ask no one
to undertake to publish it on tlie strength of its merits :
jierhaps from pride, perhaps from a prophetic apprehen
sion of its lack of merit. Time —perhaps—will determine
if he did well to lie influenced by the latter consideration.
Tim author will further say, thai should the desired num
ber of subscriptions I* obtained, he will feel tempted to | an embellished frontispiece,enclosing a medallion |
likeness of the principal character, Dr. l'him. And should '
a second edition follow-, he—the author—will exert
influence lie can command to secure for the original sub*
seriliers a lock of that distinguished individual's hair ; as |
thank Heaven, he is appreciative, and, judging from, his |
antecedents, the author has no doubt that Plum would
gladly wear a wig tor a whole year, to have the pleasure
of furnishing to his friends so interesting a souvenir.
The publication of the book, then, is dependent on the
receipt of *IOO subscriliers, and one month will be allowed
for names to be given in. If. at the expiration of that time ;
only one person has subscribed, or any other number lie- ;
tween that and (iiMl—unless very closely approximating it j
—the bonk will not of course la- expected to see the light.
But. if the entire number be obtained, those who have
signed, will, iu three mouths from the closing of the sub
scription lists, be supplied with a copy, or copies, as they
nuiy have ordered.
Subscription lists will be opened on Monday next,at all
the stores, and at the P. O. in the borough : and at C. H.
HKKIUCK'S, at Athens. At Burlington, there will lie one
at Messrs. Losii A MKKKY'S store, and at I'lster Mr. JOHN
MATHKK , and at Monroe. Mr. SKYMOCK PHINXKY, will act
as agents. Others may be authorized.
Towamla, Octolier 13, 1855.
11HE undersigned have placed ujwiti the line between
Towamla and Waverlcv, a new Packet, built express
ly for the travel lictweeu tlie above and the intermediate
The "GAZELLE" is neatlyfitted tin.nnd may lie relied
upon as always being "on time." Tlie hours of arrival
and departure will iic arranged in conformity with the
time bibles on the X. Y. and Erie Railroad.
At present, leave Towamla for Wnverley, at 1J o'clock,
I'. M., precisely.
Leave Waverley. at 71 o'clock, A. M.. or immediately
after the arrival of the mail train from the East.
POWELL A SMITH, Proprietor*.
Towamla, September 1, 15,75.
Of ALABAMA. Conducted on the Havana Plan WrtiM
The improved scheme in Class \V. having Iwen received
with such a decidedly favorable demonstration, the Ma
nager takes great pleasure in presenting another beau
tifully brilliant scheme, offering a far more profitable
investment than any stock or securities now in market.
CLASS N.—'To be drawn Dee. 10th, 1855, at the city of
Montgomery .when prizes amounting to S;|O,(HM) will lie dis
tributed according to tlie following unparalleled schedule.
Remember One Tlutusund Prizes !—Capital Prize 10,000.
1 Prize of is JIO.OOO
2 do 2,000 are 4.000
3 do 500 are 1.500
11 do 250 are 2,7.70
10 do 110 are'O
17 do 7.7 are 1,275
13 do 50 art' 2,150
s3 do 25 are 2,07-7
200 do 10 are 2,000
530 do 5 are 3,1.*0
1000 Prizes amounting to #30,000
Dnlv Ten Thousand Numbers! Tickets ss—Halves#2 50
—Quarters 51 25.
All communications strictly confidential.
SA MI'EL SWAN, Agent and Manngcr.
Sign of the Bronze Lion.
Montgomery, Ala.. Nov. 7. 1855.
MR. 0. BECKER, Temlicrof Vo
and Instrumental Music, recently from St. L>-
uis, Missouri, has the honor to announce to tlie
people of Towamla and vicinity, that he wishes to engage
himself as Teacher of Vocal Music, Pianoforte, Guitar.
Violin, Flute, Violineello, and Thorough-basso, and feci,
confident that. !>eing educated for the profession, he will
give entire satisfaction. Iwssons given iu classes, or pri
vately. Teaching in families preferred.
For particulars apply at the Ward House. Oct. 9.
Ip R ESI I TEAS, both Green and Blaek—
from 37$ cents to 51 00—every pound warranted to
unit or the money returned in all cases, at FOX'S.
Barclay Railroad dt Coal Company.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscriliers in To
wamla boro'and its vicinity to the Stock of the "BA R
CI.AY RAILROAD Ar COAL CO," that the remaining
instalments of ten per cent each (being $.7 per share) on
said stock, are required to lie paid to E. OVKUTIIN. Esq.,
the President, or to J. Macfarlane, Esq. the Attorney of
said Company at Towamla, at the times following, to wit:
4th instalment payable August 27th, 1855.
sth " " September 27th "
nth " " October 29th "
7th " " November 29th "
Rth " " l>eceinber 28th "
9th " " January 31st 1850.
10th " " March 3d "
Payments may also be made at the office of Laporta,
Mason .V Co.. at Towanda.
July 20. 1855. tiF.O. R. OAT. Treasurer.
W<M*l /<> r#* t *otfuny ainottiiro Ait helis a#*Li itffe
the pcnpi c Yf 'ixU a liirge, rich aud baiuoiiui'le iu> >*t
ment of
to which the attention of the public IS invited being -N<
lident that he can offer inducement* to CJTNH NWR< H:MEN
which will amply pay foran examination .I Hl* K.
Hi* -DOCK of ISAUIKE I"H;*-! GOODS IS complete.
ina of corded, watered, plain, black, cli.mroid.LE I'mi PLAID
Silk* ; plain and plaid Merino* : all W OOL Delaine* ; P| IN
nnd Amnd Cashmere*; MON.-Jin delaine*, I'IHUMU*.
clwlli Delaines, plain and twilled Persian cloth, DT'JAGVR]
Alpaecaa, Gingham*. Print*, Ac,
ALSO. SBAWUS —A large and magnificent assortment of
Brocha Long and Square Shawls, plain woolen ION# and
square do.
LADIKM' CI^TFIT5 —-All colors, an.L trimmings.
KMluwwniutiKS— The largest and cheapest assortment JF
latdieeembroidered collars, sleeve*, bund > ami BOUNCING*;
edging* ami inserting*, ever offered for vale in Towatnii,
Also, real thread, Smyrna, bobbin and cotton edging*, ail
wiiltii* and prices.
WHITK ASK LINBK COOKS, of every description, and of
all qualities.
HOI'SK F ritsisniNO anil single FOLD DA*
MASKS of various kinds ; embroidered itnd lace cm-tain*,
all qualities; vi-imliiw .slurries aiui trinimiues ; bleached
and nnbleached talile linen* ; nankin*, colored table
spread* of various kinds, counterpanes, linen sheetings,
rose blanket*, gilt cornice* and pins, stair rods, VC,
GLOVK* ANK HOSllWY—Every thing In TILLS LINE for U
die*, misses, children, men and beys.
colored Cloths of every yalttv and price, plain Snd FANCY
Cassiraeres, fancy velvets, plain ami figured giymudiua,
plain and figured silk, black satin and cashiueio Vestfiig*,
and a large assortment of tweeds, Kentucky jeans, rztti
netts, sheep greys, Ac. ,
DOXE-STICS —(if every description, purchased at very
close figures and otierea low. Flannels of every GRADE and
o.\ WKTINGS—AH qualities, ingrain and stair carpeting!.,
oil cloths. Rush Mattings, Druggets, Ac.
YANKEE NOTIONS — AImost everythin.gjn the line, wholu
sale and retail.
HATS & CAPS. — An assortment unequal ed in Northern
Pennsylvania of Mens' & Boys hats ami caps, com;. rising
every variety of silk, brown, pear! and black fur /hits.—
Cl"th, Plush and Fur Caps.
BOOTS A SHOES— In this department there is, nor never
has been In this market anything to compete with tlit*
stock, In quality, quautity and price, which it would BE
greatly to the interest of every man, woman and child to
examine who wishes to pur<ha-E-
In addition to the aliove ennmerafed articles there will
always Is- found a full UKHOI tment of Groceries. ll.irdwsie,
Crockery and Glass-ware. I'apits, Oils, and Dye Stuff's.
IS-ather and Shoe Findings, Ac., Ac.
To his old Friends and Customers, the subscriber would
take this method of expressing his gratitude fojtlieir 111 e
ral patronage, hoping still to merit and receive it, and to
others would extend an invitation to examine ins .dock,
IH'ING confident hi; can make it for their interest t<> do su.
Towanda. Oct. 1,1855. JOS FPU POWELL.
Has just received his
CIOXSIBTING of DRY GOODS, of every kind. Git' >G&
J RIKS, a large assortment of HARDWARK„iiicludi!ig
Humes* ami Carriage Trimmings, and Joiner's Tool* of
every description ; Itoots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe find
ings, Hats, Gaps, and Umbrellas ; Paper Hangings and
Window Shades; Carpets and Drugget : Oils Paints and
Dye stuffs ; Crockery and Glassware ; Iron, Steel and
Nails; Window glass and S;ish : Camphhte. Burning Flu
id and Varnishes of every kind : Pails, Tubs, Mats. A#.,
Ac., which will !*• sold AS usual, very cheap for Cash.
Towanta, October 1, 1855.
HAS just received a full .supply of FAM
ILY GROCERIES, which he will SELL cheap f r
Cash. Thankful for the very libera! patronage extended
to him during the past season, he would most respectfully
ak a continuance of the same.
Cash paid for most kinds of Grain, Butter, CheeE. and
Farmers Produce generally. October 18, ISA.
BUSII. RYE wantedimmediately
_F\_/ for which the highest market price in cash
will be paid. _ Oct. 12. V.. T. FOX.
j Q PIPES, of all kinds, liotli white and ground
| K3 — Mustard, black and white, whole anil ground, at
October it. FOX'S.
TURKS ISLAND SALT, both lumps and
ground, at Oct!) POX'S*
J. Harvey Phinny, Jr.
IS just receiving a general assortment of FALL A WIN
TER GOODS, consisting of the usual variety of
Dry Goods, Groceries, ITardicare, Crocker a,
Glassirare, Hoots R\* Shoes, I'aints,
Oils, Glass, Dyes, i\-c., AC.
all of which will he sold us usual for Cash, or exchanged
for Produce cheaper than can L>e had at any other store in
Towanda. Persons wishing to purchase GOODS for cash
| will do well to call and examine his stock and prices, cor
ner of Bridge and Main streets.
K iCCash paid for Butter. Pork and Grain. Oct 20
. ROAD COMPANY.— The stockholders of the Tow
anda and Burlington Plank Road Company are hereby no
tified tint an election will ie held at tiie office of I*l. F.
Mason, in the Borough of Towanda,on Monday, Nov.sth.
1*55, for officers of said Company for the ensuing your
Polls open from 2 to 1 o'clock, P. M.
B. S. RUSSELL, Secretary.
Towanda, October 8,1*55.
Another Voice from Wyscx !
AS the suhscriler lias determined to close the Carriage
Manufacturing business at Myersburg, he would offer
for sale at extremely low prices, a numlier of Carriages,
pleasure and LuinU-r Sleighs, among which, one two horse
carriage, built in the latest style, of GOOD material, with
leather top, and with doors to iwick seat ; it being tho
Carriage on which the premium was awarded to the sub
serilier at our late County Fair. Also, one, one or two
horse carriage, built in Philadelphia style, with door iu
the side, leather top, with both pole and thillsit being
a trifle heavier than a common one horse carri age — with
two seats, (one moveable). Said carriages are well trim
med with good broadcloth. Also a large quantity of ma
terial for manufacturing carriages, AC., together with all
the tools, fixtures, forms, Ac., Ac., and a lot of Lent stuff'
for fancy cutters. All of of which will be sold cheap for
CASH or approved credit. I). MAGNFC.It.
Myersburg, October 18, 1855.
Y.—Left the premises of the subseri-
A tier, in Wvsox tow nship, on the 11th of September,
a two year old BRINDLE HEIFER, with rather straight
horns, and in good condition. Whoever will give me in
formation of the said heifer at my residence, opposite tho
Towanda Eddy, or at the office of the Bradford Reporter,
shall be suitably rewarded.
Wysnx, October 2. 1855. RICHARD PICKERING.
Now Fall and Winter Goods.
Joseph King-sbery,
Towanda, October 3, 1*55.
DISSOLUTION. —The partnership hereto
fore existing tietween the subserilors. doing business
in the name of T. HUML'HRKY A CO. at Orwell. Prnn'a,
Hoopers Valley and Smithl*ro, N. 5'., is tin* day dissolv
ed by mutual consent. All debts due the firm must IST
settled with T. Humphrey, lie having purchased the entire
interest of his asseciatc*, and being alone authorized t >
sign iu liquidation- All debts due by tlic-FII RM should also
!*• presented to T. Humphrey, lie having agreed to pay THE
same. T. HUMPHREY,
Orwell, Oct. 1, 1855. A. I'OTTER.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
Burton Kingsbery,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he is open
ing for public inspection, one of the largest stocks of
GOODS ever brought into this market, consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Ifardirare, Crccktry,
Boots and Shoes, Nails, Glass, e\-c.
Embracing an assortment suited to the wants of the puis
lie. and which having L>een purchased for Cash, will lie
sold for lleadv Pay at prices which defy competition,
grarWest side of Main street.
Towanda. October 4, 1*55.
Tracy 6l Moore,
a large and well selected assortment ot FA 1.1. COOES,
which have LIOOII selected with imusiwlearc, AND PURCHAS
ED at the lowest possible rates. Feelingconfident tlist WE
can sell Good* for Ready Pay. as low as any establishment
in the country, we ask the public to give us a call, and
examine our stock and prices. Sept. |J, MIS
RIPE APPLES —any quantity wanted at
August 22. FOX'S*
TUST RECEIVED, another lot of that
tf nice DRIED BEEF, also first rate CLFEESE, AT
July 12,1855. FOX'S.