Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 17, 1855, Image 2

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    The Administration View of Governor
Reeder's Election. _
Our readers have, doubtless, some cwiositv
concerning the course which the adminstration
at Washington will take in regard to the late
election of a delegate in Kaunas. The Wash
ington Vv'u>v, has given a sitfficidfttly cTfcnf fn
timation of what it will lie.
There are two persons claiming the scat, of
delegate from Kauris— W!,b<T,tf. ,V candi
date of those who arc for slavery
in the territory, and Reeder, the Candidate of
those who desire to make Kansas a free state.
Whitfield has on his side the forms of an elec
tion. Roeder the substance. Whitfield was
appointed by the Missourians, at an election
hHd under an ordinance of tTro mock legisla
ture assembled at tlic Shawnee Mission. Boed
er was chosen by the people of Kansas, at an
election instituted by themselves. Whitfield is
a pet of Shannon, the man sent out bv Mr.
Pierce to govern Kansas. Shannon recognis
ed the spurious legislature and all its .ordinan
ces, attended the election held under them, vp
ted for \\ liitficld, and to crown the farce,gave
him him a formal certificate that he had been
duly chosen as delegate to represent the terri
tory. The administration, of course, is pre
pared to second the doings of its creature,
Shannon, and accordingly its organ, the Wash
ington I T nin, presents an argument in favor
of the admission of Whitfield, and against the
admission of Reeder. It says :
" The law of Congress requires the delegate to he elec
ted in pursuance of an act of the territorial legislature,
and the evidence of his election which the law prescribes
is the certificate of the territorial governor. Neither of
these requisite* exists in connection with Gov. lleedcr's
certificate ; hut the evidence of lii.s election shows that
he lias been chosen not only in violation of the act of the
territorial lcgi.-luturc, hut that his claim to a --eat can on
ly he granted by overriding the act of Congress providing
for the organization of Kansas. It will he observed fhaf.
if the House should declare Gen. Whitfield's election void
la-cause the law of the territory is void, the result (Jiffs
him on exactly the same footing with tiov. llccder. In
each case the people assembled together voluntarily, at
their places of voting, aud math- an election. The* one
was chosen under color of law. (in the view we are now
taking.) whilst the other was chosen in open defiance of
the law. * * * * Until the House of Representatives
is prepared to abrogate not only the election of the legis
lators of Kansas, the certificate of Gov. "Reeder, declaring
the election of members legal, the laws passed bv the le
gislature so recognised as legal, the certificate 'of Gov.
Shannon that Gen. AVhitlield was elected according to law,
nod. last of all. the law of Congress providing a territori
al government for Kansas, it is impossible that the ques
tion of the admission of Guv. livelier'claim can be enter
tained. The contest, however, ntay serve the purpose of
sectional agitation, and we are wholly unable to discover
any other object that can be accomplished but to widen
the breach between the North and the S mth, and to has
ten the consummation of the great de-ign of black repub
licanism to array one section of tlte Union against the
It will ho perceived that in this passage, the
doctrine of "squatter sovereignty," concerning
which so much fuss has been made by the
champions of " the principle of the Nebraska
bill," is wholly disowned. Congress and Mr.
Pierce's agent, Gov. Shannon, and the legisla
ture elected bv Atchison, and his rnflians, are,
it seems, to do everything, and the people of
Kansas nothing. The whole question is to
turn, not upon the will of the people, the sov
ereigns who are so much talked of, and whose
sovereignty is so little respected—but upon
certain formalities and certificates. If the ad
ministration can have its way, it will not even
allow Congress to inquire what the will of the
people of Kansas is.
The Union can see no result but what it calls
" sectional agitation," as likely to be effected
by the late proceedings of the people of Kan
sas, aud the election of Gov. Render as their
representative. AN hat does the I'nioti mean
by "sectional agitation?" Is it "sectional
agitation" in the people of Kansas to disown a
legislature they did not elect ? to deny the au
thority of laws enacted by that legislature?—
to refuse to be represented by a man whom
they did not choose or commission, and to send
to AN asiiington one of their own members,
peacefully elected by a large majority of the
actual residents, to contest the seat of the in
truder? If the true representative of the peo
ple of Kansas is received with respect, and his
right to a seat fairly discussed and considered,
is that likely to widen the breach between the
North and the South ? Is the South so little
influenced by a regard to justice that it will bo
satisfied with nothing khortof the summary ad
mission of AVhitficld and the iustant rejection
of Reeder ?
1 here is 110 need of what the l r ninn calls
" sectional agitation," in regard to this ques
tion. Let it lie treated simply as a question
of justice to the people of the territory, and its
solution is easy enough. The people of Kan
sas saw their rights wrested from them by a
band of armed invaders, who usurped the legis
lative branch of the territorial government,and
under whose auspices AVhitficld was elected ns
the delegate of the territory. They would have
been unworthy of the name of Americans if
they had submitted patiently to this usurpa
tion and recognised this election. They took
the only course left them, which was to send
on a person honestly elected as their delegate,
to protest against his reception as delegate,
and to present an authentic commission, deriv
ed, not from the Missourians and Gov. Shan
non colluding together, but directly from the
The AA ashington Eniun professes great hor
ror at the thought of "overriding an act of
Congress." It has none at the idea of over
riding the will of the people of Kansas. If we
were to allow the entire force of the argument
of the Washington Vnion, it is in the power
of Congress to cure the formal defect in Gov.
Render's commission in an instant. If it wants
the quality of legality, Congress can give it by
n very simple enactment. It can dispense with
the formalities it has itself made necessary. It
can pass an act legalizing Gov. Render's "elec
tion, on the ground that it is the fair expres
sion of the people's will in the territory. The
southern members, if they are disposed to deal
fairly with the territory ; if their wishes are
not against the maintenance of peace between
the North anil the South ; if they look at the
question without regard to their favorite object
of the extension of slavery, will have 110 hesita
tion in taking this course. The people of Kan
sas must maintain their rights, and the most
effectual way to avoid the agitation of which
the admistration organ expresses such violent
apprehensions, is honestly and unhesitatingly
to allow them.
Times have conic to a strange pass if a ter
ritory which has been tricked out of its rights
by one of the grossest acts of fraud recorded
in onr political history, cannot assert them in
the most obvious method, without being told
by the organ of the government that it must
remain passive, or the North and the South will
be at war, and the Union of the States in dan
ger of being dissolved.
IHE Missive; .Kuo.VArr.—John Wise, the
HTonaut, is of npiujou, it is stated, that Mr.
" ''ichoster, wlio went up from Xorwalk,Ohio,
ou the id nit., was drowned in Lake Erie, as
ie lad not ballast enough to take him over
the lake.
Appointments by Canal Commissioners.
the ThibldcqiltM and tolui.bia lli*oad,J. B.
Baker :on tlie Allegany Port|g^Jtai&oad t
W. M falnlm*.
|>- IjfXieman ;Neav
Hope, K. K- Kfitfhla*'.; RFUtflf, R. Paiwbo**
Philadelphia, John F. Smith ; Paoli, Robert
Laffertv ; M. McVeigh ; Lau
i* Vnmrmy * r-o*mnWe, J. li. fArtr*-
ner ; Portsmouth, Josepli Livermore ; Harris
burir, J. L. Reilly ; Huntingdon, Thomas
Jackson ; Blairsville, Geo. S. Jamison ; Free
port, C. G. Snowdon ; Freeport Aqueduct,
Mary Xesbitt ; Pittsburg, W. M. Stewart f
Reach Haven, Peter Eht ; Liverpool, J, M.
Banna-: Juniata Aqnedoet, Samuel itfcrler :
Duncan's Island P>ridge, (y JJ. Xeigler ;
Portsmouth Outlet Lock, \V. Cole ; Johnstown,
Newport, 11. A. Zollinger • Northumberland,
J. Swinefprd ; Williams port, J.Piatt; Douns
burg, G. A. Acbeubaek .o<
Sri'Envi^OßS.r—B astern Divis. \V. Forstcr ;
I)elo ware Hi vision, D. Evans ; Susquehanna Di
vision, J. Diffenbaeh ; LowerXorth Branch, G.
W. Searcji ; West. Branch, J. B. M'Miekeu
Upper Juniata, J. D Lcet; Lower Western,
J. M. Orr ; Lower Juniata, D. Kisenbise.
WEIOIIMASTEKS. —PhiIadeIphia, Robt. Simp
sou ; Lancaster, R. King ; Columbia, J. May
er ; Johiretown Weigh Lock, Joseph M'Clel
land : Johnstown Weigh Scales, John Bti'k
holder : Philadelphia Assistant, H. Leech ;
NoitUuiubei huid, W. Elliott; Columbia Assis
tan , Joseph M. Watts; Bedch Haven, F.
M' Bride ; Portsnouth, Henry Vegfft.ineyer.
RAiiaioAn.—George W. Bentz, William R.
Kelly, C. C. Thompson, J. I). Packer, W. S.
Myler, J. Clark, O. Stuck, J. S. Royal, M. D.
Hoi brook.
CAKUO INSPECTORS. —Bristol, D. Williard
Johnstown. J. t'. Barrett ; Columbia, C. Car
son : Philadelphia, Patrick Conroy.
WOOD INSPECTOR. —Jacob Fetterlv.
Hants Tcfrgrujik, an English paper of thelUth
nit. has the following announcement :
"The Powerful, S4, Captain Massey, is or
dered to Jamaica ; aud the Cornwallis, GO,
Captain Wellesloy ; Pembroke, 60, Captain
Seymour, (screws,) aud Rosamond, 60, paddle,
Commander Crofton, are to go to Bermuda.—
It is rumored that this movemeut is in conse
quence of the American government having re
plied* to some communication made to them by
the British government on the subjoct of Cuba
in a tone insulting to this country in the high
est possible degree.''
The same jraper states that two other ships
of war have also been ordered to the North
American coast. We also see it stated, on
other authority, that the discussion about Cu
ba has recently revived in a most belligerent
shape between Mr. Bnchanan, our Minister to
London, and Lord Palmerston, the British
Premier. Both statements, however, so far as
they relate to trouble between the two coun
tries in relation to Cuba, arc of a doubtful
WHEAT IN ENGLAND.— An able writer in the
Mark Dine Express of October Bth, reviews in a
lengthy article, the state of the crops, and par
ticularly of the supply of wheat in Europe.
The concluding paragraph, which we quote,
gives us in brief the conclusion to which he
arrives. He says :
" It will be seen by the above that I antici
pate higher prices for wheat ; and I do not
hesitate to say that if we wish to stave off
much higher prices in the uext summer, the
sooner we advance so as to insure a foreign
supply the better ; for whilst our prices are
behind those of France and Germany, that
supply will inevitably be intercepted before it
reaches our shores."
The same paper states that the merchants
of Goprcwitch have petitioned England and
France to permit the export of grain from the
Sea of Azoff. in neutral vessels and under the
protection of the allied flag.
French refugees, exiled by Louis Napoleon, re
siding on the Island of Jersey, recently took oc
casion to speak bitterly of the Emperor's
treachery to France, with no very complimen
tary remarks upon the Queen, for her visit to
Paris. An indignation meeting was held, and
the refugees were threatened with Lynch law,
unless they left the Island, which they imme
diately did. The London Times threatens
that if they undertake further to disseminate
their Red Republican sentiments, they will
be driven out of the Kingdom. The free
press of England persecuting a few half-starv
ed refugees for the expression of their opin
ons! The "border ruffians" on our Wes
tern frontiers never did anything quite so con
temptible as that.
son, in his recent Message to the Legislature
of Georgia, recommends that provision be
made for the calling of a State Convention in
case Congress refuses to admit Kansas into
the Union on account of her being a slave
holding State, in which case he advises a
disruption of ihe Union, but hopes the patrio
tism of the North will avert such a calamity.
Had the Executive of any one of the Free
States recommended such a course of proce
dure while the repeal of the Missouri Com
promise was pending in Congress, he would
have been denounced as a traitor by the Hot
spurs of the South who now sustain Gov.
American Journal of Medical Science , contains
the following from the pen of D. J. Duegan,
an American Surgeon at Scbrstopol:—"A
seaman knocked down by a fragment of a mor
tar of shell, was picked up dead. The head
was apparently swept from his shoulders, but
there was no trace of hemorrhage. On
disentangling his clothes, which were tightly
jammed around the injured part, the head was
fouud driven downward into the chest, carry
ing with it a groat portion of blue shirt and
red comforter. A small tuft of hair alone
was visible at the bottom of a deep cavity.
It was a regular iutussussception."
MARYLAND ELECTION.— The returns of the
election in Maryland show the election of one
Democrat and four Americans, and one Inde-
jtendant Whig to Congress. The Legislature,
which has a United States Senator to elect,
in place of Gov. l'ratt, and also a State Treasu
rer, is largely American.
Tc>\\ A X I > A :
a a turban fiiormu, Xaocmbet 17, 18Ab.
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MASSA-TIU-SETTS. —In Massachusetts, the
Know Nothings have ejected their whole tiuk
! *- '
et for State officers by a plurality of from ten
to fourteen thousand, Gov. Gardiner leading
Ids colleagues nearly five thousand votes. Both
branches of the Legislature will be in the
hands of the Know Nothings. Iu the Tenth
congressional district, Chaffee, Know Nothing,
has been chosen to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the resignation of Mr. Henry Morris.
MISSISSIPPI. —It is reported that everything
in this State has gone Democratic ; that their
State ticket has been carried by five thousand
majority ; that the whole democratic delega
tion to congress has been elected, and that the
democrats have a majority of thirty iu the Le
LOUISIANA. —It is now ascertained that It.
C. Wiekliffe, Democrat, is chosen Governor of
this State, and that the whole Democratic
State ticket is also elected. The congression
al delegation will stand three Democrats and
oue American.
NEW JERSEY ELECTION. —The election in
New Jersey, for mfembers of the legislature,
has resulted as follows —Senate, democrats
12, wbigs 5, know-nothings 3. House, 37 de
mocrats, 16 whigs, 6 know-nothings, and 1
temperance man.
WISCONSIN. —The result of the election in
this State is still in doubt—brobably Barstow,
Democrat, is elected Governor.
The Senate stauds 14 Republicans and 11
The Assembly 33 Democrats aud 32 Repub
licans, ns far as heard from.
MINESOTA. —The new Territorial Legislature
just elected, will stand —In the Council, 'J De
mocrats, and 5 Republicans ; iu the House 22
Democrats, 11 Republicans, and 2 Know-No
S£&~ The Evening Post does not agree with
those who consider the late election in that
state disastrous to the Republican party. It
The Journal of Commerce exults that at least
one desirable object lias been effected, the de- .
feat of that "dangerous faction" the Repub
lican party. It is not worth while to shut our 1
eyes to the truth of the matter. Considering i
that the Republican party was a sort of impro- !
visation,nn extempore affair, a spontaneous
association of men not accustomed to act to
gether, who came together somewhat reluc
tantly. and who had no proper organization,
it has done wonders. It treads closely on the
heels of Nativists, who have had the advan
tages of a more perfect organization than any
other of the parties. If it was able to do so
much without the ordinary party helps, what
might it have done, aud what may it do here
after, with them ? It is folly to endeavor to
keep these considerations out of sight.
The Republican party is the only successor of
the Free-soil party of this State—many of the
leaders of that party having shrunk from apply
ing to the questions of the day the principles
they once professed so zealously. We do not
pretend to foresee what particular shape
parties will take in tiie approaching contest
for the Presidency, but we do not perceive any
way by which politicians will be able to avoid
the necessity of recognizing the difference of
opinion on the Slavery question as the dividing
line between parties. The Administration
party lias announced its intention to make it
so, and a great part of the adversaries of the
Administration are quite willing to place the
competition for the Presidency on that issue."
X. Y. CANAI. Bo.vnn.—This great dispensing
power of the patronage of the State, in com- j
parison with which the Governor and Legisla- j
turc are quite insignificant, will be oomposed, ;
during the present year as follows :
HKXHV J. RAYMOND, Whig, Lieut. Governor, President.
JOEL T. HEAD LEY, K, X., Secretary <>f State.
LORENZO BURROWS, K. X., Comptroller.
STEPHEN CLARK, K. X., Treasurer.
STEPHEN B. CLSUING, K. X.. Attorney General.
SILAS SEYMOUR, K. X., State Engineer.
HEN BY Kiziiiou, Whig, ) Canal Commissioners.
Six Know-Xothings and three Whigs.
Lhe same officers, except Canal Commission
ers and State Engineer, are Commissioners of
the Canal Fund ; and except Canal Coinmis
siouers, and with the Speaker of the Assent.
chosen) are Commissioners of ,
the Land Office. Ihe Know-Nothings will I
have complete control in these three important
Boards. The Commissioners of the Caua 1
Fund choose the Auditor of the Canal - ciiart
meat. j
BRITISH MENACES. —TIie London Tim's lias
r suited I'd julmirajily by the^udjkatioaof its
i'tiel*• in i Jatioßo jns BuntrvAn at-1
tracing jmbßc attfcnjllri itseft£
'ing ri.-h fooil fur ru wf]>upffi' the
if Will prritrably be tor end of Tlic matter, ex-'
cejit tliat its abuse of this country will cause a
high' degree of irrigation a garnet the British
j Government and people.
It is but proper, however, to remark that
neither the fears nor the threats of the Times
?|pear to IK- RESPONDED to BY English
t has, of course, an object 111 view, and a pur
[ pAse To* Accomplish. Tfs smWen denunciation
|of American ftllibnsterism, at a time when it
I lias been most effectually represented hv pub
lie sentiment in this .country, is cvidcutly only
a pretence which serves it to talk of peace
whilst, it incites to warTiy an acriiponious and
j insulting. tirade toward a people who have no
wish to injure England and no cause certainly
to fear it. If we were to undertake to exam
ine into tho eanse of all this slang against ns,
and seek out the'motives of those who indulge
in it, we would most probably find at the bot
tom, that it was British fear of tltc growing
jxtvier and might of the United States, and
that it was a flricsse, on the part of the British
Government, to commence a bnllying process,
in the hope of thus preventing anything lieing
done which might favor or advantage Russia.
Nor is it at all unlikely that the British Go
vernment finding its Minister to this Country
detected iu the commission of acts which it is
called upon to disown, it has resorted to this
txick of hatching up complaints of bad faith on
the part of our Government, and seeks thus to
escape from an unpleasant dilemma, by making
a set-off to the demands preferred against it by
the United States Government.
THF. NEXT CONOR ESS.— The elections of mem
bers to the House of Representatives have now
all been held ; and the result, ns figured tip, is
as follows :—Regular Democrats 10 ; Opposi
tion 151 ; vacancy 1. The N. Y. Herald lias
undertaken to classify the House, aud gives
the result ns follows : Democrats SI ; South
ern Whigs t) ; Union Know-Nothings 60; Free
Soil K uow-Nothings 15 ; Republicans 68. If
this estimate were at all accurate, which is
probably not the cuse, we might, from it, form
some idea of the political complexion of the
House, and the probable character of its or
ganization. If the Kansas issue be made tho
test in the organization of the House, and as
sume that the Southern States, without regard
to jMilitieal divisions, will bp a unit in favor of
the admission of Whitfield, then the difficulty
will be with the members of the free States.—
How will they act? That is the question
which time alone will reveal.
COAI, VEIN ON FIRS. —The rare phenomenon
of a coal vein on fire is now to be sen at Bea
ver Meadow, in this State. The fire origina
ted from the outside dirt-heap, and thence com
municated to tlie vein, filling the subterraneous
avenues of the mine with sulphur, and render
ing its abandonment necessary until the fire
can be arrested and extinguished. This, how
ever, is a very difficult and expensive process,
but is usually accomplished by walling up all
the air currents and heading off (with clay)
the progress of the fire, and then injecting the
mine with steam. A fire in a coal vein pre
vailed in the vicinity of Titmaqna for several
years, and, no doubt, consumed tens of thou
sands of tons of coal before it could lie extingu
ished, which was finally accomplished a few
weeks ago.
&a¥* The friends of Hon. (J FORCE M. DAL
LAS, liehl a large mootintr in Philadelphia last
week, in which they presented him in a forci
ble manner as a candidate for the next Prcsi-
Ihe reasons assigned why he should have the
highest ollicc in the gift of tlie people of the
I nited States are various, amongst them is the
easting vote he gave for the Tariff of 1840.
—ln this conucetion, we may as well men
tion that the friends of PIERCE have held meet
ings in Massachusetts and elsewhere urging his
re-nomination and re-election to the Presiden
cy. BENJAMIN F. PAUMI.EE has been elected a
Delegate from one of the Massachusetts Con
gressional Districts to the Cincinnati Conven
tion, and is instructed to go for PIERCE. The
President thus starts in the lead, but will lie
be able to keep it ?
RAILROAD ACCIDENT. —The Express, going
west, on the X. V. A ER. R., 10th inst, when
crossing \\ vncoop Creek, Chemung, met with
an accident by the breaking of a rail, throw
ing four cars from the track—breaking the
seats and severely bruising several of the pas
sengers. Cars were sent down from Elmirato
convey the passengers on—so they were delay
ed about one hour. A rottcnuess in a tic was
the cause of the rail breaking.
Mercury says : " We have had enough of this
" Glorious Union." A thoroughly organised
Disunion Party is the disideratum, aud until
such lie formed at the South, all time devoted
to political discussion will be time wasted."—
This is what we call fanaticism of a kind which
the most ultra abolitionist never dreamed of.
of new counterfeit $5 bills on the Mechanics'
Bank of Philadelphia, have been put into cir
culation in that city. Tliey are lettered " B,"
and so well executed as to deceive the best
tx£r° The Clearfield Republican, cx-Govcrnor
BIULEK'S home organ, urges strongly his elec
tion to the United States Senate. Sodocstbe
II olidaysburg St a nil a rd.
Letter from Martin Van Bnren.
g' TLKF foUpwiJfr letter, never before published,
Jass|pdnii|*ed fey ex-President VAN BVRKK to
(J*TVDALL, Esq., of this County, upon
j(|e ftieoipl of an address made by Mr. Crad
dall at a Frccmpil mass meeting held in Bead
ford, immediately after Mr. Van Buren's no
mination for the Presidency in 1848.
I.ISKKSWALD, October I, 1848.
DEAR SIR : I liojie you will pardon my long
delay in acknowledging the receipt and return
ing you my thanks for your spirited and truly
patriotic letter. Von may be assured that you
will novel 4 Ivave cause to Regret the zeal with
which you have embarked in the free-soil cause.
If there is anything certain in politics, it is its
ultimate and permanent snecess.
With best wishes for your health and hap
Very respectfully and trulv yours,
StsOr Sir William Molesworth, Secretary of
State for the Colonies, died on the 22d ultimo,
of a low gastric fever. His age was 45. Sir
William Molesworth is the last of his race,and
with his death the barouetey expires.
Another effort is about being made to in
duce Gov. Pollock to jwirdoa I)r. Beale, who
has been in prison more than a year.
Dr. Kane, the Arctic Explorer, is in New-
York, where he has made arrangements with
an artist who is now engaged in the prepara
tion of the maps, charts, plates, Ac., for his
own report, ami for the use of Mr. Grinnell.
Mr. Buchanan will return home by the way
of the West Indies, and expects to be in New-
York about the Ist of January.
Majors Delafield and Murdock, and Capt.
M'Clellan, of the United States Army, had ar
rived at the allied camp iu the Crimea.
Gov. Merriwcther, of New Mexico, is on a
visit to Kentucky.
The Bardstown (Ky.) Gazette says that the
health of Hou. Liuu Boyd is still very bad.
The New-York Times contradicts its state
ment about the anticipated marriage of Dr.
Judge Douglas was sick at Terre Haut, lud.,
on the 31st tilt.
SrsQfEn ANX A BANK. —The Montrose Demo
crat says : We notice that a suit has beeu com
menced against Win. L. Post, T. P. St. John,
Ansel St. John, Leonard Searle, 1 >aniel Searle,
F. B. Chandler, Charles Avery, C. Goddard,
C. L. Ward, and C. C. Halscy, for the redemp
tion of the notes of the late Bank of Susque
hanua County. Latham Gardner, plaintiff.—
X. Newton, Attorney.
SPORTING WOMEN. —A match of billiards for
$3,000 is to be played in New Orleans soon,
betweeu two Creole ladies of the " first resjiec
tability." These women are said to have few
equals at the game, even among gentlemen, in
the United States.
have at length a full report of the dead and
wounded by the late awful disaster on the St.
Louis Pacific Railway ; and the totals are,
dead 30, wounded 70, or 100 in all, This is
the worst railroad accident which probably
has ever occurred iu this country.
lock signed on tho oth instant, the bill passed
by the last Legislature respecting the charter
of the Erie and Northeast Railroad Company.
died near Peek-kill, N. Y., on Wednesday,the
10th ultimo, of hydrophobia. It appears he
was bitten on the little finger by a small dog,
in May last, but thought little of it until tiie
Ist inst., when his finger became painful. This
he attributed to rheumatism, until he went to
a pail of water for a drink. The moment tho
water touched his lips a sudden convulsive and
jerking movement ol his throat and chest threw
his hand from his mouth. Surprised at such
a strange act he again carried the cup to his
mouth, and the same violent throe ensued.—
He made the third attempt, and with the same
result. It then, for the first time, struck him
that he had the hydrophobia. He immediate
ly sent for some of his friends who did all they
couhl to relieve him, but the symptoms con
tinued to grow more severe, aud in a few days
he died, retaining his senses and a calm dispo
sition to the last.
ERIK RAILROAD. —TIie whole nnmber of oars
and locomotives on this road is 3,168, which,
if coupled together in one train, \vnld reach a
distance of twenty-one miles, and he able to
carry 150,000 persons in one day from New
\ork to Lako Erie. The Company has in its
employ not less than 5,000 persons, whose pay
per month is $125,000, or $1,500,000. The
number of miles from Jersey City to Dunkirk
is 4;>9 ; and is run over by evening express
trains in sixteen hours. The Company has in
its service six printing presses, which are con
stantly at work printing tickets that arc never
used but once, blanks, &c.
DEATH OF A MURDERESS. —EIisabeth Darker,
who had been confiucd in the jail at Hunting
don since the fall of 1823, under sentence of
death for the murder of her husband and sistor,
by poison, died there a few days ago. She was
sixty-five years of age when she committed
these murders, and in cousideratiou of her sex,
and extreme age Governor Bigler humanely
withheld her death warrant, and she was al
lowed to drag out a life of remorse and wretch
edness, until called by Providence to her final
JfetT" The Death Warrant of Jacob Arm
braster, convicted ami sentenced in the Rucks
County Court, for the murder of his wife,
was received from the Governor on Monday
of last week. It fixes Friday, the 15th of
Febuary next, as the day of execution. The
hardened wretch betrayed no einotiou when
the warrant was read and explained to him,
but simply remarked that "many an innocent
man haddjecn hung in Pennsylvania.''
Another Railroad Massacre.
The Jlnrltm Express Train Tifaicn off tk,
Tr*ch by the High Wind—Two Persons
Killed and a large number Wounded.
Asthe Albnv Express train on the Harlom
Railroad, whifch left Chatham Four Comers at
5 3ft last evening, in charge of Mr.
\\ bite, conductor, was about midway l*t w ,
Copake a.ul Boston Corners. an elevation of
some 3o feet above the level ground, tlie entire
traiu, with the exception of the engine and ten
der, was suddenly precipitated down the em
bankment, by a violent gust of wind landing
up side down, with their load of human freight
snugly secured within. The train consisted 0 f
the engine, tender, baggage car, and three
passenger cars.
The scene which followed the disaster which
was greatly added to by the extreme darkness
of the night, beggars description. On all sides
were heard the wailings and calls of the in
jured and dying for assistance, which it was
rendered the more difficult of giving | IV s JL
as were fortnnaite to escape from the'ruing „„
injured, from the fact that every lamp on tho
train had either been demolished or blown out
leaving the entire scene enshrouded in the
blackness of midnight.
Mr. White, the conductor, with promptness
dispatched the engine to Millerton, about *
miles distant, the nearest station for' cars and
assistance, and immediately sat about with
such assistance as he could procure in extricat
ing the passengers from the rnins. It was
found on removing them that two were already
dead, and several others frightfully injured
and a large number more or less bruised ami
disabled. U
Immediately on the retnrn ofthe engine with
cars and assistance, the dead, wonnded and un
injured passengers were placed therein, and
the traiu started fur this city where it arrived
at 5 1-2 o'clock this morning leaving such ofthe
passengers as resided on the line at their homes
The names of the dead are :
Mr. Ilathbone, a paper manufacturer at Bos
ton Corners. Body sent home.
Mr. Geylord, brakeman of the train. Re
mains brought to this citv.
Mr. Nottingham, Superintendent ofthe Road
and his assistant. Mr. Campbell, on hearing,f
the occurrence, this morning, started iinme
diatily for the scene.
We understand that the injured are doing u
well as could be expected uuder the circum
The accident was purely beyond the control
of human agency, consequently no blame can
possibly le attached to any one. An accident
of this kind, to our recollection, has never be
fore occurred on any railroad in this country.—
N. Y. Express, Nov. 13.
A GHASTLY SPECTACLE. —It is almost incredi
hie to state the loss of the Russians in SRlAS
topol alone ; thousands and thousands of dead
bodies J nitrify the air, and indeed, almost the
earth. I have l>een to see Sebastopol, and to
describe the state of it, is almost, and iudeed,
utterly impossible ; it is a frightful den ; the
last two bombardments have made frightful
havoc in the towu ; it can only be compared
to a sieve, it is so riddled with shot and she!!.
The buildings look quite perfect from our bat
teries, but once near them, we find them noth
ing but mere shells ; nothing remains of the
inside but confused piles of rubbish ; no stair
ease, no floors, nothing remains except an un
seemly mass, nor is there a single door or win
dow to be seeu in any of tbem. In walkinc
through the town, wherever you could tun,
nothing but dead bodies piled on lop of tad rib
rr met the eye, and a horrid s'noh sainted tin
nose ; and what teas more shut King still, thm
ire re en sis filled irith arms, legs, hands, ton ad
fingers piled regularly away in heaps.
is a statute in Indiana which pre
vents the testimony of a negro being received
in the Courts. This diability, which has often
been complained of for injustice, just now giro
the proscribed class the monopoly of the car
rying- trade in liquor iu that £tnte. As they
cannot be made witnesses the liquor dealers
are not afraid to sell to them, and they are
very generally employed to effect tlicexchange
between the seller and consumer of the prohi
bited article.— Toledo Hep.
CHILD BURKED TO DEATH. —On the evening
of the 7th inst., a little girl aged five years,
daughter of Samuel Burroughs of Alstead, N
H. was so severely burned by her clothes tak
ing fire, that she died !>oforc morning. The
child's mother who is in delicate health wa?<o
overcome hv this sudden calamity as to lr
bereft of her senses, and now lies in a very
precarious condition.
1*3?" The famous racing mare, Fashion,
was at the Hartford Depot, Hartford. Ct. for
an hour or so on the 31st nit. She attracts
a crowd of critics and admirers ; and *•
looked upon with something of the resjocct one
feels for a gallant old soldier who has sko* l
true pluck.
Hod?.—The Louisville Journal reports a
other large sale of 20 000 head from the bos
by a porkhousc owner, at $0, — taken by u
English packer. The Madison (la.) K'f
of Monday says, that at the Mammoth • ar '
slaughter house, in that place, there are
and under contract, eighteen thousand p*
ges of cooperage, three thousand barrec •
Kanawha salt, and a heavy quantity of !• .
pool salt. Purchases of Hogs have been a
to the number of thirty-one thousand beau.
A young man named SMITH, ofCopcnj
Lewis County was dangerously wonnde
some unknown jierson, on Saturday o
week. Mr. SMITH was watching *hh
person that night, and had occasion V ■
out at the door when he was fired .
ball taking effect about the elbow, nip'---
an artery and teariug the ttcsh horribly
The coal tonnage of the Heading
road, thus far this season, is i L
the Schuylkill Navigation 904,0t2. t ' I '.
in the former peing 221,915, audof tuo
145,272 tons.
"" " "
Roy, Bradford county, Pa-, counted t
upon oue stalk of Buckwheat, to
and sixty—a large increase from one in
gle season. What if we should try i
all seeds increase in the same way .
to hinder ?— Tribune.
■_ ti#
JUDGE KANE.— Resolutions
proceedings of Judge Kane, in 111 Ljgsi
Passmore Williamson, have been
into the Vermont Legislature. §