Case of Passmore Williamson. [From the Philadelphia Kveuing Bulletin of Saturday.] This morning Passmore Williamson appear ed in the United States District Court, accom panied by Messrs. Meredith, Gilpin and Hop per, his counsel, and offered the following pe tition : rrriTios. United States of America vs. Williamson, District Court of the United States, Eastern district of Pennsylvania. To tlie honorable the iudjfe of the District Court of the United State--, for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania. The petition of Passmore Williamson re spectfully showeth : That he desires to purge himself of the eon tempt because of which he is now attached, and to that end is willing to make true answers to suelt interrogatories as may lie addressed to him by tbc court touching the matter hereto fore inquired of him by the writ of habeascor pus to him directed at the relation of John H. Wheeler. Wherefore he prays that he may be permit ted to purge himself of said contempt by mak ing true answers to such interrogatories as may be addressed to him by the honorable court touching the premises. P. WILLIAMSON. Affirmed and subscribed before me, Nov. 2, 1855. (.'HAS. F. HEAZLITT,U. S. Com. Judge Kane, after consideration, replied to the petition as follows : PASSMORE WILLIAMSON : The court has re ceived your petition, and, upon consideration thereof, have thought right to grant the prayer thereof. You will therefore make here in ojajn court, your solemn affirmation, that in the re turn heretofore made by you to the writ of habeas carpus which issued from this court at the relation of John H. Wheeler, and in the proceedings consequent thereupon, you have not intended a contempt of this court or of its process : moreover, that you are now willing to make true answers to such interrogatories as may be addressed to you by the court, touch ing the premises inquired of in the said writ of habeas corpus." The required affirmation was then made in the form dictated by the judge. Mr. Van Dyke, the district-attorney then submitted an interrogatory iu writing, which was not read aloud at that time. Mr. Gilpin said Mr. Williamson was per fectly willing to answer the interrogatory sub mitted by the district-attorney, but as he did not know what other interrogatories might fol low this, he thought it best that it and its an swer should l>e filed. Mr. Yau Dyke said he was willing either to file the interrogatory or to submit it for an im mediate reply. Mr. Gilpin and Judge Kane both remarked that they had understood the district-attorney to intimate that if the question propounded was answered in the affirmative he would be satisfied. The court further said, that it was for the petitioner to make his election whether or not the interrogatories and the replies should be filed. After consultation with his counsel, the pe titioner preferred that the questions and an swers should be filed. The court directed that the interrogatories should be filed. Tbis was done, and the par ties retired for a time. Mr. Gilpin then read the interrogatory that had been propounded, and the reply of Mr. Williamson. The defendant and his counsel then retired, and after some time returned. The interrogatory was as follows : INTERROGATORY. United States vs. Passmore Williamson, Nov. 3. 1555, and now John I'. Van Dyke, Attorney tor the United States, by leave granted,files the following interrogatory: Interrogatory—Did you, at the time of the service of the writ of habeas corpus at the re lation of John H. Wheeler, or at any time du ring the period intervening between the ser vice of said writ and the making of your return thereto, seek to oliev the mandate of said writ, by bringing before this honorable court the persons of the slaves therein mentioned ? If to tbis interrogatory you answer in the affirmative, state fully and particularly the mode in which you sought so to obey said writ, and all that you did tending to that end. And, therefore, it is ordered that defendant, Passmore Williamson, do make true auswers to said interrogatories. The reply made was as follows. The reader will, however, understand that this reply was amended at the suggestion of the court, to con form better to the views of the district-attor ney. The following is the reply as amended : ANSWER or PETES PANT. I did not seek to obey the writ by produc ing the persons therein mentioned before the court, because I bad not, at the time of the service of the writ, the power over, the custo dy or control of them, and, therefore, it was impossible for me to do so. I first heard of the writ of habeas corpus on Friday, July 20, between 1 and 2 o'clock a. in., on my return from Harrisburg. After breakfast, about 9 o'clock, I went from my house to Mr. Hopper's office, when and where the rcturu was pre pared. At 10 o'clock I cnmc into court as command ed by the writ. I sought to obey the writ by answering it truly ; the parties not being in my possession or control, it was inq>ossible for me to obey the writ by producing them. Siuec the service of the writ I have not had the cus tody, possession or power over them ; nor have I known where they were except from com mon rumor or the newspaper rcjorts in regard to their public apjiearaucc iu the city or else where. Some discussion arose between the district attorney and the counsel of Mr. Williamson. Van Dyke contended that the reply of the de fendant was evasive and contradictory. The judge said the difficulty, he thought, could be easily overcome by amending the answer, and to the suggestion of the court it was amended iu the following manner : I did not seek to obey the writ by produc ing the persons in the writ mentioned before this rourt. I did not seek because I verily believed that it was entirely impossible for me to produce the said persons agreeably to tbc command of the court. This answer was then accepted by the court and ordered filed. Mr. Yan Dyke then submitted another in terrogatory, the sulwtance of which was whe ther or not Mr. Williamson had been guilty of mental reservations in his reply to the first in terrogatory ? The court overruled this interrogatory as superfluous and improper. Mr. Yan Dyke withdrew this interrogatory and offered another, which was also overruled by the court on the ground that it led to such replies as bad already becu objected to bv the district-attorney. Mr. Yau Dyke also withdrew tbis question. Judge Kane then remarked that the district attorney had been invited to aid the court in this case, but that he would bear in mind that his relation to Mr. Wheeler was now suspend ed. Tbis was only an inquiry as to what inju ry had been done the process of the court. Mr. Yau Dyke said lie was aware of the po sition he occupied. Judge Kane then said : "The contempt, is " regarded as purged, and the party is releas "ed from custody. He is now re-instated in " the position he occupied before the eoutcmpt " was committed. Mr. Williamson is now be " fore me on the returu to the writ." Mr. Van Dyke then arose and addressed the court. After Mr. Yan Dyke had concluded, Mr. Meredith inquired, "Is Mr. Williamson dis charged ?" Judge Kane replied, "He is. I understand from the remarks, of the district-attorney, that a noUcprosequi has been entered iu the case in this court." The court then adjourned. Mr. Williamson was congratulated by his friends on his resto ration to liberty. Mr. W. looks exceedingly well, and but lit tle paler and thinner than in July, when he made his famous return to the writ out of which so much trouble and discussion have arisen. He appeared perfectly cool and col lected throughout the proceedings this morn ing, and evinced no emotion whatever. Pennsylvania Legislature. We are now enabled to give a full list of the members elect of the next Legislature. The names of Democrats are giveu in Roman ; those of the opposition iu italics. SENATE., 1. Phila. City— Eli K. Price, William A. Crubb. 2. Phila. County—N. B. Browne, H. C. Pratt, Harlan Ingram.* 3. Montgomery—Thomas P. Knox.* 4. Chester and Delaware— James J. Leads. 5. Berks—John C. Evans.* 6. Bucks—Jonathan Ely.* 7. Lancaster and Lebanon— J. C. Shuman, J. W. Killinger. 8. Northumberland and Dauphin— David Toggart. 9. Northampton and Lehigh—J. Laubach.* 10. Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wavne—J. 11. Walton 11. Adams and Franklin— David Mcllinger. 12. York—Win. H. Welsh.* 13. Cumberland and Perry—Sam'l. Wherry. 14. Centre, Lycoming, Sullivan and Clinton —Andrew Gregg. 15. Blair, Cambria and Huntington—J. Cresswell, Jr. 16. Luzerne, Montour and Columbia—C. R. Buckalew. 17. Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming —W. M. Piatt. 18. Tioga, Potter, M'Kean, Elk, Clearfield, Jefferson and Forrest— Henry Souther. 19. Mercer, Venango and Warren—Thos. Hoge. 20. Erie and Crawford— D. A. Finney * 21. Butler, Beaver aud Lawrence— John Ferguson. 22. Allegheny—Jonas R. M'Clintock, Wm. Wilkins.* 23. Washington and Greene— J.C. Fleniken. 24. Bedford, Fulton and Somerset— Francis Jordan. 25. Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion—S. S. Jamison. 26. Juniata, Mifflin and Union— James M. Se'/ers. 27. Westmoreland and Fayette— W. E. Fra zer. 28. Schuylkill—C. M. Straub.* *New Members. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Adams—lsaac Robinson. Allegheny—James B. Fulton, Samuel Smith, James Salisbury, C. Magee, L. B. Patterson. Armstrong, Clarion and Jefferson— Darwin Phelps, Philip Clover, M. K. Boyer. Beaver, Butler ami Lawrence— D. li. Em brie, A. W. Crawford, R. 11. AT Combs. Bedford, Fulton and Cambria—R. Nelson Smith, Joseph Bernhard. Berks—J. Lawrence Getz, George Slienk, W in. Ilines, Benj. Nunnemaclier. Blair and Huntingdon— T. M. Gibbony, John 11. Wintrode. Brw'.fjrd— U. Ijiporte, J. Holmmb. Bucks—John Mangle, Alex. B. Johnson, John 11. Lovett. Carbon aud Lehigh—Joshua Fry, Thomas Craig, jr. Centre— Jacob St ruble. Chester—Andrew Buchanan, Robert Irwin, Joseph Dowdall. Clearfield, M'Kean and Elk—S. A. Backus. C.iuton, Lycoming and Pott' r —Sam'l Cald well, John C. AT Ghee. Columbia aud Montonr—John G. Mont gomery. Crawford— Joseph Brown, Leonard Reed. Cumlerlaud—Jas. Annerson, Wm. Harj>er. Dauphin— David Mumma, Jr., J. Wright. Delaware—Charles I>. Manley. Eric — G. J. Rail, M. Whallon. Fayette and Westmoreland—Henry I). Fos ter, Samuel Ilill, John Fousold, P. A. Johus. Franklin—James B. Orr, James Boyd. Greene—llufus K. Campbell. Indiana— Robert 11. Moorehead. Lancaster—George G. Brush, Jesse Rein hold, P. W. Housekeeper, Wm. Hamilton, C. L. llu vs cler. Lcbai on— Wm. A. Barry. Lnzernc—ll. Wriglit, Henderson Gay/ord. Mercer, Veuango and Warren— Sam'tKeer, S. P. ATCalmont, Daniel Lett. Mifflin— John PurcelJ. Monroe and Pike—Ahram Edinger. I Montgomery—Josiah Hillcgas, Geo Hutuill, A. B. Longaker. Northampton—John A. Lines, Jesse Pear son. Xortbuuil)crland—S. 11. Zimmerman. Perry— Kirk Haines. Philadelphia City— E. Joy Morris, Jacob Dock, Aaron Cobnrn, George Smith. Phila. County—Charles M. Leisenring, John Thompson, Joseph Hunnecker, John M'Car thy, Townsend Yearsley, Charles Carty, Fred. J. Walter, Samuel A Hibbs, John Robers, It. L. Wright. Schuylkill—R. Dickson, S Frick. Somerset— Jonas Augustine. Susquehanna, Sullivan wad Wyoming—J. V. Smith, T. J. Ingham. Tioga— T. L. Baldwin. Union, Snyder and Juniata— G. W. St rouse. Washington—Geo. W. Miller, D. Riddle. Wayne- Nathauiel W. Vail. York - Isaac Black, Samuel Maneer, James Ramsey. ISrabtoJUjpte. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. ~TOWANDA : Satnrbao fUormun, Noocmbcr 10, 1055. TI:RMS —One Dollar per annum, invariably in ailt>anre.— Four weeks preriuus to the expiration of a subscription. notice will be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. CLUBBING — The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely Unc rates : 6 copies for $6 00 I 15 copies for $l2 (XI 10 copies for 800| 20 copies f0r. ... 15 00 A L>\ KRTI3KM KKT8 — For a square of ten lines or less, One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WOKK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and at reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books, Blanks, Hand-bills, Ball tickets, $-c. MOSEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an envelope, and properly directed, we will be responsible for its safe delivery. THE ELECTIONS.; NEW YORK. The returns from the state of New York ore very meagre. They indicate the election of the Republican slate ticket, over the Know Noth ings. The Soft and Hard vote will be about equal. New York city gives theK.N.'s about 6,000 majority. Tioga county elects the entire democratic ticket, but gives the Republican state ticket a plurality of 300. Chemung elects the demo cratic county ticket, and gives the Soft state ticket a majority. MASSACHUSETTS. Returns from 198 towns foot follows : Gardner, 39,427 ; Beach, 22,747 ; Walley, 10,215 ; Rockwell, 26,134. Gardner's plu rality thus far, 13,293. The Know-Nothiugs have probably elected a majority of the legislature, although the re sult is not fully known. LOUISIANA. The Know-Nothiugs have swept the city of New Orleans. Nothing is yet known from the the country. RECEPTION OF GOV. REEDER. Gov. REEDER was received at the cars, on his arrival at Phillipsburg from Philadelphia, on the 6th instant, by a very great assemblage of the people of Easton and the neighbornood, who were there to greet him with a hearty welcome home, and an earnest and warm ap proval of his course in the difficult and momen tous affairs with which he has been so credita bly and distinguishingly associated in Kansas. He was escorted by an immense concourse of citizens, with music, to Connor's Hotel, where he was received, in a short and eloquent ad dress, by GEO. W. YATES, Esq., after which the Governor delivered a masterly and powci fully impressive speech, which was listened to with profound attention, and evidently fell with convincing effect upon his audience. He gave a rapid but luminous and candid history of the whole of the Kansas affair, show ing up the unfairness and hypocrisy of the Ad ministration on the one side, and the high : handed and lawless proceedings of the Missou- I ri iuvaders on the other, with a clearness of narrative and a graphic description which car ried conviction to the minds of all. He explained satisfactorily, all seeming in consistencies in his course, and avowed his fix ed determination to stand by, at all hazards and through all consequences, the noble plat form uf principles adopted by the Free State party of Kansas. Throughout the whole of his speech, there was not one violent or abusive epithet against those at whose hands lie Lad received such measureless abuse. He closed amid a deep and earnest response of cordial agreement on the part of his hcarej.s. PASSMORF. WILLIAMSON RELEASED. —The case of Passmorc Williamson was up in the District Court,on Saturday laßt, and resulted in his dis charge by Judge KANE. A full report of the proceedings—Williamson's petition, the inter rogatories and answers—and the decision of the Judge—will be found iu another column. If our readers can find any difference between Williamson's answers now, and his return to the habeas corpus , they arc wiser than wc are. There is nothing iu his " purgation'' which he has not been endeavoring to do and say, every day since the tyranny of Judge KANE confined him in Moyamcusing. The "contempt" we feel for the Court is increased when we sec how little it requires to satisfy its offended dignity. Judge KANE has shown in this transaction, both in the beginning and the conclusion, a spirit of servility to the influence of the slave power, which will render his name odious for all time, to Freemen. In eudeavoring to bow to the domination of slavery, lie has descended lower thau he intended, we have no doubt, but it is no excuse for him, that he now endeavors by weak and frivolous pretences to regain his standing. —Wc learn from the Philadelphia North American, that a writ, issued by the Court of Delaware county, at the suit of Passuiore Wil liamson, on a complaint of false imprisonment, Ac., was served Tuesday last on Judge KANE, while on a visit at the house of his brother-in law, Judge LIEPER, near Chester. The pro ceedings having been thus commenced, the case will come up for trial, in proper course, at Me dia, in Delaware comity. J. J. LEWIS, Esq., of \Y estchester, is the counsel marked upon the summons. HIRAM LOCKWOOD, has been appointed Post-Master at Alba, in this County, rice A. H. CASE resigned. J. W. WOODBURN has also been appointed ! Post-Master at Rome, rice George Nichols. I *a?~ WE cut the following paragraph from the East on Argus, oue of the strictest " okl j line democratic'' paj>ers in the Commonwealth.: It is a truthful statement of the causes which produced the late apparent triumph of slavery in Pennsylvania. Our friend HITTER has no particular reasons to defcud the National Ad ministration. He is the personal and political friend of Gov. RKEDKR, and should by this time l>e fully awakened to the intolerant and pre scriptive spirit of the Blaveocracy. If any one ever had reason for cntting loose from an or ganization which is only useful in forwarding the purposes of the slavery-propagandists, it is the editor of the Easton Argus —and we trust the time will soon come when he will re fuse in any way to aid in advancing the schemes of those who have sacrificed Gov. REKDER, be cause be would not become a supple tool in their hands: "We notice that an effort is made in certain quartern to construe the late Democratic triumph in Pennsylvania into an endorsement of the present National A ministra tion. It mnst require a peculiar pair of spectacles to see any such meaning in the result, and we pronounce it pnre, unadulterated nonsense. In this section of the Rtate, where the largest majorities were given for the Democrat ic candidates, no one thought of Mr. Pierce or his Admin istration, and no one cared the snap of a finger about ei ther. The victory might with as much reason be claim ed as an endorsement of the course of Louis Napoleon. It was Know-N'otliingism and the abominable " Jug laiw v that disgusted the people and swelled the Democratic vote. It wis a knowledge of the fact that the Democratic party is and always has been opposed to isms of every sort ami grade—to fanaticism and tyrannical laws of every shade—that caused the great mass of the people to flock to its standard. It is all stuff for any editor to undertake to prove anything else." LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. —By the arrival at New York of the steamship Star of the West, from Sun Juan, we have some important news. The passengers were detaiued nine days on the Isthmus by the political troubles. Col. Wal ker had attacked Grenada, the capital of Nic aragua, and captured it. Gen. Corral, com mander of the forces of the late government, had surrended to Walker, and a treaty of peace was formally ratified between them. The late Secretary of State, Mayarza, was shot for trea son. The Transit Company's steamer, San Carlos, while carrying the California passen gers, was fired into by the government forces from the fort at the junction of the San Juan river, and Lake Nicaragua. A lady and child were killed, and the steamer damaged. The passengers reached the Pacific without further molestation. This occurrence took place on the sth of October, and on the 19th the govern ment forces from Ilivas made a murdorous at tack on the returning Californians at Virgin Bay, killing four and severely wounding eight. Both these acts were in revenge for the success of Walker. KANSAS. —The Lawrence Herald gives a de tailed return of the vote cast for lleeder in 44 precincts. The aggregate is 2864. There are over 50 precincts in all. Of this total, 557 were cast at Lawrence, and 503 at I n arou>cd. At a meeting of Union Lodge No. 108, A. Y. Masons, at their Hull in the Borough of Towanda, on Wednesday, October 24, A. D. 1855, A. L. 5855, brother Wu. PATTOX ad dressed the chair as follows : WotSHiPiTL MASTER AND BRETHREN : Within a brief period the pall of death has mantled the mortal remains of another of our fraternity in a land of strangers, and they have been borne hither to his former home in oar vicinity, and conveyed by tried and trusty brethren to that narrow house opened for their final reception. No more will the warm grasp of his friendly hand betoken the fraternal greet ing of his beloved brethren in revisiting this sacred retreat. No more will the glauce of his once bright eye beam upon that radiant •'fight which none but craftsmen ever saw."— No more will his listcniug ear be open to the appeals of distress No more will his open hand be the generous almoner of charity. The far distant sound of the gavel has summoned him to the august presence of the Grand Mas ter of the Universe. Yes ! our beloved bro ther, HARRY GORE, has gone to meet his bre thren who have gone before him, in that sacred temple erected in the spirit world by the fiat of infinite wisdom. Wc sec him not —we hear him not—we miss his presence, and mourn his loss as one whom we all esteemed, and who is eminently worthy of our affectionate remem brance. As I was not here to participate in the funer al ceremonies, 1 deemed it but an act of jus tice to our deceased brother to offer this hum ble tribute of the expression of my own feel ings, in concurrence with the sentiments alrea dy expressed by the Lodge. Preamble and resolutions offered by brother H. L. SCOTT, at the preceding meeting of the Lodge, and unanimously adopted : WHEREAS, It has pleased the Almighty, in His diviue Providence, to remove from earth our worthy Brother, HAKKY (ILL, aud 11. B. M'KEAN said committee. Terrible Accident on the Pacific Railroad. •On the Ist instant, an excursion train, con sisting of fourteen ears, crowded with invited guests, left the depot at St. Louis, on an ex cursion to Jefferson City, to celebrate the open ing of the Pacific Railroad to that place. On reaching a bridge across the Gasconade river, the structure gave way, and ten of the cars were precipitated a distance of twenty-five or thirty feet into the water. The crossing is about eight miles from the town of Herman. Two locomotives were attached to the train, one at the front, and the other at the rear; and the front one and ten passenger ears were precipitated into the river. About one hun dred and fifty of the passengers are said to have got out before passing the bridge, in order to sec the structnre and observe the trial of it by so heavy a train. The road enters the bridge with a curve, aud this circumstance, perhaps, prevented the accident from being more fatal. The foremost locomotive had reached the first pier when the structure gave way. In falling it reversed its position entirely, the front turn ing to the east and the wheels upward. On it at the time, were the President, Mr. 11. E. Bridge, who was saved, and Mr. O'Sullivan, the chief engineer of the road, and a numl>er of employees, nil of whom are supposed to have been lost. The baggage car, next the engine, went down without causing any serious injury, and following it were the first and second pas senger cars, in which several were killed, and a large nnmber more or less mangled. In the third car, only one or two were killed, although it was in a dangerous position and almost en tirely demolished. In the fourth and fifth cars several were instantly killed, and a great many fatally injured. On the other cars the loss of fife and the wounded were dreadful. Some of the cars plunged on the top of those beneath them, with their ponderous wheels crashing or maiming the unfortunate passengers, while oth ers hung opon the cliff in a perpendicular posi tion, and two or three turned bottom upward down the grade. The train had on board at least sixhnndred persons ; among them were two of the military companies of St. Lonis, many members of the press, distingnished citizens, legislators, Ac.— Two physicians were among those who escap ed, and they rendered efficieut service to the wounded. A despatch from St. Lonis, dated the 4th, siys :—" A train arrived here this evening, bringing the bodies of those who were killed on the excursion train on the Pacific railroad, together with those badly wounded, those but slightly injured having previously arrived. The whole number of killed is twenty-two. It is impossible to ascertain the number of wounded as scarcely a man on the train escaped unhurt Those suffering from broken limbs and severe contusions probably reach fifty. The bodies of the dead are to be buried to-morrow. FRI ITS OF RIM. — The Ohio State Journal of the 2Uth relates the following : " On Friday la?t Judge Williams of Union county, at one time assouite judge of that county, while in a state of intoxication, seated himself on the railroad track, in the vicinity of Urbana, and was knocked off the track by a freight-train, aud his foot was crushed in such a manner that amputation had to be resorted to the same night. We learn that Judge Williams died last night from the cffecs of in juries received at the time. It is due to the engineer of the train to say that when he found the person would not leave the track, he re versed his engine, and jumped off and endeavor ed to run ahead of his machine, to save Mr. illiams, but missed it by no more than two steps. The judge leaves a wife and children to mourn his loss." FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. —On Tuesday af ternoon at about 5 o'clock, a man ap|>areiitly 20 years of age, evidently a foreigner who had recently arrived in this country, wus instantly killed upon the track of the N. Y. and E. R. R. near llackensack river. He was walking upon the track at a point where up and down trains were meeting, and stepping from one track to avoid one train, lie got in the way of the other, and was instantly killed by a blow from the cow-catcher. The body was taken to the cold spring station. Four Days Later from Europe. Capture of Kinbnrn by the Allies! RUMORED RUSSIAN EVACUATION OF THE CRIMEA! The steamship Arago fr>m Havre,via S<: n'h ampton, with Liverpool dates to the 24th ult arrived at New York Tuesday afternoon. ' The Arago brings a confirmation of the re port of the capture of Kinburn by the allied armies. The uews was received by the En fish Admiralty on the 20th inst., by the follow', ing despatch from Sir E. Lyons : —The three forts on the Kinborn Spit, mounting upwards of 70 guns, and garrisoned by 1300 men, under Gen Kokonpkitch capitulated to the allied forces on the 17th October. The day before yesterday a flotilla of yonr vessels forced the entrance of the Dneiper, and the allied troons landed on the Spit, to the southward of the forts ; thus, by their simultaneous operation the retreat of the garrisons and the arrival of reinforcements were entirely cut off so that the forts, being bombarded to-day (17th) bv the mortar vessels, gnn-vessels, and French float, ing batteries,and being closely cannonaded bv the eleven line of-battlc ships and frigates, fhav ing only two feet of water under their keels ) were soon obliged to surrender. The casual ties in the fleets were very few, but the enemr had 40 killed ami 130 wounded. A steam squadron, under the orders of Rear Admirals Stewart and I'elton, lie at anchor in the I)nei per, and command the entrance to Nicboiauff aud Klierson. The forts are occupied br the Allied troops. The prisoners were to be sent to Constantinople. The Times intimates that General Simpson Commander-in-Chief in the Crimea, is about to be recalled, and the Morning Herald farther states that Lieut. Gen. Sir J. W. Codringtou is to succeed bim. The Glolie, an evening jour ual, states that Gen. Simpson is not recalled nor is there any intention of recalling hiin The ill httilth. of the General, the Globe sav< unfits him for further service. Arrangements were being made by the Government to pro vide for a successor, but nothing had been de cided upon. The Czar had arrived at Odessa on the 9th Admiral Duudas had left Nassen, in the Wellington, and was gone to Stockholm, to pay his respects to King Oscar. A dreadful accident had occurred on the Lv o'is Railway, by which sixteen persons were killed, aud others dangerously wounded. The Rourse, at Madrid, was deserted from a panic caused by cholera. A telegraphic despatch was received at the Admiralty, Admiral Lyons, announcing that, on the morning of the 18tli ult., the Russians blew up the fortifications on Oschnkoff point, mounting 23 guns, and which were assailable by the mortar vessels of the Allies. A despatch from the Crimea states that the Russians continued to augment the defence? of of Sebastopol. THE DITCH REFORMED CHCRCH ON THE BIB JKCT or SLAVERY. —The action of the General i Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church, upon the great question of the day is an event of no ! ordinary significance. Several churches of North Carolina, as it appears, professing the doctrines of the Reformed Dntch, applied to the General Synod for admission as a separate classis. The special committee of the Synod, to whom the subject was referred, reported in favor of admitting the classis, without anv re servation in regard to slavery. Their report ami resolution*, after a daily debate form-ark a week, were rejected, and instead of them are solution < ff red by Dr. Betbune, revesting the classis to withdraw its application, was carried almost unanimously. This was the most courteous mode of defining Christian fel lowship with the slaveholders that could have been selected. The remark of Dr. Bcthune, that while he would not dare to refine the privileges of Chris tian communion to a man merely because he was a slaveholder, slavery itself was, neverthe less, opposed to the spirit of the Gospel, ex pressed the feelings of nine-tenths of the Ixxiy lie addressed. The stand here taken by the Dutch Synod is the stand that must and will betaken by the entire North, as well initspo litical, as in its ecclesiastical relations to slavery. The Synod not only refused to adopt the in stitution, but, without transgressing the nilrs of Christian charity and kindness, at the same time carefully refrained from taking any action that could beconstmeil into countenancing sla very, or apoiogiziug for it. It did not abso lutely refuse to admit the classis of North Carolina. But it substantially declined to do so without a qualification, expressive of its disapprobation of slavery. It speaks to the South the language of al most the entire North—" We will not lie rf sponsible for this institution ; we wash our hands of this iniquity." That is the stand which the whole North must and soon will take as well without as within the Church. HEAVY GRAIN OPERATIONS. —During the past week we learn that a single party in this city purchased about 600,000 bushels whfit. the most of which, it is said, will go forward to Boston At an average of $1,50 shel, the gentlemen in question paid out near ly a million of dollars, all of which has p*** 0 iuto the pockets of the farmers of the coun try and is somnch added to the general Other jiarties, however, were actively cngmreu in buying throughout the week, and it b rea sonable to estimate the quantity which cb* r ?' ed hands during that time at" fully two mil lions of dollars.— (Chicago Press, 30M. ATTEMPTED SCICIDE.—A young man nam*' W m. Myers, a clerk in the Post Office at A" 1 * gatiy, Cattaraugus county, attempted to com mit suicide last week, lie had purloineda : '. tcr of $42 and on being privately asked togb* the money up done so and then went una drank two ounces of laudanum. His recover! is doubtful. FROM XOKEOLK AND PORTSMOCTH. — The J* pcrs of these two cities speak in ciieouia-' n r terms of their improved health. Sickness 0 m kinds was gradually diminishing, con returning, and the streets resuming •spect. Absentees, it is now thought, n> a ? I turn with safety where the precaution h . ■ taken to have the premises well aired pre* 1 R to resumiug their occupancy. I &£r Mr. Ray, the Under of a K the cars at the Rochester I)e|>ot, wic'• K taiued $1,500, has received live hundred v the owner of the money, as a reward B. houcity. Liberality is cvidcutly o" thc c ■