Cenal 2U>vcrtisemcnt9. /j HKRIFPS SALE —By virtue of a certain 0 writ of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court ol 1 wnmon Vleas of Bradford Connty, and to me directed ■ hi. exposed to public sale at the C-mrt House, m th Towanda. on Monday. November 19, 1855, at ] • i,„ K I'. M-the following lot, piece or parcel of land ait " | it.iifield twjt., and bounded on the north by land "j!, | ' east by land of Edward Barton and Jame 1..11 South by land of John Layton and Hen y Key * .',l west by lands Win. Spencer, Ernly Drake, and 7),,! | ,u ,11. containing 160 acres more or less, about 12.'5 * improved, with a framed house, a log house,a .ram '"urirn and shed and an orchard of fruit tree! thereon. 1 i'i i One otlier lot, piece or parcel of land situate in t i -lifield twp.,bounded north by lands of Jonathan Hunt • i, v lands of Jonathan Hunt and John D. Koriright, ' ''".l, "in- lands of John I). Kortright, and wert by land ol T.'lm Rogers and Johnson Rogers, containing 53 ac s , rt , less, atsiut 17 acres improved wi.h a log house, u j'l'e .table utill a sawmill thereon. ■ S. ize.l .ind taken hi execnt'on at the sui. of Errstow k KiVi.v v-James Lurcock. Kir - JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Towanda, Sept. 24,1855. v.c ice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the ~m- will is- retpiired to be paid upon each sale when "nick down to the bidder, and upon failing to complv " tli tli l - regulation, the tract of land will again be ouer ,,l f„ r -ale. JOHN A. CouD .vfl. CJIIEKIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of (j fj. issued out of the Court of (jtimmon Picas ef BnuKord couii.v. to me directed, T shall expose to public ,t the Court House, in the bom' of Towanda, on Saturday the Ist day of Xoveinlier, 1*55, at 1 o'clock, P. M 'he following described lui, piece or parcel o.' land si - in Athens twp., bounded on the north by lands of t'. de- If"X r. cast by lauds of T. C. Roberts and Ira Klsbree, Mrtuh bv Franklin Murray, and west by lands of Jo. ephu.s Vauvevtitou, containing about 40 acres, more or less .about I', teres improved. Srizt d and taken in execution et suit of X. C. Har ris v-. !'• T. Vanveciiton. J. A. t V )I)1XG, She iff'. Tiiwanda, OctoU-rffl, 1855. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writ- of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of I'uiunim, Pleas of Btadferd county, and to me directed, he exposed to public sale at the Court House, hi the of Towanda, <>n MONDAY December 3a, 1855. at 1 ,; „ k I'-M-. the (ollowiug lot, piece or parcel of land . it,- in Athens twp.. bounded on tlie north by land of P :i Sherman, east by land of Lyman Ames, soutli by i iiid "I I'eier Cr. in. and on the west by land of £ asttis tv',l utt containing altout 33 acres mote or less, about 2 v.- improved one log house (hereon. lot. piece or parcel of lend situate in Athens ... hounded oil the north bv lands of Erasius Wolcott 1,.,,] jvl, ? Sauford. east by Era-lus Wolcott and Jacob K kt ialall. south by land of Selinus Califf, and on the v tbv land- lielonging to the e tr.e of Plumley Gille t ,i, M.'.-mitaiuing about 50 acres more or less. lj„SO—une other lot, pice or parcel of laud situate in Alliens twp.. bounded on the north by lands to t!w e-tate of I'himley (lillett. dee d., east bv lands of Se 7u> ( a'iff'. South by the Athens and "Smiifiheid township Aim. and we-t by land of Lyman Ames aud James Green, . ait. •:: about 5s acres more or lc- s, about 25 acres irn ,,r..ted. ..ml a few fruit , tx'es the aeon. ' s, i/fd awl tak'-u in execution at the suit of Welles k Harris vs. David J. (illicit. Al-ont the suit of I.ueius Freeman vs. Pav'd J. Gillett, Al.Sti--The defendant* interest, supposed to be the nr.,! Aided half of the following described lot, piece or par ,, i.,f iantl situaie in the boro' of Towanda. bounded no. th bv Henry E-seinvine's lot, east by Maiu street, south by I,of jnlm F. Means, and west by-Second street, cou nt urns one hundred ami seven feet front and two liun .ami ninety-tour feet deep, be .he same inoie or le s, a : improved, with a large trained Foundry building and >ll> hine Shop. Ac., Ac., thereon. .tbSii— One other lot. pieoe or parcel of land situate in th,- bur..' of Tow anda, bounded as follows: Beginning on i a-t line of Third sireet. on a line lietweeu lands of .b -i F. Means ami t>. 1). Dai , lett, thence easterly 14. eet - tin ,ear of J. M'lntosh's lot. thence three and half Jc t r, we-1 vi fret to a corner, thence north 86.J degrees, w,-t 147 feet lo the east line of Thiid street, thence north v.i-t "ib feet to the place of beginning,•cotH.-in -147 by .vi feet of land, be the seme more or less, all : i|i nvrii. with a two siory framed dwelling horse auu -m.dl out building the. eon. Sr art and taken in execution at the .soit of Joseph Powell vs. 11. 1.. Lame.aux. Also Sainui-i Bunting to the use of Joseph Powell vs. H. I- lanieraux. -Tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land situate . sn.ulilieJd twp.. I.UIHIS] aortli hv land of L. S. (sa.es, ta-t iy lands of 17.1). Brig ham. south by tlie road leading j ini Alliens t<> Smithlield, aud west ley lauds of L. is. t.ales, coni tilliii? S-' acres more or less, about 4 acres iin ;s"i>sl, NiH-m 1 !. a board shanty ami a framed barn liinvisi. IL-st tfne o'ls-r lot, piece or parcel of land situate in > :! ricld twp., bounded and described as follows: Re 's' at a hemlock sapling ou the south line of lot No. li" f-.r the northw"-t corner of lot Xo. 5, Bingham lands ' - it> F. Vuick. thence along said line east 115 and 7-10 i - Is-s to a h.-mlock for the northeast corner of said i " - i it. thence on the west side of X'elsou If colors lot l"7 awl 1-1 it roth to a stake, thence west 42 ami 9-li) per • • ■> a heiiilork. thence south 1 and 1-4 degrees, we l ".-I-1' t..e pl.ire u lginning, containing 75 acres. in .(■ cr less, about 20 acres improved. seized and taken in execution at I lie suit of Guv Tracy ' v-. Luther li. Child. \ -■ it tlw suit of D un dla F'ord to the u>e of Franklin -V tli'.- vs. I.utlier H. Child. I l.st I—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situaie in 71 Into! twiL. liuund acres one log bouse, log barn, i"g shed and orchard of iftiit trees thereon. -si-ized and taken in execution at tlie suit of John Hor 1-ti vs. David Dennett. 31.50—1 he dcleiidants interest in t'>e foP owing lot, I'ks'e w parcel ol land situate in Smithlield twp., bounded "the east and ..tilth by the highway, on the north and • si l.y lands - s'nprove-.1, (Hit* framed house, trained cooper shop, "••'i "frit and iruit trees thereon. '.- V . hi executton at the suit of John Mo 7 , TI" So( ''. Pierce vs. Samuel Faulkner, -c" Tin-de.endants interest in tlie following lot, t.' r l' jr "f land sifuitc in Leßoy twp., bounded on - N fib and east by lands of John Hammond, south by ■ i *aiuid eret-k, and west by lauds belonging to the ifl ■! vi-|,.y Hiiic-imh dee'd.,containing about 20ae,*es H *7* ''vs-, all improved, tlvee log houses, two framed | t--T 7" hlacksmilh shop and a few fruit trees ■ Aln i—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in I ' ,w l > -.' M 'itnded on the north by lands of Wm. Btin ■l 'ct by lands of V. Bruce, south by land of Jesse fl ;V a : u ',' u "l W( ' s ''}' landsof P. Shoemaker, Philander ■ H-'Xtun, and 1-v lands n- ir or formerly own -7 ' ''"Her. ontaiuing alxuit 50 acres moieor less, I'" • 7'p * r< "' '" ) l ,rove< l> " n e log house, log bam aud I in execution at the suit of edebiah sl o'sii' tv''" "■* ? Pomeroy vs. Ellis Hogelitnd. Hr 'i ii lot, piece or parcel of land situ- I f.7 w bounded on tlie north and east by land ■, . --7 10 fe estate of Sarali Butler, tlec'd., ou the I 1 : 'i v'n Penjaniin, and ou the west by laud I g, •, seventy-six acres more or less, H .g'e,' !, vt ?' r, '' i improved, one idauk bouse, log barn ■ uaii ir.-e- thereon. ■ c.i,.iid Liken ja execution at the snit of S. S. Brad "l Vlsif"to, 71' V'l'amlje.-lin vs. Samuel Cbilson. I 'V 7 ~ following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ ■ ,7.7 '"'"nded on tlie north by lands now in I itr.,; 1 , " Jyhnson, east by landsof Samuel Van ,l '47 ■ i . ,' i< ' :i j am !" Ackley farm originally, now I ' -7-71" 7' 'fratlley, south by lands of Means k ■ Llhvidr*k*' ''- v t,le . VV '". Morrison tract, now own. d I 7rom Burlington boro' to Troy, and on the wc tby lands o" H. K. S.eveOs, containing about one acre more or less, all improved, oue framed bouse, framed bare and fruit trees thereon. Hotaed and taken in execution at 4 he suit of Nancy W ooo'ii to the use of W ip. H. Peck vs. Harrison A m ALSO—The following described lot, piece or pu'ccl of land situa'e in Alliens bo r o : hounded north by land of E. H. Perkins, east by Uie Susquehanna river, south by land oi Edward Drake.and west by Main stre; t. containing one acre more or less, all improved with a ramed house and barn the-eon. Seized and taken 'n execution at the suit of N. C. Har ris to the use of 11. W. Patrick vs. John M ; ers. ALSO—Thaundivided one half of the follow'' lot, piece or parcel of land si-uate in Litchfield twp., bone on the nor: h and esi by lands belonging to th; e >oi Renbin Park, d., outh and wc tby land in po >e ..sion of IDram Rogers, containing about two acres and loti per chcs, more or less, all improved, w : i!i a saw-mill, one two story named building lately occupied as a store and dwel ling house, two irumed or plank dwelling houses, aud board shanty used for a hat shop, and a few unit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Pat rick vs. Or on Rickey. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ are In y-ox twp., hounded on the notb by lands of Ly man Trumbull and Re, >and Whitney, 'as-' by land of Squire benjamin, .-.outh by lands o- Joshua I, 'nphereund Jo eph Conklin and we thy lands of Joseph Conktin aud Ponieroy Gorslinejr.. containing about .">0 / acres more or le i, 44 ac e imp ived, wiih out tog hoieaj, framed barn and an oreh -rd of re' tiees thereon. Seized and iaken m cxeeulion at :he suit of Mver and Allen to Ibe use of Cooper. Sloner & Smith, now" to use oi H. W . Tracy, aud now to the use of Charles Bennett vs. Wm. Ca'-I. A I.SO—The defendants interest in the following lot, p'ece or pan el of land situate hi Smithfield two.,bounded on the nor-.i. east south and we tby lands belonging to K'chaid M. Kelly, containing about e ; ght acres more or I ss. aoout three acres imtiroved, oue sieuin saw-mill, with machinery aud fixtures attached, one plank house, one board shantee and log barn thereon. Se'zcd and mken in execu Jon at the suit of I. L. A H. L. Lame eux vs. J. S. Peerson. A (.SO—The following desC'ibed lot, piece or parcel of land situate i t pike iwp., l.oniKled no.tfr by lands of J.S. Ruber.s, cast by lands of Ha inan Reiggs and J. Burrows, i.otiih by lands of George Lewis, and west by lands of Henry Li. Stevens, couiaining lot! acres more or less, with SO aerss iiiiireved, a framed house,a trained bain,a fram ed horse ban. and oilier out buildings, an apple orcl);>- d aud other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken jn execution at the suit of D. Ba'lev and Son to the use of A. S. Smith vs. G. H. Lewis and H. C. Coolhaugh. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or pareel of land situate in Kheshcqiiin twp., bounded north by lan * of (loff, east by lands of John Hoi on, sonth by lands of Samuel Van sice, and wesi bv lands of Abigail Swain, conainurr sixty-four acres more or less, about 40 acres improved, with a framed house, a framed barn and a log op and some fruit frees the.eon. Seized mid taken in execution al the suit of Silas Payne it >w t > the use of J. W. Woodburn vs. Abraham Payne and Hansom Pavne. ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate in Shesheqt'in iwp., bounded lioilli by lands of John Mc- Keao,e.isi by lauds of Richard Johnson, south by lauds of Roswell Goodell. and we t by lands of George Rogers, roiii.-iii ng about 26 acres more or le-s, about 16 seres im proved, three log house , oue log shed anda few fruit trees the. con. Seized and takenm execution at the suit of Storrs A Jones to t'ue u.-e of E. J. Cuinribe'l vs. I'h'lander Morris. Also,at the slot of Sioris.c Jones to the use of E. J. Campbell vs. Hezek'ali Mo-ris. A!-*. at the suit of Alien & S orrs to the use of E. J. Campls-ll vs. Hezek'ah Morris and Philander Morris. A LSl)—Tile following desi tibed lot, p'ece or parcel of land situate m Heirick twp., bounded north by lands of A. 1!. Brown, e:isi liy lands of N. B. Wetuioie, south by land aken in execution at the suit of Cha'les P'att, now to tlie use of George ('. Atwood vs. Volney D. Ro.-engrant. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, t Towaiula. Oct 27, 1566. J mr Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the costs, will lie required to be paid upon eaeh sale when slr -ck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again lie ober •d for sabc J. A. CODDIKG. TAROCLA M ATlOX.—Whereas, lite lion. A DAVID WII.MOT, President Judge of the Pith Ju dicial Distrii t. cou-i>iin r of the Counties of Bradford, Sits ipiehajina ami Sullivan, end Hons. Mvkov Bu.i.akii and II aKB v A< ki.kt, A social e Judges, in and for said county of Bradford, have isuied their precept bearing date the 20th day of Oc .. A.D.P..66, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da. for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the 3d day of December next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of Bradford, that they lie then and there in their projier |>er son, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do tbose tilings which to their office appertains to be done : and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may lie in the jail of said County, or who shall tie bonnd to appear at the said couit. ore to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall lie just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 21st of Oere'ier, in tbe year of our I.ord, one thousand eight hundred ami fifty-live, and of the Independent* of the United Stales,"the seventy ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice i7here by given tbat that there have been tiled and settled in he office of the Register of Wills in aud far the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the follow ing estates, viz : Partial account of Go. don Wilcox and Robot Snilou executors of Thomas Wilcox, dec'd., late of Athens twp. I'a.tial account of Andrus Cose, executor of Laura Me- Kean, lau: of Troy township, dec'd. Final account of Benjamin Saxi.on and David Palmer adminGtrators of Henry Saxtou, dec'd., late of Granville township. Filial account of Theodore Wilder, guardian of James, Adaliue, Cornelia, aud Theodore Sehenierhorn, minor children of Matthew Sehenierhorn, dec'd., late of Spring field township. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Monday tbe 3d day of December next for confirmation aud allowance. JAMES 11. WEBB, Register. Register's Office. November 1, 1855. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradiord County, will lie exposed to public sale on the 24th day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at ell township all that t ret. p'ece or parcel of land situate in the ownshlp of I .irelt, aforesaid, and tiouniled and described as fallows : •ginirng at a hemlock, corner of land now or la ely of John Wood and John F. Zelln ; thenee no th 87i°, west 116 perches to a post; thence south 5J°. west 168 pe.- chesto a hemlock in the w. rant line ; thence along the same, south 48°, east 108 perches to a post; thence north 4°, east 158 and 8-10 percne- oa post ; thence: ortli 89j° ;■ 58 perches to a post; th ee noith 54 °, we tBO per ch to' he lie Inn* ig.eonL inlng 120 acres or thereabouts, tieing the same land which El'phalet Mason and wife by deed dated April 25, 1840. conveyed to John Aekley, who bv deed dated September 14, 4841. conveyed the same to Daniel Keefe. About 27 acre •of said 1 id Is cleared— laite tie prepe iy c.' Daniel Keefe, decea :d. Terms made k" wn °n day of sale. CATHARINE KUBTCK, 1 (!>ateCatharine Keefe.) ( JOHN FLYNN. JEREMIAH A'HEARN. Ortolier 29,1855. Adm'rs. estate of Dau'l. Keefe, dec'd. FREBH GROUND FLOUR, from New Wheat—Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed and Bran, at AurusUS, 1855. Ft)X S. SOLE LEATHER—One Ton, a prime ar ticle, for sale cheap, by TRACY A MOURE. Cegal SHtocrtiementa. O&PBANS' COURT BA£& BY virtue of an order of thfe Orphan' Court of Bradford Connty, will be sold at public sale on the 29th day of November next, at 1 o'cloek, I. M., at the hou.-e occupied by the widow of Amos Green, dec'd., iu Orwell township, the interest late of said Amos Green, dec d., in all that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell aforesaid, and d • -ribed as follows Bounded on the North by lauds of El' : ah Walker, on the east by lands of Abraham Freuch and Cook, on the south by Win. Kr pp, and on the west by lands set ofi' to Dolly Green, containing 22 acres, about 11 thereof improved. Terms made known on day of sale. „ , NELSON BARNES, October 30, 1855. Adm'r. of Amos Green,deo'd. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— H. W. Patrick vt. (Jrtt.i Rickey. In the Court of Common I'leas of Bradford Co. No. 160, September Term. IC.>5, The undersigned Auditor appointed bv said Court, to distribute tbe funds laisedby Sheriff sale of defendant's petsonal property, wdl attend to the duties assigned him at the oflice of l'at ick & McAlpin, in the borough of At li ens, on Wednesday, the 14th day of Noveni' r, at 10, A. M. when and where all persons having claims are reque-t -ed to present them, or he forever debarred tiiere. r oiu. Oct, 16, 1655. I FA. OVERTON, Auditor. A DMINJSTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Thorn Ingham, dec'd, late of Asylum township, are hceby requested to make payment without delav; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. Oct. 16. 1855. JOSEPH W. INGRAM. Adm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE .1" persons in debted to the estate of MARY C A deceased, late of Litchfield township, are hereby 1 to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to esent tlieni au thenticated foi'settlement. W I,IAM CA Litchfield, October 20, 1655. I-,;., • "VTOTICE TO ASSESSORS.—The several -i-\ Assessors for 1856, will make Ilieir returns in the following order, viz: Asse .ois lor Litchfield, Wiudliam.Warren.Sheshequin, Rome and Orwell, on Monday, Nov. 26. For Pike, Wvalusing, Tuscarora, Standing Stone, Wy sox and Her ' k,e: day, November 27. For A then tp.,A .:ens boro", Ulster, Wells, Sou' l h Creek, , Ridgberry aud Springfield, Wednesday, November 28. For Smithfield, Troy township, Troy boio', Columbia, Sylvaniu boro', Armenia and Ci iton. Thursday, Nov. 29. For Le \v, Granville. Franklin, Overton, Albany, Wil mot, Asylum and Durell, Fridav, Novemb„ • 20. For Monroe tp., Monroe boro . Burlington, Burlington West. Burliugion boro', Towcnda tp., Towanda borough, and Towanda North, Saturday, December 1. 4~The Assessors will be care nil in footing the assess ments and carrying each person's valuation into the right hand column, and also in making their retu. us on the day designated in their warrants. By order of the Commissioners, Oct. 15. E. M. FA HR AR. Cle k. ADM J N ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of MINERVA WEBBER, dec'd. late of Franklin tp. are quested to make payment without delay ; and ail persons having claims against said estate, most'present thein duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber at bis resi dence. JOHN H. WEBBER, Franklin, August 2, 1855. Administi.itor. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—NOT** is hereby given, that all |iersons indebted to tbe es tate of Isaac Kosencrants, deceased, late of Asylum twp., are requested to make payment without delay ; and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated ioi settlement. CVUUS SHUMWAY, Administrator. June 14, 1855. ADM INISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ISAAC S. CROFUT, deceased, late of Lcroy twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. SEBA CROFUT, I . , ... . May Iff 1858. JAMES CROFUT, \ Administrators. ADM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTI CE.—Not ice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Win. HORNING dee'd., late of South Creek tp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all persons haviiigiug claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix. June 18, 1855. LIST OF JURORS, drawn for December Term and Sessions, 1855. GRAND JIKOUS. Armenia—James Lyon. Browning. Burlington—Eliphalet Gus- Smithfield—E. G. Durfee, V. tin. S. Vincent, D„vid Farns- Canion—Wm. Owen, Enoch worth. Sa I laid. (Springfield —Nelson Wood. Durell—Daniel Hollon.jJ Standing Stone- -Henry Huff Granville—Wm. ltunyon. Towanda Boro"—lsaac Smal- Litchfield—Wm. H.Speuc .. ley, Henry Ibii bank. Ijeßoy—Eli Holcomb. Troy twp. —Andrus Case. Monroe—Geo. J. Goff, Joseph' Weils —Jes> e Shepard. Hornet. Wysox—Joseph Conklin. Rome—John Vmight, 11. W.| Warren—Edw. C. l>ewing. TRAVKRSK JICORS—K'RST WEEK. Athens tp—la-onaid White. Springfield—Robert D.C 'rd- Burliugtoii—John Bloom. well, H. I. Grover. Canton —John H. Ayres. So- Standing Stone—Chas. ROD". loinon Bindley, John Tin - Smithfield—Sephcn Randal!, ner, John Vandyke, Asa Tuscarora—B. B. Wood. I'ratt, Alex. Bothwell. Troy boro*- -Fied. Orvvan. Columbi: —Henry Card.Cui- " twp—Orlando Clifton, tis Merritt. Page Morgan. Leßoy—Jcdediali Hunt. Ulster—Andrew S. Huff, S. Orwell—Joel Johnson, Aaron N. Havens. Chuhbuek. Warren—N'edemiah Unburn, Pike- Hiram Stevens. Andrew Peudleion. Ridgbery—Emanuel Gunsan- Wv ox—T. W. Woodburn. lus, John Burt, Hector ilenry Passiao e. Owen. Windham—Henry Crandall. Rome—John Passmorc. Wells—John W. PelleU. South Creek—l.. Williams. Wiliuov—Melviu Corson. SECOND WEEK. Alliens twp Sitlney Hay-Springfield—lra Wood worth. don. Era--us Volenti, G. siieshequin—tiro. W. Black- Hicks, John Williston. Towanda boro'—J. !>. Good- Asylum—G. K. Ho, .on. enoi'gh, Wyllys Brown Burlington-—I a-wis Sliiner, Towaada tp.S->utb—Fr. Leroy Haight. Gregg. Caaum—Myron Annibal. Trey tp.—Eleazcr Pomeroy, Dcieil—Francis Cole,Lyman Reulien Case. Dodge. " Tusearoia— John Black, Hi- Franklin—l!raj ion A. Bald- ram Taylor. win " Winuham—LC. Blood good. Granville—C. W. Churchill. Squ : e Looniis. Monroe—M. A. Rockwell. Warren— Allen Ca.y,Harvey Pike—John Black, Chandle. Candeld. Bixby, David Ford. Wya'using—H'-am Elliott, Uidgltery—John Wallace. B. Acklev. ir. Smithfield—T. M. Beach. Wilmot—Ch..r" ' ."Irte. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.- —-Notice is licre bv given that leters testaments ,y n|>on the est .e of Caleb C. True, dec'd.. late oi Warren twp., l>a\f !.-• . granted to the subscrilier. AI! persons indelit-ed re said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested for settlement to the subscriber. WILLIAM GREEN,Executor. October 30, 1855. ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ' Is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the es tate of IRA GRISWOLD, dec'd.. late of Ridgbery Town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated torsetllement.* BENJ. HALSTED, Adiuiuistrator. Ridgbery, June 18, 1855. LER AYS VILLE ACADEMY, LcraysvUh, Bradford County, Pa. PRINCIPAL —J. L. OVERFIELD, A. B. Tbe first terra of the above institution will commence on WEDNES DAY, SEPT. Pith. Circulars with complete details, may lie obtained from the Principal, or from either of the fol lowing REFERENCES —Rev. George Landon, Herriekville ; Rev. J. C. Warren. S. DeWitt. M. P., Leßaysville ; D. I*. Lacey M. 1)., Camptown ; Rev. L. Peck, Lime Hill. 12 AGENTS WANTED. MAKE MONEY WHEN YOU CAN The Subscribers desire to procure the undivided time of an Agent in every county of the United S.atcs.— Efficient and capable men may make several dollars per day. without risk or liumbuggery of any kind. Full par ticulars of the nature of the business will be given by ad dressing the subscriber, and forwarding One Post Office S. .jp to pre-pay return postage. FI'REY & CO., Philadelphia. Pa. I~SAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, I'uttv, Ac. Ac., by TRACY A MOORE. MACKINAW TROUT— JO bhis. No. 1, just received at TRACY A MOORE'S. MUSIC. Mil. O. BECKER, Teacher of Vo aShJzfcnl and Inst-umental Music, recently from St. Ix>- uis, Missouri, has the honor to announce to the people of Towanda and vicinity, that he wishes to engage himself as Teacher of Vocal Music, Pianoforte, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Violineello, and Thorough-basso, and feels confident that, being educated for the profession, he will give entire satisfaction. lessons given in classes, or pri vately. Teaching in families preferred. For particulars apply at the \\ ard House. Oct. 9. ASH paid for WHEAT, BUTTER. P<> \J TATULS, Eggs, Poultry, Ac., at FUN'S. Jflmljanbijc, Src. josuipiFTPOW^ WOULD respectfully announce that lie U again liefore the people with a large, rich and fashionable assort ment of FALL AND WINTER GGODS, to which the attention of the public is invited, being con fident that he can otter inducements to CASH purchasers which will amply pay for an examination of his stock. His stock of LAIHBS DRESS Goons is complete, consist ing of corded, watered, plain, black, changeable and plaid Silks ; plain and plaid Merinos ; all wool Delaines ; plain and figured Cashmeres; Mouslin delaines, Pannettas, challi Delaines, plain and twilled Persian cloth, Debages, Alpaccas, Ginghams. Prints, Ac, ALSO. SHAWLS—a large ifnd magnificent a ortment of Broclia Long and Square Shawls, plain woolen long and square do. LADIES' CLOTHS— AII colors, and trimmings. EUBROIDEB'KS —The largest and cheapest assortment of Ladies embroidered collars, sleeves, hands and Houneings, edgings and fnsertings, ever o .red for sale in Towanda! Also, real thread, Smyrna, bobbin and cotton edgings, all widths and prices. WHITE AND LIXSN GOODS, of every description, and of all quali" Horse IT BNISHISO GOODS— Donble and siuglefold Pa- of various kinds; embroidered and lace curtains, all qurlic : window shades and trimmings; Ideacbed' and uubleactied t.blc bn .is: napkins, colored table spre .da of various kinds, counterpanes, linen sheetings, rose blankets, gilt cornices and pins, stair rods. An. Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY— Eve> ything in this line for LA dies, mis.-e, children, nicn and boys. BROADCLOTHS. CASSIMERKS AND VESTING."— Black and colored Cloths of eve y qalify and pi ice. plain and fancy Cas imeres, fancy velvets, plain and figured grenardiue, pi lin and figured sils, black saiiu and cashmere Vcstiugs and a large a ortment of tweeds. Kentucky jeans, sarii netts, sheep greys, Vc. DOMESTICS —(>f every description, purchased at very clo e figures and oiiered low. Flannels of every grade and 1 color. CAKPKTINOS — All qualities, ingrain and stair carpetings, oil cloths, Rush Mattings, Druggets, Ac. " Y ANKKE NOTIONS —AImost evtrylhiugpn the line, w hole sale and retail. HATS A CAPS —An assortment unequaled in Northern Pennsylvania of Mens'A Boys hats and caps, comprising eve r v variety of silk, brown, pea l and black fur Huts.— Cloth, Plush and Fur Caps. BOOTS A SHOES —'n tli's department there is, nor never has been in tli's ma. ket anything to compete with this stock, in quality, quantity and price, which it would lie greatly to the interest of every man, woman and child to examiue who wishes to perch.ee lu addition to the above enumerated ariides there will | always be found a .ull a jut incut of Groceries, Hardware ' Crockery and Glass-ware. Paints, Oils, and Dye Stu.. ~. I Leather and Shoe Finding*, Arc., Ac. [ To his old Friends and Customers, the snbscritieer would f take this method of expressing Ins grat'tode for their lilie- > ral patronage, hoping st'll to merit and receive it, and to ' others would extend an invitation to examiue his stock, being conffilent he can make it for their interest to do so. Towanda. Oct. 1, 1855. JOSEPH POWELL. 11. S. MKRCun. Has just received his FALL STOCK OF MERCHANDIZE, CONSISTING of DRY GOODS, of every kind.GROCE -11 IKS, a large a- ortment of HA Kb WAKE, including Harness and Carriage Trimmings, and J> 'ner's 'l'tols of every description ; BnoN. Shoes, I.c tlier and Sin e find ings, Hats, Caps, and L'uibieilas ; Paper Hangings and Window Shade;; Ca-pets and Drugget: Oils Pa'uts and Dye studs; Crocke- V and Glassware ; Iron, Steel and Nails; Window glass and Sash; Camphiue, Burning Flu id end Varnishes of every kind : Pads, Tubs, Mats, Ac., Ac., which wHI be sold as usual, very cheap for Cash. Towanta, October 1 1855. TO. T. FOX HAS just received a full supply of FAM ILY GROCERIES, which he will sell cheap for Cash. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to him during the past season,he would most respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Cash paid for most kinds of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and Farmer's Produce generally. October 10,1855. OAAA BUSH. RYE wanted immediately Mm" for which ihe highest market price in cash will be paid. Oct. 12. E. T. FOX. SPICKS, of all kinds, both white and ground - —Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at October D. FOX'S. TURKS ISLAND SALT, both lumps and ground, at Qct9 FOX'S, NEW GOODS. J. Harvey.Pbinny, Jr. IS Just rec ving a general a ortmr it of FALL A WIN TER GOODS, const.,; ing of the usual variety of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crocf y, Glassware, Hoots Shoes, Faints, Oils, Glass, Dyes, $-e., purchase Goods for cash w'll do well to call and exnm'ie his sock and prices, cor ner of Bridge and Main -t ce . *' C. h paid for Butter, Pork and Grain. Oct 20 & PURLIN(JTON PLANK . ROAD COMPANY.—The stockholders of the Tow anda and Burlington Plank Road Company are hereby no t'fied that an election will lie held ?t the office of G. F. Mason, in the Borough of Towanda,on Monday, Nov. fit It, 1855. for officers of said Company for the ensuing year. Polls open from 2 to 4 o'clock. P. M. B. S. lU'SSELL, Secretary. Towanda. Oc'olier 8,1855. Another Voice from Wysox ! AS the subscriber bas determined to close tlie Carriage Manufacturing business at Mve'sbtng lie would offer for sale at extremely low prices, a" num' e,' of Carnages, pie sure and Lmnlier Sleighs, among whieh, one two horse carriage, built in the latest style, of good material, with leather top, and with dooes i back .eat; it Le'ng the Carriage on which the premium was awarded to the sub acid! •at our late County F ' \ Also, oue, one or two horse e. "Ha re. built in Philadelphia style, with door in the side, leather top, with both pole and thills ; —it being a tritie heavier than a common one hoi e carriage—w u two seat ', (one moveable). Sahl ccrr'ages ore well f r med with good broadcloth. Also a 1 ge quantity of ma terial for manufacturing cau'rage*", Arc., together with all the tools, fixtn.es, fortus, ixc., Ac,, and a lot of bent stuff for fancy cutters. All of of which w ill lie sold cheat) for Cash or approved credit. I). MAGN'ER. Mycrsburg, Octolier 1V, 1855. "LUSTRA V.—Left the premises of the subscri- JLJ bejg in Wyswx township, on the 1 4th of September, a two year ohl BRIXDLK HEIFER, wiih rather straight horns, and in good condition. Whoever will give tue in formation of the said heifer at my residence, opposite the Towanda Eddy, or at the office of the Bradfoid Repoter, shall lie suitably rewarded. Wysox, October 2. 1555. RICH ABO PICKERING. New Fall and Winter Goods. Joseph Kingsbcry, IS NOW RECEIVING Ills FALL STOCK OF GOODS, Also, BOOk'S. STATIONERY, fyC. , Towanda, October 3,1855. DISSOLUTION. —The partnership hereto fore existing between the subscribers, doing business in the name of T. HI'MIMIKKY A CO. at Orwell, Peiin'a, Hooper's Valley and Sniilhlmrn, X". V., is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. Al l debts due the firm inust be settled with T. Iluiupb'ey, he having purchased theeiitire interest of bis asseciates. and lieing alone authorized 'o sign in liquidation- All debts due by thcfiirm should also be presented to T. Humphrey, he having agreed to pay the same. T. HUMPHREY, K. N. BROWXSON, Otirell, Oct. 1, 1855. A. I'OTTER. _ _ New Fall and Winter Goods. Burton Kingst y, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he is open , iug for public inspection, one of the largest stocks of GOODS ever brought into this market, consisting of Dry Goods, Gror.ries, Hardware, Cr celery, liouls and Shoes, Nails, Glass, ij-c. Embracing an a- ortinent suited to the wants of the pub lic, and which having been purchased for Cadi, will he sold for Ready Pay at prices which defy competition. West side of Main stieet. Towanda, October 4. 1*55. NEW FALL GOODS. Tracy dt, Moore, HAVE JUST RECEIVED from X. To I: a large and well selected assortment of NKIV FALL GOODS, which have been selected with unusual care, and purchas ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we can sel' Goods for Ready Pay, as low as an)'establishment in the country, we ask "the public to give"us a call, and examine our stock and prices. Sept. 12 1855. • RIPE APPLES —any quantity wanted at August 22. FOX'S. JUST RECEIVED, another lot of that nice DRIED BEEF, also first rate CHEE.SE, at i July 12,1*50. FOX'S. & PATTON'S NEW DRUG" STORE, m J JUST OPENED, ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, I : Ho. 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, Pa. U WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscrilier would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has fitted up No. 4 in Patton's New Brick Block, for a DRUG STORE, and that he is now receiving from the cities of Philadelphia and New York a large aud well nelected ßUKK of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUCJ AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, A lE'ii3£(&3 ©H 1 & g DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, &c. SUEGICAI INSTRTXIVI and a variety cf the racst approved Ti.isscs, Abdominal Supporters, dtc., always on hand. London Foricr and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes for (he Hat, Hair, Teeth, Nails Boo'*- Painting, Vanishing, HhiffwrsJu Ac. The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOBACCO, iri/l find a lare obtained, lie will feel tempted to promise an embellished frontispiece, enclosing a medallion likeness of t lie principal character, Dr. Plum. And should a second edition follow, he—the author—will exert all The influence he can command to secure for the original sub scribers a lock of that distinguished individual's hair; as thank Heaven, he is appreciative, and, judging from his antecedents, the author has no doubt that Plum would gladly wear a wig tor a whole year, to have the pleasure of furnishing to his friends so interesting i souvenir. The publication of the book, then, is dependent on the receipt of t;oo subscribers, and one month will be allowed for names to be given in. if, at the expiration of that time only one person lias subscribed, or any other number be tween that and litin—unless very closely approximating it —the book will not of course be expected to see the light. But, if the entire number be obtained, those who have signed, will, in tlnee nv lis from the closing of the sub scription lists, be suppli - with a copy, or copies, as they may have ordered. Subscription lists will be opened on Monday next,:,? nil the stores, and at the P. O. in the liorough ; and at ('. H. DERRICK'S, at Athens. At Burlington, there will be one at Mefsrs. LONG V MERRY'S store, and at Ulster Mr. JOHN M ATUKK , and at Monroe. Mr. SEYMOI R PHINNEY, will act as e ;ents. Others may be authorized. To wanda, October 13,1555. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he is now receiving at his old stand one door north of Laporle, Mason A Co.'s banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahoganv Side and Centre Tallies, Dining .Tea and Pembroke Tables, Stands of every kind. Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs, high Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat Stands, Corner ami side do. of walnut and mahogany ; Cvad'es, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards. Looking glasses. Ac. itirCO'-'FIX'S. of every size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions when iequi'-re. The public arc invited to exant'oe ,ny assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as I will sell cheaper than auy other establishment in No, them Pennsylvania. Towanda, August 8, 185.5. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. IYI. Warner's New is* Splendid Jewelry Siore, one door north of Potions IJrvg Store, g. II AS just been opened with the largest and _ JKI most choice stock of FASHIONABLE J EWELRY ever offered to a discriminating ql public. Indeed, he can safely say that with PV >%% the "Inning of his new store has been iu augurated a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. M. W.. when he rettects how, for the past years.with a far less attractive stock, lie has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage, flutters himself that tlie immense in crease of Goods lie now oilers, which have lieeu bought so much more advantageously, will enable hint to increase the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. *-THE WATCH REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will continue to be distinguished by the skill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of I icing tlie most reliable in town. Towanda. September 24, 1855. BOOTS A SHOES—The largest, best and cheapest assortment this side of the Empire City may be found at je'i'J TRACY ft MDORE H. FRESH TEAS, both Green and Black— from 37J cents to $1 00—every ponml warranted to suit or the money returned in all eases, at FOX'S. I BOOKS AND STATIONERY. TOK] - .l*[l KIN(iSBRf!V still continues the 19 BOOK A* STATIONLIO business, where pun Lasers inay find all the Intent School ami Miscellaneous Books at n-Jilted prices. The following School Books are embrac ed in the catalogue, viz : |>er's Virgil. OlendorlTs, Lebrethon s, Burbuuld s, Fau.-diek's and Lcvizark's French Works. Parker's, Comstock's, I'helps', Smiley's and Olmsted's Philosophv. Day-, Thompson's and Davie's Works. Cutter s. ( oat s and Comstock's Plivse'dogy. Sounder's, Porter's. lb-at lev's and Cobb's' Works. Bancrofts History, Parleys, Worcester s. Gornsev's. Bottas. &e. Ae. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, do University edition, do. do Common School, do. Worcester's, Cooper's. Harper's. Johnson's, do. Corn stocks works ; J„ probes B •t;uiy. Sweet's Klocutiou. Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High School. \dams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do. • ova s, Kii khani s. Smiths ami Morse's Geography Atlas ; and all the various Primary Geographys now ["■'linjt books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in g!( .it variety. Also-— Dry Gorxls, Groceries, Crockery, Boots ($• ,Shots, Hals anil Cups. (J-r. New and desirable styles of Goods will be received tin ;My. and sold at the lowest CASH I'KKJBS. J. K. Towanda, April, 21, 18.">.">. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS* In T. FOX would respectfully inform his J* old friends and the public generally tlrat he lr < commenced the Grocery una Provision Business, at A o. 1 . Brick Roto. (opposite Meretir's ■ served Ginger, and a variety of articles of the sani may be had at jcue'.t F' - /_IO(JI>S bought at my Si ore will be tic :.,T -VT ed to ary pan ol the Borough, FREE OF CH \' E. Jnnc 201 M. K. t. "Ft 13 AILS, R rooms, Tubs, Pleasures, st ri' l oi r A rushes, blacking Brushes, Ac. at I'o'\">. 0 TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined, . 19 dercd, Crushed and Grauulated : Molasses,Sy i c : r> and Java Coffee, Bice, Saleiatus. Ginger. Sperm Cam Bice. Tobacco—in fact a general variety of GrOcerb s. f, sale chop at juM} FOX S, HOUSE TRIM M 1 N(LS—even* dc-scvipiiou by je2'i TRACT A MOOBB. Cash paid for Hides. THE highest price paid in CASH, for Units and Skin-, by JOHN W. WILCOX. June 20, jdrrclay Railroad <&. Coal Ccmpsnv. i !< II IS HEREBY GIVEN to the sn'iscriljers in To -1 x w .uula boro' and its vicinity to the Stock of the ' B \R CLAY RAILROAD per sliare) on : <1 stock, are required to be paid to E. Uv t '.TUN, Esq., e President, or to J. Maefat lane, Esq. the Attorney of said Company at Towanda, at the t. ; mis follow : ng, to wit: 4tli instalment payable August 27ih, ls.io. ">tb " " Sep, ml.cr 271 h " (itli " " October 25." GFO. R. OAT, Tr. rer. MAHPACKST-EOAT GAZ. -3. hrifo d TOWANDA AND WAVERL .f. THE undersigned have place 1 npon the line between Towanda ami Warerley, a new Packet, ' lilt expres lv for the travel between the above and the intermediate points. The " (I AZELI.E" is neatly lifted up, and mav be relied upon as always being "on time." The hours "of arrival and depot ture w ill be arranged in conformity with the time tables on the X. Y. and Erie Railroad. At present, leave Towanda for Waverley, at li o'clock, P. M.. precisely. Leave Waverley, at 71 o'clock, A. M.. or immediately after the arrival of the ms'l train from the East. I'OtVKI.L A SMITH, Proprietors. Towanda. September 1, 15.35. (HANDLES —by the box or single pound, -J at sepl FOX'S. I HON, Round, Square, Tire, Rand k Scroll, all qualities and sizes. TKA< Y A MOORE. FLOt'R —80 bids., first quality, for sale at tlie lowest CASH ligure. TRACY A MOORE. MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. BAI.DWIN A POL LEYS having purchased the marble factory of this village, under the superintendence of Hem y llaiifo d. a v e lumpy to announce that the Marble business in Waverly will now be conducted by them. They are constantly receiving Italian and Rutland Marble, for Monuuients. Head Stouts. Tomb Tallies, Stand Tops, Paint Kioiies.Mellt s, Ac. II iving secured the servici jf U. 11. POWEI S who "s well known to be the mist petfe< t Vriist in the stale, tbey oilers unparalleled inditrtmen < tip sons wishing to secure any <'f the above articles, in 1' ir •<. stele anil nrti lie-.:! beauty. V. aveily. N. V., Ottotier LI, 1855. RAKED CRACKERsTm-oM _|_ every week, at j illicit FOX'S. /MIOOERIES—CaII and see our Brown, V " 1 rushed, Coflee and lbilverized Sugars ; Fine Yum g Hyson A Black Tea*—warranted a superior article or bo money refunded—for sale cheap bv B. KIXGsBKRt - ]\l ACK.EREL —whole, half ntid quarter b 'ls ltl l v j. '.'.i TR ' Y A MOORL DRIED APPLES—a few first rate ones, for sale at jilO FOX S. ESTRAY. —Came to the enclosure of the subscriber, in South Towanda, about the fust of Sep tember, a two year old BRIXDLE HEIFER, with he IN y | horns, ami no particular marks. The owner is request! ".i t.> prove property, pay charges and take her awav. OctolKT •. Do'.. ' CORNELIUS Ml "IRE. ! O\A PAIRS RUBBER OVERSHOES of mm'Pj all ilcs-cliptiou.- at HUMPHHEY'S.