Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 03, 1855, Image 2

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    said lie was not a marrying man, as long as he
could not have Nelly, and 1 averred that I was
so enamored of the siugle life of my aunt that
I should lead it too.
One day I was sitting in the parlor at Judge
Jlale's alone. My cousin entered and drew a
letter frotn his pocket from Aunt Patty. After
handing it to me he left the room. I watched
his retreating figure, and then glanced on the
floor at my feet. I saw the purse which I had
knit him. He had undoubtedly drawn it out
with the letter. I picked it up and examined
it. Alas ! the forget-me-nots had all faded,
and the tears came as I remembered the after>
noon and night on which I had finished it. My
letter was unopened, and I dreamed on of
what might have been, still stroking out the
folds of the purse in an absent way.
" What does Aunt Patty say, Isabel ?"
asked Harry, at my elbow. I started up,
covered with confusion, and mechanically
grasped the purse tighter.
" I think I dropi>ed something," proceeded
my cousin, looking on the floor.
With a woman's quick instinct, I dropped
the purse, and let him find it. But my ruse
was of no avail, he had been watching me for
some minutes, and did not leave the parlor
Well, no matter what. But there was a
sleighing party that night, and I never enjoyed
a ride so much as I did that.
Three months after, the large drawing room
of the good aunts was thrown open, and the
Holland covers were taken off the old fashion
ed damask furniture. There was a vast
amount of cake aud wine consumed, and any
quantity of white satin, and wreaths, and veils
displayed ; and Harry, with his old saucincss,
came back, vowing that I was never happy till
he gave me a chance to write myself MRS.
Thanksgiving Day.
Governor Pollock has issued a Thanksgiving
Proclamation in the following style :
Pennsylvania, ss. —ln the name and by the
authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania. JAMKS POLLOCK, Governor of said
Commouwealih :
FF.LLOW CITIZENS : —A public recognition of
the existence of God, as the Creator of all
things, and the giver of "every good and jier
fect gift," with a humble acknowledgement of
our constant dependence upon the providence
of Him, "who rules in the army of Heaven,
and among the children of men," is alike the
duty and the privilege of a free and Christian
"He has crowned the past year with his
goodness and caused our paths to drop with
fatness." He has blessed our country with
peace. The Union of the States—our free
institutions—our civil and religious privileges
—right of conscience and freedom of worship
have been continued and preserved. The
great interests of education, morality ami re
ligion have been encouraged and promoted—
science and art advauced—industry rewarded
—and the moral and physical condition of the
people improved.
The goodness of God has signally blessed
our Commonwealth. War with its desolations
—famine and pestilence with their horrors,
have not been permitted to come near us; and
whilst the ravages of disease and death have
afflicted the citizens of other States, we have
enjoyed the blessings of health aud unusual
prosperity. The seasons, in their annual round
have come and gone,—"seed time and harvest"
have not failed, —smilug plenty cheers the
husbandman ; and, surrounded by the abund
ant fruits of autumn, he rejoices in the rich
rewards of his toil. " The pastures are clothed
with flocks—the valleys, also, are covered over
with corn—they shout for joy—they also sing."
Acknowledging with grateful hearts these
manifold blessings of a beuificent Providence,
we should "offer unto God thanksgiving, and
pay our vows unto the Most High."
Under the solemn conviction of the impor
tance and propriety of this duty, and in con
formity with the wishes of many good citizens,
I, JAMES POLLOCK, Governor of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby appoint
Thursday, the 22d day of November next, as
a day of general Thanksgiving and Praise
throughout this State ; and earnestly implore
the people that, setting aside all worldly pur
suits on that day, they unite in offering thanks
to Almighty God for his past goodness and
mercy, and beseech him for a coutiuu: uce of
his blessings.
Given uuder my haudand the Great Seal of
the State, at Ilarrisburg, this 22d day of Octo
ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-five, and of the Com
monwealth the eightieth. By the Governor.
A. G. CIRTIN, Sec. of the Commonwealth.
misunderstanding lias already arisen between
the Japanese and Americans trading to that
country, in regard to the treaty lately entered
into by the United States witli that govern
ment. The Japanese say the treaty provides
only for a temporary residence of a few days
to Americans in that country—it never was
intended that they should come there and es
tablish their business and reside there perma
nently. Wood, water and shelter of ships,
arc all the Japanese think the treaty calls for.
Some American merchants, from San Francisco,
went to Hakadoi, with the object of provision
ing whaling vessels, but were not jiermitted
to stay longer than a few days. They were
compelled to go oil board their ships at sun
down, and when on shore were jiersevcringlv
followed aud watched by officers, as if they
had been criminals udder arrest. Com. Rogers,
who happened to be there, was appealed to,
but the Commodore did not consider himself
authorized to act without instructions from
his government. According to the Japanese
interpretation of the treaty, the valuable re
sults expected from it are not likely to be real
ized, aud yet the treaty seems to be so loosely
worded as to justify the interpretation they
give it.
UsS-Advices frotn Fort Laramie say that
winter has set in with unusual severity on the
plains. The trial of Capt. Howe had ended in
the dissolution of the Court martial without
action, in consequence of an irregularity. The
Brule Indians, who were so badly beaten at
the battle of Blue Water, have agreed to de
liver up to General Harney the murderers of
the mail party. Their chief, Little Thunder,
was not killed in the battle. General Har
ney is going to the White Earth river to es
tablish a fort to overawe the Winnebago In
dians. Seven companies of cavalry, command
ed by Col. Sumner, were on their way to Fort
Laramie. Iu New Mexico, Mr. Gallegos has
beeu re-elected a delegate to Congress. A
satisfactory treaty has been made with the
Official Vote for Canal Commissioner, 1855.
~ / 35 ~ p p £
rI? £ * *
* S S" i a H
s2> E 5
c o 7. c ;
a j_i_ J_
AU.ima, 17<4 16T9 ....
Allegheny, 677'.' 5796 2357 239 .... 125
Armstrong 1633 2149 121 38
Beaver 1334 1090 581 130
Bedford, 1647 1791 121 14 .... 38
Berks 6048 3264 .... 132 1 ...
Blair, 1465 2392 1.... 25 10
Bucks 532S 4125 3 12
Bradford, 2476 4173
Butler 2182 2582 120
CamLria 2063 1437 1 ...
Carbon JlB7 510,.., 281 .. ...
Centre 1851 2033.....;...
Chester 4460 466s 6 5 3 1
Clarion 2154 150S 5 12 1 ...
Clearfield 1409 1013 4 111 .... 23
Clinton 1736 9!>6
Columbia . 934 984 2 1.
Crawford 2015 2091 7'-ll .... 3...
Cumtierlatid ©9!) 2660
Dauphin 2031 3021 1 13.... 6
Delaware 1457 1682 12 29 5 2
Elk 330 236 77 .... 7
Erie 1689 2115 471 13
Fayette.... 2620 2312 12 .... 1 47
Franklin 2411 2860 .... 3 4 7
Fulton 822 609
Greene 199" 1393 .... 4
Huntingdon 1196 1920 5 62 ...
Indiana 667 2315 086
Jefierson 1039 1043 15., 19
Juniata 837 1023 13
Lancaster 5099 5301 1980 ...
Lawrence 864 1197 635 2
Lebanon 1873 2256 6
Lehigh 3394 2633.
Luzerne 3957 3571 t...
Lycoming 2266 2034 1 2 38
McKean 265 455 12
Mercer 1635 563
Mifflin 1310 1352
Monroe 1327 531
Montgomery 5207 3575 3 58
Montour 910 45s .... 12
Northampton 373: 2443, 17 10
Northumberland 1983 1011 1 731
l'erry 1332 1539
Philadelphia 28384 25770 20 170 4 80
Bike 614 64 8
Potter 436 634 52
Schuylkill 5012 1775 24 2082 5...
Snyder 819 1090 .... 27 42 ...
Somerset 1481 2050 27
Susquehanna 1579 2164 2"
Sullivan 347 1292 6
Tioga 1381 1723 166 2
t T nion 793 1400 .... 15 135 ...
Venango 1501 1468 57 4 ...
Warren 717 958 122 11 C
Washington 31k? 3214 159 29 39
Wayne 1594 1420 5 ...
Westmoreland 8547 3200 45 142
Wyoming 52'' 794
York 5383 4501
Total, 161281 1497! , 7224 1056 2295 678
Public Meeting.
At a public meeting held at the school-house
at Liberty Corners, Monroe Township, on
Monday evening Oct. 22, 1855, for the pur
pose of an interchange of sentiment on the
subject of Common Schools, in connection with
the County Siqierintenderit. J. R. IRVINE was
appointed Presideut, and JAS. W. IRVINE
After some discussion, on motion of Joseph
Bull, the following resolutions, adopted at a
meeting held in Standing Stone Township, on
Saturday, Sept. 22, 1855, were unanimously
adopted, as expressive of the sense of this
Resolved, That in the opinion of this meet
ing, so much of the law " For the regulation
and continuance of a system of education by
Common Schools" as authorizes the School
Directors of the several counties of the Com
monwealth to meet in Convention at the Seat
of Justice in the said couuties, to select Coun
ty Superintendents ought, to be repented. Kx
perience having fully demonstrated that such
officers tend rather to embarass and derange
the Common School System, by coming in con
tact with the School Directors, and thus im
pair anil weaken, instead of giving strength
aud vigor to it.
Resolved, That while we are willing to be
taxed to defray the expenses of Government,
and the education of children, we are not wil
ling that money thus raised shall lie seized by
" Hawks"—therefore we do most solemnly
protest against having quartered upon the
Common School Fund of this County, a suck
er or leech iu the form of a County Superin
tendent, thus absorbing $1,500 of the people's
money, thereby reducing the State appropria
tion to so small and trivial a sum, as not to be
worth the trouble and expense necessary to
obtain it.
Resolved, That it would lie worse than a
waste of time for the County Superintendent
to visit this School District on his official busi
ness. The patrons of the Common Schools
having become so entirely dissatisfied with
that part of the law which creates the office
of County Superintendant, and the supplement
thereto, by which that officer's salary has been
so shamefully increased, they are determined
that all connection with that office in the schools
of this district shall cease.
Oil motion of Joseph Mingos, it was
Resolved, That these resolutions lie published
iu the Bradford Reporter.
J. R. IRVINE, Chairman.
J. W. IRVINE, Secretary.
letters state that the Presidential programme
is already arranged, so far as the Democracy
is concerned. It is as follows. It is necessary
for the South, in order to succeed, to carry
Pennsylvania. This, it is believed, can be
done with a Pennsylvania candidate, and
Messrs. Buchanan and Dallas are fixed upon
as the men, and the Democrats of Pennsyl
vania are to choose between them. In this
contest Mr. Buchanan is expected to be the
winner, and it is asserted that he is already
snre of more than half the delegates. Either
of these gentlemen are expected to be entirely
subservient to southern interests. All the
other northern States arc to be given up.—
Pennsylvania is to stultify and degrade herself
for the sake of the offices and patronage.—
There is a hitch iu this arraugement, however.
The people may refuse to ratify the bargain.
There is a steady advance of light on the sub
ject of the encroachments and designs of slav
ery, and Pennsylvania may finally emancipate
herself by the next election. If the opposi
tion forces can be cordially united this will
most certainly be the ease. All the energies
of honest men, who have the real good of the
country at heart, should lie bent to effect this
purjKwe. — Pittsburgh Gazelle.
A heavy storm on Lake Michigan on
Saturday night did great damage to vessels at
and near Milwaukie. The propeller Allegha
ny, with a large cargo, was driven ashore in a
disabled condition, and will go to pieces. The
schooner Porter was capsized, and many other
vessels were driven ashore.
Lancaster Express thinks the new
Liquor Law eauuot be repealed in the Senate.
And if it did, it is not probable that the Gov
ernor would approve a bill abolishing a law
before it had got into operation in many coun
ties—has not been fairly tested auy where
and certainly has done no harm.
Qatnrban fllormnn, Not)ember 3. 1855.
TERMS— One Dollar-per annum, invariably in advance.—
Four weeks previous to the expiration of r subscript um,
notice trill be given bif a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all casta be slopped.
CLUBBING—- Tfcf Reporter toill be sent to Clubs at the fol
lowing extremely low rates :
6 copies for $5 00 115 copies for $l2 00
10 copies for 800] 20 copies f0r. ... 15 00
ADVERTISEMENTS — For a square of ten lines or less, One
Dollar for three or Iras insertions, and twenty-fire cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JOB-WORK — Executed with accuracy and despatch, and at
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books,
Blanks, Hand-bills, 801 l tickets, 4*e.
MONEY may Ite sent by mail, at civ risk—enclosed in an
envelope. properly directed, we will be responsible
for it safe delivery.
Of all the lamentable and abject spectacles
ever presented by any political party, that now
exhibited by the Softs of the State of New-
York is the most pitiable and humiliating.—
Composed, in a great measure, of the voters,
who in 1848, raised the standard of Freedom,
in opposition to Gen. CASS, they are now sup
porting men and measures that are diametri
cally opposed to all their former professions,
and have rendered themselves a bye-word and
a reproach. It is a sad sight, indeed, to see
a great party which ouce excited the adraira
tiou of the whole country, by the independent
and manly stand which it occupied in defence
of correct principles, become corrupt and pros
tituted, and while feebly protesting that it has
not changed, yet lending its influence and ex
ertions for the support of a National Adminis
tration which has outraged every principle of
Freedom, abused its highest prerogatives to ad
vance to cause of slavery-propagaudism, aud
lent its power to " crush out" the sentiments
of justice and human rights.
Such is now the situation of that portion of
the Democratic of the State of New-York, de
nominated Softs. The cause of their prostitu
tion has been that they have been favored in
the bestowal of the patronage of the General
Government. The National Administration
set out with a desire to know no difference
amongst Democrats. By this arrangement,
the Barnburners of the State of New-York,
came in for a large share of the offices in that
State. This aroused the jealousy of the Hunk
er or Hard section of the party, and the con
sequence has been that in endeavoring to con
trol the appointments in the State, the latter
have lost all. Since the removal of Collector
BRONSOX a Hard has stood no chance of ap
pointment, and the Softs have had undisputed
The re-agitation of the slavery question, pre
cipitated upon the country by the Repeal of
the Missouri Compromise, put a new phase up
on the matter. The Hards hastened to avail
themselves of the opportunity, and early took
a position with the advocates of slavery exten
sion. That having become a test of Democrat
ic orthodoxy, the Softs were in danger of los
ing caste, unless they repudiated the doctrines
they had previously professed and swore fealty
to the pro-slavery cause. We are sorry to say
that the sacrifice of principle was easier with
them, than to give up office. Very many of
the Van Buren men of 1848, have learned to
pronounce the Shibboleth, and have made their
peace by renouncing their principles. They
have forgotten the noble example of BUTLER
who was decapitated in 1848 by POLK, because
he was true to his friends and to his principles.
We published an article a few weeks ago,
from the Albany Atlas , which went to show
that the Barnburners were, from some cause,
getting somewhat restive under the lash of their
task-masters, and for which it was formally
read out of the Democratic party, by the great
National Democratic Pierce pro-slavery organ,
the Washington Union. Notwithstanding the
excommunication, however, the Atlas continues
to bid defiance to the " jiowers that be." Its
last disclosure is, that solemn assurances have
been given by members of the Administration,
that difference of opinion upon the Repeal of
the Missouri Compromise should not be a test
of orthodoxy, but every Democrat should have
a right to exercise his own judgment as to the
justice and propriety of that measure.
Now, our well-known, eloquent and witty
friend, JOHN VAX BUREN, has got himself into
difficulty. He too, has been endeavoring to
perform the impossible feat of holding on to
his principles and to the National administra
tion at the same time. As might have been
expected he has demonstrated that the thing
can't be done. One day last week he makes
a speech at Oswego, which was reported and
published, and iu which he defends the resolu
tions of the late Syracuse Couvention, as being
the same adopted by the Democrats who suj>-
ported VAX BUREN in 1848, and as covering
the whole question now ; declares himself op
posed to the extension of Slavery, and thinks
the best course now left, is, "to cornel the
Administration to carry out in good faith" the
| provisious of the Nebraska-Kansas bill, which
he predicts will make Kausas a free State ;
but if not, he " agrees with those who say
" Kansas uinst be free." "
For utteriug these heterodox views, while
supporting Mr. PIERCE, the Union reads him
a lecture, which closes as follows :
" It is hardly necessary for ns to comment on these sen
timcn.s. They erect an impassible barrier between Mr.
Van Buren and the democratic party. They place hiin so
nearly on the une platform with Mr. Seward, tliat it is
not easy to decide which is most hostile to the democratic
party. He is for keeping Kansas out of the Union at all
hazards, unless she comes in as a free State. Mr. Seward
is for the same thing as to Kansas, or any other territory
that may hereafter ask admission. Mr. Van Buren effec
tually cuts hiuisdl loose from the national democratic or
ganization by avowing these sentiments. We do not 89-
suiue to read" him out of the party, I ait we should be un
true to democracy if we could lieeitate a raomeat to fur
nish the evidence contained iu his own speech that he has
read hi run-if oat of the party. When aoutliera kui>w-n<*r
things shall quote from hi* speech to unsoundness on
the northern democracy, let it be ansdlred at once that
neither John Van Huron, Aor any othw one *h° enter
tains these sentiments aad stamu on the Van Buren plat
form of 184*, can claim fellowship'wttn the national de
In answer to this, Mr. TAX BI REX addresses
a letter to the editor of the ituion, which is
aliout the coolest thing Jonx ever perpetrated.
He indulges his natural inclination for wit, as
the guillotine descends. He cracks a joke
while the U*inn reads his death-warrant. ! He;
exultingly proclaims that all of the Soft stiite,
ticket but two supported VAX BUREN and
ADAMS in 1848, and that far from being re
pentant, they grow prouder of the act, every
successive day ; and then mockingly asks the
Union whether it desires the success of that
ticket. To this, the Union responds, that in
view of the fact just quoted, it is a matter of
indifference whether the Soft ticket succeeds
or not.
On the surface, this " kicking in the traces"
ou the jiart of Mr. VAN BUREN and the ATLAS,
apjiears bona fede, as if they were not disposed
to submit to the exactions of the hard makers
who make tests of Democratic orthodoxy.—
Wc liojHi it is real, and that they are reudy to
lend a hand to stay the usu -palions of. that
mighty interest which since 1848 has grown
so arrogant and proscriptive, But we fear
that the rebellion of the Atlas , the wit and
nonchalance of the PRINCE, and th<j prouun
ciamento of the Union, are all intended to ef
fect the result in New York next Tuesday, by
relieving the Softs from the accumulated odium,
which a failure to meet public expeciation by
denouncing the Nebraska infamy and its perpe
trators, and a partial endorsement of PIERCE,
has fastened upon that party. However, we
shall see.
When we speak of the degeneracy of the Soft
party, we mean only the leaders. We believe
that the masses are as sound upon the question
of Freedom as they ever were, and will testify
it when a Presidential contest arrives. But,
as in this State, other questious almost crowd
out the great National question. The object
of the leaders is to confine the attention of
voters to fancied or real questions of State
policy. We believe, however, that they will
not succeed, but that the Republican ticket,
headed by the noble, tried aud true uian, PRES
TON KING will be elected.
IST The Junction Canal having been open
ed, the communication from this place to the
Canals of New York is now complete. Sev
eral trips have already been made to Elmira,
and our merchants are receiving goods from
New York city by water. Messrs. HALL A
RUSSELL were the first to make use of the new
thoroughfare, having received from Albany a
very heavy stock of stoves, and Messrs. MON
TAXYES k Co., are now receiving their stock of
fall and winter goods from New York by Canal,
with but one change, at Elmira.
Mr. J. L. QUIMBY has also forwarded from
this place to New York, a boat load of oars,
manufactured at his establishment in Albany,
in this Connty.
We record these things, not as being of par
ticular importance themselves, but as the first
beginning of the great traffic which is ultimate
ly to grow to the utmost capacity of the Canal,
and which is to demonstrate that the North
Branch is to be a valuable auxiliary in devel
oping the agricultural aud mineral resources of
Pennsylvania. Ten years hence, the arrival of
a single boat will ccas - to be worthy of remark,
but we shall see a mighty fleet ascending with
the coal and iron, and surplus productions of
Northern Pennsylvania, and return laden with
the salt and plaster of New York.
rald says :—The work on the different lines of
railroads, leading out of this place, north,
south and east, is rapidly progressing. On the
line east, the rails are being laid with all pos
sible sjiced, and more than half the distance
to the Delaware has been completed. The
road bed of the Lackawanna road, north, is
nearly ready for the rail ; and will be complet
ed as soon as the eastern line is ready for the
cars. On the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg
road the track is being laid from this end, and
all of it ready for the rails will be soon laid
over. A very heavy rock cut uear the Old
Forge, is still to be cut partially through,
which is all except the bridges that now pre
vents the completion of the line to Kingston.
The bridge across the Lackawanna is ready
for the superstruction, aud all the stone work
of the river bridge at Pittstou, with a portion
of the superstmotion, is completed.
call attention to the notice, found
in another column of to-day's paper, of the
annual meeting of the Teachers' Association.
Wc understand that Miss HARRIET K. PITCHER,
teacher iu the public school in this borough, is
to read an essay, and the Rev. Mr. HENDRICKS,
President of the Association, will also deliver
an address on Friday evening. We bespeak
for them a numerous audience.
for the completion of eighty-two miles of the
Sunbury and Eric Railroad, has been awarded
to Messrs. Ring, Brown & Co., of Erie ; Pat
ton k Gossler, of Lancaster ; and Struthers
k Co., of Warren,
Latest advices from Mexico include a
report that Alvarez has resigned the Presdeu
cy, in consequence of his advanced years and
feeble health, and that Gen. Coiuonfort has
been elected to fill the vacancy.
Santa Anua with hi* daughter and
suite have arrived at St. Thomas.
some six or eight months in which to prepare
for the next Presidential campaign. What
we need in Pennsylvania is, the anion and or
ganization of the Anti-Administration elements.
party of Pennsylvania is emi
nently an Admiiistratiou party, a Fierce and
Docglass party, a Nebraska party, the supple
if not the willing tool of slavery extensionists.
Nothing can be hoped from the leaders of this
party, or from its organization, to resist the
demands of the privileged class of slaveholders,
although thousands of Democrats, who have
formerly acted with the party, will desert it
the moment there is a complete organization
of the Opposition or Anti-Nebraska forces,
thus giving the promise of carrying the State
for freedom.
WV are entirely satisfied that there is a clear
majority of the voters of Pennsylvania oppos
ed to the present National Administration, with
all its schemes of slavery extension. This
majority is now divided and torn by faction,
and a diversity of sentiment on subjects of n.
pressing importance, and which have no bear
ing ou the great aud vital subject now at issue
and which will be settled for years to come, if
not immediately, by the result of the election
next year. Are there no means of healing
these divisions ? Cannot the question on which
we disagree be held iu abeyance, be deferred,
while we secure the success of the great princi
ple on which wc do agree, and which will al
low of no delay without ruin ?
We throw out these hints in the hope that
that there is sense and patriotism enough in
the opposition in Pennsylvania to bring about
a union prior to the commencement of the
Presidential campaign. We ask our readers,
and our cotemjioraries of the press, to give
these thoughts their early attention, and to
give expression to their views, that it may lie
known soon what there is to hope for. If any
thing is done it must be characterised by sin
cerity aud candor. There must be no secret
doings, no underhanded measures. The very
suspicion of anything unfair, of any effort to
give any faction or party an advantage, would
blast the whole scheme forever. We believe
we can speak for the great masses of the sin
cere Anti-Nebraska men of the Stare, that
they desire nothing so much as a sincere, open,
hearty and honest union to resist and overthrow
the Administration party in Pennsylvania,
which is justly considered the ally of the slave
extensionists.— l'ilisburgA Gaze/le.
THF. RANK OF FRANCE. —Owing to the ex
traordinary effort which has been resorted to
by the Rauk of France to keep up the sup
ply of specie in its vaults—that is, the purchase
of gold in England at an actual loss—and
which had been going on to an immense amount
at last advices —there is some apprehension of
an early suspension of specie payments by that
institution. The large drain of gold which
was thus caused from the London market—
some JC4,000,000 sterling—was naturally caus
ing some conservative action there also on the
part of financiers, and hence the last advance
of the rate of interest by the Rank of Eng
land to 5 1-2 per cent.
f It appears that the Rank of France pays
out its own notes, which are payable in specie
on demand, for the gold it is importing at a
large premium ; and the bank has the option
of paying its notes either iu gold or silver, hut
the value of silver is greater in proportion
even than what the bank has been willing to
pay for gold. It cannot, therefore excite sur
prise that with all its efforts it does not retain
the sjiccie thus obtained. The latest state
ment to 6th October says that the specie is re
duced to below ten millions sterling. On this
subject the New York Post says :
" A suspension of specie payments by the
Rank of France, if its paper issues are made
legal for payment of debts, as they doubtless
would be, would render payments easier than
otherwise. The injury would fall on the cred
itors, who have to receive payments in an in
ferior currency—that is a local, instead of a
universal currency, like gold. The greatest
trouble is during the period in which efforts
are made to sustain specie payments while the
gold is rapidly leaving the country.
" Russia has a j>a]>er currency for home cir
culation. France will very likely have to do
the same, during the remainder of the war.—
As for this country, the gold we send away
now, must return when those bills of exchange
now on the markets are collected.
" The contest between the Ranks of France
and England eanuot last long. Rusiuessis,
however, likely to be contracted in France, as
while England and America contracted, France
expanded, stimulated unwholesomely by the
aotiou of the Credit Mobilier and of the Rank
of France."
Yet these European financial troubles are
producing some caution among our home finan
ciers, and may for a time cause hesitation, at
least until the produce of the harvest is sold
and realized.
OF HIS IV IKE. —The Milwaukee American says
that city was thrown into the greatest excite
ment on the 19th instant by an attempt of a
man there to burn the dead body of his wife.
The story was as follows :
A Russian by the name of Pfeil married a
woman who was a Rrahmin in belief. He was
possessed of wealth, and both were persons of
culture. She sickened and died, nnd request
ed, according to the faith of her fathers, that
her body should be burned. Pfeil had collect
ed sixteen cords of wood, arranged it properly,
and was about to perform the deed, when news
of the fact was circulated, creating inteuse ex
Sheriff Conover proceeded at once to Pfeil's
house and forbade the act. The Russian as
serted his right and duty to burn the body of
his wife. "No law forbids," said he, "mv re
ligion commands ; I will do it." The body
was in its shroud, the torches prepared, and all
was ready to place it on the funeral pyre.
" Let it be borne to its place," continued the
Russian, " there is no law agaiust it in Wis
Rut the sheriff took possession of t>~e body,
ordered a coffin, and made preparation for a
Christian burial. The crowd grew, and throng
ed round the house. Alarmed or afraid to
persist, Pfeil gave his consent to a Christian
burial. "\ ou may order or have what cere
mouies you please over the body," said Sheriff
Gonover. " Gentlemen," replied Pfeil, "it
makes no difference with us, if wc cannot go
on in our own way." Thereupon the body was
buried—though the American intimates that
the woman had been foully dealt with, and de
mands the fullest investigation into the matter.
Mr. Pfeil, whose recent attempt to burn the
body of his deceased wife has obtained such
painful notoriety, has addressed a letter to the
public, in which he vindicetcs his course as not
only fit and proper, but as a reasonable com
pliaucc with the dying request of his wife.
He also appends a certificate from hi s
physician, who says that shortly before her
death Madame Pfeil reminded her husband 0 f
a vow mutually taken in former days, by whict
the survivor became pledged to have the dead
l>ody of the decedent burued instead of inter
ISKThe Price ok Bread is still ri.sin., ;
Paris. It costs the treasnrv $6OOO to suf,* l"
flour to the working classes," at the rates f H
by government. Municipalities, all throng
the country, arc voting heavy sums in charity
and devising ways aud means to raise I1M „;'
and to relieve distress. At Brussels the i>rj7
of bread has augmented, and it is alreadvV/ 6
siderably dearer than at Paris. At Madrid '
similar rise has taken place, ami one of the t J.
pers calls upon the authorities to inquire whether
the baker are not imposing upon the public h
a coalition. A caloniitons winter for the poor
is predicted in Eurojie. 1 '
The Maine Link of the Pcbi.ic Work*.
Governor Pollock had issued proposals for the
sale of the Main Line of the Public Works j,
accordance with the provisions of the law'or"
the subject, passed at the last session of the
Legislature. Proposals will le received at the
office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
uutil the 24th of Deeemlter next.
K&- On the 17th instant, a public celebra
tion took place in New Orleaus for the fall <,f
Sebastopol. ATe Ileum was chaunted at the
Cathedral, and a salute of three hundred guns
fired. The celebration was, however, confined
to the French part of the town, all the rest
refusing to participate, and the shipping h,
port refusing to hoist their flags.
Bof The trial of Alderman Herrick, in
New York city, for bribery, has ended in the
disagreement of the jury.
Towanda Market- Wholesale Prices.
[Corrected weekly by E.T. FOX. Healer in Provisions^
Groceries, No. 1, Brick How, who will pay Cash, at the
prices fixed, for the articles in this list :]
floor, (retail price,) hbl *9 00 %
Pork, do " 21 00 Or, 24 on
Wheat bushel,.... 150 Or, J7;
Buckwheat, •' 3s j,.
Oats 31
Co-n, " 75 .
Rye. " .... -,o ot
I'ouitoes, " .... 31 fa 3-
Beans, " 1 25 W
Pried Apples, " 1 00
Butter, 17 2 u
Cheese " n f p,
Hams and Shoulders, " 9Of ]H
Pried Peaches, " .... 12 0$ lij
Pried Berries, " .... 12 Of lq
Eggs, f dozen @ p.
At Franklin, on the oth inst., bv Ban Ridgwav E-o V
of Franklin.
In Relvidere. Boone Co., 111., on Wednesday the 17th nit.
by Rev. M.. Anderson. Mr. THOMAS M. WUOIHU'FK
to Miss MAKIA, daughter of Wm. Briggs, formerly of
this County.
In Wave'ly, X. Y.. Oct. 23d, by Rev. W. H. Kin?. Mr. T>.
F. PARK, of Athens, Pa., to Miss KATE BALL, of the
former place.
In Ridgberry township, of Tvohuid fever, on Monday th
22d ultimo. ANDREW T. HAMMOND, aged 25 w'ar-.
A young man. in the prime of life, the object of the af
fectioa of his pan n •, brothers and sisters, and of the -in
cere regard of a la*f,e circle of acquaintances, h.i- tie*
suddenly i>een summoned to his final home. Andwh irit
is a melancholy task to take a long and last fereweil of
those whom the nearest eanhly associations have alir.o-t
inseparably identified with outoehrcs, yet it is a duty im
posed alike upon all mankind. Death, relentless a it nuv
seem, gives no wa ning of his approach, and manitestsir,
partiality in the selection of H's victims. Youth, wealth,
station .alike bow i > the stern a andate of " Pass ye aw.u ."
May the weeping feinily and mourning friends of the 'de
ceased find consolation in the reflection, that, though
earthly gatherings can no longer welcome him. yet,
'* His trials and troubles are o'er." C. M. W.
DEDICATION.— The Second Presbyterian
Cifiy Church of Wyalnsiog will be dedicated* to the
service of Almighty God on Wednesday, the 7th day of
November inst., at half past 10 o'clock", A. M. The pub
lie are very respectfully solicited to give their attendant*.
*"* NOTICE.— The Annual meeting of the Teach
14*# Association will l>e hold at tlicSusqueliaßM
Collegiate Institute on Friday, the 9th iust.. at Id<>"cl.~k
A - M., and will continue in session two days. Thefdint
ing subjects will be taken up nnd considered, viz : The
best methods of imparting instruction in the several
branches of Education, of conducting government, and
securing punctuality, the relation of teachers and patron.-,
the circulation of educational periodicals, Ac.
Nov. 1, 1855. P. b. MORROW, Secretary.
XCUJ rlisemcnls.
ED AT MOXROETOX, otters his professional ser
vices to the public, and hopes by careful attention to me
rit a share of patronage.
He would furt her add tnat a number of years experience
in the U. S. Military Hospitals enables him to speak with
confidence of the treatment of Chronic difficulties, Kkfcrts
White Swellings, Rromocele, Goitre, and all varieties of
Scrofula treated with entire success.
He may be found, when not professionally engaged, at
his residence, Mechanic's street, a few rods west of the
Hotel, ready at all times to attend rieh or poor, night or
day- Monroeton, Nov. 1. ISS->-m 3
Their assortment of SADDLERY and other HARDWARE
is complete. Also, a good snppiv of
To wanda, Novemlier 1, 1855.
-Lx quire at this Office. November I.l*->'
R. . AV Kla Ll>>
Wholesale and re: ail dealer in
Portable Saw-Mills, Clover Hulle-s and Feed Cutters,
Emety's Cider Mills, Apple Parers, -.shes
Clow s and Kel ey's end other Grain Cradles, x)
and other Tools. .
Ketchum's and other Mowing and Reaping Machire-
Seyinour s Grain Drills, Broad cast Seed Sowers-
Manufacturer of
Peters* Celebrated TAW
Which I am prepared <o sell at either WHOLESAI-E
RETAIL, on very favorable teims, ~
The * mills are warranted second to none In the 1 ,
States, for durability, y Mcieticv and simplicity- w _
do in the best manner and rapidly, all kinds of ch
and cleaning all kinds of Grain . Grass Seed. Ac.
t'i' Warranted to chafl' fit for market, horn *
bushels of Wheat per hour. Orders solicited. v
: November 1, 1*55. H- M.
Corn Skellers at Wholesale and
T AM prepared to sell as above, on v pr )
A voiable terms, the BEST CORN SHELLEio
sold In Bradford County* , . in „ni
Where two or more Corn Shelters are vIrJ .
neighborhood, I will deliver them at a small chars ■ ,
Price of Sheller, with single balance wheel,
do double do
Farmers arc invited to e.xamiue them. , rs,
Athens, Pa., Nov. l.lßdj. K- - M - U|l