Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 27, 1855, Image 2

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    Mr. Pierce's Apology.
At length we have an apology for allowing
the laws of the United States to be trampled
under foot in Kansas by an armed horde from
Missouri. A democratic convention, held at
Syracuse in the last week of August, referring
to this proceeding, declared that " all the
power of the federal and territorial govern
ments should be exerted to redress these out
rages and vindicate the rights of the people.''
Mr. Pierce has taken six weeks to digest this
reprimand given by an assembly of hisfricuds,
and has at length answered, through the columns
of the Washington Union, in its sheet of last
Saturday, Mr. Gushing, it is supposed, holding
the pen. The apology takes the form of a re
ply to the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, but
in reality is an attempt to break the force of
the rebuke administered by the Syracuse Con
The defence of Mr. Pierce is this. First,
that the settlers of Kansas provoked the Mis-
Aourians to commit these outrages. Secondly,
that the President had no power to do any
thing in the matter. We will consider each
branch of the defence in its turn.
Mr. Pierce's first position is thus stnted :
" Ife [the President] saw, as every impartial man
must have seen, that as soon as the Kansas bill became a
law, the purpose was avowed by abolitionists to defeat its
great principle bv securing the nasty immiirration into the
territory, through the influence of capital, of an anti
slavery population, The Kansas law was ha- ed upon the
principle of allowing the bona fide settlers—those who
came of their own accord to nnii iiumm liui to pursue
their avocations as permanent inhabitants, and with no
preconceived purpose to affect the political complexion of
the territory—to allow such inhabitants to adopt or reject
slavery, as they raipht decide. The spirit and object of
the law were liable to be perverted and defeated in two
ways—the one by the mode of hurrying in anti->laverv
settlers, as charged upon the abolitionists ; the other by
the mode of attending the elections, and controlling the
ballot box by force, as charged upon the Missourians.—
The former mode was as much calculated to excite and
exasperate the South as the latter the North/'
Again, speaking of those who do not look
at both sides of the question, Mr. Pierce's apol
ogist proceeds :
" Clov. Ueeder fell into the same error when lie returned
to Pennsylvania, shortly after the elections in Kansas—
In his speech to his neighbors in Kaston. he denounced
with bitterness tire violence and force of tbe Misaouriaus,
but he wholly overlooked the the conduct ef the Massa
chusetts abolitionists. on which the Missourians based
their pica of justification. In the late democratic conven
tion at Syracuse the same error was committed—the out
rages charged upon the Missourians were strongly censur
ed, but the interferences of the abolitionists which had
provoked those outrages were entirely passed over."'
Mr. P ieree's apologist strangely overlooks
the true history of the settlement of Kansas.
There was a provocation earlier than the one
he mentions ; earlier than the occupation of
the territory by the free emigrants from the
northern states. The first provocation was
given by the friends of slavery when they
passed the Nebraska bill against the remon
strances of the people of the northern states,
and took away from them a territory which
had been yielded to freedom by a solemn com
pact, never, as the parties who made it under
stood, to he violated in all time. All allusion
to this commencement of the quarrel, the great
original wrong, for such the North viewed it,
and views it still, is cunningly omitted by this
pretender to impartiality, who looks at both
sides with such an affectation of candor.
This is not the only fraud in the apology
which we are analyzing. It calls the entrance
of northern settlers into the territory, by a
concert of action among themselves, a provo
cation. Provocation to what ? Certainly
not to violence. It was a perfectly peaceful,
legal rightful proceeding. Any one who pleas
ed had a right to become a resident of Kansas ;
he had a right to persuade others to go with
him ; he had a right to become a member of
an association for providing the means of send
ing out a company of his neighbors to settle
the country. This was what they did; they
retaliated by means which the law permitted,
and which took away no man's right. The
Nebraska hill was a challenge to the friends
of slavery and the friends of freedom to do
their best, in a peaceful and legitimate way.—
The friends of freedom accepted it, and made
an attempt to colonize the country—a feeble
one, we allow—so feeble indeed, as to have
disappointed those who cherished the expecta
tion that it would lead to great results. The
friends of slavery had the same course before
them, and they might have retaliated in the
same manner. To call the residence of a few
quiet persons sent out by an emigration society
a provocation to armed violence, as the Union
does, is a shameless, senseless abuse of terms.
So stands the matter ; it was the South that
gave the provocation,and it has no right to make
its own provocation a pretext for its own acts
of violence. But admitting that the Missou
rians have, by lawless force, obstructed the
real residents of Kansas in the exercise of their
legal rights, the T r nion denies that Mr. I'icree
could interfere. It says :
" The law organizing the territory of Kansas define*
the powers anil duties of the President, and we have ex
amined it in vain for the authority under which he could
have guarded the ballot-box agaiu-t fraud or violence—
That tie should have been apprised in advance of any
•uch occurrences is in itself a preposterous assumption,
hut, even if that had been possible, we have been wholly
at fault in our efforts to locate the executive power to
Interfere in such a case.
" The President shrinks from no scrntiny. however
rigid, to which his policy as to Kansas can be subjected.
To heap abuse upon him upon the assumption either that
he has been the partisan of the pro-slavery or the anti
slavery party is not to scrutinise his conduct, and against
the effects of all such manifestations of passion or mean
ness he will be effectually shielded by a just public senti
ment. His whole duty, under the Kansas law, required
the President to take the steps therein designated to or
ganize the territory upon the principle of tearing Hie peo
ple perfectly free to form and regulate their otrn domestic
institutions in their otrn tray, subject only to the constitu
tion of the United States."
If the President has looked in vain to find
any authority to interfere in securing to the
residents of Kansas the right of suffrage,
which the organic law of the territory pro
fosses to secure to them, he has looked very
negligently. It is time we had a President
better acquainted with the laws of his coun
try. The Union admits that it was the inten
tion of the law that the people should frame
their owu domestic institutions, aud that it was
the duty of the President to see that they
were " left perfectly free" to do it. The Pres
ideut is commander-in-chief of the army ; he
may order detachineuts of the United States
troops to whatever part of the Union or its
territories he pleases. The laws empower him
to employ military force to suppress insurrec
tions and put down obstructions to the execu
tion of the laws.
But, says the Union, the President could
not have been apprised of these outrages be
forehand. We affirm that the President was
apprised of them beforehand. Several months
before the principal outrages were committed,
they began with au invasion from Missouri by
the creatures of Atchison, who possessed
themselves of the polls and elected a delegate
to Congress. There was every reason to be
lieve that the same foidgamc would be played
©ver again. Atchison's manoeuvres were not
•ecrct, nor was his army recruited silently. If
the President did not know what was going
on, he must have shut twth his eyes and his If lie and his agents had used but one
tenth part of the vigilance which has been used
to prevent soldiers from being sent from this
country to Halifax for enlistment in the British
army, the outrages which the Union seeks
to extenuate would never have been commit
ted.—Evening Post.
From Salt Lake City—Brigham Young
Getting Excited.
The Salt Lake Netcs has late advices from
Mormoiidom. Brighara Young's ninety-six
wives seem to have no power over his spirit
in subduing its fierceness. He is full of wrath
against the followers of Belial, the United
States soldiers, who, last winter, seduced the
Mormon girls to taking sleigh rides and other
little peculiarities not considered moral and
becoming in that chaste community. Hear
him :
I say again that the constitution and laws
of the United States, and the laws of the dif
ferent States, as a general thing, are just as
good as we want, provided they were honored.
But we find judges who do not honor the laws,
yes, officers of the law dishonor the law. Leg
islators and law makers arc frequently the first
violators of the laws they make. " When the
wicked rale the people mourn," and when the
corruption of a people bears down the scale in
favor of wickedness, that people is nigh unto
destruction. We have the proof on hand,
that instead of the laws being made honorable
they have been trampled under the feet of law
yers, jnages, slicrilff, governors, legislators, and
nearly all the officers of government ; Si'.ch
jiersons are the most guilty of breaking the
laws. To diverge a little, in regard to those
who have persecuted this people and driven
them to tlie mountains, I intend to meet them
on their own grounds. I was asked this morn
ing how we could obtain redress for our wrongs;
I will tell you how it could be done ; we could
take the same law they have taken, viz : mob
ocraey, and if any miserable scoundrels come
here, eut their throats. (All the people said,
Amen.) This would be meting out that
treatment to wicked men which they had meas
ured to innocent persons. We Mould meet
them on their own ground, when they will not
honor the law, but will kill the prophets and
destroy the innocent. They could drive the
innocent from their homes, take their horses
and farms, cattle and goods, and destroy men,
women aud children, walking over the laws of
the United States, trampling them under their
feet, and not honoring a single law. Suppose
I should follow the example they have shown
us and say, " Latter Day Saints do ye likewise
and bid defiance to the whole class of such
men !" Some who are timid might say, "O !
our property will be destroyed, and we shall be
killed." If any man here is a coward, there
are fine mountain retreats for those who feel
their hearts beating at every little line aud cry
of the wicked, as tho' they would break their
ribs. After this year we shall very likely again
have fruitful seasons.
Again, he says :
Up to this time we have carried the world j
on our backs. Joseph did it iu his day, be
sides carrying this whole people, and now all
this is upon my hack, with my family to pro
vide for at the same time, and we will carry it '
all and bear off the Kingdom of God. And i
you may pile on State after State, kingdom j
after kingdom, and all hell on top, and we will
roll on the kingdom of our God, gather out j
the seed of Abraham, build the cities and tern- i
pies of Zion, and establish the kingdom of j
God to bear rale over all the earth, and let the i
oppressed of all nations go free. I have never
yet talked so rough in these mountains as I
did in the United States when they killed
Joseph. I there said, boldly and aloud, "If
ever a man should lay his hands on me and say
(on account of my religion,)you are my pris
oner, the Lord Almighty helping me, I would
send that man to hell across lots " I feel so
now. Let robbers keep their hands off from
me, or I will send them where they belong.—
I am always prepared for such an emergency.
Ex-Senator Clemens on Forney and the
Washington Union.
Colonel Clemens has been defeated recently
as a Know-Nothing candidate for the lee;isla
ture of Alabama. The Union had the audac
ity to he as glad of it as the Montgomery
Advertiser, and said so. Whereupon the ex
senator larrups his old crony of the Jamison
letter-memory, after the following fashion :
" Independence of thought or action is some
thing which the editor of the Union never
understood, any more than he understood mo
ralitv and honor when he sought through an
agent, to induce a drunken man to utter
the foulest calumnies upon the reputation of a
woman. But he does understand the way to
executive favor, and he knows well enough,
that if I had wanted office, I had only to stoop
to the meanness, which is part of his nature,
to obtain it. I bad only to swear that Wash
ington never approached Pierce in administra
tive ability ; that Jackson had never been half
so "open, frank and manly," in his dealings
with his countrymen ; that squatter sovereignty
was a direct visitation from Heaven ; that the
burning of Greytown was an achievement
worthy of Napoleon ; that the shameless hack
ing out from all the administration's Cuban
blustering was the perfection of foresight and
eourage ; that its double-dealing with Soule
and Quitman was candor and honor ; that the
appointment of Dix and Cochrane was the es
sence of southern rights, and the wisdom of
the selection of Belmont was vindicated by
the fact that old clothes had fallen full twenty
per cent. These, and a few like things, would,
doubtless, have won for mo the sunniest smiles
of the Executive, and saved me from the charge
of having "repudiated principles," "severed
ties" and "forsaken associations words which
it is easy to use but somewhat difficult to prove.
I have repudiated no principles. Mv opinion
of foreigners was openly avowed before the
American party had an existence. I denounc
ed squatter sovereignty in the Senate, and
have never been able to discover any beauty
in it since the President took it to his bosom.
I opposed extravagant expenditures of the
public money, and my faith in the correctness
of the principle has not been shaken by the
fact that the present administration has run
them up to more than eighty millions of dol
lars. As to "severing ties," I know of none
that bound me to pronounce that evil was good,
and, as I never ha<i any associations with the
editor of the Union, I could not have forsaken
fifirThe Governor elect of California is only
thirty years old, the youngest Governor and
the youngest State* in the Uuion. At a late
election in California, in Saguenay county, hav
ing 12,000 inhabitants, 13,000 votes were poll
ed. In one parish containing but 400 inhabi
tants, the Inspectors returned 4000 votes.
ISratito ilqiortcr.
Satnrban Hlormm}, ©ctobcr 27, 1855,
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The official vote for Caual Commissioner is
published in the llarrisburg Patriot, and is as
; follows :
The Patriot is very careful not to give the
number of votes cast for WILLIAMSON, HEN
DERSON aud CLEAVER, which amount to nearly
or quite 15,000, leaving PI.UMMER a minority
of all the votes given.
The newspapers in the interest of Mr. Bu
| CIIANAN are endeavoring by false representa
i tions to give this result such a coloring as shall
advance liis prospects for a nomination for
; President. Any one at all conversant with
the politics of Pennsylvania, will not fail to see
in it, however, an unmistakable demonstration
that he has uot the remotest chance of carry
ing Pennsylvania at the ballot-box.
The causes which have led to the success of
PLUMER, are apparent. In the first place, there
was really no organized opposition. The con
ference which brought forward Mr. NICHOLSON,
was not approved of by many of those who de
sired the defeat of the Nebraska candidate,and
; they either did not cordially support Mr. N.,
or cast their influence and votes for HENDERSON
aud WILLIAMSON. The attempted withdrawal
of the opposing candidates was at too late an
hour to be successful, and dissatisfaction was
caused, owing to circumstances which there
was not time to reconcile or explain.
The result has shown, that had the attempt
been sooner made, to unite the opposition to
the Administration candidate, if discreetly and
fairly done, it would have resulted in a rebuke
to the perpetrators of the Nebraska infamy.
Collateral, and side issues have thrown to
the Democratic candidate a large number of
votes which cannot lie counted upon when
National questions press upon the people. In
this County alone, under the influence of a
local question operating for the Democratic
ticket, PLUMER received at least one thousand
more votes than can be rallied for any pro
siaverv candidate for the Presidency.
The great question in most of the lower
Counties, has been the repeal of the Liquor
Law of last Winter. The Democratic party
has received a large accessiou of votes upon
this question, which cannot be retained when
the matter is settled. It is this issue which
has elected a Democratic Legislature.
From this apparent triumph of the pro
slavery, rum Democracy, we have no doubt
that the most gratifying results will eventuate.
It must be clear to the judgmcut of all, that
an organization of the Freemen of the Com
monwealth upon the platform of the Republi
can party, is all that is necessary to redeem
Pennsylvania from the influence of Slavery
propagandistu. In attempting this laudable
result, many of her voters have been led into
the quagmire of Know-Nothingism, and have
effected nothing, except to strengthen Slavery
by the votes of our adopted citizens, all of
whose sympathies and interests make theiuthe
friends of freedom. That secret organization,
it is now clearly demonstrated, has lost its
power, and is impotent for good. If its mem
bers are earnestly seeking to advance the inter
ests of the Freemen of this Republic, and to
check the arrogance of the Slave Power, they
can best effect their object under the banner
of Republicanism.
With a Republican organization throughout
the State, we believe Pennsylvania can be car
ried for the Republican candidate for Presi
dent, next year, by a large majority. If we
ever had any doubts about this, the late elec
tion has dissipated them.
Kane in speaking of the imprisonment of Pass
more Williamson, says : "He is undergoing
restraint, not punishment
If such be the case, is uot Judge Kane en
gaged in an illegal procedure ? The Courts
have power to punish for contempt, but we
have never heard it alleged that they have
power to restrain any one from contempt by
incarceration or any other means than the fear
of punishment. And if Passmore Williamson
is not being punished for alleged contempt, but
merely "undergoing restraint," we think there
must be a legal way of bringing him out of
prison immediately.
Besides, if Passmore Williamson is not im
prisoned for contempt, but kept there in re
straint, he is undergoing false imprisonment,
and his friends should turn the tables npou his
persecutor by liberating Williamson and im
prisoning Kane. This would prove a just re
buke to the American Jeffries.
JteS-Tbe election for the seat of Justice in
Union county, has resulted in favor of Lewis
burg by a majority of about 20b.
The steamship Atlantic arrived at New
York on Thursday, with intelligence one week
later from Europe. The news, generally, pos
sesses much interest, jbut there is 110 important
war feature iii it. The Allied armies of opera
tion threaten the Russian army both from Eu
patoria and Badair. The French cavalry un
der Gen. D'ALLOXVILLE defeated the Russians
near Eupatoria 011 the 29th. Russian loss, 50
killed and 105 prisoners. French, 6 killed and
27 wounded. An arduous campaign is expect
ed, as the Russians are making tremendous
preparations, and the Emperor himself is at
Odessa. The fleet had sailed from Sebastopol
on a secret expedition, it is snpposed either to
Nicolaieff or Odessa. Kars still held out ac
cording to last accounts, though the provisions
were nearly exhausted. It was expected, how
ever, that the snow would compel the Russians
soon to retire.
The chief items in the English news are the
rise in the rate of interest from 5 to 5 1-2 per
cent., which took place on the 4th. A good
deal of commercial uneasiness has resulted.
The revenue returns of the United Kingdom
show an increase on the year of nearly 8 1-4
millions sterling, chiefly caused by the addition
al income tax. •
There has been a large failure in London :
the old established and highly respected firm
of I)E LISLE, SANVRIN & DE LISLE, merchants
and bankers, their liabilities are estimated at
The Kansas correspondent of The. Missouri
Democrat says the returns from twenty-two
precincts give Rceder for Congress 1,935 votes.
There were still twenty-niue precincts to hear
from, and it was thought his vote would exceed
3,000. The election passed off peaceably, and
no persons were permitted to vote unless they
had been actual residents of a city or town
fur thirty days preceding the election. The
Free Soilers are getting up documents where
with to contest Whitfield's seat in Congress.
They profess to be able to prove that there
were only four legal Pro-Slavery votes at
Franklin, while Whitfield received sixty-one
votes there ; that out of upward of 200 votes
cast for Whitfield at Wyandotte only thirty
were legal ; that out of 230 east at Osawota
inie not over fifty were legal ; that at Baptist
Mission, which gave Whitfield over 100 votes,
there were hut seventeen legal voters, and only
thirteen of them cast ballots ; and, in fine,
that not 1,000 legal votes were cast for Whit
field throughout the whole Territory.
Delegates to the Constitutional convention
had been chosen. They will form a State con
stitution for Kansas and apply for admission
into the Union. Mr. Ileedcr will be the bear
er of the constitution and petition to Wash
.Tames Lewis, son of Judge Lewis, at
present junior editor of the Pennsylvanian,
has been appointed a Lieutenant in the U. S.
Marine Corps.
This is what we call getting along pretty
fast, hut we suppose that it is intended as part
pay for his father's devotion to Slavery, in the
Passmore Williamson case. It is an earnest
that the Judge himself shall inouut the Su
preme Bench of the United States when a
vacancy occurs, always provided that Frank
Pierce is President at that time.
Louisiana votes on Monday, November 5, for
State officers and five representatives to Con
gress. Mississippi, Monday, November 5,
State officers and five representatives to Con
gress. New York, Tuesday, November G,
State officers but no Governor or Lieut. Gov
ernor. Wisconsin, Tuesday, November 6,
State officers. Massachusetts, Tuesday, Nov.
6, Governor, State officers and legislature.—
Maryland, Wednesday, November 7, six rep
resentatives to Congress, two State officers,
legislature, &c. In Tennessee, Alabama, Cal
ifornia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the leg
islatures in each State elect oue United States
press 011 Tuesday afternoon last, run off the
track at Barton depot, owing to the displacing
of a switch. Fortunately, the headway of the
train was somewhat retarded before the switch
was reached, undoubtedly preventing the most
serious results. The traius east and west were
detained at the point three or four hours.
—We understand that the Board of Ganal
Commissioners will hold a session on Wedns
day, the 7th of November next, for the pur
pose of making appointments of officers on the
several lines of Canal and Railroad belonging
to the Commonwealth.
PRESIDENTIAL. —The Clarion Democrat aud
several other Democratic papers in this state
have raised the name of Hon. JAMES BUCIIANAN
for the next Presidency.
ANOTHER SNOW STORM. —Snow fell at this
place on Wednesday evening last, to the depth
of two or three inches, covering the hills with
its fleecy mantle, and giving us a foretaste of
THE LEGISLATCRE. —We will publish next
week, a correct list of the members of the Penn
sylvania Legislature for 185 G. The Seuate
stands, Democrats 17—opposition 16. The
House, Democrats 68—opposition 32.
is a firm doing business at St.
Louis, (M 0.,) under the name of "Griuu and
What are the Sound Dues ?
As these dues may give rise to a serious dis
pute between the United States and Denmark,
it will be interesting to know what they are.
The "Sound" is a narrow strait lying between
the Island of Zetland, belonging to the Danes,
and the Swedish coast, and gives entrance to
the Baltic sea. The fortress of Cronburg Cas
tle commands the passage, and exacts a pay
ment from all vessels entering the Baltic, the
ships of Denmark herself have to pay, as weH
as foreign tonnage. The origin of this exac
tion is that in ancient times Denmark under
took to byild and sustain certain light houses
along the coast, for which the Hansetowns
agreed to pay toll.
England, France, Holland and Sweden pay
a duty of one per cent, on every cargo enter
ing the Baltic. Other countries, including the
United States, one and a quarter per cent. ;
eveu Danish ships are taxed to this rate. In
the year 1820 a treaty recognising this duty,
was concluded between the United States antl
Denmark. This treaty, however, according
to one of its stipulations may be dissolved by
either of the parties, provided they give one
year's notice of their intention.
During the Presidency of John Tyler, our
Government determined to put a forcible end
to the imposition. Mr. Upshur, the Secretary
of State, litted out a fleet of merchantmen and
vessels of war, under Commodore Stewart
which he designed should force its way into the
Baltic and thus at once rid the United States
of the Sound duties. Mr. Upshur's sudden
death, however, by the explosion of a cannon,
just as tiic licet was ready to start, delayed the
expedition and it was abandoned. Other at
tempts were made to abolish this tax. While
Denmark was at war with Schleswig llolstein,
Mr. Flenniken, the United States Minister,
offered on the part of his government to pay
Denmark $230,000 for a ten years' suspension
of the dues : his death prevented the proposal
coming to a head. Finally, on the 12th of
April last, the United States notified the Dan
ish government of their intention to cease pay
ing the Sound duties, and the stipulation of the
treaty will accordingly expire next spring.
Should no amicable arrangement of tin; ques
tion be arrived at in the meanwhile, we may
then expect to see our vessels passing the
Sound under warlike convoy.
The Danes are much alarmed upon the sub
ject, and fear the Uuited States will seize upon
their West Indian possesions, the Islands of
St. Thomas and St. Croix. — Richmond Rnyuir
Berlin National Zeitung, Sept. 22d, says :
" Not only grain, meat, oil and spirits have
recently risen in price, there is almost no de
i scription of goods which is not dearer. We
have not known for years a period in which
! the advauce in prices has been so universal as
!at present. Imports, raw material auddomes
! tic fabrics are all dear. Many different causes
i may be alleged as the origin of this dearuess ;
\ one being the increase of the circulating me
j dium. Siuce 1848 the gain in gold and silver
1 has been enormous, and a great proportion of
: gold and silver has flown from the lands where
j they are produced, to Europe. To this increase
the metallic mediums of exchange, we may add
I that of the omission of paper money, and it is
natural enough that an accumulation of the
I means of purchase should result in an extension
!of demands and of prices. This general in
i crease in the circulating medium and its cou
j centration in Europe, is especially owing to the
| cause that North America, by over-speculation
lin the importing business, has driven the pre
cious metals from her own market to those of
England and the European continent. Only
of late has trade revived in America to such
an extent as to attract gold and silver agaiu to
it. To fully effect this North America must
increase her exports to Europe, and this suppo
ses a great increase in our prices here. Fortu
nately the increase of American exports which
is to balance the state of the money market on
either side of the ocean, will be uiade principal
ly for breadstuffs and provisions, so that an
equilibrium in prices will be manifested in
JUDGE KANE AGAIN. —On Monday last, in the
United States district court, at Philadelphia,
a petition was presented to Judge KANE, by
Win. M. Meredith, Charles Gilpin, and E.
Hopper, Esq., counsel for l'assmore William
The Judge said that Mr. W. had a right to
apply to the court to purge the contempt ; this
must be the first step ; if this petition is such a
purgation, then it will be received, otherwise
it will not.
Mr. Meredith argued that Mr. Williamson
should be heard in court.
The Judge said that upon reasonable notice
being given to the district attorney, he would
with pleasure hoar the case upon any prelimi
nary question arising in it.
District attorney Vandyke stated that he had
no notice whatever of this application. He
thought notice was necessary. He asked that
a copy of the application should be furnished
him, and in any reasonable time he would with
pleasure come in and argue it.
Judge Kane then said: As at present advised,
I atn of opinion that I can receive no commu
nication from a party who remains in contempt.
The first step, preliminary to all others, is an
application for leave to purge himself of his
contempt. The purgation completed, lie is re
instated before the court, and has the same
rights as before the adjudication under which
he was committed. If, in the opinion of coun
sel, this view of the court's duty is erroneous,
I shall be happy to avail myself of their learn
ed research for my future guidance.
The Judge declined receiving the petition,
stating, however, that upon the question of his
right to receive it he would be happy to hear
an argument.
HORRIBLE AFFAIR.—A few days ago por
tions of the body of a female were dragged
from a burning quarry in Blair county, Pa.
It is supposed to be the body of a Mrs. Carri
gan, wife of a farmer of that name, who has
been arrested on suspicion of having murdered
her, and then committed her body to the flames,
lie accounts for her absence by saying she has
gone to Philadelphia.
MORE LYNCHING. —A negro man was lately
hung by a mop near Sparta, Teiin., for the
; outrage and murder of a white woman, whom
he met alone in the woods. He confessed the
crime, and a legal trial of him was commeuced
in the court at Sparta, but the excitement was
so great that the Judge sent him to jail for
safety. There the mob gathered, cut out the
I door, took the felou to a grave yard, and, af
ter allowing him religious aid to prepare' for
; death, bung him to the limb of a tree.
Important from Mexico,
By the arrival of the steamer Orizaba, f rom
Vera Cruz, dates from the city of Mexico to
the sth inst. have been received.
Alvarez has been elected President of the
Republic by the electoral College i session at
Curnvacca, but the military powers of th
capital will deny his entrance, so that hard
fighting may be anticipated before he can have
an opportunity of assuming the reins of g ov .
Gen. Vega has withdrawn from the civil
power, and refused to obey the orders of \]
vurez for the arrest of the fugitive minister
under Santa Anna, and to arm the National
Guard, which was superseded by Vega.
It is reported that Alvarez designs to as
sume the civil supremacy.
Rumors were received at the capital that
the American minister had furnished money
and arms to Alvarez. This is, however de
nied by Alvarez and also by Mr. Gadseu.'
Later from Texas -Battle Between the
Texas Rangers and the Indians.
NEW ORLEANS, Oct., 16.—Galveston dates
to the 14th have been received. C'apt. Galia
lian, of the Texas Rangers, has had a battle
with seven hundred Mexicans and Indians, in
which four Texans and forty of the enemv
were killed. The enemy finally retreated, and
Capt. Callahan calls on Texas for further as
sistance in his efforts to exterminate the Indians
who avow their intention to kill as they go all
with whom they meet. Another attack from
tliem was expected. The battle above referred
to occurred at Eagle Pass, on the 4th iustant.
Public Meeting.
At a meeting of the citizens of Wilmottwp.
hold at the school house, in sub-district No. 1
in said township, on Saturday Sept. 29, 1855
pursuant to public notice. The meeting was
organized by calling J. L. JONES, Esq , to
the chair, and HIRAM STONE was chosen .Sec
rotary. The object of the meeting being sta
ted by the chairman to take into consideration
matters concerning the County Superintendent
of common schools. On motion it was there
Resolved, That a committee of five lie ap
pointed by the chair to draft resolutions ex
pressive of the sense of this meeting, and Jona
than Buttles, Hiram Stone, James Stroii",
Charles L. White and John Waring were
pointed said committee. After a very full and
deliberate interchange of sentiment by the citi
zens present, it was unanimously
Resolved, That this meeting do now ad
journ to meet at this place on Saturday even-
I ing, Oct. 6, 1855, at which time the commit
tee are requested to report.
SATURDAY Oct. fi, ltij.i.
The meeting convened agreeably to adjourn
ment. The proceedings of the 29th Sep!, be
ing read and approved of, the committee thro'
their chairman reported the following :
WHEREAS, We believe Education to be a
great blessing and the corner stone of Repub
lican Institutions ; and to devise the best and
most efficient means of educating our children
is the primary object of the parents and guar
dians who constitute this meeting. Therefore,
Resolved, That while we believe the provis
ions of the common school system, in the main,
to be wise and beneficial to a majority of the
people, we also believe that the creation of
the office of County Superintendent is unwise
and unnecessary, and that the Representatives
from Bradford county will carry out the wishes
of their constituents by voting fur the repeal
of that part of the law.
Resolved, That we do not approve of the
the course pursued by those of our school di
rectors who were instrumental in raising the
salary of the County Superintendent from
$5OO to $l5OO per annum, and that fur the
future we shall be more careful in the selec
tion of men to serve us in that capacity.
Resolved, That the " Circular, or printed
solution" of the celebrated problem, viz : It is
required to draw by draft $l5OO from the fund
raised by the 3 mill state tax, paid by citizens
of Bradford County, without diminishing sail
fund, or increasing the taxes of said citizens,
is antagonistic to the arithmetical rules now
in use by men of scientific and literary acquire
ments and teachers of recent date.
Resolved, That in a township like ours,
where it is necessary to raise a school tax of
seven mills on the dollar, in order to pay our
male teachers from $l2 to $lB per mouth, and
have but 3 or 4 months school in a year at
that, the services of a Superintendent at $125
per mouth is very expensive assistance, which
can very well be dispensed with, without nay
detriment or inconvenience to our schools
Therefore we respectfully decline having any
of that gentleman's assistance the ensiling win
ter, or of the Secretary appointed bv him for
the townships of Wilinot, Albany and Over
ton—it being very strongly impressed upon the
minds of the citizens of these townships that
the real interests of the schools can be bet"
promoted by the directors of the district, ad
the parents of the children.
The above resolutions after being duly de
cussed, were unanimously adopted.
On motion, Resolved, That the proceed!-'!?!
of this meeting be signed by the officers ad
published in the County papers.
[ Signed by the officers.]
COL. KINNEY AND COL. Walker, the leaders
of the Nicaragua filibusters, appear to ha"
fallen out. Kinney, it is said, recently offeree
to join the Government party to expel W " 4 "
Col. Walker, 'in speaking of Kinney,
"his race is run." The Transit Company M
not seem to have much faith in either of these
worthies. The banking house of Lucas, T
cr A Co., San Francisco, writes to the
dent of the Metropolitan Bank, NEW lert.
that they did not send the specie by the
ra, because, at last advices, Walker ,' 3
possession of San Juan del Sur, and may ■ p '
clare a pseudo government, and levy a t..J
probably of a hundred per cent, oil the traas
of treasure treasure through his
consequence not unlikely to arise from hi>
cessitieg, if not in the positive piratical i
acter lie and his associates have already
lished in their former government of '^ om> .
At all eveuts, they prefer, they say, not to*
ject their money to the mercy of such bau
* > • of
Georgia, has accepted the invitation -
Boston Committee on Slavery Lecture 8 . u ''
ture in that city. He will deliver his am ■
on the 24th of January, and lias sflectf
his theme, "The Consistency of
very with the Constitution of the I , t 0 f
and Republican Institutions, and the <' *
the American Revolution upon the -