OFFICIAL, VOTE OF BRADFORD CO., At the Election Held October 9, 1895. COMMONER. REPRESENTATIVES. TREASURER. CO^SN -„ AUDITOR. £ P ¥ I ? f Fa ~¥ ~Q F EI.HT.OS DISTRICTS. r ?- = - s 5 t" 1 £ "ts ' 2 £_ S' 2 £: Si !sigr|S??*S Sf -* g - •* ™ ■T go 3 ■; • £ : I;*:: 2. 1 1 : : ? : —, uiTroiiirli BtT Jo TO 70 52 51 87 39~ 84 42 78 JiT At • hi ]O4 134 101 101 137 130 103 132 102 135 08 134 AlUn's 52 3 33 <2 15 U 51 3 52 2 50 3 Arii|<"W- 94 42 94 93 4.-, 43 9s 42 88 51 90 41 1:"' IS' Borough 21 16 20 21 17 10 20 17 21 17 21 17 F,u WW.: 81 35 81 70 20 37 86 32 82 32 84 31 < 266 50 202 202 56 61 273 49 271 40 260 50 110 74 115 112 83 82 130 52 121 74 121 73 V 5" " 80 85 56 58 113 110 07 60 74 01 75 85 J; 1 ; 1 .".V. 110 30 108 108 30 30 108 30 104 31 108 30 ! ,'i.ti, 1,1 " 8 36 76 76 57 56 78 56 77 54 74 60 •"* 125 18 120 129 10 20 137 6 128 10 12s 17 ', 4 56 153 56 • I,,,l'iin 156 60 155 147 63 58 160 54 153 62 1",0 65 c,„H ,.l,i 188 125 Isi 184 129 128 185 127 182 125 181 121 " t |,.|,i 135 130 128 125 157 163 134 140 134 144 133 142 Yn.k 54 1 56 56 0 0 50 6 50 6 50 6 Slimline Stone 51 07 51 52 92 93 51 93 49 05 50 93 m i,i.i Borough 20 14 3 3 31 31 25 12 21 14 23 12 ; r -„ , *7 10 87 87 11 10 87 10 87 lo 87 10 T, ~,!• !!"n>UL'li, 136 60 136 110 50 53 134 60 132 50 134 58 \.„th 40 12 42 40 10 12 41 10 ss 12 30 12 T T. 4 1 Smith 66 26 66 66 33 33 70 30 65 26 65 23 "Township, 107 203 11 11 32s 332 94 206 74 212 83 210 Tn.V Borough 54 120 1 212 215 '4B 132 31 137 34 132 lX 116 94 J 83 106 134 106 113 96 114 96 111 95 „\ IU 30 101 31 32 108 112 36 102 37 100 38 103 u'v.ili'wiiff 152 71 147 110 09 73 149 72 139 85 151 71 W-'rren 11l 54 135 138 60 57 138 56 139 56 138 56 AVin.llitm 65 80 65 65 81 80 66 77 66 82 64 70 Wiluiot, ' 38 54 38 38 55 54 44 46 40 51 30 53 Total -1173 2476 3524 3*30 2034 2912 4271 2351 ' 4070 2503 4074 2488 §-Republican candidates in small capitals ; Democrats in italic. I'usliin" oil boldly, and venturing now and then into the pack ice, tliey once more came into own water and descried the Devil's Thumb'. Here they stopped no longer than was necessary for rest, and availing themselves of cverv favorable wind they soon reached the Horse - Head, a promontory near Upernavik. >io]i;ii.£r a day or two here, they set sail with a splendid wind, but soon a fog came on.— Tliey were proceeding slowly through the fog when they heard a loud cry which they recog nize'! as proceeding from civilized Esquimaux. Tliev were astonished on pulling in the direc tion of the sound to see a Danish boat with white nioii on Ivoard. From these they learn ed of the expedition in search of them, and the Banish news of the world geuerally. Leav ing the Danes to look for blubber they went on to an island from sheer exhaustion. The next day they went, on in the fog, at a venture, and after pulling about three points too much to the westward they.suddenly heard a ihg bark. Turning in the direction they pulled with all their might till they got inside of some old landmarks, which quickened poor Peterson's blond. They raised the American thg on one boat and the Danish on the other, and noiselessly pulled around the point, con cealed by the fog —a fog which was to open to their view the first settlement of Christian men which tlieir eyes had seen for more than two years. The news had not gone further till they had nearly drawn up to the beach. The Esqui maux women first came out in their homespun, and were soon followed by the men, all in the greatest excitement. All the people at once came down to see the strange arrival. Poor Mr. Peterson was restored to the arms of his loving wife and numerous supposed orphan children. Quarters were provided for the ] tarty at rpcrnavik. Here thev were obliged to wait until the sailing of the Danish bark in which they took passage for England. They received much attention on board the bark, the Mary Ann, on their way to Lievely, where they arrived on the 10th of September. To Captain Anderson, of the bark, tliey were much indebted for jiolite and kind attentions. He anticipated every want and did all in his power to make them comfortable. After staying at Lievely a week they met with the llartstein expedition. RIOT TV KANSAS, —A correspondent of the P-velaml f„tler (free soil), writing from Lca- Vemviirth, Oct. 2, says : —As Mr. .lames Furn liaia was passing through the streets he was hailed by a man who asked him to come in and v <>te. Mr. F. declined. The man then asked him to "come and drink." He declined that itiritarion also. One of the Missourians then a-ked him "why lie did not vote ?" Mr. F. said, "Wn use Ido not consider the election K r al." "He is one of the G—d d—d Free Nate men," said the crowd. Mr. F. at this t me v.-ojiig lie had got into bad company, start (il to go. But he was too late. The crowd gathered around him, and began to cry out " Hang him !" " Lynch him !" " Tar and fcath 'T the d -d Yankee !" One of the mob then '''ized hold of him. Mr. Furnlmm being a powerful man, turned round and kuock '■'l ui- assailant down, and fled. Tliey gave J-' , but could not overtake him. One of the shot at him with a ritie ; the hall l''Tr 1 his liat, but did not hurt liini, and ' "knig a house, went through the clapboards N ! killed a child which was playing on the • "° r - The mother ran out shrieking "murder!" ' I>! The neighbors came to her assis "ln,v ; Hie news spread ; the free State men "'] liiein-elves. In the meantime another "ht had been insulted in the street, knocked #n U!, d stabbed. I'liis was young Thomas -' man. He died this morning. Tliemaraud "yan mov to be alarmed at their own acts. • 'it a hundred free State men, well armed, i" u l>ody and marched towards the but the Missourians had decamped. V int: i\ TIIK BRIDAL CHAMBER. —MissCla- ,a . , '" s was found dead in her bridal dress '■'iaiiiber near Natchez, Mississippi, on the - - nitimo. After being dressed by herbrides ','I ;ls ' S - Ie requested them to retire for a short •., p"'| w ' ,eu they returned they found her vi:t •i T "l ,u " ' ler couc lb with an empty 1 w "cb had contained prussie acid still elasp r ie i adopted the despcr - "Timtive of self-destruction rather than ■} u man she could not love in obedience 10 parental authority. nvi,KK - —The powder used by itnnrVr ,'i i ari V' es in battering down the almost ' ' ,,r tficatio!is at Sebastopol was licat • ' , ul 'd s and I>upont's mills in Connec in,. ''-If ware. Two clipper ships belong hl|lur ut f, l"? l ' h ' with full cargoes of pow * w the Crimea.— Albany Jour, ' THE FOREIGN ENLISTMENT VIOLATION OF OUR ! LAWS. —The Washington correspondent of the : New York Times has the following statement, put forth in the form of a prediction, Imt with : the air of one who had learned something of J the fact from official sources. The conclusions of the writer as to the course intended to be pursued in this matter may be correct, hut if J they are, they are only a shrewd guess, for cabi net secrets are not held so loosely. He says : Indeed,'! hazard little in predicting that very soon — perhaps by the next steamer from Eu rope—M r. Crampton rrill be recalled by his Gov ernment, in accordance with the demand which the President must have made long since ; and if he is not so recalled, it will be the duty of the President to dismiss him peremptorily. The British Government is understood to take upon itself all the responsibiltv of Mr. Craui]>- ton's acts ; but that cannot and will not dis pense with the necessity for the Minister's re call or dismissal. He represents his Govern ment here ; and in his person will that Govern ment be rebuked and disgraced for its bad faith ! towards us. Nor will our Governmental action stop here, — but the e.retjualurs of MR. Barclay, British Consul at New York ; Mr. Matthew, British Consul at Philadelphia ; and Mr. Bow croft, British Consul at Cincinnati, will all be revoked, — of which fact I take it for granted the British Government has received notice long ere this. Let the early future prove the accu racy of these predictions. A SCENE INDEED.—A writer from Nor folk to the Charleston Courier gives the heart touching scene below : —"I have witnessed some few sad scenes since I came here. I saw a boy of six years' old breathing his last in the same blood-stained pillow whereon his little bro ther had expired in his presence a few hours before, whilst the unconscious father lay at the |ioint of death in the next room, and the poor broken-hearted mother ministering to their last moments, nearly unconscious of what she was doing. The boy said to his mother a few mo ments before death, "Mother, weep not, I know 1 am dying, and my little brother has gone be fore me ; it will BE all the same in a few years hence." H&GR In removing (says the Philadelphia Bul letin) some rubbish on the Edwards lot, in CHEE nut street, above Fifth, within a day or two, smoke issued from the ruins in considerable quantities. The disastrous conflagration by which the property on that spot was devasta ted, took place in December last, and the flames have been smouldering there ever since, a period of more than nine months. This tenacious clinging of tire to ruins is unprecedented in the history of conflagrations in Philadelphia. Towanda Market- Wholesale Prices. [Corrected weekly by E. T. FOX. Dealer in Provisions and Oroccries, Xo. 1, Brick How, who wiij pay Cash, at the prices lived, for tin.* articles in this list:] Flour, (retail price,) hhl ?* ,50 (it- Pork, do " 21 00 Or, 24 00 Wheat husliel, 1 2.5 (it 1 .50 Buckwheat, " 3s foj 60 Oats, " 31 On Corn " 1 00 (>(. RV.-, " OS 0(, potatoes, " 31 Of. 37 Beans, " 1 .50 Ot 2 00 Dried Apples, " .... Ot, Butter, 1t).... 14 Ot IS Cheese " @ 10 Hams and Shoulders, " 9 (it 12$ Dried Peaches, " .... 12 Ot 10 Dried Berries, " .... 12 Oti lsj Eggs dozen Ot 12 D/HIVIILALLD At the parsonage, in Pottersvillc, Sept. IS, hv Rev. J. ft., W. B. DEANS to Miss ANNA REYNOLDS, both of Montrose. On the 27tli of .Septemlier, liv the same, at the same place FRANCIS S. BARNES to" Miss HANNAH A. SHER MAN, all of Orwell. In Wyaiusing, on Wednesday, 19th nit., hv Rev. fteo. XV. Jackson, LEWIS M. HITCHCOCK, of Hcrrickville, to Miss MELISSA CROKK, of Wyaiusing. Ilv the same, at the same time and place, DENNIS N'OR "THROPto Miss EMILY FLETCHER, both of U-Rays ville. Bv the Rev. Luther Peek, at Wyaiusing, on the 10th inst. *W. H. BUCK, of LelUysville, to Miss JANE BUCK, of the former place. DIED, In Bridge-ton. West Jersey, on the 2.5 th ultimo, at the rc sidence of her father-in-law, Daniel M. Woodruff, Esq., RUTH SHITTE, daughter of John nud Mary Shute, in the 29th year of her age. i E MASONIC.—The regular meetings of UNION No. 10*, A. Y. M., are held every Wcd jtTnesday, on or preceding ttie full moon, at 3, P. \ M. ; aiid on each second Wednesday thereafter, at Masonic Hall, over J. Kingsbery's store, as follows : August sth, at *, P. M. Oetoher 24th, at 3 P. M. August 22d, 3, " November 7th, 0$ " September. . sth 8, " Noveinher... 21st, 3 ' September. 10th 3, " DCCCMIK.T Ftn, ' October.. 2d " December... 3 " All Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. H. R. A. UNION CHAPTER, No. 161, holds its regular meetings at- the same place, Thursday on or before the full moon. Meeting for August on the 23d day. E. H. MASON. Secretary. fgyy NOTICE.—There will he a meeting of the fcMSr I. R. of O. C., at the usual place, on Wednesday i next, at the usual hour. Matters of a peculiar nature will ■ be considered. " Mux ga.'linn facti." October 20. By order of the 11. C. C. ' New 2Vbnrrti9cmcnt9. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— H. W. Patrick vs. Urton Rickey. 11l the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 160, September Term, 1855. The undersigned Auditor appointed hy said C'onrt, to distrihute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's personal property, will attend to the duties assigned him at the office of Patrick A McAlpiu, in the borough of Ath ens, mi Wednesday, the 14th day of November, at 10, A. M. when and where nil persons having claims are request ed to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. Oct. 16. 1855. D A. OVERTON, Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Thomas Inghatn, dee'd, late of Asylum township, are hereby requested to make payment "without delay; and all persons having claims apiinst said estate will please present them dnlv authenticated for settlement. Oct. 16, 1855. JOSEPH W. INGHAM. Adrn r. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons i¥- -2 debted to the estate of MAIt V CARN'KII, deceased, late of Litchfield township, are liereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. WILLIAM CAKXl'lt, Litchfield, October 20, 1855. Executor. ~X K W (toons." J. Harvey Phinny, Jr. IS just receiving a general assortment of FALL A WIN TER (JOODS, consisting of the usual variety of Pry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware, Pools A Shoes, Paints, Oils, Glass, lhjes, Ac., Ac all of which will he sold as usual for Cash, or exchanged for Produce cheaper than can be had at any other store in Tiiwniida. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for cash will do well to call and examine his stuck and prices, cor | ner of Bridge and Main streets. rCash paid for Butter, Pork and drain. Oct 20 hvTOTICE TO ASSESSORS.—The several A x Assessors for 1856, will make lheir returns in the | following order, viz : | Assessors for Litchfield, Windham,Warren,Sheshequin, : Home and Orwell, on Monday, Nov. 26. For Pike, Wyalusing, Tuscarora, Standing Stone, Wy- I sox and licrrick, Tuesday, November 27. For A then tp., Athens Wo', Ulster, Wells, South Creek, | Ridgberry and Springfield, Wednesday, November 28. For Siuithficld, Troy township, Troy boro', Columbia, | Sylvania boro', Armenia and Canton, Thursday, Nov. 29. i For LeUny, Oranville, Franklin. Overton, Albany, Wil mot, Asylum and Durell, Fridav, November 30. For Monroe tp., Monroe boro', Burlington, Burlington West. Burlington boro', Towanda tp.. Towanda borough, and Towanda North, Saturday, December 1. fto'The Assessors will be careful in footing the assess ments and carrying each person's valuation into the right hand column, and also in making their returns on th" day designated in their warrants. By order of the Commissioners, Oct. 15. E. M. FARRAR. Clerk. riIoWANDAA BURLINGTON FLANK j X ROAD COMPANY—The stockholder*of the Tow ! nudaaml Burlington Plank Road Company are hereby 110- | titled that an election will be held at the ofiice of 0. F. Mason, in the Borough of Towanda,on Monday. Nov.sth, 1855, for officers of said Company for the ensuing year. Polls open from 2 to 4 o'clock, P. M. B. S. RUSSELL, Secretary. Towanda, October 8, 1855. MUSIC. 4% MR. O. DECKER, Teacher of Vo- YgSi&,Vcul and instrumental Music, recently from St. Lo uis. Missouri, has the honor to announce to the people of Towanda and vicinity, that he wishes to engage t ''imselt as Teacher of Vocal Music, Pianoforte, (iuitar, \ iolin, Flute, \ iolineello, and Thorough-basso, and feels j confident that, lieiug educated for the profession, he will give entire satisfaction. Lessons given in classes, or pri vately. Teaching in families preferred. For particulars apply at the Ward Home. Oct. 9. E STRAY.—Came to the enclosure of the subscriber, in South Towanda, about the first of Sep tember, a two year old BRINDLE HEIFER, with heavy horns, and no particular marks. The owner is requested to prove, property, pay charges and take her awav. October 0,1855. CORNELIUS MOORE. R T. FOX HAS just received a full supply of FAM ILY tiIIOUKRIES, which he will sell cheap for Cash. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to him during the past season, he would most respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Cash paid for most kinds of (train, Butter, Cheese, and Farmers Produce generally. October 10,1855. OAAA BUSH. RYE wanted immediately for which the highest market price in cash will be paid. Oct. 12. E. T. FOX. O PICES, of all kinds, both white and ground —Mustard, black aud white, whole and ground, at October 9. FOX'S. IHJRKS ISLAND SALT, both lumps and . ground, at Oct9 FOX'S. w&waaas t MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. BALDWIN' A PULLEY'S having purchased the marble i factory of this village, under the superintendence of : Henry Huuford, we happy to announce that the Marble | business in Waverlv will now be conducted by theui. They are constantly receiving Italian and Rutland Marble, for Monuments, Head Stones. Tomb Tables, Stand Tops. Paint Stones,Mullen, Ac. Having secured the services of Montanyes & JL\- (to.will do well to call andjmakepayment,otherwise, necessity will compel them to send a call that will be more expressive. March 1,1*55. PURE CIDER VINEGAR may be found -L at juiieii FOX'S. If It ESI I RAKED CRACKERS, received every wcck v at junclt FOX'S. OOLK LEATHER—One Ton, n prime ar kd tide, for sale cheap, by TRACY & MOORE. \ DM IN ISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice JAL. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the tate of IRA GIHSWOLD, dee'd., late of Ridgbery Town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated forsettlement.' HENJ. HALSTED, Administrator. Ridglierv, June I*, 18.55. IfRESII GROUND FLOUR, from New Wheat—Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed and Bran, at August 28, 1*55, FOX'S. t GROCERIES—Call and see our Rrown, K Crushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine .Young Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the money refunded---for sale cheap by B- KINGSBERY. MACKEREL —whole, half and quarter bbh by je2t TRACY A MOORE. DRIED APPLES—a few first rate one*, for sale at ji 10 I'OX'S. & PATTON'S NEW DRUG STORE, L: J JUST OPENED, ||prf ON THE CORNER OF DRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, fa: No. 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, Pa. W WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscrilicr would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has fitted np No. 4, in 1 hit ton's New Brick Block, for a DRUG STOKE, and that he is now receiving from the cities of Philadelphia and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS AftD MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, & ttHi&aai ©® SF.&isoir Aissaffich'is s DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMHRY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, &c. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for 'Medicinal purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes for the Hat, Hair, Teeth, Nails, Boots, Palming, Varnishiug, H'hitew&Ainf, fte. The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOJIACCO, will find a large variety of choice I lava* na, Vara and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snuff, CAMPHINE AND BURNING FLUID, And a fine assortment of I. AM PS, of alt sizes and descriptions, Bird Cages, Cups, JS'ests and Seed. All <>f which i-< offered fur sale on the most satisfactory terms. Our sto-k lieing large and mostly purchased from tho Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables ns to sell at reduced prices, that must la- ha tisfaetory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stock of goods and prtoeo. Our Motto is —" THE CASH SYSTEM—QUICK SALES—SMALL PROFITS/' Our Goods are selected with the ntmostjeare and warranted to l>e what they are represented ; if any should provo the contrary, we are not only willing hut rcquestTnur customers to return them, and the money .-hall I e refunded. Having secured the services of DU. HUSTON, who will keep his office at this store."and will give medical advice gratuitously to those purchasing medicines. Towanda, September 1.1853. TAKE NOTICE. RR. P. L. KKLLIXG.ME CHAXICSBI'Rft, I>A,1 > A, announces to all afflicted with Tumors, Wens, Can- I ccr, Warts, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or j King's Evil, and all diseases that have been usrthlly treat ed Caustic or Knife that he can remove them by an eu ' tirelv new method, without cutting, burning or pain. It is no matter on what part of the body they are, lie can rc ' move them with perfect safety and in a remarkable short f time, if curable. Xo money required, except for medicines / until a cure is perfected. Chronic and other diseases not mentioned alsive, treated with positive success, if curable. Full particulars can be obtained by addressing C. L. K FIL LING, M. Ib. Meclranicsburg, Cumberland Co., l'a. Persons afflicted, residing at a distance, lie has. for years been in the habit of preserving by letter, and with general sati if action. He would say however to those desiring advice, in this way, that to secure attention they should enclose, with the* general symptoms of their cases, a fee of one dollar, to warrant him in spending his time for their benefit. The doctor may tie consulted at his office at ail times, when not professionally absent. CAl'TlOX. —Strangers coming to see the Dr. are caution ed as some have been deceived. l)r. K. is the only one in this State, who can perform cures by the new method.— The Dr's. office is directly opposite the Union Church. Mechanicsbiirg is s miles from Harrisburg on the Cum berland V. K. R. and accessible from all parts of the Un ion. The Dr. will visit cases within a reasonable distance when desired. NE W F A LirGOODS. Tracy &. HTcore, * HAVE JUST RECEIVED from X. York a large and well selected assortment of A'A ll' FALL GOODS, which have been selected with unusual eare, and purchas ed at the lowest possible rates. Keeling confident that we can sell Hoods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment in the country, we ask the public to give us a call, and examine our stock and prices. Sept. 12, IK, *>.*>. MAGIC lASTTEKN. THE subscriber offers for sale a splendid collection of Landscapes, Historic, Astronomic, and Comic Views, together with two first class Magic Lanterns. This Apparatus is intended for giving Kxhibitions, and is the most extensive and complete of the kind in this country. Hither one or two persons wishing to travel can make the business pay from one to two hundred dollars per month, if properly conducted, and will afford a better opportunity of seeing the country than any other business. Address DANIEL HARKIXS, Ulster, Bradford Co., Pa. P. S. Reference, O. J. Cue u BUCK, Ulster, who has tra veled with the Exhibition. A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice -Ix_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of M IXEItVA WKIIBKR, dee'd. late of Franklin tp. are que-teil to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscrilier at his resi dence. JOIIX H. WEBBER, Franklin, August 2, IK.VS. Administrator. L E RAYSVILLE ACADEMY Israysvillc, Bradford County, Pa. I)RIXCIPAL —J. L. OVEIIFIEI.D, A. B. The first term I of the altove institution will commeiiee on WKDXKS DAY, SEPT. 12tli. Circulars with complete details, utay be obtained from the Principal, or from either of the fol lowing KKUKKINCES —Dev. George Lamlon. Herrickville : Rev. J. C. Warrgn, S. DeWitt, M. I)., leßaysvillc ; D. I'. Larry M. lb, Camplown : IJev. 1,. Peck, Lime Hill. 12 AGENTS WANTED. MA KEM() XE Y WIIE XYOU C A X.— The Subscribers desire to procure the undivided time of an Agent in every county of the United States.— Efficient and capable men may make several dollars per day. without risk or hutubuggery of any kind. Full par ticulars of the nature of the business will lie given by ad drassing the subscriber, and forwarding One Post Office Stamp to pre-pav return postage. FUREY A CO.. Philadelphia. PA. DAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Patty, iiC. JL Ac., by TRACY A MOORE. Ma c kI x a W TROUT.—IO bl>ls. No. 1, just received at TRACY & MOORE'S. 1) R. PEATT HAS REMOVED to the residence of Mr*. J. \V. MKKCI B.OU Second street, directly aluuo and opposite tlie Methodist church. go~i iffice in tiic north room. ** He would also inform those indebted to him. tha all accounts of more than one year's standing, be settled, by payment or otherwise. June !, IMS. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS would respectfully inform I:ss fiieuds and the " K"* " '"*® pulilic tliat* he is now- receiving at his old stand one door north of Laporte, Mason A Co.'s banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining, Tea and Pembroke Tables, Stands of every kind. Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs, high Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames. Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany ; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards. Looking .glasses, Ac. i"C()FFIXS, of every size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions when required. The public arc invited to examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 will sell cheaper than any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda, August 8,1855. rASH paid for WHEAT, BUTTER, PO * J TATIIES. Eggs, Poultry, Ac., at FOX'S. RIPE APPLES —any quantity wanted at i Augmst 22. FOX'S. TUST RECEIVED, another lot of that *9 ni-e DRIED BEEF, also first rate CHEESE, at July 12.1853. FOX ~S. TTPPER Calf and Kip Skins, l just received by HUMPHREY. 9"/ \ PAIRS RURIiERO\ KRSHOESof A*f)\J all descriptions at HUMPHREY'S. TOWANDA FEMALE SEMINARY. fTHIE FALL TERM of the Towanda Ft- JL male Seminary under the charge of Misses HANSON will commence on the second Monday in September next. The School will bo conducted upon the same principles and terms as heretofore. Needle-work will be included in the branches taught. To the first class, will he added French, orally taught. Text 1 looks for the use of the scholars will be furnished without extra charge. Towanda, August 22.1855. 'MUI TBS. SOLE LEATHER just re ef reived at J. D. HUMPHREY'S. Aug. 22, 1855. BOOTS A SHOES—The largest, best and cheapest assortment this side of the Empire < 'ity may be found at je29 TRACY A MOORE'S. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. T OSEI'II KIXGSBER V still continues the '' ISOOK A STATIONFRY business, whore purchasers niHy lind all the latest School and Miscellaneous Books at reduced prices. The following School Books ate ctubrao cd in the catalogue, viz : Bullion's Greek and Latin Header and Oram mar. d<>. Otesar, do. Sallust, do. Lcasoua. Donegan's Creek and English Lexicon. ! S|ieneer's 1-atin lav-sons ; Cooper's Virgil, i OleudorfTs, U'brcthon's, Barbauld's, Kausdick's and ; Levizack's French Works. Parker s, Comstock s, Phelps', Sin i ley's and Olmsted's Philosophy. Pay's, Thompson's and Davie's Works. Cutter's. Coat's and Conistock'.s I'll v.-eologv. Saunders, Porter's, Bent ley's and Cobb's Works. Bancroft s History, Parley's, Worcester's, (jurnsey's. Bottas. Ac. Ac. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, do University edition, do. do Common School, do. Worcester's. Cooper's, Harper's. Johnson's, do. Com stock's works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution. Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to lligU School. Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do. Brown s, Kirkliain s, Smith's and Morse's Geography and Atlas ; and all the various Primary Geography* now in use. Spelling books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in great variety. Also— Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Roots fy Shoes, Hits and Cups, tyr.. <§-c. Sew and desirable styles of Goods will be received monthly. and sold at the"lowest CASH PRICES. J. K. Towanda, April, 21, 1*5.3. A DM IXISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice AV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to i . v - tate of Isaac ltosencrants, deceased, late of A■< lain twp.. are rei|iiested to make payment without delay ,* aid those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYBUS SIIUMWAY, Administrator. June 14, 15.",.",. A 1 )MIXISTR ATOR'S NOTlCK—Notice -LJL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tho es tate of ISAAC S. CROFUT, deceased, late of Jgroy twp. are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. SEBA CROFUT. ) . , ... , May Iff. 1*55. JAMES CROFUT, f Administrators. A NOTICE.—Notice sT V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Win. HORNING dee'd.. late of South Creek tp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all persons havinging claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix. June 18, 15",5. lvsorcTArrsrss co. A 11E NOW RECEIVING, TIIE IB FA L L GOO D S Tlieirassortnient of SADDLERY and other HARDWARE is complete. Also, a good suppiy of LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND PAPER HANGINGS. Towanda. August 2*, 15.",.',. Administrator's S3le. I)BY virtue of an order issued by the Or- J phan's Court of Bradford County, will be sold on Saturday (letober 27th at 2 o'clcek. P*. M., on the premi ses, late the property of Miner R. \\ ilcox, situated in Al bany twp., c.: d bounded on the north by James Wilcox, cost" by the Fowler branch of the Townudn creek. west l,y Joseph White, and south by Hie Coal Company's lands, containing 1 111 acres, more <* r less, about no acre*- improv ed. with a frame house, frame barn and horse shed and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Terms made known on day of sale. JOSEPH SLEXARDT, Administrator. September 20, 15.",5. NOTICE. Y\ T I R ERE AS niv wife MINERVA and Ihavo V T have entered into a mutual agreement to part, and have no more family deal. This is therefore to forbid all persons liarlsiiing or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. LEONARD STETSON. Orwell, Scptenilier 3, 1*55. "ebtray. CEVME to the ettelosure of the subscriber In ) Derrick, about the Ist of July, one two year old RED HEIFER, and a yearling RED HEIFER. Neither having any particular marks. The owner is requested to take them away,pay charges. Ac. WM. 11.11. JENKINS. Sep't. 1:1. i*."i.">. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. T. FOX would respectfully inform hi* J* old friends and the public generally that lie ha* commenced the Grocery ana Provision Business, at A 'a. 1. Brick lis ir. (opposite Mercur's store.) and intend* car rying it on in all its branches. He has and will continue to keep on hand a full assortment of GROCERIES and atl kinds of PROVISIONS that are obtainable, all of which will lie sold on reasonable terms for Cash, To wanda, June 1, 1*55. . DRIED PEACHES, a small (piautity, very nice, for sale at juueO FOX'S. ORANGES, Lemons, Pine Apples, Fresh Raisins, Eigs. Prunes. Currants, seedless Ra Is in*, pre served Ginger, and a variety of articles of the same nature may be had at junc9 FOX'S. (TOO PS bought at my Store will be deliver ~W ed to any part of the Borough, FREE OF CHARGE. June2o 1858. E. T. FOX. [)AIES, Brooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing A rushes, blacking Brashes, Ac. at FOX'S. TEAS, both Green and Black— from 37i cents to Jl o(l—every pound warranted to suit or the money returned in all eases, at FOX'S. 0 TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined, Pow- O dercd. Crushed and <'■ ranulatcd : Molasses, Syrup, Rio and Java Coffee. Rice. Saleratus, Ginger, Sperm Candles, Rice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for sale cheap at juiioO " FOX'S. 1 I OI'SE TRIMMINGS—every description I L by je2'J TRACY A MOORE. Cash paid for Hides. fPHE highest price paid in CASH, for Hides X and Skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX. June 20,1855. Barclay Railroad A. Coal Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscribers I'l T* wanda lmro'aiid it* vicinity to the Stock ot the >\h CLAY RAILROAD A COAL CO," that the rem g instalments of ten per cent each (being $5 per ■, said stock, are required to lie paid to E. OVKRTON, 1. the President, or to J. Maefarlanc, Esq. tlic Attorney of said Uompanv at Towanda, at the times following, to wit: 4th instalment payable August 27th, 1*55. sth " " September 27th " nth " " October 2!>th " 7th " " November 2!>th " *th " " December 28th " Otli " " January 31st 18.5(5. 10th " " March 3d Payments may also lie made at the office of Laporte, Mason A Co.. at Towamla. July 20,1350. GEO. R. OAT, Treasurer.