Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 13, 1855, Image 3

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    The European Harvest.
Thr advices from Paris respecting brcadstuffs
_v favorable to our market. The French
aIV Vnmeut have published an article in the
\inniteur in which it is stated that the French
i t harvest falls short of an average by se
* millions hectolitres, the difference between
Ve > U ul 15 This deficiency is rather more
"■""two million English quarters—about se
million bnshels. This measures the
Ve "i..,hle extent of the French wants for im-
P ro 4 - The relief held out is not as two
C airo bv selling bread, below cost, at go
' r menfs expense, the impolicy of which the
• u ~1 hided to poiuts out, but consists in
CS cr • y™' frec of duly ' the J n ;-
r , at ion of foreign wheat, a measure which
1 MI cneedily be taken by the government.
The London Times, also, of the 22d Septem
has an editorial on the state of the money
L' corn market, in which it points out the
rlct of a failure of the crops, which prove be
an average in all the south of Europe, be-
L France, C #nd that there will be large out
;'ur< ivom London of money and coin from
vwfand for wheat ; of which the English crop
• I low the large oue of 1854—while stocks
* o *,ud. The Timcssays:
••The American hardest has been splendid ;
uDUsuallv great breadth of land lias been
uiider wheat this year, and the crops have been
•ypssfullv trot in. The available surplus of
""heat is estimated at about 6,000,000 quar
ter from the United States and Canada—a
lutitv which is more than sufficient to cover
t'ice the alleged deficiency in France. Of this
nLntitv it i-s .stated aboul half will be
l ,: ~e a for Europe between the Ist of Septem
ber nml the Ist of May ; and we have reason
to believe that very large orders have already
been transmitted to the other side of the At
lantic for the French market.
- There is no doubt that in France, and in
!Ilost of the countries of Central and Southern
Europe the late harvest has been below the j
averaW, and that in this country it falls short
of the extraordinary and bountiful harvest of
]s-)4 The prices of corn and of almost all
the first necessaries of life are, therefore, very
high, and higher in proportion in most parts of
the continent than in this country.
" Although the blockade of the southern
~orts of Russia, and especially of the Sea of
Vzoff cuts off the supplies from an extensive I
and fertile district, we see no reason to doubt ;
that measures ntav still be taken to open the
navigation of the" Danube and the corn trade 1
of the Principalities. No part of the world j
t.rodnees a greater abundance of the finest j
grain, stud the harvest of the past summer was j
so abundant as to compensate the inhabitants
for the sufferings and losses attending the iu
vasion of the previous year.
ScicihE y A BOY.— The Menaslni (Wis.)
Advocate, of the 13th inst., gives the following j
account of the commission of suicide by a boy !
only 12 or 15 years of age, who appears to have j
been a victim to lirutality : I
- Young Reiser iaiagimed hintself to IK;
whipped and abused too moeh by the village j
bore, and on Monday eveniug he told his mo- i
ther he would stand it no longer —that he would j
hang himself. No attention was paid to the j
threat, and on Thursday morning lie was vrhip
jhml bv his mother for some trivial offence, after
which she sent him to the woods to procure
some good switches, to be hereafter used on liiiu
for bad behaviour. He was accompanied by a
younger brother. After going into tlx? woods !
a short distance, he sent the brother back home
for a rope, in order, as lie said, to bring a large
bundle. On his brother's return, young Kelsev
was stiff in death. In the absence of his broth- 1
cr, he placed some blocks on the ground, placed t
one of his suspenders round his neck, and tied j
oue end to the limb of a tree, kicked the blocks j
awav, aud kuug in that position until dead. '1 his
is, indeed, a sad affair—for one so young to take j
his life by his own hands. Those who have seen
the corpse say that even in death his counten
ance exhibits the picture of determination aad j
Drive FROM EMOTION.—The father of Tucker- j
man, the Boston defaulter, was well known as ;
a genial man, with a smile and a pleasant word
for every one. Since the news respecting his
son's swindling transaction was made known,
all joyful expression left his face, and stolid fea
tures. his eyes fixed on vacancy.and his ghastly,
pallid color, all showed that deep grief had ta
ken possession of him. Some ten days since.;
witlwut any marked cause, he died from shame 1
—the victim of his son. There may have been j
no rupture of the cardiac organ, but the world j
recognises it as a broken heart. If the son is
unmoved by the thoughts of the orphans and
widows be has wronged, will he be touched by j
the parricidal results of his wilful wrong-doing ? j
The death of Mr. Pellicker, a well-known
merchant, who resides in Brooklyn, occurred on j
Mondav, under very peculiar circumstances. I
He was in perfectly good health, aud had just j
returned from the country, where he has left j
his wife, who was recovering from a recent ill
ness. HP had but reached home when a tele
paphic message was brought to him announcing
j'is wife's death. He sank into a chair on rend
i"? the sad news, said he felt very ill, and re
quested that a physician should l)e sent for, and
died immediately. The iufluence of the mind
,jV er the body is mysterious, aud its effects are
startling. The above instances are not unu
sual, but noue the less note-worthy.—iVeir
ted Tims.
**lvossuth thinks that the taking of Sebas
'"!*>! is the prelude to a long war. He thinks
"•at the Russian army will take a stand out
side of the fortress, merely leaving a garrison
111 the north part, and retreating towards the
"donor, in case they do not think it safe to
future a pitched battle. A winter campaign
"Jllie Crimea, and the continued occupation of
0 pciiinnijla next year, and more vigorous op
cration* in the Baltic. He fears the influence
0 "perfidious Hapsburg," who will endeav
c conciliate a peace, or prevent the exac
jj" 1 of g uch material guarautees as will cripple
rhtt"' 8, ' ll case *' ie war fcssumefi a sort of sham
ini j Cter ' ma y be carried on by blockade, and
tre seriously witu the interests of our own
"Qffleree, so that this government may lie forc
* ,J have a word to say on the subject."
J*?* ELECTION*.—The Augustia Consti
i * has reported returns from 42 coun-
VER D SA )' S JOHNSO.Y, Democrat, for Go
tat p[' • a u ' u °f about 4000 votes on the
wasoT!'?"' w ' len hi s utajority in the State
His majority will probably be
(Z if 0 ' T " HOD. HOLLL
1 SI ° U ' STEPHENS, and Hon. JAS. !
p!, n^ Aß "' a " anti-K. N.'s, are said to be 1
(fetriri definite returns from the other
• I
*£rThe people along Lake Michigan, from
Allegan north to Manistee, have been thrown
' into a state of the most intense excitement by
1 the operations of a gang of marauders, who
! are reported to be Mormons from Beaver Island,
and who have carried on their operations with
■ a boldness, coolness, and desperation rarely
equaled in the records of highwaymen.—They
' are reported to have burned sawmills and rob
• bed stores north of the Grand River. At
' Grand Haven they made repeated attempts to
break into stores and shops. They made their
1 appearance at the mouth of the Kalamazoo, and
after looking about some, pushed up south as
far as the tanneries in the town of Ganges, and
broke open ROBINSON & PLCMMER'S store, rob
bed them of $1,600 worth of goods and made
back again down the lake. Off Port Shelbon
they were seen by a vessel's crew anchored there,
with their plunder all open to view, and were
pulling on down as careless and fearless as
though they were pursuing a legitimate calling.
There is said to be upwards of twenty in the
gang. They sail one small schooner of twenty
or thirty tons, and two Mackinaw boats.
VERY IMPORTANT.—A Spanish paper an
nounces, with much pomposity, that the
is encienle, but that the Government had not
as yet been officially advised of it.
Towanda Market—Wholesale Prices.
[Corrected weekly by E. T. FOX, Dealer in Provisions and
I Groceries, No. I, Brick How, who will pay Cash, at the
! prices fixed, for the articles in this list :]
j Flour, (retail price,) $ bbl IS 50 @
! Pork, do " 21 00 @ 24 00
j Wheat y bushel 1 25 @ 1 .50
I Buckwheat, " 38 6i 50
' Oats .... 31 DT
j Corn, " 1 00 @
! Rye " US
J Potatoes, " 31 @ 37
Beans, " 1 50 2 00
Dried Apples, " @
Butter * 14 (5J 18
Cheese,... " .... 6 <?£ 10
! Haras and Shoulders, " 9 12£
Dried Peaches, " .... 12 (FL 16
J Dried Berries, " .... 12 (JFL 18|
' Eggs y dozen @ 12
— —
111 Elmira, X. Y., on Thursday October 4th, by Rev. Hen
ry Hickok, Mr. R. C. SMALLEY, of Towanda, aud Miss.
LUCY STEVENS, of Durell.
MASONIC.— The regular meetings of UNION
! _JW_LODOE, No. 108. A. Y. M., are held every Wed
nesday, on or preceding the full moon, at 3. P.
/ MR \M.; and on each second Wednesday thereafter,
; at Masonic Hail, over J. Kingsbery's store, as follows :
j August Bth, at 8, P. M. October 24th, at 3 P. M.
August. .. ,22d, 3, " November. .. .7th, 64 "
| September, ,sth 8, " November. .. 21st, 3 "
j September. 19th 3, " December sth, 64 "
| October . ...2d 8, " December 19th, 3 "
| All brethren in good standing are invited to attend.
11. R. A. UNION CHAPTER, No. 101, holds its regular
meetings at the same place, Thursday on or before the full
moon. Meeting for August on the 23d day.
E. H. MASON, Secretary.
. MR. O. BECKER, Teacher of Vo
; and Instrumental Music, recently from St. Lo
! JEYT uis, Missouri, has the honor to announce to the
j people of Towanda and vicinity, that he wishes to engage
J himself as Teacher of Vocal Music, Pianoforte, Guitar,
J Violin. Flute. Violincello. and Thorough-basso, and feels
confident that, being educated for the profession, he will
j give entire satisfaction. Lessons given in classes, or pri
| vatel V. Teaching in families preferred.
For particulars apply at the Ward House. Oct. 9.
I^STRAY. —Came to the enclosure of the
A subscriber, in South Towanda, about the first of Scp
-1 teinbor, a two year old BRINDLE HEIFER, with heavy
horns, and no particular marks. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay charges and take her awav.
October 9,185a. CORNELIUS MOORE.
U. T. I'OX
HAS just received a full supply of FAM
ILY GROCERIES, which be will sell cheap for
! Cash. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended
to him during the past season, he would most respectfully
; ask a continuance of the same.
! Cash paid for most kinds of Grain, Butter, Cheese, and
I Farmer s Produce generally. October 10, 1855.
9NNA BUSH. RYE wanted immediately
,—' '\ j\J for which the highest market price in cash
I will lie paid. Oct. 11 E. T. FOX.
SPICES, of all kinds, both white and ground
— Mustard, black and white, whole aud ground, at
! Octolicr 9. FOX'S.
TURKS ISLAND SALT, both lumps and
I ground, at Oct9 FOX'S.
BALDWIN A POLLKYS having purchased the marble
factory of this village, under the superintendence of
I Henry Hanford, are happy to announce that the Marble
1 business in Wavcrlv will now be conducted by them. They
! are constantly receir ing
Italian and Rutland Marble,
for Monuments, Head Stones, Tomb Tables, Stand Tops,
I'aint Stones Jiulleiw, Ac. Having secured the services of
1 G. 11. POWERS, who is well known to IK> the most perfect
Artist iu the state, they offers unparalleled inducements
to persons wishing to secure any of the above articles, in
' cheapness, style and artistical beauty.
Waverly, X. Y., October 13. 1855.
Would inform the inhabitants of Bradford county
■ that he respect full v solicits 6(8) subscribers for his local
I work entitled " FISH AND PHILOSOPHY, or Sketches
! made During a Short Sojourn in Northern Pennsylvania.''
J The book will consist of from 250 to 300 pages, 12m0.,
I and will be bound in embossed muslin. The price will be
! 41,01'. As the work was not written to vindicate
j any particular theory, or to advance any particular inte
rest, it is dilficult to say what it aims at — further than to
| help while away a leisuic hour or two, in what the Au
| thor hopes, not unprofitable reading.
I The pages are chiefly devoted to descriptions of local
scenery ; incidents while Trojting on the Sehrader branch;
literary criticisms and reminiscences ; conversations, de
velopments of local character, poetry aud philosophical
A the publication of the hook is not a question of
bread, the author can use the liberty of speaking plain —
In the first place, then, he cannot afford to publish the
book unaided — nor would he if he could ; for the simple
reason, he is unwilling to shoulder the responsibility of
committing A— possibly — poor book to tbc world. He
therefore seeks to make a corporate concern of it, and
thus share with the subscribers the odium of failure,
should it fail. It is a purely gratuitous matter, gentlc
meu, sign, or not sign. In the second place, the author
is unwilling to have his stock of books added to, by too
many hundred copies of a work that failed to redeem the
price of its publication ; neither does he desire the horror
of witnessing the awful spectacle of an auto-da-fe, of what
cost him so much pains and time to create ; — for be cer
tainly would commit to the flames what remained unsold
of the edition, should they remain too long on his hands.
He is determined to pay the publisher ou the receipt of
the edition, should it be printed, asking no favors ; and if
600 sub-cribcrs can be had, he will do so. He can afford,
however, to wait, should the 600 refuse to come to the
rescue. The MS will not diminish in value. It will re
main as it has done, cherished by the owner, as was eher
ished and loved '-the poor man's one little ewe lamb, that
was unto him as a daugher." The author will ask no one
to undertake to publish it on the strength of its merits :
perhaps from pride, perhaps from a prophetic apprehen
sion of its lack of merit. Time—perhaps — will determine
if he did well to lie influenced by the latter consideration.
The author will further say, that should the desired num
ber of subscriptions be obtained, he will feel tempted to
promise an embellished frontispiece, enclosing a medallion
likeness of the principal character, Dr. Plum. And should
a second edition follow, he—the author— will exert alljthe
influence he can command to secure for the original aub
scrilters a lock of that distinguished individual's hair ; as
thank Heaven, he is appreciative, and, judging fromjiis
antecedents, the author has no doubt that Plum would
gladly wear a wig for a whole year, to have the pleasure
of furnishing t > his friends so interesting a souvenir.
The publication of the book, then, is dependent on the
receipt of 600 sueribers, and one mouth will be allowed
for names to lie given in. If, at the expiration of that time
only one person has subscribed, or any other number be
tween that and 600— unless very closely approximating it
—the book will not of course l>e expected to see the light.
But, if the entire number he obtained, those who have
signed, will", in three months from the closing of the sub
scription lists, be supplied with a copy, or copies, as they
may have ordered.
Subscription lists will be opened on Monday nextot all
the stores, and at the P. <). in the borough ; and at C. 11.
HKBRICK'H. at Athens. At Burlington, there will be one
at Messrs. LONO A MKHKV'S store, and at Ulster Mr. JOHN
M ATHKK . and at Monroe, Mr. Srvwoi K Puixxtv, will act
as agents. Others may Is- authorized.
' Towanda, October 13, 1855.
New Abocrtisemtnis 1
Has just received his
RIES, a large assortment of HARDWARE, including
Harness and Carriage Trimmings, and Joiner 1 s Tools of
every description ; Boots, Shoes, Leather aad Shoe find- j
I?.? 8 ' • Caps, and Umbrellas ; Paper Hangings and
indow Shades ; Carpets and Drugget; Oils Paints aud
Dye stuffs; Crockery and Glassware ; Irqji, Steel and ,
Xails ; Window glass and Sash ; Camphine, Burning Flu
ld and Varnishes of every kind : Pails, Tubs, Mats, Ac.,
Ac., which will be sold as usual, very cheap for Cash.
Towauta, October 1,1855.
ESTR A Y. —Left the premises of the subscri
ber, in Wysox township, on the 14th of September,
a two year old BRINDLE HEIFER, with rather straight
horns, and in good condition. Whoever will give me in
tonnation of the said heifer at my residence, opposite the
Towanda Eddy, or at the office of the Bradford Reporter,
shall tie suitably rewarded.
Wysox, Octhbcr 2, 1855. Rl< HARD PICKERING.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
Joseph Xing-sbery,
Towanda, October 3,1855.
DISSOLUTION.— The partnership hereto- j
fore existing between the subscribers, doing business |
in the name of T. HUMPHREY A CO. at Orwell, Penn'a, j
Hoopers Valley and Smithboro, N. Y., is this day dissolv- I
ed by mutual consent. All debts due the firm "mnst la- !
settled with T. Humphrey, lie having purchased the entire i
interest of his asseciates, and being alone authorized to |
sign in liquidation- All debts due by theffirm should al-o j
be presented to T. Humphrey, he having agreed to pay the
same. T. HUMPHREY,
Orwell, Get. 1, 1855. A. POTTER.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
Burton Kingsbery,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he is open
ing for public inspection, one of the largest stocks of
GOODS ever brought iuto this market, consisting of
Dry (r'oofls, Groceries, Hardware, Crcekeryj
Hoots and Shoes, JYoils, Glass, Sfc.
Embracing an assortment suited to the wants of the pub
lic, and which having been purchased for Cash, will be
sold for Ready Pay at prices which defy competition.
West side of Main street.
Towanda, October 4, 1855.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
Office at TOWANDA October 1, 1855.
Alden Rev. S. W. Kingsbury D.
Alloway M. 11. Murphy John
A'llearn Michael Mongovon Mary
Allice A. M. Manly Jane
Bartlette Mrs. D. P. M'Kue James .
Barrett John M'Donald Maurice
Rentier Bcnj. R. Mosher Wm.
Bush Joseph 2. Mosher Lodesky
Brewster Daniel M'Carthy James
Brady John 2 Melaney Tiros.
Birmingham Alice M'Carthy Daniel
Uarritt Mrs. Mitchell Mary 11.
Considine Denis Menold Henry
Cleary Thos. O'Hcrn Michael
Capil George O'Brien Jeremiah
Coolbaugh Lucy Piatt Joseph
Clancy James Pine John
Cornelius Margaret Pureell Denis
Carpenter Edw. Park Wm. A.
C'orwin Stephen O. Quigley James.
Carman John Rice Cai b B.
Carner Hannah A. Roberts I)oct. Wm.
Davidson It. Richmon Jacob
Denis Mary 2 Ryan I'atk
Drake C. A. Scott Henry
Daley Richard Smith Isaac
Gregg John Smith A. B.
Gustin Klip ha let Smith Miss Jane
Graft Elizabeth Sullivan Daniel
Gould Daniel Sheehan Brvan
Grohs Joel Seymour C." H.
Goodwill John F. Sweeney Rev.
Henepy Park Taylor Etliiel
Hone E. M. Whelan John
Henslcr E. Welch David
Harder Francis Welch Thomas
Heagerty John Welton Warner
Hurley John Wilcox Nathan
Kelly James Wetherill Ancil
Wheeler Silas J.
Persons calling for any of these letters, please mention
they are advertised. H. C. PORTER, P. M.
A. L®. Warner's
Xeic S)- Splendid Jewelry Store, one door north j
of Pattons Drug Store,
HAS just been opened with the largest and
_ most choice stock of FASHIONABLE j
JEWELRY ever offered to a discriminating I
fiw —< jl public. Indeed, he can safely say that with
jfc, . yjyWi fbe opening of his new store has been in- 1
a new era in the Jewelry line,
inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment
he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi
ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav
ing been all bought with ready cash.
A. M. W.. when he reflects how, for the pa.t vears.with !
a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so large a share
of public patronage, flatters himself that the immense in
crease of Goods he now offers, which have been bought so
much more advantageously, will enable him to increase I
the generous confidence which has hitherto heeu vouch- I
safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the j
favor of his old customers, and invites the public general- !
ly to come and see the fashions.
continue to lie distinguished by the skill and despatch
which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep- j
utation of being the most reliable in town.
Towanda, Septemtier 24, 1855.,
r PHE undersigned have placed upon the lino between
JL Towanda and Waverloy, a new Packet, built express
ly for the travel between the above and the intermediate
The "GAZELLE" is neatly fitted up,and may be relied
upon as always being "on time." The hours of arrival
and departure will be arranged in conformity with the
time tables on the N. Y. and Erie Railroad.
At present, leave Towanda for Waverley, at 1J o'clock,
P. M., precisely.
Leave Waverley. at 7.J o'clock. A. M., or immediately
after the arrival of the mail train from the East.
POWELL & SMITH, Proprietors.
Towanda, September 1, 1855.
(HANDLES —by the box or siugle pound,
/ at sepl FOX'S.
IRON, Round, Square, Tire, Rand <Sr Scroll,
all qualities and sizes. TRACY & MOOIIE.
FLOUR —80 bids., first quality, for sale at
the lowest CASH figure. TRACY A MOORE.
THE subscriber is prepared to take Gentle
men Boarders, attending the Collegiate Institute.—
They will find eomfortable accommodations, and the pri
vilege of speaking French and German in the family.—
For further particulars enquire of
Professor of Modern Languages.
Towanda, August 8, 1855.
ALL PERSONS indebted to Montanyes A*
Co.will do well to call andjmake payment,otherwise,
necessity will compel them to send a call that will be
more expressive. March 1, 1855.
at june'J FOX'S.
every week, at junel4 FOX'S.
SOLE LEATHER—One Ton, a prime ar
ticle, for sale cheap, by TRACY & MOORE.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of IRA GUIS WOLD, dee'd., late of ltidghery Town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated torsettlement.
BENJ. HALSTED, Administrator.
Ridgbery, June 18, 1855.
Wheat —Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed and Bran, at
August 28, 1855. FOX'S.
C GROCERIES —Call and see our Brown,
T< 'rushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young
Hyson & Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the
money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KINGSBERY.
SUMMER HATS.—Gentlemen's Elegaut
WHITE BEAVERS, for sale by
May 1,1855. JOS. KINGSBERY. _
DRIED APPLES —a few first rate ones,
lor sale at jHO FOXfj.
To the School Directors and School Teachers of
Bradford County :
THE recent Convention of School Directors of this Cotun
ty, adopted a resolution requesting the County Su
i periuteudeut to hold, or cause to be held, Teachers' Inati
' tntes in the different townships of the county. In com
pliance with this resolution, I now give notice, that the
necessary wraagvinents arc in progress for holding a ae
ries of these Teachers' Schools. It is not deemed advisa
ble to hold one in each township this fall. In mauy cases,
not enough would attend to give tbem interest and utility.
I I have accordingly, selected such points for holding the
first series, as has appeared to me most suitable for the
different divisions of the county. The places named are
only suggestive. If the School Directors of cither of these
divisions prefer another, I will cheerfully acquiesce in a
change. The list is given at the foot of this notice.
These Institutes are intended for Teachers only ; and
their leading object is to improve teachers in the Art of
Teaching, it is expected that the Teachers and Directors
living near the place of holding these Schools, will get
the School House'which is to be used, in order, keep it
so, have fuel supplied and make provision for boarding
the Instructor.
The incidental expenses of these Institutes, such as the
board of the Preceptor, fuel, light—for the evenings must
be occupied with Lectures—4c., the TeachenPtnost bear.
The amount to each, will, of course, depend on the num
ber attending. Pour dollars, will probably, be the out
side expenses of one of these Institutes. This to be equal
ly borne among the Teachers, be their number twenty or
Timely notice will le given In the papers, of the com
i nicnceinent of each of these Institutes, accompanied by a
j programme of the exercises. The lirst will be held in To
wanda. early in Octolier, and will be under the direction
iof Professor C. It. Cobi rn. lu the management of the
j others, the Superintendent will have the assistance of able
; teachers.
Teachers wishing to attend these Institutes, must report
i themselves to the Secretaries of the School Hoard of the
township where held, Is-tore the 25 th day of September.—
This officer's name aiul address is given In the list below.
I have to request these officers, to report to me the num
ber as soon as practicable after the '2sth.
School Directors are artiest I y requested to give this en
terprise all the encouragement and aid they can. These
Institutes can be made useiul.
Owing to the irregularity in the time of opening the
schools, and the shortness of the time a large majority are
kept open, the ruperinteudeut cannot visit all the schools.
I This is the sole cause of this failure. It is my desire to
j remedy this, and i have a proposition to make to the
school directors, which will obviate the cause and its re
sults. ' ' ' - ' 1
If the directors of Monroe, Albany, Wilmot, Overton, ■
Durell and Asylum, will commence "their schools in the ,
first week of November :
The directors of Standing Stone, Wyalusing.Tusrarorai
Herrick, Pike and Warren, theirs in" the third week in
The directors of Wysox, Rome. Orwell, Windham,
Litchfield and Shesheqnin, theirs in the first week in De
cern Ix-r:
The directors of North Towanda, Ulster, Athens, Ridg
bery. South Creek, Wells, Columbia, Springfield, Smith
field and East Burlington, theirs in the third week in De
cember :
And the directors of West Burlington, Troy, Armenia,
Oranville, Canton, Leroy, Franklin and Towanda, theirs
in the first week of January, I can visit every school house
in the county, that has a school in it, during the winter ;
and if the order I have marked out, or something approxi
mating it, is observed in the opening of the schools, and
then remain open one month, I will agree to visit all.—
Now, what say you,"school directors? There is nothing
to prevent this arrangement ; will you go into it?
The best way to commence the work is, for each district
to advertise for teachers, and give notice in this advertise
ment, of the time of commencing the schools. The cost
of advertising will be one dollar, and if any board of di
rectors feel unwilling to take this much out of the school
fund. I will pay the dollar for advertising, on the condi
tion that all the districts of the county go into this ar
I hope the different boards will co-operate with me, in
every effort made to advance the schools. Complaining
will not mend them. This has been tried for tweutv years,
and still tin#- are very poor; and we may find fault "twen
ty years more, and they will fie no better unless we take
hold. We cannot get rid of the school law. This is set
tled. The question then is, shall we suffer it to lie a bur
den without any advantage, or shall we second the efforts
of our law-makers to improve it ? The latter seems to me
to be the only wise course. Let us try it, only for a few
years. But to in ike it better we must look after it. We
must order out of chaos, or the fruit will still be bitter.
In TOWANDA, for Towanda borough, Towanda and
North Towanda twps., Monroe and Wysox. A. D. Mou
tauye. Secretary, Towanda. .
_ln ALBANY, for Albany, Wilmot and Overton. O. U.
Emery. Esq.. Secretary, New Albany.
In FRENCHTOWN, for Durell and Asylum. E. R. De
Long. Esq., Secretary, Towafida.
In HERRICKVILLE, for Herrick, Standing Stone, Wy
alusfng. Pike and Tuscanua. (j. W. Elliott, Esq., Secre
tary, lleiriek.
lu ORWELL, for Orwell. Windham, Warren and Rome.
O. J. < hubhtick, Esq.. Secretary, Orwell.
In ATHXNS. for Athens, Suiitblield, Litchfield, Ulster,
Sheshequin and Ridgbury. 11. O. Allen, Esq., Secretary,
In TROY, for Troy, Springfield, Armenia, South Creek,
Columbia and Wells. N. AL Carnockan, Esq., Secretary,
In LEROY. for Leßoy, Franklin. Granville and Canton.
Robert Nf'Kce, Esq. Secretary, Leßoy.
IN BURLINGTON, for Burlington borough, and East
and West Burlington. Dr. Win. Coryell, Secretary, Bur
lington. K. GUYER, County Sup't.
Highland. Pa.. August 2S, 1845.
ggWßMgipKo respectfully inform his friends and the
public that he is now receiving at his old
stand one door north of I iporte. Mason A Co.'s banking
house, a large and extensive assortment of
Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns,
Rosewood ami Mahogany Side and Centre Tables,
Dining.Tea and Pembroke Tables. Stands of every
kind, Cane, flag and Wood scat Chairs, high
Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads,
Bureaus. Lounges, Gilt and Rose
wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat
Stands. Corner and side do.
of walnut and mahogany ; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes,
Cupboards, (sinking glasses, Ac.
*-" COFFINS, of every size and quality, and will at
tend on all occasions when required.
The public are invited to examine my assortment before
purchasing elsewhere, as I will sell cheaper than any other
establishment in Northern Pennsylvania.
Towanda. August 8, 1855.
( USII piu<l for WHEAT, BUTTER, I'O
x TATOKS. Eggs. Poultry. 4c.. ot FOX'S.
RITE A RULES—any qualatlty wanted at
i August 22. FOX'S.
IMIE TALL TERM of the Towanda Fe
. male Seminary under the charge of Misses H ANSON
will commence on the second Monday iu September next.
The School wilt lie conducted upon the same principles
and terms as heretofore. Needle-work wijl lie included in
the branches taught. To the first class, will be added
French, orally taught.
Text books for the use of the scholars will be furnished
without extra charge.
Towanda, August "2'2.1855.
tJOW eeived at J. 1). HUMPHREY'S.
Aug. 22, 1855.
TTPPEB"LEATHER, Calf and Kip Skhi7,
V just received by HUMPHREY.
all descriptions at HUMPHREY'S.
-e *- 4 Shoes and Findings now receiving at
Aug. '12, 185b. HUMPHREY'S.
TUST RECEIVED, another lot of that
nice DRIED BEEF, also first rate CHEESE, at
July 12,1855. FOX'S.
PAMPHLET LAWS.—The miota of Pam
phlet Laws for Bradford County of the session of the
Legislature of this state, for the present year, have been
received at the Prothonotary's Office, and are ready for
distribution to those entitled to receive them.
_ August 1, is.',s. ALLEN M'KBA.V. Proth'y.
BOOTS & SHOES —The largest, best and
cheapest assortment this side of the Empire City may
lie found at je'29 TRACY 4 MOORE'S.
HAS REMOVED to the residence of Mrs.
J. W. Mkkciii, on Second street, directly a ism- and
opposite the Methodist church.
#i*Office in the north room.
go" He would also inform those indebted to him. tha
all accounts of more than one year's standing, must be
nettled, by payment or otherwise. June 9. 1855.
Y4TILL find employment ou the Upper North
T * Branch Canal, bv applying to the Foremen on the
line. mayll * W. R. MAFFET, Supt.
/G ROCERIES.—A large,stock just received
consisting of Sugars. Tea. Coffee, Molasses, Fisli,
Ac. 4c.. of superior qualilv for sale at reduced prices.
March ii, 1840. BURTON KINGSBIWY.
H Wo. % Button'® Block, Towanda, Fa.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public that be has fitted up No. 4. in l'atton's New
Brick Block, for a DRUG STORE, and that he in now receiving from the cities of Philadelphia and New York,
a large and well selected stock of American, French and English
SUROXCJLXi UTSTRURXBNTS, and a variety of the most approved Trusses,
Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on hand.
London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal pnrposes.
Brushes for the Hat, Hair, Teeth, Nails, Boots, Painting, Varnishing, Whitewashing 6c.
The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOBACCO, will find a large variety of du/ias Honor
na, Yara and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snuff.
And a fine assortment of LAMPS, of all sizes and descriptions, Bird Cages, Cops, Xests and Seed.
All of which in offered for sale on the moat satisfactory terms. Our stock lieing large and mostly purcha-cd from th
Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us to sell at reduced price*, that must be aa
tisfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stock of goods and prices.
Our Goods are selected with the and warranted to be what they are represented ; if any should prove
the contrary, we arc not only willing but request our customers to return tlicm, and the money shall be refunded.
SfeT Having seenred the services of DR. HUSTON, who will keep his office at this store, and will give medic*
advice gratuitously to those purchasing medicines. Towanda, Septornlicr 1, 1853
announce* to all afflicted with. Tumors, Wens, Can
cer, Warts, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Borofula or
King's Evil, and all diseases that have been usually treat
ed Caustic or Knife that he can remove them by an en
tirely new method, without cutting, burning or pain. It
is no matter on what part of the body they arc, he can re
move themwith perfect safety and in a remarkable short
time, if curable. No money required, except for medicines
' until a cure is perfected. Chronic and other diseases not
mentioned above, treated with positive success, if curable.
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing C. L. KEL
LIN(>, M. D.. Mechanicsburg. Cumberland Co., Pa.
Persons afflicted, residing at a distance, he has, for years 1
been in the habit of prescrbing by letter, and with general ,
He would say however to those desiring advice, in this !
way, that to secure attention they should enclose, with
the' general symptoms of their cases, a fee of one dollar, to
warrant him in spending his time for their benefit.
The doctor may 1* consulted at his office at all times,
when not professionally absent.
CAUTlON.—Strangers coming to see the Dr. are caution- i
cd as some have been deceived. Dr. K. is the only one in ;
this State, who can perform cures by the new method.— \
The Dr's. office is directly opposite the Union Church.
Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from Harrisburg on the Cum
berland V. R. R. and accessible from all parts of the Un
ion. The Dr. will visit cases within a reasonable distance
when desired.
SHERIFF'S SALE— By virtne of a certain
writ of Vend. Exponas, issued oot of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to >ne directed,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the
boro' of Towanda, on Tuesday, October Id, 1855, at 1
o'clock, P. M.the following lot. piece or parcel of land sit
uate iu Athens township, bounded north by lands of Xcal
McDuffle, east by lands of Samuel S. Clark'south by lands
of Daniel S. Brown, and west by lands of Morrison Gard
ner. Containing forty-two and a half acres, more or less,
twelve acres improved, with a framed house, a log barn
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tUesnit of David Gard
ner vs. L. A. Gardner.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Sept. 24,1855.
j*si" Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
costs will lie required to be paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offcr
ed for sale, JOHN A. CODDING.
Tracy 4l Moore,
a large and well selected assortment of
which have been selected with unusual care, and purchas
ed ut the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we
can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment
in the country, wc ask the public to give us a call, and
examine our stock and prices. Sept. 12,1855.
HE subscriber offers for sale a splendid
collection of Landscapes, Historic, Astronomic, and
Comic Views, together with two first class Magic Lanterns.
This Apparatus is intended for giving Exhibitions, and
is the m >st extensive and complete of the kind iu this i
country. Either one or two persons wishing to travel can j
make the business pay from one to two hundred dollars i
per mouth, if properly conducted, and will afford a better
opportunity ol seeing the country than any other business.
Ulster, Bradford Co., Pa.
P. S. Reference, I). J. CIU BBICK, Ulster, who has tra
veled with the Exhibition.
J.X- is hereby given, that all persous indebted to the es
tate ol MINERVA WEBBER, dee'd. late of Franklin tp. arc
quested to make payment without delay : and all persons
having claims against said estate, must present them dulv
authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber at his resi
dence. " JOHN H. WEBBER,
Franklin, August 2, 1855. Administrator.
debtcd to the estate of ELIAL STEVENS, deceased,
late of Ridgbnry township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persona having demands
against said estate are requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. ST URGES SQUIRES.
Ridghury, March 20, 1855. Executors.
vo7oidr ~
.a. T Men, in Bradford County in debt to us, that we want
to pay their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it
may be, and we intend to have them do it, either hv per
suasion or by employing officers sufficient to collect "of ev
ery man immediately, without any exception or respect to
. parsons, from the fact that the money belongs to our cre
ditors, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as it
can be collected. HALL A RUSSELL.
Towanda, April 20 1855.
TOSEI'n KINGSBERY is noiv receiving,
7 fr °m New York, a large, carefully ejected and most
desirable assortment of
Towanda, May 11,1855.
■*- -*33 ItJC .
V, to PATTQ:; s NEW BLOCK, where thev havejurt
received large addition to their stock of READY-MADE
ru/'rmxo, Trimmings, Furnishing Goods, &c.
to which tliey invite public attention.
Towanda. May 24, 1835.
. closure of the subscriber, on the 24th dav of August
last, two cows, one a pale red with some white in the lace
and sonic white on the body with a bell on; the other, a
brown one, with a line back, and some white on the liind
parts of the body. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property pay charges, and take them vra v.
Ridge berry. September 3,1855.
Lcraysv'dlc, liradford County, Pa.
of the above institution will commence mi WEDNES
DAY, SEPT. 12th. Circulars with complete details, mav
be obtained from the Principal, or from either of the fol
KEEKRF.NCES—Rev. George Landon. Herrickville i Rev.
J. C. Warren, S. DeWitt, M. D., Ixißaysvillr : D. P. Irey
M. D., Camptown ; Rev. L. Peck, Lime Hill. 12
ITY The Subscribers desire to procure the undivided
time of an Agent in every county of the United States-
Efficient and ca|>ahle men may make several dollars per
day, without risk or humbuggery of any kind. Full par
ticulars of the nature of the business will he given by ad
dressing the subscriber, and forwarding One Post Office
Stamp to pre-pay return postage.
■ FURKY A CO., Philadelphia. Pa.
PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Gloss, Pntty, Ac.
MACKINAW TROUT.— IO bbis. No. 1,
1* I just received at TRACY A MOORE'S.
MACKEREL —Whole, half quarterbbfs
by jc2o TRACY A MOORE.
JOSEPH KINGSBERY still continues the*
W BOOK A STATIONERY baninw, where ptirib;u-ciß
may find all the latest School anil Miscellaneous Books at
reduced prices. The following School Books are embrac>
j ed in the catalogue, viz :
Bullion's Greek and Latin Reader and Grammar.
do. Csesar, do. Sallust, do. layssona.
DoneganV Greek and English Lexicon.
Snencer's Latin Lessons ; Cooper s Virgil.
OlendorfTs, Lebrethon's, llarbauld's, Fausdick's and
Levizack's French Works.
Parker's, Comstock's, Phelps', Smiley \s and'Olmsted's
j Philosophy.
Pay's. Thompson's and Davie's Works.
| Cutter's, Coat's and Comstock's Phvsenktgy.
j bunder's, Porter'*, Huntley's ami Cobb's Works.
Bancroft s History, Parley's, Worcester's, Guruscy's.
| Bottas, Ac. Ac.
j Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
do University edition, do.
do Common School, do.
Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's. JobnfloaV, do. Com
j stock's works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution,
j Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to Hl ,r h
; School. c
Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb>, do.
Brown s, Kirkham s. Smith s and Morse's Geography
and Atlas ; and aD the various Primary Geography* now
in use.
Spelling books of all kinds, aud miscellaneous Looks in
great variety.
Also— TMy Goods, Groceries. Crockery. Boots 4* Shoes,
Hats and Caps, fyc.
New aud desirable styles of Good- will be received
monthly, and sold at the" lowest Cxsu PRICES. J. K.
Towanda, April, 21, 155.
X*. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Isaac Uosencrants, deceased, lute of Asvlum
twp., are requested to make payment without delay and
those having demands against said estate will present thein
duly authenticated for settlement.
CYRI'S SHIM WAY", Administrator.
June 14, 1855.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ISAAC S. CROFUT, deceased, late of l.eroy
twp, are hereby requested to make pa\-ment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated Tor settlement
SEBA CROFUT, > . . . 4 . ,
May Iff, 1855. JAMES CROFUT. ) Adniuustrators,
X*- is hereby given, that ell person- indebted to the es
tate of W m. HORNING dee'd.. late of South Creek tp„ are
hereby requested to make payment without delav; anil all
persons liavinging claims against said estate will pleeso
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix.
June 18. 1855.
MOffTAirYEB dc CO. ~
Their assortment of SADDLERY' and other HARDWARE
is complete. Also, a good suppiv of *
I Towanda. August 28, 1855.
Administrator's Sale.
virtue of an order issued by the Or
phan's court of Bradford County, will "lie wild on
; Saturday October 27th at 2 o'clock, P. M„ on the premi
ses, late the property of Miner R. Wilcox, situated in Al
bany twp., and bounded on the north by James Wilcox,
east by the Fowler branch of the Townnda creek, west by
Joseph White, and south by the Coal Company's lands,
containing 140 acres, more or less, about so acre's iniprov
ed, with a frame house, frame baru aud horse shed and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Terms made known on dav of sale. '
JOSEPH MEN A 111)1. Administrator.
September 20.1855.
VirHEREAS my wife Minerva and I have
" T have entered into a mutual agreement to part, aud
have no more family deal. This is therefore to forbid all
persons harboring or trusting her on 1 will
pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Orwell, September 5, 1853.
to the enclosure of the subscriber in
J Merrick, about the Ist of July,one two year old RED
HEIFER, and a yearling RED HEIFER. Neither having
any particular marks. The owner is requested to take
them away, pay charges. Ac. WM. H. H. JENKINS.
Herrick. Sept. 13,1855.
Il] T. FOX would respectfully inform hi a
•J* old friends and the public generally that he has
commenced the Grocery and Prarision Business, at .Ye.
L, Brick lime, (opposite Mereur's store.) and intends car
rying it on in ail its branches. He has and will continue
to keep on hand a full assortment of GROCERIES and all
kinds of PROVISIONS that are obtainable, all of which
will he sold on reasonable terms for Cash.
Towanda, June 1, 1855.
DRIED PEACHES, a Mml quantity.-very
nice, for sale at juneO FOX'S.'
ORANGES, Lemons, Pine Apples, Fresh
Raisins. Figrf, lYunes, Currants, seedless Raisins,pre
served Ginger, and a variety of articles of the same imttu u
may be hud at jane!) FOX'S.
CJ.OOW bought nt my Store will he deliver
-8 ed to nny part of the Borough, FREE OF CH ARGE.
June 20 1858. E. T. FOX.
PAILS, Brooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing
Arushes, blacking Brushes, Ac. at F< )X'S.
FRESH TEAS, both Green and Black—
from .'l7l c ents to 11 00—every pound warranted to
auit or the money returned in all cases, at FOX'S.
') TONS SVG ARS—Brown, Itetiued, l\>w
' t dered. Crushed and Orauulated ; Molasses, K\ ruj>. Rio
and Java Coffee, Uice, Saleratua, Ginger, Spenu Canclli-a,
Rice, Tnlateco—ln fact a general variety of Groceries. for
sale cheap at june'J FOX'S
HOUSE TRIMMINGS—everv description
_ hy >29 TRACY A MOORK.
Cash paid fbr Bides.
THE highest price paid in cash, for Hides
and Skins, by JOHN W. Wil.CllX.
June 20.1855.
Barelav Railroad A Coal Company.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscribers hi To
wanda bnro'and its vicinity to the Stock of the '"BAR
CLAY RAILROAD A COAL CO," that the remaining
instalments of ten per cent each (being $5 per share) on
said stock, are required to lie paid to E. OvriiTON, Esq.,
the President, or t-> J. M-icfarl.ine, Ksip the Attorney of
said Conqmnv at Towanfls. st the U nib* let! w iT.n,■
4th instaWent payable August g'i*U, li*, .
sth " September 27\h
Cth " " October 2"h "
7th " " November 29th '•
Bth " " December 28th "
9th " " January 31st 18.56,
10th ' '• March * 3d " -iri
Payments may also l>e made at the office of Lmeurb .
Mason A Co., at Towanda,
July 20, 1855. * <!)>♦. R. o\T. Treasurer.