The Case of DtoCrea* Corre*porulence of The X. Y. Tribune. LEAVENWORTH, Kansas, Sept. 24,1855. On the 17th iust. the District Court assem bled at Leavenworth. Forty-eight Of rand Jur rors were present, and Chief Justice Lecoinpte was about to swear and empanel sixteen ol them, when McCrea'i counsel moved that the accused be brought from prisou that he might object to the maimer of choosing the Grand Jury, and to challenge for cause. One of the (JraDd Jurors was engaged with Clark in the attack on McCrea when the latter shot him. Notwithstanding this fact the Judge overruled every motion for the defendant, and also re fused to sign n bill of exceptions, or explain by what rule he selected the sixteen Grand Jurors. The Graud Jury was theu sworn and the Court then adjourned. Next morning Le compte secretly added three more to the Jury. On Thursday afternoon the Grand Jury came into Court for instructions in the McCrea case. Instead of publicly instructing them the Judge sent them back to their room, and delegated R. R. Rees, the ehairmau of the ruffian mob that attacked Phillips, to instruct them in their duties. Being still divided, they again forced their foreman to lead them into Court. The foreman, who is one of the fire-eaters under Stringfellow, Atchinson & Co., was exceeding ly angry at their obstinacy, and as he came into Court exclaimed, " They can't agree ; three are for a presentment for murder, five for manslaughter, and eleven against finding any bill." This announcement produced a great sensation in Court, and the Judge, with out instructing the Jury that in such a case they should return the bill " ignored," sent them buck to their room and caused other busi ness to be brought before them. A majority of the Jury, however, being in favor of ignor ing the bill against McCrea, refused to act up on any other business until his case was final ly disposed of, and therefore returned again and again into Court without making any pre sentment. This was coutinued until Saturday, when the Judge, perceiving that he, to go on with the busiuess before him, must do justice to McCrea by giving the Jury proper instruc tions, dismissed the Graud Jury, and adjourn ed the Court until the second Monday in No vember. Such au adjournment is uot legal, being authorized by no statute, and is, in fact, a dissolution of the Court. As such it was doubtless intended, in order to detain McCrea in prison until next spring, that another effort may be organized to pack a Grand Jury.— The baseness of the Judge has not been un observed, nor will it pass without notice. A petition will be presented to the President praying for his removal on the ground of cor ruption and imbecility in office, and there is not a single attorney of respectability in the Territory who will not sign it. When this man came to the Territory the people looked upon him with hope and confi dence ; but ever since he sold an extra-judicial opinion for an interest in the proposed location of the Capital, public opinion has hastily changed toward him. Since his encouragement of the ruffians of this neighborhood, by show ing a disposition to frowu down all charges lirought against them, the citizens of the town have found it necessary to appoint a special j>olicc, aud the greater part of the citizens are obliged to carry arms to defend themselves from outrage. P. S. The night after the Court adjourned, Hughes, the captain of the ruffians who mob lied Mr. Phillips, was seen with a gun prowl ing about the house of Mr. P. from midnight until four in the morning. It is supposed that a band of lawless Missouriaus are con cealed in the bush near the town, awaiting an opportunity to attack our citizens and destroy the printiug press of The Territoruil Regis ter. Three hundred well-armed citizens are prepared to receive them, and sentinels are josted in every part of the town with signals for a general rally. The Case of Col. Wheeler's Slaves. PHILADELPHIA, Monday, Oct. 8,j1855. Application was made in the United States District Court to-day on the part of Jane Johnson, the former slave of Col. Wheeler, asking that the habeas corpus issued to Pass more Williamson to bring herself and children into court, be quashed. John M. Read, for the petitioner, asking that the petition be filed, contending that the habeas corpus must al ways be issued on behalf of the party whose liberty is restrained, and not for a party wish ing to restrain another. The Court adjourned before the completion of the argunicut, and it will be resumed to-morrow. ESTABLISHING THE CHUKCII IN NICARAGUA.— Colonel Kinney has succeeded in carrying out his pious intention of establishing the church in Nicaragua. Services were ojiened at San Juan, by a colored clergyman, in his own hotel, for want of church accomodations. Governor Kinney was present at the first sermon, the first hymn sang was " Jordau's stormy banks," in which the singer is represented as casting " a wistful eye to Canaan's fair and happy land." The speaker also drew a parallel be tween the expedition of Colonel Kinney to the rich lands of Nicaragua and the expedition of Moses and the childreu of Israel to the fruit ful lands ofCanaan. Under such pious prompt ings the Colonel's mission must prosper. WESTERN COAL AXO IRON CONVENTION. —A Convention is to be held at Charleston, Kan awha county, Virginia, on the 15th of Nov. next, for the purpose of taking the necessary steps to develojie aud demoustratc the im mense mineral wealth of that section of Vir ginia. watered by the Great Kanawha, Guy andottc and Big Sandy rivers, and their trib utaries ; and to coufer upon the best means of rendering it available. They invite delegates not only from the counties lying in the section mcutioned, and on the projected works of in ternal improvement leading towards it, but rep resentatives from the various coal, iron ami salt compauies embraced within its bouuds. INDIANA LIQUOR LAW. —In Indianapolis Mrs Leatberman has been released from punish ment for selling liquor because the prohibitory law has no provision that females should b< imprisoned. Under this decision liquor car be sold anywhere in ludiana by women. AI Kvausville, however, a Mrs. Rcid has beer fined SSO and costs in one case, SIOO and thir ty days iu jail in a second, and the same in a third, and Miss Castle, her assistant, S2O anc costs. CONSECRATION. —The first Hebrew tcmplt erected in the Mississippi Valley was consecra ted in St. Lonis on the 7th ult., in the presence of a large concourse of both sexes, composed of the ancient Israelitist family, and others ol the citizens. Detraction at Sebastopol After a siege of nearly a year, endnrcd by the Russians with great obstinacy and with a command of resources which has surprised the world, and nobody uiore than the besiegers, the Allies are victorious. For three days a terri ble rain of iron and fire, from land and sea, \va< poured on the place, and assault after as sault made upon different parts of the strong hold of the Russians, till at length when the Russian commander saw the Mulakofif tower indisputably iu the possession of the French, he gave his troops the signal to commence the work of destruction, setting fire to their own ships, blowing up their own magazines, and withdrawing to the north part of the town, leaving a vast interval of black and bloody ruins between their present station and the works of the besiegers. The carnage is rep resented as having exceeded in extent and hor ror all that has hitherto been recorded iu the bloody annals of this war. The siege of Sebastopol has lasted so long, and was the object of such general interest, that people in this country were divided into two parties respecting the issue—those who maintained that the place was impregnable, and those who held that sooner or later it must fall into the hands of the Allies. One party was expecting, with almost every arrival, to hear the news that the Allies had abandoned the siege—the other that Sebastopol was taken. One party relied on the skill and perseverance with, as the Allies reinforced their means of attack, the Russians staengthened their de fences ; the other party remembering that it is the fate of almost any place perseveringlv besieged to yield at last* unless the besiegers can be compelled, by a more powerful force, to leave the ground. They saw the two great powers which were at first leagued against Russia drawing the smaller powers into their alliance, overdrawing those governments which would naturally side with Russia, and keeping them neutral or inactive, while from all other parts of Europe troops were assembled to go against Sebastopol, and it inferred that it could not hold out against them. The events of the Bth of September hove decided the question, and from that day the war wears a new aspect. The advantage of supposed invincibility is no longer on the* side of the Russians ; it passes over to the side of the Allies. The Russians are unfortunate, and of course dispirited ; The Allies are victori ous and exultant. The popular dissatisfaction which was so strongly felt in England at the conduct of the war, and which, in all probabil ity, smouldered under the surface in France, will have been apj>eased bv a brilliant and de cided success. The Russians have lost every sail they had in the Black Sea, and the mu nitions with which their stronghold was stored. The Allies will doubtless follow up the advan tage they have gained, either by instantly as saulting them in their new position, if it pre sents any weak points—for the natural impet uosity of the French commander will incline liira to give the blow when it can be given with the greatest effect, while his troops are in the enthusiasm of victory and the enemy in the de spondency of defeat—or they will attempt, what they have never yet thoroughly accom plished— to cut off their supplies from the in terior, and force them, by famine and the grad ual waste of their munitions, to purchase life uy an unconditional surrender. In the meantime let us avail ourselves of ;be opportunity of saying that the spectacle presented by this bloody conflict, in proportion s it proceeds, becomes more and more sad and •evoking. It has been said that as the ages roll on, as mankind becomes more and more civilized, war is gradually divested of its hor rors, and that even the invention of new and more destructive engines of death has the ef fect to make the actual carnage less. The his tory of events in the Crimea for the last year, unfortunately for those who take this view, Joes not show that war has become less waste ful to human life, or that men have become more reluctant to pursue war to its bloodiest extremities. A long interval of peace had led those who hoped well for the human race to raagine that the day of such conflicts as devas ated Europe in the early years of the present •entury would never return. The instinct of urntal ferocity, it was thought, had been weed id out of the human heart, at least to such a legree that the peacefully disposed would al vays be able to hold in check the fiercer spirits vho panted for war. The events of the last ear have broken up this delusion. AH the lorrors of the tune when wars were proseeuted or ends of conquest have come back upon us. Man is still, in spite of the boasts of civiliza ion, a beast of prey. At Sevastopol, tigers IIKI wolves have been springing at each others hroats, and tearing each other in pieces.— riiey are just so far tamed as to obey their ceejiers, who hold them in leashes, and lead hetu up to the horrid combat. The war in the Crimea is not yet ended, and ts closing scenes may be as bloody as those vhich have jnst preceded them. The Russians ire yet behind intreuchments from which they ire not likely to be easily dislodged. Until ibis is done, the victory of the allies will be incomplete and that region, we snpposc, will continue to be the seat of war. —_V. Y. Eve Post. A P CGI LI ST SENT TO THE PENITENTIARY".—Or viIIe, alias Awful Gardner, a third rate pugil ist, was tried yesterday in the Special Sessions before Judge Stuart, for assault and battery on the person of Mr. Uenry, of Utica, and sen tenced to the Penitentiary for six months. Mr. Henry, it appears, came to this city, en route for California, and was about to purchase a ticket for passage when he met Gardner, who, it seems, was a " runner." On refusing to buy a ticket of him, Garduer, in accordance with his brutal propensities, struck Henry a blow iu the face, and fractured his jaw. The charge was clearly proven, and Judge Stuart awarded the offeuder his well merited deserts. —JV. Y. Jour, of Com. STXORLAR CAI SE OF DEATH. —A most singu lar case of disease, terminating in death, oc curred recently in South Hoston. The case was that of Charles W. Abbott, 22 years of age, his disease being what the doctors denomi nate purpura kamorrhogica. Mr. Abbott was sick about three weeks, during all of which time the blood was effused in the cellular tis sue beneath the skin, covering the body with purple patches. It was alsocontinually oozing from the gums and all parts of the mouth, as well as discharging from the nose and bladder; the discharges from the nose frequently con tinuing for twenty-four hours at a time. GREAT SALE OF WOOL. —Five hundred thou sand pounds of wool were recently sold in Troy, N. Y., by Hcbrington & Warren, to an East ern merchant, for $200,000. iraMoritl^ortfr. JET. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA : Satnrban fllormnQ, (Dctober 13, 1853. TERMS— On% Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription notice urill be given by a printed wrapper, and if not rt newed, the paper trill in all cases be stopped. CLUBBING— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely loio rates : 6 copies for $5 00 I 15 copies f0r ....512 00 10 f&pies for 8 00 | 20 copies for 15 00 ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten line* or let*, Oni Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five centt for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WORK —Executed with accuracy and despatch, and ai reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books Blanks. Hand-bills, Ball tickets, Q-e. MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in at envelope. and properly directed, we will be responsibli for its safe delivery. The Cause of Freedom Triumphant! It is with no ordinary feelings of congratula tion that we announce the result of the con test in this County, which terminated on Tues day last. The cause of Freedom has been sus tained by the triumphant election of tlje eutire Republican Ticket. True to their principles, the indomitable yeomanry of Bradford have withstood an assault, which has no parallel ic political h istorv for the energy and unscrupn lousness with which it was waged—they havt come off more than conquerors against all the combined interests and isms of the county. For this glorious result we claim no credit, except such as should attach to those who sternly and inflexibly adhere to their principles, and refuse to be led astray by local issues, 01 influenced by uierceuarv and unworthy motives Such is the credit due to the Freemen of Brad ford. We have no time this week to dilate upou this subject, but we will endeavor in our uext, calmly and carefully to review the whole ground. We give below a table of majorities from every district in the County as between LA PORTE aud PIOLLET. We believe they are very nearly correct. The remainder of the Repub lican ticket will have a still larger majority. ELECTION DISTRICTS. I.ATORTK. PIOM.ET Athens Borough, 26 Athens Township, 33 Albany, 18 .... Armenia, 2'J .... Asylum, 47 Burlington, 93 [... Burlington West 53 ... ' Burlington Borough, 4 Columbia, )i( Canton 206 .... l>urell 115 gj Franklin, 87 57 Granville, 62 Herrick 78 Litchfield 20 Leroy 110 .... Monroe 101 75 Orwell, 160 .... Overton 30 I'ike 130 Borne 154 58 Ridgberry, 96 .... Sheshequin, 155 6.1 Smithfield 54 .... Springfield 33 South Creek 47 ' Standing Stone, 52 96 Sylvania Borough, .... Tnscarora 87 11 Towanda Borough, 136 58 Towanda North, 38 10 Towanda South, 33 .... Troy Township,... f . Troy Borough -.426 Ulster 2 Wysox 83 i 34 Wells, *SO Wyal using 117 69 Warren 75 Windham, 13 Wilmot, 2 Total 2491 1443 • KILLED. —Wc learn that W. M. Brown, en gaged 011 the Scrantbn Railroad, (recently on the Canandaigua and Elmira,) was instantly killed near Scranton, Pa., Thursday evening. At the time of the accident the train was back ing up, when it came in contact with a stone placed upon the track by some malicious villain, throwing two cars off the track Mr. B. was thrown from the cars, his head striking a stone, killing him instantly. His remains were brought to Elmira, taken in charge by his brother, to be conveyed to Delhi, Del. Co., X. Y., his place of residence, for interment. NAIAD FIRE COMPANY, NO. 2.—At the Re gular meeting of NAIAD Fire Company, held October 6th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing six months : Foreman —CHARI.ES I). CASH. First Assistant —THOMAS RIAN. Second Assist a tiI —HF.NRY MERCUR. Pipeman —WlLLlAM BROWN. Secret a ry — CHARI.ES M ERCUR. Treasurer — OßßlX I). GOODENOUGH. BRADFORD COUNTY FAIR. —At the time of our going to press, the Third Annual Exhibi tion of the Bradford County Agricultural So ciety is in full progress. The display is very fine. A full and particular account will be given in our next. MARBLE FACTORY. —Messrs. BALDWIN and POLLEYS have now in operation an extensive Marble Factory in our thriving sister village of Waverly. They offer to the public great inducements to patronize them. Music TEACHER. —In another column will be found a card from Mr. O. BECKER, who de sires to procure scholars in vocal and instru mental music, and has for the satisfaction of the public the very best testimonials as to his capabilities for a teacher. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. —As the Express Train was going into Paterson, N. J , on Thursday night last, a woman named Hannah Roinson, of Susquehanna, in getting out of a car, fell and had her leg cut off. She was taken to the City Hospital, N. York. SGIF It is said by a Washington correspon dent, that the Hon. JAMES BUCHANAN, Minis ter to Englaud, is about to lead to the altar the widow of the late President, JAMES K. POLK. The Indian War—Battle of Blnewafer. [From the St. Louis Republicau, Sept. 26.] Yesterday morning we received, by steam boat, the following letter from our correspon dent with the " Array of the West," on the Plaius. It was written immediately after the battle between Gen. Harney and the Brule Sioux Indians. It may be some days before we get the par ticulars of the action, as the commanding offi cer will probably wait for the regular mail be fore sending in a fall report. CAMP ON BLUE WATER RIVER, { , 6ptember 4, 1855. ) DEAR SIR : An express leaves us in a few minutes for the States, and 1 drop you a few lines by it to let you know that Gen. Harney had a fight yesterday morning with one of the principal bands of the Brules under Little Thun der, and very nearly, if not quite, " rubbed" it out. The Indians were encamped on the Blue Wa ter River, a beautiful sream which rises in the sand buttes to the north of the Platte, and emp ties into the Platte three miles above Ash Hol low. The Indians were discovered as we came in camp at Ash Hollow, on the evening of the 2d, and Gen. Harney at once determined to attack them. Accordingly, the mounted force, under Col. Cooke, turned their position before daylight next morning, while at daybreak Major Cady, with a battalion of the 6th Infantry attacked the front. The Infantry commenced the action, and as the Indians retreated they all at once found themselves upon the Dragoons, who suddenly debouching from their ambuscade, charged the Indians with sabre and revolver, and w hat be tween the Troopers, the Infantry and the In dians, there was soou as fine a specimen of a free fight as one could wish to see. The fight and chase lasted some three hours, at the end of which time there were no Indians to be seen except the prisoners, and the dead bodies piled up in all directions. The Indians lost about eighty-five in killed, including their chief, Little Thunder, and be tween sixty and seventy prisoners (women and children) ; they also captured a number of hor ses and mules—to say nothing of wagon-loads of new lodges, buffalo meat, and Indian fixins in general. We lost four killed, four severely and four slightly wounded. Two of the wounded will not likely recover, as the arrows which struck them penetrated their lungs. Our camp is now at the mouth of the Blue Water, where we shall remain a few days, un til a small work can be thrown up'at Ash Hol low, which w ill be garrisoned by one company, for the protection of the road. In the Indian camp, many papers and arti cles were found which had been taken from the mail party. Wheat Crop of the United States. The following aggregate table, communica ted by a correspondent of the New-York Timet, pretends to give the annual product of wheat in the United States since 1839 to gether with our exports of the article from the same date. We doubt tbe correctness of the statement, nevertheless we give it as is giveu, although we are not informed on what basis the state ment is jnade of the whole product of the coun try, as it must be clear to all that no actual or correct account of it was gathered, unless it was in 1840 and 'SO, the years of the census, and even then it was very defective, and pro bably fell far short of the real product. C. STATES CROP ft EXPORT OK WHEAT EOR A SERIES OF YEARS. Crop. Exports, i ear. Bushels. Bushels. 1840 84.533.2rt3 11.195.09S 1641 98,980.727 8,447,670 1*42 102.317,240 7,235,992 1*43 100,310,356 G .025,516 1*44 95.697,000 7,751.787 1*45 106,548.000 6,265,866 1*46 94,455,412 13,268,175 164 1i5,330,155 12,309,972 164 114,245,000 26,312,431 164 126,364,000 10,366,517 165 104,799,250 8,656,982 165 100,032,394 13,948,499 165 117,511,501 18,680,686 4653 121,136.048 18,958,993 165 132,029,590 27,000.000 165 110,170,000 2,000,000 165 185.000,000 The years given above are taken of the ex port, not the growth, being of course one year later—the fiscal year of the United States eud ing June 30—thus for example : the crop of 110,170,000 bushels, set down against 1855, refers to that harvested in 1854 ; and the 2,000,000 bushels exported in 1855, or up to June, 1855, is from the crop harvested in 1854, Horkible Oltraoe.—A young gentleman from Kansas gives the following details of a horrible outrage, perhaps murder, by the sla very barbarians of that region " On board the steamboat Polar Star, com ing from Kansas Territory, on the Missouri River to St. Louis, an elderly geutlemau ap parently a minister of the Gospel came on board at Kansas City, on his return home.— He was attacked by a Missourian aud horribly beaten with a chair over his head and face.— Covered with blood aud scarcely able to stand, i he was compelled to leave the "boat and was placed on shore in the woods ! Not being used to see an old man ill-treated, I attempted to separate the parties, but was pulled back and prevented. There were about one hun dred and fifty persons on board, and the gen eral cry was to " Kill the d—d Abolition nig ger-stealer." " Kill the dough-faced son of a b—h !" The persons, chief and assistant who raal-treated the old man were looked upon as heroes. They wanted, likewise, to throw me overboard, aud I believe would have put their threat into execution, but for my six-barreled revolver. The opinion of several on board was that the old gentleman will not survive his in juries. If I am not mistaken his name is Clark. I make this communication in order that his friends may know what has become of him." We have conversed particularly with the young man affording this statement. He is the son of a merchant of this city.— N. Y. Tribune. Railroads in varions directions, the present year, seem to be profitable beyond all previous time. We say seem, because all ex perience proves that no one can tell how prof itable a road is so long as it maintains a con struction account. It is so easy, says the Phil adelphia ledger, to ran current expenses into permanent improvements, aud sometimes so really difficult to distinguish one from the other, that it is absolutely impossible to tell what the true profits of such companies are. Bnt ac cording to the published reports of receipts and expenditures, railroading is almost univer sally profitable just now, especially at the West. The Final Bombardment. A correspondent of the London Times gives a graphic description of the bombardment pre vious to the last assault upon Sebastopol, and probably the greatest storm of shot and shell which ever fell upon a city : The French exploded three fougasves, to blow in the counterscarp, and to serve as a signal to their men. Instantly, from the sea to the dockyard creek, there seems to run a stream of tire, and fleecy, curling, rich white smoke, as though the earth had suddenly been rent in the throes of an earthquake, and was vomiting forth the material of her volcanoes. The lines of the French trenches were at once covered as though the very clouds of Heaven had settled down upon them, and were whirl ed about iu spiral jets, in festoons, in cluster-, lng bunches, in columns and iu sheets, all com mingled, involved together by the vehement flames beneath. The crash of such a tremen dous fire must have been appalling, but the wind and the peculiar state of the atmosphere did not jieruiit the sound to produce any great effect upon our camp ; in the city, for the same reason, the noise must have been terrific and horrible. The iron storm tore over the Russian lines, tossing up as if in sport, jets of earth and dust, rending asunder gabions, and "squelching" the parapets, or bounding over among the houses and ruins in their rear. The terrible files of iron, about four miles in front, rushed across the plain, carrying death and ruin with it, swept with its heavy and irresis tible wings the Russian flanks, and searched their centre to the core. A volley so startling, simultaneous and tremendously powerful, was probably never yet uttered since the cannon fonud its voice. The Russians seemed for a while utterly paralyzed ; their batteries were not manned with strength enough to enable them to reply to such an overlapping and crush ing fire ; but the French, leaping to their guns with astounding energy, rapidity and strength, kept on filling the very air with the hurtling storm, and sent it iu unbroken fury against their euemics. More than 200 pieces of artillery of large calibre, admirably served and well directed, played incessantly on the hostile lines. In a few moments a great veil of smoke—" a war cloud rolling dim"—spread from the guns over on the left of Sebastopol ; but the roar of the shot did not cease, and the cannonade now pealed forth in great irregular bursts, now died away into hoarse murmurs, again swelled up into tumult, or rattled from end to end of the line like the file fire of infantry. Stone walls went down before the guns at once, but the earthworks yawned to receive shot and shell alike. However, so swift and incessant was the passage of these missiles through the embrasures and along the tops of the parapets, that the enemy had to lie close, and could scarcely show themselves in the front line of defences. For a few minutes, then, the French had it all their own way, and appeured to be on the point of sweeping away the place with out resistance ; but after they had fired a few rounds from each of their numerous guus, the Russian artillerymen got to work and began to return our allies fire. They made good practice, and fired slowly and with precision, as if they could not afford to throw away an ounce of powder. After two hours and a half of furious fire, the artillerymen of our allies suddenly ceased, in order to let their guns cool and to rest themselves. The Rus sians crept out to repair the damages to their works, and shook sand-bags full of earth from the parijuctte over the outside of their par apets. Their gunuers also took advantage of this sudden cessation to open on our sailors' batteries in the left attack, and caused us some little annoyance from the "crow's nest."— This fire was kept up all day, only stopping at intervals to take rest. YELLOW FEVER AT THE SOUTH. —The des patches from Norfolk and Portsmouth announce no abatement in the pestilence. On Saturday 33 deaths at Norfolk and IT at Portsmouth"; on Sunday 31 at Norfolk and 17 at Portsmouth. Five physicians died on Saturday : Drs. Capre New-York ; Dillard, Montgomery, Ala., Burns, Norfolk : and Walters, Baltimore. At N e\v Orleans during the week ending Sept. 16th, there were 282 deaths, including 150 of yellow fever—a decline in the latter, from the previous week, of 105. At Memphis, during the week ending Sept. Bth, there were 16 deaths, including 3 of yel low fever. On Sept. ITth, there were 7 deaths from yellow feveij at Vickburg, and later reports say that it was still ragiug there. It was also prevailing to an alarming extent at Jackson, Port Gibson, Grand Gulf and Morgauza. At Lake Providence business was almost entirely suspended, but there were few fatal cases. On Win. 11. M'Alpine's plantation, in Mis sissippi, 60 negroes were down with the fever. Mr. M'A. had died and several of his family were sick with it. COL. KINNEY ELECTED GOVERNOR. —The intelligence from Nicaragua, is to the effect that Col. Kinney was chosen Provisional, Civil and Military Governor of Greytown and the ter ritory thereunto belonging on the 6th nit., by the citizens in mass meeting assembled. The Colonel's inaugural proclamation, is a brief and sensible document. He pledges himself to spare no effort to procure from our government indemnity for the losses sustained by the burn ing of Greytown. Col. Walker has turned up victorious at last. On the 3d ult., he pro ceeded from San Juan del Sud with one hun dred and fifty men, to Virgin Bay, where he was attacked by Gen. Guardio'a, with four hundred men. The government troops were handsomely beaten, with a loss of fifty men, while Walker lost only one white man and four natives. It was reported that he had re turned to Sau Juan with the intention of at tacking Ilivas, the head quarters of the gov ernment forces. W IIEAT FROM THE W EST. —The Wheat press ing forward to market begins to embarass the western roads, whose freight equipage will soon be fully employed. The Illinois Ceutral road has found it necessary to order three hundred more cars. A large amount of wheat has al ready reached Chicago from the southern sec tion of the road. Oue station alone, Jones burg, it is estimated, will give the road this season 300,000 bushels. LARGE REWARD. —The American Express Company have offered a reward of $lO 000 for recovery of $50,000 in gold alleged to be abstracted or stolen during the course of trans mission from the land office in Detroit to the sob-treasury in N. Y„ and an additional $5 - 000 for the arrest and conviction of the per sons who committed the fraud. Shocking Story. The following account of the murder of slave by her mistress, which we copy from the New York Times, seems too monstrous for be- FRANKI.IV, Tenn., Thursday, September 20 1855.—A most sickening tragedy occurred three miles from this place on Mondav and Tuesday last, which throws the fictitious oer formanees in " Uncle Tora'sCabin " entirely i n the shade. A notorious woman nataed Ellen Borden, having had her jealousy aroused on Sunday last by the conduct of her husband towards a negro woman employed in the bouse begun on Monday to whip and torture the w,> man, and persevered in her cruelty until some time the next day, when the negro died When the fact of her death became known a Coroner's inquest was held, and a warrant issued for the arrest of the murderess. Tim preliminary trial is now going on, and from testimony elicited upon it, there seems to be no doubt but the uegro was made to endure the most awful torments for nearly two days be fore she was killed outright. She was first tied ami whipped, then boiling water was poured over the abdomen and leEXT.— liosfrm , MW dav, Oct. 8, 1855.— A fatal accident oecnrrei upon the Boston and Maine Railroad ths morning, at Wyoming, a few miles from tb.s city. The passenger train from Haverhill pa®* 1 in collision with a cow which suddenly jumped upon the track, and the result was that the engine was thrown down an embankment, t!" baggage car upset, and the passenger ear thrown from the track. E. Abbott of the Andorer, and Chad's Richardson of the Haverhill Express who wee in the baggage-car, were both instantly kill** B Mr. Reuben Gleason, of the Reading Exp l *" I jumped out of the same car and was badly !S ' B jured. Mr. George Richards, fireman. B both legs legs crushed off, and is now at t - ■ hospital in a dying state. Two brake®* 1 H named Kimball and Staples each lost a le?B Not a single passenger was injured. K BURGLARS SHOT. —On Thursday night. H burglars entered the house of Mr. Lewis, n- ■ Millport, N. Y., while the inmates were a?! 1 B Mr. Lewis soon awoke and got up, w ' ie " B was fired at, and struck with a revolver B the head. The ruffians then retreated. B were followed by Mrs. Lewis, who fired ■ husband's gun at them, and another shot ■ fired by her son. One of the party, n ß "' ■ Miller, was found at Reading Centre b'b B wounded, aud another is also believed to 6; ' B bceu hit. B LYXCH LAW I\ TENNESSEE. —JTTDFF I it appears has been at work in IVnnov Last week, OH the Cumberiaud mouutai® ■ slave, who violated a white female, wa> ' ged from jail and hanged on the nean> ■ and at Lagrange another met a simile B ' lor killing Mr. James, his overseer. I