Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 13, 1855, Image 1

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Smnrfcan fllarnuiri, October 13, 1833.
IVatli is the failing of a cloud,
Tlic Breaking of a chain :
The muling of a mortal shrond
Wo ne'er shall see again.
ivaih is the conqueror's welcome home,
The heavculv city's iloor ;
The entrance of the worhl to come—
T'i> life forever more.
lVath is the mightier Recoiul birth.
The unavailing of the soul:
"Ti. freedom from the chains of earth,
The pilgrim's heavenly goal-
Death is the purer, nobler spring.
The secoo,'. Eden's ulotuu ;
Die robe of bliss that angels bring.
Our victory o'er the tomb.
lVath i- the close of life's alarms.
The watch-light on tlie shore ;
The clasping in immortal arms
Of h \ cd oues gone l*efore.
lh ath i- the gaining of a crown
Where saints and angels meet :
The laying of our burden dawn
At the Deliverer's feet.
IVash is .1 s >ng from sera; h's lips.
The day-spring from on high :
T' endiug of the soul's eclipse.
It - lr.iv- ; t< tlie sky.
, . . =
isr fll aafo us.
How tlie Widder Westbrook "Took"
the Sheriff.
Sore roots since professional business threw
r into the company. for a Ion? day's ride
throngh a dreary pine-wood country. in an
eastern -on - y. with Mr. Stnbbs, its Sheriff.
!>v ti i• middle of the afternoon. we had ex
h iM'd. as -uhjevts of conversation, the \*\r
n'tTk-bment ease which brought ns to
g "her. the political condition of the country,
the prv-ptvT of the arrowing crop, and several
matters ef jwrsonsl history. In fact we bad
11 -'—to use a trite but expressive rneta
i >r —when suddenly Mr. Stulvbs' eye flashed,
ari l strange smile fluttered across his lip. as
he remarked:
" 1 havn't told you inquire. T believe. lw I
got ruine 1 servin' the first process. . ihe Sheriff
was i.ot a leantei't man. and occasionally did
ir-pa.*e tin a.venf that ever came into tuy
" Xo ; lets have it." 1 replied turning half
r Hind in the saddle : "it cost you some money
did it—your mistake ?"
"Ah, he ejaculated with a siglu "It cost a
lieap— a ke->p f
This was said with the air of inn ■ suffering,
and 1 told him. if it awakened painful emotions,
he must inn think of opening the old wound
merely for my rntortafomeut.
"It's all over now." said he. " and 1 don *
wind tcHin" it." i don't know howit was. jast
at this moment I caogkt a shabby fold
f eraje around his hat, and I coui 1 no: heip
associating it with a igh. the lagabrieea cx
fitfiii—k ami the "s. rvi.r of the fint process "
Arr-.t that, we discover something pre
Mr. Stn'C - j 'x-cfih d—
" I was leeted Sheriff of the county, and at
that time there were'ut more'u than three or
four hundred vot rs in it. To !te -nre 1 a
right ■r>"ud—it was -mch ait honor, like."
" TLi- ;- V.HJT second term, then ?"
" Yes. 1 haii to :u i <w term of service on
ac.Muat ef the law ; but then I was dejuty
v uudvr ri;->kes. and w hen his time run
cit last. two years ago. I was elected again.
Bat that ain't telli:;' Ik?W 1 got ruinated by
fit writ Now it's reasonable to suppose that
l -" of a thiur ain't s. ea-y to knw as the
1 . or ]>?. So when the lawyer down at
town r vie . -t th- |\q*?r and put it into my
1 wi- jus: a> bad otij lushed as ever you
M sort of a writ was it
- > v>m now jke a Kxik. Ef I had only
d' o ]iere another deep drawn
4 : ~d the {dace of words
1 •'-* *■ t; ? plaguy tiiiu_r home, and I called
Stokes which was sheriff hi mrelf. after
1 * id Siu'ire Lumpkin to eoutwl me
read it over three or four times. It
; r *rea ste 11 take the body of Hannah West
~r f ? *° he fonad in my county, and her
j*>y *,> ..ftp v) ih:t I should have her to ao
s,: * "■ the judges at the uxt Circuit, for
1 *ei; an-1 moren't that, it said I
* l4 • 4 ib -5 withoet delay— sJ u rws ri
f l *• fi.. Comrt! Wiiat was I to
* ':s u>t tk-1 t svs. aavi no sism of a jail
.; wss a Lari iookiotr case. it that
T - 4 si*r4y a form, and a writ miaiit have been
JN ipJ L_ t • . , , j
_ . ifsxia* a copy with tiie tady.
Ut. i tha; mssrhty well sr, but I
77 * k if fi'si ! Besdw, at the bottom
'* r .V ar. i 1 kr -w
aonU Qi- A:JS *• UUIJ R&JAIR/J ;
.' J' f lira it meant that ef she was
~ -•>: security in tiie State. I waro't
v . : Ad it i, ;he coustrcction that
- Laapkia pat upou it j and i
M- o tar as to say. ef he was Sher
* • iK - s at woman and carry her iiotne
' ."'• v -i v s;.~di room with ho&arif
Wttj :.-ght. ontvl Court caaae-
T w |
• have uti'.iC it pretty safe.
~ ' t I k-ow-.d that
t ■ '• - - f-'r wife, *,t wast; a
'•t?u • —, anu coi: .oew bear,
i. . ~ ; B '-he rooia. lint, however,
- 7 -■ i it't rbvirts to go with me. j
* * •"> -xhty tsad si-arevia; (
r-i ...<r uut, t'jiolawl|iiuhiil..
I should jist a gin out and gone home and re
signed, but Stokes quieted lier, savin' we could
put her in jail, but ef she bcharctl herself we'd
ouly take her down to my house and let her
stay till Court. Then she turned into eryin'
and beggin' me to take her nigger woman and
keep her for security for the debt, which was
only something over a hundred dollars, and the
nigger was likely. But I looked in my paper
and read it out to her— to take the body of Ilan
nah II t'stbrook !
" She said she'll go, and she had the old
roan horse saddled up, and while Stdkes and
me were talkiu' and not uotiein', she mounted
and started off in a lively eantcr, on the Geor
gia end of the trail. AYe mounted anil gallop
ed after her, and she hadn't got a half a mile
before we had her. Then she cried and beg
ged again, but we put a plough-line round her
waist and held the eud, and after lettiu' her
give some directions to her nigger, I took her
down to my house. My wife treated her awful
civil, and every day or two we'd let her go np
home ami look after her consarns. So time roll
ed on till about a month before Court, and cue
day Stokes rid up to the gate iu a powerful
hurry, and call me out."
" You've played thunder," said he.
" How ?" said I.
'• Why think of Mrs. AYesthrook. It's all
wrong, and she's sent word to the very lawyer
that put out the writ against her ; and's got
two a-zainst yuu : one to make yon turn her
loose and t'other to make you pay $20,000 for
takin' her ! n
" I shan't serve 'em,'' savs I.
Makes no odds. They've done appoined
a kurriner. (coroner :1 and he'll be up to
morrow—soon as Airs. West brook has a chance
tu swear to somethiu'. You'd better look
out !"
" AVell." said I, " I reckon they've got you
too. You was along and helpt to do it."
" Oh. yes," said lie, " but they re got mr for a
' witness
" I said no more, but walked right into the
house, and there I found tiie widder mighty
pleased, an i I told lier she was free to go. and
asked lier pardon and shonld'nt charge her any
board, ami I hoped she'd come and see my old
woman, and so on. and so forth.*'
"She went. I snpjHise."'
•'She did, and the kurriner come; and lie
showed me how to serve a writ by copy. I shall
uerer forget it. She took me into Court and
there weren't notion' done the first time. Be
fore the next Court, my old woman died, and
that Kjwe ever}" thing. AYhat with her dy
iif and the suit, I thought I would go crazy,to
be sure."
~ But yxw didn't ?"
" Xo, I bore it as well as T could, and just
before Court, came along the lawyer—Jenkins
ami said to me. " I think you and my client,
Mrs. AY-.->t!>r>ok. could compromise that case,
ef you was to talk together alout it." I hard
ly waited for hint to leave, before I jurrq-ed on
my hor.x- and rode up to the widders."
" She sorter laughed and said .i • y be."
" I'd trive vou a humlred dollars to drop it."
says 1
' cfjNvwned niiglitily. and said that waro't
the way die waatcd to -settle it."
" l b cive Ton saki I.
"She frowned worse than before, and said
tha; warn't tiie way she wanted to settle."
'' IXn-vtly something i-aiue right into my
mind 1 seemed to see |4ain. I studied and
c msiibred. Then 1 cleared my throat. Ifid
says I, " triii twu k/ire me V
" Say- sac. 1 truJ f
" I irive that rascal Jt-ukius, fifty dollars for
hi- .-lian-- and then tlie wid ier took me for
h-rs. 1 had kept her an oniawfui j-n.-wuer for
itiirh t< nr an Mas. but Ssfuin-, the hail me **-
i*er ares' lor mighty nigli years r
C'T.r. iv's I\ -wtTTT. —A atten*le.l a
fsiir vith a hnndrevl pimiKls in hi* tx>k
the precmatioa of dej--it nc it in the iiamls of
t!n ItiftdEvrd of the joiblie house at which he
stojqxd Having occasion for it shortly after
wards lir resorted to mine host fir payment.
But the SamßortL :<.w deep for theeoontryman,
wonder> >i iat he im ant. and was quite -nre
that n>> Meb sum had ever Itco l !ireii in his
han-i- by the astoni-hed rn-tic. A r t-r ineffec
tual appeals to the recofltrtfon. s-el tinab'v to
tie ho:. >r of Bardoljih, the faniK-r applied to
C'urraa for advice.
" liave patictKv, ray friend." said tiie coun
sel. "sp ; ,k to the tamtiord civilly—tell kira
jifl have left your money with smue other per
son. Take a friend with you, aud lodge with
him another hundred in the presence of your
friend, an 1 come to tae."
" He dki so, ami retamed to his legal
" And now I can't see how I'm goiuj to ke
the better off for this, if 1 ire; my -crood bam
dred back agaia -. but how is that to be
done t~
"Go and a-k him for it wlicc be is alone,"
saki the counseL ,
" Ah. -ir, askimr won't do. I"n afraid, with
out my witness, at any rate."
" Merer tuiud. n:y advice." said the
coansei—"do as I bid you. and ret urn to
tue.' T
The farmer returned with hl< huadred. gbd
to fiud : :at safely in his jwssessaou.
" X\ -v. -ir. I most be content, ljut I tioa't see
I'm much better off.''
" AA cil, tlien."" said tiie counx;i, " now take
yoar friend along with you, and a.-k the bad-
I rd f r the money poor friend s.r joa leave
with Liai."
AYe need not ad i that the wily landlord
f rr.l Le hid been ukca off L - gaard, while
our Lorn-; friecd reUir ted to thai k his coan
-el, exnltirgiy, with tic two Lamirod in his
Convince a wise man of his error, aad
he will thank you. convince a foot and he will
insult yets
fear" A Gi-nuui Astroaoaoer says that iu
. twenty mdljon ef ye*r* Irosu now the ears a
ii he ikvr ytd Ly a comet, ittaad Lota
uadier 1
A Visit to Nazareth and Jerusalem.
or Tiitl>BAO BtA, Feb. 12, Jo. j
AA'e were all stirring in good season the next
morning, ami while the nmles were
ter our breakfast we went to visit what is call
ed the dwelling place of Mary, and the place
where the angel apjicared to her. A Latin
chapel is built over the spots, which we were
shown with the usual definite relation of cir
cumstances. They are excavations in the rock,
as is also the workshop of Joseph, a little dis
tance off. which is also shown, and over which
formerly stood another chapel. I feel that I
shall care little about settling whether these
traditions are true or false, even for my own
mind. The impressions I receive, and which
are deeper and stronger even than I anticipa-
I ted. come to me through tlie thoughts of be
j inS in the same land, of breathing the same air.
of looking upon the same hills, and treading
among the same flowers, where He walked who
j lived as man never lived before, aud " taught
as one having authority." whose presence saue
tified all nature here, and whose revelation and
, gosjiel shall sanctify all humanity hereafter.—
j In these convent-, where the mode of life seems
| to me so different from what Jesus would dic
tate—in these chapels, with their gaudy deco
rations and trappings, to me so different from
w hat He must approve of who condemned out- j
ward show, anil required only the simple wor- ■
ship of the heart in purity aud holiness of pur
i pose. I feel trammelled, confined, and 1 must
| confess disturbed ; but in the free air. on the
| mountain and hill side in the valley and plain, !
the temples where he loved most to teach. 1
feel His presence and listen to His words, as
I never felt and heard before. So 1 came out
i of the stone walled convent, and away from
the flower decked attars of the chapels, out of
Mary's lonely abode, and Joseph's rude work
shop, and looked around on the stony hiils
which surround and enclose the little grey vil
lage of Nazareth, tliiuking how often His feet
must have climbed their steep sido ; remem
bering how once his enemies, ungrat- fnl towns
people, led him to the brow of one of tiiesa. in
tending to cast him down headlong, and how j
" He, passing through the midst of Hu m, went
his way." I strove to impress the whole land
scape upon my memory, and then joining our
cavalcade which was waiting for u-\ we started
oa our way to Jeuin, the eud of oar sccoud
day's journey.
The going cut of Nazareth was nearly as '
rough and rugged and difficult as the coming
in had been. Fur some distance the path form
ed just at this season the bed of a swift torrent,
down which we luid tophk cautiously our way.
After some time, however, we came out ujuii
the broad plain of Esdrat-lon, famous as the
great battle field of the Israelites. Ou our
left w ore the mountains of Gilead ; farther ou.
and more to the east, the bowl-.-hapc-d, pretty
mountain of Tabor, said to be the scene of
I'hrist's transfiguration, rose full into view, and
still farther on. s nth and cast. Gilboa'smount
could be seen. Through Openings of the rang.-
we could occasionally get views of the -now
eovereti top of M -unt Hcrmou ; while 0:1 oar
right, stretching in from the sea, ro-e the eas
tern extremity of Mount Canael. Manv a
victory has been lost and won. ou and in tise
viviuity of this plain, but none came to my
mind with such clearness as that in which Saul,
the unhappy king of Israel, with hi- sons, was
defeated and .-lain before the victorious host of
the Philistines. I remenJx-red his interview
with the witch of Kuuor. and Low, with
a determined but hopeless heart, he had gone
out to meet his fo<\ aud how Ibivid's heart had
mourned over his fate, and that of Jonathan,
his faitbfnl. deeply loved friend, when raws of
the disastrous little was brought to him. AVe
lunched that day under a WJT- of the prick'v
pi 4 ar cactus, which is very common in tbi-coun
try. an<l LTTOWS from eight to twelve fe-1 high,
with trunk ami k-ares in proportfon. It H much
u-=ed for hedges and fences. 1 >cing entin-lv ift:-
|enctralde through its long sharp thorns for
man or beast.
Our route continued through pleasant scenes,
ami we voted th - :r.}ride dccidedTv- rtgrcea
ble. Th* ro-d was rrot very difficult, the wea
ther perfect, and we "were quite readT to grant,
in faror of ?!- Syrian Jt'tgosrh-re, a!:'hat had
ever been Harmed for it. Beantrful wild flow
er- Wossomeu in profusiot: whert-vcrthe gT'">nn !
had not Iwn [rep&red for the m -r? nsefoi
grain, aud many times we ex daim-d. surety.
" Solomon in all hi* was not arrave-1 like
one of these." We met several time* small
gronps of wiM loAing Aral-s. "ha 1 people,"
our maleteers called them, Int they neither
" ni'-'esteil as or rau-Je n- afraM." At abo: .
5 P. *. we reached oar destination, and enter
ed the rather suspicions looking village of J->
nin This was the ancient city of Jerreel, the *
capita! of the Israelitish kingdom, where wick-'
cd Ahab had his jAalaee. whip? the taoro wr-k-
'ed Jezebel pr r-aadoJ h'm to evil, and where
1 for flse poolshaieTit. after me-.ting a vi
death .-he was thrown from the walls t-. 1c
oaten by the dogs. It was near this place, ak
o. that, long before, Sard gathered his army
together pre vices to his last fatal battle and
there arc nun- which prove that even in later
times it wa- A place of oc: n coos-eqaecce ; bat
now. bke nearly the- towns in Syria, it bear
tbe mark of the. corse pot si->u it.
AA"e lodged in a mod Loose, consisting of.
tliree roue nx ats witimut az,y faraitare. One
was foe T ai d myself, a iow taad a A
I serving as & bed : tie next ne for E!"us "
carry ou his cooking perarfons : ami tiie third
furnished <-ur ulaing wm. aad -
11-""-'. tnc bed-rixni wi Un- liirct gd 1.1 nu ... I
caeao* a*y the place was at all inviting, li;
, gii*l Lonvur Wgx ther will sea
( ma&y a bad d-sli ; so we ate a good dlnoer
which ElAs £*ve us. net only GtankfoHy but'
merrily, amlXtiook ousel vt& to rest, having
a guard of Arabs at each dour, whk a our
, ilragomaa cad prxartd in the u-wa, not Jeem
, A exactly jrakat to be w i -out aa additional
, fowce aatocg a people is bad odor thresghoct
the oou:.irj. OIKS only were we disturbed
through the cigL;. wbta, as some maraadtrs
t were spoft us, a gua was iired by 1
I the guard, sad nohe 1 aoagh made to frighiaa '
. all the thieves in Christendom. As we were
obliged to pay for their watchfulness, they pro
bably wished to make their zeal as prominent
as possible.
AA'e found the road from Jenin to Nablotis
much more tiresome and less interesting than
that we had traversed the day before. There
was more elimliing of mountains, more travel
ling through the stony beds of torrents, while
tlie prospect was more shut in ; and although
in many places the hills were terraced almost
to their to|s aud planted with fig trees, yet a
this is tlie season when these trees are leafless,
the country seemed barren and desolate to the
eye. And yet this is the great highway which
has received no alteration or improvement
since the time of Christ, and probably not for
a longtime before. Joseph and Mary and the
young child travelled it in their journeys to
and front Judea. and Christ when a teacher,
must many times with his disciples have jwssed
along the rugged road. The last of our jour
; ney had been particularly uninteresting, and
we moved rather wearily and silently along.—
As, however, we gained the summit of the last
hill, the view which broke tijioa ns inspired ns j
: with fresh strength and courage, and delighted
our eyes. AYe stood upon part of the Mount
| Eljal range of mountains, and opposite to ns
; rose the Mount Cerazim range. Between them
was a broad, pleasant valley, stretching off to j
j the right in green pastures andgrovesof trees. !
On the left, and spreading up the foot of Ge- j
. tazim, was the walled city of Xabious, which 1
looked larger and more imposing than we had j
expected, and is indeed one of the principal j
cities of Syria. Ebal and Geraziui stili reared j
i their tall heads as firm and as prond as when !
the children of I-raid were all collected iu the j
plain below, and the priests and Lcvites stood
on each of them to give forth the blessings and
\ the curses which Aloses had before command
ed should le done,
j Our descent was over a rough, rocky road, !
which was not a very expeditions affair, and
twilight already began to deepen as we rode
;up to the gates of the city. Elias liail irone
on before to make some preparations, leaving
u- to come along with the mules. As we en
tered. we found ourselves almost immediately
enveloped in darkness, the narrow, close streets
j shutting out what little light remained. A'ery
soon we thought a torrent had broken !ooe,
for oar horses were knee deep in water, the
noise of whose rushing alarmed the gentlemen,
and quite b-rritied me, I must say. I heard the
animals in front of me stumbling along, .and
sometimes absolutely refusing to proceed, and
, dreaded lest mine should give oat. There was
nobody to lead him now, but although evidently
he liked the state of things no better than I
did. he carried me faithfully and safely along.
After proeeedimr some distance iu this manner,
we turned into another street ami suj j*x-ed
onr troubles ended. Alas, we found we had
been 011 the wrong track altogether, and must
retrace our -tejis. This was discouraging, but
there was no help, so back we went through
the splashing wat r and over the rough stoues.
until making another tarn, we heard the wel
come sou: >; of Elms s voice, and before long
were safely housed. He had sent a messenger
! to meet as at the gate, who mis--vd us by ar
riving too late. AYe were rather a tired, woe
tte-cooe looking set this night, and as soon as
we had eaten, betook ourselves to ied, oar ae
eqpiodation- being a great improvement on
those we had at J>-nin. AA'e were to rise- at 4
o'clock the next ue ruing, as oar longest day's
ride of all lay IF fore us ; twelve or fourteen
hours at lea-t. Bat then Jerusalem was at
tiie end of it. and t;iaf thought would give u
strength. ami shorten the loug road.
AYe are ready, therefore, for an early start,
but not so our mules aud baggage. AYhi'o.
therefore, they were getting ready, we went to
: see- the Samaritan Chapel, where, it befog Sat
. iirtiay and their Sabbath, in small remnant of
this ancient people were gathered for tittir
early ia.rnitig service. The five l.As of
Muses aloae o>ns:itntes their Bi'! -. au-i they
strive in all respects to walk in the way <sf
their fathirs. It & said tliese are ail that are
left of that jt-opie n the face of the whole
ear n. Ti.y have :;o foi.gcr any Urtiipie on
tiazaruu, although they so* .et.'m.s make pil
ii i.igc to it. AA'-.- were fold the* uigist before {
the r."ant:ig of the water we passed through.
A to* ants:;: -".ream < coc-'meteilthrough -m!e
of the streets of the city down into the raliey
Ix low. where it i< turued into a raceway to
serve ike j<uq*x-es of a mill. At this reason,
when the -pritg- are lias ail trie velocity
<>f a torrent. In oar morning waik we saw ,
what had appeare>i so .-'range to us. ao-1 r* ai
iy it was quite a respectable river. Ibd- i
•t■ fc.t i.e. . o.* t.igi.t' -. u ;::vhes ill height - 1
each side uf the uarr w .Erects serre for |<edc
| trusts, an*l a large rx-k here and thsrc answers
■ for a stepping -tun. from -ide to shfo. Tui
' stream wtvs directly tlilfagh oaeof the bjmr-, ;
t aad it not irabreqaentiy happew tiiat it rises
lao fcigh as to cover the si-it walks, and ewa •
th- r x*rs of the -<•{. In samtuer. however, i
|it dries entire.'}" away i k -ail the '.h.rstre: .s.
It r.y seven -v: k bef-vre we Uft
Nabi *.-. The w..-at! r ■* AS stil! d ' - ious. and
G -razitu an*l Elcil. the i*y ami the vaifoy.
'••■ok-**! 1-rig .t at 1 pi*vis j in thec.oniingsou. r
AYe did not foil to Tisa Joo's we.L a saort I
<T-lance fn o the city, ssar which is the tomb ■
ut* imxi, foacs * i.c JaTtaiit-.s Uwrlt
a itli i fruai Ihe i .-d of Egypt. The
:r. ath of th* wef is n w aear!y covered np
w-th large but water is still in it. al-
thoogh a iarg- re-crr< ir t ear By has snpersc-;- j
j#\ .y il former asetulness. Always. Low- j
ever, the presence of IILa who once rested on
its ruer. and taught the asfomihed women j
1>... cf -a, i.i Sai, . ; . o C* S,'.*. A. . ts .1
of ] -"grins fe. t will rist it. ats-i rememas .
t!. y fo.*k "*.wltfe (i esrr. that " neither in .
this w mtam t* .* yet at Jerusalem sL U in n
worship the father; for they thai worship,
Jlkt uust coaakiji il'aa in spirot and in,
Our way to- iay jar fhroogb rather a desolate .
tra : of c: t-y ; ocresioaahy we passed thro*
' iiexsau ki: g rail y-u where the vice, the
fir. and tlie • >e. st rosd their htxariasee
lar md in -nam r. bat ia >st places foe road '
' as very ban, ana ng fur area and Leas:.
As the gates of Jerusalem are always closed
at sunset, and only o}>ened afterwards by an
order from some consul, two of onr party, Mr.
B. aud the French gentleman left us and has
tened on with a guide, in order to arrive in
time to secure our admittance at a later hour.
AYe made what speed we could, but the roads
in many places were truly terrific. Night
came upon us. notwithstanding all our efforts,
at a miserable little village called Beer, and
we were still three hours distant. Here Air.
F., who had complained much of fatigue, gave
out entirely and declared he could go uo
further. T. and myself were weary too. but
knew not how to give Tip reaching Jerusalem
if possible. AYe knew onr friends there would
lie anxious about us, and the good beds and
good fare which we knew awaited us looked
tempting. Still humanity whispered that we
ought to stop, anil so we did. Shall we ever
forget that night in the mud dwelling, which
an Arab fatuiiy vacated that we might occupy
it ? Onr worn-out fellow traveller threw him
self at fuli length on bis mattress as soon as
|he had swallowed the cup of tea which Elias
j hastily prepared, and iu a moment was iu a
sound sleep. For us, tired as we were, sleep
was impossible. Myriads of fleas assailed us
of enormous size and strength.
AYe bore the torture until about 3 o'clock
in the morning, when, rousing Elias, we made
I ready with the moon shining brightly over us,
| to proceed ou our way, dispensing with break
fast and oulv anxious to lie off. As we drew
| near Jerusalem the sun rose in all his splendor.
AA'e had been climbing, climbing, a long time,
when suddenly between two hills we saw the
holy city with its minarets aud its mosques,
I looming up in the distance, a welcome and I i
must say a thrilling sight ; not so ranch for
what itself was in that moment, but for the j
thoughts, teachings and life-long oss<x-iatioos j
• which clustered and crowded around that con- ■
! set-rated sjot. A long weary way we bad yet j
to go liefore we should see it distinctly. At
length on the brow of the last hill it lay clear
ly spread oat before us. AYe had heard so
much of the present leanness and desolation
of this once glorious city, that we were uis- (
appointed, mo-t agreeably so, at the picture it
presented. AYe looked at it across the vaiiey
of Jeremiah, as it stretched up gradually from
Mount Muriah to Mount Zion. and with its
minarets aud domed houses, its strong walls
ami back-groaud of mountains, we felt no wise
indisposed to exclaim— '* Beautiful indeed for
situation i- Mount Zion, the city of the Lord." .
But tili it is desolate. Outside its walls, 1
no pleasant farms or tasteful country bouse
greets the traveller. The hard, stony, difficult
road, and the waste loneliness continue to the
very gates : and as we entered, the same nar
row. dirty streets, paved with the same rough,
uneven ro-ks. the same disagreeable smells, the
same mixture of donkeys and ca neis, dogs,
children, ml pol: of all races and colors,
met us here tLat we have encountered in SJ
many others of these miserable Tnrk -h towns.
AA'e found ino-t comfortable qaarters, however, !
at -a small hotel in the heart of the city, kept
by a German, ai<; all else for a moment lust 1
sight of ia the luxury of a comfortable wash,
ael can attire, aad a hot breakfast. Our
friends had surmised that we had stopped by
the way. although a Janissary had been kept
outside to await us. It was nearly 9 o'clock
when we reached the hotel, and a calm, sum
mer-lik-. beautiful Sabbath morning. Of what
we did the of the day I will write elae
Our first act was to decide npon coaimene-
oar }>rescnt expedition tlus very morning.
Monday, for fetr of change of weather. It
is an e.\{s dit.uii of three days through tlie
w,i k-racss of Judea, where we shall meet with ,
no habitation to eive us shelter ia case of
storm, so that it is doubly imjurtant to escape
rain. Tuts morning, therefore, at 8 o'clock,
the horses were again at the door for a fresh
start. AA'e rude out of the city by the St.
Stephen's gate, near which it is -aid the first
martyr was stoned. AA'e crossed the valley of
J- h-saphat. and wound round the side of tlie
Mount of Oiivcs. Ia the delicious morning
aiitiospb- re, everything lookedgre>&and beau
tiful. Tie chief of our Bedouiu guard was
wiih as, tat tue males ami Arabs had gone
on before, and we t erefore could more as we
Lked. The first part of the w.y the roa-i
was pretty good, and a gallop or trot was
quite enjoyable. AA'e overtook ibe moles:
and getting tiie mountains which bonier
the "i Jvrfan. we went ou more slowly,
pa—":n.r tnaay a wild and savace s*x-ue, where
i; wa- easy enough to uisderstand how travel
lers n.igh: among thieves. At last tiie
pi .in iis-.-lf cam? in sieht. ar.d off oa our r'j-i t
lay the Dead S--a. "still and dark, at the feet
of t. e n>*a(tain< <*f Moab." AYe e*>aid net
roe the waters of Jordan, the sacred rir.-am,
font we kro-w irhere tber mere ffuwine. from the
line of trro- wh-jcb shad • wed its hanks.
A we ;es>-. adf-<l info the valfoy. a croup
: of borsemen in the di-taiwe. caught tise qaick
' eye of onr and instantly our Bedomu
were off like hound? tij-oa the wmt: wlak
we waited, drawn up in a line, a short lime in
' strspenro as to whether they were friends or"
5 foes* For a short time the romance ami exeito
nte:.t of a preJi4e attack occopied us byway
of Tsrfoty. acd then the renal was gives
back, friends. We met uo otijer advtatore, 1
a-d are as 1 Lave told YON. THID.' otuh r
cover us o*:r tents. *.
- —fietsitm test.
S@" Toe finest ;dea of a thunder storm is 1
when ATtgciits came, hotiic tight. He ewn
into the room among Ins wife aud daughters,
and ;uri tL*n he tumbled over the cradle ami'
' fell wh-.ip :: tie fioor. After a while he'
"r s and said. —** Wifeareyoa hurt " No."
" Gkl? are y*n bnrt V "No. 1 * **Terrible
Hap, warrrit it V
fesff" Au oi-i faroier, whore son Lad dk>l, wa ;
v:-ifoi Lt a m-igLLur, who begua Uu eoadcJc >
with him oa Ms loss.
" My k s ; X,., -iseL thing : its bis own low |
'— I was of "
* That farcer was * rdrilosofbff, I
VOL. XVI.—NO. 18.
Making a Needle.
I wonder If the little girl who may read
this ever thought how many jtcoplc are all the
time at work in making the things which she
almost every day uses. What can be more
common, and yon may think simple than a
needle? Yet, if you do not know it, I cau
tell you that it takes a great many persons to
make a needle, and it takes a great deal of
time too. Let us take a jieep into a noodle
factory. In going over the premises we must
pass hither and thither, aud walk into the next
street aud back again, and take a drive to a
mill, iu order to see the whole process. We
find one chamber of the shop Ls hung round
with coils of bright wire, of all thicknesses,
from the stout kinds iscd for codfish hooks to
that for the finest cambric needles. In a room
below, bits of w ire, the length of two needles,
are cut off; the bits need straightening, for
they came off from coils.
The bundle is throw n into a red-hot furnace,
then taken oat and rolled backward and for
ward on a table until the wires are straight.—•
This process is called 'rubbing straight.' We
now see a mill for grinding needles. We go
down iuto the basement and find a ncedlc
pointer seated at his bench. lie takes up two
dozen or so of the wires, and rolls them be
tween his thumb and fingers, with their ends
on the grind-stone, first one end and then the
other. We have now the wire? straight and
pointed at both ends. Next is a machine
which flattens and gutters the heads of ten
thousand needle? in an hoar. Observe the
little gutters at the heads of the needles.—
Next comes the punching of thf eyes : and
the boy who does it punches eight "thousand
in an hour, and he does it so fa.-t that your
eye can hardly keep pace with him. The
splitting follows, which L- running a fine wire
through a dozen, perhaps, of these twin
A woman with a little anvil before her. file*
between the heads and separates them. Thev
are complete needles, but rough and rustv, and
what i worse, they easily bend. A jx>or
ueeule, you will say. But the hardening conies
next. Thev are heated iu batches in a furnace,
and when red-hot, are thrown into a pail of
cold water. Next they must be tempered;
and this i 4 done by rolling them backward aud
forward on a hot metal plat l . The polishing
still remains to be done. On a very coarse
cloth, eed!e are spread to the number of
forty or fifty thousand. Emery !s strewed
over them, oil i sjuinkled and oft soap dash
ed by spoonful Is over the cloth ; the cloth is
then rolled hard up. 3nd with several others
of the same kind, throw n into a wash-pot, to
roll to and fro for twelve hours or mom.—
come out dirty enough, bet after washing
in clean hot water, and to-Msg in saw-dust,
they look as bright as can be. ami are r**adv
to be sorted and put up for sale : but th •
sorting and doing up in paper 4. you may im
agine. is quite a work by itself.
THE BCTTEH T^EE.— There is a Irte in Af
rica called the Shea tree, from which butter
of a most excellent kind is obtained. It is
found near Kaaba, on the banks of the Niger.
These trees grow in great numbers ail over
that part of Bambara. They are net planted
by the native 4, but are found growing natural
ly in the woods : and. in clearing woolL: 1
for cultivation, every tree i- cut down but the
shea. Tlx- tree itself very much resembles
the American oak, and the kernel iu water has
somewhat the appearance of a Spanish olive.
The kerne! Ls envelope*] in a sweet pulp, under
a thin green rind, and the butter produced from
It, besides tli" advantage of It- keeping the
whole year without =alt. I 4 whiter, firmer, and
of a richer flavor than the best butter ever
made from cow's milk. The growth and pre
paration of this commodity to be among
the first objects of African Industry, and it
constitutes a main article of their Inland com
GAIV or T;*..— difference between ris
ing every morning at tx instead of eight 0V5., ; t
in the coure of fort v var*. anoort*to ■?¥• x>
hours, or three year*. 121 day*. am! hour:
which is eight hour- a day for exactly 9y
•t> that rirng at < : x wf!! b-- th" "sw if nine
yoar 4 of life were add"*}, wfmncin we may -oos
maud eight hour- of every day fir th. eultira
tion of our minds and dispatch of busine—
Snow W st —The bounty land warrants
commenced twiag is-aod oa the- I-t of Ju..c.
ami afur the cxjrat;oa of three n. only
have becu wasul As there arc -o.>.
000 applications, it will take , vr t . year?,
at the present rate of ksalag, to ittls'y all
the applicants.
tf&-The editor of the Rochester />*? -
en v. - ths receipt to kill tteas ou dog :
the dor for five irtuate* in cam. licne. and then
set fire to him. Tlie effect i* it-ta&tac-u?.
Jp?* cimklu* says his wife dou't literal! ,
war the breeches, but she d- es fi-gurativ-Iv
Th-.- six dollars poor S. laid islh to pay f - a
"•-•w pair of jant-, Mrs. S. invested In a " du-.-k
of a ooaaeL"
Evnvoc.ii. AMTRITIOJ:.—A war seeing a
Ii !y at a pa—y with a very !oT-T"**V- rf £<•..
and arms cxpre—:d h!s zAzvrstUrx !>r
say":;g that -lie f the whole par^-r.
A grocer- wife l aving !n a psx-I, *i
thrown an ink-tarn! at her La 4 * ox* '*l •; vf* r -
ed him all over with the black T „uM, souse wag
d -dared that 4c had ix-en engaged Is the bat
tle of Ink-her inaa.
fog- Why are the rarte*] State* color? Eke
the -tar- in Hearea T
Because they are fyyead the power of a:.y
nitloa to puff tbem down.
•fe" " If it wasn't for hope she heart would
break. ' as he oid lady said when she Urn-,
her rfetk lmshail. a-*i kwke : tax lost, v
among :ae fai. tal crowd for amcf.