Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 06, 1855, Image 3

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    What Col. Piollet will Do !
The Colonel is making the most magnificent
promises as to what he will accomplish if the
eo j,le will only send him to the Legislature.
In return for all these promises he only asks
tIl( .jr votes. Amongst other things,
He will pay t,ie State Debt, by a tax on
n foal; and also provide sufficient revenue
f r „ m the same source, so there will be no more
State taxes!
Ho will abolish the pay of Members of the
I ...ridature, and provide that their salary shall
ilt-peud upon the amount of bribes they receive!
He will I,aSSl ,aSS a ' aw iat e y ery man shall have
ut least one barrel of whiskey !
He will provide for a County scat 0:1 every
lie will pay every man within ten miles of
,l, e North Branch Canal, heavy damages !
He will pass laws against the rust and wee
vil in wheat, and for the protection of farmers
" Hewill introduce a new era in legislation,
having received some new light 011 the Subject!
He will do many other things, " too tedious
to mention, when lie gets to the Legislature !
Whv didn't he do all he promises, when he
, M >- in the Legislature ? The people have yet
to learn that he then evinced any great anxie
iv to lessen their burdens, or disposition to ad
vance their interests. On the contrary, when
ever he has been in office his conduct has been
selfish and corrupt, and his only anxiety to ad
ulter his personal and political ends.
Look Out for Frauds!
We caution our friends throughout the Couu
tv to he on their guard against all manner of
frauds and Falsehoods. You have already
wanted what profligate means our enemies are
resorting to, to elect PIOI.I.KT. YOU may rea
-oaablv expect, when too late to be refuted, to
lu ar all manner of falsehoods uttered about the
Kepubliean candidates.
Be 011 your guard, on the day of election for
lying hand-bills and circulars. The unscrupu
-1 as men who are working to advance their
prscmal ends, will resort to the most desper
ai -aml disgraceful means. We say, again, be
.the look-out for roorbacks started upon the
v\v of the election.
Look cut for Misrepresentation!
We understand that a paper has been circu
g amongst the Whigs, and received many
-i- natures, which is to be put to a use the sign
er- do not approve. This paper was presented
f r their signature, as a mere declaration that
:!i"v were Whigs still, and had not deserted
a: yof the principles of the Whig party. It
is ii w to be used to show that they do not ap
j"of the Hepubliean movement, and will
. . in the election of the hunker pro-slavery
tlo t ! The object of this, is to influence the
a. ii.'ii of Whigs throughout the County.
Having received some intimation of the nn
iiiablc use to which this paper was being
1. the following paper, signed by a portion
"! tlm \\ iiigs of \\ yaox, has been furnished us
r publication. We are mjuested to say that
j ...any more signatures would have been obtain
liad there been time.
WYSOX, October 0, 1855.
We, the undersigned Whigs of Wysox town
do most cordially approve the action of
elate Whig Convention, and wc firmly bc
tliey carried out the wishes of a large tna
".iy of the Whigs of this county. We most
rlially approve of the nominations made at
republican Convention, and pledge to the
latcs there nominated our cordial support
otwithstauding some of us, through misrej)-
t utatiens made to us by disappointed aspi
'■ f<r nominatit n at the hands of said ron
1, univ have been induced to sign a letter
'• ehj-et of which, we now believe, is to ad
' ■ tiie interests, and promote the election,
■ "ii" opposition pro-slavery candidates, as the
■ '.l who is circulating said letter now de
■ • • his deteriuiuatiou to oppose the entire
B publican ticket.
I We therefore earnestly appeal to our Whig
r--a in Wvsox, and throughout the couu
■ *'J stand by tlieir time-honored principles of
■"'-•ttloui, the only prineijde that has given vic
■ tithe party for the last eight years. We
■ M acknowledge that we have deserted any
; r "M principles, or adopted any new ones,
H n the contrary, stand firmly by the great
' 1 .pies at k-ue, battling for Northern rights
!1 ' any 41 old or new leaders," being guid
" * a> we ever have been,
t '"otiklin, I. I'. Spalding,
I, B. Bennett,
■ Ibvnolds, A. H. Bennett,
■ Dennett, jr. J. B. Eddy,
■ 1 M. J. Coolbaugh,
v !! , Morl(, y, M. M. Eddy, '
Martin, Joshua Laniphcrc,
H ' '-"at, David Shores,
■'>■ll Ciayson, E. R. Myer,
■ '• ranger, Win. Lewis,
H. ■'} argason, E. A. Coolbaugh,
■. * 'ff.a'ius, Samuel Coolbaugh,
■ ; Daniel Lamphere,
■ . B. W. Eddy,
Hp > ynoUls, John Lamphere,
Daniel Bull.
II T is asserting in his speeches that
B anj llni.cojiß voted to rejtcal the
■"'- tax 011 coal and lumber, lie knows
the Journal shows their votes recor
~l ' ' the bill. He has been once or twice
1 11 Ins statement, but lie persists iu
' HiooJ, although the journal would
'i if he would read the vote as taken.
' regard for truth or decency in
" : e endeavor to deceive the public.
B ... , l ial '" s h y falsehoods aud
B ' l ""| ' le succeed, and he is playing
! °f Col. I'IOLI.KT arc making
1 u his usefulness and efficiency
B '' r Die Legislature. They
- [ , J never i.
B u-' '' ou t anything he accom
' v believe the result of his first win-
tcr's labor, was to pass the law reducing the
pay of the officers of the election in this county
i to seventy-fire cents per day! And all he done
the next session, was to repeal the law passed
. the winter before 1
One Week later from Europe.
Since our last issue, arrivals from Europe
bring the important intelligence of the fall of
Sebastopol. We give below a summary of the
The bombarcjjnent was re-opencd on the
fifth and continued without interruption until
the eight when the assault commenced.
The French attacked the Malakoff and the
Careening Bay, and the English the Redan.
Six repulses were sustained by the French
before the Malakoff, but on the seventh at
tempt they carried the work in splendid style
and hoisted their eagles on the Malakoff.
The slaughter was terrific, and is estimated
at 2,000 English, 15,000 French, and as many
Russians, making the aggregate upward of
thirty thousaud men.
Five French Generals are reported to have
been killed, including General Bosquet.
During the night succeeding the assault the
Russians evacuated the entire south side, first
blowing up the defences, sinking all the ships,
firing the town, and leaving nothing but smould
ering ruins.
A large Allied force was marching along
the coast to interrupt the retreat of the Rus
sians inland.
The allies fouud immense materials of war in
It is reported that instructions have been
scut to the allied Generals in the event of
Gorehakoff seeking to capitulate, to demand
that Russia shall surrender at discretion all the
troops, stores and fortified places including
Odessa. °
The English, who attempted the redan, were
not successful during the night. The Russians,
in the exacerbation of despair, began to sink
their ships, blow up their magazines and burn
their city, and on the following morning ►Sebas
topol was evacuated and the communication
between the uorth forts and the town broken
The following telegraphic despatch, received
by Lord Banmure from Gen. Simpson, appear
ed in the English morning journals of the 11th
inst :
" Sebastopol is in the possession of the
allies. The enemy, during the night and morn
ing, evacuated the south side, after exploding
their magazines and setting fire to the whole
of the town.
" All the men-of-war were burnt during the
night, with the exception of three steamers
which were playing about the harbor. The
bridge communicating with the north side is
General Simpson reports that the casualties
in the attempt on the Redan were somehat
heavy, but there was no general officer killed.
In a supplement of the Monifeur the follow
ing telegraphic despatch, received by the
French government from Gen. Pclissier, ap
-1 >ears :
Kurabelcnaia and the south part of Sebas
toj>ol no longer exist.
The enemy, perceiving our solid occupation
of the Malakoff, decided upon evacuating the
place after having destroyed and blown up by
mines nearly all the defences.
Having passed the night in the midst of my
troops, 1 can assure you that everything in the
Karabelnaia is blown up, and from what I
could see the same must be the case in front
of our left line of attack. This immense suc
cess does the greatest honor to our troops.—
Everything is quiet on the Tchernava.
The assault on the Malakolf was made at
noon of the Bth inst. Its redoubts and the
Redan or Careening bay were carried by storm
by the French soldiers with admirable intcr
■ pidity to the shouts Vive 1' Empcruer. The
Redan or Careening bay was not tenable,
owing to the heavy fire of artillery which
was poured upon the first occupiers of the
On beholding the French eagle floating on
the Malakoff, Gen. de Sulles made two attacks
on the Central Bastion, but did not succeed.—
The French troops returned to their trenches.
The losses were serious.
The plan of the battle appears to have been
as follows: place was attacked in for
sections. The British troops attempted the
storming of the Redan, the French attacked
the Malakoff. The extreme right of the
French made a diversion on the Little Redan,
and a united attack of the English, French and
Sardinians was made on the central battery.
All the attacks were made simultaneously
with great spirit and energy, but the one which
was eminently successful was led by General
Bosquet, and Gen McMahon, on the Malakoff.
Both the Redan and the Central Bastion were
at times in the hands of the storming parties,
but so accurately did the guns of t! e Russians
cover these, that as soon as the English had
gained possession of them, it was impossible to
hold them.
The English loss in the assault on the
Redan is estimated 2,0<)() killed and wounded.
The following despatch is from I'rince Gort
schakoff, dated the night of the oth :
The garrison of Sebastopol, after sustaining
an infernal fire, repulsed six assaults but could
not drive the enemy from the Malakoff Tower
Our brave troops, who resisted to the last
extremity, are now crossing over to the north
ern part of Sebastopol.
The enemy fouud nothing in the southern
part but blood-stained ruins. On the 9th of
September the passage to the northern side
was accomplished with the loss of 100 men.—
We left, I regret to say, 500 men previously
wounded, on the southern side.
The intelligence of the fall of Sebastopol
was received in London with demonstrations of
great joy. At the various theatres and places
of public amusement the fact was officially
announced, and the bands at each place imme
diately played the national anthems of Eng
land and France.
On the night of the Bth ult., whilst the Em
peror of the French was at the door of the
Theatre Italian, at the moment that the carri
age containing the ladies of honor of the Em
press stopped at the entrance of the theatre, an
individual who was standing on the pavement
discharged without aim two pocket pistols at
the carriage, Is'o one was hurt.
The man, who had more the appearance of
a maniac than an assassiu, was immediately ar
rested. He gave his name as liellewarre, is
about 22 years of age, and was born at Rouen.
When 10 years of age he was sentenced to two
years imprisonment for swindling.
Towanda Market—Wholesale Prices.
[Corrected weekly lor E. T. FOX, Dealer in Provision* and
Groceries, No. 1, Brick Row, who will pay Cash, at the
prices fixed, for the article* in thi* list:]
Flour, (retail price,) y bbl is 00 ®
P"rk, do ' .... 21 00 ® 24 00
Wheat y bushel,.... 1 25 @ 1 50
Buckwheat, " @
£ ats " .... 31 ®
c 'n " .... 100®
">e. " 02J @
Potatoes, 44 25 @ 311
Beans, .... 1 50 ® 200
Dried Apples, 44 ®
Butter, flft.... 12® 16
Clieese " 6 @ 10
Hani* and Shoulder* " .... 9 ® 12i
Dried Peaches " 12 @ 16
Dried Berries, " 12 @ 18|
Eggs y dozen, @ 12
At Canton, September 21,1855, SOPHIA THANKFUL,
wife of Chbstkk Thomas, late Sheriff of Bradford coun
ty, aged about 41 years.
[Mrs. Sophia Thankful Thomas (formerly Stevens) was
h°rn Octolier 21,1811, in Troy, Bradford county, Pa., and
was married to Mr. Cheater Thomas, of the same township
February 7, 1833. She was the mother of nine children'
seven of whom are now living, and were present at her
funeral. While she lived, she was an ambitious, industri
ous, persevering woman. As a Companion, she was kind,
amiable and benevolent. As a Mother, attentive and in
dulgent, (almost to a fault.) She was a professor of reli
gion, and a member of the Disciple or Christian church for
the last 14 years. The subject of this notice was a lady
who commanded the esteem and respect of all those who
enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintance, and was an or
nament to every circle in which she moved. She was re
markable for her kindness to the poor and suffering.
At the early age of 17, she was attacked with inflamma
tory rheumatism, which prostrated her for several mouths
—recovering from which, she enjoyed comparative good
health for 12 years, when she was again attacked with the
same disease ; which, notwithstanding the aid of eminent
physicians, continued for the last 10 years almost uninter
ruptedly, producing disease of the heart, and finally ter
minated in the worst form of dropsy, which terminated
her existence at the above date. To the large circle of
bereaved friends, and especially the heart-stricken husband
and family, we offer our most siucere christian condolence.
C. McDoi o ALI..
At his residence in Overton, on Sabbath, lfith alt., the
Hev. ( HARLES HUNTINGTON Jr. in the 36th year of
his age.
In this boro', on Sunday morning. 30th ult., of consump
tion, HENRY B. GOODENWGH, in the 25th year of
his age.
In Phillipsville, Allegheny 00. N. Y., on the 13th ultimo,
Miss 1 LORA E. lIENDRICK, aged 24 years, 1 month.
[The deceased had been long and favorably known in
this County, particularly in Smithfield, as a successful
teacher. She leaves a wide circle of acquaintances, as
well as near relatives, to mourn her loss. Bv her own re
quest, her remains were taken to Covcutryville, Chenango
Co., N. Y., her native place, and interred by the side of
her mother and sister who had gone before her.]
MASONIC.—The regular meetings of UNION
LODGE, No. 108, A. Y. M., are held every Wed
\JT nesday, on or preceding the full moon, at 3, P.
/ Nr \ M.; and on each second Wednesday thereafter,
at Masonic Hall, over J. Kingsbery's store, as follows:
August Bth, at 8, P. M. Octolier 24th, at 3 P. M.
August 22d, 3, " Noveinlier... .7th, 64 44
September. sth 8, 44 Noveinlier... 21st, 3 44
September. 19th 3, 44 December sth, 6* 44
October ....2d 8, 44 December 19th, 3 44
All brethren in good standing are invited to attend.
11. It. A. UNION CHAPTER, No. 161, holds its regular
meetings at the same [dace, Thursday on or before the full
moon. Meeting for August on the 23d day.
t _ i _______________^__Ji-_lL_JdASOV|_Secretarv^
Ncu) 2U)DcrtisemciUs.
Has just received his
C CONSISTING of DRY GOODS, of every kind, GROCE-
J HIES, a large assortment of HARDWARE, including
Harness and Carriage Trimming* , and Joiner's Tools of
every description ; Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe find
'"K*, Hats, Caps, and Umbrellas; Paper Hangings and
H indow Shades ; Carpets and Drugget: Oils Paints and
Dve stuff's; Crockery and Glassware ; Iron, Steel and
Nails ; W iiulow glass and Sash ; Cainpliine, Burning Flu
id and Varnishes of every kind : Pails, Tubs, Mats, Ac.,
Ac., which will be sold as usual, very cheap for Cash.
Towanta, October 1. 1855.
V.—Left the premises of the snbscri
-J ber, in llysox township, on the 14th of September,
a two year old BRINDLE HEIFER, with rather straight
horns, and in good condition. Whoever will give uic in
formation of the said heifer at my residence, opposite the
Towanda Eddy, or at the office of the Bradford Reporter,
shall be suitably rewarded.
Wysox, October 2,1855. RICHARD PICKERING.
Hew Fall and Winter Goods.
Joseph Kingsbery,
Towanda, October 3, 1855.
DISSOLUTION. —The partnership hereto
fore existing bet ween the subscribers, doing business
in the name of T. HUMPHREY A CO. at Orwell, Prima,
Hooper's Valley and Sniithboro, N. Y., is this day dissolv
ed by mutual consent. All debts due the firm must be
settled with T. Humphrey, he having purchased the entire
interest of bis asscciates, and being alone authorized to
sign in liquidation- All debts due by theffirm should also
be presented to T. Humphrey, he having agreed to pay the
nunc. T. HUMPHREY,
Orwell, Oct. 1,1855. A. POTTER.
New Fall and Winter Goods.
Burton Kingsbery,
RESPECTFULLY informs the public that lie is npen
. ing for public inspection, one of the largest stocks of
GOODS ever brought into this market, consisting of
Dry (loads, Groceries, Hardware, Creckery,
Boots and Shoes, yails, Glass,
Embracing an assortment suited to the wants of the pub
lic. and which having been purchased for Cash, will be
sold for Ready Pay at prices which defy competition.
MTWest side of Main street.
Towanda, October 4, 1855.
T IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Past
1 A Office at TOWANDA October 1, 1855.
Alden Rev. S. W. Kingsbury D.
Alloway M. 11. Murphy John
A'Hearn Michael Mongovon Mary
Allice A. M. Manly Jane
Bartlette Mrs. I). I'. M'Kue James
Barrett John M'Donald Maurice
Rentier Bcnj. R. Mosher Win.
Bush Joseph 2. Mosher Lodesky
Brewster Daniel ' M'Carthy James
Brady John 2 Melaney Thos.
Birmingham Alice M'Carthy Daniel
Barritt Mrs. MitchelfMary H.
Considine Denis Mcnold Henry
Cleary Thos. O'Hcrn Michael
Capil George O'Brien Jeremiah
Coolbaugh Lucy Piatt Joseph
Clancy James Pine John
Cornelius Margaret Pureed Denis
Carpenter Edw. Park Win. A.
Corwin Stephen O. (juigley James.
Carman John Rice Cai h I>.
Corner Hannah A. Roberts Doct. Win.
Davidson R. Riclinion Jacob
Denis Mary 2 Ryan Patk
Drake C. A. Scott Henry
Daley Richard Smith Isaac
Gregg John Smith A. B.
(Justin Kliphalct Smith Miss Jane
Graff" Elizalieth Sullivan Daniel
Gould Daniel Sheehan Bryan
Grolts Joel Seymour C. H.
Goodwin John F. Sweeney Rev.
Henepy Park Taylor Ethiel
Hone E. M. Whelan John
Ilensler E. Welch David
Harder Francis Welch Thomas
Heagerty John Welton Warner
Hurley John Wilcox Nathan
Kelly James Wetherill Ancil
Wheeler Silas J.
Persons calling for any of these letters, please mention
the)" arc advertised. H. C. PORTER, P. M.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of IRA GRISWOLD, dee'd., late of Ridgbcry Town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated forwettleineut.t
BEXJ. lIALSTED, Administrator.
Ridgbery, June 18, 1855.
. Wheat —Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed and Bran, at
August 28, 1855. FOX'S.
/GROCERIES —Call aud see our Brown,
vX Crushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young
Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or the
money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KINGSBERY.
SUMMER HATS.—Gentlemen's Elegant
WHITE BEAVERS, for sale by
illcrcljflnbije, &~c.
A. BflL Warner's
Afcw if" Splendi/l Jewelry Store, one door north
of Potions Drug Store,
n. HAS jnst been opened with the largest and
_ most choice stock of FASHIONABLE
fip JEWELRY ever ottered to a discriminating
jSft—t jl public. Indeed, he can safely say that witii
gy. J/0 the opening of his new store lias been in
augurntod a new era in the Jew elry line,
inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment
he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi
ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav
ing Wen all bought with ready cash.
A. M. W., when he reflects how, for the past years,with
a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so large a share
of public patronage, flatters himself that the immense in
crease of floods he now otters, which have been bought so
much more advantageously, will enable him to increase
the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch
safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the
favor of his old customers, and invites the public general
ly to come aud see the fashions.
continue to be distinguished by the skill and despatch
which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep
utation of being the most reliable in town.
Towanda, September 24, 18.13.
New York Slate Fair at Elmira.
October, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
THE N. 1. & E 11. R. Company will run
~ Excursion Trains during the continuance of the State
hair, to be held at Elinira next week, at half the usual
eaten of fare.
"n Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the lid, 4th and
nth, the only day's on which the Fair Grounds will he
open to the public, the Packet lluat " Gazelle " will run
TWIC'K A DAT, each way, between Towanda and Waverly.
ffI.KAVE TOWANDA, at 5 o'clock A. M., (Rail lload
time) connecting at Waverly with the Excursion Train for
Elmira, at 9 48, and again at half-past one, connecting
with the evening trains both ways.
LEAVE WAVERLY, at half past seven, A. M, again
!r vi M - after tlie arrival of the Excursion Trains
from Elmira. POWELL A SMITH.
TOWANDA, Sept. 2(i. is",J
• ■ • ■ • ■ • —ate,
THE undersigned have placed upon the line between
Towanda and Waverley, a new Packet, built express
ly for the travel between the above and the intermediate
The " GAZELLE" is neatly fitted up,and may be relied
upon as always being "on time." The hours of arrival
and departure will be arranged in conformity with the
time tables on the N. Y. and Erie Railroad.
At present, leave Towanda for Waverley, at U o'clock
P. M., precisely.
Leave Waverley, at o'clock, A. M., or immediately
after the arrival of the mail train from the East.
POWELL & SMITH, Proprietors.
Towanda, Septeiuiier 1, 1*55.
(TIXDLEb by the box or single pound,
J -cpl Fi )X'S.
Their assortment of SADDLERY and other HARDWARE
is complete. Also, a good supply of
Towanda. August 28, 1*55.
Administrator's Sale.
BUY virtue of an order issued by the Or
phan's Court of Bradford County, will IK; sold on
Saturday October 27th at 2 o'clock, 1'". M., on the premi
ses, late the property of Miner 11. Wilcox, situated in Al
bany twp., and bounded on the north by James Wilcox,
east by the Fowler branch of the Townnda creek, west by
Joseph White, and south by the Coal Com pane's lands,
containing 140 acres, more or less, alsiut so acres improv
ed, with a frame house, frame barn and horse shed and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Terms made known on day of sale.
JOSKI'II MEXARDI, Administrator.
September 20, 1 855.
YAriIKIiEAS my wife MINERVA and I have
T T have entered into a mutual agreement to part, and
have no more family deal. This is therefore to forbid all
persons harboring or trusting her on my account, as 1 will
pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Orwell, September 3, 1855.
AME to the enclosure of the subscriber in
J Herrick. about the Ist of two year old RED
11 LI I' ER, and a yearling RED HEIFER. Neither having
any particular marks. The owner is requested to t ike
them away, pay charges. Ac. WM. 11. 11. JENKINS.
Herrick. Sept. 13, 1855.
T. FOX would respectfully inform his
J* old friends and the public generally that he has
commenced the Grocery una Provision Business, at \o.
I, Brick Hino, (opposite Mercur's store,) and intends car
rying it on in all its branches. Ho has and will continue
to keep on hand a full assortment of (HtOt'ERIES and all
kinds of PROVISIONS that are obtainable, all of which
will he sold on reasonable terms for Cash.
Towanda, June 1, 1855.
DRIED PEACHES, a small quantity, very
nice,.for sale at j tine'J FOX'S."
ORANGES, Leyions, Pine Apples, Fresh
Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, seedless Raisins,pre
served (linger, and a variety of articles of the same nature
may lie had at juneU FOX'S.
(_100I)S bought at my Store will bedeliver-
T ed to any part of the Borough, FREE OF CH ARGE.
June 20 1858. E. T. FOX.
I) AILS, 15rooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing
Arushes, blacking Brushes, Ac. at FOX'S.
FRESH TEAS, both Green and I Rack—
from 374 cents to $1 00—every pound warranted to
suit or the money returned in all eases, at FOX'S.
*> TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined, Pow
t) dercd, Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses, Syrup, Rio
and Java Coffee, Rice. Salefatus, Ginger, Sperm Candles,'
Rice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
sale cheap at juneU FOX'S.
HOUSE TRIMMINGS—everv description
DRIED APPLES—a few first rate ones,
for sale at jllo FOX'S.
Cash paid for Hides.
TIIE highest price paid in CASH, for Hides
and Skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX.
June 20. 1855.
Barclay Railroad dt Coal Company.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GiVEX to the subscribers in To
wanda IMIV.J and its vicinity to the Stock of the "IIA R
CLAV RAILROAD A C'OAl. CO," that the remaining
instalments often per cent each (being $5 per share) on
said stock, are required to lie paid to E. OVERTON, Esq..
the President, or to J. Muefarlane, Esq. the Attorney of
said Company at Towanda, at the times following, tu'wit:
4th instalment payable August 27th, 1855.
sth " '• September 27tli "
(ith " " October 23th "
7th " " November 20th "
Stli " " December 28tli "
oth " " January 31st 1856.
10th " " March 3d "
Payments may also lie made at the office of Laporte,
Mason A Co., at Towanda.
July 20, ls.',.">. GEO. It. OAT, Treasurer.
IRON, Round, Square, Tire, Band & Scroll,
all qualities and sizes. TRACY A MOORE.
FLOUR —80 bbls., first quality, for sale at
the lowest CASH figure. TRACY" A MOORE.
THE subscriber is prepared to take Gentle
men Boarders, attending the Collegiate Institute.—
They will find comfortable accommodations, and the pri
vilege of -1 peaking French and German in the family.—
For further particulars enquire of
Professor of Modern Languages.
Towanda, August 8, 1855.
A LL PERSONS indebted to Montargres A
•JLJL Co.will do well to call andjmake ]*ayment,otherwise,
necessity will compel them to send a call that will be
more expressive. March 1, 1555.
PURE CIDER YINEG AR may be found
at jnne'J FOX'S,
every week, at jtinel4 FOX'S, j
SOLE LEATHER—One Ton, a prime ar-j
tide, for sale cheap, by TRACY A MOURE, 1
: No, 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, Pa.
TT!'- B \ ll^i ri, r r r Vm ' , Mp'io^^]l^L- nform his frit ' n(is anJ the P" Wic that he has fitted up No. 4, in Patton's New
Ilrick block, bu a DM G STORE, and tliat he is now receiving from the cities of PhUadelphia and New York,
a large anil well selected *tork ot American, French and English
SURGICAL INST&UBSfiNTS, and a variety of tho most approved Trusses,
Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on hand.
London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes.
Brushes for (lie Hat, Hair, Teeth, Nails, Boots Fainting-, Varubhiug, Whitewashing, &c.
The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOJiACCO, trill find a large variety ef chtrice Jlenr>-
na, Vara and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snuff.
And a fine annulment of LAMPS, of all sizes and descriptions, Bird Cages, Cups, Xests and Seed.
All of which is ottered for sale on the most satisfactory terms. Our stock being large ami mostly purchased from the
Importer and Jlanutacturcr at the lowest rates, aud with Cash, enables us to sell at reduced prices, that must he sa
tisfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to ail especial examination of our stock of goods and prices.
Our Goods are selected with the utmostjeare and warranted to he what they are represented: if any should prove
ttie contrary, we are not only willing hut ropiest our customers to return tlicui, and the money shall lie refunded.
De" Having secured the services of DR. HUSTON, who will keep his office at this store, and will five tuedicJ
advice gratuitously to those purchasing medicines. Towanda, September 1 1*53.
i TOSEPH KINGSBERY still continues the
'' BOOK A STATIONERY business, where purchasers
may find all the latest School and Miscellaneous Hooks at
reduced prices. The following School Books are embrac
ed in the catalogue, viz :
Bullion's Greek and Latin Reader and Grammar.
do. Caesar, do. Sal lust, do. Lessons.
Donegan's Greek and English Lexicon.
Spencer's Latin Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil.
OlcmlorlTs, I.ebrethon's, Barbauld's, Fausdick's and
Levizai k's French Works.
Parker's, ('(linstock's, Phelps', Smiley"s and Olmsted's
Day's, Thompson's and Davie's Works.
■ Cutter's, Coat s and Comstock's Physeologv.
Saunder s, Porter's, Bentley's and Cobb's Works.
Bancroft's History, Parley's, Worcester's, Gurnsey's,
i Bottas. Ac. Ac.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
do University edition, do.
do Common School, do.
Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's, Johnson's, do. Corn
stock's works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution.
Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High
Adams'. Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do.
Brown's, Kirkbain's, Smith's and Morse's Geography
and Atlas ; and all the various Primary Geography* now
j in use.
Spelling 1 looks of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in
great variety.
Also— Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots Sham,
Huts and Cups, tj-r., <§'<*.
New and desirable styles of Goods will be received
j monthly, and sold at the lowest CASH PKICES. J. K.
Towanda, April, 21, 1855.
General Election Proclamation.
\\J H EREAS, by an act of assembly of the ConMinn-
V V wealth, entitled "au act relating to the elections of
this commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to give pub
lic notice of such election to be held, and also the enumera
tion in such notice what offii ers are to Reelected, i JOHN
A. CODDING , High Sheriff of the county of Bradford, do
i hereby make known and give notice to the electors of
said vounty that a general'election will be held in said
county, on* TUESDAY, the nth day of October, in the se
veral districts in said county, to wit:—
In Albany, at the sub-district school house near Camp
bell's mill.
in Asylum, at Jacob Frutcliey's.
In Athens boro' at E. S. Matliewson's.
In Athens twp., at the school house near Wm. Scott's.
In Armenia, at John S. Becker's.
Injlturlington boro', at ftie hall of 11. Vosburg.
In Burlington twp., at house of Roswell Luther's,
in West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard.
: In Canton, at A. E. Spalding's.
In Columbia, at James Morgan's.
In Dure!!, at the school house, called the centre school
house, near S. Decker's.
111 Franklin, at Wm. Deemer's.
In Granville, at the house of Benjamin F. Taylor.
In Herrick. at the school house near Daniel Durand's.
In Litchfield, at Cyrus Bluodgood's.
In la-Roy, at the school house iu Leßoy.
i lit Monroe, at J. P. Smith's.
Iu Monroe liom', at the house of Ethel Taylor.
In Orwell, at the house formerly occupied by Francis
Ju Overton, at the house of Wm. Waltman.
In Pike, at Denison Johnson's.
111 Rome at the Academy.
Iu lisdgbery, at the house of Benjamin F. Buck.
In Shesheqitin, at I>. Brink's.
In Smithlield, at A. J. Gcrould's.
In Springfield, at T. Wilder's.
In Standing Stone, at Simon Steven's.
In South Creek, at the school bouse near A. Gillett's.
In SyJvaiiiii boiV, at the house of Curtis Merritt.
In Towanda bore', at the Grand Jury boom in the Court
House, in said boro'.
In Towanda twp.. at the school house, near if. L. Scott's.
In North Toivauda at the house of S. A. Mills.
In Troy boro'. at the Eagle Tavern.
111 Troy twp., ift the House of V. M. Long, in the boro'
of Troy.
In Tusoarora, at the school house near James Black's.
In Ulster, at S. B. Holcomb's.
111 Warren, at It. Cooper's.
In Wells, at L. Seeley's.
In Windham, at the house of Bcnj. Kiiykendall.
In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black.
111 Wilmot, at the house of James Foster.
111 Wvsox, at the house of James M. Reed.
At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect
by ballot
One persen for Canal Commissioner of the Common
Two persons to represent the county of Bradford in the
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn
One person for Treasurer of said county. *
One person for Commissioner of said county.
One person for Auditor of said county.
And ill and by said act, ! am further directed to give
notice - that every person excepting justices of the peace
who shall hold any office of profit and trust under the go
vernment of the United States or of this State, or of any
incorporated district, and also that every memlicr of con
gress and fff the State Legislature and the select and com
mon council of any city, or commissioners of any incorpo
rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising,
at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge. In
spector or Clerk, of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector or other officer, of any such election
shall lie then eligible to any office to be voted for.
By the ttli section of an act passed the lbtli day of
April, 1840, it is provided " that the 13th section or an
act passed July 2,153'., entitled " An act relating to the
( elections of this commonwealth,'' shall not be so constru-
I ed as to prevent any militia officer from serving as Judge.
Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of
tliis Commonwealth.
Iu the 61st section of the act first above mentioned, it
is enacted that every general and special election shall be
opened iietwecn s and in in the forenoon, and continue
without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the
evening, when the polls shall be closed.
Hy the 18th section of the act passed Feb. 3, 1846, it
shall be lawtul for the inspectors and judges of any gen
eral election which shall lie horauftcr held in the Armenia
election district of Bradford county to close the polls of
such election at 5 o'clock, P. M.
By the 1 ltli section of tiie act of 1853, it is provided
that the polls of the election district of Tuscarora twp. be
closed at 5 o'clock P. M.
It is further directed that the meeting of the Judges at
the Uourt House in Towanda, to make out the general re
turn, shall be 011 the 3d day after the election, which will
be 011 the 12th day of October.
Towanda, September 10, 1855.
J.X. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of M 111. HORNING dee'd., late of South Creek tp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all
persons h. viiiging claims against said estate will please
present lliem duly authenticated for settlement.
CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix.
Jupe 18, 1855.
-s ". is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Isaac itoseuerants, deceased, late of Asylum
twp-. are requested to make payment without delay ; and
those having demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
CY RUS SIIUMWAY, Administrator.
June 14, 1855.
-I * is hereby given, tlmt all persons indebted to the es
tate Of ISAAC S. CItOFUT, deceased. late of Leroy
twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay: and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present theiu duly authenticated for settlement.
SEUA CROFUT, ) v .Impostrators
May Iff, 1855. JAMES CROFUT, -tdmiß^ratwrs.
announces to all afflicted with Tumors, Wens, Can
j cer, Warts, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or
| King's Evil, and all diseases tliat have been usually treat
ed Caustic or Knife that lie can remove them by an en
tirely new method, without cutting, horning or pain. It
is no matter on what part of the body they are, he can re
move them with perfect safety and in a remarkable short
j time, if curable. No money required, except for medicines
' until a cure is perfected. ( [ironic and other diseases not
, mentioned altove, treated with positivesnecess,if curalde.
! Full particulars can be obtained by addressing L. KEL
! I.IXli, M. 1).. Mechanicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
j Persons afflicted, residing at a distance, lie has. for years
j been in the habit of prescrbing by letter, and with g enteral
lie would say however to those desiring advice, In this
I way, that to secure attention they should enclose, with
the general symptoms of their cases, a fee of one dollar, to
| warrant him in spending his time lor their benefit.
The doctor may be consulted at his office at all times,
1 when not professionally absent.
I C ACTION. —St rangers coming to see the Dr. are cnution
:ed as some have lieen deceived. Dr. K. is the onlv one ih
this State, who can perform cures by the new method.—
I The Dr's. office is directly opposite the Union Church,
i Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from Harrisburg on the Ctira
; lierfund V. K. R. and accessible from all parts of the Un
, ion. Tlic lir. will visit cases within a reasonable distance
when desired.
ILHRIFF'S SALE—ISy virtue of a certain
| O writ of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Cdurt of
Common Pleas of I had ford Count v. and to mc directed,
will tic exposed to public sale at the Court House, in tho
boro' of Towi'iida, on Tuesday, October It!. 1855, at 1
o'clock, P. M.tiie following lot. piece or parcel of land sit
uate in Athens township, ismnded north by lands of Xoal
M-Ibiffic. c i -t I y lands of Samuel S. Clark, south by lands
( of Daniel S. Urown. and west fay lands of Morrison Gard
: tier. < uitaiuing forty-two and a half acres, more or less,
twelve acres with a framed house, a log barn
and fruit tree - thereon.
Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of David Gard
ner vs. L. A. Gardner.
SlierifTs Office, Towanda, Sept. '24,1*54.
&a" Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
costs will be reipiircd to lie paid upon each Sale when
struck down to the bidder, and tinon failing to cotnply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer
for sale, JOHN A. Coimixo.
Tracy <&. Mooro,
a large and well selected assortment of
which have been selected with unusual care, and pnreliiM
ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that wo
can acf! Goods for Ready Pay. as low as any establishment
i i the count uc. we irk the ]mt)lic to give us a call, and
examine ourstoek and prices. Stjit. 12, 1855.
THE subscriber otters for sale a splendid
A co!|ec.tioii of Landscapes. Historic, Astronomic, and
('omic Views, together with two first class Magic Lanterns.
This Apparatus is intended for giving Exhibitions, and
is the mo.-t extensive aud complete of the kind in this
country. l.itU r one or two persons wishing to travel can
make the business pay fhim one to two hundred dollars
per month, if properly conducted, and will afford abetter
opportunity of seeing the country than any other bnsineia.
Ulster, Braiiford Co., Pa.
P. S. Reference. I>. .1. Ciircjsuc'K, Ulster, who has tra
veled with the Exhibition.
AX. is hereby given, that all per.sous indebted to the ts*-
tatcof MI NERV A WEBBER, dee'd. late of Franklin tp. arc
guested to in ike payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against said estate, must present them duly
authenticated tor settlement, to the subscriber at his resi
dence. JOHN M. WEBBER,
Franklin. August 2, 1*55. Administrator.
tpXECUTOIVS NOTICE.—AU persons in-
IJ defiled to the estate of ELIAL STEVENS, deceased,
late of Ridgliury township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, ami all persons having demands
against said estate arc requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. ST URGES SQUIRES,
Ridgliury, March 2d, 1865. Exoeutora.
J- A Men, in* Bradford County in debt to us, that wo want
to pav tlieir Judgment notes or accounts, which ever It
may bo, and we intend to have them do it, either by per
suasion or by employing officers sufficient to collect of ev
ery man Immediately, without any exception orirespect to
p.ifsdus, from the fact that the money belongs to our ero
ilitors, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as It
can be collected. HALL A RUSSELL.
Towamla, April 20 1855.
NEW 81' 111 v 6 & SUMMER GOOM
TOSIHRIL KJXUSBERY is uow receiving,
from New YiflV a large, ca reffilly selected and mewt
desiralile assortment of
Towanda, May 11, 1*,%.
ml *32 mc mem w 'jam.
v_ to PATTOX'S NEW BLOCK, where they havejnsl
received a large addition to tlir'T stock of READY-MAPK
CLOTHING. Cloths, Trimmings. Furnishing Goods, Ac.,
to which thev in\ ite public attention.
Towanda, May 24, 1*55.
TWO STRAY CCfWS.—CsuRe tt'i&e. 4%
A closure of the subscriber, on the 24th day of .Vugn.-t
last , two cows, one a pale red with some white in tiie face
and some white on the body with a bell on; the other, u
brown one, with a line hack, and some tvhitc on the liiml
part* of the body. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property pay charges, and take them im-.iv.
[JAMES C. wßst.
Ridgeherry, September 3, 1855.
Lrraysville, Brad fort! County, I'd.
of the above institution will commenre on Vffi'.DXKS
DA V, SEPT. 12th. Circulars with complete details, may
he obtained from the Principal, or from either ot the fol
Uiii KKKvcKs—Rev. George Landon, Herriekville; Rev.
J. C. Warren. S. DcWitt.M. D.. Leßuvsville ; D. l'.Laecy
M. D.. Cainptowii : Rev. L. Peek, Lime Hill. 12
The Subscrilrers desire to procure the utulivJded
time of an Agent in every comity of the I sited States.—
Effieii it ami capaoio men may make several dollars |*r
dav. without risk o. lininhitggcry of any kind. Full par
ticulars of the nature of the business will lie given by nd
drassing the -uliscrilicr, and forwarding One P.os. Office
Stamp to pre-pay return po-tage.
FURKV A CO.. Philadelphia. Pa.
T)A INTO, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Pattv, Ac.
i. Ac., by TliV'y A MOORE.
ju-t received at TRACY A MOORE'S.
MACKEREL —whole, half and quarter Wls