Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 06, 1855, Image 1

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    Ojjc dollar PER annum, invariably in advance.
TOWANDA : fllorninn, (Dctobcr U, 1853.
[ I'iimi the Albany Atlas, September 21.]
Political Charlatanry-Its Causes and
u \\- 0 have a.vain and again maintained that the prinei
vof the Kansas bill furnishes the only sure and peaceful
.ohit nii of the-lavery queslion. * * * To make this
. ■ ,nt limit and conclusive, the pcple must pass
. jit on the (.ucstion it the IVe-'-bntial c.-ote.-t of
j , Initial outestwherewillN\ w ■ Yrk stand? We
'.to':v told by our contemporaries of that state, that
1 ,\ew-York democracy is a unit on the doctrine of
1 ...jnilar self-government in the territories, as declared in
;> c Kansas law : iu;d we really believe that tln-re is no
-iih-uulial dillereiice in principle >n this subject in the
,Y:UO ratio party of New-V<rk. Uc.t. however true this
, ;V V. it is impossible to discover any development in
i'u'various movements of politi< ians in that state caleula
vispire the democrats in other states with any very
. |n,nsui witnessing a speedy and elective union of
.!• \ iu Xew-York. That this union, however, will
. take pl.e c. wc cannot doubt : and we arc strongly
mcs-ed with the hope that it wiil take place upon the
.. ■■ of a faitJifi.l adl :aitee to the pi in iplcsof the
\ risas bill ia the Presidential contest of 1856. H udl
- UlitU.
'l\> those who arc believers in the infallibili
ty ei' the government organ at Washington, as
well as 10 those who are in a state of anxious
solicitud - for the perpetuity of the I itiun, the
nidiouv.i eiociit of :t " sure and peaceful solution
of the *'a very question" must afford nnbonnd
nl .itisfact'ou. As we do not lielonr to either
( . these classes, we are free to confess ourselves
no wise jubilant over the reiterated procla
-1 aiioi - of the discovery of this alleged specific
for a disease which, in our view, is daily be
coming more wide-spread, aud which now
t r ateiis to ovcrsw eejv ail barriers of party or
ganization. We are the more incredulous be
cause wc have seen the same hopeful empirics
equally positive in regard to other measures
front which the same happy results were to
th>w. as those now predicted on the Kansas
}, ; JI
We renioiti'er li.-tinctly the exultant tones
in wiii.-h the " Compromise measures" were
inhered to the world as a " finality" of the
slavery question—as the true and only specific
v it was to render forever innocuous the vi
r-.iN 01 •'aiioiitionisnt"—as a complete and per
f ; ad uiicatioiiof the vexed subject, by which
the South was to stand with 'unfaltering fideli
ty. and to which the North was to submit with
untiiucliing patriotism. And we confess that
v.iic'.i we saw tin- national conventions of lioth
parties solemnly resolve in favor oi" tlte iuviola
id'.ty of IIMSO laws, and as solemnly eschew all
vgitation, " .*■.• Congress and aul of it." of the
slaven issue, we were not without hope that a
> had been readied in which the two sec
iiotrs of the eouutry were again to shake bauds
in iVatv rual amity—the cue to cease aggression
m i the other agitation.
When, in addition to these awwals. we saw
a President elected w hose youth ami manhood
had ivo.'it nurtured amid the free institutions
aud bracing air of democratic New Hampshire
—when we heard him announce, in emphatic
tones, his determination to re.-ist sectional
strife, and to prevent the renewal of a agi?;i
lion fraught with danger to the ]K?r]etuitv of
the A uioit—we were almost forced into tU?
couelusion that the bitter waves of faction
were to (>e hushed into silence, and the relent
less scourge of slavery to be staveil iu its fur
ther progress.
T<> the attainment of a consnnmiation so de
>'rable, tltis y-nrnal lent its cordial eo-opera
t!' >ll. M e etulcavored, as far as j tract ieable.
t 1 allay tit? ill-feeling attendant tqiou the en
foreeuivut of iite Fugitive Slave law , and tho'
we .'tuotl several of its j>rov ido;i< as unucces
- ir:'v liars:., and others of quostionsible consti
tutionality. we dn-uuraged resistance to itsexe
tuthe.t, and advocated acquiescence iu the pro
p sevl scttlemeMt of this vexed aud perplexing
tjuesiiou. In the same spirit, the Democratic
State Convention adojtetl as its own the j lat
form laid down by the National Convention,of
which the following resolutions constituted a
.>t prominent part :
RrtdrtJ. That Coagress bus n-< power un.lvr the foe
; n'.i 1 to interfere with or control tlw doice>tiv
t sot the several and tiiat such ~re tlio j
- e nd lU 'iwr every tiling .qipert-tiniag to the.r
r: t prohibited by tV .•ou-t'tutioa : that all
' * li:. <i>M or others, nuuie to iu.biee Congress
rf r oaesttw of dnnt, or to t.Av iiu i|.iciit
- I..:" .a thrrvM. are calculated to lead to the
: danger.>:••• rmK |iivuaj. an.l that all
v v? i-l . ce a: inevitable tendencv to diminish the
the pe-ure, antl eudjngcr Uic i;.!y a:; i
■ u y of th, I ni nt, and oopn not to be e nmto
~ a.y uy frkml of aur institutions.
K sro!. . li.t ;),e proposition covers, a-:d :
* -- luMnhd to em? race t.'n t-Ao.. suhjec! cf sfaroy ngi/.i
--'• ' ( - i.t", a :i-J therefore the democratic party ot j
■ -te .-Ik '? on this national pl itform. win abide |
;1 : t.: i" a faithful execution of the nets know u ;us j
-s. m< wires, settled bj the last Couna—
J • tor n- iuttttins fojrilives from" service or labor iu
: w . ha. t being d -signed t> carry out an express j
' r " the r 'i-titutioo, cannot with fidelity thereto j
or so ihz .get as to destroy ot impair tu etS- '
T'.at the dcrt sjatic party will r'sjst all at
' a t'o'torc-s. or out >*:' it. the agitation of
n Hdfea, utiner wliau-t cr sh.e T v . r oil r the
I ;'.v>e resolutions the demo.racy of Nc\v
-v v : faithful and true ; and had the
fi;k;::y l>ecn maintained by Congress aud
* •; . -tration at Washington, the " Coin
* iue.t.sYs" might have effeetcd the IK>-
giiaut rtsuits,which our Washington cotem
. ay pi xl; 'cd, and thus have saved itself
* the necessity of discovering a new
' .r the "peaceful solution of the slave
*? question." But either fortunately or nnfor
i'viy. as events may determine, slavery
- ■oO truce aud kocps uo faith w here its
•"•rfvsb may be advanced by the breach of
? "**",■ Eitu ut tois we sliOuhl not coitipluiu,
*• : r Ute complicity of an administration
"• -'d by the free states, and pledged in the
sclemn manner to maintain a strict neu
n reft: nee to this exciting tonic.
1' i t . , • .
. • * • : nssirj that we sioahi advert at
:. " * • the circumstances unher which the
•" " ii w as introduced, or to the reittarka
is which attended its progress and pas-
F. 'l'-'li that it Itccaiue a law. Enough
;. r ' "e ! the sanction of a democratic
" ::: aud that the fruits of this renewal
J.U agitation are becoming daily
*k:' '< -t and deplorable. For t!iL agi
atnl it - ..ttcuduiit cottscqticucv-s, ('migri-ss
tin; admiidstratiou ure responsible. It
arose from no exigency, it was founded in uo
imperative necessity, it was uo offspring of
popular demand. Its paternity was ambition,
not statesmanship ; its sanction was weakness,
not wisdom ; its results violence and discord,
instead of peace and quietness.
The democracy of New-York arc anxious
and Milling to " stand by all the compromises
of the constitution." But they believe that in
strument to have been adopted for the protec
tion and diffusion of freedom, quite as much as
for that of slavery ; and when they see its pro
visions wrested to the advancement of the lat
ter—when they see the faith and practice of
the democratic fathers repudiated, and new
principles engrafted upon their creed—when
they find a determination evinced to turn the
democratic party into mere "hewers of wood
aud drawers of water" for the propagandists of
slavery—when they see that institution extend
ing itself into the free states, and under color
of federal jurisdiction, claiming to hold its vic
tims wherever it shall please the master to car
ry them—we may well pause and inquire to
what consequences, both to ourselves and
children, as well as io the character and insti
tutions of onr country, these proceedings are
The democrats of New-York ur>' loyal totlic
constitution and to the just rights of their
southern brethren : but when they see wrong
and out rage perpetrated without rebuke—when
they witness the whole power of the govern l
ment eailed into requisition to deliver over one
poor fugitive iuto bondage ; ami to this cud,
what should be the teuiplc of justice, surround
ed by an armed soldiery ready to stay any gush
ing of ]Kipulnr sympathy with "lead in the
morning and steel at night"—when they be
hold a citizen of a tree state, without indict
ment, without trial, without conviction, con
signed to prison upon the mere ipse dixit of a
federal judge—when they mark the administra
tion of their choice as wholly devoted to slave
ry as ever Athens was to idolatry—when they j
see that the arm of federal power is only pal- j
sied in the defence of freedom—it is not to bo j
wondered at if they should hesitate longer to
give countenance to such eventualities, or sup- j
port to those by whom they are produced.
It is a conviction of the truth of these lam
cntable facts which unnerves the sterling de
mocracy of lb rkitner and St. Lawrence, of
Delaware and Steuben, and makes them look
aomnd for means by which they may be dives
ted oi* responsibility for this prostration of de
mocratic principle. Nor is this feeling confin
ed to the strong democratic counties we have
named. It pervades the masses throughout
the state, aud though interested partisans may
affect to control it ; though there may IK? no
upheaviugsof popular discontent ; though they
may be reluctant to break old associations,and
suspicious of forming new ones, the feeling of
irritation and discontent is too apparent not to
be visible to the invt casual observer
Hence we say to tlte Washington f'nim, in
all sincerity, that if it wishes New-York to
stand tqou the right side in ISoti, it must
cease to expect the democrats of tltis state to
make a platform nimn the slavery question
which shall IH' acceptable to Virginia. South
tats ua and Mississippi; it must cease to tnv
hold he doctrine that southern men may atiopt
tho most ira resolutions in favor of slave;y,
and be cminet *ly national and democratic,
while it ostracises northern democrats for adapt
ing resolutions in favor of freedom and against
the spread of the "peculiar institution:" it
must repudiate the outrages and violence by
which the elective franchise has been rendered
a mockery iu Kansas : and the administration
which we have aided to elect must show a'
stronger devotion to freedom, a ntore vigorous
determination to enforce the right, and evince
a conviction that northern tucu are not all
slaves and parasites of power, before there eaa
lx' any well-grounded kojie that the democrats
of this state will be found acting harmoniously
with their brethren in other states, under tlte
present party organization, iu 1.850. The
principles of the Kansas bill may do as a plat
form in some localities ; bur unless ?ho*e prin
ciples are develojied in a more pleasing nsject,
than they hare yet furnished, it will require
much of amplitude and beneficent OJK ration
before it can be jnade into platform thut will
answer for the democracy of New-York.
Pmr osorHY or R \tv. —To understand the
phi! >-ophy of thb beautiful and often sublime
phenomenon, so often witnessed inee the crea
tion of the world, and so essential to the very
existence of plant? and animals, a few facts de
rived from observation aud a long train of ex
jK'rimeuts must I*' remembered :
1. Were the atmosphere enrywhere at all
times of a uniform tonqieratnre. we should ne-i
ver have rain, hail or snow. The water a'>-
sorbed by it iu evaporation, from tlte sea and
the earth's surface, would descend in an imper
ceptible vapor, or cease to be absorlxtl by the
air when it was once fully suturat> 1. '2. The
absorbing power of the atmosphere, an I, con
sequently, its capacity to retain humidity, is
pn portioaatoly greater in warm than in cold
The air near the surface of the earth is warm
er than it is in the region of the clouds. Tiie
higher we ascend from the earth the colder do
wc find the atmosphere. llcitee the jierpctual
snow on very high mountains in tlte hottest
climate. Now. when front continued evapora
tion the air is slightly saturated with vajior,
though it lie invisible and the sky cloudless, if
its tonijx'ratare is suddenly reduced, by cold
currents descending from a higher to a lower
latitude by the motion ot" saturated air to a
lower latitude, its capacity to retain moisture
is diminished, clouds are formed, ami the result
is rain. 11 condenses, it cools, and like a sjxuige
tilled with water and compressed. |x>ursout the
water its diminished capacity cannot hold.—
How siugular, yet how simple the philosophy
of rain. What but Omniscience could have tie
vised such an admirable arrangement for wa
tering the earth ?
jtjf In the long run those who work slow
iv and gradually at one business succeed the
best I : takes a man about seven years to gel
acquainted in one channel of business
One of the Sermons.
The Register, published at Brandon, Miss.,
gives a partial reiort of a sermon preached a
few weeeks since at Wuterproofs, not far from
Brandon. It is to be regretted that the
whole sermon was not preserved. The follow
ing paragraphs shows the spirit of the preach
" I may say to you, my brccthering, that I
am not an cdecatod inau, an' I am not o' them
as blecves that edecation is uocossary, fur I
bleevc the Lord educates his preachers jest as
he wants 'em to be edecated, an,' although 1
say it that live, thar's no man as gits a bigger
congregation nor what I gets.
Thar may be some here to-day, my brethren,
as don't know what jiersuasiou lam uv. Well,
I may so to yon, my breetliring, that I'm a
a Hardshell Baptist. Thar's some folks as
don't like the Hardshell Baptists, but I'd rather
hev a hard shell as no shell at all. You sec
me here to-day, my brcetheriug, up in line
| close ; you mout think I was proud, but 1 am
not proud, my brcefhering, and although Iv'e
been a preacher uv the Gospel for twenty
years, an although I'm eapting of that flat
boat that lies at yur lauding, I'm not proud,
my brccthering.
" I'm not a gwine ter tell you if whar
i my tox may Vie found : suffice it tu say, it's in
the lei Is of the Bible, and you'll find find it,
somewhar 'tween the first chapter of the hook
of Generations aud the last chapter of the
Revolutions, and i f you'll go and search the
Seripturers, as I have sarched the Seripturers,
you'll not only find mij tex thar, but a great
may uther teres as wiil do yon good to read,
an' my tex, when you shall liud it, youshill find
it to read thus :
• • And lio played on a harp uv a thousand strings—speriU
of just men made perftvk.'
My tex breethering, leads me to speak uv
sperit. Now thar's a great many kinds of
spcrits in the world—in the fust place, thar's
the sporits as sum folks call ghosts, theu thar's
the spcrits uv terjKn time and then thar's the
spents as sum folks call liquor, and I've got as
good an artikleof them kind uv spcrits 011 my . as ever was fetched down the Missis- 1
sippi River, but thar's a great many other kind
ot spcrits lor the tex sez : " lie played on a
" harp uv a t/cn-saud strings—spcrits of just
" men made perfcck.''
Bnt I'll toll you jhe kind uv spcrits as is
incut in the tex. it's fire. That is the kinds of
spirits as is nieutiu the tex, my brethering—
Now thar's a great many kinds of lire iu the
world. In the fust place thar's the common i
sort of fire you lite a segar or pijie with, aud ,
then thar's cam fire, fire before your ready, and !
fall back, and many other kinds uv fire, for the }
tex sez : "He played 0:1 a harp nva fAou-sand
" strings—" spcrits uv just men made perfeck."
But I'll tell you the kiml uv fire as is ment
in the tex, my breethering—it's hell fire ! au'
that's the kind nv fire as a groat many of you'll
oonie to, ef you don't do hotter nor what you
have bin doin'—for " He played on the harp
" uv a /Ac/u-sand strings—sjierits uv just men
" made jicrfeck."
Now, the different sorts uv fire iu the world
may be likened unto the different pcrsuations
of Christians in the world. In the fust place
we have the I'iscapalions ; aui they area high
sailiu' and a high-falutin -et, a id they may be
likened unto a turkey buzzard that flics up into
the air. and he goes up and up until he looks
no bigger than your finger nail, and the fust
thing you know, he corns down and down, and i
down and dowu, aud is a fillin,' himself on the
karkiss of a dead boss by the side of uv the
road—and " He played on a harp of a thrm
" sand strings—sj>erits of just nieu made per
" feck."
And then thar's the Metiiedis, and they may
bo likened unto the squirrel, ranniu' up into a
tree, for the Methedist believes in gwine on
from one degree uv grace to another, and finally
011 to perfeckshun, and the squirrel goes np and
up, and up and up, and he jumps from liuT to
lim,' aud branch to branch, and the fust thing
you know he falls and downs he cuius kcr
tinmmux. and that's like the Methedis, for they
is allcrs fallin' from crace, ah ! And—" He
" played 011 a harp of a Obm-saud strings—
" sjierits of just meu made perfeck."
And then, my breetliring, thar's the Baptist,
ah ! and they hev bin linkencd unto a possum
on a 'simion tree, and the thunders may roll,
and then the earth may quake, but that possum
clings there still, ah ! And you may shake cue
foot loose, and the other's tluir, and you may
shake all feet loose, aud he laps his tail around
the limb, aud he clings furewff, for—" He
" played on a harp uv a M//-sand strings—
sjierits of just men made jierfeek."
Here the reporter could no longer contain
himself, and bis notes became untircly unintelli
A CAREFCI. Sneinr.— A farmer of Western
New-York, married for a second wife, a lady
whose jHrsoaal charms and domestic virtues,
were in quite an unequal proportion. Among
other freaks she had, whenever crossed iu any
of her little conceits, a decided penchant for
suicide : at least, she often hinted at thi, as
a loag contemplated remedy for the oft-recur
ring ills of married life. Taking offence, on a
time, at some supposed domestic indignity, she
donned her very best rig, and seeking a con
venient place for the experiment, slipped her
ueck into a noose arranged conveniently for
the pur]ose, and thus Ftisjicnded awaited fur
ther developments. As expected, her hus
band soon made his apjiearance near the terri
ble scene, aud was neither long nor ceremonious
in relieving his beloved from her great peril.
She was not so far gone, however, as to IK?
speechless, and exclaimed, rather spitefully—
" Stephen, Stephen, don't MMSS MY ntjfirs so.
for there will he a great uuiry m to see air ter
mor row r
TAUE EWUSH.— " No use of my trying to
col fee t that bill, ir, r said a collector to his
employer, handing the dishonored document to
the latter. " Why :' "The man is ut m-est."
" Then take it ;tud collect it, sir. A u-es*
utau will not fail to meet his obligation* "
George Washington, the father of his coun
try. in a letter to La Fayette, written in 1798
the year before his death, sjtoke of the insti
tution of Slavery as follows :
" 1 agree with you cordially in your views
in regard lo Negro Slavery. I have long con
sidered it a most serious evil, both socially and
politically, and I should rejoice in any feasible
scheme to rid onr States of such a burden.—
The Congress of 1 liSl adopted an ordinauee
which forever prohibits the existence of invol
untary servitude iu our north-western territory.
I consider it a wise measure ; and_ though it
was introduced by a gentleman from New
England, it t#et with the approval au<l assent
of nearly all the members frout the States
more immediately interested in slave labor.—
The prevailing opinion iu Virginia is agaiust
the spread of slavery into our new country,
aud I trust that we shall ultimately have a
confederacy of Free States, 1 would, at any
time, gladly relinquish the right of property
in my own slaves, if a judicious system of eman
cipation could be devised."
Jautes Madison, in tho Convention, which
framed the Constitution of the United States,
objected to the word "slave" being used in tho
clause which was inserted for the rendition of
fugitives. His objection* were agreed to by
the Convention, and the milder term " of per
sons owing service of labor," applicable alike
to white apprentices and black slaves, was then
put iu our Constitution. Mr. Madison said on
that occasion.
" I object to the word "slave" apttenrtng
in a Constitution which, I trust is to be the
charter of freedom to unborn millions ; nor
would I willingly perpetuate the memory of
the fact that slavery ever existed in onr coun
try. It is a great evil ; and under the l'rovi
dence of God, I look forward to some scheme
of emancipation which shall free us from it.—
Do not, therefore, let 11s appear as if we re
garded it as perpetual by using in our Consti
tution an odious word opjiosed to every senti
ment of liberty."
Daniel Webster in his MarshfieJd speech
Sept. 18, LS4S, when alluding to the men who
theu held the same position 0:1 the question of
shtv"rv extension which is now held by Nebraska
Democrats said :
" i am afraid, fellow-citizens, that the gen
eration of " doughfaces" will be us peq>elual
as lite generation of meu. For my port 1
think that "doughface" is an epithet uot suffi
ciently reproachful ; I think such persons arc
doughfaces, and dough heads and dough-souls
and that they are dl dough : that the coarsest
potter may mould them at pleasure to vessels
of houor or di>houor, but mu*t readily to ves
sels of dishonor.*'
Henry Clay, in his last great speech iu the
United States Senate said :
" I repeat it sir, 1 never can, and never will
and 110 earthly power can make me, vote di
rectly or indirectly, to spread slavery over ter
ritory where it does not exist. Never while
reason holds her my brain—never while
my heart sends the vital fluid through my
veins— Merer /*'
Thomas II Benton said, in the United States
?■ mate, that the "enactment of the Missouri
('out] • rtntise" was
" The highest, the most solemn, the most
momentous, the most emphatic assertion of
Congressional | tower over slavery iu a territo
ry which has ever been made or could be cou
eieved. It not only prohibited it where it
could legally i>e carried, but forever prohibit
ing it where it had long existed."
The majority of the Judges of the Su
preme Court, in their recent decision on the
application of l'ussmore Williamson for a writ
of habeas corpus, intimate that if Mr. Wil
liamson desires to be released front prison, he
should make an amended return to the writ is
sued by the authority of the Distrit Court of
the United States, while the apologists uf
Judge Kane, who arc beginning to find them
selves forced to find some excuse for what is
nowlgcuerally conceded to IN? a piece of wan
ton persecution, demand why the prisoner docs
uot amend his return to the writ aud thus se
cure his release from prison. These gentlemen
seem to lose sight of tlte somewhat important
fact that ait application was made to Jndge
Kane by the counsel of Williamson for pT
mission to amend lite return, ami that the ap
plication was promptly refused by the Judge,
A correspondent of the Philadelphia Bulletin
who was present at the time of Williamson's
sentence, &iy :
" As soon as Judge Kane had finished read
ing the celebrated decision iu which William
son, was committed to the custody of the
Marshal, "without bail or utaniprize," A nitcd
States District Attorney Yaukyke sprang to
his feet and moved that a commitment under
the seal of the Court issue, and that William
son be handed over to the custody of the
" Before Jndtre Kane made any reply what
ever to the motion of Mr. Van Dyke, Mr.
G'.ipia rose and asked that the prisenur hare
• fcraiisfien to iim-rid the return.
" Mr. Van Dyke objected.
"Judge Kane then said that Mr. Gilpin was
too late with his application, as the motion of
Mr. Van Dyke had already been granted.—
Mr. Gilpin rejoined that he was not aware
that his honor had made auy reply to the mo
tion of Mr. Van Dyke.
"The Judge replied that he had directed
the clerk to make on.t tiie commitment, and
that it was now to*) late."
If we were half as lenient to the
living as we are to the dead, how much hap
pier might we render them, and from how
much vain and bitter remorse might we IK?
spared, when the grave; tlte " all atoning grave,"
has closed over them.
fciU There was an insurance 00 the life of
t'ue late Abbott Lawrence to the amount of
$49,000 By his will tide is left to his widow-
Life as it Is
Let us make an excursion down the street
and see what we can learn. Yonder is the
wreck of a rich man's son. He is ]>erniitted
to grow up without employment, went ami
came as he pleased, and spent his time in the
gratification of spontaneous passions, desires
and inclinations, with 110 one to check him
when his course was evil, or encourage Lint in
the way of wisdom. Ilis father was rich, and
for that reason the son thonght he had noth
ing to do, 110 part in honest labor.
Well, the father died, and the son inherited
a portion of his abundant wealth, and having
never earned money by honest toil, he knew
not the value of it, and having no knowledge
of business, he knew not how to use it, so he
gave loose reins to his appetites and passious,
and ran at a rapid pace down the broad road
to dissipation. Now behold hint -a broken
down man, bowed with infiruffty, a mcrewreek
of what he was. both physically and mentally.
His money is gone, and lie lives on the charity
of those whose hearts are open with pity. Such
is the fate of hundreds and thousands that are
born to fortune.
And tiiere, on the opposite side, iu that com
fortable mansion, lives the son of a poor cob
bler. Fifteen years ago he left the humble roof
of his parents, and went forth iuto the broad
world alone to seek his fortune. All his trea
sures consisted of his chest of f<►ols, a e'.od
knowledge of his trade, honest principles, and
industrious habits. Now he is the owner of
that elegant mansion, he is doing a thriving
business, possesses an unbroken constitution,
and bills fair P> live to a great old age. Such
is the lot of hundreds and thousands wito never
boasted of wealthy parentage.
Go info the city, aud you will almost iava
riably find that the most enterprising men are
of poor parentage —men who have had to row
against wind and tide; while on the other
hand a majority of the descendants of medioc
rity in talents, live a short time like drones, on
the labor of others, and then go down to uu
tiiuely graves.
What a lesson should this be to those who
are by all menus, either fair or fonl, accumula
ting treasures for their children.
If the-rich would irafa up their children to
reglar habits of industry, very many of them
would l>e saved from inteili|erance, misery,and
au untimely end.
BACCAGE. — Among the curiosities
which the visitor may see for the asking in
England, is the Lost Baggage Department of
the Great "Western Railroad, iu Eustoa Square.
In this depot may be fonud always every
variety of articles, embracing the range of the
throe kingdoms, animal, mineral and vegetable,
poodle dogs, bedding, umbrellas, monkeys,
French sole leather, trunks, cnues, market
baskets, metalic cases, smuggled goods, green
vegetables, despatches, Ac., to the end of the
catalogue. At stated times, whatever has
laid unclaimed a certain number of months is
soil! at auction aud the proceeds credited to
lost baggage account, with full details. On
the railroads in this country a similar depart
ment is becoming quite a distinguished feature.
Some of the larger companies arc applying to
their Legislatures for the right to di-pnse of
tbe?e accumulations of stray baggage after the
sj tent pursued iu Europe'.
The New York A Eri Rail Road have a
ilejMjt for lost baggage at the fuo". of Dimtto
street, New York city, to which all stray ar
ticles from their line are sent. The New York
Central Railroad have their stray baggage
depot at Rochester. To those who ure not
familiar with the incidents of travel, the
amount of baggage and articles lost by pas
senger trains by the occupants will seem al
most incrvdible. The articles in it arc so ar
ranged that the marks upon them cart be read
ily seen, and each style of article is placed
together ; the trunks in rows, each of similar
color aud size, six or eight tier* in height, arc
arranged ar<nnd the sides of the hall and tmr
allel lines across. Au oSccr of the couqwuiy
is constantly in attendance whose sole business
is to sec to this charge. The average manlier
of pieces of stray baggage always iu this do
p't is about two thousand. People are con
tinually applying for lo*t articles, iiutue ten
thousand diffircut pieces of passengers' bag
gage arc restored to their owners every year
from this road alone. Besides this general de
v>t at Rochester, the local stations al! along
the line have more or less baggage in them
awaiting claimants, which, after a certain num
ber of uays, if an owner is nut found, are for
warded to tlte general depot. Before stray
bacr'-ratre is put into position it is examined,
and a full description of its contents carefully
recorded iu books kept for the purpose, a copy
of which is ftttni*lted to the company's travel
ing agent. Tltis i- a jiersou who is constantly
traveling on the railroad and steamboat routes
everywhere in search of and to restore lost
basrsratrc. A convention of !ot baggage agents
from ail iia.'ta of the United States is to meet
at Rochester on the iuth for Etc purpose of
ocmpairiug their books and facilitating the
business of their departments.—Best- ?! C -.
SCT' A dry old fellow called oao day on a
member of Congress elect : the family w re at
breakfast : there was a vacant seat, but tbeoM
man was hardly in a jxighi to I*? invited t ithe
table, l'ite fbHoanjigeotmrsnUua took i ince :
" How do you do Mr. ? What's the news ?"
The oh! man stiitl—" Nothing much, 1 tit one < f
my neighbors gave hiscltild a queer n:\rne."—
" Witat was it I'"' " Come and eat." Tiie name
sounded so peculiar that it was rejxnitctl—
" What, f'me and w/f " Yes, tliank you,"
said the old "rtan, " I don't care if I do," and
he drew up to the table.
prxT In Virginia lately, a pious o!d lady as
she was preparing to go to church, was seen
to take a considerable quantity of gold from
iter trunk, w rap it up carefully in her handker
chief, aud put it in her pocket, remarked
that "it was her habit, that it kept her mind
steady and her devotions, lor where tuo trea
sure is, there will the heart be alAt
VOL. XVI. IS r O. 17.
Fall Fevers, and how to Avoid Them.
Tlic season lias come when fevers prevail. - -
A fever taken in the fall, moreover, is more
apt to he stubborn than one canght in the
spring. I nder these circumstances, a few hint.-,
with regard to autumnal fevers may do good
Most fevers sire the result of carelessness.-*—
Of course we sjieak of fever iu its ordinary
form, anil not of it when epidemic. The pre
vailing fever of the fall season is the intermit
tent, commonly known as the ague, in which
the fever goes off for a time, or intermits, mak
ing way for an access of cold, which, in severe
cases, rises to a chill that shake* the whole
persou. This fever, once taken, is rrcqnefitly
not got rid of till the following spring, ami
often hangs altout the victim for a lone time,
continually recurring. A drink of iced lemon
ado, or northeasterly wind, has t>ee.ri known to
i bring back this fever, long after the individual
had supposed himself cured of it. Nut uji fre
quently if is present when least suspected
A nervous irritability, a slight disposition to
chilliness, and a feeling of indescribable wretch
edness, often attend persons, who are yet un
able to toil what is the matter with them.—
They really suffer from intermittent fever. In
fact, it prevails, mulct this low tyje, to a
Cur greater degree th.iu is generally imagined.
{exposure to the night air, at this season,
ritt'ng in damp rooms, or remaining with wet
clothes on. are the most ordinary examples of
the carelessness through which this fever is
caught. Citizens who ate visiting in tic
country, or who live in suburban cottages, arc
particularly liable to intermittent, for they sit
ont in the moonlight, without then heads being
covered, just as they would in town, and the
consequence is a lit of the chills. Otliers, for
getting that country hon-vs arc damjier than
city ones, neglect to make fires, morning and
evening, a thing almost indispensable for health,
foi*thongh farmers do not do this, it is became*
they sit in their kitchens, where there are such
fires, and therefore do not feli the need of it.
Physicians attribute these fevers to the miasm
iu the atmosphere, rnn-ed by the decay of
of vegetable matter iu damp localities. Jnter
mitteiits always prevail most, where, after
heavy rains in Jnnc and July, the sun comes
out hot in Atign-t and Scpteml>er. To live
near a tract of land actually buried under
water, is not, therefore, as unhealthy as to re
side near a half drained meadow or swamp.—
Highlands generally, though not invariably,
arc exempt. A wood or bill sheltering a house
from the winds that blow from a noxious locality,
frequently protects the inmates from taking the
Care, in avoiding an intermittent, is the more
nccesssnry. because the fever sometimes, though
not often, runs into severe tvpes. Next in
danger to intermittent is the remittent, iu
which the fever subsides for a while, but after
ward- returns with its old violence. The
ordinary billions fever is of this character.—
The continued fevers are the most dangerous
of all. When yellow fever prevails epidemi
cally, fevers of less virulence, nud of all type,
rage in the same region, attacking those, who
escape the ]estilenre : and some physicians say
that hey also exists, to a greater degree than
usual, for a year or two preceding the epidemic,
thus n ivh*g warning of its approach. But this
opinion is not universally held. A careful
collection and an analysis of facts, derived from
the Icte evjterrncc of Now Orleans, Savannah
and Norfolk, might, however, definitively de
termine this question.
Kxhaustation of the physical powers, either
by excess, fatigue, or protracted grief, renders
the individual jieeuliarly liable to fall fever.—
The snre-d way to avoid them is to live moder
ately, eating nourishing food, taking dajjy
exercise, and cultivating cheerfulness of mind.
An "an ounce of preventive" remember, is
worth " always a pound of cure.''
A SrEcrLATOu Cubed. —Once on a time a
country Dnchman early one morning went to
town, where by chance "he overheard some
traders telling each other how much money they
had made that morning by speculation ; one of
them had made SIOO, S2OO, SOOO, Ac. Han's
bump of acquisitiveness was so excited that he,
without any reflection, forthwith concluded to
leave his former business, which was labor, and
try his hand at speculation, and on his return
made his intentions known to his faithful frow.
Early next morning he gatliered his wallet
containing his funds, amounting to five dollars,
and off he goes j)st haste and. half bent, to
look np a speculation, llad not proceeded far
when he met a wagoner, and accosted him
thus :
" G<>od morning, .Mr. Wagouer, I wants to
speculate a he tie dish morning wid yon."—
" Well, say," said the wagoner, " how do you
want to speculate." '* Veil," says the Dnteh
man, " i will jct you fife dollar too ean't guess
what my tog's name ish." "Call him up tiil
I look at hira," rejoined the wagoner. Hutch
man : '• 11-er-e Va-tch, licrc Va-tch, he-re
Va-tch," the dog trots rp, th? wagoner eyes
him for a mome* t said. " 1 guess his name w
Watch." Dutchman: "O bcsureMr. Wagoo
cr. you has won him, de month is yours," and
Ilans returned to his old occupation, perfectly
Perfect! y Authentic. —The following come?
to us from a perfcH-tlv original source : While
tine 1 hie It ail road wa-> being built through the
Alleghany lies* rvation, an huh i# child, wag
says. veral of them) was born, bearing in
dubitable marks of a mixed extraction. The
>insky paternal grand parent receive*! fiffy
dollars byway of settlement, with which he
was of course highly elated. <h c day theoki
"copj* r head," is said to bins' forJi into the
following rhapsody while thinking of my little
grandson and the" " fifty "O, gr* w-r
fifty t.'llar !—pretty baby !—fine baby I—pari
Imil in—par > E'wr f*
A wonran may more safely marry a
inan whom she resj>ects and esteems than one
he loves. A woinnn ma v love a mnnlerer, a
rake, a spendthrift. a gambler ; but she can
not respect and esteem him