j gix'fM|l>E!>KK'i* FTltlT IVIAFS • titlon in din 1 fonn assoits \vhat, if hue, would | entitle the pai'ty to relief. 'ill. That all ftlK -gat ion in a }OLil.o;. that the i ji''!it:e:u r is re>fraiiied of his> liberty by an ! or'iei- of :• judjce or ■ • irt without jurisl : " 'on, show.- s>ro : -:.b!"'cnnso as U> leave it no louver discretionary with the court or judge to whom ajijiiicutioii is mafic, whether t!iu writ shal! or shall not i no. ■ ij. when a person i' i: tjiri-f a Jml <• of the District Court of tlo j I nih-rr For refn-iug to answer a writ of h A-ejs <■ rpir;, h" is entitled to I>c (lisefinr.red from such iinjirisonne ntil' thedudgeof the District Court iitnl no authority to issue the writ. 4th. That the power to issue writs of holers c< rptis l,y the Judges of the Federal Courts i.s a mere auxiliary power, and that no such writ can lie is u-vi by such judges where the cause of complaint intended to be remedied by it is beyond their jurisdiction. sth. That the courts of the federal govern ment are courts of limited jurisdiction, derived from the constitution, and that where the jur isdiction is not given by the constitution or by Congress in pursuance of the constitution, it does not exist. Oth. That when it does not appear by the record that the court lias jurisdiction in a pro ceeding under our holms corpus act to relieve from an illegal imprisonment, want of juris diction may be shown by proving the facts of the case. 7th. That where the inquiry as to the juris diction of a Court arises upon a rule of habeas corpus, all the facts set forth in the petition tending to show want of jurisdiction are to be considered as true, unless they contradict the record. Sth. That when the owner of a slave volun tarily brings his slave from a slave to a free state, wit hout any intention of remaining there in, the right of the slave to his freedom de pends upon the law of the state into which he is thus brought. 9th. That if a slave so brought into a free state escajies from the custody of the master while in sard state, the right of the master to reclaim him is not a question arising under the constitution of the United States or the laws thereof, and therefore a judge of the United States cannot issue a writ of hales corpus directed to one who, it is alleged, withholds the possession of the slave from the master, commanding him to produce the body of the slave before the said judge. J oth. That the District Court of the United States for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania had no jurisdiction, because a controversy is between citizens of different states, and that a proceeding by habeas carpus is, in no legal sense, a controversy between private parties. 11th. That the power of the several courts of the United States to inflict summary punish ment for contempt of court, in disobeying a writ of the court, is expressly confined to eases of disobedience to lawful writs. 12th. That where it appears font the record that the conviction was for disobeying a writ of holms corpus, which the court had no juris diction to issue, the conviction is coram non jurlice, and void. For these reasons 1 do most respectfully but most earnestly diss nit from the judgment of the majority of my brethern, refusing the writ applied for. A FAIR RETORT.—A correspondent of the ]i< mc Journnl, in a notice, of a wedding he had recently attended, gives an amusing account of the discomfiture of a heau in an attempt to get the upper hand of a young girl, who, from her modest, downcast eyes and nnpresuining de meanor, ho doubtless thought a f air butt for his shafts or wit. " Do you know of what I was thinking of during the ceremony ?" asked he. " No sir—what ?" " Why I was blessing my stars that I was not the bridegroom." " And I suppose the bride was doing the same thing," rejoined his fair antagonist. " Are you fond of novels, Mr. Jones ?" " Very," responded the interrogated gentle man, who wished to be thought by the iady questioner a lover of literature. " Rave yon,' 7 continued the inquisitive lady, " ever read "Ten Thousand a Year " No madam ; I never read so many novels in all my life." A WOXDERKIL WOMAN-.—A female school teacher in her advertisement stated that she was " complete mistress of her own tongue."— " If that's the ease," said a caustic old bache lor, " she can't ask too much for her services." LOOKING AHEAD. —A very handsome young bride was observed to be in a deep reflection on her wedding day. One of her bridesmaids asked her the subject of her meditations. " I was thinking," she replied, " which of my old beans I should marry, in case I should become a widow." WHAT'S A MORMON?—A mormon is a living paradox : lie says grace before a cotillion, swears in his sermons, selects his text indiffer ently from the Bible, the Book of Mormon, almanac, or the President's message, and is perpetually quarreling for the sake of peace.— His religion is a joke, and lie makes the best story teller a chief of the quorum. AN INTELLIGENT WITNESS.—A witness in a liquor ease in Manchester, .Mass., the other day, gave the following testimony: "Sal soda is ice and water and some stuff squirted into it from a concern. Don't know whether it Is intoxicating or not: it makes one Lei good— feet lift easier." PROGRESSION. —Nature continually grows, expands, goes forward. So do we in early life. We are then like nature in spring time, suscep tible in every warming, beautifying, good im pression. Unburdened by habit, and unwearied with selfish, perplexing care, our natures are then plastic, and good resolutions, and progres sive, virtuous desires, are born in our very hope. PRETTY WEI.I. LA HELLED.— Cain was only branded in the forehead ; but over the whole person of the debauchee or the inebriate, the signatures of infamy are written. How nature brands him with stigma and opprobrium ! How she hangs labels over him, to testify her dis Mist of his existence, and to admonish others to be ware of his example. A BLIND FIDDLER. —A blind fiddler playing to a company, and playing but seurvily, the company laughed at him ; his boy that led him, perceiving it, tried, " Father let us be gone, they do nothing but laugh at you." " Hold thy peace, boy," said the fldd'er : " we shall get the money pre* zt'v a;ili - vo Vti || laugh at the in limitless (funds. ■V V MADif.fi, M. D, PHYSICIAN £ vi/ &l.'HEfit '.V—Olflcc "at lii-. residence in v. 5: • i". July 2s, 1 cm p-P. fi y owned l.y Joiiii C. Adams Eg. ; -i:< ..i]! ~u nit i Jul, iriug tiouutv iaind Warrants and iteiuiii". • _ March 22.1-5",. It J- ■! vin i.i I*. 1. Mini now. \| A DII.L A- MOP. KOW, A FTORXE YS iti AXtt COV iViVA.' I.LURS A T LAl l',—OlUce over Merntr'f, Store, Townndn, Pa. T ijV(Udi April 2. Im',s. n-Pl-tf DR. E. H. MASON, PH YSICiAN AND, til ill 1 t'O.Y, oltbr . Lis profi'--donal services to the people* of Tow uida and vicinity. "Hi ce at his residence on I'iai tin t, where he can always he found when not professi nall v engaged. J"H.\ C. ADAMS. IJ'A. OVKiITO.V. \ DA MS & OVERTON, A TTORNE YS i t AT I.AH". Oltivp in the room formerly occupied by George Sanderson, over Burton Kingsbery'.s store. Tuwriml.i, May -11, j d 5.). CU 11V E VINO.- J AMES A. PAIN E. Sur- U J vejror for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the above liu hiee in all its branches. His office is at M' ur ictoti. All letters addressed to hfm at that place xvili meet with prompt attention. April 1, 1 -51. GROCERY AND RESTAURA \T. \\nLLARD UR ENTICE respectfully in- T ' forms the public that lie taken the room in'lie ha- cnient of the " Union ldock,north side of the public square, where lie intends to keep a CROC EH Y AND EATfNC SALOON, and hopes to receives! share of public patronage. He will emleav r iiystrii t attention to business, and by providing itch eatables as are in seit.snn, to make it an acceptable pi re of popular re ort for the refreshment of the " inner man." The public are invited to give me a call. To war. da. June 9, ISA.",. GEORGE H. WOOD'S IyUJUERKHAN ROOMS REMOVED S ' I'atton's N'KW BRICK BLOCK, corner of Bridge ami Main street, where he has fitted up looms expressly for lis husiues , witii a large skylight and side light com bined. With these arrangements he will he able to take Pictures wit Si any simile desired. Grouping done in the l.esi possible muuner. Daguerreotypes taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid 11 copying. .Miniatures neatly put into Lockets, Breast piogs. and linger rings, .Ac. Instructions given in the art on reasonable terms. Touandi!, May 1, 1R55. P1E.33 ! I'lFsS ? riHil! It 1 ARMEII'S UNION INSURANCE CO. L' ATHENS, PA. Hon. HOBAUK V> ii.'.lSTdX, President ; ('. iWKLLKS, Jr. \'ice President and Treasurer; .). E. UANFIEI.D, Secretary. Hoard of liirrcUtr* —Hon. Horace Williston, Francis Tyler, George A. Perkins, J. T. I). Myer, X. Shipman, imerc Coats, of all colors ; Black and Fancy Cassiinere Pants; Black Satin and Fancy Vests ; Marseilles Vest.-. White and Fancy ; Marseilles and Linen Coats, all kinds ; Linen Pants. Shirt Collars, Cravats and Ilose. Ilats, of all kind- . Garments of all kinds made up to order, and warranted to tit or no sale._ Our stock comprises all kinds of goods ad itited to men's wear, which we are bound to sell cheap er than any other establishment, in town or county. CUTTING done to order as usual. Towamla, June '■>, ISIJ. S Ii tIKTG ( ; OODS. I IIAIIVEV riIIXXY, J,„ is j„ st re *J • reiving a general assort Lieutof SPRING GOODS which he offers to the public for unusually low prices, for Ready pay. As he is determined to sell' Goods after the l-t ut April for READY PAY , or keep them, persons wish ing to pay cash for goods will find it for their interest to coll ami examine his stock ami prices. "All persons indebted to me by book, note or judg ment, on the Ist of April next, utile s some satisfactory arrangement is made, will lie waited upon by a gentleman in authority. ' j. jg p. Jr _ rowand.i. March 14, 1.H.V5. So the Citizens of Bradford Oountv. |>OOK BINDING.-—S. WELLS rcspect fully intorms the inhabitants of Bradford Comity that he still coiitimies the BOOlv BINDING business, in the \ illage of Idtiga.unti HI, and i - ready to attend to anvthing ut hi- line that may be entrusted to his care. Particular attention will is* given to the binding of Mu sic, Magazines, Law B wn, Ac. Everything will ba done promptly, and in the neatest anil most durable manner. Xlri' Bindery in the Third Story, over Messrs. Harring tons' Store, opposite the Post Office. y„ ■ As there is no Bindery in Bradford county, for the ac.-.iunmod itioii of tin- public arrangements have been made by which Books left at the office of the " Bradford R p -rti r, will lie forwarded to me, and returned, without extra, expense. Biughamton, March 111, 185/ J. n _42 SNIDES. HOTJSB, Waverly, W. "F. I AMES \V 11 ITI'AKER respectfully informs the travelling public that he has taken the above well known stand, situated near the Railroad !)ep t, and soli cits a share of custom. The House is convenient and com modious, and he is detennined that no pains and attention !■> tie. - wants and nufort.- of gm-.-t-shall la .par. .1 to give entire s,tti.,!a-ti n. March 1.1 Is.", 2 .. Xiliscclluncons. csj _ 0® /ILOCK & WATCH RKPAIIIKH.—Tiit- VV undersigned i- con.-tuitly receiving from Ni w-5 oik liy Express. i tw addition to his Stock of Wat lies, ( locks, Jewell*).'. S : 'vc;.' \ sn*. md Fancy (CM ID. ' til)'-! -liig ill part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Kpine ami I 'lain M at dies, with a ii 11 ami complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, such as Cold chains, Isickcts,Braci lets. Cold IVns. Keys, Hrea-t-Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety of Silver ware,such as Table and Tea Spoons, < 'ream spoons, 1 hitter knives, Salt spoons, Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which will be sold very low for CASH. ('LOCKS. —A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from 75 cents to Fifty Dollars. VA- Watches repaired on short notice, and WAI:BANTKI> to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would beg leave to say, that he is prepared to execute the most diilicult Jol s, such as can he done at no other Shop short of New-York city. W. A. CHAM UK I MAN. Towanda, February 1, 18.5.'). r OOKIXO GLASS PLATES CUT AND I J fitted for any size, to be had at the >welrv Store of Feb. 1, 155, W. A. CHAMBEBLIN. DISSOLUTION". —Theco-iarti<-'rsli!j here tofore existing between S. FKI.TOX and I*l. T. Fox is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and ac counts of said linn are in the hands of E. T. Fox, who can generally '* found at S. Fulton's store, or at the " Ward House."'" Those interested will please take notice that the accounts, Ac. must be settled immediately. 'S. F ELTON, November 11, 1851. E. T. FOX. S. FKLToN would most respectfully inform his old cus tomers and tin* public generally that he will still continue the LIQEOII BUSINESS at the old stand, and that he is now receiving large additions to bis stock, direct from li let hands in New-York, which he will be most happy to sell on the most reasonable terms. He is also agent for the sale of" liiiighaniton Ale," a supply of which lie keeps al ways on hand and for sale cheap. Towanda. Novcmlicr 11, 1854. GREAT BARGAINS!!! I At the Xew Store, opposite the Court House. rLALLEY A VEVI.VB, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS ) IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, Y ANKEE NOTIONS, TIIYS, J FliriT, CONFECTIONARY, WILLOW WARE. A -., the largest j and most comprehensive assortment, and the LONGEST ( .\- lierlence of any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. We have arrangements by which we can take advantage of the | city and Western Markets, and are thereby enabled to of fer GOOD bargains. Call and try us. Below we name a few of the articles that may always J HE found in our stock : PROVISIONS. | Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal. Feed, j Pork, Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codliish, Shad, Lake | Trout, Picketed and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Ri'e, Beans, Potatoes, Butter, Lard, Crackers, Ac. (!!!(ICKRIES. Black and Green Tea, Bio and Java Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, (linger. Pepper, Spice, ! Cloves, nuituegs, Mace citiamon, Ground Mustard, Popper Sauce, Soda, Saleratus, Cream Tartar. Sperm and Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. FBUIT. Prunes, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, Almonds, Pecan unts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Peanuts, Chestnuts, Ac. German, French and American Toys, Fancy Goods, Tin wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleighs, China and pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordion*, harmonicas— Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet cases, toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks— plain and CM- Irroidered work baskets, knitting, do. pearl, ivory, papier mache and leather port monines, wallets and purses, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet combs, ivory tine combs, pocket inkstand*, pocket and small fancy lnirriors, tobacco and snntf boxes, cigar cases, ]>erfnmery and hair oils, Ac. Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pins, bench screws, willow clothes baskets and market baskets, sugarand spice boxes. CANDY OF ALL KINDS. Dairy and table Salt, Salina, do., etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. Jto* Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAILEY A NEVINK. Towanda, Februar 1, lyR55. TOWANDA TBMMJB BlM'iMlßYo ' I TIJIS school, under the charge of the Mises HANSt )N, X is liehl in the north end of tlie Ward House, in the room formerly occupied by Laporte, Mason A Co. Miss EMMA HANSON will join her sister- ill a few days and in future will give instruction in the French language iu the school. The school year will consist of four (pun ters, of eleven weeks each. The summer vacation commencing iu July, and ending in September. TERMS, PER QUARTER : First Chits— To include the elementary English ) A „ branches,aiiil the study of the iaitin language, F F ' ! Strand Class— To include the more advanced stu- j J dies of the English branches, with. Mathematics, ••?!) 00 and the study of Latin and French, \ | Third Chits — To include .Mathematics, Mental j J and Moral Philosophy. Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., sl2 00 with Latin and French, ) Each pupil will bring with her a desk and cliair. There will he no extra charges whatever. TiTusir Instruction on the Piano, with use of instru ment, will be given by Miss REBECCA 1). II AXSON, at $lO per quarter, and as soon as arrangements now iu progress can be completed,A class in vocal music will be formed. LECTURES on Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual Philo sophy, and the higher branches of English composition, will also be delivered once or twice in each week. The aim of the Teachers will be to impart a thorough knowledge of the studies pursued, and to give a tone and character to their School which' will recommend it to the confidence of the community. The next Quarter will commence on Monday, April .10. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men Rt. Rev. ALONZO POTTER, Bishop of the Diocese of Petin'a, Philadelphia : Rev. Dr. M ACLEAN, President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. D.vvin WILMOT, G. F. MASON, Esq., C. L. WARD, Esq., Hon. GEORGE SAN PERSON, I). F. BAUSTOW , Esq. Col. .1. F. MEANS, Towamla. Toweiida. March '2l, 1855. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TOIVANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS T REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu ral. Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES MCWILLIAM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Belles Lettres ; CHARLES 11. CORURN, A. M., Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School ; E.ALBERT LUDWIG, A.M., Professor of Modem Lan guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing ; BENJAMIN EGLIN. Penmanship and Register; Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress; MRS. EVELINE HOYT. Preceptress and Matron ; MISS O. LOUISA JENKS, Assistant on Piano and Me iodenn. OV'The Fall Term commences on WEDNESDAY, AU GUST '2'2, LS.IS, and will continue fourteen weeks. EXCESSES I-EK TERM : Tuition iu the Fifth class, (primary) per term 00 " Fourth 5 00 " Third 0 00 " Second 7 00 " First <1 00 EXTR AS : French, German, Spanish or Italian, each, A 00 When taken without other branches, 7 oo Drawing 1 00 Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 00 Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,. .. I' 2 00 do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 00 Oil painting in landscapes, per term K on do figures 10 00 Room rent for lodgers, 1 7.-, Contingent fund for each pupil, 3K The Young l,evlif* will find board in tbo Institute under the care of the Matron, at per week ' 1 75 Arrangements have been made by which the male pupiks can find board in private families, at per week, 2 00 Washing, per dozen, 3^ Fuel and light at the actual expense. Pupils boarding in the Hall, (who will lie exclusively Females,) will furnish their own bed, bedding, towel- Ac and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for the term must lie paid in advance ; or one halt thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none will lie admitted 011 other terms. E-pccial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. For classification of studies and text books see circu lars, for which apply to C. L. WARD, PRESIDENT' S. F. COLT, Sec. j 2 | J. D. MONTANVK. TREASURER: LOVER AM) TIMOTHY SEED—A quantity of each Just received and for sale hv February 7, ls.jfi. j. POtVELL. CI'MMEII HATS.—The fewest Style ~f O SUMMER llATS— where every style and fashion is ahvoy - kept, and where Good* of ail kind* aio guaranteed to lie hi ;* che ip a* at U.imira or Owcgo. CAR ••iul *EE | •*t janelt MONTANYFS A CO. ' IVutncai. J J ELAI BOLD'S is EN UIX E PIIEPAIIA- Hi 'inhohf't Hiprih; C*mff tTvteif F7v *" Erirnct Rtirhti, for Diseases of ihe Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Di-ca-cs, Strictures. Weaknesses, and all Diseases of the Sexual Or ' HIS, whether in Male or Female, from whatever cause they may have* originated, and no matter of how loug standing. Ifyuj have coiiir; * ted the terrible disease, which when nine-eated in tl. EXXSVLA'A XIA M A Til S TiIATUS 1 LAW LIBRARY. 1. B iNN'S JI'STICK, A 111/ 1:1' , i,. \ .lii'.'K /.'gilt (lui'lc. New and sixth Edition, brin; ing the law down to 1-55. A treatise on the office and duties of Aldermen and Jus tices of the Peace in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including all the required Forms of Process and Docket Entries ; and embodying not only whatever may be deem ed valuable to Justices of the Peace, but to Landlords, Tenants, and Cenei-al Agents; and making this volume what it purport- to be, A safe I.eg.i! Guitlr fur llu ine** Men. By John Bitins, kite Alderman of Walnut ward, in the city of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged, by Frederick C. Brightly Esq., Author of " A Treatise on the Law of Costs,' '• Equi ty Jurisprudence," " Nisi l'rius Reports," Editor of "Pur don's Digest," &c. In one thick volume, octavo. Price, only ?4 00. Also, Companion to Rinns's Justice. 2. GRAYDON'S FORMS. Forms of Conveyancing, ami of Practice in the Courts of Common Pica-, (Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and the offices of the various Civil Officers and Justices of the Pence. Fourth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and adapted to the present state of the law : with i opium explanatory Notes and References, and a new. fall and comprehensive Index. By Robert J*.. Wright, Esq. In one thick octavo volume. Price only S3 50. AL.HO, 3. STROUD AND IIRIGHTLY'S Pl r RDON"S DIGEST —I7OO TO 1R55. A Dige-t of the Laws of IVnn.-ylvania, from the year 1700. to the Bth day o! May, 1855. The first four editions by the late John Pardon, Esq. The liftii, sixth and sev enth, by the Hon. George M. Stroud. Eighth edition, re vi-ed, with Marginal References, Foot Notes to the Judi cial Decisions; Analytical Contents : a Digested Syllabus of each Title : and a new, full, ami exhaustive index. By Frederick C. Brightly. Esq., Author of a "Treatise on the Law of Costs," " Equity Jurisprudence," " Ni.-i l'rius He ports,"' Editor of " Bin tin's Justice,"' Ac. One thick royal Bvo. Price only $5 00. j JtipThe freshness and permanent value of Pardon's Di- I gest arc preserved by the publication annually of a Digest j of the laws enacted in each year. T\w~c annual Digests are arranged in precise conformity with the plan of Pur | don s Digest. They are, earh of them. republished annual i ly : are connected t '.i ther by a general index (prepared | anew each year.) which embraces the contents of the laws I of each year since the publication of Pardon's Digo.-t, in i one alphabet; and are bound up with Pardon's Digested also sold separate!)*. | Thus the purchaser of Pardon's Digest will always be in possession of the complete In dy of the Statute Laws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when lie purchases it. Those who have already purchased Pardon's Digest may always complete it to dale for the small sum of tifhj Cents, the price of a volume containing all Hie annual Di gests issued since the lirst publication of the piescnt edi tion of Purdon's Digests, as heretofore stated. KAY A BROTHER, LAW BOOKSKI.LK US AND Priii.isnEßS, 17 A 13 South Fifth Street, First Store above Chestnut, its' Orders or letter- of inquiry for J,aw Books from the Country, promptly attended to. Cw3 BOOTS AND SHOES. John W. IVilcox, HAS located liis establishment on Main Street, on door North ol the " Ward House." ami will continue the manufacture of BOOTS A SHOES, as heretofore. He has just received from New-York a large assortment of Woman- I'hihlrcns and Mi - es'Shoes, which are oller ed at low pri.es. The attention of the Ladies is particu larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles:—Enamelled Jenny l.ind gaiter boots; 4 1 .-J i ■MS.I■ *" £ KN ;-._-4pUCS&MEDIC:KES. • £ ANi® mm t9 s u - f i fv-ni j y^aw- j .'" • ■■ =;! • " : " - ; ■ •- : S DE. POKTIR'SOFFKE& DRUG STORE SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, ' Fronting the Public Square. rpHE snliscrHier. thankful for tl.e liberal patronage of the past year, intends t. fee p constantly on hard r, i L sortmont of the very 1/ -t articles usually kept in ni;r line, wlil'li m; W. 1.1. disport: •>!" ; Ml , •„ term- US ■ ill ] ' isf.ictory to all who nay patron i/.c hint. The purchase- ue made entire Iv with cash in !,.?. and fur 4 he C \Vli 1 customers will receive the 1-cmvt of a good artielc ~t a low price. All arth ha not aiiswerm,; our u, , ," Mt will be eheerfufN tuh-n bar/;, ami the mem,, rtfnwled. " C ' oU,lUiadj,M *. Musical Advice gratuitonsly fivrn at Ilic Office, charging only for the Medicines. The stock consists of a complete and sde -t assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pete Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Purler & Scutch Ale. ALL HIE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES' FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLt'ID—NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAWS! A SPLnXDIU ASSORTMENT OF American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant, d Good,) I Superior r &. STSUTT !—-Choice brands of Pure Slavcuna Prinri„ ! and "Srara CZSiL3.S ! ' * rmci Pe , Paints, Oils, VarnittbeN, Wlutlotv Clans, ISi-uSlies, I'ct fttmery, Shavlii!rn aß Fancy litlclcs, Ac. &c. 8 Bp ' FAMILY GROCERIES: Black aud Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices &c Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, tVc. UEMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! A'ND ITS motto " The. Ins! r/n"lift/ of (l<"ds—pull assortment—7! Tolerate Pnf.ts —J?e d,tr'fen!},- i: to No Adulteration of (Aids—Candid advice as to Patent Itemed ies—And rPse n //,/, to business." JI. C. I'ORTEII, Al. I). Towanda, February 1. 15.>.~. HARDWARE ANDIRON STORE " HALL $t RUSSELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I AND STOVES. Tin. .Ispanned end Britannia Ware, House Triiuu;ißfs, Ccn izge Trimmings, Harness & Saduicrv v Ware, Carpenter's and aciuers Ulools, V BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS. FARMERS TOOLS AND AERICOLTiiRAL IN'rIiMENTS LEAD PIPE JUS I J PL 31 PS. of all kinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, Ac. Ac. Would inform their friend'. that these are only a part of the general heads im.tr' whi- h mar he classed v. the assortment. ami to which they are coo-tnnt'y reoeivlmr addititnsl (lireit fpUte wiinr'i V. . ... hctnitn, whioh enables thn.i to offereaeh in.;j. cs v.ill def *eo from any ijuartcr. We would ask the particular attcntiou nf 1 ~ ' * l ' ' to an examination of our stock, which having liecn -electi .1 with the .greatest care, we are conSdent will sri-h- nu the most fastidious. " " • jfS* Don't lor;.rt the nku r s?<:th st.l- of tl.e Pal lh' F uiare. Old Iron. ("npper ami U ass. and nil kind ■of (toiletry lkodu.taken in exehan, r t for Goods. To wand. i. May 27, ls.5J. ' <■ m- OT i' Dlt. HALSEYS' FOREST Wixa—The discovery of tin- FdRKST VINT i !ic crri ate>t ■ *<•-- singof tlic ago. Rut no In Quirt II ..1 ,-i •-!<> Imttic ' f which docs more good, and < j'; }>■; i . Fie cine 01 Disease, thantan bottles of any Sarsaparilla in use, and warranted to cure without an ui ;!• ;r.t cr w-ikciiing cifcet. Tlic method by wl.Vli nil ?av •■■■::■>. will •...•ml other -imi lar medicines ar" prepmed, 1 by '• -Ring the l!o it- o: Mcii!- to obtain the extract-;. Their medicinal virtues are thus principally evajiovated and de iroyvd. It is n ;t t > la 1 wondeicd ;:t then, that Id and even 'JO bottles of these St-; ; or;!! •- nre • metinies tak> n without any perceptible benefit. Not so with the Forest Wine. By the iuvclitipn oi a wonderul n al a];; ,u-a! ...it r feet wine is produced without 1 iting; n't-': inn-.-. at'the same time, ail the primitive lu-.ili •• riles of the rare lncdii inal plants of wliich it is eonin ' id, thus rendering the Forest Wine the most edit 'ncdirinetlie w .-hi ever produced, at the same time time i!m ma-t atreca! le. TEST Bit )X V. This is to certify, that 1 have u.-ed Dr. 11-l ey's Fiwest Wine in my family with, the lint entire ,t Mv wife was badly afflicted with Noumf'-fia. afbc; 1 us of t!:e Spine auil Kidneys, and general Debility. She foan 1 speed. 1 •- lief, and regained her health by the use of the Forest Wine. From my own knowledge of this excellent medicine. I confidently recommend it for the good of others who mac he suffering from similar complaints. It is tlic l est medi cine with which I am acquainted, and those who arc afflic ted with the ahove, or any similar di- ca-e, may safely re ly on its virtues. E. (. MUSSEV MORE TESTIMONY FROM CHI HOES. On. (J. W. KAl.SKv—Hear Sir : My wife last autunui was reduced to a low state of Hehility. My family physician advised her to take your Forest* Wine. Accordingly 1 went to Mr. Terry's, your agent in this town, and procur ed a liottlc of it, which restored her in a very short time to perfect health. Colmes, April Ft. ls.-,0. HENRY DONALDSON. DREADFUL 0)1*0M. DEBiLiTY, AND LOSS OF ARRET IT E. D. HAT.SKV: Hempstead. Dec. 1. is 17. A liottlc of your Forest Wine ami ho\- oi I'il!which I procured of James ('air, (your agent for this place ) has done wonders for me. I had been in a . nte of decline for more than a year, afflicted with a dreadful cough, pain in the hreast, geuer.il debiiity. and loss of appetite, i he came almost a skeleton, and'*hud t cea unahli t 1 leave my room for more than two months: my friends told me "l lead the Consumption and despaired "of my recove.iy. 1 could not obtain any permanent relief fro:.'; .my medicine I had taken, or my physician, until your Wine and Rili were procured. The first dose of the l'ilis brought up from my stomach, much phlcui and greenish matter, and my stools were perfectly black. 1 then commenced taking your Forest Wine three times a day, my appetite began to return immediately, my cough left me, and in less than two weeks 1 was almost well. I now enjoy better health than I ever did before, having increased twei t v five pounds in seven weeks. Your Forest Wine and l'ilis are liighh valued in this vicinity, and 1 owe my recovery entirely to their virtues. Yours, respecttlillv, M ARTix c \ imri.'i 1 AFFECTIONS OF THK KIDXFAS. Mr. T. .1. < fillies, a highly respect :ble Merchant of No. | .108 lh-oadwav, New York", cured of :i severe affection of the Killneys bv the Forest Wine and Pii's. Dr. 0. W. HALSKY: New-Yoik, March 12, is.tl. Dear Sir—!n the summer and fall of la t year ! had a seven* complaint of the Kidneys, which rendered me finite unfit for business, i procured your Forest Wine and l'ills which cured me in a few week - time, and I have since en joyed la tter health than 1 had for many years previous!v. From their effieacy in my o.wn case, and from what 1 know your medicines to" have done fur others, lam induced to recommend them as the best medicines with which I am acquainted. Yours, respectfully, T.J (I I LI, IKS. DYSPEPSIA. There arc thousands cured every year of this disease by the Forest Wine ami Pills; Dyspepsia, I'ostireness anil Indigestion, are kindred complaints, frequently existing together, andthe cure of one is generally the cure of nil. The Forest Wine and l'ills Above all remedies are pre-emi nent in the cure of Dyspepsia. Testimony of J. X. Verutiie, of New York City, dated July 0. lK.yj. Dr. (i. \\. HADSEY—Dear Sir—Having been e.uredof Dyspepsia by the use of your Forest Wine and l'ills, i take the liberty to oiler you my name,.believing many who know me may be benefited by my excellent remedies. For many years 1 haw been uliiietedwith this ui il sly so ba'sly that nearly onc-tbb.l of my time lias |., ]. _t I'mm business. The Forest Wine and' Pills have re tored me to excellent health, and I cheerfully recommend them, as 1 an eonvineed the discovery of the remedies are a'bles sing to mankind. j. N. VEHMILE. New-York, Julv h.ls,)?. DR. (r. \V. HALSKY K (JUM-COATED FOREST PLLS. The (Jum-coatcd Forest l'ills are designed to a 'company the Forest Wine ip the core of Diseas theirc lbit i ;V"iii b:>i!i.'.-s, or Aha? : j!c HR ;l "; pass"offftass 1 r-jg the bow:I; ptrfi = 0 j,, ~, : Thousand; can te-tiiy t>-thegii e.\ ellenceof Muse I*ol the Forest V, e accompanied w:t!i the Forest ''ills, are mist effectual in the cure of all the foUowiagcoambiato; Dyspepsia, Hal itnal Costirene >, IJvcr fomplaiat, .Wh 1 ma. I'.a'-, Ohstmate liea.;.: -I.e. Rinij •!.15!■ is-auiinn he.dti", , d.-r ..ft hi . kin J c. \ rw, r. Silt . i.ac ' :.. i.,v :.s I,:-, c i ; j. Punt <:! vto l-V aalcs, I Lhor weabne.- .N' 1: ■ , . \i. •,. !:- rU-.-, 1 tle'iera! ill H' .:i:!j and : apain d stateofthe < titutiim. '1 he Forest VY'ine i ■ p;; up!.: large iua e bottles, with Dr. Halsey's name blown in the Mass. Una i' !lar) bottle, or six bottles for Five Dollar-. Gum-c ntdFml I'di ;. 21In in - per tlx. r title !.y tliea, : A gi-i.ts, jat :io!c. ::ic „;.d Retail. Ce:.ei. ll*i p .t. i; i i'lull.oM.. one d Reekiinui st. New York. TO PRINTERS AND RFRLISHKItS. The nndci'sim ctl lie : to inform the trade tint they have reel ntly issued their Xew (fiitirto Sptcimrr. anil that it is now ready for delivery to their old patrons, as well a- tii all who patronize their Foundry. In it will be found a new series of Face-' fr.un l'oari to Ihca. surpassing if liossiule, their celebrated series cf Scot, h cut fan's. The F.-neif T'l"' department exhibit- an ini-iinne-- b variety of beautiful styles, si looted from France, lienuiinj and England. J ho Scripts and Bordering are now tor the first present ed t • the printing public, and are tiie productions of the !'est European ami Anierhan Arti.-t-. An entire New Series of German Paced, bofhfcrMVi IVper ami Job i'rhuing, of a very superior style, is Dr* nearly completed and ioa* sale. T.'u' A; ct. 1 from which our tvpe is made, will' c D .ecitli.irly adapted to the S::v- L's.w.k of Mr. Itesc I'rinthig. i'hev beg to return thank for past fav ir gar.d " a continuance. Their well known 111 era! t.; .rm-r :1; business for the oast thirtv years, is a guarantee to new patrons of iheir disposition ami ability in tt> ..ID* themselves to lie surpassed for fairdealii g, v. hothcronlffi are by letter or otherwise. N. B. Proprietors if newsoapers are ityiiicstfil to insert the above, provided they will trade out three tii.n amount of their respective bills in materials < f <> r faetnre, and forward in one copy of the the udveilisemeiit. ijtll SJH3 OLD STA.STD STILL IN OPERATION! /gg? iw THE sufiscriber would aaa" l3 ''* to the public that he Ist '1 li-ifi'i. a::d will make t • • " : tv- Yb" 5; fkimls of ('A BIN ill F!" N Y ! '* '• ; .J j such as S. • ni.i-' , <- R £ij| v d tie. Card, Dining au<: iheak'J-t 11 'rrr-f ~ V-I'lc. .Ma!,'" ;• ;V. W. " ' 5- 0 fi () Cherry Bureaus. Stands of w* O ILhJi kinds; Chairs and !ieiFtcaih" f,>^ description, which are, and will be made oi tlic hc[ ""i serial and workmanlike inaiiucr, tiud which tliev „.'"V' for casli cheaper than can l >~ - v Towanda, January 1. I,SJS. nIS.S(,)U Tl OX,.—The Copartnership h^' tofore exi ting between the subscribers, umhr j name of I. 1,. A ||. 1„ 1. \MKRE \ CX. ,V Co.. is tho ; dissolved by mutual consent m all parties. The of said fii-ni will hereafter he rarried on hv !■ , N L.VMFREAFX. at the old stand.. X tc- biMikaC''' of the late firm are left in tin bands of i. L. A"• creaux. ami must be settled forthwith. ~,,, 1. L. F.VMEREAFa, S -'-I. H. L. LAMKRKAI'X, ('• s - !>l ' Towamla. Jan. 20. 9AA SAT.T, just rddi'iv.M f'i-';; 1 ' 1 \TEW & PES! IIA RLE SHIIMi C.OM* -i-H j t-t opening at MONTANA L>->• Much 1 15'1.5.