Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 29, 1855, Image 3
the law of last winter that money could not have been drawn. Our Representatives, had they endangered t | l( . passage of the act, would not have I e?n faithful to the interests of their constituents.— We presume it never entered the mind of any man in Bradford, when this law was passed, ,] iat it affected this County. The School director's Convention had fixed the salary at which was quite as liberal as most of t ] r Counties. The increase of the salary we warinlv opposed. We considered it uncalled and unjustifiable. It lias destroyed the ilfu ieney of the office in Bradford and created •i prejudice which years cannot eradicate, llut to attempt to hold our Representative responsi -1,1,. f o j- that increase, is not warranted by the 1" the first place they supported the hill allowing the School Directors to abolish the office, if they saw proper. This having been vetoed, they would have been doing wrong to incorporate in another bill a provision of the me character, which would only result in having it vetoed. The law of last winter, in itself is not olh noxious to any censure. Any privilege of the kind it confers, however right in itself, may be abused. If the Directors of certain counties wished to increase the salary, it was right they should have the privilege. By the eighth sec tion the whole matter was left in the hands of the School Directors. Although an undue ad vantage has been taken in Bradford, we be lieve thev are competent to attend to the School interests of the County. We publish the Bth section, that our readers may see how much care was taken that the privilege should not he abased. Skitios s. Tlisit the State Superintendent of Common ti,,,.i }i ill. on the application of the hoards of directors ill" \>l A.IOKITY (If" TI IK SCHOOL DISTRICTS in any C.iuutv in this Commonwealth, stating their desire to in , r , ,w'the vdnrv of the Conntp Superinteiuleiit, lixed at >iv ill the [s i ie'ds named in the Until section of the school i ni-iif ls'il.erat any siilovipivnt triennial convention of pTeet'Ts. nppoint the time and place of the re-assemblitift iif the < ' uivi it ioii of I lire tors, who i-hall have ali the pott - t!> fiinfeired hy the said 'Wilt section. The Governor has already indicated that lie will not approve a law abolishing the office in a few counties. The only way to settle the j matter is hy repealing the law creating the office of County Superintendent. This our candidates tell you they are willing to do. TAPSMORE WILLIAMSON. During the session of 1847, Col. PIOLETT was a nieiuber of the Pennsylvania legisla ture, and voted for a law which makes a slave free, when voluntarily brought by his master into this Commonwealth. Yes, Col. PIOI.KTT, the pro-Slavery dough-face of the present day, was then a pestilent abolitionist, for he voted to remove the last relic of Slavery from our statute books. In July last, Passmorf. Wii.i.amsox, the Secretary of the active committee of a Socie ty incorporated in 1T VI2 by the Pennsylvania Legislature for the "amelioration of thccoudi ion of free persons unlawfully held in bondage," tlie first President which was that other aboli tionist Bf.x.i. Franklin, was informed that a colored woman and tliree children, were at the Walnut Street wharf, being in the State <d Pennsylvania. Believing that they were "mi lawfully held in bondage," according to the law passed by Pioi.ktt and his colleagues, Williamson proceeded to the wharf, found the woman, told her she was free, and she desiring her freedom, was, with her children, put into a carriage bv some persons of her own color, and driven off. And thus ended M ili.iams-in's connection with the matter, or knowledge of her whereabouts. Judge Kaxe having issued a ha leas corpus directed to William-ox, requiring him to pro dure the body of said Jane and her children, he makes return that he has not now in his possession, nor has ever had, the said Jane, and consequently cannot produce her as re quired. In this lie is adjudged justly of con tempt of Court, and is committed to prison. " without bail or maniprizc," there to remain until he shall confess himself guilty of perjury, instating what was strictly true. The Republican Convention at Pittsburg, : incensed at the attempt to make the sacred writ of habeas err pus, in fact a Fugitive Slave Law, —alarmed at this glaring encroachments upon State Rights, by the assumption of powers not appertaining to a Federal Judge—and viewing it as another monstrous stride in the march of Slavery-aggression—placed PASS MORE WILLIAWSOX before the people ol the Btatc fur their suffrages, that in voting for him tliey might rebuke.the judicial tyranny usurp ing such dangerous and unlimited power, and testify their alarm at the aggressions daily making by the Slave jiowcr upon the soil and the rights of Freemen. AV e shall give him our vote with much pleasure. We shall do it the more cheerfully because wc have every assurance that he is amply qualified for the office of Canal Com missioner, and wc have the certainty that lie can Ih' no worse than those wc have been vot ing for. We believe it would be fortunate for the Commonwealth could the Hoard of Canal Dmiinissiouers be composed of sueli men as I'ASSMORE WILLIAMSON - , instead of the corrupt mnl profligate politicians who make the office •uhscrvieut to jiersonal and political ends. (For the Bradford Reporter.) Ax Incident.— The following " Incident" I saw in tlie liclr'ulcrc Standard , and thinking it very applicable to the " Old Liners" in this county 1 forward it to you for publication. >\ c have just been told an amusing inei '' nt that occurred a few days since down in Jartinsville the County Seat of Morgan omity. ,\n extra train (one ear loaded) had a engaged to convey a delegation of Old 'iners to a Convention held last week in 'siiklin. ,\s the procession approached the ' I K, t at Martinsville it was discovered that a • a '.- r e white flag was living on the Locomotive. . which was placed there by the engineer. A near view displayed to their astonished vision , a whisky jug, astride of which stood a negro in chains, and issuing out of his mouth was this significant announcement, " Bound for Kansas." The army in Flanders did not swear harder than this rampant band of Old Liners, at this home thurst. One of them more savage than all the rest, exclaimed, " Where is the man that painted that flag? If lie dare avow himself, I will thrash hiiu within gaii inch of his life." Whereupon the stalwart engineer stepped out upon the platform and said "I am the man that painted that Hag, sir, and I am not afraid of any bullying cowards who are ashamed of their principles. The flag, gentle men, expresses your principles, and you have not the courage or manliness to acknowledge them. No man who has not the pluck ito stand by his principles and up to them, will dare to fight. 1 fear none of you." And sure enough there was no fight, but any amount of swearing." E. B. G. THE BLOODY CODE OF KANSAS. The border ruffians who invaded Kansas, and have been engaged in making laws lbr the settlers of that Territory, have finally adjourn ed and gone to their Missouri homes. The I following is one of the acts of that Legislature. We invite our readers, to examine it, that they may ascertain what they are to expect from Slavery when the doctrine of " popular sover eignty" is fully carried oiff : § 1. lie it enacted by the (inrrrnor and Tsgis latire Assembly of Kansas, That every person, bond or free, who shall be convicted of aetually raising a rebellion or insurrection of slaves, free negroes or mulattocs, in this Territory, shall suffer death. §2. Every free person who shall aid or assist in any rebellion or insurrection of slaves,: free negroes or mulattocs, or shall furnish arms,' or do any over act in furtherance of such rc-> hellion or insurrection, shall suffer death. § 3. 11 any free person shall, by speaking, writing or printing, advise, persuade or induce any slaves to rebel, conspire against or murder any citizen of this Territory, or shall bring into, print, write publish, or circulate, or shall knowingly aid or assist in the bringing into, printing, writing, publishing or circulating in this Territory any book,paper, magazine, pain ; plilet or circular for the purpose of exciting insurrection, rebellion, revolt or conspiracy on the part of slaves, free negroes or mulattocs, against the citizens of the Territory or any part of them, such persons shall be guilty of felony and suffer death. § 4. If any person shall entice, decoy or carry away out of this Territory, any slave belonging to another, with intent to deprive the owner thereof of the services of such slave, or with intent to effect or procure the free dom of such slave, he shall be adjudged guilty of grand larceny, and, on conviction thereof, shall suffer death, or lie imprisoned at hard labour for not less than ten years. § 5. If any jierson aid or assist in enticing, decoying, or persuading, or carrying away or sending out of this Territory, any slave belong ing to another, with intent to procure or effect the freedom of such slave, or with intent to deprive the owner thereof of the services of such slave, he shall be adjudged guilty of grand larceny, and, on conviction thereof, shall suffer death, or be imprisoned at hard labor for not less than ten uwirs. § ft. If any person shall entice, decoy, or carry away out of any State or Territory of the I'nitcd States, any slave belonging to another, with intent to procure or effect the freedom of such slave, or to deprive the owner thereof of the services of such slave, and shall bring such slave, into this Tcrrritory, he shall be adjudged guilty of grand larceny, in the same manner as if such slave had been enticed, decoyed or carried away out of this territory, and in such cases the larceny may be charged to Lave been committed in any County of this Territory into or through which such slave shall have been brought by such person, and, on conviction thereof, the person offending shall suffer death, or be imprisoned at bard labour for not less than ten years. § 7. If any person shall entice, persuade or induce any slave to escape from the service of his master or owner in this Territory, or shall aid or assist any slave in escaping from the service of his master or owner, or shall assist, harbour or conceal any slave who may have escaped from the service of his master or owner, he shall be deemed guilty of felony, and pun ished by imprisonment at hard labour for a term of not less than five years. § 8. If any person in this Territory shall aid or assist, harbour or conceal any slave who has escaped from the service of his master or owner in another State or Territory, such person shall lie punished in like manner as if such slave had escaped from the service of his master or own er in this Territory. § 9. If any person -shall resist any officer while atttempting to arrest any slave that may have escaped from the service of his master or owner, or shall rescue such slave when in custody of any officer or other person, or shall entice, pcrsua le, aid or asist such slave to escape from the custody of any officer or other person who may have such slave in custody, whether such slave have escaped from the service of his master or owner in this Territory or any other State or Territory, the person so offending shall be guilty of felony, and punished by imprisonment at hard labour for a term of not less than two years. § 10. If any Marshall, Sheriff or Constable, or the Deputy of any such officer, shall when required by any jierson, refuse to aid or assist in the arrest and capture of any slave tiiat may have escaped front the service of his master or owner, whether such slave shall have escaped from his master or owner in this Terri tory or any State or other Territory, such officer shall be fund in a sum of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. §ll. If any person print, write introduce into publish or circulate, or cause tobe brought into, printed, written, published or circulated, or shall knowingly aid or assist in bringing into, printing, publishing or circulating with in this Territory, any book, paper, pamphlet, magazine, handbill, or circular, containing any statements, arguments, opinions, sentiment, doctrine, advice or inueudo, calculated to produce a disorderly, dangerous or rebellious disaffection among the slaves in this Territory, or to induce such slaves to escape from the service of their masters, or to resist their authority, he shall be guilty of felony, and be punished by imprisonment at bard labour for a term not lesss than live years. § 12. If any free person, by speaking or writing, assert or maintain that persons have not the right to hold slaves in this Territory, such jierson shall be deemed guilty of felony, and punished by imprisonment at hard labour for a term of not less than two years. § 13. No jierson who is conscicutously ojijiosed to holding slavery, or who does not admit the right to hold slaves in this Territory, shall sit as a Juror on the trial of any prosecu tion for any violation of any of the sections of this act. This act to take affect and be in force from and after the loth day of Scjitimber, A. I)., 1855. J. 11. STRING FELLOW, S.icakt r of the- House. Attest, J. M. LYI.E, Clerk. THOM AS JOHNSON, President of the Council. Attest, J. A. HAI.DEKMAX, Clerk. Meetingsjlelalitfe to the Co. Superint'dt STANDING STONE TOWNSHIP. At a meeting held in the School House in Lats District No. 1 Standing Stone Township, Bradford County Pa., on Tuesday Eveinng Sept. 18th, 1855, pursuant to public notice.— The meeting was organized by calling ASA STEVENS Esq., to the Chair, and 11. W. TRACY, was ajijiointed Secretary. The object of the meeting being stated bv the Chairman, to take into consideration mat ters concerning the County Superintendents of Common Schools. On motion it was therefore Restlved, That a Committee of Seven be appointed by the Chair to draft Resolutions exjiressivc of the sense of this meeting. There upon the chair ajijiointed: 11. \\\ Tracv, E L. Gregg, Geo. Stevens, Win. Kingslcv, Henry Huff, Isaac 11. Vanncst, and Geo. Yaniiest, said Committee. After a very full and deliberate interchange of sentiment by the citizens jiresent, it was unanimously Rest,lced, That this meeting do now adjourn to meet at this jilace on Saturday Evening Sept. 22, at early candlelight, at which time the Committee was requested to report. Saturday Sejit. 22, 1855. The meeting convened agreeable to adjournment. The jiroeeedings of the 18th inst., having been read and apjiroveil of, the Committee on Reso lutions, through their chairman rejiortcd the following : Resetted. That in the opinion of this meet ing, so much of the law " For the regulation and continuance of a system of education bv Common Schools" as authorizes the School Directors of the several counties of this Com monwealth to meet in Convention at the Seat of Justice in tlie said counties, to select Comi ty Sujieriiitendeiits ought to be repeated. Ex perience having fully demonstrated, that such officers tend rather to embarass and derange the Common School System, by coming in con flict with the School Directors, and thus im jiair and weaken, instead of giving strength and vigor to it. Rest.leal, That while we arc willing to be taxed to defray the exjienses of Government, and the education of Children, we are not willing that money thus raised shall be seized by " Hawks"—therefore we do most solemnly jwotcst against having quartered upon the Common School Fuud of this County a sucker or leech in the form of a County Superinten dent, thus absorbing SISOO of the poojtie's money, thereby reducing the State appropria tion, to so small and trivial a sum, as not to be worth the trouble and e.xjiense necessary to obtain it. Rcsolced, That it would be worse than a waste of time for tlie County Sujierintendent, to visit this School District on his official busi ness. The jiatrons of the common schools, having become so entirely dissatisfied with that part of the law, which creates the office of County Superintendents, and the sujqde ment thereto, by which that officer's salary has been so shamefully increased, thev are de- j teruiiued that all connection with that office in the schools of this district, sh ill cease. Which alter being duly considered and dis cussed by many citizens jiresent, was unani mously adopted by this meeting. Tliereujion on motion of Simon Stevens, it was Resilred, That the jiroeeedings of this meeting lie signed by the officers and published in the jiajiers of Bradford County. ASA STEVENS, Chairman. 11. AY. TRACY, Secretary. ASYLUM TOWN'IISI l\ At a jiublic meeting held at the Sugar Run School House, in Asylum on Saturday the Sth day of Scjit. 1855, called for the jiurjiosc of devising the best means for the improve ment of our Common Schools, and taking into consideration the subject of county Sujicrin tendencies. AVAL TERRA was ajijiointed President, PAI L Qnciv and AARON ELY, Vice Presidents, and D. C. Miller and I). 11. Cor bin, Secretaries. Dr. G. F. TIORTOX asked jiermission to read Mr. GI VER'S letter, written in defence of the increase of his salary, as County Sujierinten dent. On leave being granted lie proceeded to read the most iinjiortant (tortious of the letter in order, as lie stated, that Air. GIVER might not be condemned without a hearing in this meeting. On motion the president appointed John Morrow, Geo. F. llortonand J. W. Ing ham, a Committee to draft resolutions exjircs sive of the sense of the meeting. After some discussion the meeting adjourned for one week to meet at the same jilace, at 2 o'clock P. AL Saturday Sejit. lstli. Meeting assembled according to adjournment and the following resolutions rejiortcd by the Committee, were discussed and jiasscd. AVIIKIO-.AS, In the ojiinion of this meeting, Education is the chief corner stone of Repub lican Institutions, and the grand bulwark of a nation's defence against the encroachments of bigotry, sujierstition, despotism and vice, Therefore Resolved, That it is a sacred and inijierative duty devolving upon the State to jirovidc by law, for the education of all the children living with her borders, and that every good citizen, and esjieeiallv parents, guardians and directors should aid and encourage by every means in their power, the progress of their imjiortaut essential work. Resolved, That while we have ever been firm friends and advocates of the Common School System of Pennsylvania, believing its jirovis ions in the main, wise and salutary, we have viewed the creation of the office of County Superintendent as a measure of doubtful bene fit—an exjKiisivc experiment not called for by the exigences of the times, nor the voice of the people of this Commonwealth. Resolved, Though we do not expect a tree to bear fruit in the year of its jilantiiig, yet we do desire to see it exhibit some symptoms of life and put forth sonic little buds, on which to hang a liojie of its future value; but we regret to say that for the past twelve months we have looked in vain for the least of renewed life and vitality in gur common ' schools, on the contrary the fact forces itself [ upon our attention, that since our County Superintendent entered upon the duties of his office our common schools have experienced a rapid and alarming decline. lie-talced, That " the laborer is worthy his lure" and we are in favor of paying just and liberal wages to all who serve us, whether in a public or private capacity, in order that we may secure the services of able competent men : but the increase of our County Superin tendent's salary from live to fifteen hundred dollars per annum, was, on the part of that officer a " big strike," and on the part of those school directors who voted so to increase, is either a beautiful specimen of being generous of other people's money, or a certain proof that they are firm believers in the celebrated dogma that the money comes from nowhere. Ttcsdrcd, That as our County is one of great geographical extent, containing a large num ber of schools to be visited, and in considera tion of the distance our township is situated from the residence of the County Superinten dent, thereby subjecting him, in his visits, to a tedious journey, and much peril, from snow storms and drenehings, we have concluded that it would be but an act of simple justice and charity, to relinquish our claim to any portion of his future services, that might be due our township, in favor of those townships, whose I school directors voted to increase his salary to fifteen hundred dollars. It being apparent that his labors there must be more needed and better appreciated than litre. On motion it was /i 'endred, That Iho pro ceedings of this meeting be published in the county papers. On motion the meeting adjourned. [ Signed In/ the Ojficers.] Towaiida Market Wholesale Prices. [' 'orrectcd weekly by E. T. FOX, I (eater in Provision*ami (iroeeries, No. I. liriek Row, wlio will pay Cash, at the prices lixeil, for the articles in this list:]" Flour, (retail price,) l>M $s no Oil Pork, do •• 21 00 Oti 24 00 W heat, p hiishcl,.... 1 2."> Ot 1 .">0, " (ft. Cats " 31 fit Corn, " 1 (Mi (it I {ye, " t;2| Qe. —- Potatoes, " .... 2."> fit 31 j I leans, " 1 .",0 (it 2 00 Dried Apples, " .... (,/j Butter p Hi 12 Or. lii Cheese, " <; (,t ]o I funis and Shoulders, " t at pil Dried Peaches, " .... 12 lit h; Dried Berries, " .... 12 (ft IN,| Eggs, pilozcn,.... (t£ 12 St M AS'. IXK'. The regular meetings of UN"FOX No. ins, A. V. M., are held every Wed nesday, on or preceding the full moon, at 3,1'. /yr \M.: and oil eaeli second Wednesday thereafter, at .Masonic Hall, over .1. Kingsliery's store, as follows: August Nth, at N, p. M. October 24th, at 3 I*. M. August 22d, 55, " Voveiiilicr. ... 7th. t;4 " September, .otli s, " Xovember... 21st, 3 " September. 10th 3, " Deeemher *>th, t;A " Oct olier ...2d S, " December... .IKth, 3 " All brethren in good standing are invited to attend. 11. I'. A. 1 XBIXCI IA PTKR, Xo. 101, holds its regular meetings at the same place. Thursday on or before the full moon. Meeting for August oil the 23d day. E. 11. MASOX, Secretary. Nero JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. IMC. Warner's \cw Splendid Jeter!ry Store, one door north of Pattons Drug Store, HAS just been opened with the largest and _ JK3k most choice stock of FASHIONABLE S|f l '7 l At JEW RI.UI ever ottered to a diseriiuinating jfif i 41 public. Indeed, he can safely My that with JgSg, -JjW! opening of his new store has been in tW il' 1 aogiiratcd a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmneh as along with the choice and elegant assortment he gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi ble redacti in in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. M. W.. when lie reflects how, for the past years,with a far less attractive stock, lie has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage, flatters himself that the immense in crease of (binds lie now oilers, which have been bought so much more advantageously, will enable him to increase the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. ' jrw-THK WATCH lIEPAIBIXC DKPAKTMEXT will continue to he distinguished by the skill and despatch which lias heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of lming the most reliable in town. Towaiula, Scptcnilivr 24, IN.V. New York Stale Fair al Eliuira. Oc'.ober, 2, 3, 4 and 5. r j 1 IIl! X. .ft E It. It. Company will run M- Exclusion Trains during the continuance of the State Fair, to be held at Kliuira next week, at huff the usual rate* of fare. TOWANDA TO WAVERLY, On W edncstl.iy, Thursday and Friday, the 3d, 41 h and • ith, the only day's on whieli the Fair (iroiiwts will l>c open to tlie public, the Packet Boat " Gazelle " will run Twici-: v nvv.eacli wav,between Towaiula and Waverlv. AI.EAVK TOW'AXD V. at A o'clock A. M., (Bail Road time) coniicctiiig at Waverly with the Excursion Train for l.huira, at! Is. and again at half-past 011 c, connecting with the evening trains both ways. Lh IV E WAV EUI.Y, at half past seven, A. M, again at I 3a P. M. after the arrival of the Excursion Trains from Elmira. POWELL A SMITH. TOWANOA, Sept. 2li, IS.ia IMEAXIi PACKET-BOAT 6AZELLE. %r} r * ' - J TOWANDA AND WAVERLEY. rpilE undersigned have placed upon the line between I Towaiula and Waverley. a new Packet, lmilt express ly for the travt 1 between the above and the intermediate points. The "<! VZEI.I.E" is neatly lifted up.and may U> relied upon as always being •' on time." The hours of arrival and departure will be arranged in conformity vyitli the time tables on the X. Y. and Erie Bailroad. At present, leave Towaiula tor Waverley, at 1.4 o'clock. P. M., precisely. Leave \\ averley. at 7} o dock. A. M., or immediately after the arrival of the mail tin in from the East. POWELL A SMITH, Proprietors. Towaiula. September I. IN.VI. (HANDLES —by tin; box or single pound, J at sent FOX'S. St CO. \ UK NOW RECEIVING, d V Tll E I B FAI, L OOOI> S Their assortment of SADDI.EBY and other HABDWAKE is complete. Also, a good snppiv of LEATHER ami SHOE FIXDIA'tIS, WIN DOW SH VDKS AND PAI'EB HAXtllXtlS. Towaiula, August 28, IN.">.. • Administrator's Sale. I>liV virtue of an order issued by tlic Or ) plain's Court of Bradford County, will "lie sold on Saturday Oetolier 27th at 2 o'clock. P. M., on the premi ses, late the property of Miner B. Wilcox, situated in Al bany twp., and hounded on the north by James Wilcox, east by the Fowler branch of the Towmula creek, west by Joseph White, and south by the Coal Company's lands, containing 14(1 acres, more or less, about no ai res improv ed, with a frame house, frame barn and horse shed and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Terms made known on day of sale. JOSEPH MEN*AUDI, Administrator. September 20, lN.j,">. NOTICE. my wife MINERVA and I have T T have entered into a mutual agreement to part,and have no more family deal. This is therefore to lorhid all persons harboring or trust ing her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. LEON ARD STETSON. Orwell, Septemlver 3, IS.")."!. EBTRAY. (AAME to the enclosure of the subscriber in J Herrick, a Mint the Ist of July,one two year old BED HEIFER, and a yearling RED HEIFER. Xeither having any particular murks. The owner is requested to take them away, pay charge:;. Ac. \VM. H. H. JENKINS. Herrick. Sept. 13,1 -,VV. & PATTON'S NEW DRUG STORE, H J JFHT OIM'TNIGI), ON THE CORNER OF DRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, [ Wo. 4, Tattoo's Block, Towanda, Pa. ILJ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he lias fitted up Xo. 4, in Patton'* New I. Brick Block, for a DBCi, STORE, and that lie is now receiving from the cities of Philadelphia and XcwYoik a large and well selected slock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW ULASS, DYE STUFFS, A LLi!@2? AMMKKfcJIB 8 DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES, &c. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety cf the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always cn hand. London I'oricr and Scoleh Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Mediriual purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MED.'CINES. Brushes for the llat, llair, Teeth, Nails Boots Painting;, Yariiishiu?, Yi hitrwashin?, &.C. The Lovers of (i()f)l) ('/(,'[ R S and TO It A CCO, will find a large variety of choice flam no, Vara and Prineipe Cigars, and (he finest brands of Tobacco and. Snvff CAMPHFNE AND DUNNING FLUID, And a fine assortment of I. A MI'S, of all sizes ami descriptions. Bird Vetoes, Cups, AY sis and Seed. All ol which is ullcrcd lor sale on the most salisfa< torv term-. Our stock Icing large and mostly purchased from the Importer and .Mamitactiirer at the lowest rates, and with ('ash, enables us to sell at reduced prices, that must Ik- sa tistactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stock of goods and prices. Our Motto is —" THE CASH SYSTEM -QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS." Our tioods are selected with the iitniost'eare and warranted to lo what they arc represented : if anv should iwove the contrary, we are not only willing but request our customers to return (hem, and the money shall be refunded. ,} - Having secured the services of DIU IIFSTOX, who will keep his oflicc at this stoic, and will give medical advice gratuitously to those purchasing medicines. Towaiula, September 1. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. LOS El* 11 K INOSIJER Y still continues tlie ItOOK it STATIONKRY business, w here purchasers may liml nil tin* latest School ami Miscellaneous Books at reduced prices. The following School Hooks are clubrac ed in the catalogue, viz : Bullion's Greek ami Latin Header and Grammar. do. Cavsar. do. Sallust, do. Lessons, ilonegan's (ireek and English Lexicon. Silencer's Latin Lessons ; <"oo|ier's Virgil. OlendorlT's, Lehretlion's, Barhauld's, Fausdick's and j Levi/.ack's French Works. Barker's, t'onistock's, Phelim', Smiley's and Olmsted's Philosophy. Hay's. Thompson's ami Davie's Works. Cutter's, Coat's and C linstock's Physeology. Saunilcr's, Porter's, Beutlcy's and Cohli's Works. Bancroft's tlistorv, Parley's, Worcester's, Gurnsey's, Bottas, Ac. Ac. \\elister's Unabridged Dictionary, do University edition, do. do Common School, do. Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's. Johnson's, do. (.'oni stock's works : Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Kloeution. J'hompsoti's series of Arithmetic, primary to High School. Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobh's, do. Brown's, Kirkham's, Smith's and Morse's Geography ' and Atlas; and all the various Primary Geography*, now in use. Spelling books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in great variety. Also— Dry Gooils. Groceries, Crockery. Hoots ,$• Shoes, Huts mill Caps. <Vr., Jjv. New and desirable styles of t loods will be received monthly, ami sold at the lowest Cash Pkicks. J. K. Towamla, April, 21, 18.77. General Election Froclamation. T"ITiIKI'KAS, by an art of assembly of the Common \ V wealth, entitled •• an act relating to the elections of this commonwealth,'' it is enjoined upon me to give pub lic notice of such election to lie held. ami also the enumera tion in such notice what officers are to beelected, I Jt IHX A. CODDING, High Sheriff of the county of Bradford,do hereby make known and give notice to' the electors of said county that a general election will lie held ill said county, on TI'KSDAY, the !tli day of October, in the se veral districts in said county, to wit:— In Allmnv, at the sub-district school house near Camp bell's mill.' In Asylum, at Jacob FruteheyV. In Athens lioro' at F. S. Mathewson's. In Athens twp., at the school house near Win. Scott's. In Armenia, at John S. Becker's. lnjKuiTiiigton Imro', at the hall of 11. Vosburg. In Burlington twp.. at house of Boswell Luther's. In West Burlington, at the house of Kzra Goddurd. corners. In C niton, at A. K. Spalding's. In Cohnnliia, at James .Morgan's. In Durell. at the school house, called the centre school house, near S. Decker's. In Franklin, at Win. Deemer's. In Granville, at the house of Benjamin F. Taylor. In Merrick, at the school house near Daniel Ihirand's. In Litchfield, at Cyrus Bloodgood's. In Lelloy, at the school house in Ixißoy. In Monroe, at J. P. Smith's. In Monroe horo'. at tlie house of Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at the house formerly occupied by Francis Woodruff. In Overton, at the house of Wm. Waltman. In Pike, at Denison Johnson's. In Borne at the Academy. In Rsdgliery, at tiie house of Benjamin F. Buck. In Sheshci|uin, at D. Brink's. In Sinillilichl, at A. J. Gerouhl's. In Springfield, at T. Wilder's. In Standing Stone, at Simon Steven's. In South Creek, at the school house near A. Gillett's. In Sylvani i born", at the house of Curtis Mcrritt. In Towamla bore', at the Grand Jury boom iu the Court House, iu said Imro'. In Towamla twp., at the school house, near!?. L. Scott's. In North Towamla at the house of S. A. Mills. Iu Troy Imro". at tlie Eagle Tavern, in Troy twp., at the House of V. M. Long, in the horo' of Troy. In Tnse.irnra. at the school house near James Black's. In Ulster, at S. B. Holeonib's. In Warren, at IS. Cooper's. In Wells, at 1.. Seclev's. In Windham, at the house of Benj. Kuykendall. In Wyalusing, at the house of J. 11. Black. 11l Wilniot, at the house of James Foster. In Wysox. at the house ot James M. Heed. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot One person for Canal Commissioner of the Common wealth. Two persons to represent the comity of Bradford in the House of Hepresentatives of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. One person for Treasurer of said county. One person for Commissioner of said county. One person for Auditor of said county. And in ami by said act, I am further directed to give notice " that every person excepting justices ol the peace who shall bold any office of profit and trust under the go vernnient of the Cnited States or of this State, or of any incorporated district, and also that every iiu mis r of voii gross and of the State Legislature ami the select and com limit council of any city, or commissioners of any incorpo rated disli ii t. is by law incapable of holding or exorcising at the same time, the oflice or appointment of Judge. In spector or Clerk, of any election of this Commonwealth ami that no inspector or other officer, of any such election shall be then eligible to any office to lie votid for. By the 4th section of an act passed the Kill] day oi April. Is Hi. it is provided " that the ldtli section of an act passed July 2, I S 3J, entitled " An act relating to tin elections ol this commonwealth,*' shall not be so constru ed as to prevent any militia officer from serving as Judge Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election ol this Common wealth. In tiie <>l -t section of the act (irst above menti-ned, it is enacted that every general and special election shall be opened between 8 and 10 in the forenoon, and continue without interruption or adjournment until 7o'clock in the evening, w hen the polls shall he closed. By the Isth section of the act passed 1-Yb. :t, I s to. ii shall lie lawful lor the inspeetors and judges of any gen oral election which shall be hcraaftcr In Id in the Armenia election district of Bradford county t.i close the polls ot s ic'i election at ."> o'clock. P. M. By the I Ith section of the act of 18.73, it is provided that the polls of the election district of Tnscarora twp. la closed at.7 o'clock P. M. It is further dim-ted that the meeting of the Judges at the Court House in Towamla, to mal c o it the general n turn, shall he on the 3d day after the election, which will he on the 12th day of Octola-r. JOHN' A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towamla, September In, 18.7a. \ OMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice 31 is hereby given, that alt persons indebted to the es I tate ol \\ in. IIOitNING dee'd.. late of South Creek tp.. an hereby requested to make payment without delay; ami all persons luivinging claims against said estate w'ill pleaso present them duly authenticated for settlement. CA'l'll \HINE lIOBXIXG, Administratrix. June 18, 18.7.7. A DMIMSTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Noticc ; ii is hereby -riven, that all persons indebted to the es tatc of Isaac Itoseiicnuits, deceased, late of Asylum , twp., are requested to make pay men t without delay ; and those having demands against said estate will pre cut them | duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS SHC.MWAY, Administrator. I June 11, 185.7. j A I>MIXISTRATOIi'S NOTlCE.—Notice ! is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot ISAAC S. CROFUT, deceased, late of Leroy twp, are hereby requested to make payment without do lay; and all persons having claims against said e.-tate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. SEBA CROFI'T. I . , ■ : ... , May Iff, 18.75. JAMES CROFUT < Adiuiiii-U.iUns. TAKE NOTICE. Rll. C. IJ. KELLlNG,MKcu.v\icsiJi'Rr:, P.t. / announces to all afflicted with Tumors, Wens, Can err, Warts. Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or Kiujt s Kvil, anil all diseases thai have been usually treat til Caustic or Knife that he can remove them by" uri en tirely new method, without cutting, burning or pain. It is no matter on what part of the irmly they are. he can re mote them with perfect safety ami in a remarkable short time, if curable. No money required, except for medicines until a cure is perfei-ted. Chronic and other diseases not mentioned above, treated with positive success, if curable. Full particulars can be obtained by addressingC. 1.. KEE LING, >L I>.. Mechaniesburg, Cintdierland Co., Pa. Person's afflicted, residing at a distance, be has. for years lieen in the habit of prescrbiug by letter, and with general satisfaction. He would say however to those desiring adviee, in this way, that to secure attention they should enclose, with tlie general symptoms of their cases, a fee of ont dollar, to warrant him in spending his time for their Ih-iiclß. The doctor may be consulted at his office at all times, when not professionally absent. Caption —Strangers coming to see the Dr. are caution ed as some have been deceived. l)r. K. is the only one in Ibis State, who can perform cures by the new method. The Mrs. oflice is directly opposite the Union Church. Mechaniesburg is s miles from Jlarrisburg on the Cura lierlaud V. 15. 15. and accessible from all parts of the Un ion. The Mr. will visit cases within a re.isonabledistance when desired. 11 Kit I FF\S SA LI]— By virtue of u certain kA writ of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale at tfie Court House, in the born'of Towaiula, on Toe-day, October 10, I*}}, at I o'clock. P. M.the following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in \thens township. Imunded north by lands of Nonl McPutHe, east by lands ot Samuel S. ( lark! south by lands of Daniel S. Brown, and west by lands of Morrison Gard ner. Containing forty-two and" a half acres, more or less, twelve acres improved, with a framed house, a log baru and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David Card ner vs. L. A. < I.minor. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Tuwandu, Sept. 24, Is}}. Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to tho costs will be required to lie paid upon eaeli sale when struck down to the bidder, and uiioii failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again he offer ed forsale, Jons ,\. Commks. NEW FALL GOODST" Tracy &. Moore, nAVK JI'ST RECEIVED from N York a large and well selected assortment of A'A'fK FA 1.1. GOODS, whieii have been selected with unusual care, and purchas ed at the jowest po.sible rates. Feeling confident that we can sell Goods for Heady Pay, as low us any establishment i i the country, we ask the public to give us a rail, mid examine our -toek and prices. Sept. 12, 1855. MAGIC lAWTBXN. THE subscriber oOV-rs fur sale a splendid tion of Landscapes, Historic, Astronomic, and Gomic Views, together with two tirst class Magic laintcrns. l'his Apparatus is intended for giving Exhibitions, and is the in ist extensive and complete of the kind in this country. Either one or two persons wishing to travel cau make the business pay from one to two hundred dollars ler month, il properly conducted, and will afford a licttcr opportunity ot seeing the country than any other business. Address ' DANIEL HARKINS, 1 1-ter, Bradford Co., Pa. P. S. Reference, I>. .1. Cm nin cK. Ulster, who has tra veled with the Exhibition. \ DM IN KSTR ATOU'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1 1. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot MI X l-.lf \'.\ WEBBER, dee'd. late of Franklin tp. are quested to make payment without delay : and all persons ha* ng claims again t said estate. must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the suliserilier at liis resi dence. JOHN H. WEBBER, Franklin. August 2. i 5.",",. Administrator. ji'XECI TOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons in* debted to the estate of EI.IAL STEVENS, deceased, late of ltidgbury township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said e-tate are requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. STPBGES SQUIRES M M. STEVENS, Bidgbury, March 20. 15.",5. Kxecutora, NO JOKE. V" IN EIIU NPREI) AN P NIN ETY-NIX E X X Men, in Bradford County in debt to us,that we want to pay their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it may Is-, and we intend to lcive them do it. either bv per suasion or by employing officers sufficient to coUcetot ev ery 111.111 immediately, without any exception or'respeetto parsons, from the fact that the money belongs to our cre ditors. and we intend that they shall have it as soon as it can be collei ted. HALL A RUSSELL. Towanda, April 20 1 s.V>. NEW Sl'lll, & SUMMER GOODS] rOSFIMI KINGSRERY is now receiving, 'J from New York, a large, carefully selected and most desirable assortment of .VFir SI'RJXG AXD SUMMER GOOI S. Towanda. May 11, is.',.}. R* mc urn mm w .m jr_-< • / COLLINS A POWELL have EMO 1 JJD v. to PATTON'S NEW BLOCK, where thev have just received a large addition to their stock of BE.vDY-MADE "'I.OTHING. CI >ths, Trimmings. Furnishing Goods, Ac , to which they invite public attention. Towanda, May 24, Is}}. nn\\ o STRAY COWS.—Came to the on- JL closure ~r the snl, =erilicr, on the 21th day of August last, two cows, one a pale red with some white in the face a id some white on the body with a bell on; the other, a m own one, with a line back, and some white on the hind parts nt the body. The owner is requested to conic for ward, prove property pay charges, and take them awav. jJAMESC. WESt. Bidgelierry, Septcnilier .1. 1 s.>.">. LERAYSVILLE ACADEMY, Isrni/srillt', Bradford Count)/, Co. PRINCIPAL J. L.OVKRKIEI.P. A.B. The first term I ot the above institution will commence 011 WEDNES DAY . SEPT. 12th. Circulars with complete details, uuty be obtained from the Principal, or from either of the fol lowing Bkhiikncks—Bev. George laindou, lferriekville ; Rev. I. <". Warren. S. DeWitt.M. P., I.eltavsville ; D. P.Uecy M. P., Camptow n ; Rev. 1,. Peek. Lime Hill. 12 AGENTS WANTED. \|" AKE MONEY WHEN YOU CAN -I™*. 'llie Suhscriliers de-.ire to procure the undivided time of an Agent in every county of the United States— Efficient and capable men may make several dollars jer day. without ri.-k or lmnibnggcry of any kind. Full par ticulars of the nature of the business will Is? given bv nd drassing the subscriber, and forwarding (!nr Post Office Stamp to pre-pay return p->s(age. FCBEV A CO., Philadelphia. Pa. PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Ac. Ac., by TR U'Y A MOORE. TtfACKI N A W TROUT.— 10 hibis, Na 1, ILL just received at TRACY A MOORE'S. M ACKER EE—wlioh*. half and quarter I>l Is by jejff TRACY & MOORE.