farmer's 3 eyailment. Paint your Implements. Tin- primary agent in all decomposition of : organic matter is oxygen. Without its pros-' once under norma! circumstances, no change ' takes place. IJnt this oxygen, in atmospheric | air, is everywhere present and decay under its | destructive influence is always going on. To exclude the air then, from all bodies we wish to preserve, is the first requisite. In nothing it the rule of more practical importance than in the preservation of wood. Filling the ex terior cells of wood with paint is perhaps the cheapest means of retarding its decay. This is well understood and generally acted upon in the construction of all new implements. There is, however, one point which appears to he for gotten, or at least to he generally disregarded. Paint, by the action of air, and rain, is wash ed out of the pores, and when tliis is the case, the work of destruction proceeds, we believe, more rapidly than tho' the wood had never been painted. English instruments are much more costly than American, and this may bp the reason why they take better care of thorn. Though paint is more expensive than with us, they arc in the habit' of thoroughly washing and cleaning wagons, carts, harrows, cultiva tors, and in fact every wooden implement on the farm, every other year, andgivingitagood coat of red-lead paint. It is astonishing how long their implements last. Many of them look as though they had been handed down from father to son for several generations. In no matter of economy do farmers miss it more than in allowing their implements to go with a deficiency of paint. We venture to say, that a wagon frequently washed and cleaned, and re ceiving a coat of paint every fall, will last twice as long as one never washed, except by being allowed to remain out in the rain, and never repainted except with dirt. Reader, you have a paint can and brushes ; at least it is to he presumed you have, for no intelligent farmer would be without tlieni, and an unintelligent farmer would not be found reading the " Rural." If you have not done so already, get your paint and brushes, wash your implements ; scrape off all the blisters, stop up all the holes with putty, then give your wagons, drags, cultivators, plows, wheel barrow, (for of course you have one,) roller, seed-drill, neck-yokes, and whittle a coat of paint. The expense will not be much. The implements would look as good as new, your hired men would take more care of them, and you will save by this single operation, from the increased durability of your implements, more in the course of a dozen years than would make yon a life subsciber to half a score of the best Agricultural papers published.— Rural Ncic Yorker. Soil best Adapted to Wheat. All of our commonly cultivated plants are composed of precisely the same elements, the only chemical difference between the vast variety of plants being the relative proportions in which the same elements unite to form the plant; so that if a soil will produce any one of our cultivated crops, it possesses the capacity, so far as the elements of plants are concerned, of growing any other crop to some extent. — In judging of the best to lie cultivated on any particular soil, therefore we have to look to the relative proportion in wl i h the elements of plants exist in the soil, and adopt the class of plants which requires most of the particular elements in which the soil abounds, or requires at least of those in which it is deficient. This would seem to be a common sense view of the subject, yet there are many other circumstances, often overlooked, which, if considered would materially affect our conclusions. In a large crop of corn there are all the elements which a large crop of contains, and also in large quantities yet arc thousands of acres of land that produce immense crops of corn that can not lie profitably cultivated with wheat. A good wheat soil will always produce a good crop of corn, if properly tilled, while much of our best corn land will not produce wheat un der ordinary culture. The cause of this great difference is not, we have shown, owing to a deficiency in the soil of any element of the wheat plant, for the requirements of the corn crop are indentical in kind and greater in quantity than that of wheat. It must, there fore, be owing either to the maimer in which the various elements are assimilated by the plant, or to the existence in the soil of some sub stance which, though sufficient, it may exist in a corn soil for the actual demands of the wheat crop, yet from the different habits of the two plants, a much larger quantity may be necessary for the performance of the healthy functions of the wheat than the corn plant. This substance is most probably clay ; for all soils, which experience proves to be the best adapted to wheat culture, abound with this substance and liinc. The reason why clay is so much more necessary and beneficial for wheat than for corn, is not clearly understood. In light soil the wheat plant is found to throw its lateral roots very near the surface, while in a clayey or heavy soil it is more in clined to top, and the lateral, fibrous roots are at a greater depth. In the former case the plant would be more likely to heave out in the spring, while in the latter it would be better able to stand the vicissitudes of cold and heat, from the roots being at a greater depth, and having a firmer hold of the soil. It is there fore probable that one of the benefits which the wheat plant derives from clay isitsprevei. * ing the extension of fibrous surface roots, and forcing the plant to grow out a single t ip root, which descends much deeper and takes a firm er hold of the soil. If this is a right view of the subject, we should loosen the sub-soil of all our wheat fields, by deep plowing and sub-soiling ; while on soils rather too light for wheat, every possible means should be used to render the soil compact and firm. Treading the wheat in the fall with sheep has been practised with ad vantage ; but in doing so, caution is necessary to prevent serious injury in case winter imme diately sets in. On all soils which produce good crops of corn, we believe wheat may be grown, insomuch as there is nothing lacking which enters into the wheat plant, and all that is necessary is to impart to the soil a certain degree of texture and tenacity, which all good natural wheat soil possesses. For this purpose heavy rollers and other mechanical means must he employed, and pressor something similar to Crossbill's Clod Crusher, of which we have often spoken, would be of great benefit. We do not wish to be understood to say that con solidation is the only thiug necessary in all all cases, to insure a wheat crop on soil where com, barley and oats ilourish ; for the land may m the winter be so wet as to destroy the p ant ; yet, it draiued and means be taken to render the surface compact, we believe such ' ,VOilld produce first-rate crops of wheat. I Unsmess Curbs. TP F. MADILL, M. D., PHYSICIAN J- • AND SURGEON— Ollice 4 at his residence in W'yinx, 1 . _ My 2S, USSHte Dll. JOUN M'INTOSH, SURGEOM DENTIST, HAS RETURNED. Office next door t'. Mcrcur's ■.hue. and over Alexander's Clothing Store, Main -trect. Tmvanda. February *24, 1555. I AMES M AGFA R LA N H, A TTORNEY *t AT LA IV, TOWANDA, I'A. Occupies the Office, in the Union l!h>ck, formerly owned l.y John (\ Adams Es<|. tf o He will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants and Pensions. March 22, 1555. H. J. MAUILI P. D. Mdnnow. I\,| A DILL A MOK IIOW, A TTOIiNE YS I*l AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,— Office over Mercur's Store, Towanda, Pa. Towanda, April 2, 18S5. n-43-tf DR. E. 11. .MA SOX, PHYSICIAN AND SI It (I EON, offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence ] on Pine street, where he can always he found when not professionally engaged. JOHN 0. AIM MS D A. OVERTON. \ DAMS & OVERTON, ATTORNEYS A V AT I.AIl r . Ufli< e in the room formerly occupied by Geonrc Sanderson, over Burton Kingsbury's store. Towanda, May 2i>, ISM. OURVEYIXG~—3AMES A.PAlNE,Snr vcyor for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the a'oove business in all its branches. His office is at Monroeton. All letters addressed to hiui at that place will meet with prompt attention. April 4,15J4. GROCERY AND RESTAURANT. TATILLARD PRENTICE respectfully in-, t T 'forms the public that lie taken the room in 'he basement of the " Union block," north side of the public sipiare, where he intends to keep a GROCERY ANI) EATING SALOON, and hopes to receive a share of public patronage. He will endeavor by strict attention to business, and by providing sncli eatables as are in season, to make it an acceptable place of popular resort for the refreshment of the " inner man." The public are invited to give me a call. Towanda, June !). 1835. GEORGE H. WOOD'S DAGUKRREAX ROOMS REMOVED to Patton's NEW BRTCK BLOCK, corner of Bridge and Main street, where he lias fitted up rooms expressly for the business, with a large sky-lightand side-light com bined. With these arrangements he will IKJ able to take Pit t ires with any shade desired, drooping done in the best possible manner. Daguerreotypes taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. Miniatures neatly put into Lockets, Breast pings, and finger rings, Ac. Instructions given in the art on reasonable terms. Towanda, May 1, 1855. FIRE ! FIRE ! FIRE ! UARMEK'S UNION INSURANCE CO. U A THENS. I'A. Hon. HORACE WILLISTON". President; ('. F. WELLES, Jr. Vice Presideutaml Treasurer; J. E. VA.AFIELD, Secretary. Board of Directors—Han. Horace Williston, Francis Tyler, (leorge A. Perkins, J. T. 1). Myer, ('. N. Sliipman, C. F. Welles, Jr., J. E. Canfield, Athens; Hon. John La porte, Towanda: den. Bradley Wakeman, isiceyville ; d. M. Iloilenbaek, Wilkes-lJarre; Michael Meylert, La porte, Pa. L*. (). MOODY, Agent for Bradford County. Address, Waverlv, N. Y. NEW SPRING GOODS. TOSEPII POWELL would announce to •J tlie citizens of Bradford County, that lie is now re ceiving a large, rich and varied assortment of Fancy anil Staple Dry Good*, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and Glass I Tare, Straw Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Car petings, Yankee Notions, I'aprr Hangings, Fish, Paints and Oils ; and in fact, almost every artieie of merchan dize which the wants of the country requires, and is offer ing them for sale lbr CASH at prices which defy all com petition. He would particularly invite attention to his stork of LAIUKS DIIKSS (lOODS, consisting in part of rich plain bl'k and watered Silks ; all wool Delaines ; plain and figured mouslin delaines ; plain and figured Challi delaines : l)e- Bcrgcs, Lawns, all prices; printed Jaeonetts, Organdies, lionizes, all colors, together with an endless variety o! dinghauts, Prints, Ac. Ac. EMBKOIDKIUES AND LACKS—Ladies embroidered and lace Collars, Sleeves. Handkerchiefs, Skirts.Chimezetts,Swiss and Jaeonette Bands and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconette Edgings and Inserting.*, Maltese, Thread, Smynia, bobbin and Cotton Edgings, all widths; Brussells, black and white silk Edgings, all widths and prices. WHITE (loons—Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins, Jaeo netts, Bishop [.awns, India, Book and Nainsook Muslins, Striped and Plaid Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, of all quali ties. Ladies and Gents, linen li'cl'k'fs., silk and cotton blonds ; Bobbinett and fringed Laces, Irish linens at great ly reduced prices. Hot SK FL'KXISIIINC Goons—Worsted, linen and worsted Damask, double ond single fold, cot Damask, bleached and unbleached tabic linens, bleached and unbleached Jacqnard diaper, worsted, embossed and colored damask linen table spreads, bleached damask table cloths apd napkins, all sizes; counterpanes, bleached and unbleached Muslins from .j to 10-4 yards wide. Drapery Muslins of different kinds. Crash, Scotch and Russia diapel's, Ac. ( I I.OVKS AND HosiKitv— A complete assortment of I Allies and Misses and <'hililrens' wliite, unbleached, mixed and slate colored (doth Hose; Mens' and boys' unbleached, mixed and white cotton half hose; ladies and gents black, white and colored kid gloves, best quality ; ladies kid fin ish and plain silk and lisle thread do.; ladies and misses long and short French (riot mitts. SHAWLS AMI M ANTILLAS—A large assortment of Spring Shawls and Mantillas of new and desirable styles. C U:I-KT!Nos of various styles and qualities. Rush mat tings, different widths. CLOTHS AND CASSIMKRKS— The largest stock of plain black and fancy Cloths and Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Li:icn and Cotton Kuiiimer Goods for mens' anil boys' wear, ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania— purchased at greatly reduced prices, and offered for sale correspondingly low. Also, a good assortment of Testings, Scarfs, Stocks, Cravats. Linen Collars, Ac. jtor In purchasing his stock of Spring Goods, the sub scriber would say that the utmost care and economy lias been exercised in order to please his customers in style, quality of goods, ami prices, to correspond with the times, thanking the public for the liberal patronage tliey have heretofore extended to hint, he would respectfully* solicit a call and examination of his stock by those wishing to purchase. JOSEPH POWELL. Towanda, April 10, 15.",5. COLLINS &. POWELL WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the pub- V V lie that they have REMOVED their CLOTHING A_ FURNISHING STORE to Patton's New Brick Block, No. and will be happy to wait ou all who may give them a call, Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy (.' is-iinere Coats, of all colors ; Black and Fancy Cassimcre Pants; Black Satin and" Fancy Vests ; Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy ; Marseilles and Linen Coats, ail kinds ; Linen Pants, Shirt Collars, Cravats and Ilose. Hats, of all kinds. Garments of all kinds made up to order, and warranted to lit or no sale. Our stock comprises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which we arc Uiimd to sell cheap er than any other establishment in town or county. CUTTING done to order as usual. Towanda, June '■), Ixsa. GOODS. T HARVEY PHINXY, Jr., is just re -9J • reiving a general assortment of SI'ItfXG HOODS which he offer* to the public for unusually low prices, for Ready pay. As he is determined to sell floods after the Ist of April for READY I'AY, or keep tliein, persons wish in? to pay cash for Roods will find it for their interest to coll and examine his stock and prices. All persons indebted to me by book, note or judg ment, on tiie Ist of April next, unless some satisfactory arrangement is made, will be waited upon by a Rcntlcman in authority. j. JJ. p. j r . Towanda, March 14, 1855. To the Citizens of Bradford County. T>OOK RINDING.—S. WELLS respect * ' fully informs the inhabitant* of Ih-adfonl County that he still continues the BOOK BIXDIXU husiness, in the village of Kinßliamton, and is ready to attend to any thin* in Ids line tiiat may !c entrusted to his care. ° Particular attention will be given to the binding of Mu sic, Magazines, Law Books, Ac. Everything will be done promptly, ard in the neatest and most durable irihnner. *■ Bindery in the Third Story, over Messrs. Harring tons' Store, opposite the Post Office. As there is no Bindery in Bradford county, for the accommodation of the public arrangements have been made by which Books leit at the office of the " Brtulford lit porter, will he forwarded to ine, and returned, without extra expense. Bingham ton, March 31,1855. n-f2 SN7DES, lIOUSE, "Waverly, Iff. "3T. 1 AMES \Y Fill i'AK Ell respectfully informs *J the travelling public that he has taken the above well known stand, situated near the Railroad Depot, and soli cits a share of custom. The House is convenient and com modious, and he is determined that no pains and attention to the wants and eomfortsof gucstsshall be snared to give entire xtWrtaetion. March 15, 1*55. miscellaneous. m Ax ©23^3^^113.3.22?, riUOC'K & WATCH REPAIRER.—The VJ undersigned is constantly receiving from Xew-Y ork by Express, new additions to his Stock of Watches, ('locks. Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in part—Gold and Silver Lever, L'Kpine and Plain Watches, with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold .Jewelry, such as Gold chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys, Breast-Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a large variety ol" Silver ware .such as Table and Tea Spoons, Cream spoons, Butter knives, Salt spoons. Spectacles, to gether with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware —All of which will le sold very low for CASH. CLOCKS.—A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from <5 cents to Fifty Dollars. Watches repaired on short notice, and WAKE ANTED to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. W. A. C. would beg leave to say, that lie is prepared to execute the most difficult Jobs, such as can he done at 110 other Shop short of New-York city. W. A. CHAMBERLIN. Towanda, February 1, 1855. T OOKING GLASS PLATES CUT AND J J fitted for any size, to he had at the Jewelry Store ot l i b. 1. 1855, W. A. CHAMBERLIN. DISSOLUTION. —The copartnership lioro tofore existing between S. FKI.TON and E. T. Fox is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and ac counts of said linn are in the hands of E. T. Fox, who can generally be found at S. Felton's store, or at the " Ward House."* Those interested will please take notice that the accounts, Ac. must be settled immediately. S. FEI.'TON, November 11, 1854. E. T. FOX. S. FELTOX would most respectfully inform bis old cus tomers and the public generally that lie will still continue the LIQUOR BUSINESS at the old stand, and that he is now receiving large additions to his stock, direct from first hands in New-York, which lie will lie most happy to sell on the most reasonable terms, lie is also agent for the sale of" Binghamton Ale," a snpply of which he keeps al ways on hand and for sale cheap. Towanda. November 11, 1854. GREAT BARGAINS!!! At the New Store, opposite the Court House. BAILEY A XEVIXS, M'IIOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, TOVS. FKCIT, CONFECTIONARY, WILLOW WARE, AC., the largest and most comprehensive assortment, and the longest ex perience of any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. MY have arrangements by which we can take advantage ol the city and MYstern Markets, and are thereby enabled to of fer good bargains. Call and try us. Below we name a few of the articles that may always lie found in our stock : PROVISIONS. Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal. Feed, Pork, Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codliish, Shad. Lake Trout, Piekelod and Smoked Her ring, Cheese, llice, Beans, Potatoes, Butter, laird. Crackers. Ac. GROCERIES. Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Ginger. Pepper. Spice, Cloves, nutmegs. Mace ciuiuimn. Ground Mustard, Popper Sauce, Soda, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar. Starch, Ac. FRUIT. Prunes, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Dried Peaches, Dried Apple*. Almonds, Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira Walnut*, Pea nut*. Chestnuts, Ac. German, French and American Toys, Fancy Goods, Tin wagons, rocking horses, hoys' sleighs, China and pewter toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmonicas— Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet eases, toy bureaus, secretaries, writing desks—plain and em broidered work baskets, knitting, do. pearl, ivory, papier inachc and leather port moniaes, wallets and purse*, ivory, horn and wood pocket combs, toilet combs, ivory line eomlis, pocket inkstands, pocket and small fancy niirriors, tobacco and sunff boxes, cigar cases, perfumery and hair oils, Ac. Brooms, mopstirks, clothes pins, bench screws, willow clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice boxes. CANDY OF ALL KINDS. Dairy and table Salt, Salina, do., etc. Country dealers supplied at a small advance from New York prices. HUT Most kiuds of country produce taken in exchange for goods. BAILEY A XE\ INS. Towanda, Febrnar 1, lvS55. TOWANDA TEMxiiLis mmmmfo THIS school, under the charge of the Misses HANSON, is held in the north end of the M'ard House, in the room formerly occupied by l.aporto. Mason A Co. Miss EMMA HANSON will join her sisters iii a few days and in future will give instruction in the French language in the school. The school year will consist of four quarters, of eleven weeks each. The summer vacation commencing in July, and ending in September. TERMS, FEK QUARTER : First Class —To include the elementary English ) brain-lies,and the study of the laitin language, f % ' Sertmd Class —To include the more advanced .-tu- i dies of the English branches, with Mathematics, $3 00 and the study of Latin and French. \ Third Class— -To include Mathematics, Mental) and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac., #l2 00 with Latin and French, I Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There will he no extra charges whatever. Music —lnstruction on the Piano, with use of instru ment, will be given by Miss REBECCA D. HANSON, at $lO per quarter, and as soon as arrangements now in progress can he completed,a class in vocal music will he formed. LECTURES on Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual Philo sophy, and the higher branches of English composition, will also he delivered once or twice in each week. The aim of the Teachers will lie to impart a thorough knowledge of the studies pursued, and to give a tone and character to their School which will recommend it lo the confidence of the community. The next Quarter will commence on Monday, April 30. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men : —lit. Rev. ALONZO POTTER, Bishop of the Diocese of Pcnn'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. MACLEAN, President of the College of New Jersey, Princeton. Hon. DAVID WILMOT, G. F. MASON. Esq., C. L. M'ARD, Esq., Hon. GEOKOE SANDERSON, I>. F. BARSTOW, Esq. Col. J. F. MEANS, Towanda. Towimda, March 21. 1855. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS : REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES McM'ILLI AM, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Belles Lettrcs ; CHARLES It. COBURX, A. M., Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School ; E.ALBERT LUDM'iG, A.M., Professor of Modern Lan guages, Instructor on the Piano and in Drawing: Usher; BENJAMIN KGLIX, Penmanship and Register; Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress; MRS. EVELINE HOY'f, Preceptress and Matron ; MISS O. LOUISA JKXKS, Assistant on Piano and Me lodeon. tile- The Fall Term commences on WEDNESDAY, AU GUST 22,1855, and will continue fourteen weeks. EXPENSES PER TERM 1 Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term, $1 no " Fourth, 5 00 " Third o or " Second 7 on " First ?... a 00 EXTRAS : French, German, Spanish or Italian, each, 5 00 When taken without other branches, 7 00 Drawing 3 00 Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 00 Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 00 do do per quarter of 11 weeks 10 00 Oil painting in landscapes, per term s oo do figures 10 00 Room rent for lodgers, 1 j.-, Contingent fund for each pupil, 3s The Young Ladies will find hoard in the Institute, under the care of the Matron, at per week 1 75 Arrangements have been made by which the male pupils can find board in private families, at per week o 00 Washing, per dozen, 3S Fuel and light at the actual expense. Pupils hoarding in the Hall, (who will he exclusivelv Females.) will furnish their own bed,bedding, towels, Ac. and the table silver at their option. No pupil taken for less than half a term. *Thc bills for the term must he paid in advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none w ill lie admitted on other terms. Especial exorcises arc arranged witlwut extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. For classification of studies and text-hooks, see eircu which app!y to C. L. M'ARD, President. _S. KCOLT. SEC. JJT J. D. MONTANA K. Treasurer. rjLOVKR AND TIMOTHY SEED.—A \J quantity of each just received and for sale by February 7, 1856. J. POWELL. Ul MM BR HATS.—TIie Newest Style of kJ SUMMER ll\TS—where every style and fashion is always kept, and where Goods of all kinds are guaranteed to he sold as cheap as at Elmira or Ow-> ?o. Call and -ce. :lf junt'l4 MO XT AX YES & CO. fflcbical. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARA TIONS. Hehnhotd's Highly Concentrated Fluid Extract Burliif. for Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases, Strictures. Weaknesses, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether in Male or Female, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long standing. If you have contracted the terrible disease, which when once seated in the system, will surely go do\yn froiu one generation to another, undermining the constitution, and sapping tlie very vital tluids of life, do not trust yourscli in the hands of Quacks, who start nit every day in a city like this, and (ill thv papers with glaring falsehoods too well calculated to deceive the young and those not ac quainted with their tricks. \on cannot he too careful in the selection of a remedy in these eases. The fluid extract Bucnu has been pronounced by emi nent Physicians TUB GREATEST lIKM BUY EVER KNOWN, ft is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste, ami very innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it annihi lates every particle of the rank and poisonous vims ot this disease; and, unlike other remedies, it docs not dry tip the disea -e in the blood. C'oiistitutivnal Debility,brought on byscif-almse, n most terrible disease, which has brought thousands ol the Im mail race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the hud the glorious ambition of many a noble youth, can la* cured by this INFALLIBLE 11KMKDY. And as a medicine which must benefit everybody from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to lie found, acting both as a cure and preventive. HEM BO LIPS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Compound I'luid Extract Sorsapariil-o. For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases aiming from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an im pure state of the blood, and the only reliable and cllect ual remedy known for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rlicuin, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and I-egs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on the face and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. This article is now prc-crihed by some of the most dis tinguished Physicians in the Country, and lias proved more efficient iii practice than any preparation of Snrsa parilla yet offered to the public. 'Several eases of secon darv Sypliilic, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have en tirely recovered in the incurable wards of our public insti tutions, which had for many years re-i-ted every mode of treatment that could la? devised. These cases furnish striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destroyed and the bones already affected. NOTICE. —LA ttcrs from responsible Physicians and Pro fessors of several Medical colleges, and certificates of cures from patients will be found accompanying both prepara tions. Prices, Fluid Extract Bnehn, $1 lmttle, orfi bottles for $5. " " Karsaparilla, " " equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Karsaparilla. Prepared and sold by 11. T. HHLMBOLD, Chemist, 203 Chestnut st., near ths Girard House, Philadelphia. To la- had of Dr. 11. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa. and of Druggists and dealers everywhere. A j*All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent will receive immediate attention. l v'i I )EN NSYLVA NIA M A G I S TIIATE'S _L LAW LIBRARY. 1. BINN'S JUSTICE, And Business Man's Ixgal Guide. New and sixth Edition, bringing the law down to 1 853. A treatise on the office and duties of Aldermen and Jus tices of the Peace in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including all the required Forms of Process anil Docket Entries ; and embodying not only whatever may be deem ed valuable to Jnstiees of the Peace, but to Landlords, Tenants, and General Agents; and making this volume what it purports to lie, Asa fe Legal Guide fur Business Men. By John Binns, late Alderman of Walnut ward, in the city of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged, by Frederick C. Brightly Esq.. Author of "A Treatise on the Law of (\ists," •' Equi ty Jurisprudence," " Nisi Prius Reports,'' Editor of "Pur don's Digest," Ac. In one thick volume, octavo. Price, only $1 00. Also, Companion to Binns's Justice. 2. GUAYDON S FORMS. Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the Courts of Common Pleas, (Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terinftier, the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and the offices of the various Civil Officers and Justices of the Peace. Fourth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and adapted to the present state of the law ; with copious explanatory Notes and References, and a new, full and comprehensive Index. By Robert E. Wright, Esq. In one thick octavo volume. Price only $3 50. ALSO, 3. STItOUD AND BRIGHTLY'S PURDON'S DIGEST —l7OO TO 1855. A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, front the year 1700, to the Nth day of Mav, 1855. The first four editions by the late John Purdon, Esq. The fifth, sixth anil sev enth, by the Hon. George M. Stroud. Eighth edition, re vised. with Marginal References, Foot Notes to the Judi cial Decisions ; Analytical Contents ; a Digested Syllabus of each Title ; and a new, full, and exhaustive index. By Frederick ('. Brightly, Esq., Author of a "Treatise on the Law of Costs," •• Equity Jurisprudence," " Nisi Prius Re ports," Editor of •• Binns's Justice," Ac. One thick royal Svo. Price only $5 00. ffj-The freshness and permanent value of Pardon's Di gest are preserved by the publication annually of a Digest ot the laws enacted in each year. Thc>e annual Digests are arranged in precise conformity with t!*e plan of Pur don's Digest. They are, each of llum, republished annual ly ; arc connected together by a general index (prepared anew each year.) which embraces the contents of tlie laws of each year since the publication of Pardon's Digest, in one alphaU-t; and are bound up with Purdon's Digest,and also sold separately. Thus the purchaser of Purdon's Digest will always be in possession of the complete body of the Statute La ws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when lie purchases it. Those who have already purchased Purdon's Digest may always complete it to date for the small sum of Fifty Cents, the price of a volume containing all the annual Di gests issued since the tirst publication of the present edi tion of Purdon's Digests, as heretofore stated. KAY A BROTHER, LAW BOOKSELLERS AND PL-BLISIIERS, 17 A LB South Fifth Street, First Store above Chestnut. ttii "Orders or letters of inquiry for Law Books from the Country, promptly attended to. f,w3 BOOTS AND SHOES. John W. Wilcox, HAS located his establishment on Main Street, on door North of the " Ward House," and will continue the manufacture of lit>OTK A SIP )ES, AS heretofore. lie has just received from New-York a large assortment of Womans' Children*' and Misses' Shoes, which arc offer ed at low prices. The attention of tlie Ladies is particu larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles: -Enamelled Jenny Liml gaiter bents; tin. shoes ; black lasting and siik gaiter ; walking shoes, bus kins, Ac. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description. A large variety ol Cliildrcns' fancy gaiters, hoots A shoes of all kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care, and lie believes lie can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. B' The strictest attention paid'to MAxrFACrrßixo, and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance of the lilieral patronage lie has hitherso received. Towanda, Feb. 1, 1855. Cheap 8001, Shoe and Leather Store. D. HUMPHREY is just PI • receiving next door to U.S. Mercur's VJ store in Towanda,a large and well selected £L stock of BOOTS, SHOES A FINDINGS, from New York, which with a constant supply of HOME MANUFACTURED WORK, SOLE A UPPER LEATHER. FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, MOROCCO, Ac. lie is desirous to sell at small profits. Feeling grateful for past favors, lie hopes to merit a continuance of public pa tronage. Sis' Measure Work and Repairing dune oil short no tice. CASII paid for Hides and Skins. Towanda, June 1 4,1855. New Boot and Shoe Manufactory. EjMIANK HOFFMAN would respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda, that he has com menced the BOOT Sp SHOE business in tlie room over •L Culp A Co's. shop, near the corner of Bridge street He is ready at all times to do all work in his line in the best maimer—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, in the latest approved style, as well as Coarse Worh. RKTAIKINU done in a superior man ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of this place, assuring them that he will endeavor to merit their favors by using the best stock, by careful work manship, and by punctuality. Towanda. June 18, 1855. 'U-?'*™' 1 *?" , 1. M. SEWARD E. 11. COOK. I> AV AT ROUS & Co., DEALERS IX 1 . * HEAVY <$- SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A •1. Mater st. Elmira, N. Y. We have recant!y made large additions to our extensive >'to( k, ami have now on hand a complete assortment of ov cry description of Hardware, which we oiler at the lowest cn-di prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel, Nails and spika, Ropes and Cord age. Paints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and slinnc, either Malay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber A leather, Glass at wholesale. We are prepared to snpply Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at Man ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. CI iRTR At 'TOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Rich A Wilder's Patent Salamander Safes F.airhaiik's Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu lar saws. _ Large sizes up to C>o inch, always on hand and sold at Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders bv marl. J Klmirn, April 7, In, id. n-fl-12m DUTO STORE SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE, Fronting: the Public are. TIIF snhsorif or. thankful fthe liberal patronage of the past year, intends to keep constantly on hand a full sortmcnt of the very best articles usually kepi in our line, which iik wii.i. dispose of on such terms as aii| i„. i.sfaetory to all who may patroiii/dHm. The purchases arc made entirely with < ash in hand, and for the C VSII customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles not answering our mommendatii.n will be cheerfully taken buck, anil the money refunded. Advice gratuitously given at the Office, charging only for the JMiriurs. The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, I'iirr Wini' k Liquors, for Medicinal use, London l'orler k Scolch Ale. ALL 7IIE MOST VOVULAR PATENT MEDICINES' FRESH CAMTHENE fi BURNING FLUID —NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! A SPLKKDIII ASSORTMEXT OF American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant d Good,) Superior TOSACCO 6l SNUFF !----Choicc brands of Pure Havanna Prineinn and Vara CIGARS ! ' po PalntN, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, UrnSlies, Perfumery, Sliaviii" nn, Fancy Aril ties, Ate. &.c. 8 ~p ' FAMILY GROCERIES: 1 Jluck anil Green Teas ; llio nntl Jtiva Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, & c t ( c Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE! —and ITS MOTTO " The lest quality of deeds—Vvll assortment—Mole rate V refits —Jlrndt/ attention torustomers-. Xo Adulteration of deeds—Candid ad rice as to l'atait Jlemedies—And dose ntlenll s to business:' H. C. POUTER, M. I J Towanda, February I, ls.Vi. HARDWARE AND IKON STOKE. HALL *c RUSSELL, ■ jj Wholesale and Keiail Dealers in fSSmHARDWARE AND STOVES, Tin, Jnpanncd and Britannia Ware, LA House Trimming's, Cariiage Trimmings, Harness dt Saddlcrv f - -Yf Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools, V —BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, FARMERS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEAD PIPE AND PUMPS, of all hinds and sizes, IRON, STEEL, LEATHER BELTING, See. Ac. Would inform their friend-, that these arc only a part of the cronornl head- under which may F*> rbis-cl tWirexton ! sive assortment, and to w Inch they are constantly receiving additional supplies, direct from the imiHirtci* and n,inn facturers, wliieh enables them to oiler such inducements in their large stock and low prices a will d, Iv coim*iiiitHj from any quarter. We would ask the particular attention of * ' aLSTID to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the greatest care, we are confident will satisfy cm the most fastidious. ' R3" Don't lorizet. (lie place—South side of tlio Public Square. • )bl iron, Popper and llrass, and all kinds of Country Produce, taken in exchange for Good-. Towanda, May l!7, is;sl. HALL A KI'SSFIL DU. TTALSEVS' FOREST WINE.—The discovery of the FOREST WINK is tlio greatest ldes | sing of the ago. Put up in Quart 1 Sot ties, a single Imttle of which does more frond, and pies further in the cure of Disease, than ton bottles of any Sa;-.ipuiilla in use, and. warranted to cure without an unpleasant or weakening effect. The method hv which all other simi lar medicines are prepared, i* by l'ili;.the Roots ofplants to obtain the extracts. Their innl' rial virtues are thus principally evaporated and destroyed. It is not to be wondered at then, that 10 and even 20 bottles of these Sarsaparill.'.s are - unci hues t. ken without any perceptible benefit. X-.-t s i with the Forest Wine.— Isy the invention of a wondernl chemical apparatus,a per fect wine is produced without 1 satin-.'; retaining, at the same time, ail the primitive healing properties oi the rare medicinal plants of which it i- composed, thus rendering the Forest Wine the most efficient medicine the world ever produced, at the same time time the no.-t agreeable. TESTIMONY. This is to certify, that 1 have used Dr. Jlalscy's Forest Wine in my family wit It the most entire success* M v wife was badly aflli ted with Net;; dgia, nt v lions of the Spine and Kidneys, and general Debility. She louiid speedv re lief. and regained her health by the use of the Forest Wine. From my own knowledge of this excellent medicine, I confidently recommend it tor the good of others wh i niev lie suffering from similar com|>l.iiuts. It is the l-c.-t medi cine with which 1 am acquainted, aud those who are afflic ted with the above, or any similar di ease, sulciv re ly on its virtues. F.. (1. MUSSEY. MURK TESTIMONY FROM CO HOES. DR. (I. W. 11 Al.SKY— T>car Sir : My wife last autumn was reduced •> a low state of Debility. My family phvsician advised her to take your Forest Wine. Accordingly 1 went to Mr. Terry's, your agent in this town, and procur ed a bottle of it, which restored her in a very short time to perfect health. Cohoes, April lit, l->.">o. HENRY DONALDSON. DREADFUL COUGH. DKI'.ILITY, AND LOSS OF APPETITE. DH. TIAI.SEV: Hempstead, Dec. 1,1547. A imttle of your Forest Wine and box of Fills, which I procured of James Fair, (your agent for this place.) has done wonders for me. 1 had been in a state of decline for more than a- year, afflicted with a dreadful cough, pain in the lurast. general debility, and loss of ;• petite. 1 lie came almost a skeleton, and'had la-en unable to leave tnv room for more than two months; my friends told me *1 had the Consumption and despaired of my recovety. 1 conhl not obtain any permanent relief from any medicine 1 had taken, or my physician, until your Wine and Fills were procured. The lirst dose of the Fills brought up from my stomach, much phlem and greenish matter, and mv stools were perfectly black. 1 then commenced taking your Forest Wine three times a day. my appetite began to return immediately, my cough It-It me, and in less than two weeks 1 was almost well. 1 now enjoy better health than 1 ever did before, having increased twentv-five pounds in seven weeks. Your Forest Wine and Fills are highh valued in this vicinity, and I owe my recovety entirely to their virtues. " Yours, respectfully, MARTIN* CALDWELL. AFFECTION'S OF THE KIDNEYS. Mr. T. J. Gillies. a highly respectable Merchant of No. JDS Ilroadway, New York, cured of a severe affection ol the Kidneys lv the Forest Wine and Fills. Dr. G. W. HALSKY: New-York, March 12,1853. Dear Sir— In the summer and fall of la t year I hail a severe comptaintof the Kidneys, whieli rendered me quite unlit for business. I procured* your Forest Wine and Fills which cured mo in a few weeks time, and i have since en joyed better health than 1 had for mttnv years prevhmslv. Frtuu their efficacy in my o.vvn case.and from what i know your medicines to have done for i tilers, I am induced to recommend them as the best medicines with which 1 am acquainted. Yours, respectfully, * T. J GILLIES. DYSPEPSIA. There are thousands cured every year of this disease by the Forest Wine and Fills; Dyspepsia, Costivcness and Indigestion, are kindred complaints, frequently existing together, and the cure of one is generally the c ure of nib I he Forest. Wine and Fills above all remedies are pre-emi nent in the cure of Dyspepsia. l'e.-timony of J. X. Vennilc, of New York Citv, dated July Is;,•]. J Dr. (1. W. H ALSEY :—Dear .-sir—Having been cured of Dyspepsia by the use of your Forest Wine aud Fills, I take the liberty to offer you my name,'! clieviiig many who know ine may 1m- lmelited by my excellent remedies. For many years 1 have been afflii tedwith this malady so baldy that nearly one-third of my time has been lest "from business. The Forc-t Wine and Fills have restored me to excellent health, and I cheerfully recommend them, as I art convinc ed the discovery of the remedies are a bles sing to mankind. j. x. VEKMILK. New-York. .1 nlv DR. (L W. lIAI SKY'S GUM COATED FOREST I'LLS. 'lhc Cum c oaled L-oic.-t Fills are desigui-dtoaccouipany the Forest Wine in the- euro of Disease. tlir-irc-cimMn"! - tic>ii being more searching and effective. Thev an-infinite I ly 1 letter than any otln r Fill or Cath-irtie. pr.'.hi. inginill cases w hen this class of ntcdieines are useful, a ni'c-t dura i i' ig effect. 1 hev are purely vegetable, i.evi r grijif. MJ 'j lie taken at any time without tear ol takingcohi.lii'iiilniiiii : from businc-s, or disagreeable effei t-, and pa- nff, h-av : ing the bowels perfectly natural, which is all iinpertitit j for the perfect recovery and continuation of guml lu-ilth. j Thousands can testify to the great ex. eiicuceof Hies iilia above alt others. The Forest Wine accompanied with the Forc-t Fills.are most effectual in the cure of all the following roiiipluiati: I'.-- ' i-- ! '■ Ha! itnalCostivcness,! , . • o-.V ma. Piles. Obstinate Headache. Fimples. |tb-t. i„ - andan healthy color ot the skin, .launch c. \guc and Fc-vc-r. Silt Rheum. Erysipelas. Complaints incident cmlv to Fciuait*. Languishing weakness. Night Sweats. Nerv'e- li-*lw. General ill He iltli ami impaired state ofthe l ' "i-t tntion. I he Forest Wine is put up in large- -pure Mb -. -vith Dr. 11 a Key's name blown in the gloss, etna IMI :|*r bottle, or ix bottles for Five Dollars. Keeknian st. New Vetk. I TO FISINTERS AND Ft Iti.l>iiKl.'S. | The uncle rs gm d e- to inform the trade that the*' I ■ recently issued their .Yew* S^fiiaji,andtl • I now ready for delivery to their old patrons, as wtll#' I all who patronize their Foundry. B In it will be found a new -c ries iff Faces fr-oo 1 I l'ie,i, surpassing if |mssiblc, their celebrated series>' H Scotch cut faces. I '/' he Fitnri/ 'l'iipr department exltihits an nnsnrpMSl* B variety of lwrnutitul styles, selected froin France, tivtauj ■ and England. 1 The Scripts and R A rdering arenow for Iho first ice* '-- I ed to the printing public, and are the proeleKtiou-'l* B last European aud Americ an Artists. . B Alt entire New Series ol German Faces, bull. f-rN 1 ■ Paper ami Job Printing, of a very superior -trie, i- a 1 ■ uenily completed and tor sale. , I The Metal from which ourtvpe is made, w ill lv I " V peculiarly adapted to the SKVKUK US \C,K of Mailiinv 1> I Tlcey liegto return thanks for past favors.and I'- ' B a continuance. Their well known Rts-r;' maimer • K business for the past thirtv * ears, i- a gin ran to' '• E new patrons oI their clisp-e'tiou and abihti a--t t* ' H themselves to be surpassed lor fair dealing. whetkiff are by letter or otherwise. . I N. IJ. Proprietors of newspapers arc reqm--tod Di"* ■ the above, provided they will trade out three time- - g amount ol the ir respective bills in materials "t '"' r : f.', faeture. and forward us one copy of the paiwr coiiU®p ■ the adieiti.-cuicut. '"L H THZS OIrD STAND I STILL 1N OPEBATIfIVI 1 .- | - j, ~ "jli.iinl. and will male. ' ' V f i"*-Tl.-s B DSI? V-s'i A I,suc has Sofas.Divan- l."i"ij-<" E' : tie, Card. Dining and I'"™ 1 ,,, '.= m k Ijt hem- Rmvaiis. stand- B kinds." Chair. ■ description, wlii -li are. and will Is- made :'• ;j. H terial and workmanlike manner, aud which tin) H for cadi cheaper than can be bought ill any "i-"' room in the country. .si READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the ■ sellable terms. A good HEARSE will tic ' H Funeral occasions. JA.MKs M At K'- x ■ Towanda, January 1.1855. B ' DISSOLUTIOX. —The I toforc existing between the H| - H dissolved by mutual consent of alt parties. 1 | '.I linn will IKUV.I'IVT becanicd ''i '•) -' - I. \MKUK Vl'X. at the old stand. Notes and l: ,7i,s of the late lirm are left in (!•• hands c>! 1.1- A"• " ■ f civaux, and must . Bs 1. L. LAMEREAUN. lv l .'■ H. L. LA MERE A FX, t.S'' 1 § Towanda, Jan. 20, 1855. . 9< w \ S.VI.T. just nroiv-'l H 'Mr sale by May Ift TIt.UA A • Bl XTKW x iust ope ning at MD\T.\N>' | Match 1, ls',s. S