Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 22, 1855, Image 3

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    Governor Shannon at Westport.
[From the Evening Post.]
The " (> ws fr° m Westport, in Missouri, which
cave i" our postscript of yesterday, confirms
the view we had already taken of the removal
~f Governor Hceder of Kansas. The new
Governor, Shannon, was received with marks
(1 f honor by the friends, of slavery in that
lilace. He regrets that the people of Kansas
ilo not sul>mit quietly to tlie fraud which has
l'„en practised upon them. For his part, he
considers the assembly held at the Shawnee
MMon liSa ,ruc Jegislatare, and whether the
ocoiile of Kansas are willing to recognise its
..i tliority or not, he is prepared to enforce its
ordinances as the genuine laws of the terri
:,,rv lie is in favor of introducing the insti
tution of slavery.
Makin ,r all allowances for the occasional ex
.,n*r, rations of the telegraph, we see 110 reason
to doubt that Governor Shannon said some
thing of the nature ascribed to him. He was
Hiviiaded at Westport by the friends of the
, \ten.-ion of slavery, who were, of course, well
informed of his sentiments, anrl desired to give
him an opportunity of expressing them. He
-cizeil t||,. occasion, and gratified them with the
declaration that he was with them, and meant,
in his capacity of Governor, to finish the work
which the Missouri adventurers, acting as a le
gislature, had so nobly begun. Since Shannon
voted for the Nebraska bill with the certainty j
of offending his constituents, but with the j
promise that Mr. Pierce would take care of
iiiiu if thev dropped him at the next election, '
there can of course be no work too dirty or
shameful for him to do.
Those who in thir simplicity thought that
Governor Feeder was removed from his office :
, u account of certain speculations in wild lands, !
which he never made, but only asked Mr. j
P erce's permission to make, will, we think, !
nu w he undeceived. The Kansas legislature j
could not get on with him. lie was retained >
in office long after his offer to speculate, until '
it was dear that lie could not lie relied upon as j
a confederate of Atchison and Stringfellow ; ;
hut the moment he began to refuse its signa
ture to their laws ami deny their validity, he
was summarily dismissed. His place was first
offered to one who it was well known would
not accept it— so well known, that the tele- ;
graphic dispatch which brought from Wash-j
h.gton the news of his appointment brought j
also the intelligence that he would certainly!
refuse it. Shannon, however, has no such' j
urnpks ; he accepted the offer with alacrity, j
and set out immediately on the errand of en- j
ficviuz the decrees of the adventurers as-1
H-iuhieil at the Slmwnee Mission, and iutroduc- ;
iug shivery into Kansas.
but will Governor Shannon IK* able to per
f. rm his promise ? There are two objections
I entertained by the people of Kansas to the ,
mliuus rc.-eripts which Governor Shannon calls |
laws: in the first place, that the conclave |
! v whom tliey were adopted had no authority i
to act a< a legislature ; and in the second j
place, that they are of so tyrannical a nature, !
-i ppngnant to all our notions of a free govern-\
!ii"iit that their execution cannot be endured.
Will Governor Shannon, for example, be able
t exact of the settlers of Kausas the oath to |
support the Fugitive Slave law, before they '
arc allowed to vote? Does he imagine himself
aUe to execute the decree issued by the same
imapcd authority, which makes it a crime to
speak or publish a word against the iutroduc- i
• .on of slavery into Kansas? By what sort of j
process does he expect to fulfil another decree j
iy which the man who shelters in his flight a
brother man escaping from bondage is to be j
punished with death ? The settlers will laugh
his law to scorn, and throw their defiance in !
his teeth.
Will Mr. Fierce, to second his creature and
iibtriiment in the effort he is about to make,
nsort to the military arm of the government ?
Will he order out the federal troops as lie did
tu enforce the Fugitive Slave law at Boston,
anil as he would not do to protect the rights of
ridents of Kansas against the outrages of
the invaders from Missouri ? If he takes that
step, he plunges the country into a civil war
at once. Ordinances like those passed by the
usurping legislature at the Shawnee Mission
arc not laws for a free people to obey, and all
Tire [wer at the disposal of the federal govern
ment could not enforce them. Let Mr. Fierce
I make the experiment ; let him try the effect
;| of ordering out a regiment of the government
? tro<'p> to aid in imposing slavery upon Kansas
J ''.gainst the will of its colonists. It was not.
, I i-ag since that we saw crowds of eager ad
■ venturers on our coasts, our own countrymen,
l preparing for a descent upon Cuba to deliver
| | tlie islanders from the yoke of SjKiin. Would
|:| 'here he nobody to go up to the struggle for
1 t'ty in Kansas, when the cry of licip.should
' raised by our countrymen in their extremity,
I ;r old friends and neighbors, w ho, in fixing
■ their residence there, vainly imagined that they
I w.-rc still in a free country ? Our word for it
"j ti.r protest against tyranny worse than that of
riuiin would not l>e unregarded. Thousands
■ t:;e* young men of tlie North, already too
|j jatient of the dull calmness of a peaceful
•. w. abl throng upon the ground in such
H : i:: "' vrs as to elbow the comparative handful
I - liery out of the territory, and even to
Jf the whole army of United States
f • governors, judges and marshals over
°°, l Lie frontier.
I t no man deny, then, that the introduction
ivory inn, Kansas, as the consummation
I ''more object of the Nebraska bill, is
p 1 ! ' irreat question of the day. Almost every
It from tlie "West informs us of a new step
™ >iu tins audacious enterprise, and adds
f| r 'o its approaching success or fuil
m , V' e vve nro writing this article, a cop.y of
j, ' 1 Vial'rston Mercury is laid before us, in
jt ■' i- an article indicative of the character
§1 ' boveruor Shannon bears at the South.
"T.v it below, remarking only that those
s J ' ''"nd it will have no difficulty in under
|| i!l - why Shannon was received with such
I distinction in Westport:
U > ' m ' die southern people how Wilson
>il l 'e newly-appointed Governor of
| 1S regarded by the the abolitionists, we
M tl"' following language of that arrant
jjfi o •'old Wen'ivvorth, of Chicago :
;|l .. j">se who know Wilson Shannon, know
|i Is a southerner in all his notions—as
9 ri ,'" 0 as any one of the firm of Douglas,
I kai ° M ' St rinfellow & Co. lie goes to
I i p"V° lUake Kansas a slave state. His
H)| " : ' ,s ruu-t be known to Gen Fierce.—
9 ;! !l ,J ''' lyler man. Although elected
II ', e Governor of Ohio by the dc-
I.! t', '' can >" out with a letter endorsing
H r> ai idby tlie same John Tyler he
j.'j'" il foreign mission.
|1 ,l . Mr ; "og combination of circumstances
■ ofd to Congress for one term, and
• o.'.y. During Lis Congressional career
'' '-dtfiicr in all his notions, and all
his votes. His record is right, and, what is
better, his heart is right for Douglass and
slavery. He goes to Kansas to inflict a dead
ly blight upou its rising hopes, and to curse its
people with bondage. It remains to be seen
who has the bright future, Reeder or Shannon ;
the patriot of traitor !
" Let Shannon recognise this mob of Doug
losites that now profess to be the legislature of
Kansas, and the next House of Representa
tives will pin a clause to the next appropria
tion bill that will declare all such infamy void.
There is hope in the next Congress !"
Passmore Williamson.
The unanimous nomination of Passmore Wil
liamson for Canal Commissioner by the Repub
lican State Convention, will naturally excite
inquiry as to his character and antecedents.
We are informed by our well known fellow
citizen, Solomon W. Roberts, Esq., civil emri
neer, that he has been well acquainted with Mr.
Williamson for years. He is a nephew of
William Williamson, of West Chester, at one
time Speaker of the Senate of Pennsylvania ;
and the eldest son of Thomas Williamson, one
of the most eminent conveyancers in Philadel
phia, and a man distinguished for his high
character and extensive knowledge of laud
titles in Pennsylvania.
Passmore Williamson is now about thirty
five years of age ; he has a wife and several
children ; and he has been brought up by his fa
ther, and has been in partnership with him as a '■
scrivener and conveyancer. Mr. Roberts in
forms us that Mr. W illiamson is a man of ex
cellent character, and of great intelligence, and ;
altogether a superior man to those whom the
people of Pennsylvania have been in the habit
ol electing to the office of Canal Commission-j
Sgcli being the high character of Mr. Wil-!
liamson, and such his qualifications for the
office named, there is no valid reason why he
should not receive the vote of every man in ,
the State who thinks him the victim of a
judicial wrong committed in behalf of the ar
rogant demands of the slave power.
The Republican Convention, iu presenting
him for the only office at present within the
gift of the people of tlie State, did not stop to !
inquire what were his political antecedants— i
whether he was a Whig, a Democrat, an
" American" or a Free Soiler. His political
views had nothing to do with his selection.— j
The convention was actuated solely by the j
desire to give the voters of the Commonwealth j
an opportunity to rebuke an unexampled act j
of tyranny and usurpation perpetrated in their !
midst, and upon their fellow-citizen. This
thing of reducing free white men to slavery is
one that appeals with irresistible force to every ,
one who values his own rights. The enjoyment i
of the rights guaranteed to the people by the J
constitution can only be preserved by protect- i
ing intact to those of every individual citizen.
The momeut we permit one man among us to
be stricken down and robbed of his franchises,
that moment we weaken our own defences and
open the way for their destruction.
PASSMORK WILLIAMSON is a man thus stricken
down ; and the wrong done to him is a wrong
done to every man in Pennsylvania. To rise :
up, therefore, in his behalf, is the dictate of'
the instinct of self preservation. We would j
be faithless to ourselves and our highest inter-!
ests as men, if we suffered his wrongs to go un- j
The South has set up a claim to the right
not only of carrying slaves through our free :
territory, but of holding tliern here as long as !
it may prove convent -nt.. Senator Toombs has i
uttered the insulting boast that he will vet call j
the roll of his slaves upon Bunker Hill, and
hold them them there in defiance of northern
constitutions and laws. In the case of Col.
Wheeler's slaves, Passmore Williamson set
himself to dispute this claim, and to convey to !
those slaves the sound legal information that'
by the laws of Pennsylvania they were free..— !
For doing this he has been ruthlessly seized '
and reduced to the condition of a slave. The j
sacred writ of habeas corpus was first abused j
in being served upon him to require the j
production of persons claimed as slaves, over :
whom he had no control, and then it was!
denied to him when it was the constitutional
right to claim it. Upon a false anil frivolous
[ilea of contempt lie has been deprived of his
liberty, thrust into prison for an unlimited term,
and left without remedy or apparent hope of
relief. The purposed' his illegal imprisonment
is plain. It is to punish him for successfully
questioning the claim of a southern man to
hold slaves ujion our soil. He is an example
selected by the slave power to teach us to resist
what it pleased to demand. Shall we be
frightened by the example? Or shall we rally
to the side of the victim, and by a timely
stand vindicate both his rights and our own ?
The objection has been made to Mr. Wil
liamson that he is the secretary of an Aboli
tion Society. He is the secretary of aSo -ietv,
incorporated by the legislature of this Slate iu
the days of the Revolution, for the ameliora
tion of the condition of the colored men. Of
were active members and officers ; and Pass
more but the successor of those
worthy and venerable men in the office which
they filled. Franklin and Rush—signers of
the Declaration of Independence—were worthy
foreerunners ; and it is no disgrace to him to
hold a place which they honored and by which
they were honored in turn. Let those rail at
him who will, on tli it. account. We hold it
no discredit to him to follow iu their illustrious
PASSMORF. WILLIAMSON is a native born
Pennsylvania!!—an AMERICAN, in the broadest
sense of that term, lie is an honest, and
faithful, and well-qualified. M hy, then, should
he not. receive the united vote of those who arc
united in sympathizing with him in his wrongs ?
We can conci ive of no good reason. He is
remediless, and this is the only method left n
to give him a helping hand. If upon any silly
pretence any portion of the people should be
held back from voting for him, and so contribute
to his defeat, let the responsibility of the de
feat rest upon those who have the power to pre
vent it.— Pittsburgh Gazette.
® MASONIC. —The regular meetings of UNION
No- 103, A. Y. M., are held every Wed
jjTnesday, on or preceding the full moon, at 3. I'.
au( j on each second Wednesday thereafter,
at Masonic Hall, over J. Kingsheiy's store, as follows :
August Sth, at 8, P. M. October 24th, at 3 P. M.
August 22d, 5, " November. .. 7th, 6$ "
September. .sth 8, " November. .21st, 3
September.lhth 3, " December ...sth, I'.J
October 2d 8, " i December.. 3 "
AH brethren in good standing are in\ ited to attend.
11. It. A. UNION CHAPTER, No. 161, holds its regular
meetings at the same place, Thursday on or before the lull
moon. Meeting for August on the 23d day.
E. H. MASON, Secretary.
tvSjr UN I VERSA LISTS will hold their annual meet
ing at the. Union Church, ill the Borough ol Burlington,
the last Monday and Thursday in September, (26th and
27th.) A cordial invitation is extended to ioth friend and
foe lo come and hear. J. F. LONG, Clerk.
Towanda Market—Wholesale Prices.
[Corrected weekly bv K.T. FOX, Dealer in Provisions and
Groceries, No. 1, Brick Row, who will pay Cash, at the
prices fixed, for the articles in this list:]
Flour, (retail price,) bbl $3 00
Pork, do " 21 00 24 00
Wheat, y bushel, 1 2d @ 1 SO
Buckwheat, " .... <g
Oats, < "... 31 r&j
Corn, ■ .... ioo C<6
{;.ve, •' .... (J2i ®
Potatoes •< .... 2;". 'jj 31J
Beans " 1 f.O ® 2 00
Dried Apples " 1 50 @ 1 75
Butter fitb ... 12 (?y 10
Cheese, " c lo
Hams and Shoulders, " ;i tfjj 121
Dried Peaches, " 12 % 1C
Dried Berries, " 12 ISJ
Ujtg*. ('dozen (g; 12
IVI a r r i e d,
At St. Matthew's Church,in Pike, on Snndav the 2d hist.,
by Rev. Mr. Hopkins, ANDREW M'COMBER to Mrs.
J. E. REYNOLDS, all of Pike.
13i ed.
In this borough, on the 30th ultimo, of Dropsy. Mrc ELI
ZABETH BURTON, aged 72 years, 2 months and 30
Who that is familiar with the names of persons long re
sident in this place, wi: not turn for a moment from the
record of passing events and of daily business, to bestow
tlie tribute of a passing sigh to the memory of her who
was familiarly, and yet kindly known by the name of
" Mother BCKTOX." She who never knew what it was to
refuse a call of sickness or of suffering, has herself paid
that debt from which there is no discharge. A sufferer
herself, she gave abundant evidence during her protracted
illuess of the power of that faith which overcomcth the 1
world ; and as earthly comforts were failing, she expo- '
rienced in her hour of deepest need the faithfulness ofthat '
Savior whom she had long ago confessed. Her hours of j
pain were alleviated by the sweetness of those promises
which are " yea and amen in Christ Jesus and she look
ed forward with composure to her departure from the
world, as the time when her soul would be made unspeaka
bly liappy.
Firmly attached to the Protestant Episcopal Church, of
which she was for many years a member, she found in
its services a help to her sincere and consistent piety,—
and rather than miss an opportunity of engaging in that
which was to her the dearest privilege on earth, she has
walked for miles through summer's heat and winter's
" The memory of the just is blessed." D. j
> announces to all afilictcd with Tumors, Wens, (,'uu- i
cer, Warts, Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or
King's Kvil, and all diseases that have l>een usually treat- ;
ed Caustic or Knife that he can remove tlieni Itv" an en
tirely new method, without cutting, burning or pain. It
is no matter on what part of the body they are, lie can re
move them with perfect safety and in a remarkable short i
time, if curable. No money required, exeept for medicines
until a cure is perfected. Chronic and other diseases not I
mentioned above, treated with positive success, if curable, j
Full particulars can be obtained by addressing (.'. L. KEL- j
LING, M. I).. Mechanicsburg. Cumberland Co., I'a.
I'ersons afflicted, residing at a distance, iie has, for vears
been in the habit of prcscrbing by letter, and with general 1
He would say however to those desiring advice, in this |
way, that to secure attention they shonid enclose, with ;
the general symptoms of their cases, a fee of one dollar, to j
warrant him in spending his time for their bcnelit.
The doctor may be consulted at his oil ice at all times, ;
when not professionally absent.
CAUTlON.— Strangers coming to see tlie Dr. are caution- j
ed as some have been deceived. Dr. K. is the only one in |
this State, who can perform cures by the new method.— j
The Dr's. office is directly opposite the Union Church.
Mechanicsburg is 8 miles from Harrisburg on the Cum- i
lierland V. K. It. and accessible from all parts of the Un
ion. The Dr. will visit cases within a reasonable distance j
when desired.
Administrator's Sale.
BRY virtue of an order issued hv the Or
phan's Court of Bradford County, will he sold on
Saturday October 27th at 2 o'clock. P. M., on the premi
ses, late the property of Miner it. Wilcox, situated in Al
bany twp., and bounded on the north by James Wilcox,
east by the Fowler branch of the Townnda creek, west by j
Joseph White, and south by the Coal Company's lands,
containing 140 acres, more or less, about so acres improv
ed, with a frame house, frame barn and horse hed and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Terms made known on day of sale.
JOSEPH MEN AUDI, Administrator.
September 20, 1855.
(WME to the enclosure of the subscriber in
J Derrick, about the Ist of July,one two year old BED i, and a yearling BED HEIFER. Neither having
any particular marks. The owner i> requested to take
them away, pay charges. Ac. WM. H. 11. JENKINS. 1
Hcirick. Scjit. 13. i 5.",",.
Q HERIFFS SALE By virtueofa certain 1
writ of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of i
C 'inmon Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed, 1
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the
boro" of To.vanda, on Toe day, October 16, 1855, at 1 !
o'clock, P. M.tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land sit- I
nate in Athens township, bounded north by lands of Ncal !
McDuHie, east by landsot Samuel S. Clark" south by lands :
of Daniel S. Brown, aud wc.-t by lands of Morris.ui Card- j
ner. Containing forty-two and a half acres, more or less, <
twelve acres improved, with a framed house, a log barn j
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized ai.d taken in execution at the suit of David Gard- J
iter vs. L. A. Gardner.
Sheriffs Office, Townnda, 24,1855.
g tr" Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the i
costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when j
struck il iwii to the bidder, and upon failing to comply I
with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer- I
ed for sale, Jon v \. Cmn>••<;
Tracy <&, B/loorc,
a large and well selected assortment of
which have beeu selected with unusual care, and purchas
ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we
can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment
i i the country, we ask the public to give us a call, and
examine our stock and prices. Sept. 12, 1*55.
r PIIE subscriber offers for sale a splendid
-L collection of Landscapes, Historic, Astronomic, and
Comic Views, together with tvv> first class Magic I .an tents.
Tills Apparatus is intended for giving Exhiliitions, and
is the in extensive and complete of the kind in this
country. Either one or two persons wishing to fravel can
make the business pay from mo to two hundred dollars
per month, if properly eond ic.ted, and will afford a bettfr
opportunity of seeing the country than any other business.
UUter, Bradford Co., Pa.
P. S. Reference. D. J. CHUBBLTK, Ulster, who has tra
veled with the Exhibition.
1 \. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate o! MIXEBYA WEBBER, dee d.!ate of Franklin tp. are
ptested to make iaj*ment without delay : and all persons
having claims against said estate, must pre.-ent them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber at his resi
dence. JOHN H. WEBBER,
Franklin. August 2. 1855. Administrator.
! EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —AH persons iu-
J debtcd to the estate of EL! A I. STEVEN'S, deceased,
late of Ridgbnry township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persous having demands
agnin-t snid estate are*requested l > present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. ST URGES SQUIRES,
Ridgbnry. Mareli 20. 1865. Executors.
OAINTS. Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Patty, Ac.
1. Ac., by TRACY A MOORE.
. just received at TRACA A MOORE'S.
MACKEREL —whole, half and quarter bbls
by je29 TRACY .V MOORE.
XRON, Round, Square, Tire, Band & Scroll,
all qualities and sizes. TRACY A MOORE.
FLOUR —BO bbls., first quality, for sale at
the lowest CASH figure. TRACY A MOORE.
COLE LEATHER —One Ton, a prime ar-
O tide, for sale cheap, by TRACY & MOORE.
J\_ j s hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of IRA GRISWOLD. dee'd., late of Ridgbery Town
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; aud ail persons having claims against said estate will
please nreseut them duly authenticated
BENJ- HVESTED, Administrator.
Ridgbery, June IS, 1*55.
Ncm QU>orrti9emcuts.
The Subscribers desire to procure the undivided
time of an Agent in every county of the United States —
Efficient and capable men may make several dollars per
day. without risk or hmnbuggery of anv kind. Full par
ticulars of the nature of the business will be given bv ad
dressing the subscriber, and forwarding One Post Ofiice
Stamp to pre-pay return postage.
FUHEY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
i To the School Directors and School Trackers of
Bradford Comity:
recent Convention of School Directors of this Coun-
A tv, adopted a resolution requesting the Countv Su
perintendent to hold, or cause to be held, Teachers'Tnsti
tutes iu the different townships or the countv. In com
pliance with this resolution, I now give notice, that the
necessary arrangements air in progress for holding a se
ries of these Teachers' Schools. It is not deemed advisa
ble to hold one in each township this fall. In many cases, i
not enough would attend to give them interest and utility, i
I have accordingly, selected such points for holding the
first aeries, as has appeared to me most suitable for the
different divisions of ihe county. The places named are i
only suggestive. If the School Directors of either of these '
divisions prefer another, I will cheerfully acquiesce in a J
change. The list is given at the foot of this notice.
These Institute- are intended for Teachers only ; and 1
their 1 catling object is to improvi teachers in the Art of
Teaching. It is expected Hut the Teachers and Directors •
living near the place of holding tbe-e Schools, will gel 1
the School House which is t, be used, in order, keep it '
so, have fuel supplied and make provision for boarding J
the Instructor.
The incidental expenses of these Institutes, such as the
board of the Preceptor, fuel, light—for the evenings must j
he occupied with Lectures— Ac., the Teachers must bear. ;
The amount to each, will, of, depend on the nuui- j
her attending. Four dollars, will the out
side expenses of our of these Institutes. This to be equal- i
ly borne among the Teachers, lie their number twenty or
forty. j
Timely notice will he given in the papers, of the corn- !
mencemenkof each of t-he-e Institutes, accompanied by a j
programme of the exercise e The first will be held in'To- i
wanda, early in October, and will be under the direction .
of Professor C. (t. Conn:v. lit the management of the j
others, the Superintendent will have the assistance of able 1
Teachers wishing to attend these Institutes, must report
themselves to the Secretaries of the School Board of the j
township where held, before the 2.5 th day of September.— j
This officer's name and addre-s is given in the li-t below, i
I have to request these officers, to report to me the num
ber as soon us practicable after the 2.lth.
School Directors are arnedly requested to give this en
terprise ail tiie encouragement and aid they can. These
Institutes can be made useful.
Owing to the Irregularity in the time of opening the I
schools, and the shortness of the time a large majority are j
kept open, the rapcriutondeut cannot visit all the schools.
This is the sole cause of this failure. It is niv desire to i
remedy this, and i have a proposition to make to the j
school directors, which will obviate the cause and its re- !
It the directors of Monroe, Albany, Wilinot, Overton, I
Durell and Asylum, will commence their schools in the j
first week of November :
The directors of Standing Stone, Wyalu.-ing, Tuscarora, 1
Herrick, l'ike and Warren, theirs in "the third week iu i
The directors of V.'ysox, Rome, Orwell, Windham,
Litchfield and She.shequiu, theirs in the first week in De
cember :
The directors of North Towanda, Ulster, Athens, Rhlg
hery, South Creek. Wells, Columbia, Springfield, Smith
field and Ea.-t Burlington, theirs in the third week in De- I
_ And the directors of West Burlington, Troy, Armenia,
Granville, Canton, Leroy, Franklin and Towanda, theirs |
in the fir-t week of January, I can visit every school house j
in the county, that has a school in it, during the winter; ;
and if the order I have marked out,or something appro.xi- 1
mating it, is observed in the opening of the schools, and j
then remain open one month, I will agree to visit all !
Now, what say you, school directors? There is nothing!
to prevent this arrangement ; will you go iuto it ?
The lie.-t way to commence the work is, for each district 1
to advertise for teachers, and give notice ill this advertise- '
nieut, of the time of commencing the schools. The cost
of adverti-ing will lie one dollar, and if any hoard of di
rectors feci unwilling to take this much out of the school i
fund, I will pay the dollar for advertising, on the condi- 1
tion that all the districts of the county go into this ar- !
I hope the different boards will co-operate with me, in i
every effort made to advance the schools. Complaining I
will not mend them. This has been tried for twentvyears. j
and -till they are very poor : and we may find fault twe:.- j
tv years more, and tin y will he no better unless we take j
hold. We cannot get rid of the school law. This is set- |
tied. The question then is, shall we suffer it to be a bur
den without any advantage, or shall we second the efforts |
of our l iw-iuakers to improve it ? The latter seems to me
to lie the only wise course. Let us try it, only f>r a few
years. But to make it better we must look after it. We :
must order out of chaos, or the fruit will still be bitter, i
In TOWANDA. for Towanda borough, Towanda and !
North Towanda twps., Monroe and Wysox. A. D. Mon
tanye, Secretary, Towanda.
In ALBANY, for Albany, Wilinot and Overton. O. U.
Emery, K-q., Secretary, New Albany.
In i- KEXI.'IITOW'X, for Durell and Asylum. K. R. De
Long. K-q., Secretary. Towanda.
In HEKIHt'KY 11.1.K, for Herrick. Standing Stone, Wy
alusing. Pike and Tuscarora. G. W. Elliott! E.-q., Seerc
tary, Herrick.
In URYY ELL, for Orwell, Windham, Warren and Rome. ,
0. .1. < 'hubbiiek, Esq., Secretary, Orwell.
iu ATHNNS, for Athens, Smithlield, Litchfield, Ulster, i
Sliesliequin and Ridgbiiry. H. 0. Alien, Esq., Secretary, 1
Athens. " 1
In TROY, for Troy, Springfield, Armenia, South Creek, |
Columbia and Wells. X. M. Garnochau, Esq., Secretary, i
Troy. _ 1
In I.EROY , for Leßoy, Franklin. Granville and Canton, i
Robert M'Koe, Esq. Secretary. I-eR v.
IX Ul RI.IXGTOX. for Burlington borough, and East i
and West Burlington. Dr. Wni. ('oryi 11, Secretary. Bur- \
lington. E. GUY'E'R, County Sup't. 1
Highland, I'a., August 23, 1855.
TV" II ERE AS my wife MINERVA and I have i
V 1 have entered into a mutual agreement to part,and 1
have no more family deal. This is therefore to forbid all
persons harboring or trusting her on my account,as I will
pay no debts of her contracting after this date.
Orwell, September 3, 1355.
y\\<) STRAY COWS.—Came to the ea
_L closure of the subscriber, on the 24th day of August I
last, two cow-, one a paie ved w itD some white in the face
and some whit." 0:1 the body with a bell on; the other, a
brown one, w itli a line back, and some white on the hind
parts of the body. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property pay charges, and take them awav.
k JAMES C. WE&t.
Ridjeherry. September •'!, 13.55.
Jjcraysville, Bradford County, Pa.
PRINCIPAL —.!. 1.. OVERFIELD, A. Is. The first term
of the above institution will commence on WEDNES
DAY , SEPT. Pith. Circulars with complete details, may
[ be obtained from thc-Prineipal, or from either of the fol
| lowing
KKKKKEVCKS —Rev. George Herrickville : Rev.
1 J. C. Warren, S. DeWitt.M. [)., Lcßuy.-ville ; I). P.Laccv
M. P., (Yatapipwn ; Rev. L. Peck. Lime llift. 12 "
rpilE undersigned have placed upon the line between
1 Towanda ami W'nverlev, a new Packet, built express
ly i'or the travel between the above and the intermediate
The " G AZELLE" is neatly fitted up, and may be relied
upon as always being "on time." The hours of arrival
and departure will be arranged in conformity with the
time tables on the X. Y". and Erie Railroad.
At present, leave Towanda for Waverloy, at li o'clock,
j P. M., pre i-elv.
I Leave Waverb-y, at VI o'clock. A. M., or immediatelv
j after the arrival of the mail train front the East.
POWELL & SMITH, Proprietors.
Towanda. September 1. 18.55.
(1 AND EES —by the box or single pound,
J at sepl " FOX'S.
< Their assortment of SADDLERY and other HARDWARE
I is complete. Also, a good supply of
1 Towanda, August 2s, 1555.
! GROUND FLOUR, from New
I J Wheat —Rye Flour, Corn Meal. Feed and Bran, at
August 25, 1855. FOX'S.
O -also. Dried Beef, Smoked Tongues, Cheese, Lard,
Mackerel, Salmon, Codfish, fee.., at FOX'S.
DRIED APPLES—a few first rate ones,
for sale at jUO I'QX'S.
Cash paid for Hides.
j nPHL highest price paid in CASH, lor Hides
! J. and by JOHN YV. WILCOX.
I June 20.1655.
! m ] just o]PE]srur>,
No. 4, Patton's Bloclc, ffcwa&da, Pa.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he Las fitted up No. 4. i:s Patton's New
Brick Block, for a DRUG STORE, and that he is now receiving hum the cities of Philadelphia and New Yo.k,
a large and well selected stock of American, French and English
SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety cf tire most approved 2i usees,
Abdominal Supporters, dtc., always cn hand.
London Purler ami Scotch Ale, and Pare Liquors, for Medicinal purposes.
Crushes for Che Hat. Hair, Teeth, Nails, Boo!s, Painting-, Varnishing, Whitewashing, Ac.
The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOBACCO, uill find a large variety of choice lluta
na. Vara and Principe Cigars, and the finest I rands of Tobacco and Snuff.
And 11 fnc assoi tment of LAMPS, of all sizes and descriptions, Bird Cages, Cvps. Rests and Seed.
All of which is offered for sale on the most satisfactory term <. Our stock being large and mostly purchased from the
Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us to sell at reduced price-, that must be sa
tisfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination of our stock of goods and pric.
Our floods are selected with the utmost'eare and warranted to be what they are represented ; if any should prove
the contrary, we are not only willing but request'our customers to return the'in. and the money shail be refunded.
Having secured the services of DR. HUSTON, who will keep his ofiice at thi- store, and will give medical
advice gratuitously to those purchasing medicines. Towanda, September 1. 1503.
1 OSEPII KINGSBERY still continues the
*J BOOK & STATIONERY business, where purchasers
may And all the latest School and Miscellaneous Books at
reduced prices. The following School Books are embrac
ed in the catalogue, viz :
Bullion's oreek and Latin Header and Grammar.
uo. I'arsar, do. Sal lust, do. Lessons.
Donegan's Greek anil English Lexicon.
Snencers Latin Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil.
Olendorfl's, Lebrethon's, Barbauld's, Fausdiek's and '
Levizack's French Works.
Barker's, Coinstock's, Bhclps', Smiley's and Olmsted's
Day's, Thompson's and Davie's Work".
Cutter's, Coat's and t'omstock's I'hyscologv.
Sounder's, Porter's, Bentley's and Cobb's Work-'.
Bancroft's History, Parley's, Worcester's, Gnrnsey's,
Bottas, Ac. Ac.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
do University edition, do.
do Common School, do.
Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's, Johnson's, do. Com
stock's works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution. I
Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High
Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do.
Brown's, Kirkhani's. Smith's and Morse's Geography .
and Atlas ; and all the various Primary Geography's now
in use.
Spelling books of all kinds, aud miscellaneous books in
great variety.
Also— Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Boots 4* Shoes.
Hats and Caps, fyc., fyc.
New and desirable styles of Goods will be received \
monthly, and sold at the lowest CASH PRICES. J. K. j
Towanda, April, 21, 1855. j
General Election Proclamation.
VTTHEItEAS, by an act of assembly of t'ue Common- i
\ V wealth, entitled '• an act eclating to the elections of ;
this commonwealth." it is enjoined upon tne to give pub- '
lie notice of such election t" be bold, and also the enumera
tion in such notice what officers are to Ix-elected. I.JOHN" j
A. CODDING, High Sheriff of the county of Bradford, do |
hereby make known and give notice to the electors of i
said county that a general election will be held in said
county, on TUESDAY, the ittli day of October, in the se- j
veral districts in said county, to wit :
In Albany, at the sub-district school house near Camp
bell's mill. *
In Asvium, at Jacob Frutchey's.
In Athens loro' at E. S. Matiiew-on's.
In Athens twp., at the school house near Win. Scott's.
In Armenia, at John S. Becker's,
lnjlturlington horo', at the hall of H. Voshurg.
In Burlington twp., at house of Roswell Luther's.
In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard.
In Cti.ton, at A. E. Spalding's.
In Columbia, at James Morgan's.
lu Durel!. at the school house, called the centre school i
house, near S. Decker's.
In Franklin, at Win. Deemer's.
In Granville, at the house of Benjamin V. Taylor.
In Merrick, at the school house near Daniel Durand's.
In Litchfield, at Cyrus Bloodgood's.
In LeR >y, at the school house in Leßoy.
In Monn e, at J. I*. Smith's.
In Monroe boro'. at the house of Ethel Taylor.
In Orwell, at tie lioue formerly occupied by Francis*
In Overton, at ihe house of Win. Waltiuan.
In Pike, at De.iison Johnson's.
In Koine at the Academy,
in H dgbery, at the house of Benjamin F. Bin k.
In Shesiieijuin, at l>. Brink's.
In Smithticid, at A. J. Geronld's.
In Springfield, at T. Wildcr's.
In Standing Stone, at Siinon Steven's.
In South Creek, at the school house near A. Gillctt's.
In Sylvania boro', at the house of Curtis Merritt.
I.i Towanda bote', at tiie Graud Jury boom in the Court
House, in said boro'.
In Towanda twp., at the school bouse, near H. L.Scott's.
In North Towanda at the house of S. A. Mills.
In Troy boro'. at the Eagle Tavern.
In Troy twp., at the House of V. M. Long, in the boro'
! of Troy."
[ In fuscarora, at the school house near James Black's.
In Ulster, at S. B. Holcomb's.
In Warren, at. It. Cooper's.
In Wells, at L. Seeley's.
In Windham, at the house of Benj. Knvkendall.
In Wyalusiug, at tlie house of J. 11. Black.
In Wilmot, at the house of James Foster.
In Wysox, at the house ol James M. Heed.
| At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect
i by ballot
; ' One persen for Canal Commissioner of the Common
] wealth.
Two persons to represent the county of Bradford in t ie
. Hou.-.e of Representatives of the Commonwealth of l'eun
! sylvania.
i " One person f r Treasurer of said county.
| One person for Commissioner of said county.
Oue person for Auditor of said county.
And in and by said act, I am further directed to give
notice •' that every person excepting justices ol the peace
who shall hold any ollice of profit and tru.-t under the go
vernment of the United States or of this State, or of any
incorporated district, aud cbo that every mem! < r of con
gress and of the State Legislature and the select: nd com
; mon council of any city, or commissioner ;of any in orpo
! rated district, is by law incnpableof holding or exercising.
' at lite same time, the office or appoii intent of Judge, In
i spec Br or Clerk, of any election of this Commonwealth,
s and that no inspector or other officer, of any such election
| shall be then eligible to any office to be vot< d for.
By the ith section of an act passed the lfith day of
i April. IS4U, it is provided " that the 13th section of an
i act passed July 2, 1830, entitled " An act relating t<> the
j eletious of this common wealth," shall not be so constru
j ed as to prevent any militia officer from serving as Judge,
; Inspector or Clerk,"at any general or specie! election ol
this Commonwealth.
lu the filst section of the act first aliove mentioned, it
is enacted that every general and special election shall be
opened between s and 10 in the forenoon, and c >ntiuue
with itTt interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in tin
evening, when the polls shall be closed.
By the IMb section of the act passed Feb. 3, lb Id, it
r shall be lawful for the inspectors and judges of any gen
i oral election which shall be hcrnaftcr held in the Annenic
| election district of Bradford county to close the pedis ot
j such election at 5 o'clock, i\ M.
By the 11th section of the act of 1853, it is provided
I that the polls of the election district of Tuscarora lu;. be
I closed at .'i o'clock P. M.
It is further directed that the meeting of the Judges at
I the Court House in Towanda, to make out tiie geuer .l re
j turn, shall lie ou the 3d day it tier the election, which wiii
be on the 12th day of October.
I Towaud.i. September 10, 15",",.
j J. Je is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Wm. HORNING dec'tl., lite of South Creek tp., are
| hereby requested to make payment without delay: anil all
persons havinging claims against said estate will please
present them duly authenticated tor settlement.
CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix,
i June 18, 1855.
J-i is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Isaac Hnsencrauts, deceased, late of Asylum
: twp., are requeued to make payment without deiav and
I those having demands against said estate will pre cut t'tieiu
i duly authenticated for settlement.
CYRUS SUUMWAY, Administrator.
! Jane 11,1855.
il is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
i tate of ISAAC R. (JBOFL'T, deceased, late of Leroy
' twp. are hereby leqneeted to make payment without de
-1 lay; and si! persons having claims against saw! estate will
I please present them duly authenticated for settlement-
REBA CROFT7I, ) Adm'nid'ratore.
1 -May Iff, 1855. JAMES GROFTT, f AJm
ET. FOX would respectfully inform his
• old friends end the public generally that he has
commenced the G/r etry and Provision Business, at A*o.
1, Brick Rine, (opposite Mercur's store.) .and Intends car
rying it on in oil its branches, lie Las end will continue
to ksep on hand n full n>-ortincnt of GROCERIES and all
kinds of PROVISIONS that ore obtainable, all of which
will be sold on reasonable terms for Cash.
Towanda, June I, I**s.
DRIED PEACHES, a small quantity, very
nice, for sale at juncD FOX'S.
ORANGES, Lemons, Pine Apples, Fresh
Raisins, Figs, Prune s Currants, seedless nuiina,pre
served Ginger, and a variety of articles of the cmc nntcr*
may lie had at "juneS FOX'S.
( 1 OODS bought at my Store will be deliver
er ed to any part of the Borough, FREE OF CHARGE.
June'2o ISSS. E. T. FOX.
"13AILS, Brooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing
L A rushes, blacking Brushes, Ac. (tt FOX'S.
TEAS, both Green end Black
. from 371 cents to SI 00—< very pound warranted to
suit or the money returned in all cases, at FOX'S.
Q TONS SUGARS —Brown. Refined, Pow
t) dcrcd, Crushed and Granulated ; 5101a.:.-e3, Syrup, Rio
and Java Coffee, Rice, Salerutiw, Ginger. Sperm Candle.,,
Rice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
Side cheap at .in;:eft FOX'S.
r-:o t?ox£s.
it Men, in Bradford County in debt to us,that wc want
to pav their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it
may be, and wc- intend to have them do it, either by per
suasion or l.y employing officers sufficient to collect of ev
ery man immediately, without any except ion orVcspectto
parsons, from the fact that the money belongs to our cre
ditors, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as it
can be collected. HALL A RUSSELL.
Towanda, April 20 1855.
TOSEPH IvINGSBF.RY is now receiving,
•I from New York, a large, carefully selected and most
desirable assortment of
Towanda, May 11, 1
■a. fa -i ixfsf <ra as "w m m m
V..' to I'.YTTOX'S NEW BLOCK, where they havejuck
received a large addition to their stock of READY-MADE
CLOTHING, Cloths. Trimmings, Furnishing Goods, Ac.,
to which they invite p ,blio attention.
Towanda, May 24. 15.75.
riIUK subscriber is prepared to take Gentle
-1 men Boarders, attending the Collegiate Institute.—
They will find comfortable accommodations, and the pri
vilege of speaking French and German in the family.—
For further particulars enquire of
Professor ot Modern Languages.
Towanda, August S, 1-57.
re.-pectfully inform Lis friends and the
* w public that lie is now receiving at his old
stand one door north of ! nportc, Mason & Co.'s banking
house, a large and extensive assortment of
Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns,
Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Table#,
Diniug.Tc i and Pernor die Tables, Stands of every
kind. Cane, FI ig and Wood seat Chairs, high
Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads,
Bureaus. Lounges, Gilt and Rose
wood Picture Frames, Iron llat
Stands, Corner and side do.
of walnut and mahogany ; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobe*.
Cupboards, Looking glasses, Ac.
ttd'COFFINS, of every size and quality, and will at
tend on all occasions when required.
The public are invited to examine my assortment befora
purchasing elsewhere, as I will sell cheaper than any other
c-tablishnient in X- rthern Pennsylvania.
Towanda. August x, 15.15.
V, TATOES, Egg--, Poultry, Ac., at POX'S.
RIPE APPLES —any quantity wanted at
August 22. FOX'S.
'IMIE FALL TERM of the Tcxcanda Fe
rn. male Semi nary under the charge of Misses IT AXSOJf
will commence mi the second Monday in September next.
The School will be conducted upon the same principles
and terms as heretmore. Needle work will be included in
the branches taught. To the first class, will be added
Freiv-h, orally taught.
Text books for tins use of the scholar, will be furnished
without extra charge.
Towandu, Aw*4 22. IMS.
00\ >V> ccii ed at J. P. HUMPHREY'S.
I Aug. 2'2. _
TTPPER LEATHER, Calf and Kin Skint*,
I b- r<--. ; ve.i i v Homnar.
M*JU all des tlons at _ HUMPHREY'S. ?
_il\ A Slmc-and Kindiugs now rcceiv'.ng at
i Aug. 22 1 *Vb _ H 'MPHREUS.
TUST RECEIVED, another lot of that
• I ui. PRiFD DEKF, also first rate CHEESE, at
j July 12. l'som FGX^
I T3AMI HLET LA WS --The quota of Piim*
j T plilei Laws for Bradford County of the sc: n of th*
| Lcgi-dat'iie "f this -t.-ite, r or the present year, have bt-e>i
j received .at the l'rothonot .ry's Office, ana are ready for
I distribution t those entitled to receive them.
I Argus* 1 1 C 35. AI.I.FX M'KKAX. ProtVy.
I>OOTS fc SHOES—The largest, best and
y oh.Mpe.-t assortment this hide of the Empire Cltvnny
:be fount! * TRACT & MOORx 9
HAS REMOVE!) to the residence of Mr?.
J. W. Mracrs, on Second street, directly above acid
I opposite the Methodict church.
3-03ke in the north room,
j r;r lie would al-o inform those indebted to him. tht
ail accounts of r.iorr than or.c year a standing, m:<_ M
! settled, by pajmeat or otherwise. June 9. Iqq.:-.
1 TTTILLfind employment on the Upper Xortb
i V V Branch Canal, by "applying to the Foremen on 'he
J ;. a9 . m.ivlT W. R. M.VFt'LT. Snpt-
C" 1 RO CURIES—A large,stock jast recoiled
T —consisting of Bucars, Tea. CoJfee. Molaec. Fish.
| 4c. <fcc , of superior quality for eal* at reduced price*
i \Tsr-h IV I*S5. Birp.TON KiyhsKirpr.