Towanda Market—Wholesale Prices. (Corrected weekly by E.T. FOX, Dealer in Provisions and Groceries, No. I, Brick Row, who will pay Cash, at the price.- fixed, for the articles in this list:] Flour, (retail price,) ft bid 19 50 @ p„ r k do " .... 21 00 @24 00 Wheat, V bushel, 1 25 @ 1 50 Reek wheat, " •••• ® (hits,. " .... 31 <7(5 Corn. " •••• 624 @ 75 j; vi . 874 @ 1 00 pj (aloes, " •••• 37J @ 50 ftenis, " -- - ■ 150 @ 200 Dried Apples " 1 50 @ 1 75 Bl!t ter... 12 @ 16 Chee-e.. " 6 ® 10 ii ,- m.l Shoulders, " 9 @ 124 pried rendu* 12 @ 16 Dried Berries, " 12 CiC 18| 'dozen, @ 12 . -v DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION.—The Democratic -Li'SV- Standing Committee for Bradford co. l„*n l v i all a Convention to consist of two Delegates from , h ,'ld tion di-trict of said county, to meet at the Court ip.ii-c, in the borough of Towanda, on TUESDAY even ine. September 4th, 1855, for the purpose of placing in n.iiuiiintioii a County ticket. The following persons are „i. linted Committees of Vigilance to call and organize delegate elections in their respective districts : COMMITTKKS OF VIGILANCE. jiltnni/ —Beujainin Wilcox. Joseph Menardi. Jrir.ritia —Lysunder Shepard, Robert Mason. ,l.;i ilitm- Edmund Horton, A.J. Stone. Jlhrnx Boro' — lb C. Baird, Jacob Harder. Athena //>. David Gardner. S. W. Dark. Burlingloa Iluro' —Addi-on M'Kean. Benjamin Ross. twp. —C. F. Nichols, C. R. Stouten. A'asf—Wm. M'Kean, Geo. Godurd. Canton —Irani Wilson. Samuel Owens. Cehtmbit Horace Ballard. John Morgan. jinretl- E- R- Delomr. Edward Hornet. franklin Nelson Gilbert. Sterne McKce. tiranvilic —l-aac Putnam, ('. D. Ross. Hf-riek—('"-o. W. Elliott. Wm. Durand. I,IF,HI— A. I>. FU-s. 11. B. stone. l.itthjielt!— Abraham M rrill, Moses Park. Monroe Boro' —ll. S. Phinney, K. B. Coolliatigh. Tp.— M. A. Coolbaugh, Freeman Sweet. Orwell— o. J. Chubbuek, Daniel Diinmiek. th-mton— George Hottenstein, Wui. Waliman. /'ike T. R'-worth. A. 11. Bartlett. Rone— Edgar G. Nichols, Lawrence Vought. Riilgbery —Charles From h. St urges Squires. Sioshequin- C. W. Bullis, Myers Osborne. St/lrania Boro' —L. F. Goeti hius, Seih Peck. Smith/old- S. R. Crane. J. A. Cerould. Springfield— Thos. R. Woleott, Theo. Wilder. South Creek— Henry Thompson, Floyd Hildreih. Standing Stone —A. Ennis, George Steven-. Towanda Boro'- - P. D. Morrow. J. Dela Montanve. tp. —lL Fox, Win. Decker. Towanda Xorth —B. !!. Foster, W. W. Easterbrooks. Troy Boro' —A-a Landm, Delos C. Herrick. tp.— Furnian Porter, Alouzo Clilton. Tuicarorn—i 1 iram Shumway, Harris Acklej*. I'Uter —D. O. Chubbuek jr. I*. P. Sweet. lE. .bdiii lb '.vni .1. Shitbell Rowlee. ir.mll. W. H. Ihi-s, 1!, W. B. Dunham, li'arriJohn Carey, S. Wheat.m. Hliuot —b habod Corson. J. L. Jones, irva/ic:';,-' Stephen Hornet. Hiram Elliott, (f'/ a —Elliot Wliitnev. Henry Wood. l!a commit b i - will call meetings on Saturday. Sept em- 1 lr 1.1355, between the hours of 4 and 7. P. M. 1.. O. GOODRICH, 11. S. SALSBI'RY, Ei'GKXK KEELKR, HENRY GIBUS. MILO MERRILL, HON't'lS IIOMET, F. ORWAN. JUDN ROWLEE, A'"" ! 7. 1 Standing Committee. New gVi)iu'rtiocnunto, i XHTITUTES. Ti t'i Srhrcl Directors and School Teachers<■/, County : HMiE t • "nt (* invention of S- hool Direct r i this Conn- ' A ty, adopted a resolution requesting the County So a hat r ■ h i!d. or . .. i.-e to lie held, IV i -lier-' In-ti t•• i s the different town-liij'S of the . aty. in com {Vaaie with this resolution. I now give notice, that the r.. ' --.try mraiigeuieiits are in progress tor holding a -e- , ries ■ - Teachers' Schools. It is not deemed adrisa- j '■'e I• h •' one i:i each township this fall. Iu isa.iy ca-es, I :"1 ' .• i 1 v. i hl attend t<> give them intere-t and utility. J i ' . ribiuly,-elected such points for holding the -i iu ie-. !>- ha- appeared to me mo-t suitable fw the di:,' rr it divi -ion- of the comity. The plane- naiscd are •ly • :gge-t;vc. If the Sirli-ifM Director.-of either "fthe-e ■I v i —. ..i- [ire er an it her. 1 will cheerfully aequic.-ee in a ■b in re. The li-t i-given at the toot of this notice. The- Institutes are intended for Teachcn oaly; asd tie •• U'.-.diii'g object is to improve teacher- in the Art of ■ uing. It i< expected that the Tea in r uul Directors !■ ir the pl.n e of holding the-e S'-ho.Js. will get , tie -!i• d Ho i-e which i-to be used, in order, keep it , hive find supplied and in ike provision for boarding j tire |,i trn t ir. G. in ex)ienses of these Institutes, su-ch x- the : b iar.l of the Precept ir. fad, light—for the evenings must! upied with l.e■ t ire-—V'g, the T".i: her m i-t bear. 1 The am innt t• eu li, will, of nr.r e, depend on the num i r attending. Four dollars, will pr babl v, be the out -ide expenses of one of these lu tit ite-. "flii-to la- equal !v b irne among the Teachers, lie their number twenty "r forty. - Timely notice will 'no give i in the papers, of the com mencement oi'ea h '• t i'■ I u-t itute-, xv mina :Yd bv a programme of the exep i-e . The rtr-t will lie held inTo- . w.inrla. early iu Oetolier. and will ' under the dire ti ui Profe ir (.'. R. Counts', lu the nuuiagement of t!s ' r-. tlie ijierintendent will have the a • i-fance ofable teacher-. Tea her- wishing to attend these Institutes, mast rep rt tlicmsflves to the Se'-retarie- "f tl.e S hool Board id the i r. a.-hip where held, la-."ore the 25thday "I September . f; - officer's name .n reiiort t. me the num- , lier as - ■ >.u as jira ti'-ihle after the 25th. -!ii '1 Dire tors are arne-t!y requested to give this en : '•i'" ill the eii' onragenieut and aid they can. The e In-titxte- can lie made u-efiil. SCHOOL VISITATIONS. C'.vTig to the irregularity in the time of opening the - i. 01-. and the -hortaess of the time a large majority are j V ' "jien.tiie rupcrintendeut cannot visit all the sell mis. j T l , - i-,."1e eau.-e of tlii-failure. It is my de.-ire to i 'lv thi-. \ id I have a proposition ti mike to the ■ "1 directors, which will obviate the cause and its re- i xutts. 1; tic directors of Monroe, Albany, Wilnjot, Overton, i herd! mid A-ylnin. will coiunieni e their schools ia the j S -t week of November : f!> i rs n: Standing Stone, Wy.d i.-ing, Tusearora, i 11-rri-k. Pike and Warren, their- iu the third week in | N ■ intier; r • ire t-.r of Wy ox. Rome, Orwell, Windham, j ' ■'l'ieid and She-liequin, their- in the fir t week in De- ! !! '■ din !' rs of X nth Towanda, l'!-ter, Athens, Ridg- j ■r- s ~;]', Cnn-k. Well-, Columbia, Springfield, Smith- ) 1 Ea-t 1! alingtoii, theirs iu the third week ia l)e- t r Leßoy. Franklin, Granville and Canton. i\ l;r't.. Cainplown : Rev. L. Peek, Lime Hill. 12 XttAXL PACKET-BOAT GASLLLL. TO\W\M>A AND WAVERLEY. r p!IE undersigned have placed upon the line between X Towanda and Waverley, a new Packet, built express ly for the travel betweeu the above and the intermediate points. The " GAZELLE" is neatly fitted tin,and may be relied upon as always being "on time." The hours of arrival and departure will be arranged in conformity with the time tables on the N. Y. and Erie Railroad. At present, leave Towanda tor Waverley, at U o'clock, P. M.. precisely. Leave Waverley. at "I o'clock, A. M-, or immediately after the arrival of the mail train from the East. POWELL A SMITH, Proprietors. Towanda, September 1, 1555. (UVNDLES —by the box or single pound, J at sepl FOX'S. I IST OF LETTERS remaining in the L'o.-t J Office at TOWANDA August, 15 1855. Burke Patrick M'Donnel Morris Baltmans Meta Mead David Brown !ra S. M'Gill Wilson Bradford Caroline Mills Lorenzo A. Buchanan W. Pease Nathaniel ("only James Piatt, Christopher Cary Florence Purcell Ellen Council Michael Patterson Win. CurrinW. Pitcher Harriet Carroll James Quigley Win. Case Adelia R man Michael Considine Dennis Ray Henrietta Camp A-ahel Ripley Mrs. J. \\ . Dreifuss Simon 3 ItickardsJ. David Ri hard Rutty Anna Ennis Levi 2 Regan Mary , Ellis Mr. Rinc Patrick Pox R >-sin Roberts Milton l-'risbic E. N. Stcnebaek Theodore Flottd Thomas Sharp Walter B. Graff Eli abeth Sheriuan G. W. Hume- Su-atiah E. Scott Moses Hendrit k- Edm Scoville Abrnzo llarick Delos Stockwell Crania Hoi ton G. F. Speese A. R. H il ton \V. B. Scott Mary J. I lay ward W. Sanders B. D. Harkins Caluem Sweeney Thos. W. lloriug Jaccob Tate Simeon T. Tlalley J. E. Taylor Isaac B. lierley Mary A. Thompson Andrew Jackson C. *1". Whalon Edmond Johnson G. G. Wiggins Thomas Lean Michael Watson Latisha A. Kennedy John We-t Walter Kelly Patrick Westbrook Henry LeviL. Welton Win. 11. Lena a P.itrb'k Welton Warner Lviteh Martin Whelan Patrick M'Gill Susan Wicoft" Sarah M'Gill Hiram Welch Margaret. r Person- inquiring for letters will please say adver tised. H.C. POUTER, P. M. IMPORTANT TO SCHOLARS. Tp II K subscriber is prepared to take Centle- X men Hoarder*, attending the Collegiate Institute.— They will find comfortable accommodations, and the pri vilege of speaking French and German in tlie family.— For further particulars enquire of E. ALBERT LUDWIG, Professor ol Modern Languages. Towanda, August s, 1*55. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHESTER WELLS would respectfully inform his friends and the YJ "*9 public that he is nw receiving at his old -tain! sue door north of latporte, Mason & Co.'s banking house, a large and extensive assortment of Solus, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosew ! and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Din jug.Tea and Pembroke Tables. Stands of every kind. Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs, high Cli-iirs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Lounges, Gilt and Rose wood Picture Frames, Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side do. of walnut and mahogany ; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cstpb. -irds. Looking glasses, Ac. x i,-"! OFHN'S, of every size and quality, and will at tend mi nil occasions wla-a required. The puililt- are invited to examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 wilt sell chewier than any other estalilishvnent in Nortliern Pennsylvania. Towanda, August 8, 1855. XWSH paid for WHEAT, BUTTER, PO v TATOES, Eggs, Poultry, Ac., at FOX'S. ]> IRE APPLES —any quantity wanted at I August 22. " FOX'S. TOWANDA FEMALE SEMINARY. FALL TERM of the Towanda Fc- JL AMPHLET LAWS.- -Thequota of Pam \. phlet Laws for Bradford County of the session of the Legislature of this -late, for the present year, have been received at the Protlionotary's Office, and are ready for distribution to those entitled to receive them. August 1, 1855. ALLEN M'KEAN, Proth'v. EX KITS A: SHOES— The largest, best and ) cheapest assortment, this side of the Empire City may be found at je2'i TRACI A MOO RE'S. DISSOLUTION. —The co-partnership here tofore existing between the snliseribers is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due said firm to be paid to Isaac L. IsiMoreux. L L. LAMOREUX. Towanda. July 20, 1855. H. L. I.AMOREL'X. L. LAMOHECX respectfullv informs tlie public that be will continue to carry mi the foundry business at tire old stand, where all kinds of work in his line will be tone with ueatneau and on abort notice. AH persona la de a, ,i I the late linn of I. L. A If. L. LaMoreux are ro queted t ' call and settle their accounts by note or other wise forthwith, or lie will be under the painful necessity of employing official agents to close up said concern. 4 LI, PERSONS indebted to Montnnvfs& 1 V < C.w ill do well to call andjinake payment, otherwise, necessity will compel them to send a call that will be more expressive. Mum I,185o PUKE CIDER VINEGAR may be found I at JoocS FOX'S- I7IRESH RAKED CRACKERS, received I every week, at jurieU FOX'S. SUMMER HATS.—G eutlcmen's Elegant WHITE UEAVKKS, for sale by May 1, 1*55. JOS. MNOKBKIIY. Cash paid for Bides. fTUIE highest price paid in CASH, for Hides J and Skin#, by * JOHX W. WU.COX. June 'lO, 1855, __ \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice J.\- is hereby given that all person* indebted to the es tate of A. I*. IULES, deceased, late <>' Wvahuung township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. JA& ""DILES.} April 11,1*53, £cnai 'Abtiertiscmente. SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common I'leas of Bradford Countv, and to me directed will be exposed to public sale at the Court Houoe, in the boro of Towanda, on Saturday, September 1,1865, at 1 o'clock, P. M.tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Canton two. and liouuded on the north and east by the highway; south by lands of Benona Baker; and west by land of Irad Wilson. Containing one half acre, more or less, all improved, one framed house, small frame shoe shop, frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and Liken in execution at the suit of Silas Pack ard vs. L. Abbott. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Athene borough, bounded north by lands of Dr. Corbin, east by lands of Kraxel, south by North street, and west by lands of the Universalist church. Containing half an acre, more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling house and a barn partly finished thereon. It includes lots No. 65, 66, and 67 of a survey made by Orson Rickey for Edward Herrick. ALSO—One other lot or piece of land In Athens boro', bounded north by Bridge street, east by lands of L. M. Allen, south bv lands of E. Herrick and west by lands of Shipnian, Welles A Harris. Containing 80 feet front and 110 deep, more or less, all improved, with a framed house and framed barn thereon. It being lots No. 249 and 250 of a survey made by Orson Rickey for E. Herrick. ALSO—One other lot or piece of land in Litchfield tp., bounded north by lands of Elisiia Merrill, east by lands of the estate of Reuben Parks dee'd, and Ira Merrill, south by the estate of Reuben Parks, and west by lands of Rus sell Hadlock. Containing about thirty acres, more or less about twelve acres improved. Seized and Liken in execution at the suit of N. C. Har ris and 11. W. Patrick vs. Orson Rickev. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff s Office, Towanda, July 24,1855. Notice is hereby given, that an amount eqnal to the costs will be required to l>e paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer ed lor sale, JOHN A. CODDING. O ITERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry k - writs of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Conrt of Com mon Pleas of Bradford Countv, and to me directed will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the boro' ot Towanda. on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3d, 1855, at 1 0 clock, P. M., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Ridgliery, bounded on the north by land in the possession of James Hapemau, east by the highway, south by land of J. B. Wilkinson, west bv Alex ander Stevens, J. Hapeman and Bentley Creek. Contain ing about six acres more or less, all improved, one fram ed house, partly enclosed, and an old saw mill frame thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. Andrew J. Burt vs. David Hapeman and Elijah S. Finton. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in the township of Monroe, bounded as follows: Be ginning at an old oak stump on the line between Timothy Aldcn and A. C. Rockwell, dee'd., on the hank of the south branch of Towanda Creek, thence south 774°, east | f relies to the centre of the turnpike road, thence along the centre of said road, fid 2-10 perches to a post, thence south.'l 7°, west 30 perches to a post on the line between Timothy Aldea and S. W. Alden, thence along said line north 7:>°, west 32 perches to a stone in the Towanda Creek, thence down the said creek pursuing the several courses thereof to its junction with the aforesaid south branch ol the Towanda Creek, thence up the south branch to the place o( beginning. Containing about 15aeresmore or less, all improved, with one framed house, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and t ikeii in execution at the suit of John Han son. now to the use of Brown A Rockwell vs. Wm. T. Bradford. ALSO—The defendant, Charles Williams' interest in , the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Troy | twp. bounded as follows : Beginning at the southern boon- i dary line of a lot of land belonging to Samuel (Justin at a birch stump standing on the County Road, thence south with said road to tlip line of Hubbard Williams'lot .thence east along said line the whole length thereof, to 1). Dun bar's lot, thence north by said Dunbar's and Elihu Case's lot on t*p o! Oak Hill, so called, to a post, thence west i by lands of the aforesaid Samuel Gustin to the place of ' beginning; known by the name of J. T. Williams'lot. I Containing about 125 at res, more or less, about 60 acres j improved, three trained houses, one board shanty, one trained sitv mill, two Ira uu d burns, two board sheds, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph IV. Phillips, auin r. ol the estate of Joseph Wills, deceased, vs. Charles Williams. ALSO—I he following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Durell twp., bounded on the north bv land | 01 Geo. Ant out, on the east by land of Eugene Sullivan, ! and by lands formerly owned by David Kelly, on the 1 south by H. A R. Gilbert's land, and on the west by land j ot D. Keete. ( outaining about 90 acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved, one framed house, one log house, one saw mill and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. Kirby, now to the use of Job P. Kirby, vs. Dennis Crimmins. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Troy boro' bounded on the north by the public road running from Troy to Elmira, on the east by lands owned by E. B. Parsons and L. O. Hiekok, on the south by Sugar Crek. and on the west by laud owned by If. J. lloj t. Containing about one acre of land, more or less, all improved. ALSO—One other lot. piece r parcel of land -dtnate in ! Troy twp.. bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Hunt i and L. Preston, on the west by lands of Elihu Case, on the ' south by laud conveyed to the heirs of F. Smead, dee'd., and A. Ib Hiekok, and on the east by lands of A. R. Hiek ok. and Benjamin Tears. Containing about 65 acres, inore or less, about four acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E. Goodrich vs. Wilson Ager. ALSO —The following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Wvsox twp., bounded on the north bv land of Alexan der Wickizer, on the east by lands of j. Park, on the south by lands of John Lenox, on the west by lands of D. j Robinson and 1.. Trumbull. Containing 80 acres, moreor i less, about 25 acres improved, one log house and one log ! barn thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in ' said township, bounded on the north bv B. E. Whitney j and L. Trumbull, on the east by land of Squire Benjamin, on the south by lands of J. Larnphcre, on the west by lands of R. Dougherty Containing about 60 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, one log house and one framed barn thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the snit of J. Holeomb vs. G. Lenox and W. Carl. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ofland sito ate iu North Towanda twp.. bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Mosier, on the east bv lands of David Rutty, on the south bv lands of J. Hawley, and on the west by lands of Samuel llawkins. ('outaining abont ten acres, be the same more or less, all improved, one frame house, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seize,Paud taken in execution at the snit of E. T. Fox, to the use of M. ('. Mercnr vs. Samuel Hawkins. ALSO—The defendant's intere-t in the following de seribod lot, piece or parrel of land situate in Smithfield twp., boundisl north by lands of James M'Carty, east by lands of H. Barber, south by lands of Patrick M'Xinncy, and west by lands of Ira Adams. Containing 52 acres, more or less, about 3d acres improved, with a log house, two log shanties used for barns.and some fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Pow ers vs. W. W. Fnllett. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land in Canton township, bounded north by land of Cortland Wilson ; east by land of Lucius Mix ; -outh by lands of Absolotn T. Baxter, and ! on the west by land of Isaac T. Carr. Containing about fifty acres, ntore or less, about forty acres improved, one trained house, log barn and an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Orrin P. Ballard vs. Charles Lewis. ALSO—A certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp.. bounded on the north by lands lielongingto the heirs of R. Wilcox, dee'd., on the east by lands of .las. A. Paine, on the south by lands of James A. Paine, and on the west by lands of D. Ortnsby. Containing 50 acres more or less, about 20 acres improved, one log house,one log stable, and a frame for a house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jacob Hev crlv. to the use of Harvey Phinney. jr. vs. Jacob Jackson. ALSO—AII the interest of the defendants in a lot. piece or parcel ofland situate in Standing Stone twp., it tieing a piece off the north-west corner of a tract of land in the warrant name of Andrew Nornay, bounded north, east and south by lands of H. W. Tracy, and west by lands of Anson Goff. Containing 30 ae.res.more or less, about 20 acres improved, with a framed dwelling house, a framed barn, a framed shed and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Tra cy vs. Daniel Hnyck and I. Hoyek. ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Shcsheiptin twp., bounded on the north and east by Edward Brigliatn, on the south by lands of Mar-hall Segar and on the west by the public highway leading from Towanda to Athens". Containing one and one-half acre, more or less, ail improved, one framed house, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Myer & Spalding vs. George Smith. ALSO—A piece or paJcelof land in Granville township bounded north, west and south by lands I "'longing to ihe e-tate of Jeremiah Taylor deceased, and on the cast by the highway leading from Granville to Troy. Containing alsnit one-half acre, more or less, all improved, with one small framed house and a few fruit trees thereon. AIJSO—One other bit. piece or parcel ofland situate in the township of South Creek, bounded north by land of Philo Fassctt; ea-t by land of William Decker; south by lauds formerly or now owned by Hugh Jenkins, and on the west by land of Winthrop Y.Glines. Containingalxmf fort v-two acre-, more or less. Seized and taken in execution at (he suit of William S. Dobbins, vs. Levi lb West and Jacob Blodget. ALSO—A niece or parcel of land in Shesheqttin town -hip. bounded north bv lands of William Young ; east by lands of Wiu.itnd Sarah Young : south by lands of Reiilien Young, and West by lands of Calvin Smith. Containing about ninety acres, "more or less, about fifty-five acres im proved, two log houses, two log barns, anil an apple or chard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Henry S. Mercnr, who survived James W. Mercur, now to the use of H. S. and H. A. Morour, vs. Richard Horton and Curtis Smith. ALSO—Bv virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, a lot of land situate in the township of Granville, liounded as follows : at the north-cast corner of lot No. 176,"0n warrant lot No. 1171. formerly a beech, thence south 85 7 10 perche- to a post, tbcncc west <1 8-10 per- Cegul 2Utocrtisements. ches to a post, thence mirth 85 7-10 perches to a post, for merly a dead beech, thence east 74 8-10 perches to tlie be ginning. Containing acres and 10 perches, lie the same a little more or less, about 20 acres improved, one framed house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert B. Davidson, adm'r. of Win. Davidson, dee'd., who survived Timothy Paxaoii vs. James H. Ross and C. Dennison Ross terre tenants. ALSO—A certain one and a-half story building or dwel ling house, situate in the twp. of Asylum, on land and f> remises now occupied by B. P. Ingham, said house being D front one and a-lialf stories liigh(posts 25 feet wide and 34 feet long having a piazza in front its whole length.) it being a wooden building. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W. J. Ba ker vs. B. P. Ingham. ALSO —The following deserilied lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Granville twp., bounded as follows : Be ginning at a post the south-east comer of a lot deeded to Barnabus Vroman, thence east 180 and 4-10 perches to a hemlock for a comer, thence north 80 perches to a post, thence west 108 and 4-10 perches to a post, thence south 80 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 54 acres and 32 perches, strict measure, he the same more or less, it being intended for the south half of lot No. 133, 0n war rant lot No. 14sl ; about 20 acres improved, a board slian tee and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert IL Davidson, adin'r. of Wni Davidson, dee'd., who survived Timothy Paxson, to the use of G. F. Mason vs. Lew is Pratt. ALSO —The following deserilied building and lot of ground of Charles H. Eames. Wni. Campliell and E. F. Campbell terre tenants, to wit: A saw mill and appurte nances, situate on Spalding's creek in Sheshequin twp., upon land purchased by said Eames of Kinney, which said saw mill is 1* by 45 feet, together with the land, lot or piece of ground or curtilage appurtenaut thereto. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Johnson Rogers vs. Chas 11. Eames, Win. B. Campbell and E. F. Campbell. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriil'. Sheriff"s Office, i Towanda, July 21, 1855 ) Of Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the costs, will la* required to lie paid upon each sale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again he offer ed for sale. J. A. ('CDDING. Al DITOR'S NOTlCE.— Charles C.Paine vs. John Sadler. In the Court of Common Pleas of j Bradford Co. No. 351, September Term, 1853. i The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to i distribute the funds raised by Sheriff'sale of real estate | in the above case, will attend to tlie duties assigned him j at his office in the borough of Troy, on Saturday, the Ist : day of September. 1*55, at one o'clock, P. M., when and j where all persons interested are requested to attend. July 25,1855. R SMITH. Auditor. AD MINISTRAT<)K S M)TI(' E-- Notice is herebv given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate of ELI (JIBBS. deceased, late of Orwell township, are hereby requested to make payment without delav; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. July 25,1855. ' K. J. PICKERING, Adm'r. PROCLAMATION.- —Whereas, the lion. DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, Sus quehanna and Sullivan, and Hons. My box Bam.aki> and Harry, Associate Judges, in and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date tlie 20th day of June. A.D.1K55, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the 3d day of September next, to continue two weeks. Notice, is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County ol Bradford, that they lie then ami there in their proper"per son, at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to appear at the said court, are to he then and there to prosecute against them as shall Ik* just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 21st of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hnndred and fifty-five, and of the Independence of tlie United States, the seventy ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff'. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given that that there have been tiled and settled in the office of the Register of Wills in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the follow ing estates, viz:— Partial account of C. M. Manville, Guardian of Charles, Frances A., Ellen M.. and Mary C. Aspenwall. Final account of C. M. Manville, guardian of Sherman N. Aspenwall. Final account of Josiah Benham, guardian of Charles Cowles. Final account of Chester Buck, guardian of Sarali Buck. Final account of Ingham Stone, administrator of Jonas Ingham, late of Wyalusing, dee'd. Final account of E. Case and E. Pomeroy, adrn'rs. of C. T. Fitch, late of Troy, deceased. Final account of ('. Bliss, adm'r.of Andrew Robert,late of Leßov twp. dee'd. Final account of J. V. Daniels and John Bloom,adrn'rs. of Obediah Blakeslce, late of Burlington, dee'd. Final account of George W. Rose, adin'r. of Ezra M. Pavne, late of Pike township, dee'd. Final account of Win. J. Fuller, administrator of Joseph Brigham, late of Ridgbury, deceased. And the same will lie presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Monday the 3d day ol September next for confirmation and allowance. JAMES H. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, July 2*, 1855. ADM INI ST R A T() lISN<)T I(' E.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of IRA GRISWOLD, dee'd., late of Kidgbery Town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present theni duly authenticated fnrscttlcinent.t BEN.I. HALSTED, Administrator. Ridghery. June 18, 1855. AD MINISTRAT<>R\S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Wni. HORNING dee'd.. late of South Creek tp.. are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons havingiug claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix. June 18, 1855. ADMIN iSTR AT<)irs x< >TK -E— Noti^ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Isaac liosencrants, deceased, late of Asylum twp., are requested to make payment without delay and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CYRUS SIIUMWAY, Administrator. June 14,1855. . ADMINI ST R A TOR'S NOTICE.—Not ice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ISAAC S. CROFUT, deceased, late of Loroy twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present tlicin duly authenticated for settlement. SEBA C ROFUT. ) , , ... , May Iff, 1*.",5. JAMES CROFUT, t AdH>lntetr * torß - AUDlTOß'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Garner Carpenter, deceased —ln the Orphans Court of Bradford County. The undersigned. Auditor appointed by the CmirC, to settle and adjust the account of William K color. surviving administrator of sahi estate, upon exceptions filed, will attend to the duties ol his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 2t)th day of Au gust, 1855, at 2 o'clock, I'. M. All persons interested will please take notice. July 20, 1855. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.— The subscriber hereby gives notice that he intends to apply, at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Bruoiord County, for a License to sell ami keep for sale, vinous, spirituous, malt and brewed liquors, and admixtures there of, at his place of doing business in the Borough of To wanda, according to the act of Assembly in such case made and provided. J..G. PATTON. Towanda, August 2,1855. k PPLICATION FOR LICENSE.—The il. snbscrilier hereby gives notice that he intends to apply, at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Bradford County, for a License to sell and keep for sale, vinous, spirituous,malt and brewed liquors, and admixtures there of, at his place of doing business in the Borough of To wanda, according to the act of Assemble in such case made and provided. STEPHEN' FELTON. Towanda, August 2.1855. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.— The f\. snbscrilier hereby gives notice that lie intends to apply, at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Bradford County, for a License to sell and keep for sale, vinous, i spirituous, malt and brewed liquors, and adminturesthere- I of, at his place of doing business in the Borough of To i wanda, according to tlie Act of Assembly in such ease ! made and provided. 11. C. POUTER. | Towanda, August 2, 1855. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, tluit all persons indebted to the es tate ot MI NKitVA WEBBER, dee'd. late of Franklin tp. are quested to make payment without delay : and all persons having ehiiius against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber at his resi dence. JOHN" H. WEBBER, Franklin, August 2, 15.",.",. Administrator. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons in _J debted to the estate of ELIAL STEVENS, deceased, late of Ridglmry township, arc hereby notified to tnake payment without delay, and all jwrnous having demands against said estate arc requested to present them duly au thenticated for settlement. STCBOF.S SQriKES, WM. STEVENS, Ridjrbttry, March 20, !NV>. Executors. & PATTON'S NEW DRUG STORE, m } JUST OPENED, ON THE CORNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, f- Wo. 4, Patton's Block, Towanda, Pa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public that he has fitted np No. 4. in Patton's New Brick Block, for a DRUG STORK, and that he is now receiving Rom the cities of Philadelphia and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and English CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS; DYE STUFFS, L ttidtUUiS @1? IfAiTISiT AKS'JEO&'ie 8 DRESSINS CMS, PERfOMIRY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAtS, &c. SURG-ICAIi ZNIT&USCBH TB, and a variety of the most approved Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always cn hand. London Porter and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes. ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brashes for the Hat, Hair, Terth, Nails, Boots, Painting-, Varuishiu?, Whitewashing, &c. The Lovers of GOOD CIGARS and TOR AC CO. will find a large variety of choice Hava na, Vara and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snujf. CAMPUFNE AND BURNING FLUID, Ami a fine assortment of LAMPS, of all sizes and descriptions, Pirii Cages, Cups, .Vests ar.d Seed. All of which is offered for sale on the most satisfactory terms. Our stock being large and mostly purchased from Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us to sell at reduced pri. es, that niu-t be sa tisfactory to all. We invite the attentiou of the public to an especial examination of our stock ol goods and prim s. Our Motto is—" THE CASH SYSTEM—QUICK SALES—SMALL PROFITS." Our Goods are selected with the utmost care and warranted to be what they are represented ; if any shoe Id prove the contrary, we are not only williug but request our customers to return them, and the money shall be re'uudtd. Having seenred the services of Dlt. HUSTON, who will keep his office at this store, anil will give medical advice gratuitously to those purchasing medicines. Towanda, September 1, 1 853. NEW SPUING GOODS. Tracy dt Moore, HAVE JUST RECEIVED from X. York a large and well selected assortment of SPRIXQ AXI) SUMMER GOODS, wliii.h have been selected with unusual care, and purchas ed at the lowest possible rates. Keeling confident that we can sell floods for Ready Fay, as low as any establishment in the country, we ask the public to give" us a call, and examine our stock and prices. June 2*, 1855. MACKINAW TROUT.— IO bbis. No. i, just received at TRACY A MOORE'S. MACKEREL —whole, half and quarter bbis _ by jc2s TRACY k MOORE. IRON. Round. Square, Tire, Band A Scroll, all qualities and sizes. TRACY & MOORE. IjMjOUR —SO bbis., first qnalitv, for sale at the lowest CASH figure. TRACY A MOORE. COLE LEATHER—One Ton, a prime ar kJ tide, for sale cheap, by TRACY & MOORE. T>AINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, l'uttv, &e. I. Ac., by TRACY A MOORE. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. T OSKPII KINGSBERY still continues the *3 BOOK A STATIONERY business, where purchasers may find all the latest School and Miscellaneous Books at reduced prices. The following School Books are embrac ed in the catalogue, viz : Bullion's Creek and lat tin Reader and Grammar. do. Csesar, do. Sallust, do. Lessons. Donegan's Greek and English Lexicon. Spencer's Latin Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil. OlendorfTs, I.ehrethon's, Barbauld's, Kausdick's and Levizack's French Works. Parker's, Coiustock's, Phelps', Smiley's and Olmsted's Philosophy. Day's, Thompson's and Davie's Works. ('niter's. Coat's and Comstock's Physeologv. Saunder's, Porter's, Rentier's and Cobb's Works. Bancroft's History, Parley's, Worcester's, Gurusev's, Bottas, Ac. Ac. Webster's Cnabridged Dictionary, do University edition, do. do Common School, do. Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's, Johnson's, do. Com- 1 stock's works ; Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution. Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High j School. Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do. Brown's, Kirkhatn's, Smith's and Morse's Geography ! and Atlas ; and all the various Primary Geography® now ; in use. Spelling books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in great variety. Also -Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots 4" Shots, Hals mul Caps, s•<•.. 4° r - New and desirable styles of Goods will be received monthly, and sold at the lowest CASH PRICKS. J. K. Towanda, April, 21, 1855. rpilIAL LIST, for SEPTEMBER Term, .1- 1855—Bradford County Court. FIRST WEEK. n.UNTIFFS. j DEFENDANTS. NATCRE. Road Com.Granville Granville Township. Issue. David Barber. John Snyder, Vppeal. William Sample, Peter Miller. Issue. David Barber, I Stephen R. Chandler, Sei. Ka. Robert Metteer, jDan'l Webler et al. i Trespass. George Kriteher, A. H. Tozer et al. j Appeal. Jonathan Boyee, i Austin Earns worth, | Ejectment. Geo. W. Marsh, J. F. Chainberlin et al.j do John Dougherty, |A. J. Gorsline et al. j Issue. S. C. Means, et al. Wm. Fatten et al. j fie.-pass. John Allen, (Elliott Whitney, | do Chester Thomas, Orrin P. Ballard. Case. Jacob Reel, | Francis H. Arnold, Appeal. Jno. Towlinson ACojßenj. R. Slade's Adiu's.jDebt. J. F. Satterlee et al.lGny Tozer. ,Ejectment. Henry W. Traey, !Daniel Huyck, (Appeal. William E. Gore, (Collins M. Segar, i-Vi. Fa.Bail. Rttlilf Campbell, Wm. Campbell, iSci. Fa. David Barber, Josiah Hendershut, • Ejectment. David Hapeman, 'Thomas Hart, (Appeal. Andrew C. Craig, (John Flood. (Debt. Erastus Lovett, j Joseph Seely, (Ejectment. Hiram 11. Kiuyon, j Dan 1 Monroe et al. ( do Herman W. Camp, ißichard Horton et al. {Appeal. E. W. Itaird, John M. Fox, jEjectment. Eark Bird, j Lorenzo X. Tinkham, i Appeal. SECOND WEEK. PLAINTIFFS. ! DEFENDANTS. ] NATCRE. John Eighmey, Wm. Sawyer, ( Appeal. W. P. Newbery et al A. K. l'omeroy, Debt. James A. Paine, John Hanson, Case. Rogers Fowler, O. Schrader, Appeal. 11. N. Terrett ACo., Richard Browcr, Debt. Luke Perkins, James Philips, Appeal. Elias Minicr, John Snyder, do Stephen Hopkins, Wm. 11. Fritchcr, do Margaret Roberts, John Rogers, Ejectment. John Rogers, Abby Ann Swain, do Jacob Tome, Rogers Fowler, Case. Henry f'rammond, Russell Spalding, Ejectment. same O. P. Spahling, do same Charles Drake ct al. do Thomas Butler, E. llorton, Sci. Fa. M. Hiram Hemans, same et al. Appeal. F. A. Saxton k Co. John Taylor, Trespass. Win. H. Russell, Job Dean, Ejectment. Adam Essenwinc, P. AG. 11. Gorsline, Appeal. 11. S. I'hinney's use.jM. M. Coolhaugh, do Mark Compton, Lewis E. Gibbs. do McCoy Craig, Thos A Isalie) Craig. i do Edward Crans, Win. S. Dobbins, (Debt. Alx. Freaer A Co. Wm. Campbell, do Abby Ann Rogers, Gilbert Rogers, Divorce. Bt. Kingslierc's use, Zcbulon Esselstine, Sci. Fa. At. Exvd Spahling. Edward Young, Trespass. B. Greenwood A Co. Wm. Campbell, Debt. Davis C. Pierce, Joseph Edminster, Sci.Ka.SurM Calvin Dodge. Nathaniel Kingslcy, Case. James Fritchcr, John Snyder, ' | do Cliarles Viall, S. B. Overton, ; Appeal. John Snyder, Edmund Sickler, do same same, | do H. F. Burt, Kenower Wormly, | do .1. South word's use, John Griffin, " {Case. H.F.Burt, William Ladey, Ejectment. (I. I'. Ballard, Orran Randall, {Appeal. John M. Read, ('lark Camp et al. (Ejectment. [ Ransom Balcom, [George Dunham, (Debt. N. Moultou's use, .Sam'l McKean et al. 'Debt. i; nTSiihpipnas for the first week to he made returnable on Wednesday, September 5, 1865. at 10, A. M.. and for | the second week on the following Monday, Sept. 10. at 10 A. M. ALLEN McKEAN. Prntnouotary. Barclay Railroad dt Coal Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscribers in To wanda born'and its vicinity to the Stock of the "BAR CLAY RAILROAD A COAL CO," that the remaining instalments of ten per rent each (being 85 per share) on said stock, are required to be paid to E. OVERTON, Esq., the President, or to J. Macfarhme, Esq. the Attorney of said Company at Towanda, at the times following, to w it: 4th instalment payable August 27th, 1855. sth " •• September 27th " (>th " " October 29th " 7th " " November 29th " Bth " " December 28th " 9th " " January 31st 1856. 10th " '• March 3d Payments may also lie made at the office of Laporte, Mason A Co., at Towanda. July 20. 1855. GEO. R. OAT. Treasurer. OMOKED HAMS AND SHOULDERS P -also. Dried Beef. Snaked Tongue", Cheese. Lard, Mackerel. Salmon. Codfish. Ac., at FOX S. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ET. FOX would respectfully inform his • old friend* ant! the public generally thai he h.Lg commenced the Grocery ana Provision Business, at .Yo. 1, Brick Kmc, (opposite Morcur'* store } and intends car rying it on in all its branches. He has and will contin.-u to keep on hand a full assortment of (il;t)(. FRIES and ull kinds of PROVISIONS that are obtainable, all of which will be sold on reasonable terms for Cash. Towanda, June 1. 1*55. DRIED REACHES, a small quantity, very nice, for sale at junta FOX'S." ORANGES,0 RANGES, Lemons, Rino Apples, Fresh Raisins, Figs.Prunes.Currants.seedless Raisins.pu served Ginger, ami u variety of urtieles of the same nature may be had at junc9 FOX'S. bought at my Store will bedeliver- M ed to anv part ut the Borough, FULL OF CHARGE. .luneL'it i*>. E. T. FOX. I)AILS, Brooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing Artishes, 1 lacking Brushes, Ac. at FOX'S. IpRESH TEAS, both Green and Black— A. i'roui cents to il 00—every pound warranted tJ suit or the money returned in all cases, at FOX'S. 0 TONS SUG ARS—Brown, Refined, Row * y dered, Crnshed and Granulated : Molasses, Syrup, Rio and Java Coffee. Rice. Saleratus, Ginger, Sperm Candles, Rice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Grocerie .. for sale cheap at jiineJ FOX'S. NO JOIZXJ. YIXE II UXDRED AXDXIXETY-XIXE a. 1 Men, in Bradford County in debt to we waut to pay their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it may be, and we intend to have them do it. either by per suasion or by employing officera sufficient to collect of ev ery man immediately, without any exception or*respect to persons, from the fa t the money belongs to oar cre ditor*, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as il can be collected. HALL & RUSSELL. Tow.uidrt, April 20 1855. NEW m\\ ti SUMMER GOODS" (OSERII KIXGSBERV is now receiving, from X--w Ym k, a large, carefully selected and most desirable assortment of XEli' SP/IJ.XG A XL) SUMMER GOODS. Tovvanda. May 11, 1 855. Eet m-z rsta as j*k. / 10LLIXS X POWELL have RE3IO VKD to PATTOX's NEW BLOCK, where they have just received a large addition to their stock of RKADY-MADK CLOTHING, Cloths, Trimmings, Furnishing Good-:, Ac., to which they invite public attention. Totvanda. May 24, 1X55. T IST OF JURORS, drawn for SEPTM'R JLi Term and Sessions, 1*55. tin AN i) .tenons. Asylum—A. J. Stone. j>heshe<|nin— A. Burner. Columbia —S G. Garnet, J. Standing Stone—J. N ought, C. M'Kcan. ! Win. King-lev. l.itclifiehl—'l C. Park. Springfield—Bcnj. Brown. Lcroy—Amos Harris,Siduey;Sylvania b.—L. N.Tinkham. Morse. I Troy B.—Aivin Stephens. Overton- James Molyneux. X.Towanda—WWEasterb'kr Pike—Clinton Keen v. jtVysox—John B. Hines. Monroe--Joseph Buil. [Ulster —Levi Noble. Rome—E. B. Barnes. 1 Warren—W. F. Corbin. Smitlilicld—Samuel Niles, TJ Wyalusing— Dwiglit Chaffee Adams. j Windham—James Olnistead. Tis A VKBSE arnoKs — FIRST WKKK. Albany—M. H. Codding, li.lflidgburv—Wm. J. Fuller. Wilcox. J. Menardi. jlloaie—Hiram Brake. Athens boro'—U. C>iinstock.|sheske(|iiin —J a beg Fish, S. I). B. Cotton. i Minicr. Athens tp Ed. Murray. -Springfield—Geo. C r •wcllj. Canton -Sam. Owens, W. P. Newell, P. Gates, Xoriuau Spalding. llo,ley. Columbia—Anson Gustin. Smitlifield— Clinton Wood. Granville—l>. B. Ross. [Troy Tp.—Zina Case. Herri-k Wni. Latiin p. North Towiuida—Jus.EllioU, Litchfield—John Fiddler, C.j Win. It. Foster. Wood. S. M'Kinney. [Towanda IH>.—Che-tcr Wells Orwell -James 1). Newell,F.l Warren—James Arnold. A.lMmock. j Wyalusing— Dudley Cuay. Pike—M. C. F.llswoith. Geo.; Wysox—l'auiel Bull. Johnson, Piatt Wood. ' SECOND WKKK. Albany—C. H. Corbin, JohnlSlicshequin—A la n son 1.OT- Sterigere. lace. A. Forbes. Athens Tp.—B. G. Riec, J.F.iTroy twp.—Ansel Williams, 1 Satterlee, jr. Allen CraiulalL Athens 80. Orson Rickey. iTowanda—Dexter Fox. Burlington—lehinl M'Kcan. North Towanda— IsaacMver Canton—l). S. Lao don. | liyron Kings! icrv. Columbia—M. P. Slade. ] Ulster—G. W. Ru-sell, S. B. Franklin—Wm.Jß. French. | Holcomb. Litchfield—James P. Muuii,. Warren—Henry Wilson, Ru- Alanson Munn. fits Buflington. Monroe—Wra. Irvine. j Windham—V. Boardman. Orwell—Johnson Cowlos. iWyalusing—Chi ries Ingham Kiilgbuvy—B. Herman, .Jus.' C. Lewis, Stone. Strowbridge. .1. Il.uuin mdiWell-—lohn Updike. Wm. Stephens. Wilmot—Jonathan Buttles. Springfield—E. Ketchnm. Windham —Pardon Kinyou. Spritigliill—W. BarroweliiT. I (GROCERIES. —A stock just received —consisting of Sugars. Tea. CofTee. Molasses. Full. Ac. Ac., of superi >r quality for sale at reduced priies. March *f>. 1*55. ' BURTON KINGSBURY. /~A ROCERIES—FaiI and see onr Brown, * ' Crushed. ('off; c and Pulverized Sonis ; Young Hyson A Black—warranted a superior article, or tiro money refunded—for sale cheap bv B. KINGSBURY. I)LASTKR. —100 tons Cayugaground plas ter—29o bWs. White Stone Lime —too KMs. Extra Family Flour. SALT, PROVISIONS .GROCERIES. Ac., at ' BAILEY A NLViNS. Towanda. April 10. 1*55. JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! JtWELRY!!! \\ r A. CHAM BERLIN has just arrived T T • fruit NewVcrk with the LARGEST. BEST and CHEAPEST Stock of WATCHES. JEWEI-KY and FANCY Goons ev r brought into this market. He ha* only time this week to announce the fact. Call and examine. June 88, 1X55. Pair Warning to those Indebted. 'THIS TIMELY" NOTICE is hereby pi von .1 to all person-, indebted to TRACY A MOORE, that all a -count on their books must be settled, and all debts due tti'-m be paid by the 25th day of May. Thi* mean* just what it -ays. without vc-sje. t to per sous, as every per son neglecting this warning will ascertain. May Id. 1855. TRACY A MOORE. im. PRATT HAS REMOVED to the resilience of Mrs. J. W. MKKCCB, on Second street, directly above and opposite the Mcthodi-t church. aiTOffice in the north room. He would also inform those indebted to him, tbn. all accounts of more than one year's standing, must lie settled, by payment or otherwise. June 0, 1855. Z.ABOS.SJL3 AND TEAMS YITTLL find employment on the Upper North v T Branch Canal, bv applying to the Foremen on the line. rnayi? * * W. It. MAFFET, Supt. /~^ANI>Y—A lucre sloek, at wholesale, very low. at junell FOX'S.