Nero SHERIFFS SALE—By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Ummnnn Picas of Bradford County, and to me directed, 'lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the r',.,,-of Towanda. on Saturday, September 1,1855, at 1 • P. M-thc following lot, piece or parcel of land sit ' Canton twp. and bounded on the north and cast by "h,.'ii'odiwav: south by lands of Bc-nona Baker; and west I' I .', , ( j ~f frad Wilson. Containing one half acre, more 1 - all improved, one framed house, small frame sfioe " r ~""t'riunc barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. " 8, /.t-d and taken in execution at the suit of Silas Pack -.'.t v- Lewis L. Abbott. , I so—A piece or parcel of land in Athens borough, , ' „!vd north bv lands of Dr. Corbin. east by lands of _ jiraxel. south by North street, and west by lauds of "v,.. fniversalist church. Containing half an acre, more '. v-i"all improved, with a framed dwelling house and a 1 . n n-.rtlv finished thereon. It includes lots No. 65, 66, . ; of a survey made by Orson Rickey for Edward '■' V l ,1") _()ne other lot or piece of land in Athens boro', v , d north by Bridge street, east by lands of L. M. - mth by lands of E. Herrick and west by lands of J ~ ,n. WelUs A Harris. Containing SO feet front and more or less, all improved, with a framed house I barn thereon. It being lots No. 240 and 250 made by Orson Rickey for E. Derrick. .\j.Bii One other lot or piece of land in Litchfield tp., u-rtli by land- of Elisha Merrill, east by lands of !i, e estate of Reuben Parks dee'd, and Ira Merrill, south iv th> e-tate of Reuben Parks, and west by lands of Rus '!! H i llor k. Containing about thirty acres, more or less , ; t t .reive 1 res impr wed. ' i ami taken in execution at the suit of N. C. Har . d H. W. Patrick vs. Orson Rickey. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. Towanda, July 24,1855. g j- N itice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the f vt- will be required to lie paid upon each sale when -tru k d 'Wii to the bidder, and upon failing to comply u'-h ihi- regulation, the tract of iand will again be offer ,.,i for sale. Jons A. CODDING. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo, issued out of the Court of Com :u a I'leas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will '* exposed to public sale at the Court House in the boro' Rwanda. n MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 3d. 18.55, at 1 „ 1 k. P. M- the following lot, piece or parcel of land . ate in the township of Ridgbery. bounded ou the north r land in the p is-e-sion of James Hapeman, east by the highway, south by land of J. B. Wilkinson, west by Alex .;,>r Stevens. J. Hapeman and Bentley Creek. Contain aD'Uit six acres more or less, all improved, one fram ed house, partly enclosed, and an old saw mill frame thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. Andrew j. Bart vs. David Hapeman and Elijah S. Finton. .OSO-The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- I •>t< 111 the town-hip of Monroe, bounded as follows : Be- ' -inning at an oid oak .-tump on the line between Timothy j Aides awl A. C. Rockwell, dee'd., on the bank of the j ...nth I,ranch of Towanda Creek, thence south 77J°, east ,5 )K-rche- to the centre of the turnpike road, thence along the 'Viitre l viid road, 30 2-10 perches to a post, thence .t!i 37-. west 50 perches to a post 011 the line between Tim"thv A Men and 8. W. Aiden, thence along said line iwrtli 7.1 3 , we-t 32 perches to a stone in the Towanda 1 risk, thence down the said creek pursuing the several .ur-tis thereof to Us junction with the aforesaid south i,ranch : the Towanda Creek, thence up the south branch t the place of beginning. Containing about 15 acres more ! , r less, all improved, with one framed house, and a few ! trait tree- thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Han -■•n. now to the use of Brown A Rockwell vs. Wm. T. Bradford. AL>'' The defendant, Cliarlea Williams' interest in | 1!:- following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Troy ' M;>. lioumh das follows: Beginningat the southern lmun- j Liu lal>t of land belonging to Samuel Gustin at a hstuoip hstuoip -taiiding on the County Road, thence south j 1 -aid road t<> the liueoi Hubbard Williams'lot,thence < , 1 along -aid line the whole length thereof, to I). Dun : ha;'- I t. thence north by -aid Dunbar's and Elilm Case's j !>t "I. lop of Uak Hill, so called, to a post, thence west I i v kind- of the aforesaid Samuel Gustin to the place of ' Grinning : know nby the name of J. T. Williams'lot. j 1 I.l.lining aiacit 125 acres, more or less, about 60 acres i':r 1 vi 3. three irantcd houses, one board shanty, one ' I: iiucd -aw mill, two framed barns, two toard sbeils, an apple or- hard and other fruit trees thereon. > :.'.ed ami taken in execution at the suit of Joseph W. 1 ; dm r. oi tii£ estate of Jo.-eph Wills,deceased, vs. t'lnirli - Williams. Al.s ll Hie following described lot, piece or parcel of la:- j situate in Ib.rell twp., bounded on the north by land i <•' 1,.-,. Ir i ait. on the east by land of Eugene Sullivan i i.y '.and* formerly owned by David Kelly, on the ! - ili by 11. A R. tfilbert s iand. and ou the west by land I Keefc. Containing about 90 acres, more or less, .t. acr.-- improved, one framed house, one log house, j n - i.v mill and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. -■ b !i..l taken in execution at the suit of 8. Kirby, "a -e o! Job p. Kirby. vs. Dennis Crimmius. ! A, -11—The following described lot, piece or parcel of j .ati'i -ituate in Troy boro bounded on the north by the , public r >ad running from Troy to Elmira, on the east by I.iid. owned by E. B. Parsons and L. 0. Hickok. on the I - th m - : :>r 1 r-k, and on tiie west by land owned by 11..1 II iyt. ' oiitaining about one acre of land, more or ! le--. nil improved. Al.SO—i ine other lot. pieee or parcel of land situate in ' I > twp.. bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Hunt a.a 1. 1 re-ton. on the we-t bv lands of Elihu f'a.-e.on the | - '.. by kind conveyed to the In ir- of F. Smead. dee'd., a id A. It. Hickok, and on the ea-t by lands of A. R. Hi -k --"i, and lienjainiu Tears. Containing about 65 acres, 1 :a n >r less, about four acres improved. .N /. •! and taken in execution at the suit of John E. b • dri. i. v •. Wilson Agcr. ALSO I lie following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- i a, ein All,en- twp., bounded north by lands of Owen S|al •i.iig. C.i t by llio Chemung River, s ."uth bv lands ot the slate of Pennsylvania, and we-t by lands of Jesse Spald iag. Containing aVn.ut 30 acres, or less, atsnit 14 acres improved. .1 framed lem-c. a framed barn, a corn house, ami an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taki u in execution at the suit of David Bur ls 1 vs. A brum Soll|. Aly-O Ihe following lot, piece or parcel of land situate \\y-"X twp.. bounded on (be north bv land of Alex in ,l-, Ai. kizcr, ou the ea-t by land- of N. Park, on the - :h oy land- of J hn Lm x. on the we-t by land- ofD. .-on aid 1.. Trumbull. Containing so acres, more or —. .10 .1 -1 acre.- unproved, oue log house and one log barn thereon. Aig-ii -Hue other lot, pip e or parcel of land situate in b.wii-hip, Ijounded on the north bv B. E. Wiiitnev jut 1.. Trumbull, on th- east by land of Squire Benjamin, -suiii by lands of Lnnphere, on the west lv .I- el 11. D uigherty. 4 'ontaining about 60 acre-, more ill go acres improved, one log house ami one framed i-nrn tliereon. s, /ell and taken in execution at the suit of J. Holcomb • 'l. ami W. Carl. HSO 1 lie following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- N 'rili Towanda twp., hounded on the north by lands 'An Mosier, on the east by lands of David Rutty, on - uth by lands of J. Hawley, and 011 the west by land ' - nun 1 Hawkins. Containing about ten acres, be the -.tan- ii "t.- or le.->. all improved, one frame house, and an •rd "!'fr fit tiei-s thereon. - /.t-ii and taken in execution at the suit of E. T. Fox. '.' tin- ;-t ..f M. ('. Mercur vs. Samuel Hawkins. Ai.-o Tin- defendant's inti*rc t in the following de - • ini !• i. piece or parcel of land situate in Smithtield tvr;. 1, undid north by lands of James M'Gartv. east by - ' 11. Barber, south by lands of Patrick M'Ninney. va we t .by lands of Ira Adams. Containing 52 acres, >or it--, about 30 acres improved, with a log house. e -luetic- u-eil fur barns.and some fruit trees thereon. N ,z-d and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. Pow er- v-. w. w. Follett Also A certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate in I t >ny tup., bounded on the north by lands belonging to i • ia:r- of H. Wilcox, dee'd., on the east by lands of Jas. ' •' i'c. "ii the south by lands of James A. Paine, and *-t i.y lands of I>. Ormsby. Containing 50 acres pi •: !■•--, alsmt 20 acres improved, one log house, one -t-> it, and a frame for a house thereon. N /"i and taken in execution at the suit of Jacob Hcv b'.v. t<ulu- u-e of Harvey Phinney. jr. vs. Jacob Jackson. _A:><' AH the interest of the defendants in a lot, piece " isru-l of land situate in Standing Stone twp., it being I ''.we off the north-west comer of a tract of land in the vsrrant name of Andrew Nornay, bounded north, east a a - .uth i y land- of H. W. Tracy, and west by lands of -u-'it (.off. Containing 30 acres .more or less, about 20 • "j 1 - improved, with a framed dwelling house, a framed '" a framed shed and a few fruit trees thereon, seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. W. Tra Huyck and I. Huyck. ■ - 3"he following described lot, piece or pareel of '2M -Uuaie in Shesheqnin twp., bounded on the north y f'V Edward Brigham, on the south hy lands of : '"/' ell Sear and on the west by the public highway '"Tk'ft rrom Towanda to Athens. Containing one and ' m " r " less, all improved, one framed '• y. one framed bam and a few fruit trees thereon, s. an< l taken in execution at the suit of Myer 5t Wng vs. George Smith, tyk, , •* "r pajcelof land in Granville township we f no ' Wf "" t Roul b by lands iielonging to ihe i t., 1 ' !prP "' i -ah Taylor deceased, and on the east by the iv„T*- v ' ra d'ng from Granville to Troy. Containing is,,!] , cre ; more or less, all improved, with one "pso" 1 "' an d a f r w frnit trees thereon, th.. " other lot, piece or parcel of land sitnatein *k n ~hip nf South Creek, bounded north hy land of f Wt t : eakt by land of William Decker ; south by 1.."' "ftncrly or now owned bv Hugh Jenkins, and on ;... ? " t by land of Winthrop Y. Gllnes. Containing about ik; I* a '.'res, more or less. D >*. ti'ken In execution at the suit of William S. \! 80 V "' 'ff v ' AVest and Jacob Blodget. '} pic ' e or P ar 6el of land In Shesheqnin town hjii. "mv nort h bv lands of William Young ; east by IV ' nt and Sarah Young ; south by lands of Reuben •font ri*"? At'est by lands of Calvin Smith. Containing acres, more or less, alKiut fifty-five acres ira .'a''. g two lo g barns, and an apple or ted Other fruit trees thereon. Mercer 3 ,°'' C'ken in execution at the suit of Henry S. of {j g "RA'ived James W. Mercor, now to the use Smith.' A ' -^ ercnr i vs. Richard Horton and Curtis a w rit of Levari Facias, the following de '■ r ' s'tuate in the township of Granville, bounded u- . B *inniag at the north-eaxt corner of lot No. -rraat lot No. 1471, formerly a bcecb, thcn.'S Cegal south 85 7-10 perches to a post, thence west 74 8-10 per ches to a post, thence north 85 7-10 perches to a post,for merly a dead beech, thence east 74 8-10 perches to the be ginning. Containing acres and 10 perches, be the same a little more or less, about 20 acres improved, one framed house and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert B. Davidson, adin'r. of Wm. Davidson, dee'd., who survived Timothy Paxson vs, James H. Ross and C. Denuiaou Ross tcrre tenants. ALSO—A certain one and a-half story building or dwel ling house, situate in the twp. of Asylum, on land and premises now occupied by B. P. Ingham,said house being in front oue and a-half stories highfposts 25 feet wide and 34 feet long having a piazza in front its whole length,) it being a wooden building. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of \V. J. Ba ker vs. B. P. Ingham. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Granville twp., bounded as follows: Be ginning at a post the south-east corner of a lot deeded to Barnabus Vroman, thence east 180 and 4-10 perches to a hemlock for a corner, thence north 80 perches to a post, thence west 108 and 4-10 perches to a post, thence south 80 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 54 acres and 32 perches, strict measure, be the same more or less, it being intended for the south half of lot .Vo. 133, on war rant lot No. 14*<1; about 20 acres improved, a board shan tee and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Robert 13. Davidson, adm'r. of Wm Davidson, dee'd., who survived Timothy Paxson, to the use of G. P. Mason vs. Lewis Pratt. ALSO—The following described building and lot of ; ground of Charles H. Karnes, Win. Campbell and E. F. ■ Campbell terre tenants, to wit: A saw mill and appurte- I nances, situate on Spalding's creek in Siicshequiu twp., [ upon land purchased by said Karnes of Kinney, which | said saw mill is 18 by 45 feet, together with the land, lot or piece of ground or curtilage appurtenant thereto. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Johnson Rogers vs. Cha- 11. Fames, Wm. B. Campbell and E. F. Campbell. JOHX A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Towanda, July 21, 1855 f Kir Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the costs, will be required to be paid upon each saie when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer ed for sale. J. A. CODDING. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the Court of of Common Pleas of Bradford Co. Xo. 351, Septem ber Term. 1853. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of real estate j in the above ease, will attend to the duties aa-igned him at liis office in the borough of Troy, on Saturday, the Ist day of September, 1855, at one o'clock, P. M.. when and where all persons interested are requested to attend. July 25.1855. F. SMITII, Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ELI GIBBS, deceased, late of Orwell township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay: and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. July 25, 1855. PICKERING. Adin'r. PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, the lion. DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford, Sus quehanna and Sullivan, and Hons. MVRON BALLARD and HARRY ACKLEY, Associate Judges, in and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 20th day of June. A.D.1855, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the 3d day of September next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of Bradford, that they l>e then and there 111 their proper per son. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their | records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those i things which to their office appertains to be done ; and j those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro- j secute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail i of said County, or who shall be bound to "appear at the i said court, are to be then and there to proseente against I them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 21st of July, in the year of our Ixiid, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and of 1 the Independence of the United States, the seventy- nintli. JOHX A. CODDING, Sheriff. j REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given that that there have been filed and settled j in the office of the Register of Wills in and for the county ] of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the follow- 1 ing estates, viz : Partial account of C. M. Manville, Guardian of Charles, ; Frances A., Ellen M., and Mary C. Aspenwall. Final account of C. M. Manville, guardian of Sherman j X. Aspenwall. Final account of Jonah Bcnham, guardian of Charles Cowles. Final account of Chester Buck, guardian of Sarah Buck, j Final account of Ingham Stone, administrator of Jonas ; Ingham, late of Wyalusing, dee'd. Final account of E. Case and E. Pomeroy, adin'rs. of C. j T Fitch, late of Troy, deceased. Final account of C. Bliss, adm'r.of Andrew Robert, late j of Leßoy twp. dee'd. Final account of J. V. Daniels and John 131 >ora,adm'rs. ! of Obediak Blake-lee, late of Burlington, dee'd. Final account of George W. Rose, adin'r. of Ezra M. j Payne, late of Pike township, dee'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court I of Bradford county, on Monday the 3d day of September 1 next for continuation and allowance. JAMES 11. WEBB. Register. Register's Office. July 28, 1855. V DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice j. Vis hereby given, that all persons indebted to the cs , tate of IRA GRISWOLD, dee'd., late of Ridgbenr Town i -hip, arc hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will | please present them duly autbentii at <1 forsetth-roent.t I3EXJ. HALSTED, Administrator. Ridgbery. June 18, 1855. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Win. lf< MINING dee'd., late ofßollth Creek tp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons havinging claim- against -aid estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. CATHARINE lInRNIXG, Administratrix, j June Is, 15.")5. y DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ! a! JL i- hereby given, that all per-uiis indebted to the es- I tate of Isaac Ru-i-neraiits deceased, late of Asylum twp., are requested to make payment without delay : and tho.-e having demands against -aid estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. CYRUS SHI'MWAY, Administrator. June 14. 1855. y DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice j. V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ISAAC 8. CROEUT, deceased, late of Leroy twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de -1 iy; and all per-on- having claims against -aid estate will phase present them duly authenticated for settlement. May Iff. 1855. JAMES CRQFUT, \ Admiafatt^°Wk A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the mailer of Yx. th e estate of Peter Osborne, deceased. In the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed bv said Court upon exception tiled to the account of Emily Owen, ad ministratrix of the said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towan da, 011 Wednesday, the 15th day of August, 1855, at 2 o'- clock, P. M. All persons interested will please take no tice. P. D. MORROW, Towanda, July 12, 1855. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the matter of the estate of Bent. Brffinztan. dee'd. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned Au ditor appointed by the said Court to distribute the funds of said decedent", in the bands of bis Executors, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Adams A Overton, in Towanda borough, on Tuesday, the 14th day of August A. I). 1855, at 1 o'clock A. M. at which time and place all persons interested are requested to pre sent their claims, or be forever debarred from said fund. Towanda, July 13.1855. DA. OVERTON, Auditor. ADM IN ISTRATOR'S N OTICE —Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of A. P. BILES, deceased, late of Wyalusing township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having demands against said estate, will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. SaI.TE.-,! AdmtoU"". April 14,1855. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of HORATIO GAMAGE, dee'd. late ol Burlington twp., are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having ciairas against said e.-tate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. ' JULIA GAMAGE, I F _ prlltors PERRY B. PRATT, f February 17, 1855. I "EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons in- J debted to the estate of ELIAL STEVENS, deceased, late of Ridgbury township, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demauds against said estate are requested to pre-ent them duly au thenticated for settlement. STL ROES SQL IRLb, WM- STLV KNS, Ridgbury, March 20, 1855. Executors. A DMINRISTATOR'S NOTICE —Notice JTJL i e herebyiven ,g that all persons indebted to the es tate of NATHAN MAYNARD, dee'd. late of Rome tp., are quested to make payment without delay: and all persons having claims against sald estate, must present them duiy authenticated for setUeanaa*- F- F- MAYNARD, Rome. June 20, 1M. Administrator. £enai Qlboertiscments. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of j the estate of Gamer Carpenter, deceased —ln the Orphans Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Court, to settle and adjust the account of William Keelcr, surviving administrator of said estate, upon exceptions filed, will attend to the duties of im appointment at his office in the [ borough of Towanda. on Mendav, the 20th day of Au gust, 1855, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons interested will please take notice. July 20. 1955. P. D. MORROW, Auditor, j LIST OF JURORS, drawu for SEPT'M'R i Term and Sessions, 1855. GRAND ,11'RORS. Asylum —A. J. Stone. Shesheqnin—A. Barner. Columbia—S G. Garnet, J. Standing Stone—J. Vought, | C. M'Kean. _ Win. Kings ley. Litchfield—Sam'l C. Park. Springfield—Bcnj. Brown. Lc roy—Amos Harris, Sidney Sylvania b.—L. N.Tinkhaiu. Morse. Troy 8.-rAlvin Stephens. Overton—James Molyneux. N.Towanda —WWEa.-terb'ks Pike—Clinton Keeny. vVysox—John B. Hinos. Monroe—Joseph Boil. Ulster—Levi Noble. Rome—E. B. Barnes. Warreu—W. F. Corbin. Smithfield—Samuel Niles, L. Wyalusing—Dwight Chaffee Adams. Windham—James Olmstead. TRAVKRSE JURORS—PIRST WEEK. Albany-—M. H. Codding, B. Ridgbury—Win. J. Fuller. Wilcox, J. Menardi. Rome—fliram Drake. Athens boro'—C. Comstock. Sheskeqniu—Jabez Fish, S. I). B. Cotton. Minier. Athens tp.—Ed. Murray. Springfield—Geo. Crowell.J. Canton—Sain. Owens, W. P. Newell, P. Gates, Norman Spalding. Hoslcy. Columbia—Anson Gustin. Smithfield—Clinton Wood. ' Granville—D. B. Ro-s. Troy Tp.—Zina Case. Herrick—Win. Lathrop. North Towauda—Jas.EUiott, 1 Litelifield—John Fiddler, C. Wm. H. Foster. Wood, S. M'Kiuney. Towauda bo.—Chester Wells | Orwell—James D. Newell,F. Warren—James Arnold. A. Diiuook. Wyalusing—Dudley Camp. Pike—M. C. Ellsworth, Geo. Wysox—Daniel Bull. Johnson, Piatt Wood. SECOND WEEK. Albany—C. H. Corbin, John Springhill—W. Barrowcliff. Sterigere. Sheshequin—Alanson Love- Athens Tp.—B. G. Rice, J.F. lace, A. Forties. Satterlee, jr. Troy twp.—Ansel Williams, Athens Bo.—Orson Rickey. Allen Crandall. Burlington—Jeliial M'Kean. Towanda—Dexter Fox. Canton—D. S. Landon. North Towanda—lsaac Myer Columbia—M. P. Slade. Byron Kingsbery. Franklin—Wm.Jß. French. Ulster—G. W. Russell, 8. B. Litchfield—James P. Munn. Holcomb. Alanson Munn. Warren—Henry Wilson, Ru- j Monroe—Wm. Irvine. fus Knffington. Orwell—Johnson Cowles. Windham—V. Boardman. Ridgbury—B. Herman, Jas. Wyalusing—Charles Ingham Strowbridge, J. Hammond C. Lewis, P. Stone. Wm. Stephens. Wells—John Updike. Springfield—E. Ketchum. Wilmot—Jonathan Buttles, j 1 TRIAL LIST, for SEPTEMBER Term, - 1855—Bradford County Court. FIRST WEEK. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. NATCRK. Road Com. Granville Granville Township, Issue. David Barber, John Snyder, Appeal. William Sample, Peter Miller, Issue. David Barber, Stephen R. Chandler, Sci. Fa. Robert Metteer, Dan'l Webber et al. Trespass. George Fritcher, A. H. Tozer et al. Appeal. Jonathan Boyce, Austin Farnsworth, Ejectment. Geo. W. Marsh, J. F. Chainberlin et al. do John Dougherty, A. J. Gorsline et al. Issue. S. C. Means, et al. Wm. Patton et al. Trespass. John Allen, Elliott Whitney, do Che-ter Thomas, Orrin P. Ballard, Case. Jacob Reel, Francis H. Arnold, Appeal. Jno. Towlinson ACo Benj. B. Slade's Adm's. Debt. J. F. Satterlee et al. Guy Tozer, Ejectment. Henry W. Tracy, Daniel Huyck, Appeal. William E. Gore, Collins M. Segar, Sci. Fa.Bail. Ruliff Campbell, Wm. Campbell, Sci. Fa. David Barber, Josiah Hendershot, Ejectment. David Hapeman, Thomas Hart, Appeal. Andrew C. 1 'raig, 'John Flood, Debt. Erastus Lovett, Joseph Seely, Ejectment. Hiram H. Kinyon, Dan I Monroe et al. do Herman W. Camp, Richard Horton et al. Appeal. E. W. Baird, John M. Fox, Ejectment. Lark Bird, Lorenzo N. Tinkhain, Appeal. SECOND WEEK. PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. NATCRK. John Eighntey, Wm. Sawyer, Appeal. W. P. Newbery et al A. K. Pomeroy, Debt. James A. Paine, John Hanson, Case. Rogers Fowler, O. Schrader, Appeal. H.N. Terrett ACo., Richard Brower, Debt. Luke Perkins, James Philips, Appeal. Elias Minier, John Snyder, do j Stephen Hopkins, Wm. H. Fritcher, do Margaret Roberts, John Rogers, Ejectment, j John Rogers, Abby Ann Swain, do Jacob Tome, Rogers Fowler, Case. Henry Crammond, Russell Spalding, Ejectment. • same O. F. Spalding, do same Charles Drake et al. do Thomas Butler, E. Horton, Sci. Fa. M. Hiram Hcmans, same ct al. Appeal. F. A. Saxton A Co. John Taylor, Trespass. Wm. H. Russell, Job Dean, Ejectment. Ad.llll Es-enwine, P. AG. 11. Gorsline, Appeal. 11. S. Phinney's use, M. M. C'oolbnugh, do Mark Compton, Lewis E. Gibbs. do McCoy Craig, Ths A Isabel Craig. do Edward Crans, Wm. S. Dobbins, Debt. Alx. FreaerACo. Wni. Campbell, do Abbv Ami Rogers, Gilbert Rogers, Divorce. lit. Kiug-bere's use.jZebulon E—clstine, Si i. Fa. M. j Ewd Spalding, Edward Young, j Trespass. 13. Greenwood A Co. Wm. Campbell, Debt. Davis C. Pierce, Joseph Eumiuster. S -i.Fa.SurM ' Calvin Dodge, Nathaniel Kiiigsley, Case. Jauies Fritcher, John Snyder, do Charles Viall, S. IL-Overton, Appeal. John Snyder, Edmund Sickler, do same same, do H. F. Burt, j Kenower Wornily, do J. Southworil's u=e, John <ritfin, ''ase. H. F. Burt, I William Ladev, Ejectment. | 0. P. Ballard,* |()rran Randall, I Appeal. John M. Read, Clark Camp et al. j Ejectment. Ransom B.U-om, George Dunham, Debt. N. Moultoii's use, 1 Sam'l MeKean et al. I Debt. flTrSubn'onas for the first week to lie made returnable on Wednesday. Septeir.ber 5. 1555. at 10. A.M.. and for tin second week 011 the following Monday. Sent. 10, at 10 A.M. AI.I.KN M KKAN, Protlionotary. JOHN C. ADAMS .. D'A. OVERT. N. 1 I)A.MS A: OVKIITON, ATTORXE YS j -i. jL A T J.A IV. Office in the room formerly occupied , by George Samh rson, over Burton Kingsbery's store. I Towanda, May 26.1855. VriHTOR'S N()Tl<'lv—St |ilii ii Yonglit . vs. George Bump. No. 22, Sept. T. 1854. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. The under-igiicd. an auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of said county, to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of hi- appointment at his office, in the boro' of Towanda, on Monday the 13th day of 1 o'clock I'. M., when and where all persons having claims on said fund, uiuat present them, or be forever debarred from any share of the same. G. 11. WATKINS, Auditor. Towanda, July 5, 18.55. THE GLORIOUS FIRST ' OF AUGUST! All Hail ' The I Jay of Days ' The return of that day in which Eight Hundred Thou sand Slaves received the priceless boon of Freedom, in tin- West India Islands, will be commemorated and celebrated by the colored people of Northern Pennsylvania and South ern New York, iu a stvle of magnificence and grandeur AT TOWANDA, AUGUST Ist, 1855. OFFICERS OF TITE DAY : David Jones, President ; Robert Gray, Vice President; Marshal, Solomon Cooper; Assistants, John H.Smith. Henry Dorsey, Samuel Moore ; Orators, REV. J. W. LOGUIN and FREDERICK DOUGLASS, Speaker, Rev. J. C. Johnson ; Reader of the Declaration of Independence, Jacob Jackson ; Committee of Arrange meuts, Solomon Cooper, Simon Thurston,Samuel Powers, Pobert Gray, John Johnson, Pier-on Jones, James Jones Timothy Coggens, of Herrick, David Williamß, of Troy, William Dorsey, of Athens. Order of E rercises— Ringing of the bells at sunrise ; at 11 o'clock the procession will be formed in front of the Wesleyan church, on State street, with right resting on Third "street, and proceed to Mercur's grove, as follows : I. President A Vice President, 4. Com. of Arrangements, 2. Orator and Reader, 5. Citizens and Strangers. 3. Reverend Clergy. 6. Ist Wesleyan S. School. ORDER OF THE DAY : 1. Mnsic by the Choir, 5. Mnsic by the Choir, 2. Prayer, 6. Oration, 3. Music by the Choir, 7. Music by the hoir, 4. Reading Declaration, 8. Benediction. After which the procession will be re-formed and march through the principal streets to the Grove, where a sump tuous DINNER will be prepared for the oocasioß, and for all who desire to partake of its dainties. A Convention of Colored People will tie held in the Court House, at 74 o'clock on the evening of that day, to devise some plan to better our condition as a people. i-The public generally are invited to partake of the festivities of the day. Donations for the occasion will be thankfully received from all that feci a desire to aid us. A cordial invitation is extended to the colored citizens of the adjoining counties, to unite in the celebration of this glorious day. and the Committee of Arrangements pledge themselves that paius will be spared to render the day both Instructive and delightful. July 9 1855. PURE CIDER VINEGAR may be found at jttne9 FOX'S. IsABOR23RS ANZ) THAMES "l/triLL find employment on the Upper North VV BTaneh Canal, by applying to the Foremen on the line. may!7 W- R- MAFFET, Snpt C*ANDY—A large stock, at wholesale, very v_y low, at j-on14 FOXH. illiscellancons. N O D s. Tracy <k. Moore, HAVE JUST RECEIVED from N. York a large and well selected assortment of SPRING ANI) SUMMER GOODS, which have Keen selected with unusual carc, and purchas ed at the lowest possible rates. Peeling confident that we can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment in the country, we ask the public to give us a call, and examine our stock and prices. June 28,1856. \f ACKINAW TROUT.—IO bbls. No. 1, ILL just received at TRACY A MOORE'S. "YfACKEREL —whole, half and quarter hbls ' ITA by je29 TRACY A MOORE. IKON, Round, Square, Tire, Band & Scroll, all qualities and sizes. TRACY & MOORE. FLOUR —80 bbls., first quality, for sale at the lowest CASH figure. TRACY A MOORE. QOLE LEATHER—One Ton, a prime ar -0 ticle. for sale cheap, by TRACY A MOORE. I FAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Puttv. &c. Ac., by _ TRACY A MOORE. HOUSE TRIMMINGS—every description by je29 TRACY* A MOORE. PENNSYLVANIA MAGISTRATE'S LAW LIBRARY. 1. BIXN'S JUSTICE, And Business Man's Legal Guide. New and sixth Edition, bringing the law down to 1555. A treatise on the office and duties of Aldermen and Jus tices of the Peace In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including all the required Forms of Process and Docket Entries ; and embodying not only whatever may be deem ed valuable to Justices of the Peace, but to landlords. Tenants, and General Agents ; and making this volume what it purports to be, A safe Legal Guide for Business Men. By John Binns, late Alderman of Walnut ward, in the city of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged, by Frederick C. Brightly Esq.. Author of "A Treatise outhe Law of Costs," " Equi ty Jurisprudence," " Xisi Prius Reports," Editor of "Pur don's Digest," Ac. In one thick volume, octavo. Price, only $4 00. Also, Companion to Binns's Justice. 2. GRAYDOX'S FORMS. Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the Courts of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Termfner, the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and the offices of the various Civil Officers and Justices of the Peace. Fourth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and adapted to the present state of the law ; with copious explanatory Xotes and References, and a new, full and comprehensive Index. By Robert E. Wright, Esq. In one thick octavo volume. Price only $3 50. ALSO, 3. STROUD AND BRIGHTLY'S PURDON'S DIGEST —I7OO TO 1865. A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700, to the Bth day of May, 1855. The first four editions by the late John Purdou, Esq. The fifth, sixth and sev enth, by the Hon. George M. Stroud. Eighth edition, re vised. with Marginal References, Foot Notes to the Judi cial Decisions ; Analytical Contents ; a Digested Syllabos of each Title ; and a new, full, and exhaustive index. By Frederick C. Brightly, Esq., Author of a "Treatise on the Law of Costs," " Equity Jurisprudence," " Nisi Prins Re ports," Editor of " Binus's Justice," Ac. One thick royal Bvo. Price only $5 00. *3~The freshness and permanent value of Purdon's Di gest are preserved by the publication annually of a Digest of the laws enacted in eai-h year. These annual Digests are arranged in precise conformity with the plan of Pur don's Digest. They are, each of them, republished annual ly ; are connected together by a general index (prepared anew each year.) which embraces the contents of the laws of each year since the publication of Purdon's Digest, in one alphabet; and are bound up with Purdon's,and also sold separately. Thus the purchaser of Purdon's Digest will alwavs be in possession of the complete body of the Statute Laws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when he purchases it. Those who have already purchased Purdon's Digest may always complete it to date for the small sum of Fifty Cents, the price of a volume containing all the annual Di gests issued since the first publication of the present edi tion of Purdon's Digests, as heretofore stated. KAY A BROTHER. LAW BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS, 17 A 1!) South Fifth Street, First Store above Chestnut. syOrders or letters of inquiry for I,aw Books from the Country, promptly attended to. 6w3 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. TOSEPH KINGSBERY still continues the BOOK A STATIONERY business, where purchasers may find all the latest School and Miscellaneous Books at reduced prices. The following School Books are embrac ed in the catalogue, viz : Bullion's Greek and Latin Reader and Grammar, do. Caesar. do. Sallnst, do. Lessons. Donegan's Greek and English Lexicon. Spencer's Latin Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil. OlondorfTs, Lehrethon's, Barbauld's, Fausdick's and I.eviznok's French Works. l'arker's, Comstock's, l'belps', Smiley's and Olmsted's Philosophy. Day'-, Thompson's and Davie's Works. Cutter's,'s and Comstock's Physeologv. Saunder's. Porter's. Benttey's and Cobb's tVorks. Bancroft's History, Parley's, Worcester's, Gurnsey'a, Bottas, Ac. Ac. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, do University edition, do. do Couiuc n School, do. Worcester's, Co per's. Harper's. Johnson's, do. Com stock's works ; Lincoln'.- Botany, Sweet's Elocution. Thompson's series of Arithmetic, primary to High School. Adams', Davie's, Smith's and Cobb's, do. Brown's. Kirkhani's, Smith's and Morse's Geography and Atlas ; and all tire various Primary Geography's now in use. Spelling books of all kinds, and miscellaneous books in great variety. • Also—/ Irii Good*, Groceries, Crockery, Boots 4" Shoes, Hats and Caps, fee., 4*e. New and desirable styles of Goods will be received monthly, and >•>!<! at the lowest CASH PRICES. J. K. Towanda, April, 21, 1855. PZiOPLES FERRY. the purpose of having a reliable Fern/, where the rites charged will be regular and uniform the citizens of this Borough have subscribed an amount sufficient t<> purchase two good Ferry Boats, and placed them in charge of 1,. H. SCOTT and WM. BLI'XDELL ; they having agreed to ferry each and every day during the present season all who wish to cross at tiie following prices, viz : Each and every two horse wagon or carriage. 12J cents. " one horse " 10 " " foot passenger, 2 " To prevent delay, a boat leaves opposite shores at the same time. As the People's Boats were established to prevent imposition upon travellers, and especially upon Eastern people who are often obliged to visit this place, we do not hesitate to solicit for them the patronage of all who mav have to cross. 11. S. Mereur, Hall A Russell, Collins A Powell, Burton Kingsbery, E. T. Fox, Bailey A Kevins, Montanyes A Co. E. W. Baird, Joseph Powell, Chester Wells, Joseph Kingsbery, Horatio Black, J. 1). Humphry, James Mackinson, If. P. Moore, * Allen McKcan, C. B. Swea/.y, William El well, I. L. A If. L. Lamerenx, O. I>. Bartlett, J. F. Means, and others. Towanda, July 10. 1855. DRIED APPLES —a few first rate ones, for sale at jllO FOX'S. "TX BBLS. FLOUR, warranted a first-rate 1 tj article, at sll per barrel, for sale at FOX'S. To the School Directors of Brad. Co. APPLICATION having been made by the Boards of Directors of a majority of the School Dis tricts in Bradford County, stating their desire to increase the Salary of the Oounty Superintendent of said county, you are therefore respectfully requested to meet in Con j vention at the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda, on Saturday, the 28th day of July, 1855, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose above stated, according to the terms of the eighth section of the supplement to the school law, approved the Bth day of May, 1855. A. G. CURTIN, Superintendent Com. Schools. Department of Common Schools,) Harrishurg. July 5,1865. ( New Boot and Shoe Manufactory. FRANK HOFFMAN would respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda, that he has com menced the BOOT A SHOE business in the room over J. Culp A Go's, shop, near the comer of Bridge street— He is ready at all times to do all work in his line in the best manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, in the latest approved style, as well as Coarse Worh. REPAIRING done in a superior man ner. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi zens of this place, assuring them that he will endeavor to merit their favors by using the best stock, by careful work manship, and by punctuality. Towanda, Juna 18,1865. Cash paid for Hides. THE highest price paid in CASB, for Hide 6 and Skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX. June 20,1855. BOOTS & SHOES—The laree6t, best and cbeapert assortment this elde of tbe Empire City *j t y be found at j29 IRACY A MOOR£"f> fllerrljanbijc, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. 1 ET. FOX would respectfully inforcn bis • old friends and the public genersily that he has commenced the Grocery ana Provision Business, at No. 1. Brick Rote, (opposite Mercur's store,) and intends car rying it on in all its brauches. He has and will continue to keep on hand a full assortment of GROCERIES and ail kinds of PROVISIONS that are obtainable, all of which wili be sold on reasonable terms for Cash. Towanda, June 1, 1865. rjASH paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and eV7- rythiug else in the line of Eatables, at June L FOX'S. J DRIED PEACHES, a small quantity, very : nice, for sale at june 9 FOX'S. ORANGES, Lemons, Pine Apples, Fresh Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, seedless Raisius.pre scrved Ginger, and a variety of articles of the same- nature may be had at *juue9 FOX'S. C 1 OODS bought at my Store will be deliver- X ed to any part of the Borough, FREE OF CH VF.GE. June 20 ISSB. E. T. FOX. PAILS, Brooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing Arushes, blacking Brushes. Ac. at FOX'S. FRESH TEAS, both Green and Black— from 37J cent.-, to $1 00—every pound warranted to suit or tbe money returned in all cases, at FOX S. 9 TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined, Pow f) dered, Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses. Syrup, Rio and Java Coffee. Rice. Salerntus, Ginger, Sperm Candles, Rite, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for sale cheap at june 9 " FOX'S. STAGES will hereafter leave the Ward House, until further FOR WAVERLY —Leave at 2 o'clock, P. M., arriving in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west. FOR TUNKHANNOCK—Leave immediately upon the arrival of the Waverley stage, about 1, P. M. Arrive at Towanda, in time to connect with the stage for Waverly. March 17, 1855. SMITH A POWELL, Proprietors. NO JOKE. "VJTNE HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE j i-x Men. in Bradford County in debt to us, that we want to pay their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it | may be, and we intend to have them do it, either by per- j suasion or by employing officers sufficient to collect or ev ery man immediately, without any exception orVespect to parsons, from the fact that the money belongs to our cre ditors, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as it can be collected. HALL A RUSSELL. Towanda, April 20 1855. NEW SPRIaG & SUMMER GOODS~ JOSEPH KINGSBERY is now receiving, from New York, a large, carefully selected and most desirable assortment of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Towanda, May 11,1855. SURVEYING. —JAMES A. PAINE, Sur veyor for Bradford County, is prepared to attend to the above business In all Its branches. His office is at Monroeton. All letters addressed to him at that place will meet with prompt attention. April 4, 1854. ONE CENT REWARD.—Ran away from the subsc.lber about the 26th ult, Wm ROWE, a bound J boy to the farming business. 1 therefore forbid all persons ' harboring or trusting said boy on my account, as I will j pay no debts of his contracting. * HENRY CLARK. Rome, March 1, 1855. **. 4T MP JWI. COLLINS & POWELL have REMOVED | to PATTON'S NEW BLOCK, where tliev have just j received a large addition to their stock of READY-MADE I CLOTHING, Cloths, Trimmings, Furnishing Goods, Ac., j to which thev invite public attention. Towanda, May 24, 1866. j NEW"SPRING GOODS: TOSEPH POWELL would announce to •J the citizens of Bradford County, that he is now re- ; ceiving a large, rich and varied assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry tjoods. Groceries. Hardware, Crockery, and Glass Ware. Straw Gocnls. Hats. Boots and Shoes, Car- ! pctings. Yankee Notions, Paper Hangings, Fish, Paints j and Oils ; and in fact, almost every article of merchan- ; dizo which the wants of the country requires, and is offer- j ing them for sale for CASH at prices which defy all com- j petition. He would particularly invite attention to his stock of LADIES DKESS GOODS, consisting in part of rich plain M'k ami watered Silks ; all woo! Delaines : plain and figured i mousliu delaines ; plain and figured ''belli delaine-': De- - Berges. Lawns, all prices; printed Jaconetts, Organdies, Berazes, all colors, together with an endless variety of Ginghams. Prints, Ac. Ac. EMRROII'LIUCS AND LACES —Ladies embroidered and ice Collars. Sleeves. Handkerchiefs, Skirts,Cldmezetts,Swiss and Jaconette Bands and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconette Edgings and la i-r.iiig . Maltese, Thread, Smyrna, bobbin and Cott>m Edgings, all widths: Brnsells, black and white silk Edging-, all widths and prices. WHITE GOODS —Plain and dotted Swiss M'l-!ins. Jaco netts, Bi-hop Lawns, India. Book and Nainsook Muslins, Striped and Plaid Cambrics, Victoria Law"-, of all quali ties. Ladies and Gents, linen H'd'k'fs., silk and cotton! til- inds ; Bobbinett and fringed Laces, Irish linens at great ly reduced prb os. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS —War tid.lir.ei. ar.Jw: r. ted Damask, double ond single fold, cot D.una-k, bleached and I unbleached table linens, bleached and unbleached .Jacqtiard diaper, worsted, embossed and colored damask iiacn table ; spreads, bleached damask table cloths and napkin.-, all j si/es ; counterpane-', bleached and unbleached Muslins ; from Jto 10-4 yards wide. Drapery Muslins of different kinds. Crash, Scotch and Russia diapers, Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY—A complete assortment of Ladies ; and Misses and Childreus' white, unbleached, mixed and : slate cot red i loth Hose; Mens' and box-' unbleached, . mixed and white cotton half hose; ladiesaud gents black, | white and colored kid gloves, best quality ; ladies kid fin- j islt and plain silk and lisle thread do.; ladies and misses ' long and short French filet mitts. SHAWLS AND M ANTILLAS —A large assortment of Spring J Shawls and Mantillas of new and desirable -tyles. CAREKTINGS of various styles and qualities'. Rush mat tings, different widths. CLOTHS AND CASS IMBUES —The largest stock of plain black and fancy Cloths and Cassimeree, Tweeds. Kentucky Jeans, Linen and Cotton Summer Goods for mens' and' boys'wear, ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania—l purchased at greatly reduced prices, and off red for sale ' correspondingly low. Also, a good assortment of Vesting.-, Scarfs, Stocks, Cravats, Linen Collars, Ac. r In purchasing his stock of Spring Goods, the sub scriber would say that the utmost care and economy has been exercised in order to please his customers in style, quality of goods, and prices, to correspond with the times. Thanking the public tor the liberal patronage they have heretofore extended to him, he would rcspectfulh solicit a call and examination of libs stock by those wishing to purchase. JOSEPH POWELL. Towanda, April 10. 1855. 1^0 WANDA A BURLINGTON PLANK . ROAD COMPANY.—'The President and Managers of the Towanda and Burlington Plank Road Company, have, bv a resolution passed this day, resolved to call in and collect the ballance due on tlie stock subscription of this Road, payable to B. S. Russell. Treasurer—at the of fice of Messrs. LAPORTE, MASON A Co., as follows : 25 per cent, on the first day of May, 1855, and the bal lance on the first daj' of Julv, 1855. B. S. RUSSELL, Towanda. December 8,1854. Sec. A Treasurer. PLASTER. —100 tons Cayuga ground plas ter—2oo bbls. White Stone I.ime—loo hbls. Extra Family Flour. SALT, PROVISIONS.GROCERIES, Ac., at BAILEY A NEVINS. Towanda, April 10, 1855. Fair Warning to those Indebted. THIS TIMELY NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebted to TRACY A MOORE, that all accounts on their books must he settled, and all debts due them lie paid by the 25th day of May. This means just what it says, without respect to persons, as every per son neglecting this warning will ascertain. May 16. 1855._ TRACY A MOORE. DR FJEIA.TT HAS REMOVED to the residence of Mrs. J. W. Mmerit, on Second street, directly above and opposite the Methodist church. *i"Officc in the north room. He would also inform those indebted to him, that all accounts of more than one year's standing, must he settled, by payment or otherwise. June 9, 1695. Barclay Railroad 6l Coal Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the subscriber* in To wanda boro'and its vicinity to the Stock of the "BAR CLAY RAILROAD A COACCO," that the remaining instalments of ten per cent each (being $5 per share) on said stock, are required to he paid to E. OVERTON, Esq., the President, or to J. Macfarlane, Esq. the Attorney of said Company at Towanda, at the times following, to wit: 4th instalment payable August 27th, 1855. sth " " September 27th " 6th " " October 29th " 7th " " November 29th " Bth " " December 28th " 9th " " January 31st 1856. 10th " " March 34 " Payments may also he made at the office of Laporte. Mason A Co., at To-vaith- Jvly 23,1955. GEO- R- OAT, Treasurer- filiscellancotifl. <&& (52fl©1?22nSS'(&a COLLINS 8c POWELL W° UI ;P Inform tbeir friends and the pub >V ' l>c they-have REMOVED their CLOTHING A FURNISHING STORE to Patton's New Brick Block, No. 3, and will be happy to vrait on ail who may give them a call, Their stock consists of Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ; Fancy Cassimere Coats, of all colors ; Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants ; Black Satin and Fancy Vests ; Marseilles Vests. White and Fancy ; Marseilles and Linen Coats, all kinds ; Linen Pant?, Shirt Collars, Cravats and Hose. Ksts, of nil kinds. Garments of all kinds made up to order, and warranted to fit or no sale. Our stock comprises all kinds of goods adapted to men's wear, which we are Ijound to sell cheap ertlian any other establishment in town or county. CUTTING done to order as usual. Towanda, June 9, i 5,",5. IMPORTANT TO LnZTCBRRMSN. A RARE CHANCE—The un dersigned offers for sale his undivided half part of " lree tract- of land, containing about 1100 f iicr s ; 1000 of which is heavily timbered with saiurw White pine of a choice quality, having on it a new ly erected double STEAM MILL, just started and cut ting nnely—capable ot -awing 3,000,000 feet yearly, to which !- attached a LATH MILL, and with power suffi cient to run a single machine, and pair of Burrs for chop ping feed, Ac. r The land is situated in Overton town hip, in the centre of the Coal and Iron region of Bradford County, and on it have been found large deposits of iron ore of' a superior quality. This property to Lumbering men offers greater inducements than any other in Noruhern Pennsylvania, inasmuch as the timber has never been culled out, and lying as it docs within 2£ rai'es of the Barclay Coal Com pany- Railroad, now in process of construction, and con necting by said Railroad, with the River and Canal at thia place. HW There have been opened upon this property three beds of IRON ORE. of a very superior quality anil rich ness. two of which are ten feet in thickness each, yielding about 3d to 40 per ceut. pure metal, and one smaller yield ing a much greater per cent.; all extending through 900 acres ot the property. This ore is easy of access, and can be procured at a very small expense. Persons desirous o'f viewing the premises will call on the subscriber at this place. A. EDWARDS. Towanda, May 1, 1855. The Greatest Improvement of the Ave! CTODDARD'S PATENT IMPROVED SHINGLE MACHINE, foi Riving, Shaving and Edg ing—capable of making from 12 to 20,000 per day; simple in construction, and not liable to get out of order, it is decidedly the best Machine lor making Shingle ever offer ed to the public. Those wishing Rights or machines can apply to JOHN FROST, sole agent for Bradford and Sul livan counties. Pa. Rome, May 10. 1855. SUMMER HATS.—Gentlemen's Elegant WHITE BEAVERS, for sale bv May 1, 1855. JOS. KIN'GSBERY. RICH SUMMER dress G O od S A large assortment just received at MONTANYES A CO'S, AT REDUCED PRICES. Towanda, June 14, 1850. SUMMER HATS.—The Newest Style of SUMMER HATS—where every style and fashion is always kept, and where Goods of all kinds are guaranteed to be sold as cheap as at Elmlra or Owego. Call and see at juneH MONTANYES A CO. Notice to Collectors of 1854. CIOLLECTORS who have not previously received exon ' orations on their duplicates of Militia taxes, are noti fied that by an act recently passed by the Legislature, the Commissioners are permitted to grant exonerations to such as make make legal application previous to the first of July next. The Commissioners will be in session on Saturday the 2Gth of May, for the purpose of hearing such as may apple. Bv order of the Commissioners. May 16. 1a".5. E. M. FARRAR. Clerk. \\T AGONS & SLEIGHS.—Two or three TT of each for sale cheap at PHINNEY'S. A NEW THING. BEING very desirous to get inv books set tled up, i have concluded to <piit making accounts, and sell good- hereafter for READ\ PAY onlv, and with out adopting the dodge of a new firm, call on'all those in debted to Settle A Pay up. Now, therefore, upon the re ceipt ot my New Spring Goods, say about the 15th or 20th in-t., I shall commence the Ready Pay system : and if I find any leisure, shall be after those who d > not call and settle up, withu sharp stick. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda.April 7, 1855. GEORGE H. WOOD'S Daguerrean ROOMS REMOVED to Button's NEW BRICK BLOCK, corner of Bridge and Mitin street, where he has fitted up rooms expressly for the business, with a large sky-light and side-light com bined. With these arrangements he will l>e able to take Pictures with any shade desired. Grouping done in the best possible manner. Daguerreotypes taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid to copying. Miniatures neatlv put into Lockets, Breast ping-. and finger rings. Ac. Instructions given in the art o:i reasonable terms. Towuuda. May 1, 1955. THRESH GROCERIES, of all kinds just I rt- eived at MOXT AX YES A CO. N r OTK E.—Persons wishing to make pay ments to the subscriber, can do so at any time, through Messrs. LATOKTE. MASON A Co., whose receiptor statement of pnv .Knt. will be entirely satisfactory. MIC-HAEL MEYLERT, Land A'gent. April 26, 1855. TOR SAInTI. - A TWO HORSE HACK, hnnr irjf* on leather thorough-braces,in good running L: imL- order, nearly new, and for sale cheap on lib eral terms, ('all oil Win. C. BOGART, Esq., who will ne go' iate a -ale. D. M. BULL, i' Amain, April ii. 1555. 11-44-3t. Cheap 8001, Shoo and Leather Store. I I). HUMPHREY is just fP| fJ e receiving next door to U.S.Mercur's j -tore in Towatida.a large and will selected stock of BOOT'S. SHOES A FINDINGS. lr.uu New York, which with a constant supply of HUME MANUFACTURED WORK. SOLE A UPPER LEATHER. FRENCH AND AMERICAN ( ALE SKINS, MOROCCO, Ac. he is desirous to sell at small profits. Feeling grateful for pa-1 favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of public pa tronage. up-.Measure Work and Repairing done on short no tice. CASII paid for Hides and Skins. Towanda, June 14, 1 5 55. GROCERY AND RESTAURANT. WILLARD PRENTICE respectfully in t V 'forms the public that lie taken the room in Hie basement of the "TTnlon block." north side of the public square, where he intends to keep a GROCER Y A ND EA TING SALOON, and hopes to receive a -hare of public patronage. He will endeavor by strict attention to business, and by providing such eatables as are in season, to make it an acceptable place of popular resort for the refreshment of the" inner man." The public are invited to give me a call. Towanda, June 9. 1555. IpRESH SALAD OIL. Maecnroni, Yer micilli, English and French Mustard, Sago Cheese, Maoe, Nutmeg-, Cloves, Spices. " Worcestershire Sauce." Nuts, Candy, Ac., for sale cheat! at FOX'S. JEWEL RY! JEWELRY!! JtWELRYM! W" A. CHAMBERLIN lias just arrived • from New York with the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST Stock of WATCHES, .TKWKI.RY and FANCY Goons ever brought into this market. He has only time this week to announce the fact. Call and examine. June 28, 1855. FIRE f FXR3B ! FIRE f FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE CO. .ATHENS, PA. Hon. HORACE WILLIHTOX, President; C. K. WELLES, Jr. Vice President aud Treasurer; *J. E. CAXFIELD, Secretary. Board of Director* —Hon. Horace Williston, Francis Tyler. George A. Perkins, J. T. D. Mver, C. X. Shipman, O. F. Welles, Jr.. J. E. Canfield, Athens; Hon. John La porte, Towanda : Gen. Bradley Wakeman, Laeeyville ; G. M. Hoilenhack, Wilkes-Barre ; Michael Meylert, La porte, Pa. P. O. MOODY, Agent for Bradford County. Address, Waverly, X. Y. SPRING GOODS. T HARVEY PIIINNY, Jr., is just rr •l • reiving a general assortment of SPRING GOODS which he offers to the pnblir for unusually low prices, for Ready pav. As he is determined to sell (roods after the Ist of April for READY PAY. or keep them, pereons wish ing to pay oasb for goods will find it tor tneir interest to coll and examine his stock and prices. S-AII persons indebted to me by book, note orjudg ment on the Ist of April next, unless some satisfactory arrangement is made, will be waited upon by a gentleman in anthorily. • H V Jr- Towanda. Marrh 14,1955. SMOKED HAMS AND SHOULDERS —also. Dried Beef, Prnoked Tongues, Cheese, Lard, Mackerel Fataor, Cedheh. Ac., st FOX'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers