Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 14, 1855, Image 3

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    [From the Philadelphia National Argus, July 4.]
Opening of the North Pennsylvania Rail
Road to Gwynned.
Yesterday was celebrated by an important
and auspicious event, which may be termed the
harbinger of an increased traffic for Philadel
phia. through a new and highly interesting re
gion of Pennsylvania. We refer to the open
i„,r of the First Division of the Northern Penn
sylvania Railroad to Gwynned, a distance of
about nineteen miles. A Committee of the
pitv Councils, representatives of the press, and
maiiv prominent citizens were invited on the
occasion, and the party assembled must have
been nearly one hundred in number. Judge
KEU.EY and several distinguished members of
the Bar were also present. The cars left the
new and very commodious station of the Com
pauv, shortly after eleven o'clock, and were
draw n by mules to Master street, where a lo
comotive was attached to the train and we
were whirled along with great speed over an
exceedingly beautiful country, in which highly
cultivated farms and fields were agreeably al
ternated with majestic and park-like groves,
hill and dale, and watered with sparkling brooks
and streams.
After leaving Master street, the cars stojv
pod at the following stations : —Tioga street, i
Fisher's Lane, Green Lane, Oak Lane, City
bine. Old \ ork Road, Chelten Hills, Taconev, '
Edge Hill, Camp Hill, Fort Washington, the
Pennlyd, Gwynned.
The rails on the road are 70 pounds to the
yard, and the rail-layers were Messrs. Wher&
*3l vers. Their work is substantially executed.
Tlie Company have three engines of great pow
er, the Aramingo, the Cohocksink, and the
Shackatnaxon, built by Baldwin k Co., while
the passenger-cars are numerous, large, hand
some, and well furnished. The train was de
corated with flags along the entire line of the
excursion, and at every village and station, the
arrival was greeted by crowds of people. Mr.
John Miller WAS the engineer, Thomas M'Cann,
fireman. We were informed by Mr. Du Barry,
Principal Assistant Engineer, that the first
three or four miles of the road were slightly
undulating, with ascending anil descending
grades, but betweeen sections six and eight,
the ascent for a mile was 60 feet, passing over j
n -mnmit and descending to the waters of Ta
conev Creek. To Edge Hill Summit, the grade
is 40 feet to the mile, and there is a deep cut
through hard rock, 47 feet in the deepest part,
and more than 1400 feet in length. Then the !
road descends to Sandy Creek, thence rises !
again to Fort Washington Station, and pass- !
ing over the waters and valley of the Wissa
liirkon by means of lofty and substantial tres- :
>, ! work bridges, it arrives at Gwynned,where I
a handsome hotel is iu progress of erection.—
About a mile beyond Gwynned, the road passes i
through a cut 60 feet deep, and then u tunnel !
">OO foot iii length, which is now nearly finish
el, -.'til) men being there at work, the incessant
Masting of rocks sounding like the explosions
of heart artillery.
We fearii that the road will then go over
Hatfield Plains, and that there will he another !
cut 35 iV'K deep, ami another tunnel 2170 feet j
long—soon after which it will reach the Le
high valley and river, and thus open an exten
sive agricultural and mineral traffic to Phila
delphia enterprise. The regular business of
the road will commence to-day. a. F. Jlop
k'n>. K>!J., member of Councils, Mr. Peck, Mr.
M'Call, and other gentlemen acted as conduc
tors. and to these gentlemen, as well as to Mr.
John W. (lillinghajn. the regular conductor,
nil who participated in the celebration are in
debted for much politeness and atteution. Af
t r examining the Gwvmted terminus and its
vicinity, the party returned to a new hotel re
cently built by Mr. Ilirscli, whose public spirit
i* kiddy spoken of. Here a substantial and
elegant collation was spread by that excellent
caterer, Dorsay, of Philadelphia, and l>otli the
viands and wines were all that could be desir
ed. After the more substantial jwrtionof the
repast, bad beeu discussed, the Chairman, Thos.
S. Fernon, Esq., President of the Company,
rose and briefly addressed his guests to the fol
lowing effect:—
(I K.\"TI>:MKX : —A\ e are assembled to inaugu
rate into public use the North Pennsylvania
Railroad. Although, hut a short, space is com
pleted, yet that jsirtion is of the most substan
tial character. Mr. F. described the prospects
of the country between Philadelphia and Gwyn
ncd. and expressed his belief that ere long, the
road would be entirely open to the Lehigh ri
ver. The wealth of the Lehigh Valley, in
coal, rim- and other minerals, was dwelt upon,
and the interests of Philadelphia with the new
ly opened conu try, were warmly urged. The
advantages of the road over a canal were en
larged upon, and owing thus far to the want
of such a communication with Philadelphia,
much of the trade and wealth of the Northern
portion of Pennsylvania had gone to New
V>rk. This should not be. The station of Fort
ba-hington was named in connexion with one
of the events of the revolution. The speech
°f Mr, T. was able, practical and to the pur
pose, and that gentleman was loudly cheered,
f < Philadelphia Press was then given, and
duly re>|toridod to.
Ihe following resolutions were offered by
j Milton Cooper, Esq. and unanimously adop
ted :
Resolved. That in that portion of the North
• ennsylvania Railroad passed over this day,
!' avo Sf ' en a work comprising a part of
ioladolpliiii's great north route, constructed
13 a maimer promising permanent durability,
ami traversing a country abounding in land
varies of unsurpassed natural beauty and fer-
Rf-o'ved, That to win back and retain the" iif the Northern Counties of Pennsylva-
Philndelphia must have a railroad running
''C' t into those counties ; and the North
"nnsylvania Railroad occupying such location
' crcliv rendered a work of permanent neces
. to the commercial interests and prosperity
f 'or whole city.
The (hairman proposed the health of John
James. Esq., with thanks for his financial
. r '> and influence in promoting the North
1 " r.risylvania Railroad.
' ra "k with enthusiasm.
•e party then adjourned, and visited the
" "lis of Port Washington, on the summit
'■ d :i, 'ghboring hill, after which the entire
5 '," J' aD . v returned in the train to the city,
'''"lighted with their excursion. We
" 11 "late the President and Directors on
, "iqiicioiK and practical commencement of
url' 1 " ""T a " f ' ' m P ortant road, and trust that
iis<. aii 'u r ear K ' ,a " ' ,ave P ass<;t ! away, the
extended to the Lehigh—and soon
p.r '' Tto l ' lC terminus originally contem-
Bv kiftHTxiSG.—On Sunday, during
ion-r;. 1 "?. 1 eav . v thunder storm, three, cows, be
' i - o Richard Darker, of Southport,
Co. were instantly killed by lightning.
The Markets, July 12.
The flour market has an upward tendency,
and prices have advanced since our last issue.
The prices we quote are New York wholesale
rates. Western flour, $8 62 to $9 50 ; State
$8 8? to $l2 75 for extra Genesee. Canadi
an is higher, ranging from $lO to $ll.
Southern white and mixed Wheat brings
from $2 40 to $2 45. Rye quiet at $1 55.
Oats are better ; sales at 60 and 64 cents. —
Corn is much depressed and is lower ; sales at
90 to 92c for Western mixed, 97c for Southern
yellow, and 96c for Ronnd do.
Fork is firm, at $l9 50 for new Mess, and
$l6 50 fer new Prime.
Towanda Market—Wholesale Prices.
[Corrected weekly by E. T. FOX, Dealer in Provisions and
Groceries, No. i, Brick Row, who w ill pay Cash, at the
prices fixed, for the articles in this list
Flour, (retail price,) bbl $ll 00 @
Pork, do " 21 00 Oh 24 00
Wheat, bushel, 2 25 Oh
Buckwheat, " 1 no Oh
Goats " 01) 0C
Corn " \ VI On
Rye " i 25 %
Potatoes " .... 75 (ft
! Beans 1 50 <ht 2 00
| Dried Apples, " 1 50 Oh 1 75
! Butter, lb 12 CJ 10
i Cheese " BOh 10
Haras and Shoulders, " .... U Oh 12J
Dried Peaches, " .... 12 Oh 16
Dried Berries, " 12 06 18|
Eggs dozen, Of 12j
git. FRANKI.IN FIRE CO. NO. I.—The members
gggffifc.— *'>f Franklin Fire Company are notified to meet
it the Engine house,on Saturday evening, AU
GUST tth, at 64 o'clock.
By order of the Foreman,
July 12. N. T. BOGART, Secretary.
t f NAIAD FIRE CO., NO. 2.—The memlters of this
Company are notified to meet at the Engine House, ou
Saturday, August t. 1855, at 6.4 o'clock, P. M.
By order nf the Foreman,
July 12. CHARLES MKRCUR, Secretary.
ffl, MASONIC.—The regular meetings of UNION
LODGE, No. 108, A. Y. M., are held every Wed
jfr nesday, >n or preceding the full moon, at Maso
/ wr \ttic Hall, over J. Kingsbury's store.
All brethren in good standing are invited to attend.—
The meeting for July w ill n<\ ur oil the 25tli day.!
H. It. A. UNION CHAPTER. No. 161. holds its regular
meetings at the same place, Thursday on to- before the full
inoon. Meeting for July ou the 26th'dav.
E. 11. MASON', Secretary.
Nero SV&DcrtiGcnK-nts.
M// Hail ! The JJay of Day* !
The return of that day in which Eight Hundred Thou
sand Slaves received the priceless boon of Freedom, in the ;
West India Islands, will te commemorated and celebrated j
by the colored people of Northern Pennsylvania and South- i
era New York, iu a style of magnificence and grandeur j
David Jones, President; Rjbert (tray, Viec. President ;
Marshal, Solomon Cooper; Assistants, John 11. Smith,
llenrv Dorsev, Samuel Moure; Orators,
Speaker, Rev. J. Johnson ; Ruder of the Declaration
of Independeaee. Jacoh Jackson ; Committee of Arrange
ments, S iloinon Cooper, Simon Thurston,Samuel Powers,
Pobcrt Gray, John Johnson, Pier-on James Joue-,
Timothy Coggens, of Derrick, David Williams, of Troy,
William Dorsey, of Athens.
Order of Ertreixe*. —Ringing of the hells at sunrise;
at 11 o'clock the procession will be formed iu front of the
We-leyan church, on State street, with right resting on
Third street, and proceed to Mcreur's grove, as follows :
1. President & Vice President, 4. Com. of Arrangements,
2. Orator and Reader, 5. Citizens and Strangers,
J. Reverend Clergy. 6. Ist We-deyau S. School.
1. Music by the Choir, I 6. Music by the Choir,
2. Prayer, I 6. Oration.
3. Music hy the Choir, I 7. Music by the lioir,
4. Reading Declaration, | s. Benediction.
After which the procession will b'' re-formed and march
through tin' principal streets to the Grove, where a sump
toons DIXNER will be prepared for the ojeasion, and for
all who desire to partake of its dainties.
A Convention of Colored People will beheld in the Court
House, at 7A o'clock on the evening of that day. to devise
some plan to better HIT condition AS a people.
e'i" rhe public generally are invited to partake of the
fc-tivito sof the day. Donations for the occasion will be
thank i llv rec -ived from ail that feel a desire to aid i s.
A coid ;il invitation is extended to the colored citizens
of the adjoining counties, to unite in the celebration of
this glorious day. and the Committee of Arrangements
pledge themselves that pains will be spared to render tile
day b >t)i instructive and delightful. July a, 1855.
FOR ilio purpose of having a reliable Ferry,
where the rates charged will 1.-v regular ami uniform
j the citizens of thi> Borough have subscribed an amount
j sufficient to purchase two good I'errv Boats, and plated
I them iu charge of 1.. If. SCOTT and'WM. 81.1 XDELI. ;
1 they having agreed to ferry each and every day during
j the present season all who wish to cross at the following
| prices, viz:
I Each and every two horse wagon or carriage, 12.1 cents.
" one horse " In* "
" foot passenger, 2 "
To prevent delav, a boat leaves opposite shores at the
same time. As the People's Boats were established to
prevent imposition upon travellers, and especially upon
Eastern people who are often obliged to visit this place,
we do not hesitate to solicit for them the patronage of all
who may have to cross.
H. S. Mereur, Hall Sc. Ilnssell,
Collins ,t Powell, Barton Kingsbery,
E. T. Fox, Bailey A Xevins,
Montanyes k Co. E. W. Baird.
Joseph Powell, Chester Wells,
Joseph Kingsbery, Horatio Black,
J. I>. Humphry, ' James Mackinson,
H. P. Moore, Allen McKeau,
C. B. Swcazy, William El well,
I. L. t H. L. Lamereux, O. D. Bartlett,
J. F. Means. and others.
Towanda, July 10,1855.
VARIED APPLES —:t few first rate ones,
A / for sale at jUO FOX'S.
TUST RECEIVED, another lot of that
•) nice DRIED BEEF, also first rate CHEESE, at
July 12. 1895. FOX'S.
DDLS. FLOUR, warranted a first-rate
I * * article, at $ll per barrel, for sale at FOX'S.
To the School Directors of Brad. Co.
4 PPLIOATION having: been made by the
fx. Roards of Directors of a majority of the School Dis
tricts in Bradford County, stating their desire to increase
the Salary of the County Superintendent of said county,
you are therefore respectfully requested to meet in Con
vention at the Court House, in the Borough of Towanda,
on Saturday, the 2Nth day of July, 1855, at 1 o'clock in the
afternoon, for the purpose above stated, according to tie
terms of the eighth sectiou of the supplement to the school
law, approved the Bth dav of May, 1855.
Superintendent Com. Schools.
Department of Common Schools, i
Harrisbnrg, July 5. 1865. {
Barclay Railroad <& Coal Company.
N r OTK'K IB HEREBY GIYEX to the subscribers in To
wanda boro' and its vicinity to the Stock of the " RA R
CLAY RAILROAD k COAL CO." thata third instal
ment of live dollars per share on said stock required to be
paid on or before the 14th day of JULY next, to E. O VER
TON. Esq.-, the President, or to J. Macfarhine, Esq. the At
torney of said Company at Towanda. Payments may also
be made at the office of I.aporte, Mason k Co. at the same
place. By order of the Board of Directors,
June 23,1855. GEO. R. O AT. Treasurer.
New Boot and Shoe Manufactory.
(MIANK HOFFMAN would respectfully
Inform the citizens of Towanda, thlft he has com
menced the HOOT If SHOE business in the room over
J. Culp & Go's, shop, near the corner of Bridge street. —
He is ready at all times to do all work in his line in the
best manner—and will make Fine Sewed and Pegged
Boots, Shoes ami Gaiters, in the latest approved style, as
well as Coarse Worh. REFAIRIXO done in a superior man
He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citi
zens of this place, assuring tbciu that he will endeavor to
merit their favors by using the best stock, by careful work
manship, and by punctuality.
Towanda, Jane 18,1856.
AFLOAT in the Susquehanna River, on Monday the
16th of June, one Ark, without oars, with the name
" Ridgway's Ark," marked in Red chalk in several places,
a description of which is filed in the office ot the snbiscri
ber at Wyalusing. T. HIXES, J. P.
June 20, 1855.
A every week, at janelt FOX P.
Nero QViroertiscnuntg.
Tracy <& Moore,
a large and well selected assortment of
which have been selected with unusual care, and purchas
ed at the lowest possible rates. Feeling confident that we
can sell Goods for Ready Pay, as low as any establishment
in the country, we ask the public to give" us a call, and
examine our stock and prices. June'2B, 1855.
JJUL just received at TRACY A MOORE'S.
MACKEREL —whole, half and quarter bbls
by je29 TRACY A MOORE.
IRON, Round, Square, Tire, Band & Scroll,
all qualities and sizes. TRACY A MOORE.
FLOUR —80 bbls., first qnalitv, for sale at
the lowest CASH figure. TRACY & MOORE.
SOLE LEATHER—One Ton. a prime ar
tirle, for sale cheap, by TRACY & MOORE.
PAINTS, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Puttv, Ac.
Ac., by TRACY & MOORE.
UOT SE TRIMMINGS—every description
by je29 TRACY A MOORE.
And Business Man's Legal Guide.
New and sixth Edition, bringing the law down to 1855.
A treatise on the office and duties of Aldermen and Jus
tices of tin- Peace in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
including all the required Forms of Process and* Docket
Entries ; and embodying not only whatever may be deem
ed valuable to Justices of the Peace, but to Landlords,
I Tenants, and General Agents; and making this volume
; what it purports to be, A safe Legal Guide for Business
! Men. By John Birins, late Alderman of Walnut ward, in
! the city of Philadelphia. The Sixth Edition. Revised,
| corrected, and greatly enlarged, by Frederick C. Brightly
j Esq.. Author of "A Treatise on the Law of Costs,'' •• Equi
ty Jurisprudence," " Nisi Prins Reports," Editor of "Pur
don's Digest," Ac. In one thick volume, octavo. Price,
only $4 00.
Also, Companion to Binns's Justice.
Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the Courts
of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer,
the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and" the offices of the
various Civil Officers and Justices of the Peace. Fourth
edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, and adapted to the
present state of the law ; with copious explanatory Notes
and References, and a new, full and comprehensive Index.
By Robert E. Wright, Esq. iu one thick octavo volume.
Price only $3 50.
—l7OO TO 1855.
A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the year
1700, to the Bth day of May, 1855. The lirst four editions
by tlie late John Purdou. Esq. The fifth. sixth and sev
enth, by the Hon. George M. Stroud. Eighth edition, re
vised, with Marginal References. Foot Notes to the Judi
cial Decisions; Analytical Contents ; a Digested Syllabus
of each Title : and a new, full, and exhaustive index. By
Frederick C- Brightly, Esq., Author of a "Treatise on tin-
Law of Costs," •• Equity Jurisprudence," " Nisi Prius Re
ports," Editor of " Binns's Justice," Ac. One thick royal
Svo. Price only $5 00.
#S~The freshness and permanent value of Purdon's Di
gest arc preserved by the publication annually of a Digest
of the laws enacted in each year. These annual Digest*
are arranged in precise conformity with the plan of Pur
don's Digest. They are, earh of them, republished annual
ly ; are connected together by a general index (prepared
anew each year.) which embraces the contents of the laws
of each year since the publication of Purdon's Digest, in
one alphabet; and are bound up with Purdon's Digest,and
also sold separately.
Thus the purchaser of Purdon's Digest will always he
in of the complete body of the Statute Laws of
Pennsylvania down to the very hour when he purchases
it. Those who have already purchased Pardon's Digest
may always complete it to date for the small sum of Fifty
Cents, the price of a volume containing all tlie annual Di
gests issued since the first publication of the present edi
tion of Purdon's Digests, as heretofore stated.
17 A 19 South Fifth Street, First Store above Chestnut.
Orders or letters of inquiry for Law Books from the
Country, promptly attended to. " 6w3
HelmboUVs Highly Concentrated Fluid Detract Rurhu,
for Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Disenses,
Strictures, Weaknesses, and all Diseases of the Sexual
Organs, whether in Male or Female, from whatever cause
they may have originated, and HO matter of how long
If you have contracted the terrible disease, which when
once seated in the system, will surely go down from one
generation to another, undermining the constitution, and
sapping the very vital fluids of life, do not trust yourself
in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day in a city
like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods too
well calculated to deceive the young and those not ac
quainted with their tricks. You cannot be too careful in
the selection of a remedy in these eases.
The fluid extract Buciiti has been pronounced by emi
nent Phvsicians
It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste, and very
innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it annihi
lates every particle of the rank and poisonous virus of this
disease ; and, unlike other remedies, it does not dry up
the disease iu tlie ldood.
Constitutional Debility, brought on by self-abuse, a most
terrible disease, which has brought thousands of tlie hu
man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant
hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the glorious
ambition of inunv a noble youth, can be cured by this
And as a medicine which must benefit everybody from tlie
simply delicate to tlie confined and despairing invalid, no
equal is to lie found, acting both as a cure and preventive.
Compound Fluid Fstraci SarsaparU/a.
For purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising
from excess of Mercury, exposure and imprudence in
life, chronic constitutional disease, arising from an im
pure state of the blood, and the only reliable and effect
ual remedy known for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, Ulcerations of tlie Throat and Legs, Pains
and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples on tlie face
and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin.
This article is now pre-cribed by some of the most dis
tinguished Physicians in the Country, and has proved
more efficient in practice than any preparation of Sarsa
purilla yet offered to the public. Several cases of secon
dary Svphtlic, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have en
tirely recovered in the incurable wards of our public insti
tutions, which had for nianv years resisted every mode of
treatment that could be devised. These cases furnish
striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine
in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the
glands were destroyed and the bones already affected.
NOTlCE. —Letters from responsible Physicians and Pro
fessors of several Medical colleges, and certificates of cures
from patients will be found accompanying both prepara
Prices, Fluid Extract Bnchn. $1 bottle, or 6 liottles for #5.
, " " Sarsaparilla, " "
I equal in strength to one gallon Svrup of Sarsaparilla.
Prepared and sold hv H. T. HIvLMBOLI). Chemist, 263
Chestnut st., near the Girard House, Philadelphia.
To ho had of Dr. H. C. PORTER, Towanda, Pa. and of
Druggists and dealers everywhere.
Xo'AH 'letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent will
receive immediate attention. Iv 3
I IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
J Office at TOWANDA July 1, 1855.
Allen Noah Kecler Sally
Brown E. L. 2 Landek Benjamin
Barnes Wm. Lyndcr Casteile
Ban nan Thomas Little Albert C.
Buttles James Luce Stephen
Biles John Mahcr Dan'l.
Riirhanka J. C. M'Enaly Michael
Barret Cornelius Molany Thomas.
Broderick Miss Mary Monaliau Mrs. Martha
Billings Henrv W. ' Murphy Ulysses
Kahcock Clark Mogovin Mary
Bigler Hon. Wm. Moore Cornelids
Clmpp A. L. M Govern Edward
Carrol Pat Marry Abel
Conklin John B. Nichols Anna
Connelly John Niman Mrs. J.
Corwin Stephen Overton L. I).
Dibble Mrs. Electa A. Post Miss Jane
Davis Helen T. Payne Ransom
Diener A. F. 2 Pratt Salome E.
Fulton James Post Lncretia.
Kitten John Roberts Elizabeth
Frawly Timothy Reynolds Sarah A.
Foland Margaret Roberts M. 2
Griswold Miss Charlotte Russell G. J.
Gormon John Rippeth Amanda
Gnff Hiram Smith John
Griffin John Stuart Euialine
Goodrich A. M. Stephens Miss A.
Gard George Smith Andrew 2
Grimes Edward Shores Freeman
Gridley Mary Shores Stephen
Holleubaek Eunice Stephenson Benjamin
Hardy Frederick Stevens Miss Ann
Heynian Elizabeth Simmons Julius J.
Hayek Charles Smith Rev. Elviu K.
Uorton David Spalding Iluldah
Jarkliu John Southwell H. M.
Jones Win. L. Shanghai Harrison G.
Jiffred Whiting. Wilcox Seccliar
'Keef Dennis West Walter 2
Kirwin James W iggins Wm. S.
Kenedy John Wins C.
Krous Jacob Warfield S. D.
*ir Persons inquiring for letters will please say adver
tised. H. C- PORTER, P. M.
T. FOX would respectfully inform his
old friends and the public generally that he has
commenced the Grocery ana Provision Business, at No.
1, Brick Rote, (opposite Mcrcur's store,) and intends car
rying it 011 in all its branches. He has and will continue
to keep on hand a full assortment of GROCERIES and all
kinds of PROVISION'S that are obtainable, all of which
will he sold on reasonable terms for Cash.
Towanda, June 1,1855.
DASII pnid for BUTTER, EGGS, and eve
rvthiiig else in the line of Eatables, at
June 1. FOX'S.
DRIED PEACHES, a small quantity, very
nice, for sale at june 9 FOX'S."
ORANGES, Lemons, Pine Apples, Fresh
Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, seedless ltaisins,pre
served Ginger, and a variety of articles of the same nature
may be had at "juneK FOX'S.
FLOUR for $ll and $ll 50 per barrel
at June 20. FOX'S.
G 1 OODS bought at my Store will bedeliver-
T ed to anv part of the Borough, FREE OF CHARGE.
June 20 1858. E. T. FOX.
PAILS, Brooms, Tubs, Measures, scrubbing
Arushes, blacking Brushes, Ac. at FOX'S.
THRESH TEAS, both Green and Black—
1. from 37J cents to ?1 00—every pound warranted to
suit or the money returned in ail eases, at FOX'S.
O TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined. I'ow
f) dered. Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses, Syrup, Rio
and Java Coffee. Rice, Saleratus, Ginger, Sperm Candles,
Rice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
sale cheap at jtineh FOX'S.
"DURE CIDER VINEGAR may be found
T at june 9 FOX'S.
~ STAGES will hereafter
the Ward House, until further
FOR W.WERLV—Leave at 2 o'clock. P. M., arriving
in time to take the trains, east and west. Leave after the
arrival of the morning trains, from the east and west.
FOR TUNKH AN'XOC'K—Leave immediately upon the
arrival of the Waverley stage, about 1, P. M. * Arrive ut
Towanda, in time to connect with the stage for Waved v.
March 17,1855. SMITH A I'OWELL, Proprietors.
Men, in Bradford County in debt to us, that we want
to pay their Judgment notes or accounts, which ever it
may be. and we intend to have them do it, cither by per- j
suasion or by employing officers sufficient to collect of ev- j
cry man immediately, without any exception or'respcctto ;
parsons, from the fact that the money belongs to our ere- '
ditors, and we intend that they shall have it as soon as it 1
can be collected. HALL & RUSSELL.
Towanda, April '2O 1855.
TOSEPII KINGSBERY is now receiving,
*t from New York, a large, carefully selected and most \
desirable assortment of
Towanda, May 11,1855.
LJ veyor for Bradford (.'ounty, is prepared to attend to j
tlie above business in all its branches. His office is at ]
Monroeton. All letters addressed to him at that place ,
will meet with prompt attention.
April 4, lsjL_
ONE CENT REWARD.—Runaway from
the subse.iber n'smt the 2i>th nit. WM ltowE.a hound !
boy to the farming business. I therefore forbid all persons I
harboring or trusting said boy on my account, as 1 will
pay no debts of his contracting. HENRY CLARK.
Rome, March 1, 1855.
■c is •: vie it .m.
V./ to PATTON'S NEW BLOCK, where they hnvejust
received a large addition to their stock of READY-MADE
CLOTHING, Cloths, Trimmings, Furnishing Goods, Ac.,
to which they invite public attention.
Towanda, May 24. 1855.
TOSEPII POWELL would announce to [
*9 the citizens of Bradford County, that he is now re- '
ceiving a large, ricii and varied assortment of Fancy and 1
Staple Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Crockery, and .
Glass It 'are. Straw Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Car- i
petings. Yankee Notions, Paper Hangings, Fish, Paints j
and Oils ; and in fact, almost every article of merchan- !
dize which the wants of the country requires, and is offer- j
ing them for sale for CASH at prices which defy all com- j
He would particularly invite attention to his stock of j
LADIES DHESS GOODS, consisting in part of rich plain bl'k 1
and watered Silks; ail wool Delaines; plain and figured I
monslin delaines : plain and figured Challi delaines ; De- I
all prices : printed Jaconetts, Organdies, 1
Berazes, all color-, together with an endless variety ot j
Ginghams, Prints, A c. Ac.
EVIMTOIDKHIKS AND LACKS—lndies embroidered and lace !
Collars, Sleeves. Handkerchiefs, Skirts,Chimezetts.Swiss j
and Jaconettc Bands and Flounces, Swiss and Jaconette |
Edgings and Inserting-, Maltese, Thread, Smyrna, bobbin
and Cotton Edgings, all widths; Bnissclls", black and
white silk Edgings, all widths and prices.
WHITE GOODS—Plain and dotted Swiss Muslins, Jaco
netts. Bishop Lawns, India, Book and Nainsook Muslins,
Striped and Plaid (.'ambries, Victoria Lawns, of all quali
ties. Ladies and Gents, linen H'd'k'fs., silk and cotton
blonds ; Bobbinett and fringed I.aces, Irish linens at great
ly reduced prices.
llorsE FCKVISIIINO GOODS—Worsted, linen and worsted
Damask, double ond single fold, cot Damask, bleached and
unbleached table linens, bleached and unbleached Jacquard
diaper, worsted, embossed and colored damask linen table
spreads, bleached dama-k table cloths and napkins, all
sizes: counterpanes, bleached and unbleached Muslins
from Jto 10-4 yards wide. Drapery Muslins of different
kinds. Crash, Scotch and Russia diapers, Ac.
GLOVES AND HOSIEKV—A complete assortment of Ladies
and Mis<es and ( 'bibb-ens' white, unbleached, mixed and
slate colored cloth Hose; Mens' anil boys' unbleached,
mixed and white cotton half hose ; ladies and gents black,
white and colored kid gloves, liest quality ; ladies kid fin
ish and plain -ilk and ii-le thread do.; ladies and misses
long anil short French tilet mitts.
SHAWLS AND M ANTII.LAS —A large assortment of Spring
Shawls and Mantillas of new and desirable styles.
(' VUCKTINGS of various styles and qualities." Rush mat
tings, different widths.
CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES —The largest stock of plain
black and fancy ('lotlisand ('assimeres,Twceils, Kentucky
Jeans, Linen and Cotton Summer Goods for inens' anil
boys' wear, ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania
purchased at greatly reduced prices, and offered" for sale
correspondingly low.
Also, a good assortment of Testings, Scarfs, Stocks,
Cravats. Linen Collars, Ac.
In purchasing hi- stock of Spring Goods, the sub
scriber would say that the utmost care and economy has
been exercised in order to please his customers iu "style,
quality of goods, and prices, to correspond with tlie times.
Thanking the public for the liberal patronage they have
heretofore extended to him. he would respectfully solicit
a call and examination of his stock by tho-e wishing to
j purchase. JOSEPH POWELL.
Towanda, April 10, 1855.
JL ROAD COMPANY.—TIie President and Managers
of the Towanda and Burlington Plank Road Company,
have, by a resolution passed this day, resolved to call 111
and collect the ballanco due on the stock subscription of
this Road, payable to I!. S. llusscll. Treasurer—at the of
fice of Messrs. LAPORTK. M \SO X A Co., as follows:
25 per cent, on the first day of May, 1855, and tlie bal
laucc on the first day of July, 1855.
Towanda, December 8, 1854. Sec. A Treasurer.
I)LASTKR. —100 tons Cayuga ground plas
ter—2oo hhls. White Stone Lime—loo bids. Extra
Towanda. April 10,1855.
Fair Warning to those Indebted.
IT* HIS TIMELY NOTICE is hereby given
JL to all persons indebted to TRACY' A MOORE, that
all accounts on their hooks must he settled, and all debts
due them he paid by the 25th day of May. This means
just what it says, without respect to persons, as every per
son neglecting this warning will ascertain.
May it>, 1855. TRACY A MOORE.
HAS REMOVED to the residence of Mrs.
J. W. MEKCTR, on Second street, directly above and
opposite the Metliodi-t church.
-office in the north room.
ear He would also inform those indebted to him, th::t
all accounts of more th in one year's standiug, must Vie
settled, by payment or otherwise. June 9,1855.
Y\UILL find employment on the Upper North
T Y Branch Canal, by applying to the Foremen on the
line. mayl7 W. R. MAFFET, Supt.
rpHE highest price paid in CASH, tor Hides
T and Skins, by JOHN W. WILCOX.
June 20,1855.
V assortment, at PHINXEY'S.
illercl)flnsiic, &rc.
©ii 3
T TTOITLD respectfiilty inform their friends and the pub
\ \ He that tliev have REMOVED their CLOTHING
A.FURNISHING STORE to Patton's New Brick Block,
No. .1, and will le happy to wait oat all who mav give them
a call. Their stock consists of
Black Broadcloth and Fancy Coats ;
Fancy Caasimere Coats, of all colors ;
Black and Fancy Cassimere Pants •
Black Satin and Fancy Vests ;
Marseilles \ ests. White and Fancy ;
Marseilles and Linen ('oats, all kinds ;
linen Pants, Shirt Collars, Cravats and Hose.
Hats, of all kinds.
Garments of all kinds made up to order, and warranted
to fit or 110 sale. Our stock comprises nil kinds of goods
adapted to men's wear, which we are bound to sell cheap
er than any other establishment in towu or county.
CUTTING done to order as usual.
Towauda, June 9, 1855.
CAUTION. —A man calling himself by the
name of IVm. C. Smith, has been selling the rights
of my Improved Bee hive 111 the state of Ohio without any
legal authority to do so. 1 would caution all persons not
to purchase of him. SYLVESTER DAVIS.
Claremont, N. 11., June 4. 1855.
S®gg|j3)i dersigned offers for sale his undivided half part
gßg of three tracts ot land, containing about 1400
WVV acres ; 1000 of which is heavily timliered with
M/IVI White Pine of a choice quality, having on it a
newly erected double STEAM MILL, just started and cut
ting finely-—capable of sawing 3,000,000 feet yearly, to
which is attached a LATH MILL, and with power suffi
cient to run a single machine, and pair of Burrs for chop
ping feed, Ac.
The land is situated in Overton township, in the centre
of the Coal and Iron region of Bradford County, and on it
have been found large deposits of iron ore of a superior
quality. This property to Lumbering men offers greater
inducements than any other in N'oruhern Pennsylvania,
inasmuch as the timber has never been culled out, and
j lying as it does within 21 miles of the Barclay Coal Coin
i panv Railroad. now in process of construction, and con-
I uectiiig by said Railroad, with the Itiver and Canal at this
I place.
*3* There have been opened upon this property three
j beds of IRON" ORE, of a very superior quality anil rich
ness, two of which are ten feet in thickness each, yielding
about 35 to 40 per cent, pure metal, and one smaller yield
ing a much greater per cent.; all extending through 900
acres ot the property. This ore is easy of access, and can
be procured at a very small expense.
Persons desirous of viewing the premises will call on
the subscriber at this place. A. EDWARDS.
Towanda, May 1, 1855.
The Greatest Improvement of the Age!
- SHINGLE MACHINE, for Hiving, Shaving and Edg
ing— capable of making from 12 to 20.000 per dav; simple j
in construction, and not liable to get out of order, it is
decidedly the best Machine for making Shingle ever offer
ed to the public. '1 hose wishing Rights or machines can
apply to JOHN I' ROSI, sole agent for Bradford and Sul
livan counties, Pa. Rome. May 10,1855.
QUMMER HATS.—Gentlemen's Elegant
WHITE BEAVERS, for sale by
May I, 1855. JOS. KIN'GSBF.RV.
A large assortment just received at
Towanda, June 14. 18.55.
Cl MMER HATS.—The Newest Stvle of)
O SUMMER HATS—where every style and fashion is |
always kept, and where Gooils of all kinds arc- guaranteed j
to he sold as cheap as at Etiuira or Owego. Call ami see
at june 14 MOXTAXYKS A CO. 'j
Notice to Collectors of 1854.
( COLLECTORS who have not previously received exon- i
erations on tiieir duplicates of Militia taxes, arc noti i
tied that by an act recently passed by the Legislature, the !
Commissioners are permitted to grant exonerations to !
such as make make legal application previous to the first
of July next. The Commissioners will be in session on
Saturday tbe 2(;th of May, for the purpose of heating such
as may apply. By order of the Commissioners.
May Pi, 1855. E. M. FARRAR, Clerk. 1
WAGONS & SLEIGHS.—Two or three
TT of each for sale cheap at PIIINNF.YS.
BEING very <i esirous to get my books set- j
tied up, 1 have concluded to quit making accounts, I
and sell goods hereafter for READY PAY onlv, and with- |
out adopting the dodge of a new firm, call on "all those in j
delited to Settje .5- Pay up. .Vow, therefore, upon the re
ceipt of my .New Spring Goods, snv about the 1.5t1i or 20th '
in-t., I shall commence the Ready Pav sv-tem ; and if 1 I
find any leisure, shall be after those who "do not call and i
settle up, witha sharp stick. O. D. BAUTLETT. !
Towanda.April 7, 1855.
to Patton's N'EW BRICK BLOCK, corner of Bridge
and Main street, where be has fitted up rooms expressly
for the business, with a large sky-light and sidelight com
bined. With these arrangements he will be able to take
Pictures with any shade desired. Grouping done in the
best possible manner. Daguerreotypes taken equally as
well in cloudy as clear weather. Particular attention paid
to copying. Miniatures neatly pot into Lockets. Breast -
pings, and finger rings, Ac. Instructions given in the art
on reasonable terms.
Towanda. May 1, 1855.
for sale at june'.i FOX'S.
FRESH GROCERIES, of &n kinds just
received at MON'TAXYES A CO.
"VTOTlCE.—Persons wishing to make pay
_L x meats to the subscriber, can do so at any time,
through Messrs. LA court:. MASON A Co., whose receiptor
statement of pavment. will be entirelv satisfactory.
April '25. 1855.
roa SALE.
rjjqggs A TWO HORSE HACK, bung
on leather thorough-braces, in good running
Ni/ S if order, nearly new, and for sale cheap "ti lit -
eral terms. Call on Wlll. C. BOG ART, Esq., who will tu
gociate a sale. 1). M. BULL.
Towanda, Apri16,1855. n-U3t.
TO COLLECTORS.—You are hereby au
thorised to make a deduction of fire per crvt. upon
the state tax of every individual who shall pay his or lier
state and county taxes in full, on or before the 20th day
of JUNE next, and the same shall be allowed you in your
settlement—provided the same is by you paid into" the
County Treasury, on or before the 21st or 22d days of June
next. Bv order id'the Commissioners.
Towanda, April 7. 1855. K. M. FARRAR. Clerk.
Cheap Boot, Shoe and Leather Store.
I I). HUMPHREY is just rH
•J • receiving next door to U.S. Merrill's -awYj .4—•
store in Towanda,a large and well .-elected
from New York, which with a constant supply of
he is desirous to sell at small profits. Feeling grateful fot
past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of public pa
85' Measure /Cork and Repairing done on short no
tice. CASH paid for Hides and Skins.
Towanda, June 11.1855.
\I7TLLARI> PRENTICE respectfully in
7 T '.forms the public that he taken the room in 'lie
ha.-ement of the " Union block/ 1 north side of the put lie
square, where he intends to keep a
ami hopes to receive a share of public patronage. He will
endeavor by strict attention to business, and by providing
such eatables as are in season, to make it an acceptable
place of popular resort for the refreshment of the" innei
man. 1 ' The public arc invited to give me a call.
Towanda, June 3, 1855.
SALAD OIL, Maccaroni, Yor
-L 111 i<rill 1. English ami French Mustard, Sago Cheese,
Mane, Nutmegs, Cloves, Spices, " Worcestershire Sam e,' 1
Nuts, Caiuly, Ac., for sale cheap at FOX'S.
\Y" A. CHAM BERLIN lias just arrived
I Y Y • from New York with the L ARGEST, BEST and
Goons ever brought into this market- He has only time
this week to announce the fact. Call and examine.
June 28, 1555.
C. F. WELLES, Jr. Vice President and Treasurer ;
J. E. CAXFIELP, Secretiry.
Board of Directors — Hon. Horace Williston. Francis
Tyler, George A. Perkins, J. T. D-Myer, C. N. Shipmau,
C. F. Welles, Jr., J. E. Canfield, Athens ; Hon. John La
porte, Towanda; Gen. Bradley Wakemao, Laceyville ;
G. M. Hoilen'oack, Wilkes-Barre ; Michael Meylert, La
porte. Pa.
P. 0. MOODY, Agent for Bradford Conntv. Address,
Wuvtrly, N. Y".
| A 11)1 ICR'S NOTlCE.—Stephen Tough t
:<, ° r K' Humi>. No. 22, Sept. T. 1854. In the
; Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county,
j fbe undersigned, an auditor appointed bv the Court of
Common I leas of said county, to distribute" funds raised
by Sheriff s sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to
the duties of his appointment at his office, in the boro' of
T >wanda, on Monday the 13th day of I o'clock
I I*. M., when and where all persons having claims on said
fund, must present them, or i-e forever debarred from any
i share of the same. U. H. WATKINS, Auditor
j Towanda. July 5. 1855.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter of
the estate of Peter Oslxeme, deceased. In the Or*
J pb in's Court of Bradford County,
The undersigned, an Auditor appointed bv said Court
upon exceptions tiled to the account of Emify Owen, ad
ministratrix of the said estate, will attend to the duties
; of his appointment at his office in the liorough of Towan*
j da, on \\ ednesday. the 7t!i day of August, 1855, at 2 o'-
clock. P. M. All persons interested will please take no*
| t'ce. p. 1). MORROW,
| Towanda, July 12,1855. Auditor.
AI DI TOR'S NOTICE, —In the matter of
the estate of Renf, RrJUngton, dee'd. In the Or
phan* Court of Bradford County. The undersigned Au
ditor appointed by the said Court to distribute the funds
of said decedent, in the hands of his Executors, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of
Adams A Overton, in Towanda borough. on Tuesday, the
14th day of August A. I). 1856, at 1 o'clock A. M. at which
time and place all person* interested are requested to prc
! sent their claims, or 1 e forever debarred from said fund.
| Towanda. July 13,1855. D'A. <>VERTON, Anditor.
SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of surTdrv
| O writ* of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of
; Common Pleas of Bradford County, snd to nie directed
| will be exposed to public- sale at the Court House, in the
| boro' of Towanda, on Monday July, 2d, at lo'cloek, P. M.
| the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Smith
! held twp. and tiounded on the north by lands of D. Bui,
; lock, east by land of Lyman Durfey, south by the publio
| highway, and on the west by lands owned by the " Disci-
I [tie Chur h," containing aiiout one half acre more or less;
| one framed building, occupied at the date of levy as a
| Store and dwelling house; one framed barn and a few
j fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. C. Al<
S drich vs. L. 11. Pierce.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situate
: in Monroe township, and bounded on the north, east and
| south by lands of James H. Lewis, on the west by the
I Berwick turnpike, containing one half acre, more or less,
all improved, with a two story framed dwelling house and
a few fruit trees thereon.
Siezcil and taken in execution at the suit of W. A. Park
now to the use of James H. Lewis vs. Joseph P. Lewis.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda June 7,1855.
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to the
costs will be required to be paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again be ofler
i OD for sale. Jons A. CODDIXO.
-*■ *- JT PA If. Office in the room formerly occupied
by George Sanderson, over Burton Kingsbery's store.
Towanda. May 26. 1555.
XX is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate ot A. P. BILES, deceased, late of Wyalusing
■ township, to make immediate payment, and all*persons
having demands against said estate, will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement.
S. W. BILES. ) . , ... .
JAS. A. BILES, f Administrator.
April 14, 1855.
TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here-
I 4 by given, that nil persons indebted to the estate of
HORATIO GAMAGE, dee'd. late ot Burlington twp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay; and
all person* having ciaim* against said estate will "please
present them dtilv authenticated for settlement.
PERKY B. I'RATT.) hxBCut °"-
February 17, 1855.
1J debted to the estate of ELIAL STEVENS, deceased,
late of Ridgbury township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persons having demands
aguin*t *aid e-tate are requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. FTL'ROES SQUIRES,
Ridgbury, March 20, 1855. Executors.
XX i* herelyivcn ,g tliat nil persons indebted to the es
tate ot NATHAN MAYNARD,dee'd. late of Rome tp., are
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims against said estate, must preseut them duly
authenticated for settlement. P. E. MAYNARD,
Rome. June 20, 1855. Administrator.
d. V. i* hereby given, that ali persons indebted to the es
tate of IRA GRTKW'OLD. dee'd., late of Ridgberv Town
-hip, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all per*>m* having claims against said estate will
plea*e present tlieiu duly authenticated forsettlemcnt.t
BKNJ. 11ALBTKD, Administrator.
Rhlgbery, June 18. inss.
I~\. i* hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of V in. HORNING dee'd.. late of South Creek tp., are
hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all
persons havinging claims against said estate will please
present them ilulv authenticated for settlement.
CATHARINE HORNING, Administratrix.
June 18. 1855.
XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Isaac Roseucrants, deceased, late of Asylum
twp.. are requested to make payment without delay ; and
those having demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
CYRUS SHUMWAY, Administrator.
June 14. 1555.
XIL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ISAAC S. CROFUT, deceased, late of Leroy
twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
, please present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
FEB A CROFUT, ) . , . . . .
May Iff, 1.855. JAMES CROFUT, f Administrators.
XX. is hereby given, that all jicrsons bideliteil to the es
tate of P. Ell IA H PRATT, deceased, late of Troy town'p,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay;
and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Troy, May 19,1855. Administrators.
TOSEPH KINOSBERY still continues the
*' HOOK A STATIONERY business, where purchasers
may find all the latest School and .Miscellaneous Books at
reduced prices. The following School Books are embrac
ed in the catalogue, viz :
Bullion's Greek and I sit in Reader and Grammar.
do. Ca-sar, do. Sallust, do. Lessons.
Rnncgnii's Greek and English Lexicon.
Spencer'* Latin Lessons ; Cooper's Virgil.
OlendorfT*. Lclirethon's, Barbauld's, Eausdick's and
Levizack's French Works.
Parker's, Comstock's, Phelps', Smiley's and Olmsted's
Day's. Thomjison's and Davie's Works.
Cutter's, Coat's and Comstock's Phvseology.
Saimder's, l'orter'.*, Bentlev's and Cobli's Works.
Bancroft's History, Parley's, Worcester's, Gurnsey's,
Bottas, Ac. Ac.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
do University edition, do.
do Common School, do.
Worcester's, Cooper's, Harper's, Johnson's, do. Com
stock's work* : Lincoln's Botany, Sweet's Elocution.
Thompson's scries of Arithmetic, primary to High
Adams', Davie's. Smith's and Cobb's, do.
Brown's, Kirkham's, Smith's and Morse's Geography
and Atlas ; and all the various Primary Gcographys now
in use.
Spelling 1 .ooks of all kinds, ami miscellaneous books in
great variety.
Also— Dry (fords, (frocrrirs, Crockery, Roots 4' Shoes,
Huts and Caps, frr., Ac.
New and desirable styles of Good* will be received
monthly, and sold at the*lowest CASH PKICKS. J. K.
Towanda, April, 21, 1855.
1 HARVEY PIIINNY, Jr., is just re
| l • reiving a general assortment of SPRIWG GOODS
I which lie offers to the public for unusually low prices, for
! Ready pay. As he is determined to sell Goods after tho
j Ist of April for READY PAY, or keep them, persons wish
ing to pay cash for goods will find it for their interest to
coll and examine his stock and prices.
KB" All persons indebted to me by book, note or judg
ment, on tlie l*t of April next, unless some satisfactory
arrangement is made, will lie waited upon hy a gentleman
in authority. •- H- P- Jr.
Towanda. March 14. 1855.
i O also. Dried Beef, Smoked Tongues, Cheese, Lard,
! Mackerel. Salmon, Codfish, Ac., at FOX'F.
BOOTS & SHOES—The largest, bcBt aud
cheapest assortment this side of the Empire Citv may
I be found at jc29 TRACY A MOORE'S.
CANDY —A large stock, at wholesale, very
Ijw, at jr.nel* FOX B.