Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 14, 1855, Image 1
ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOWANDA: Satnrban fUornmn, JJnln IV, 1555. Sclertcb SPARKING SUNDAY NIGHT. Sitting in the corner On a sunday eve, With a taper finger Resting on your sleeve ; Starting eyes are casting On your face their light; Bless me ! this is pleasant— Sparking Sunday Night? How your heart is thumping 'Gainst your Sunday vest— How wickedly 'tis working On this day of rest. Hours seem hut minutes As they take their flight; Bless me! AIN'T it pleasant— Sparking Sunday Night? Dad and Mam are sleeping On their peaceful bed, Dreaming of the things The folks in Meeting said— " Love ye one another," Ministers recite ; Bless me ! DON'T we do it— Sparking Sunday Night ? * One arm with gentle pressure Lingers round her waist, You squeeze her dimpled hand, Her pouting lip you taste ; She freely slaps your face, But more in love than spite ; Oh thunder! ain't it pleasant— Sparking Sunday Xiglit i But hark! the clock is striking— It's two o'clock, I snutn, As sure as I'm a siuuer The time to go has come ; You a-k with spiteful accents, if •• that old clock is right," And wonder if it ever Sparked on Sunday Night ? One. two, three, sweet kisses, Four, five, six. you liook— But thinking that you rob her, Give back those you took ; Then as forth you hnrry From the fair one's sight, Don't you wish each day was Only Sunday Night ? COL BENTON'S HISTORY. Calhoun's Approval of the Missouri Compromise. ANNO 1838—MB. VAN BCREN PRESIDENT. This portentous agitation, destined to act so seriously on the harmony, and jiossibly on the stability of the Union, requires to be no ted in its different stages, that responsibility may follow culpability, ami the judgment of history fall where it is due, if a deplorable ca lamity is made to come out of it. In this point >f view, the movements for and against slavery in the session of I*3" '3B deserve to be noted as of disturbing effect at the time, and as hav ing acquired new importance from subsequent events. Early in the session a memorial was presented in tlie Senate from the General As sembly of Vermont, remonstrating against the annexation of Texas to the United States, and praying for the aliolitiou of slavery in the Dis trict ot Columbia, followed by manv petitions from citizens and societies in the northern states to the same effect, and further—for the abolition of slavery in the territories—for the abolition of the slave trade between the states —and tor the exclusion of future slave states from the Union. 'J here was but little in the state of the conn try at that time to excite an anti-sluverv feel ing, or to excuse these disturbing applications to Congress. There was no slave territory at that time but that of Florida ; ami to ask to alolidi slavery there, where it had existed from the discovery of the continent, or to make its continuance a cause for the rejection of the state when ready for admission into the Union, and thus form a free state in the rear of all the great slave states, was equivalent to pray ing for the dissolution of the Union. Texas, i! annexed, would be south of 3D degrees 30 minutes, and its character, in relation to sla-! * ry. would he fixed by the Missouri Compro- i line of 1820. The slave trade betweeen the states was an affair of the states, with Aoiidi Congress had nothing to do, and the coiitinuauce of slavery, in the District of Co uaojoia, so long as it existed in the adjacent "i-°f hlia and Maryland, was a point ! olny in which every Congress and every had concurred, from the for ~at;on of the Union, and in which there Bas 111V *-T a more decided concurrence than at present, Ihe petitioners did not live in any territory, ' s.e or district subject to slavery. They felt ~ jrie of the evils of which they complained, *'. C' answerable for none of the supposed sin M - .1 they denounced, were living under a go ' • DLieiir which acknowledged property in ; and had no right to disturb the rights ' 'y Uie owner, and committed a cruelty upon •ave by the additional rigors which their * , : i "' lo| i> interference brought upon him. subject of the petitions was disagreea 'j 1 itself; the language in which they were was offensive ; and the wantonness of • Pr< • i t. .Con aggravated a proceeding suf "y'tt; . provoking in the civilest form in which "t"i be conducted. Many petitions were -line words, bearing internal evidence of * j aaj ong tbeir signers ; many were sigu- women, whose proper sphere was far torn ! " 'Delation, all united in a '"" purpose which bespoke community of i! he su P er ' ,)ter| d ence °f a general di < presentation gave rise to a ■i and debate, in which sentiments and a*- I "'' and cousequences pre "ch it was painful to hear. While tioos senator condemned these peti- Ml'an" in which tbey originated, ••c'aage in which they were couched, and THE BRADFORD REPORTER, considered them as tending to no practical ob ject, and only calculated to make disunion and irritation, there were others who took them in a graver sense, and considered them as leading to the inevitable separation of the states. In this sense, Mr. CALHOUN said "He had foreseen what this subject would come to ; he knew its origin, and that it lay deeper than was supposed. It grew out of a spirit of fanaticism, which was daily increasing, and it uot met in limine, would by-and-by dis solve this Union. It was particularly our du ty to keep the matter out of the Senate, out of the halls of the National Legislature. These fanatics were interfering with what they had no right. Grant the receptiou of these peti tions and you will next be asked to act 011 them. He was for no conciliatory course, no tempo rizing ; instead of yielding one inch he would rise in opposition, and he hoped every man from the South would stand by him to put down this growing evil. There was but one question that would ever destroy this Union, and that was involved in this principle. Yes : this was po tent enough for it, and must be early arrested il the Union was to be preserved. A man must see little into what is going 011. if he did not perceive that this spirit was growing, and that the rising generation was becoming more strongly imbued with it. It was not to be stop ped by reports 011 paper, but by action, and very decided action." The question which occupied the Senate was, as to the most judicious mode of treating these memorials, with a view to prevent their evil effects ; and that was entirely a question of policy, on which senators disagreed who con curred in the main object. Some deemed it most advisable to receive and consider the pe titions—to refer them to a committee—and subject them to the adverse report which they would be sure to receive ; as had been done with the Quakers' petitions at the beginning of the government. Others deemed it preferable to refuse to receive them. Hie object ion urged to this latter course was, that it would mix up a new question with the slavery agitation which would enlist the .sym pathies of many who did not co-operate with the abolitionists—the question of the right of petition ; and that this new question, mixing with the other, might swell the number of pe titioners, keep up the applications to Congress, and perpetuate an agitation which would oth erwise soon die out. Mr. CLAY and many oth ers were of this opinion ; Mr. CALHOUN and his friends thought otherwise, and the result was, so lar as it concerned the petitions of in dividuals and societies, what it had previously been—a half-way measure between reception and rejection—a motion to lay the question of reception 011 the table. This motion, preclud ing all discussion, got rid of the petitions quiet ly, and kept debate out of the Senate. In the case of the memorial from the state of Vermont, the proceeding was slightly differ ent iu form, but the same in substance. As the act of a state it was received, but after re ception was laid 011 the table. Thus, all the memorials and petitions were disposed of bv the Senate in away to accomplish the twofold object, first, of avoiding discussion, and next, condemning the object of the petitioners. It was accomplishing all that the South asked, and if the subject had rested at that point there would have been nothing in the history of this session on (he slavery agitation to dis tinguish it from other sessions about that peri od ; but the subject was revived, and in away to force discussion, and to constitute a point for the retrospect of history. Every memorial and petition had been dis posed of according to the wishes of the sena tors from the slaveholding states, but Mr. CAL HOUN deemed it due to those states to go fur ther, and to obtain from the Senate declara tions which should cover all the questions of federal power over the institution of slavery. For that purpose lie submitted a series of re solves, six in number, which derive their impor tance from their comparison, or rather con trast, with others on the same subject present ed by him in the Senate ten years later, and which have given birth to doctrines and pro ceedings which have greatly d'sturbed the har mony of the Union and palpably endangered its staiiilit v. The six resolutions of this period ('37- '3B) undertook to define the whole extent of the power delegated by the states to the federal government on the subject of slavery—to spe cify the acts which would exceed that power— and to show the consequences of doing any thing not authorized to be done. The fir.-t four of these related to the states ; about which there being no dispute, there was no debate.— The sixth, without naming Texas, was pros pective, and looked forward to a case which might include her annexation ; and was laid upon the table to make way for an express re solution from Mr. Preston on the same subject. The fifth related to the territories, and to the District of Columbia, and was the only one which excited attention, or has left a surviving interest. It was in these words : •' Resolved, That the intermeddling of any state or states, or their citizens, to abolish sla very in this District, or any of the territories, on the ground or under the pretext that it is immoral or sinful ; or the passage of any net or measure of Congress, with that view, would he a direct and dangerous attack on the insti tutions of ail the slaveholding states." The dogma of " no power in Congress to le gislate upon the existence of slavery in territo ries," was not then invented, and of course was not asserted in this resolve, intended by its au thor to define the extent of the federal legisla tive power on the subject. The resolve went upon existence of the power and deprecated its abuse. It put the District of Columbia in to the same category, both for the exercise of the power and the consequences to result from the intermeddling of states or citizens, or the passage of any act of Congress to abolish sla very in either. The intermeddling and the le gislation were deprecated solely on the ground of inexpediency. Mr. CLAY believed this inexpediency to rest upon different grounds in the District and in territory of Florida—the ody territory in which slavery then existed, and to which Mr PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." CALHOUN'S resolutions could apply. He was as much opposed as any one to the abolition of slavery in either of these places, but believ ed that a different reason should be given for each, founded in their respective circumstances; and therefore submitted an amendment, con sisting of two resolutions—one applicable to the district, the other to the territory. In stating the reasons why slavery should not be abolished in Florida, lie quoted the Missouri compromise line of 18-20. This was objected to by other senators 011 the ground that that line did not apply to Florida, and that her case was complete without it. Of that opinion was the Senate, and the clause was struck out. — This gave Mr. CALHOUN occasion to speak of that compromise, and of his own course in re lation to it, in the course of which he declared himself to have been favorable to that memora ble measure at the time it was adopted, but opposed to it now from having experienced its ill-effects iu encouraging the spirit of aboli tionism. " He was glad that the portion of the amend ment which referred to the Missouri Compro mise had been struck out. He was not a mem ber of Congress when that compromise was made, but it is due to candor to state, that his impressions were in its favor ; but it is equally due to it to say, that with his present experi ence, and knowledge of the spirit which then, for the first time, began to disclose itself, that he had entirely changed his opinion. He now believed that it was a dangerous measure, and that it has done much to rouse into action the spirit. Had it then been met with uncompro mising opposition, such as a then distinguished and sagacious member from Virginia, (Mr. RANDOLPH,) now 110 more, opposed to it, abo lition might have been crushed forever in its birth. He then thought of Mr. RANDOLPH as, he doubts not, many think of him now, who have not fully looked into this subject, that he was too unyielding, too uncompromising, too impracticable ; but 110 had been taught his error, and took great pleasure iu acknowledg ing it." This declaration is explicit. It is made in a spirit of candor, and as due to justice. It is a declaration spontaneously made, not an admission obtained on interrogatories. It shows that Mr. Calhoun was in favor of the compromise at the time it was adopted and has since changed his opinions—" entirely changed" them, to use his own words— not 011 constitu tional but expedient grounds. He had changed upon experience? and upon seeing the dan gerous effects of the measure. He bad been taught his error, and took pleasure in acknowl edging it. He blamed Mr. Randolph then for having been to uncompromising,but now thought him sagacious, and believed that if the measure had met with uncompromising opposition at the time, it would have crushed forever the spirit of abolitionism. All these are reasons of expediency, derived from after-experience, and excludes the idea of any constitutional objection. The establishment of the Missouri Compromise line was the highest possible exercise of legislative authority over the subject of slavery in a territory. It abolished it where it legally existed. It forever forbid it where it had legally existed for one hundred years. This abolition and prohibition extended over an area large enough to make a dozen states ; and of all this Mr. Calhoun was in favor ; aud now had nothing but reasons of expediency, and they c.r post facto, against. His expressed belief now was that the measure was dangerous. —lie does not say unconstitutional, but danger ous- —and this corresponds with the. terms of his resolution then submitted, which makes the intermeddling to abolish slavery in the District or territories, or any act or measure of Congress to that effect, a "dangerous" attack 011 the institutions of the slaveholding states. Certainly the idea of the unconstituti onality of such legislation had not then entered his head. The substitute resolve of Mr. Clav differed from that of Mr. Calhoun in changing the word "intermeddling" to that of " inter ference," and confining that word to the conduct of citizens, and making the abolition or attempted abolition of slavery iu the District an injury to its own inhabitants as well as to the states, and placing its protection under the faith implied in accepting it cession from Mary laud and Virginia. It was in these words : "That the interference, by the citizens of any of the states, with the view to the abolition of slavery in this District, is endangering the lights and security of the people in the District ; and that any act or measure of Congress, de signed to abolish slavery in this District, would be a violation of the faith implied in the cessions by the states of Virginia and Maryland ; a just cause of alarm to the people of the slave holding states, and have a direct and inevi table tendency to disturb and endanger the Union." The vote on the final adoption of the reso lution was : YEAS —Messrs. Allen, Bayard, Benton, Black, Brown, Buchanan, Calhoun, Clay of Alabama, Clay of Kentucky, Thomas Clayton, Crittenden,Cuthbert, Fill ton,Grundy, Hubbard, King, Lumpkin, Lyon, Nicholas, Niles, Norvell, Franklin Pierce, Preston, Rives, Roane, Robinson, Sevier, Smith of Connecticut, Strange, Talhnadge, Tipton, Walker, White, Williams, Wright, Young. NAYS —Messrs. Davis, Knight, McKean, Morris, Prentiss, Smith of Indiana, Swift, Webster. The second resolution of Mr. Clay applied to slavery in a territory where it existed, and deprecated any attempt to abolish it in such territory as alarming to the slave states, nnd as violation of faith towards its inhabitants, un less they asked it, and in derogation of its right to decide the question of slavery for itself when erected into a state. This resolution intended to cover the case of Florida, and ran tlins : " Resolved, That any attempt of Congress to abolish slavery in any territory of the Uuited States, iu which it exists, would create serious alarm and just apprehension in the states sustaining that domestic institution, would be a violation of good faith towards the inhabi tants of any snch territory who have been permitted to settle with and hold slaves therein ; because the people of any such territory have not asked for the abolition of slavery therein ; and because, when any such territory shall be admitted into the Union as a state, the people thereof shull be entitled to decide that question exclusively for themselves." And the vote upon it was— YEAS —Messrs. Allen, Bayard, Benton,Black, Brown, Buchanan, Calhoun, Clay, of Alabama, Clay of Kentucky, Crittenden, Cuthbert, Ful ton, Grundy, Hubbard, King, Lumpkin, Lyon, Merrick, Nicholas, Niles, Norvell, Pierce, Preston, Rivers, Roan, Robinson, Sevier, Smith of Connecticut, Strange, Tipton, Walker, White, and Young. NAYS —Messrs. Thomas Clayton, Davis, Knight, McKean, Preutiss, Robbius, Smith of Indiana, Swift and Webster. The few senators who voted against both resolutions, chiefly did so for reasons wholly unconnected with their merits ; some because opposed to any declarations on the subject as abstract and inoperative, others because they dissented from the reasons expressed, arid pre ferred others. Mr. Calhoun voted for both, not in preference to his own, but us agreeing to them after they had been preferred by the Senate, and so gave his recorded assent to the doctrines they contained. Both admit the constitutional power of Congress over the existence of slavery both in the District and the territories, but deprecate its abolition where it existed for reasons of high expediency, and in this view, it is believed, nearly the entire Senate concurred, and quite the entire Senate on the constitutional point, there being no reference to that point in any part of the debates. Mr. Webster, probably, spoke the sentiments of most of those voting with him when he said : "If the resolutions set forth that all domestic institutions, except so far as the constitution might interfere, and any inter meddling therewith by a state or individual, was contrary to the spirit of the confederacy, and was thereby illegal and unjust, he would give theiu his hearty and cheerful support ; and would do so still, if the senators from South Carolina would consent to such an amendment: but in their present form he must give his vote against them." The general feeling of the Senate was that of entire repugnance to the whole movement— that of the petitions and memorial 011 the one hand,and Mr. Calhoun's resolutions on the other. The former were quietly got rid of, and in a way to rebuke as well as to condemn their presentation, that is to say, by motions, (sustain ed by the body.) to lay them on the table.— The resolutions could not so easily be disposed of, especially as their mover earnestly demand ed discussion, spoke at large and often himself, " and desired to make the question, on their rejection or adoption, a test question." They were abstract, leading to no result—made dis cussion where silence was desirable—frustrated the design of the Senate in refusing to discuss the übolition petitions—gave them an import ance to which they were not entitled—promoted agitation—embarrassed friendly senators from the North -placed some iu false positions—and brought aniiuadverdons from many. Thus, Mr Buchanan : " I cannot believe that the senator from South Carolina has taken the best course to attain these results, (quieting agitation.) This is the great centre of agitation. From this eapitol it spreads over the whole L T uion. 1 therefore deprecate a protracted discussion of the question here. It can do 110 good, but may do much harm, both iu the North and in the South. " The senators from Delaware, although representing a slaveholding state, have voted against these resolutions, because, in their opinion, they can detect in them the poison of nullification. Now 1 can see no such thing in them, and am ready to avow in the main they contain nothing but correct political principles to which I am devoted. But what then ? These senators are placed in a false position, and arc compelled to vote against resolutions, the object of which they heart ly approve.— Again : my friend, the senator from New Jersey, (Mr. Wall,) votes against tliern be cause they are political abstractions, of which he thinks the Senate ought not to take cogniz ance, although he is as much opposed to abolition, and as willing to maintain the con stitutional rights of the South, as any senator upon sliis floor. Other senators believe the right of petition has been endangered ; nnd until that has been established, they will not vote for any resolutions on the subject. Thus we stand ; and those of us in the North who must sustain t lie brunt of the battle are forced into false positions. Abolition thus acquires force by bringing to its aid the right of petition and the hostility which exists at the North against the doctrines of nullification. " It is vain to say that these principles are not really involved in the question. This may be, and in my opinion is true ; but why, by our conduct here, should we afford the abolition ists such plausible pretexts? The fact is, and it cannot be disguised, that those of us in the northern states who have determined to sustain the rights of the slave states at every hazard, are placed in a most embarrassing situation.— We arc almost literally between two fires.— Whilst in front we are assailed by the aboli tionists our own friends in the South are constantly driving us into positions where their enemies and our enemies may gain important advantages." And thus Mr. Crittenden : "If the object of these resolutions was to produce peace and allay excitement, it appear ed to him that they were not very likely to accomplish such a purpose. More vague and general abstractions could hardly have been brought forward, and they were more calculat ed to produce agitation aud stir up discontent and bad blood, than to do any good whatever. Such he knew was the general opinion of southern men, few of whom, however they assented to the abstractions, approved of this method of agitating the subject. The mover of these resolutions relics mainly on two points to carry the Senate with him : 6rst, he reiter ates theory of danger to the Union ; and next, that if he is not followed in this movement, he urges the inevitable consequence of the do- struction of the Union. It is possible the gentleman may be mistaken. It possibly might not be exactly true that, to save the Union, it was necessary to follow him. On the contrary, some were of opinion, and he for one was mueh inclined to be of the same view, that to follow the distinguished mover of these resolutions, to pursue the course of irritation, agitation and intimidation which he chalked out, would be the very liest and surest method that could be chalked out to destroy this great and happy Union." And thus Mr. Clay : " The series of resolutions under consideration has been introduced by the senator from South Carolina, after he and other senators from the South had deprecated discussion on the delicate subject to which they relate. They have occasioned much discussion, in which hitherto T have not participated. I hope that the tendency of the resolutions may be to allay the excitement which unhappily prevails in respect to the abolition of slavery; but I confess that, taken altogether, and in connection with other circumstances, and especially considering the manner in which their author has pressed them on the Senate, I fear that they will have the opposite effect ; and particularly at the North, that they rnav increase and exasperate, instead of diminishing and assuaging the existing agitation." And thus Mr. Preston, of South Carolina : " His objections to the introduction of the resolutions were, that they allowed ground for discussion ; and that the subject ought never to be allowed to enter the halls of the legisla tive assembly was always to be taken for grant ed by the South, and what would abstract pro positions of this nature effect ?" And thus Mr. Strange, of North Carolina : " What did they set forth but abstract principles, to which the South had again aud again certified ? What bulwark of defence was needed stronger than the constitution itself ? Every movement on the part of the South only gave additional strength to her opponents.— The wisest, nay, the only safe course, was to remain quiet, though prepared ut the same time to resist all aggression. Questions like this only tended to excite angry feelings. The senator from South Carolina (Mr. Calhoun,) charged with him " preaching " to one side.— Perhaps he had sermonized too long for the patience of the Senate ; but then he had preached to all sides. It was the agitation of the question in any form or shape that render ed it dangerous. Agitating this question in any shape was ruinous to the South." Aud thus Mr. Richard 11. Bayard of Dela ware : " Though he denounced the spirit of aboli tion as dangerous and wicked in the extreme, yet he did not feel himself authorized to vote for the resolutions. If the doctrines contain ed in them were correct, then nullification was correct ; and if passed, might hereafter he appealed to as a precedent in favor of that doctrine, though he acquitted the senator of having the most remote intention of smuggling in anything in isolation to that doctrine under cover of these resolutions." Mr. Calhoun annoyed by so much condem nation of his course, and especially from those as determined as himself to protect the slave institution where it legally existed, spoke often and warmly, and justified his course from the greatness of the danger, ami the fatal con sequences to the Union if it was not arrested. " 1 fear (said Mr. C.) that the Senate has not elevated its view sufficiently to comprehend the extent and magnitude of the existing dan ger. It was perhaps his misfortune to look too much to the future, and to move against dangers at too great a distance, which had in volved him in many difficulties, and exposed him often to the imputation of unworthy mo tives. Thus he had long forseeu the immense surplus revenue which a false system of legis lation must pour into the treasury, and the fa tal consequences to the morals and institutions of the country which must follow. When no thing else could arrest it, he threw himself, with his state, into the breach, to arrest dan gers which could not otherwise be arrested ; whether wisely or not, lie left posterity to judge. " He now saw with equal clearness, as clear as the noonday sun, the fatal consequences which must follow, if the present disease be not timely arrested. He would repeat again what he had so often said on this floor. This was the only question of sufficient magnitude and potency to divide this Union, nnd divide it it would, or drench the country in blood, if not arrested. He knew how much the sentiment he had uttered would be misconstrued and mis represented. There were those who saw no danger to the Union in the violation of all its i fundamental principles, but who were full of apprehension when danger was foretold or re sisted, and who held not the authors of the danger, but those who forewarned or opposed it, responsible for consequences. " But the cry of disunion by the weak or designing has no terrors for him. If his at tachment to the Union was loss, he might tam per with the deep disease which now afflicts the body politic, and keep silent till the patient was ready to sink under its mortal blows. It is a cheap, and, he must say, but too certain a mode of acquiring the character of devoted at tachment to the Union. But seeing the dan ger, as he did, he would be a traitor to the Union, and those he represented, to keep si lence. The assaults daily made on the insti tutions of nearly one-half of the states of this Union by the other—institutions interwoven from the beginning with their political and so cial existence, and which cannot lie other than, without their inevitable destruction, will and must, if coutinued, make tiro people of one, by destroying every sympathy between the two great sections, obliterating from their hearts the recollection of their common danger and glory, and implanting in their place a mutual hatred, more deadly than ever existed between two neighboring people since the commence ment of the human race. He feared not the circulation of the thousands of incendiary and slanderous publications which were daily issued from an organized and powerful press among thoiiC intended to be villificd. They eannot VOL. XVr. —NO. 5. peuetrate our section ; that was not the dan ger ; it lay in a different direction. Their cir culation in the non-slaveholditig states was what was to be dreaded. It was infusing a deadly poison into the minds of the rising gen eration, implanting in them feelings of hatred, the most deadly hatred, instead of a Section and love, for one-half of this Union, to be returned, on their part, with equal detestation. The fa tal, the immutable consequences, if not arrested, aud that without delay, were such as he had presented. " The first and desirable object is to arrest it in the non-slaveholding states ; to meet thn disease where it originated, and where it exists; and the first step to this is to find some com mon constitutional ground on which a rally, with that object, can be made. These resolu tions present the ground, and the only one, on which it can he made. The only remedy is in the state rights doctrines ; and," if those who profess them in slaveholding states do not rail v on them, as their political creed, and organize as a party against the fanatics, in order to put theui down, the South and West will be com pelled to take the remedy into their own hands. They will theu stand justified in the sight of God and man ; and what, in that event, will follow, no mortal can anticipate. " Mr. President, (said Mr. C.) we are repos ing on a volcano. The Senate seems entirely ignorant of the state of feeling in the South. The mail has just brought us intelligence of a most important step taken by one of the southern states in connection with this sub ject, which will give some conception of tho tone of feeling which begins to prevail in that quarter." Mr. BENTON did not speak in this debate.—- He believed, as others did, that discussion was injurious—that it was the way to keep up and extend agitation—and the thing above all others which the abolitionists desired. Dis cussion upon the tloor of the American Senate was to them the concession of an immense ad vantage—the concession of an elevated and commanding theatre for the display and dissemi nation of their doctrines. The Senate, in laying all their petitions, and the memorial of Vermont, on the table, without debate, signified its desire to yield them no such advantage. The introduction of Mr. CAL IIOIX'S resolutions frustrated that desire, and induced many to do what they condemned Mr. BUXTON took his own Reuse of the proper course in abstaining from debate, and confining the expression of his opinions to the delivery of votes ; and in that he conformed to the sense of the Senate and the action of the House of Representatives. Many hundreds of these petitions were presented "in the House, and quietly laid upon the table under motions to that effect : and this would have been the case in the Senate had it not been for the resolutions, the introdutiou of which was so generally dep recated. Tlie part of this debate which excited no at tention, but has since acquired a momentous importance, is that part in .which Mr. CALHOUN declared lu's favorable disposition to the Mis souri Compromise, and condemnation of Mr. R, (its chief opponent,) for opposing it. and his change of opinion since, not for un constitutionality, but because he believed it dangerous in encouraging the spirit of aboli tionism. This was the highest, the most sol emn, the most momentous, the most emphatic assertion of Congressional power over slavery in a territory which had ever been made or could be conceived. It not only abolished sla very where it legally existed, but forever pro hibited it where it had long existed ; and that over an extent of territory larger than the area of all the Atlantic slavestates put togeth er ; and thus yielding to the free states the absolute predominance in the Union. Mr. CALHOUN was for that resolution in 1 S2(), blamed those who opposed it, and could see no objection to it in IX3B but the encouragement it gave to the spirit of abolitionism. Nine years afterwards, (session of 184G 47,) he sub mitted other resolutions, (five in number,) on the same power of Congress over slavery legis lation in the territories—denied the power— and asterteil that any such legislation to the prejudice of slaveholding emigrants from the states in preventing them from removing, with their slave property, to such territory, "would be a violation of the constitution and the rights of the states from which such citizens emigra ted, and a derogation of that perfect equality which belongs to them as members of this I ie ion, and would tend directly to subvert the Un ion itself." These resolutions, so new and startling in their doctrines, so contrary to their antecessors and to the whole course of the government, were denounced by the writer of this View the instant they were read in the Senate ; and be ing much discountenanced by other senators, they were never pressed to a vote in that body, but were afterwards adopted by some of the state legislatures. One year afterwards, in a debate on the Oregon territories bill, and on the section which proposed to declare the anti slavery clause of the ordinance of 11*1 to be in force in that territory, Mr. CAI.IIOI N denied the power of Congress to make any such de claration, or in any way to legislate upon sla very in a territory. lie delivered a most elabo rate and thoroughly considered speech on tlm subject, in the course of which he laid down three propositions : 1. That Congress ha<l 110 power to legislate upon slavery in a territory so as to prevent the citizens of slaveholding states from removing into it with their slave projwrtv. 2 That Congress had no power to delegate such authority to a territory. 3. That a territory had 110 such power in it self—(thus leaving the subject of slavery in a territory without any legislative power over it at all.) These propositions being in flagrant conflict with the power exercised by Congress in the establishment of the Missouri Compromise line, which had become a tradition as a southern measure, supported by southern members of Congress and sanctioned by the cabinet of Mr. Munhoe, of which Mr. Ca lhocn was a mem btr—the fact of that compromise, and his con