Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 30, 1855, Image 4

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Cutting Hay.
MB. UREAS :—There are t present a multi
tude of conflicting opinions in relation to the I
period when grass should be cut, some contend- 1
ing that the operation of mowing should be j
commenced as soon as the development of the :
f.ower has commenced ; others, that the scythe'
should by i)i means be introduced till the seed !
has become partially matured, as they suppose j
the superior value of this adds more to the
value of the plant as a whole, than it abstracts.
No definite rules, however, can belaid down in
tliis matter, as practice must necessarily vary
with the contingencies of temperature, aspect,
climate and the specific character ol the grasses
ordinary cultivated. For my own part I think
that one should commence as soon as inflor
esence begins. He will then have time to get
through haying before the crop becomes too
far advanced towards maturity, and Lis hay,
though less heavy, and consequently somewhat
less valuable as a market product, perhaps,
will be much more succulent and sweet, that if
permitted to stand till a later period, or till it
becomes dead ripe.
The old method of making hay in the siui,
and drying it till scarcely a particle of moisture
is left in the fibre, is now almost universally
deprecated. On this subject, oue of the
greatest farmers who has ever lived, has the
following remarks :
" As soon as the grass is fairly freed from
moisture, it is put into narrow heaps, which
are made as high as possible ; and to prevent
these from falling down, a small stake is driven
into the ground, around which the grass is
carefully arranged with the hands. A hand
ful of grass is then taken from one of the
swaths, and the longest and strongest portions
are chosen from it to cover the top of the heap
or bay-cock with, care being taken to trim the
upper or (lowering part of the grass downward.
These pyramidial heaps are theu suffered to
remain until the grass of which they are com
posed, is thoroughly dry which is generally
somewhere between the eight and fifteenth day. i
On the heap being opened, the grass in the
interior of it will generally be found to retain
its hue and freshness. 1 have seen grass thus
made into large heaps, in dry and windy
weather, which has made very vapidly with
out requiring to be moved and has been quite
green. Temporary rain or showers will not do
it any harm beyond that of depriving the
external parts of some portion of its greenness ;
but should the wet weather continue for any
considerable period of time, there is a possibility
of the hay becoming too much compressed ;
it will then be necessary to open the heaps, and
shake and loosen the hay, in order to prevent
it from acquiring an unpleasant flavor."
This may be obviated by making the cocks
small —say of about eighty pounds weight,
when first put up, and covering carefully with
green grass. I give you this for what it is
worth—some may be induced to try it this
season, 011 a small scale, and report the result.
One thiug is admitted by every one, which is,
that the less the hay, in making, is exposed to
the sun, the more valuable it is—it retains its
color and flavor better, and consequently is
worth a great deal more per ton than when
dried up by the burning rays of the sun. Jam
respectfully yours.— Germuiitoini Telegraph.
SHEEP FEEDING. —The J. 11. R. correspondent
of the Germantown Telegraph details interest
ing experiments made to test the relative value
of carrots, turnips and beets for sltecp. The
beets were discontinued, because the animals
refused to cat them, except upon compulsion of
the sharpest hunger. His method with carrots
and ruta-baga turnips- he describes as follows :
Three sheep were confined in a yard, in
which there was a close shed for feeding, with
plenty of water supplied from a cistern. Three
more were placed in a similar enclosure, the
fixtures of which were iu every respect precisely
the same, and that there might be no discre] -
auey whatever in the management of the two
parcels, even their water was supplied from the
same source. All the animals were of the
same age, and nearly of the same weight. In
the morning chopped ruta-bagas were given to
the sheep in one pen. and chopped carrots to
those in the other. This feed was regularly
repeated at noon, and again at sundown ; the
quantity allowed each animal being one peek
(by weight) of each.
Salt and common house ashes were kept
constantly in both apartments, mixed in the
proportions of one of the former to three of
the later. Good, clean leaves from the woods
were scattered daily over the shed bottom-,
and a few handsful of hue clover hay kept by
them to supply the end.
The experiment commenced 011 the 12th of
November, and was brought to a final close on
the 12th of the ensuing March. Both sets did
remarkably well, as indeed might be expected
front the careful and systematic manner in
which they were tended and fed ; but those
kept oil carrots gained each eight and thrfte
fourths pounds more than those fed on ruta
bagas. 111 April the six sheep produced six
lambs—fine, healthy ones, which have grown to
maturity, and are by far the most valuable
animals to be fouutl iu the flocks to which they
Ct BRANT TREES.- —Currant bushes may as
well be made trees as shrubs. In the spring
of 1831 my father set cuttings for currant
bushes. I determined to experiment on one of
these cuttings, and as it grew, 1 pinched off
all the leaves except the top tuft, which I let
grow. The cutting was about fourteen inches
long, and during the summer the sprout from
this grew ten inches. The next spring I pinch
ed off' all the leaves to about half way up the
first year's growth, so as to leave the lowest
liiub two feet from the ground. Is branched
well, and became a handsome lit tie dwarf tree.
When it came to bear fruit, it was more pro
ductive than any other bu.-li iu tlie garden,
and the fruit larger. It was less infested with
spiders and other insects ; hens could not pick
off the fruit, and grass and weeds were more
easily kept from the roots, and it was an orna
ment instead of a blemish. Now I would pro
pose that currant cuttings be set in rows about
four or five feet apart each way—let them be
loug and straight ones—and trained into trees.
—Alixhigan Farmer.
To HOUSEKEEPERS. —Monsieur Loysel, n
French chemist, says that he iias discovered
that by grinding tea in the same manner as
coffee, before infusion, the quantity of exhila
rating fluid obtained is nearly doubled. The
experiment is worth trying, especially if with
an additional strainer similar to those used by
:te Fr?g?h suspended from the snout of the
•t* I
fUisccllancons. _
rnmMM §lgffiilMlY.o
TH US school, under tlie charge of the Misses HANSON,
1 is hcii lin the north end ot the Ward House, iu the
mom formerly ocrnjiiid ly l-tiporte, Mason A Co.
Mi— EMMA 11ANSOX will join her sisters m a lew days
and in future will give instruction in the French language
iu lite school.
The sell -el year will consist of four quarters, of eleven
weeks e.i h. Tlie summer vacation conuuencitig in July,
and ending in September.
Fire! Clmx —To include the elementary English I QQ
branches,ami the study of tlie Latin language, 1
Ser.u.ul Liu** —To include the more advanced stu- 1
dies ol the English branches, with Mathematics, - fl) 00
and the study of Latin and French. )
Titinl elms —To include Mathematics, Mental)
and Moral l'ltilosojiby, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac.,. $l2 00
•with l.atiu and French, )
Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There
will be no extra charges whatever.
Miisir Instruction on the Piano, with use of instru
raent, will lie given by Miss RKUKCCA P. HANSON, at Jiff ;
per quarter, and as soon as arrangements now in progress i
can be completed.a class in vocal music will be formed.
LECTURES on Rhetoric. Moral and Intellectual Philo- j
sophy, and the higlier braiuhes of English composition,
will al-tills- delivered once or twice in each week.
The aim of the Teachers will lie to impart a thorough
knowledge of the studies pursued, and to give a tone and
eli ini' tor to their School which will recommend it io the
confidence of the community.
The next Quarter will commence on Monday, April 30.
They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle
men lit. Rev. Ai.OS7.ii l'orr rat. Bishop of the Diocese of
Penn'a, Philadelphia ; llcv. Dr. MACLEAN, President of the
College of New Jersey, Princeton. I
Hon. DAVID VVTLMOT. I!. F. M ASON. Esq., C. L. WARD, •
Esq., Hon. ftKomiE SANIIKK.-ON, l>. F. BAKSTOW, Esq.
Col. J. F. MEANS. Towanda.
Totvmtda, March 21, is, |
TheSusptiehanna Collciriale Institute,'
REV. SAMUEL F. COLT, Principal, Professor of Xatu- j
ral, .Mental and Moral Science ;
REV. J AMES Ml-WILLI.AM, A. M., Professor of Ancient j
i.anvitages and Be Res Lettrcs :
CHARLES I!. GOBURN, A. M., Professor of Mathema- ;
tics and Master of Normal School ;
E. ALBERT LUDWIG, A. M.. Professor of Modern Lan- I
gmges. Instructor on the Piano and iu Drawing ;
11. BELCHER MO ROAN", Usher ;
Mrs. MARTHA A. DAYTON, Preceptress;
K v*The Spring Term of 1 -iu will commence on \Ved
ne day, April -ith. The Academic will comprise 3 terms.
K-Vtenses run TKKM :
Tuition in tlie Fifth class, (piimarv) per term,.... $1 00
Fourth, 5 00
Third 6 00
" Second 7 00
First 'J 00
EXTK \s :
French. German. Spanish or Italian, each, 5 00
When taken without other branches, 7 00
Drawing 3 00
Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 00
Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 00
do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 00
Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 00
ih> figures 10 00
Room rent for lodgers, 1 73
Contingent fund for each pupil, 3*
Board in Hull, per week, 1 73
Washing, per dozen, 3c
Fuel and light at the actual expense. *
Pupils boardiug in the Hail will furnish their own bed,
bedding, towels, Ac., and the tilde silver at their option.
No pupil taken for less than half a term. The bills for
the term must he paid in advance ; or one half thereof at
their entrance, and the remaining half at the expiration of
the term.
Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser
vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on
other terms.
E pecial exercises are arranged without extra charge
for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common
For classification of studies and text-books, see circu
lars, for which apply to C. L. WARD, President.
R. F. COLT, See. "fit J. 1). MONTANYK. Treasurer.
n. vvAmors h. m. REWARD k. ii. COOK
3, Water st. Elmii'a, X. Y.
We have recently made large additions to our extensivi
stock, ami have now op hand a complete assortment of ev
ery description of Hardware, which we tier at tlie lowest
cash prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma
terials Iron and steel. Nails and spiko. Ropes and Cord
age. Faints, Oils and Glass, Mill saws of every size and
-hape, either Mnlav Hang or Circular.
Machine Belting* of all widths, both of India Rubber A
leather. Glass at wholesale. We are prepared to supply
Merchants with Glass, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ae., at Man
ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on
hand or made to order.
CORTRACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho
vels, Blasting Powder. Ac.
Agents fur Rich A Wilder's Patent Salamander Safes,
Fail-bank's Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circu
lar saws.
Large sizes tip to 00 inch, always on hand and sold at
Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by
Elinira, April 7.1856. n-44-12m
Important Scientific Discovery!
[> I * TM AN'S POLYTROPIIE, for Baldness
9 and thinness of Hair, a magic restorative of tlie hu
man hair on bahl heads—removing and preventing dan
druff, and causing the hair to grow luxuriantly, and pre
venting it from turning gray. Containing no "Alcohol or
Oils of any kind.
Tliis is the most valuable discovery for the purpose ever
introduced into this place. There are a number of gentle
men of this Borough, who have used it. and are willing to
testify to its excellent restorative qualities. lam willing
to warrant ii to give satisfaction to those using-it accord
ing to directions.
For sale by S. COOPER, Barber and Hair Dresser, in
the basement of the Ward House, Towanda.
Towanda. March 2s, 1835.
I 1). GOODENOUUII respectfully in
• forms all those that are entitled to Land Warrants
under the act of March 3, 1833, that he is now prepared
with all necessary forms to meet every case, lie would
also say to those who cannot conveniently come to Towan
da, that by sending him a statement of the nature of their
claims he will make out the necessary papers that can lie
executed l>v them before the uearest Justice of the Peace,
lie would also say, beware of travelling speculators.
His terms are 30 cents down, and $3 after the warrant
is received. Towanda, March 21,1855.
DENTIST, HAS RETURNED. Office next dooi
to Mercur's store, and over Alexander's Clothing Store.
Main street, Towanda. February 24, 1833.
AT DA IV, TOWANDA, PA. Occupies the Office, in
the Union Block, formerly owned by John ('. Adams Esq.
fro •He will attend to procuring Bountv Land Warrants
and Pensions. March 22,1855.
. AND Coi'NSEI.I.ORS AT LAW,— Office
over Mercur's Store, Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, April 2, 1835. n-43-tf
SI.'RGEON, offers his profit ssional services to the
people of Towanda and vieinitv. Office at his residence
011 Pine street, where he can always be found when not
professionally engaged.
BURTON KINGSBURY, is now prepared to offer to bis
rustomers and the public generally, a large and com
plete stock of FALL A WINTER GOODS. His stock has
been selected with unusual great care, and is superior for
style and quality than have ever before been offered to the
public—and such a combination of very low prices that
we are sure cannot fail to please the closest observer
Amongest hi* assortment may be found French Merinos,
Delaines, Cashmeres, Thiliet-doths, Gighanis, Fine Wors
ted plaids, Silk Poplin, Alnpacas, Calicos. Fine and heavy
Iri-li Linens. Cotton Pillow Casings, Brown and Bleached
Mu-!in. Sad; Flannel, Broad Cloths A Cassiiiu-res.Ac.
C CLOTHING—An assortment, mav be bad
J chea|. at PI!IXKEY'S.
1 LL PERSONS indebted to Montonyes &
X.A. Co.will do well to call undjtnake payment,otherwLsc.
necessity will compel them to send a call that will he
more expressive. March 1,1855.
SNYDER BOUSE, Waverly, W. *.
T A M ES WIT ITTAKER respectfully informs
*) the travelling public that he lias taken the above well
known stand, situated near tlie Railroad Depot, ami soli
cits a share of custom. The House is convenient and com
modious, and he is determined tliut no pains and attention
to the wants and comforts of guests shall be spared to give
entire satisfaction. March 15,1855.
\J quantity of each just received and for sale by
February 7. 1855. J. POWELL.
FLOUR ! FLOUR ! —;>o barrels Superfine
PI OUR *'< rc.etveJ and fcr srlc bv
j Jan. H,1n55. MONTANTFS A CO.
fDisteHtmtons. I
V. ' undersigned is < stantly receiving; from New-Wk
I'V Exiirt—^ . lICW addition**to nia Stork ot at' HE*, < lock.-,
Jcwclrv. Silver ware, ami Fancy Goods, comprising in
jiart—Ool.l ami Silver Lever, L'Epine ami Plain Watches,
with a full ami complete assortment of Fine Hold Jewelry,
such as G. id chains. Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys,
Breast-Pins. Kar-Bings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. AI-O, a
large variety of Silver ware,such as Table and Tea Simons,
Cream spoons, Butter knives, Salt spoons, Spectacles, to
gether with an extensive assortment of Plated n are— All
of which will be sold very low for CASH.
CLOCKS. — A large assortment Cloeks just received, of
all descriptions, ranging in prices from 75 cents to Fifty
CW, Watches repaired on short notice, and WARKANTED
to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired.
W. A. f. would he'/ leave to say. that he is prepared to
execute the most difficult .10l s, such as can he done at no
other Shop short of New-York city.
Towanda, February 1,1855. _
J J fitted for any size, to he had at the Jewelry Store of
Feb. 1. 1855, ' W. A. CHAMBKRIJN. i
0. A HORSE! A HORSE! my kingdom
fnr a horse and customers to take away tire
goods. Notwithstanding the lat< disn-drous
sKt-J 3) fires. A. M. WARNER IS HIMSELF
And at No. 1 Brick Row you'll lind
Most anything that's in his line.
From a cambric needle of the finest kind.
To a jewelled watch of eighteen karat fine ;
Clocks which keep time accurate and true ;
Breast pins of every styie and hue,
(J- Id, silver, steel and plated chains,
Selected with the greatest pains,
Finger rings, MY OOSII, why what a pile
Of every shape and every style,
To suit "the old, the young, the grave, the gay,
May there he'seen in elegant arrav.
And WARNER, who is himself a "host,''
Is always ready and at his post.
To wait upon his customers and all
Who chance upon 'iiu to give a call.
So with good advice uiake up your minds
To call on him and there you'll find
Such sights, my eyes! O ! what a view!
Jewelry of every style and hue.
ijw, Don't mistake the place. No. 1, Brick Row, where
lie is prepared to do all kinds of
in his liue of business, at the cheapest rates that can pos
sibly be afforded. He will also sell his jewelry at 20 I'KU
CUNT, now lilt than was ever before ofl'ered in this market.
He' Call and see. A. M. WARNER.
Towanda, January 1855.
DISSt )LUTI( )N.—The co-partnership here
tofore existing between S. FELTON and K. T. Fox is
this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and ac
counts of said linn arc in the hands of E. 'i'. Fox, who can
generally be found at S. Felton's store, or at the " Ward
House."" Those interested will please take notice that the
accounts, Ac. must he settled immediately.
November 11,1854. E. T. FOX.
F. FELTON would most re-pectfully inform his old cus
tomers and the public generally that he will still continue
the LIQUOR BI'SINESS at the old stand, and that he is
now receiving large additions to his stock, direct from first
hands in New-York, which he will he most happy to sell
on the most reasonable terms. He is also agent for the
sale of " Binghaintoii Ale," a supply of which he keeps al
ways on hand and for sale cheap.
Towanda, November 11, 1*54.
John W. Wilcox,
HAS located his establishment on Main Street, on door
North of the " Ward House," and will continue the
manufacture of BOOTS A SHOES, as heretofore.
He has just received from New-York a large assortment
of Womans' t'hildrens' and .Misses' Shoes, which are offer
ed at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is particu
larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following
new styles:—Enamelled Jenny Lind gaiter hoots; do.
dices ; "black lasting ainl silk gaiter ; walking shoes, bus
kins, Ac. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description.
V large variety of Chihlreus' fancy gaiters, "boots A shoes
■if all kinds.
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been personally selected w iih care,
anil he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable
ii ■ The strictest attention paid to MAXI'TACTI-lUXO,
and he hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance
of the liberal patronage he has hitherso received.
Towanda, Feb. 1, 1855.
At the New Store, opposite the Court House.
and most comprehensive assortment, and the longest ex
perience of any dealers in Northern Pennsylvania. We
nave arrangements by which we can take advantage of the
city and We tern Markets, and are thereby enabled to of
fer good bargains. Call and try us.
Below we name a few of the articles that may always
he found in our stock :
Fhuir. Buckwheat Flour. Rye Flour, Corn Meal. Feed,
Pork, lfams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codtiish, Shad. Lake
Trout. Picketed and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans,
Potatoes, Butter, Lard. Crackers. Ac.
Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee. Chocolate,
Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Ginger. Pepper, Spice,
Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamnn. Ground Mustard. Pepper
Sauce, Soda. S ileratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm and 'fallow
Caudles, Bar Soap, Vinegar. Starch, Ac.
Prunes. Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Dried
Peaches, Dried Apples, Almonds, Pecan nuts, Brazil nuts,
Grenoble and Madeira Walnuts, Peanuts, Chestnuts. Ac.
German, French and American Toys. Fancy Goods. Tin
wagons, rocking horses, boys' sleigli". China and pewter
toy tea setts, dolls, trumpets, accordions, harmonicas—
Glass, paper and wood inlaid work boxes and toilet eases,
tov bureaus, secretaries, writing desks—plain and em
broidered work baskets, knitting, do. pearl, ivory, papier
maclie and leather port raoniaes, wallets and purses, ivory,
horn and wood pocket combs, toilet combs, ivory fine
combs, pocket inkstands, pocket and small fancy mirriors,
tobacco and sunt!'boxes, cigar cases, perfumery and hair
oils, Ac.
Brooms, mopsticks, clothes pins, bcndi screws, willow
clothes baskets and market baskets, sugar and spice boxes.
Dairy and table Salt, Salinn, do., etc. Country dealers
supplied at a small advance from New York prices.
R'B" Most kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for goods. BAILEY A NEVINS.
Towanda, Febmar 1. 1 y u ~>.">.
1. X.. &. H. h. IsATKEOREAtJX,
HAYING purchased the entire interest of the other
members of the late firm of I. L. A if. L. Lnmoreux
A Co. in the " Eagle Foundry," in the south part of the
borough of Towanda, will still continue the business of
said firm, and manufacture to order and keep constantly
on hand <: large assortment of the following articles :
MACHINERY of all kinds, including Mill Irons. Mill
Gearings: the Rose and Johnson Water-wheel. Ac. Ac.
STOVES—Box. Coal, Cooking and Parlor Stoves, of all
kinds, sizes and prices.
PHOUGHF—North Branch, Nos. 1, 5. and 7: Blaethlcv
Nos. 1 and "2 ; Binghamton, Wayne County, Excelsior,
side-hill and corn ploughs, Ac.
Corn Shellers and Straw ' 'utters; Wagon boxes, sleigh
shoes, plough points, gearing for chain pumps, grind
stones, and other articles too numerous to mention.
Having secured as Superintendents, J. B. IRVINE in the
machine shop, and ROBERT MCCCTCHEON in the moulding
department, the linn feel confident that they can manu
facture and repair all kinds of machinery in as workman
like a manner and on as easy terms as any establishment
this side of New York.
Ri"Steam Engines will he repaired satisfactorily on
short notice.
Particular attention will be paid to the Pattern depart
ment, arid all orders fulfilled on Die shortest notice.
The attention of Farmers is called to J. B. Irvine's cele
brated EXCELSIOR PLOUGH, which took the fir-t pre
mium at the Bradford county Agricultural Fair of 1853.
Also to the elevated oven EAGLE STOVE, the best stove
in use.
With the above the firm have connected a
Tin, Sheet Iron end Copper Establishment,
and will lie at all times ready to manufacture, repair and
do job work, and will keep constantly on hand assortments
in all brandies of their business.
We call the public attention to the following facts :
We use the Ralston Iron, which is acknowledged to be
more durable aud strong than any other.
Our styve plates are thicker and stronger than any of
foreign manufacture, and persons purchasing stores of tis
can have them repaired ou short notice by calling on us,
without going to the expense of having new patterns.
Farmers would save time and expense by purchasing
ploughs of us, as they would not lie troubled "for points, us
in the ease of foreign ploughs.
Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Pewfer, Ac., taken in exchange
for manufactures or work.
Af All would do well to call and examine before pur
chasing e! -where,
j 1 an u, I'd r,. iry 15,1855.
J. A lowing remedies are "tiered to the public as the iicst,
most perfect, which medical science can afford. AYKK'S
CATHARTIC PILLS have been prepared with the utmost
skill which the. medical profession of this age possesses,
and their effects show they have virtues which surpass
any combination of medicines hitherto known. Other pre
parations do more or les good : but this cures such dan
gerous complaints, so quick and so surely, as to prove' an
efficacy and a power to uproot di-euse beyond any thing
which men have known before. By removing the obstruc
tions of the internal organs and stimulating them into
healthy action, they lenovate the fountains of life and
vigor-— health courses anew through the body, and the
sick man is well again. They are adapted to disease, and
disease only, for when taken by one in health they pro
duce but little effect. This is the perfection of medicine.
It is antagonistic to disease, and no more. lender chil
dren may take them with impunity. If they are sick they
will cure them, if they are well they will do them no
Give them to some patient who has len prostrated with
bilious complaint; see his bent-up, tottering form straight
en with strength again ; see his long-loatappetite return ;
sec his clammy features blossom into health. Give them
to some sufferer whose foul blood has burst nut in scrofula
till his skin is covered with sores ; who stands, or sits, or
lies in anguish. He has been drenched inside and out with
exei v every potion which ingenuity could suggest. Give
him "these l'jlls, and mark the effect; sec the scabs fall
from his body : see the new, fair skin that has grown un
der them ;' see the late leper that is clean. Give them to
him whose angry humors have planted rheimiati-m in his
joints and hones'; move him, and he screeches with pain ;
he too has been soaked through every muscle of lii.s body
with linanU'Jits and salves ; give him these Pills to purify
his blood ; thev may not cure liim, for olas ! there cases
which no mortal power can reach : hut mark, he walks
with crutches now, and now he walkes alone : they have
cured him: Give them to the lean, sour,haggard dyspep
tic. whose gnawing stomach has long ago eaten every
smile from his face and every muscle from his body. See
his appetite return, and with it his health; see the new
man. See her that was radiant with health and loveliness
blasted and too early withering away ; want of exercise,
or mental anguish, or some lurking disease has deranged
the internal organs of digestion, assimilation, or.secretion,
till they do they do their office ill. Her blood is vitiated,
her health \f gone. Give her these Pills to stimulate the
vital principle into renewed vigor, to east out the obstruc
tions. and infuse a new vitality into the blood. Now look
again—the rosea blossom on her cheek, and where sorrow
sat, joy hursts from every feature. Fee the sweet infant
wasted with worms. Its wan, sickly features tell you
without disguise, and painfully distinct, that they arc eat
ing its life away. Its pinched-up nose and ears, and rest
less sleeping". tell the dreadful truth in language which
every mother knows. Give it the Pills in large doses to
sweep these vile parasites from the body. Now turn again
and see the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is it nothing to
do these things ?' Nay. are they not the marvel of this
age ? And yet they are done around you every day.
Have you'the less serious symptoms of these distempers,
they are" the easier cured. Jaundice, Costiveness, Head
ache, Sideache. Heartburn. Foul Stomach, Nausea. Pain
in the Bowels. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite. King's Evil,
Neuralgia, Gout, and kindred complaints all arise from the
derangements which these Pills rapidly cure. Take them
perseveringly, and under the counsel of a good Physician
if you can ; if not, take them judiciously by such advice
as we give you. and the distressing, dangerous diseases
they cure, which afflict so many millions of the human race,
are'east out like the devils of old—they must burrow in
the brutes and in the sea. Price 25 cents per box—s boxes
for #l.
Through a trial of many years and through every nation
of civilized me, AYKK'S UMKKKY PECTORAL has been found
to afford more relief and to cure more cases of pulmonary
disease than any other remedy known to mankind. Case's
of apparently settled Consumption have been cured by it,
and thousands of sufferers who were deemed beyond the
reach of human aid have been restored to their friends and
usefulness, to sound health and the enjoyments of life, by
this all-powerful antidote to diseases of the lungs and
throat. Here a cold had settled on the lungs. The dry,
hacking cough, the glassy eye, and the pale, thin features
of him who was lately lusty and strong whisper to all but
him CONSL MI'TION. lie tries everything ; hut the disease
is gnawing at his vitals, and shows its fatal symptoms
more and more over all his fame. He is taking the Cher
ry Pectoral now : it lues stopped his cough and made his
breathing easy : his sleep is sound at night : his appetite
returns, and with it his strength. The dart which pierced
his side is broken. Scarcely any neighborhood can le
found which has not sonic living trophy like this to shad
ow forth the virtues which have won for the ( berry Pec
toral an imperishable renown. Influenza, Croup, Bron
chitis. Hoarseness, Pleurisy, Whooping Cough, and all ir
ritations of the throat and lungs are easily cured by the
Cherry Pectoral if taken in season. Every family should
have it by them, and they will lind it an idvaluable pro
tection from the insidious prowler which carries off the
parent sheep from many a flock, the darling lamb from
many a home.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AY MR. Practical and Analytical
Chemist, Lowell, Mass., and sold by all Druggists every
AGENTS —Dr. IT. C. Porter and at Reed's Drugstore,
Towanda ; Newton. WhiteA Co., Monroetoii: J. lhdeomh,
Rome ; Dr. C. Drake, Troy ; and by all Merchants every
fTMll'j subscriber having been appointed Agent for the
1 counties of Bradford. Sullivan and Lycoming,h:i"Die
pleasure of calling the attention of the public to this useful
invention. The Hive is truly a great improvement on the
old square box ; and the facilities it affords for taking out
tlie honey are as harmless to the hoes, as they are profita
ble to the owner. No resort to drums and pans is needed
to hive the increase in the spring, and no resort to brim
stone. tire and fagot is required to conquer the bees and
procure their honey in the fall. As the bees multiply,
new sections are added to the hive ; and when the honey
is wanted, they are removed accordingly. The arrange
ments for feeding the bees, for changing them to different
parts of the old hive, or to a new one, for ventilation, are
unqn est ion q ldy ahead of anything hitherto known.
A description of this Hive is impossible, without refer
ence to a model, but an examination will satisfy anv one
of its advantages. For sale, Town and Individual Rights,
with hooks, bill of feed. Ac., giving full directions for ma
king the Hive, and managing the Bees.
May 1,1855. GEORGE S. KEEN.
$5OO REW A R D7~~
For an improvement on
r T"'IIE undersigned, having purchased the right to sell in
X a number of the comities of this state, and elsewhere,
Scott's Patent BLACKSMITH'S STRIKER, respectfully
announce that they arc now stopping at BLACK S Hotel,
in Towanda. where they will exhibit the Patent Striker,
and explain its operation. They expect to remain about
three weeks. By the aid of this invention, every Black
smith can dispense with the additional hand required to
forge iron, and will consequently effect a great saving of
labor to alt who become possessed of it. This is consider
ed one of the greatest and most useful inventions of the
I age. and the manner in which it forges iron of every des
j eription has greatly surprised the numerous sons of Vul
can who have seen it operation.
May 3, 1555. E. a TEAGARDEN.
JOSEPH IL LOUD, intends visiting
IgW' /.'this place every Spring and Fall for the purpose of
yff.A selling PIANO FORTESof hisManufacture.whieh
will he guarantied satisfactorily. Mr. Lor n attends per
sona'fy to his business, which of itself will he of great ad
vantage to those purchasing, and avoids all difficulties
which so often oconr through buying of Agents. Citizens
will find by obtaining an Instrument of hint, a great sav
ing in price, as well as manner in which their Pianos will
be kept in order. WRITTEN WARRANTEES given for five
years for his Instruments, which stand unrivalled for easi
ness and elasticity of touch, fullness and sweetness of tone.
To those in want of Pianos, Mr. Loud would advise to
await his visits. Every possible attention will be paid to
Pianos, Organs, Ac., entrusted to his care, either for re
pairing or timing. Having long experience in the business,
persons may be assured their Instruments will he put in
perfect order, or no charge trill be made. Ohl Pianos and
Melndeons taken in part payment for new Pianos. Meio
deons for sale, Ac. Ware-rooms, No. 40!>, Market street,
Philadelphia. Tim
To the Citizens of Bradford County.
UOOK 151NDING.—S. WELLS respect
-lJ fully informs the inhabitants of Bradford County that
lie still continues the BOOK BINDING business, in the
village of Binghamton, aud is ready to attend to anything
in his line that may he entrusted to his care.
Particular attention will he given to the binding of Mu
sic, Magazines. Law Rooks, Ac. Everything will he done
promptly, and in the neatest and most durable manner.
■ Bindery in the Third Story, over Messrs. Harring
tons Store, opposite the Post Office.
As there is no Bindery in Bradford county, for the
accommodation ot the public arrangements have been
made by which Books left at the office of the " Bradford
lleporter ," will he forwarded to me, aud returned, without
extra expense.
Binghamton, March 31,1865. n-42
/-IROCERIES—CaII and POP our Brown,
v A Crushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars ; Fine Young
Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior article, or tlie
money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KINGBBERY.
riROCEHIES.—A large,stock just received
XJ —consisting of Sugars, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Fish,
Ac. Ac., of superior quality for sale at reduced prices.
Fronting the Public Pruare.
Tlirc siib-cnlxr. thankful fur the liberal patronage of the past year, intenrls to keep constantly on hand a full as
sort ment of the very best articles usually kept in our line, which lIE WILL dispose of on such terms as will LX> sat
isfactory to all who may patronize him. The purchases are mmli- entirely with cash in hand, and for the C \SH out
customers will ret eive the benetit of u good article at a low price. All articles not answering our recommendation
will lie cheerfully taken bark, and the money refunded.
Medical Advice gratuitously givrn at tlic Office, charging only for the Medicines.
The stock consists of a complete ami select assortment of
Pure Wine k Liquors, for Medicinal use, Loudon Porter k Scotch Ale.
American Pocket Cutlery, (Warrant d Good.)
Superior TGZ2ACCC 6t SNUFF !—Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Principe
and -STara CIG ARS !
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, BruSlies, Perfumery. Shavingr Soap,
Fancy Articles, &c. &c.
Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, Ac ice.
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Ac.
" The best qualify of Goods—Full assort ment—Mole rate Profits —Ready attenti/'U to customers-
No Adulteration of Goals—Candid advice as to Patent Remedies—And close attention to
business." 11. (,'. PORTER, M. 1).
Towauda, February 1,1555.
ft" jijw fS i j Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
• Tin, Japanned and Britannia Ware,
pi House Tiimmings, Carriage Trimmings, Harness & Saddlcrv
I -Ware, Carpenter's and Joiner's Tools,
LEAD PIPE AIS I) PUMPS, of oil kinds and sizes,
Would inform their friends, that these are only a part of the general heads under which may be classed their exten
sive assortment, and t" which they are constantly receiving additional supplies, direct from the importers and mar
facturers. which enables them to off. r such inducements in their large stock and low prices as will dtfv cuuipctiUui
from any quarter. We would ask the particular attention of
to an examination of our stock, which having been selected with the create-1 care, we are confident will satisfy erei
the most fasjidious.
to' Don't forget the place—South side of the Public Square.
(Hd Iron, Copper and Brass, and all kinds of Country Produce, taken in exchange for Goods.
Towanda, May 27, IS'4. HALT, fc flrsSEt.T.
discovery of tlie FOREST WINE i> the greatest 1 >!<•->-
sing of the age. Put up hi Vuart Dottles, a single bottle
of which does more go .d, and goes further in the cure of
Disease, than t-:i b'tilos of any Sarsaparilla in use, and
warranted to cure without an unpleasant or weakening
The method by which all S.irssaparillas.and other simi
lar mcdi i:ie- ar- prepared,'l> dlingthc Roots of plants
to obtain the extra t-. Their m 1 ml virtues are thus
principally evaporate d and de-tr veil.
It is not to be wondered at then, that 10 and even 20
bottles of tin se S i are sometimes taken without
any perceptible benefit. Not so with the Forest Wine.— j
By the invention of a wonderful chemical apparatus, a per
fect wine is produced without beating: retaining, at the
same time, all the primitive healing properties of the rare
medicinal plants of which it is composed, thus rendering j
the Forest AVine the most efficient medicine the world ever i
produced, at the same time time the most agreeable. I
This is to certify, that I have used Dr. TT ilsey's Forest :
AVine in my family with the most entire success. My wife
was badly afflicted with Neuralgia, affections of the Spine
and Kidneys, and general Debility. She found speedy re
lief, and regained her health by the use of the Forest
From my own knowledge of this excellent medicine, I
confidently recommend it for the good of others who nmy
lie suffering front similar complaints. It is the best medi
cine with which I am acquainted, and those who are afflic
ted with the above, or any similar disease, may safelv re
ly on its virtues. E. ti. MUSSeY.
Du. G. AV. 11 ai-sf.v —Dear Sir : My wife last autumn was
reduced to a low state of Debility." My family physician
advised her to take your Forest AA'itte. Accordingly 1
went to Mr. Terry's, your agent in this town, and procur
ed a bottle of it, which restored her in a very short time
to perfect health.
Oohoes. April 13. I*so. IIKNRY DONALDSON.
Da. HAI.SKY: Hempstead. Dec. 1, 1*47.
A bottle of your Forest Wine and box of Pills, which
I procured of James Carr. (your agent for thi* place,) has
done wonders for me. 1 had l>eeii in a state of decline for
more than a< year, afflicted with a dreadful cough, pain
in the breast, general debility, and loss of appetite. I be
came almost a skeleton, and had been unable to leave my
room for more than two months: nty friends told me "l
had the Consumption and despaired'of my recoveay. 1
could not obtain any permanent relief front any medicine
1 had taken, or my physician, until your Wine nud l'ills
were procured. The lirst dose of the i'ills brought up front
my stomach, much phlem and greenish mutter, and my
| stools were perfectly black. I then commenced taking
your Forest AVine three times a day, my appetite began to
return immediately, my rough left me, and in less than
two weeks 1 was almost well. 1 now enjoy better health
I than 1 ever did before, having increased twenty-five pounds
I tn seven weeks. Your Forest AVine and Pills are highh
valued in this vicinity, and I owe nty recovery entirely to
their virtues. Yours, respectfully,
Mr. T. J. Gillies, a highly respectable Merchant of No.
30* Broadway, New York, cured of a severe affection of
the Kidneys ly the Forest AVine and Pills.
Dr. G. AV. HALSEY : New-York, March 12, 15.",3.
Dear Sir—ln the summer and fall of last year I had a
severe complaint of the Kidneys, which rendered me quite
unfit for business. I procured your Forest AA'ine and Pills
which cured tne in a few weeks time, and I have since en
joyed better health than 1 had for many years previously.
Front their efficacy in my o.wn ease, and from what 1 know
your medicines to have done for others, I am induced to
recommend them as the liest medicines with which I ant
acquainted. Yours, respectfully,
There are thousands cured every year of this disease by
the Forest AA'ine and l'ills; Dyspepsia, Costiveness anil
Indigestion, are kindred complaints, frequently existing
together, and the cure of one is generally the cure of all.
The Forest \\ iue and Pills above all remedies are pre-emi
nent in the cure of Dyspepsia.
Testimony of J. N. Yerinile, of New York Citv. dated
July 9,1832.
Dr. (r. AA r . HALSEY :—Dear Sir—Having been cured of
Dyspepsia by the use of your Forest AA'ine and Pills, I take
the liberty to offer you my name, lelievitig many who
know me may be benefited by your excellent remedies.
For many years I have been afflicted with this malady so
bably that nearly one-third of my time has Wen lost from
business. The Forest Wine and l'ills have restored me to
excellent health, and I cheerfully recommend them, as 1
atn convinced the discovery of these remedies are a bles
sing to mankind. J. X. VERMILE.
New-York, July 3,1*52.
The c on coated Fo.ict Pills arc designed to accompany
n.V1.1, XIU NSM.L. j
the Forest AV inc in the cure of Disease, their combined ic- I
tion being more searching and effective. They are infinite j
!y better than any other Pill or Cathartic, producing in a!!
ca-*\- w hen this class of medicines are useful, a iimst ch*nc
ing effect. They are purely never gripe, may
be taken at any t: no with nit tear flftakingwld.hiDilnvt
from bisine-s. or di-agreeable effects, and pa*s off. tar
ing the bowels perfectly natural, which is all baportn!
tor the perfect recovery and continuation of good health.
Thousand- .-an testify "to the great eXi thence of these Pilk
above all others.
The Forest Wine accompanied with the Forest I'ills,lit
most effectual iu the cure ot all the following comprint:
Dyspepsia. Habitual Costiveness, Liver i 'outplaint. ASb
nia. Piles. Obstinate Headache. Pimples. Blotches andv
healthy color ot the -kin. Jaundice, Ague and Fever.
Bin iiin. Kry-ipelns. Complaints incident only to Femsio
Languishing weakness. Night Sweats. Nervous Pi~ rdrs
i General ill Health and impaired state of the Coustitoti"'
I Tho Forest AA'ine i- put up in large square bottle-. * s
| Dr. Halsey's name blown in the glass. One Dollarper
i bottle, or six bottles for Five Dollars. Gum-C'>atod F"T-*
Pills. 25 rents per Bo.\. For Sale b y the appointed Age,:-
at Wholesale and Retail. General* Depot. 101 Dtiiws.
one door from Hudson. New York, appointed Agent?l
Bradford countv. Dr. H. C. Porter.Towaiula ;C.H. He
rick, Athens ; Drake A Allen. AA'averlv. N. Y.
A Nos. 2't, 31, and 33 Beckman at. New A'ork.
The undersigned lieg to inform the trade that ther hPt
recently issued their iVirw Quarto Specimen, and thstits
now ready tor delivery to their old patrous. as well**
all who patronize their Foundry.
In it will be found a new series of Faces from Ptf"
Pica, surpassing if possible, their celebrated series
Scotch ent faces.
The Fancy Tiqtr department exhibits an
variety of beautiful styles, selected from France. otiWs
and England.
The Scripts and Bordering are now for the first p**?
cd to the printing public, and are the production? of®
best European and American Artists.
An entire New Series of German Faces, both tor
Paper and Job Printing, of a very superior style,
nearly completed and for sale.
The Metal from which our tvpe is made, willl* '
peculiarly adapted to the Sevkkk Usage of Ma. Mm FT*
'1 hey beg to return thanks for past favors, and f 4
a continuance. Their well known lilieral manner •' i: ,-*
business for the past thirty rears, is a guarantee tot
new patrons of their disposition and a'nility imt t d l '
themselves to be surpassed for lair dealing. wlctM rer
are by letter or otherwise.
N. B. Proprietors of newspapers are requested A" "f
the above, provided they will trade out tnrce bin* ,
amount of their respective bills in materials of <> ur ®„,
facture, and forward us one copy of the paper
the advertisement. " I*
. THE subscriber would U&*
kinds of CABINET Ft "
such as Sofas. Divans.bocsf ~ '
1' lltJltra* fdjtre, Card. Dining and I'm*',
Jlaraiife. 1 Mahogany, AA'ahintp!^
B f 11 Cherry Bureaus, Stands om
* —WI kinds." Chairs and 'fed-tead'' |
description, which are, and will be made of f
terial and workmanlike manner, aud which thev ,
for cash cheaper than can be bought in any
room in the country.
READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on [1
souable terms. A good HEARSE will ' !"',U.).Y
Funeral occasions. JAMES M.U k'- v
Towanda, January 1.1855.
T^ISSOLUTION. —T!ic<'i'i>artibr-'i '
-1 J tofore existing between the subscribers. Un j, is
name of I. L. &H. L. LAMEREAUX, A Co "JL Lia<*
dissolved by mutual consent of all parties. lie pji.
or said firm will hereafter be carried on bv bJ- ' jt f
LAMEREAUX, at the old stand. Notes and R'"J, , yf f
of the late firm are left in the hands <4 1. L- u
ereaux, and ninst be settled forthwith. „ _ ...M M
I. L. LAMERE AUX, £• £
U. L. LAM EREAUX, c - K1 " j
Towamla, Jan. 20,1855.
9AA I)1LS. SALT, just received
A) .sale by May 1G TRACY & |
If LOUR !—lOO l.bls, choice lRUy?y
line FAMII.Y Fl.ol'R. just received, tor . v;V -, \
' bale or retail by fcb23 BAILDY &